HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT18-476 - Original - Woolpert, Inc. - Asset & Work Order Management System - 12/21/2018 10 KENT Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET ` ,1103)�fi This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Vendor Name: Woolpert, Inc. Vendor Number (IDE): 1918891 Contract Number (City Clerk): ITV�s-y_T U - Category: Contract Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): Choose an item. Project Name: Asset & Work Order Mgmt System - Professional Services IZP I i I 81L,I Zo Contract Execution Date: Date of signed agmt Termination Date: 20 months Contract Manager: Somen Palit Department: IT Contract Amount: $607,175.25 Budgeted: ® Grant? Part of NEW Budget: ❑ Local: ❑ State: ❑ Federal: ❑ Related to a New Position: ❑ Basis for Selection of Contractor? Bid: ❑ RFP: ® Small Works Roster: ❑ Quotes: ❑ Approval Authority: ❑ Director ❑ Mayor ® City Council Other Details: Initial Procurement - (Ties with Azteca, Systems Inc contract) KENT `NAs +I rc CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION between the City of Kent and Woolpert, Inc. d/b/a Woolpert Consultants, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and Woolpert, Inc., doing business as Woolpert Consultants, Inc., organized under the laws of the State of Ohio, located and doing business at 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite 105, Englewood, CO 80112- 5125 (hereinafter the "Consultant"). I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Consultant shall provide the following goods and materials and/or perform the following services for the City in accordance with the following described plans and/or specifications: Install, and implement the Cityworks Asset Management System Software developed and marketed by Azteca Systems, Inc. ('System"); configure the System; conduct advanced functionality configuration and development of the System with a focus on automating and streamlining workflow and enhancing user experience both at the City and within the field; deploy the System; and provide an option for the City to amend the Agreement, in the City's sole discretion, to extend Consultant's System support services after successful deployment of the System, all in accordance with the City's August 16, 2017, Asset Management Request for Proposals ("RFP"); the Consultant's October 30, 2017, response to that proposal ("Response"); the Consultant's System demonstrations and representations; and the Statement of Work attached as Exhibit A; each of which are incorporated by this reference and made a part of this Agreement as if stated in total herein (collectively, "Work"). Consultant's services will begin with Consultant coordinating for the City a one day on-site product demonstration by Azteca Systems, Inc. of the current version of the Cityworks Asset Management System Software that Consultant intends to configure and customize for the City under the terms of this Agreement. It is anticipated that the one day on-site demonstration will be based on the City provided scripts used during the January 29-315t demonstration. At the conclusion of this demonstration, the City will provide written notification of its acceptance the software as substantially conforming to the streamlined workflow automation and user experience it observed during the prior live demonstration performed on January 29-31st_, 2018. This demonstration and acceptance will occur before the Consultant performs any configuration or other implementation and integration services under this Agreement. Although the City is entering into a contract with Consultant arising out of the City's Request for Proposals, the City shall concurrently enter into a software and maintenance agreement directly with Azteca Systems, Inc. for the software solution recommended by Consultant and incorporated into Consultant's response to the City's Request for Proposals. The City agrees that with respect to such software and affiliated support and maintenance for the software, all matters pertaining to performance, warranties, and guarantees applicable to the software itself, and its support and maintenance, shall be as provided in the software license and CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 1 support and maintenance agreement between the City and Azteca. This Agreement is intended to apply only to matters pertaining to performance, warranties, and guarantees applicable to customization, implementation, and integration services performed by Consultant for the recommended software. Consultant further represents that the Work furnished under this Agreement will be performed by qualified technicians familiar with the Systems, its software, and its operation, and in accordance with generally accepted professional and industry practices within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed. II. TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that the Work will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. Consultant shall complete the Work described in Section I in accordance with those milestone and deliverable due dates provided for within the Project Schedule, attached and incorporated as Exhibit B. The Project Schedule shall be updated from time to time as the parties may mutually agree to reflect the current status of the Project. It is the parties' shared expectation that Consultant's work will be fully completed within twenty (20) months after the effective date of this Agreement. III. COMPENSATION. A. The City shall pay the Consultant a total amount not to exceed $607,175.25, for the Work described in this Agreement, which will be billed upon the completion of deliverables as provided below on a fixed-price basis based upon a percentage of the original total contract amount: Payment Milestone Deliverable % of Total Contract Amount Initiation Project Kickoff Meeting (Completion of 10% WBS Task 1.4 Mutually agreed upon project schedule signed off by the City Project Manager Schedule and Consultant representative 5% Com letion of WBS Task 1.2 Consultant representative and project team certify that all business requirements for each work group have been collected and required questions Business Requirements answered sufficiently to begin system 15% configuration Completion of WBS Tasks 2.1 through 2.6 Certification of the City's operating environment and successful installation Configuration and of pre-production system. 20% Integration Completion of WBS Tasks 3.1 through 3.4; 4.1, and 4.4 Training plan certified by the City and Training training completed by Consultant 10% representatives CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 Completion of WBS Tasks 5.4 Converted data validated by the City's Data Conversion project team 10% Completion of WBS Tasks 4.2 Pre-production system, including all required interfaces certified for production. Mutual confidence testing Testing complete 20% Completion of WBS Tasks 5.1 through 5.3; 5.7 Go-Live System in productive use Completion of 5% WBS Tasks 5.5 and 5.6 Stabilization Stabilization period complete 10% The City accepts system at project closeout. Acceptance to occur within-60 Acceptance business days of the last Go-Live. None Maintenance payments begin 1 year after date of acceptance Total Project 7 100% The total amount provided for in this Section III.A. is the maximum amount to be paid under this Agreement for the Work described in Section I above, and shall not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed amendment to this Agreement. The Consultant agrees that any rate charged by it for the Work contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for the duration of this Agreement. Consultant will invoice professional services, and allowed and approved expenses, separately from any hardware or software. B. Upon the completion of each milestone and deliverable provided for in Section III.A., the Consultant shall submit a payment invoice to the City for Work performed, and a final bill upon completion of all services described in this Agreement. The City shall provide payment within forty-five (45) days of receipt of an invoice. If the City objects to all or any portion of an invoice, it shall notify the Consultant and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. IV. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that an Independent Contractor- Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement. By their execution of this Agreement, and in accordance with Ch. 51.08 RCW, the parties make the following representations: A. The Consultant has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its Work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. B. The Consultant maintains and pays for its own place of business from which Consultant's services under this Agreement will be performed. C. The Consultant has an established and independent business that is eligible for a business deduction for federal income tax purposes that existed before the City retained Consultant's services, or the Consultant is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved under this Agreement. D. The Consultant is responsible for filing as they become due all necessary tax documents with appropriate federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 E. The Consultant has registered its business and established an account with the state Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by Consultant's business, and has obtained a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number from the State of Washington. F. The Consultant maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business. VI. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of this Agreement. After termination, the City may take possession of all records and data within the Consultant's possession pertaining to this project, which may be used by the City without restriction. If the City's use of Consultant's records or data is not related to this project, it shall be without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. VII. WARRANTY. Consistent with the City's RFP and Consultant's Response, Consultant warrants the following: A. Consultant will faithfully and satisfactorily perform all Work provided under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. B. Consultant will comply with all terms and conditions of the software License and Maintenance Agreement in the performance of services under this Agreement. C. For a period of two years after Go-Live, Consultant shall correct at no cost to the City any errors in the deliverables completed by Consultant and attributable to Consultant's work in customizing, implementing, or integrating the Software into the completed System. This warranty does not apply to any error that is attributable to any later modification made by the City following the completion and acceptance of the Testing milestone. The City agrees to reimburse the Consultant based on provided hourly rates for all reasonable costs incurred by Consultant in the investigation resulting in the determination of an error or a change made by the City that impacts the System. Once the City requests and receives any source code from Consultant, this warranty shall cease to apply to those portions of the System covered by that source code. To facilitate support during the warranty period, the City agrees to maintain a change management log for all modifications made to the System once the City provides system acceptance. The format of this log will be provided by Consultant prior to City's acceptance of the System. D. Once final deployment occurs, the System will be fully operational as represented by Consultant when used on the City of Kent's existing operating environment. E. When the System is implemented, configured, and integrated by Consultant under this Agreement, the Consultants' implementation, configuration and integration will leverage the available functionality of the Cityworks software to provide the following solutions : a. Solutions documented in the Consultant's Response to the City's RFP. b. Solutions documented in any amendments to Consultant's Response to the RFP procurement process. C. Solutions that will be demonstrated during the requested demonstration provided in Section I. The parties agree that the requested demonstrations will be recorded (e.g. via WebEx recoding function).. d. Solutions documented as part of the Agreement. