HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-051 - Original - Comcast Cable - Willis Street and 4th Avenue South Roundabout - 02/07/2020KEN T WASHINGTON Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Nancy Yoshitake for Thomas Leyrer Public Works Date Sent: Date Required: > 2/5/20 2/12/20 0 Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: L. a Q❑ Director or Designee 0 Mayor N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? ❑ Yes ❑ No R90112 Budget? El Yes ❑ No Type: Vendor Name: Category: Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC Contract Vendor Number: Sub -Category: = 55203 0 Project Name: Willis Street and 4th Avenue South Roundabout E 0 Project Details: Relocate its overhead facilities. c a� E Agreement Amount: $132,314 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Start Date: 10/30/2019 Termination Date: 4/30/2020 Q Local Business? ❑ YesNo* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.10. 100,please complete "Vendor Purchase -Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes ❑No W_ 051 20 . REC�' lvl�b Comments: p1 C 3 0wl cc ENT LAW RECEIVED M EP 8f Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: V1 Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: City of Kent Offiee of the Mayor —1.11„s_1/v visit uocuments.rcentWH.gov to obtain copies of all agreements JOINT TRENCH AGREEMENT Between the City of Kent and Comcast for the Willis Street and 4th Avenue South Roundabout Project (North of West Saar Street to South of West Willis Street) THIS AGREEMENT, is between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC a Delaware limited liability company ("Comcast"). This Agreement may refer to Comcast or to City as a "Party" or together, as the "Parties" to this Agreement. RECITALS A. The City is making right-of-way improvements to Willis Street and 4th Avenue South. B. It is the City's belief that, pursuant to local ordinance and the Cable Franchise Agreement between the City and Comcast dated April 19, 2019, that these right-of-way improvements require Comcast to relocate its overhead facilities that are currently in conflict with this project. C. Relocation requires trenching within the right-of-way and the Parties recognize the efficiencies of entering into an agreement whereby one trench will be dug for all of the Parties to relocate their facilities. AGREEMENT To facilitate construction of a joint trench, the Parties agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF WORK The City of Kent advertised for construction bids and has entered into a contract with a contractor for the construction of a joint utility trench (the "Trench") which shall include Comcast and Puget Sound Energy ("PSE") power facilities. This Trench will be placed along the west side of 4th Avenue South beginning at approximately 100 feet North of West Saar Street and ending approximately 150 feet South of West Willis Street as referenced in the plan sheet attached as Exhibit A. There will be approximately 160 feet of trenching on West Willis Street with two (2) trench crossings of West Willis Street to serve customers on the south side of the street. All utilities that cross West Willis Street shall use these trenches. 2. TERM AND TERMINATION. This Agreement shall commence on the date last signed below (the "Effective Date"), and shall continue until December 31, 2019, unless earlier terminated pursuant to this Agreement. 1 - Joint Trench Agreement - Willis and 4th - Comcast If either Party defaults in the performance of its obligations herein, notice shall be given by the non -defaulting Party of its intent to terminate the Agreement for cause, to be effective thirty (30) days thereafter, unless that cause is cured within thirty (30) days after the defaulting Party receives such notice. 3. CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS The independent contractor hired to perform this work is referred to as "Contractor" in this Agreement. Contractor, pursuant to a separate contract (the "Contract"), shall excavate the Trench, install Comcast and PSE power facilities, accommodate and coordinate the installation of Comcast facilities, install the bedding material, backfill and compact the Trench, and perform any restoration required by the City, all to be performed in a good and workmanlike manner consistent with industry standards. The City represents that the Contract requires Contractor to conduct work in conformity with (i) the applicable procedures and requirements of the Parties as described herein; (ii) all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations of any governmental authority, and; (iii) all applicable terms and provisions of the National Electric Safety Code, as may be amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time, including but not limited to those pertaining to protection and separation of conductors buried in earth. 4. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 4.1 Drawings. Comcast shall provide engineering drawings, specifications, construction standards, estimated material quantities, and cost estimates to the City for the underground relocation of Comcast's facilities. The drawings shall show in detail the location and elevation of the conduits, Trench, and vaults, and shall include a general traffic control plan for activities not associated with installation of facilities within the Contractor controlled open trench area. 4.2 Provision of Conduit and Vaults. Comcast shall provide conduit for installation by the Contractor in the Trench and shall furnish and deliver all vaults to the site for installation by the Contractor. Comcast shall schedule all deliveries in a timely manner as outlined in subsection 4.4, so as not to delay the Contractor. All rights, title and interest in Comcast's facilities and associated equipment shall at all times remain with Comcast. 4.3 Traffic Contro/. Contractor shall perform all traffic control associated with installation of facilities within the Contractor controlled open trench area. Comcast shall be responsible for providing traffic control during installation of Comcast facilities not located within the Trench. 2 - Joint Trench Agreement - Willis and 4th - Comcast 4.4 Comcast Coordination. (a) The Contractor will install Comcast's conduit in the Trench and in the street crossings. The Contractor will excavate for and place Comcast vaults in the Trench including bedding and backfill. Comcast shall maintain continued coordination with the Contractor regarding the installation of Comcast's facilities and shall coordinate closely with the Contractor to provide all necessary materials on -site in a timely manner; provided that Contractor shall provide Comcast with at least ten (10) days prior notification for material delivery by Comcast. (b) For any work that Comcast performs independently from the Contractor's work in the Trench, Comcast shall coordinate closely with the City and the Contractor to ensure this work will not conflict with the Contractor's work in the Trench. Comcast shall install (except the conduits and vaults installed by the Contractor) and energize its facilities in the Trench and associated vaults within 75 business days of notice provided by the City and completion of trench backfill by Contractor. 4.5 Removal of Affected Facilities. The Parties acknowledge and agree that Comcast shall not be required to remove its respective, affected aerial facilities prior to completion of its underground facilities in accordance with this Agreement, so long as the installation is completed in conformity with this Agreement. 