HomeMy WebLinkAbout4350 ORDINANCE NO.4350 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, providing for the acquisition by eminent domain of real property generally located on the north side of the Green River, along S. 251st Street, west of Washington Ave. S., which property is needed for the construction of the Signature Pointe Levee Improvement Project. This ordinance provides for the condemnation, appropriation, taking, and damaging of real property necessary for that project and provides for the payment thereof out of the Signature Pointe Levee Improvement Project (Fund No. D20085). This ordinance also directs the City Attorney to prosecute the appropriate legal condemnation proceedings in King County Superior Court, to retain any legal counsel required, and to enter into settlements, stipulations, or other agreements as may be necessary. RECITALS A. The Signature Pointe Levee Improvement Project (the "Project") consists of constructing a combination earthen levee and floodwall system that will reduce flood risk impacts from the Green River associated with major storm events and better protect businesses, residents, and roadway infrastructure in the Kent Valley. The current levee fails to meet federal standards established by FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) due to its insufficient height and steep riverbank side slope, which is susceptible to erosion and damage during major flood events. This condition jeopardizes the structural stability of the 1 Condemnation Ordinance - Signature Pointe Levee (Dejbod and Ostrovski Properties) levee and increases the risk of the levee's failure, breach, and flooding of the Kent Valley. The Project will strengthen the levee and assist the City in obtaining FEMA certification of its levee system. B. To complete the Project, the City must acquire several parcels of land. Two of these parcels are generally referred to as the Dejbod Property (King County Tax Parcel No. 543620-0841; 750 Washington Avenue North) and the Ostrovski Property (King County Tax Parcel No. 543620-0851; 6828 S. 251St Street), collectively referred to in this ordinance as the "Properties." The City has been attempting to negotiate with the owners of these Properties, or their authorized representatives, in an effort to acquire the parcels through agreed settlements. These negotiation efforts continue, but have begun to stagnate without much movement toward reasonable resolutions, which prompted staff to seek Council approval through this ordinance to authorize formal condemnation proceedings, if such proceedings become necessary to allow the Project to proceed as planned. C. Timing on the Project is critical due to the ongoing annual flood risk impacts from high-water events in the Green River, and Project construction costs that continue to rise due to an increase in property values and inflation. Given the lack of fruitful negotiations with the Properties' owners, and the length of time associated with formal condemnation proceedings, the Project's timing requires that staff obtain Council authorization to proceed with condemnation proceedings, if formal proceedings become necessary, in order to move the Project forward and preserve the public health, safety, and welfare of the Kent Valley. It is essential that, if negotiations fail to produce an agreed settlement, that the City timely initiate condemnation proceedings so that the real property required for the Project can be obtained to allow the Project to be timely constructed. 2 Condemnation Ordinance - Signature Pointe Levee (Dejbod and Ostrovski Properties) D. Prior to Council's action on this ordinance, the City provided the requisite notice to the Properties' owners in the manner provided for in RCW 8.12.005 and RCW 8.25.290. E. The public health, safety, and welfare depend upon the completion of this Project, through the City's exercise of its eminent domain rights, if such become necessary. Through this ordinance, Council authorizes staff to commence formal proceedings, if reasonably necessary, to condemn, appropriate, and take for public use and necessity, the Property and property rights identified herein, if such Property cannot be reasonably acquired by the City through agreed settlement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Public Use and Necessity Declared. After receiving the report of City staff, and after reviewing the planned improvements for the Signature Pointe Levee Improvement Project ("Project"), the City Council finds and declares that the public convenience, use, health, safety, welfare, and necessity demand that the City of Kent condemn, appropriate, take, and damage certain real property located in King County, Washington, in order to acquire the necessary real property and/or property rights for the construction of the Project, including all necessary appurtenances. The properties affected by this grant of condemnation authority are both vacant and undeveloped, and they are commonly known as 750 Washington Avenue North ("Dejbod Property") and 6828 South 2515t Street ("Ostrovski Property"), both located within the City of Kent and legally described in the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and depicted in the attached and incorporated Exhibit B (collectively, "the Properties"). The purposes for which this condemnation 3 Condemnation Ordinance - Signature Pointe Levee (Dejbod and Ostrovski Properties) is authorized shall include, without limitation, all acts necessary to complete the construction, improvement, alteration, maintenance, reconstruction, and restoration of the Project, and any other municipal purpose that may be necessary from time to time on the Properties. SECTION 2. - Condemnation Authorized. In the event the Properties cannot be reasonably acquired through agreed settlements within the schedule established by staff to allow the Project to be timely constructed, the City Council authorizes the acquisition by condemnation of all or a portion of the Properties as may be necessary for the construction, improvement, alteration, maintenance, and reconstruction of the Project, together with all necessary appurtenances and related work to make a complete improvement according to City standards. SECTION 3. - Condemnation Procedures and Proceedings. The City shall proceed to condemn the Properties only upon completion of all steps and procedures required by applicable federal or state law or regulations, and only after just compensation has first been made or paid into court for the owner or owners in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 4. - Project