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 F. Throughout implementation and during the term of this Agreement, Consultant will promptly correct all defects to the extent those defects originate from the acts or omissions of Consultant's personnel or Work. G. Virus Warranty. Consultant warrants that none of its equipment or products contain, nor will any of Consultant's employees or agents introduce, any malicious code, program, or other internal component (e.g., computer virus, computer worm, computer time bomb, or similar component) that could damage, destroy, or alter any computer program, firmware, or hardware or which could in any manner, reveal, damage, destroy, or alter any data or other information accessed through or processed by the software product(s) or other products in any manner. Consultant shall immediately advise the City, in writing, upon reasonable suspicions or actual knowledge that the software product(s) or other products may result in the harm described above. VIII. DISCRIMINATION. In the hiring of employees for the performance of Work under this Agreement or any subcontract, the Consultant, its subcontractors, or any person acting on behalf of the Consultant or subcontractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the Work to which the employment relates. Consultant shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Declaration, Comply with City Administrative Policy 1.2, and upon completion of the Work, file the attached Compliance Statement. IX. INDEMNIFICATION. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Consultant's negligent performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the injuries and damages caused by the City's negligence. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Consultant's Work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Consultant's duty to defend, indemnify, and hold the City harmless, and Consultant's liability accruing from that obligation shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONSULTANT'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. In the event Consultant refuses tender of defense in any suit or any claim, if that tender was made pursuant to this indemnification clause, and if that refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or other agreed tribunal) to have been a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's part, then Consultant shall pay all the City's costs for defense, including all reasonable expert witness fees and reasonable attorneys'fees, plus the City's legal costs and fees incurred because there was a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's part. In recognition of the relative risks, rewards and benefits of the Project to both the City and the Consultant, the risks have been allocated such that City agrees to limit Consultant's liability for any and all claims, losses, costs, expenses and/or damages of any kind whatsoever, including defense legal costs and attorneys' fees of the City, such that Consultant's total aggregate liability to the City shall not exceed Consultant's fee, or $1,000,000, whichever is greater. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 X. INSURANCE. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit C attached and incorporated by this reference. XI. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION. The City will provide its best efforts to provide reasonable accuracy of any information supplied by it to Consultant for the purpose of completion of the Work under this Agreement. XII. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS. Original documents, drawings, designs, reports, or any other records developed or created under this Agreement shall belong to and become the property of the City. All records submitted by the City to the Consultant will be safeguarded by the Consultant. Consultant shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City upon the City's request. The Consultant acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington. As such, the Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with the City in satisfying the City's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. The City's use or reuse of any of the documents, data, and files created by Consultant for this project by anyone other than Consultant on any other project shall be without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. XII. CITY'S RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Even though Consultant is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the Work authorized under this Agreement, the Work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion. XIII. WORK PERFORMED AT CONSULTANT'S RISK. Consultant shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of the contract Work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All Work shall be done at Consultant's own risk, and Consultant shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the Work. XIV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A. Recyclable Materials. Pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent City Code, the City requires its contractors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable. A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. B. Non-Waiver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. C. Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, each party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's right to indemnification under Section IX of this Agreement. D. Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 6 deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. E. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. F. Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Consultant. G. Entire Agreement. The terms and conditions outlined herein, together with the City's August 16, 2017, Asset Management Request for Proposals, and the Consultant's October 30, 2017, Response to that Proposal, constitute the entire agreement between Consultant and the City and shall not be modified or rescinded except in writing, signed by both parties. In the case of inconsistencies or disputes among these terms and conditions, the following order of precedence shall prevail in descending order of priority: 1. This Agreement and any written and fully signed amendments thereto. 2. As to workflow automation, and user experience, any assurances made or expressed during the System demonstration process conducted in accordance with Section I, which the City accepted as substantially conforming to its expectations. 3. The City's Request for Proposal and any written amendments thereto. 4. The Consultant's Response to the City's Request for Proposal and any authorized written amendments or clarifications thereto. In the event of conflict, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. If any terms or conditions of this Agreement are invalid under any applicable statute or rule of law, they are to that extent to be deemed omitted and the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. H. _Compliance with Laws. The Consultant agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Consultant's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. I. Public Records Act. The Consultant acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington and documents, notes, emails, and other records prepared or gathered by the Consultant in its performance of this Agreement may be subject to public review and disclosure, even if those records are not produced to or possessed by the City of Kent. As such, the Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with the City in satisfying the City's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. J. City Business License Reauired. Prior to commencing the tasks described in Section I, Contractor agrees to provide proof of a current city of Kent business license pursuant to Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code. K. Counterparts and Signatures by Fax or Email. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. Further, upon executing this Agreement, either party may deliver the signature page to the other by fax or email and that signature shall have the same force and effect as if the Agreement bearing the original signature was received in person. IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on the last date entered below. All acts consistent with the authority of this Agreement and prior CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT- 7 to its effective date are ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement shall be deemed to have applied. CONSULTANT: "— ___ _ ___ CITY OF KENT: (signature) (signat re) Print Name: T)o F€'u<L Print Name: Dana Raloh Its (2 1 (LE S t' T Its Mayor / (title) DATE: DATE: �1 .�T s �I ��}[0�0 G� CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 8 NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CONSULTANT: CITY OF KENT:�Mbi— Woolpert,Attn:�tD O�U.� Attn: �Inc. City of Kent 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite 105 220 Fourth Avenue South Englewood, CO 80112-5125 Kent, WA 98032 303-925-1400 (telephone)' 253-856-6�'�(telephone) 303-925-}q1 (facsimile) 253-856- (facsimile) APPRO D S TO FORM: ent a Department TT Ke t Citj Clerk CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT- 9 DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this Agreement to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. During the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the Agreement I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. S. Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. By: For: l i£tAf-4 Title: I? 1 GCC-, Date: 11 k&/?.D/f EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 1 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 2 CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIA1by STATEM T This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this projecth Contractor awarded the Agreement. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent ofG Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the be/bre- ntioned company was the prime contractor for the Agreement known as O(( ate), that was entered into on the between e firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the require ents and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declarati n City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Agr ement. By For: Title: 1�1 s104zlr_ z Date: EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 3 CITY opxcmT,wm| cnYwonxsIMPLEMENTATION Exhibit A Scope " Services ° ExhibitA—Scope of Services.............................................................................................................................................................1 Technical. Scope of Work...................................................................................................................................................................3 Change Control. ---------------------------------------------------------'4 Phase1: ProgramManagemenL--------------------------------------------------E Taxkl.1: Provide Written Notice tnProceed (]ty-OvvnedTask)---------------------------h Task1.2: Finalize Project Plan ..........................................................................................................................................6 Task1.3: Project Administration........................................................................................................................................6 Task1.4: Project Kick-Off Meeting....................................................................................................................................7 Task 1.5: Project Schedule Coordination.....................................................................................................................8 RelatedStub-Tasks....................................................................................................................................................................8 Task1.6: Client Status Meetings.........................................................................................................................................8 Task 17: Internal Coordination Meetings...................................................................................................................10 Phase 2: Implementation Planning................................................................................................................................................1Z Task 3.1: Provide Asset Management Software Demonstrations.................................................................................l3 Task2.2: |ns[aU and Test [jtyvvorks................................................................................................................................l4 Taxk2.3: Facilitate Pre—Planning Discovery...................................................................................................................1S Task 2'4: Facilitate Cityworks AMS Work Order and Service Request Life'CycleManagement Business Process Reviews 16 Task 2.5 FaciUtate Geodatabasc Design Review and Recommendations for Assets...............................................19 Taxk2.6: Phase 2 Quality Control....................................................................................................................................2O Task 2.7: Phase 2 Acceptance and Close........................................................................................................................Z0 Phase3: Core System Design and Configuration.........................................................................................................................Z1 Task ].1: Prepare Initial Configuration Documentation...............................................................................................ll Task 3.2: Fac Utatm Cjtyvvode/WAS Software and Related Systems Configuration..................................................22 Task 3.3: Review and Approval of Updated System Configuration and Documentation.........................................28 Tosk3.4: Phase 3QuaULv Control.....................................................................................................................................Z8 CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Task 3.5: Phase 3 Acceptance and Close........................................................................................................................28 Phase 4: Advanced Functionality Configuration and Development.........................................................................................29 Task 4.1: Design and Develop Application Integrations................................................................................................29 Task 4.2: Perform Data Conversion of Legacy Asset and Transactional Data...........................................................42 Task 4.3: Develop Custom Reports and Dashboards (None Scoped)...........................................................................43 Task 4.4: Configure and Deploy Mobile Solutions..........................................................................................................43 Task4.5: Phase 4 Quality Control....................................................................................................................................45 Task 4.6: Phase 4 Acceptance and Close........................................................................................................................45 Phase5: System Deployment..........................................................................................................................................................46 Task 5.1: Provide Final Demonstrations..........................................................................................................................46 Task5.2: Develop Test Plan..............................................................................................................................................46 Task 5.3: Facilitate User Acceptance Testing................................................................................................................47 Task 5.4: Provide End-User Training................................................................................................................................48 Task 5.5: Provide Go-Live Support Group 1 ....................................................................................................................51 Task 5.6: Provide Go-Live Support Group 2....................................................................................................................52 Task5.7: Phase 5 Quality Control....................................................................................................................................52 Task 5.8: Phase 5 Acceptance and Close........................................................................................................................53 Scheduleand Fee..............................................................................................................................................................................54 CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Technical Scope of Work Woolpert has developed a five-phased approach to implementing content rich enterprise asset management solutions. Each of the five technical phases are executed in conjunction with continuous Project Management, Knowledge Transfer&Change Management,and Quality Management activities. Deliberate execution of each phase,with continuous City involvement and feedback enables Woolpert to ensure a successfully planned,designed, configured, and deployed asset management solution that is used and useful immediately upon "Go-Live", provides for the tools and resources needed to support current and planned asset management activities, and provides the means to monitor and measure continuous improvement activities. Each of our five phases are performed in order,with specific phase deliverables achieving City sign-off in each of the appropriately defined tasks or sub-tasks.The culmination of each phase is solidified by a Phase Acceptance and Close-out process that signifies delivery and acceptance of the Phase Tasks/Sub-Tasks for the particular phase being requested for Close-out. Each of the five phases,depicted in the following Implementation Phase diagram,are presented in detail in the subsequent sections of this Statement of Work document. Note:the City has chosen to opt out of the final phase, Extended Support. Project Management i y � Advanced Core System Functionality Development MOIR 4 t 4 Implementation Phases This scope of services is based on the following bounding assumptions: • The following Divisions are assumed to be part of the project: o Environmental Engineering Division—Solid Waste o Streets Division—Pavement,Sidewalk,Curb Repairs& Inspection; Requests;Signs o Water Division-Sampling,Testing, Locates;Asset inspections, repairs,operation, replace, cleaning,flushing o Sewer Division-Maintenance, Inspections, Repairs;Change Outs; Nassco;Other Inspections o Drainage Division-SPPP, Inspections,Vactor, Ditch/Casting, Line Replacements, Basins o Warehouse Division-Work Order Processing, Meters,Small Tools Rental & Repair,Stockpile, Motor Pool, Orders/Inventory o Vegetation Division-Ponds, Mowing, Fence Repairs, Irrigation, Litter Control,Tree Mgt., Requests • End user training will employ a Train-the-Trainer approach. Woolpert will train trainers and support trainers as they lead their first class. City personnel will provide all end user training beyond those efforts. • Two Go-Live deployments are planned.The Divisions that will be part of each deployment will be mutually agreed-upon during the project.The scoped go-live efforts assume two equal sized deployments. Should one go-live effort be larger than the other, Woolpert will revise the scope the efforts(tasks and durations)to accommodate the size of each group. It is assumed that the total effort defined in this scope of work will be sufficient to cover the total effort for the two go-lives. • The City will facilitate general computer and mobile device training outside the scope of this project. • The City will have reviewed,accepted and incorporated Geodatabase Design Recommendations from Task 2.5 prior to the commencement of Phase 3,Core System Design and Configuration. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • The City will assign a Project Manager to schedule City resources for tasks,ensure that the appropriate City resources participate in workshops and that City-owned tasks are executed per the project plan. • The City will assemble a Core Team that will participate in all key project tasks.The Core Team is considered the power users that will serve as key Cityworks subject matter experts throughout the project and post-implementation. • The Woolpert Change Control process will be adopted as described below. • Anywhere that business days are referred to in the SOW means City business days. Change Control This section defines how changes to the original objectives and/or deliverables defined in this Statement of Work will be handled. Both Woolpert and the City recognize that changes are a normal part of the project life cycle.Woolpert believes that managing change to project scope,cost, and schedule are critical to a project's success and employs a comprehensive approach to change control.Woolpert's established change control process is documented as follows: Any project team member(City or Woolpert) may initiate a Change Request whenever there is a perceived need for a change that will affect the desired or anticipated outcome of the work or any element of the project.The project team member will use a Change Control Notice(CCN)form as appropriate for the change: • Agreement to a Change Request signifies agreement to a change in overall costs,functionality,time scales,or other identified project impact. • Changes will be identified and communicated by/to the respective Project Managers by any of the prescribed communication channels.Change Requests may be introduced via verbal conversation or other form of communication but must be supported by the appropriate CCN document. • All CCN's will be signed by both the City and Woolpert Project Managers to indicate acceptance of the changes. • All project participants should understand that time is of the essence when initiating, reviewing, negotiating,and approving Change Requests,as any delays to work in progress caused by a CCN may impact the overall project schedule and budget. All request changes should be managed from their initiation through to their completion (acceptance or rejection)within five(5) business days from the start of the process. If the City and Woolpert project managers cannot reach common agreement on the request change within this time frame,the issue will be elevated to the next level of management(both City and Woolpert)for resolution. During the resolution process,all downstream project tasks potentially impacted by the requested change will be placed on hold until such time that resolution is achieved. The following workflow diagram graphically depicts the above detailed process: CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Requested change is Woolpert PMPI documents Project Tearn ,,.be, introduced by Requesto No request,discussion pointE.— (Woolpert and discussed amon PM-A and final decision via I An r* to the Scope of Services via verbal or written Project Memorandum communication methods Yes . r ;Ii e n t. submits .. .- -.. - Yes_ i CCN -w .Iby .N� updates CcN as Ms an F required and -- •• - ­,. „► resubmits to team members Assessment) the CCN reviewprocess No Woolpert PM Updated Project updates Scope 7 of Services and I II.� other related —► Woolpert implements —► Project team members changes documents,as required Change Control Process Each Change Control Notice(CCN)will clearly document the following: • Date • Change Control Number • CCN Initiated By • Original Scope of Services(language from the original scope that is being considered for change) • Proposed Change(narrative of the proposed change(s) being sought) • Schedule Impact(details about the proposed change(s) impact to the overall project schedule • Fee Impact(details on the proposed change(s) impact to the project budget) • Risk Assessment(narrative discussion about the risks the proposed change(s)will introduce to the project and the ways in which said risk will be mitigated) • Acceptance Signatures(Woolpert and City project managers) Phase 1 : Program Management An Enterprise Asset Management system implementation is a complex endeavor that presents a variety of technical and organizational challenges that will need to be identified, analyzed, understood, and continually managed to ensure a successful outcome.Woolpert's Project Management 0 approach provides for the resources and tools needed to successfully manage the project through all phases/processes, including: ace • Initiation. project authorizations and expectations _♦ • Planning. project definitions, objectives, deliverables, analysis of alternatives • Execution coordination of resources, quality management, product and service delivery Project Life-Cycle Process Groups • Monitoring and Controlling. monitoring and measuring to identify variances and imitate corrective actions • Close-Out.acceptance of project deliverables and results CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION To fulfill each of these objectives,Woolpert will employ the different project management tools described in the following sections: Task 1 .1 : Provide Written Notice to Proceed (City-Owned Task) Project start-up activities will commence upon receipt of a Written Notice to Proceed issued to Woolpert from the City contracting authority. Project start-up activities include optimizing the project schedule,finalizing any outstanding modifications to the proposed scope of series,setting up internal systems and controls,scheduling the Project Kick-Off Meeting,and locking in implementation resources. Task 1 .2: Finalize Project Plan During the course of selection and negotiation,there may have been requested modifications to the proposed scope of work—add additional tasks here, more hours there, remove a workshop, re-order on-site tasks, etc. Woolpert's project manager and technical leads will work with the City's project manager to make sure all requested modifications to our project plan are completed and signed-off between our two respective project managers. Deliverables • Draft and Final Project Plan Assumptions • The activities discussed in this section will begin once a Written Notice-to-Proceed is received from the City City of Kent Responsibilities • Review, comment and accept draft project work plan within five days of document delivery • Schedule appropriate internal staff for remote review meeting Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 1.2 Finalize Project Plan 11.5 days 1.2.1 Woolpert to Prepare Draft Project Plan 2 days 1.2.2 Woolpert to Submit Project Plan to Client PM 0 days Client Project Team to Review Project Plan(Client-Owned Task) 1.2.4 Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Review Meeting with Client Team 0.5 days 1.2.5 Woolpert to Update Project Plan Based on Client Review Feedback 2 days 1.2.6 Woolpert to Submit Final Project Plan 0 days .7 Client to Provide Written Acceptance of Final Project Plan(Client-Owned Task) Task 1 .3: Project Administration Woolpert's project manager will facilitate the following project administrative activities on a recurring basis throughout the life-cycle of the project: • Develop, in cooperation with the City's project manager,a project plan and schedule.- Proactively manage and update project plan and schedule, as required,throughout the duration of the project. Project plan and schedule modifications will be facilitated upon common agreement between the City and Woolpert in accordance with the issue control process detailed in the project plan; • Coordinate project events with the City's project manager and Woolpert team members; • Author,edit, review, and distribute project documentation and technical reports as required; • Facilitate in-process review meetings with the City's project manager,committees, management,and end-users as scheduled, and appropriate,throughout the duration of the project; • Maintain a secure project collaboration web site to post project schedule details, in-process tasks and responsible parties, technical documentation,as well as other project collaboration tools; CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • Perform miscellaneous project administration (e.g.arrange travel, internal project updates);and • Anticipate problem areas and propose and facilitate solutions Deliverables • Monthly project status reports • On-going project management, including resource allocation, invoicing and general consulting • Password protected project collaboration environment and issue log management Assumptions • The activities discussed in this section will begin once a Written Notice-to-Proceed is received from the City • Nineteen (19) months of project management services will be provided • The following service areas within the City's Department of Public Works are included in this scope of work: o Environmental Engineering Division—Solid Waste o Streets Division—Pavement,Sidewalk,Curb Repairs& Inspection; Requests;Signs o Water Division-Sampling,Testing, Locates;Asset inspections, repairs,operation, replace,cleaning,flushing o Sewer Division-Maintenance, Inspections, Repairs;Change Outs; Nassco;Other Inspections o Drainage Division-SPPP, Inspections,Vactor, Ditch/Casting, Line Replacements, Basins o Warehouse Division-Work Order Processing, Meters,Small Tools Rental & Repair,Stockpile, Motor Pool, Orders/Inventory o Vegetation Division-Ponds, Mowing, Fence Repairs, Irrigation, Litter Control,Tree Mgt., Requests • City departments or service areas not listed above will make personnel available to support all project phases where technical or expert input from different business areas is needed City of Kent Responsibilities • Assemble a team of domain and technical experts and have representation of all divisions/work groups involved throughout all phases of the project • Provide a point of contact for all project management issues and questions • Schedule appropriate internal staff and provide facilities for on-site meetings and off-site conference calls • Review and accept project status reports,or otherwise provide comments on same within a reasonable time frame Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 1.3 Project Administration 380 days 1.3.1 Project Administration &Ad Hoc Client Meetings 380 days 1.3.2 Set-Up Woolpert Internal Systems 2 days 1.3.3 Monthly Status Reporting 380 days 1.3.4 Monthly Invoicing 380 days Task 1 A Project Kick-Off Meeting As soon as is reasonably feasible,following receipt of the Written Notice to Proceed,Woolpert's project manager will work with the City's project manager to schedule a Project Kick-Off Meeting.This meeting will be facilitated on-site at the City's facilities for the purpose of: 1)establishing the necessary project management protocols to be adhered to by all stakeholders, 2)reviewing the City's implementation goals and objectives with all team members,3)identifying any City-owned source documentation necessary to support the project,4)identifying all critical path schedule milestones, and 5)addressing any outstanding scope or schedule questions that City stakeholders may have.Said meeting shall be of a duration suitable for addressing each of the items previously listed. Development of the kick-off meeting agenda shall be the joint responsibility of Woolpert's and the City's project managers. Deliverables • Kickoff meeting agenda • On-site project kick-off meeting(half day) CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Assumptions • The activities discussed in this section will begin once a Written Notice-to-Proceed is received from the City City of Kent Responsibilities • Schedule meeting space and supporting technology peripherals suitable for the kick-off meeting • Coordinate and schedule meeting attendees Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 1.4 Project Kick-Off Meeting 5.5 days 1.4.1 Woolpert to Prepare Project Kick-Off Meeting Agenda 1 day 1.4.2 Client PM to Prepare Site for Kick-Off Meeting(Client-Owned Task) w 1.4.3 Woolpert to Submit Meeting Agenda to Client PM 0 days 1 4A Client PM to Schedule Meeting Attendees(Client-Owned Task) 2 days 1.4.5 Woolpert to Facilitate Project Kick-Off Meeting(On-Site Task) 0.5 days 1.4.6 Woolpert to Prepare Kick-Off Meeting Minutes 1 day 1.4.7 Wooleprt to Submit Kick-Off Meeting Minutes to Client PM 0 days Task 1 .5: Project Schedule Coordination Project schedule coordination and management will be performed using Microsoft Project software. Project schedules and tasks will be monitored and adjusted as needed,depending upon the Client's priorities and ability make its staff and facilities available at the appropriate times throughout the project.An updated project schedule delineating resources,scheduled tasks,and completed tasks will be maintained and available to all Woolpert and Client project participants. Deliverables • Project schedule maintained and monitored on an on-going basis Assumptions • The activities discussed in this section will begin once a Written Notice-to-Proceed is received from the Client City of Kent Responsibilities • Review project schedule on an on-going basis Related Stub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 1.5 Project Schedule Coordination 380 days Task 1 .6: Client Status Meetings Woolpert will facilitate a regular occurring status meeting.Woolpert's project manager will participate in regularly scheduled project status meetings with the Client's project manager and designees for the purpose of reviewing project issues including: 1)activities, action items,and deliverables completed to date;2)activities, action items,and deliverables in process or scheduled;3)technical or contractual issues that require corrective action.Woolpert meeting participants will include Woolpert's project manager and ad hoc team members,as required.Client meeting participants will be as deemed necessary by the Client's project manager,or as requested by Woolpert's project manager. When feasible, Client Status Meetings will be held on-site at the Client's facilities in conjunction with other scheduled on-site tasks. Otherwise,Client Status Meetings will be facilitated remotely using teleconference and web meeting tools. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Deliverables • Woolpert to facilitate bi-weekly project manager meetings. Meeting will be facilitated onsite,if the necessary Woolpert resources are in Kent during the scheduled meeting,or via WebEx/teleconference. Woolpert will produce notes from meetings and post them to the project website • Monthly project status reports upload to project website Assumptions • Work will be performed remotely unless the required Woolpert resources happen to be onsite for the tasks. • The activities discussed in this section will begin once a Written Notice-to-Proceed is received from the City. City of Kent Responsibilities • Schedule appropriate internal staff and provide facilities for on-site meetings and off-site conference calls • Review and accept project status reports,or otherwise provide comments on same within a reasonable time frame • Schedule meeting space and supporting technology peripherals suitable for on-site meetings • Coordinate and schedule meeting attendees Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 1.6 Client Status Meetings 347.13 days 1.6.1 Client Status Meetings 1 1 hr 1.6.2 Client Status Meetings 2 1 hr 1.6.3 Client Status Meetings 3 1 hr 1.6.4 Client Status Meetings 4 1 hr 1.6.5 Client Status Meetings 5 1 hr 1.6.6 Client Status Meetings 6 1 hr 1.6.7 Client Status Meetings 7 1 hr 1.6.8 Client Status Meetings 8 1 hr 1.6.9 Client Status Meetings 9 1 hr 1.6.10 Client Status Meetings 10 1 hr 1.6.11 Client Status Meetings 11 1 hr 1.6.12 Client Status Meetings 12 1 hr 1.6.13 Client Status Meetings 13 1 hr 1.6.14 Client Status Meetings 14 1 hr 1.6.15 Client Status Meetings 15 1 hr 1.6.16 Client Status Meetings 16 1 hr 1.6.17 Client Status Meetings 17 1 hr 1.6.18 Client Status Meetings 18 1 hr 1.6.19 Client Status Meetings 19 1 hr 1.6.20 Client Status Meetings 20 1 hr 1.6.21 Client Status Meetings 21 1 hr 1.6.22 Client Status Meetings 22 1 hr 1.6.23 Client Status Meetings 23 1 hr 1.6.24 Client Status Meetings 24 1 hr 1.6.25 Client Status Meetings 25 1 hr 1.6.26 Client Status Meetings 26 1 hr 1.6.27 Client Status Meetings 27 1 hr 1.6.28 Client Status Meetings 28 1 hr 1.6.29 Client Status Meetings 29 1 hr 1.6.30 Client Status Meetings 30 1 hr 1.6.31 Client Status Meetings 31 1 hr CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration 1.6.32 Client Status Meetings 32 1 hr 1.6.33 Client Status Meetings 33 1 hr 1.6.34 Client Status Meetings 34 1 hr 1.6.35 Client Status Meetings 35 1 hr 1.6.36 Client Status Meetings 36 1 hr 1.6.37 Client Status Meetings 37 1 hr 1.6.38 Client Status Meetings 38 1 hr 1.6.39 Client Status Meetings 39 1 hr Task 1 .7: Internal Coordination Meetings Internal coordination meetings will be held on a regular basis to ensure continuous communication about tasks in process, scheduled tasks, and any issues impacting a successful implementation.Woolpert's project manager will also utilize these meetings to gather information from project team members required to manage on-going resource loading. Deliverables • Regularly scheduled internal coordination meetings Assumptions • The activities discussed in this section will begin once a Written Notice-to-Proceed is received from the Client Client Responsibilities • None Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 1.7 Internal Coordination Meetings 352.09 days 1.7.1 Internal Coordination Meetings 1 0.75 hrs 1.7.2 Internal Coordination Meetings 2 0.75 hrs 1.7.3 Internal Coordination Meetings 3 0.75 hrs 1.7.4 Internal Coordination Meetings 4 0.75 hrs 1.7.5 Internal Coordination Meetings 5 0.75 hrs 1.7.6 Internal Coordination Meetings 6 0.75 hrs 1.7.7 Internal Coordination Meetings 7 0.75 hrs 1.7.8 Internal Coordination Meetings 8 0.75 hrs 1.7.9 Internal Coordination Meetings 9 0.75 hrs 1.7.10 Internal Coordination Meetings 10 0.75 hrs 1.7.11 Internal Coordination Meetings 11 0.75 hrs 1.7.12 Internal Coordination Meetings 12 0.75 hrs 1.7.13 Internal Coordination Meetings 13 0.75 hrs 1.7.14 Internal Coordination Meetings 14 0.75 hrs 1.7.15 Internal Coordination Meetings 15 0.75 hrs 1.7.16 Internal Coordination Meetings 16 0.75 hrs 1.7.17 Internal Coordination Meetings 17 0.75 hrs 1.7.18 Internal Coordination Meetings 18 0.75 hrs 1.7.19 Internal Coordination Meetings 19 0.75 hrs 1.7.20 Internal Coordination Meetings 20 0.75 hrs 1.7.21 Internal Coordination Meetings 21 0.75 hrs 1.7.22 Internal Coordination Meetings 22 0.75 hrs CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration 1.7.23 Internal Coordination Meetings 23 0.75 hrs 1.7.24 Internal Coordination Meetings 24 0.75 hrs 1.7.25 Internal Coordination Meetings 25 0.75 hrs 1.7.26 Internal Coordination Meetings 26 0.75 hrs 1.7.27 Internal Coordination Meetings 27 0.75 hrs 1.7.28 Internal Coordination Meetings 28 0.75 hrs 1.7.29 Internal Coordination Meetings 29 0.75 hrs 1.7.30 Internal Coordination Meetings 30 0.75 hrs 1.7.31 Internal Coordination Meetings 31 0.75 hrs 1.7.32 Internal Coordination Meetings 32 0.75 hrs 1.7.33 Internal Coordination Meetings 33 0.75 hrs 1.7.34 Internal Coordination Meetings 34 0.75 hrs 1.7.35 Internal Coordination Meetings 35 0.75 hrs 1.7.36 Internal Coordination Meetings 36 0.75 hrs 1.7.37 Internal Coordination Meetings 37 0.75 hrs 1.7.38 Internal Coordination Meetings 38 0.75 hrs 1.7.39 Internal Coordination Meetings 39 0.75 hrs 1.7.40 Internal Coordination Meetings 40 0.75 hrs 1.7.41 Internal Coordination Meetings 41 0.75 hrs 1.7.42 Internal Coordination Meetings 42 0.75 hrs 1.7.43 Internal Coordination Meetings 43 0.75 hrs 1.7.44 Internal Coordination Meetings 44 0.75 hrs 1.7.45 Internal Coordination Meetings 45 0.75 hrs 1.7.46 Internal Coordination Meetings 46 0.75 hrs 1.7.47 Internal Coordination Meetings 47 0.75 hrs 1.7.48 Internal Coordination Meetings 48 0.75 hrs 1.7.49 Internal Coordination Meetings 49 0.75 hrs 1.7.50 Internal Coordination Meetings 50 0.75 hrs 1.7.51 Internal Coordination Meetings 51 0.75 hrs 1.7.52 Internal Coordination Meetings 52 0.75 hrs 1.7.53 Internal Coordination Meetings 53 0.75 hrs 1.7.54 Internal Coordination Meetings 54 0.75 hrs 1.7.55 Internal Coordination Meetings 55 0.75 hrs 1.7.56 Internal Coordination Meetings 56 0.75 hrs 1.7.57 Internal Coordination Meetings 57 0.75 hrs 1.7.58 Internal Coordination Meetings 58 0.75 hrs 1.7.59 Internal Coordination Meetings 59 0.75 hrs 1.7.60 Internal Coordination Meetings 60 0.75 hrs 1.7.61 Internal Coordination Meetings 61 0.75 hrs 1.7.62 Internal Coordination Meetings 62 0.75 hrs 1.7.63 Internal Coordination Meetings 63 0.75 hrs 1.7.64 Internal Coordination Meetings 64 0.75 hrs 1.7.65 Internal Coordination Meetings 65 0.75 hrs 1.7.66 Internal Coordination Meetings 66 0.75 hrs 1.7.67 Internal Coordination Meetings 67 0.75 hrs 1.7.68 Internal Coordination Meetings 68 0.75 hrs 1.7.69 Internal Coordination Meetings 69 0.75 hrs 1.7.70 Internal Coordination Meetings 70 0.75 hrs CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration 1.7.71 Internal Coordination Meetings 71 0.75 hrs 1.7.72 Internal Coordination Meetings 72 0.75 hrs 1.7.73 Internal Coordination Meetings 73 0.75 hrs 1.7.74 Internal Coordination Meetings 74 0.75 hrs 1.7.75 Internal Coordination Meetings 75 0.75 hrs 1.7.76 Internal Coordination Meetings 76 0.75 hrs 1.7.77 Internal Coordination Meetings 77 0.75 hrs 1.7.78 Internal Coordination Meetings 78 0.75 hrs Phase 2: Implementation Planning The Implementation Planning tasks are performed for verifying/establishing and documenting a clear purpose for the Cityworks AMS implementation. Functional and technical requirements that were published in the request for proposal and further explained in RFP addenda documents, during and after the short-list interview, are reviewed with Woolpert's implementation team and the City's management and technical team leads to align goals and expectations and to establish critical success factors to measure implementation milestones. Key Implementation Planning(Phase 2) Woolpert will facilitate a number of Pre-Planning discovery tasks Deliverables beginning with a desktop audit of pertinent asset management data, followed by a series on-site discovery workshops designed to identify, SoftwareAsset Management validate, and document levels-of-service and key asset management Demonstrations program metrics that we will need to configure the solution to support. SandboxInstallation of Cityworks in In those instances where the City does not yet have well-defined Pre-implementation Discovery performance metrics,the Woolpert implementation team will provide Memorandum some examples of quality metrics that the City can start with and grow Technical into as use of the system matures over time.Additionally,Woolpert will ProcessBusiness ' ' facilitate a workshop to review the general GIS requirements for this Documentation Cityworks project. Geodatabase Design Technical Memorandum As part of these initial planning efforts, Woolpert will install a sample/ configured Cityworks AMS solution either on-site, on the City's servers,or in a cloud environment accessible to the City's project team.This initial system install will be used through all the implementation phases to "teach and train" users how to navigate the system and ultimately use it to their daily benefit.As the project moves through the phases,this initial install will be updated to reflect the configuration decisions made by the City's project team until such time that at "Go-Live" it becomes the Production Environment. Additionally, as part of Woolpert's continuous knowledge transfer and change control efforts,we can optionally provide a series of software demonstrations to the City team early in the process.This early introduction to the system imparts a level of understanding among those City team members that will be asked