4.6 Surveys. The City will provide the survey for the location of the Trench and vaults. 4.7 Title to Facilities. All rights, title and interest in the facilities and associated equipment shall at all times remain with Comcast. S. COMPENSATION 5.1 Trench and Vault Costs. Comcast agrees to pay the City a portion of the Trench costs, commensurate with its proportionate share of Trench usage as shown in Exhibit B. Such costs will include survey, traffic control and any other costs common to the Trench and vaults specified in Exhibit B. Preliminary costs will be agreed upon prior to construction based on an estimate from the bid accepted by the City. Costs will be finalized after completion of construction to account for actual construction costs and will be subject to final review and approval by Comcast. Comcast shall complete this review in a timely manner and its final approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 5.2 Street Crossings. Comcast agrees to pay for the installation costs for Contractor to install Comcast's conduits in the street crossings. These costs are in addition to the Trench costs outlined in subsection 5.1. 3 - Joint Trench Agreement - Willis and 41h - Comcast 5.3 Survey. Comcast agrees to pay its proportionate share of the reasonable costs for the City surveyor's time to provide vault locations and elevations and any other survey that may be required to locate and place Comcast facilities. 5.4 Traffic Control. Comcast agrees to pay the City a proportionate share of traffic control costs related to the Contractor controlled open trench areas where Comcast facilities are present. The proportionate share shall be based on Trench usage as shown in Exhibit B. Comcast shall be responsible to provide all traffic control during installation of Comcast facilities not associated with the controlled open trench area. 5.5 Additional Expenses. Comcast agrees to pay its proportionate share of additional expenses incurred due to Comcast's approved change requests requiring additional trench depth or width and for unforeseen conditions that are attributable to errors in Comcast's design or conflicts not accounted for in Comcast's design, including but not limited to dewatering for ground water. Comcast will not pay for any share of additional expenses incurred due solely to approved change requests from PSE and/or the City. 5.6 Claims by Contractor. Comcast agrees to pay the entire cost of any claims made by Contractor that are caused by Comcast. These claims may include delays caused by Comcast installing its facilities, delays caused by Comcast providing materials, or any other conflicts between Contractor and Comcast. These claims must be verifiable or substantiated claims. 5.7 Invoice. Upon completion of the Trench, Comcast agrees to pay the City within sixty (60) days of receiving a correct invoice from the City for amounts that Contractor has invoiced the City for work that has been completed by Contractor and approved by Comcast and which Comcast has agreed to pay under this Agreement. 5.8 Defective or Unauthorized Work. (a) Comcast reserves the right to withhold payment to the City for any defective or unauthorized work performed by the Contractor. Defective or unauthorized work includes, without limitation: work and materials that do not conform to the requirements of this Agreement, and extra work and materials furnished without Comcast's approval. (b) Before withholding payment to the City, Comcast shall provide written notice to the City of any work it believes to be defective or unauthorized. Upon receipt of written notice, the City shall be afforded (sixty) 60 days to correct any work it agrees is defective or unauthorized. If the City does not agree that the work is defective or unauthorized within (fifteen) 15 days of receipt of the written notice, Comcast may correct or complete the work at its sole cost. 4 - Joint Trench Agreement - Willis and 41h - Comcast 5.9 Final Payment/Waiver of Claims. The making of final payment by the Parties shall constitute a waiver of claims by City and Contractor, except those previously and properly made and identified by the City and Contractor as unsettled at the time request for final payment is made. 6. CHANGES Comcast shall submit any changes requested to be performed by Contractor to the City. The City shall submit this to Contractor, obtain a price from Contractor to perform the work, and notify Comcast of this price. Comcast shall have 24 hours from receiving the price from the City to respond. If Comcast chooses not to accept Contractor's price then this work shall only be performed by Comcast according to a mutually agreed upon schedule with Contractor so as not to cause delay to Contractor. 7. MUTUAL INDEMNIFICATION; LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES. 7.1 City shall defend, indemnify and hold Comcast and its directors, officers, officials, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, harm, liabilities, suits, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable legal costs and reasonable attorney fees), caused by or arising out of any Work performed by the City, Contractor and each of their respective directors, officers, officials, employees and agents in their performance under this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Comcast. During the performance of such activities, City's employees or contractors shall at all times remain employees or contractors, respectively, of City. 7.2 Comcast shall defend, indemnify and hold City harmless from and against any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, harm, liabilities, suits, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney fees), caused by or arising out of any Work performed by Comcast in its performance under this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of City or Contractor. During the performance of such activities, Comcast's employees or contractors shall at all times remain employees or contractors, respectively, of Comcast. 7.3 Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Parties, their officials, employees and agents, a Party's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Party's negligence. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. No Party, directly or indirectly, shall create or impose any lien on the property of another, or on the rights or title relating thereto, or any interest therein, or in this Agreement. Each Party shall promptly, at its own expense, 5 - Joint Trench Agreement - Willis and 4tn - Comcast take such action as may be necessary to duly discharge any lien created by it on the property of another. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF BUSINESS OR LOSS OF PROFIT. 8. INSURANCE. 8.1 The Contract shall require that Contractor procure and maintain for the duration of the project insurance of the types and in the amounts described below against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by Contractor, its agents, representative, employees, subconsultants or subcontractors. (a) Automobile Liabilitv insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and (b) Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and general aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU); and employer's liability. (c) Excess Liabilitv insurance with limits not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate. Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. 9. FRANCHISE AGREEMENT The City and Comcast agree that as to future projects, by entering into this Agreement, neither Party has waived any rights it may have under the existing franchise agreement between the City and Comcast, and the City and Comcast expressly herein reserve such rights. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, Comcast's participation in the joint trench activity contemplated in this Agreement, and its very participation in this Agreement, shall in no event be construed as acceptance, affirmation or ratification of the City's construction of Comcast's obligation to underground and enter into a writing pursuant to the franchise agreement, and Parties understand and agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be considered as a basis for future undergrounding projects that may be franchise -required. 6 - Joint Trench Agreement - Willis and 41h - Comcast 10. MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 Compliance with Laws. The Parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations throughout every aspect in the performance of this Agreement. 10.2 Nonwaiver of Breach. The failure of a Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms and rights contained herein, or to exercise any option herein conferred in one or more instances, shall not be constructed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those terms and rights and they shall remain in full force and effect. 10.3 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If any dispute arises between the Parties or between any Party and Contractor under any of the provisions of this Agreement, resolution of that dispute shall be available only through the jurisdiction, venue and rules of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington. 10.4 Attorney's Fees. To the extent not inconsistent with RCW 39.04.240, in any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the Parties' performance of this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible for payment of its own legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit; however, nothing in this subsection shall limit a Party's right to indemnification under Section 7 of this Agreement. 10.5 Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the Parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of this Agreement, unless otherwise notified. Any written notice shall become effective upon delivery, but in any event three (3) calendar days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated on this Agreement. 10.6 Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each of the affected Parties. 10.7 Severability. If any one or more sections, sub -sections, or sentences of this Agreement are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement and the remainder shall remain in full force and effect. 10.8 Relationship. It is understood and agreed that no agency, employment, joint venture, co -employer or partnership is created by this Agreement. No Party hereto shall (i) have the power or authority to act for another in any manner to create obligations or debts which would be binding upon the other Party, and; (ii) be responsible for any obligation or expense whatsoever of the other Party except as expressly set forth herein. 7 - Joint Trench Agreement - Willis and 4th - Comcast 10.9 Force Majeure. Parties shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement if unable to perform their respective obligations hereunder as a result of the occurrence of an event of "force majeure," which shall include, but not be limited to, acts of God, acts of the government of the United States or of any state or political subdivision thereof, strikes, civil riots or disturbances, fire, floods, explosions, earthquakes, wind, storms, hurricanes, lightning or other similar catastrophes or other causes beyond the Parties' reasonable control. The scope of events of force majeure shall not extend to payment of money owed hereunder. 10.10 Assignment. Neither Party shall assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either may assign all or part of this Agreement immediately, without the prior written consent of the other Party (a) to any entity that controls, is controlled by, or is in common control with a Party or (b) to any successor in interest to a Party or (c) if necessary to satisfy the rules, regulations and/or orders of any federal, state or local governmental agency or body. 10.11 Entire Agreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any attached Exhibits, supersede all prior verbal statements by any representative of the City, and those statements shall not be construed as forming a part of or altering in any manner this agreement. This Agreement and any attached Exhibits contain the entire Agreement between the Parties. Should any language in any Exhibit to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A - Plan Sheet Exhibit B - Joint Trench Costs 8 - Joint Trench Agreement - Willis and 4th - Comcast IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties below have executed this Agreement. COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CITY OF KENT MANAGEMENT, LLC Print Name: Kevin Harrison Title: VP, Finance & Bus Ops DATE I36)/ZO4 NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: COMCAST Comcast 402 Valley Avenue NW Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98371 -1'Td , Print Name: Dana R I h Title: Mayor DATE -zq Z NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CITY OF KENT City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Attn: Aaron Cantrel Attn: Chad Bieren (253) 864-4281 (Desk) (253) 856-5534 (Desk) 206-510-4222 (Cell) (253) 856-6500 (Fax) Aaron Cantrel(alcable.comcast com With a copy to: Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC 1500 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 Attention: General Counsel APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent Law Department 9 - Joint Trench Agreement - Willis and 4' - Comcast =p l- X tU SHEET INDEX I. OOVER SIEEI 2. OEI{ERAL AI{D E. JOI'{T TNENCH{.-5. JOllfI tXStCt{ c. Rtoltt oF wAY T.E.S.C. IIOIES. DAIUI ^lID I.EOE}ID sEgltotls, llolEs At{D 3tD fiffi Pl.l,x Al{D PnOnlI KENT WaSHINoToN CITY OF KENT DAIllA RAIFI-I - MAYOR TCL€Ere OF CITY CAUNCI- DETIIIIS HIGfltIS SATIMNDER IGUR LES TIIOilIAS TION TROI,IIIIEF HLL BOYCE BRETDA FIICIER TIAFTJ LN{UET nM LaPORIE - DfiECTOR OF PtELlc lr/OR(S CHAD BEREN - DEPUIT DREcToH/clTY EI{$\H KM KollOTO - ctw cLEH( PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS WLLIS ST. AND 4TH AVE S. ROUNDABOUT JOINT UTILITY TRENCH PROJECT VICIN]TY MAP NOT TO SCATI t0wwhatbbelolit Gallffioloyouolg. SHEET ' OF 8 PFOJECT LOCATIOI,f I . I t, *+ ! - 'ar ra*r, fItl SE : t, I \ ir tE q 4/j lqr rtItsryrll $ltlo }T: I -l '! Ft ;l rj sf m6fr sr i I ti tr-r t,Y OF'S,,lJ ..j' J,a' J.'