Fund. The City shall pay for the entire cost of the acquisition of the Properties by condemnation through the City's "Signature Pointe Levee Improvement Project" fund (Fund No. D20085) or from any of the City's storm and surface water utility funds, if necessary, as may be provided by law. SECTION S. - City Attorney Authorized. The City Attorney or designee is authorized and directed to commence condemnation proceedings as provided by law that may be necessary to acquire the Properties as the Project schedule requires. The City Attorney is specifically authorized to retain any legal counsel or other expert as may be needed, and to sign any retainer or other agreement that may be required. In 4 Condemnation Ordinance - Signature Pointe Levee (Dejbod and Ostrovski Properties) commencing these condemnation proceedings, the City Council authorizes the City Attorney to enter into settlements, stipulations, or agreements in order to minimize damages as the City Attorney determines is appropriate. These settlements, stipulations, or agreements may include, but are not limited to, the amount of just compensation to be paid, the size and dimensions of the Properties condemned, and the acquisition of temporary construction easements and other property interests as the City Attorney may determine are required. SECTION 6. - Ratification. Any acts consistent with the authority of this ordinance and prior to its effective date are ratified and affirmed. SECTION 7. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTIONS. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. 71 -nQ, k(,-- 4 '1' November 19, 2019 D NA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTEST: November 19, 2019 KIMBERLEY A OMOTO, CITY CLM Date Adopted, .F N ov emb 1 , Date Pu6klhed a t^�A.,'�' ••raw `. APPROVED AS TO FOB" t�jY ♦ s'Y{ C �• at TH 'PAT' IT ATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY 5 Condemnation Ordinance - Signature Pointe Levee (Dejbod and Ostrovski Properties) Exhibit A Dejbod Property (Bahman and Naireh Dejbod) 750 Washington Avenue North, Kent, WA King County Tax Parcel No. 543620-0841 All that portion of the following described Parcel A lying Westerly of a line drawn 30 feet Westerly of and parallel with the "A" line centerline of SSH 2-M (SR 181) Kent: Junction SSH5-A (SR 516) Vicinity. Parcel A: The Westerly 132 feet of the following described lands: That portion of Tract 43, Supplemental Plat of Meeker's First Addition to the Town of Kent, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 96, records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said Tract 43 with the centerline of Secondary State Highway No. 5-M; Thence Southerly along the centerline of said highway 1316 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence Westerly parallel to the North line of said Tract 43, a distance of 383 feet; Thence Southerly parallel to the centerline of said Secondary State Highway No. 5-M to the Northerly line of a county road; Thence Southeasterly along said road line to the centerline of Secondary State Highway No.5-M; Thence Northerly along said centerline to the True Point of Beginning; Except the East 33 feet thereof. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington Ostrovski Property (Yevgeni Ostrovski) 6828 S. 2515t St., Kent, WA King County Tax Parcel No. 543620-0851 The Westerly 132 feet of the following described lands: That portion of Tract 43, Supplemental Plat of Meeker's First Addition to the Town of Kent, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 96, records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said Tract 43 with the centerline of Secondary State Highway No.5-M; Thence Southerly along the centerline of said highway 1316 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence Westerly parallel to the North line of said Tract 43, a distance of 383 feet; Thence Southerly parallel to the centerline of said Secondary State Highway No. 5-M to the Northerly line of a county road; Thence Southeasterly along said road line to the centerline of said Secondary State Highway No.5-M; Thence Northerly along said centerline to the True Point of Beginning; Except the East 33 feet thereof. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. 6 Condemnation Ordinance - Signature Pointe Levee (Dejbod and Ostrovski Properties) Exhibit B I Dejbod Property f Ostrovski Property x —�, C? O 1 r _ v u 3 ~i L Washington Ave S g � 7 Condemnation Ordinance - Signature Pointe Levee (Dejbod and Ostrovski Properties) STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd,being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent - Covington Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent - Covington Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent - Covington Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice (881426), a: Public Notice was published on November 22"', 2019. The-full- mo e fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$542.99. '�ttIIi1111/110 Gp.LE GkV. e Polly Shepherd, Publisher, Kent - Covington Reporter _ :y 'w C!1.Z NpTARY N —I; PUBLIC " Subscrib4oaznd sworn to me this 22"d day of November, 2019. ��� `o � ''O No. i Off''•• a "fill VVASN\'�`�� )ale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Covington,WA Classified Proof i CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are sum- l maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on November 19,2019: ORDINANCE NO. 4338 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- E ton,was adopted on No- vember 5, 2019, which granted Zayo Group, LLC, a 10-year non-ex- j l clusive telecommunica- tions franchise agree- = ment; authorized the Mayor to sign all docu- i rrients necessary to im- plement the full terms of E the negotiated agree- ment; and directed the City Clerk to publish no- I tice of Council's grant of this telecommunications franchise. A Complete copy of the Telecommu- nicationsFranchise Agreement is available through the City Clerk's office, located at 220 Fourth Avenue South in the City of Kent, or on- line at https-//Docu- ments.kentwa.gov/. This ordinance,being an exercise of a power spe- cifically delegated to the City's legislative body,is l l subjectnot referen- dum. be dum pub- lished and will take ef- fect 30 days after its passage. The Franchise 1 Agreement, however, ( shall become effective only upon its acceptance by Zayo Group,LLC and execution by the Mayor. Should Zayo fail to time- ly file its written accep- tance of the Franchise Agreement,Zayo will be deemed to have rejected i Classified Proof and repudiated the Fran- chise Agreement and the franchise will be voidable by the City_ ORDINANCENO. 