HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Agenda - 11/06/2001 • .A KEN T I.- WASHINGTON COUNCIL WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL November 6, 2001 Leona Orr Council President Phone:253-856-5712 Fax:253-856-6712 The Council Workshop will be held in Chambers East in Kent City Hall at 5:00 PM 220 Fourth Ave S. on Tuesday, November 6, 2001. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Council Members: President Leona Orr, Tom Brotherton, Tim Clark, Connie Epperly,Judy Woods, Greg Worthing, Rico Yingling Speaker Time 1. 2002 Budget and CIP Mayor White 45 min. May Miller The Council Workshop meets each month on the first and third Tuesdays at 5:OOPM in Chambers East unless otherwise noted. For agenda information please call Jackie Bicknell at (253) 856-5712. ANY PERSON REQUIRING A.DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT (253) 856-5725 IN ADVANCE. FOR TDD RELAY SERVICE, CALL THE WASHINGTON TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICE AT 1-800-833-6388. L City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GOVERNMENT FINANCE Or-FILERS ASSOCIATION Distinguished Budget Presentation Award PRESENTED TO City of Kent, _ Washington For the Fiscal Year Beginning January 'I, 2000 President Executive Dirg-Ctpr The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented an award of Distinguished Presentation to the City of Kent, Washington for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2000. In order to receive this award, a government unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan and as a communication device. The award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget i City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Kent, Washington Map I-2 Street Fund 118 City Organization Chart I-3 Lodging Tax Fund 123 City Council I-4 Youth/Teen Funds 125 Principal Officials I-5 Capital Improvement Fund 127 Mayor's Letter 1-7 Criminal Justice Fund 131 — Kent's Vision I-14 Environmental Mitigation Fund 137 Kent Cares Philosophy I-15 Community Development Block Grant 139 2000-2001 Budget Calendar I-16 Other Operating Projects Fund 142 Budget Process 1-17 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted Debt Service 146 BUDGET SUMMARY Councilmanic Debt Service 148 Combined Operating Statement I-20 Special Assessment Debt Service 151 2001-2002 Budget Comparison I-21 Revenues by Source 1-22 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Expenditures by Object I-23 Street Capital Projects 154 _ Population vs Staffing Levels I-24 Park Capital Projects 156 2002 Position Summary I-25 Other Capital Projects 158 Position Changes— Last 3 years I-26 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2002 Operating Program Changes I-28 2002 High Priority Budget Requests I-30 Utility Clearing 162 General Fund Trends I-32 Utility Billing 163 Budget Ending Fund Balance I-33 Administration and Warehouse 165 Budget Ending Fund Balances Water 169 Available for Governmental Use I-34 Sewerage 177 Fund Structure I-35 Golf Complex 186 General Fund Change in Budget 1-36 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Budget and Accounting Structures I-38 Fleet Services 192 Budget/Spending Control System I-41 Central Services - Finance 198 Financial Policies I-42 Central Services—Information Technology 201 Fire Equipment Replacement 209 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Facilities Fund 212 2002-2007 CIP Source of Funds I-46 Insurance Fund 219 ® 2002-2007 CIP Projects Forecast I-47 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Program I-48 Firemen's Relief and Pension 227 Long Term Debt I-56 Economic Development Corporation 229 Future Bond Issues I-58 Legal Debt Margin 1-59 STATISTICAL INFORMATION About Our Community 233 GENERAL FUND General, Special Revenue and Summary Fund Analysis 3 Debt Service Funds Revenue Analysis 4 History 235 Expenditure Analysis Trends 237 By Object 19 Property Tax Last Four Years 238 By Program 20 Principal Taxpayers and Employers 239 By Department 22 2001 Property Tax Allocation 240 City Council 23 Property Tax Rates 241 Mayor's Office 26 Sales Tax Growing Economy 243 - Municipal Court 33 Sales Tax by SIC Code 244 Employee Services 37 Sales Tax Distribution 245 Legal Department 43 Sales Tax Comparison 246 Finance/Customer Service 52 Demographic Data from Census 247 Community Development 56 Salary Schedule and Job Classification 249 Police Department 70 Human Services Agencies 258 Fire and Life Safety 84 Principal Taxpayers and Employers 239 Public Works 93 Glossary of Budget Related Terms 259 Parks, Recreation and Community Services 102 Budgeted Full-Time Positions 264 I - 1 General Information Facts 265 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget KENT , WASHINGTON Spokane 0 Seattle _ KENT _ a Tacoma Olympia ! Vancouver 2001 Population 82 ,782 _ I - 2 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget City of Kent 2001 Organization Chart CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARDS&COMMISSIONS Arts Commission Bicycle Advisory Board Civil Service Commission CITY COUNCIL Disability Board Drinking Driver Task Force Economic Development Corporation Golf Advisory Board MAYOR Hearing Examiner Human Services Commission International Exchange Program Land Use& Planning Board Library Board of Trustees Multicultural Diversity Task Force CHIEF Transit Advisory Board ECONOMIC ADMINISTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT OFFICER DEPUTY CHIEF ASST CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OFFICER COMMUNITY PUBLIC WORKS LEGAL CITY CLERK MUNICIPAL PUBLIC INFO& DEVELOPMENT COURT GOUT AFFAIRS Permit Center Property Management Legal Counsel Public Records Judicial Due Process Government Relations Land Use Planning Transportation/Streets Prosecution Elections Traffic violations Sister Cities Development Services Water Domestic Violence Bid Calls/Openings Probation Department Public Information Sewer Public Notification Drainage Information Center Fleet Maintenance L FINANCE INFORMATION FIRE AND LIFE POLICE PARKS,REC& TECHNOLOGY SAFETY COMM SVCS _ Personnel Financial Services Info Systems Planning Fire Suppression Patrol/K-9 Park Acquisition/Dev Labor Negotiations Budget&CIP Info Systems Support Emergency Med Svs Traffic/Prkg Park Maintenance Labor Relations Customer Services Data Processing Hazardous Material Investigations Recreation Benefits Business Licenses Computer Support Code Enforcement Corrections Arts Programs Training Utility Billing Computer Training Crime Prevention Senior Center Risk Management Records Special Population Frog Civil Service Drinking Driver TF Youth/Teen Program Human Services Housing&Comm Dev Golf Maintenance Facilities Mgmt 1 - 3 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget KENT, WASHINGTON 2001 CITY COUNCIL Council President Leona Orr v: �r 3 i 1 Judy Woods, Leona Orr, Tim Clark (Front Row) Tom Brotherton, Connie Epperly, Sandy Amodt, Rico Yingling (Back Row) _ KENT W A S H I N G T O N I - 4 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS Term Expiration MAYOR Jim White 12-31-2001 COUNCIL MEMBERS Leona Orr, President 12-31-2003 Tim Clark 12-31-2001 Judy Woods 12-31-2003 Tom Brotherton 12-31-2001 Connie Epperly 12-31-2003 Greg Worthing 12-31-2001 Rico Yingling 12-31-2003 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mike Martin, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Dena Laurent, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Roger Lubovich, City Attorney Sue Viseth, Employee Services Director May Miller, Finance Director Marty Mulholland, Information Technology Director PARKS AND RECREATION John Hodgson, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director PUBLIC SAFETY Steve Hamilton, Acting Fire Chief Ed Crawford, Police Chief COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred Satterstrom, Acting Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Don Wickstrom, Public Works Division Director I - 5 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ENT WASHINGTON K _ �Yky :a�iyE.: i .I I I I I I I I I I I I I .........I F' $ 9 II ......... i4. ...................... P� q MAYOR JIM WHITE I- 6 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget November 6,2001 Council President Leona Orr and City Councilmembers City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Honorable City Council President Orr and Councilmembers: It is my privilege to present you with the 2002 Preliminary Budget. This budget thoughtfully responds to each of your strategic plan goals within our increasingly challenged fiscal climate. We have ensured public safety services are kept whole while addressing our community's core issues of traffic and transportation, economic development and Kent's quality of life.For the fifth year in a row,this budget is balanced with a tax rate among the lowest in recent years. It maintains our commitment to continuously improve our organization and to provide valued government services. In offering you this budget message, I want to first review both our community's changing makeup and fiscal condition,then review how we are funding the city's strategic goals to respond to these conditions. Community and Fiscal Condition Overview _ We serve a changing community.The 2000 Census data confirms a 109% increase in Kent's ~" population over the past ten years; a population increase from 39,650 to 82,782 in 2001. Kent residents speak approximately 70 languages. Kent's business community is also changing. Our manufacturing core is diversifying and is joined by an increasing office and high tech sector. Our fiscal climate is changing too. The past five years of property tax limitations, including Initiative 747 on the ballot in November,have limited the city's fiscal flexibility. We continue to absorb an approximately$2 million annual loss in manufacturing sales tax exemptions. Initiative 695, eliminating motor vehicle excise tax, caused an additional loss in revenue to the city's General Fund and we are further restricted by Referendum 47. If passed this year, Initiative 747 would further limit city property tax growth to a 1% increase over last year, or$197,644, plus effects of new construction and annexations. The city has been responsive to these voter-approved directives and adjusted its budget accordingly. With the passage of Initiative 695, repealing the motor vehicle excise tax in 2000, the city eliminated 11.25 vacant positions and $1,067,506 in planned spending. The 2002 Budget, however, brings with it additional challenges. While the economy was already slowing in the first half of this year,the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks quickened the _ economic downturn.From large to small, Kent businesses are feeling the economic crunch. This is also true for The Boeing Company that employs approximately 8,100 people in our city. We've been watching the impact of these events in our declining sales tax revenue,plan check and permit fees and other revenues. Further,we could see reductions and/or elimination of a variety of state grant funds. These events created serious challenges in developing a 2002 Budget. ' 1WO, A � � . City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Acknowledging this situation,department directors brought forward the leanest set of budget requests I have ever seen.I commend and thank them.Even so,given our fiscal realities,I had to hold the line or trim budget requests yet further. This is the second time in nine years the preliminary budget includes no new positions. The first time was due to position cuts related to Initiative 695 in 2000. The majority of the changes in the — 2002 budget are reallocations,representing the efficiencies achieved and creative thinking across the organization. Despite the unusual measures taken to balance this budget, it was among the hardest to balance in memory. Balancing it will require using$1.2 million of city reserves, reducing the budgeted Ending Fund balance from 10%to 8.1%. This still leaves a balance of$5,223,788 in the General _ Fund. It is not my preference to see our reserves drawn down,but by conservative fiscal management we have built these rainy day funds during the good years precisely for times like this. This will allow the city to continue delivering the current level of service residents have a right to expect,even during economic interruptions. Revenue Strategy The proposed 2002 Budget totals $136 million of which$65 million is allocated to the city's — General Fund. Property Tax-The Preliminary budget was developed conservatively,with the assumption — made that Initiative 747 might pass. Accordingly, only 1%was added to last year's levy for inflation,before considering the impacts of new construction and annexations. This is less than the Implicit Price Deflator of 1.89%,the index used for the basic property tax increases under — current law, and far less than the 3.9%Consumer Price Index that is used as the base for our labor contracts. The 1% assumed under Initiative 747 does not keep pace with the increasing costs of our labor force. If Initiative 747 should fail,however, Council will have an opportunity to review the property tax options before adoption of the final budget. — Sales tax—The sales tax revenue forecast for next year was already conservative,based on a relatively sluggish economy.In the wake of the terrorist attack, sales tax was decreased for the — remainder of 2001 to about 3.9%under budget. Sales tax was also decreased for the 2002 budget by an additional $711,656.No real economic growth was added.The consensus of economic reports as of this writing seems to be that the recession will be short and deep,but that 2002 will recover to a growth rate of around 2% later in the year. Also,I continue to recommend the 25% allocation of sales tax to the Capital Improvement Fund to provide funding for the various capital and lifecycle improvements. — Utility taxes- We have not increased the rates for any of the city utility taxes.However, collections from the sewer utility tax will increase as a result of our passing through the Metro _ sewer rate increase to our customers. Additionally, gas and electric utility taxes have been increased about 35%to more closely reflect the actual trend toward significantly higher energy costs through 2001 and its impact on gas and electric bills. Finally,with the ending of the recycling subsidy,we have retained a greater portion of the garbage utility tax in the General Fund, allocating only the portion to the Environmental Fund that is necessary to maintain the various programs and environmental fund balance. Intergovernmental Revenue-Passage of the EMS levy for Medic One is assumed. The EMS levy is expected to provide$709,416 in 2002 for Fire Basic Life Safety support.Also included is 1- 8 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget $360,624 in Initiative 695 backfill funding. This is still about$700,000 less than the city received before Initiative 695. Governor Locke has indicated that even this amount may be further reduced. Other General Fund Revenues were budgeted at about the same level as 2001 with little or no increases for growth. Total General Fund Revenues are budgeted to increase 4.4%for 2002. Specific Expenditure Issues Before even entertaining utilization of our city reserves,we identified and implemented several cost containment measures. For example,the new contract for waste service eliminates our need to subsidize curbside recycling. Most of this savings now helps the General Fund continue to provide services. Most of our employees are contributing to the city's well being by increasing their cost-sharing portion of individual and family health care coverage costs as well as using the cost containment features of the plan. We anticipate this saves the city approximately$315,000 and eliminates the need for additional General Fund contributions to the Health Care Self- Insurance Fund. Also, replacement of$440,376 of Capital Equipment was deferred and a return of$451,000 of Equipment Rental fees to the General Fund is utilized to help balance the budget. Additionally, a reduction in the state retirement rates is expected to save the city about$800,000 next year. These efforts and others like them helped reduce our potential draw on reserves for 2002. One of the most significant expenditure pressures apart from salary&benefits, continues to be increasing insurance costs. Since the 2000 Budget,we have increased our allocations for insurance by$1,305,830 in and an additional $379,978 for 2002, for a total two year increase of _ $1,685,808 citywide. The General Fund bears about 74%of the Insurance costs. The 2002 increase is recommended to stabilize the city's uninsured property loss, liability, and workers — compensation funds. The Health Insurance Fund has stabilized with cost containment and increased employee contributions. This will provide adequate Fund Balances and will stabilize our self insurance funds. This is conservative fiscal management,with an eye toward the long term. The 2002 budget does not include tax or rate increases with the exception of the pass-through King County Metro rate increase of 18%. Because of the Metro increase both the City and customers will see their bills increase in 2002. The average customer will see their monthly Metro bill of$19.75 increase by$3.65 to$23.40 per month. City utility rates did not increase. The other exception is the proposed increase in golf fees as recommended by the Golf Advisory Board. This will keep our rates in line with other jurisdictions and provide approximately $180,000 of additional revenue. With this revenue and continued efforts to reduce maintenance and operations costs the 2002 budget for the Golf Course shows an increase of revenue over expenditures of$952,045; up from $528,273 in 2000. This will provide funds for their debt payment and provide cash flow. This increase,combined with last year's clean audit on the golf course, shows the golf course operations under city management have improved significantly. Progress and Plans for the 2001-2002 Strategic Plan Kent will not simply sit back and hope for better days. Our strategy is to create them. The policy direction set by the Council in the city's Strategic Plan charts a strong course for action. Each paragraph below outlines recent successes,planned actions, and budget proposals for our Plan's five goal areas. N.- 1 - 9 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Safe Community Our primary goal is to ensure that Kent continues to be a safe community. During 2001, a number of goals were achieved. These achievements include completion of the ..� Fire Strategic Plan, renovations and an additional work crew at the Kent Correctional Facility, community emergency readiness training, and many other successful partnerships. For 2002, $250,000 will make Kent's share of the debt payment on the new Valley _ Communications facility. The budget also includes more than$100,000 for Police and Fire capital items and $34,000 is set aside for a low frequency radio station that can broadcast local traffic conditions to cars traveling Kent's streets. Also,the Kent Police are in the selection process for new public safety computer systems including a new records management system,jail management system, crime analysis tools,officer reporting software, and mugshot management. These systems will be a key element of a future Technology Plan II. Transportation A major goal is to maintain and expand a safe and efficient infrastructure system. While it may not sound like economic development,the job of road building is foundational for the movement of people, and goods. This will, in turn,contribute to a healthy _ economy. We continue to focus on the creation of freight corridors to boost mobility in our office/industrial area. This year we completed the 196th Street project, Kent's portion of the 277`h Corridor, and agreed to manage Auburn's cross-valley portion of the 277°d Corridor. _ In addition to the 277th Corridor, funds are included for 2481" and 94th intersection improvements and for continuation of the extension of Canyon Drive/94th Avenue bike lanes, sidewalks, and intersection improvements as well as intersection improvements at Central and James. Capital — Budget items include $300,000 for annual sidewalk improvements, $497,000 for annual asphalt overlays and funds for an electric utility study. The 2002 Budget also includes funds to begin the city infrastructure improvements for Kent Station. This includes the 2nd Avenue Road extension,widening of 4t`1 Avenue and intersection improvements on 4th Avenue. This will provide roads, sidewalks with street trees, illumination, underground power,water and storm sewer stubs, and new or modified signals. Vibrant Downtown In the past year,we have worked very hard to move our downtown strategy _ forward with Kent Station. Negotiations are underway to complete selection of the developer. We will be holding public input sessions beginning in December and we hope to be back to Council next spring with a signed contract and a schedule of plans for development of the Kent Station site. The potential tax revenue growth Kent Station represents will help grow Kent's economy and keep property taxes low for Kent citizens. This approach is intended to grow our tax base,rather than increasing taxes to existing residents. Strong Economy Our first tactic for this goal is to ensure that Kent is"Business Friendly."This tactic is being realized through development and operation of the one-stop permit center,the revisions to the city codes regarding the permit process, and co-location of the customer services group adjacent to the permit center. In 2002,we expect to develop additional tactics with a city- wide economic development plan. A capital allocation has been proposed in this preliminary budget to allow us to bring the best minds together on this strategic economic plan. While Kent Station is a great first step, it is important to retain our existing business, look at our core north end, as well as both east and west hills to grow a whole Kent economy. I- 1a City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Thrive With Valued Government Services This goal is to continue to deliver valued government services that add quality of life to the Kent community. Recruit, Retain and Train a Professional, Productive and Diverse Workforce In 2002,we will continue to reach out to a diverse pool of candidates interested in working for the City of Kent. To that end, we are recommending $7,000 to support city participation in area job fairs. These job fairs ensure we reach a diversified applicant pool. We will also complete negotiations with Firefighters and Police Officers (goal to complete by 2001 year end). Finally, we will continue implementation of the Kent Management Academy. Provide Proactive, High Quality, Dependable Technology and Multimedia Services to Staff A capital allocation of$2.3 million is proposed for Information Technology. Two million of these dollars are proposed to be funded by 2002 Councilmanic bonds. This allocation will allow the department to begin work on"Tech Plan Il". This initial phase of Tech 11 will focus on acquisition of a Public Safety system but will also provide the tools necessary to achieve staff efficiencies for Public Works and the General Government. A new a point-of-sale cashier installation at Riverbend Golf Complex and City Hall will further safeguard city assets. Enhance Connections and Communication with Citizens During 2002,we will continue to work on our communication audit and plan. This project is funded in a project account from 2001. Finally, we will continue our approach of targeted communications related to specific City services and projects, using this strategy whenever it proves valuable. Timely web page updates will provide efficient communication to our citizens. — t Provide Strategic Management and Financial Services In 2002,we anticipate another aggressive year of advocating for Kent issues before various governmental bodies. We will also continue to integrate our strategic planning efforts with both our performance measurement and budget programs. We will begin collecting data for a number of performance measures used nationwide which will allow Kent to benchmark its operations in coming years. Provide Comprehensive Legal Services to Support City Activities In our Legal Prosecution group we are recommending an increase of$5,000 to increase an administrative position from .8 to full time. Otherwise,the Legal Department has completed its reorganization and is fully staffed.Efficiencies achieved by these efforts will help the department meet the legal needs of several high-profile projects. Provide Positive Recreation Experiences through Quality Services, Partnerships and Facilities In 2001, our Parks Department built and opened two new neighborhood parks and completed renovations to three parks including the historic Neeley House. The Department also continued to deliver a wide range of recreation, athletic and cultural services for all ages. In 2002,we are recommending a capital fund allocation for continued improvement of our Parks. More than $2 million will go into construction of the East Hill Youth Sports Facility that is expected to open in 2003. Also budgeted are funds for the design of the Service Club Ball Fields in southeast Kent and the design and construction of City Center Park for Kent Station. I - 11 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Finally another$300,000 will go into lifecycle maintenance for city facilities and$250,000 for life cycle improvements to parks, ensuring we maintain our facilities. These capital projects are funded by the second quarter percent of the Real Estate Excise Tax,except the $300,000 city facility maintenance that utilizes Capital Improvement Program(CIP)sales tax revenue. Operate Effective Land Use Services and Prepare for Potential Annexations — During 2001,the DeMarco annexation was completed adding 266.6 acres and 882 citizens to the City of Kent. We also completed a report on parking requirements, and continue to track King County land use activities for their potential impacts on Kent.In 2002,we will continue to be — prepared for potential annexations. Implement New Permit Center — 2001 saw the completion of a multi-year effort to construct a one-stop permit center and to retool our permit service delivery system. These efforts have netted a significant reduction in the time it takes to process permits. Customer satisfaction is now being tracked and appears to be on the rise. — We will continue to monitor our performance and seek process improvements that make our permit service even more customer friendly. Deliver Comprehensive Utility Services — The city will continue to deliver comprehensive utility services.This summer,we implemented a successful six step action plan to address Kent's drought. We will also continue work on our Rock Creek Habitat Conservation. Phase I of the Tacoma Second Supply Pipeline Project is — expected to be completed in time for the summer demand of 2002. This project is key in providing water for our future. Other expenditures in this fund are dedicated to enhancing Kent's waterways for fish and to provide maintenance and safety efforts for Kent's water supply. — Human Services In 2001,the Human Services Division completed a feasibility study for a one-stop Human _ Services Center.Implementation issues for such a center will be explored in 2002.Also for 2002, we are recommending using$50,000 of existing Regional Justice Center Human Service Impact Mitigation funds to contract for the completion of the Community Development Block Grant — (CDBG)Entitlement application. This could increase the CDBG funds that would then come directly to the city. If Revenues Improve Significantly If revenues improve significantly,we have carefully prioritized the 2002 unfunded budget requests.Among these,we have identified 12.5 High Priority positions. These are: six public safety positions(three police officers,two fire fighters and one code enforcement officer);2.5 Parks Maintenance workers to maintain newly completed parks; 2 positions in Public Works; a transportation planner; and a Human Resource specialist for help in the implementation of benefits including PERS 3. If revenues improve during 2002,the revenues and these positions will be brought back to Council to be added to the budget. Conclusion 2001 has been a tremendous year of accomplishment for the City of Kent.I believe this success is a result of the careful coordination among the City Council,my office and our staff.I expect we will also make significant progress toward our goals in 2002. _ I am very pleased to be able to submit the proposed 2002 Budget to you for your review and eventual adoption. 1, along with the staff, stand ready to work with you to facilitate your review and to answer any questions you might have. I am extremely proud of the City of Kent and what 1 12 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget we have accomplished working together. All of us, elected officials and staff,have worked hard to create a city that reflects the vision and goals of not only the City Council but the citizens of Kent. I believe that this proposed budget continues in that effort. As I stated earlier,this budget has not been easy to prepare. We now function in a new environment where the September 11,2001 tragedy changed our world. There are many unknowns, and our available revenue becomes more uncertain. Both September 11 and voter approved initiatives can change our revenues seemingly overnight. However,we soldier on. The budget,as proposed,responds to the direction that we have received from the City Council, and community they represent. Despite adding no new positions,the 2002 budget continues to maintain existing services. It also allocates capital funds to continue lifecycle maintenance of our buildings,parks,and streets as well as capital money for replacement of police vehicles, fire and maintenance equipment. The budget includes funds for continuation of corridor projects and the second supply water project, a new youth ball field, and infrastructure at Kent Station. The budget is balanced as required by law,and is based upon conservative financial practices. Even though we are using some of our rainy day reserve,the city continues to be in sound financial condition. In economic good times we will rebuild our reserves to 10%of General Fund expenditures. The city's credit worthiness is highly rated by independent rating agencies. The city has received a clean audit from the State Auditor both with respect to our financial policies and procedures and also with respect to our financial reporting. With your help, I intend to continue these practices and to continue to manage the city's resources carefully and efficiently. As always, I wish to acknowledge the work of the city staff in preparing this budget. This is a process that takes months, and is truly a team effort. I cannot stress enough the role of the staff of the Finance Department without whom the preparation of this budget would be impossible. My thanks to them. The 2002 budget was perhaps the most challenging I have been confronted with during my tenure as Mayor. However, I am satisfied that it serves our residents well. With your help,I know that we can continue to improve upon the work we have already undertaken in years past. And that together,we can continue to make Kent a place where we all can live,work, play and prosper. Respectfully submitted, im White Mayor I -'`13 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 'N**4 K E N T W A S H I N G T O N Connectingfor Success Kent is connecting .. .to the world through international trade. . .to the region through regional planning and cooperation. , . .within the community through networking - and group problem-solving. Kent helps people be successful . . .in raising their families. .. .in taking care of their business needs. _ .. .by being proactive and planning for the community's success. - Kent will help you succeed. Kent is embracing, vital and energized. I - 14 - Citv of Kent Washington 2002 Preliminary Budge KENT CARES Our mission is to enhance the quality of community life for those residing, doing business, and visiting in Kent. Kent CARES about honest and effective government service; protection of life and property; and ensuring that the City provides professional services to the citizens of Kent. Our fundamental beliefs and values which guide the City of Kent in fulfilling this mission are: h We wore 5U h Rf 0: M $ t o mun t 'i-M! wee, t es onsibl ' relab and effi ' MR . a . .. � p : nt y. Yf Y t l ect the ear ": : ,y, a � . Yaa wc, ter•ac c-.—.t. .�. .x.... x ft x raa and solicit open communication g p tg and between Kent1 s City employees, a + business people, and visitors. a m µc Together we can make it happen! KENT HCO� WASH I N G T O N I- 15 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002 BUDGET PROCESS CALENDAR ^..� TARGET & GOAL MEETING COUNCIL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 5/15 i Financial Report- 1 st Quarter CIP—KICK-OFF MEETING 5/21 Council Chambers East 2:00 -3:00 — 6/13 BUDGET CALL Chambers East 2:00 -3:00 Mayor provides budget instructions to departments DEPARTMENTS MEET WITH FINANCE 6/27 -7/20 Review and adjust baseline budgets DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS TO ADMINISTRATION 8/8 -8/24 Departmental Presentation of Issues COUNCIL REGULAR - PUBLIC HEARING ON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (1st public hearing) 8/21 COUNCIL REGULAR 9/18 Public Hearing on 2002 Budget(1st public hearing) Capital Improvement Plan 2002—2007 (2 public hearing) — COUNCIL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 10/2 2002 Preliminary Budget Summary Review Revenues and Expenditure Estimates COUNCIL WORKSHOP 11/6 Overview of 2002 Preliminary Budget Document COUNCIL REVIEWS PRELIMINARY BUDGET 11/6 -12/4 Budget Review COUNCIL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 11/20 Budget Review COUNCIL REGULAR 11/20 _ Public Hearing on 2002 Budget(2nd public hearing) Public Hearing on 2001 Tax Levy for 2002 Budget COUNCIL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 12/4 _ Budget Review and Recommendation COUNCIL REGULAR 12/11 Adoption of 2002 Budget _ Adoption of 2001 Tax Levy Ordinance for 2002 Budget Adoption of 2001 Budget Amendments VA2002 Prelim Bud\BUDCAL.doc 1 - 16 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET PROCESS IDENTIFY TOP AND HIGH PRIORITY TARGET ISSUES (February-April) The City Council, Mayor and Administration usually meet in February or March of each year to review legal mandates and current operating and capital issues. They then set the Target Issues for the next year's budget. REVIEW FINANCIAL FORECAST AND UPDATE BUDGET PROCESS (April-May) Estimated actual revenue and expenditures are projected for the current year using the just completed fiscal year figures and the first quarter of actual revenue and expenditures. The 2002 cost of providing the 2001 level of service is then forecast and matched against projected 2002 revenue. The resulting surplus or shortfall identifies whether the upcoming budget process will be a status quo, program _ expansion or budget cut process. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW(June-August) Previously adopted CIP plans are reviewed during this time, with updated Council priorities and available revenue. This allows a balanced capital plan to be recommended for incorporation into the annual budget. PUBLIC HEARINGS (August, October, November) Council holds open public hearings to receive public input for the next year's budget and Capital plans. BALANCE OPERATING & CAPITAL BUDGETS (August-September) This phase of the budget development process involves detailed analysis of baseline budgets as well as detailed review of program expansion or cuts needed to bring the budget into balance. Financial forecasts are updated by the Finance Department and the final proposed budget is recommended by the Mayor. The Finance Department makes sure that the anal funding recommendations for operating and capital budgets are balanced to the estimated revenues. PRELIMINARY BUDGET AVAILABLE (October- November) The Finance Department prepares the preliminary budget document balancing final revenue forecasts with expenditures. The preliminary printed budget is available on approximately October 15 of each year at the City Clerk and the Finance Department and the Library. BUDGET ADOPTION (October-December) The Mayor's proposed budget is transmitted to the Council. During this time, Council reviews the Mayor's proposed budget, holds public hearings, and recommends any final adjustments that they may deem necessary. The final balanced budget is then adopted by City Council in November or December for the next year. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR CURRENT YEAR BUDGET (December) The Finance Department summarizes all capital and operating budget adjustments Council has approved during the current year plus any additional adjustments into two comprehensive budget adjustment ordinances. This adjustment is adopted by Council as required by State law and shown as "2001 Adjusted Budget" in this document. I -`17 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ...,, . � This page intentionally left blank. — I - 18 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET SUMMARY The BUDGET SUMMARY includes an overview Combined Operating Statement I-20 of the 2002 budget. 2001-2002 Budget Comparison I-21 Revenues by Source I-22 Expenditures by Object I-23 Population vs Staffing Levels I-24 2002 Position Summary I-25 Position Changes— Last 3 years I-26 2002 Operating Program Changes I-28 2002 High Priority Budget Requests I-30 General Fund Trends I-32 Budget Ending Fund Balances I-33 Budget Ending Fund Balances Available for Governmental Use I-34 - _ Fund Structure I-35 General Fund Change in Budget I-36 Budget and Accounting Structure I-38 Budget/Spending Control System I-41 Financial Policies I-42 I 19 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002 Preliminary Budget Combined Operating Statement - Inc (Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund - Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance GOVERNMENTALFUNDS GENERAL FUND 61,811,215 64,678,862 (2,867,647) 8,091,435 5,223,788 - SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street 4,993,734 4,930,974 62,760 637,447 700,207 Lodging Tax Fund 108,774 135,000 (26,226) 43,592 17,366 Youth/Teen Programs 744,162 790,886 (46,724) 243,918 197,194 Capital Improvement 8,544,088 10,488,668 (1,944,580) 2,615,739 671,159 - Criminal Justice 2,307,865 2,711,942 (404,077) 1,258,171 854,094 Environmental Mitigation 185,006 147,729 37,277 262,734 300,011 Community Block Grant 615,671 615,671 Other Operating Projects 591,376 591,376 - DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted 1,790,000 1,786,1303 3,497 57,028 60,525 Councilmanic 7,297,236 7,297,236 Special Assessment 2,625,089 2,819,169 (194,080) 3,222,952 3,028,872 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS _ Street Projects 7,526,000 7,526,000 Parks Projects 5,263,640 5,263,640 Other Projects 3,140,000 3,140,000 - PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water 8,838,764 9,589,921 (751,157) 3,207,184 2,456,027 _ Sewerage 24,120,958 24,030,931 90,027 1,345,057 1,435,084 Golf Complex 2,834,500 2,545,793 288,707 (87,062) 201,645 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental 2,657,533 2,594,602 62,931 3,238,198 3,301,129 Central Services 7,373,212 7,387,610 (14,398) 89,935 75,537 Fire Equipment 443,281 1,154,000 (710,719) 935,793 225,074 - Facilities Fund 4,302,330 4,488,757 (186,427) 279,172 92,745 Insurance 9,314,897 8,886,545 428,352 1,704,024 2,132,376 FIDUCIARY FUNDS - TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Firemen's Pension 258,072 254,936 3,136 3,561,463 3,564,599 Economic Development Corp 8,600 8,385 215 34,157 34,372 - TOTAL GROSS BUDGET 167,696,003 173,865,136 (6,169,133) 30,740,937 24,571,804 LESS: - Internal Service Funds 20,425,400 20,425,400 Other Transfers 17,822,585 17,822,585 TOTAL BUDGET 129,448,018 135,617,151 (6,169,133) 30,740,937 24,571,804 - I - 20 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ 200112002 BUDGET COMPARISON EXPENDITURE BY FUND ANALYSIS 2001 Budget 2002 Preliminary Budget Change Operating Capital Operating Capital $ % GOVERNMENTALFUNDS GENERAL FUND 61,964,773 64,654,862 24,000 2,714,089 4.4 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street 5,784,687 4,899,474 31,500 (853,713) (14.8) Lodging Tax 140,000 135,000 (5,000) Youth/Teen Programs 745,261 790,886 45,625 6.1 Capital Improvement 8,865,573 10,488,668 1,623,095 18.3 Criminal Justice 3,139,971 243,869 2,628,510 83,432 (671,898) (19.9) Environmental Mitigation 461,119 147,729 (313,390) (68.0) Community Block Grant 550,114 182,047 433,624 65,557 11.9 Other Operating Projects 463,006 221,211 306,876 284,500 (92,841) (13.6) DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted 1,789,253 1,786,503 (2,750) (0.2) Councilmanic 6,118,779 7,297,236 1,178,457 19.3 Special Assessment 3,838,221 2,819,169 (1,019,052) (26.6) CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Street Projects 4,271,173 7,526,000 3,254,827 76.2 Parks Projects 1,834,095 5,263,640 3,429,545 187.0 Other Projects 1,022,701 3,140,000 2,117,299 207.0 PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water 7,397,184 1,093,100 8,397,921 1,192,000 1,099,637 13.0 Sewerage 19,064,795 5,622,195 21,137,731 2,893,200 (656,059) (2.7) Golf Complex 2,392,689 2,545,793 153,104 6.4 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental 1,523,965 645,300 2,089,102 505,500 425,337 19.6 Central Services 4,482,818 1,502,701 4,687,610 2,700,000 1,402,091 23.4 Fire Equipment 500,000 600,000 554,000 654,000 130.8 Facilities 4,474,532 725,825 4,143,757 345,000 (711,600) (13.7) Insurance 8,219,645 8,886,545 666,900 8.1 FIDUCIARY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Firemen's Pension 254,936 254,936 Economic Development 6,171 8,385 2,214 35.9 TOTAL GROSS BUDGET 142,177,492 17,182,170 148,888,740 24,976,396 14,505,474 9.1 LESS: Internal Service Funds 18,744,333 20,425,400 1,681,067 9.0 Other Transfers 17,305,327 17,822,585 517,258 3.0 Total Operating Budget 106,127,832 110,640,755 4,512,923 4.3 Total Capital Budget 17,182,170 24,976,396 7,794,226 45.4 TOTAL BUDGET 123,310,002 135,617,151 12,307,149 10.0 1 - 21 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget All Funds Revenue by Source Total Taxes ,Sales Tax 47.1% 17.8% `P.roperty Tax Bond proceeds 8.7% Utility .'.'.'. arid_Other.Tax_ Fines&Forfeitures 11 12 1% � ? _ ,Q 0 m _ _W a z qL Licenses&Permits RI 04 4" �a . 1.5% far 4 _ ae Intergovernmental ` 6.7% charges for Service Interest&Miscellaneous 27 7% 6.8% r 2002 Preliminary Property Tax 22,324,796 _ Sales Tax 23,104,293 Utility and Misc Tax 16,006,032 Charges for Service 35,877,416 Interest& Miscellaneous 8,794,030 Intergovernmental 8,718,378 Licenses & Permits 1,991,444 _ Fines S Forfeitures 1,377,771 Bond proceeds 11,253,858 Total Revenues $129,448,018 The City is fortunate to have diverse revenue streams. Taxes are the primary funding for city services, and of them, both property and sales taxes represent a lions share of tag: revenue. Charges for services are largely user fees for water and sewer utilities. Golf revenues and parks sponsored classes are examples of other forms of this type of revenue. Intergovernmental revenue is primarily from the Fire District 37 contract and shared revenues from the State such as the EMS Levy, Liquor bcard profits and excise taxes. Licenses and permits include business licensing and permitting revenues, and fines and forfeitures are collected for city infractions and court costs. I - 22 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget All Funds Expenditures By Object Capital Outlay Supplies 18.4% 4.0% 4 40:>mow- Debt Service -� *, Services & Salaries & Benefits 0 Allocations 46.2/o 24.4% 2002 Preliminary Salaries & Benefits 62,675,024 Services &Allocations 33,045,350 Debt Service 9,469,243 Capital Outlay 24,976,396 Supplies 5,451,138 Total Expenditures $135,617,151 Salaries and benefits make up almost 46.2% of city expenditures supporting 822.5 full time equivalent positions. Benefits make up 31.2% of that total. Services and allocations are expenditures for outside contractors, consultants and other services. Debt service is the city's debt repayment of principal and interest on the city's bonded debt. These bonds are issued to finance construction of capital projects such as parks, roads, storm sewer and system improvements. Capital outlays are valuable fixed assets with a general lifetime of more than three years, and supply expenditures are for office and operating supplies. I -23 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CL ems- c0 w N O CL 0 E a o r: N Lq a co p O N N W D O N N O O " W O N4 N c0 co co LL d M tea; m M Q� c N " C4 r` N coN M coco N M N O M W N r F w O c0 O — N co �.. .� �_ O N Li O o N r` O co a�M o M O N IDN co O w cn O O N co co N �f) N M N CD CN CD cn D 0 rn r• 0 r` o a' ry, r , 011 N M c r- N W e- N O O U M x€ p C O ' r M aci � U N N �D O Q t= 00 M OAV3 r N r m Ln V O a 0 0 o O O O O ON o o O o C a' o O O O O O O O O O w N O CA Oo r` Lff M N a a 0 N o -0m = O N E 0 W L 0 m En — LL N n2 cnN a M c c o O W Lu .f6 f6 0 cl. LLLLa CL o 0 I - 24 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002 POSITION SUMMARY Full Time(FT) 2002 Regular Part Time(RPT) 2000 2001 Program 2002 All Data in Full-Time Equivalents Final Budget Adjusted Budget Changes Budget GENERAL GOVERNMENT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT City Council 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mayor's Office 7.00 0.50 7.00 0.60 7.00 0.60 City Clerk 3.00 4.00 4.00 Municipal Court 18.00 1.50 19.00 1.50 19.00 1.50 Employee Services 10.00 13.00 13.00 Legal 10.00 1.60 11.00 0.80 1.00 -0.80 12.00 Finance 24.50 0.60 25.50 0.60 25.50 0.60 Community Development 38.00 42.00 42.00 Police 164.00 3.28 166.00 3.41 166.00 3.41 Fire and Life Safety 157.00 1.50 160.00 1.50 160.00 1.50 Public Works 63.00 65.00 65.00 Parks and Community Services 66.25 6.11 68.00 7.51 68.00 7.51 Sub Total 561.75 15.09 581.50 15.92 1.00 -0.80 582.50 15.12 Full Time Equivalents 576.84 597.42 0.20 597.62 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street Utility Fund-Pub Wks 9.00 9.00 9.00 Street Utility Fund-Parks Maint 2.00 2.00 2.00 Capital Improvement-Finance 1.50 1.50 1.50 Criminal Justice-Legal 6.00 7.00 7.00 Criminal Justice-Police 18.25 20.25 20.25 Environmental Fund- Pub Wks 0.50 0.50 0.50 Corn Development Block Grant 4.00 4.00 0.75 4.00 0.75 OTHER OPERATING PROJECTS Project Planner-Zoning 1.00 1.00 1.00 PW Financial Analyst-2yr 1.00 1.00 PW Constr. Inspector(2yr) 1.00 1.00 1.00 PW Transit Pro -Tr Dem Spec. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub Total 44.25 48.25 0.75 48.25 0.75 Full Time Equivalents 44.25 49.00 49.00 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS PW Engr-Commute Reduction 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks 3.00 3.00 3.00 Sub Total 4.00 4.00 4.00 Full Time Equivalents 4.00 4.00 4.00 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Utility Billing-Finance 7.00 1.06 8.00 1.06 8.00 1.06 Utility Operations-Public Works 68.50 74.50 74.50 Golf Complex-Parks 9.00 1.50 9.00 1.50 9.00 1.50 Sub Total 84.50 2.56 91.50 2.56 91.50 2.56 Full Time Equivalents 87.06 94.06 94.06 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Fleet Services 8.00 8.00 8.00 Information Technology 28.75 1.59 29.00 2.31 29.00 2.31 Automation Project 7.00 7.00 7.00 Facilities 21.00 4.41 24.00 3.53 24.00 3.53 Insurance Fund-Emp Services 3.00 4.00 4.00 Sub Total 67.75 6.00 72.00 5.84 72.00 5.84 Full Time Equivalents 73.75 77.84 77.84 Total 762.25 23.65 797.25 25.07 1.00 -0.80 798.25 24.27 Full Time Equivalents 785.90 822.32 0.20 822.52 I - 25 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget POSITION CHANGES - LAST THREE YEARS LIST OF POSITIONS _ Full Time(FT) 2002 Regular Part Time(RPT) 1999 ------------------Changes----------------- All data in Full-Time Equivalents Adj Budget 2000 2001 2002 Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT _ GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1.00 City Council 1.00 7.00 0.60 Mayor's Office 7.00 0.50 0.10 City Clerk 3.00 .00 1.00 4 .00 Municipal Court 1.50 19.00 19.00 1.50 Employee Services 10.00 3.00 .00 Legal 12.00 0.60 -2.00 1.00 1.00 -0.80 1.00 -0.80 12.00 Finance 24.50 0.60 1.50 26.00 0.60 Community Development 41.00 -3.00 4.00 42.00 _ Police 165.00 3.28 -1.00 2.00 0.13 166.00 3.41 Fire and Life Safety 156.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 160.00 1.50 Public Works 65.00 -2.00 2.00 65.00 Parks and Community Services 63.25 6.11 3.00 1.75 1.40 68.00 7.51 TOTAL 565.75 12.99 -3.00 2.10 19.25 0.83 1.00 -0.80 583.00 15.12 Full Time Equivalents 578.74 -0.90 20.08 0.20 598.12 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street Utility-Public Works 9.00 .00 2.00 Street Utility Fund-Parks Maint 2.00 2 Capital Improvement-Finance 1.50 -0.50 1.00 Criminal Justice-Legal 4.00 2.00 1.00 7.00 Criminal Justice-Police 20.25 -2.00 2.00 20.25 Environmental Fund-Public Works 0.50 0.50 Community Dev Block Grant 4.00 0.75 4.00 0.75 OTHER OPERATING PROJECTS Automation Project 6.00 1.00 7.00 Project Planner-Zoning 1.00 1.00 _ Legal-Dom Viol Advocate 1.00 -1.00 Corridor Project-PW Analyst 1.00 1.00 Construction Inspector 1.00 1.00 Transit Project-Demand Spec. 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 50.25 1.00 3.50 0.75 54.75 0.75 Full Time Equivalents 50.25 1.00 4.25 55.50 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS PW Engr-Commute Trip Reduct 1.00 1.00 Parks Projects 1.00 2.00 3.00 TOTAL 2.00 2.00 4.00 Full Time E uivalents 2.00 2.00 4.00 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Utility Billing-Finance 7.00 1.06 1.00 8.00 1.06 Utility Operations-Public Works 67.50 1.00 6.00 74.50 Golf Complex-Parks 6.00 3.00 1.50 9.00 1.50 TOTAL 80.50 1.06 4.00 1.50 7.00 91.50 2.56 Full Time Equivalents 81.56 5.50 7.00 94.06 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Fleet Services 8.00 8.00 Information Technology 27.75 1.84 1.00 -0.25 0.25 0.72 29.00 2.31 Facilities 20.00 2.91 1.00 1.50 3.00 -0.88 24.00 3.53 Insurance Fund-Emp Services 3.00 1.00 4.00 TOTAL 58.75 4.75 2.00 1.25 4.25 -0.16 65.00 5.84 Full Time Equivalents 63.50 3.25 4.09 70.84 ALL FUNDS TOTAL 757.25 18.80 6.00 4.85 34.00 1.42 1.00 -0.80 798.25 24.27 Full Time Equivalents 776.05 10.85 35.42 0.20 822.52 I - 26 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ A . MA ma KIS A s^ .. This page intentionally left blank. I -"27 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002 Proposed Operating Budget Changes Dept ID# Division Item Requested FTE GF$ Other$ Fund Comments Legal _ 6 Prosecution Admin Secretary 1 0.2 5,000 001 Subtotal 0.20 5,000 Comm Dev 13 Planning PC Laptop and PC Projector 14,000 52D I.T./CIP Subtotal 14,000 Fire 77 Suppression Hurst Tool 20,000 150 CIP — 78 Suppression Chainsaws 2,420 001 79 Suppression Gas Powered Ventilation Fans 2,900 001 — 84 Prevention CERT Trailer 7,000 510 Fleet Budget Subtotal 5,320 27,000 Police 22 CEU Polygraph Replacement 10,000 N36 Seized Assets 48 Detectives Meth Lab Safety Supplies 2,000 N36 Seized Assets 49 Detectives Meth Lab Breathing Apparatus 2,000 N36 Seized Assets 50 Detectives Meth Lab Training 1,600 N36 Seized Assets — 51 Detectives Binoculars-Steiner Optic(4) 1,000 001 Approved one 55 Evidence Drug Destruction 5,000 160 67 Corrections Annex Storage-Shelving,misc 2,000 N36 Seized Assets Subtotal 1,000 22,600 _ PW Operations 110 Op Admin ESP Computer Rplcmt(2)@ 4,8 9,600 52D I.T./CIP 120 Street Changeable Message Board 9,000 001 129 Sewer Heavy Duty Eductor Truck 59,000 440 3 way split 130 Storm Computer Replacement 4,500 52D I.T./CIP 133 Storm Blueprint Copier 10,000 440 134 Storm Heavy Duty Eductor Truck 59,000 440 3 way split — 136 Water Dechlor Equipment CH(10) 15,000 410 137 Water Service Meter Data Logger PM 7,000 410 — 139 Water Upgrade Hyd Moding Software 8,000 410 140 Water Source Meters(7) 12,000 410 _ 141 Water Chlorine Analyzers(2) 8,000 410 Approved one I - 28 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002 Proposed Operating Budget Changes Dept ID# Division Item Requested FTE GF$ Other$ Fund Comments 143 Water Heavy Duty Eductor Truck 59,000 410 3 way split 147 Fleet Computer Replacement 4,500 52D I.T./CIP — 148 Fleet Fuel Sys Leak Detect Upgrade 20,000 51 B 500 Street Sprayer Tank#5328 28,000 510 Fleet Budget - 502 Warehouse Komatsu Forklift#5391 25,000 510 Fleet Budget Subtotal 9,000 328,600 Parks 176 Administration Historical Society Director 7,500 001 Requested$30K 179 Facilities Replace Vacuum Clnrs(4) 2,754 540 180 Facilities Replace Floor Polisher 1,500 540 181 Maintenance Riding Mower 6,000 001 T 185 Maintenance Seedavator 9,000 001 186 Maintenance Replace Walk Behind Mower 3,500 001 503 Maintenance 1994 Ford Pickup#6514 25,000 510 1/2 Fleet, 1/2 V78 505 Maintenance 1994 Chevy Cargo Van#6516 0 31,000 510 Fleet Budget 506 Maintenance 1997 Tamdem Trailer#6569 5,500 510 Fleet Budget 508 Maintenance 1998 Chevy Flatbed#6591 31,500 111 Street Fund Subtotal 26,000 97,254 Total Budget Changes 0.20 46,320 489,454 I - 29 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002 High Priority Budget _Requests These were not funded in the recommended budget but are considered high priorities for inclusion in 2002 when financial conditions improve. Dept ID# Division Item Requested FTE GF S Other S Fund — Employee Svs 2 Benefits Benefits Specialist 1 0 52,944 563 3 Risk Mgmt Training Program 27,000 001 Subtotal 1 27,000 52,944 Finance 10 Accounting 3 month TPT 20,000 001 — Subtotal 20,000 Comm Dev 12 Building Code Enforcement Officer 1 55,000 001 Subtotal 11 55,000 — Fire 80 Suppression Fire Fighters 2 78,000 001 Subtotal 2 78,000 Police 31 CEU COPS Grant School Officer I 74,213 N85 32 CEU COPS School Officer-Uniforms 3,000 N85 33 CEU COPS School Officer-Firearm 1,000 N85 — 34 CEU COPS School Ofcr-Ditty Bag 300 N85 35 CEU COPS School Ofcr-Trng Ammo 420 N85 — 36 CEU COPS School Ofcr-Trng Trvl 750 N85 37 CEU COPS School Ofcr-Trng Sbstnc 1,080 N85 — 38 CEU COPS School Ofcr-Trng Tuition 1,080 N85 68 Patrol Patrol Officers(2) 2 70,000 160 69 Patrol Uniforms for 2 Patrol Offcrs 6,000 160 70 Patrol Firearms for 2 Patrol Offcrs 2,000 160 71 Patrol Trng Ammo for 2 Patrol Ofc 840 160 — Subtotal 3 160,683 PW Engineering 86 Eng Transp Transp Planner/Modeler 1 84,337 113 Subtotal 1 84,337 — I - 30 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002 High Priority Budget Requests These were not funded in the recommended budget but are considered high priorities for inclusion in 2002 when financial conditions improve. Dept ID# Division Item Requested FTE GF S Other S Fund PW Operations 93 Water MW3-Locates 1 58,000 410 96 Storm MW3-Vegetation w/supplies 1 58,000 440 Subtotal 2 116,000 Parks 155 Maintenance MW2(1),3/4RPT MW2(2) 2.5 72,000 001 _ 156 Maintenance Supplies for new MW2's 2,000 001 Subtotal 2.5 74,000 Total Budget Changes 12.5 254,000 413,964 1- 31 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O O O O O O e- C6 (p N O O OD O O N N r--C V 00 y N 00 lf') V TO 00 M o o o r- O O r O O O (O N N O) O M O O (p o O n Lo o p 0 0 — 0 i 00 N 00 O N (D 0) LO o) N (n 0 W o p , V { m vLO 'IT v Q W M L f z z LO g " a cc 00 U-) q mm W m r- LO o o 0- m (C) r- o m z s.- _ M r Z O (M 2 W U') O D Z LU m o Z ai r-- ao i T W LL,a CL o rn Z rn x Q c� w Cl)0)ri Cl) m � c (p ao W a) a) 0 F m 0)rn o m m c� (D c6 Zr r N (O W i M M M n F V F CA a) M IT o CA O V O (D _. t- 00 N f� Cl) 1 a m v o v 0 w o (o ao r °�' m o o5 LO i M r i CY) { M (O o O G) r- .- 0) Cl) M CV L _ V M _ 6) 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o N 0 C C C 0 00 0o Cl) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o W Cl) W U W Z W U Z d w > :3 x W m LL W a. T- 32 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ENDING FUND BALANCES AVAILABLE VS UNAVAILABLE FOR GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL USE TITLE 2001 Budget AVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE GOVERNMENTALFUNDS General Fund 5,223,788 5,223,788 Street Fund 700,207 700,207 Lodging Tax Fund 17,366 17,366 Youth/Teen Programs Fund 197,194 197,194 Capital Imp Fund 671,159 671,159 Criminal Justice 854,094 854,094 Environmental Fund 300,011 300,011 Other Operating Projects Voted Debt Service 60,525 60,525 Councilmanic Debt Service Special Assessment Debt Service 3,028,872 3,028,872 Parks Capital Projects Subtotal Governmental Funds 11,053,216 5,894,947 5,158,269 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Fund 2,456,027 2,456,027 Sewerage Fund 1,435,084 1,435,084 Golf Complex Fund 201,645 201,645 INTERNAL SERVICES FUNDS Equipment Rental I'd(80%) 3,301,129 3,301,129 Central Services Fd(80%) 75,537 75,537 Fire Equipment Fund 225,074 225,074 Facilities Fund 92,745 92,745 Insurance Fund(80%) 2,132,376 2,132,376 TRUST&AGENCY FUNDS Firefighters Pension 3,564,599 3,564,599 Economic Development Corp 34,372 34,372 24,571,804 6,120,021 18,451,783 %of General Fund Expenditures 9.5% Possible deferral of Capital Projects Sales Tax-CIP Fund 1,543,407 Gas Tax-Unrestricted Street Fund 1,163,959 Total potentially available 8,827,387 %of General Fund Expenditures 13.7% 80%of Internal Service Balances 4,407,234 Maximum Available 13,234,621 %of General Fund Expenditures 20.5% I - 33 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FUND BALANCES AVAILABLE FOR USE IN ECONOMIC DOWNTURNS The City of Kent's policy is to maintain a conservative, fiscally prudent approach to budgeting and _ management of its fiscal affairs. Per Council Resolution 1327, the city had been adding 1% each year to the General Fund Contingency account (fund balance designated for contingency) with the goal of reaching 10% of the General Fund expenditures for the year. The 1998 budget achieved that goal. With the current economic downturn, the 2002 proposed budget utilizes a portion of that reserve as originally intended, to maintain our current high level of service while we manage our resources to keep the budget in balance. The General Fund reserves are still maintained at 8.1% and continue to provide flexibility for cash flow needs. The Capital Improvement Fund available reserves total $671,159 for a combined total of $5,894,947 or 9.1% of the General Fund expenditures. The Contingency account is intended to provide for seasonal cash flow needs and a cushion in times of economic downturns, enabling the city to weather such periods with a minimum impact on the levels of service provided. The proposed budget dedicates 25% of the sales tax revenue, or $5,279,462 for 2002 to be used for Capital Expenditures. Most cities use this revenue source for operations. Likewise, the Council could allocate the entire sales tax portion of the capital improvements to operations if needed. The city could also defer capital expenditures in the Street fund and utilize unrestricted gas tax of $1,163,959 for street maintenance. The Fire Equipment Replacement Fund is used by the city to provide funding for fire apparatus and major pieces of equipment on a pay as you go basis. These items are typically paid for through public safety bond issues in many cities. The fund balance here that could be deferred if necessary would be the entire fund balance. For 2002 this amount would be $225,074. The city also uses Internal Service Funds to reduce operating costs on a continual basis by providing major services in house and accumulating reserves for equipment replacement, with the Equipment Rental Replacement Fund and _ Insurance Fund. These funds, by nature of their purpose and operations, maintain fairly large fund balances. Since approximately 80% of these reserves came from the General Fund, if it were necessary in time of crisis, the Council could authorize the use of these fund balances (80%). Equipment could _ then be financed through Councilmanic bonds, as necessary. If the Self-Insurance Reserve of $2,132,376 were used in an extreme economic downturn, the long-term benefit of these reserves would be lost, but the immediate impact on general governmental services in a severe downturn could be _ minimized. The opposite page lists the city's budgeted ending fund balances for 2002 and shows which are unavailable to use versus those that could be appropriated for operations if necessary. The total available is $6,120,021 and represents 9.5% of the General Fund expenditures for 2002. The _ funds listed as available include the General Fund, the Capital Improvement Fund, and the Fire Equipment Replacement Fund, all of which the Council could appropriate in time of crisis. The additional deferral of capital projects could allow $1,543,407 from the Capital Improvement Fund and $1,163,959 from Unrestricted Street for a possible total of$8,827,387 or 13.7%. Finally, tapping the Internal Service Funds in a more severe crisis would add up to $4,407,234 for a total of $13,234,621 or 20.5%. I - 34 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget City of Kent Fund Structure 2001 Total Budget *$173,601,815 Operating Budget Capital Budget $148,625,419 $24,976,3% General Special Debt Internal Enterprise Capital Governmental S Enterprise Governmental Revenue Service Service Funds Projects Internal Service Funds Fund Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds $64,654,862 $19,579,190 $11,902,908 $20,407,014 $32,081,445 $15,929,640 $4,961,556 $4,085,200 City Council Street Voted Fleet Services Water Street Projects Fleet Services Water $263,179 $4,899,474 $1,786,503 ""$2,089,102 $8,397,921 $7,526,000 $505,500 $1,192.000 Mayor's Office Lodging Tax Councilmonic Central Services Sewerage Parks Projects Central Services Sewerage $1,736,931 $135,000 $7,297,236 ""$4,687,610 $21,137,731 $5,263,640 $2,700,000 $2,893.200 Municipal Youth/Teen Special Fire Equipment Golf Complex Other Projects Facilities Court Programs Assessment $600,000 $2,545,793 $3,140,000 $345,000 $1,764,342 $790,886 $2,819,169 Facilities Fire Equipment Employee Capital $4,143,757 $554,000 Services Improvement $1,422,324 $10,488,668 Insurance General Fund $8,886,545 $24,000 Legal Criminal Justice $1,003,046 —$2,628,510 Street $31,500 Finance Environmental $1,798,702 Mitigation Criminal Justice $147,729 $83,432 Community Development Community Community Dev $3,770,445 Block Grant Black Grant $182,G47 $433,624 Police $19,842,731 Other Operating Other Operating Projects Projects Fire and Life $306,876 $284,500 Safety $17,282,969 Public Works $5,314,663 Parks 6 _ Community S *Includes Interfund Transfers and Internal Services $10,455,530 **Excludes Trust and Agency Funds I - 35 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERALFUND PERCENT CHANGE IN BUDGET BY REVENUE SOURCE + 1998 1999 2000 2001 1998 -2000 2002 Actual Actual Actual Est Act Average Preliminary Taxes Property 15,035,518 17,017,316 18,777,708 19,621,728 20,440,390 -- % Change 4.9% 13.2% 10.3% 4.5% 8.2% 3.1% Sales 13,074,448 13,574,906 15,348,541 15,704,119 16,022,813 % Change (4.5%) 3.8% 13.1% 2.3% 3.7% 2.6% - Utility 5,958,992 6,645,603 7,321,993 9,246,811 9,313,990 % Change 5.6% 11.5% 10.2% 26.3% 13.4% 23.4% - Other 406,502 444,147 436,795 432,231 406,909 % Change (17.9%) 9.3% (1.7%) (-1.0%) -2.8% (10.0%) Licenses and Permits 1,401,515 1,912,083 1,743,034 1,796,958 1,982,756 % Change 10.2% 36.4% (8.8%) 3.1% 10.2% (0.3%) Intergovernmental 5,067,971 5,187,043 4,699,731 4,821,195 4,923,513 % Change (9.8%) 2.3% (9.4%) 2.6% -3.6% 3.8% Charges for Services 2,482,916 2,924,400 3,591,392 3,185,767 3,534,357 % Change 3.7% 17.8% 22.8% (11.3%) 8.2% 1.1% Fines and Forfeitures 933,942 1,152,383 1,237,273 1,324,525 1,337,771 % Change 5.3% 23.4% 7.4% 7.1% 10.8% 5.5% Interest Income 1,319,809 471,037 1,343,884 1,082,041 1,082,292 % Change 28.0% (64.3%) 185.3% (19.5%) 32.4% (1.0%) Miscellaneous Revenue 903,709 905,452 951,113 772,156 582,691 % Change 10.3% 0.2% 5.0% (18.8%) -0.8% (31.2%) Total 46,585,322 50,234,370 55,451,464 57,987,531 59,627,482 % Change 0.9% 7.8% 10.4% 4.6% 5.9% 4.8% Sales taxes are reduced for audit effects and Regional Justice Center impacts. The sales tax reductions include$130,786 for 1997, $1,768,368 for 1998, $536,111 for 1999 and 360,000 for 2000. 2000 has been shown here at a 75/25 split for comparison with the other years. I - 36 - Trendsxrs 10/26/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERALFUND PERCENT CHANGE IN BUDGET BY OBJECT CODE 1998 1999 2000 2001 1998 -2000 2002 Actual Actual Actual Est Act Average Preliminary Salaries and Benefits 35,490,317 38,411,202 41,703,275 45,035,511 47,938,072 % Change 9.7% 8.2% 8.6% 8.0% 8.6% 4.1% Supplies 2,001,112 2,125,031 2,093,381 2,651,067 2,827,930 % Change 7.4% 6.2% (1.5%) 26.6% 9.7% 4.0% Services and charges 15,014,555 15,299,367 15,776,759 16,972,490 18,260,899 % Change 13.4% 1.9% 3.1% 7.6% 6.5% 5.2% Capital outlay 234,801 209,695 98,866 2,148 24,000 14.3% (10.7%) (52.9%) (97.8%) -36.8% 990.9% Subtotal 52,740,785 56,045,295 59,672,281 64,661,216 69,050,901 % Change 10.6% 6.3% 6.5% 8.4% 7.9% 4.4% Cost allocation (3,357,540) (3,618,040) (4,024,686) (4,193,504) (4,469,431) % Change 8.4% 7.8% 11.2% 4.2% 7.9% 5.1% ,rand Total 49,383,245 52,427,255 55,647,595 60,467,712 64,581,470 _. % Change 10.8% 6.2% 6.1% 8.7% 7.9% 4.3% Net Transfers In (Out) 1,242,510 281,333 1,309,656 1,077,495 2,086,341 213.1% (77.4%) 365.5% (17.7%) 120.9% 86.1% Fund Balance Changes From : Revenue Over Budget 5.0% 0.9% 5.8% 1.5% 3.3% Expenditure Under Budg 2.6% 3.0% 0.9% 2.4% 2.2% Trends.As 10/2612001 37 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING STRUCTURE The City of Kent, as all governmental units, operates its budget and accounting system based on a fund structure. Funds are established to segregate specific revenue to ensure their expenditure within applicable legal and contractual provisions. Revenues are allocated to and accounted for in individual _ funds based on the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which the spending activities are to be controlled. The City of Kent operates with the seven basic fund types. Within each fund type there may exist one or more individual funds. The City of Kent operates with 25 individual funds. _ The fund types are listed below under their three major subheadings. FUND/PURPOSE RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER FUNDS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund The General Fund is the principal operating The General Fund "buys" services from the fund of the City. It accounts for the financial Internal Service Funds: fuel and rental of _ resources of the City which are not accounted vehicles from the Equipment Rental Fund; for in any other fund. Principal sources of suppliers, postage, photocopy, printing and revenue are property taxes, sales and use graphics, cable TV services, data processing taxes, utility taxes, licenses and permits, state and telephone services from Central Services; shared revenues, charges for services and facility maintenance and operation services interest income. Primary expenditures are for from Facilities; and insurance from the general City administration, police and fire Insurance Fund. Costs are allocated to all protection, engineering and planning services, funds in an effort to distribute accounting, park and street maintenance, and cultural and budgeting, legal and human resource services recreational services. as well as street, engineering and park services. General Fund also transfers funds for minor projects. Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are used to account for specific revenue sources that would otherwise Taxes and grants are collected in the Street be accounted for in the General Fund, but for Fund, Lodging Tax Fund, Youth Teen which there exists certain legal restrictions as to Programs Fund, Capital Improvement Fund, the use of certain revenues. The revenue is Criminal Justice, Environmental Mitigation _ segregated into individual special revenue funds Fund, and the Community Development Block to ensure expenditure for a designated purpose. Grant Fund. Transfers from the Street and Principal sources of revenue are: state shared Capital Improvement Funds are primarily to the fuel tax, earmarked sales and utility taxes and Capital Project Funds or the Councilmanic Debt community development block grant funds. The Service Fund. major portion of these resources are transferred to other funds for debt retirement, capital acquisition and specific purposes operations. I - 38 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING STRUCTURE _ FUND/PURPOSE RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER FUNDS Debt Service Funds Debt Service Funds are used to account for the The Debt Service Funds receive the transfers accumulation of resources to be used for the from the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, retirement of general long-term debt. The city Water Fund, Golf Course Fund and Central has three types of general long-term debt for Service Fund to pay principal and interest on which resources are accumulated: general councilmanic debt issues. obligation long-term debt (voted, general obligation long-term debt and councilmanic) and special assessment debt. Sources of revenue to fund the retirement of general obligation long-term debt are property taxes and transfers in from other funds. Special assessments are levied and received to retire special assessment - debt. Capital Projects Funds Capital Projects Funds are used to account for Transfers are received from Special Revenue the financing of major one time only capital and other funds as a partial source of funds projects other than those financed by Proprietary needed to complete projects. Funds. Sources of revenue are: proceeds of debt issuance, grants, and transfers from other funds. PROPRIETARY FUNDS Enterprise Funds Enterprise Funds are used to account for the The Enterprise Funds "buy" services from the financing of services provided to the general Equipment Rental Fund for equipment rental and public where all or most of the costs involved are fuel; from the Insurance Fund for insurance paid for by user charges. Operations financed as needs; from the Central Service Funds for stores, enterprise funds are operated in a manner similar telephone, postage, photocopying, printing and to private business enterprises. Kent's enterprise graphics and cable TV services, data processing funds are funded through water, sewer, and and telecommunications; and from the Facilities drainage utility charges and recreational charges fund for facility maintenance and operation at the city's golf complex. services. The Enterprise Funds also reimburse the General Fund for cost allocations for budgeting, accounting, human resource, legal and engineering costs which relate to Enterprise Funds. Other funds purchase utilities at the same rate as the general public. I 39 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING STRUCTURE FUND/PURPOSE RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER FUNDS _ Internal Service Funds Internal Service Funds are used to account for Centralizes costs for equipment rental, central the financing of specific services performed by services and insurance. These services are designated organizations within the city for "sold"to other funds at cost plus a reserve for other organizations within the city. The city's future needs. Equipment Rental, Central Service, Fire Equipment Replacement, Facilities Maintenance and Planning, and Insurance Funds provide centrally administered services — then generate revenue by billing the organization to which the service is provided. FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES Trust and Agency Funds Trust and Agency Funds are used to account Economic Development Corporation may make for assets held by the city as trustee or agent transfers to Special Revenue Funds for for individuals, private organizations or other projects enhancing economic growth in the city. governmental units. The city's Trust Funds provide pension benefits for former city firefighters hired before 1970. The city's Agency Fund functions primarily as a clearing mechanism for cash resources which are collected by the City of Kent, held for a period of time and then disbursed to authorized — recipients or funds. I -40 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET AND SPENDING CONTROL SYSTEM Budgets serve as control mechanisms in the operations of governmental units. Legal budgetary (expenditure) control in the City of Kent is maintained at the fund level. Administration can amend budgets with no overall dollar increase between departments within a fund. Supplemental appropriations that amend total expenditures or in the case of Proprietary and Fiduciary Funds amend working capital require a City Council ordinance. All operating budgets lapse at year end. General and Special Revenue Funds control expenditures with a legal annual budget at the fund level. Debt Service Funds operate under the control of the bond indentures which established them. Capital Projects Funds operate under the control of total project authorization, rather than the annual budget. Proprietary Funds control expenditures with a flexible budget whereby the expenditure increases must be offset by increased resources. Fiduciary Funds are controlled based upon state law or local ordinances. Though budgetary control is at the fund level, budget and actual information is maintained by project, organization, program and object. Both budget and actual information is presented on a GAAP basis of accounting. The city must adopt its annual budget by December of the preceding fiscal year . This usually follows six months of analysis by staff and City Council. The first step involves the establishment of the baseline budget required to carryexisting programs into the ne)Q year. The second step in analysis involves the development of issues impacting the next year and beyond and their prioritization by City Council. The emphasis is placed on the General and Special Revenue Funds since the operation of other funds are tied to ordinances, contractual agreements or separately — established rate structures. Once the baseline operations have been reviewed and adjusted based on administrative policy, program expansion is included to the level of projected available resources after the establishment of sufficient fund balances. After the preliminary budget document is prepared, the City Council spends approximately one month reviewing it on a department by department basis. Public meetings are held to gather public input. When the budget review and final adjustment period is complete a balanced budget as required by state law is adopted by ordinance. After adoption, periodic budget adjustments that affect total fund expenditures are made as approved by City Council, but a final budget adjustment ordinance covering all approved changes is adopted at year end. I -41 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FINANCIAL POLICIES FINANCIAL STABILITY POLICIES _ General Fund Reserves - Per Resolution #1327, beginning with the 1993 budget, the General Fund Contingency Account shall be increased each year by one percent (1%) of the city's total General Fund expenditures for that year until the General Fund Contingency Account has reached a level of 10% of the General Fund budgeted expenditures. The policy is designed to provide a fiscal cushion, meet seasonal cash flow shortfalls, and meet emergency conditions. The reserve is budgeted at 10% for — 2001. Equipment Rental Replacement Fund-The city will maintain an Equipment Rental Fund adequately funded to replace a fleet of vehicles and other heavy equipment at their scheduled replacement time. Similarly, in 1995 the city established a new Fire Equipment Replacement fund, with the purpose of providing for a systematic replacement of Fire Equipment and apparatus on a continuing basis from operating revenues. Self Insurance Program - The city will maintain an actuarially sound self insurance program for unemployment, worker's compensation, liability insurance and health insurance. The unemployment fund was determined actuarially sound as of 12/31/91 with an actuarial study published in 1992. The workers compensation fund had an actuarial study as of December 31, 2000 published in June 2001. The study indicated a need to increase rates to co\,er future payments of existing claims, and provide sufficient reserves as deemed by management. The liability insurance fund is funded through the Washington City's Insurance Authority for claims over$100,000. A review of the Health Insurance fund in 1999 indicated a need to increase the contribution rates. An increase of 20% is included in the 2001 — budget. Property coverage is provided by individual insurance carriers Pension Funds - The city will maintain an actuarially funded Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund that was determined actuarially sound as of January 1, 1996. Current fund balance exceeds present value of future benefits determined in 1996. OPERATING BUDGET POLICIES City Target Issues - The City Council will update its city target issues in the early spring of each year. The staff will use these target issues for development of th;� following year's budget priorities. Conservative Expenditure Budgeting- The city will maintain its conservative expenditure budgeting with respect to budgeting full time positions for a full year. — Self Supporting Enterprise Funds - The city's water, sewer and golf course enterprise funds will be self supporting along with its internal service funds of Equipment Rental, Central Services, Fire Equipment Replacement, Insurance and Facilities Fund. I - 42 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FINANCIAL POLICIES REVENUE POLICIES Aggressive Collection Effort- The city will follow an aggressive policy of collecting all monies due the city to the extent that the collection efforts remain cost effective. User Charges Related to Costs - The city will review fees and charges on a periodic basis and will s modify charges to adequately keep pace with increasing costs of providing services. User Charges and Taxes Related to Market Rates - The city will consider its user charges and its tax rates in connection with those of neighboring communities and similar service providers, so that it will provide reasonable rates to maintain its advantage in the market place in attracting businesses and residences to the City of Kent. CAPITAL BUDGETING POLICIES Committed Special Revenue Funds - The city will maintain its practice of designating its street and capital improvement revenue sources including a percentage of its sales tax collections for the funding of its capital improvement program. Capital Improvement Program - The city will update its capital facilities plan on an annual basis as required by the Growth Management Act. A preliminary plan will be established early in the budgeting process to serve as a guideline during the year, with a final amendment adopted after adoption of the operating budgets to reflect the necessary changes in the citys Comprehensive Plan. Local Improvement District Program-The city will continue to rely on a strong local improvement district _ program for certain street, water and sewer improvements. This will be funded with no protest covenants obtained from property owners whenever possible. DEBT POLICIES Bond Rating-The city will continue to strive to improve its bond rating by improving its financial stability. Debt Capacity- The city will strive to maintain adequate available debt capacity for large top priority projects. Special Assessment Guaranty Fund-The city will strive to maintain adequate reserves for retirement of special assessment debt through the maintenance of a special assessment guaranty fund at least 12 percent of outstanding special assessment debt. Interfund Borrowing-The city will use interfund borrowing where such borrowing is cost effective to both the borrowing and the lending fund. Such borrowing shall implement Council directed policy in a simplified manner, such as borrowing associated with interim financing for local improvement district projects. I -43 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FINANCIAL POLICIES _ INVESTMENT POLICY Investment Security& Earnings Maximization-An investment policy was implemented per Ordinance #3278 in 1996 which detail the city's investment guidelines. The primary objective is to preserve the principal of the investment portfolio while maximizing the portfolio's return. FINANCIAL REPORTING Reporting Improvements-The city will strive to continue to make improvements in its financial reporting scheme so that information available to the public, the city's governing bodies and other city departments is the best available for sound financial decisions. — Financial Trend Monitoring - The city will develop a prograrn to evaluate its financial condition and establish a system for correcting any deficiencies noted. _ Annual Audits-The city will assist the State Auditor's Office in whatever way possible in conjunction with the preparation of the annual audit, and will implement modifications identified by the State Auditor to improve the city's internal control and financial practices. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles-The city will maintain its position as a leader in producing financial reports in conformance with generally accepted accounting principles and pronouncements by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Basis of Accounting - The basis for accounting for the general fund, special revenue, debt service, capital projects and agency funds is modified accrual. Modified accrual recognizes revenues when they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. The basis of accounting for the enterprise, internal service funds and pension trust fund is full accrual. The appropriate _ basis is used throughout the budgeting, accounting and reporting processes. However, since the focus in budgeting is on the revenues and expendable accounts, depreciation and amortization are not considered budgetary accounts, and are excluded from the budgeting system. I -44 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) is a 2002-2007 CIP Source of Funds I-46 six year plan developed and updated annually. 2002-2007 CIP Projects Forecast I-47 Included is a listing of Capital Improvement Projects for 2002 to 2007. 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Program I-48 Long Term Debt I-56 Future Bond Issues I-58 Legal Debt Margin I-59 I -45 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002 - 2007 Capital Improvement Program Sources of Funds Amounts in 000's Street Fund Councilmanic Bond 9% Utiltiy Revenue Proceeds - Bonds 27% 10% Utility Funds _ Voted Public Safety 17% Bonds - 19% Capital Improvement Alternative Funding % / Fund Sources-Parks - _Grants 1 0 �.. 1% Other Funding 4% Sources 1% I 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total - Sources of Funds Capital Improvement Fund 4,329 2,735 2,775 2,813 2,805 2,950 18,407 Grants - 2,532 945 340 1,600 1,450 6,867 - Other Funding Sources 368 173 83 109 109 234 1,076 Alternative Funding Sources-Parks - 284 455 315 75 675 1,804 Voted Public Safety Bonds 30,000 30,000 Councilmanic Bond Proceeds 11,216 20,500 10,900 42,616 - Street Fund 3,210 3,563 190 3,049 2,691 1,144 13,847 Utiltiy Revenue Bonds 10,000 5,125 15,125 Utility Funds 4,313 4,822 6,102 5,571 3,152 2,178 26,138 - Total Sources of Funds 23,436 44,109 41,050 12,197 26,457 8,631 155,880 I - 46 cw CIP 6yr plan 02.xls 10/30/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget i t� L2002 - 2007 Capital Improvement Program Projects Forecast Amounts in 000's L Public Safety 23% L Transportation 18% Parks, °. Recreation & Community LServices 16% Utility Fund Projects General 25% Government 20% L 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total Projects Transportation 7,526 3,852 8,790 3,074 4,491 1,044 28,777 Public Safety 535 30,350 350 350 3,350 350 35,285 Parks, Recreation 5,263 4,190 2,913 2,307 3,069 4,164 21,906 &Community Services General Government 6,099 1,195 13,195 1,195 7,570 1,195 30,449 Utility Fund Projects 4,013 4,522 16,002 6,271 4,877 3,778 39,463 Total Projects 23,436 44,109 41,250 13,197 23,357 10,531 155,880 cw CIP 6yr plan 02.xls 10/30/2001 1 - 47 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SOURCES AND USES SUMMARY - AMOUNTS IN 000'S Total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Sources of Funds _ Capital Improvement Fund 7,684 1,584 1,220 1,220 1,220 1,220 1,220 CIP Fund-REET 2nd Qtr 10,723 2,745 1,515 1,555 1,593 1,585 1,730 Youth/Teen 769 269 165 35 100 100 100 Street Fund 13,847 3,210 3,563 190 3,049 2,691 1,144 Councilmanic Bond Proceeds 34,241 11,216 15,500 7,525 _ Councilmanic Bonds Shops Facility 8,375 5,000 3,375 Voted Public Safety Bonds 30,000 30,000 Donations and Contributions 140 40 100 Other Funding Sources 167 99 8 8 9 9 34 - Alternative Funding Sources-Parks 1,804 284 455 315 75 675 Grants-Parks Projects 5,778 2,143 745 215 11225 1,450 Grants-Street Projects 11089 389 200 125 375 Water Fund 10,225 1,347 1,520 2,822 3,099 628 809 Sewer Utility Fund 3,086 585 462 677 440 454 468 _ Drainage Utility Fund 12,827 2,381 2,840 2,603 2,032 2,070 901 Utility Revenue Bonds 15,125 10,000 5,125 Total Sources of Funds 155,880 23,436 44,109 41,050 12,197 26,457 8,631 _ Transportation Corridor Improvements 6,495 890 1,180 1,720 1,180 1,525 Arterials 3,817 1,017 650 500 500 1,150 '- Intersection&Signal Improvements 3,799 1,524 925 450 250 650 Other Improvements 14,666 4,095 1,097 6,120 1,144 1,166 1,044 Total Transportation 28,777 7,526 3,852 8,790 3,074 4,491 1,044 - Public Safety Fire&Life Safety Requests 1,835 460 275 275 275 275 275 Police 450 75 75 75 75 75 75 Public Safety Facilities 33,000 30,00c) 3,000 Total Public Safety 35,285 535 30,350 350 350 3,350 350 Parks, Recreation - &Community Services 21,906 5,263 4,190 2,913 2,307 3,069 4,164 General Government General Government Facilities 17,145 2,045 345 7,345 345 6,720 345 - Other General Government 13,304 4,054 85) 5,850 850 850 850 Total General Government 30,449 6,099 1,195 13,195 1,195 7,570 1,195 Utility Fund Projects Sanitary Sewer 2,486 485 362 577 340 354 368 Stormwater Drainage 16,227 2,281 2,740 2,703 2,932 2,870 2,701 Water Projects 9,625 1,247 1,420 2,722 2,999 528 709 Easthill Maint Facility 10,000 10,000 125 Shops Renovation 1,125 1, Total Utility Fund Projects 39,463 4,013 4,522 16,002 6,271 4,877 77 3,778 - Total All Projects 155,880 23,436 44,109 41,250 13,197 23,357 10,531 I - 48 cw CIP 6yr plan 02.x1s 10/30/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget TRANSPORTATION 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AMOUNTS IN 000's Total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Sources of Funds Grants 1,089 389 200 125 375 Councilmanic Bond Proceeds 14,441 4,416 8,500 1,525 Street Fund 13,247 3,110 3,463 90 2,949 2,591 1,044 Total Sources of Funds 28,777 7,526 3,852 8,790 3,074 4,491 1,044 Projects Funded Kent Station Street/Traffic 2,900 2,900 Corridors 228th Corridor- West Corridor 5,785 180 1,180 1,720 1,180 1,525 196th Corridor 710 710 Arterials 256th Street Widening 767 767 212th Street Rehab 650 650 _ 132nd Ave Improvements(240th-244th) 250 250 72nd Avenue(196th-200th) 500 500 84th Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation 500 500 Military Road Improvements 150 150 116th Ave Imp(256th-KK(SR516)) 500 500 Central Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation 500 500 Intersection &Road Improvements James&Central Intersection Improve 318 318 4th&Willis Roundabout 600 200 400 WVH &277th Intersection Improvement 250 250 94th Ave @ Canyon Dr Traffic Signal 200 200 _ 1-5 &277th Intersection Improvement 475 275 200 Military Rd&277th Intersection Improve 650 650 116th &248th Signal 250 250 124th&248th Signal 250 250 132nd&248th Street Improvement 806 806 Other Improvements Miscellaneous Asphalt Overlays 3,299 497 517 538 560 582 605 - Slurry Seal Program 400 50 75 75 75 75 50 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Installation 1,800 300 300 300 300 300 300 Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet Replacement 40 40 Neighborhood Traffic Control 75 75 City Wide Guardrail&Safety Improvement 30 30 Street Striping Program 522 83 85 87 89 89 89 Signal Battery Backup 600 120 120 120 120 120 Easthill Maint Facility 5,000 5,000 Total Projects Funded 28,777 7,526 3,852 8,790 3,074 4,491 1,044 cw CIP 6yr plan 02.xls 10/30/2001 1 -49 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget PUBLIC SAFETY 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AMOUNTS IN 000's Total 2002 i'.003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Sources of Funds Councilmanic Bonds 3,000 3,000 Voted Public Safety Bonds 30,000 30,000 CIP Revenues Required 2,285 535 350 350 350 350 350 Total Sources of Funds 35,285 535 30,350 350 350 3,350 350 Fire&Life Safety Projects Fire Equipment Replacement Fund 1,400 400 200 200 200 200 200 Breathing Apparatus/Pass Alarm Replacement Program 40 40 Hurst Tool Replacement 20 20 Other Fire&Life Safety Projects 375 75 75 75 75 75 _ Total Approved Fire&Life Safety Projects 1,835 460 275 275 275 275 275 Police Projects Radios 75 75 Misc Police Projects 375 75 75 75 75 75 Total Approved Police Projects 450 75 75 75 75 75 75 Public Safety Facilities Projects Municipal Court Building 3,000 3,000 Other Public Safety Facility Improvements 30,000 30,000 Subtotal Public Safety Facilites 33,000 - 30,000 - - 3,000 - _ Total Public Safety Projects 35,285 535 30,350 350 350 3,350 350 I - 50 _ cw CIP 6yr plan 02.xls 10/30/2001 Cityof Kent, Washington PARKS,RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES y 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2002 Preliminary B dget AMOUNTS IN 000's TOTAL 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Sources of Funds REET 2nd Qtr 10,723 2,745 1,515 1,555 1,593 1,585 1,730 CIP Revenues 425 50 75 75 75 75 75 Donations/Contributions 140 40 100 Alternative Funding 1,804 284 455 315 75 675 Fee-in-lieu 25 25 Youth/Teen 769 269 165 35 100 100 100 State Fuel Tax 51 8 8 8 9 9 9 Councilmanic Bonds 2,100 2,100 General Fund 91 91 Grants 5,778 2,143 745 215 1,225 1,450 Total Sources of Funds 21,906 5,263 4,190 2,913 2,307 3,069 4,164 - Proiects Sports Fields Soccer Field Renovation 800 800 Service Club Ballfields 2,450 80 120 1,250 1,000 Service Club Park Acquisition 750 750 East Hill Youth Sports Complex 300 300 Commons Playfield Renovations 1,040 1,040 Park Development Land Acquisition 450 150 75 75 75 75 Uplands Playfield Improvements 40 40 228th Corridor Park/Trailhead(Russell Woods) 25 25 Interurban Trail 30 30 Green River Corridor 25 25 Grant Matching Funds 450 50 100 75 75 75 75 East Hill Youth Sports Facility Development 3,530 3,380 150 Skate Park Development 300 300 International Parks Acquisition/Development 10 10 Town Square Park 1,100 1,100 Lake Fenwick Park Development 75 75 Riverwalk/Riverview Park Development 562 12 550 Youth/Teen Capital Projects 604 269 35 100 100 100 Clark Lake Development 700 700 West Hill Amphitheater 80 80 Mill Creek Gould Property Development 500 500 BMX Property Donation 200 200 Green River Corridor Acquisition 500 500 East Hill Park Land Acquisition 500 500 Neighborhood Parks Development Canterbury Park Development 339 339 West Hill Park Development (Seattle Water) 777 600 177 132nd Street Park Development 794 44 750 S.272nd St.Neighborhood Park Development 620 20 600 Turnkey Park Acquisition&Parking Lot Devel 200 200 Panther Lake Neighborhood Park Acquisition 310 310 Major Capital&Lifecycle Renovations Downtown Sidewalk Replacement/Gateways 355 175 90 90 Springwood Park Improvements 65 65 Seven Oaks Park Improvements 35 35 West Fenwick Renovations 175 175 Kiwanis Tot Lot#1 Improvements 40 40 Tudor Square Renovations 30 30 Pine Tree Park Improvements 300 300 Turnkey Park Renovations 213 63 150 Life Cycle 1,500 250 250 250 250 250 250 Demolition of Rental Houses 50 25 25 Van Doren's Park Improvements 45 45 Lake Meridian Park Improvements 200 200 Green Rvr Disabled Fishing Access/Boeing Tract C 300 300 Botanical Garden 25 25 Big Blue Mobile Computer Lab 65 65 Off-Leash Park 30 15 15 Trail Improvements 51 8 8 8 9 9 9 City Arts Program 91 91 Planning-Architecture&Engineering Architect/Engineering 130 15 20 20 25 25 25 Master Plans 70 20 10 10 10 10 10 Recreation Facility Feasibility Study 35 35 Swimming Pool Feasibility Study 40 15 25 Total Projects 21,906 5,263 4,190 2,913 2,307 3,069 4,164 I - 51 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM _ AMOUNTS IN 000'S Total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Sources of Funds Councilmanic Bond Proceeds 15,075 1,700 7,000 6,375 CIP Revenues Required 2,070 345 345 345 345 345 345 — Total Sources of Funds 17,145 2,045 345 7,345 345 6,720 345 Projects Other Facility Repairs& Improvements 1,800 300 300 300 300 300 300 Campus Expansion and Renovation 6,700 1,700 2,000 3,000 Golf Complex Improvements 270 45 45 45 45 45 45 _ Subtotal General Gov't Facilities 8,770 2,045 345 2,345 345 3,345 345 EH Maintenance Facility General Government-CIP 25% 5,000 5,000 — Shops Renovation 3,375 3,375 Subtotal Maintenance Facility 8,375 - - 5,000 - 3,375 - Total Projects 17,145 2,045 345 7,345 345 6,720 345 — I - 52 cw CIP 6yr plan 02.x1s 10/30/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget OTHER GOVERNMENT PROJECTS 2002-2007 DEPARTMENT REQUESTS AMOUNTS IN 000's Total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Proposed Revenue Capital Improvement Fund 2,904 654 450 450 450 450 450 From Utility&Street Funds 2,400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Councilmanic Bonds 8,000 3,000 5,000 Total Proposed Revenue 13,304 4,054 850 5,850 850 850 850 Proiects Funded Development Rights Acquisition 50 50 - Miscellaneous Projects 755 255 100 100 100 100 100 Various Department Equipment 299 49 50 50 50 50 50 Kent Station Infrastructure,Arch &Engineering 1,000 1,000 Automation Projects 11,200 2,700 700 5,700 700 700 700 Total Projects Funded 13,304 4,054 850 5,850 850 850 850 ew CIP 6yr plan 02.x1s 10/30/2001 1 - 53 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget WATER,SEWER AND STORMWATER DRAINAGE _ 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AMOUNTS IN 000's Total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Sources of Funds Water Fund 9,625 1,247 1,420 2,722 2,999 528 709 Drainage Utility Fund 12,227 2,281 2,740 2,503 1,932 1,970 801 Revenue Bonds 15,125 10,000 5,125 Sewer Utility Fund 2,486 485 362 577 340 354 368 Total Sources of Funds 39,463 4,013 4,522 15,802 5,271 7,977 1,878 Projects Funded - Sanitary Sewer Remote Telemetry Upgrades-Phase 11 93 46 47 Kent Station Improvements 136 136 _ Easthill Shop 250 250 Miscellaneous Sewer Lines 2,007 303 315 327 340 354 368 Total Sanitary Sewer 2,486 485 362 577 340 354 368 Stormwater Drainage Management Horseshoe Acres Pump Station 130 100 10 10 10 Garrison Creek Storm Improvements 274 130 144 Outfall Treatment 976 100 876 _ Soos Creek Basin Improvements 6,207 528 419 1,460 1,000 900 1,900 Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements 4,365 658 684 712 740 770 801 Drainage Improvements w/Road Improvements 3,369 519 400 250 1,000 1,200 Endangered Species Act 463 100 110 121 132 - Remote Telemetry Upgrades-Phase II 93 46 47 NPDES Permit 250 100 50 50 50 Easthill Maint Facility 5,000 5,000 Shops Renovation 563 563 - Easthill Shop 100 100 Total Stormwater Drainage 21,790 2,281 2,740 7,703 2,932 3,433 2,701 Water Projects East Hill Reservoir 2,850 500 1,200 1,300 - 200 Impoundment Project(124th-118th/288th-304th) 2,700 300 1,200 1,347 Miscellaneous Water Improvements 2,047 309 321 334 347 361 375 Remote Telemetry Upgrades-Phase 1 277 137 140 Water Conservation 1,053 287 125 138 152 167 184 _ Pump Station#3(Replacement) 75 75 3-Year Lrg Mtr&Vault Replacement Program 67 33 34 Water Source Development 350 350 Kent Station Improvements 56 56 - Update Kent's Water Comprehensive Plan 150 150 Shops Renovation 562 562 Easthill Maint Facility 5,000 5,000 Total Water 15,187 1,247 1,420 7,722 2,999 1,090 709 _ Total Projects Funded 39,463 4,013 4,522 16,002 6,271 4,877 3,778 I - 54 cw CIP 6yr plan 02.x1s 10/30/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget sa r z 6 ,L L L This page intentionally left blank. L x City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CITY OF KENT OUTSTANDING LONG TERM DEBT August 31,2001 Original Redemption Issuance Maturity Interest Payment or Refunded Amount Outstanding Date Date Rate Date Amount To Date Amount GO BONDS&CONTRACTS Voted G.O.Refunding 80,86,90 1993 2009 2.75/5.6 12/1 _ Total Issue 14,085,000 1 Fire Apparatus 2000 259,164 259,164 0 2 Public Safety 2006 9,103,136 2,390,546 6,712,590 3 Senior Housing 2009 4,722,701 1,240,291 3,482,410 Total Voted 14,085,000 3,890,000 10,195,000 Councilmanic G.O.Refunding 1985,86,8 1992 2007 3.25/6.6 1211 Total Issue 10,575,000 4 Open Space/Golf 2001 1,098,231 886,231 212,000 5 Open Space/Golf 2004 1,418,619 691,639 726,980 6 Corrections 2004 1,649,700 804,300 845,400 - 7 Senior Center 2004 3,510,900 1,711,710 1,799,190 6 Library 2007 2,474,550 889,130 1,585,420 9 Street 2007 126,900 45,600 81,300 io Lake Fenwick 2007 296,100 106,390 189,710 G.O.Refunding 1978,89 1993 2004 2.7515.2 2/1 Total Issue 2,765,000 11 Parks 1998 163,135 163,135 0 _ 12 Street Fund 1998 447,930 447,930 0 ` 13 Public Safety 2004 710,605 437,180 273,425 14 Street 2004 1,443,330 851,755 591,575 15 G.O.Parks,Street 1996 2016 3.9/5.75 6/1 5,595,000 710,000 4,885,000 17,836,769 6,858,769 10,978,000 G.O.Golf 1995 16 1998 Refunded in 1995 2008 5.25/6.25 12/1 4,385,000 935,000 3,450,000 n 1995 Refunded in 2000 2010 4.5/5.5 12/1 1,075,000 20,000 1,055,000 18 G.O.Centennial 1996 2026 3.9717.13 6/1 12,310,000 500,000 11,810,000 ig G.O.Sewerage 1996 2016 3.9/5.75 6/1 8,340,000 1,065,000 7,275,000 G.O. 1999 1999 2019 4.0/5.0 12/1 Total Issue 20,825,000 After Refunding Telephone/Computer 6,827,624 693,041 6,134,583 Back Up Generators 723,139 36,533 686,606 Shops East Hill Mtc 2,817,475 133,591 2,683,884 - Remodels 2,110,071 72,720 2,037,357 Par 3 Irrigation 251,200 8,657 242,543 Russell Road Irrigation 184,213 6,349 177.864 Fire Station 75 1,627,290 56,082 1,571,208 _ Downtown Gateways 598,692 20,631 578,061 Police/Corrections 3,321,127 179,854 3,141,273 Municipal Court 351,680 12,120 339,560 Street 256th St Imp 2,012,482 95,421 1,917,061 - I - 56 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CITY OF KENT OUTSTANDING LONG TERM DEBT August 31,2001 Original Redemption Issuance Maturity Interest Payment or Refunded Amount Outstanding Date Date Rate Date Amount To Date Amount GO BONDS&CONTRACTS cont. _ G.O.2000 2000 2020 4.4/5.375 12/1 Total Issue 11,485,000 New Portion 33 Parking Garage 2020 4,105,159 4,105,159 34 Kent Station Land 2020 2,565,724 2,565,724 35 Facilities Building Remodel 2020 2,647,827 2,647,827 36 Police Headquarters Land 2020 1,026,290 1,026,290 37 Two Engine/Aid Apparatus 2007 1,140,000 1,140,000 51 City Portion of Valley Com 2000 2,551,600 0 2,551,600 52 Golf/Lease Toro Mower 2000 2004 monthly 125,414 33,384 92,031 53 Golf/Lease 2 wdTractor 2000 2004 monthly 21,617 5,349 16,268 54 King County/Borden Prope 2001 9,000,000 0 9,000,000 55 Trust Fund Loan-Sewer 1996 2016 4.8 2/1 &811 1,572,646 237,698 1,334,948 56 Trust Fund Loan-Water 1986&1989 7/1 400,000 291,641 108,359 57 Trust Fund Loan-Sewer 1987&1988 7/1 355,000 242,895 112,105 Total Councilmanic 90,283,045 11,504,734 78,778,312 TOTAL G.O.BONDS&CONTRACTS 104,368,045 15,394,734 88,973,312 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BOND/NOTES LID 327 1989 2009 7.517.85 7/15 2,296,074 1,766,074 530,000 LID 328/334 1990 2002&12 6.4/7.7 8/1 1,697,303 1,217,303 480,000 LID 330 1990 2007 6.317.625 9/1 4,033,732 3,643,732 390,000 LID 331/335 1991 2003 5.25/6.75 3/1 1,543,980 1,543,980 0 LID 336 1991 2008 5.25/7.15 10/1 1,888,078 1,278,078 610,000 LID 333/37/38 1993 2005 3.5/5.9 4/1 397,413 367.413 30,000 LID 342 Note R-1 1994 2004 5.17 10/1 57,989 43,423 14,566 LID 344 Note R-1 1994 2004 5.17 10/1 66,097 53,661 12,436 LID 345 1996 2008 4.25/5.6 12/1 781,625 476,625 305,000 LID 346 1995 2005 4.0/5.4 11/1 518,162 353,162 165.000 LID 347/48 1998 2015 4.3/5.6 9/1 942,617 242,617 700,000 LID 340/49 1999 2016 4.1/5.9 8/1 13,221,661 2,341,661 10,880,000 LID 351 2000 2015 3.75/5.5 11/1 5,367,217 0 5,367,217 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS/NOTES 32,811,948 13,327,729 19,484,219 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL BONDS&CONTRACTS 137,179,993 28,722,463 108,457,530 REVENUE BONDS&LOANS 56 Water Revenue Refundinc 1995 2004 4.0/4.6 12/1 7.790,000 5,100,000 2,690,000 Total Water Bonds 7,790,000 5,100,000 2,690,000 59 Sewerage 1993 2013 2.5/5.5 11/1 8,690,000 2,695,000 5,995,000 Total Sewerage Bonds 8,690,000 2,695,000 5,995,000 TOTAL REVENUE BONDS AND LOANS 16,480,000 7,795,000 8,685,000 TOTAL OUTSTANDING LONG TERM DEBT 153,659,993 36,517,463 117,142,530 I = 57 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CITY OF KENT FUTURE BOND ISSUES August 31,2001 Bondlssue Purpose 2001(3) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 COUNC/LMANIC(LTGO) Gen Gov't Tech Plan 2 ($7m/10yr) 2,000,000 5,000,000 _ Gen Gov't Campus Expansion/Renovation 1,700,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 Gen Gov't East Hill Maint Facility-75%Paid By Other Funds 5,000,000 Gen Gov't Shops Renovation-25%other funds 3,375,000 Gen Gov't Municipal Court-proposed 3,000,000 Park Clark Lake Land Bonds 3.0 3,000,000 Park East Hill Sports Complex 1,000,000 Street/Park Kent Station Development 5,000,000 Street Corridors/Streets/Traffic 1,516,000 3,500,000 1,525,000 — Sub-Total 0 11,216,000 0 18,500,000 0 10,900,000 CONTRACT King County Downtown Property Acquisition 9,000,000 Sub-Total 9,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 VOTED _ Public Safety Public Safety Projects 30,000,000 Sub-Total 0 0 30,000,000 0 0 0 REVENUE Drainage Soos Creek Basin Drainage Bonds 4,000.000 Utility East Hill Maint Facility 15,000,000 Utility Shops Renovation-25%other funds 1,125,000 Sub-Total 0 0 0 15,000,000 0 5,125,000 TOTAL 9,000,000 11,216,000 30,000,000 33,500,000 0 16,025,000 CITY OF KENT BOND CAPACITY August 31,2001 1.5%of Less Future Bonded Debt Percent of Net Direct Percent of Assessed Assessed Councilmanic Councilmanic Remaining Capacity Remaining Capacity Valuation(1) Valuation Debt Debt Capacity Used Capacity(2) Used 12/31/99 6,468,731,941 97,030,979 (60,337,630) 0 36,693,349 62.2% 49,073,349 49.4% 06/30/00 6,468,731,941 97,030,979 (60,019,175) 0 37,011,804 61.9% 49,391,804 49.1% 12/31/00 7,130,886,435 106,963,297 (70,371,685) 0 36,591,612 65.8% 48,496,294 54.7% -12/31/01 7,510,878,734 112,663,181 (65,940,632) 0 46,722,549 58.5% 57,944,066 48.6% _ 12/31/02 7,773,759,490 116,606,392 (56,982,221) (11,216,000) 48,408,171 58.5% 58,913,178 49.5% 12/31/03 8,045,841,072 120,687,616 (47,790,643) (10,733,295) 62,163,678 48.5% 71,908,491 40.4% 12/31/04 8,327,445,509 124,911,683 (43,014,464) (28,728,927) 53,168,292 57.4% 77,143,292 38.2% 12/31/05 8,618,906,102 129,283,592 (39,267,595) (27,143,721) 62,872,276 51.4% 85,634,507 33.8% 12/31/06 8,920,567,816 133,808,517 (35,319,672) (36,387,553) 62,101,292 53.6% 83,581,289 37.5% 12/31/07 9,232,787,689 138,491,815 (31,621,788) (34,278,939) 72,591,088 47.6% 92,717,917 33.1% 12/31/08 9,555,935,258 143,339,029 (28,265,345) (32,075,300) 82,998,384 42.1% 101,837,277 29.0% (1)The forecast beyond 2002 assumes assessed valuation increases at 2.0 percent per year due to estimated inflation plus 1.5%for new construction. (2)Total is reduced by Enterprise Fund Debt that is supported by Golf and Drainage Funds. (3)The loan from King County was recorded in February 2001. It is not included with Future Councilmanic Debt. It is included in Councilmanic Debt total *12/3112001 is estimated based on preliminary information from King County Assessors Office. "Amounts do not include debt issuance or bond insurance costs. I - 58 _ — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget LEGAL DEBT MARGIN Estimated As of August 31, 2001 GENERAL PURPOSES Non-Voted General Obligation Debt Capacity (1.5% Assessed Valuation of$7,130,886,435) $ 106,963,297 Less: Outstanding Non-Voted Debt (including the Nonvoted Bonds) (1) 78,778,312 Remaining Non-Voted Debt Capacity $ 28,184,985 Voted and Non-Voted General Obligation Debt Capacity _ (2.5% of Assessed Valuation) $ 178,272,161 Less: Outstanding Debt: Voted (10,195,000) _ Non-Voted (78,778,312) Plus: Amount available in General Obligation Voted Debt Service Fund (2) 118,358 Remaining General Purpose Debt Capacity $ 89,417,207 UTILITY PURPOSES Voted General Obligation Debt Capacity (2.5% of Assessed Valuation) $ 178,272,161 Less: Outstanding Debt Remaining Utility Purposes Debt Capacity $ 178,272,161 OPEN SPACE AND PARK FACILITIES: Voted General Obligation Debt Capacity (2.5% of Assessed Valuation) $ 178,272,161 Less: Outstanding Debt - Remaining Open Space and Park Facilities Debt Capacity $ 178,272,161 TOTAL CAPACITY $ 534,816,483 CAPACITY UTILIZED 15.02% $ 88,854,954 LEGAL DEBT MARGIN $ 445,961,529 (1) Includes$1,555,412 in loans from State trust fund. (2) January 1, 2001 beginning balance I - 59 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget r yr i This page intentionally left blank. _ I - 60 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERAL FUND - The GENERAL FUND is the largest and most Summary Fund Analysis 3 important fund within the city. It generates the Revenue Analysis 4 majority of its revenue from property taxes, sales and other local taxes, licenses and Expenditure Analysis permits, and state and local shared revenue. By Object 19 These revenues provide government services not financed by earmarked revenue and include By Program 20 such basic services as fire and police By Department 22 protection, parks, street maintenance and administrative departments wiich perform City Council 23 support functions such as accounting and legal Mayor's Office 26 services. Municipal Court 33 Employee Services 37 Legal Department 43 Finance/Customer Services 52 Community Development 56 Police 70 Fire and Life Safety 84 Public Works 93 Parks, Recreation & Community Services 102 1 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ME T 6 .. ..r....F% Y 1 This page intentionally left blank. 2 — City of Kent, Washington GENERAL FUND 2002 Preliminary Budget CURRENT BUDGET ANALYSIS As of August 31,2001 2001 -- 2000 Adjusted Adjustments 2001 2002 Actual Budget Fav(Unfav) Est Act Prelim REVENUES Taxes: Property 18,777,708 19,819,926 (198,198) 19,621,728 1 20,440,390 Sales Tax 16,011,777 15,784,119 (80,000) 15,704,119 2 16,022,813 Sales Tax-Nonrecurring events 360,000 Utility 7,321,993 7,556,338 1,690,473 9,246,811 3 9,313,990 Other 436,795 451,997 (19,766) 432,231 406,909 Licenses and permits 1,743,034 1,998,341 (201,383) 1,796,958 4 1,982,756 Intergovernmental revenue 4,699,731 4,775,272 45,923 4,821,195 4,923,513 Charges for services 3,591,392 3,506,387 (320,620) 3,185,767 5 3,534,357 Fines and forfeitures 1,237,273 1,275,012 49,513 1,324,525 6 1,337,771 Interest income 1,076,647 1,092,888 (10,847) 1,082,041 1,082,292 Fair Market Value Gain (Loss) 267,237 Miscellaneous revenue 951,113 846,933 (74,777) 772,156 582,691 TOTAL REVENUES 56,474,700 57,107,213 880,318 57,987,531 59,627,482 EXPENDITURES Salaries&Benefits 41,703,275 46,137,179 698,668 45,438,511 48,738,072 Retirement rate savings 400,000 (400,000) (800,000) Supplies 2,093,381 2,715,737 64,670 2,651,067 2,827,930 Services&charges 15,776,759 17,386,516 414,026 16,972,490 18,260,899 Capital outlay 98,866 2,200 52 2,148 24,000 Cost allocation (4,024,686) (4,295,799) (102,295) (4,193,504) (4,469,431) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 55,647,595 61,945,833 1,475,121 60,470,712 7 64,581,470 REVENUES OVER(UNDER) 827,105 (4,838,620) 2,355,439 (2,483,181 (4,953,988) TRANSFERS IN FROM(OUT TO): Capital Improvement Fund 412,901 300,000 300,000 400,000 Youth/Teen Programs 547,832 504,385 504,385 522,038 Police Operating Projects (30,223) (7,936) (7,936) City Art$2 per capita (76,281) (65,162) (65,162) (91,392) Criminal Justice Fund 24,476 34,307 34,307 24,111 Street Fund 100,000 Other projects (19,161) (41,740) (41,740 (6,000) From Fire Equipment 400,000 300,000 300,000 400,000 From Tech Plan 50,112 53,641 53,641 16,584 Transfer from Fleet Services Fund 451,000 Transfer from Guaranty fund 270,000 TOTAL NET TRANSFERS 1,309,656 1,077,495 1,077,495 2,086,341 _. INCREASE(DECREASE) 2,136,761 (3,761,125) 2,355,439 (1,405,686) (2,867,647) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 7,360,360 9,932,633 (435,512) 9,497,121 8,091,435 ENDING FUND BALANCE Designated for Contingency 5,564,760 6,189,361 (142,290) 6,047,071 6,458,147 Undesignated 3,932,362 (17,853) 2,062,217 2,044,364 (1,234,359) TOTAL ENDING BALANCE 9,497,121 6,171,5 88 1,919,927 8,091,435 5,223,788 Designated for contingency vs. Expenditures 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% Estimated total ending fund balance for 2002 vs expenditures. 8.1% -- 1.Property tax estimated at 1%under budget. 2.Sales tax based on collection through September. 3.Utility tax estimate based on 8/12 of the variance projected by collection in August,except electric and gas include 30%increase per trend. 4.Building permits reflect 8/12th of projected variance based on building permit collections through August,reverts to 2001 budget levels in 2002. 5.Reflects 8/12th of projected variance for recreation and plan check fees per collections through August,plan checks forecast at 2001 budget levels 6.Variance at 8/12th of projection based on fine and forfeiture collections through August. 7.Under expenditure through August projected to year end, prorated by budget percentages. 3 10/22/2001 001 sfa.xis - City of Kent, Washington GENERAL FUND RCf,,ENUES 2002 Preliminary Budget 9,000,000 — 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 i 4,000,000 ' 1 3.000,000 —. 2,000,000 1,000,000 — 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY BUDGET VS ADJUSTED ACTUAL 01 BUD�01ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 2,889,176 3,110,171 3,400,517 8,107,155 6,758,798 4,704,182 2,919,171 3,370,149 3,201,834 7,557,645 6,442,003 4,646,412 01 ACT 2,620,331 3,109 015 3,437,122 7,941,887 7,002,454 4,692,052 2,967,912 3,038,151 0 0 0 0 +/- (268,845) (1,156) 36,605 (165,268) 243,656 (12,130) 48,741 (331,998) 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- -9.3% 0.0% 1.1% -2.0% 3.6% -0.3% 1.7% -9.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% — GENERAL FUND REVENUES 60,000,000 — 50,000,000 or 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 — 10,000,000 - 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CUMULATIVE BUDGET VS ACTUAL _ 01 BUD—01 ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 2,889,176 5999,347 9,399,864 17,507,019 24,265,817 28,969,999 31,889,170 35,259,319 38461,153 46,018,798 52,460,801 57,107,213 01 ACT 2,620,331 5,729,347 9,166,468 17,108,355 24,110,809 28,802,861 31,770,773 34,808,924 0 0 0 0 +/- (268,845) (270,000) (233,396) (398,664) (155,008) (167,138) (118,397) (450,395) 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- -9.3% 4.5% -2.5% -2.3% -0.6% -0.6% -0.4% -1.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.01/6 gr0g.xls 10/22/01 — 4 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget General Fund Revenues Charges for Service Intergovernmental 5.9% 8.3% Fines & Forfeitures Licenses & Permits 2.2% 3.3% Interest& Utility & other taxes Miscellaneous 16.3% 2.8% roperty tax Sales tax 34.3% 26.9% Taxes 77.5% 2001 2002 Change Change Adj Bud Prelim $ % Property tax 19,819,926 20,440,390 620,464 3.1% Sales tax 15,784,119 16,022,813 238,694 1.5% Utility & other taxes 8,008,335 9,720,899 1,712,564 21.4% Licenses & Permits 1,998,341 1,982,756 (15,585) -0.8% Intergovernmental 4,775,272 4,923,513 148,241 3.1% Charges for Service 3,506,387 3,534,357 27,970 0.8% Fines & Forfeitures 1,275,012 1,337,771 62,759 4.9% Interest& Miscellaneous 1,939,821 1,664,983 (274,838) -14.2% General Fund Revenues 57,107,213 59,627,482 2,520,269 4.4% General Fund Revenues have increased overall by 4.4% from the 2001 adjusted budget. Taxes now make up 77.5% of the General Fund revenue, including property tax, sales and use taxes, utility, gambling and leasehold taxes. The strongest growth in taxes has been in the utility taxes, primarily due to continued expansion of telecommunication activities and the rapid growth in electric and gas revenues. 5 City of Kent, Washington PROPERTY TAX 2002 Preliminary Budget 6,000,000 _ w 5,000,000 ` 4,000,000 i 3,000,000 i 2,000,000 1,000,000 ' 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY BUDGET VS ACTUAL 01 BUD—01 ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 2,998 108,204 366,724 5,631,966 4,024,323 99,489 44,528 50,599 516,426 4,960,976 3,880,327 133,366 01 ACT 0 72,552 410,787 5,070,098 4,300,422 120,338 36,544 70,253 0 0 0 0 +/- (2,998) (35,652) 44,063 (561,868) 276,099 20,849 (7,984) 19,654 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- -100.01/. -32.90/. 12.0% -10.0% 6.9% 21.0% -17.9% 38.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% PROPERTY TAX _ 25,000,000 20,000,000 i ' / 15,000,000 i i i 10,000,00001 - i 5.000,000 01 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CUMULATIVE BUDGET VS ACTUAL — 01 BUD��01 ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC — 01 BUD 2,998 111,202 477,926 6,109,992 10,134,215 10,233,704 10,278,232 10,328,831 10,845,257 15,906,233 19,686,560 19,819,926 01 ACT 0 72,552 483,339 5,553,439 9,853,859 9,974,197 10,010,742 10,080,995 0 0 0 0 +/- (2,998) (38,650) 5,413 (556,454) (280,356) (259,507) (267,490) (247,836) 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- -100.0% •34.8% 1.1% -9.1% -2.8% -2.5% -2.6% -2.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% gr08.xls 10/22/01 ^ — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERALFUND REVENUE ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud YTD -Aug 31 Prelim $ PROPERTY TAXES 18,777,708 19,819,926 10,080,995 20,440,390 620,464 3.1 The proposed regular property tax levy is based on last year's levy, increased by 1.0%, consistent with the intent of Initiative 747. This base amount is $19,764,356, to which was added 1.0% or $197,644 for inflation, the amount of $478,390 for estimated new construction, improvements and increase in state assessed property, and other adjustments. The total regular levy was budgeted at $20,440,390. The excess levies total $1,775,000 for the GO Refunding. The GO Refunding issues refunded the callable portions of other voted issues and is approximately 2/3 for Public Safety, and 1/3 for Senior Housing Debt. The total property tax levy for the City of Kent is $22,140,390. The total levy rate is $2.96, a decrease of approximately 0.052 per thousand valuation, or 1.7%. For Budget Year 2000 2001 2002 Assessed Valuation (1) 6,468,731,941 7,130,886,435 7,510,878,734 New Construction 238,851,817 144,343,154 134,003,953 Annexation 11,874,789 Levy Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate General Fund 18,897,553 2.921 19,764,357 2.772 20,440,390 2.721 Senior Housing 352,440 0.054 0 0.000 0 0.000 GO Refunding 1,478,353 0.229 1,700,000 0.238 1,775,000 0.236 Total 20,728,346 3.204 21,464,357 3.010 22,215,390 2.958 Collection History 1998 1999 2000 - Current tax collections 16,581,654 18,725,921 20,513,626 Percent of levy collected 97.88% 97.88% 98 96% Delinquent tax collection 321,959 179,577 282,510 Total tax collection 16,903,613 18,905,498 20,796,136 Percent of total tax collection to tax levy 99.79% 99.46% 100.33% (1) This line includes annexations and new construction. The assessed valuation and the tax levy are set in November or December for the following budget year. 2002 Estimate assumes base would increase 3.45% in assessed valuation. 7 City of Kent, Washington SALES TAX 2002 Preliminary Budget 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY BUDGET VS ACTUAL 01 BUD—01 ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC O1 BUD 1,127,788 1,450,196 1,194,886 1060,497 1,387,594 1,298,261 1088,733 1,491,332 1,501,529 1,294,920 1,455,460 1,432,922 Ol ACT 1,081,740 1,453,099 1,310,919 1,097,282 1,416,981 1,143,857 1,344,452 1,353,508 1,198029 1,328,793 0 0 +/- (46,048) 2,903 116,033 36,785 29,387 (154,404) 255,719 (137,824) (303,500) 33,873 0 0 PCT+/- -4.1% 0.2% 9.7% 3.5% 2.1% -11.9% 23.5% -9.2% •20.2% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% SALES TAX _ 18,000,000 16,000,000 - 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 10 6,000,000 — 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CUMULATIVE BUDGET VS ACTUAL _ 01 BUD—01 ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 1,127,788 2,577,984 3,772,870 4,833,367 6,220,961 7,519,222 8,607,955 10,099,287 11,600,916 12,895,736 14,351,196 15,794,118 01 ACT 1,081,740 2,534,839 3,845,758 4,943,040 6,360,021 7,503,878 8,848,330 10,201,938 11,399,867 12,728,661 0 0 +/- (46,048) (43,145) 72,888 109,673 139,060 (15,344) 240,375 102,551 (200,949) (167,075) 0 0 PCT+/- -4.1% -1.7% 1.91. 2.3% 2.2% -0.2% 2.8% 1.0% -1.7% -1.3% 0.0% 0.0% gr09..Is 10/22/01 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERALFUND REVENUE ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud YTD -Aug 31 Prelim $ SALES TAXES 16,371,777 15,784,119 10,252,452 16,022,813 238,694 1.5 The General Fund has traditionally received 75% of the sales tax revenues, and the Capital Improvement Fund 25% per Council direction. The preliminary budget was developed by removing the effects of activities in 2001 attributed to one time events from the 2001 estimated actual, and adding 3.9% for inflation only. To this was added the Natural Gas Use tax amount. The resulting budget is an increase of $238,694 or 1.5% from the 2001 budget in the General Fund. General Fund Sales Tax Budget Development Total normalized 2001 sales tax only (est. as of Sep.) 15,243,874 3.9% for inflation only over 2001 for 2002 594,511 Natural gas use tax 184,428 Total General Fund sales tax budget for 2002 16,022,813 'Mocation of Sales and Uses taxes only (excluding Natural Gas use tax) General Fund Total Percent Seattle Real % Allocation Sales Tax Increase CPI Inc(Dec) 1995 Actual 10,502,354 14,003,139 9.9 3.0 6.9 1996 Actual 12,466,850 16,622,467 18.7 3.4 15.3 1997 Actual 13,770,966 18,361,288 10.5 3.5 7.0 1998 Actual 14,756,812 19,666,206 7.1 3.0 4.1 1999 Actual 14,084,271 18,780,232 (4.5) 2.9 (7.4) 2000 Actual 15,232,481 20,310,327 8.1 3.9 4.2 2001 Budget 15,784,118 21,045,491 3.6 3.2 0.4 2001 Estimated Actual 15,439,987 20,586,649 (2.2) 3.2 (5.4) 2002 Budget 15,838,385 21,117,847 2.6 3.9 (1.3) * For comparison purposes, this table is shown as if the 75/25 split were maintained throughout. The 2000 actual, at the one time 80/20 split is $16,247,980. 9` City of Kent, Washington UTILITY I 9FAX 2002 Preliminary Budget I MA 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 - / / 700,000 / ` 0, / 600,000 - / / ` - ./ � . ./ / / 500,000 400,000 300,000 - 200,000 100,000 - -- 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY BUDGET VS ADJUSTED ACTUAL 01 BUD•+�01.ADJ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 758,156 644,960 600,379 778,292 566,764 534,278 711,868 517,047 543,762 751,396 483,273 666,163 01 ADJ 800,102 751,413 795,095 866,835 751,518 636,273 784,331 548,427 0 0 0 0 +/- 41,946 106,453 194,716 88,543 184,754 101,995 72,463 31,380 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- 5.5% 16.5% 32.4% 11.4% 32.6% 19.1% 10.2% 6.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% - UTILITY TAX _ 8,000,000 -. 7,000,000 •6,000,000 , , 5,000,000 4,000,000 - - 3,000,000 - , r - 2,000,000 , 1,000,000 - - - 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CUMULATIVE BUDGET VS ACTUAL _ 01 BUD-( ADJ 11 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 758,156 1,403,116 2,003,495 2,781,787 3,348,551 3,882,829 4,594,697 :5,111,744 5,655,506 6,406,902 6,890,175 7,556,338 01 ADJ 800,102 1,551,515 2,346,611 3,213,445 3,964,963 4,601,237 5,385,568 5,933,995 0 0 0 0 +/- 41,946 148,399 343,116 431,658 616,412 718,409 790,871 822,251 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- 5.5% 10.6% 17.1% 15.5% 18.4% 18.5% 17.2% 16.1% 0.0% 0.0"/6 0.0% 0.0% gr08.xls 10/22/01 10 -' City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERALFUND REVENUE ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud YTD-Aug 31 Prelim $ % UTILITY TAXES 7,321,993 7,556,338 5,933,995 9,313,990 1,757,652 23.3 Non-City Owned Electric 2,778,947 2,744,250 2,395,177 3,713,018 968,768 35.3 Gas 652,054 658,723 737,733 889,070 230,347 35.0 Telephone 1,924,395 2,130,558 1,440,408 2,252,673 122,115 5.7 Garbage 483,516 536,140 324,256 854,988 318,848 59.5 City Owned Water 254,379 248,502 154,776 245,824 (2,678) (1.1) Sewer 460,857 467,797 296,610 524,847 57,050 12.2 Drainage 273,821 263,091 177,639 265,785 2,694 1.0 Franchise Fees Cable TV 494,024 507,277 407,395 567,785 60,508 11.9 The Utility Tax is 4.8% for utilities except garbage, which is 7.8%. The composition of these taxes are as follows: General Fund utility taxes are at 3.5% of gross revenue for both city owned and non-city owned utilities with the exception of the cable TV franchise fee and garbage. The cable TV franchise fee is calculated at 5% of gross revenues. Garbage had been allocated at 3.5% of gross revenues to the General Fund, but due to a reduction in the recycling subsidy, we were able to change the allocation from 3.5% to 6.0%. Additionally, the Street Fund receives 1% for transportation, the Youth Teen Fund 0.3% to fund Youth Teen programs and capital. The 2002 budget reflects the continued rapid growth in electric and gas revenues. No rate increases are proposed for the City owned water, sewer and drainage utilities in the proposed budget, except for the 18% Metro sewer treatment rate increase, passed through to our customers to recover our costs. Weighting the Metro increase against our total sewer rate reduces the effective total rate increase to 13.9%. GAMBLING/MISC TAX 436,795 451,997 165,770 406,909 (45,088) (10.0) Leasehold 18,427 8,000 11,107 18,924 10,924 136.6 Gambling 418,368 443,997 154,663 387,985 (56,012) (12.6) Leasehold taxes are derived from leasing of City property to individuals or enterprises. Leasehold taxes are reduced for the 2002 proposed budget due to the City assumption of more space in the Centennial Center, reducing revenues from private tenants. LICENSES/PERMITS 1,743,034 1,998,341 1,181,716 1,982,756 (15,585) (0.8) Amusement 21,200 21,304 1,250 1,250 (20,054) (94.1) Business 182,875 180,849 175,548 188,772 7,923 4.4 Building 1,116,636 1,213,881 625,674 1,213,881 0 0.0 Hazardous 26,900 72,192 78,159 71,840 (352) (0.5) Plumbing/Mech 172,084 212,473 98,516 212,473 0 0.0 Development Fees 204,233 230,279 126,082 208,867 (21,412) (9.3) _ Other 19,106 67,363 76,488 85,673 18,310 27.2 Business licenses continue at rates of $75 for initial licenses, and $50 for renewal. Building and Development Fees are budgeted to reflect the first full year of the Permit Center operation. 11 City of Kent, Washington RI-In niNn PERMITS- 2002 Preliminary Budget 250,000 200,000 •` i 150,000 10 100,000 50,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY BUDGET VS ACTUAL 01 BUD '- JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC r 01 BUD 125,802 116,589 209,179 150,385 119,765 138,433 134,999 136,468 148,488 129,024 99,099 148,253 01 ACT 55,215 52,168 134,566 114,918 138,337 169,354 104,894 82,428 0 0 0 0 +/- (70,587) (64,421) (74,613) (35,467) 18,572 30,921 (30,105) (54,040) 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- -56.1% -55.3% -35.7°/ -23.6% 15.5% 22.3% -22.3% -39.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% BUILDING PERMITS 1,800,000 �..., 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 / 600,000 _ 400,000 200,000 , 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CUMULATIVE BUDGET VS ACTUAL _ 1- - 01 BUD-01 ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 125,802 242,391 451,570 601,955 721,720 860,153 995,152 1,131,620 1,280,108 1,409,132 1,508,231 1,656,484 01 ACT 55,215 107,383 241,949 356,867 495,204 664,558 769,452 851,880 0 0 0 0 +/- (70,587) (135,008) (209,621) (245,088) (226,516) (195,595) (225,700) (279,740) 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- -56.1% -55.7% -46.4% -40.7% -31.4% -22,7°/ -22.7% -24.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% grog+xls 10/22/01 12 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERALFUND REVENUE ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud YTD -Aug 31 Prelim $ INTERGOVERNMENTAL 4,699,731 4,775,272 2,637,245 4,923,513 148,241 3.1 Prisoner Charges 7,910 0 0 0 0 0.0 Fire District 37 3,008,230 2,897,612 1,413,075 2,955,411 57,799 2.0 EMS Levy 682,787 682,787 455,191 709,416 26,629 3.9 Motor Vehicle Excise 14,146 0 0 0 0 0.0 695 Backfill Funding 175,418 350,836 233,892 360,624 9,788 2.8 Liquor Excise 267,370 239,072 196,045 269,042 29,970 12.5 Liquor Board Profits 443,630 469,262 217,080 506,626 37,364 8.0 Other 100,240 135,703 121,962 122,394 (13,309) (9.8) Prisoner charges have decreased due to current trend and the opening of a new federal penitentiary. The amount for Fire Protection District 37 is provided under contract. The City receives 90 percent of the District's property tax levy to provide fire protection services in the District. The District uses the other 10% to construct its own facilities and purchase large capital items. The Emergency Medical Services levy is expected to pass in the November election, and provides for 3.9% increase. The levy provides funding for basic life support services. "Other" includes grant revenues. These are often for one year only and are not budgeted until confirmed. Motor vehicle excise, liquor excise and liquor board profits are revenues collected by the State of Washington and shared with its political subdivisions. The budget for 2002 is based on a population of 82,782, estimated as of April 2001. The budget reflects elimination of the public safety portion of the motor vehicle excise tax from the General Fund, beginning in 2000, in response to Initiative 695. "695 backfill funding" for 2001 and 2002 reflects funding as currently approved by the state legislature. The estimated per capita rates for State shared revenues from the Municipal Research & Services Center of Washington follow : Per Capita Rates 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Motor Vehicle Excise 11.97 12.62 13.70 2.63 0.00 0.00 Liquor Excise 2.93 3.01 3.14 3.27 3.21 3.25 Liquor Board Profits 5.51 7.18 5.34 6.06 5.64 6.12 13 City of Kent, Washington RISCREATION FEES 2002 Preliminary Budget 300,000 250,000 _ 200,000 150,000 ' 'o ` / f , 100,000 0 i -0 `- - - -- - - -' 50,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 4UG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY BUDGET VS ACTUAL _ Ot BUD-01 ACT ]AN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 47,386 71383 216,667 82,178 64,895 122,712 72,585 115,859 60,483 59,173 61,871 149,880 01 ACT 54,348 65,791 266,901 82,210 75,823 111,547 68,652 132,983 0 0 0 0 +/- 6,962 (5,592) 50,234 32 10,928 (11,165) (3,933) 17,124 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- 14.71. -7.8% 23.2% 0.0% 16.8% -9.1% -5.4% 14.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% RECREATION FEES 1,200,000 o o o 1,000,000 .o 800,000 600,000 400,000 o o 200,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CUMULATIVE BUDGET VS ACTUAL �- - 01 BUD-01 ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 47,386 118,769 335,436 417,614 482,509 605,221 677,806 793,665 854,148 913,321 975,192 1,125,072 01 ACT 54,348 120,139 387,040 469,250 545,073 656,620 725,272 858,255 0 0 0 0 +/- 6,962 1370 51,604 51,636 62,564 51,399 47,466 64,590 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- 14.7% 1.2% 15A% 12.4% 13.0% 8.5% 7.0% 8.1% 0.01/6 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% r gr08.x1s 10/22/01 14 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ GENERALFUND REVENUE ANALYSIS - 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud YTD -Aug 31 Prelim $ SERVICES & CHARGES 3,591,392 3,506,387 2,116,133 3,534,357 27,970 0.8 Plan Check Fees 1,678,499 1,747,695 804,595 1,747,695 0 0.0 Recreation Fees 1,227,622 1,125,073 858,254 1,121,073 (4,000) (0.4) Adult Probation 232,973 269,796 168,296 262,977 (6,819) (2.5) Work Release 21,257 250 10,859 16,004 15,754 6,301.6 Home Detention 60,848 73,114 32,724 66,158 (6,956) (9.5) Zoning & Subdivision 115,863 97,484 101,395 97,484 0 0.0 Other 254,330 192,975 140,009 222,966 29,991 15.5 _ Plan Check and Zoning & Subdivision fees are budgeted at the 2001 budget amount to reflect the first full year of Permit Center operation per consultant's recommendation. Recreation fees include all participant and sponsorship fees for City recreation programs, excluding those at the Golf Complex. Revenues were decreased slightly to reflect changes in planned program activities. Adult probation services are provided through the Municipal Court. The revenues reflect actual usage of this program, and are charged to the participants in adult probation to minimize the net costs to the city. lThe Work Release and Home Detention programs provide the opportunity for some prisoners to serve their sentence at home or work. The prisoners wear special bracelets that enable the Corrections Facility to monitor their movements at all times. The proposed revenues reflect the current trend in the utilization of these programs. FINES & FORFEITURES 1,237,273 1,275,012 924,411 1,337,771 62,759 4.9 Court Costs 3,336 3,453 7,065 10,225 6,772 196.1 Fines 1,233,937 1,271,559 917,346 1,327,546 55,987 4.4 Court costs and fines are projected to increase $62,759 or 4.9% over the 2001 budget based on current trends and growth. INTEREST INCOME 1,343,884 1,092,888 983,115 1,082,292 (10,596) (1.0) Interest income is budgeted based on the 2001 budget amount. No attempt has been made to estimate the fair market value adjustment. 15 City of Kent, Washington FINES va . vR. E . v.Iry 2002 Preliminary Budget 160,000 140,000 120,000 , .� i 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY BUDGET VS ACTUAL 01 BUD-01 ACT - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 89,416 101,233 120,394 118,646 107,485 118,643 108,803 108,833 105,989 111,928 92,747 90,895 01 ACT 99,543 100,060 116,493 122,087 106,937 144,224 109,582 125,404 0 0 0 0 +/- 10,127 (1,173) (3,901) 3,441 (548) 25,581 779 16,571 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- 11.3% -1.2% -3.2% 2.9% -0.5% 21.6% 0.7% 15.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% FINES & FORFEITURES _ 1,400,000 -` 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CUMULATIVE BUDGET VS ACTUAL _ 01 BUD-01 ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 89,416 190,649 311,043 429,689 537,174 655,817 764,620 873,453 979,442 1,091,370 1,184,117 1,275,012 01 ACT 99,543 199,604 316,097 438,184 545,121 689,345 798,927 924,331 0 0 0 0 +/- 10,127 8,955 5,054 9,495 7,947 33,528 34,307 50,878 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- 11.3% 4.79/ 1.61/6 2.0% 1.5% 5.1% 4.5% 5.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% gr08.xls 10/22/01 - 16 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERALFUND REVENUE ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud YTD -Aug 31 Prelim $ % MISCELLANEOUS 951,113 846,933 462,143 582,691 (264,242) (31.2) Rentals & Royalties 369,513 379,067 248,212 344,155 (34,912) (9.2) Contributions 524,882 340,581 189,086 100,418 (240,163) (70.5) Other 56,718 127,285 24,846 138,118 10,833 8.5 Rentals & royalties are from rental of city park facilities . They also include percentage of proceeds from concession booths, etc. The contributions budget reflects a decrease in senior trip revenue for 2002 as well as a change in senior trip accounting reporting. Other miscellaneous revenues include pay phone revenues, sales of food and other items. TOTAL REVENUES 56,474,700 57,107,213 34,737,974 59,627,482 2,520,269 4.4 TRANSFERS IN 1,435,321 1,247,919 200,000 2,183,733 935,814 75.0 Transfers in from other funds for 2002 includes $522,038 from the Youth/Teen Fund for Youth/Teen program operating expenditures and $400,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund to offset fire equipment eplacement rates. The Criminal Justice Fund transfers in support of Project Lighthouse are $24,111, Fleet Services transfers in $451,000 to effect a rate reduction and the Street Fund transfers in $100,000 for street maintenance per DeMarco annexation. The Technology Plan transfers $16,584 for operating staff supporting the technology plan and $400,000 is transferred from the Fire Equipment Replacement Fund as a one time transfer to help balance the budget in a slow economy. An excess above the 10% requirement, or $270,000, is transferred in from LID Guaranty Fund. TOTAL SOURCES 57,910,021 58,355,132 34,937,974 61,811,215 3,456,083 5.9 17 City of Kent, Washington GENERAt: FUND EXPENDITURES 2002 Preliminary Budget 7,000,000 _ 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY BUDGET VS ADJUSTED ACTUAL _ 01 BUD-01 ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 4,729,810 4,817,268 4,883,573 5,071,450 4,969,334 5,226948 5,375,670 5,066,452 5,252,199 5,363,744 5,422,165 5,767,219 01 ACT 4,355,388 4,618,169 4,904,003 4,987,033 4,882,190 5,189,463 4,867,501 5,282,498 0 0 0 0 +/- (374,422) (199,099) 20,430 (84,417) (87,144) (37,485) (508,169) 216,046 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- -7.9% -4.1% 0.4% -1.79/6 -1.8% -0.7% -9.5% 4.3% 0.0°/ 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 70,000,000 60,000,000 , 50,000,000 - 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 - 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CUMULATIVE BUDGET VS ACTUAL _ O1 BUD-M ACT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 01 BUD 4729,810 9,547,078 14,430,651 19,502,101 24,471,435 29,698,383 35,074,053 40,140,505 45,392,704 50,756,448 56,178,613 61,945,832 01 ACT 4,355,388 8,973,558 13,877,560 18,864,593 23,746,783 28,936,246 33,803,747 39,086,245 0 0 0 0 +/- (374,422) (573,520) (553,091) (637,508) (724,652) (762,137) (1,270,306) (1,054,260) 0 0 0 0 PCT+/- -7.9% -6.0°/ -3.8% -3.3% -3.0% -2.6% -3.6% -2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% gr08.xls 10/22/O1 18 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget General Fund Expenditures By Object Services & Allocations Transfers & Capital _. 21.3% 0.2% Supplies 4.4% Salaries & Benefits 74.1% — 2001 2002 Change Change Adj Bud Prelim $ % Salaries & Benefits 46,137,180 47,938,072 1,800,892 3.9% Supplies 2,715,737 2,827,930 112,193 4.1% Services &Allocations 13,090,716 13,791,468 700,752 5.4% Transfers & Capital 117,038 121,392 4,354 3.7% General Fund Expenditures 62,060,671 64,678,862 2,618,191 4.2% Salaries and Benefits compose approximately 74.1% of the General Fund. The budget has increased by 3.9% over 2001 budget primarily due to cost of living increases and step progressions, offset in part by a reduction in retirement rates. The cost of living increases were based on 90% of the 3.9% CPI-W (June), or as provided by union contracts. Services and allocations are added together in this presentation to show the services net of those that are provided to other departments in other funds. Transfers out to other funds and capital outlay together make up about 0.2% of the General Fund. 19 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget General Fund Expenditures By - Program Community Health & Human Development Services Leisure Services 14.1% 4.1% General Government 9.4% Public Safety* 61.3% 2001 2002 Change Change Adj Bud Prelim $ % — Public Safety* 38,051,458 39,645,758 1,594,300 4.2% General Government 5,754,392 6,059,776 305,384 5.3% Leisure Services 6,947,758 7,204,072 256,314 3.7% Community Development 8,502,026 9,094,108 592,082 7.0% — Health & Human Services 2,805,037 2,675,148 (129,889) -4.6% General Fund Expenditures 62,060,671 64,678,862 2,618,191 4.2% —` Public Safety, including Police, Fire and Life Safety, Municipal Court and Youth Teen Programs, represent 61.3% of the General Fund expenditures. — General Government includes the administrative and support functions of City Council, Mayor's office, City Clerk, Employee Services, Legal and Finance departments. General Government composes only about 9.4% — of the General Fund budget. Community Development includes Planning and Building Services and Public Works departments. — Health and Human Services include the Human Service Agencies, Public Health Contract, Indigent Counsel and the Parks Senior Center, Adult Day Care, and Special populations Programs. All other Parks Programs are included in Leisure Services. *Contingency Amount is included in Public Safety. 20 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS BY PROGRAM 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud YTD-Aug 31 Prelim $ % PROGRAMS General Government City Council 203,444 239,085 202,344 263,179 24,094 10.1 Mayor's Office 1,036,696 1,237,765 1,032,996 1,223,195 (14,570) (1.2) City Clerk 378,150 491,563 376,762 513,736 22,173 4.5 Employee Services 812,009 1,149,434 808,806 1,257,918 108,484 9.4 Legal 743,431 924,133 739,285 1,003,046 78,913 8.5 Finance 1,408,769 1,712,412 1,406,906 1,798,702 86,290 5.0 Total General Government 4,582,499 5,754,392 4,567,099 6,059,776 305,384 5.3 Public Safety Civil Service Commission 112,085 161,658 111,900 164,406 2,748 1.7 Police 17,085,046 18,912,087 17,709,908 19,593,475 681,388 3.6 Fire & Life Safety 15,250,068 16,432,681 15,181,508 17,154,969 722,288 4.4 Joint Training Center 116,610 116,774 116,610 121,256 4,482 3.8 Municipal Court 1,604,547 1,712,660 1,625,733 1,764,342 51,682 3.0 Youth /Teen Programs 564,502 630,015 562,034 591,310 (38,705) (6.1) Total Public Safety 34,732,858 37,965,875 35,307,693 39,389,758 1,423,883 3.8 Public Works/Community Development Hearing Examiner 31,271 45,767 31,271 45,872 105 0.2 Permit Center 119,380 439,709 118,600 438,023 (1,686) (0.4) Planning Services 1,531,197 1,558,045 1,525,205 1,671,805 113,760 7.3 Building Services 1,357,838 1,449,486 1,350,543 1,500,153 50,667 3.5 Community Development Admin 2,837 136,641 2,837 114,592 (22,049) (16.1) Engineering 2,153,322 2,443,288 2,266,202 2,728,834 285,546 11.7 Streets 2,434,747 2,429,090 2,403,940 2,594,829 165,739 6.8 Total Public Works 7,630,592 8,502,026 7,698,598 9,094,108 592,082 7.0 Leisure Services Parks Recreation & Community 6,116,368 6,947,758 6,096,077 7,204,072 256,314 3.7 Total Leisure Services 6,116,368 6,947,758 6,096,077 7,204,072 256,314 3.7 Health & Human Services Human Svs Commission 503,485 530,022 492,095 570,512 40,490 7.6 Office of Health & Human Svcs 231,478 291,608 230,405 318,090 26,482 9.1 Public Health Contract 63,743 64,419 63,743 66,637 2,218 3.4 Parks- Indigent Counsel 225,268 344,607 225,268 344,607 Parks-Sr Ctr/Adult Day Care 1,278,731 1,156,637 1,207,206 947,056 (209,581) (18.1) Parks -Special Populations 358,854 417,744 357,817 428,246 10,502 2.5 Total Health & Human Services 2,661,559 2,805,037 2,576,534 2,675,148 (129,889) (4.6) Contingency/Other Uses 49,384 85,583 60,826 256,000 170,417 199.1 Total All Programs 55,773,260 62,060,671 56,306,827 64,678,862 2,618,191 4.2 21 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERALFUND _ EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS BY DEPARTMENT 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change DEPARTMENTS Actual Adj Bud YTD-Aug 31 Prelim $ % City Council 203,444 239,085 202,344 263,179 24,094 10.1 _ Mayor's Office Administration & City Clerk 1,414,846 1,729,328 1,409,758 1,736,931 7,603 0.4 Municipal Court 1,604,547 1,712,660 1,625,733 1,764,342 51,682 3.0 Total Mayor's Office&Court 3,019,393 3,441,988 3,035,491 3,501,273 59,285 1.7 Employee Services Civil Service Comm 112,085 161,658 '111,900 164,406 2,748 1.7 Employee Services 812,009 1,149,434 808,806 1,257,918 108,484 9.4 Total Employee Services 924,094 1,311,092 920,706 1,422,324 111,232 8.5 Legal 743,431 924,133 '739,285 1,003,046 78,913 8.5 Finance 1,408,769 1,712,412 1,406,906 1,798,702 86,290 5.0 Community Development Community Development Admin 2,837 136,641 2,837 114,592 (22,049) (16.1) Permit Center 119,380 439,709 118,600 438,023 (1,686) (0.4) Planning Comm& Bds 4,354 7,132 4,354 7,293 161 2.3 Hearing Examiner 31,271 45,767 31,271 45,872 105 0.2 Planning Services 1,526,843 1,550,913 1,520,851 1,664,512 113,599 7.3 Building Services 1,357,838 1,449,486 1,350,543 1,500,153 50,667 3.5 Total Community Development 3,042,523 3,629,648 3,028,456 3,770,445 140,797 3.9 _ Police Police 17,085,046 18,912,087 17,709,908 19,593,475 681,388 3.6 _ Police/Fire Training Center 116,610 116,774 116,610 121,256 4,482 3.8 Total Police 17,201,656 19,028,861 17,826,518 19,714,731 685,870 3.6 Fire& Life Safety 15,250,068 16,432,681 15,181,508 17,154,969 722,288 4.4 Public Works Engineering 2,153,322 2,443,288 2,266,202 2,728,834 285,546 11.7 Street Maintenance 2,434,747 2,429,090 2,403,940 2,594,829 165,739 6.8 _ Total Public Works 4,588,069 4,872,378 4,670,142 5,323,663 451,285 9.3 Parks, Recreation &Community Services Parks Administration 633,843 731,562 632,675 782,744 51,182 7.0 - Parks Planning 191,007 196,743 189,978 211,698 14,955 7.6 Senior Center/Adult Day Care 1,278,731 1,156,637 1,207,206 947,056 (209,581) (18.1) Recreation 1,974,982 2,218,153 1,969,329 2,266,108 47,955 2.2 _ Parks Maintenance 2,503,782 2,895,196 2,499,688 2,987,276 92,080 3.2 Cultural Arts& Festivals 637,982 731,633 629,077 777,142 45,509 6.2 Health & Human Svcs 1,023,974 1,230,656 1,011,511 1,299,846 69,190 5.6 Special Populations 358,854 417,744 357,817 428,246 10,502 2.5 Camps 174,772 174,471 175,330 179,104 4,633 2.7 Youth/Teen Programs 564,502 630,015 562,034 591,310 (38,705) (6.1) Total Parks 9,342,429 10,382,810 9 234,645 10,470,530 87,720 0.8 - Other Financial Uses 49,384 85,583 60,826 256,000 170,417 199.1 Total 55,773,260 62,060,671 56,306,827 64,678,862 2,618,191 4.2 22 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget City Council CITIZENS MISSION STATEMENT COUNCIL COUNCIL PRESIDENT 4MEMBER] City Council members develop and prioritize target MEMBER issues, policies, and regulations in order to maintains current levels of service and to guide the future growth and development of the city. ADMIN SEC 1 GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Vibrant Downtown: Maintain and improve downtown appearance and infrastructure; pursue downtown development and redevelopment; support downtown activities. ➢ Safe Community: Strategic management of Police, and Fire and Life Safety to provide responsive and effective fire, life safety, and law enforcement services. ➢ Effective Transportation System: Maintain and expand the transportation system according to the Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Plan; enhance utilization and safety of non-SOV and pedestrian transportation alternatives. ➢ Strong Local Economy: Address economic and workforce issues by conducting strategic assessments of economic development and offering economic development services on behalf of the city. ➢ Valued Government Services: Enhance communication with citizens; provide strategic management and financial services for the city; provide positive recreation experiences through services and facilities; continue to support and partner for delivery of human services. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 No significant expenditure or staffing changes proposed in 2002. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Councilmembers are elected for four-year terms and are the legislative body responsible for adopting the city budget and developing goals, policies, and regulations, which will guide Kent's future. 