. : I I I { l*I rl t t I .i I!lrrl ,tI ,.' I EN : ;. { ' .'i': nf' l i ! ,t ,q s r?rn $ sn:ali ,.I I JOB NUMBER 18.3020 G:\DesignUS-3020 AND 4TH rT covER.dwg, 7/ tt/2019 49 PM GENERAL NOTES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCIION ACTIVIW' IHE CONTRACTOR SHALL ATTEND A SCHEOUT.ED PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WTH THE CITY OF KENT CoNSTRUCION NSPECI|ON PERSONNEL. PHONE (2s5) S56-5500 TO SCHEDULE CONFERENCE, ATL WORK AND MA1ERIALS SHAII BE IN ACCORDANCE WTH lHE 2018 EDITION OF lHE II'SDOT STANOARD SPECIRCA'IIONS, AND THE KENT SPECiAL PROV{SIONS FOR 1HIS PRO..ECT. 8. fiE CoNIRACTOR SHALL COMPLY lvlrH AtL PUBLTC CONIEN|ENCE AND SAFETY AS DESCRTBEO tN SECTION 1-07.23 TO SECION 1-07.23(2) OF THE IISDOT STANDARO SPECIRCANONS FOR STORING OF EOUIPMENT AND MA1ERIALS DURING NON-IYORKING HOURS. lHE CONIRACTOR SHALL KEEP SIREETS CTEAN AT AtI- TIMES BY STREET SWEEPING TIT{EN NECESSARY, OR IIHEN DIRECIED BY THE ENGINEER. ATI I1EMS OF WORK NOT US]ED IN IHE BID PROPOSAL IITIICH ARE SHOIYI.I ON IHE CONTRACT DRAWNGS AND ARE REOUIRED TO CoMPTTIElHE WORK THAT IS SHOTTN SHALL BE CONSIOERED INCIDENTAL TO THE USTED BID IIEMS. ATI 1REES SHAI.I REMAIN IN PLACE, UNI..ESS NOTED OIHERIVISE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PRO1ECT TREES FRSil DAMAGE RESULTING FROII CONSIRUCTION ACTIVIIIES INCLUDING DAMAGE TO ROOT SYSIEM. ANY TREES DAMAGED DURING CONSIRUCNON SHALL BE REPI.ACED BY THE CON1RACTOR AT CONIRACTOR'S EXPENSE. IREES AND \EGETAIION IIIIHIN THE PROJECT UMITS TO BE REMO\ED AS NO1ED ON PLANS SHALL BE CONSIDERED PART OF CTEARING AND GRUBBING. TREES OUTSIDE OF THE RIGHT OF WAY ARE TO REMAIN. ANY 1REES OUTSIDE OF IHE RIGHT OF WAY DAMAGEO DURING CONSIRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED 8Y lHE COITITRACTOR AS DIREC1ED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER, AT THE CONIRACToR,S EXPENSE. uPoN COMPLEIION OF CONSTRUCIIOII, CON1RACTOR SHAtl PLANT TREES AS S,}IOWN ON PLANTING PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHAU PRO]ECT IREES TO REMAIN FROM OAMAGE RESTJLTING FROM CONSTRUCTION ACNVITIES INCLUDING DAMAGE TO ROOT SYSTEM. THE CONTRACTOR SHATI RESTORE ALI LANDSCAPED AREAS ON-SIIE AND ADJACENT TO ]HE SITE 1HAT TiERE DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCIIOI,I TO ORICINAL CO}IOITION UNI.ISS OTHERTIISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. THE COSTS FOR GENERAL RESTORATION AND CLEAN UP REQUIRED IN COMPLIANCE WTH THE SPECIRCANONS FOR THIS PRO.JECT SHATL BE CONSIDEREO INCIDENTAL AND INCN-UDED IN THE UNIT CONIRACT PRICE FOR IHE BID ITEMS INCLUDED IN IHE PROPOSAL. 9. UNITSS OIHERWSE NOTED, THE WORDS ,REMOI/E REMOVAL, EXCAVATE ANO EXCAVANON'IN IHE CONSTRUCTION NOTES, SPEqRCANONS, AND SHOIIN ON THE PLANS MEANS REMOVAL, HAUL AND LEGAL OFF-SITE DISPOSAL BY THE CON1RACTOR AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE, 10. THE ISSUEO-FOR-CONSTRUCNON PLANS, THE APPRO\ED 1RAFFIC COI.IIROL PLANS, THE APPROIED TEMPORARY EROSIOI'I,/SEDIMENTAnoII CONIROL PLANS, THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS SHAI.I BE ON IHE JOB SITE WJENEVER'CONSTRUCIION IS IN PROCRESS. 11, UNTESS STATED OIHERWSE lHE CONTRACTOR IS SOIfLY RESPONSISLE FOR IHE MEANS, METHODS AND SEQUENCE OF CONS1RUCION AND FOR THE SAFETY OF THE WORKERS. 12. AtI EXISTING UIIU]IES SHATI REMAIN IN SERVICE UNI..ESS OTHERWSE NOIED. 15. IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION, MARKING AND RESPONSIBIUTY FOR UNDERGROI,JND FACruNES OR UTIUTIES IS GO\ERNED BY 'IHE PROV,ISIONS OF CHAPTER 19.122, REVISED CODE OF TYASHINGTON. 14. IHE CON'IRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE UNDERGROUND UTIUTIES LOCAIION SERVICE (811) AT LEAST IWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO CONSIRUCNON. THE ENGINEER SHAII BE CONTACIED IMMEDIATELY IF A UTIUTY CONruCT EXSTS. 15. CAUIION - EXTREME HAZARD - O\,/ERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SERVICE UNES ARE GENERAIIY NOT SHOSTN 0N IHE DRAf,INcS.IHE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBI..E FOR DilERMINING THE EX1ENT OF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY O\ERHEAD OR UNDERGROUND ETECTRICAL POITER IN AtI AREAS AND SHAIJ FOI.I-OW PROCEDURES DURINC CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIREO BY LAW AND REGULAIION, INCLUDING BUT NOTUMIIED TO WAC 296-24-960, 296-54-529, AND 296-155-53.rc8. PRIoR TO CoNSTRUCIION rHE CoNTRACToR SHATL MEET I,trTH U'IUTY OIINERS AND DETERMINE fiE EX'IENT OF HAZARD AND REMEDIAL MEASURES AND SHAI.I TAKE TTI{AIEIER PRECAUIIONS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. AI.I LOCATIONS OF EXISIING UNUNES SfIOIII'I HEREON HAVE BEEN ESTABUSHED BY RELI) SURIEY OR OETAINED FROII THE BEST AVAILABLE RECORDS AND SHOJL"O IHEREFORE BE COI.ISIDERED APPROXIMA1E ONLY ANO NOT NECESSARILY COMPLETE. IT IS THE SOLE RESPoNSIBIUTY oFlHE CONTRACTOR TO INDEPENDENILY VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF ALL UTIUW LOCANOilS SHOTTT{ AND TO FURTHER DISCOIER AND AVOID ANY OTHER UT]UTIES NOT SHOTTN HEREON WHICH MAY BE AFFECIED BY IHE IMPI.EMENTAIION OF THIS PLAN. 17. DURING T}IE PROCESS OF RELOCA'IING UNUNES, lHE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBI.E FOR AI.I SHORING AND ERACING REQUIRED TO PROIECT AND SUPPORT EXISTING UNOERGROUND U1IU1IES AND STRUCIURES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 'E. ANY OPEN CUTS OF EXIS1ING PUBUC ROADIVAYS SHATI- BE BACKRI.IED AND COMPACTED IN ACCOROANCE II'IIH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS. AI,I CUTS INTO EXENNG ASPHALT SIIATI BE ALONG NEAT. CO}INNUOTJS, SAW CUT UNES. A.IEMPORARY HOT MIX PATCH MUST BE PLACEO IMMEDIAIELY AFIER BACKFILL AND COMPACNON. lHE CON1RACTOR SHAI.T CLOSELY FOTIOW REQUTREMENTS SET FOR WEKINC Ho{JRS, DErcUR AND WARNTNG SICNS AND NOT|FTCATIoN 0F ROAD ALTERAIONS TO fiE poucE AND/ffi OTHER EMERGENCY SERVICES. 19. A[I- UTILITY UDS, COIIERS, ETC. LOCA]ED IN IHE STREETS AND SIDEWAI.J(S SHAI.I- BE ADJUSTED TO GRADE. 20. IT IS ITIEGAL UNDER WASIIINGTON STATE AOMINIS]RAIIIE CODE 352-120 TO IIILT.FTJIIY DESTROY SURI/EY MARKERS STAKES, MARKS, AND OTHER REFERENCE POINTS SEI BY CITY FORCES, AND EXISIING CITY, STA'IE OR FEDERAL MOf{UMENTAIION, SHAI.I BE CARER'TIY PRESER\ED BY IHE CO.IIRACTOR. 'IHE CONIRACTOR SHAtl NONFY lHE ENGINEER IMMEDIAIELY IF IT BECOMES APPARENT IHAT A g,,'R\EY MARKER IIIII BE DISTURBED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHAII AI.TOW AilPLE 1IME FOR CIW SURIEY DEPAR]IIENT PERSONNET TO ACOURT ADEQUAIE INFORMATION SO T}IAT IHE MONUMENT MAY BE REPLACED IN ITS ORIGINAL POSITION AFTER CONSIRUCNON. 21. DRIVEIYAYS SHAII REMAIN OPEN AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR SFIAI.I COORDINAIE HIS IVORK SCHEDUI..E IIIIH THE PROPERW OCCUPANTS TO DEIERMINE THE EEST 1IME TO FUIIY OR PARTIAI.I-Y CLOSE lHE DRIi/ETVAYS IN ORDER TO PERFORM HIS TIORK. IF A DRI\JEWAY CAN NOT REMAIN OPEN, AND AN EXSTING SECONDARY DRI\EWAY IS NOT AVAILABIE FOR USE, THE CON1RACTOR SHAI.L CONSTRUCT A ]EMPORARY DRIIEWAY. TEMPORARY DRIVEIYA\E SHATI BE REMOVED, AND lHE AREA SHAI.I BE RESTORED TO I'ATCH EXSIING C!ilDINONS TII.IEN lHE CORRESPOT,IDING PERMANENT DRIVEWAY IS OPEN FOR USE. AT NO TIME ITII.T CONS1RUCIION ACIVITES BE AI..LOIIED To PREIENT AccESs To PROPERIIES, ?2. AlL STORM AND SETIER PIPE PLUCGING DURING CONSTRUCTION SHAI.I BE DONE WTH SPEED PLUG OR APPROIED EQUAL. TEMPORARY EFOSTON ANp SED|MENT CONTROL NOTES lHE IMPEMENTAIIOI.I OF IHE TESC MEASURES, INCLUDING ryI-sBgqnoN, MA|NTENANCE, REPLACEMENT. iND UFcnnorNG oF THE IEgC_[AqunEs, ts tHE RESpONStBtUTy or ixE coxrnAcToR uNnf '- ALL CONSIRUCNON IS COMPLETED ANO ACCEPTED BY lHE CITY. IHESE TESC REQUIREMENTS SHALL APPLY TO AI.T AREAS OF lHE SI]E 9qB{ECT TO CONSTRUCIION ACMTY, tNcLuDtNC CoNrnlcion - -'- CONSTRUCNON SUPPORT FACJUTIES, COI,ITRACIOR SrNgruC ANEAS.coNTRAcroR pERSoNNEL pARKING AREAS. EoulpuEnr rno ulrtHral :Ig.E qqA^\qglvlt AREAS, AND oTHER AREAS ulruzED By rHECONIRACTOR FOR COilPLETION OF THE U'ORK, 5. II{E TESC FAOUIIES SHOUIN ON THIS PLAN SET MUST BEcof.tsTRUcTED tN coN.rJNcnoN wtrH oR pRtoR to Au-wonx, mo ntsucH A MANNER AS To ENSURE THAT sEoTMENT uoEtt wArsi -ri6e's Nor ENIER rHE DRAINAcE syslEM oR vlot-ArE snre ivinn ou,[]iySTANDARDS. THE TEsc FAcruTlES Musr BE RJNcIoNAL eEFonE-l'N-i'LAND USruRBING ACNVINES TAKE PLACE, 4, THE IESC FACIUTIES SHOWT.I ON THIS PIAN SET ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR ANTCIPATED SI1E CONDIIIOI.IS. OUNNT N'E -'-' coNSTRUcTtoN pERtoD, THEsE TEsc FAcunEs sHALr BE uFcnnoeo(E.c. AounoNAL suMps, RELocATtoN oF DrrcHEs AND srLT rencEs, EI_c).4S_NFFD_qq FoR UNEXPECIED RAINFATL EvENrs AS DTRECTEDBY THE ENGINEER. 