to make design and configuration decisions. This is the first of many software demonstrations that will be used throughout our implementation process. During the Planning Phase Woolpert will facilitate a series of Business Process Review workshops whereby Woolpert works with the City's key technical staff to establish a best practices approach to managing the request,work order, and inspection data that will be captured, routed, acted-upon, and reported within the asset management software application. Woolpert will facilitate a workshop in which the geodatabase will be reviewed in terms of how it supports asset management best practices for asset and attribute tracking. Woolpert will make recommendations as to how the data structures could be augments to better align with the Cityworks solution and support advanced asset management decision-making. Woolpert will develop a CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION conceptual data model that the City can incorporate into their geodatabase. Per request of the City during the scoping process, Woolpert will provide effort to develop data migration scripts to load legacy Hansen asset records into the GIs. Each of the related Implementation Planning Tasks and Sub-Tasks are detailed in the following sections. Task 2.1 : Provide Asset Management Software Demonstrations Woolpert will facilitate a series of on-site software demonstrations to introduce the City's project team members to the core functionality and features of the Cityworks application. For many of the City's project team members,this will be their first exposure to the new Cityworks software.These demonstrations will provide an initial overview of the features and functions of the new software and will serve as a basis for on-going software training and knowledge transfer that will increase in frequency and complexity as the project progresses through the subsequent design,configuration and deployment phases.The on-site software demonstrations will be facilitated multiple times over a three(3)day period to accommodate project team member schedules and to allow the City to include as many staff members as possible. Deliverables • Woolpert will develop a Software Demonstration agenda and provide same to the City PM • Woolpert will provide seven (7)on-site Software Demonstrations,each up to two(2) hours in duration. Assumptions • Software Demonstrations will be facilitated using a Woolpert demo environment • The City's project manager will ensure site readiness and staff participation for the Software Demonstrations • The City's project manager will provide a conference room or training room with a projector. During the Software Demonstrations, individual computers are not needed for the participants.The software functionality will be demonstrated from the instructor's computer. • Software demonstrations will be conducted during the same business week(Monday—Friday)as the project kick-off meeting. City Responsibilities • City project manager to review and accept agenda for Software Demonstrations • City project manager to schedule and accommodate the appropriate City project team members such that they are available,without undue interruption,for the required number of days • Secure an appropriate training facility suitable for participants Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 2.1 Provide Asset Management Software Demonstrations 6.25 days 2.1.1 Woolpert to Develop AMS Demonstration Agenda 0.25 days 2.1.2 Woolpert to Submit Agenda to Client 0 days 2.1.3 Woolpert to Prepare for Software Demonstrations 2 days 2.1.4 Client to I "NED TASK) 2 days 2.1.5 Woolpert to Facilitate On-Site AMS Demonstrations 1.75 days Demonstration 1: Environmental Engineering Division 0.25 days Demonstration 2:Streets Division 0.25 days Demonstration 3:Water Division 0.25 days Demonstration 4:Sewer Division 0.25 days Demonstration 5: Drainage Division 0.25 days Demonstration 6:Warehouse Division 0.25 days Demonstration 7:Vegetation Division 0.25 days CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Task 2.2: Install and Test Cityworks This task includes installing the core Cityworks AMS software,other supporting applications,and a pre-configured sample Cityworks database within the City's networked environment.Alternatively,Woolpert can establish this installation in a hosted environment. Prior to beginning the installation,Woolpert will provide a full readiness checklist to the City's IT staff to ensure the application and database servers are prepared in advance through the installation and configuration of the requisite operating system, relational database, and web services applications,along with any additional City-specific security and system administration applications.The readiness checklist will include recommendations/minimum requirements for hardware and software specifications suitable for supporting the Cityworks solution.Woolpert will perform the necessary Cityworks software installation,testing and configuration required to ensure a successful deployment within the City's on-premise sandbox or development environment.Also,at this time, Woolpert will request the provision of application and database servers to support an n-tier environment consistent with the City's established IT policy.At a minimum,Woolpert envisions a total of three environments—Development(DEV),Testing(TEST), and Production(PROD).Woolpert will deploy a System Implementation Specialist on-site to assist the City's IT technical staff with the installation and configuration of the various Cityworks environments.Also, at this time,Woolpert's Implementation Specialist will provide system administration knowledge transfer and training(software installation, configuration, back-up and recovery)to the City's identified system administrators. Deliverables • Cityworks and hardware specifications documentation for the City to review • Woolpert will facilitate a remote system specifications review with the City's IT team • Woolpert will perform on-site installation,configuration,and testing of the core Cityworks software applications and databases in the City's on-premise network environment(Test and Development) • Woolpert will provide Cityworks software installation and back-up training to the City's system administrators during the time on-site to perform the installation services. Assumptions • Activities including Installation,configuration,testing and training will be performed onsite at the City's facilities. • Training will be facilitated utilizing the newly installed on-premise Cityworks environment • The City's Project Manager will ensure site readiness and staff participation for the training • The City's Project Manager will ensure IT Staff are available during the Cityworks software installation and testing to ensure the proper access and permissions are granted • The City will create a login for Woolpert for the necessary access to install software,set up databases,and test the software City Responsibilities • Create the logins for Woolpert with the necessary permissions • Ensure the Servers are prepared for the installation of the Cityworks software including ArcGIS Server,SDE, RDBMS(SQL Server or Oracle),and other supporting software applications • City project manager to ensure the necessary staff participate in the training Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 2.2 Install and Configure Cityworks AMS in a Sandbox Environment 4 days 2.2.1 Woolpert to Install and Configure Cityworks AMS in a Sandbox Environment(On-Site Task) 0.5 days 2.2.2 Woolpert to Test Installation and Configuration and Modify as Required (On-Site Task) 0.5 days 2.2.3 Woolpert to Replicate Initial Sandbox Configuration to Development Environment(On-Site Task) 0.5 days 2.2.4 Woolpert to Provide Core Cityworks AMS Administration Training to Client System Administrators(On-'0.5 days Site Task) 2.2.5 On-Site Travel: Demonstrations and Software Installation 4 days CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Task 2.3: Facilitate Pre-Planning Discovery Woolpert will jointly facilitate a series of pre-planning Idiscovery sub-tasks for the purposes of: 1)understanding the Implementation ' City's over-arching corporate asset management objectives Review and strategies;2)aligning the City's stated technical and functional requirements with the governing project plan Policies Phase , Goals •b (Request for Proposal, contract,Statement of Work documents);and 3)identifying and documenting any critical Planned Performance Management performance requirements that have not been adequately addressed to date(critical/unique asset performance Define Current c,,p Target measures,system interfaces, unique workflow details,specific Baseline A,­y,i, Measures reporting requirements, data conversion requirements). Phases t Ultimately,we are utilizing this pre-planning discovery z•a Design/Build opportunity to engage the City's management team and / Maintain technical leads to define the target asset performance Phase , , , measures the implemented Cityworks AMS will be required to support. By clearly articulating the organization's Performance Management Roadmap implementation vision and aligning this with the corporate policies and goals,strategies, and objectives,we can establish the desired "to-be" position at the very on-set of the project. Woolpert will then compare requirements to the City's current asset management strategy baseline to define the outstanding measures that need to be implemented as part of the overall project. This will clearly establish the"roadmap"our project team and the City's project participants will utilize to navigate the design, configuration,and deployment phases of the project. The Performance Management Roadmap in the above graphic illustrates how the pre-implementation planning discovery is used to align implementation goals and objectives and establish the requisite implementation road map. Any program elements that are discovered during this process that are not part of the Project Plan will be presented to the City's management team for consideration.At their discretion,the City's management team may elect to: 1) have these added to a revised Project Plan for inclusion in the core project implementation;2)wait to address these issues as part of the Phase 5—Extended Support;or 3) place them in a "parking lot"for future consideration outside of the scope of this implementation plan. Depending upon the City's decision,Woolpert will make any necessary adjustments to the Project Plan and obtain acceptance from the City. Deliverables • Woolpert will prepare a Request for Information and submit it to the City's PM • Woolpert will perform a desktop review of the data provided by the City's PM • Woolpert will facilitate a series of discovery workshops,on-site at the City's facilities • Woolpert will document the workshop discussions and finding in the form of a Technical Memorandum and submit it to the City's PM • Woolpert will facilitate a remote conference call meeting with the City team to review the contents of the Technical Memorandum Assumptions • Onsite workshops will span no more than two(2) business weeks • The City's project manager will provide the Data gathered from the Request for Information no later than one(1)week prior to the scheduled pre-discovery workshops • All activities,other than the actual workshop will be performed