23 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Adopted the 2001 Budget and Capital Facilities Plan to establish funding for projects, programs, any. _ capital facilities. ➢ Purchased the Borden property and developed plans for the Kent Station mixed use center. ➢ Agreement signed for the Tacoma Second Supply Water Pipeline. ➢ Purchased Clark Lake and opened Morrill Meadows and Chestnut Ridge Parks. ➢ Agreement signed with Auburn and King County to manage construction of West Leg of the 277tn Street Corridor. — ➢ Opened the City Permit Center with greatly improved timelines for the permit process. ➢ Construction began for the Sound Transit Commuter Rail Station Parking Garage. ➢ Continued successful lobbying efforts in Olympia resulting in tax incentives for housing and major development contracts. ➢ Reaffirmed target issues and goals to guide city staff work plan for the year 2002. IMPACTS FOR THE FUTURE ➢ Address potential negative revenue impacts due to legislation or initiative. ➢ Continue development on major East/West corridor projects to increase citizen mobility. ➢ Add facilities to maintain current levels of service as future annexations create more demand. ➢ Maintain current assets and make best use of current resources. LIST OF CITY COUNCIL POSITIONS Council President 1.0 Council Members 6.0 Council Administrative Secretary 1 1.0 TOTAL 8.0 24 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CITY COUNCIL SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM City Council 203,444 239,085 139,222 202,344 263,179 24,094 10.1 Net Expenditures 203,444 239,085 139,222 202,344 263,179 24,094 10.1 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 100,241 104,911 69,457 100,241 125,501 20,590 19.6 Benefits 31,117 35,108 22,399 30,017 37,286 2,178 6.2 Supplies 1,880 3,183 360 1,880 3,183 Services&Charges 70,206 95,883 47,005 70,206 97,209 1,326 1.4 Capital Outlay Net Expenditures 203,444 239,085 139,222 202,344 263,179 24,094 10.1 25 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget MAYOR Mayor's Office, Administration and CHIEF ADMIN City Clerk's Office OFFICER — 411il� _� ADMIN ASST 2 MIC DEPUTY CHIE� ASS CHIEF EMPLOYEE FINANCE INFORMATION GR See DGAO OrgCChart ADMIN OFFICER See EESVOrg.Chart See Finaze Org.Chart See C TNOrg Chart MISSION STATEMENT EEWCITY V CLERK INTL COORD. — Exec utive/Administration, See city caul o�g.chart Government Affairs, DEP CIT CLERK RECORDS SPEC Public Information, 2 — Strategic Planning, Economic Development Oversees all facets of city government including Parks, Planning, Public Works, Fire, and Police in conjunction with services of Finance, Employee Services, and Information Technology, Economic Development and Legal. Provide oversight on all programs and services. Provide the communication link between citizens, the City Council, city departments, and other government agencies. City Clerk The Office of the City Clerk manages the City's official records; oversees the Council meetings, including agenda development and preparation of official minutes. Also provides legal notices; coordinates elections; serves on Boards and Committees; and participates in local, state and international associations. _. GOALS FOR 2002 — Executive/Administration ➢ Maintain communication processes to alert city staff and City Council members of upcoming items; _ involve staff/council in activities. ➢ Ensure the City delivers business friendly services and maintains positive business and community _ relations. Government Affairs/Public Information/Strategic Planning ➢ Continue to monitor emerging issues at all levels of government to assure that the interests of the City — of Kent are considered when initiatives are undertaken by various government entities. ➢ Continue implementation and administration of citywide strategic management and performance -- measurement programs to guide strategic management, performance, resource allocation and continuous improvement efforts. ➢ Develop and conduct a communication audit plan. ➢ Continue to facilitate Kent's five sister city relationships on the local, regional, national and international _ fronts through the efforts of the Kent Sister City Association and its five Kent citizen —based sister city committees. 26 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Economic Development ➢ Actively engage in downtown redevelopment/economic development activities, including development of parking facilities and Kent Station ➢ Draft economic development, redevelopment and retention plan. ➢ Support efforts to market Kent as a tourism destination. ➢ Collaborate with other departments in; the downtown plan update, and web-based industrial land study. City Clerk ➢ Gain increased research capabilities through the use of the software packages Acorde, Access and ASAP. ➢ Improve record services to the public and city departments by having a Records Management Officer. ➢ Set up a citywide system for retrieval of documents from the offsite storage location. ➢ Ensure that all departments acti\ely participate in records management practices. ➢ Purge/archive records going back to 1890. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES — 2002 There were no significant expenditure and staffing changes proposed in 2002. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Executive/Administration Assures the effective and efficient delivery of municipal services to residents of the City of Kent, through management of the City's resources. With the assistance of the Finance Department,the Mayor's Office prepares the Strategic Plan, Annual Budget and Capital Facilities Plan for City Council review and adoption. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate City of Kent Population as of July 2001 71,610 79,524 82,782 Documents for Mayor's Signature 283 350 350 Proclamations 45 32 31 Citizen Requests via Mayor's Office 1,000 1,312 1,325 Participation on Local & Regional Boards, Commissions & Associations 19 22 22 w 27 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Government Affairs/Public Information/ Strategic Planning ➢ Communicate city programs and services to citizens through distribution of the city newsletter, and communications with city employees. ➢ Provide central coordination for the Sister City Program including exchanges between existing sister cities. ➢ Maintain relations with local, county, regional, state and federal government agencies and activities with community and civic organizations ensuring the resources of all entities contribute to the well being of the City of Kent. _ ➢ Provide management, support and research on the Strategic Plan, Performance Measurement Program and special projects as identified by the Mayor and Council. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Sister City Delegations Received/Sent 17 9/6 6/7 Pieces of Legislation - Monitored/Lobbied/Testified # 300/60/30 500/75/25 City Newsletters Produced 12 12 Economic Development ➢ Provides service in the areas of economic development, communication, downtown redevelopment and special projects to preserve, enhance and diversify Kent's vital economy. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Economic Development Business Retention Visits 18 20 20 City Clerk — Bid Openings 23 23 20 Claims Against the City 85 116 100 Contracts & Agreements 442 369 366 _ Ordinances & Resolutions 99 59 84 Public Hearings 23 9 24 Documents Scanned 1,168 1,114 720 Records Requests 316 448 360 28 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Executive/Administration ➢ Successfully transitioned and operated under interim CAO. ➢ Oversaw and implemented successful permit center facilities development, staffing and process improvement. ➢ Oversaw successful master developer selection process for Kent Station. ➢ Oversaw development and proposal of balanced 2002 Mayor's Budget to Council. Government Affairs/Public Information/Strategic Planning ➢ Continued contractual relationship for enhanced state government affairs consulting; continued increased legislative monitoring and presence, enhanced communication and relationships with state legislators, expanded breadth and depth of legislative reporting to administration and City Council. ➢ Through expanded government affairs and legislative presence, secured passage of a bills that require a study of urban transit services, and cleanup evidence standards for DWI & DWD offenses. ➢ Drafted City's strategic plan, complete review of draft with City Council and moved toward implementation of the plan throughout the organization including more regular reporting of plan progress to the City Council. ➢ Continued performance measures program to track the City's continuous improvement efforts, and joined national ICMA performance measures project to allowfuture benchmarking. ➢ Extended oversight responsibilities to include City Clerk and Municipal Court. ➢ Pursued federal transportation funds to support Kent Station infrastructure development. Economic Development ➢ Management of Kent Station development process ➢ Facilitating reuse of Midway Landfill by soccer Success Fund City Clerk ➢ Records Management Officer hiring process completed. ➢ Increased the number of records available electronically. ➢ Implemented more efficient document imaging system. 29 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND: — Executive/Administration ➢ Maintenance of the City's high standards of service will continue to place a strain on the City's ability to generate revenues sufficient to pay for these services. The City must continue its efforts to reduce costs while maintaining or increasing service standards. _ ➢ Implementation of the City's Comprehensive Plan including land use, transportation, utilities, and capital components will guide the City's development over the next twenty years. The City must carefully manage the implementation process including development standards, annexations, and infrastructure _ if the city envisioned Comprehensive Plan is to be achieved. Government Affairs/Public Information/Strategic Planning ➢ State Legislature's 2001 inaction on a state transportation package wll create challenges for funding of Kent's and the region's transportation needs. — Economic Development ➢ Reduced availability of land, and growing development pressures will make it important to think strategically about Kent's growth. ➢ To ensure effective Economic Development activities, the City will need to complete an Economic Development Action Plan, including marketing materials. City Clerk ➢ An annexation would result in increased demand for public services, such as records requests, and voter registration. ➢ A special election would impact the budget by an undetermined amount, as costs vary depending on whether it is held alone or in conjunction with another election. $74,000 has been budgeted for a special election in 2002. 30 _ _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ MAYOR'S OFFICE SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% REVENUE Services&Charges 1,208 1,116 1,698 2,237 1,736 620 55.6 Misc Revenues 20 Total Revenues 1,228 1,116 1,698 2,237 1,736 620 55.6 EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Mayor/Administration 496,657 527,756 360,918 494,032 516,972 (10,784) (2.0) Civic Affiliations 91,332 103,975 69,523 91,332 116,434 12,459 12.0 City Rev/Public Info 282,385 412,175 228,015 281,558 386,220 (25,955) (6.3) Economic Development 166,322 193,859 91,814 166,074 203,569 9,710 5.0 City Clerk 378,150 491,563 178,610 376,762 513,736 22,173 4.5 Net Expenditures 1,414,846 1,729,328 928,881 1,409,758 1,736,931 7,603 0.4 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 628,404 684,812 452,093 628,404 711,476 26,664 3.9 Benefits 159,155 199,169 117,229 154,687 188,077 (11,092) (5.6) Supplies 8,776 11,795 13,721 8,617 10,857 (938) (8.0) Services&Charges 618,511 797,812 335,826 618,050 826,521 28,709 3.6 Transfers Out 35,740 10,011 (35,740) (100.0) Subtotal Expenditures 1,414,846 1,729,328 928,881 1,409,758 1,736,931 7,603 0.4 Cost Allocation Net Expenditures 1,414,846 1,729,328 928,881 1,409,758 1,736,931 7,603 0.4 31 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ADMINISTRATION CITY COUNCIL, THE MAYOR'S OFFICE, AND CITY CLERK ` LIST OF POSITIONS - Full Time(FT) - Regular Part Time(RPT) 2000 2001 2002 2002 In Equivalents Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT - GENERALFUND City Council Administrative Secretary 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mayor's Office _ Mayor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chief Administrative Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Chief Admin Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ Administrative Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Technician II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Economic Dev Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ International Coordinator 0.50 0.60 0.60 Office of the City Clerk City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 Word Processing Specialist II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Records Mgmt Officer 1.00 1.00 - TOTAL 11.00 0.50 12.00 (1.60 12.00 0.60 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 11.50 12.60 12.60 - COMMENTS - 2000- Part Time International Coordinator and Office Tech 1 reclassified to Office Tech 2 2001 -Increase Part Time International Coordinator(.5 to .6) and add Records Manager in City Clerks Office 2002-No changes 32 - V:\2002 Prelim euawoshion Lists.xls 10222007 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Municipal Court ASST CHIEF ADMIN JUDGE OFFICER COURTCOMM COURT ADMIN MISSION STATEMENT Probation Court Ensure that all individuals appearing before the PROBATION COURT SEC COURT Court are afforded Due Process of Law as SUPERVISOR OFFICER(5) SUPERVISOR recognized and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the State of Washington. PROBATION LEAD COURT OFFICER CLERK 3 2 GOALS FOR 2002 PROBATION :COURTBCLERK COURT CLERK ➢ Establish in-house scheduling of Interpreter Services to (5) provide better service and reduce costs. couR 2CLERK ➢ Revise and refine procedures for jury pool selection to reduce costs and provide a more convenient jury selection process to the public. ➢ Expand the Failure to Appear Reduction program to include additional court calendars. ➢ Work with city prosecutors and defense bar to resolve cases earlier in an effort to reduce multiple appearances, bench warrants and court congestion. ➢ Work with the city administration, prosecutors, defense bar, and corrections to address jail issues impacting the City. ➢ Investigate emerging computer technologies and how they might benefit the Court. ➢ Investigate the feasibility of expanding Youth Court programs to include minor criminal violations. ➢ Expand restorative justice programs of benefit to the community. ➢ Establish a Domestic Violence Impact Panel. ➢ Update database for Probation Department. ➢ Finalize Probation Policy and Procedure Manual. ➢ Participate on statewide committee to analyze the risk assessment tool used by probation departments. ➢ Work with local business owners to explore and establish an employment referral program. tt 33 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Kent Municipal Court has exclusive jurisdiction over traffic infractions and criminal violations of city and state ordinances duly adopted by the City of Kent. _ STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Infraction traffic 12,242 13,933 12,984 Infraction non-traffic 33 77 55 _ Parking 2,328 2,415 2,820 DUI 332 324 297 Criminal Traffic 2,414 2,412 2,148 _ Criminal Non-Traffic 2,017 1,930 2,112 *Civil Impounds 22 72 Total Filings 19,336 21,113 20,488 — *Effective June, 2000 City of Kent Police Department started enforcing the DWLS Impound Ordinance through a limited number of officers for a 60 day period of time. — Estimated number of hearings are based on the number of impound hearing requests filed during the 60 day trial period only. EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES — 2002 No significant expenditure or staffing changes proposed for 2002. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS — ➢ The Court has continued to take an active role in the FTA (Reduction program significantly reducing failures to appear and the aftereffect on court, police, and corrections staff. ➢ Judge, Commissioner and Probation Department have worked in conjunction with the South County Judges, Courts and Treatment Agencies to establish uniform accountability and reporting from Domestic Violence Treatment providers. _ ➢ Judge Robert McSeveney has been elected by the members of the Washington State District and Municipal Court Judges Association to represent them on the Board for Judicial Administration for — two consecutive terms. He has also been appointed to serve on the DSHS Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Program Standards advisory committee. ➢ The Court has changed collection procedures to include outsourcing management of time pay — accounts and the re-licensing program in an effort to provide better service/convenience to the public and reduce the workload of staff. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ Continued annexations resulting in increased caseload at the Municipal Court. The growing — caseload impacts the facility needs of the court (clerical space and courtrooms) as well as additional judicial, clerical and probation workloads. Continue to investigate the purchase of the - King County District Court, Aukeen Division facility. 34 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget MUNICIPAL COURT SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% REVENUE Services&Charges 299,008 331,432 220,854 341,417 344,788 13,356 4.0 Fines&Forfeitures 1,201,415 1,257,195 898,744 1,287,745 1,300,624 43,429 3.5 Misc Revenues 51,334 36,671 16,967 27,152 26,971 (9,700) (26.5) Non Revenues 231 143 143 Total Revenues 1,551,988 1,625,298 1,136,708 1,656,457 1,672,383 47,085 2.9 EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Municipal Court 1,305,110 1,340,828 883,200 1,327,897 1,394,536 53,708 4.0 Probate Services 299,437 371,832 198,041 297,836 369,806 (2,026) (0.5) Total Expenditures 1,604,547 1,712,660 1,081,242 1,625,733 1,764,342 51,682 3.0 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 906,392 993,801 650,107 906,392 1,060,758 66,957 6.7 Benefits 252,353 312,837 182,352 244,789 280,786 (32,051) (10.2) Supplies 19,576 16,086 5,991 19,576 12,008 (4,078) (25.4) Services&Charges 419,771 389,936 249,292 448,521 410,790 20,854 5.3 Capital Outlay 6,455 (6,500) 6,455 Total Expenditures 1,604,547 1,712,660 1,081,242 1,625,733 1,764,342 51,682 3.0 35 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ADMINISTRATION - MUNICIPAL COURT _ LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) _ In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget GENERALFUND FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT Municipal Court Judge 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Commissioner 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Clerk Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Clerk Lead 2.00 2.00 Court Clerk 10.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 Security Officer 0.50 0.50 0.50 - Probation Department Probation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Probation Officer 2.00 3.00 3.00 - Probation Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 18.00 1.50 19.00 11.50 19.00 1.50 - FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 19.50 20.50 20.50 COMMENTS - 2001 -Add Probation Officer. Reclassified Court Clerk Lead to Court Clerk Supervisor and two Court Clerks to Leads. 2002-No changes - 36 - V't2002 Prelim BuMP.sftn Lmts.1l 10=001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget —r®sii I W Employee Services DIRECTOR ADMIN ASST 2 MISSION STATEMENT Risk Mane ement Benefits Class&Comp Recruitment The Employee Services Department is responsible for RISK MANAGER HR.MANAGER H.R.MANAGER H.R.MANAGER the recruitment and retention of a professional, productive and H.R.ANALYST H.R.ANALYST HR.ANALYST 2 2 3 H.R.ANALYST diverse work force and for the safety of employees and citizens BENEFITS ASST (2yrJ by providing quality training, consulting, H.R.SPECIALIST and customer services. OFFICE TECH 3 GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Implement an integrated Human Resources/Payroll information system that provides a more efficient and effective means for delivering human resource services ➢ Successfully negotiate labor agreements with Kent Police Officers Association representing Police Officers and Sergeants and International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) representing Fire Fighters ➢ Successfully conduct a Compensation Study for non-represented non-management employees ➢ Research and develop recommendations for an employee evaluation system that incorporates city and departmental performance measures ➢ Continue to develop department presence on the City's intranet site in an effort to provide useful information to employees on the status of benefits, labor relations, classification/compensation, training, etc. ➢ Build a productive, professional, responsive recruitment team ➢ Improve customer service ➢ Hold evening classes for the general public on how to prepare for an interview ➢ Implement PERS 3 Retirement Program ➢ Conduct feasibility study for Retiree Health Care Access ➢ Implement a Long Term Care Program for LEOFF 1 employees and retirees - ➢ Ensure a comprehensive Safety Orientation for all new employees as a component of the New Employee Orientation program ➢ Expand the comprehensive management development program, Kent Management Training Academy. Expand citywide diversity and inclusion training to the next level to assure cultural competency skills in all employees �, a 37 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Continue to address frequency and severity of on the job injuries through investigation, safety programs, and the implementation of an ergonomics program SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES IN 2002 Increased administrations baseline to include additional funding for the Commuter Trip Reduction _ Program and maintenance contracts. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Employee Services/Civil Service Administration Administers comprehensive recruitment, testing and training programs; performs employee labor relations, mediation, negotiations, and contract administration with six labor unions and approximately 250 non-represented employees; and develops and maintains the city's classification and compensation plans. Statistics[Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Employee Services/Civil Service Administration Actual Actual Estimate Regular Employees 777 787 801 - Union Represented Employees 544 545 546 Percent Minority 9.0% 9.4% 9.4% Percent Employee Turnover 7.5% 5.3% 5.8% Positions Recruited 93 85 108 Employment Applications Processed 4,800 2,891 3,090 Number of regular positions filled 101 85 100 _ Number of temporary positions filled 315 200 254 Number of job descriptions written 123 148 188 Number of reclassifications processed 27 20 28 Number of participants in wellness programs 550 570 580 Citywide Training and Employee Development _ Administers and coordinates citywide employee training and development programs including: safety (e.g. defensive driving), skill development (e.g. customer service and supervisory skills), managerial development (e.g. team building), and liability reduction (e.g. sexual harassment prevention). Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Citywide Training and Employee Development Actual Actual Estimate Total Training Sessions 55 50 116 Total Number of Participants 1,128 765 2,723 38 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Employee Benefits Administration Administers a comprehensive self-funded health care plan and several group insurance programs for employees, including life and long term disability insurance, employee assistance, employee recognition, employee newsletter, management benefits, and wellness programs. Facilitates the citywide Health Care Committee. Administers the cites Commute Trip Reduction program. Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Employee Benefits Administration Actual Actual Estimate Cost of Self-Funded Health Care Plan $4,776,639 $5,236,059 $5,482,548 Employees and Dependents Covered 2,234 2,386 2,317 Risk Management Administers a complex array of citywide risk management and insurance programs including: self- insured worker's compensation, high deductible liability insurance with comprehensive loss control, safety and accident prevention training, risk financing of property/casualty insurance, and the self- insured unemployment compensation insurance program. Statistics[ Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Risk Management Actual Actual Estimate Liability Claims Filed 93 92 90 Liability Incurred Losses $408,429 $592,594 $598,601 Liability Premium Cost (to WCIA) *$417,075 $417,075 $460,768 Worker's Compensation Claims Filed 111 110 120 Worker's Comp Incurred Losses & Expenses $445,486 $443,483 $586,573 Unemployment Claims Filed 34 86 90 Unemployment Paid Losses & Expenses $118,851 $81,836 $91,128 *WCIA assessments for excess coverage, membership fees, and claim administration costs. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Successfully negotiated a three-year labor agreement with the Teamsters, Local 117; and a three-year labor agreement with AFSCME, Local 2617 ➢ The Management Compensation Task Force successfully completed and implemented the Compensation Study for mid-managers ➢ Revised several personnel policies and procedures ➢ Reinforced the City of Kent hiring philosophy and the Kent Cares philosophy statement ➢ Trained hiring managers and interview panels on the hiring process ➢ Held a number of"How to Interview" classes for City staff so they can be more effective during employment interviews 39 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Increased the diversity of our applicant pool ➢ Assisted the Diversity Advisory Board, Kent School District and Sister City Committee in hosting _ the first Kaleidoscope community celebration ➢ Performed an actuarial study of the health and welfare fund to set future funding level _ recommendations for the on-going stability of the fund and to assist in meeting the State Risk Management requirements ➢ Launched the Benefits Web Page on the City's Intranet to Educate and assist employees with _ their benefit programs ➢ Implemented the Flex Pass Program in April 2001 in an efort to enable eligible employees to — choose from a variety of non-SOV commute options provided) by Sound Transit and King County ➢ The Health Care Committee reached consensus on the cost containment features added to the City's self-insured health care plan; overall savings is approximately $375,000 ➢ Implemented the Employee ID Badge Program in response to the Workplace Violence _ Committee ➢ Enhanced Employee of the Month program to include an Employee of the Year ➢ Launched the Kent Management Training Academy to provide comprehensive management development; two teams of department directors and high level managers, a total of 42 staff, attended the first two sessions of the four session program ➢ Audited the City's compliance with regulations regarding hazardous chemicals, and implemented procedures and training to assure compliance with worker safety and environmental regulations, _ and lessen potential City liabilities ➢ Continued efforts to develop an ergonomics program in compliance with state worker safety regulations and to address the frequency and severity of worker injuries due to musculoskeletal _ disorders ➢ Completed an actuarial study of the Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund. The study — identified deficiencies in current funding strategies, made recommendations on future funding levels and recommended funding to address declining fund equity ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ State and Federal Mandates ➢ Labor costs increasing at faster rate than revenues ➢ Ability to recruit and retain high-tech and engineering protassionals ➢ Rising cost of health care with demands for retiree health care access 40 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget EMPLOYEE SERVICES SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% REVENUE Services&Charges 16,910 17,600 7,020 17,600 17,600 Transfers In 21,457 24,187 24,187 16,584 (7,603) (31.4) Total Revenues 38,367 41,787 7,087 41,854 34,184 (7,603) (18.2) EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Employee Services 907,534 1,224,698 833,984 904,331 1,354,243 129,545 10.6 Civil Service Comm 112,085 161,658 78,508 111,900 164,406 2,748 1.7 Training 105,808 145,211 80,565 105,808 142,210 (3,001) (2.1) Risk MgmUSafety 3,005 9,993 2,545 3,005 23,278 13,285 132.9 Sub total Expenditures 1,128,432 1,541,560 995,602 1,125,044 1,684,137 142,577 9.2 Employee Svcs-Reimb (204,338) (230,468) (153,644) (204,338) (261,813) (31,345) 13.6 Net Expenditures 924,094 1,311,092 841,958 920,706 1,422,324 111,232 8.5 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 521,483 642,982 449,922 521,483 731,121 88,139 13.7 Benefits 123,293 185,984 115,895 120,038 174,057 (11,927) (6.4) Supplies 28,863 51,455 21,232 28,863 55,145 3,690 7.2 Services&Charges 454,793 661,139 404,417 454,660 723,814 62,675 9.5 Capital Outlay 4,136 Sub total Expenditures 1,128,432 1,541,560 995,602 1,125,044 1,684,137 142,577 9.2 Cost Allocation (204,338) (230,468) (153,644) (204,338) (261,813) (31,345) 13.6 Net Expenditures 924,094 1,311,092 841,958 920,706 1,422,324 111,232 8.5 41 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget EMPLOYEE SERVICES DEPARTMENT LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents ` 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT GENERALFUND Employee Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 HR Manager-Employment 1.00 1.00 1.00 HR Manager-Class&Comp 1.00 1.00 1.00 HR Analyst 2.00 6.00 6.00 Y HR Specialist 2.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Benefits Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Technician III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub Total 10.00 13.00 13.00 INSURANCE FUNDS HR Manager- Benefits 1.00 1.00 1.00 Risk Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Risk Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 HR Analyst 1.00 1.00 Sub Total 3.00 1 4.00 4.00 TOTAL 13.00 17.00 17.00 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 13.00 17.00 17.00 - COMMENTS 2000-Eliminated HR Analyst in response to Initiative 695. 2001-Add HR Analyst for Class&Comp and add-back HR Analyst eliminated in 2000. HR Spec reclassed to Analyst. Converted 8-mo TPT to RPT OT 2 (DeMarco 11101). Added project funded 2yr HR Analyst for Mgmt Comp study. - 2002-No changes 42 V:12002 Prelim 6ud\Posdlon List-Is 10/222001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ Legal Department CITY ATTORNEY DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY MISSION STATEMENT Family violence PROSECUTION CIVIL To professionally and SR PROS ATTY SR PROS AM p y Fam Violence Unit effectively provide the I! -,, highest quality legal PROSECUTING services to the Cit Of PROSECUTING ASSISTANT CITY y ATTORNEY ATTORNEY ATTORNEY Kent in furtherance of the 3 public health, safety, and D.V.VICTIM LEGAL SEC 1 welfare of its citizens. 2 PARALEGAL ADVOCAT'M 2 LEGAL SEC 1 OFFICE TECH 2 GOALS FOR 2002 CIVIL LEGAL SEC OFFICE TECH 2 ➢ Implement a sophisticated case management software system to utilize laptops in court so that prosecution Iles may be better managed by both support staff and prosecutors. ➢ Reduce illegal street racing through local and regional collaboration and through enforcement of new codes. ➢ Complete franchise negotiations with Olympic Pipeline to ensure safe pipeline operation in the City of Kent. ➢ Continue integrated strategic planning for the City's family violence program with Police, Legal, and the Municipal Court. ➢ Complete Phase II of Code Enforcement regulation revisions for a more effective and efficient comprehensive Code Enforcement program. ➢ Complete revisions to the City's regulations relating to processing of permits to update permit processing procedures. ➢ Take substantial steps toward obtaining an approved Habitat Conservation Plan for City's Clark Springs/Rock Creek resource. ➢ Revise and update the Civil Service Rules for a more effective and efficient implementation of Civil Service policies. ➢ Develop a more effective and efficient internal public records response process in coordination with new Records Management Officer. ➢ Assist the Public Works Department with implementation of new "Best Management Practices" and construction standards in compliance with the Endangered Species Act. 43 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Complete negotiations with state agencies to commence construction of Tacoma -- Pipeline No. 5. - ➢ Continue to work with City and Sound Transit officials to develop the Sound Transit Station parking structure and other Phase II station improvements. ➢ Continue to provide the highest quality of legal services to city departments. ➢ Continue to assist Valley Communications with the development of its new 911 dispatch - facility. ➢ Complete amendment of criminal code to update and conform more closely to state - criminal code. ➢ Assist Planning in developing new agricultural land policies and transfer of development _ rights/purchase of developmental rights (TDR/PDR) policies. EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 During 2002, the prosecution division will expand an existing 80% position to regular, full- _ time to provide additional support to the prosecution division. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM General Services The Legal Department consists of the Civil and Prosecution Divisions. The Prosecution - Division, in conjunction with the Police Department, houses the Family Violence Unit. The Legal Department advises and represents all city elected and appointed officials, employees, boards, committees, task forces, and commissions on all civil legal matters _ pertaining to the City of Kent. The department is responsible for all litigation involving the city and prosecutes all criminal misdemeanor cases as well as infractions and some code violations on behalf of the city. The Legal Department exemplifies a Kent Cares attitude by - providing information, support, and referrals through Domestic Violence Legal Coordinators to domestic violence victims and by providing or making available other services to citizens in need of such services. Civil ➢ Attends all meetings of the City Council, advising and rendering formal opinions upon request. Attends meetings of the Mayor's and City Council's boards, committees, - commissions and task forces. ➢ Prepares and reviews ordinances, resolutions, petitions, contracts, deeds, leases, easements, agreements, notices, and all other legal documents. 44 - City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Provides general legal services for the following city departments and offices: Council & Administration Information Technology Civil Service Parks, Rec & Community Svcs Finance Planning Fire & Life Safety Police and Corrections Facility Development Services Public Works Employee Services ➢ Prosecutes and/or defends civil actions brought by or against the city or against elected officials, officers, and employees in their official capacity, in courts of original jurisdiction and on appeals. ➢ Serves as legal advisor to the citys department heads, labor negotiator, and hearing examiner. ➢ Serves as general counsel to Valley Communications Center. ➢ Responsible for review and research of federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and court decisions and the preparation of memoranda and legal opinions. Prosecution/Family Violence Unit ➢ Appears at all scheduled court calendars. _ ➢ Prosecutes all criminal violations of city ordinances consisting of misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors. ➢ Defends the city on appeals of criminal misdemeanor matters. ➢ Prosecutes drug forfeiture cases. ➢ Advises police officers operating in the field on an as needed basis (day or night) on questions pertaining to probable cause. ➢ Provides training and advice to Kent Police Department personnel and other agencies. ➢ Provides assistance to family violence victims involved in Kent criminal cases. ➢ Reviews and researches federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and court decisions relating to the prosecution of criminal cases. ➢ Reviews and prepares criminal law ordinances, police training bulletins, memoranda, and legal opinions. ➢ Works as conflict counsel on a case-by-case basis for surrounding jurisdictions, including King County, Tacoma, Federal Way, Renton, and Seattle. ➢ Responds to citizen inquiries. 45 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Provides assistance to Kent community through the City's Family Violence Victim Advocates who: ➢ Assist prosecutors and police officers by reviewing police reports, interviewing witnesses, and appearing at court hearings to support victims of family violence. ➢ Provide community outreach, prevention, and training. ➢ Provide individual victim education, prevention, safety planning and referral. Criminal misdemeanor cases filed by the Legal Department 1998 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Actual Estimate Citations 4,723 4,675 *4,664 4,852 Charges *5,544 *5,464 5,551 5,859 * May contain more than one charge per citation RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Civil: ➢ Negotiated a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City and BNSF for a railroad spur after obtaining satisfactory hazardous waste insurance for the site by adding a rider to the Borden site hazardous waste insurance policy. _ ➢ Negotiated to purchase additional right-of-way for improvements on Smith and Pioneer related to the Sound Transit parking garage. This includes a condemnation action for _ a small portion of the Reiman property along Smith Street. ➢ Filed an Issue Statement and Statement of Fact in a Washington State Utilities and Transportation ("WUTC") action against Puget Sound Energy ("PSE") regarding PSE's responsibility to pay for costs of undergrounding PSE's utilities. ➢ Coordinated interviews and the selection of a consultant to analyze Olympic Pipeline issues in the City's renegotiation of its franchise with Olympic Pipeline. ➢ Negotiated a Settlement Agreement in the City of Kent v. Boise Mobile Equipment, Inc. _ relating to the revocation of acceptance of two (2) fire trucks. The settlement involved a refund to the City of$525,000 for faulty fire engines. ➢ Prevailed in a collateral attack on the constitutionality of the 196'h LID (LID 351) before King County Superior Court and the Washington State Court of Appeals. 46 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Played a key role in completing negotiations with AT&T Broadband over its franchise obligation to provide public access programming. AT&T will pay $3.7 million to Puget Sound Access ("PSA"), a non-profit community access television consortium that represents Auburn, Tukwila, Renton, Des Moines, and Kent). ➢ Completed Phase I of Code Enforcement revision. ➢ Assisted Information Technology Department in the final contract negotiations and execution with JD Edwards for its finance and personnel software system. ➢ Completed substantial code revision to the Subdivision Code. ➢ Completed negotiations with Department of Ecology regarding permit conditions for construction of Tacoma Pipeline No. 5. ➢ Assisted the Parks Department in the negotiation for the purchase of property at Clark Lake for addition of land to the Citys park system. ➢ Assisted Valley Communications with the initial phases of construction of a new 911 dispatch center in the City of Kent. ➢ Successful defense of litigation against the City, including a class action lawsuit relating to work release program of inmates at the City's correctional facility. ➢ Assisted Planning in the development of Urban Separators policies for the City of Kent. ➢ Negotiated and finalized Franchise Agreements for solid waste collection and disposal, — recycling and processing. Prosecution: - ➢ Argued before the Washington State Supreme Court in the matter of City of Kent v. Beigh which involved an issue of whether a blood test could be administered in DUI cases if an individual was incapable, due to a physical limitation, to provide a valid breath sample. ➢ Hosted Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn at the City's Family Violence Unit to showcase how a coordinated response between the court, police, and prosecution works in - domestic violence cases. ➢ Prepared the Stay Out of Areas of Racing (SOAR) ordinance, which was adopted by Council in June, 2001, which received local, state, and national attention in an attempt to curb unlawful racing. ➢ Assisted in lobbying the State Legislature to change Washington law in order to ensure that a person's refusal to take a drug test could be admissible in DUI cases and to correct a flaw in the ignition interlock statute so that prosecution of ignition interlock cases can be accomplished. ➢ Provided training to state municipal and county prosecutors on domestic violence issues. 47 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Hosted Assistant Minister of Justice Kippipong Kittayarak for the nation of Thailand at the City's Family Violence Unit to showcase how a coordinated response between the -- court, police, and prosecution works in domestic violence cases. _ ➢ Fully implemented driving while license suspended (DWLS) vehicle tow program. ➢ Successfully prosecuted forfeiture of thousands of dollars of drug assets. ➢ Continued community outreach through student coud-, family violence training in schools, and Explorer's Program. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND — ➢ Records retention ➢ Endangered Species Act ➢ Illegal Street Racing and enforcement of new racing codes. _ ➢ Clark Springs/Rock Creek Habitat Conservation Plan ➢ Preservation and expansion of water rights for City's water system. ➢ Records retention and electronic file implementation of prosecutions criminal files ➢ Enforcement of code violations under new codes. ➢ Criminal justice facility needs ➢ Office space needs for Legal Department. ➢ Sound Transit station development. ➢ Kent Station planning and development. 48 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RESPONSE TO STRATEGIC PLAN Vibrant Downtown ➢ Coordinate with Police and with outreach programs to provide assistance to homeless. ➢ Provide property acquisition and other assistance for the development of the Kent Station and Sound Transit projects. Safe Community ➢ Update criminal code and adoption of RCW's for enhanced enforcement, uniformity, _ and ease of reference for the public. ➢ Work with Police and Fire to assist victims of family violence. ➢ Continue to prosecute violators of the City's Stay Out of Areas of Racing (SOAR) ordinance, and defend any challenges to the ordinance. ➢ Finalize revisions to Code Enforcement regulations ordinance for more effective implementation of code enforcement in the City. ➢ Coordinate with Municipal Court and Corrections Facility to develop additional - programs to control jail population. ➢ Maintain and improve Legal Department web site. Effective Transportation System ➢ Obtain ruling from WUTC regarding cost allocation to underground utilities in road projects. ➢ Support Public Works Department transportation infrastructure projects by drafting and negotiating contracts, managing contracts, and managing claims. Address Endangered Species Act impacts to transportation infastructure. _ Strong Local Economy ➢ Update land use and development codes to provide for a more efficient permitting process. ➢ Complete WUTC action to enforce PSE's utility undergrounding cost obligations on Hwy 99 street improvement project. ➢ Continue to assist Public Works with project management of 277th Auburn corridor project. Valued Government Services ➢ Maintain and improve Legal Department web site to provide information for crime victims, with particular attention to family violence victims. ➢ Improve successful prosecution by accessing criminal records databases via use of laptops in court through a wireless connection to the City's intranet. ➢ Work with service providers to provide assistance to victims of domestic violence, while continuing to offer additional programs internally via the cellular phone program, voice mail program, and voucher program, which provides emergency shelter and food to victims of domestic violence. ➢ Assist with the development of new storm drainage construction and other maintenance standards under the Endangered Species Act. ➢ Negotiate and complete interlocal agreements with regional utilities to provide short and long term water supply system emergency interties. ➢ Complete negotiations with Department of Ecology and other agencies with _ jurisdiction to obtain permits to commence construction of Tacoma's Pipeline No. 5. 49 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget LEGAL DEPARTMENT SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% _ REVENUE Services&Charges 5 Fines&Forfeitures 35,858 17,817 25,667 36,780 37,147 19,330 108.5 Miscellaneous Revenues 2,983 196 323 196 196 - Total Revenues EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Law Administration 244,748 303,391 169,131 244,476 315,156 11,765 3.9 - Civil Attorneys 424,799 544,759 386,035 423,031 586,560 41,801 7.7 Prosecutors/Dom Viol 343,556 353,745 222,506 341,450 388,814 35,069 9.9 Sub total Expenditures 1,013,103 1,201,895 777,672 1,008,957 1,290,530 88,635 7.4 City Attorney-Reimb (269,672) (277,762) (185,173) (269,672) (287,484) (9,722) 3.5 Net Expenditures 743,431 924,133 592,499 739,285 1,003,046 78,913 8.5 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 587,849 695,777 464,170 587,849 765,331 69,554 10.0 - Benefits 151,937 205,406 128,706 147,791 188,063 (17,343) (8.4) Supplies 32,645 28,448 11,313 32,645 28,648 200 0.7 Services&Charges 236,865 272,264 173,482 236,865 308,488 36,224 13.3 Capital Outlay 3,807 3,807 - SubtotalExpenditures 1,013,103 1,201,895 777,672 1,008,957 1,290,530 88,635 7.4 Cost Allocation (269,672) (277,762) (185,173) (269,672) (287,484) (9,722) 3.5 Net Expenditures 743,431 924,133 592,499 739,285 1,003,046 78,913 8.5 50 - City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget LEGAL DEPARTMENT LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT GENERALFUND City Attorney 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Attorney 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant City Attorney 1.00 3.00 3.00 Senior Prosecuting Attorney 2.00 2.00 2.00 Civil Attorney 2.00 Paralegal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Legal Secretary 1 1.60 1.00 0.80 1.00 -0.80 2.00 Civil Legal Secretary 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Technician II 1.00 1.00 Receptionist(OT1) 1.00 SUBTOTAL 10.00 1.60 11.00 0.80 1.00 -0.80 12.00 CRIMINAL JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 2.00 3.00 3.00 Legal Secretary 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Dom Violence Victim Advocate II 1.00 Dom Violence Victim Advocate 1 1.00 2.00 2.00 DV Receptionist(OT2) 1.00 1.00 1.00 SUBTOTAL CRMNL JUSTICE 6.00 7.00 7.00 TOTAL 16.00 1.60 18.00 0.80 1.00 -0.80 19.00 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 17.60 18.80 0.20 19.00 COMMENTS 2000- 1-695 cut.5 Civil Attorney and reduced two Legal Secretary I to .8 RPT each. Add-back 1.0 Civil Attorney 2001 -Add Prosecutor for Domestic Violence in Criminal Justice Fund Increased.8 Legal Sec I to 1.0 FTE(07/01) 2002-Increase .8 Legal Sec I to 1.0 FTE 51 V:\2002 Prelim B,6Pos4,on List-Is W22/2D01 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Finance Department FINANCE DIRECTOR _ �:. ADMIN ASST 2 MISSION E%% llfl C'ig USTOMER SVCS ASST FINANCE FINANCIAL PLAN ECON MGR DIRECTOR MGR STATEMENT To provide effective, SR FINANCIA FINANCIAL SR FINANCIAL ANALVSTANALYST ANALYST timely and responsible 3administration of all the 5) FIELD SR.FINANCIAL FIN SVCS SPVR FIN SVCS SPVR SU PERVI50Rfinancial affairs in theANALYST _ city by upholding the ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING MTR READER 3 public trust through TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN financial excellence. �renA ire PAYROLL CUST SVCS REP ACCT SVCS MTR READER 2 ANALYST(Tyr) 4 A557 3 2 (.5) CUST SVC CUST SVCS REP COURIER GOALS FOR 2002 2 2 ➢ Fully implement an integrated Payroll/Human Resources information system. ➢ Become the third Washington city to have one-stop City/State business license process. ➢ Increase cash flow through a new audit tax discovery program, linking business license and sales tax programs; expanding collection efforts and collection processes; and, updating cost allocations of equipment rental and LID rates. — — ➢ Improve monthly reports to link to the Council's goals. ➢ Improve Finance web pages, pursue more online payments and citizen surveys. _ EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES 2002 Conversion of .25 loaned payroll person from J.D. Edwards team back to payroll October 1, 2002. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM ➢ Finance Administration is responsible for preparing and updating the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and other financial reports, project and analysis, management of the investment and debt — portfolios, and field audit functions. The division also administers and coordinates department functions that include Financial Services, Customer Services, Utility Billing and Central Services. ➢ Financial Planning is responsible for the development, preparation, and monitoring of the annual operating budget; short and long range re\enue and expenditure forecasts; the Capital Improvement Program, and the Capital Facilities Plan. The division also conducts financial analysis, trend analysis _ and prepares financial reports. ➢ Accounting Services is responsible for administering the citys accounting and payroll operations. _ The services provided include: general ledger accounting, technical accounting support to city departments, accounts payable, payroll processing, payroll benefit and tax reporting and financial analysis. 52 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Customer Services is responsible for management of Customer Services, Central Services, and Utility Billing and Collection. Customer Services provides treasury services for utilities, Local Improvement District Projects (LIDs), miscellaneous accounts receivable, and coordinates receipting functions for all cash receipts. ➢ The division also provides Central Services for mail room, fax, photocopies, central stores, film processing, courier, and Federal Express. Other city services administered are: office supplies, laundry, gasoline, propane, photocopy and utility billing contracts through Purchasing Services. Statistics[Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Average Investment Portfolio (in millions) $86.8 $92 $91.7 Average Debt Portfolio (in millions) $90.5 $100.9 $101.1 Operating Budget (in millions) $94.5 $98.8 $123.3 Carryover Capital (in millions) $131.2 $176.8 $36.0 Regular full-time employees 750 787 821 W-2's (full-time and part-time employees) 1,333 1,323 1,375 Numbers of Receipts 7,785 14,540 5,850 Number of Accounts Receivable Billed 1,028 1,244 1,040 Purchase Orders 14,317 13,899 *Vouchers Paid (new tracking in 2001) 40,822 RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Received a $153,090 refund of water utility tax dollars and within the last year recovered sales tax of approximately $75,000 with $17,000 in August 2000 alone. ➢ Received unqualified audit opinion for 2000 financial statements. ➢ Vendor and accounts payable conversion to new J.D. Edwards system on July 2, 2001. ➢ Implemented positive pay to protect city's check issuance from fraud. ➢ Received the 1999 GFOA Excellence in Reporting Award for the CAFR, and submitted the 2000 CAFR. Received the Government Finance Officer Association distinguished budget award for the 2000 Budget. ➢ Launched Finance department Internet and Intranet web sites. ➢ Produced the first Budget in Brief document for City Council, Staff and Citizens. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND - ➢ Implementation of J.D. Edwards —conversion of payroll, tax and benefit payments and purchasing. ➢ Impact of taxpayer initiatives further constraining revenue sources. ➢ Future annexations as the city fills out its potential annexation area. ➢ Continued improvement in technology with possible opportunities for: On line purchasing Internet based processing of licenses, permits and utility payments On line account balancing and wire transfers of payments for large accounts. 53 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FINANCE DEPARTMENT _ SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% REVENUE Licenses&Permits Services&Charges 1,251 1,106 880 1,539 1,511 405 36.6 Miscellaneous Revenues 207 327 327 - Transfers In 28,655 29,454 29,454 (29,454) (100.0) Total Revenues 30,113 30,560 1,207 31,320 1,511 (29,049) (95.1) EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Finance Administration 777,028 822,892 553,536 777,570 839,547 16,655 2.0 Accounting Services 583,722 627,524 448,853 581,540 730,490 102,966 16.4 Financial Planning 203,839 291,657 176,147 202,765 313,448 21,791 7.5 Customer Services 647,139 734,386 484,946 647,990 706,006 (28,380) (3.9) - Sub total Expenditures 2,211,728 2,476,459 1,663,482 2,209,865 2,589,491 113,032 4.6 Finance Reimbursement (802,959) (764,047) (513,260) (802,959) (790,789) (26,742) 3.5 NetExpenditures EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 1,242,764 1,375,114 951,041 1,242,764 1,481,187 106,073 7.7 Benefits 321,968 417,920 253,119 313,249 377,737 (40,183) (9.6) Supplies 13,959 18,160 12,704 13,959 21,899 3,739 20.6 Services&Charges 633,037 665,265 442,483 639,893 708,668 43,403 6.5 - Capital Outlay 4,136 Sub total Expenditures 2,211,728 2,476,459 1,663,482 2,209,865 2,589,491 113,032 4.6 Cost Allocation (802,959) (764,047) (513,260) (802,959) (790,789) (26,742) 3.5 Net Expenditures 1,408,769 1,712,412 1,150,222 1,406,906 1,798,702 86,290 5.0 54 - City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FINANCE DEPARTMENT LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget 11 Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT GENERALFUND Administration Finance Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Finance Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sr Financial Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sr Auditor/Fin Economist 2.00 1.50 1.50 Administrative Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Accounting Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sr Financial Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Finance Analyst 5.00 5.00 5.00 Accounting Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Financial Planning Financial Planning Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sr Financial Analyst 1.50 0.60 2.00 0.60 2.00 0.60 Customer Service Customer Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial Services Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 LID Billing Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accting Services Assistant III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Customer Svcs Representative 2.00 2.00 2.00 Courier 1.00 2.00 2.00 Sub Total 24.50 0.60 25.50 0.60 25.50 0.60 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Sr Financial Analyst 1.50 1.50 1.50 UTILITY CLEARING 7.00 1.06 8.00 1.06 8.00 1.06 TOTAL 33.00 1.66 35.00 1.66 35.00 1.66 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 34.66 36.66 36.66 COMMENTS 2000-Accounting Tech converted from TPT to.6 RPT. Added Payroll Analyst in Accounting division for Tech Plan and eliminated Customer Service Rep in response to 1-695 _ 2001 -Add-back Customer Service Rep and added another Courier in Utility Clearing Fund 2002-No changes 55 V'.\2002 Prelim Bud\Position Llsts.xls 10222001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Community AA r1 DEPUTY CHIEF Developm en ADMINOFFICER I J P.—ft Cenler B Alding Services Planning Servires PERMIT CTR MGR �11111I NG SVCS A�INNERV MANAGER MISSION STATEMENT _ The Community Development Department PERMIT CODE ENFORC OFFCF ASST BLDG OFFCL IN ASST3DEV PERMIT TECH was created as part of aDEV PERMIT TECHDEV PERMIT TECH reorganization implemented B COMB BLDG INSPSECRETARY 15in 2000. The Deputy Chief Do T.I.e OFFICE TECH II PLANS EXAMINER Administrative Officer z 5 oversees the Permit Center, PANNING ASST — Building Services and Planning Services Division, as well as the Public Works Department, to ensure efficient and effective provision of community development services. — Permit Center The mission of the Kent Permit Center is to provide the city's permit customers and citizens with a friendly, _ timely and fair permit process in a collaborative framework while maintaining the integrity of the city's development codes and by protecting and promoting the public interest in a safe and appropriate manner. We implement our mission through education, coordination and respect, and by providing comprehensive and accurate information and facilitating access to information and by effectively administering the city's development regulations. Planning Services Strive to ensure environmental quality in the land development process by effective administration of land use codes and compliance with the Growth Management Act. The division is guided by and committed to public participation, customer service, and attainment of the highest possible quality of life for all Kent _ citizens. Building Services _. Foster the safe, orderly, and beneficial development, construction, and continued use of buildings and land in Kent. This is accomplished by fulfilling the state-mandated responsibility to administer and enforce the Uniform Building Codes and by enforcement of these and other codes regulating land use, buildings, and nuisances. Customers are helped to achieve code compliancE!through review of construction plans in the city's permit process and through subsequent building inspections. The community is also served by the safety net of code enforcement maintaining minimum legal standards of maintenance and use of buildings and property. GOALS FOR 2002 — Permit Center ➢ Improve and maintain consistency and accuracy in the application and dissemination of regulatory and procedural information by instituting joint training and cross training of all permit staff, developing and maintaining effective communication channels among permitting functions. 56 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Maintain high levels of customer service satisfaction as reported by customers on survey cards. ➢ Assist customers to access permit process information through the self-help area in the newly constructed Permit Center and enhanced vveb site. Planning Services ➢ Update the Kent Comprehensive Plan. _ ➢ Complete Industrial Lands Study, providing web-based inventory of available properties. ➢ Continue to streamline the permit process. ➢ Implement transit-oriented design and mied-use projects in downtown. ➢ Facilitate growth and development of newly-converted DCE properties through implementation of Planned Action Ordinance. ➢ Implement federal and state mandates related to Endangered Species Act, Shoreline Management Act, and Growth Management Act, including critical areas. ➢ Continue to update Kent Subdivision and Zoning codes, including provisions for clustering. ➢ Develop design guidelines for clustered subdivisions. ➢ Develop neighborhood plan for Pacific Highway South area. ➢ Strengthen commitment to customer service by providing a coordinated permit review process, educational workshops, informational handouts and on-line access to Planning Services. Building Services ➢ Maintain a high level of customer service in permit process plan review by consistently meeting established timelines identified for each type of permit application and by providing immediate, direct service in the Permit Center. ➢ Maintain a high level of customer service in building inspections by consistently meeting identified service delivery standard of"next-day" inspections while providing information, guidance and assistance to customers in the field. ➢ Improve building inspector effectiveness and efficiency through automation of information access to inspectors in the field by portable or vehicle—mounted computers with real-time links to the city network permit system. ➢ Improve service to building inspection customers by automating inspection request and result information processes, linked to the automated permit process. ➢ Improve code enforcement service by adding one additional code enforcement officer position and one administrative secretary position (shared with general Division duties) to the Division. 57 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 No significant expenditure or staffing changes proposed in 2002. _ SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM _ Permit Center The Permit Center Division is responsible for intake, coordination, routing, records maintenance, information dissemination, and permit issuance activities associated with all city planning, development, building and other types of statutorily required permits. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 PERMIT CENTER Actual Actual Estimate - Permits Issued 2,609 2,361 2,200 Valuation ($) $161,595,237 $154,072,248 $1331000,000 - Long Range Planning Planning Services is composed of a long range planning section. Long range planning deals with code and - policy amendments, including modifications to the comprehensive plan. In addition, long range planning involves special projects such as downtown planning, Sounder Commuter Rail, downtown revitalization, and other studies and plans of a special nature. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 LONG RANGE PLANNING Actual Actual Estimate Annexation Zoning 1 - 1 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 11 9 9 Comprehensive Plan Zoning Map Amendments 9 6 3 Subdivision Code Amendments 2 1 1 Zoning Code Amendments 7 5 4 Current Planning Planning Services is composed of a current planning section. Current planning deals with the permit review - process, including both development permits (such as building permits) and land use permits (such as conditional use permits). Additionally, current planning provides direct customer service by providing information related to zoning and the permit review process. 58 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 CURRENT PLANNING Actual Actual Estimate Admin Approvals (Wireless Telecommunications) 6 16 12 Annexations 1 1 - SEPA Applications 64 63 64 Street Vacations 7 3 2 Binding Site Plans 2 6 4 Pre-Application Meetings 54 61 50 Lot Line Adjustments 37 32 26 Shoreline Substantial Development 3 2 2 Shoreline Exemption* - 2 5 * Shoreline Exemptions are requirements in 2000. Subdivisions: Plat Alteration* - 3 4 Tentative Short Plats 18 22 18 Short Plats 15 23 29 Final Short Plat** 3 7 6 Tentative Preliminary Plats 6 11 8 Preliminary Plats 15 5 5 Final Plats 6 7 8 Zoning Permits 950 926 958 * Plat Alternations are requirements in 2000. Hearing Examiner - The Hearing Examiner reviews a wide variety of zoning cases related to rezones, conditional use permits, variances, appeals from SEPA decisions and administrative interpretations. In addition, the Hearing Examiner conducts hearings and issues decisions on code enforcement actions and, - since last year, hears appeals relating to the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, and Uniform Mechanical Code (previously heard by the Board of Appeals). The Hearing Examiner meets twice a month. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 HEARING EXAMINER Actual Actual Estimate Hearings 23 19 22 Conditional Use Permits 15 10 6 Shoreline Management Variances 3 1 1 Plat Alterations and Preliminary Plats 15 8 9 Rezones 3 1 2 Shoreline & Reg. Variances/SEPA & Shortplat appeals 8 6 9 _ Land Use and Planning Board - The Land Use and Planning Board advises the City Council on amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code and Subdivision Code; advises the Council on annexation zoning and zoning map amendments. The board meets twice a month. 59 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD Actual Actual Estimate - Hearings 9 9 9 Work Sessions 12 11 12 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 11 9 9 — Comprehensive Plan Zoning Map Amendments 9 6 3 Zoning/Subdivision Code Changes 9 6 5 Annexation Zoning 1 - 1 Building Services The Plan Review team verifies compliance with the several "building" codes of the detailed construction — plans and related documents, which accompany applications for building permits. The team communicates and documents any deficiencies, verifying correction before permits can be issued; coordinates activities with other plan review staff involved in the city's permit process; and assists customers and citizens in achieving code conformance in the designs of their construction projects. The Building Inspection team verifies compliance with the "building" codes of the buildings and structures authorized by permits as they are being built. The team documents and communicates inspection results, — verifying correction when necessary before work continues; coordinates inspection activities with other city staff; and assists customers and citizens in achieving code conformance in the construction of their buildings and structures. — The Code Enforcement Officer receives and documents reports of code violations are received from citizens and other city staff, which typically include violations of codes regulating use and condition of buildings and — land, public nuisances, and other regulatory codes. These reports are documented and property owners or other responsible parties are notified. Subsequent investigation, documentation and follow-up continues until compliance is obtained, with some cases involving hearings before the hearing examiner, penalty collection by the Law Office and potentially taking the matter to court. The one code enforcement officer handles all field investigation, contacts and follow-up, as well as providing a consulting resource to other city divisions and departments to assist them with effectively carrying out their code enforcement responsibilities. He is supported currently on an as-needed basis by two support staff in Planning Services with legal support from the Law Office. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 BUILDING SERVICES Actual Actual Estimate Permit Application Plans Reviewed 1,258 1,571 1,570 Building Inspections 17,862 19,803 18,000 Code Enforcement Cases resolved 148 204 300 60 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Permit Center ➢ Implemented the centralization and transfer of city permit process intake and issuance functions and responsibilities from Fire Prevention, Public Works, Planning Services and Building Services to the Permit Center. ➢ Assumed responsibility for initial customer service contact and assistance, permit application intake, routing of plans to other city divisions, maintenance of records, permit issuance and general permit _ process information gathering and reporting. ➢ Developed a comprehensive and useful Permit Center web page. ➢ Developed and deployed a comprehensive procedure manual and permit application intake and processing check lists for each type of permit to enable proper screening for required information and plans submitted with applications for permits. ➢ Updated, reconfigured and printed new information handouts and forms for our customers use. - ➢ Moved to the new permanent Permit Center in August, 2002. — Planning Services ➢ Active participation in team building for Permit Process group and streamlining of permit review, through training sessions, KIVA system updates, users and policy group meetings. ➢ Completion of DeMarco Annexation initial zoning and comprehensive plan amendment. ➢ Implementation of Multifamily Tax Exemption program to facilitate goals of Downtown Kent Action Plan, encouraging residential uses in downtown. ➢ Completion of amendments to street standards in subdivision code to provide for greater flexibility and innovation in subdivision design. ➢ Completion of 1996 — 2000 Benchmarks program, as mandated by the Growth Management Act to determine realized density of land use and capacity for additional jobs and housing. ➢ Hosting of Suburban Cities Association consultant on the buildable lands program. ➢ Establishment of urban separators as low-density lands within and between urban areas that provide environmental, visual, recreational and wildlife benefits. ➢ Completion of 2000 comprehensive plan amendments, both private and public applications. ➢ Conversion of DLM-zoned properties in downtown Kent to DCE zoning to spur development of uses envisioned by the Downtown Kent Action Plan and Commuter Rail Station Area Study 61 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Review and coordination of major development proposals and land use applications such as: Pacific Gateway Industrial Subdivision; Riverview (Kentview) Planned Unit Development; Sound Transit — Garage and Pedestrian Bridge. ➢ Continued implementation and refinement of regulatory reform procedures and the automated permit tracking system (KIVA). _ ➢ Continued enhancement of Planning Services web page. ➢ Development of Downtown Design Guidelines and creation of handbook as educational tool for downtown development. ➢ Initiation of analysis and public review of long-term viability of agricultural lands in Kent, including — purchase and transfer of development rights. Building Services ➢ Worked closely with other staff and Administration through the Permit PolicyWorkgroup to assist the _ interim Permit Center in improving service to permit process customers and prepare for the move to the permanent Permit Center. ➢ Improved building codes plan review quality and efficiency with enhanced structural engineering in- — house staff capabilities. ➢ Improved code enforcement complaint responsiveness by completing the transition of code enforcement — records to the automated KIVA system and by coordinating support work with staff in the Planning Services Division and the Law Office. This has significantly increased the number of cases successfully resolved. — ➢ Worked closely with other permit process and Information Technology staff to enhance the accessibility of permit process information to staff, customers and the public. _ ➢ Reduced permit process plan review timelines with minimal use of overtime. ➢ Maintained next-day service level of building inspections with minimal use of overtime. ` ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND Permit Center ➢ Planned future annexations will increase the volume of permit applications processed through the Permit Center. ➢ Implementation of shorter permit review timelines will continue to challenge staff to meet deadlines while maintaining a high level of customer service. ➢ Continued interest by citizens, developers, businesses and other agencies in a timely, predictable permit process will necessitate ongoing monitoring and refinement of the process and improved communications among departments and the general public. 62 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Refinement of automated permit process, development of appropriate reports will assist the public in gathering information about process and development activity. ➢ Demand for remote access to permitting function will require further automation of records as well as the development of e-commerce capacity. ➢ As the permitting process continues to evolve, there will be continuing need to assist permit applicants to meet the requirements of relevant codes and city laws through effective community education. ➢ Maintaining high quality of service to customers and the public will require ongoing quality measurement, such as customer feedback and internal analysis of production data, along with continuing efforts to coordinate process improvements. Planning Services ➢ Continued annexations of the Potential Annexation Area (PAA) will require annexation zoning proceedings, greater permit volume, and additional need to update the comprehensive plan, all of which will impact staff workload. ➢ "Buildable Lands" legislation and the King County benchmarks program will continue to require the city to monitor its growth and development of residential and commercial lands. ➢ The review of city ordinances and policies, vis-a-vis the Endangered Species Act, will have ramifications for code revision and development. ➢ Future revisions of the Shorelines Management Act (and its administrative guidelines) will impact the processing and substance of shoreline master program amendments. ➢ Continued state interest in the Growth Management Act likely will result in mandates, which the city will need to complete, some without funding. GMA already requires the city to conduct a thorough review of the Comprehensive Plan by 2002. ➢ Continued growth and development with or without future annexations can be expected to further increase demand for permit processing and related inspection services. Maintaining or enhancing service levels will require retaining adequate resources (stafing and other) to meet the need. Building Services ➢ The separation of functions to create the Permit Center will continue to require careful coordination with the Permit Center staff to maintain service levels and ultimately achieve the customer service improvements planned. ➢ Significantly increased workloads in code enforcement will require increased staffing dedicated to this function. ➢ Future annexations will further increase workloads in plan review, building inspections, and code enforcement. 