5. THE TESC FACII.JTIES SHATI BE INSPECIED BY IHE COIIIRACTORDAtLy. 0R AS DtREctED qy rHE ENcINEER. resc Flciune$-srnu eeMAINTATNED As NEcEssARy ro ENSURE .tHEy CoNINUE io nlNcnottAND opERArE As tNtEf.tDED. wlrEN rEMpoRAnv cotrRol oeu-Cis'lirb llg._LgryqqF NEEDED, THE coNTRAcroR snru neuow rxEu nno --'- IMMEDIATELv woRK To srABtuzE THE AREAs rHey occufleD Ai rrEENGINEER DIRECTS. 6. ANY EXPOSED AREAS.THAT HAVE BEEN S'IRIPPEO OF I/EGETAIIOiI, TNcLUDING RoADwAy EITBANKMENTS, sltAll BE SnauzEt rialii' -' APPROIED 1ESC MEIHODS (E.G, SEEDINq MULCHING. NETNNq EROSIONgL4lLETSf ETC.) wlTHtN 2 DA\fs DURtNc lHE rrEr sEAsoN locroaenr THRoucH ApRtL J0) AND wrHtN 7 DAys DURTNG tnE oRi sElsoN(MAy 1 IHRoUGH SEPIEMBER 30) OR AS DTRECIED By rHE ENGINEER. 7. AI.I TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONIROL BMPS SHAI.T BE CLEANED llltEN SED|MENT REACHES 1/3 \4E CApACtTy OF IHE BMp.Arr SEDTMENTS REMor/ED ounruc rtre cIEANING openlnoH Sxttl-ae PREIENIED FROM ENTERINC INTO THE CITfS STORMWAIER SY TEU ORANy suRFAcE WATER ststElrs (wErLAr.tDS. srREAMs, cREE(s. Erc). 8. S1REET STTEEPING SHAII. BE REQU]RED TO E}ISURE THAT TRACK-OUTDoEs Nor occuR oFF oF lHE sltE AND Atl plvto mErS AnE xerCLEAN FOR THE DURANON OF lHE PRqJECT. 9, W}IERE SEEDING FOR TE}'PORARY EROSIOII OONIROL IS REQUIRED.wSDor STANDARD ERosloit sEED llx trntturr cLorlER 1+sz cnetnnrcREo FESCUE 452 PERENNIAL RytcRASS, tOz ntGtlUHO'cor-Or.rr'rr_ ' - PflrglA!-s) sHALL BE ApplJED. SHoUt.D rHE AREA BE O|STURBEDDUE To RAINFAIT EvENrs BEFoRE s.lmcie{i ciess cnbimr,'-orxenpRoTEcnvE MEASURES mtl BE REoUIRED unmnmv ro pRtlEiiiT - ERosoN tnTHrN IHAT AREA. upon coupt-EltoN or corsrnudnbH ' AclurES coNTRAcroR sHAtt_ tNsrA[ soo tfi Atr AREAS oF'--EXISIING GRASS DISTURBED BY @}.TS]RUCII$I. 10. ICHERE SIRAT{ MULCH FOR TEMPORARY EROSIOTI CO}IIROL IS FFoURED, tr sHAtL BE AppuED AT A MlNlMuM rilio<nEss br sINCHES, 11. SHOUU) IHE CON1RACTOR FAIL TO INSTAI.I- lHE REQUIRED IESC UEA9uEEs, oR To eERFoRM MAINIENANcE n r lyel-i xrulrEn. onFAtLs ro rAKE IMMEDIATE Acltox ro tlsrArr ADDtlo,tAL lFp-CbGopRoTEcn-r/E_MEAs_!.fREqr Att- FtNEs, cosr or esAnup, c-osrs Fon-DELAYS AND DOTTT.I-TIME SHAII- BE BORNE SY rI{E CriNrNiCrON, 12. PRIOR TO BEGINNING COI,ISTRUCIION 'IHE CON1RACTOR SHATL $JBMITA coNsTRUcTtoN sr ctNG pLAN To THE qTy ron ppnovll---- LEGEND 2. 3- +. 5. 6. EX|SNNG FEAIUNSi APPEAR SCNEEIIED SECNOil IETIER ffi DETAIL NUIIBER S}IEET NUTBER I'{ERE S€CTOiI OR OEIAIL IS RETEEIICID BUILDING RAfl UNE EDGE OF EXIST. PA\EMENT WAIERUNE SANITARY SEI1ER UNE STORM DRAIN UNE GAS UNE Fil.r_ uMtTs UNDERGROUND IEI.E UNE FENCE DITCH GRAlEL CONCREIE PAVEMENT EELOW ASPHALT STORM SEWER MANHO{.E STORM SETIER CATCH BASIN SANITARY SEWER MANHOTE DECIDUfl.,S IREE EVERGREEN TREE WAIER MEIER WATER VALI/E MAil..BOX 9Grlt IETEPHONE PEDESTAL unuw PotE & GUY SIREET UGHTAUMINAIRE FRE HMRANT. CUARD POSTS. rEE Co{tlNEC'ltoN t9 Grr 2. 7. 77 77777 74 r *---- -----a - 8'CP ^ 12'cP -o_ -t_ -t_---o-+__ W,W/eW{/e :, o " coNcREIEPAVEMENT IfORIZOTTAL DATUH IIAD O3'9{ VERTICAL DATUM IIAVDSS @ n oo * E X EMB*n E lEL f_rH:fr REPORT SPILLS23. THE COS]5 FOR GENERAL RESTORANO..I AND CI..EAN UP CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO AND INCLUDED IN lHE UNIT PROPOSAL REQUIRED IN COMPLIANCE TII1H THE SPECIRCANONS FOR 1HIS PROJECT SHATI BE CONTRACT PRICE OF OIHER BID IIEMS EXCEPT FOR IHOSE IIEMS INCLUDED IN THE ,'{1\;l:rl:.,,:; i,!l n RO EN6R:coNst NA NA HffilZi !€Rr:2 orCAPPRO\€D:CIW ENCINEER BAR IS ONE INCH O[ oRtcr}{AL oRAWNG ADJUST sCALEs ACCORDINCLY 0'f City of Kent Public Works Department Engineering Division GENERAL AND T.E.S.C. NOTES, DATUMAND LEGEND WILLIS ST AND 4TH AVE S. ROUNDABOUT JOINT UTILIW TRENCH FILE NO, AN 4TH 7ltu2or9 3l PM SCHEDULE I -STREET 1005 Clearing and Crubbing t0 r0 Remove Existing Asphalt Conerete Ptvetrlent t0t 5 Remove Exisling Ccmcnt Concrctc Pavemcna 1020 Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk 1025 Remove Cernent Concrete Curb and Curter I 050 Saw Cut Existing Asphalt Concrete P0yement t055 Saiv Cut Existing Ccmcnt Concrctc Pavcmcnt 1060 Roadrvay Excovation lncl. Ha!l 1095 HMA Class l/2', PC 58V-22 I t00 Hot Plant Mix tbr Temporary Pavemenl Patch I t{5 Cement Concrclc Sidcrvslk 1205 Ccmcnl Concrclc Curb and Cuttcr Bt5 Potholc Utilitics SCIISDULE III. JOINT UNDERGROUND UTITITY TRENCH 30r0 Joint Utility Trcnch (l Ft. Widc) 30 l4 Joint Ulility Trcnch (2Ft. Widc) 1027 PSE - Vault Excovation and lnstsllfltion (SW I ) 3028 PSE - Vault Excs\,ation and Installation (J01, J02) JO29 PSE - Handholc Excav&tion and lnstollorion (H0l, H02, H0l) 3010 PSE - Vault Excovatior ond lnstallation (V02) 30J5 Comcast - Vnult Excavation nnd lnslaltation 3036 Sand for Conduit Bedding 3037 Fluidized Thermal Baeklill 3038 Crushed Surfacing Top Cour*, 5/8 Inch Minus 1040 PSE - lnstallation and Proofing of6 lnch Diameler Conduit f04t PSE - lnstellation ard Prooffng of4 lnch Diameter Condtrit 3042 PSE - Installation and Prcofing ol3 lnch Diantcl( Conduit 3043 PSE - lnstallation and Proofing of2 Inch Diameter Conduit 3045 Comcust - lnstallation and Prooling ol4 lnch Diamctcr Conduit lM6 Comcast - Inslallation and Prooling oi2 Inch Diamctcr Conduil 1050 Supply and lostall 2 Inch Diameter Sch 80 PVC Conduit t055 Pcmcable Ballast for Vaults 3065 Junction Box Typc 8 3070 Ceotexlile Fabric, Non- Woven SCHEDULE V. TRATTIC CONNOL 5080 Temporary Pavement Marking - Short Dumtion 5l l5 Plaslic Stop Line 5 t20 Plaslic Croswalk Linc 5 145 Raiscd Pavcmcnt Mhrkcr Typc I 5150 Raised Pavemenl Marker Type 2 SCHEDT'LE VI. ELECTRICAL 6000 Service Cabinet SCSEDULE VII -TEMFORARY EROSION ANDSEDIMENTATTON COMTNOL 7000 Seding, Fertilizing, and Mulching 70 l0 Waltlc 7015 Iolea Protcclion SCIIEDI'LS VIfI. TOADSIDE NESTONATION 8005 Topsoil Typc A Eor0 Sod Inslallation CONDUIT INSTALI.ATION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPON$8II FOR COORDINAIING PLACEMENT OF ALL UNUTY CONDUITS AND PLACEMEI.IT OF O]HER OTY UTILI]IES AND SURFACE FEATURES AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. EXISTING UNUTES SHOIIIII ARE BASED ON .ONE CAU. PAINT MARKS SUR\IEY€D II{ ]HE flELD, AS-BUILT ENGINEERING DRAWNCS. UTIUTY BASE MAPS AND POIHOLE INFORMATION. 1HIS IS TO BE CONSIDERED THE BEST AVAILABLE DATA DURING THE PREPARATION OF THESE PLANS. THE COilTRACTOR IS IHEREFORE RESPONSIBLE FOR DE1ERMIHING POTENIIAL CONruCT:i BETIIIEEN EXISTING UT]UIIES AND UTIL'IIES BEING PLACED SY THIS PROT.ECT. IHE CONTRACTOR S}IALL ADJUST IRENCH DEPTHS AND OR CONDUIT PLACEMENT IIIftIIN 1RENCHES AS REE.NRED AND APPRO\ED BY ]HE ENGINEER,2. THE TRENCH LOCANON SHOIT}.I ON THIS PI.AN IS FOR IHE MAIN TRENCH LOCATIOI{ AND NOT MEAITIT TO REPRESS'{T ALL IRENCHINE ftAT IiILL BE REQUIREO BY lHE CONTRACTOR.3, CONTRACTOR SHAI.L INSTATI- COMCAST COTIDUITS. COITIDUIIS }ILL BE SUPPUED BY COITCAST. COT{TRACTOR SHALL PROOF AIT COICAST CONDUITS BY PASSING AN APPROIED MANDREL THROT,IG}I EACfI CONDUIT,4. CONIRACTOR SHALL INSTAII PSE CONDUIIS, CONDUIIS SILL BE SI'PPIJED BY PSE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROOF AtI PSE Co}{DUIIS BY PASSING AN APPRO\ED MANDREL IHRCIIJGfI EACH CONDUIT.5. AI,I CHANG€S IN TRENCH DEPT}I SI{ALL OCCUR AT A RATE OF 2 FEET VERTICAL IN 20 FEET HORIZO'{T L6, REFERENCE KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS SECTIOI{ E-32 FOR AODINONAL RECIUIREMENTS.7. REFERENCE KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS SECIIOiI '-05,14 FOR COORDINAIION REQUIREMENTS8. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE OF CONIRACT DRAIIINGS: A. JOINT TRENCTI PLAN DRAIIINGS SUPERSEDE ANY CONruCTING DRAIIINGS FOR JOINT TRENCH AUENMENT AND LOCATION OF VAULIS.B. PSE DRAIIINGS (REFERB{CE KE}.IT SPECIAL PROUSIO'IS APPENDIX A-5) SUPERSEDE ANY CONruCING DRAWINGS FOR SIZE AND NUMBER OF PSE CONDUITS AND VAULTS, TRANSFORMER PLACEMENT, UTIUTY POIE DETAILS AND ANY I1ORK ASSOCIA1ED YII]H EXISTING EEC]RICAL S\STEMSC. COMCAST DRAffNGS (REFERENCE KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPENDIX A-/+) SUPERSEDE ANY CONruCTNG DRA*INGS FOR FOR $ZE AND NUMBER OF C6'CAST CONDUITS AND VAULTS. VAULT INSTALLATION NOTES: t. CON1RACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE FOR AND II{STALL ALL PSE VAULIS. CON1RACTOR SHALL COORDINATE YIIIH PSE FOR SUPPLY OF VAULTS.2. COI{TRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE FOR AND INSTATI ALL COMCAST VAULTS. CONTRACTOR SHAI CooRDINATE IIIft COMCAST FOR SUPPLY OF VAULTS.J. VAULTS SHATI- BE SET TO THE EIEVANONS SHO$}I AND SHAII BE ABLE TO BE EASLY ADJI'S]ED BY O'\,ERIICAI.LY IN EITHER DIRECTION,4. CONTRACTOR SHATI ADJUST ALL VAULTS TO RNAL GRADE.5. REFERENCE KENT SPECIAL PROVISIO{S SECTION E-52 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREU€NTS6. REFERENCE KENT sPEclAL PROvlslottls sEcllolrl l-05.14 FoR ADDIIIONAL COORDINAI|ON RECIUIREMENTS. JOINT TRENCH NOTES: EXIS1ING UNUTY CROSSING. CONIRACTOR SIJAI RA.O VERIFY IHE DEPTH AND LOCAIION OFIHE EXISIINC UIIUW PRIOR TO TO TRENCHINC. NO1IFY lHE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IN CASEfiE ENSIING UIIUTY IS IN COI{ruCT WII.I IHE JOINT UIIUTY IRENCH AUGNMENT AS SHOIIIiIoN TllE PLAN AND PRoFlLE. PAYI,ENT Sl.{AlL BE INCIDENTAL To BID IIEMS Joto AND Jol'} EXISIING UNUTY CROSSINC. COilTRACTOR SHAIL POIHOLE EXISTINC UTILIW. TO BE PAID UlrlDER BID ITEM 1513 VAULT SCHEDULE 6l;t owr{ER VAULT SIZE STA.OFFSET EI.€VATON NOTE QUfH DCF I t'-t n'-ar-l'*zt-ar qAlLaQ t I Ito ta I A1 5l}I Oalrla 6t lAA t6 I r-a 6n . tlt 9CF tr_n etr_a.vtr_a.aaartE tE t4e nt I t Ittna I ,.4 an to DCg ?'-n'-/-r'-R'-r'{m17 I Lan I tahlt On tat ?t I LIB c\rnr cnucAqT 2'-6'ra'-o'tZaLOA a4 ot t6 ll l-t an .) tt,Loo 1/OA IR 9 La /tl .EOt CITY r:-a'-{-n",lrLel At aot rq r AA 'A t aot Ea I Lattl .lnn,t''!tTY a)-i.va) dl,oTta o LAaa t tatrtt at tot n-I P Ll'rn .no3 CITY t'-ntva,-n'tall6i tt taa ad E ,! oE 3 25t+O5-3J 1"q88 F 43-a5 NOIE* '- STATIONS A}ID OFFSETS ARE TO fiE Trc VAULT CORNERS CLOSEST TO ITEST SAAR AI/E2, STATONS AND OFFSEIS ARE TO THE Trc VAULT CORNERS CLOSEST TO 4TH AVE S.5. STAIIO{S AND OFFSETS ARE TO THE Trc VAULT CORNERS CLOSEST TO SESTIutus sT.4. PSE HANDH(X.ES SHAU BE REID LOCA1EO AND APPROVED BY THE ENSNEER.5. VAULT $ZES ARE APPROXIMATE SEE lHE UIIUTY PLANS AND,/OR IHE SPECTRCAIo|{S FOR EXACT S|ZES. CONSTRUCTION BID ITEMS ALL BID ITEMS ARE SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. SEE KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR ALL BID ITEMS. NOT THE IN IRENS{ IN PLANIER AREA PAVEMENT IN 8. OF HMA CLASS,'. PG 5EV-22 OR EXISTING THICKNESS PLUS 1'(E MAx.) { csTc REOIJIRED IF TO BACKRI.I ]RENCH EXISNNG ASPHALT CONCRE]E SURFACE (rYP) COMPACTED CSTC OR CONTROTTTD DENSITY FILL SEE NOIES 2, 5 AND 9 BELOW RED LocArE rAPE 2. lNc'E@l ABOVE CONDUTTS (TY"rcAL 2 Pr-AcES) IRENCH IN GRAVEL SHOUT.DER AREA CruSHED SURFACING TOP corJRsE (5/d MTNUS) coHP fliri PER siPECHcAnoNs trl IN SiTIOUIDER AREAS RESTORE UTH t' CRUS,}IED S1,RFACNG roP couRsE (5/8'lflNus) f, SAND BE)Durc (rYP) ffiN 2,-O.t HDIH DFENDS O}I SIZES AND QT'IANTITIES OF CONDUIfti IN 1RENCH SAW GUT TO PROVIDE A TERTICAL FACE (TY") SEENOTES4&5BELOW @I @r to CONCREIE PAVETENT BELOW ASPHALT s'SAND BEoDNc@ .-PSE CONDUmi - SIZE" AND QUANTITY VARY +'SAND B0DNG@I corMMuMcAn0Ns/crTY coltDurTs - srzE AND CUANNTY VARY NOIES:.I, ASPHALT CO}ICREIE MIX SHALL BE HMA CLASS '': PG 58V-222 AtL TRENCH BACKRLL SHArr BE CSTC, TVSDOT S'tD. SPEC. 9-O3.S(3), OR CONIROLLO DENgTY RIL3, CONTR(X.LED DENSITV RI.L SIAI.I MEET I1SDOT STANDARDS AS STAIED IN TISDOT SID. SPEC 2-oe.J(r)E4. ATJ. SAITCUTS SHALI EE VERTICAL AND IN STRAIGTIT UNES. SArcUTS SHAII- EXIEND 1HROUGH ALL PAI/EMENT REGARDTESS OF DEPIH OR TIAIERIAI-5. TACK ASPHALT FACSS OF SAW CUTS AND SEAL SAW CUTS.6. HOT IIIX ASPHALT SHAII BE AT I.EAST E INCTIES THICK7. PA\,|NG FABRtc (tF FOUND) mtt NOT REQUTRE REPTACEilENT.8. TEMPORARY IRAFF|C MARKINGS S,}IATI BE PLACED IN KIND IMMEDIATELY AFIER PAVING AND PSRMANENT SIRIPING SHAI.L BE REPI-ACED SIIHIN JO DA\IS Of lHE PAVING OPERATIO{.9. FRO|' STA. O+53* TO STA. 2+62t W. SAAR ST. STAnONNG, WHERE + OR MoRE 6' pSE CONDUIIS ARE PLACED IN lHE IRENCTI, FLUIDIZED IHERMAL BACKFIIL SHATL BE USED AS CO{DUIT BEDDING PER PSE STANDARDS. TYPICAL JOINT UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL @ NOT TO SCALE hI I-ANDSCAPED ^REASRESTORE SITH 4, TOPSqL AND SOD mm"idt NOT TO SCALE RED LOCAIE TAPE 2' ABO\G CONOUITS OR CO}IDUIT.s ND BE)DtNc (rlP) FffilAND QUAN1IIIES OF CONDUI1S VARY SAND BEDDING @il TYPICAL ,O" UTILITY TRENCH D AI ce a ,@'aa no f RO ENGR: I sonrz: -ilOIED nnr NOIEII SoFG REVISION BY IE CITY ENCINIERAPPROWO: BAN IS Ot{E Nq ON oRrerNI DRAtYrt{c ADJUST SCALES ACCOROINRY o"Engineering Division City of Kent Works Department JOINT TRENCI{ SECTIONS, NOTES BID ITEMS AND DETAILS WILLIS ST AND 4TH AVE S. ROUNDABOUT JOINT UTILIW TRENCH PROJECT FILE NO. G:\Design\18-3020 WILUS AND 4TH ROUNDABOUT\OWGVO!NTTRENCHUOTNT TRENCHT-t.dwq, Z/L7/ZO!9 4:21:55 pM SEE SHEET 5 SEE SHEET 5 t.. NO'IE: d m I tSEE SHEET 5 FOR JOINT TRENCH AND VAULT DETAILS ON IIEST WLUS ST. ro u't E,o trl a J = [i .jl t NOTE: SEE SHEET 5 FOR JOINT TRENCH AND VAULT DETAILS ON IIEST SAAR ST. r-t-{> 505 ,TlH A\/E w KING COUNTY HOUSINC AUIHORITY PSE I HH3 AUGNMENT.4IH A\E BASEUNE N HANDHOLE FOR CENTURY UNK sERvrcE lr67d'l L k +I -9-tc ]ERMINATE OTY 2925J6,82S9 t..' TERMINATE PSE AND COUCAST AT EXISTING POLE AS DIRECTED BY THE UNUTY. coilDutTs tN L 6 J-Box (J801) T ]ERMINAIE PSE AND COMCAST ^T EXISIINC l+1r.97 POT.E AS DIRECIED BY IHE UIIUTY. JT ANGLE POINT _*-J---_PA\EMENT-----*-oEPn{ 16'r +* b 7r, 13.03 [\I I I LEInBER (F) PAVEMENTt4.09 L DEPTH 21 .;*T ,---_____ PA\EMENT DEPIH IO'+.rl -IJT- PAIEMENT \,Jt F. DEPIH 21'*l.---_.l+00 JT ANGI.E POINT FUTURE Nj STORM D,q FUruRE STORM CROSSINGL" 25.45 L +08.20. 12.37 3+11,27 4+15.41, ,41*__-___ JT ANGLE POTNT !4,. 12'041 ri \JT ANGIE POINT o+06 6+27 o+04.75. 26.17 EX|ST. col,tc. BELotYe- EXIST. ASPHALT O\ERLAY12" e 4+55.13, 9.10 L Iu E JT ANGTE POTNT (g]tv__FF-____-o+S9.25. 12.06 +*@ +*AUGI'IMENT-4lH AT/E 4" I ---Tr----N=l41,tl Li I.l6 ?