HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1993-0030 - Other - AFSCME 1993-1994 Labor Agreement - 12/10/1993 - Addendum to the Existing Finance Department Labor Agreement AGREEMENT between CITY OF KENT and WASHINGTON STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY AND CITY EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO, AFSCME LOCAL #21-K regarding An Addendum to the existing Finance Department labor agreement. Preamble The agreement between the Washington State Council of County and City Employees, Local No. 21-K, and the City of Kent is made for the purpose of amending the existing agreement between the parties so as to set forth wages, hours and working conditions for employees covered under the terms of the Recognition Agreement executed on August 13 , 1993 . Recognition The City hereby recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative for regular full-time and regular part- time non-supervisory and non-confidential employees in the following units. - Office of Development Services - Fire Prevention - Fire administration - non-uniformed personnel - Administrative support employees in the following departments/division: Planning Administration Public Works Operations Information Services Office of Development Services Parks Maintenance Fire Prevention Fire Administration - non-uniformed personnel Attachment "A" is illustrative of the positions in the bargaining unit but does not necessarily limit bargaining unit membership to those classifications. Amendment to the Labor Agreement: With the following exceptions additions and/or clarifications, all of the above mentioned employees will be included in and be covered by the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement signed by the City and the Union on August 2 , 1993 . Those employees currently on management benefits will continue to receive such benefits until December 31, 1993 . Effective January 1, 1994 , those employees will no longer be covered under the management benefit program and thereafter their hours, wages and working conditions shall be governed by the terms of the labor agreement. (i. e. overtime in lieu of management benefits) For the purposes of this addendum all language in the collective bargaining agreement which refers to the "finance department" or the "finance director" should be understood to mean the "department" or the "department director" respectively. The intent being that unless otherwise noted in this addendum all bargaining unit members shall be covered by the same collective bargaining agreement. Article 3 . - Seniority It is understood that all employees covered by this addendum and the collective bargaining agreement on the signing date of this addendum, will receive credit toward their seniority for their length of continuous service with the City. All employees who are hired into bargaining unit positions or transferring into bargaining unit positions after the signing of this addendum will begin accumulating seniority from their date of hire or transfer into the bargaining unit. Article 14 Wages, Classifications and Minimum Rates of Pay. A. Effective August 1, 1993 , each employee covered by this Addendum will receive a salary adjustment increase of 3% based on of their current pay range and job classification. B. Classification/Job Description It is agreed that all of the employees of the new Office of Development Services will receive a job audit and shall be appropriately classified, if they are not presently classified properly within one hundred twenty (120) days after the signing of this agreement. C. Longevity Benefit Effective January 1, 1994 , employees covered by this Addendum Agreement, will receive the longevity benefits outlined in City Policy 2 . 2 . 