63 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ The need to create, maintain and access from multiple remote locations complex and detailed permit process information will require significant further automation of records, especially in utilizing document - imaging and/or similar technology for construction drawings and similar large documents. _ ➢ Automated access and ability to generate permit process documents by field inspectors will be necessary to maintain current customer service levels, and will allow for significant improvements. _ ➢ As more of the public, and particularly our permit process customers, utilize the Internet, we need to provide interactive information access to them on that medium. _ ➢ The complaints of code violations are currently at levels higher than existing staff can handle effectively. As neighborhoods age and more are annexed, the demand for greater code enforcement services will continue to grow. _ RESPONSE TO STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS & OBJECTIVES — VIBRANT DOWNTOWN Permit Center ➢ A responsive permit process is essential to the creation and maintenance of a vibrant downtown as the buildings and structures regulated by the permit process comprise the component parts of the _ downtown built environment. The Permit Center Division will coordinate with other departments on high- profile projects in downtown. ➢ The permitting process directly contributes to the maintenance and improvement of downtown appearance and infrastructure through the issuance of downtown development and redevelopment permits. The Permit Center Division acts to ensure issuance of permits only after compliance with relevant codes and ordinances has been established. — ➢ A streamlined, efficient and responsive permitting process promotes government partnership in pursuing downtown development and redevelopment. _ Planning ➢ The Planning Services Office will continue to be involved with KDP activities including membership on the Board of Directors, leadership of its downtown design committee, and other duties. ➢ Refinement of downtown design guidelines may include a detailed architectural analysis of locally significant buildings and an historic preservation ordinance. — ➢ Update and implementation of the Downtown Kent Action Plan will require significant commitment of Planning Services staff to incorporate transit-oriented, mixed-use and pedestrian-friendly development — actions, facilitate environmental review, and implement other innovative strategies to promote downtown development. ➢ Planning Services staff continues to work with Sound Transit on completion of all phases of the commuter rail station. 64 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Building Services ➢ A responsive permit process, of which Building Services continuing plan review and building inspections functions are integral parts, is essential to the creation and maintenance of a vibrant downtown, as the buildings and structures regulated by the permit process comprise the component parts of the downtown built environment. ➢ Effective code enforcement provides a safety net of minimum maintenance of buildings and land. This continuing function of the Building Services Division is especially critical in neighborhoods of aging structures such as in downtown Kent. _ SAFE COMMUNITY Building Services _ ➢ Building Services administration and enforcement of the "building" codes has, as its most basic purpose, guarding the safety of the community. The continuing programs of permit process plan review and building inspections support the goal of safe community comprised of safe buildings. ➢ Building Services code enforcement program helps to correct or eliminate dangerous buildings and conditions in the built environment, thereby helping to reduce the hazards and crime frequently associated with derelict structures and unkempt property. EFFECTIVE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Planning ➢ The Kent Comprehensive Plan update will incorporate transportation goals and policies to include `- an updated Transportation Improvement Plan and level of service standards. ➢ Planning Services continues to partner with Public Works on roadway improvements to encourage pedestrian-friendly environments, to ensure that non-motorized connections are incorporated into the city's transportation network, and to address mitigation of environmental impacts. STRONG LOCAL ECONOMY Permit Center ➢ A responsive permit process is critical to growth and development, which comprise a significant aspect of our local economy. The Permit Center coordinates focussed efforts of other Divisions to enhance responsiveness. ➢ The Permit Center records and reports data on the city's permit process, which is expected to be of considerable use to development, construction and other business interests in the community. As the data indicating high performance accumulates, it can be expected to increase Kent's attractiveness to businesses. 65 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Planning ➢ As part of the 2001-2002 work program, Planning Services will assist in production of a web-based inventory of industrial lands to encourage economic development of industrial and commercial _ properties. ➢ In coordination with the Economic Development Coordinator, Planning staff continues to review new — development in consideration of timely permit process and appropriate land use regulations. ➢ Planning Services will partner with residential, commercial, and educational groups to facilitate a neighborhood planning effort in the Pacific Highway area. Building Services ➢ A responsive permit process, of which Building Services' plan review and building inspections are — integral parts, is critical to the growth and development which comprise a significant aspect of our local economy. ➢ Building Services code enforcement program provides a safety net of minimum maintenance of buildings and land, which maintains the viability and attractiveness of neighborhoods supporting our economy. VALUED GOVERNMENT SERVICES Permit Center ➢ The centralization of the permitting function will help reduce timelines for development and increase effectiveness and responsiveness to citizens. Planning ➢ Planning Services continues to monitor and respond to regional, statewide, and federal legislation and — policies, assessing impacts to local land use and de\eloprnent. ➢ To streamline the permit review process, Planning Services staff continues to review and refine _ development regulations, land use policies and procedures. ➢ Planning Services assists with the development of Permit Center operating procedures as they relate — to Planning Services. ➢ Several programs of the Planning Services Division are a6med at protecting the natural environment including administration of sensitive areas regulations, shoreline master program, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and innovative development regulations for clustering and urban separators. ➢ Planning Services is working in cooperation with other City departments on the review and development of new regulations and standards under recent federal Endangered Species Act listings and revised State guidelines for Shoreline Master Programs. ➢ Planning Services continues to provide analysis of and recommendations on land use policies, such as agricultural preservation. _ ➢ Planning Services will provide added customer service through its interactive and informational web page and other public information tools, such as brochures, news articles, forums, and so forth. — 66 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ The Capital Improvement Plan will be updated to be consistent with the city's Comprehensive Plan framework policies and elements. ➢ In consideration of land use impacts, Planning Services coordinates and assists the Parks Department with the development of new city park facilities and recreational areas. ➢ For newly incorporated areas, Planning staff implements annexation zoning and updates city census counts. _. Building Services ➢ Building Services continuing plan review and building inspections functions, as integral parts of the Kent permit process, provides the important government services of allowing safe and appropriate development to build our community while maintaining the public safety net of compliance with the minimum code requirements mandated bylaw. ➢ Effective code enforcement provides safety through enforcement of minimum maintenance standards of buildings and land. This continuing function of Building Services is a service essential to maintaining the viability and attractiveness of our community. 67 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% REVENUE Licenses&Permits 1,454,241 1,604,462 840,346 1,367,578 1,618,914 14,452 0.9 Services&Charges 692,440 812,134 468,343 733,830 811,806 (328) (0.0) Miscellaneous Revenues 5,652 6,385 9,263 Total Revenues EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Community Development Admin 2,837 136,641 46,574 2,837 114,592 (22,049) (16.1) 4 Permit Center 119,380 439,709 281,437 118,600 438,023 (1,686) (0.4) Planning Comm&Bds 4,354 7,132 2,566 4,354 7,293 161 2.3 Hearing Examiner 31,271 45,767 15,415 31,271 45,872 105 0.2 Planning Administration 720,734 718,174 _ Planning Services 806,109 1,550,913 992,555 802,677 1,664,512 113,599 7.3 Building Services 1,357,838 1,449,486 909,083 1,350,543 1,500,153 50,667 3.5 To-tal Expenditures EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 1,882,561 2,220,627 1,400,461 1,882,561 2,350,654 130,027 5.9 Benefits 523,505 670,577 396,478 509,438 612,668 (57,909) (8.6) Supplies 43,507 71,325 31,721 43,507 71,386 61 0.1 _ Services&Charges 592,950 667,119 418,969 592,950 735,737 68,618 10.3 Capital Outlay (0) Total Expenditures 3,042,523 3,629,648 2,247,629 3,028,456 3,770,445 140,797 3.9 68 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) 2000 2001 2002 2002 In Equivalents Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT GENERALFUND Deputy Chief Admin Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Planning Administrative Assistant III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Secretary 1 5.00 5.00 5.00 Planning Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Planner 2.00 3.00 3.00 Planner 6.00 7.00 7.00 Planning Assistant 2.00 1.00 1.00 Development Services Bldg&Dev Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Building Official 1.00 1.00 1.00 Combination Building Inspector 6.00 7.00 7.00 Plans Examiner 5.00 5.00 5.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Development Permit Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 Permit Center Permt Center Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lead Dev Permit Tech 1.00 1.00 Development Permit Tech 4.00 3.00 3.00 Office Technician II 2.00 2.00 SUBTOTAL 38.00 42.00 42.00 PROJECT FUNDED Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 39.00 43.00 43.00 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 39,00 43.00 43.00 COMMENTS 2000-Moved Human Services division to Parks,Added Permit Center division, reorganized Director of Planning to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer and moved Permit Specialist from PW Eng(now Permit Tech for Permit Center). 2001 -Converted Asst Planner to Planner, Added Building Inspector to Building Svcs, 2 Office Tech's to Permit Ctr., converted Permit Tech to Lead, 8-mo TPT to FT Planner for DeMarco Annexation 11/01 2002-No changes 69 V:\2002 Prelim BudkPosit-Lists.xis 1=M,301 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Police Department � POLICE CHIEF '_--� nDMIN Assr2 460000.- DEPUTY CHIEF Patrol Support Services Corrections WSCJTC LOAN' POLICE CAPTAIN ADMIN ASST 1 POLICE CAPTAIN ADMIN ASST i POLICE CAPTAIN ADMIN ASST 1 - OFFICER OFFICE TECH LIEUTENANT SRT 3 PATROL OFFICER CORRECTIONS PROGRAMS LT COORDOFFICER 1 SOS SGT PATRO6L SOT TRAFFIC SGT CORRECTIONS Bikes\Marines SERGEANT PATROL OFFICER PATROL OFFICER 6 SCHOOL LIAISON PATROL OFFICER 6] B OFFICER ] K-s OFFICER PRKG ENF ASST CORRECTIONS SPringwood�Hikes C Ig) OFFICER _ 16 (6)Dare PATROL OFFICER (.5)Patrol 2 Records Training/Personnel Investi ations BudgeVPurchasing Pub EdAntemal Affairs , SUPPORT SVC (D)PD (El PC ADMIN ASST 3 (C)PD MGR LIED) D LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT AccT svCs CEU Unit/ SPECIALIST PROCESSING RESEARCH 8 LEAD VNET SG7 ASSISTANT III VOIUnteer5 SPI R DEV ANAIV ST EVIDENCE TECH TRAINING SGT TE 2H1 2 ACCRD OFCR CEU SGT RECORDS EVIDENCE OUST TRAINING NARGPROACT PROP CRIMES SPECIALIST 2 OFFICER SGT PERSONS SGT SGT 11 AL ADMIN ASST t DARE/SAFETY EO DATA ENTRY RANGEM45TER Pro-Act Unit Detectives Detectives OFFICER — SPECIALIST OFFICER D.D.T.F PATROL OFFICER OFFICER OFFICER 3 6 ] FROG COORO CRIME PREY RECORDS (]S) OFFICER SPECIALIST NARC UNIT PUB EO SPEC (68) OFFICER PUB ED SPEC 3 2 MISSION STATEMENT To protect and serve with pride and integrity. DEPARTMENT VALUES ➢ We model pride in the Kent Police Department. ➢ We believe in and model personal and professional integrity. ➢ We model sound fiscal principles. ➢ We are staunch defenders of the constitution. ➢ We value the differences of our employees and draw from their strengths. ➢ We care about the wellbeing, families, and professional development of our employees. ` ➢ We believe in forming partnerships with community and other City Departments to problem solve and to make our City a high quality place to live and work, ➢ We deliver quality in all aspects of how we serve and protect our community. ➢ We answer the community's needs through innovative and quality services. ➢ We entrust employees with the authority to make decisions at the most effective level. ➢ We promote responsibility among all members of the Police Department. — ➢ We value doing the right thing for the right reason. 70 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GOALS FOR 2002 Develop a Strategy to Serve an Ever Growing Community Efficiently ➢ Maintain Priority One emergency coverage. ➢ Develop leaders and managers in the department. ➢ Utilize information management and automation to its fullest extent. ➢ Develop staffing matrix across the department to manage growth. ➢ Develop a 5-year plan for the Corrections Facility for facility, staff and inmate programs, and alternatives to incarceration. ➢ Integrate Explorer Program into the department mission. ➢ The department will be re-accredited. ➢ Correction Facility to become accredited. Integrate and involve the Community in Problem Oriented Policing Strategies ➢ Energize and empower the volunteer in Police Service programs. ➢ Nurture relationships with our school districts through DARE, School Safety Education Officer Program (SSEO), school liaison, and youth wellness activities such as The Game of Life. ➢ Finalize and implement a false alarm reduction program. ➢ Empower apartment owners and managers to deal effectively with criminal residents through the Crime Free Multi-housing Program. ➢ Use bicycles whenever possible to enhance accessibility of police officers. ` ➢ Identify crime trends and apply the correct police resources to neutralize them, notifying effected neighborhoods of these trends. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 Proposed budget includes increased funding for drug destruction, methamphetamine lab equipment and training, and the replacement of an outdated polygraph to include logarithmic chart analysis capability and digital chart storage. SERVICES PROVIDED BY DIVISION Patrol Division The Patrol Division is the primary unit of the Police Department. The city is 29 square miles and is growing by annexations and development. The city is divided into six patrol districts. During all shifts the West Hill district is double staffed (two officers working the single district) and the downtown district has a minimum of 3 officers at all times). The officers are the initial responders to all 911 calls. They serve a population that reaches over 100,000 people daily. They provide basic services, criminal investigations, and expedite traffic flow. Special Patrol functions include but are not limited to: ➢ Canine Unit - This unit consists of four officers who enhance the search capabilities of Patrol by using dogs to search buildings, track suspects, locate evidence, and locate hidden narcotics. 71 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Traffic Unit - This unit responds to and investigates traffic accidents; conducts traffic safety information presentations to local schools and citizen groups; enforces traffic violations by analyzing — accident patterns and aggressive enforcement. This unit also provided commercial vehicle enforcement and technical accident reconstruction. ➢ Parking Unit - This unit provides parking enforcement in the downtown business and industrial areas and investigates abandoned vehicles. The unit also utilizes a part time temporary employee to enforce parking regulation in and around Lake Meridian Park. ➢ Bicycle Patrol Unit - This unit provides emphasis on personal contact with citizens and high — visibility patrol in residential, commercial and selected housing areas and parks. This unit also staffs the Marine Unit during boating season. ➢ Marine Unit - This unit provides patrol services on the water at Lake Meridian and in the surrounding park areas using bicycles and a 19-foot vessel. They answer all calls for services on the water and "close" the lake at 6:00 p.m. — ➢ Emergency Response Team - This is a specialized unit that responds to armed confrontations, barricaded subjects, and hostage incidents. The team is also deployed on all high-risk search and _ arrest warrants. Our team has been part of a regional team and in 2000 we joined the Valley SRT Regional Team. ➢ School Liaison - An officer is contracted with the School District for the purpose of training, — organizing, and directing school security; promoting a safe school environment; handling police emergencies; and taking reports. Support Services Division Support Services Division provides a number of support functions, units, or programs that enhance or back up the initial actions of the Patrol Division and Administration. The Division is responsible for — facilities management, internal investigations, standards and review, finances, purchasing, and the volunteer program. Included within these functions are policy writing; formal accreditation process; administrative support to the Chief; budget, finance and purchasing; and the Community Education — Unit, which is composed of Crime Prevention, D.A.R.E., SSEO, and the Drinking Driver Task Force. Support Service functions include: ➢ Administrative Support to the Chief of Police - Develops organization goals and objectives. Assists in representing the Department when the Chief or Deputy Chief are unavailable or has simultaneous events or meetings. Addresses those issues that clearly do not involve the Patrol or — the Corrections Division. ➢ Budget/Finance/Purchasing - Provides budget management, preparation, control and expenditure functions; purchases the day to day supplies and equipment; plans costs related to annexation; acquires equipment and develops facilities authorized in the Capital Project Funds; and manages grants and contracts. 72 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Community Education Unit - Through Crime Prevention, D.A.R.E., SSEO and the Drinking Driver Task Force, this unit promotes safety education programs in partnership with citizens, businesses and youth. It addresses juvenile delinquency through the development and implementation of proven education methods, such as D.A.R.E., a 17- week classroom program for students, and SSEO. Highway safety issues are promoted by working with youth through annual poster contests for K-12 grade, and education is provided to adults with a citizen's academy, block watch and business programs. The unit receives cash donations and in-kind goods and services to offset costs for staff and educational literature that is distributed. ➢ Internal Investigation/Standards Review/Accreditation - Coordinates investigation of allegations of misconduct by members of the police department. Reviews the results as they relate to policies, procedures and makes recommendations in operations. Through inspections, insures that the department as a whole complies with all legal requirements, standards, policies and procedures. Policies and procedures were revamped through the National Accreditation process to be an ongoing part of the agencies' goals to enhance, improve and meet the most stringent standards for police agencies nationwide. ➢ Volunteer Program - Identifies, screens and assigns volunteers throughout the Police Department. Expanded in 1995 to include a 20 member Police Explorer Post. These volunteers are used to assist in a variety of tasks, to include public events, special projects, fingerprinting citizens seeking special clearances, answering the phones, radar trailer speed control, boat patrol, coordinating visitations at the corrections facility, visiting shut ins, filing, and performing other clerical duties. ➢ Detective Unit - A full-service investigative unit. The detectives provide follow-up and on-call investigative assistance on felony cases investigations that concern extraordinary circumstances, and misdemeanor investigations of considerable length. Investigative assignments include crimes against persons, crimes against property, child protective services investigations, arson, narcotics, fraud, forgery, and auto theft. The crimes' analyst detective uses all data collected in the Police computer system to view crime trends and identify suspects. Gang activity/data is coordinated through the crime analysis detective also. The detective unit houses the city's Family Violence Unit, which provides advocacy, investigation, prosecution and referral services to victims of family violence. ➢ Evidence Function - Under the supervision of the Support Services Manager, the Evidence Function is responsible for the receiving, handling, storing and disposition of all evidence. An Evidence Technician responds to all major crime scenes and collects evidence. Evidence services are also provided for the Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team. ➢ Training Unit - Monitors, plans, schedules and keeps records relating to the training needs of all Kent Police Department staff. Assures compliance with mandated training, re-certification and provides a minimum of 10 hours of quarterly training to sworn personnel. The unit coordinates with other law enforcement agencies, the Washington State Criminal Justice Training commission, and professional instructors to maximize the Kent Police and Fire Training Center's use in regional training. ➢ Police/Fire Training Center - Police Department managed the joint Police/Fire Training Center to include daily upkeep, maintenance, and repair in 1999 and will continue through 2001. This management of the facility rotates to the Fire Department in 2002-2004. v ➢ Personnel Function - Responsible for coordinating with city agencies regarding all recruitment, hiring, promotional, and disciplinary matters. 73 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Research and Development —Evaluates new police products/procedures; assists with long range planning and program development and performs grant searches and procurement. ➢ Word Processing - Responsible for word processing services provided to department personnel. ➢ Records Unit - Police Headquarters provides 24-hour assistance to the public, officers, and all city — departments and is considered the "backbone of the department". They provide primary contact for information from the citizens; data entry into the police record system and case preparation for court; disseminates criminal history and conviction records; provides fingerprinting services; issues weapons permits; take reports from citizens; performs radio and computer requests; and types all dictated case reports and follow-up. ➢ Computer Enhancement/Coordination - Responsible for department wide computer needs — coordination with Information Services. The department is currently involved in an RFP for the acquisition of a new records management system. ➢ Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center Staff - By contract with WSCJTC, the department provides two full time police officers as instructors. ➢ Violent Crimes Federal Task Force Staff — Provide staffing to this unit as needed by agency participating on a rotation basis. Corrections Division ➢ Correction Facility - Provides housing of inmates for the City of Kent, the United States Marshals and surrounding municipalities. Provides 130 beds for Corrections, work release programs, and electronic home detention. The Corrections Facility implemented a program called Work Time Credit in which inmates work alongside city employees. The Work Time Credit inmates clean a large portion of the Green River Trail and they have provided work crews to clean-up homeless camps throughout the city. This program has provided the city with approximately $30,000 of in- kind service. The Kent Corrections Facility has develioped a partnership with King County's Regional Justice Center. The Kent Correction Facility hosts "Goals to Recovery", an eight week program for inmates with addiction problems. This program has both in custody and out of custody — elements that allows inmates continued support after release from custody. 1998 1999 2000 STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES Actual Actual Actual Calls for Services 85,237 85,403 85,091 Case Reports Taken 14,621 14,287 14,493 Class I Crimes 6,792 6,319 6,317 Arson 170 70 56 Assault 1,082 993 962 Burglary 883 805 810 Homicides 3 1 4 Rapes 48 32 22 Robbery 133 117 133 Theft 3,589 3,328 3,371 Vehicle Theft 984 973 959 74 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES Actual Actual Actual Community Education: Block Watch Participants 1,820 1,500 4,300 DARE Program Graduates 896 776 101 K-12 Design Contest Entries 388 429 700 Material Distribution DDTF 121,226 89,417 109,516 Corrections -Average Daily Population 164 174 165 Corrections - Beds Occupied 59,834 62,132 60,157 Corrections - Bookings 4,967 5,065 4,725 CPS Cases/Referrals 422 425 490 Drug related Cases with Arrests 329 393 435 Drugs Seized Value $608,077 338,682 $234,802 Evidence Items Handled 9,362 8,712 9,561 Field Interrogation Reports 4,107 3,713 3,544 K-9 Arrests 124 232 281 K-9 Tracking, Building, and Area Searches 493 707 974 Traffic: All Violations 28,020 26,315 29,833 Accidents 2,035 2,540 2,603 Alcohol Involved Accident 58 54 47 Fatality 5 1 0 Parking Citations 1,855 2,414 2,560 - Training Hours Utilized 18,915 18,756 10,882 RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Replace all HVAC units; shower upgrades, remodel/expand laundry at the Corrections Facility. ➢ Planned and integrated our Emergency Response Team into Valley Special Response Team. ➢ Implemented School Safety Education Officer Program. _ ➢ Acquired the Community Health building 8309 S. 259 to be converted for use as CKCF annex for expanded programs of alternatives to incarceration. (To be occupied 2001.) ➢ Implemented and improved reporting of the sector Lieutenant program ➢ Formed Family Violence Unit combining 3 departments - probation, police and law. ➢ Successfully staffed Midway Police Substation with volunteers and expanded the use of volunteers in police services and implemented the Volunteers for Seniors Program. ➢ Most successful National Night Out Event in Kent. ➢ Began a day time citizen's academy on location at senior housing. ➢ Continued the successful advanced training for senior officers developed last year. Continuing education for first line supervisors expanded to encompass the entire department supervision group. 75 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Patrol staff has done preliminary planning into 2010 by studying the potential annexation area and developing potential patrol districts based on population and geographic sources available at this time. ➢ Expanded volunteer Radar Trailer Program and the Crime Free Multi-Housing Training Program. ➢ Replaced obsolete Mobile Data Terminals with Laptops. ➢ Implemented pursuit intervention training to stop vehicle pursuits effectively and reduce liability. ➢ Contract established with West Covina, California for CDIS (Records and Jail Management System) maintenance. ➢ Upgraded digital imaging hardware and software and expanded training for digital imaging to records staff. ➢ Additional funding sources sought by grant applications made to various groups including the Beer Institute, Kent Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Kent Community Foundation, C.O.P.S. Universal, H.U.D., — Law Enforcement Education Partnership Program, BurE!au of Justice Affair Block Grant, Drugs Draw the Line, and several mini-grants. ➢ Completed Video Arraignment links between Kent Municipal Court and Correction Facility. ➢ Initiated a new program with Parks for qualified "work-time credit program" inmates to clean the _ park trail behind the Facility. ➢ Emphasized citizen contacts by neighborhood patrols and business contacts by patrol officers. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ Increase in the number of cases filed in Kent Municipal Court and the associated increase in the number of sentencing affecting the population levels at CKCF. ➢ The new tougher DUI law impacts the home detention program with more people being sentenced i to serve jail time on the program. ➢ Plan for Police headquarter facility. ➢ Struggling with out-dated technology, making MDT dumb terminals obsolete and unavailable. ➢ Increased traffic congestion in downtown area resulting from the Regional Justice Center, Regional Transit System plan, and other growth. ➢ Plan Correction Facility space needs, physical security improvements and maintenance upgrades. ➢ Managing and keeping pace with ever improving technology. — ➢ Expansion of volunteer programs. ➢ Increased population both in density and increased geographic boundaries. 76 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ As growth occurs, centralized or decentralized policing. ➢ Increased violence, property destruction, auto theft and gang proliferation. ➢ Increased policing costs. ➢ Plan for staff impacts recognizing the trend to encourage a regional task force approach to solve a variety of crime problems (bombs, drugs, violent crimes, auto theft, fraud, etc.). ➢ Recognize the need to participate in development of an internal shared approach to records, jail, court, and those types of computer software data management systems. ➢ Assignment changes and training issues resulting from promotions and retirements. ➢ Increase in number of methanphetamine labs resulting in more costly investigation/officers and public safety measures and extremely costly environmental clean up costs. ➢ On line citizen access to police department. RESPONSE TO TARGET ISSUES — Goal 1 -Vibrant Downtown: Objective 2 — Pursue downtown development and redevelopment. The Police Department's Community Education Unit has provided down town merchants with crime prevention tips and has assisted local apartment and senior housing complexes with crime prevention assistance. The Community Service Specialist has held personal safety presentations at the open-air theater. Police provide bicycle patrols and event coverage to allow people to gather and enjoy activities in a safe and inviting environment. Public Safety concerns were addressed by Chief and Commanders through communications with the Chamber of Commerce; a Commander participated on the Mayor's Downtown Strategy Planning Committee. Goal 2 - Safe Community: Objective 1 - Delivery of Responsive, Effective Fire, Life Safety and Law Enforcement Svcs. ➢ Additional Work Release Crews — The Correction Facility planned and budgeted for a work crew van and equipment in 2001. We added a work crew coordinator who is in charge of scheduling and overseeing the Work Crew Projects and is working on developing the Work Crew Program for a variety of service and cleanup projects within the community. ➢ Disaster Preparedness-Continuous Improvement — The Police Department continues to be involved on these Teams. Enhancements are being made to our DOC emergency equipment for preparedness. We are purchasing some VHF radios to offset the problems experienced with our 800 MHz system in the last emergency situation. ➢ Continued Community Partnerships The department through the efforts of the Community Education Unit is involved in a number of family and youth related activities such as National Night Out, Block Watch, PD Panda, 77 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Stranger Danger presentations, and personal safety talks. Additional family friendly programs include a Crime Free Multi Housing Program, Seniors for Seniors & Volunteers in — Police Service, Citizen's Academy, Youth Conference, Community Mobilization, Drinking _ Driver Task Force, participation in the city's Domestic Violence Task Force, DARE, and the Police Explorers. The Police department has participated in this effort by attempting to make multi-housing complexes a safe place to live. The department's efforts have been through the Crime Free Multi Housing Program; Landlord Tenant Law Training for landlords and other property owners; and participation in a HUD grant through King County Housing whereby the police provide officers to two public housing projects. The Police Department assisted single family homeowners in their efforts at making their neighborhoods safe. This was accomplished through increased activity and focus on neighborhood block watch programs.The police department through the use of city volunteers has stepped up its education of the public on the importance of obeying the speed limit laws. The volunteers use the — department's mobile radar trailer to help remind the motorists to slow down. This helps to reduce the number of speeding violations and aids in reducing accidents. We meet regularly with Traffic Engineering to address traffic flow, speed, and accident issues. _ The Police Department through the training division helps to foster the growth of local businesses by hosting several law enforcement training seminars each year. These _ seminars bring in attendees from all over the country. While we don't pursue the businesses to come into the city, the Police Department works to resolve issues concerning these groups. _ The Police Department supports the efforts of local schools with conducting bicycle rodeos. The P.D. Panda character delivers personal safety messages to children of all ages. The Police Department is involved in street legal drag racing in cooperation with Seattle — International Raceway in an effort to discourage illegal racing on city streets. The Game of Life Youth Conference is sponsored by the Police Department and includes youth from several school districts. This program teaches selected teens how to make important life decisions and then pass these skills on to their peers. We provide for a safe environment at local fairs and events as our presence has reduced _ crime and increased safety at these events. We are also involved in information booths, the city's cable TV programs, and Project Lighthouse. Involvement allows us to provide information on public safety matters to the community. _ Citizen Involvement and Outreach Strategy - conducts Citizen Academies; community surveys; Lieutenants direct involvement with community by assigned areas; and expanded service delivery during 4th of July celebration at Meridian Park. Command level involvement in community service organizations, department volunteer program, crime free multi-housing training, the Youth Violence Committee, and community annexation meetings. Relations with School Districts - School Liaison Officer partnership; school security personnel training; participate in school mentoring programs; Youth Conference programs; Design Contest programs. Youth Activities Expansion - Explorers Program; Lighthouse Program involvement; D.A.R.E. program; Youth Wellness Conference; and Design Contest program. _ 78 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Parks & Recreation Programs - Police participation on Youth Parks Committee. Police Lieutenants have participated as panel members on park development and re-development committees in neighborhoods through- out the city (i.e., Linda Heights, Garrison Creek and Spring Brook Elementary). Objective 2 - Strategic Management of Police and Fire and Life Safety Services. ➢ Correctional Facility/Jail Direction Major renovations are being done to better accommodate current population levels. The original equipment and design was not planned to handle the current level of population and the capacity needs for laundry, showers, air flow and heat. Handicapped issues are also being addressed. ➢ Public Safety Bond Issue Goal 4 - Valued Government Services Objective 1 — Recruit, retain, and train a professional, productive, and diverse workforce. ➢ Community Outreach for a diverse applicant pool — The Police department does a variety of advertising to obtain a diverse applicant pool. ➢ Training Programs — The Police department has extensive training which includes police academy training; a year field training program; supervisor and management development training; re-certification standards; diversity training; and we are currently researching and preparing to implement Racial Profiling training. Our Commanders attend Command College and this year a lieutenant attended the FBI Academy and another lieutenant attended Northwestern University Command College. These Command Colleges address _ recruiting, retaining, and training our workforce. Objective 2 — Provide proactive, high quality, dependable technology and multimedia resources to staff. ➢ IT Strategic Plan and Funding: Technology Plan 1 ➢ IT Strategic Plan and Funding: Technology Plan 2 The Police Department has been cooperatively working with Information Technology Staff on a new Records Management and Jail Management System. Objective 6 — Plan for, provide and maintain facilities and apparatus for city operations. See Goal 2, objective 2 above. The police department actively participates in CIP 5-year planning and preparation to maintain our facilities and replace equipment. We regularly perform equipment inspections and readiness review. 79 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Objective 11 — Human Services ➢ Domestic Violence Victim and Issue Advocacy The police department has worked as a Team with the Law Department and Domestic Violence Advocate to deal with Domestic Violence Issues by implementing the following strategies: 1. Enhanced FV/DV database — The KFVU now has a database that includes not just information on "Charged misdemeanor crimes", but all the documented reports of FV/DV — incidents. This includes felony level crimes, child abuse, informational reports, and incidents of concern (non-FV/DV weapons cases, runaway and missing person cases, mental health or suicidal reports, assaults on officers). — 2. Enhanced "Victim Safety" planning —The KFVU now has two FV/DV victim advocates to conduct victim safety planning and court assistance on all charged misdemeanor cases. 3. Enhanced Probation Services — The KFVU includes the Kent Probation Team as a strategic component in the service delivery platform concept. 4. Enhanced Child/Elder Abuse investigation — Now includes all reports of child/elder abuse (neglect, physical, sexual) into our new enhanced database and has expanded _ the traditional definition of domestic violence into a Family Violence concept that includes child/elder abuse cases. 5. Enhanced Prosecution Services — Now utilizes a "Vertical Prosecution" strategy and "Family Violence Court Calendar" concept to prosecute and adjudicate family violence trials. 6. Crime Victim Cell Phone Program — The KFVU has developed and implemented a "Crime Victim Cellular Phone Program" that utilizes free cell phones donated from the community. — 7. Family Violence Victim Voucher Program — The KFVU recognized the need to provide some sort of short-term emergency housing service for victims of family violence. _ 8. Project "Red Flag" — The main focus of this project is to monitor and track "Chronic Offenders". The secondary focus is to vigorously and aggressively pursue and arrest offenders with FV/DV arrest warrants. 9. KFVU Web Page — Provides community Internet access to victim services and important information concerning family violence. 1880 visits were made to both our web page — and "The Most Wanted" page in 2000. 80 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% REVENUE Taxes 418,368 443,997 151,113 409,944 379,285 (64,712) (14.6) Licenses&Permits 6,486 5,223 6,475 9,309 9,402 4,179 80.0 Intergovernmental Revenue 20,886 7,788 8,763 10,763 10,871 3,083 39.6 Services&Charges 112,909 104,643 64,344 98,735 115,232 10,589 10.1 Miscellaneous Revenues 49,795 38,599 17,771 25,540 24,566 (14,033) (36.4) Transfers&Other Non Revenues 3,584 21,422 11,422 (21,422) (100.0) Total Revenues 612,028 621,672 248,466 565,713 539,356 (82,316) (13.2) EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Police/Fire Training Center 116,610 116,774 74,063 116,610 121,256 4,482 3.8 Drinking Dvrs Tsk Fc 82,933 94,504 64,542 106,834 87,128 (7,376) (7.8) Police Administration 1,177,604 1,391,794 815,525 1,293,256 1,451,975 60,181 4.3 Police Facilities 255,110 287,499 191,667 255,110 299,288 11,789 4.1 Training 355,122 462,548 265,615 364,545 364,769 (97,779) (21.1) Records&Communications 2,660,087 2,881,777 1,800,384 2,759,338 3,038,476 156,699 5.4 Patrol 6,079,013 6,773,573 4,097,981 6,453,292 6,981,902 208,329 3.1 K-9 417,793 494,070 287,684 419,720 500,081 6,011 1.2 Corrections 2,819,388 3,134,273 1,918,056 2,828,246 3,311,301 177,028 5.6 Crime Prevention 334,016 390,788 240,201 332,125 392,989 2,201 0.6 Investigations 1,988,072 2,005,226 1,355,955 1,985,897 2,065,956 60,730 3.0 Gambling 95,519 100,003 60,669 95,033 103,238 3,235 3.2 Traffic 781,291 842,916 568,315 777,599 942,106 99,190 11.8 Parking 39,098 53,116 29,150 38,913 54,266 1,150 2.2 Net Expenditures 17,201,656 19,028,861 11,769,806 17,826,518 19,714,731 685,870 3.6 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 10,100,656 10,667,230 6,769,677 10,672,911 11,210,531 543,301 5.1 Benefits 2,584,999 3,077,830 1,952,264 2,543,285 3,023,650 (54,180) (1.8) Supplies 714,516 993,406 445,501 745,566 1,046,811 53,405 5.4 Services&Charges 3,791,065 4,282,459 2,602,363 3,856,820 4,433,739 151,280 3.5 Transfers Out 7,936 7,936 (7,936) (100.0) Capital Outlay 10,420 Net Expenditures 17,201,656 19,028,861 11,769,806 17,826,518 19,714,731 685,870 3 6 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget POLICE DEPARTMENT LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents �2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget. Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT GENERALFUND Administration Drinking Driver Ed.Specialists 2.38 2.51 2.51 Police Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Service Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Svcs Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 _. Support Svcs&Training Support Services Captain 1.00 1.00 1.00 Support Services Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Training Sergeant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Research&Dev.Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 'Training Officer(WSCJTC) 2.00 2.00 2.00 Training Police Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Support Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Specialist Supervisor 4.00 4.00 4.00 Record Specialists 12.00 12.00 12.00 Data Entry Specialists 1.00 1.00 1.00 Patrol Patrol Captain 1.00 1.00 1.00 Patrol Lieutenants 3.00 3.00 3.00 Patrol Sergeants 9.00 9.00 9.00 Patrol Officers 53.00 53.00 53.00 Accreditation Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ K-9 Officers 4.00 4.00 4.00 Corrections Corrections Captain 1.00 1.00 1.00 Corrections Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 'Correction Sergeant(WSCJTC) 1.00 Correction Sergeants 5.00 6.00 6.00 Correction Officers 18.00 18.00 18.00 Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ Crime Prevention Crime Prevention Sergeant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Crime Prevention Officer 2.00 2.00 2.00 School Liaison Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Public Education Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Investigations Detective Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Detective Sergeants 2.00 2.00 2.00 _ Detective Officers 15.00 15.00 15.00 Evidence Custodian 1.00 1.00 1.00 Word Processing Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Detective Gambling 1.00 1.00 1.00 Traffic Traffic Sergeant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Traffic Officers 7.00 8.00 8.00 Parking Enforcement(1) 0.90 0.90 0.90 _ Positions funded by WSCJTC 3.00 -2.00 -2.00 SUBTOTAL-GEN FUND 164.00 3.2811 166.00 3.4111 166.00 3.41 11 82 v:+�aoz a,.em e�ewosno usn=n+azvzoo+ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget POLICE DEPARTMENT LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUND Rangemaster Training Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 ProAct Police Sergeant 1.00 1.00 1.00 ProAct Police Officers 3.00 3.00 3.00 Evidence Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Evidence Custodian 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Admin Asst I-Accreditation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Tech II-Accreditation Patrol Officers 3.00 3.00 3.00 Accounting Services Asst 111 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Projects Admin Sec I-Drug Task Force 0.25 0.25 0.25 Sergeant -Drug Task Force 1.00 1.00 1.00 Patrol -Cops Universal 2 4.00 4.00 4.00 Patrol -Cops Universal 3 2.00 2.00 Patrol -Springwood Grant 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL-CRIMINAL JUSTICE 18.25 20.25 20.25 TOTAL-ALL FUNDS 182.25 3.28 186.25 3.41 186.25 3.41 Full-time Equivalents 185.53.1 189,6611 189.66 COMMENTS 2000-Other funds cut two Cops U3 Grant officers due to 1-695 and Public Education Specialist moved to Fire. - 2001 -Increased DDTF Spec from.75 to.88,added 1 Corrections Officer for Work Crew Mgmt and 2 Patrol Officers. Added 1 patrol office in November 2001 for the DeMarco Annexation. 2002-No changes 83 V'.0003 PIMIm Butl\Pesilgn Lisb Ns azzrzam City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Fire Department 460WI.— FIRE CHIEF SUPPRESSION&ADMIN DIVISION Communication Systems TRAINING&SUPPORT DIVISION T ASST CHIEF DST.LIAISON BATTALION ADMIN ASST 3 ASSIGNMENT CHIEF FICER BATTALION EQ MTC SPECIAL TRN OFCR(LT)) CHIEF SUPERVISOR ASSIGNMENT3ADMIN SEC 1 LION VOLUNTEER APPARATUS ADMIN SEC 2 ADMIN SEC 2 F FIRE LT MECHANIC 3 2 FIRE LT VOLUNTEERS FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION 21 30 ASST CHIEF — FIREFIGHTER 92 FIRE MARSHAL SPECIAL UNIT LEADER ADMIN ASST 2 ASSIGNMEN"f FIRE INV ASST FIRE DFM-CERT CERTIFIED (.75) SUPP SVCS (Haz-Mat LT) MARSHAL SUPERVISOR INSPECTOR - ::GCO ORD PUB ED(LT) SPEC FIRE&ARSON CERTIFIED -------- INVESTIGATOR DFM-CERT DFM-CERT INSPECTOR DFM INSPIOEM OFFICE TECH 2 2 PLANS REVIEW (CONST)INSP 3 SPECIALIST PUB ED SPC 2 PLANS CERTIFIED _ INSP/OEM _ El(AMINER INSPECTOR (Haz Mat) CERT PLANS REVIEWER MISSION STATEMENT Our members will strive to continually connect with our community and deliver emergency and non- emergency services in a caring, professional manner with world class customer service. 2002 GOALS/OBJECTIVES ➢ Continue to prioritize overall workload, enhance quality of basic service delivery within available resources (e.g. through high visibility, risk reduction programs and training) to deal with the significant number of alarms and simultaneous incidents. ➢ Explore further use of technology to maximize the efficient use of emergency response units. (It should be noted that overall workload places a limit on our ongoing ability to cover these demands for services without added staff) ➢ Enhance support services and staff to assist in reducing extreme work overload. Continue to explore methods to free up Officers and Firefighters time from more routine tasks to enable them to focus on higher priority and payback responsibilities. 84 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Pursue the process of national accreditation and within that process correct deficiencies found in the recent re-rating of the department. Present the draft Fire Strategic Plan to the Council and Fire Commissioners for review and approval. ➢ Actively participate in implementation of King County Emergency Medical Services Strategic Plan to control rate of growth while maintaining and enhancing patient care. ➢ Enhance public education programs with increased public contact on key fire and life safety problems in our area. Evaluate opportunities through community activities for practical and meaningful involvement in community and outreach projects such as Project Lighthouse. Ongoing contribution to "Kent: A Home Town For Families". This includes Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training to help us build partnerships in preparedness with the public for disasters as well as day to day emergencies. ➢ Create and implement prevention programs for our citizens that stress the message for injury/illness prevention and focus on proactive emergency management, emergency medical services and preparedness/prevention for our increasing number of senior citizens. ➢ Maintain strong emphasis on training. Improve record keeping, computer capabilities and increase offering of manipulative, technical, officer training, safety, certification, and personal health programs in order to move toward accreditation. Expand our regional interaction on training, particularly in live burn training. ➢ Continue to implement adequate filing, records and computer systems for Training and Fire Prevention to meet legal requirements, improve program effectiveness, and reduce future liabilities. ➢ Provide strong emphasis on prevention services. Target apartment house inspections; provide construction inspections within 24 hours; provide support for the reinspection program; strive to inspect hazardous occupancies annually; and all other occupancies bi-annually. ➢ Maintain a strong emphasis on Hazardous Materials Planning/Response programs both locally and regionally. Maintain strong internal coordination of Hazardous Materials programs and confined space programs. ➢ Continue to work with City Administration and Finance on Maintenance of Apparatus and Equipment Replacement Fund. Explore opportunities for enhanced maintenance capabilities in offering maintenance services to other fire departments. ➢ Evaluate impacts and leadership opportunities on a sub-regional basis cooperative service delivery. This includes exploring new relationships and methods to deliver service along with compliance in a phased manner to meet new L & I Safety Standards, health care reform, etc. ➢ Plan for land, capital improvements and related funding to address growing demand for service to continue to deliver quality emergency services. ➢ Enhance city's overall emergency preparedness program through refinement of plan, additional citywide training, enhancement of a citywide 800 radio system and implementation of a more functional Emergency Coordination Center. 85 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Support and participate strongly in the implementation of the goals of the Permit Process _ Management Team in meeting the City's objectives from the "Zucker Study" to enhance communication/coordination between departments, to improve business license _ process/inspections, and strongly support the new multi-department Permit Center. ➢ Develop and/or refine performance measures and related data gathering systems. ➢ Continue heavy emphasis on fire and arson investigation, prosecution and development of programs to mitigate contributing fire causes. Support the juvenile firesetter prevention program to reduce rate of growth of arson within the community. ➢ Continue to research and implement proven computer software and program capabilities for making more effective use of information and personnel's time to interact more with community in support of the Council's vision of"Kent: A Home Town For Families". — ➢ Explore further, the cooperative relationship and funding opportunities with other fire agencies to offset costs of services such as hazardous materials, training, confined space and maintenance _ of apparatus, etc. ➢ Explore opportunities to generate additional revenue to assist in funding in resource needs. ➢ Continue to implement Emergency Coordination Center concept within budget and staff available. ➢ Development of an adequately funded replacement program to deal with large items such as radio systems, mobile information systems, rescue tools, breathing apparatus and fire apparatus. ➢ Implement approved Fire Strategic Plan in order to Evaluate department operation resources and pursue national accreditation of the Fire Department. This is necessary to document level of service, set future direction and identify opportunities to reduce future liability and community risk. ➢ Continued emphasis on disaster/hazardous materials/emergency management and planning. This includes updating individual city departmental emergency plans, tabletop drills, equipping the emergency coordination center and training including classes for key staff and leaders at the _ Emergency Management Institute. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 No significant expenditure or staffing changes proposed in 2002. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Administration ➢ Organizes, directs and coordinates the overall operations of the Fire Department including _ Administration, Suppression/EMS, Fire Prevention, Public Education, Training, Apparatus Maintenance, safety, and major projects to provide quality services to the citizens of the City of Kent and King County Fire District#37. _ 86 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Develop, implement and monitor department goals and programs; provide the public with a high volume of emergency/non-emergency information; provide full administrative and financial services for King County Fire District #37; keep records and coordinate support services; respond to emergencies; and coordinate computer and communications for emergency services. Provide support services to: Unit Leaders; Chief Officers; program/project personnel; _. Volunteers/Safety; Apparatus Maintenance Division; and JATC Committee. Emergency Response (Suppression/EMS) ➢ Serves the Citizens of Kent and King County Fire District #37 providing fire suppression; emergency medical services; hazardous materials/confined space response; fire safety inspection of all types of business occupancies in our area; deliver public education programs (e.g., station tours, "after the fire is out" neighborhood meetings, CPR classes, disaster preparedness and other classes); and, support a variety of other departmental and city programs to make "Kent: A Home Town For Families". 1999 2000 2001 STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES Actual Actual Estimate Suppression Inspections 2,266 1,097 1,300 Number of Total Calls 13,040 13,274 13,738 Average Response Times (in minutes) 6.2 6.33 6.46 Rate of Cardiac Saves (admitted to hospital) 58% 60% 60% Training ➢ In addition to meeting State and Federal operational requirements, training is a critical element in maintaining our readiness to deliver emergency and non-emergency services for suppression, emergency medical, hazardous materials, fire inspection, public education/information, physical fitness and support services. It is also essential for safe operations and meeting state and federal mandatory requirements. In addition, to provide efficient, effective services through automatic aid agreements, it is essential to do multi-agency sub-regional training. Support Services ➢ Apparatus maintenance is charged with the response readiness of the emergency fleet. This unit responds to emergencies and also assists with specifications, acceptance and warranty work on apparatus. The unit's responsibility has been expanded significantly with the number of and aging emergency apparatus and other high-tech mobile equipment systems. They perform preventative maintenance on apparatus in addition to repairs and testing of systems. ➢ Firefighters manage in-house maintenance programs dealing with breathing apparatus; EMS equipment; small power equipment; pagers/radios; uniforms and protective clothing; and, - conduct annual tests of all fire hose, hydrants, ladders, etc; and provide a variety of customer support programs for our citizens prior to and following emergencies. The Strategic Plan Committee is strongly recommending that we look towards having uniformed personnel supervise non-uniform day shift staff in providing support services. The purpose of this is to ensure quality control of critical support services. It also frees up uniform personnel for emergency response and preparedness. 87 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Fire Prevention ➢ The Fire Prevention Division provides for essential controls of a fire and life safety environment through the provision of information, an effective education, permit and inspection process. Services include: active coordination within the permit process system; plans checking; new construction and annual business inspections; public education; major incident (disaster) contingency planning and management; investigation/mitigation of high priority life safety complaints; fire/arson investigations; juvenile firesetter counseling (our Department ranks in the top three (3) for referrals); and, education/planning in hazardous materials risk mitigation. Training in this area is also critical to maintain certifications, maximize productivity, and minimize future community risk through proactive programs. Another key area for us is the — CERT program in which we train city employees, citizens and the business community in disaster survival skills. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate — CERT Training 75 53 125 Plans Reviewed 1,241 946 840 Fire Investigations 163 120 112 — Fire Prevention New Construction Inspections 1,315 1,346 2,214 Fire Prevention Annual UFC Permitted Inspections 1,435 1,364 1,364 Fire Prevention New Business Inspections N/A 300 300 _. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS — Responded to over 13,700 emergencies while continuing to achieve one of the highest percentage of cardiac saves in South King County. _ ➢ Conducted three (3) SARA Title III hazardous materials drills due to the high potential of a hazardous materials incident in our area. There are 48 SARA sites in the city that require the development of Emergency Response Plans and annual updates. There are approximately 70 — additional facilities that are required to report hazardous material inventory information under the community right to know provisions of the Federal law. We made significant progress in the city disaster preparedness training at the Federal Emergency Management Institute. We continue to make slow but steady progress in preparing the city and its citizens for disaster preparedness. Much remains to be done. ➢ Provided leadership in countywide planning for the Emergency Medical Services Strategic Plans and initiatives. ➢ Resolved significant number of fire/arson cases, arrested and prosecuted several arsonists. This continues to send a strong anti-arson message within our community. ➢ Made over 90,000 personal contacts through the Public Education Program. Through the Fire Flies brochure we reached over 12,000 children with fire prevention messages five (5) times a year. The Public Education Program also conducted 465 classes to area schools, businesses, and community groups and participated in over 300 hours of community events. ➢ We have played a strong role in the implementing of the city's new Permit Center and permit process while working very hard to meet the heavy demand for review of new construction. — 88 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Improved sub-regional cooperation through, support, training, cooperation, and emergency response programs with neighboring and regional fire and emergency agencies. We have been an active participant in cooperative hazardous materials drills, training and operations. We are also very active in the regional purchasing co-op for emergency medical supplies. We successfully implemented the A.D.A.P.T. (Appropriate Destination and Patient Treatment) Program. ➢ We continue to demonstrate required leadership with respect to training, incident command procedures, officer training and implementing the emergency medical destinations and strategic - initiatives (including pilots on joint purchasing, shared data keeping, alternative program research for reducing the rate of growth of calls). ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ Increased senior population in our community and their required services related fire and life safety needs. This is likely to occur in a more dense downtown core area. ➢ As we lose senior/experienced personnel it becomes critical to provide more technical, supervisory, command, and hands-on live fire training for personnel. ➢ Need to implement community identified solutions to manage community risk. ➢ Given limited resources, there is an increasing need to continue to allocate resources to effectively provide proactive programs involving fire, injury and accident prevention and public education to reduce the rate of increase on demands for service. These programs will be most effective through face to face contact between our citizens and their firefighters. ➢ Increased federal and state requirements for emergency response personnel under new - _ Federal-OSHA regulations. Increased role of Labor & Industries in creating more complex mandates without funding. Potential impacts of NFPA 1710 Standards. ➢ Significant impacts and opportunities related to health care reform and delivery, King County Emergency Medical Services Strategic Plan, delivery of advanced life support services, potential future annexations, and incorporations in light of limited revenues. ➢ Changing diversity in our community, the related needs and opportunities that it brings to be reflective in our services, staffing and communications. ➢ Meeting the increasing demand for service as we experience annexations and general growth. This assumes community direction through a strategic plan to reinforce proactive as well as emergency response strategies for meeting service demands. It also includes a more accurate understanding of the impacts that growth has placed on limited resources currently and in the past. We need to address the unavoidable choice between adequate staffing and response or continued increase of risk and reduced levels of services for the community. ➢ Demands for emergency services have increased tremendously over the past several years and response times have moved adversely away from the goals of the community's Master Plan. This is due to community growth, traffic congestion, simultaneous alarms, and the limited staffing available to keep up with the demand for service. New challenges such as terrorism and shifts in the needs of our rapidly changing community have also had an impact (e.g. more senior populations). ➢ Increased potential for wildland interface fires in our protection area. Need to acquire adequate training, apparatus and equipment to deal with the hazards located within our community. 89 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Productivity Improvement/Program and Process ➢ Researching measures of effectiveness used by other agencies. - ➢ Cooperatively defining data gathering points with regional agencies to better measure effectiveness in the future. ➢ Implement and refine throughout 2001-2002 computer software to gather and analyze data more effectively. Fire Department/Life Safety Policy Direction ➢ Working with regional committees to seek operational and funding alternatives for increasing demand. ➢ Developing a multi-year phased in staffing proposal to close the gap on previously recommended staffing plan. ➢ Develop expanded relationships with other fire agencies to enhance the delivering of fire and life safety services to our citizens. Well Maintained City Facilities ➢ Capital improvements will be important to maintain existing facilities and future capacity (e.g., complete East Hill maintenance and interior painting, Apparatus Maintenance and fire station on the north Benson (CIP), adequate training facility capacity, Station 76 (North Industrial) function remodel). — Regional Leadership, Quality/Cost Effective Services ➢ Seeking opportunities to provide apparatus maintenance services to other fire agencies. ➢ Enhanced automatic and mutual aid agreements - fire, hazardous materials and urban search and rescue. ➢ Active participation in the implementation of the :strategic initiative of the King County _ Emergency Medical Services Strategic Plan and the County Wide Task Force to secure a source of stable funding to deliver emergency medical services. _ ➢ Participate and provide leadership for study and delivery of advanced life support services. Enhanced relationship with South County Medics to provide high quality response to our _ protection area. We are currently housing two (2) medic units within the city. ➢ Implementation of approved Fire Department Strategic Plan Initiatives. ➢ Active participant in regional training, regional hazardous materials committee/operations and regional purchasing program. ➢ Disaster Management/CERT training. 90 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FIRE and LIFE SAFETY SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% REVENUE Taxes Licenses&Permits 27,275 122,738 139,747 206,637 138,909 9,05 13.2 9 Intergovernmental Revenue 3,750,166 3,665,294 1,966,184 3,706,855 3,764,350 , 6 2.7 Services&Charges 81,960 25,040 44,304 91,321 22,916 (2,124) (8.5) Miscellaneous Revenues 16,308 1,354 10,414 17,551 1,817 463 34.2 Transfers&Other Non Revenues 400,000 300,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 100,000 33.3 Total Revenues 4,275,709 4 114 426 2 360 649 4,322,364 4,327,992 213,566 5.2 EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Fire Administration 1,355,161 1,526,521 948,955 1,350,062 1,680,347 153,826 10.1 Fire Facilities 577,776 687,085 457,929 577,776 715,126 28,041 4.1 Communications 290,550 337,264 203,278 287,358 319,489 (17,775) (5.3) Fire Training 599,192 644,454 446,950 596,906 657,741 13,287 2.1 Fire Suppression 9,185,731 9,851,039 6,359,738 9,141,505 9,986,411 135,372 1.4 Rescue/Emergency Aid 1,327,767 1,383,873 869,104 1,320,802 1,350,035 (33,838) (2.4) Fire Prevention 1,913,891 2,002,445 1,427,968 1,907,099 2,445,820 443,375 22.1 Total Net Expenditures 15,250,068 16,432,681 10,713,923 15,181,508 17,154,969 722,288 4.4 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 10,540,949 10,912,163 7,528,528 10,540,949 11,524,623 649,031 5.6 Benefits 1,794,721 2,396,990 1,406,755 1,728,741 2,347,959 (49,031) (2.0) Supplies 550,085 664,494 280,604 550,085 664,018 (476) (0.1) Services&Charges 2,299,299 2,456,834 1,493,077 2,296,719 2,618,369 161,535 6.6 Capital Outlay 65,014 2,200 4,959 65,014 (2,200) (100.0) Total Expenditures 15,250,068 16,432,681 10,713,923 15,181,508 17,154,969 722,288 4.4 91 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY LIST OF POSITIONS -- Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) 2000 2001 2002 2002 In Equivalents Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT GENERALFUND - Administration Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 Battalion Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Secretary II 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ Administrative Secretary 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fire Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fire Department Liaison 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fire Equipment Maint Supv 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Fire Apparatus Mechanic 1.00 1.00 1.00 Training Battalion Chief-Training 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lieutenant-Training 3.00 3.00 3.00 Administrative Secretary II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Suppression Assistant Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 Battalion Chief 3.00 3.00 3.00 Battalion Chief-EMS 1.00 1.00 Lieutenant/Suppression 18.00 18.00 18.00 Lieutenant/EMS 3.00 3.00 3.00 ` Firefighters/Suppression 80.00 80.00 80.00 _ Firefighter/EMS 13.00 13.00 13.00 Prevention Assistant Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ Battalion Chief 1.00 1.00 Fire Marshal/Battalion Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lieutenant-Asst Fire Marshal 1.00 1.00 1.00 - FF/Inspector-Fire Prevention 1.00 1.00 1.00 DFM-Cert Plans Reviewer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Plans Examiner 1.00 1.00 1.00 DFM-Cert Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Certified Plans Reviewer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Program Coordinator 1.50 1.50 1.50 DFM-Cert Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 _ Certified Inspector-Fire Prev 5.00 6.00 6.00 Fire Lieutenant-Arson Inv. 3.00 3.00 3.00 Lieutenant-Public Educator 1.00 1.00 1.00 Public Education Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 Administrative Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Support Services Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Technician II 1.00 1.00 1.00 157.00 1.60 160.00 1.5(I 160.00 1.50 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 158.50 161.5(I 161.50 COMMENTS 2000-Added District 40 Training Officer, Public Education Specialist from Police and moved one BC to AC. 2001 -Added 2 Firefighters. One Firefighter position converted to Battalion Chief(EMS Officer). 2002-No changes _ 92 - v:zaax ANim a�ewe:mop�m..i:iwzvzaoi City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget i -_�IY DEPUTY CHIEF AD MIN OFFICER Public Works Engineering PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Aft�m ACCT MANAGER ApAIN ASST J MISSION ACCT SVCS ASST ACCT TECH FINANCIAL FINANC AL CONTRACT ApAIN SEG 1 ADMIN SEC 1 OFFH E TECH Z J ANALYST ANAL VST(ZVR) SPECIALIST STATEMENT CITY ENGINEER, PE The mission of the Public Works Department is to - DESIGN CONSTRUCTION LAND SURVEY TRANSPORTATION ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTY PERMIT PROCESS provide safe, COSt ENGINEERING LANDSURVEY ENGR ENGINEERING PROPERTY MANAGER ENGINEERING PE MANAGED.PE SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR,PE MANAGER PE MANAGER effective and essential MANAGER. public works systems to ENGINEER 2 ENGINEER I SURVEY P PROP ANALYST CHIEF ENGINEERZ ENGINEER Z serve the citizens, Z Z Z ENGINEER Z Z businesses, and ENGINEERZ GROSS LON SURVEY TECH ENGINEERZ ENGINEERZ PROP MGMT ENGINEERZ 6 CTRL INSP 2 3 J TECH environment of the City. These systems focus on SR ENGR TELH CANSRz SPEC R EGNM FCY ENG TECH 111 Z SR CONSTR INSP NTCP COORD transportation mobility including an internal motor ENGRJTECH CONS 3R INSP SR SIGNAL TECH E(GRNRA) ENG TECH pool; surface water quality CONST INSP ADMIN SECI C.MM COORD (Z yw,) SIGNAI TECN and drainage; waste water collection and disposal, SPECIALIST CTR COORD water for domestic use and - fire protection and solid RNS DEMAND SPECIALIST waste/recycling collection and disposal. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Continue corridor projects activity. Complete construction of the 277th corridor project from Auburn Way North to SR 167 and secure Council direction on the 228th Corridor from 54th Avenue to Military Road. ➢ Construct specific drainage and habitat improvements within the Soos Creek Drainage system as reflected in the adopted Soos Creek Capital Impro\,ement Program. ➢ Continue to replace specific undersized culverts within the Mill Creek drainage system from Earthworks Park to 76"'Avenue to address the flooding issues there along. Also construct facilities within Mill Creek Canyon to address the erosion problems. ➢ Secure federal funds to construct facilities within the Garrison Creek Canyon to address the erosion problems. ➢ Complete the construction of the Washington Avenue HOV improvements from SR516 (Willis Street) to James Street and Meeker Street Improvements from Washington Avenue to 64th Avenue. ➢ Restart the development of the Environmental Impact Study on the city's drinking water Impoundment project located west of 124th Avenue between 288th Street and 304th Street. ➢ Complete the update to the Comprehensi\,e Transportation Plan 93 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Secure Council decision on the lifting of the sunset provision associated with that portion of the utility tax dedicated towards street improvement funding. ➢ Continue implementation of Neighborhood Traffic Control program. ➢ Complete the update to the Comprehensive Water Plan. ➢ Complete the construction of the upper reach of the pipeline associated with Tacoma's Second Supply Project along with the intertie to Kent Springs. — ➢ Continue to provide an enhanced level of new sidewalks and sidewalk repair due to damage from street trees and to address safety issues. _ ➢ Continue providing a high level of service on roads and traveled ways considering the increased traffic and growth throughout the city. _ ➢ Construct the 132nd Avenue and 248th street improvements adjacent to City Park. ➢ Construct 2nd Avenue, Temperance and 1st Avenue street improvements associated with the Kent Station project. ➢ Continue to develop interim water supply to supplement city water supply capabilities until Tacoma's Green River second supply project is on line. ➢ Construct the 248th Street and 98th Avenue intersection improvements. — ➢ Construct the 132nd Avenue and 272nd (SR 516) intersection improvements. ➢ Construct the Central Avenue and James Street intersection improvements. ➢ Continue with the design of the Pacific Highway (SR 99) HOV project from SR 516 to South 272nd ➢ Initiate the design of the 260th Street and Military Road intersection improvements. ➢ Complete the design of raising that portion of West Valley Highway, south of the Green River, which _ perpetually rises above flood stage. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 Although several new positions were requested, no changes are proposed for 2002. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Public Works Administration Provides administrative and financial control, coordination and record keeping for activities of the respective divisions within the department. This program is also responsible for the development and _ management of the department's comprehensive long-range plans. 94 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Public Works Administration Actual Actual Estimate Grant Billings (in millions) 9.7 4.7 6 Consultant Agreements (in millions) 11.5 15 16 Purchase Orders Processed 1,553 1,437 1,500 Cash Bonds Collected 418 370 100 Cash Bonds Released 226 446 300 * Street Use Permits 52 76 50 Grade and Fill Permits 28 39 30 Public Works Project Development Develops, designs, and implements the Public Works Department Capital Impro\ement Programs including LID's. Reviews and controls private development projects to insure compliance with comprehensive plans and construction standards of the city. Conducts development reviews for plats, rezones, conditional use permits, short plat, and building sites. Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Public Works Project Development Actual Actual Estimate Project Budgets (in Millions) 143 185 210 City Construction Projects Awarded 14 11 10 City Construction Projects Awarded (in Millions) 21.6 11.8 47 City Construction Projects Completed 20 9 8 * Water Permits Issued 291 195 200 * Sewer Permits Issued 309 372 350 _ Developer Plans Reviewed (Incis. SFR, TZ, Commercial, Plats, Short Plats, Utilitypermits) 846 933 900 SEPA/Environmental Checklist reviews 56 65 60 Short Plats 11 20 15 Plats 23 20 20 Tentative & preliminary tentative plats 7 16 10 Tentative short plats 2 0 1 Final plats 5 30 15 The high level of construction and development continues to drive the level of activity within this program. Property acquisition and design of future construction projects also continues at a high level with approximately 30 projects in the design phase. * - Prior to KIVA (1998), separate permits \*re issued. With KIVA, all permits are combined into one and fees are collected on the Single Family Residential permits. Transportation Management Develops transportation plans; reviews new developments' impacts; designs signals, parking and trafic controls for new street sections; monitors parking and trafic flows and accidents; operates the signal system; redesigns traffic controls for changing traffic conditions; and, coordinates grant applications and interagency coordination with local, regional, state, and federal transportation agencies. 95 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Transportation Management Actual Actual Estimate Neighborhood Traffic Control Meetings 23 16 27 - Signs Requested 250 200 250 Traffic Counts 400 483 500 Development Review Items 250 250 250 - Street Maintenance — Provides street maintenance regarding roadv�ey repairs, vegetation management, sidewalk repairs, traffic signs and roadway striping while striving to maintain a high level of service. Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Street Maintenance Actual Actual Estimate Total Lane Miles of Street 682 700 745 Number of Traffic Signals 89 90 98 Number of Streetlights 4,198 4,217 4,320 RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ State Grant Agency requested Kent to take over the Auburn 277th Corridor project ($32,000,000 project). ➢ King County (Metro) requested that Kent construct on their behalf, their 277th Street Interceptor Sewer — project ($8,000,000 project). ➢ Secured grant funds of $1,942,119 for Auburn's 277th Street Corridor project. _ ➢ Secured $800,000 from King County (Metro) for Auburn's 2771h Street Construction project. ➢ Award the construction contract for Auburn's 277th Corridor project which included King Co. Metro's 277th Interceptor. ➢ Awarded approximately $45,000,000 worth of contracts last year. ➢ Award the last construction contract for the completion of our East Hill Interceptor and Pumping Station project which upon completion, will eliminate sewage overflows presently occurring within the Mill Creek interceptor system. Also included in that construction contract was the installation of sewers to the Big K Addition residential neighborhood which as been suffering long term chronic septic system failure. ➢ Constructed replacement wells at both our 212th and Kent Springs water supply sources. Thusly, reestablishing or enhancing their supply capabilities. ➢ Constructed emergency water supply intertie with Soos Creek Water & Sewer District. ➢ Secured 2.5-MGD water supply from Seattle to address our drought related inter supply shortages. ➢ Addressed & declared drought situation through source development and conservation in a manner that averted any health & safety risks to our citizens while also not being overly restrictive to our customers 96 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Resolved a significant Department of Ecology water right issue per Tacoma's Second Supply project that could have killed said project. ➢ Received approval of the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for the Tacoma Second Supply project along with the Incidental Take Permit (ITP) which were critical elements per proceeding Wth project. ➢ Awarded the construction contract for an easterly segment of Tacoma's Second Supply project (approx. $20,000,000) which helps assure we have water for next 2002 demand season. ➢ Completed the EIS on the 228th Street Corridor project. ➢ Instituted legal action against Puget Sound Energy for their non-compliance with respect to their city finance as it relates to city street construction project. ➢ Executed the contract between all parties for implementation of Tacoma's Second Supply project. ➢ Completed the 256th Street project. ➢ Completed the 196th Street Corridor project from Orillia Road to East Valley Highway and opened to traffic. ➢ Managed another record year for city construction contracts coupled with a heavy platting and development year, while suffering major staff shortages attributed to vacant positions. ➢ Awarded the construction contract for the Washington Ave. HOV Improvements and the Meeker Street Widening Improvements. `-- ➢ Awarded the construction contract for the Canyon Drive Pedestrian and Bicycle Path Improvements. ➢ Awarded the construction contract for another phase of Downtown sidewalk replacement work. ➢ Awarded the construction contract for the extension of 72"d Ave. north of 196th Street along with rehabbing the balance to 188th Street. ➢ Proceeded with implementation of several projects included in the Soos Creek Drainage Basin Capital Improvement program which was adopted by city council. ➢ Awarded the construction contract for the installation of storm water. ➢ Committed to supplement Rock Creek stream tows to assure salmonoidal survival. ➢ Constructed the 2001 Asphalt Overlay project. - ➢ Finalized the update of the City's water system comprehensive plan. ➢ Initiated a Habitat Conservation Plan for our Clark Spring Water Supply Source as it relates to Rock _ Creek. ➢ Completed roadway striping of 946,000 lineal feet of 4" paint lines. ➢ Processed 1,150 orders for new sign installations and repairs. 97 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Replaced over 14,000 missing or damaged traffic buttons. ➢ Resurfaced and/or rehabilitated 163,537 square yards of rcadways. ➢ Vegetation crews maintained 201 holding ponds. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ Meeting the ramifications of the transportation/land use concurrency mandate of the Growth Management Act coupled with the impacts of various state initiatives (695, 722, etc.) and the implications of the sunset clause of the 1% utility tax for streets. — ➢ Providing adequate level of street maintenance with increasing demands due to annexations, increased traffic volumes, environmental constraints, state/federal mandates, and service demands from other _ divisions and/or departments. ➢ Addressing the increased rail traffic stemming from the growth in rail freight, the commuter rail (sound transit) project, the high-speed passenger rail project, and their implications on traffic congestion and — East/West traffic flow. ➢ Complying with Commute Trip Reduction mandates. ➢ Continual development of additional water supply to forestall water shortages and accompanying moratorium on new water service connections. — ➢ Complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act standards. ➢ The salmon and bull trout listing under ESA and its implication on city water supply issues, city stream — water quality issues, city development standards, and the capital improvement project delay associated with the more stringent permit renew process of the regulatory agencies. ➢ Recent State Supreme Court decision on %ater rights and its implication on the citys water supply. ➢ Complying with NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) requirements mandated by — the Federal government. 98 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Budget YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% REVENUE Licenses&Permits 38,446 52,171 9,925 16,146 16,307 (35,864) (68.7) Intergovernmental Revenue 3,523 11,281 11,281 Services&Charges 1,157,273 1,087,763 449,892 712,509 1,097,215 9,452 0.9 Miscellaneous Revenues 567 60 60 Transfers&Other Non Revenues 450 45,586 300 100,000 54,414 119.4 Total Revenues 1,200,259 1,185,520 471,457 739,996 1,213,522 28,002 2.4 EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Public Works Admin 1,097,725 1,192,557 794,900 1,093,892 1,263,972 71,415 6.0 Design Engineering 663,952 742,124 472,379 659,753 755,641 13,517 1.8 Construction Engr 963,207 1,190,459 791,682 958,906 1,246,311 55,852 4.7 Survey 367,831 380,138 260,598 365,948 385,726 5,588 1.5 Property Management 203,273 300,759 146,742 202,278 309,688 8,929 3.0 Transportation Engr 1,487,970 1,576,053 1,034,737 1,490,026 1,809,156 233,103 14.8 Street Maintenance 2,513,676 2,493,450 1,574,938 2,482,869 2,661,441 167,991 6.7 - Subtotal Expenditures 7,297,634 7,875,540 5,075,975 7,253,672 8,431,935 556,395 7.1 Public Works Reimb (1,525,281) (1,571,040) (1,063,015) (1,525,287) (1,626,026) (54,986) 3.5 Engineering-Reimbmnt (1,105,349) (1,367,762) (787,057) (979,314) (1,415,634) (47,872) 3.5 Street Maint-Reimb (78,929) (64,360) (64,602) (78,929) (66,612) (2,252) 3.5 Net Expenditures 4,588,069 4,872,378 3,161,301 4,670,142 5,323,663 451,285 9.3 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 3,341,970 3,634,709 2,347,658 3,341,969 3,877,066 242,357 6.7 Benefits 915,105 1,109,818 676,776 890,958 1,029,168 (80,650) (7.3) Supplies 239,772 331,470 203,155 239,772 357,122 25,652 7.7 Services&Charges 2,834,268 2,799,922 1,833,318 2,831,956 3,159,971 360,049 12.9 Capital Outlay (17.362) (17,362) 9,000 9,000 Subtotal Expenditures 7,313,753 7,875,919 5,060,907 7,287,293 8,432,327 556,408 7.1 Cost Allocation (2,725,684) (3,003,541) (1,899,606) (2,617,151) (3,108,664) (105,123) 3.5 Net Expenditures 4,588,069 4,872,378 3,161,301 4,670,142 5,323,663 451,285 9.3 99 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Full Time(FT) LIST OF POSITIONS Regular Part Time(RPT) 2000 2001 2002 2002 In Equivalents Final Budget Adiusted Budget Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT GENERALFUND Administration Director of Public Works 1.00 1.00 1.00 City Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Contract Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Admin Secretary 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Technician 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 Design Design Engineering Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer II 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ Engineer 1 3.00 3.00 3.00 Senior Engineering Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineering Technician 1 2.00 2.00 2.00 Computer Mapping Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Construction Construction Engineering Mgr 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer II 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Construction Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 Construction Inspector 3.00 3.00 3.00 Land Survey Land Survey Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Survey Chief 2.00 2.00 2.00 Survey Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 Permit Process Development Engineering Mgr 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer II 2.00 2.00 2.00 Engineer 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer Tech III 1.00 2.00 2.00 Engineer Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Secretary 1.00 1.00 1.00 Property Management Property Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Property Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Property Management Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 Right of Way Assistant 1.00 1.00 Transportation Transportation Engr Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer 1 3.00 3.00 3.00 Senior Signal Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Traffic Signal Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Neigh Traffic Control Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Street Street Maintenance Super 1.00 1.00 1.00 Field Supervisor 3.00 3.00 3.00 Maintenance Worker II 5.00 4.00 4.00 Maintenance Worker III 5.00 4.00 4.00 Maintenance Worker IV 1.00 3.00 3.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 63.00 65.00 65.00 100 V'p002 Prelim BCE\Pesi4on Lnts.nls 1N1312001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) 2000 2001 2002 2002 In Equivalents Final Budget Adiusted Budaet Chanaes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT ENVIRONMENTAL FUND Conservation Specialist 0.50 0.50 0.50 PROJECTS Transportation Demand Spec. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Commute Trip Reduction 1.00 1.00 1.00 Construction Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial Analyst 1.00 1.00 STREET UTILITY FUND Engineer II 1.00 d 1.00 Engineer 1 3.00 3.00 Senior Engineering Tech 1.00 1.00 Engineering Technician 1.00 1.00 Project Specialist 1.00 1.00 Accting Service Asst III 1.00 _ Accting Service Asst II 1.00 Administrative Secretary 1 1.00 1.00 TOTAL-STREET UTILITY 9.00 9.00 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water 25.50 29.50 Sewer 7.00 4.50 Storm 23.00 24.50 Utility Operations 10.00 10.00 Warehouse 3.00 3.00 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 68.50 74.50 74.50 FLEET SERVICES Fleet Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ Mechanic Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mechanic II 4.00 4.00 4.00 Maintenance Worker 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 Radio Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 FLEET SERVICES 8.00 8.00 8.00 TOTAL 152.00 161.00 161.00 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 152.00 1 161.00 161.00 COMMENTS 2000-1-695 Cut Grant Coordinator,Moved seven positions from Construction to Permit Process and added 2 year Const Inspector 2001-Add Permit Tech to Permit Process division,Right of Way Asst in Property Mgmt division and 2 year 272nd Project Financial Analyst. y 2002-No changes 101 v zaoz army ewwmtie�um..k a2zaooi City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Parks, Recreation an Community Services DIRECTOR PROJECT ACCT ADMINASSTJ f _ PARKS MAINT GOLF MAINT V NG L SUPT SUPT ik PKS DEVELOPMT HUMAN SVCS RD SUPT MGR ACCOl1NT TECH FINANCIAL A1411 FACILITY PINGI MAINT VMR< DEV COORD —NASST I 3 OFFICE TECH 3 ACCT SERVICES ASST 2(,T5) RAM PLANNER ORD ADMIN ASSTI 3 3 FIELD -M� SUPERVISOR MEAD PRO FIELD RLDEF-P FIELD FACILITIES SVS I2) SYSTEM HOME REPAIR _ SUPERVISOP SUPERVISOR SUPER VISOR SPUR PROGRAM SPEC SUPPORT COORDINATOR SPECIALIST PROGRAMASST gOMIN ASSTI HOME REPAIR MAINT NMR3 MAINT WKR3 CUSTODIA.LEAD 6 3 SPECIALIST A ASST PRO MECHANJJ HVAL TECH 6 2 2 MAINTV�XR 2 GOLF SHOP � AOMIN SEC 1 ('TS) MAINT WKR2 LUSTO[NPN PROGRAM ASST 1p ASST MAINTVJKR 3 2 T HOME REPAIR (T5) SPECIALIST (5) MAINITTWKR2 MAINT VMR2 ('15)� PROGRAM ASST VAN DRIVER 2 cusio[NAN 2 S 3 ­T.. MAINT VMR J CUSTO[NAN l51 MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in Kent. The City of Kent Parks, Recreation and _ Community Services Department is committed to provide parks and facilities which are safe and attractive and offer recreation, and cultural programs which are enjoyable and meaningful to the y citizens of Kent. We believe in being ethical, positive and responsive to the needs and interests of the public. GOALS FOR 2002 Parks Planning and Development ➢ Secure funding for Clark Lake Park Acquisition. ➢ Complete Canterbury Park, East Hill "X" Park, and Gateway Trailhead; and begin construction on the East Hill Youth Sports Complex. ➢ Master Plan: 132nd Street Park and 272"d Street Neighborhood Park. ➢ Complete Downtown Gateways Project. ➢ Establish a formal Planned Giving Program and identify prospective Board Members for a Kent Parks & Recreation Foundation. Complete Bylaws and apply for 501 C(3) status; create Planned Giving literature for distribution; create Planned Giving Software and provide training for Planned Giving Coordinator and support staff; provide professional training for staff and board development; identify two projects for major gift opportunities; and identify and cultivate two to three individuals for planned gifts. ➢ Work with Service Clubs for fundraising on the youth ballfields and pursue outside funding. — ➢ Work with Public Works, Engineering, and Traffic on Regional Trail Plan/System improvements and distribute updated Trail Guide. - ➢ Install new playground at Kent Commons and implement life cycle improvements. ➢ Conduct an RV Park Assessment 102 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Pursue outside funding for Town Square Park ➢ Integrate Endangered Species Act Recommendations into park planning. _ ➢ Coordinate with Environmental Engineering to develop a funding strategy to acquire environmentally sensitive lands, open space, habitat restoration areas, and greenbelts. ➢ Identify potential neighborhood park acquisitions in annexation areas. ➢ Initiate a program to combat vandalism. ➢ Coordinate with Planning Department to establish a Farmland Preservation Program that is - compatible with recreation and open space preservation. Recreation ➢ Offer new and current programs and to be responsive to public input regarding class/program ideas. ➢ Improve customer service issues and awareness through training and public feedback. ➢ Improve participation numbers by introducing new programs, enhancing current programs and improving on marketing and promotional methods. ➢ Provide educational and training opportunities for staff members. ➢ Maintain top quality recreational programs, community education classes and facility rentals through a comprehensive evaluation and public feedback process. Improvement through input on program changes, additions, requests, ideas and concerns. Senior Activity Center ➢ Offer new options at the Mill Creek Cafe meal program, including deli days featuring deli style sandwiches, soup, salad, beverage and dessert at the same low cost of $3.75 for seniors. ➢ Explore more innovative ways to attract younger seniors to the program, including a possible name change for the facility. ➢ Encourage and instruct senior participants in the use of the city's web and phone registration system to allow them to register for trips and classes from home. Park Maintenance ➢ Supply all supervisors with computers, monitors and software. ➢ Continue to increase online vehicles in lieu of Fleet Service rentals. ➢ Increase training and education for staff. ➢ Re-establish budget for parking lot sweeping to most parks. ➢ Increase pay for seasonal staff. ➢ Maintain new parks scheduled to come on line. - Cultural Programs ➢ Build strong community support for major summer festivals, Canterbury Faire and Fourth of July Splash, with a focus on participation from business and community organization leaders. ➢ Expand sponsorships for major summer festivals as possible and explore new revenue generating options. ➢ Continue to present the Seattle Symphony in Kent annually as part of Kent's Fourth of July Splash. ➢ Work with the Kent Civic and Performing Arts Center Board, local arts organizations and interested citizens to establish direction and vision for the future of the arts in the Kent community. ➢ Implement the 2002 art plan, including continuing to work with SoundTransit on artwork for the Kent train station, documenting the City's Art Collection and developing educational and promotional materials, incorporating artwork improvements to the train corridor through Kent and developing new Reclamation and Community Participation Art Projects. 103 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Specialized Recreation ➢ Expand the "Inclusive" programming efforts and outcomes throughout the department. Inclusion — and/or mainstreaming means everyone in the city of Kent community have the opportunity to _ equally participate in, benefit from and enjoy the parks, recreational services offered thorough this department. ➢ Focus on the outreach and welcoming of "non-traditional" communities, including but not limited to new immigrant populations, underserved disabled groups and user groups who currently do not access the Parks Department services and facilities. Youth and Teen Services — ➢ Expand and enhance opportunities for youth to experience a variety of outdoor activities and generate adequate revenue to meet budget requirements. ➢ Incorporate an interpretive educational program within the Youth and Teen Services area. Develop — partnerships with the Kent School District, other City DE�partments and outside agencies as its supports the interpretive programming element. ➢ Further enhance and build upon the after-school recreation programming during peak after-school — hours 3-6pm during the school year. Continue to build and develop partnerships with the Kent School District and other educational endeavors. Human Services ➢ Participate in a capital campaign to secure funds for a One Stop Human Service Center ➢ Implement a domestic violence response system in South King County in cooperation with other local jurisdictions, King County, non-profits and United Way — ➢ Identify and apply for funding from outside funders including foundations and the state and federal governments in collaboration with other jurisdictions and community-based organizations. ➢ Participate in the development of the Community In Schools program that will bring together and s coordinate community resources in the schools ➢ Develop a Consolidated Plan as part of the process for entitlement status from HUD. — ➢ Develop potential strategies to address the issue of the deteriorating mobile homes in Kent. Mobile homes are often the most affordable housing in the City but due to the age and lack of maintenance, many are substandard housing. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 Parks Administration is requesting an additional $7,500 to assist in funding an Executive Director for the Greater Kent Historical Society in order to provide consistent management and successful operation of the Bereiter House Museum. The Park Maintenance division has proposed replacing a 15 year old walk behind mower, purchasing a new riding mower to maintain the new parks and a seedavator to support turf management practices at — the recreational parks. Human Services will utilize existing grant funds to hire a consultant to conduct studies and — assessments of the community as required by the consolidated plan in an effort to receive entitlement allowing the city to receive community development block grant funding directly from HUD. 104 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Parks Planning and Development Provides park planning and development services, including land acquisition, engineering/design and project management of capital projects. Implemented Life Cycle project improvements. This division generates the resources to acquire, develop and maintain an adequate park and recreation system, through grants, donations, and Adopt-A-Park and volunteer programs. Manages the Planned Giving Program for the entire Parks Department and provides public information through electronic and printed materials. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Parks Planning and Development Actual Actual Estimate - Estimated Total Acres 1,275 1,342.9 1,347.4 Grants/Bonds Proj. Submitted 13 13 12 Value Grants/Bonds Proj. Submitted (millions) $0.67 $1.3 $2.0 Value Grants Proj. Received (millions) 0.75 0.38 $0.068 Active Capital Projects for Year (millions) $7.2 $5.5 $6.2 Volunteer Projects Managed 9 11 Recreation Professional programming for youth and adult athletics, recreation, cultural arts, fitness, leisure and community education classes. The Recreation Division provides central registration, information and data entry support for entire department. Services also include managing and scheduling the Kent Commons, Sport Fields, Passive Parks and Kent Memorial Park Building as rental space for private, public and social/health agency gatherings. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Recreation Actual Actual Estimate Recreation Programs Offered 155 115 120 Spectators/Kent Commons Public Usage 470,000 470,000 475,000 Data Entry Registrations 26,000 30,095 32,000 Cultural & Comm Ed Classes/Programs 1,041 1,134 1,135 Cultural & Comm Ed Class Participants 14,172 15,627 16,000 Passive Park Rental Participant 25,000 25,500 26,000 Senior Activity Center Provides recreational, educational, social, nutritional and health related programs and services to the senior population, ages 55+ in the Kent area to enhance their dignity, support their independence and encourage involvement in the community. 105 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Senior Activity Center Actual Actual Estimated Number of Registered Participants/Contacts 2,015 3,203 4,500 - Number of Visits (duplicated) 134,082 134,166 135,000 Number of Classes/Workshops 111 173 200 Number of Trips 142 150 156 Number of Meals Served 282094 23,545 26,000 Park Maintenance Preserve the high quality of parks and recreation areas and facilities through daily preventative maintenance, repairs and minor construction. Support the needs of all park divisions as required for — special events. Provide excellently prepared recreations fields and service for all tournaments, youth programs, and league play. Maintain city street trees and beautify their surrounding areas. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Park Maintenance Actual Actual Estimated — Number of Softball/Baseball Games Supported 3,500 3,992 4,233 Number of acres maintained 1,108 1,338 1,348 Number of Street Trees 5,200 4,000 4,39911 _ Cultural Programs _ Includes the City of Kent Arts Commission programs; City Art Program $2 per capita for public art; Reclamation Art Projects; Missoula Children's Theatre and other community arts residency programs; Kent Summer Concert Series; Spotlight Series of performing arts events; Spring Into Art performances _ for kids; city-wide special events; the Canterbury Faire; Kent's Fourth of July Splash; Kids' Arts Day festival; Christmas Rush Fun Run; Holiday Bazaar; support for community arts organizations; and productions of quarterly Kent Parks Program Guide. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 _ Cultural Programs Actual Actual Estimate Fourth of July Splash Spectators 11,000 18,000 20,000 Canterbury Faire Spectators 35,000 30,000 30,000 _ Arts Commission/Performing Arts/Community 24,300 20,000 20,000 Public Art Projects Completed 4 5 7 Number of Artists Involved 1,035 700 700 Christmas Rush Race Participants 1,031 908 1,000 _ Holiday Bazaar Participants/Vendors 3,000/112 3,000/112 3,000/112 Human Services The Housing and Human Services Division assures human service resources are delivered effectively _ and efficiently to Kent residents by developing and implementing policies that guide the funding of human service programs; providing housing assistance; and participating in regional and local issues affecting Kent residents. _ 106 — City of Kert, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Human Services Actual Actual Estimate - General Fund human services programs funded 29 30 32 Kent residents served 5,033 6,921 7,000 RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Parks Planning and Development ➢ Completed the Neely House Renovation, Turnkey Park Renovation, development of Morrill Meadows Park and Chestnut Ridge Neighborhood Park. ➢ Received $500,000 IAC grant for acquisition of 38 acres for Clark Lake Park. ➢ Received $300,000 IAC Grant for the Gateway Trailhead, $300,000 for Service Club Ballfields, and $170,000 for Canterbury Park. ➢ Received a $50,000 grant from King County for the Service Club Ballfields. ➢ Received a $30,000 grant from Puget Sound Urban Resources Partnership (PSURP) for Clark Lake Stormwater Treatment. ➢ Received a $1,000,000 grant from Conservation Futures for Clark Lake Park Acquisition. -- ➢ Completed several Adopt-A-Park projects including accessible play equipment installations at Kiwanis Tot Lot # 2 and Glenn Nelson Park; Make A Difference Day at Morrill Meadows Park and Clark Lake Park; Earth Day at Morrill Meadows Park; National Trails Day at Lake Fenwick, Green River, and Morrill Meadows Trails; along with many clean-up/beautification projects (East Hill Park, Lake Meridian Park, Chestnut Ridge Park). ➢ Completed the Five-Year Park, Recreation & Community Services Comprehensive Plan. ➢ Acquired property for the East Hill "X" Park. ➢ Master Planned East Hill Youth Sports Complex, Canterbury Park, East Hill "X" Park, and Clark Lake Park. ➢ Opened the Kent Valley Ice Centre, and a BMX Bicycle Park. ➢ In the Life Cycle Program, resurfaced tennis courts at West Fenwick Park; overlaid trail, replaced light fixtures, and installed scoreboards at Russell Road Park; and installed automatic irrigation systems on fields 2 and 3 at Kent Memorial Park. Recreation ➢ There were 1,134 program sections offered in Cultural and Community Education classes. ➢ Sponsorship money donated by area businesses and time donated by volunteers help provide quality youth programming. Ongoing support and involvement from the community continues to help reduce the cost of programming in youth sports. Over $31,000 was donated to Youth Sports Sponsorship and volunteers logged in 34,038 hours. ➢ Local Senior/Junior High School Students (275) were employed as Sports Officials throughout the year. _ ➢ The Kent Commons had 13 trade shows with attendance over 1,500 people for each event. ➢ Russell Road Softball Complex continues to bring thousands of people to the downtown area each year. During the season from May through September, the complex is used every day. The combined totals from private tournaments and Parks, Recreation and Community Services league play are 608 teams and 7,690 participants. ➢ A record 30,095 individual registrations were entered into the Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services registration system. ➢ Two dance recitals were held during the year, coordinating talent from 100 Youth Dance Classes and 800 dancers; 2000 people attended. 107 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ The Elementary Youth Track Program involved a record 25 Kent Elementary Schools. There were 1,172 participants, which was the largest turnout to date. 'The program ran weekly in March through —. May with the final meet at French Field having over 3,500 spectators in attendance. Senior Activity Center ➢ The Senior Activity Center sponsored "Treasure Hunt", a unique fundraising event. Modeled after television's "Antique Roadshow", this event gave the community an opportunity to have their — antiques appraised by Mike Wall, a certified appraiser trained at Sotheby's. This event was so popular that subsequent days were booked for more appraisals. The Senior Activity Center received a portion of each appraisal fee. ➢ The Senior Activity Center's computer class program was a tremendous success with up to 49 classes offered per quarter. With 5 city-donated computers, seniors learned computer basics, as well as Word, Excel, and how to use the Internet. Seniors are now interested in more advanced — classes to hone their skills. Park Maintenance ➢ Reroofed restrooms at Garrison Creek and Russell Road ➢ Installed new scoreboards at Russell Road ➢ Installed new irrigation system at Kent Memorial Park#2 and #3 _ ➢ Repaired and painted 100 park signs ➢ Replaced doors in restrooms at Glen Nelson, Russell Road, East Hill, Scenic and West Fenwick ➢ Replaced fabric and added rail at West Hill Skate Park ➢ Added new rose garden at Rosebed Park ➢ Installed wood fencing at Rosebed and Russell Road ➢ Pruned trees on James from Russell Road to Washington ➢ Completed training for Arborist, currently have 4 on staff — ➢ Replaced wood backstops at Kent Memorial Park#2 and #3 ➢ Rebuilt lifeguard chair on dock at Lake Meridian ➢ Built 3 new scorers booth at Russell Road _ ➢ Installed Peace Pole at Burlington ➢ Prepped Morrill Meadows and Chestnut Ridge for opening ➢ Pruned trees at Turnkey Park _ ➢ Installed play equipment at Turnkey, Morrill Meadows, and Chestnut Ridge ➢ Replaced damaged trees on Reith Road ➢ Replaced damaged walkway lights at Russell Road Cultural Programs ➢ The 2000 Kent Summer Concerts had a successful year, with 16 performances between July 11 and August 10. Overall attendance (7,302) was up nearly 10% from 1999. The Thursdays at the _ Lake portion of the Kent Summer Concert Series continued to be popular in its fifth year, drawing an average of 390 people per concert. A shuttle service was added in 2000, successfully transporting up to 76 people per night to Lake Meridian Park from the parking lot at Fire Station #75. The ever-popular Wednesday Picnic Performances drew an average of nearly 770 people per concert. Take-Out Tuesdays at Kent-Kherson Peace Park drew an average of 213 people per concert, up from 1999's 125 people per concert average. West Fenwick Park's Playground Performances were also popular, with some performances drawing approximately 400. ➢ Annual special events were well attended including the 14th Annual Canterbury Faire by an estimated 30,000 people. The attendance of the Annual Kent Kids' Arts Day maintained its popularity with approximately 2,000 participants. The Holiday Bazaar and Christmas Rush Fun Run were also very well attended by over 3,000 and 900 respectively. The Christmas Rush Fun._ Run course was measured in 2000 to verify the accuracy of the course, making the Rush a U., Track and Field Certified event. 108 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ More than 50 separate performing arts events were presented by the Kent Arts Commission in the last calendar year, encompassing a broad mix of programming including Spotlight Series, a season of performances from December through February. The series featured six performances ranging from holiday favorites such as The Nutcracker Ballet to a performance by the acclaimed Tibetan Monks of the Drepung Loseling Monastery. Funded partially by a Western States Arts Federation grant, the Mystical Arts of Tibet was one of the most ambitious programs presented in the Kent Arts Commission's 25 year history. Between one public performance and a variety of _ community lectures and demonstrations, the Mystical Arts of Tibet residency reached a total of over 2,500 people. Total attendance for the 2000/2001 Spotlight Series was 2,739, which is 83% of capacity. ➢ The Kent Arts Commission celebrated their 25th Anniversary at a reception in the City Hall lobby on October 17, prior to the City Council meeting. Approximately 30 to 40 people attended, including several past Commissioners and Harty Dangsholt, one of the original Commissioners. At the City _ Council Meeting, October 2000 was proclaimed "Kent Arts Commission 25'h Anniversary Month." ➢ The Cultural Programs Division partnered with Multimedia to videotape the spring Missoula Children's Theatre production of"Treasure Island." The production aired on TV Channel 21 and the tape was made available for purchase to parents and others. This was the first time the service had been offered and 29 tapes were sold. ➢ The 2001 Kent Student Art Exhibit ran from March 5 to 16 as part of National Youth Arts Month. The first ever Student Art Exhibit Reception was held March 9 at the Kent Public Market. The event attracted approximately 100 people who enjoyed music, refreshments and toured the artwork placed in the windows of downtown businesses. An art walk map was another successful addition to the event. ➢ The Millennium Art Project will bring new artwork to the outside entry of the Kent Commons in the fall of 2001. Three finalists were selected from a pool of 14 applicants and artist, Laura Haddad was ultimately chosen, by both a formal jury and a people's choice process, to design artwork for this heavily utilized community building. The final product will consist of a game board-type layout, consisting of a variety of variously sized time capsules, a sundial, shrubs and seating elements. ➢ Artist Ruth Tomlinson completed work on "Circumnavigate," an art project at Clark Lake Park. The artwork, which is heavily integrated into the natural environment of the park, was dedicated along with the park in May 2001. T. Ellen Sollod's piece, "In the Grove," was completed and dedicated at the new Morrill Meadows Park. "Hopes for the New Millennium," by Kent Police Youth Board teens under the direction of artist Tina Hoggatt at Turnkey Park was also dedicated in May. Artist Lydia Aldredge continues her work with the SoundTransit design team. ➢ The Kent Arts Commission awarded five community arts grants for 2001 totaling $8,425, up from $8,100 in 2000, $7,900 in 1999 and $5,500 in 1998. The Kent Arts Commission's Executive Committee reviewed funding goals and policies, and will prepare revised applications and guidelines for the 2002 granting cycle. ➢ Three issues (approximately 16,500 copies) of Kent Arts News, the Arts Commission's newsletter were mailed and distributed throughout the community. Each issue featured a new, expanded eight-page format. ➢ A performance by the Seattle Symphony kicked off Kent's Third Annual Fourth of July Splash with a performance on Saturday, June 30. Approximately 2,200 people enjoyed the concert, making it the best attended Seattle Symphony concert in the four years of its existence. Kent's Third Annual Fourth of July Splash drew over 20,000 people to Lake Meridian Park on July 4. Activities included a wide variety of games, entertainment and fireworks. 109 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Specialized Recreation ➢ Stewpot Theater was honored and recognized for its unique contribution to the Kent community by being awarded the Dorothy Mullen National Arts and Humanities Award. The award is issued annually by the National Recreation and Parks Association to recognize innovative and effective arts and humanities programs across the nation. The award was presented during the opening general session of the NRPA Congress and Exposition held in Phoenix in October. ➢ Creative Artspace is a highly inclusive program. With the addition of a weekly afternoon class, there are 71/2 hours of studio time provided weekly for artists. At the end of each class quarter an art show and reception is held. The show included "Primal Patterns" which featured a visit from guest drummer Simore LaDrumma who led the group in crumming exercises, "Totem Tails" with a visit from a woman who told Native American stories. "Me, Myself and Us" and "The Shape of Things to Come" were the final shows of the year, featuring full-sized body collages and ceramic mobiles. ➢ Grants and gifts received in 2000/2001 included the Employee Recycling Program with a grant of just under $3,000.00 for sport uniforms and equipment. A generous donation of $5,000.00 was received from a Kent family in memory of their son who had been active with Kent Parks — Specialized Recreation. The Kent Arts Commission granted the department $525.00 for art programming at "Art in Nature" summer day camp. King County Developmental Disabilities Division granted $10,000 annually for 3 years, to enhance and expand the inclusive programming efforts of _ the Department. A $4,000 grant from the Discovery Trust was received for the development of an inclusive computer-training program. ➢ The Resource Center Parking Lot expansion was completed. A total of 28 parking spaces are now available and new security/parking lights were added. — Youth and Teen Services ➢ Through fund-raising and donations, $21,000.00 has been raised for a scholarship program for Camp Waskowitz. The camp is a one-week residential camp held in August for youth entering the 5tn 6th and 7th grades. These dollars are allocated to local schools to send youth that might not otherwise be able to attend. — ➢ Youth & Teen staff worked closely with the Public Health Department and DSHS to begin an informational program on dental health. Staff had noticed at many of the multi-housing complexes many children were in need of dental care. This follow-up resulted in a number of families have been linked up with very affordable dental programs through the King Co./Seattle Public Health Department. ➢ The Youth and Teen Services program went through an extensive program evaluation process. _ The review included taking a good look at the program design and planned out where we wanted to be with the program in the future, what is working and what is not and lastly how to keep the program design and services current and well used by area youth. Human Services ➢ Continued facilitation and support services to the South King County Human Service Forum. Staffed the Forum work groups and developed monthly programs. ➢ Contract development and monitoring of 32 human service agency programs for contractual compliance. ➢ Coordinated Human Services month with a focus on Connecting with Kent Kids. A Youth Resource — Guide was developed for distribution to youth and the agencies who provide youth services. ➢ Coordinated "Help the Homeless Day" with a challenge to City employees to make homeless hygiene packs for distribution to human service agencies. Over 2,300 hygiene packs were collected for local agencies. ➢ Developed "A Guide to Landlord and Tenant Issues" as a service for tenant in the City of Kent. 110 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Participated as a member of the South King County Subregional Planning Committee in presenting the "Building Health and Human Services in South King County" plan to local businesses, chambers and city councils. ➢ Contracted with a consultant to conduct a feasibility study for the development of a One Stop Human Service Center in Kent. Provided staff support to the One Stop Partners Group. ➢ Convened Children's Village group to discuss early childhood environments. ➢ Participated in the Daycare/Productivity Task Force for the Kent Chamber. ➢ Developed a Human Services web page with downloadable a Home Repair application. ➢ Assisted agencies through grant writing in obtaining funding from sources other than the City. ➢ Entered an interlocal agreement with the City of Auburn to provide Home Repair services to Auburn residents. ➢ Instituted a portable heater loan program for home repair clients experiencing heater failure allowing repairs to be made during normal working hours cutting the costs for emergency call outs by heating contractors. ➢ Instituted a weatherization program for home repair clients to improve energy efficiency in older homes. ➢ Collaborated with the Fire Department to deliver fall prevention services. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND Parks Planning and Development ➢ Repayment of loan for Clark Lake land acquisition and funding for additional acquisition and development of Clark Lake Park. ➢ Reduce the frequency and severity of vandalism in parks. ➢ Establish a partnership with south King County and neighboring cities to acquire, develop, and maintain an Off-Leash Park. ➢ Recreation program space is used to its potential and can not accommodate space requests to meet programming needs. Recreation ➢ Awareness of trends in the Parks and Recreation field that affect participation levels and customer satisfaction. ➢ Internet and "on-line" registration is changing our environment and traditional ways of doing business. To remain productive and competitive, our work area needs to be organized and ready for changes. ➢ Competition for facilities and fields from the City of Kent Parks, Recreation & Community Services and other community-based organizations/service groups. Senior Activity Center ➢ The increase in Baby Boomers into the recreation and leisure market will change the focus of senior centers and what programs they offer. Interest will be on high-energy activities, ecological style trips, and health. Park Maintenance ➢ Continue to replace motor pool vehicles ➢ Establish Life-Cycle Program for barbecues ➢ Establish Life-Cycle Program for fences ➢ Grade, re-fill, and surface infields ➢ Establish joint effort with Police Department to reduce vandalism 11'1 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Cultural Programs ➢ Declining marketing and sponsorship support from businesses and companies, as well as — increased competition from regional non-profits for that support. ➢ Limited opportunities for generating revenue at Kent's Fourth of July Splash. ➢ Lack of available, affordable performance space. ➢ Limited storage space for program materials. ➢ Recruiting qualified, interested and committed Arts Commissioners. — ➢ Focusing the Kent Arts Commission's and Cultural Programs Division's visions and goals for the coming years. ➢ Determining how to collaborate with the Kent Civic and Performing Arts Center board to ensure that they are not duplicating Kent Arts Commission programs and vice versa. ➢ Gaining meaningful input from the growing and diversifying Kent population in order to effectively plan and marketing plan for Cultural Division programs. — ➢ Finding ways to advertise programs to the increasingly diverse and expansive Kent community without a large advertising budget. Specialized Recreation _ ➢ The services and programs offered within the Specialized Recreation are extremely well attended. Waiting lists are routinely taken. There is a need to make inclusive all of the departments programs, services and facilities in a meaningful way so people with disabilities can fully participate. ➢ Transportation accesses for all users of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services. Youth and Teen _ ➢ The availability of appropriate facility space (designed for recreational usage) and available on an on-going basis to offer classes and activities for youth & teens with the community. ➢ Opportunities and challenges posed by a diverse and multi-cultural community and increased _ demand for services due to population growth. Human Services _ ➢ Human Service cuts from King County and the State will challenge the abilities of local agencies to continue to provide the same level and quality of services, currently offered to Kent residents. The City of Kent will need to work with agencies to develop strategies to meet the needs without — increasing their dependence on City funds. ➢ The growing senior population living on fixed incomes will need additional resources due to rising utility and prescription drug prices. ➢ The large increase in the immigrant population indicates the need for materials in multiple languages particularly brochures listing services in the community. ➢ The aging housing stock and deteriorating mobile homes in the City will increase the demand for _ home repair services. The program will continue efforts to find cost effective methods for maintaining the housing stock while meeting federal regulations. ➢ The Domestic Violence service system in South King County continues to struggle to meet the need of victims. Kent and other South County jurisdictions will need to work with the agencies providing _ services to develop an easily accessed system providing a standard level of services. 112 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RESPONSE TO STRATEGIC GOALS Parks Planning and Development ➢ Effective Transportation System Installed pathway in Chestnut Ridge Neighborhood Park that provides safe access from the south neighborhood to the elementary school to the north. ➢ Valued Government Services Repaid $2 million of the Clark Lake loan. Opened BMX Park. - ➢ Vibrant Downtown Constructed Phase I of the Downtown Gateways Project; designed gateways at 4th Avenue and Willis Street and 4th Avenue and James Street. ➢ Strong Local Economy Retained Dave Clark Architect, an architect from Kent to provide architectural design and construction drawings for East Hill Youth Sports Complex and Service Club Ballfields; reviewed permit applications in a timely manner to expedite the review process; and several local businesses completed Adopt-A-Park Projects. ➢ Safe Community Installed a security light at a new community park, Morrill Meadows Park; and installed lighting at Chestnut Ridge Neighborhood Park. 113 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS _ 00 ACT 2001 2001 01 EST 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Estimate Prelim Change$ Change% REVENUE Intergovernmental Revenue 24,592 43,020 4,000 27,000 12,000 (31,020) (72.1) Services&Charges 1,227,953 1,125,073 858,285 1,186,071 1,121,073 (4,000) (0.4) - Miscellaneous Revenues 952,429 798,825 467,115 686,998 524,533 (274,292) (34.3) Prior Period Adjustment (100,235) Transfers&Other Non Revenues 581,625 527,270 527,270 546,149 18,879 3.6 Total Revenues 2,686,364 2,494,188 1,329,400 2,427,339 2,203,755 (290,433) (11.6) - EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Parks Administration 633,843 731,562 468,260 632,675 782,744 51,182 7.0 Parks Planning 191,007 196,743 130,239 189,978 211,698 14,955 7.6 Senior Center 1,232,123 1,110,018 725,068 1,160,957 899,602 (210,416) (19.0) Adult Day Care 46,608 46,619 31,739 46,249 47,454 835 1.8 Recreation 1,676,776 1,897,672 1,063,025 1,671,122 1,935,986 38,314 2.0 Aquatics Recreation 50,522 61,308 38,291 50,522 63,843 2,535 4.1 Rec/Cultural Program 247,684 259,173 324,011 247,685 266,279 7,106 2.7 - Ofc Of Hous/Hum Svcs 231,478 291,608 165,262 230,405 318,090 26,482 9.1 Health&Human Svcs 63,743 64,419 51,958 63,743 66,637 2,218 3.4 Human Sery Agencies 503,485 530,022 267,421 492,095 570,512 40,490 7.6 Indigent Counsel 225,268 344,607 179,167 225,268 344,607 Parks Maintenance 2,525,815 2,915,177 1,887,485 2,521,721 3,007,957 92,780 3.2 Arts Commission 133,015 168,712 84,628 132,415 162,508 (6,204) (3.7) City Arts Program 146,349 146,043 46,887 139,103 178,005 31,962 21.9 Canterbury Faire 44,499 59,646 33,849 44,499 51,857 (7,789) (13.1) Balloon Classic 30,395 31,794 21,131 30,395 36,540 4,746 14.9 Cultural Arts Prog 281,224 312,996 191,449 280,165 335,588 22,592 7.2 International Festival 2,500 12,442 9,784 2,500 12,644 202 1.6 Specialized Recreat 358,854 417,744 271,988 357,817 428,246 10,502 2.5 - Camps 174,772 174,471 112,523 175,330 179,104 4,633 2.7 Youth/Teen Programs 564,502 630,015 380,971 562,034 591,310 (38,705) (6.1) Sub total Expenditures 9,364,462 10,402,791 6,485,135 9,256,678 10,491,211 88,420 0.8 Parks Maint-Reimb (22,033) (19,981) (15,552) (22,033) (20,681) (700) 3.5 Net Expenditures 9,342,429 10,382,810 6,469,582 9,234,645 10,470,530 87,720 0.8 - EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 3,966,279 4,260,072 2,848,205 3,966,280 4,448,318 188,246 4.4 Benefits 1,025,574 1,253,760 759,010 999,738 1,142,055 (111,705) (8.9) _ Supplies 439,802 525,915 313,602 439,802 556,853 30,938 5.9 Services&Charges 3,825,994 4,297,882 2,503,473 3,750,950 4,237,593 (60,289) (1.4) Transfers Out 76,281 65,162 69,376 91,392 26,230 40.3 Capital Outlay 30,532 60,920 30,532 15,000 15,000 Sub total Expenditures 9,364,462 10,402,791 6,485,210 9,256,678 10,491,211 88,420 0.8 Cost Allocation (22,033) (19,981) (15,627) (22,033) (20,681) (700) 3.5 Net Expenditures 9,342,429 10,382,810 6,469,582 9,234,645 10,470,530 87,720 0.8 114 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget LPARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT LIST OF POSITIONS l '•/ Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) 2000 2001 2002 2002 In Equivalents Final Budget Adjusted Budget Changes Budget GENERALFUND FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT Administration Parks Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Project Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 t Human Services Humans Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Technician II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Planner 2.00 2.00 2.00 Plan and Development Parks Development Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 L Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Center Senior Center Facility Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Program Coordinator 3.00 3.00 3.00 Parks Program Specialist 0.70 0.70 0.70 Parks Program Assistant 1.00 0.70 2.00 2.00 Van Driver 1.06 1.06 1.06 Recreation Recreation Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Facility Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Program Coordinator 5.00 5.00 5.00 Administrative Secretary 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Program Assistant 3.00 1.40 3.00 1.40 3.00 1.40 Dept System Support Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 ty. Maintenance Maintenance Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Field Supervisor 4.00 4.00 4.00 Maintenance Worker IV 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker III 8.00 8.00 8.00 Maintenance Worker 11 10.00 0.75 10.00 3.75 10.00 3.75 Office Technician 11 0.60 0.60 0.60 Cultural Arts Program Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Program Coordinator 3.00 3.00 3.00 Video Technician 0.25 Youth/Spec Rec Prgms Recreation Facility Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Program Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 Program Specialist(Nbrhd Rec) 5.00 5.00 5.00 Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Program Assistant 0.90 1.00 1.00 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 66.25 6.11 68.00 7.51 68.00 7.51 Human Services Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lead Home Repair Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Home Repair Specialist 2.00 2.00 0.75 2.00 0.75 BLOCK GRANT TOTAL 4.00 4.00 0.75 4.00 0.75 Parks Fac Ping&Dev Coord 3.00 3.00 Parks Project Manager 1.00 Parks Project Coordinator 1.00 Parks Project Planner 1.00 PARKS PROJECTS TOTAL 3.00 3.00 3.00 STREET UTILITY FUND 2.00 2.00 2.00 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 21.00 4.41 24.00 3.53 24.00 3.53 GOLF COURSE FUND 9.00 1.50 9.00 1.50 9.00 1.50 105.26 12.02 110.00 13.29 110.00 13.29 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 117.32 123.34 123.28 COMMENTS 2000-Added Parks Proj Plnr and Parks Proj Mgr. Reduced Ping&Dev Coord to.75 and reclassed Home Repr Coord to Specialist. 2001-Add four RPT(.75)Park Mtc Workers,increase Office Tech from.9 to 1.0 and Program Assistant from.7 to 1.0 Move.25 funding for Video Tech to Information Technology. 2002-No changes 115 V\2002 P,O,BudWositian L--10/lIR001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget r war" KE, NT This page intentionally left blank. 116 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS The SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS are used to account for proceeds of specific taxes or other earmarked revenues. This revenue is - segregated into individual SPECIAL REVENUE Street Fund 118 FUNDS to insure expenditures for a specific Lodging Tax 123 purpose. Youth/Teen Programs 125 The Street Fund uses earmarked state shared Capital Improvement Fund 127 motor vehicle fuel tax to fund transfers for street - debt service and construction projects. In Criminal Justice Fund 131 January of 1996, the Street Fund was allocated Environmental Mitigation Fund 137 a 1 percent utility tax for transportation purposes. The Capital Improvement Fund Community Development accumulates 25 percent of the city's sales tax Block Grant 139 revenue in 2002 and 100 percent of the real estate excise tax to fund debt service and Other Operating Projects Fund 142 capital expenditures. The Criminal Justice Fund uses state and federal grants and a King County voter approved sales tax levy of .1 percent to fund criminal justice activity. The Environmental Mitigation Fund uses a portion of the 7.8 percent garbage utility tax plus permit fees paid by site owners to monitor the cleanup of landfills and toxic waste sites. The Community Development Block Grant Fund uses federal grant monies to fund designated programs. The Other Operating Projects Fund uses transfers from other funds to fund one time only _ non-capital projects such as studies. On July 5, 1994, City Council passed a 0.3 percent increase in utility tax to fund the expansion of youth and teen programs. Revenues from the tax increase are collected in the Youth/Teen Programs Fund and transferred to the General Fund to pay for eligible expenditures. 117 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Street Fund - Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT — The Street Fund was established to receive and distribute motor vehicle fuel tax collected by the State. There are two parts to the fuel tax distribution - Restricted and Unrestricted. The restricted portion by law must be used for arterial street projects, whereas the unrestricted portion can be used for any street project. The State collects 23 cents per gallon of fuel sold statewide and distributes that to various governmental entities. The cities get 11.53 percent of the amount collected. This is divided between the Unrestricted Street Fund at 6.92 percent and the Restricted Street Fund at 4.61 percent. The distribution per — individual city is based on city population on April 1 of the preceding year, adjusting for annexations. Kent's 2001 population was 82,782. The Street Fund also receives revenues from additional motor vehicle registration fees of $15 per vehicle registration which began July 1, 1991. The Street Utility portion was originally established in 1993 to collect a Street Utility tax of $1.90 per employee or residential equivalent per month, to be used to fund street improvement projects. The Street Utility tax was repealed in 1996 and replaced by an additional 1% tax on gross utility revenues. This funding sunsets on December 31, 2007, unless reauthorized and continued by the City Council. _ State law RCW 47.32.050 must allocate .5 percent of motor vehicle fuel tax monies for paths and trails. The paths and trails portion is received directly in the Parks Projects Fund. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM The Street Fund collects the money mandated by the State that motor vehicle fuel tax be used for street and arterial street construction and maintenance. The city further restricts the use of this tax for _ construction and debt payment for street councilmanic bond issues. The vehicle registration fee of $15 per vehicle must be used for general transportation. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Provided over $5.4 million for street projects in 2001 ➢ Transferred $976,486 the Debt Service Fund for outstanding street related bonds 118 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET ANALYSIS The 2002 Street Fund revenue budget totals $4,993,734, an increase of $441,771 over 2001's adjusted budget of $4,551,964. Shared revenues and utility taxes collected on gross utility revenues are expected to increase by a total of$407,599 based on the 82,782 estimated population of Kent. The 2002 budget of $4,930,974 includes transfers of $1,074,196 for debt service. Additional operating and capital expenditures are detailed in the following Street Fund Summary Analysis. 119 City of Kent, Washington GnoGr•ecr 2002 Preliminary Budget STREET FUND _ as of August 31,2001 2000 2001 Adjustments 2001 2002 Actual Adj Budget Fav(Unfav) Est Actual Preliminary FINANCIAL SOURCES Intergovernmental Revenue Fuel Tax-Unrestricted 1,119,088 1,165,950 (9,325) 1,156,625 1,163,959 - Fuel Tax-Restricted 521,595 545,168 (5,356) 539,812 543,526 Property Tax-Annexed Streets 5,343 45,586 45,586 109,406 Motor Vehicle Registration Fee 671,255 707,070 (11,074) 695,996 750,674 Utility Taxes Water 72,679 - 71,001 (1,461) 69,540 70,235 Sewer 131,673 133,656 (3,146) 130,510 149,956 Drainage 78,235 75,169 (96) 75,073 75,939 Electric 793,985 784,072 263,040 1,047,112 1,060,862 Gas 186,301 188,207 94,037 282,244 254,020 Garbage 138,147 153,183 (12,481) 140,702 131,536 Telephone 549,827 608,731 26,913 635,644 643,621 Interest Income 41,961 74,171 (34,873) 39,298 40,000 Sale of Land 299,835 Gain/(Loss)Adjustment to FMV 5,312 Total Revenues 4,615,236 4,551,964 306,178 4,858,142 4,993,734 Other Financial Sources Closed Projects 1,473 1,217,631 100,000 1,317,631 Total Other Financial Sources 1,473 1,217,631 100,000 1,317,631 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 4,616,709 5,769,595 406,178 6,175,773 4,993,734 EXPENDITURES&TRANSFERS Vibrant Downtown Sounder Parking Garage Debt Service 49,156 368,296 29,795 338,501 339,040 Total Vibrant Downtown 49,156 368,296 29,795 338,501 339,040 Effective Transportation System Debt Service '92&'93 Refunding, '96 LTGO 382,945 381,477 381,477 380,523 '99 LTGO 256th Street 184,001 184,110 19,170 164,940 165,355 '99 LTGO EH Maint Land(25%) 42,579 42,603 (6,697) 49,300 49,424 '00 LTGO Kent Station Street Land 139,631 139,854 Operating Costs Street Utility Operations 40,125 84,304 84,304 72,571 Street Tree Maintenance Program 161,611 139,819 139,819 179,207 Technology Plan 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Public Works Office Space Remodel 80,840 72,750 72,750 _ East Hill Maint Facility Land 169,160 240th Street Improvements 39 Comprehensive Plan Update 75,000 Transfer Property Tax to General Fund 45,586 45,586 100,000 Total Debt&Operating Expenditures 1,236,300 1,050,649 12,473 1,177,807 1,186,934 Corridors 228th Street Corridor 500,000 500,000 180,000 Total Corridors 500,000 500,000 180,000 Arterials Orillia Road Repair 100,000 100,000 - Washington Avenue Widening 300,000 300,000 Lincoln Avenue(Smith-James) 150,000 150,000 72 Ave 180th-188th 110,500 110,500 - 120 CW 11008.xls 10/25/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STREET FUND as of August 31,2001 2000 2001 Adjustments 2001 2002 Actual Adj Budget Fav(Unfav) Est Actual Preliminary 72nd Avenue 196th-194th Block 390,000 300,000 300,000 BNSF&UPRR&Arterial Grade Separation 105,000 212th Street Pavement Rehabilitation 300,000 300,000 West Meeker Widening(WVH-64th Ave) 175,000 565,631 565,631 - 70th/72nd Ave So. (228th-220th St.) 75,000 256th Street Improvements ,000 250 132nd Ave 50,000 Total Arterials 745,000 1,826,131 1,826,131 1,017,000 Intersection Improvements James&Central Intersection Improve 200,000 200,000 318,000 208th&98th Intersection Improve 100,000 100,000 Military&Reith Road Intersection 450,000 450,000 94th Ave&Canyon Drive Traffic Signal 300,000 300,000 200,000 4th Ave&Willis Street Roundabout 200,000 _ Miscellaneous Intersection Signals 75,000 132nd Ave&272nd St Intersection 435,826 Reith Road/Meeker Street @ Kent-DesMoines 266,000 Total Intersection Improvements 776,826 1,050,000 1,050,000 718,000 Other Improvements Traffic Lighting&Safety Street Lighting Wiring Upgrades 60,000 60,000 Neighborhood Traffic Control 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet Replacements 55,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Traffic Signal Energy Conservation 25,000 25,000 25,000 Citywide Guardrail&Safety Improvements 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Street Striping Program 79,000 81,000 81,000 83,000 Freight Mobility Study 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Traffic Signalization 150,000 150,000 125,000 Signal Battery Backup 120,000 Alternative Modes&Paths Sidewalk Rehabilitation 728,281 300,000 300,000 300,000 Bike Paths 100,000 Kent Shuttle Service 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Canyon Drive Improvements 368,286 666,714 666,714 Misc Projects Asphalt Overlays/Slurry Seal Program 510,000 528,000 5 ,000 515,000 ,000 15 Pavement Rating Survey 15,000 15,000 15,000 00 Electric Utility Study ,000 Total Other Improvements 2,040,567 2,025,714 2,025,714 1,490,000 Total Effective Transportation System 4,798,693 6,452,494 12,473 6,579,652 4,591,934 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,847,849 6,820,790 42,268 6,918,153 4,930,974 Increase/Decrease in Fund Balance (231,140) (1,051,195) 308,815 (742,380) 62,760 Unrestricted 596,173 59,545 59,545 93,333 Restricted 548,511 322,514 322,514 25,909 Street Utility 466,283 997,768 997,768 518,205 Beginning Fund Balance 1,610,967 1,379,827 1,379,827 637,447 Unrestricted 59,545 (131,227) 224,560 93,333 169,920 Restricted 322,514 46,968 (21,059) 25,909 43,557 Street Utility 997,768 412,891 105,314 518,205 486,730 Ending Fund Balance 1,379,827 328,632 308,815 637,447 700,207 121 Cw 11008.xls 10/25/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STREET UTILITY FUND LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time (RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget — FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT STREET UTILITY FUND Public Works Engineer II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer 1 3.00 3.00 3.00 Senior Engineering Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ Engineering Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Project Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accting Service Asst III 1.00 1.00 Accting Service Asst II 1.00 Administrative Secretary 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Maintenance Worker 111 2.00 2.00 2.00 _ TOTAL 11.00 11.00 11.00 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 11.00 11.00 11.00 COMMENTS 2002-No changes _ 122 _ V:%2002 Prelim Bud%Poshion lists.xls 10222001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Lodging Tax Fund Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT This fund was established in 1999 to account for financial resources derived from the 1% city Lodging Tax to be used for tourism related projects. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM ➢ The Lodging Tax Fund was created in 1999 to administer the receipt and disbursement of funds collected from a 1% lodging tax. The tax is based on the rental of any hotel, motel, rooming house, tourist court or trailer camp in the City of Kent. ➢ The Lodging Tax became effective on February 1, 1999 by Kent City Ordinance #3426. The receipts - are dedicated to pay all or any part of the cost of tourism promotion or to pay for the acquisition of or operation of tourism-related facilities in the City of Kent or other uses as allowed under state law. ➢ The Lodging Tax is collected through the Washington State Department of Revenue and disbursed to Kent along with monthly city sales tax receipts. BUDGET ANALYSIS Due to the terrorist attack in New York and its effect on tourism, Lodging Tax Revenue was decreased by 30 percent to $108,774 proposed for 2002. Of this amount, $50,000 is designated for tourism projects and $85,000 for debt service for Tourism Destination Project. 123 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CURRENT BUDGET ANALYSIS AND FORECAST LODGING TAX FUND as of August 31, 2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 _ Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Preliminary REVENUES Lodging Tax 162,379 151,090 90,847 152,307 107,681 Interest Income 1,417 1,082 1,323 1,323 1,093 TOTAL REVENUES 163,796 152,172 92,170 153,630 108,774 EXPENDITURES Strong Local Economy Transfer Out-Tourism Destination 65,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 Transfers Out-Tourism-Related Projects 81,000 55,000 55,000 50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (TRANSFERS) 146,000 140,000 - 140,000 135,000 INCREASE (DECREASE)IN FUND BALANCE 17,796 12,172 92,170 13,630 (26,226) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 12,166 29,962 29,962 29,962 43,592 ENDING FUND BALANCE 29,962 42,134 122,132 43,592 17,366 JA 13008.xls 10/25/2001 124 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Youth/Teen Programs Fund Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT The Youth/Teen Programs Fund was established in 1994 to collect and account for revenues generated by an increase in the city's utility tax rates. On July 5, 1994, the City Council passed ordinance #3174 that increased the city's utility tax rate by .3% of the gross utility revenues. The revenues generated by the rate increase are to be used for Youth/Teen programs in the city, and are separately accounted for in the city's budget. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM This fund collects .3% of gross utility revenues to be used for Youth/Teen programs. Continuing past practices, a portion of the utility tax is set aside for capital expenditures and the balance is transferred to the General Fund to cover Teen Program staff and operating costs. The capital projects portion is budgeted in the Parks Capital Project Fund and allocated to specific projects as appropriate. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Transferred $504,927 in 2001 to operate Youth/Teen programs. ➢ Transferred $100,000 for skateboard park projects and $40,000 for basketball court development. ➢ Transferred $100,876 for other Youth/Teen related Capital Projects. BUDGET ANALYSIS Revenues of $744,162 are anticipated for 2002; due to the increase in utility taxes this provides an increase of$109,192 or 17.2%, above 2001 adjusted budget. The 2002 expenditure budget of$640,886 includes a transfer to the General Fund of $522,038 to support Youth/Teen operating programs and $268,848 to the Parks Capital Projects Fund. 125 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CITY OF KENT CURRENT BUDGET ANALYSIS AND FORECAST YOUTH/TEEN PROGRAMS FUND as of August 31, 2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Preliminary REVENUES Utility Taxes: Water 21,804 21,300 13,266 20,862 21,071 Sewer 39,502 40,097 25,424 39,153 44,987 Drainage 23,470 22,551 15,227 22,522 22,782 Electric 238,195 235,220 205,301 314,134 318,259 _ Gas 55,890 56,462 63,234 84,673 70,155 Garbage 41,444 45,955 27,794 42,211 42,749 Telephone 164,990 182,620 123,471 190,693 193,086 Interest Income 16,737 30,765 10,843 30,765 31,073 Gain/(Loss)Adjustment for FMV 975 TOTAL REVENUES 603,007 634,970 484,560 745,013 744,162 EXPENDITURES Valued Government Services - Transfer Out-General Fund Teen Programs 547,832 504,927 504,385 522,038 Transfer Out- Parks Capital Projects 100,876 100,876 268,848 Transfer Out-Computer Equipment Transfer Out-Furniture Transfer Out-Vehicles Transfer Out-Skateboard Park Projects 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Transfer Out- Basketball Court Development 40,000 40,000 40,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (TRANSFERS) 687,832 745,803 100,000 745,261 790,886 _ INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (84,823) (110,833) 384,560 (248) (46,724) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 328,989 244,166 244,166 244,166 243,918 ENDING FUND BALANCE Reserved For Teen Programs 244,166 133,333 628,726 243,918 197,194 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 244,166 133,333 628,726 243,918 197,194 126 - JA 14008.xls 10/25/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Fund .Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT The Capital Improvement Fund was established in 1982 to provide a permanent source of funding for the city's capital improvement needs. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM The Capital Improvement Fund uses one-quarter of the city's sales tax allocation plus the first one- quarter percent real estate excise tax for general governmental capital improvements. The second one-quarter percent of real estate excise tax was enacted by Council on September 15, 1998. Ordinance #3420 authorized the assessment of the second one-quarter percent real estate excise tax beginning November 1, 1998 for development and maintenance of parks projects as specified in the City's capital facilities plan. These funding sources, along with additional funding sources that may be accepted by Council, are the primary means of funding the city's Capital Improvement Program. In 1994, a Capital Facilities element was created as part of the city's integrated Comprehensive Plan. Levels of service were established and a list of projects developed for 1994 - 1999 intended to meet or maintain the prescribed levels of service. This listing of projects has been updated each year and the 2002 - 2007 Capital Facilities Plan was used as a guideline for the 2002 budget development process. The project list is continually revised as opportunities or requirements arise and the Capital Facilities element is updated on an annual basis. The Capital Improvement Fund collects the designated revenues and makes transfers to the appropriate funds for expenditures of debt service or capital projects as budgeted. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Transferred $5,534,626 to the Debt Service Fund for outstanding GO Bonds and other debt used for capital projects ➢ Provided $1,159,700 for Park facility improvements and renovations ➢ Provided $690,107 for Public Safety capital needs, including $300,000 for the Fire Equipment Replacement Fund ➢ Provided $379,772 for several general government facilities repairs and maintenance projects 127 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET ANALYSIS Projected revenue for 2002 totals $8,544,088. This is only $85,690 or 1.02 percent more than last year's adjusted budget of $8,458,398 due to the economic downturn. This reflects 25 percent of total sales tax revenue collected and a $307,776 increase in Real Estate Excise Tax, which is $113,296 less than we _ expect to collect in 2001. Transfers for debt service include $5,708,292 to the Councilmanic Debt Service Fund for debt service on several councilmanic issues. Transfers to other funds include $400,000 to the General Fund for fire equipment replacement rates, — $240,376 to the Other Operating Projects Fund, $300,000 to the Automation Plan, $440,000 to the Other Capital Projects Fund and $345,000 to facilities projects. Transfers to Park capital projects include $50,000 from the general Capital Improvement Fund and $2,745,000 from the 2nd one-quarter percent real estate excise tax portion, primarily to fund Service Club Ballfields for youth. A detailed listing of Capital Improvement projects follows in the Summary Fund Analysis. _ 128 - City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET ANALYSIS AND FORECAST CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - as of August 31,2001 _ 2000 2001 Adjustments 2001 2002 Actual Budget Fav(Unfav) Est Actual Preliminary REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCIAL SOURCES 3,972,347 5,221,374 13,332 5,234,706 5,279,462 Sales Tax Sales Tax-Nonrecurring events 90,000 Real Estate Excise Tax 1,420,082 1,403,430 210,531 1,613,961 1,557,813 - Real Estate Excise Tax-2nd Qtr Percent 1,419,417 1,403,430 210,531 1,613,961 1,556,813 Interest 179,646 160,164 160,164 150,000 Fair Market Value Gain(Loss) 5,026 Transfer in from Closed Projects&Guarantee Fund 793,550 270,000 430,000 700,000 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 7,880,068 8,458,398 864,394 9,322,792 8,544,088 EXPENDITURES(TRANSFERS) Vibrant Downtown Debt Service-Saturday Market Bldg 16,000 48,000 (12,000) 60,000 60,000 - Economic Development Strategy 95,000 Subtotal Vibrant Downtown 16,000 48,000 (12,000) 60,000 155,000 Safe Community Debt Service-Valley Com 250,107 250,107 250,107 Fire Equipment 412,901 300,000 300,000 400,000 SCBA/HEPA Mask Fit Test Machine 12,000 Fire-Breathing Apparatus 9,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 SCBA Bottles(6-1hr replacements) 5,430 Fire-Emergency Coordination Center Equipment 90,000 Fire-Replacement Radio Equipment 125,000 Fire-Thermal Imaging Cameras 35,000 35,000 Fire-Hurst Tool 20,000 20,000 20,000 Low Band Radio Station 34,000 '! Police-Detective Vehicle 26,000 Police-Miscellaneous Equipment 25,000 13,000 13,000 75,000 Other Projects 12,000 12,000 LCD Projector for Classroom 20,000 20,000 Subtotal Safe Community 705,331 690,107 690,107 819,107 Valued Government Services Debt Payments Existing Debt 3,782,505 4,428,232 67,452 4,360,780 4,069,531 _ Centennial Bldg Debt 586,000 583,287 583,287 584,053 LID 351 Prepayment 306,409 Clark Lake-Short-term Financing 273,000 111,556 161,444 210,000 Kent Station-CDBG loan interest 360,000 Kent Station-Water loan interest 234,600 Operating Expenditures(Transfers) Planning Dept.-Project Planner 62,006 62,006 61,877 Capital Projects Analyst&Coordinator 81,316 70,342 70,342 200,000 Budget Analyst-Performance Measures/Levels of Servi 34,184 _ Project Analyst 40,949 40,949 Budget Analyst-Levels of Service Adopt a Park Coordinator 48,934 Transfer to Information Technology 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Parks Department Projects Coloring the City/Greenhouse 125,000 Russell Road Park 15,119 Grant Matching 34,881 Playground Safety 15,000 Performing Arts Center 90,000 Grant Matching-Land Acquisition 75,000 75,000 50,000 Miscellaneous Equipment 15,000 Park Development-REET East Hill Youth Sports Facility#1 Development 50,000 2,380,000 East Hill Youth Sports Facility#2 Development 30,000 Valley Floor Athletic Complex Acq.&Dev. 20,000 Service Club Ballfields 910,000 910,000 80,000 Neighborhood Park Development-REET Chestnut Ridge Development 700,000 132nd Street Park Development 46,959 129 JA 15008.xIs 10/25/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGET ANALYSIS AND FORECAST CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND as of August 31,2001 2000 2001 Adjustments 2001 2002 Actual Budget Fav(Unfav) Est Actual Preliminary Parks Major Capital&Lifecycle Renovations-REET Lake Meridian Park Improvements 100,000 100,000 Garrison Creek Park Improvements 46,000 Kent Memorial Park Field#1 46,880 Grant Matching 7,348 50,000 50,000 Resource Center Parking Lot 116,547 Commons Playfeld Renovations 40,000 West Fenwick Park-Handball Courts 45,502 Kent Commons Racquetball Repair 30,000 Mill Creek/Earthworks Park Improvements 13,700 13,700 Light Pole Replacements 20,000 20,000 Tennis/Basketball Court Resurfacing 11,063 Russell Road Park Drainage 36,512 Park Lifecycle Repairs and Renovations 290,000 290,000 250,000 Misc Improvements 14,041 _ Parks Planning-Architecture and Engineering-REET Parks Planner 60,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 Project Manager 54,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 Adopt-A-Park Coordinator 66,000 66,000 66,000 Reimbursement from Projects (114,000) (185,000) (185,000) (185,000) Master Plans 10,000 10,000 20,000 Regional Trail System Planning 10,000 10,000 3/4 ton Pick-up for Parks Planning 25,000 25,000 Prof Fees/Contractors/Lic&Permits 16,000 16,000 15,000 - General Government Projects Gen Govt Facilities Lifecycle Renovations 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 Printing Press 70,000 70,000 Miscellaneous Furniture 20,000 62,272 62,272 _ Sealcoat Parking Lots 47,652 40,000 40,000 HVAC Repairs and Controls Installations 65,000 60,000 60,000 Golf Complex Upgrades 75,000 42,500 42,500 45,000 ADA Modifications 15,000 Architectural Services-Park Nursery Property 35,000 Floor Covering Replacements 83,000 Facility Painting 83,000 Roof Repairs 40,000 75,000 75,000 Other Facility Improvements 137,099 _ Water-Automated Meter Reading Study 30,000 30,000 Performance Measures-Citizen Survey 20,000 Performance Measures-Program Start 10,000 Development Rights Acquisition 10,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Van for Permit Center Const.Inspector 19,408 _ Update Subdivision Code&Street Standards 23,294 Comprehensive 5 Year Plan Update 23,778 Various Capital Projects 221,211 221,211 155,000 Various Dept Equipment 49,500 -- Other Projects 145,000 107,386 107,386 100,000 Subtotal Valued Government Services 7,627,431 8,135,885 179,008 7,956,877 9.514,561 TOTAL EXPENDITURES(TRANSFERS) 8,348,762 8,873,992 167,008 8,706,984 10,488,668 INCREASE(DECREASE)IN FUND BALANCE (468,694) (415,594) 1,031,402 615,808 (1,944,580) - BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REET-2nd Quarter Percent 773,345 959,771 959,771 1,129,032 Capital Improvements 634,375 634,375 634,375 Undesignated Unreserved 1,060,904 1,040,160 (634,375) 405,785 1,486,707 TOTAL BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,468,624 1,999,931 1,999,931 2,615,739 ENDING FUND BALANCE REET-2nd Quarter Percent 959,771 918,501 210,531 1,129,032 (59,155) _ Designated for Capital Expenditures 634,375 Undesignated Unreserved 405,785 665,836 820,871 1,486,707 730,314 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,999,931 1,584,337 1,031,402 2,615,739 671,159 20%of total sales tax collections in 2000,25%of sales tax collections in 2001 r 130 lA 15008.xIs 10/25/2001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Police Department _ p Criminal Justice Fund Operations MISSION STATEMENT The Kent Police Department mission is to protect and serve with pride and integrity. The Criminal Justice Projects Fund was established to account for the financial resources to be used for projects relating to Criminal Justice activity. Financial resources primarily come from a King County voter approved sales tax levy of .1% and various grants. Other resources may include seized assets, contributions, program fees, and transfers. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Maintain and improve department standards to meet re-accreditation goal in 2004. ➢ Continue to obtain funding and maintain programs currently provided by various Criminal Justice Project Funds. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES — 2002 No significant expenditure or staffing changes proposed in 2002. SERVICES PROVIDED BY DIVISION FROM FUNDING Patrol Division ➢ Patrol - Three officers for Patrol funded by Criminal Justice Sales Tax levies were added in 1996. Two officers for West Hill Patrol funded by COPS Universal Grant in late 1996. Four officers were added in 1998 with the COPS Universal 2 grant. Two officers were added in 1999 with COPS Universal 3 grant though filling was on hold until January 2001. ➢ Marine/Bike Patrol - Two officers for marine and bike patrols are now funded by city funds. One officer for bike patrol for Springwood is funded partly by HUD grant and partly by city share funds. (Cut from two to one in December 1997.) ➢ Explorer Post - Youth are recruited and trained to aid the department and city at various events and programs. Funds for uniforms, supplies, and training come from Criminal Justice sales tax levy, city funds, contributions, and miscellaneous fund raising events. Support Services Division ➢ Accreditation - Provides a full time office tech funded by Criminal Justice Sales Tax levy. The Police Department accreditation goals started in March 1993 to research and write 442 standards to be met and proven to gain National Accreditation. The department was accredited Jan 1996 and continues to update, improve, and prove standards. 131 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Pro Act Unit - A team funded by Criminal Justice Sales Tax levy that work non-traditional unusual crimes and trends that can be targeted on specific person or geographical targets to interdict and neutralize crime. - ➢ Community Education Unit - The Drinking Driver Task Force staff are partly funded by Washington Traffic Safety Grant, partly city funded, and partly funded by miscellaneous contributions and program fees. The yearly Youth Wellness Conference is a significant program sponsored by these resources. ➢ Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team (VNET) - Supported by the Detective Unit through staffing and cooperative investigative information sharing. This area is supported by grant funding for one detective Sergeant and 1/4 secretary. The Commander management responsibilities transferred — to Kent Police in 1997 and are handled by the Detective Lieutenant. In 1998 SCKNTF moved to the RJC to work closely with King County Narcotics and also changed their name to VNET. ➢ Evidence Function - Provides one evidence custodian and an evidence technician funded by Criminal Justice sales tax levy. Under the control of the Support Services Manager, the Evidence Function is responsible for the receiving, handling, storing and disposition of all department evidence and also evidence services to South King County Drug Task Force. ➢ D.A.R.E. Project - Funding for supplemental supplies and training costs related to the D.A.R.E. — program come from Contributions. A part of the D.A.R.E. program costs are provided in the city general fund budget under crime prevention. ➢ Training Rangemaster - Monitors, plans, schedules and keeps records relating to the needs of all — Kent Police Department staff in the areas of weapons training. Complies with mandatory qualifications for all commissioned personnel on quarterly basis and also provides additional _ training for specialized tactics weapons (ERT). Assures compliance with mandated training, recertification of commissioned personnel. This position is funded with Criminal Justice Sales Tax levy funds. _ ➢ Lighthouse Staffing - Funding for officers staffing the Lighthouse Project in support of youth teen activities is provided by yearly application for Criminal Justice Excise tax funds. _ ➢ Narcotics Investigations - Funding for operational costs related to narcotics seizures, litigation, training, and some equipment needs to assist in narcotics investigation is provided by seized assets funds. 1998 1999 2000 Statistics[Workload Measures Actual Actual Actual Accreditation/Department: Standards maintained 458 458 442 Drug Task Force: Arrests 29 32 32 _ Drugs Seized Value $961,916 $2,991,854 $2,606,515 Assets/Money Seized or Forfeited $88,824 $201,249 $98,427 Evidence Items Handled 9,362 8,712 9,561 Pro-Act Unit Arrests 92 73 141 132 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Department became Nationally Re-Accredited Law Enforcement Agency in December of 2000. ➢ Family Violence Unit enhanced. _ ➢ Completed evidence room remodel with improved security system. Completed total inventory. ➢ A two year State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic development grant was awarded for $25,000 per year for Law Enforcement Education Partnership Program for contracting professional services for the Youth Wellness Conference and staff costs. ➢ D.A.R.E. classroom presentations. ➢ Applied for and received another COPS Universal Grant for two officers to offset salaries over a 3- year period in a total of $150,000. This grant was on hold by the city until January 2001. The positions have now been funded and filled. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ Increased policing costs ➢ Increasing use of volunteers. ➢ Alternatives for increasing correction facility population. _ ➢ Continuation of Criminal Justice Project funds, grants, and other resources. ➢ Adapting to the affects of legislative changes as it relates to revenues and the abilities to provide services and the changes due to mandatory changes. ➢ Increasing costs to destroy confiscator drugs and paraphernalia. 133 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CURRENT BUDGET ANALYSIS AND FORECAST CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUND As of August 31,2001 2001 2000 Adjusted Adjustments 2001 2002 Actual Budget Fav(Unfav) Est Act Preliminary REVENUES Sales Tax-Local Option (1) 1,552,003 1,515,262 93,219 1 1,608,481 1,694,337 Criminal Justice/MVET MVET-Basic& High Crime 144,935 233,307 233,307 235,641 MVET-Innovation 14,428 16,049 418 16,467 16,736 MVET-Child @ Risk 20,972 22,885 933 23,818 24,111 MVET- Domestic Abuse 20,958 22,885 920 23,805 24,103 Interest& Miscellaneous Revenues 61,983 26,275 26,275 20,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,815,279 1,603,356 328,797 1,932,153 2,014,928 EXPENDITURES LAW _ Salaries& Benefits 162,827 240,775 10,104 230,671 257,284 Services&Charges 624 4,662 1,939 2,723 4,722 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Salaries& Benefits 118,233 149,683 19,891 129,792 169,835 Supplies 4,356 4,134 1,324 2,810 4,134 Services&Charges 44,639 63,543 4,611 58,932 74,065 Capital Outlay 6,075 4,050 2,025 - PROJECT LIGHTHOUSE Services& Charges 12,165 22,885 5,412 17,473 23,686 POLICE Salaries& Benefits 783,182 927,881 18,920 908,961 1,294,800 Supplies 39,270 71,387 27,898 43,489 73,348 Services& Charges 38,603 131,960 58,340 73,620 149,304 Capital Outlay 130,000 (14,453) 144,453 _ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,203,899 1,752,985 138,036 1,614,949 2,051,178 REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 611,380 (149,629) 466,833 317,204 (36,250) OTHER FINANCIAL SOURCES(USES) Transfers In (Out): Project Lighthouse (20,892) (34,307) (34,307) (24,111) Other Projects (401,962) (547,129) (547,129) (219,236) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES(USES) (422,854) (581,436) (581,436) (243,347) INCREASE(DECREASE)IN FUND BALANCE 188,526 (731,065) 466,833 (264,232) (279,597) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 962,743 917,273 233,996 1,151,269 887,037 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,151,269 186,208 700,829 887,037 607,440 1) Domestic Violence is allocated 11%of sales tax. 10/25/2001 160SFA.xl s 134 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROJECTS BUDGET ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2002 Budget Budget Preliminary FINANCIAL SOURCES Grant Revenue 284,596 580,868 236,787 Seized Assets Revenue 37,450 133,660 40,000 Contributions 17,000 182,740 13,650 Miscellaneous Revenue 9,150 2,500 2,500 Transfer in from Capital Improvement Fund 25,000 Transfer in from Criminal Justice 453,496 547,129 219,236 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 801,692 1,471,897 512,173 OPERATING PROJECTS Working Together 98,330 99,729 100,432 Confidential Fund 58,966 105,941 116,591 Dare Contribution 10,227 10,227 6,563 VIP Volunteers 5,000 5,000 5,000 Drug Task Force 114,282 634,569 114,258 Drunk Driver Countermeasures 9,648 30,512 Task Force - Youth Conference 6,000 6,000 6,000 COPS Universal II 323,275 353,521 COPS Universal III 146,705 133,808 157,836 Police Explorers 4,150 4,150 4,150 LEEPP Grant 28,500 28,500 26,528 Domestic Violence Grant 49,006 Street Legal Racing Program 5,000 5,000 5,000 Police Training Grant 55,000 MVET 19,608 19,457 Goals to Recovery 20,000 29,000 TOTAL OPERATING PROJECTS 810,083 1,560,571 590,815 CAPITAL PROJECTS Miscellaneous Police Equipment 25,000 Boat Safety 15,000 15,000 45,838 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 15,000 40,000 45,838 TOTAL POLICE PROJECTS 825,083 1,600,571 636,653 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (23,391) (128,674) (124,480) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 238,662 453,770 371,134 ENDING FUND BALANCE 215,271 325,096 246,654 135 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUND LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) 2000 2001 2002 2002 In Equivalents Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUND Police Rangemaster Training Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 ProAct Police Sergeant 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ ProAct Police Officers 3.00 3.00 3.00 Evidence Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Evidence Custodian 1.00 1.00 1.00 Admin Asst I-Accreditation 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Office Tech II-Accreditation Patrol Officers 3.00 3.00 3.00 Accounting Services Asst III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Projects Admin Sec I-Drug Task Force 0.25 0.25 0.25 Sergeant - Drug Task Force 1.00 1.00 1.00 Patrol -Cops Universal 2 4.00 4.00 4.00 Patrol -Cops Universal 3 2.00 2.00 Patrol -Springwood Grant 1.00 1.00 1.00 SUBTOTAL 18.25 20.25 20.25 Legal Prosecuting Attorney 2.00 3.00 3.00 - Legal Secretary 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Dom Violence Victim Advocate II 1.00 Dom Violence Victim Advocate 1 1.00 2.00 2.00 DV Receptionist(OT2) 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 TOTAL 24.25 27.25 27.25 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 24.25 27.25 27.25 COMMENTS 2000-Eliminated 2 Cops Universal 3 Grant Officers due to Initiative 695 budget cuts. 2001 -Proposed: Add back two Cops Universal 3 Grant Officers deferred due to Initiative 695. - 2002-No changes 136 _ V:12002 Prelim Bud\Posdion Lists.xls 1012212001 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ Environmental - Mitigation Fund Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT This fund receives a portion of the city's 7.8 percent garbage tax, and permit revenue from an Environmental Mitigation permit required when cleaning up toxic waste sites. The fund also receives revenues from County grants for waste reduction and recycling programs and events. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM The fund provides two annual special recycling and collection events for hard to recycle items (secondary recyclables) and household hazardous waste. Also the promotion of products made of recycled material and made available for residents at affordable prices. Promotion and expansion of all solid waste and recycling programs for residents and businesses within the City of Kent to comply with the requirements of the King County Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan. Clean up and proper disposal of illegal dump sites on City property or right of way, clean up of homeless camps. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ 35% of Kent residents now participate in curbside yardwaste collection. ➢ Residential curbside recycling participation is at 85%. ➢ Multi-family recycling participation should expand from 30% to 85% with new contract and rate structure. ➢ Through expanded programs 15% of our waste stream is diverted from landfills due to residential and business recycling efforts, along with yard waste and composting programs. ➢ Retain reserve funds for environmental cleanup. ➢ Solid waste and recycling contracts terminated March 31, 2001. New contracts negotiated, effective April 1, 2001 through March 31, 2011. 137 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION FUND SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2000 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud YTD Est Act Preliminary $ % REVENUES _ Garbage Utility Tax 414,442 459,549 277,933 70,351 71,249 (388,300) (84.5) Grants 99,236 133,954 86,681 133,954 102,185 (31,769) (23.7) Interest 12,607 7,594 7,715 11,572 11,572 3,978.0 52.4 Miscellaneous 20 20 Total 526,285 601,097 372,349 215,897 185,006 (416,091) (69.2) EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Recycling Programs 379,447 532,622 158,480 184,409 103,804 (428,818) (80.5) Seasonal Cleanup 83 4,362 4,362 4,362 Other Environmental Programs 48,524 58,479 57,825 86,739 39,563 (18,916) (32.3) Total 428,054 595,463 216,305 275,510 147,729 (447,734) (75.2) Net Change in Fund Balance 98,231 5,634 156,044 (59,613) 37,277 31,643 561.6 Beginning Fund Balance 224,116 322,347 322,347 322,347 262,734 (59,613) (18.5) Ending Fund Balance Designated 322,347 327,981 478,391 262,734 300,011 (27,970) (8.5]_ Total Ending Fund Balance 322,347 327,981 478,391 262,734 300,011 (27,970) 138 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget +�INNW Community Development Block Grant MISSION STATEMENT The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program provides funding for housing preservation, capital improvements, community facilities and critical public (human) services for City of Kent low and moderate-income residents. Community Development Block Grant Program is federal, pass-through monies distributed by King County to the city. GOALS FOR 2002 ■ Continue to preserve and improve Kent's existing housing stock. ■ Work with a consultant to develop a Consolidated Plan for submission to HUD as part of the entitlement process. ■ Conduct public meetings and a need assessment to secure input into how the City should utilized CDBG funding and what the community identifies as the housing and human service priorities in Kent. _ ■ Provide technical assistance to non-profit organizations seeking CDBG funding and participate in a Joint Application Workshop. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ■ Contract management and monitoring of funded projects for HUD compliance. ■ Participation in Regional Home Repair collaboration, McKinney Homeless funding Policy development and the King County Consortium Housing Stability Program. ■ In 2000, the Home Repair Program completed 1,414 home repair work items at 96 individual households. ■ Instituted heater loan program and weatherization program. BUDGET ANALYSIS _ The City has been awarded $615,671 for the Community Development Block Grant program in 2002, an increase of $65,557 from last year. The budget includes $81,066 for planning and administration, $433,624 for capital applications and $100,981 for human services. 139 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ESTIMATED 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPROVED August 21,2001 Estimated 2002 Capital Funds: 433,624 Estimated 2002 Planning&Administration Funds 81,066 Estimated 2002 Public (Human) Service Funds 100,981 Total CDBG Funds: 615,671 Capital Projects Recommend City of Kent Home Repair Program $301,981 Lutheran Social Services Family Resource Center Construction $10,000 King County Housing Authority Southwood Square Acquisition $10,000 Kent One Stop Human Service Center Acquisition $111,643 Total Capital $433,624 Public (Human) Service Programs Recommend Kent Community Health&Natural Medicine Services $38,654 Kent Emergency Feeding Program $23,471 YWCA Domestic Violence Transitional Housing $38,856 Total Public (Human) Services $100,981 ... Planning & Administration $81,066 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CONTINGENCY PLAN PUBLIC (HUMAN) SERVICES If the City of Kent receives an increase in public service estimate, the increase will be divided equally between the funded agencies. (Community Health Centers, Emergency Feeding Program, and YWCA) If the City of Kent receives a decrease in public service estimate, the decrease will be split proportionately between funded agencies. (Community Health Centers, Emergency Feeding Program, and YWCA) CAPITAL REQUESTS If the City of Kent receives an increase in the Capital estimate, the increase will be allocated to Kent's Human Service _ One Stop Project. If the City of Kent receives a decrease in the Capital estimate, the decrease will be to the Lutheran Social Service Family Resource Center Project(to an amount no less than $5,000), then to the Southwood Square Project(to an amount no less than $5,000. Should the decrease be greater than $10,000, the additional decrease would be absorbed by the One Stop Project and then the Home Repair program. PLANNING&ADMINISTRATION If there is an increase in the amount available for Planning and Administration the City of Kent will allocate the additional funds for Planning and Administration. 140 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS - 2000 2001 2002 Budget Change Budget Budget Preliminary $ % REVENUES Intergovernmental Revenue: Community Block Grants 550,416 550,114 615,671 TOTAL REVENUES 550,416 550,114 615,671 65,557 11.9 EXPENDITURES Administration 87,987 78,986 81,066 Home Repair 253,916 285,589 301,981 YWCA Domestic Violence 38,723 33,709 38,856 Emergency Feeding Program 18,324 18,324 23,471 Kiwanis Tot Lot Rehabilitation 67,946 Community Health - Health & Natural Medicine 38,520 33,506 38,654 Catholic Community Services - Housing for Homeless W 35,000 King County Housing Authority - Nike Manor 10,000 Multi Service Center- Titusville Station Rehab 100,000 Lutheran Social Services Family Resource Center 10,000 King County Housing Authority - Southwood Square 10,000 Kent One Stop Human Service Center Acquisition 111,643 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 550,416 550,114 615,671 65,557 11.9 141 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Other Operating Projects Fund _ Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT The Other Operating Projects Fund was established to account for the financial resources to be used for projects that are operating in nature but ha\e specific revenue sources. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Continue studies and surveys on pavement rating, freight mobility and traffic signalization. _ ➢ Begin work on economic development and studies and surveys related to low band radio station and electric utility. ➢ Continue the Kent Shopper Shuttle. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM This fund was set up to account for operating projects that do not fit into the Street, Lodging Tax, — Youth/Teen, Capital Improvement, Criminal Justice, Environmental Mitigation or Community Development Block Grant operating project fund categories. The Other Operating Projects Fund _ receives transfers from other funds and grants. Project funds allow the city to carry over a project budget and costs from year to year until the project or grant is completed. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Supported the Kent Shopper Shuttle with $45,000. ➢ Contributed $221,211 toward equipment for various departments. ➢ Contributed $150,000 toward traffic signalization. ➢ Continued support of $15,000 towards the pavement rating survey and $10,000 for the freight _ mobility study. BUDGET ANALYSIS _ For 2002, the preliminary budget is $591,376, a decrease of $92,841 or 13.6 percent under 2001. The 2002 expenditure budget includes $45,000 to continue the Kent Shopper Shuttle, $62,876 for planning — project position, $50,000 to tourism projects and $49,500 for miscellaneous department equipment. The additional $384,000 will continue studies and surveys in progress and implement the economic development strategy, low band ratio station and electric utilitystudy. 142 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget OTHER OPERATING PROJECTS FUND SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2002 Budget Change Budget Budget Preliminary $ % FINANCIAL SOURCES Transfers In From General Fund 6,000 6,000 Street Fund 70,000 220,000 295,000 Lodging Tax Fund 50,000 55,000 50,000 Capital Improvement Fund 213,850 361,217 240,376 Miscellaneous Revenue 12,000 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 333,850 654,217 591,376 (62,841) (9.6) - EXPENDITURES Civic Center/Performing Arts Ctr 90,000 Performance Measures - Citizen Survey 20,000 Performance Measures - Program Start 10,000 Planning Project Position 70,850 62,006 61,876 Lodging Tax Tourism 50,000 55,000 50,000 In City Transit 55,049 Kent Shuttle Service 45,000 45,000 45,000 Pavement Rating Survey 15,000 15,000 15,000 Freight Mobility Study 10,000 10,000 10,000 Fire Physical Fitness Fund 18,000 6,000 Miscellaneous Department Equipment 23,000 221,211 49,500 Traffic Signalization 150,000 125,000 Water: Automated Meter/Rate Study 30,000 Public Development Authority 48,000 One Stop Human Services Study 30,000 Economic Development Strategy 95,000 Low Band Radio Station 34,000 Electric Utility Study 100,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 388,899 684,217 591,376 (92,841) (13.6) REVENUE (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (55,049) (30,000) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 55,049 39,053 ENDING FUND BALANCE 9,053 143 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget r r dg : r e o 'sr�.✓ � is g .6'x xa a g y. ar r This page intentionally left blank. — —1 144 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget DEBT SERVICE FUNDS — DEBT SERVICE FUNDS are used to account Voted Debt Service 146 for payment of principal and interest the city Councilmanic Debt Service 148 must pay for general obligation long-term debt. _ The city maintains three Debt Service Funds; Special Assessment Debt Service 151 two to provide debt service payments on General Obligation long term debt, both Voted _ and Councilmanic and the other to provide debt service payments on Special Assessment Bonds and notes. Property tax revenue and transfers from other funds provide the financing sources for General Obligation Bonds. Special assessments against specific parcels of real property provide the funding source for the retirement of Special Assessment Bonds and notes. 145 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Voted Debt Service _ Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT The Voted Debt Service Fund accounts for receipt of property taxes from special levies to pay principal and interest on voted general obligation long-term debt. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM King County collects property tax based upon mil levies identified by the city to cover annual debt service. Since a large portion of the taxes are not received by the city until November and December of each year, the city can, in accordance with State law, levy one year in advance. _ RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Estimated levy rate for 2002 reduced from .238 to .236 /thousand assessed valuation. BUDGET ANALYSIS _ The Voted Debt Service Fund will use special property tax levies of $1,775,000 to pay the debt service on the 1993 GO Refunding of $1,315,000 for principal and $471,503 for interest. $15,000 is from interest income and accumulated excess fund balance. 146 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ VOTED DEBT SERVICE SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Preliminary $ % REVENUES Property Taxes 1,822,924 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,775,000 Interest Income 36,726 25,000 25,073 15,000 Total 1,859,650 1,725,000 1,725,073 1,790,000 65,000 3.8% EXPENDITURES 1990 Senior Housing _ Principal12/1 330,000 Interest 6.4%-11% 22,440 Total 352,440 General Obligation Refunding Principal 12/1 900,000 1,255,000 1,255,000 1,315,000 — Interest 6.4%-11% 578,353 534,253 531,403 471,503 Total 1,478,353 1,789,253 1,786,403 1,786,503 Total Voted G.O. Bonds 1,830,793 1,789,253 1,786,403 1,786,503 (2,750) -0.2% Change in Fund Balance 28,857 (64,253) (61,330) 3,497 Beginning Fund Balance 89,501 118,358 118,358 57,028 - Ending Fund Balance 118,358 54,105 57,028 60,525 147 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Councilmanic _ Debt Service - Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT _ The Councilmanic Debt Service Fund accounts for the transfer of funds from other sources to pay principal and interest on non-voted general obligation debt, i.e. councilmanic bonds, the city's share of _ local improvement districts, and other long-term debt. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Councilmanic Debt Service Fund captures in one place all of the city's non-voted general obligation debt payments. These payments are funded by transfers from other funds. — The city's councilmanic bonding capacity is limited to 1.5 percent of assessed valuation. BUDGET ANALYSIS The Councilmanic Debt Service Fund uses transfers from other funds to pay non-voted general obligation debt. The Street fund will transfer $1,074,195 to fund the street-related bond issues. The Capital Improvement Fund will transfer in $5,708,292 for various issues. Other transfers include $85,000 from the Lodging Tax Fund; $305,550 from Facilities Centennial Fund; the Water and Sewerage Funds will transfer $48,684 and $75,514 respectively for their portions of the 1999 Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds for the maintenance shop land. 148 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget COUNCILMANIC DEBT SERVICE SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Budget Est Act Preliminary $ % EXPENDITURES COUNCILMANIC BONDS - 1992 General Purpose-Refunding Leisure Services 1,285,154 1,268,475 1,268,475 1,075,668 Public Safety 240,948 244,586 244,586 230,453 Public Works 18,436 18,377 18,377 17,727 Principal 1,135,000 1,190,000 1,190,000 1,055,000 Interest 3.25%/6.6% 409,538 341,438 341,438 268,848 Total 100.0% 1,544,538 1,531,438 1,531,438 1,323,848 1993 General Purpose-Refunding Leisure Services 18,435 18,567 18,567 Public Works 214,413 215,952 215,952 213,558 Public Safety 80,667 81,246 81,246 98,707 Principal 250,000 265,000 265,000 275,000 Interest 2.75%/5.2% 63,515 50,765 50,765 37,265 Total 100% 313,515 315,765 315,765 312,265 1996 General Purpose General Government 889,603 Public Works 149,998 147,148 147,148 149,237 Leisure Services 328,068 331,893 331,893 330,103 Principal 190,000 200,000 200,000 415,000 Interest 288,066 279,041 279,041 953,943 Total 478,066 479,041 479,041 1,368,943 1999 Limited Tax G.O.Bonds General Government 1,172,987 1,340,760 1,340,760 1,340,129 Public Works 382,751 395,855 395,855 396,852 Public Safety 336,165 388,419 388,419 387,826 _ Leisure Services 79,552 58,668 58,668 58,897 1999 Limited Tax G.O.Bonds Principal 1,205,000 1,250,001 1,250,001 1,300,000 Interest 766,455 883,744 883,744 883,703 Total 1,971,455 2,133,745 2,133,745 2,183,703 2000 Limited Tax G.O.Bonds Public Safety 39,437 280,173 280,173 284,148 Leisure Services 4,829 211,562 211,562 211,900 General Government 206,574 218,333 218,333 218,681 Public Works 23,236 338,501 338,501 339,040 2000 Limited Tax G.O.Bonds Principal 110,000 379,749 379,749 475,000 Interest 164,076 756,967 756,967 578,769 Total 274,076 1,136,716 1,136,716 1,053,769 TOTAL COUNCILMANIC BONDS 4,581,650 5,596,705 5,596,705 6,242,528 645,823 11.54 CONTRACT DEBT AND LID'S Valley Corn Principal 112,899 112,899 96,600 Interest 136,175 136,175 153,507 Total 249,074 249,074 250,107 149 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget COUNCILMANIC DEBT SERVICE SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Budget Est Act Preliminary $ % Kent Station/Water Loan Principal Interest 234,600 Total 234,600 Kent Station/King County _ Principal Interest 360,000 Total 360,000 Clark Lake-short-term financing - Interest 273,000 210,000 210,000 Total 273,000 210,000 210,000 TOTAL CONTRACT DEBT AND LID 522,074 459,074 1,054,707 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,581,650 6,118,779 6,055,779 7,297,235 1,178,456 19.26 OTHER FINANCIAL RESOURCES Street Fund Streets-92 Refunding 18,535 18,377 18,377 17,727 Streets-93 Refunding 163,749 164,924 164,924 163,096 1993 Refunding 50,664 51,028 51,028 50,462 1996 General Purpose 149,998 147,148 147,148 149,237 - 1999 Street -Arterial 226,580 226,713 226,713 214,779 2000 Kent Station Land - 139,854 2000 Parking Garage 49,156 368,296 368,296 339,040 Total Street Fund 658,682 976,486 976,486 1,074,195 97,709 10.01 - Capital Improvement Fund 92 Refunding-Leisure Services 1,285,055 1,274,156 1,274,156 990,668 92 Refunding-Public Safety 240,949 238,905 238,905 230,453 93 Refunding-Leisure Services 18,435 18,567 18,567 - 93 Refunding-Public Safety 80,667 81,246 81,246 98,707 96 General Purpose-Leisure Services 328,068 331,893 331,893 330,103 96 General Government-Cent Bldg - 584,053 1999 G.O.Bonds 1,637,951 1,800,045 1,800,045 1,844,726 - Golf Complex Bonds - 2000 LTGO Bonds 191,379 683,420 683,420 574,875 2000 Valley Com 249,074 249,074 250,107 2000 Clark Lake(short-term) 273,000 210,000 210,000 2001 Kent Station/Water Loan 234,600 2001 Kent Station/Intergov Loan 360,000 Total Capital Improvement 3,782,504 4,950,306 4,887,306 5,708,292 757,986 15.31 Water Fund 45,421 41,945 41,945 48,684 - Sewerage Fund 70,432 65,042 65,042 75,514 Lodging Tax Fund 85,000 85,000 85,000 Centennial Fund 305,550 Total Transfers In 4,557,039 6,118,779 6,055,779 7,297,235 1,178,456 19.26 - Interest Income 24,611 115 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 4,581,650 6,118,894 6,055.779 7,297,235 1,178,341 19.26 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (0) 115 (0) 0 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE - - ENDING FUND BALANCE (0) 115 (0) 0 150 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ Special Assessment Debt Service Fund 4& Budget Analysis 1;MISSION STATEMENT The Special Assessment Debt Service Fund is established by the city pursuant to State law. The fund is established to collect assessments and pay special assessment debt. It also funds a guaranty account to provide a 2 year protection period during possible foreclosure on any special assessment properties. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Based on bond marketing information from the city's financial advisors and limits established by State law, the Special Assessment Guaranty Fund continues to accumulate an ending fund balance of ten percent of the total outstanding special assessment debt. At December 31, 2000, Special Assessment Fund cash and investments on hand equaled $2,436,129, leaving a net outstanding debt of $13,324,268. Upon closing, property owners are given a 30-day prepayment period. Amounts not paid in 30 days are due in annual installments with interest beginning one year from project closing. - RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Paid principle of $2,246,121 in 2000 for various special assessment issues. ➢ Made final payment on LID 331/335. BUDGET ANALYSIS Debt service on this debt is redeemed as special assessments are received. A budgeted amount for assessments receivable to be collected will be used to redeem assessment bond principal and interest. 151 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT SERVICE FUND SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Preliminary $ % REVENUES Special Assessments 1,988,943 2,160,866 2,205,231 1,529,053 _ Penalty and Interest 1,087,480 1,862,085 1,407,365 1,018,036 Interest Income 167,435 126,620 121,194 78,000 Proceeds- LID Bonds 536,721 Total 3,243,858 4,149,571 4,270,511 2,625,089 (1,524,482) -36.7°/') EXPENDITURES — Debt Service: Principal 2,246,121 1,890,834 1,848,735 1,516,581 _ Interest 1,029,266 1,677,387 902,133 1,032,588 Total 3,275,387 3,568,221 2,750,868 2,549,169 (1,019,052) -28.69% Revenue over Expenditures (31,529) 581,350 1,519,643 75,920 (505,430) (0.87) Other Financial Sources & Uses Transfer to CIP Fund (793,550) (270,000) (700,000) r Transfer to General Fund (270,000) Arbitrage Audit Expense (45,612) Repayment of Advance 6,605 Total Other Financial Sources/(Uses) (832,557) (270,000) (700,000) (270,000) Change In Fund Balance (864,086) 311,350 819,643 (194,080) Beginning Fund Balance 3,267,391 2,403,309 2,403,309 3,222,952 Ending Fund Balance 2,403,305 2,714,659 3,222,952 3,028,872 152 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND The CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS are used to Street Capital Projects 154 account for the financial resources segregated for the construction of capital facilities other Park Capital Projects 156 than those financed by Proprietary Funds. Other Capital Projects 158 Capital project activity is financed by the issuance of debt both general obligation and special assessment, by grants, and by transfers from such other funds as may be approved by ordinance. At year end, both completed and in progress projects are capitalized in the General Fixed Asset Account Group, except for street projects which are not capitalized. 153 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Street Capital Projects _ Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT The Street Projects Fund was established to account for financial resources to be used for the _ acquisition or construction of major street capital improvements. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM The Street Projects Fund receives bond proceeds, both general obligation and special assessment, — transfers from other funds and intergovernmental grants and records project-to-date costs of capital projects lasting longer than one year. As a capital project fund, the Street Projects Fund allows the city to carry over a project budget and costs from year to year until the project is completed and capitalimd. — RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS — ➢ Budgeted $500,000 for the for 228th Street corridor, $300,000 for widening Washington Avenue, $250,000 for 72"d Avenue, and $300,000 for Pacific Highway HOV lanes. _ ➢ Provided $1,050,000 for intersection improvements and $560,500 for other arterial projects. ➢ Other improvements included $478,000 for asphalt overlays, $300,000 for sidewalks, $75,000 for — neighborhood traffic control, $60,000 for street lighting wiring upgrades and $81,000 for the street striping program. BUDGET ANALYSIS The 2002 budget provides $7,526,000 for street related projects to improve the quality of roads and the flow of traffic. Sources of funds for 2002 projects include transfers from the Street Fund, proceeds from councilmanic bonds and various grants. _ Corridor projects include $180,000 for 228th Street and $710,000 for 196th Street. Intersection improvements for 2002 include $200,000 for 94th Avenue and Canyon Drive and $318,000 for James & Central, and $1,056,000 for 132"d Avenue and 248th Street, and $200,000 for a roundabout at 4th Avenue & Willis Street. Arterial projects $767,000 for widening 256th Street Other projects include $2,900,000 for Kent Station road & traffic improvements, $497,000 for asphalt _ overlays, $300,000 for sidewalks, $75,000 for neighborhood traffic control, $120,000 for Signal Battery backups and $203,000 for various safety and maintenance projects. 154 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2002 Budget Change Budget Budget Preliminary $ % OTHER FINANCIAL SOURCES Transfers in from: Street Fund 3,372,000 4,199,500 3,110,000 Grants 59,987 71,673 Proceeds from Sale of Bonds 2,949,000 4,416,000 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 6,380,987 4,271,173 7,526,000 3,254,827 76.2 EXPENDITURES Corridor Projects 228th Street Corridor 500,000 180,000 272nd Corridor 610,000 196th Corridor-Mid Leg (LID 341) 1,572,000 710,000 # 196th Corridor-West Leg (LID 340) Arterials 240th Street Improvements 133,000 SE 256th Street Widening 767,000 767,000 212th Street Pavement Rehabilitation 567,000 300,000 Lincoln Avenue 150,000 72nd Ave 180th-188th 110,500 72nd Avenue(1 96th-1 94th) 390,000 250,000 Washington Avenue Widening 175,000 300,000 Orillia Road 100,000 Pacific Hwy South HOV Lanes Phase II 300,000 Intersection&Road Improvements James&Central Intersection 200,000 318,000 132nd Ave Improvements 250,000 94th and Canyon Drive 300,000 200,000 - _ Military&Reith Road Intersection Repair 450,000 208th&98th Intersection Improvements 100,000 Willis&4th Ave Roundabout 200,000 132nd Ave and 248th Ave Improvements 806,000 # Kent Station Street/Traffic Improvements 2,900,000 # Other Improvements Commute Trip Reduction 65,164 71,673 Bike Paths 100,000 Sidewalks 300,000 300,000 300,000 Asphalt Overlays 460,000 478,000 497,000 Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet Replacements 55,000 40,000 40,000 Canyon Drive Sidewalk/Bike Lanes 458,000 City-wide Guardrail&Safety Improvements 30,000 30,000 30,000 ._ Slurry Seal Program 50,000 50,000 50,000 Street Lighting Wiring Upgrades 60,000 Traffic Signal Energy Conservation 25,000 25,000 Neighborhood Traffic Control 75,000 75,000 75,000 Miscellaneous Intersection Signalization 75,000 70th/72nd Avenue 75,000 M&O Facility Design 250,000 Street Striping Program 79,000 81,000 83,000 Comprehensive Plan Update 75,000 Signal Battery Backup 120,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,386,164 4,271,173 7,526,000 3,254,827 76.2 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (5,177) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5,177 ENDING FUND BALANCE '$767,000 budget deleted through 2001 budget change #Funded with bond proceeds 155 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _..emu Parks Capital Projects _ Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT The Park Capital Projects Fund was established to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major park facilities. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM ➢ The Parks Projects Fund receives transfers from other funds, grants, half of one percent of motor _ vehicle fuel tax and proceeds of general obligation bond proceeds as approved. As a capital project fund, the Parks Projects Fund allows the city to carry-over a project budget and costs from year to year until the project is completed and capitalized. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS _ ➢ Provided $910,000 for the East Hill Sports Facility, $100,000 for Lake Meridian Park improvements, $140,000 for skateboard parks and basketball court development, and $100,876 for other youth and teen projects. ➢ Provided $65,162 for the City Arts Program and $125,000 for grant matching. ➢ Provided $250,000 for lifecycle renovations and $134,700 for various other park repairs and improvements. BUDGET ANALYSIS The 2002 budget provides $5,263,640 for park capital projects. Sources of funds for these projects are _ primarily transfers in from the Capital Improvement Fund, Youth/Teen Fund, General Fund and for 2002, $2,100,000 proceeds from councilmanic bonds. The City Arts Program is part of the city's commitment to spend two dollars per capita on public art. The majority of this funding is spent in the General Fund, with the remainder transferred to the Parks Capital Projects Fund to purchase art per the City Art Plan. The 2002 budgeted transfer in is $91,392. Included in the capital projects listed on the following page is the one-half of one percent of the state shared motor vehicle fuel tax revenue required by state law (RCW 47.32.050) to be allocated for paths & trails. The amount for 2002 is $8,400. - 156 _ City of Kent, V'lashington 2002 Preliminary Budget PARK CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2002 Budget Change Budget Budget Preliminary $ % FINANCIAL SOURCES _ Transfers in from: General Fund 69,376 65,162 91,392 Lodging Tax 85,000 Youth/Teen Fund 140,000 240,876 268,848 Capital Improvement Fund 253,934 75,000 50,000 REET-2nd Quarter Percent 1,024,000 1,444,700 2,745,000 Fuel Tax-Paths&Trails 8,471 8,357 8,400 Proceeds from Sale of Bonds 2,100,000 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 1,580,781 1,834,095 5,263,640 3,429,545 187.0 EXPENDITURES City Arts Program 69,376 65,162 91,392 Paths and Trails 8,471 8,357 8,400 Parks-Grant Matching 50,000 50,000 Park Improvements 125,000 Park Land Acquisition/Grant Matching 75,000 50,000 Playground Safety 15,000 Lifecycle Renovations 250,000 250,000 Light Pole Replacement 20,000 East Hill Youth Sports Facility#1 910,000 3,380,000 # East Hill Youth Sports Facility#2 30,000 Service Club Ballfields 50,000 80,000 Basketball Court Development 40,000 40,000 Skateboard Parks 100,000 100,000 Youth/Teen Capital Projects 100,876 268,848 Tennis Court Re-surfacing 40,000 132nd Street Park 50,000 Resource Center Parking Lot 93,000 Commons Playfield Renovations 40,000 Chestnut Ridge Development 700,000 Lake Meridian Park Improvements 100,000 Downtown Development Land 85,000 Kent Commons Racquetball Court Rep 30,000 So.272nd Neighborhood Park Acquisit 11,000 Valley Floor Athletic Complex Acq. &D 20,000 Tractor Replacement 15,000 Adopt a Park Coordinator 48,934 Earthworks/Millcreek Repairs 13,700 Regional Trail System Planning 10,000 Master Plans 10,000 20,000 Professional Fees/Contractors/Lic&Permits 15,000 Pick-up Truck for Parks Planner 25,000 _ Kent Station Downtown Park 1,100,000 Other Parks Projects 16,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,580,781 1,834,095 5,263,640 3,429,545 187.0 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 158,422 ENDING FUND BALANCE 158,422 #Funded with bond proceeds 157 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Other Capital Projects Budget Analysis - MISSION STATEMENT The Other Capital Projects Fund was established to account for the financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major facilities not related to streets or parks and to account for other one time only projects. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM ➢ This fund was set up to account for Capital Projects that do not fit into the Parks or Street categories. The Other Capital Projects Fund receives transfers from other funds, grants and general obligation bond proceeds as approved. ➢ Project funds allow the city to carry-over a project budget and costs from year to year until a project is completed and capitalized. BUDGET ANALYSIS In 2002, a total of $3,140,000 is provided for other capital projects, including $1,000,000 for Automation projects, $40,000 for breathing apparatus equipment and $20,000 for a Hurst Tool replacement for the — Fire Department, $75,000 for Police radios, $1,700,000 for campus expansion/renovation and $50,000 for development rights acquisition. The sources of funds for projects in 2002 are the Capital Improvement Fund and proceeds from the sale of councilmanic bonds. 158 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget OTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2002 Budget Change FINANCIAL SOURCES Budget Budget Preliminary $ % - Transfers in from: Capital Improvement Fund 463,000 265,000 440,000 Proceeds from Sale of Bonds 2,700,000 _ TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 463,000 265, 000 3,140,000 2,875,000 1084.9 EXPENDITURES Public Safety Fire-Breathing Apparatus Cylinder Replacement 70,000 40,000 40,000 Fire-Emergency Coordination Center Equipment 90,000 Fire-Replacement Radio Equipment 64,000 Fire-SCBA/HEPA Mask Fit Test Machine 12,000 SCBA Replacement Bottles 6,000 Fire-Hurst Tool Replacement 20,000 20,000 Fire-Thermal Imaging Cameras 35,000 Police-Replacement MDT's Police-Radios 75,000 Police-Detective Vehicles 26,000 Police-LCD Projector for Classroom 20,000 Police-External Automatic Defibrillators 25,000 Subtotal Public Safety 293,000 115,000 135,000 e Valued Government Services Downtown Gateway Projects 25,000 Miscellaneous Projects 160,000 100,000 255,000 Development Rights Acquisition 10,000 50,000 50,000 Campus Expansion/Renovation 1,700,000 # Kent Station Infrastructure,Arch & Engineering 1,000,000 # Automation Projects 732,701 Subtotal Valued Government Services 170,000 907,701 3,005,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 463,000 1,022,7 11 3,140,000 2,117,299 207.0 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (757,701) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 757,701 ENDING FUND BALANCE #Funded with bond proceeds 159 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget vo Ww u E F ✓dam K s� �t�/ N r ._ W AS H I N G 7 This page intentionally left blank. 160 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ENTERPRISE FUNDS The ENTERPRISE FUNDS are used to account Utility Clearing 162 for the financing of services provided to the Utility Billing 163 general public where all or most of the costs involved are paid for by user charges. By using Administration and Warehouse 165 an ENTERPRISE FUND concept all revenues Water 169 and expenditures including debt service and capital costs are consolidated to provide more Sewerage 177 complete financial presentation. An analysis Golf Course 186 can be made to see the relationship between user charges and the total cost of operations. The City operates three Enterprise Funds: a water utility; a sewerage utility including sewer and drainage; and a golf complex including 18- hole golf course, a nine-hole executive course, driving range and mini-putt. Though the Utility Clearing Fund is an Internal Service type of fund, it is included in this section with the Water and Sewerage Funds it directly relates to. 1'61 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget UTILITY CLEARING - SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 2002 Budget Budget — Actual Budget YTD-August Preliminary Change$ Change% EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Utility Billing 1,829,045 2,045,827 1,342,185 2,154,992 109,165 5.3 Warehouse 288,414 253,046 173,745 315,947 62,901 24.9 Public Wks Ops Admin 1,314,130 1,447,256 969,253 1,562,980 115,724 8.0 Subtotal Expenditures 3,431,589 3,746,129 2,485,183 4,033,919 287,790 7.7 Cost Allocation (3,431,589) (3,746,129) (2,504,121) (4,033,919) (287,790) 7.7 Net Expenditures (18,938) EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 925,536 1,013,358 655,363 1,068,488 55,130 5.4 Benefits 243,780 302,865 177,862 272,494 (30,371) (10.0) Supplies 88,501 86,683 73,486 96,103 9,420 10.9 Services&Charges 2,173,772 2,336,023 1,569,470 2,596,834 260,811 11.2 Capital Outlay 7,200 9,001 (7,200) (100.0) Subtotal Expenditures 3,431,589 3,746,129 2,485,183 4,033,919 287,790 7.7 Cost Allocation (3,431,586) (3,746,129) (2,504,121) (4,033,919) (287,790) 7.7 Net Expenditures 3 (18,938) 162 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Customer Service 46Utility Billing 10;�MISSION STATEMENT As a division of Finance, this group provides customer services for utilities, LID accounts receivables, accounts payables and coordinates receipting activities for all city cash receipts. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Increase number of customers utilizing the Automatic Clearing House payment system. ➢ Implement a procurement card project for purchasing. ➢ Research alternatives for meter reading automation. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE CHANGES IN 2002 _ No expenditure changes proposed in 2002. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM - — ➢ Responsible for the operation of the utility billing system and for responding to customer inquiries by phone and over the counter. ➢ Performs meter-reading activities including starts/stops, finals, meter changes, customer complaints, leaks and minor repairs. ➢ Responsible for management of Utility Billing and providing customer service for utilities. 1999 2000 2001 Statistics/Workload Measures Actual Actual Estimate Number of Starts/Stops 3,600 3,610 3,650 _ Delinquency Mailers 4,950 6,325 6,955 Discontinued Services 460 404 390 RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Relocated Customer Service division from City Hall to the Centennial Building. ➢ Fully implemented the Automatic Clearing House (electronic utility billing) payment system. ➢ Provided forms on the city's web site for customer access. 163 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget UTILITY BILLING SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 2002 Budget Budget Actual Budget YTD-August Preliminary Change$ Change% EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Customer Services 1,594,699 1,791,220 1,175,026 1,889,465 98,245 5.5 Utility Field Svcs 234,344 254,607 167,160 265,527 10,920 4.3 Sub total Expenditures 1,829,043 2,045,827 1,342,185 2,154,992 109,165 5.3 Cost Allocation (1,829,042) (2,045,827) (1,363,885) (2,154,992) (109,165) 5.3 Net Expenditures 1 (21,700) Expenditures by Object Salaries 356,004 388,548 256,354 415,479 26,931 6.9 _ Benefits 90,958 121,237 68,938 110,510 (10,727) (8.8) Supplies 11,686 21,210 17,871 21,432 222 1.0 Services&Charges 1,370,395 1,510,332 999.023 1,607,571 97,239 6.4 Capital Outlay 4,500 (4,500) (100.0) Sub total Expenditures 1,829,043 2,045,827 1,342,185 2,154,992 109,165 5.3 Cost Allocation (1,829,042) (2,045,827) (1,363,885) (2,154,992) (109,165) 5.3 Net Expenditures 1 (21,700) 164 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Public Works Operations Administration and Warehouse PUBLIC WORKS r— DIRECTOR oPERAnoNs - MGR,PE Warehouse - FlELD SPVR ENGINEER 1 ADMIN SVE S_ ,�,] MW1 PROGRAMMER MW< GPSTECHSURVEV ACCi TECH CCi SVCS ASST ppMIN SECI OFFICE TECH II PNALYSi 3 111 STREET MAINT WATER MA UTILITIES MAIM BEET MGR SUPT SUPT APT OPERATIONS SUPPORT SWR TnRk Signs Maintenanu Vegebtlon Mgt FWIMea Wabr Treatrnent Hydranb Meters Sewer Storm FlELD SPVR FlELD SPUR FIELD SPUR t24 FlELD SPUR aveQl FlELDSPUR FlELD SPURLAV2 HarmRADIO TECH MW3MW MWa I. 4 1 MWa ACI P MW3 MW2 CONTROL MW]CENTER TECH MWt ] ZJ a MW] MISSION STATEMENT The Administration Division of Public Works Operations provides quality administrative support in the areas of payroll and timekeeping, accounting, accounts payable, clerical assistance, front counter and phone customer service, Hansen support/data input, various support including warehousing, accounting, technical operation support and administration to the following Operations divisions: Water, Sewer, Drainage, Street, and Fleet Services. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ All operations employees on City computer system for e-mail retrieval and eventual time entry. ➢ Continue preparation of an office administrative manual for standardization and training purpose. ➢ Complete an electronic filing/record system for ease of record retrieval. ➢ Prepare for payroll processing from Hansen System input to increase efficiency. ➢ Assist consultant in the design of the new East Hill maintenance facilities. ➢ Continue the effort in studying the benefit of consolidating the central warehousing service to the entire City including Public Works, Park Maintenance, Facilities Maintenance and Home Repair. 165 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 Although funding was requested for a data entry technician to work with the Hanson System, no _ significant changes were included in the 2002 recommended budget. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM _ Provide administrative support for all operations divisions. Statistics[Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Administration- Purchase Orders Processed 2,500 2,200 n/a Invoices Billed (Accounts Receivable) 300 225 n/a Refund Requisitions *0 50 n/a Customer Service Calls 1,735 1,375 1,795 Warehouse- Hydrant Meters Issued 200 210 Customers Served 7,400 7,752 8,000 — Purchase Orders Processed 1,050 1,294 1,400 Special Projects *0 $96,028 $100,000 Parts Runs *0 380 400 _ Small Equipment Repairs *0 148 175 Total Inventory *0 $227,090 $230,000 *Statistics not previously tracked RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Assisted in the completion of the East Hill Facilities pre-design efforts. _ ➢ Completion of the Water Comprehensive Plan. Implemented the new GPS As-Built Program. ➢ Completed annual update of division's emergency response plan. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ The urgent need for a new Operations/Maintenance center to accommodate the growth of the city's — services. ➢ Continue to review the level of services that this department is providing. Recently adopted _ performance measures and standards to identify the amount of work performed by each employee. As we continue to grow we can accurately predict staffing levels and in turn areas where without increased staff levels of service could be affected. _ 166 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget UTILITY OPERATIONS / WAREHOUSE SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 2002 Budget Budget Actual Budget YTD-August Preliminary Change$ Change% EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Warehouse 288,414 253,046 173,745 315,947 62,901 24.9 Public Wks Ops Admin 1,314,130 1,447,256 969,253 1,562,980 115,724 8.0 Sub total Expenditures 1,602,544 1,700,302 1,142,998 1,878,927 178,625 10.5 Cost Allocation (1,602,544) (1,700,302) 1,199,588 (1,878,927) (178,625) 10.5 Net Expenditures 2,342,585 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 569,530 624,810 399,009 653,009 28,199 4.5 Benefits 152,822 181,628 108,925 161,984 (19,644) (10.8) Supplies 76,815 65,473 55,615 74,671 9,198 14.0 Services&Charges 803,377 825,691 570,448 989,263 163,572 19.8 Capital Outlay 2,700 9,001 (2,700) (100.0) Sub total Expenditures 1,602,544 1,700,302 1,142,998 1,878,927 178,625 10.5 Cost Allocation (1,602,544) (1,700,302) (1,199,588) (1,878,927) (178,625) 10.5 Net Expenditures (66,590) 167 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget UTILITY CLEARING FUND LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 _ Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT UTILITY BILLING/READING Financial Service Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Customer Svcs Representative 1.00 1.06 2.00 1.06 2.00 1.06 Accounting Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Field Services Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ Meter Reader III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Meter Reader II 2.00 2.00 2.00 SUBTOTAL 7.00 1.06 8.00 1.06 8.00 1.06 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 8.06 9.06 9.06 UTILITY OPERATIONS Operations Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Administrative Services Supv. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 Accounting Services Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Secretary 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Programmer Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 GPS Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Technical Data Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 SUBTOTAL 10.00 10.00 10.00 WAREHOUSE - Field Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Warehouse Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 SUBTOTAL 3.00 3.00 3.00 TOTAL 20.00 1.06 21.00 1.06 21.00 1.06 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 21.061. 22.06 22.06 COMMENTS 2000-Eliminated Customer Services position due to Initiative 695 2001 -Add back Customer Services position. Add one additional Courier. 2002-No changes _ 168 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Public Works Operations Water Division 411000MISSION STATEMENT The water division's purpose is to operate and maintain Kent's water system in a manner that provides clean, drinkable water for its customers, and an adequate water supply for domestic, industrial and fire protection needs now and in the future. The water division also locates and marks all city-owned underground infrastructure for the One Call system, as well as operates and maintains the Control Center and SCADA system for routine and emergency coordination and operations among divisions. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Enhance Kent's water supply with the development of additional supply at Soos Creek well, also designed to allow aquifer recharge during the winter season. ➢ Complete the construction of the upper portion of Pipeline 5 to supply water to the Kent Springs Transmission main at Kent Springs by July 2002. ➢ Complete the construction of the Corrosion Control facilities required by the Safe Drinking Water Act. Begin the water quality monitoring for two 6-month periods to optimize the corrosion control in the water system as agreed in the bilateral compliance agreement with the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). ➢ Complete the study of our spring sources for GUI (ground water under the direct influence of surface water) required by DOH and submit the report to them with our findings. ➢ Improve the reliability of the fire hydrants and valves in the water system by continuing with an improved maintenance and exercise program, in conjunction with a water main cleaning program. ➢ Complete the construction of a replacement Pump Station 3 and emergency power capability for the facility. ➢ Begin the replacement of the SCADA system Remote Telemetry Units (RTU's) for water, sewer and storm facilities, in order to improve reliability and replace aging equipment. ➢ Begin the seismic improvements to two of Kent's reservoirs, 6 MGR #1 and the Reith Road tank. ➢ Install new or enhanced emergency power systems at Pump Station 5 and Guiberson Reservoir to provide greater system reliability. ➢ Study the cost/benefits of moving toward automated meter reading systems for the water system. -. ➢ Improve the overall water quality of the water system, including cleaning and flushing of dead end mains and other problem areas to provide greater customer satisfaction with water quality. 169 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 Funding was requested for an additional Maintenance Worker 3, but was not included in the _ recommended budget for 2002 due to funding restraints. However, this position will be considered a high priority should the revenue outlook improve. RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Complete the construction of two replacement wells under emergency drought conditions to improve the reliability of Kent's water supplies. Also coordinate the construction of an emergency intertie and agreements with several purveyors to provide emergency water to meet demands. — ➢ Improve the security at Kent's water reservoirs and sources of supply, as well as the other water facilities. — ➢ Evaluate the Remote Telemetry units (RTU) for all remote facilities in Water, Sewer and Storm systems for long range replacement and planning strategies. _ ➢ Begin an improved valve and fire hydrant maintenance and operating program to improve the performance and system reliability of these appurtenances. ➢ Completed the development, construction and startup of the O'Brien replacement well with building, equipment and pipeline to augment Kent's peaking water supply capacity. ➢ Completed the 3rd annual printing and distribution of the Consumer Confidence Report to all customers as mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act. ➢ Completed the Comprehensive Water System Plan as required by the Washington State Department of Health. Resubmit for SEPA review by the public and other agencies. ➢ Completed the seismic and structural improvements as well as the repainting of the 3.5 million- _ gallon reservoir on 124t' Avenue, complete with an artist's mural to enhance the appearance of the reservoir. _ ➢ Completed the installation of the 4th pump at Pump Station #5 to improve the water system reliability and capacity. _ ➢ Completed the upgrade of the remainder of the water system's submersible well pumps and motors to replace the mercury seals and rehabilitate the wells and well pumps. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Services include: water quality monitoring and treatment; maintenance of sources, including pumping, pressure reducing and storage facilities; maintenance of water mains, valves, services, fire hydrants and meters; and locating/marking all city utilities. The Control Center centralizes all water, sewer and _ storm station SCADA alarms and coordinates routine and emergency responses by Public Works personnel. 170 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Number of City Customers (residents) 51,602 52,813 54,056 Number of Water Services (meters) 12,266 12,433 12,650 Billion Gallons of Water Produced Per Year 3.2 3.1 3.6 Peak Water Production (million gallons per day) 13.1 14.5 12.1* Well Facility Capacity-Peak Day (million gallons) 17.0 17.3 14.5* Sodium Fluoride - Pounds Per Year Used 44,700 38,700 40,000* Chlorine (gaseous) - Pounds Per Year 21,273 17,522 18,000* Sodium Hypochlorite Used at Treatment Plant (gal.)3,6297,4302,000* Unaccounted for Water 6.9% 6.5% 6.0% Number of Miles of Water Distribution System 241 250 255 Number of Reservoirs/Tanks 8 8 8 Number of Pumping Stations 6 6 6 Utility Requests (One-call Program) 3,696 4,458 5,000 * 2001 drought ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ Increasingly complex water quality requirements will force upon us additional budgeting for skilled personnel for monitoring, source protection, water system operations and additional treatment. "Groundwater under the influence" determination for the city's two largest sources will affect treatment requirements and costs in the future, as well as the proposed groundwater disinfection and radon rules for all of Kent's water sources. ➢ Water supplies capable of meeting the increasing demand of industry; with its transient population and increased residential population. Impact on manpower and the water system will be significant as we begin to move into the planning, design and implementation stages of developing additional supply sources and distribution systems. ➢ Kent's role in regional water issues are becoming more diverse. Participation in the planning of those issues will have a significant effect on the control the city has on its "water future". ➢ Asbestos water main replacement will continue to have an impact, as will growth and population movement, on sizing and flow requirements. Reservoir and large main installations may be required to keep pace with demand and fire flow evaluations/requirements. ➢ Implications of the Meridian annexation and the role of Water District. 111, as well as its future association with the Kent water system. 171 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RESPONSE TO TARGET ISSUES ➢ Annexation - With the annexation of additional areas the water service requirements will increase _ by encouraging growth and development. This growth will require additional infrastructure such as water mains, water sources, and reservoirs to provide adequate potable water for fire protection and customer use. ➢ Downtown Vitalization - Increasing density and size/value of downtown structures will require upsizing, water mains and fire hydrant density to meet the demands for water service and satisfy fire protection requirements. ➢ Safe Community for People- providing continuously safe, reliable drinking water for the community and adequate supply for fire protection will enhance the community. Protecting the water quality in the distribution system is becoming increasingly important to overall water quality for the consumer, through monitoring, cleaning, and flushing water mains, as well as improving the water circulation throughout the system with modeling and improved system design. — ➢ Aquifer Protection - Increasing development around sources and the proliferation of more stringent water quality regulations combined make all water sources more susceptible to _ contamination. Additional sources are extremely expensive to development or are not available at any price. Therefore, money and time invested to protect existing sources is well spent. The value of water produced by a single quality source is equivalent to millions of dollars in revenue per year. Loss of revenue and the cost of "cleaning up" or replacing a contaminated source would significantly impact the city. Continued emphasis on analyzing and implementing a comprehensive source protection plan is of great importance if we are to continue to provide the existing level of service to our customers. — 172 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget WATER OPERATING FUND SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 2002 Budget Budget Actual Budget YTD-August Preliminary Change$ Change% REVENUE Water Sales 7,270,653 7,114,489 4,422,160 6,970,754 (143,735) (2.0) Miscellaneous Revenue 44,435 178,675 32,776 49,811 (128,864) (72.1) Total Revenues 7,315,088 7,293,164 4,454,936 7,020,565 (272,599) (3.7) OPERATING EXPENSES 5,201,119 6,079,176 3,672,520 6,434,484 355,308 5.8 Revenue over Expenses 2,113,969 1,213,988 782,416 586,081 (627,907) (51.7) OTHER SOURCES Interest income 1,482,940 900,000 417,517 1,493,000 593,000 65.9 System Develop Chges 303,251 274,228 209,208 257,020 (17,208) (6.3) Connection Charges 35,470 49,320 17,169 19,405 (29,915) (60.7) Charges In Lieu Of Assessments 6,822 8,959 394 553 (8,406) (93.8) Transfers from Water Projects 1,205,221 Prior Period Corrections 116,453 153,090 Miscellaneous Other Sources 109,927 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 3,260,084 1,232,507 797,378 1,769,978 537,471 43.6 TOTAL SOURCES 10,575,172 8,525,671 5,252,314 8,790,543 264,872 3.1 OTHER FINANCIAL USES Transfers out to: Debt Service-Water 935,238 1,293,388 765,132 1,759,953 466,565 36.1 Debt Service-Councilmanic 45,421 41,945 (23,548) 48,684 6,739 16.1 Water Capital Projects 3,011,585 454,600 35,373 1,246,800 792,200 174.3 Automation Capital Projects 500,000 100,000 19,747 100,000 Other Transfers out 400,000 619,750 104,304 (619,750) (100.0) TOTAL OTHER USES 4,892,244 2,509,683 901,008 3,155,437 645,754 25.7 TOTAL EXPENSES&USES 10,093,363 8,588,859 4,573,528 9,589,921 1,001,062 11.7 EXPENSES AND OTHER USES BY OBJECT CODE Salaries 1,211,800 1,362,674 852,537 1,451,843 89,169 6.5 Benefits 351,051 442,963 260,801 408,031 (34,932) (7.9) Supplies 314,916 495,288 324,982 617,848 122,560 24.7 Services&Charges 3,196,954 3,622,788 2,183,064 3,919,567 296,779 8.2 Transfers Out 4,892,244 2,509,683 901,008 3,155,437 645,754 25.7 Capital Outlay 158,184 198,753 103,585 82,000 (116,753) (58.7) Debt Service Interest 77,220 Cost Allocation (109,006) (43,290) (52,450) (44,805) (1,515) 3.5 TOTAL EXPENSES&USES 10,093,363 8,588,859 4,573,528 9,589,921 1,001,062 11.7 INCREASE(DECREASE) 481,809 (63,188) 678,786 (799,378) (736,190) 1,165.1 Working Capital 1/1 2,459,286 2,941,095 2,941,095 3,032,817 91,722 3.1 Working Capital 12/31 2,941,095 2,877,907 3,619,881 2,233,439 (644,468) 173 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS - BUDGET ANALYSIS — 2000 2001 2002 — Budget Budget Preliminary FINANCIAL SOURCES _ Transfers in from : Water Operating 2,251,000 1,001,600 1,246,800 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 2,251,000 1,001,600 1,246,800 EXPENDITURES Corrosion Control 350,000 Miscellaneous Water Improvements 286,000 297,000 309,000 Wellhead Protection 250,000 Pump Station #3 Replacement 300,000 75,000 Water Source Development 350,000 — Water Reservoirs Seismic Upgrades 100,000 M&O Facility Design 400,000 Pump Station #5 Improvements 115,000 — Alternative Supplementary Supply 500,000 Endangered Species Act Study 200,000 3 Year Large Meter&Vault Replacement 33,000 33,000 Remote Site Security Vulnerability Study 50,000 Feed System Evaluation Study, GWI 100,000 Remote Telemetry Upgrades 171,600 136,800 Water Conservation 100,000 287,000 Kent Station Improvements 56,000 TOTAL WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS 2,251,000 1,001,600 1,246,800 CHANGE IN PROJECTS BALANCE BEGINNING PROJECTS BALANCE ENDING PROJECTS BALANCE - 174 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget WATER DEBT RESERVE SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud Est Actual Preliminary $ % WATER BI&R ACCOUNT : Interest Income 58,254 31,603 31,603 18,750 Transfer in from Water Fund 896,255 1,267,815 1,267,815 1,208,365 Less : Principal (1,100,000) (1,150,000) (1,150,000) (1,140,000) Interest (160,164) (117,815) (117,815) (68,365) Debt Issuance Costs Increase/Decrease (305,655) 31,603 31,603 18,750 WATER OTHER LONG TERM DEBT Interest Income 29,471 Transfer in from Water Fund 26,223 25,573 25,573 551,588 Less _ Principal (21,672) (21,672) (21,672) (498,337) Interest (4,226) (3,901) (3,901) (53,251) Increase/ Decrease 325 29,471 TOTAL CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (305,330) 31,603 31,603 48,221 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 448,094 142,764 142,764 174,367 ENDING FUND BALANCE 142,764 174,367 174,367 222,588 79,824 55.9% 175 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget WATER OPERATION _ LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time (RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT WATER FUND Water Maintenance Super 1.00 1.00 1.00 Control Center Technician 1.00 Control Center Specialist 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker IV 3.00 5.00 5.00 Maintenance Worker III 6.00 9.00 9.00 Maintenance Worker II 8.00 5.00 5.00 Field Supervisor 4.00 4.00 4.00 _. Engineer 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Cross Conn Control Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 Conservation Specialist 0.50 0.50 0.50 25.50 27.50 27.50 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 25.50 27'.50 27.50 _ COMMENTS 2001 -Added a Maintenance Worker II and a Maintenance Worker III. 2002-No changes _ 176 ^ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Public Works Operations 4& Sewer Division W0I MISSION STATEMENT To provide operations and maintenance of the sanitary sewer systems including maintenance of mainlines, pump stations, and other facilities used in the collection and disposal of wastewater from residential, commercial, and industrial users within the Kent sewer franchise area meeting the requirements of federal, state, and local regulations. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Replace 1,500 feet of clay sewer line. ➢ Completion of the annual sewer preventative maintenance program used to develop the 2002 budget. ➢ Develop and implement an industrial waste/grease interceptor inspection program to prevent potential unauthorized industrial discharges and sewer plugs due to grease buildup in sewer pipes. — ➢ Parallel the Hansen Infrastructure Maintenance Management system data to the J.D. Edwards financial/payroll system data to verify accuracy and establish an interface between the systems. ➢ Global Information System (GIS) integration with the Hansen system. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES — 2002 No proposed significant expenditure or staffing changes for 2002. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM 2000 2001 2001 Statistics/Workload Measures Actual Actual Estimate Number of Customer Accounts 12,200 12,882 13,195 Number of Manholes *6,500 5,755 6,000 Miles of Sewer Main *223 190 223 Number of Pump Stations 9 11 14 177 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Created a FacilitiesNideo subsection within the Utilities division to implement the sewer inspection program consisting of sewer crews inspection and cost effective repairs to structural damage of the entire sewer system on a five year schedule. ➢ Big K sanitary sewer line was installed and will be functioning at full capacity upon the completion of _ Lindenthal pump station. ➢ Installed clean-out Ys in the force main from the Horseshoe sanitary pump station _ ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ Completion of the Lindenthal pump station and abandon the Del Webb pump station. ➢ Metro is in the process of identifying infiltration and inflow (1/1) sources into sewer systems Metro's service area. The city will work with Metro to identify those sources of 1/1 into Kent's sewer system and recommended corrective action to reduce 1/1 that impact the capacity of regional wastewater treatment facilities. ➢ In order to determine the condition of the City's sewer system, the sewer division will make every _ effort to inspect each foot of pipe, manhole, or other facility every five years. Inspecting the sewer system at this interval will allow staff to react quickly to major system deficiencies and schedule replacement when other major construction projects are proposed in the same area. 178 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Public Works Operations Storm Division ftm MISSION STATEMENT To provide operations and maintenance of the city's storm drainage system including; bio-swales, detention/retention ponds, creek conveyances, roadside and large ditches, manholes, catch-basins, piping systems, and storm pump stations while meeting federal, state, and local regulations. The program is designed to assist in or prevent the flooding of streets, private properties, and the safe collection and discharge of storm water in waterways of the state and within the city. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Completion of the storm system and pump station on 3rd Avenue South. ➢ Construct storm system on Washington Avenue between James Street and Holly Road. These systems will be fully operational by the end of 2002. ➢ Parallel the Hansen Infrastructure Maintenance Management system data to the J.D. Edwards financial/payroll system data to verify accuracy and establish an interface between the systems. ➢ Global Information System (GIS) integration with the Hansen system. EXPENDITURES AND STAFFING CHANGES — 2002 Funding was requested for an additional Maintenance Worker 3, but was not included in the recommended budget for 2002 due to funding restraints. However, this position will be considered a high priority should the revenue outlook improve. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Number of Customers 14,730 14,969 15,981 Manholes and Catch-basins 10,212 10,317 11,168 Miles of Storm Drain Pipe 193 196 204.5 Flood Control Dams 4 4 4 Retention/Detention Facilities 126 136 150 Commercial/Multi-Family Facilities 2,100 2,100 2,500 Private Commercial/Multi-Family Inspections 159 456 520 Number of Pumping Facilities 2 4 6 179 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Completed 456 initial inspections of privately owned multi-family/commercial industrial drainage _ systems. ➢ Maintained current level of service while facilities, miles of storm drain, catch basins, and number of _ customers increased due to annexation and growth. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Phase II Storm Water Regulations will impact storm water management activities. The listing of Puget Sound chinook under the ESA will expectedly affect storm water maintenance activities. Any proposed stream or ditch work involving the removal of vegetation or sediment will be thoroughly scrutinized with respect to possible adverse impact to water quality or habitat. In addition, any salmon recovery plan would likely include requirements for extensive rehabilitation of the stream systems throughout the City of Kent. The major challenge would be to design a stream corridor to effectively cover flood flows and to provide optimum fish habitat while minimizing the need for stream maintenance. It may be necessary to identify all discharges into the streams of the City to determine the impact of these uses. Extensive system monitoring is anticipated. ➢ To determine the condition of the City's storm drainage system, the storm division will make every effort to inspect each foot of pipe, manhole, or other facility once every five years. Inspecting the storm system at this interval will allow staff to react quickly to major system deficiencies and schedule replacement when other major construction projects are proposed in the same area. ➢ Experimentation with plantings and structures for Retention/Detention facilities for the purpose of reducing the frequency of maintenance required at these: facilities, such as, mowing and cleaning filtration dams. 180 — -- City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SEWERAGE OPERATING FUND SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 2002 Budget Budget Actual Budget YTD-August Preliminary Change$ Change% REVENUE Charges for Service Sewer Charges 13,167,316 13,572,358 8,474,566 15,234,968 1,662,610 12.2 Drainage Charges 7,823,442 7,469,350 5,075,418 7,721,635 252,285 3.4 Miscellaneous Revenue 26,526 13,527 14,244 12,541 (986) (7.3) Total Revenues 21,017,284 21,055,235 13,564,227 22,969,144 1,913,909 9.1 OPERATING EXPENSES ., Sewer Operations 12,016,840 12,664,775 8,294,629 14,743,655 2,078,880 16.4 Drainage Operations 3,371,040 4,396,372 2,518,485 4,518,370 121,998 2.8 TOTAL EXPENSES 15,387,880 17,061,147 10,813,114 19,262,025 2,200,878 12.9 Revenue over Expenses 5,629,404 3,994,088 2,751,114 3,707,119 (286,969) (7.2) OTHER FINANCIAL SOURCES Connection Charges&Charges in Lieu of Assessments: Sewer 24,876 67,646 40,455 57,929 (9,717) (14.4) Drainage 169,957 100,000 48,252 75,135 (24,865) (24.9) Interest Income 1,045,494 870,133 469,236 1,000,000 129,867 14.9 Transfers from Drainage Projects 3,157,777 800,000 800,000 (800,000) (100.0) Miscellaneous Other Sources 12,770 i TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 4,410,874 1,837,779 1,357,943 1,133,064 (704,715) (38.3) TOTAL SOURCES 25,428,158 22,893,014 14,922,170 24,102,208 1,209,194 5.3 OTHER FINANCIAL USES Transfers out to: Debt Service-Drainage 1,508,947 1,734,809 1,072,746 1,728,192 (6,617) (0.4) Debt Service-Sewer 70,432 65,042 8,425 75,514 10,472 16.1 Sewer Capital Projects 822,690 348,200 3,097 484,600 136,400 39.2 Drainage Capital Projects 6,403,107 5,874,200 1,661,538 2,280,600 (3,593,600) (61.2) Water CapitalProjects Automation Capital Projects 733,000 200,000 200,000 Other Transfers 883,369 145,500 (411,066) (145,500) (100.0) Interest Payments 14,739 TOTAL OTHER USES 10,436,284 8,367,751 2,334,740 4,768,906 (3,598,845) (43.0) TOTAL EXPENSES&USES 25,824,164 25,428,898 13,147,854 24,030,931 (1,397,967) (5.5) EXPENSES AND OTHER USES BY OBJECT CODE Salaries 1,381,366 1,782,830 1,011,590 1,873,609 90,779 5.1 Benefits 406,894 572,084 305,896 518,337 (53,747) (9.4) Supplies 79,952 191,355 72,658 198,119 6,764 3.5 Services&Charges 13,667,267 14,375,528 9,391,413 16,543,960 2,168,432 15.1 Transfers Out 10,421,545 8,367,751 2,334,740 4,768,906 (3,598,845) (43.0) Capital Outlay 52,988 139,350 119,058 128,000 (11,350) (8.1) Debt Service Interest 14,739 Cost Allocation (200,587) (87,500) TOTAL EXPENSES&USES 25,824,164 25,428,898 13,147,854 24,030,931 (1,397,967) (5) INCREASE(DECREASE) (396,006) (2,535,884) 1,774,317 71,277 2,607,161 Working Capital 111 3,399,184 3,003,178 3,003,178 839,480 (2,163,698) (72.0) Working Capital 12/31 3,003,178 467,294 4,777,495 910,757 443,463 94.9 181 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SEWERAGE CAPITAL -- BUDGET ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2002 _ Budget Budget Preliminary FINANCIAL SOURCES Transfers in from: Sewer Operating 281,000 348,200 484,600 Drainage Operating 5,096,000 5,074,200 2,280,600 Other Project Revenues 64,295 _ TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 5,377,000 5,486,695 2,765,200 EXPENDITURES SEWER Miscellaneous Sewer Replacements 281,000 291,000 303,000 Metro Sewer Interceptor 64,295 Remote Telemetry Upgrades 57,200 45,600 Kent Station Improvements 136,000 TOTAL SEWER 281,000 412,495 484,600 DRAINAGE Garrison Creek Flood/Erosion Facilities 130,000 Misc. Storm Drainage Improvements 358,000 500,000 658,000 _ Soos Creek Basin Improvements 512,000 592,000 528,000 Outfall Treatment Facilities 676,000 300,000 100,000 Washington Avenue Widening 350,000 - SE 256th Street Improvements 910,000 West Meeker Widening 175,000 132nd Avenue Improvements 150,000 200,000 LID 341 - 196th Middle Leg 500,000 72nd Avenue (196th -200th) 100,000 250,000 Pacific Hwy South HOV Lanes Phase 1 500,000 Pacific Hwy South HOV Lanes Phase II 785,000 _ West Valley Hwy Raising 925,000 Mill Creek Flood And Erosion Control 900,000 320,000 Endangered Species Act Study 200,000 100,000 M&O Facility Design 250,000 - Remote Telemetry Upgrades 57,200 45,600 Integrated Pest Management 150,000 Military & Reith Interesection 100,000 _ 94th Ave S & Canyon Drive Traffic Signal 250,000 218th Street Bridge 300,000 Salmon Recovery 60,000 Kent Station Street Improvements 1 ,000 4th Ave &Willis Roundabout 10000,000 James & Central Intersection Improvements 100,000 NPDES Permit 100,000 Horseshoe Acres Pump Station 100,000 TOTAL DRAINAGE 5,096,000 5,074,200 2,280,600 TOTAL SEWERAGE CAPITAL PROJECTS 5,377,000 5,486,695 2,765,200 CHANGE IN PROJECTS BALANCE BEGINNING PROJECTS BALANCE ENDING PROJECTS BALANCE 182 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SEWERAGE DEBT RESERVE SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud Est Actual Preliminary $ % SEWER BI&R ACCOUNT : Interest Income 97,261 31,485 61,256 18,750 Transfer in from Sewer Fund 1,350,131 1,588,950 1,588,950 1,582,520 Less : Principal (820,000) (860,000) (860,000) (895,000) Interest (762,537) (728,950) (728,950) (687,520) Increase/Decrease (135,145) 31,485 61,256 18,750 SEWER OTHER LONG TERM DEBT Transfer in from Sewer Fund 146,046 145,859 145,859 145,672 Less : Principal (75,555) (78,318) (78,318) (81,215) Interest (69,259) (67,541) (67,541) (64,457) Increase/Decrease 1,232 0 TOTAL CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (133,913) 31,485 61,256 18,750 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 603,238 444,322 444,322 505,577 ENDING FUND BALANCE 444,322 475,807 505,578 524,327 183 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SEWERAGE OPERATIONS _ LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT SEWER FUND Utility Superintendent 0.50 0.50 0.50 Field Supervisor 1.50 2.00 2.00 Maintenance Worker IV 1.00 3.00 3.00 Maintenance Worker III 2.00 2.00 2.00 Maintenance Worker II 2.00 2.00 2.00 TOTAL SEWER 7.00 9.50 9.50 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 7.00 5.50 9.50 DRAINAGE DIVISION Utility Superintendent 0.50 0.50 0.50 Field Supervisor 1.50 2.00 2.00 Maintenance Worker IV 1.00 2.00 2.00 Maintenance Worker III 6.00 4.00 4.00 Maintenance Worker II 5.00 6.00 6.00 Facilities Inspectors 3.00 3.00 3.00 Conservation Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Eng Water/Env Quality Supv. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineer II 2.00 2.00 2.00 _ Engineer 1 2.00 2.00 2.00 Engineer Technician(GRNRA) 1.00 1.00 TOTAL DRAINAGE 23.00 24.50 24.50 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 23.00 24.50 24.50 TOTAL SEWERAGE L 30.00 34.00 34.00 COMMENTS 2000-Added Stormwater Engineer I . Environmental Eng. I reclassed to Eng 11. 2001 -Add a MW II in Sewer,two MW 11's and an Engineering Technician in Storm (GRNRA). 2002-No changes 184 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GOLF OPERATING FUND SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 00 ACT 2001 2001 2002 Budget Budget Actual Adj Bud YTD-August Preliminary Change$ Change% REVENUE Green Fees 1,625,323 1,665,000 1,223,939 1,840,000 175,000 10.5 Driving Range Fees 259,970 300,000 205,359 305,000 5,000 1.7 Mini Putt Fees 51,677 100,000 55,141 90,000 (10,000) (10.0) Golf Equipment Rentals 199,038 210,000 157,677 220,000 10,000 4.8 Golf Lessons 109,761 120,000 93,825 125,000 5,000 4.2 Merchandise Sales 207,036 60,000 44,138 65,000 5,000 8.3 Food,Candy,Beer&Pop 32,400 100,000 52,564 85,000 (15,000) (15.0) Miscellaneous Revenues 46,338 95,000 99,279 100,500 5,500 5.8 Total Revenues 2,531,543 2,650,000 1,931,922 2,830,500 180,500 6.8 EXPENSES Golf Admin&Maintenance 1,549,924 1,472,313 1,171,418 1,477,605 5,292 0.4 Management Contract 453,346 400,600 197,922 400,850 250 0.1 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,003,270 1,872,913 1,369,340 1,878,455 5,542 0.3 Revenue over Expenses 528,273 777,087 562,582 952,045 174,958 22.5 OTHER FINANCIAL SOURCES Interest Income 2,289 843 2,000 2,000 Proceeds from Refunding 1,075,000 Golf Projects 1,936 Total Other Sources 1,079,225 843 2,000 2,000 TOTAL SOURCES 3,610,768 2,650,000 1,932,765 2,832,500 182,500 6.9 OTHER FINANCIAL USES : Transfers out to: Debt Service-Revenue Bonds 616,517 654,588 356,320 655,338 750 0.1 Debt Service-G.O. Bonds Capital Projects Debt Service Payments 1,105,669 11,443 12,000 12,000 TOTAL OTHER USES 1,722,186 654,588 367,762 667,338 12,750 1.9 TOTAL EXPENSES&USES 3,725,456 2,527,501 1,737,103 2,545,793 18,292 0.7 EXPENSES AND OTHER USES BY OBJECT CODE Salaries 653,698 619,610 472,013 653,048 33,438 5.4 Benefits 166,471 182,367 126,825 180,959 (1,408) (0.8) Supplies 194,720 226,219 168,723 243,040 16,821 7.4 Services&Charges 972,569 844,717 600,518 801,408 (43,309) (5.1) Transfers Out 616,517 654,588 356,320 655,338 750 0.1 Capital Outlay 15,812 1,261 Debt Service Principal 1,035,000 - Debt Service Interest 70,669 11,443 12,000 12,000 Cost Allocation TOTAL EXPENSES&USES 3,725,456 2,527,501 1,737,103 2,545,793 18,292 0.7 INCREASE(DECREASE) (114,688) 122,499 195,662 286,707 164,208 134.0 Working Capital 1/1 * 205,692 91,004 91,004 (107,054) (198,058) (217.6) _ Working Capital 12/31 * 91,004 213,503 286,666 179,653 (33,850) (15.9) *Includes$460,000 line of credit and accounting change for equipment maintenance 185 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Golf Complex - MISSION STATEMENT _ To make every round of golf played at Riverbend an enjoyable and memorable golfing experience, by providing quality course conditions and excellent customer service. It is our goal to provide a quality recreational opportunity and preserve the reputation of Riverbend as the finest full service public golf facility in Western Washington. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Continue to improve winter playing conditions at the 18 Hole course by top-dressing the fairway _ twice. ➢ Repair driving range synthetic turf. ➢ Raise the driving range net and replace existing poles. ➢ Continue with phase II and replace existing irrigation controllers and out-dated sprinkler heads at 18 hole golf course. ➢ Continue to improve the quality of the greens by top-dressing four times during the growing season. — ➢ Continue mid-spring application of lime to the fairways and approaches to insure proper soil pH and growing conditions. ➢ Continue to use an "Integrated pest management" system specifically for Riverbend. ➢ Increase junior programs and participation. Develop a mailing list for repeat customers. _ ➢ Provide more opportunities for the public to schedule tee times. _ ➢ Continue to work on a positive partnership with Public Golf Management. ➢ Improve customer service and marketing to increase participation and annual revenues. _ SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 — Golf Advisory Board approved a golf course fee increase for 2002 that will improve the overall revenue by $180,500, a 6.8% increase. Expenditures were kept at a hold-the-line .03% increase of only $5,542. _ This results in a budgeted revenue over expenses amount of $952,045, up from $777,087 in 2001 and $528,273 in 2000. This amount will cover debt costs and begin to provide needed cash flow. — 186 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget SERVICES PROVIDED Riverbend Golf Complex and Learning Center is set apart from other courses in Western Washington. Riverbend provides various recreational activities for both the golfer and non-golfer, and a variety of programs for every skill level and age group. The 6,666 yard 18 Hole course features a challenging design that will test even the most skilled players, while the 1,174 yard Par 3 course offers the opportunity for beginners and less skilled players to test their skills and improve their game. The Driving Range features 32 covered hitting stations with lights, multiple target greens, and a Learning Center. The Riverbend Miniature Golf Course offers a fun recreational opportunity for everyone including the non-golfer that is enjoyed by all age groups and skill levels. In addition to the numerous services provided by Riverbend, the facility offers a wide variety of programs for every age and skill level of golfer. Services include Men's, Ladies, and Seniors Clubs at the 18 Hole course, Ladies and Seniors Clubs at the Par 3 course and an outstanding Junior Golf Program. Riverbend hosts a variety of tournaments every year ranging from Men's and Ladies Club events, local business events, afternoon golf leagues, extensive junior golf camps, clinics, tournaments, and several major amateur events. Another feature of the Riverbend Golf Complex is the clubhouse restaurant, Fire Creek Grill, a full service restaurant and lounge that offers a variety of appetizers, salads, sandwiches, home-made soups and chowder, steaks, seafood and premier wood-fired pizza. The full service lounge hosts weekend music and entertainment for different audiences. Also, located at the Miniature Golf Course is Captain Jack's Fish & Chips, which offers a variety of seafood, drinks, hamburgers and snacks. Besides the recreational services, programs, and food provided by the golf complex, the preservation of open space and the aesthetics of the golf courses are key benefits that help enhance the quality of life in Kent. Riverbend is truly an asset to the community. STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Par 3 Participants SSMD 48,000 50,000 Range and Miniature Golf Participants n/a 61,500 100,000 18-Hole Participants n/a 73,667 75,000 Par 3 Tournaments n/a 8 10 18-Hole Tournaments n/a 140 140 Acres Maintained n/a 167 167 Junior Program Participants n/a 550 650 RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Improved winter playing conditions by verti-draining and top-dressing critical areas such as fairways, approaches and tee and green surrounds. ➢ Increased top-dressing and over seeding of tees and approaches. 187 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Installation of new garbage cans, ashtrays and ball washers at the 18 Hole and Par 3 Courses. ➢ Improved management of waterfowl at the 18 Hole course. ➢ Removal of stumps throughout the 18 Hole course. _ ➢ Additional paving along the Vt and 10th tees to improve traffic circulation. ➢ Verti-draining (deep tine aerification) of greens on both the 18 Hole and Par 3 courses. _ ➢ Provided mid-spring application of lime to the fairways and approaches to keep soil at the proper ' pH. ➢ Installed an additional 250 tons of sand in the bunkers. ➢ Improved the appearance of the tee line surface at the Driving Range by removing worn synthetic turf. ➢ Installed a new, larger and improved scoreboard at the 18 hole course. Scoreboard to be used by tournaments, clubs and events. ➢ Purchased 36 new driving range mats and 25,000 more range golf balls to cover the demand. ➢ The driving range and miniature golf received new fantastic neon signs, colored attention flags, hole target flags and board signs featuring our logo, Captain Jack's logo, menu items and customer — directional signs. ➢ Late winter of 2001 — Installation of automatic irrigation system at the Par 3 Course to replace the existing failing system. ➢ Initiated golf passes for the various seasons, boosting green fee revenues at the 18-Hole course. ➢ Installation of 36 new parking spaces to help improve parking for Fire Creek Grill and for the 18- Hole course. ➢ Installation of storage unit for restaurant storage with an 8-foot fence around the unit to enhance the backside of the complex and restaurant. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ More additional parking to accommodate our increase in golf course and restaurant patronage. ➢ New point of sale software to enhance customer service, and financial reporting concerns. — 188 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ GOLF COMPLEX LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget GOLF COURSE FUND FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT T Golf Maintenance Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 Head Pro 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Pro 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Account Services Asst II 0.75 0.75 0.75 Golf Shop Assistant 0.75 0.75 0.75 Golf Complex MW/Mechanic 1.00 1.00 1.00 Field Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker III 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker II 2.00 2.00 2.00 TOTAL 9.00 1.50 9.00 1.50 9.00 1.50 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 10.50 10.50IL 10.50 COMMENTS 2000-Added Financial Analyst, Acct Svcs Asst 2, Head Pro,Asst Pro and Counter person. 2001 -No changes 2002- No changes 1'89 City of Key, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budge — . \� \2 KENT �. / A S H ) N < . ( 0 N � � This page inte mionallyld+blank. — 190 . City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS The INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS are used to Fleet Services 192 account for the financing of special services Central Services — Finance 198 performed by designated operations within the City of Kent for other operations within the city. Information Technology 201 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS provide a service Fire Equipment Replacement Fund 209 and then generate revenue by billing the Facilities Fund 212 organization to which the service was provided. Insurance Fund 219 In this manner, the efficiency of centralized City services can be obtained while still being able to distribute the cost of these services to user organizations. The Equipment Rental Fund rents vehicles and other maintenance equipment and provides fuel and maintenance services. The Central Services Fund provides central stores, photocopying, printing, custodial, maintenance, data processing, cable TV and — — telephone services. The Fire Equipment Replacement Fund provides funding for the replacement of major fire department apparatus and vehicles. The Facilities Fund is for the maintenance and _ operation of City Facilities, including leasing the Centennial Center which was purchased in 1996. The Insurance Fund accounts for the City's unemployment and workers compensation programs, dental and health insurance program, and liability and property insurance program. 191 City of Kent, Washington Ecitimpnient Rental 2002 Preliminary Budget As of August 31,2001 -_ 2000 2001 2001 2001 200: Description Actual Adj Budget YTD Est Act Preliminary OPERATING REVENUE Rental Fees Operations 960,526 1,080,153 781,596 1,141,647 1,111,347 _ Replacement 969,827 1,073,601 655,407 1,013,274 1,048,063 Fuel and Lubes 251,959 189,415 158,147 221,285 262,025 Repairs 36,130 45,487 5,540 20,702 40,809 Other Operating Revenues 13,624 8,149 8,149 7,431 - Total Operating Revenue 2,232,066 2,388,656 1,608,839 2,405,057 2,469,675 OPERATING EXPENSE Operations 1,487,503 1,521,701 944,752 1,451,986 1,546,358 - Vehicle self insurance 37,188 42,286 27,402 42,286 42,286 Total Operating Expense 1,524,691 1,563,987 972,155 1,494,272 1,588,644 Operating income 707,375 824,669 636,684 910,785 881,031 NONOPERATING REVENUES(EXPENSE) Interest 184,480 175,000 69,868 175,000 150,000 Interest-interfund loan 8,141 11,443 11,443 -- Gain(loss)on Sale of Investments 3,827 Gain (loss)on Sale of Assets 53,947 37,858 21,486 37,858 37,858 Misc Non Operating Revenues Capital replacement&purchases (946,691) (753,473) (637,423) (753,473) (554,958) - Transfers-out for Capital Projects (108,021) Transfers-out to General Fund (451,000) Total Non Operating Rev(Exp) (804,317) (540,615) (534,627) (529,172) (818,100) - NET INC (DEC)IN WORKING CAP (96,942) 284,054 102,057 381,613 62,9; Working Capital 1/1 2,953,527 2,856,585 2,856,585 2,856,585 3,238,198 Total Working Capital 12131 2,856,585 3,140,639 2,958,642 3,238,198 3,301,129 OPERATING EXPENSE WORKING CAPITAL 1,600,000 3,500,000 1,400,000 3,000,000 1,200,000 2,500,000 1,0M000 2,000,000 800,000 600,000 1,500,000 400,000 1,000,000 200,000 500,000 _ 0 0 4 P otiQ� 192 _ 10/25/2001 510Prelim.xls City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Public Works Operations lOr Fleet Services 411000MISSION STATEMENT Fleet Services supports the city's transportation requirements by managing a safe, efficient, cost effective diversified fleet of vehicles and construction equipment. Responsibilities include a radio communication repair shop and financial management of all vehicle and equipment acquisitions. This includes, life cycle planning, competitive rental rates, excellent customer service and shop management of a vehicle and radio repair facility. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Organize and computerize the fleet shop parts inventory warehouse and continue to implement the bar code system for the Fleet and Radio shop parts departments. ➢ Install an EPA approved leak detection/alarm system and updated cardlock security system for the underground fuel system located at Public Works Operations. ➢ Continue with VHF radio system improvements and install earthquake stability measures to protect city mobile communications. ➢ Develop a customer service element in the internet for vehicle service and maintenance scheduling. ➢ Develop an improved purchase requisition process the will combine the available technologies of the fleet software and the finance system. _ ➢ Continue to expand on the CCGFaster Fleet Management system for tracking performance measure and vehicle life cycle cost analysis. EXPENDITURE CHANGES 2002 In order to upgrade the underground fuel tank leak detection system, $20,000 has been recommended in the 2002 budget. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Fleet Services maintains the city's rolling stock fleet and equipment rental revolving fund as established by Kent City Code Part 6. EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND, Sections 3.40.600 thru 3.40.670. a �, City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate — Number of Pieces of Equipment 378 388 446 Number of Equipment Purchases 67 34 59 Number of Equipment Sold/Traded 31 24 36 — Mechanics to Equipment Ratio 1-84 1-92 1-106 RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Developed equipment rental annual rates based upon individual vehicle cost analysis. ➢ Hired a qualified technician experienced in heavy duty equipment repair work. _ ➢ Completed the purchase and new unit preparation of 59 pieces of rolling stock. ➢ The Radio Shop has expanded to complete all police patrol car setup in house for replacement vehicles. ➢ Purchased equipment for bar coding implementation of the parts inventory in the fleet and radio _ shops. ➢ Initiated live labor capture for work and cost accountability through the Fleet Management System. ➢ Continue to network with other cities and private business to develop ways to increase productivity and provide the best equipment and customer service possible. — ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND As the number of fleet vehicles increase it will become increasingly imperative that both staffing levels and production be evaluated in order to maintain an expected level of customer satisfaction. RESPONSE TO TARGET ISSUSES ➢ Valued Government Service - Fleet Services takes pride in providing a continued excellent service to its internal service fund customers. ➢ Safety to the Community — Fleet Services maintains a fleet of emergency response vehicles that have been equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. 194 — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Recommended Vehicle Replacements Existing or"old" "New" Existing or"old" Fleet Other Other Equip# Equip# Vehicle Description Department Budget$ Budget$ Funds SCHEDULED REPLACEMENTS 3171 3701 1997 Kawasaki Motorcycle Police Traffic 14,500 3172 3702 1997 Kawasaki Motorcycle Police Traffic 14,500 3173 3703 1997 Kawasaki Motorcycle Police Traffic 14,500 3174 3704 1997 Kawasaki Motorcycle Police Traffic 14,500 3175 3705 1997 Kawasaki Motorcycle Police Traffic 14,500 3184 3804 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Police Patrol 26,000 3185 3805 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Police Patrol 26,000 3186 3806 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Police Patrol 26,000 3187 3807 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Police Patrol 26,000 3189 3809 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Police Patrol 26,000 3192 3802 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Police Patrol 26,000 3193 3803 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Police Patrol 26,000 5397 5797 JD 1145 4WD Mower& Deck Storm 19,000 5438 9138 1992 Ford Taurus Eng Admin 18,000 6523 6323 1987 John Deere Tractor Park Maintenance 16,000 6524 6324 1992 Ford New Holland Tractor Park Maintenance 24,000 6527 6327 1994 Mectrac Flail Mower Park Maintenance 24,000 6538 6338 1996 Toro Riding Mower Park Maintenance 21,000 6566 6366 1997 Toro GM325D Riding Mowr Park Maintenance 21,000 Subtotal Regular Replacement $ 397,500 $ - EARLY REPLACEMENT AND FLEET ADDITIONS 7201 CERT Trailer Fire Prev 7,000 5328 5428 1991 Norstar Sprayer Tank Street 28,000 5439 Changeable Message Board Street 9,000 General Fund 5383 5783 1993 Chevrolet Vactor Swr/Clnr Water 59,000 Water Budget 5383 5783 1993 Chevrolet Vactor Swr/Clnr Sewer 59,000 Sewer Budget 5383 5783 1993 Chevrolet Vactor Swr/Clnr Storm 59,000 Storm Budget 5391 5391 B 1987 Komatsu Forklift Warehouse 25,000 6301 Riding Mower Park Maintenance 6,000 General Fund 6302 Walk Behind Mower(Rplcmnt) Park Maintenance 3,500 General Fund 6514 6314 1994 Ford Pickup Park Maintenance 12,500 12,500 (1/2 FS, 1/2 V78) _ 6516 6316 1994 Chevrolet Cargo Van Park Maintenance 30,000 6569 6369 1997 Garland Tandem Trailer Park Maintenance 5,500 6591 6391 1998 Chevrolet Flatbed Park Maintenance 31,500 Street Fund Subtotal Additional Replacements $ 108,000 $239,500 Total All Replacements $ 505,500 $239,500 195 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Vehicles Scheduled for Replacement in 2002 Deferred to Later Years _ Equipment Estimated Extended Number Vehicle Description Replacement Life Cycle Parks - Facilities 1010 1988 Dodge Pickup 19,023 2004 (11 yrs) Community Dev. - Bldg. Svcs. ` 1017 1992 Ford Taurus 17,452 2007 (15 yrs) Police - Investigations 3110 1996 Jeep Cherokee 25,910 2003 (7 yrs) 3112 1996 Dodge Stratus 17,452 2003 (7 yrs) Police -Crime Prevention 3116 1992 Ford Taurus 17,452 2007 (15 yrs) Police -Traffic 3159 1997 Ford Crown Victoria 25,648 2004 (7 yrs) Police - Patrol _ 3158 1999 Chevrolet Suburban 30,780 2007 (10 yrs) 3170 1998 Ford Crown Victoria 25,648 2004 (4 yrs) 3190 1999 Ford Crown Victoria 25,648 2003 (4 yrs) 3191 1991 Ford Crown Victoria 25,648 2004 (4 yrs) 3194 1999 Ford Crown Victoria 25,648 2003 (4 yrs) Public Works -Street — 5319 1992 Ford Ranger Pickup 19,945 2003 (11 yrs) Public Works -Storm 5301 1992 Ford Taurus 17,452 2007 (15 yrs) Public Works -Water 5363 1992 Chevrolet Pickup 19,023 2007 (15 yrs) — 5411 1997 Kawasaki ATV 8,921 2003 (6 yrs) Public Works -Operations _ 5392 1992 Ford Taurus 17,452 2004 (12 yrs) Fire -Administration 7602 1995 Chevrolet Caprice 25,648 2006 (12 yrs) 7604 1995 Ford Crown Victoria 25,648 2005 (10 yrs) Fire -Training 7612 1995 Chevrolet 8 Pass Van 24,197 2007 (12 yrs) Fleet Services - Motor Pool _ 8722 1992 Ford Club Wagon 25,779 2003 (11 yrs) Totals $ 440,376 _ 196 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FLEET SERVICES LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FLEET SERVICES Fleet Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mechanic Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mechanic II 4.00 4.00 4.00 Maintenance Worker II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Radio Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 8.00 8.00 8.00 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 8.00 8.00 8.00 COMMENTS 2000-No changes 2001 -No changes 2002-No changes 197 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Central Services As of August 31, 2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 Description Actual Budget YTD Est Act Preliminary REVENUE Central Stores 199,443 223,415 122,591 197,063 226,600 Postage 189,411 223,632 176,769 251,313 226,101 Photocopy 175,104 210,183 129,659 199,720 217,539 Total Revenue 563,958 657,230 429,019 648,096 670,240 EXPENSE _ Central Stores 199,423 223,258 120,598 195,017 212,850 Postage 188,885 225,176 183,172 258,230 226,230 Photocopy 175,104 210,720 112,585 182,825 226,217 _ Total Expense 563,412 659,154 416,355 636,073 665,297 Operating Income 546 (1,924) 12,664 12,023 4,943 Working Capital 1/1 16,887 17,433 17,433 17,433 29,456 Working Capital 12/31 17,433 15,509 30,097 29,456 34,399 CENTRAL SERVICE EXPENSES 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 P0'` 0Jp 4� Off' 198 _ 10/24/2001 52016 P re I im.xls City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ Central Services Customer Service Division MISSION STATEMENT To provide efficient and cost effective centralized customer services such as central stores, postage and photocopy for city departments. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Central Services and online ordering through the Boise Cascade Corporation. ➢ Expanded Campus Courier Services for City locations. ➢ Complete Request for Services for Utility Billing statement & mailing processing. ➢ Pursue Procurement Cards. ➢ New Photocopier Contract for 2002 through 2005. ➢ Implement J.D. Edwards purchasing module. _ ➢ Review city-wide email system. ➢ Automate cashiering. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES - 2002 No significant expenditure or staffing changes proposed in 2002 SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM ➢ Responsible for all central services for mail room, fax, photocopies, central stores, film processing, courier, Federal Express, and a wide range of city services, such as: gasoline, propane, photocopy, and utility billing contracts through purchasing services. Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Photocopies (in thousands) 3,800 3,904 4,500 Pieces of Mail Processed 193,000 187,244 188,000 Petty Cash Items 1,604 2,322 2,400 199 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Boise Cascade contract signed as fourth quarter of 2000. _ ➢ New contract with Iron Mountain for document storage completed in the first quarter of 2001. ➢ Completed record retention history of 1099's and W2's and stored on CD's. _ ➢ New CD history for special monthly GL and Payroll reports for Finance Department. ➢ New Laundry contract with Cintas Corporation as of first quarter 2001. ➢ Management study taskforce, third quarter of 2000. — ➢ Customer Services move to the Centennial Building and support of one-stop permitting. ➢ Converted accounts payable and vendor set-up to J.D. Ed,,rards system. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ Explore online Meter Reading System. ➢ Online ordering with additional Purchasing Networks. ➢ Implementation of Cashiering and Record Storage Project. ➢ Utility Payments over the Internet system. 200 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Operating Fund As of August 31, 2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 Description Actual Budget YTD Est Act Preliminary REVENUE Contributions&Other 3,244,620 3,677,929 2,312,502 3,648,478 4,002,972 EXPENSE Data Processing Salaries& Benefits 1,432,441 1,584,739 1,027,774 1,556,020 1,737,847 Supplies 63,463 44,402 35,917 50,718 49,438 Services and charges 600,412 823,393 496,683 771,148 893,517 Equipment 1,951 2,584 2,584 Sub-total 2,098,267 2,452,534 1,562,958 2,380,470 2,680,802 Telecommunications Salaries& Benefits 20,130 84,149 21,114 49,164 94,523 Supplies 12,540 21,841 6,435 13,716 11,841 Services and charges 495,633 560,126 294,935 481,643 510,883 Equipment Sub-total 528,303 666,116 322,484 544,523 617,247 Printing/Graphics/Cable TV Salaries& Benefits 362,127 444,098 280,375 428,408 446,557 Supplies 82,879 77,700 57,886 83,786 87,700 Services and charges 127,532 183,216 134,270 195,342 190,007 Equipment 6,994 15,000 14,462 19,462 Sub-total 579,532 720,014 486,993 726,998 724,264 Total Operating Expense 3,206,102 3,838,664 2,372,436 3,651,990 4,022,313 Operating Income 38,518 (160,735) (59,934) (3,512) (19,341) Transfers In 64,654 Net Income 103,172 (160,735) (59,934) (3,512) (19,341) Working Capital 1/1 (39,181) 63,991 63,991 63,991 60,479 Working Capital 12/31 63,991 (96,744) 4,057 60,479 41,138 OPERATING EXPENSE WORKING CAPITAL 3,000,000 80,000 2,500,000 60,000 40,000 2,000,000 20,000 - �All 1,500,000 0 (20,000) 1,000,000 (40,000) 500,000 (60,000) (80,000) 0 (100,000)' ' G J � 5 �� � G� JO ,�O o°P o^0 0 o^� Q��� o°P o^� o Q;, 52017Prelim.xls 10/24/2001 201 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Information Technology MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Information Technology Department is to create and enhance communication, business systems, and information exchange for the employees and citizens of Kent through vision, excellence and service. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Tech Plan II —Accepted by Council ➢ More JDE "go-lives" ➢ Public Access Studio services provided ➢ Council Chamber improvements complete ➢ IT move into two buildings complete ➢ Reduce number of help desk calls for password problems - 7% over last year, 6% calls 2001 YTD ➢ Elimination of IPX on network EXPENDITURES AND STAFFING CHANGES 2002 Changes in 2002 involve moving the project funded KIVA Systems Analyst and 50% of the GIS Systems _ — Analyst into the Information Technology operating budget. The Technology Plan funding for these two positions ends in December of 2001. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Administration Division The Administrative division of Information Technology provides leadership and accountability to all City of Kent clients to achieve excellence in Technology Services. Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Technology Plan expenditures $3,936,774 $2,169,837 2,000,000 Client Services Division — The Client Services Division of I.T. provides excellent technical support to the City of Kent ➢ by understanding the Citys business and technical needs. — ➢ by responding quickly and efficiently. _ ➢ by providing appropriate technology and training in a helpful and friendly manner. 202 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget StatisticsfWorkload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Minicomputers — HP-3000 & HP-9000 5 5 5 Help Desk Calls 8,192 8,202 9,800 Training Classes taught in-house 120 42 80 # of Days Primary Training Room Utilized 100 122 135 'note: as of 10/99, new help desk software was implemented which tracks numerous related incidents as only 1 help desk call—before that date, each incident was a separate call Finance/E.S./Payroll Project Division The Finance/E.S./Payroll Project Division of I.T. provides leadership and support in the implementation and use of high quality business systems to empower our users to efficiently and effectively carry out their financial, human resource and payroll responsibilities Multimedia Division The mission of the Multimedia Division is to facilitate communication of information for the entire City of Kent — citizens and employees — relying on customer-based partnerships to produce a creative, professional, effective City image/message that exceeds our customers' expectations. StatisticsfWorkload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Character Generation on Cable TV 168 148 148 Regular City meetings (Council/Committee) 104 107 107 Other City Produced Work 101 112 112 Teensight 9 13 13 Outside video's re-broadcast 37 26 26 Pages Printed (in thousands) 6,061 *5,610 *5,610 *2000 forward-no longer includes Parks Brochure totals Systems Division To bridge between City departments, citizens and the city's business processes using technology. StatisticsfWorkload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Internet/Average Number of Monthly Visitors Unknown 10,049 30,000 Internet/Number of Web Pages 3 615 1,200 KentNet/Average Number of Monthly Visitors n/a 1,514 5,000 KentNeVNumber of Web Pages n/a 515 1,200 203 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Tech Services Division The Tech Services Division of I.T. truly connects Kent. Our goal is to ensure and enhance communications and information exchange among employees of Kent and the public they serve. Our success requires cooperation, dedication and teamwork. We continue to listen, evaluate and deliver. Statistics/Workload Measures 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Novell Servers 22 18 11 _ NT Servers 19 18 23 Personal Computers (end user) 605 735 780 Network Addresses 750 815 1,000 Telephone-Related: Cellular telephones 256 258 290 Pagers 401 508 540 Multi-button Telephone Sets 760 820 850 Voice Mail Boxes 800 750 777 RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS — Administration ➢ 3 years since Tech 1 - Accurate records of$9.5 million in expenditures; 87% of bond funds spent _ ➢ E-Government Community Forum —conducted a meeting with sectors of the city community to discuss _ and receive input on web-based services ➢ Cell Phone Administration -on-site support, better plan management, 120 high-end users mo)ed _ YTD ➢ Extensive Software Audit Client Services — ➢ Automated help desk call entry is up—now 16% of calls (up from 13% last year) ➢ Expanded support coverage to 1.75 FTE's ➢ Coordinated PC deployment for 109 workstations _ ➢ Provide online training registration ➢ Provided training on MS Office applications and OneWorld 101 ➢ Completed 2001 Training Plan _ ➢ Coordinating password security standards JDE Team ➢ Positive Pay— Completed development and implementation for increased fraud protection ➢ New software — Extensive project team training ➢ Completed Finance Phase 1 activities - July 2nd went live - General Accounting, Accounts Payable, Job Cost. This phase of our JDE project came in on time and under budget. ➢ Substantial progress made on HR, payroll, recruitment setup ➢ Create and host public sector JDE Users Group on HR/Payoll — 10 agencies participated 204 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Multimedia Division ➢ Digital editing system complete —improvements in taped programming ➢ Multimedia Manual — new on KentNet _ ➢ Kent TV21 weekly schedule —on Internet ➢ Print Shop Copiers replaced with high speed copiers —color copier added with immediate demand ➢ Public Access Studio agreement —signed by AT&T and six regional cities, $3.7 million wired to Trust Account under newly formed Puget Sound Access (PSA) Non-Profit Corp. ➢ 50+ Law forms converted to Word ➢ Community Development forms project—successfully converted over 150 different forms to city image for Planning, Fire Inspection, and De\A--lopment Services for use in new Permit Center. Systems Division ➢ KentNet ♦ Online Policy Manual ♦ Webs launched —Office of the Mayor, Employee Services, Fire and Life Safety, Police, I.T. Kent University ♦ Online Police Policy Manual ♦ Outlook Web Access ♦ Web Report Delivery using Crystal Reports ➢ Document Management ♦ Vendor selected ♦ New document imaging product in production ♦ Images from old system converted ➢ Internet ♦ Procurement Web launched — Demandstar ♦ Numerous department webs launched ♦ Online Job Application ➢ Parks & Recreation ♦ IVR Registration by August, 2001 ♦ Internet Registration by August, 2001 ➢ Fleet Services ♦ New Fleet Management System, new Motor Pool Module ➢ Permitting ♦ Request for Services ♦ Internet Permit Status Check ♦ Timeline Reporting, Certificate of Occupancy process streamline ♦ Implemented three new software releases ➢ G.I.S. Work ♦ Offered Onsite ArcView Training ♦ Supported Police in Crime Analysis Mapping ♦ In Progress: G.I.S. Level of Service Report ➢ Fire & Life Safety ♦ Implemented new Incident Reporting System and two new software releases ♦ Implemented King County EMS Code Standards 205 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Police — ♦ Selected Police System RFP Consultant ♦ Issued Police System RFP Tech Services ➢ Extensive work on NT Servers—to support 4 new systems including migration from ORACLE database to SQL database ➢ Technical support for JDE project— including complex PC configuration, development of Citrix farm of servers to deploy software to 90 end users ➢ Wireless network for Court—for judges and prosecutors, extending the city's networked resources to the courtroom ➢ Fiber Optic Cable —use of fiber to reduce operating costs by approx. $67,000 in 2001 ➢ PC replacement of 109 computers ➢ Support for major remodeling, rewiring projects including Golf Complex, Corrections, Centennial moves, — Permit Center- includes wiring plans, p.c. moves, telephore moves, electrical load calculations ➢ New local dial tone provider— reduced operating costs, provided inbound caller-id ➢ Redundant dial tone routing —to the phone company's central office, improved reliability _ ➢ Enhanced 911 for the City—the 911 dispatcher now receives detailed location information about the caller aiding in fast response to the proper address ➢ Campus Generator Project — extensive support to maintain computer and telephone operations to _ support this project ➢ Ongoing Operations —includes backups for 50 servers daily, monthly, etc. ➢ Virus Protection —installed on servers in addition to end-user PC's for greater protection ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND Tech Plan II — Development of Technology Plan for next three years. Key issues: — ➢ Public Safety Systems ➢ EGovernment Initiatives ➢ Network Updates ➢ Continued Replacement Program RESPONSE TO STRATEGIC PLAN Valued Government Services ➢ Provide proactive, high quality, dependable technology and multimedia resources to staf ➢ Enhance connections and communication with citizens — Safe Community ➢ Strategic Management of Police and Fire and Life Safety Services — Public Safety technology needs are a key component of Tech Plan ll. 206 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2002 Budget Budget Preliminary FINANCIAL SOURCES Transfer In from: Street Fund 100,000 100,000 100,000 Capital Improvement Fund 300,000 370,000 300,000 Water Fund 500,000 100,000 100,000 Sewerage Fund 733,000 200,000 200,000 Bond Account 732,701 Proceeds from sale of bonds 2,000,000 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 1,633,000 1,502,701 2,700,000 EXPENDITURES Automation Projects 1,845,644 1,407,752 2,700,000 _ Communications replacement GIS Software Conversion 38,565 41,308 Police/Fire MDT's TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 1,884,209 1,449,060 2,700,000 Transfer out To Operating Fund 64,654 53,641 TOTAL USES 1,502,701 2,700,000 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (315,863) - - BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 315,863 ENDING FUND BALANCE MW ;. 207 i City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT _ LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time (RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Information Technology Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 Client Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Technician 0.53 0.53 0.53 Sr Programmer/Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Systems Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Systems Analyst 3.00 3.00 3.00 Network Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Network Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 Tech Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Computer Operator 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ PC Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 PC Tech Assistant 1.00 0.53 2.00 0.53 2.00 0.53 Computer Support Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 Training/Client Svcs Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Computer Support Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Data Entry/Computer Operator 1.00 Telecommunications Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Web Systems Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Cable TV/Video Technician 0.75 1.00 1.00 Multimedia Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 Multimedia Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Graphics Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Multimedia Specialist 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.50 Printing Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Printing Tech Assistant 0.53 0.75 0.75 SUBTOTAL 28.75 1.59 29.00 2.31 29.00 2.31 AUTOMATION PROJECT Senior Systems Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 - ERP Project Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 ERP Systems Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recruitment Technical Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Payroll Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Dept Automation Analyst 2.00 2.00 2.00 SUBTOTAL 7.00 7.00 7.00 TOTAL 35.75 1.59 36.00 2.31 36.00 2.31 FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 37.34 38.31 J1 38.31 COMMENTS 2000-Added ERP Systems Analyst and Recruitment Technical Analyst to Automation Project. 2001 -Add-back.25 Printing Asst hours, Increase Video Tech(.8 to 1.0)and .5 RPT Multimedia Specialist 2002-No changes 208 City of Kent, Washington Fire Equipment Fund 2002 Preliminary Budget As of August 31,2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 Description Actual Adj Bud Ytd Est Act Preliminary OPERATING REVENUE Rental Fees for Replacement 400,000 300,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 OPERATING EXPENSE Supplies 1,535 (768) (768) Services and charges 148 200,000 66,667 200,000 Total 1,683 200,000 (768) 65,899 200,000 Operating Income 398,317 100,000 200,768 234,101 200,000 NONOPERATING REVENUES(EXPENSE) Interest 61,239 43,281 35,996 50,423 43,281 Interest-intefund loan Salavage Proceeds Transfers In Transfers Out (900,000) (300,000) (300,000) (400,000) Capital outlay(1) (99,775) (22,556) (22,556) Total Non Operating Rev(Exp) (938,536) (256,719) 13,441 (272,132) (356,719) INC(DEC) IN WORKING CAPITAL (540,219) (156,719) 214,209 (38,031) (156,719) Norking Capital, 1/1 960,043 419,824 419,824 419,824 381,793 Working Capital, 12/31 419,824 263,105 634,033 381,793 225,074 CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKING CAPITAL L OO,o00 700,000 , L 600,000 80,000 90,000 500,000 70,000 60,000 400,000 L 50,000 300,000 40,000 30,000 200,000 20,000 100,000 10,000 0 „ . 0 o0 00 0� o� QQ o 0 0 o QQ oti oti 10/24/2001 530 P re l i m.x l s 209 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Fire Equipment Replacement _ MISSION STATEMENT The Fire Equipment Replacement Fund was created in 1995 to provide funding for the replacement of major Fire Department equipment and apparatus on a continuing basis. By making payments into the fund on a regular basis, long term funding requirements may be met with less need to issue bonds, or some other type of financing. GOALS FOR 2002 Refine the financing plan as better information becomes available of the equipment needs and costs of replacement. — SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM _ The fund is used to collect operating fees and/or capital project transfers to provide for the funding of major fire equipment replacement. _ 210 — — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget - FIRE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS 2002 Preliminary EXPENDITURES Replacement of Aid Cars (2) 350,000 Replacement of Defibrillators (14) 204,000 TOTAL FIRE CAPITAL PROJECTS 554,000 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (554,000) _ BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 554,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 0 211 City of Kent, Washington Farili4iwc Find 2002 Preliminary Budget As of August 31,2001 - 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 Description Actual Budget YTD Est Act Preliminary OPERATING REVENUE Rental Fees-Internal 3,245,054 3,604,694 2,410,758 3,612,322 3,779,630 Rental Fees-Outside 423,141 378,171 194,252 320,309 141,526 Parking Fees 4,320 3,675 3,765 4,990 4,320 Grants Other revenue 41,300 43,120 43,120 16,854 Total 3,713,815 3,986,540 2,651,895 3,980,741 3,942,330 OPERATING EXPENSE Salaries and benefits 1,450,418 1,616,543 1,033,724 1,572,571 1,645,167 Supplies 291,236 281,621 180,788 274,662 292,942 Services and charges 3,106,902 3,601,900 2,244,775 3,445,408 3,908,435 Cost allocation (1,673,674) (1,940,422) (1,220,637) (1,867,444) (2,008,337) Total 3,174,882 3,559,642 2,238,650 3,425,197 3,838,207 Operating Income 538,933 426,898 413,245 555,544 104,123 NONOPERATING REVENUES(EXPENSE) Operating Transfer In 443,508 Proceeds from general obligation bonds Debt issuance costs (6,856) Interest 24,887 35,483 20,361 32,189 15,000 Capital outlay(') (5,612) (45,053) (44,714) (59,732) Transfers-(out)-Debt (305,550) (305,550) (121,836) (305,550) (305,550) - Transfers-(out)-Capital outlay Direct Debt payment (6,856) 7,100 7,100 LID prepayment (293,508) Total Non Operating Rev(Exp) (149,987) (315,120) (139,089) (325,993) (290,550) NET INC(DEC)IN WORKING CAPITAL 388,946 111,778 274,156 229,551 (186,427) Working Capital, 1/1 (339,325) 49,621 49,621 49,621 279,172 Working Capital,12131 (1) 49,621 161,399 323,777 279,172 92,745 (1 O erating fund 540 only reported OPERATING EXPENSE WORKING CAPITAL 4,000,000 350,000 3,500,000 300,000 3,000,000 250,000 2,500,000 200,000 2,000,000 150,000 _ 1,500,000 1,000,000 100,000 500,000 50,000 0 0 10/24/2001 540Prel i m.xls 212 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Facilities ,,&- Management MISSION STATEMENT The Facilities Management division plans, administers and coordinates City of Kent space management, leasing, building maintenance functions, tenant improvements, remodeling, new facility construction and facility parking. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Continue re-caulking and water proofing Centennial. _ ➢ Develop long-range roof repair and replacement schedule. ➢ Implement a computerized maintenance management system. ➢ Continue the carpet replacement plan. ➢ Continue to implement our parking lot maintenance plan. ➢ Completion of all assigned projects for 2002. ➢ Completion of conditional use permit and design for East Hill Maintenance Facility. ➢ Completion of seismic retrofit of City Hall. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE AND STAFFING CHANGES Replacements of four vacuum cleaners and a floor polisher have been proposed for the 2002 budget. SERVICES PROVIDED Facilities Management is responsible for leasing and tenant improvements for the Centennial Center; space planning for city buildings; as well as, building and grounds maintenance and janitorial service for the majority of city buildings. The department also provides short and long term plans for current and future city facilities. By managing new construction and remodeling projects for all city facilities and providing asset and inventory control, this group is directly responsible for the work environment for city employees. 213 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STATISTICS/WORKLOAD MEASURES 1999 2000 2001 Actual Actual Estimate Square footage of buildings maintained 375,021 390,321 391,671 Acreage of grounds maintained 45.7 45.7 46.2 RECENT SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Renovated approximately 9,000 square feet of office space in Centennial Center for Community Development's Planning and Building Services Divisions. ➢ Renovated Approximately 15,000 square feet of office space in Centennial Center for the new Permit Center and Finance Customer Service. ➢ Completed a renovation of the City of Kent Corrections Facility to include adding office space, expanding the laundry room, upgrading showers to meet A.D.A requirements, disabled lift for the - courtyard and replacement of all HVAC equipment. ➢ Renovated an existing structure into an annex for the Corrections Facility to house a work release _ program. ➢ Constructed additional parking for our Municipal Court: at Aukeen, which include half street improvements to S. 259th Street. ➢ Completed construction and installation of emergency power for 100% redundancy for City Hall Campus, Kent Commons, and Russell Road Maintenance Facility ➢ Held a profitable summer auction. ➢ Re-roofed restrooms at Russell Road and Garrison Creek Parks and Police Headquarters. ➢ Performed annual refinishing of the gymnasium and Green River room at Kent Commons and the _ Social Hall at the Senior Center. ➢ Constructed an additional 30 parking spaces at Riverbend and seal-coated and re-striped the entire _ lot. ➢ Completed Installation of new air conditioner in the computer room. ➢ Completed installing new sidewalks at front entry of Kent Commons. ➢ Completed painting of exterior of Fire Station 74 and interior of Fire Station 74 & 75. ➢ Retrofitted campus exit lights to new energy efficient LCD units. ➢ Replaced Senior Center social hall windows. ➢ Renovated and added an office at Riverbend Driving Range. 214 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ➢ Purchased a computerized maintenance management system. ➢ Renovated City Hall first floor for City Clerk's Office and use by Information Technology. ➢ Renovated City Hall second floor for Information Technology reorganization. ISSUES IMPACTING 2002 AND BEYOND ➢ As the city grows through development and annexation, citizen service demands will necessitate expansion of facility sites, the addition of new facilities and increases in staffing levels among all departments. This will require building renovations and moving various units to spaces designated by the space plan. ➢ The need and funding to do a seismic retrofit to City Hall. ➢ Continued work on the nursery property at Russell Road, for more effective utilization. ➢ Continue to resurface/seal-coat parking lots to get them into a regular maintenance cycle. ➢ City Facilities continue to age, such as our 31 year old City Hall and 15 year old Corrections facility. Aging facilities will require increased maintenance to keep them in working order. ➢ Development and refinement of long-range capital plan for facilities management. ➢ Continued impacts of implementing the space study and doing the required construction. ➢ Expand security ID badge system to Centennial Center and Second and Gowe Building. 215 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS _ BUDGET ANALYSIS _ 2000 2001 2002 Budget Change Budget Budget Preliminary $ % — FINANCIAL SOURCES Transfer In from: — Capital Improvement Fund 571,000 379,772 345,000 Street Fund 72,750 Water Fund 72,750 Sewerage Fund 145,500 Worker's Compensation Fund 10,000 Proceeds from Councilmanic Bonds 2,000,000 TOTAL FINANCIAL SOURCES 2,571,000 680,772 345,000 (335,772) (49.3) EXPENDITURES Centennial Building — Emergency Maintenance 1C0,000 Replacement Furniture 20,000 82,272 Public Building Major Maintenance 100,000 ADA Modifications 15,000 10,000 — Sealcoat Parking Lots 55,000 40,000 HVAC Repairs and Controls Installations 65,000 4.0,000 Golf Complex Upgrades(carpet, electrical, etc.) 75,000 4.2,500 45,000 Exhaust Extraction Systems 35,000 — Floor Covering Replacements 83,000 Facility Painting 83,000 Roof Repairs 40,000 75,000 Back-up Generators 500,000 Centennial Building Remodel 1,500,000 Centennial Building 2nd Floor PW Remodel 291,000 Major Lifecycle Renovations 300,000 — TOTAL FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS 2,571,000 680,772 345,000 (335,772) (49.3) 216 - City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FACILITIES FUND DEBT RESERVE SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud Est Actual Preliminary $ FACILITIES BI&R ACCOUNT : Interest Income Transfer in from Facilities Fund 305,550 305,550 305,550 Transfer In From Capital Improvement Fund 586,000 583,287 583,287 Less : Principal (160,000) (180,000) (180,000) Interest (729,656) (708,837) (708,837) Increase/Decrease 1,894 TOTAL CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 1,894 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1,894) ENDING FUND BALANCE 217 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIST OF POSITIONS Full Time(FT) Regular Part Time(RPT) In Equivalents 2000 2001 2002 2002 Final Budget Adjusted Budget Program Changes Budget FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FT RPT FACILITIES Facilities Superintendant 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facility Planning Dev Coord 1.00 1.00 Capital Projects Coordinator 1.00 _ Facilities Services Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Technician III 0.75 0.75 Accounting Assistant II 0.60 Space Mgmt Technician - Custodial Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Custodial Lead 2.00 2.00 2.00 Custodian 1 6.00 3.28 7.00 2.78 7.00 2.78 Field Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Building &Grounds Mtc Supv 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker III 6.00 0.53 6.00 6.00 Bldg &Ground Mtc Wkr II 1.00 2.00 2.00 HVAC Technicial 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 21.00 4.41 24.00 3.53 24.00 3.53 _ FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS 25.41 27.53 1 27.53 COMMENTS 2000-Added 2.5 custodians to replace contract w/outside custodial at Centennial 2001 - Increase Acct Svcs Asst(.6 to .75), Custodian (.5 to 1.0), Mtc Wkr(53 to 1.0)and add HVAC Technician. 