+ . ,9" SEE SHEET 5 COMCAST *2-4',1-2'PO$ER =2-J'. l-2' r 4 D \{ POIIER =2-6', 2-4' COMCAST =1-4" 2- COIICAST =1-,i',C1TY - 2-2' PSE POVIER 2-3" FtlrJlrlu, FFvt oa+ U' = 2-2' PSE.POITER -2-6', 2-4", COMCAST =l-4' PSE POVGR -2-6',2-al coMcAST -t-4'CITY - 2-2' I 1 4Tlf AvENue s6ulFr.PONT 1 ;'l lv\ I JT ANqf I i60 I i 55i I AN 55 I zv:f EtLlri'6 L.ld'F d to'6 ta 6a)t * 50 (rl in t:t rau iz clt,Eo E 13l 50.A I E. H i! ttt (, d : -J* -L_45 SHAT,I SE SELOW BE- STI II{E 2+OO 5+00 6+00001+00 io TI HIGfIER 3+ 00 4+ 00 RO s6s12, l'-2d vgq1, l'- C SHEE T lorE NO_BY DATE CITY EIGINEER 7- 9AF IS flE INCH O}I ORISNAL ORAINNG ADJUST SCAI-ES ACCORDINGLY o"t' City of Kent Public Works Department Engineering Division JOINT TRENCH PI.AN AND PROFILE WItIjS ST AND 4TH AVE S. ROUNDABOUT JOINT UTIUTY TRENCH PROJECT FILE NO. G:\DesignUS-3020 WILLIS AND 4TH ROUNDABOUNDWG\JOINT TRENcHvoINT TRENcHT-L,dwg, 7 ! T2I2019 8:36: 55 AM POITERPSE =2-6' =2-6'=2-t PSE -, -6'-2-1' 1 PSE PollER =2-6', PSE -4-6' E I I ,g ",* F 4 4 i i I :fi ; 1 ,FDoo trl3z. trJ :EF!t" REMo!E TREE 4A IsfT tI -4-6', 2-4"PSE POIIER =2-6'. -1 -6'PsE POllER -5-4' PSE POIIER :1-4'PSE POIIER ='l-4' PSE PO$€R -3-6' D 4 ( SEE SHEET 4 1 I @l I R D t @ +-TP EP X X] jt L- r, wt I 4 8+ ,F I 4 B" I PONT 162.72 4 JT ANGI.E471,dl 4+59.59,R16.J9 44 171.00 L JT ANGLE POINT -rL-----.!-----s-----3.JT ANGLE POINT -- JT ANG,I.E POINT :P 71, 69.02 NOIE: SEE SHEET 4 FOR JOINT IRENCH AND VAULT OETAILS ALONG 4TH A\€. D.: 1ERMINA1E PSE FACIUTIES AT THE EXISTING POIE AS DIRECTED BY PSEIERMINAIE PSE FACIUIIES AT lHE EXIS'IING POI,T AS DIREC1ED BY PSE WEST SAAR 'JT ANGIE PONT wEsT SAAR STREET 4+s5.57, '+o.2s L POIIER -'l-3' -1-2'. t-4l -2-2' PSE POIER CITY -2-2' ft PSE POttER -2-3' COIICAST -t-t',PSE POI1ER -1-5" POSER -l-3' SEE SHEET 4 EP -............__- .s d SEE SHEET 4 I 8+N G d3 AS HANDHOTE HHs l$2s-l 1 I t .e omo d @ BY PSE PSE HAND- IERMINA''E COI'CAST FAdUTIES IERMINAIE PSE FACIUTIES AT lHE EXSNNG POI..E 503 4m AlE W KINS CSJNTY HOUSINC AUTHORIW NOIEI SEE SHEET 4 FOF JOINT ]RENCH AND -VAULT DETAILS ALONG 4TH A\8. I Fda I *l " J.." IOIEHH2 lJ029l AT IHE EXISIING POLE AS DIR€CIED BY COMCASI. IERMINA1E CITY CONDUITS IN rYPE e J-Box (J805)136561 E H =h t l ! sf. OF GROUND!AT Q, t SIA", 6:ARE AS8E IN sT. PER 1 0 IHERMAL 50 4o 1 F CJlrld fr o fr TIdo. )tIJ WEST SAAR STREET i X. IF ATq g Eri WEST WILLIS STREET t no PBOfCT Et{ffi; I cot{li1- H0RlZl l'-2d vrnr 1'- J SoroNO.BY DAIE CIW ENCINE€RAPPROWO: ADJST SCALIS ACCORDINCTY 0'I' 8AR IS ONE INtr OIIMIGIN& ORAI'NG Engineering Division City of Kent ic Works Department JOINT TRENCH PI.AN AND PROFILE IYILLIS ST AND 4TH AVE S. ROUNDABOUT JOINT UTILIW TRENCH PROJECT FILE NO. TRENCH\JOINT TRENCHT-2.dWq, 7 / t2/ ZO t9 I : 40 : 17 AMDABOUNDWGUOINTG:\DesignuS-3ozo WrLU5 AND 4TH ROUN I IJ -*----ALLEY lrl LrlE a v, =J = UIld = (o tf) Ea vt n JJ = 505 4IH A\E S. KING COI'NTY HOTJSING AUTHORITY to(\ c{ ot\u)N-o6ots-c!o =RU'N<|o.$ b; Hffi<lDfr3z JIE. o- U't\N C'N!oslC'o o _$t ooFts(,u)zsa =@tlo,tg bF tsR FE 'n u,Elrlo =fz. JlrloE IL FIJLIEFv, E, { 3n Ford. I I 4TH AVENUE SOUTH l+66.4/t 0+oo 2+00 -_f }+lI.27 168.441 Nl.##qL-}}00 4+00 AI/E BASEUNE 51 sloo .o ao 4TH VENUE SOUTH o*oo 6+27 E-12925J6.8299 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 66' AUGNITEIIT-4IH At/E E=1292549,32{l ALLEY -----J gsp12. lt-20' wr, llA NO,BY DA E cril EltctNEER SoFo BAR IS ONE ING Ot{ ORIGiNAL DRAWNG ADJUST SCALES ACCORDNqY f 1' CifY of Kent Engineering Division Works Department RIGHT OF WAY PI.AN IYILLIS ST AND 4TH AVE S. ROUNDABOUT .IOINT UTILITY TRENCH PROJECT FILE NO. G:\Design\18-3020 wILus A[,tD 4TH ROUNDAEOUNDWG\]OINI TRENCH \18-3020 ROW.dwo- Tlr1UzOtC 3:?6:46 pM W Cost Summary Table General Contractors ---BID COSTS Revision 12/18/2017 218th Total Costs Trenching Vault and Conduit Installation Engineering Design, Coordination and Inspection Total Balance Due PSE GAS $0 $0 $0 $0 PSE Power $442,468 $442,468 Comcast $132,314 $27,602 $6,390 $166,307 Century Link $170,683 $37,005 $8,567 $216,254 $0 $0 rotals $745,465 $64,607 $14,957 $825,029 Notes: - Costs are based on shared trench cost between trench participants. COMCAST pays for the percentage of total number of conduits ---Ex COMCAST 2 conduits total 8 IS 25% COMCAST share IN NON SCHEDULE 74 WORK IS BASED ON NUMBER OF UTILITIES IN TRENCH) See pages 5and 6. - City pays 100% for PSE power's trench cost per schedule 74. - City pays 40% for PSE vault and conduit work (conversion cost) per schedule 74. 1/13V213E(D .F4hM&e\Paraleg als\Trench Agreements\Kent, WA, City of\4TH & WILLIS (SR 516) ROUNDABOUT JB 51448\Willis 4th JUT Cost EST.xIs 2 ZAYO JOINT TRENCH COSTS ---- 228 STREET Cost and Quantities Utility Work Trenching (shared costs between PSE Power & COMCAST) Rev 3/20/2019 Detail Trench Components Unit City Unit Price Extended Price 1005 Clearin and Grubbing LS 0 $ 1,000.00 $ 9015 Utility Trench, 2 Ft Wide, T cover LF 350 $ 25.00 $ 8,750.00 9016 Utility Trench, 2.5 Ft Wide, 3' cover LF 0 $ 46.12 $ 9017 Utility Trench, 3 Ft Wide, T cover LF 810 $ 45.00 S 36,450,00 9016 Utility Trench, 3.5 Ft Wide, 3' cover LF 0 $ 58.69 S 9019 Utility Trench, 4 Ft Wide, 3' cover LF 0 $ 64.00 S 9020 Utility Trench, 5.5 Ft Wide, 3' cover LF 0 $ 50.00 S 1105 1 TONS 40 $ 130.00 1 S 5,200,00 1050 ISaw Cut Existing Asphalt Pavement LF 1,150 $ 3.00 S 3,450.00 1055 ISaw Cut Existing Concrete Pavement LF 0 $ 6.00 S 1095 IHMA Class 3/4", PG 64-22 TONS 0 $ 81.00 $ 1100 IHMA for full width Class 1 /2", PG 64-22 TONS 156 $ 150.00 $ 23,400.00 1125 Cold Patch Mixfor temporary Pavement Patch TONS 0 $ 130.00 $ Replace concrete Road Panels SY 0 $ 400.00 $ 9020 Gravel Borrow for Utility Trench Backfill TONS 1,168 $ 20.00 $ 23,360.00 9021 Sand for bedding TONS 1 300 $ 25.00 $ 7,500.00 Seeding, Fertilizing and Mucichin LF 0 $ 25.00 $ Silt Fence LF 0 $ 15.00 $ Straw Waattle EA 0 1 $ 10.00 $ Inlet protection SY 5 $ 125.00 $ 625. 00 Straw Mulch SY 0 $ 1.00 $ Clear Plastic Covering SY 0 $ 2.00 $ ESC Lead FA 200 $ 75.00 $ 15,000.00 Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control FA 1 $ 6,000.00 S 6,000,00 9022 Control Density Fill CY 0 $ 115.00 $ Control Density Fill- COLOR TINT CY 0 $ 115.00 $ 2255 Shoring or Extra Excavation, Class B, Including Haul SF 2,937 $ 1.00 S 2,937.00 5015 Traffic Control Supervisor HRS 180 $ 60.00 S 10,800.00 5005 Traffic Control Labor HRS 400 1 $ 40.00 1 $ 16,000,00 5020 Traffic Control Devices LS 1 1 $ 15,000.00 1 $ 15.000,00 Sutaota[ [ranch expense 5 174,472.00 6% Moboilization Fee $ 10,468.32 15% Construction/Engineedng/Inspection Costs S 26,170.80 9 % Sale Tax S 15,702.48 Total Trench Expense $226,814 Total trench length (feet) 1,160 Trench cost per lineal foot $195.53 Reference Vault Excavation and Installation COMCAST expense) Unit City Unit Price Extended Price Installation and proof of 4 Inch Diameter U UM UA6 I Condui LF 2515 $6.00 $ 15,090.00 Installation and proof of 2 Inch Diameter Conduit 1825 $6.00 $ 10,950.00 2' X2' X 3' vault as 0 $708.00 0 5'2.6" x 2'3" x 3'6" (2534-A) as 0 $1,525.00 0 Vault 24" x36 as 0 $2,200.00 0 Vault 17" x360 as 0 $708.00 0 Carson 9" ea 0 $100.00 0 4'9" x 1'10" x 2'4" 25TLA) as 0 $2,200.00 0 6'0" x 2'6" x 3'8" 264-TA as 0 I 1$500.00 0 4'4" x 2'3" x 3'6" (4484-TA) ea 0 53,030.00 0 5'6" x3'5" x 5'1" (466-TA ea 0 $2,389.00 0 4'0" x 6 0" x 7'0" 457-TA as 0 1 $2,566.00 0 6% Mobilization Fee Subtotal COMCAST Work 15%Construction/Engineedng/Inspection Costs 9% Sale TaxI Total S26,040 S1.562 $27,602 S3.906 52484 COMCAST Work 533493 Note: These costs are prelimintary base on the prelimintary plans of the PSE GAS, PSE Power COMCAST AND Century Link. THE FINAL COST WILL BASED ON ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS Note. These costs are prelimintary base on the prelimintary plans of the PSE GAS, PSE Power COMCAST AND Century Link. THE FINAL COST WILL BASED ON ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS Trench Length, Conduits and Shared Cost by Stationing Mainline Trench Note: City pays 100% of PSE Power's trench cost Rev = - Trench Number of Size of Percentage of Participant I Conduits LConduit I Trench Length I Trench Cost I Cost Station 30+90 to 31+30 PA1 to .101 11 =an'1 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 4 2-4" 2-6" 60 100% $11,732 Comcast 0 2-4" 0 0% $0 Century Link 0 1-4" 0 0% $0 0 0% $0 yD11,1oz station 39+311 to :S9+tih .1111 to F+V119 11 =R�. PSE as 0 so PSE Power 0 2-6" Comcast 0 Century Link 0 0 :1o, t ay Station 31+55 to 37+25 PV01 to .in2 if =R1n'1 PSE Gas 0 0 0 0% $0 PSE Power 4 2-4" 2-6" 610 100% $119,273 Comcast 0 2-4" 0 0% $o Century Link 0 1-4" 0 0% $0 0 0 0% $0 #Ktl-! Station 37+25 to 39+90 J02 to PVn2 II �ll`J.L I;i #KtF' PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% SO PSE Power 4 2-4" 2-6" 305 100% $59,636 Comcast 0 2-4" 0 0% $0 Century Link 0 1-4" 0 0% SC 1-4" 0 0% Station 39+90 to 41+50 PVn2 to Jns if =9nnn PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% PSE Power 4 2-4" 2-6" 200 100% Comcast 0 2-4" 0 0% Century Link 0 1-4" 0 0% 1-4" 0 0% $2,932.93 $0.00 $11,731.74 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,731.74 Z04,JUV.4U $0.00 $8,798.