2 Article 24 Special Licenses and Certificates. The employer shall pay the applicable fees for obtaining or renewing special licenses or certificates, if such is required, or to be maintained as a condition of employment with the city for those employees in Office of Development Services.. No employee shall suffer a loss due to time needed during the work day to obtain any license or certificate, required as a condition of employment with the City of Kent. Article 26 - Health and Safety Employees who are expected to perform on site inspection on construction sites will receive Red Wing safety boots pursuant to current City practice, and other required safety and foul weather gear including the following: Hard Hats Rubber Boots Rain Gear Safety Glasses Reflective Vests In addition to the outlined equipment set forth above, the City agrees to provide at city' s expense the minimum safety equipment required under WISHA for those employees employed in Office of Development Services. XXX The City will continue its current practice to provide clothing and/or uniforms, (2 pair slacks, 3 uniform shirts, and 1 skirt) to Karen Bonaci which relate to her job as a Public Education Specialist, for the term of this Addendum/Agreement. If clothing needs to be altered, City will pay for alterations. XXX Furthermore, in the event Geneva Obenchain is assigned to a position in the Municipal Court on or about January 1, 1994 , the City agrees that this position will be one that is covered by the collective bargaining agreement between the City and Local 21-K. Moreover, the City will agree to voluntarily recognize the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative for administrative support personnel of the Municipal Court, in the event the Union organizes the employees and can demonstrate by signed authorization cards that it represents a majority of the Courts administrative support employees. Margaret Porter will not be a Union member, however, the position she occupies will be considered to be covered as a bargaining unit position. If Ms. Porter resigns, her replacement, if any, will be eligible for Union membership. This addendum shall become effective on November 16, 1993 and shall remain in full force and effect through December 31, 1994 . However, salaries for bargaining unit employees shall become effective August 1, 1993 , as outlined on attachment "A" Signed the day of l C e- 19L3, at Kent, Washington. CITY OF KENT WASHINGTO STATE OUNCIL OF COUNT AND T EMPLOYEES UNION, L CAL I- BY i (Mayor t E'i?� BYC s BY BY \0^ Donald E. Olson, Jr. egot -ations Team Member Human Resource Director ' BY Nggotiati s Team ember Approved as to form: B _ r c Negotiations e M er BY BY Negotiations Team Member ATTACHMENT "A" City Pay Steps Range A B C D E Admin. Secretary II Information Services 23 2308. 2424. 2547. 2672. 2808. Office Tech. II Fire Prevention 16 1942. 2037. 2140. 2249. 2369. Cust. Serv. Assist.II Ofc. of Dev. Svcs. 18 2037. 2140. 2249. 2369. 2488. Office Tech. II Fire Prevention 16 1942. 2037. 2140. 2249. 2369. Executive Assistant Administration 30 2744. 2883. 3029. 3177. 3338. Admin. Asst. I Administration 22 2249. 2369. 2488. 2618. 2744. Admin. Secretary I Planning 20 2140. 2249. 2369. 2488. 2618. Admin. Secretary I Planning 20 2140. 2249. 2369. 2488. 2618. Admin. Secretary I Planning 20 2140. 2249. 2369. 2488. 2618. Office Tech. II Pub. Wks. Oper. 16 1942. 2037. 2140. 2249. 2369. Accounting Tech. Pub. Wks. Oper. 25 2424. 2547. 2672. 2808. 2950. Admin. Asst. 11 Pub. Wks. Oper. 27 2547. 2672. 2808. 2950. 3104. Admin. Manager Administration 41 3594. 3775. 3973. 4171. 4383. Asst. Bldg. Official Ofc. of Dev. Svcs. 39 3423. 3594. 3775. 3973. 4171. Pub. Education Spec. Fire Prevention 27 2547. 2672. 2808. 2950. 3104. Comb. Plans Exam. Ofe. of Dev. Svcs. 37 3258. 3423. 3594. 3775. 3973. Comb. Bldg. Insp. Ofc. of Dev. Svcs. 32 2883. 3029. 3177. 3338. 3505. Comb. Bldg. Insp. Ofc. of Dev. Svcs. 32 2883. 3029. 3177. 3338. 3505. Support Svcs. Spec. Fire Prevention 24 2369. 2488. 2618. 2744. 2883. Permit Specialist II Ofc. of Dev. Svcs. 20 2140. 2249. 2369. 2488. 2618. Admin. Asst. II Fire Admin. 27 2547. 2672. 2808. 2950. 3104. Admin. Sec. II Fire Admin. 23 2308. 2424. 2547. 2672. 2808. Admin. Sec. I Fire Admin. 20 2140. 2249. 2369. 2488. 2618. Building Maint. Fire Admin. 35 3104. 3258. 3423. 3594. 3775. Acctg. Svc. Asst. III Pub. Wks. Oper. 22 2249. 2369. 2488. 2618. 2744. Acetg. Svc. Asst. II Pub. Wks. Oper. 18 2037. 2140. 2249. 2369. 2488. Admin. Asst. I Parks Maint. 22 2249. 2369. 2488. 2618. 2744. Chief Accountant Finance 34 3029. 3177. 3338. 3505. 3685. Financial Analyst Finance 30 2744. 2883. 3029. 3177. 3338. Field Auditor Finance 34 3029. 3177. 3338. 3505. 3685. Comb. Bldg. Insp. Ofc. of Dsv. Svcs. 32 2883. 3029. 3177. 3338. 3505. Emer. Mngt. Spec. Fire Prevention 25 2369. 2488. 2618. 2744. 2883.