4339 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending chapters 15.02 and 15.04 of the Kent City Code relating to group homes, board- ing homes, short-term rentals and communal residences. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage,as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4340 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending sections 6.07.020 and 6.07.050 of the Kent City Code, regulating signage in the public right of way, and amending chapters 15.02 and 15.06 of the Kent City Code, regulat- ing signage generally within the City. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage,as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4341 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, relating to local sales or use taxes; im- posing the maximum ca- pacity of the tax author- ized under the provisions of RCW 82.14.540 for affordable and supportive housing; amending Chapter 3.16 of the Kent City Code by adding a new section 3.16.035, entitled 'Additional sales or use tax for housing';and au- thorizing the Mayor to use the funds and pool resources with South King Housing and Homelessness Partners. This ordinance,pursuant to ROW 35A.11.090(7), shall take effect and be in force five days after its publication, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4342 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending chapters 3,18, 3.21, 3.26, 3.28 and 3.29, of the Kent City Code to consolidate administrative provisions for all taxes, align the City's B&O tax provi- sions with the model or- dinance, and add vari- ous clarifications. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage,as provided by law. The amend- ments to the Kent City Code herein, however, shall not be effective un- til January 1,2020. ORDINANCE NO. 4343 AN ORDINANCE of Classified Proof the Orty uouncu or the City of Kent, Washing_ ton, approving the con- ; solidating budget adjust- ments made between July 1, 2019 and Sep- tember 30,2019,reflect- ing an overall budget in- crease of$12,002,345. i This ordinance shall take effect and be in force i five days after publica- tion,as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4344 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, relating to the mid- biennial review and modification of the 2019- 2020 biennial budget as required by RCW 35A.34.130 and Ordi- nance No. 4230; adopt- ing certain modifications to the 2020 budget;and establishing an effective date. I This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2020, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4345 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton,levying 2019 proper- ty taxes for the 2020 bi- ennial budget for the City of Kent This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2020, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4346 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six- year plan for capital im- provement projects (2)020-2025)(CPA-2019- This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage,as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4347 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent. Federal Way, Auburn and High- line School Districts (CPA-2019-1). This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage,as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4348 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending Section 12.13.160 of the Kent City Code to adjust the school impact fee sched- ules(CPA-2019-1). This ordinance shall take i Classified Proof enecc ano De in roroe 3u days from and after its passage,as provided by law. E ORDINANCE NO. 4349 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton,providing for the ac- i quisition by eminent do- l ( main of real property generally located on the north side of the Green River and commonly known as 7641 S.259th I St., which property is 1 needed for the construc- tion of the Milwaukee II i Levee Improvement Pro- ject.This ordinance pro- vides for the condemna- tion, appropriation, taking,and damaging of real property necessary for that project and pro- i vides for the payment thereof out of the Mil- E waukee II Levee im- provement Project(Fund No. D20090). This ordi- nance also directs the City Attorney to prose- cute the appropriate le- I gal condemnation pro- ceedings in King County Superior Court,to retain any legal counsel re- quired,and to enter into settlements,stipulations, or other agreements as may be necessary. [ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after i its passage,as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4350 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton,providing for the ac- quisition by eminent do- main of real property generally located on the north side of the Green River, along S. 251st Street,west of Washing- ton Ave.S.,which prop- erty is needed for the construction of the Sig- nature Pointe Levee Im- provement Project This ordinance provides for the condemnation, ap- propriation, taking, and damaging of real proper- ty necessary for that pro- ject and provides for the payment thereof out of the Signature Pointe Levee Improvement Pro- ject(Fund No. D20085). This ordinance also di- rects the City Attorney to prosecute the appropri- ate legal condemnation proceedings in King County Superior Court, to retain any legal coun- sel required, and to en- ter into settlements, stipulations, or other agreements as may be necessary. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage,as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk.__ A ,.___._ Classified Proof city cle�x m2moto KentWA oov 253-856-5725 Published in the Kent- Covington Reporter November 22, 2019. #881426 Page 1 of 11 12/24/2019https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb//Document/Ge... Page 2 of 11 12/24/2019https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb//Document/Ge... Page 3 of 11 12/24/2019https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb//Document/Ge... Page 4 of 11 12/24/2019https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb//Document/Ge... Page 5 of 11 12/24/2019https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb//Document/Ge... Page 6 of 11 12/24/2019https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb//Document/Ge... Page 7 of 11 12/24/2019https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb//Document/Ge... Page 8 of 11 12/24/2019https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb//Document/Ge... 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