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.798.80 $29,818.17 $0.00 $119,272.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $119,272.67 #Ktr! $14, 909.08 $0.00 $59,636.33 $0.00 $0.00 #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! 1WY3L2MB2i25dCAParalegals\Trench Agreements\Kent, WA, City of\4TH & WILLIS (SR 516) ROUNDABOUT JB 51448\Willis 4th JUT Cost EST.xls5 Trench Length, Conduits and Shared Cost by Stationing Mainline Trench Note: City pays 100% of PSE Power's trench cost Rev #REF! Trench Number of Size of Percentage of Participant I Conduits I Conduit I Trench Length I Trench Cost I Cost 4 S59.636 Station 41+50 to 47+ 10 J03 to PV03 1L=R00'1 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 4 24" 2-6" 600 50% $58.659 Comcast 0 24" 0 0% $0 Century Link 1 1-4" 600 50% 0 $58.659 14" 0 0% $0 5 Station 47+10 to 48+20 PV03 to J04(L=150'1 $117,317 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 4 2-4" 2-6" 150 50% $14,665 Comcast 0 2-4" 0 0% $0 Century Link 2 2-4" 150 50% $14,665 14" 0 0% $0 329,329 Station 48+20 to 48+30 J04 to V01 J01 (L=101 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 5 3-4" 2-6" 10 33% $651 Comcast 2 2-4" 10 25% $489 Century Link 1 1-4" 10 33% 0 $651 1-4" 0 0% $0 O Station 48+30 to V01 Lat to V01 (L=70'1 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 1 1-2" 70 33% $4,558 Comcast 1 1-4" 70 33% $4,558 Century Link 1 1-4" 70 33% 0 $-4 558 1-4" 0 0% $0 Station 48+30 to 51+20 vn1 to Pn20 n =?Qnn 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 5 34" 2-6" 290 33% $18.882 $23,463.48 $0.00 $93,853.90 $0.00 $23,463.48 $59,636.33 #REF! $4,888.22 $0.00 $19, 552.90 $0.00 $0.00 $19,552.90 $223.88 $0.00 $1,119.40 $447.76 $223.88 $1,791.05 $4,557.78 $0.00 $4,557.78 $4,557.78 $4,557.78 $13,673.34 $6,552.14 $0.00 $32,760.68 1VW3f2B068h26di!#Raralegals\Trench Agreements\Kent, WA, City of\4TH & WILLIS (SR 516) ROUNDABOUT JB 51448\Willis 4th JUT Cost EST.xls6 Trench Length, Conduits and Shared Cost by Stationing Mainline Trench Note: City pays 100% of PSE Power's trench cost Rev #REF! Trench Number of Size of Percentage of Participant I Conduits I Conduit I Trench Length I Trench Cost I Cost Comcast 1 1-4" 290 14% $8.100 Century Link 1 1-4" 290 33% 0 $18,882 1-4" 0 0% $0 I Zb4b,?Jbb Station 51+20 to Lat P02 (L=1701 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 1 1-4" 170 50% $16,620 Comcast 3 1-4" 2-2" 170 75% $24,930 Century Link 0 1-4" 170 0% $0 1-4" 0 0% $0 4 Station 51+20 TO 54+55 P02A to IP2 (L=375'1 $6,552.14 $6,552.14 $45,864.95 $10,387.48 $0.00 $10,387.48 $31,162.43 $0.00 $41.550 $41,549.91 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 6 2-4"& 2-3" 2-6" 375 33% S24.417 Comcast 4 2-4" 2-2" 375 36% $26,690 Century Link 1 1-4" 375 33% $24,417 1-4" 0 07--T $0 I 5/S.bZJ Station 54+55 to 54+90 I132 to PV04 (L=35'1 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 6 2-4"& 2-3" 2-6" 35 33% $2.281 Comcast 1 2-4" 2-2" 35 13% $890 Century Link 1 1-4" 35 33% 0 $2,281 1-4" 0 0% $0 a Station54+90 to 56+20 PV04 to V02 (L=130'1 $6,865.73 $0.00 $41,194.40 $27,462.93 $6,865.73 $75,523.06 $681.44 $0.00 $4,088.66 $681.44 $681.44 $5A52 $5,451.54 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 4 2-4" 2-6" 130 33% $8,464 Comcast 2 1-4" 1-2" 130 28% $7,117 Century Link 1 1-4" 130 33% 0 $8.464 0 1-4" 1 0 1 0% $0 $3,435.16 $0.00 $13, 740.66 $6,870.33 $3,435.16 7 $24,046 $24,046.15 Station 56+20 to 56+35 V02 to J05 (L=15') $379.82 PSE Gas 1 0 1-8" 0 0% 1 $0 $0.00 1VV3E ➢0B8h26d6Waralegals\Trench Agreements\Kent, WA, City ot\4TH & WILLIS (SR 516) ROUNDABOUT JB 51448\Willis 4th JUT Cost EST.xls7 Trench Length, Conduits and Shared Cost by Stationing Mainline Trench Note: City pays 100% of PSE Power's trench cost Rev #REF! Trench Number of Size of Percentage of Participant I Conduits I Conduit I Trench Length I Trench Cost I Cost PSE Power 4 2-4" 2-6" 15 33% $977 Comcast 3 24" 1-2" 15 37% $1,085 Century Link 1 14" 15 33% 0 $977 0 1-4" 0 0% 1 77$10 6 Station 56+30 to 56+55 J05 to P07A (L=35'1 $1,519.26 $1,139.45 $379.82 $3,039 $3,038.52 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 4 2-4" 2-6" 35 33% $2,281 Comcast 2 1-4" 1-2" 35 22% $1,506 Century Link 3 3-4" 35 33% 0 $2.281 1-4" 0 0% $0 9 Station 56+55 to Lat P07A to 264-TA (L=80'1 $674.16 $0.00 $2,696.65 $1,348.32 $2,022.49 $6,067 $6,067.46 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 1 1-4" 80 33% $5,214 Comcast 2 1-4" 1-2" 80 33% $5,209 Century Link 3 3-4" 80 33% 0 $5.214 1-4" 0 0% $0 b $15,b:% Station 56+55 to Lat 264-TA to P07 (L=90'1 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 1 1-4" 90 50% $8.799 Comcast 2 1-4" 1-2" 90 67% $11.720 Century Link 0 1-4" 90 0% 0 $0 1-4" 0 0% $0 3 Station 56+55 to 58+15 P07A to P10 (L=160'1 $2,606.01 $0.00 $2,606.01 $5,212.02 $7,818.03 $15,636.06 $6,839.60 $0.00 $6, 839.60 $13,679.21 $0.00 $20,519 $20,518.81 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 4 2-4" 160 33% $10A27 2-6" Comcast 2 1-4" 160 25% $7,821 1-2" Century Link 2 2-4" 160 33% $10,427 0 $3,584.44 $0.00 $14, 337.75 $7,168.87 $7,168.87 1YW3121➢0E26diMaralegals\Trench Agreements\Kent, WA, City ofl4TH & WILLIS (SR 516) ROUNDABOUT JB 51448\Willis 4th JUT Cost EST.xIs8 Trench Length, Conduits and Shared Cost by Stationing Mainline Trench Note: City pays 100% of PSE Power's trench cost Rev #REF' Trench Number of Size of Percentage of Participant Conduits Conduit Trench Length Trench Cost Cost 1-4" 0 1 0% 1 $0 Station 48+30 to Lat V01 to H1A (L=140'1 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 1 1-3" 140 33% $9,116 Comcast 1 1-4" 140 33% $9,116 Century Link 1 1-4" 140 33% 0 $9,116 0 1-4" 0 0% $0 3 $2/,34/ Station 48+30 to Lat V01 to H1B (L=155'1 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 1 1-3" 155 33% $10,092 Comcast 3 2-4" 1-2" 155 60% $18,184 Century Link 1 1-4" 155 33% 0 $10.092 0 1-4" 0 0% $0 5 $38,369 Station 54+55 to Lat IP2 to H213 V02 to J05 (L=170'1 PSE Gas 0 1-8" 0 0% $0 PSE Power 1 1-3" 170 50% $16,620 Comcast 1 1-4" 170 50% $16.620 Century Link 0 1-4" 170 0% 0 $0 0 1-4" 0 0% $0 C TOTAL TRENCH COST PSE Gas $0 $0 FIbE Power Comcast $132,31417 $0 Century Link $170,682.71 $0 $0 $0 Conduit Feet 4" 2515' 2' 1825 4' 2985' $28,675.50 $9,115.56 $0.00 $9,115.56 $9,115.56 $9,115.56 $27, 346.68 $7,673.73 $0.00 $7,673.73 $23,021.19 $7,673.73 $38, 368.65 $16,619.96 $0.00 $16,619.96 $16,619.96 $0.00 $33,240 $33,239.92 TOTAL TRENCH FEET PSE Gas 0 ower Comcast 1925 Century Link 2675 0 1yW3f3W5Ih96dMaralegals\Trench Agreements\Kent, WA, City ot\4TH & WILLIS (SR 516) ROUNDABOUT JB 51448\Willis 4th JUT Cost EST.xls9