2002-No changes 218 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Insurance MISSION STATEMENT The Insurance Funds have been created to consolidate insurance expenditures. The purpose of this consolidation was to disclose the total city insurance expenditures through the various funds and to improve monitoring of its long-range insurance needs. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM Unemployment Compensation - ➢ The City of Kent self-insures its unemployment compensation exposures. As of 12/31/00, fund equity was $178,888 and is estimated to be $216,973 by 12/31/02. Worker's Compensation ➢ The City of Kent self-insures its worker's compensation exposures up to $250,000 per occurrence. Beyond that level, excess insurance is purchased to cover catastrophic losses. As of 12/31/00, fund equity was $323,149 and is estimated to be $221,413 as of 12/31/02 with an additional $847,713 set aside to pay incurred, but not reported claims. Employee Health and Welfare _ ➢ The City of Kent commenced a self-insurance program for health and welfare as of January 1, 1986. The plans offered are Blue Cross and Group Health Cooperative. ➢ As of 12/31/00, the City's retained earnings were $1,023,012. In 1999 and 2000, the City increased medical rates by 20%, and an additional 15% in 2001 to fund the increase in medical costs for the City's self-insured health and welfare program. Cost containment changes were made to the program 2001. Employees will provide increased contributions beginning in 2002. This should improve the fund balance to $1,352,053 by 12/31/02 without additional city contributions in 2002. ➢ According to the actuarial study conducted in August 2001, it was recommended the city use a factor of 20 percent times the most recent 12 months of paid claims to estimate the IBNR claims reserve liability. Actual claims for 2000 were $5,236,059 and claims are estimated to be at $5,520,489 for 2001. Accordingly, an incurred but not recorded reserve of$1,041,864 is expected for 12/31/02. Liability Insurance - ➢ The City of Kent's liability coverage is through the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA). The WCIA consists of Washington cities and other entities that pool financial resources to provide comprehensive general liability insurance to its members. The city's coverage is $14 Million with a $100,000 deductible. As of 12/31/00, the Liability fund had equity of$323,101. In 2001, we recorded an additional amount of$88,520 to increase the incurred but not recorded amount to $1,085,367 as of 12/31/01. Fund balance is budgeted at $286,767 by 12/31/02. 219 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Property Insurance ➢ Coverage limits are $45 Million per occurrence and include Earthquake/Flood coverage to the same limit. Boiler & Machinery coverage is limited to $10 million. Costs for Property Insurance have increased from $149,081 in 2000 to an expected $250,646 in 2002. An increasingly hard insurance market may further impact premiums during 2002. The increased costs have been allocated to all departments. ➢ Additional coverage carried by the city includes fidelity bonds for the Finance Director and Police Chief; International Liability coverage for Sister Cities activities. 220 City of Kent, Washington Uneinjiloymem 2002 Preliminary Budget As of August 31,2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 Description Actual Budget YTD Est Act Preliminary REVENUE Contributions 112,447 108,199 74,905 110,971 109,702 Interest Income 12,093 11,042 7,510 11,191 11,826 Total Revenue 124,540 119,241 82,414 122,162 121,528 EXPENSE _ Salaries and benefits 26,575 17,154 10,175 15,893 18,979 Supplies 3,422 1,141 3,422 Claims Paid 1st Quarter 25,596 53,590 22,433 22,433 19,183 2nd Quarter 6,509 16,849 16,375 16,375 19,183 3rd Quarter 12,293 16,849 16,849 19,183 4th Quarter 37,438 16,849 16,849 19,183 Personnel Costs 25,765 Other services and charges 6,397 7,004 1,400 3,735 7,004 Capital Outlay 6,193 6,193 Total Expense 140,573 131,717 56,576 99,468 106,137 Net Income (16,033) (12,476) 25,838 22,694 15,391 Working Capital 1/1 194,921 178,888 178,888 178,888 201,582 Working Capital 12/31" 178,888 166,412 204,726 201,582 216,973 CLAIMS WORKING CAPITAL 120,000 250,000 i _. 100,000 200,000 80,000 150,000 60,000 40,000 100,000 20,000 50,000 0 0 oy o�Q 10/24/2001 56]Prelim.xls 221 City of Kent, Washington en 2002 Preliminary Budget As of August 31, 2001 - 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 _ Description Actual Budget: YTD Est Act Preliminary REVENUE Contributions 598,134 811,689 565,144 835,707 1,128,040 - Interest Income 41,463 53,000 16,487 34,154 45,757 Total Revenue 639,597 864,689 581,631 869,861 1,173,797 EXPENSE _ Salaries and benefits 69,099 68,611 46,077 68,948 85,784 Judgements & Damages 651,760 596,858 373,874 572,826 514,248 IBNR Adjustment (19) 5,305 251,322 73,379 Liability insurance 52,146 58,401 55,510 55,510 60,445 - Intergovernmental services 119,522 71,817 64,249 88,188 74,331 Administrative costs 47,237 45,320 48,728 63,834 45,320 Debt and financial services 8,000 7,725 2,575 8,525 Personnel costs Other 5,217 11,825 811 4,753 1,825 Safety program 74,642 110,753 25,597 62,514 111,066 Total Expense 1,027,604 976,615 614,846 1,170,471 974,923 Transfer in- Fire Equipment _ Transfer in - Liability insurance 400,000 Net Income 11,993 (111,926) (33,215) (300,610) 198,874 Working Capital 1/1 311,156 323,149 323,149 323,149 22,539 Working Capital 12/31 323,149 211,223 289,934 22,539 221,413 _ IBNR for 12/31/01 estimated to be $774,334. CLAIMS WORKING CAPITAL 700,000 350,000 600,000 300,000 500,000 250,000 400,000 200,000 300,000 150,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 - 0 0 �4, 10/24/2001 5 62Prel im.xl s 222 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Health and Employee Welfare Insurance As of August 31,2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 Description Actual Budget YTD Est Act Preliminary REVENUE Contributions Blue Cross 5,355,458 5,896,946 3,975,980 5,963,970 5,963,970 Group Health 167,335 217,796 127,894 191,841 191,841 Employee Share Blue Cross 140,210 114,610 94,448 141,672 228,768 Group Health 16,398 15,640 10,523 15,784 15,784 COBRA 32,341 5,499 30,635 45,953 45,953 Interest 113,811 29,484 50,893 60,721 53,000 Transfer in from Fire Equipment One time gain on conversion Miscellaneous 39,606 320 320 Total Revenue 5,865,159 6,279,975 4,290,693 6,420,261 6,499,316 EXPENSE Salaries and benefits 85,283 115,151 63,587 101,971 96,560 Blue Cross Claims 5,236,059 5,654,779 3,635,563 5,520,489 6,072,538 Cost reduction plan savings (200,000) Group Health Premiums 183,734 216,051 138,417 210,434 223,613 IBNRAdjustment 150,983 59,797 59,797 61,890 Wellness 22,472 46,035 10,357 25,702 46,255 Life and Disability Insurance (522) (367) (367) Personnel Costs Other 49,895 56,816 295,773 314,712 56,942 Total Expense 5,727,904 6,148,629 4,143,330 6,232,738 6,357,798 Change in Working Capital 137,255 131,346 147,363 187,523 141,518 Working Capital 1/1 885,757 1,023,012 1,023,012 1,023,012 1,210,535 Working Capital 12/31* 1,023,012 1,154,358 1,170,375 1,210,535 1,352,053 IBNR as of 12/31/2002 is estimated at$1,041,864. CLAIMS WORKING CAPITAL 7,000,000 1,400,000 6,000,000 1,200,000 5,000,000 1,000,000 �. 4,000,000 800,000 3,000,000 600,000 2,000,000 400,000 1,000,000 200,000 0 0 y�0 563Prelim.xls 10/25/2001 223 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget As of August 31,2001 - 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 _ Description Actual Budget YTD Est Act Preliminary REVENUE Contributions 637,200 985,737 665,648 1,194,227 1,195,129 Interest 104,724 73,671 48,143 72,700 85,730 Reimbursement-Loss/Damages Total Revenue 741,924 1,059,408 713,792 1,266,928 1,280,859 - EXPENSE Salaries and benefits 60,925 68,611 40,829 63,700 85,784 Liability Claims 735,171 497,496 372,954 538,786 584,908 Litigation Claims IBNR Adjustment 196,000 114,047 88,520 Insurance Premiums 419,825 475,081 467,716 467,716 491,709 _ Personnel Costs Other Expenses 24,008 184,682 166,797 228,358 34,640 Total Expense 1,435,929 1,225,870 1,162,344 1,387,080 1,197,041 _ Operating Income (694,005) (166,462) (448,552) (120,152) 83,818 Transfers Out (400,000) - Net Income (1,094,005) (166,462) (448,552) (120,152) 83,818 Working Capital 1/1 1,417,106 323,101 323,101 323,101 202,949_ - Working Capital 12/31 " 323,101 156,639 (125,451) 202,949 286,76r *Actuarial study as of 12/31/1999 showed the 90% confidence level for fund balance and reserves to be$546,000. 80%confidence was$316,000. IBNR for 12/31/02 estimated as$1,178,313. - CLAIMS/IBNR ADJUSTMENT WORKING CAPITAL 1,000,000 350,000 900,000 300,000 800,000 250,000 700,000 200,000 600,000 150,000 500,000 100,00o 400,000 50,000 300,000 0 200,000 (50,000) 100,000 (100,000) 0 (150,000)-- -140 t25/2001-567Preli 224 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Property insurance As of August 31, 2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 Description Actual Budget YTD Est Act Preliminary REVENUE Contributions 172,330 170,655 118,334 175,219 238,127 Interest 1,736 1,270 264 688 1,270 Reimbursement-Loss/Damages 20 Total Revenue 174,086 171,925 118,598 175,906 239,397 EXPENSE Brokerage Fees 10,000 15,626 10,127 15,626 15,626 Insurance Premiums 121,502 164,452 161,212 164,452 194,823 Property Claims/Deductibles 15,975 10,522 (6,291) (2,784) 21,218 Personnel costs 1,604 17,154 10,075 15,793 18,979 Total Expense 149,081 207,754 175,123 193,087 250,646 Net Income 25,005 (35,829) (56,525) (17,181) (11,249) Working Capital 1/1 58,595 83,600 83,600 83,600 66,419 Working Capital 12/31 83,600 47,771 27,075 66,419 55,170 L INSURANCE/CLAIMS WORKING CAPITAL 250,000 90,000 80,000 L 200,000 70,000 60,000 150,000 50,000 100,000 40,000 30,000 50,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 ' o° 568Prelim.xis 10/24/2001 225 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget r� xr N NO Id KII r W A S 5 3 3 a N � r^ This page intentionally left blank. — 226 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS are used to Fireman's Relief and Pension 227 account for assets held by the City of Kent as Economic Development Corporation 229 trustee or agent for individuals, private organizations, or other governmental units. The City of Kent's only TRUST FUND is the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund which is determined to be actuarially sound as of January 1, 2000. AGENCY FUNDS function primarily as clearing mechanisms for cash resources which are collected by the City of Kent, held a brief period, and then disbursed to authorized recipients. As such, they are not budgeted. 227 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Fireman's Relief _ and Pension Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT _ The Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund was created in 1965 to administer the receipt and disbursements of funds for the then membership of the Kent Fire Department. The system is a closed system and has since been replaced by the State's LEOFF system. SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROGRAM — ➢ The fund is used to pay the supplementary retirement and medical insurance benefits of eligible firefighters. — ➢ LEOFF system provides benefits to eligible firefighters that transferred their membership to the LEOFF system. Full benefits are paid to the eligible firefighters that elected continued membership — in the 1965 system. Per RCW 41.26, supplementary benefits are paid to the extent that the 1965 system benefits (as calculated per RCW 41.18) exceed LEOFF benefits. ➢ The City will continue to operate the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund until no member of the Kent _ — Fire Department is eligible to recei\e any benefits from it. GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ Manage the investment portfolio cautiously, considering the volatility of the current investment _ market. ➢ Continue to maintain a posture that will ensure that the current assets of the fund, along with future — revenues from the state fire insurance taxes and investment earnings will be sufficient to pay all future pension benefits. Hire actuary to determine funding requirements as of January 1, 2002. 228 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud Est Act Preliminary $ % REVENUE Intergovernmental Revenue: Fire Insurance Premium 63,443 95,117 73,072 73,072 (22,045) (23.2) Interest/Dividends 197,376 185,000 185,000 185,000 Gain On Investments 174,404 Total 435,223 280,117 258,072 258,072 (22,045) (7.9) EXPENDITURES Pensions and Retirement 91,305 75,000 89,743 75,000 Medical Benefits 129,000 174,150 129,000 174,150 Other services and charges 2,834 5,786 5,786 5,786 Total 223,139 254,936 224,529 254,936 Revenue over Expenditures 212,084 25,181 33,543 3,136 (22,045) (87.5) Beginning Fund Balance 3,315,836 3,527,920 3,527,920 3,561,463 33,543 1.0 Ending Fund Balance 3,527,920 3,553,101 3,561,463 3,564,599 11,498 0.3 229 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Economic Development Corporation _ Budget Analysis MISSION STATEMENT The City of Kent established an Economic Development Corporation in 1983 pursuant to chapter 39.84 _ RCW. The Corporation was established to facilitate economic development and employment opportunities through the financing of industrial development facilities by nonrecourse revenue obligations. _ GOALS FOR 2002 ➢ The Economic Development Corporation Board met in 2001. The fund balance has been maintained, but the revenue stream is slowing since there has been little outside interest in the _ issuance of new industrial development bonds through the Corporation. 230 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SUMMARY FUND ANALYSIS _ 2000 2001 2001 2002 Budget Change Actual Adj Bud Est Act Preliminary $ REVENUE Renewal Administrative Fees 9,901 9,675 2,585 7,400 (2,275) (23.5) _ Interest 1,465 1,800 1,400 1,200 (600) (33.3 Total 11,366 11,475 3,985 8,600 (2,875) (25.1) EXPENDITURES Economic Development 6,064 6,171 6,144 8,385 2,214 35.9 Total 6,064 6,171 6,144 8,385 2,214 35.9 Revenue over Expenditures 5,302 5,304 (2,159) 215 (5,089) (95.9) Beginning Fund Balance 31,014 36,316 36,316 34,157 (2,159) (5.9) Ending Fund Balance 36,316 41,620 34,157 34,372 (7,248) (17.4) 231 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget STATISTICS Salary schedules are provided along with About Our Community 233 miscellaneous statistical information as a basis General, Special Revenue and for making short and long range budget decisions. Debt Service Funds History 235 Trends 237 - Property Tax Last Four Years 238 Principal Taxpayers and Employers 239 2001 Property Tax Allocation 240 Property Tax Rates 241 Sales Tax Growing Economy 243 Sales Tax by SIC Code 244 Sales Tax Distribution 245 Sales Tax Comparison 246 Demographic Data from Census 247 Salary Schedule and Job Classification 249 Human Services Agencies 258 Glossary of Budget Related Terms 259 Budgeted Full-Time Positions 264 T General Information Fact Sheet 265 2`32 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, 2001 _ ABOUT OUR COMMUNITY Location Kent's breathtaking setting features a view of Mt. Rainier rising majestically over the landscape, and the Cascade and Olympic Mountains on the horizons. Kent is centrally located between Seattle, 18 miles to the north, and Tacoma, 18 miles KENT WAS HINGTCn to the south on the Interstate 5 corridor. The city is seven miles from SeaTac '— International Airport. Both the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Railroads run through Kent and the city is now a major stop for the regional commuter railo system. — r r r r History Kent was incorporated in 1890, second only to Seattle in King County. Kent has been a major grower of hops and rpVtSwnd 'fir berries, and at one time was considered the "Lettuce Capital of the World". At the same time, dairy farming was .. r becoming an important segment of the Kent economy. In 1899, the first can of Carnation Milk was produced in Kent. Timber harvesting and agriculture remained the Vft =' S1d KINT Nr dominant industries of Kent until the 1950's when �r industrial development began. The City of Kent has expanded from one square mile in area in 1953 to our t current size of 28.75 square miles. Since annexation is E' required of all areas inside the urban-rural line established ' gar" ' under the Growth Management Act, Kent will continue to F expand in size over the next few years. �� � — `,s n Tack Population Kent is centrally located in the Puget Sound region of Washington State, an area that is home to two _ million people. It is the second largest city in South King County with an estimated population of 82,782 as of April 2001 and projections of 100,000 within the next few years. As the new century begins, Kent continues to charge toward not only becoming one of the leading cities in King County, _ but in all of Washington State. Economy - -< Where river steamboats once transported crops to Seattle's public market, truckers now arrive at Kent warehouses to pick up and deliver goods for the global marketplace. The valley's industrial area has one of the largest concentrations of distribution, warehousing, and manufacturing facilities in North America, - �° Kent has a well-earned reputation as an economic barometer for the region. In 2000, Kent purchased 15.4 acres currently housing the Borden Chemical Plant with plans to develop a mixed use site adjacent to the Kent Rail Station linking new development with - ., .existing historic downtown. IM City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget City Government Elected Officials Kent operates under a Council-Mayor form of government. The City Council consists of seven citizens Term Expires of Kent who are elected at large to staggered, four-year terms. The members of the City Council then elect one to Mayor serve as President of the City Council. The member Jim White 12-31-2001 elected serves a two year term as President, and can be Council President re-elected to as many two year terms as desired by a Leona Orr 12-31-2003 majority of the City Council. The President of the City Council Members Tim Clark 12-31-2001 Council serves as the Mayor Pro Tern during any absence from the city by the Mayor. Judy Woods 12-31-2003 The City Council has five committees: Planning, Public Tom Bro pperl 12-31-2001 y Safety, Parks, Operations, and Public Works. Each year Connie 12-31-2003 - the City Council adopts a number of Strategic Goals that Rico Yingfilingling 12-31-2003 Greg Worthing 12-31-2001 the city pursues. Parks, Recreation and Community Services The Kent Parks Department has been recognized nationally for Leisure Services Excellence in Parks and Recreation Management. The 1,275 Acres of Parkland Specialized Recreation division was awarded the Dorothy Mullen 68 Parks Arts and Humanities Award for the Stewpot Theatre, a theatrical 25 miles of trails group for disabled citizens. There is a full range of services and 45 Ball Fields classes for youth, teens, adults and disabled citizens. Human 12 Tennis Courts Services was responsible for writing a business plan for human services in South King County. Golf Course Golfers can enjoy 27 holes of first class golf between the 6,666 yard 18 hole course and the 1,174 yard Par 3 course. The Driving Range features 32 covered hitting stations with lights, multiple target greens, and a learning center. In addition, a miniature golf course offers a fun recreational opportunity for all ages and skill levels. Senior Center The Kent Senior Activity Center is a 21,000 square foot facility offering a variety of programs and social activities for active seniors. A variety of trips as wells as social activities are conducted at the Center, including a book discussion group, card games, concerts, dances, and many others. Services provided include computer classes, health and financial workshops, legal clinics, senior assistance, grooming and health clinics and classes covering a variety of topics. Public Market Renovated in 1999, the 14,000 square foot Public Market building The home of Kent's - accommodates vendors all year. During the summer, an additional 47 Public Market was outdoor stalls add to the variety and flair of the market. The building's originally built in the architecture and paint scheme resemble a big red barn, reminiscent of 1930's. Kent's agricultural roots. Regional Library Kent's Regional Library is part of the King County Library System. In addition to a large collection of books, newspapers, magazines, reference works, video and audio tapes, the Library offers a variety of other services. Among those services are many activities for children, including story times, games and songs. In addition to a monthly book club, concerts, plays and presentations are held at the Library. Several classes are offered, including library skills, Web surfing,,and many other topics. 234 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds Revenues by Source and Expenditures by Function 2002 2001 2000 1999 Preliminary Budget Actual Actual REVENUES Taxes: Property 22,324,796 21,565,512 20,605,973 18,833,461 Sales and Use 22,996,612 22,520,755 21,986,128 20,256,052 Utility 12,484,497 10,634,111 10,272,577 9,273,581 Other 3,241,231 2,965,950 3,438,672 3,935,566 Licenses and Permits 1,915,987 1,948,096 1,743,034 1,913,698 — Intergovernmental 8,276,282 8,038,795 8,480,852 8,907,020 Charges for Services 3,512,691 3,485,206 3,716,330 2,999,472 Fines and Forfeitures 1,377,771 1,903,918 1,405,622 1,492,317 Special Assessments 1,529,053 2,160,866 1,988,946 877,704 Interest Income 2,447,066 3,432,881 2,746,351 1,895,996 Miscellaneous Revenue 597,341 876,083 1,900,828 1,311,262 Total Revenues 80,703,327 79,532,173 78,285,313 71,696,129 Operating Expenditures _ General Government 6,491,006 6,096,617 9,491,915 5,315,600 Public Safety 41,390,893 40,160,665 34,635,020 34,563,792 Community Development/Public Works 9,705,034 8,372,270 5,170,906 8,461,633 Leisure Services 7,341,387 7,064,504 6,655,356 6,128,733 _ Health and Human Services 3,368,991 3,547,192 3,991,944 2,935,575 Debt Service 11,632,908 11,477,286 9,679,824 7,797,007 Total Operating Expenditures 79,930,219 76,718,534 69,624,965 65,202,340 Revenue Over( Under) Expenditures 773,108 2,813,639 8,660,348 6,493,789 Other Financial Sources (Uses) Proceeds from debt issuance 1,622,166 Operating Transfers In 10,306,602 8,920,826 6,848,051 7,677,199 Operating Transfers Out (8,183,637) (7,177,645) (4,507,676) (6,582,897) Capital Project Transfers Out (8,275,873) (10,037,097) (9,852,702) (7,910,908) Early extinguishment of debt Increase ( Decrease) In Fund Balance (5,379,800) (5,480,277) 1,148,021 1,299,349 Beginning Fund Balance 16,433,016 17,935,590 18,366,322 17,066,973 Ending Fund Balance Designated For Contingency 5,523,799 6,517,342 6,421,193 5,456,054 Designated For Debt Service 3,089,397 2,768,764 2,521,668 2,010,108 Undesignated 2,440,020 3,166,209 10,571,482 10,900,160 Total Ending Fund Balance 11,053,216 12,452,315 19,514,343 18,366,322 -- 1995 Beginning Fund Balance includes a prior period adjustment of $1,440,501 1996 Beginning Fund Balance includes a prior period adjustment of$109,918 -- 235 - — City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 18,114,428 16,177,793 14,655,052 12,174,010 12,705,735 11,767,374 11,129,361 21,016,984 19,476,240 17,492,700 14,644,515 13,505,763 13,319,939 11,785,394 8,395,570 7,934,394 7,110,242 6,548,557 5,966,994 5,516,448 4,587,478 2,131,734 1,653,902 1,465,350 951,377 1,015,585 904,447 991,308 1,401,514 1,271,830 1,257,503 1,169,478 648,408 617,113 580,047 8,546,677 9,016,194 9,179,408 7,941,896 6,977,611 6,787,183 6,404,780 2,530,226 2,396,280 2,005,231 1,985,192 1,766,525 1,632,985 1,570,813 1,115,217 1,112,194 915,239 899,163 1,109,981 639,900 697,346 831,432 1,139,837 1,093,130 1,242,792 1,529,859 2,450,520 2,154,769 2,026,736 1,808,221 1,624,357 1,868,768 1,981,128 2,028,165 2,345,725 1,264,632 989,260 1,056,520 594,755 573,963 634,448 676,058 67,375,150 62,976,145 57,854,732 50,020,503 47,781,552 46,298,522 42,923,079 6,797,102 6,136,704 6,914,876 5,491,306 5,025,752 3,678,522 3,799,676 31,976,170 28,280,243 24,878,213 21,959,463 20,585,681 19,663,419 18,730,416 5,346,827 4,585,333 4,651,251 4,218,433 3,799,738 3,692,059 3,229,592 6,184,626 5,558,073 4,878,108 4,489,198 5,584,076 5,094,788 5,109,827 2,958,099 3,277,716 2,912,846 3,136,808 2,668,195 2,424,984 2,242,383 6,411,643 6,242,586 6,382,753 6,194,558 6,000,957 7,876,396 7,432,946 59,674,467 54,080,655 50,618,047 45,489,766 43,664,399 42,430,168 40,544,840 7,700,683 8,895,490 7,236,685 4,530,737 4,117,153 3,868,354 2,378,239 16,764,180 10,513,691 5,678,407 4,714,635 5,864,989 3,368,520 2,408,026 466,335 422,000 (5,379,613) (4,574,634) (5,060,649) (3,220,742) (2,106,582) (6,775,398) (6,808,832) (5,048,523) (4,437,502) (5,006,561) (4,609,494) (1,746,613) (16,436,023) (10,358,750) 1,224,079 2,226,659 2,992,502 241,013 (587,964) 53,352 1,208,567 15,842,894 13,616,235 10,623,733 10,382,720 10,970,684 10,917,332 9,708,765 6,256,622 4,711,898 4,163,265 3,294,941 2,497,377 1,990,666 1,499,220 1,837,373 1,664,815 2,158,560 3,036,256 3,732,777 3,496,638 3,260,384 — 8,972,978 9,466,181 7,294,410 4,292,536 4,152,566 5,483,380 6,157,728 17,066,973 15,842,894 13,616,235 10,623,733 10,382,720 10,970,684 10,917,332 236 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget General Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds Revenues by Source and Expenditures by Function Trend Analysis as Percent of Revenue 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 Preliminary Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual REVENUES Taxes: Property 27.66 26.32 26.89 25.33 26.59 25.93 Sales and Use 28.50 28.08 31.19 30.24 28.27 27.46 Utility 15.47 13.12 12.46 12.29 12.49 10.69 Other 4.02 4.39 3.16 2.53 2.13 2.31 i Licenses and Permits 2.37 2.23 2.08 2.17 1.36 1.35 Intergovernmental 10.26 10.83 12.69 15.87 14.60 14.92 Charges for Services 4.35 4.75 3.76 3.47 3.70 3.66 Fines and Forfeitures 1.71 1.80 1.66 1.58 2.32 1.62 Special Assessments 1.89 2.54 1.23 1.89 3.20 5.02 Interest Income 3.03 3.51 3.01 2.81 4.15 5.46 Miscellaneous Revenue 0.74 2.4'3 1.88 1.83 1.20 1.58 - Total Revenues 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Operating Expenditures General Government 8.04 12.12 10.09 11.95 10.52 8.85 Public Safety 51.29 44.241- 47.46 43.00 43.08 43.64 Community Dev/Public Works 12.03 6.61 7.94 8.04 7.95 7.52 ` Leisure Services 9.10 8.50 9.18 8.43 11.69 11.90 Health and Human Services 4.17 5.10 4.39 5.03 5.58 5.22 Debt Service 14.41 12.36 9.52 11.03 12.56 17.32 - Total Operating Expenditures 99.04 88.94 88.57 87.49 91.38 94.46 Revenue Over ( Under) Expenditures 0.96 11.06 11.43 12.51 8.62 5.54 Other Financial Sources (Uses) Operating Transfers In 12.77 8.7,15 8.43 10.14 5.04 0.98 Operating Transfers Out (10.14) (5.76) (7.98) (8.75) (4.41) 0.00 Capital Project Transfers Out (10.25) (12.59) (10.06) (8.73) (10.48) (4.07) Early extinguishment of debt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (24.13) Increase ( Decrease) In Fund Balance (6.67) 1.47 1.82 5.17 (1.23) 2.82 Beginning Fund Balance 20.36 23.46 23.51 18.36 22.96 22.62 Ending Fund Balance Designated For Contingency 6.84 8.20 9.29 7.20 5.23 3.49 Reserved For Debt Service 3.83 3.22 2.73 3.73 7.81 7.60 Undesignated & Unreserved 3.02 13.50 13.32 12.61 8.69 14.35 Total Ending Fund Balance 13.70 24.93 25.33 23.54 21.73 25.43 237 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget PROPERTY TAX DATA - CURRENT AND PREVIOUS FOUR YEARS 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Preliminary Estimates Actual Actual Actual ASSESSED VALUATION Assessed Value 7,510,787,734 7,130,886,435 6,468,731,941 5,867,681,774 Includes new construction of 134,003,953 144,343,154 238,851,817 146,646,456 PROPERTY TAX RATES Direct regular and special General Fund 2.721 2.772 2.921 2.927 2.994 Debt Service Fund 0.236 0.238 0.283 0.312 0.361 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Subtotal 2.957 3.010 3.204 3.240 3.355 Overlapping regular and special State 3.145 3.303 3.359 3.511 County 1.552 1.690 1.836 1.914 Port of Seattle 0.190 0.216 0.239 0.265 Kent School District 5.365 5.467 5.730 5.942 Hospital District 0.987 0.118 0.154 0.159 Library District 0.557 0.500 0.500 0.600 Emergency medical service 0.246 0.273 0.290 0.000 Green River Flood Control 0.050 0.052 0.053 0.050 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ _ Total Direct and Overlapping 15.103 14.823 15.401 15.797 PROPERTY TAXES LEVIED AND COLLECTED General Fund Levy (1) 20,440,390 19,764,357 18,897,553 17,175,994 15,109,300 Debt service funds levy(1) 1,775,000 1,700,000 1,830,793 1,832,413 1,830,723 Guaranty fund levy Total tax levy 22,215,390 21,464,357 20,728,346 19,008,407 16,940,023 Current tax collections 20,513,626 18,725,921 16,581,654 Percent of tax collected 99.0 98.5 97.9 Delinquent tax collections 282,510 179,577 321,959 Total tax collection 20,796,136 18,905,498 16,903,613 Percent of total tax collection 100.3 99.5 99.8 to tax levy Outstanding delinquent taxes 461,601 529,391 426,482 Percent of delinquent taxes to tax levy 2.2 2.8 2.5 (1)Adjusted by omissions and errors (2) Levy amounts and rates are based on the assessed valuations determined the previous year. 238 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS AND EMPLOYERS December 31,2000 2000 Percent Assessed of Nature of Business Employees(2) Valuation(1) Total PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS — Boeing Company Aerospace&computer research 8,106 $401,356,002 5.6% McElroy George&Assoc. Inc. Paper products 150 $156,104,200 2.2% (formerly Pacific NW Group) — Puget Sound Energy Electric and gas utility 153 134,207,234 1.9% U.S.West Local telephone service 97 50,302,372 0.7% HEXCEL Corporation Aerospace components 1,118 22,315,249 0.3% — Property Reserve, Inc. Holding company NA 20,519,400 0.3% Sysco Corp.(CFS Warehouse) Wholesale food prod. distributor 600 17,327,303 0.2% Reynolds Metals Co. Can factory, recycling and supply 37 17,322,394 0.2% — Continental Mills, Inc. Food processor 436 14,082,692 0.2% KHP Limited Partnership Retail Sales NA 13,483,700 0.2% Subtotal 10,697 847,020,546 11.8% All others 6,306,928,581 88.2% -� TOTAL 7,153,949,127 100.0% OTHER PRINCIPAL EMPLOYERS -- Kent Public Schools Public education 3,474 City of Kent Municipality 816 Food Services of America Wholesale food prod. distributor 732 — King County Regional Justice Center Court and corrections facility 630 Fred Meyer Retail sales 589 REI Inc. Recreational clothing and equipment 546 Mikron Industries, Inc. Plastic molding manufacturer 474 Seattle Pacific Industries, Inc. Wholesale fashion apparel 335 Raleigh USA Bicycle Company Bicycle manufacturer 331 — Exotic Metals Forming Cc Aircraft parts manufacturer 323 Oberto Sausage Co. Meat sales&food processing 320 Haworth, Inc. (Lunstead, Inc.) Office furniture manufacturer 303 — Flow International Corp. Scientific research&water jet 300 Starbucks Coffee Company Retail sales/Roasting 282 USF Reddaway Interstate trucking 281 — Tally Printer Corp Computer peripheral equipment 272 The Office Depot#1078 Retail Sales 241 South Seattle Auto Auction Auto auctions 240 — Bakery Chef Inc. Retail Sales 235 BPI Manufacture panel systems 225 (1) Source: King County Assessor's Office. (2) Source: City of Kent Business License System(2000 data) y 239 - City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2001 Property Tax Allocation Per $100,000 Assessed Value Washington State Library District 22% $315 4/o $56 Green River Flood Control City of Kent $5 21% $300 King County 11% $155 Hospital Districts +' 1% $10 Port of Seattle 1% $19 Emergency Kent Schools Medical Services 38% $536 (EMS) 2% $25 Total Property Tax per $100,000: $1,421 240 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget r N 00 O _ O r-- C7 T O t- N O N N O C) 'SOU OTCOI _ O N 00 O .. O CY) N N uj N N O Cyi cz OUc� O N C) O >' O r- N It O O � CY) N T O T LO o) 0) (D LO x a) CY) CY) CY) cz CV O CY) M a i 0 � �� T N O co � (0 It N CD 0) T CD U Q) 00 It N S T N O C'7 — O LC) Cf) NLn O L a) N O 00 — sf ��►� r N O Co U) TT CD It O O C7) CO C7 � }+ 062 a) N CL 0 0 0 0 00 0 �'� r N O C') O V 0 Nt N O co (0 'd' Q. C) C) C) C') N N N M (D N N 0) LO �t O O uoijenIBA r N O co - T pussnoyl aad cz o N c1 N +r +r CU _ > 241 - City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget PROPERTY TAX ON A $200,000 HOME $680 _ _ _ __ . __ $660 TOTAL $640 CITY TAX _ LEVY 620 $600 $580 _ 1998 1999 2000 2001 YEAR 1998 1999 2000 2001 General Fund Levy Rate 2.994 2.927 2.921 2.772 Voted Issues Levy Rate (1) 0.361 0.312 0.283 0.238 Total Levy Rate 3.355 3.239 3.204 3.010 Annual City of Kent tax levy on a $200,000 home 671.00 647.80 640.80 602.00 Monthly average tax on a $200,000 home 55.92 53.98 53.40 50.17 (1)Amounts are based on constant dollars and do not include King County Assessed value increases. .*.., r ;? 242 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 1 Kent's Growing Economy Kent Sales Tax _ 25.0 20.0 N C O _ 15.0 10.0 - 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001* 'Based on 2001 Estimated Actual Source: Washington State Department of Revenue 243 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ rl- N Lo co tj o - O T O� (n f— zt N T Lfj W o N O co N N T O co LOT� v O N � O U Cfl Lo to <>. U \ T T Q o Q T co oo O 0 F— ~_ cn N 4 O W � Ili N `�' J C � 0c) � a _ o 2 c � T o oC U c r, J. 00 (� co � `~ LO lf� N O Nco T T T T 1 1 1) (1) O 00 O U co O � o ca o Lo N o M U N co LO N W N N 1 c O co � (n U 0 Lo!m_ O X N 00 Q N co 0o 0 00 � � U O 1°n TO � O CN7 C T N O c6 WO T 1 J U N N ' - Q cl) � o � M o co o CD + o N r 244 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget 2001 Kent Sales Tax Distribution For every $1,000 spent on retail goods there is a sales tax of $88. Of that amount, $65 goes to Washington State, $8.50 goes to the City of Kent, $1.50 goes to King County, $6 goes to the Transit District (Metro), $4 goes to Regional Transit (RTA), $2 goes to PTBA Transit, and $1 goes to King County Criminal Justice programs. Tax is collected by Washington State, and distributed two months later to the government entities. Retail Sales Tax Distribution of $88 (for $1,000 in sales) Washington State 73 9% City of Kent J.7°o 5 $$.50 LAC — 'A .✓ Transit District _ � _ (IYIETRO) 6.8% $6.00 R4f Regional 65.00 Transit 4.51% F n"1971 81 �. . C- f — $ .00 ` PTBA LY King Court 1.7°'0aM 1:50 MA Cr inlinai 1.1% $1.00 Justice 245 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Sales Tax Mix First Quarter 2001 - Area City Study $1,200.00- _ $1,000.00 O $800.00- c i aNi $600.00 c/) $400.00 - $200.00 ��� $0.00- Renton Kent Tukwila Redmond Bellevue Everett 407.7 530.7 462.9 460.6 1031.5 514.7 ❑Wholesaling 41.7 169.5 41.7 67.0 85.6 90.4 Manufacturing 10.9 27.1 15.8 12.4 15.8 15.5 ®Contracting 55.4 45.5 86.0 80.8 153.4 45.1 ❑Other* 25.4 35.0 13.5 36.0 87.3 40.0 ■Services 42.3 62.5 36.3 107.1 153.2 52.2 13 Retail 232.0 191.1 269.E 1 157.2 1 536.2 1 271.4 *Transportation, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Other Source: Washington State Department of Revenue: Quarterly Business Review Representing First Quarter 2001 246 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget Family Households in Kent 1990 2000 Married Female partners Married head 72% partners 19% Female head 74% 20% Male head Male head _ 7% 8% City of Kent Race Mix Census Data 1990 - 2000 i 5.4% More than 1 race El 2000 _ 9.8% ®1999 Other 1.2% 10.2% Asian/Pacific Island 4.4% 1.0% Native American 1 4% 8.2% _ Black 3.8% 70.8% White 89.2% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Hispanic Origin of Any Race 2000 : 8.1% 1999 3.9% 00— 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 247 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget - City of Kent Demographics 1990 - 2000 by Age Group 1990 Population 37,960 2000 Population 79,524 �°Over 75 years 2 5/0% 2000 1990 6.9% 60-74 years r 6.7% £ 16.8/o 45- 59 years MIMM 13.1% v m. 35. 25-44 years ., , ' �. ..._ /o 29.6 39.5 5 to 24 years o 29.6/o I 8.4% Under 5 years 8.6% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 1990 2000 Households in Kent Rental Vacancy Rates 8.3% 4.9% Persons per Household 2.33 2.53 1990 2000 X. .}•.}•. ti 37% 42% .. 63% XX Ea Family Households G Nonfamily Households p Family Households E3 Nonfamily Households 1990 2000 Owner Owner Occupied Occupied 36% 49% Renters 51% Renters ' 64% 248 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS — 2002 RANGE JOB CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY _ LOW MID HIGH Level 1 Chief Administrative Officer 7,067 8,699 10,331 _ Level 2 Chief Of Police 6,316 7,655 8,994 City Attorney Deputy Chief Administrative Officer _ Director Of Parks And Human Services Director Of Public Works Fire Chief _ Judge (98% Of Full Time) Level 3 Asst Chief Administrative Officer 6,015 7,292 8,568 Finance Director Human Resources Director — Information Technology Director Level 4 Future Division Managers 4,349 5,437 6,524 CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE `- 2002 Non Union Positions Paid On Merit System MONTHLY SALARY — LOW MID HIGH Deputy City Attorney 5,291 6,243 7,194 Civil Attorney 4,134 5,174 6,213 Senior Prosecuting Attorney 4,565 5,540 6,515 Prosecuting Attorney 3,584 4,725 5,349 OTHER POSITIONS 2002 Individual Non Union Positions As Negotiated MONTHLY SALARY ACTUAL Deputy Police Chief 7,897 Task Force Office Manager 3,369 249 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION WASHINGTON STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY AND CITY EMPLOYEES AFSCME - LOCAL 2617 - 2002 JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E PRODUCTION ASSISTANT AF12 2,299 2,414 2,535 2,661 2,795 CUSTODIAN- 1998+ AF13 2,357 2,474 2,598 2,728 2,864 CUSTODIAN (GRANDFATHERED) AF15 2,476 2,600 2,730 2,866 3,009 CUSTOMER SERVICE COURIER AF15 2,476 2,600 2,730 2,866 3,009 OFFICE TECHNICIAN 2 AF16 2,535 2,662 2,795 2,935 3,082 POL SPEC WORD PROC TECH1 AF17 2,595 2,725 2,861 3,004 3,154 POLICE DATA ENTRY SPEC AF17 2,595 2,725 2,861 3,004 3,154 ADMINISTRATIVE SEC 1 AF20 2,793 2,932 3,079 3,233 3,395 CUSTODIAL LEAD- 1998+ AF20 2,793 2,932 3,079 3,233 3,395 GRAPHICS ARTS SPECIALIST AF20 2,793 2,932 3,079 3,233 3,395 LEGAL SECRETARY 1 AF20 2,793 2,932 3,079 3,233 3,395 OFFICE TECHNICIAN 3 AF20 2,793 2,932 3,079 3,233 3,395 PRINTING TECHNICIAN AF20 2,793 2,932 3,079 3,233 3,395 POLICE OFFICE TECHNICIAN AF21 2,863 3,006 3,156 3,314 3,479 WORD PROC/RECORDS SPCLST AF21 2,863 3,006 3,156 3,314 3,479 ACCOUNTING SVCS ASST 3 AF22 2,935 3,081 3,235 3,397 3,567 CUSTOMER SERVICES REP AF22 2,935 3,081 3,235 3,397 3,567 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST AF22 2,935 3,081 3,235 3,397 3,567 VIDEO TECHNICIAN AF22 2,935 3,081 3,235 3,397 3,567 - ADMINISTRATIVE ASST 1 AF23 3,010 3,160 3,318 3,484 3,659 ADMINISTRATIVE SEC 2 AF23 3,010 3,160 3,318 3,484 3,659 EVIDENCE CUSTODIAN AF23 3,010 3,160 3,318 3,484 3,659 SUPPORT SERVICES SPECIALST AF24 3,089 3,243 3,405 3,576 3,754 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN AF25 3,163 3,321 3,487 3,661 3,845 FACILITIES SPECIALIST AF25 3,163 3,321 3,487 3,661 3,845 -.-. MULTI MEDIA SPECIALIST AF25 3,163 3,321 3,487 3,661 3,845 POLICE CORRECTIONS OFFICER AF25 3,163 3,321 3,487 3,661 3,845 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST 2 AF27 3,324 3,490 3,664 3,848 4,040 CONTRACT SPECIALIST AF27 3,324 3,490 3,664 3,848 4,040 CUSTODIAL LD(GRANDFATHERED AF27 3,324 3,490 3,664 3,848 4,040 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TECH AF27 3,324 3,490 3,664 3,848 4,040 MULTIMEDIA LEAD AF27 3,324 3,490 3,664 3,848 4,040 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TECH AF27 3,324 3,490 3,664 3,848 4,040 PUBLIC EDUCATION SPECIALST AF27 3,324 3,490 3,664 3,848 4,040 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TECH LID AF29 3,486 3,660 3,843 4,035 4,237 POLICE SPECIALIST SUPER AF29 3,486 3,660 3,843 4,035 4,237 CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR AF30 3,580 3,759 3,947 4,145 4,352 FINANCIAL ANALYST AF30 3,580 3,759 3,947 4,145 4,352 ADMIN SRVS SUPERVISOR AF32 3,759 3,947 4,144 4,352 4,569 T EMERGENCY MGMT PROG COORD AF32 3,759 3,947 4,144 4,352 4,569 EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN SUPER AF32 3,759 3,947 4,144 4,352 4,569 FINANCIAL SRVCS SUPERVISOR AF32 3,759 3,947 4,144 4,352 4,569 POLICE CORRECTIONS SGT AF32 3,759 3,947 4,144 4,352 4,569 PROPERTY ANALYST AF32 3,759 3,947 4,144 4,352 4,569 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER AF32 3,759 3,947 4,144 4,352 4,569 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER AF33 1 3,849 4,041 4,244 4,456 4,679 250 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION WASHINGTON STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY AND CITY EMPLOYEES AFSCME - LOCAL 2617 2002 JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E COMB BLDG INSPECTOR AF33 3,849 4,041 4,244 4,456 4,679 FIRE APPARATUS MECHANIC AF33 3,849 4,041 4,244 4,456 4,679 - FINANCIAL ANALYST SENIOR AF34 3,954 4,151 4,359 4,577 4,806 RESEARCH&DEVELOPMENT ANLST AF34 3,954 4,151 4,359 4,577 4,806 FIRE EQUIP MAINT SUPV AF37 4,249 4,462 4,685 4,919 5,165 PLANS EXAMINER AF37 4,249 4,462 4,685 4,919 5,165 ASST BLDG OFFICIAL AF39 4,468 4,691 4,926 5,172 5,430 Longevity Schedule Number of Employees as of Oct 20, 2001: 173 Contract Status: Expires 12/31/2003 -- 5 years 1% of Base Salary 10 years 2% of Base Salary 15 years 3% of Base Salary - 20 years 4% of Base Salary 251 - City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION FIREFIGHTERS 2001 Rates JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E FIRE FIGHTER F100 3,848 4,310 4,695 5,131 5,131 FIRE INSPCTR-108 F108 5,541 DFM-CERT INSPECTOR F111 5,695 COMPUTER SERVICES CO ORD F112 5,747 FIRE LIEUTENANT F112 5,747 DFM-SUPERVISOR F115 5,901 DISTRICT LIAISON F115 5,901 FIRE &ARSON INVESTIGATOR F115 5,901 FIRE PUBLIC EDUCATOR F115 5,901 TRAINING OFFICER F115 5,901 DFM-CERT SUPERVISOR F118 6,055 FR &ARSON INVSTGTR LEAD F118 6,055 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF F130 6,670 Longevity Schedule Number of Employees as of Oct. 20, 2001: 145 Contract Status: Expires 12/31/01 5 years 2% of Base Salary 10 years 4% of Base Salary 15 years 5% of Base Salary 20 years 6% of Base Salary JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION FIRE DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT CHIEFS 2002 JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E Fire Assistant Chief F149 1 7,943 -. Longevity Schedule Number of Employees as of Oct. 20, 2001: 3 Contract Status: Expires 12/31/02 5 years 2% of Base Salary 10 years 4% of Base Salary 15 years 5% of Base Salary 20 years 6% of Base Salary 252 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION NON REPRESENTED 2002 JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E _ GOLF SHOP ASSISTANT 12 2,298 2 411 2,536 2,658 2,792 VAN DRIVER 15 2,474 2,594 2,726 2,863 3,011 OFFICE TECHNICIAN II 16 2,536 2,658 2,792 2,934 3,091 _ PARKING ENFORCEMENT ASSIST 17 2,594 2,726 2,863 3,011 3,164 ACCOUNTING SVCS ASST II 18 2,658 2,792 2,934 3,091 3,246 PARKS PROGRAM ASSISTANT 18 2,658 2,792 2,934 3,091 3,246 _ ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICIAN 19 2,726 2,863 3,011 3,164 3,322 ADMIN SECRETARY 1 20 2,792 2,934 3,091 3,246 3,417 COURT CLERK 20 2,792 2,934 3,091 3,246 3,417 COURT SECURITY OFFICER 20 2,792 2,934 3,091 3,246 3,417 - HOME REPAIR WORKER 20 2,792 2,934 3,091 3,246 3,417 OFFICE TECHNICIAN 3 20 2,792 2,934 3,091 3,246 3,417 PERSONAL COMP TECH ASST 20 2,792 2,934 3,091 3,246 3,417 PROBATION CLERK 20 2,792 2,934 3,091 3,246 3,417 COMPUTER OPERATOR 21 2,863 3,011 3,164 3,322 3,487 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST 1 22 2,934 3,091 3,246 3,417 3,579 _ CIVIL LEGAL SECRETARY 23 3,011 3,164 3,322 3,487 3,664 DOM VIOLENCE VICTIM ADVOC1 23 3,011 3,164 3,322 3,487 3,664 HOME REPAIR SPCLST 24 3,091 3,246 3,417 3,579 3,762 ASSIST GOLF PROFESSIONAL 25 3,164 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 DEPT SYST SUPPORT SPEC 25 3,164 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST 25 3,164 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 INTERNATIONAL PRGM COORD 25 3,164 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 - PARKS PROGRAM SPECIALIST 25 3,164 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 ADMIN ASST 2- NONEXEMPT 27 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 4,051 COMPUTER SUPPORT SPCLST 27 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 4,051 LEAD COURT CLERK 27 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 4,051 NETWORK SPECIALIST 27 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 4,051 PLANNING ASSISTANT 27 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 4,051 PUBLIC EDUC SPECIALIST 27 3,322 3,487 3,664 3,850 4,051 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 28 3,417 3,579 3,762 3,953 4,144 PARALEGAL 28 3,417 3,579 3,762 3,953 4,144 SURVEY TECHNICIAN 28 3,417 3,579 3,762 3,953 4,144 - PROBATION OFFICER 29 3,487 3,664 3,850 4,051 4,250 FINANCIAL ANALYST 30 3,579 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 SIGNAL TECHNICIAN 30 3,579 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 _ STORM/DRAIN FACILITIES ISP 30 3,579 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 31 3,664 3,850 4,051 4,250 4,467 CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTOR 31 3,664 3,850 4,051 4,250 4,467 PROGRAMMER/ANALYST 1 31 3,664 3,850 4,051 4,250 4,467 _ ADMINISTRATIVE ASST 3 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 AUTOMATION PROJECT COORD 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 COMM TRIP REDUCTION COORD 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 -- CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 32 3,762 :3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 DD CNTR-MEASURE PROG COORD 32 3,762 :3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 -- HOME REPAIR COORDINATOR 32 3,762 :3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 NBH TRAFFIC CONTROL COORD 32 1 3,762 :3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 253_ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION NON REPRESENTED 2002 JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E NETWORK SERVICES COORD 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 PARKS PROGRAM COORDINATOR 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 PLANNER 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 RECREATION PROG COORD 2 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 SENIOR ENGINEERING TECH 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 SENIOR SIGNAL TECHNICIAN 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 SURVEY PARTY CHIEF 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 TRAN DEMAND MGMT COORD 32 3,762 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 AUTOMATION PROJECT ANALYST 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 COMPUTER MAPPING COORD 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 HEAD GOLF PROFESSIONAL 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 HR RISK MANAGMENT ANALYST 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 PARKS/FAC PLNG & DEV COORD 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 PLANNER/GIS COORD 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 PROJECT ACCOUNTANT 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 SR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 TRAIN/CLIENT SVCS ANALYST 34 3,953 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 PROGRAMMER/ANALYST 2 35 4,051 4,250 4,467 4,690 4,923 ENGINEER 1 36 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 5,061 _ EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 36 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 5,061 PROBATION SUPERVISOR 36 4,144 4,355 4,574 4,807 5,061 PLANNER, SENIOR 38 4,355 4,574 4,807 5,061 5,316 SR AUDITOR/FIN ECONOMIST 38 4,355 4,574 4,807 5,061 5,316 ENGINEER 2 39 4,467 4,690 4,923 5,183 5,441 ERP SYSTEMS ANALYST 39 4,467 4,690 4,923 5,183 5,441 PARKS FACILITY/PROGRAM MGR 39 4,467 4,690 4,923 5,183 5,441 ACCOUNTING MANAGER PUB WKS 41 4,690 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 CITY CLERK 41 4,690 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 LAND SURVEY SUPERVISOR 41 4,690 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 SENIOR SYSTEMS ANALYST 42 4,807 5,061 5,316 5,581 5,862 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MGR 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 FACILITIES SUPERINTENDENT 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 FLEET MANAGER 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 MAINT SUPERINTENDENT-GOLF 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 MAINT SUPERINTENDENT-PARKS 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 MAINT SUPERINTENDENT-STRTS 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 - MAINT SUPERINTENDENT-UTIL 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 MAINT SUPERINTENDENT-WATER 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 PARKS ADMIN SUPERINTENDENT 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 PROPERTY MANAGER 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 SUPPORT SERVICES MGR-PD 43 4,923 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 ACCOUNTING MANAGER 44 5,061 5,316 5,581 5,862 6,161 CUSTOMER SERVICES MANAGER 44 5,061 5,316 5,581 5,862 6,161 FINANCIAL PLANNING MANAGER 44 5,061 5,316 5,581 5,862 6,161 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER 44 5,061 5,316 5,581 5,862 6,161 INFO SRVS OPERATIONS MGR 44 5,061 5,316 5,581 5,862 6,161 254 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION NON REPRESENTED 2002 JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E - MULTI MEDIA MANAGER 44 5,061 5,316 5,581 5,862 6,161 NETWORK MANAGER 44 5,061 5,316 5,581 5,862 6,161 HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER 45 5,183 5,441 5,718 6,002 6,314 _ ASST FINANCE DIV DIRECTOR 46 5,316 5,581 5,862 6,161 6,469 POLICE CORRECTIONS LT 46 5,316 5,581 5,862 6,161 6,469 BLDG & DVLP SRVS MANGER 47 5,441 5,718 6,002 6,314 6,627 _ COURT ADMINISTRATOR 47 5,441 5,718 6,002 6,314 6,627 ENGINEERING MANAGER 49 5,718 6,002 6,314 6,627 6,961 IS SYSTEM DIVISION MANAGER 49 5,718 6,002 6,314 6,627 6,961 PLANNING MANAGER 49 5,718 6,002 6,314 6,627 6,961 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 49 5,718 6,002 6,314 6,627 6,961 OPERATIONS MANAGER, PW 50 5,862 6,161 6,469 6,793 7,136 ENGINEER, CITY 52 6,161 6,469 6,793 7,136 7,499 - COURT COMMISSIONER 54 6,469 6,793 7,136 7,499 7,871 Longevity Schedule Number of Employees as of Oct 20, 2001: 244 Includes all non represented permanent employees _ 5 years 1% of Base Salary 10 years 2% of Base Salary 15 years 3% of Base Salary 20 years 4% of Base Salary 255 - City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget _ JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION POLICE OFFICERS AND SERGEANTS 2001 Rates JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E Police Patrol Officer PDPT 3,649 3,944 4,190 4,458 4,752 Police Sergeant PDSG 5,627 5,627 5,627 5,627 5,627 Number of Employees as of Oct 20, 2001: 116 Contract Status: Expires 12/31/01 Longevity Schedule 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years No Degree 2% 3% 4% 5% AA Degree 3% 4% 5% 6% BA Degree 5% 6% 7% 8% JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION POLICE CAPTAINS AND LIEUTENANTS 2002 JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E Police Captain PACP 7,551 7,551 7,551 7,551 7,551 Police Lieutenant PALT 6,854 6,854 6,854 6,854 6,854 Number of Employees as of Oct. 20, 2001: 9 Contract Status: Expires 12/31/02 Longevity Schedule 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years No Degree 2% 3% 4% 5% AA Degree 3% 4% 5% 6% BA Degree 5% 6% 7% 8% 2'56 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget JOB AND SALARY CLASSIFICATION TEAMSTERS 2002 JOB CLASSIFICATION RANGE STEP AND MONTHLY SALARY A B C D E MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 TM17 2,611 2,744 2,880 3,030 3,180 MAINTENANCE WORKER 2 TM20 2,808 2,951 3,109 3,260 3,432 METER READER 2 TM20 2,808 2,951 3,109 3,260 3,432 - MAINTENANCE WORKER 3 TM24 3,109 3,260 3,432 3,601 3,779 METER READER 3 TM24 3,109 3,260 3,432 3,601 3,779 CONTROL CENTER SPECIALIST TM27 3,340 3,503 3,684 3,871 4,072 _ MAINTENANCE WORKER 4 TM27 3,340 3,503 3,684 3,871 4,072 MECHANIC 2 TM27 3,340 3,503 3,684 3,871 4,072 MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN TM30 3,601 3,779 3,973 4,167 4,375 FIELD SUPERVISOR TM32 3,779 3,973 4,167 4,375 4,595 Longevity Schedule Number of Ernployees as of Oct. 20, 2001 122 Contract Status: Expires 12/31/02 5 years 1% of Base Salary f 10 years 2% of Base Salary 15 years 3% of Base Salary 20 years 4% of Base Salary - 257 _ City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget HUMAN SERVICE AGENCIES BUDGETED AT 1% OF PREVIOUS YEAR'S GENERAL FUND REVENUE 2001 2002 Program Title Budget Prelim Community Health Centers of King County- Kent Primary Medical 58,450 58,450 Kent Youth & Family Services- Family Counseling 42,500 42,500 South King County Multi Service Center- Housing 37,185 37,185 _ Teen Recreation Prog 35,000 35,000 Catholic Community Services- Emergency Assistance Program 34,337 34,337 Home - Homeless Shelters 30,000 30,000 Community Food Bank 27,500 27,500 Valley Cities Senior Counseling 20,000 Childrens Therapy Center- Scholarship Assistance Fund 19,100 19,100 Washington Women's Employment and Education- REACH Job Readiness 18,100 18,100 King County Sexual Assault Resource Center 17,500 17,500 Catholic Community Services Emergency Severe Weather Shelter 17,000 17,000 Children's Home Society- Families First 15,400 15,400 Kent Youth & Family Services Teen Substance Abuse 15,000 15,000 Ccs Dv Vouchers 15,000 15,000 KCCADV DV Planner 15,000 Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation - Survivor's Support 13,800 13,800 Kent School District- Futures Club 13,300 13,300 Community Health Centers of King County- Kent Primary Dental 10,900 10,900 Washington Women's Employment and Education - Computer Applications 10,000 10,000 ACAP Child &family Services- Child Care Subsidies 8,500 8,500 Kent Youth & Family Services Teen Parent Housing Program 6,300 6,300 South King County Multi Service Center- (H.E.A.R.T.) 6,050 6,050 Pregnancy Aid Shelter 6,000 6,000 South King County Multi Service Center- Energy Crisis Intervention 6,000 11,490 Changes Parent Support Network- Parent Support Group 5,300 5,300 Child Care Resources & Referrals 5,300 5,300 Domestic Violence Services 20,500 20,500 Senior Services of Seattle-Volunteer Transportation Program 5,000 5,000 Children's Home Society- Healthy Families 5,000 5,000 Acap Apple Parent 5,000 5,000 Ukrainian Community Center 5,000 5,000 Kent Youth & Family Services- School Based Counseling 16,000 16,000 TOTAL 530,022 570,512 258 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GLOSSARY OF BUDGET RELATED TERMS - Adjusted Budget The budget as revised through supplemental appropriations approved by Council during the year and included in the annual budget amendment ordinance. AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees ADA Americans with Disabilities Act — Assessed Valuation The taxable portion of fair market value of both real (land and building) and personal property as determined by the King County Assessors _ Office. BARS The State of Washington Budget, Accounting and Reporting System _ required for all governmental entities in the state of Washington. Benefits City paid benefits provided for employees such as social security, retirement, worker's compensation, life insurance, medical insurance, and management benefits. Bond Refinancing The payoff and re-issuance of bonds to obtain better interest rates — and/or bond conditions. Budget The financial plan for the operation of a program or organization for the year or for the project through completion. Legal authorityand requirements are found in Revised Code of Washington (RCW 35A.33). Capital Expenditures Funds spent for the acquisition of a long-term asset. Capital Facility Plan The portion of the Capital Improvement Plan that relates to the city — facilities and infrastructure that are planned for under the growth management act and are included in the Cityof Kent Comprehensive plan. The plan includes estimated project costs, sources offunding and timing of work over a six-year period. For financial planning, the capital — facility plan is presented as a plan of work and proposed expenditures, and is the basis for annual appropriation requests and bond issues. Capital Improvement The capital projects approved and funded in the first year of the Budget adopted Capital Improvement Program. Capital Improvement The plan of all capital projects, including those that do not Program (CIP) qualify as facilities for the Capital Facility Plan, such as large pieces of equipment or vehicles. Capital Outlay Fixed assets which have a value of$1,000 or more and have a useful economic lifetime of more than three years or assets of any value, if the nature of the item is such that it must be controlled br custody purposes as a fixed asset. Capital Project The largely one-time cost for acquisition, construction, improvement, replacement, or renovation of land, structures and improvements 259 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GLOSSARY OF BUDGET RELATED TERMS thereon. The cost must usually be $25,000 or more in order to be considered a capital project; amounts under $25,000 are considered in the operating budget. In addition, equipment is considered a capital project if it is $25,000 or more in cost. Capital Reserve An account used to segregate a portion of the government's equity to be used for future capital program expenditures. Charges for Services A revenue category which includes a charge for a specific service. These primarily include park recreation fees, plan check fees, court cost and prisoner work release fee and other miscellaneous fees. Comprehensive Budget The comprehensive budget combines both the annual financial plan for the operation of government and the annual portion of the Capital Improvement Budget. Excluded from the operating budget are carry-over capital projects which have been previously approved. Cost Allocation Assignment of cost charges from one department that reimburse another department for services received. Some examples are Attorney services, Finance services and Human Resource services. Councilmanic Bonds Councilmanic bonds refer to bonds issued with the approval of the Council, as opposed to voted bonds which must be approved by vote of the public. Councilmanic bonds must not exceed 1.5 percent of the assessed valuation. The total of Councilmanic and voted bonds must not exceed 2.5 percent of assessed valuation per State R.C.W. - CPI Consumer price index. A statistical description of price levels provided by the U.S. Department of Labor. The index is used as a measure of the increase in the cost of living. Debt Service The annual payment of principal and interest on the citys bonded indebtedness. Bonds are issued to finance the construction of capital projects such as public buildings, parks, roads, storm sewers and water system improvements. Designated Fund Balance Fund balance that is not legally restricted to a specific use, but is nonetheless planned to be used for a particular purpose. For example, the General Fund has a fund balance that is designated for contingency. There is no legal restriction on the use of this fund balance, but it is budgeted to provide financial stability. EAP Employee Assistance Program Enterprise Fund A fund used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprise where the measurement focus is on the cost of providing a service, such as water on a continual basis. Costs are recovered through user charges. 260 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GLOSSARY OF BUDGET RELATED TERMS - Estimated Actual This is an estimate of the year end balance of a revenue or expenditure! account. Expenditure The payment of cash or the transfer of property or services for the — purpose of acquiring an asset, service or settling a loss. Expense Charges incurred (whether paid immediately or deferred) for proprietary — fund operations, maintenance!, interest or other charges. Fees A general term used for any charge for services levied by government _ associated with providing a service, permitting an activity, or imposing a penalty. Major types of fees include business and non-business licenses and user charges. _ Fines and Forfeitures A revenue category which primarily includes court, police, traffic and parking fines and forfeitures of property. Fund A self balancing set of accounts with revenues and expenses which are segregated for the purpose of carrying out a specific purpose or activity. Fund Balance Working capital, or the net current assets less short term liabilities. GAAFR "Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting." the — "blue book" published by the Municipal Finance Officers Association _ (now the Government Finance Officers Association) to provide detailed guidance for the application of accounting principals for governments. _ GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles are standards used for accounting and reporting by both private industry and governments. GASB Government Accounting Standards Board established in 1985 to regulate the rules and standards for all governmental units. General Fund The General Fund is used to account for all of the City's resources except for those resources which are accounted for in a special purpose fund. — General Obligation Bonds Bonds for which the full faith and credit of the insuring government are pledged for payment. -- GIS Geographical Information System Intergovernmental Revenue Revenue from other governments, primarily from Fire District 37, Federal, State and County grants and the Emergency Medical levy. State shared revenue from 16quor profits and tax are also forms of _ intergovernmental revenue. LEOFF Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System provided in the State of Washington. 261 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GLOSSARY OF BUDGET RELATED TERMS Licenses and Permits Revenue category that includes building permits, business and _- amusement licenses and any other miscellaneous license or permits. LID Local Improvement District or Special Assessments made against certain properties to defray part or all of the cost of a specific improvement or service deemed to primarily benefit those properties. Miscellaneous Revenue A revenue category that basically includes leases and rentals of the various city facilities, Senior Center donations plus other revenue such as pay phone revenue. MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet Net Budget The net budget eliminates double counting of the budget by excluding - fund transfers and internal service charges such as interfund equipment rental and insurance charges. The net budget represents the true le\el of spending in the budget. Object of Expenditure Expenditure classifications based upon the types or categories of goods and services purchased. Typical objects of expenditure include salaries and wages, benefits, supplies, contracted services and capital outlay. Operating Budget An operations plan, expressed in financial terms, whereby an operating program is funded for a single year. Per state law, operating budgets -- lapse at year-end. Operating Expense Those costs including expenditures for salaries and wages, benefits, supplies, services and charges which are necessary to support the primary services of the organization. For example, telephone charges, printing and motor pool charges, and office supplies are operating expenses. Organization A major organizational unit usually responsible for carrying out a major component of department or program responsibilities. PERS Public Employees Retirement System provided for employees other than Police and Fire by the State of Washington. Preliminary Actual The balance of revenue or expenditure accounts at year end, but before the final closing of the city's books. This will usually be close to the final actual amounts, but may not include all accruals or other adjustments. Preliminary Budget The Mayor's recommended budget submitted to the CityCouncil and the public for approval in October of each year. Reserved Fund Balance Those portions of fund balance that are not appropriable for expenditure or that are legally segregated for a specific future use. Reserves (Fund) The unencumbered year-end balance of revenue less expenditures in 262 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GLOSSARY OF BUDGET RELATED TERMS - governmental funds. Restricted Fund Balance The portion of working capital that is not available for general expenditure. The balance is maintained for a specific designated use. — Revenue Income received by the city in support of its program of services to the community. It includes such 'items as propertytaxes, fees, user _ charges, grants, fines, interest income and other miscellaneous revenue. Revenue Bonds Bond issued pledging future revenues, usually water, sewer, or drainage charges to cover debt payments in addition to operating costs. RFP Request for Proposal Salaries and Wages A majority of City employees are paid a monthly salary based on an annual standard work year consisting of 2,080 hours. Some types of positions are paid hourly wages based on the prevailing wage scale. Standard Work Year 2,080 hours or 260 days is the equivalent of one work year. Supplemental Appropriation An appropriation approved by the Council after the initial budget appropriation. Supplemental appropriations are approved by Council _ during the year and an annual budget amendment ordinance is approved in December of each year. Unreserved Fund Balance The difference between fund assets and fund liabilities of governmental or similar trust funds that is available for general expenditures. User Charges The amount the government receives for the provision of services and - commodities, or the performance of specific services benefiting the entity charged. User charges tend to be voluntary in nature, in contrast to mandatory property and income taxes. Citizens only pay user — charges when a specific service is received. WCIA Washington Cities Insurance Authority Working Capital The year-end balance of current assets less current liabilities in the Enterprise and Internal Service Funds. The unencumbered balance at _ year-end is available for appropriation in the next year's budget. 263 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget BUDGETED FULL TIME POSITIONS 2000 2001 Adj 2002 Budget Budget Budget General Government Funds Executive/Administration 11.00 12.00 12.00 Municipal Court 18.00 19.00 19.00 Employee Services 9.00 13.00 13.00 Legal 10.00 11.00 12.00 Finance 24.50 25.50 25.50 Community Development 38.00 42.00 42.00 Police 164.00 166.00 166.00 Fire and Life Safety 158.00 160.00 160.00 Public Works 63.00 65.00 65.00 Parks, Rec and Human Svs 66.25 68.00 68.00 General Fund TOTAL 561.75 581.50 582.50 Proprietary Funds Utility Billing- Finance 7.00 8.00 8.00 Utility Operations-Public Works 68.50 74.50 74.50 Golf Complex- Parks 9.00 9.00 9.00 Fleet Services- Public Works 8.00 8.00 8.00 Information Technology 28.75 29.00 29.00 Facilities- Parks 21.00 24.00 24.00 Insurance -Employee Services 4.00 4.00 4.00 Proprietary Funds TOTAL 146.25 156.50 156.50 Total Non-Project Funds TOTAL 708.00 738.00 739.00 Project Funds Street Utility- Pub Wks/Parks 11.00 11.00 11.00 Home Repair Program- Parks 4.00 4.00 4.00 Environmental- Public Works 0.50 0.50 0.50 Police- Criminal Justice 18.25 20.25 20.25 Legal-Criminal Justice 6.00 7.00 7.00 Capital Improvement Program-Finance 1.50 1.50 1.50 Public Works Projects 3.00 4.00 4.00 Automation- Information Technology 7.00 7.00 7.00 Parks Project 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Community Development Projects 1.00 1.00 1.00 Project Funds TOTAL 55.25 59.25 59.25 Full Time Positions TOTAL 763.25 797.25 798.25 Police Full Time Positions Commissioned Union 122.00 125.00 125.00 Non-Union 2.00 2.00 2.00 Noncommissioned Union 54.00 55.00 55.00 Non-Union 4.25 4.25 4.25 Police TOTAL 182.25 186.25 186.25 Fire Full Time Positions Uniformed Union 147.00 148.00 148.00 Uniformed Non-Union 1.00 1.00 1.00 Nonuniformed Union 10.00 10.00 10.00 Nonuniformed Non-Union 1.00 1.00 Fire TOTAL 158.00 160.00 160.00 Other Full-time Union Members 196.00 211.00 211.00 Other Non-Union Positions 227.00 240.0 1 241.00 Represents only regular full-time employees. 264 City of Kent, Washington 2002 Preliminary Budget GENERAL INFORMATION FACT SHEET CITY TOTAL VALUE NET GENERAL GENERAL POPULATION ASSESSED OF NEW BUDGET FUND FUND NEW VALUATION CONSTRUCTION BUDGET POSITIONS 1985 26,979 2,284,807,926 150,552,268 29,116,974 16,409,930 41.0 1986 28,620 2,385,483,302 105,572,419 38,922,324 18,090,330 21.0 1987 30,991 2,708,450,189 114,471,667 59,964,354 20,157,707 23.0 1988 32,350 2,838,583,851 103,484,888 58,582,519 21,851,750 31.0 1989 34,860 3,128,259,968 148,397,680 57,081,330 24,719,293 27.0 _ 1990 37960 3,402,139,251 156,082,063 60,484,111 28,292,645 33.0 1991 39,650 3,508,127,478 108,386,499 64,262,893 32,887,388 27.5 1992 40,300 3,938,682,179 46,705,110 65,790,011 33,137,803 (38.5) 1993 41,090 3,893,431,079 59,324,542 70,385,930 33,800,211 (21.2) 1994 41,880 3,959,699,785 43,401,107 73,686,010 36,077,993 4.8 1995 44260 4,128,403,430 85,023,640 81,514,188 37,114,130 6.2 1996 60,380 4,842,360,082 158,420,396 88,467,576 41,618,451 36.7 1997 70,110 5,073,523,220 120,521,651 91,233,825 43,945,090 27.7 1998 71,610 5,867,681,774 146,646,456 100,891,369 50,765,191 29.9 - 1999 73,060 6,468,731,941 238,851,817 124,627,344 54,117,802 45.8 2000 73,140 7,130,886,435 144,343,154 120,367,025 56,950,156 (2.5) 2001 82,782 7,510,878,734 1 1 134,003,953 1 1 123,310,002 1 61,964,773 1 1 20.1 Selected Municipal Facilities and Services Public Safety Services 2001 2001 Police Services: Fire/Emergency Medical Services: 127 Commissioned Police Personnel 149 Uniformed Personnel — 59 Non-Commissioned Police Personnel 17 Volunteer Personnel 46 Volunteer Personnel 11 Nonuniformed Personnel 28 Corrections Personnel 7 Fire Stations Leisure Services -Major Facilities, Participation and Parks, 2000 1,275 Acres of Parkland, 68 Parks, 25 miles trails 45 Ball Fields, 12 Tennis Courts City Golf Complex (18 Hole, Par 72) Athletic Teams(820) Par 3 Exec 9 hole; Driving Range 32 stall Annual Events (140,700 attendees) Miniature Golf 18 Holes; Pro Shop; Restaurant Kent Commons Multipurpose Ctr Cultural/Art Performances (50-60 Annually) Kent Parks Senior Center Russell Road Athletic Facility Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks Park — Kent Memorial Athletic Facility Fenwick Park Lake Meridian Park Public Works Services Water System 241 Miles of Water Mains 12,241 Water Customers 14.5 Million Gallons per Day — Sewerage System 208 Miles-Sanitary Sewer Main 196 Miles-Storm Sewer System 12,706 Sanitary Sewer Customers — Transportation System 691 Lane Miles of Streets 4,300 Street Lights Additional Services General 3,821 Business Licenses Issued -- 28 Square Miles of the City 1,929 Building Permits Issued 265 —