remotely • The City's project manager will ensure site readiness and staff participation for the workshop • City will be able to create and configure additional asset types after completion of the implementation • Asset types will be addressed in order of priority;some asset types may need to be configured by the City post implementation or by Woolpert via the project change request process CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION City Responsibilities • The City's PM will facilitate the data gathering process to collect the information detailed in Woolpert's RFI • The City's PM will secure appropriate meeting facilities in which Woolpert will conduct the workshops • The City's PM will schedule all City workshop attendees • All identified City workshop attendees will actively participate in the on-site meetings without undue interruption • The City's PM and technical project team members will review the Technical Memorandum and provide feedback to Woolpert in a timely fashion • The City's PM and technical project team members will participate in a remote conference call review meeting with the Woolpert PM Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 2.3 Conduct Pre-Planning Discovery 19.25 days 2.3.1 Prepare Requests for Information 2 days 2.3.2 Submit RFI to Client PM 0 days 2.3.3 Client PM to _.v ...._ _v._ _ . . _. ._ _ . . Y.;�_ ma-a w q'voo"3De ..en -;vaned :asks n_ 2.3.4 Woolpert to Perform Desktop Audit of Collected Information 5 days 2.3.5 Woolpert to Prepare for On-Site Discovery Workshops 1 day 2.3.6 Woolpert to Facilitate Pre-Planning Discovery Workshops 5 days Global Configuration Standards Workshop(On-Site Task) 2 days General GIs Requirements and Review Workshop(On-Site Task) 0.5 days Department-Specific Discovery Workshops 5 days Environment Engineering Div.—Solid Waste(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Streets Div.-Pavement,Sidewalk,Curb Repairs& Inspection; Requests,Signs(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Water Div.-Sampling,Testing, Locates;Asset inspections, repairs,operation, replace,cleaning, 0.25 days flushing(On-Site Task) Sewer Div.-Maintenance, Inspections, Repairs;Change Outs; Nassco;Other Inspections(On-Site,0.25 days Task) Drainage Div.-SPPP, Inspections,Vactor, Ditch/Casting, Line Replacements, Basins(On-Site Task)0.25 days Warehouse Div.-Work Order Processing,Meters,Small Tools Rental&Repair,Stockpile, Motor 0.25 days Pool,Orders/Inventory(On-Site Task) Vegetation Div.-Ponds, Mowing, Fence Repairs, Irrigation, Litter Control,Tree Mgt., Requests 0.25 days (On-Site Task) Accounting Division 0.25 days Data Conversion Review 0.25 days On-Site Travel 5 days Woolpert to Document Workshop Findings and Update Implementation Scope of Services, 5 days 2.3.7 Assumptions, and Risk Plan 2.3.8 Woolpert to Submit Updated Documentation to Client PM 0 days Task 2.4: Facilitate Cifyworks AMS Work Order and Service Request Life-Cycle Management Business Process Reviews The objective of the business process reviews is three-fold: 1) provide Woolpert's implementation team with a deep understanding of the City's desired work/asset management work flows/business processes,2) provide City project participants with a deeper understanding of the impending business process improvements introduced by the planned Cityworks solution in tandem with the desired business process as stated in the City's RFP,and 3)establish asset life-cycle management and work management workflows in the context of the City's asset management strategies and as supported by Cityworks'functional and technical capabilities. One of the main features of today's leading asset and maintenance management software applications is their ability to be configured to fit the unique way an organization manages and executes its infrastructure maintenance management activities.Over CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION the course of many Cityworks AMS implementation engagements,Woolpert has learned that: 1)documenting asset management software workflows can be a rather overwhelming task for the City's technical leads;and 2)the service request,work order, and inspection life-cycles that need to be managed within the asset/maintenance management software application is 80—90 percent standard across all implementing organizations.Woolpert has taken this knowledge and developed a standard set of"best practice"workflow templates that we use to facilitate understanding of the work management life-cycle and we tailor these standard templates to best accommodate the implementing organization's standard"planning,scheduling,and execution" workflows.We have found that this approach saves time, money,and introduces a substantial level of best industry practices for work management activities right at the on-set of the project. A single workshop will be used to review the global workflows that apply to most work management business processes.All work groups are expected to participate in the global workflows workshop. Woolpert will facilitate a series of on-site workshops that investigate a number of standard work management work flow diagrams detailing the life-cycle management of work requests within the Cityworks application.The eight(8) primary workflow areas addressed will include: 1. Initiation 4. Scheduling 7. Emergency Work 2. Screening 5. Assignment 8. CIA Review&Completion 3. Planning 6. Performance These standard work management work flows will specifically incorporate information gathered in the discovery phase(Task 1.1.6) with the Current State and Future State diagrams and workflows presented in the RFP Exhibit B,which are listed below.Woolpert has reviewed and understands the RFP's process diagrams. • Current System State Context Diagram • Lifecycle Workflow • Future State Corrective Maintenance Workflow • Future State Preventative Maintenance Workflow • Future State Resource Tracking Workflow Additionally,Woolpert will address the following three(3)ancillary work flows: 1. Asset Set-Up and Modification 2. Preventative Maintenance/Predictive Maintenance Work Order Set-Up and Modification 3. Inventory Management Processes With the various workflows,Woolpert will introduce the use of Work Order Statuses, reasons why work order/inspection performance might be delayed (awaiting parts,awaiting available crews,weather delays, etc.),the ability to track and report on work orders throughout their life-cycle,and how all of these factors relate to establishing a work management environment that moves from reactive maintenance to a more proactive maintenance position (one of the multiple asset management best practices Woolpert facilitates through our implementations). Also, as part of these workshop discussions,Woolpert will expand upon the discussions of Levels of Service,asset performance measures,and specialized reporting requirements to identify any key custom data fields that will need to be taken under consideration during the upcoming(Phase 2)configuration workshops. Upon the completion of these workshops,Woolpert will compile all of the comments and feedback received from the City's technical team members(maintenance staff), and update the standard workflow diagrams to reflect local practices.Our past experiences with this exercise indicate that we should not need to make more than a few edits to our standard workflow diagrams. The resultant documentation will later be used by the City's technical team and system administrators to develop standard operating procedures and training materials. CITY opxcwT,wm| cnvwonmIMPLEMENTATION Example Asset Management Workflow Diagrams Deliverables * Woolpert will facilitate a series of on-site Business Process Review Workshops * VVoo|pert team members will document the outcomes of the workshops * Woolpert team members will facilitate a remote review meeting with the City technical team to review the and update the documentation based on the outcome of the review meeting Assumptions * All preparation activities will be performed remotely. ~ All workshop activities will be performed on-site. * The City's PM will ensure site readiness and staff participation for the workshops City Responsibilities * Secure an appropriate meeting facility suitable for participants ~ Schedule and accommodate the appropriate City project participants such that they are available,without undue interruption,for the required number nfdays * Review submitted draft documents ~ Participate in remote review meeting Related Sub-Tasks VVRS Task Name Duration 2.4 Facilitate Cityworks AMS Work Order and Service Request Life-Cycle Management Business Process 1S.2sdays Reviews 2.4.1 Round 1 Business Process Review Workshops(Ons|te) 13.25days VVoo|pertto Prepare for Workshops(First Round) lday VVmo|pe,ttm Facilitate Business Process Workshops(Round 1) 3'75days 24l2.1 Global Standards Workshop(On'5iteTask) _ 1day 2.4.122 Environmental Engineering Div Solid Waste(On'SiteTask) 1025 days CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration Streets Div. -Pavement,Sidewalk, Curb Repairs& Inspection; Requests, Signs(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Water Div. -Sampling,Testing, Locates;Asset inspections, repairs, operation, replace, cleaning, 0.25 days flushing.;(On-Site Task) Sewer Div.-Maint, Insp, Repairs;Change Outs; Nassco;Other Inspections(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Drainage Div.-SPPP, Inspections,Vactor, Ditch/Casting, Line Replacements, Basins(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Warehouse Div. -Work Order Processing, Meters,Small Tools Rental & Repair,Stockpile, Motor Pool, Orders/Inventory(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Vegetation Div.-Ponds, Mowing, Fence Repairs, Irrigation, Litter Control,Tree Mgt., Requests 0.25 days (On-Site Task) On-Site Travel 3 days Woolpert to Document Business Process Review Workshop Findings(First Round) 3 days Woolpert to Submit Draft Workflow Documentation to Client PM 0 days Client Technical Team to Review Draft Workflow Documentation (Client-Owned Task) 5 days Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Review Meeting with Client Technical Team 0.5 days Woolpert to Update Draft Workflow Documentation per Client Review Comments 1 day 2.4.2 Round 2 Business Process Review Workshops(Remote Review) 2 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Solid Waste Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Streets Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Water Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Sewer Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Drainage Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Warehouse Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Vegetation Division 0.25 days Woolpert to Update Draft Workflow Documentation per Client Review Comments 2 days Client to Review and Approve Workflows 1 day Task 2.5 Facilitate Geodatabase Design Review and Recommendations for Assets For the Cityworks solution,the asset data model exists in the ArcGIS Geodatabase. Its data model design or structure is a key component in the overall implementation of Cityworks.The Geodatabase can house both spatial and non-spatial records or assets. A maintainable asset is any asset to which the City may assign a work order or an inspection. For each type of maintainable asset,a GIs data structure(feature or object class)must exist. The GIs data structure is definable by the City and not dictated by the Cityworks solution. This task will result in the delivery of a Geodatabase Design Technical which will include key recommendations for the City's Geodatabase. Prior to the workshops,the City will provide Woolpert with a copy of their current geodatabases. Woolpert will install the database on Woolpert servers and evaluate the existing data structures. Woolpert will develop and submit an agenda for the workshops. Woolpert will facilitate a set of onsite workshops with the intent to provide input into,and recommendations on how to improve, the existing and required new GIs data structures. After the workshops,Woolpert will develop a GIS Recommendations technical memorandum. Woolpert will facilitate a remote review of the tech memo. Woolpert will update the document per feedback from the City resubmit the document in its final version. City GIS staff will make any changes based on the recommendations in the memorandum. Deliverables • Woolpert will facilitate up to three(3)consecutive business days of GIS workshops onsite at City facilities. • Woolpert will develop and deliver a draft version of the GIs Recommendations technical memorandum. • Woolpert will facilitate a remote review of the GIS Recommendations tech memo for up to two(2) hours. • Woolpert will update and deliver a final version of the GIS Recommendations tech memo. Assumptions • All work other than the GIS workshops will take place remotely. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • The recommendations that Woolpert will be making in the technical memorandum will be to support the configuration of Cityworks. City Responsibilities • City will provide a version of their existing geodatabase to Woolpert for review prior to the workshops. • City will ensure that the appropriate resources will attend the GIs workshops. • City will review the draft version of the GIS Recommendations tech memo prior to the joint review WebEx session. • The appropriate City project resources will actively participate in the session to review the GIS Recommendations tech memo. • City will accept as final the GIS Recommendations tech memo once the updates from the joint review session have been made. Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 2.5 Facilitate Geodatabase Design Review and Recommendations for Assets 33 days 2.5.1 Woolpert to Prepare for On-Site Discovery Workshops 2 days 2.5.2 Woolpert to Facilitate Geodatabase Design Workshops 3 days Environmental Engineering Div-Solid Waste(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Streets Div.-Pavement,Sidewalk,Curb Repairs&Inspection; Requests,Signs(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Water Div.-Sampling,Testing, Locates;Asset inspections, repairs, operation, replace, cleaning, 0.25 days flushing(On-Site Task) y Sewer Div.-Maint, Insp, Repairs; Change Outs; Nassco;Other Inspections(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Drainage Div.-SPPP, Inspections,Vactor, Ditch/Casting, Line Replacements, Basins(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Warehouse Div.-Work Order Processing, Meters,Small Tools Rental&Repair,Stockpile, Motor 1 hr Pool,Orders/Inventory(On-Site Task) Vegetation Div.-Ponds, Mowing, Fence Repairs, Irrigation, Litter Control,Tree Mgt., Requests(On- 0.25 days Site Task) On-Site Travel 3 days Travel Costs 3 days 2.5.3 Woolpert to Document Workshop Outcomes in the form of a Technical Memorandum 3 days 2.5.4 Woolpert to Submit Draft Technical Memorandum to Client PM 0 days ��. re= 'ask,Kars S a8'ys 2.5.5 : 2.5.6 Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Review Meetings with Client Technical Team 0.25 days Woolpert to Update Geodatabase Design Technical Memorandum per Client Technical Team Review 1 da 2.5.7 Comments y 2.5.8 Woolpert to Submit Updated Geodatabase Design Technical Memorandum to Client PM 0 days 2.5.9 Client GIS Team to Facilitate Geodatabase Updates a .0 Popo. -v "` �`�� • s=' Task 2.6: Phase 2 Quality Control Woolpert technical resources, not regularly involved with this implementation will perform independent quality review of the work processes and deliverable products in accordance with the Woolpert Total Quality Plan. Task 2.7: Phase 2 Acceptance and Close This is the Phase exit document that the City project manager signs indicating Woolpert has delivered the Phase 2 services in accordance with the Scope of Work and Project Plan. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Phase 3: Core System Design and Configuration Using the"road map" developed in Phase 2 as our guide,the Woolpert implementation team will lead the City's project team through the .sign Cityworks configuration tasks. The result of Phase 3 activities will be a Key Core System D and Configuration (Phase 3)Deliverables fully configured AM solution—deployed to the City's development environment—that is ready to undergo User Acceptance Testing. • " AM System ConfigurationWoolpert will initiate the configuration activities by developing a set of Documentation configuration documents.These will be reviewed by the City's technical AM System Configuration Training team for gaining a level of familiarity with the various aspects of the •re AM System Configuration system components that will need to be configured (service requests, work orders, inspections,job plans,work crews, default schedule dates, Development and the list goes on). Inventory • Materials on •• Development Management Woolpert's implementation team will facilitate three(3) rounds of on-site Environment configuration workshops, whereby the Cityworks solution will be iteratively configured and loaded with the data required to support the City's asset/maintenance workflows and support the defined reporting requirements. Once all the configuration activities have been completed, Woolpert will facilitate a review of the configured solution and companion documentation to gain alignment from the City's project team that the solution is ready to move into the bole of Contents next project phase. This review is to ensure that nothing major has been omitted Document Purpose and Structure...............................5 from the design, not to approve the system for go-live. Alignment means the Assets Overview....................................................5 system is ready for testing. Once alignment is complete, Woolpert will facilitate a Service Requests,work Orden,and Inspections............5 Standard Service Request......................................5 series of on-site system demonstrations.These demonstrations will "walk' the Customer,:cco„nts...........................................6 Streesystem through all the asset/maintenance management workflows in the Prints Names..................................................6 manner they were configured and provide the City's technical team an work order........................................................7 Tasks.............................................................8 opportunity to comment upon and request modifications to the configuration. Printing.........................................................8 After Woolpert updates the configuration (and related documentation) per the Inspect Printing .........................................................9 demonstration feedback,the system will be ready for User Acceptance Testing Global Technical Configuration................................10 (UAT)—Phase 4. Domain and Employee Setup................................ 10 Domain Background.........................................10 Domain Group Background................................11 Employees Background.....................................12 Task 3.1 Prepare Initial Configuration Documentation CIS and Asset setup............................................13 Geocoding.....................................................13 ArcGIS Server Configuration...............................14 Woolpert will compile the asset management program data gathered and Material Setup...................................................16 documented through the multiple on-site workshops and other related project material list...................................................16 material hirarchy............................................16 meetings completed project-to-date(pre-planning discovery, business process Equipment Setup...............................................16 equipment list................................................16 review, etc.)and distill this Information into a series of organized configuration equipment heirarchy........................................17 documents.This configuration documentation, consisting of standard AM system Contractors Setup..............................................17 Protects Setup...................................................la elements,as well as the customized details required to support the City's specific Security Setup...................................................19 asset management program,will be used to guide the configuration of the AM Site a site Security Setup....................................19 Auditing........................................................19 system such that it is localized to the City's specific work order and asset Email..............................................................19 Windows Authentifiution.....................................o maintenance management requirements. user Interface Design..........................................21 Storeroom........................................................21 Later in the project,the City will be asked to formally review and approve the final configuration document. Since this is a very long and complicated document, Sample AM System Configuration it is important for the City's team to start learning about it(how sections are Documentation Table of Contents divided and how those sections related to the configured solution)early in the project. Else,when final acceptance of that document is required,the review will be overly-cumbersome for the City team. Delayed acceptance at that time may affect the timing of subsequent project activities. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Deliverables • Woolpert team members will develop a set of configuration documents containing all the configuration items discovered to-date • Woolpert will facilitate a remote review meeting with the City's technical team Assumptions • All above listed tasks will be performed remotely City Responsibilities • Review the prepared draft configuration documentation • Participate in the remote review meeting Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 3.1 Prepare Cityworks AMS Configuration Documentation 10.25 days 3.1.1 Woolpert to Prepare Draft Configuration Documentation 5 days 3.1.2 Woolpert to Submit to Client PM for Review 0 days - 3.1.3 Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Review Meeting with Client Technical Team 0.25 days Task 3.2: Facilitate Cityworks AMS Software and Related Systems Configuration Sub-Task 3.2.l: Provide Cityworks AMS Configuration Training Woolpert will facilitate an on-site configuration training course for the purpose of providing the City's project team members with the Cityworks knowledgebase needed to support the system design and implementation decisions.Configuration Training will be comprised of a two-day curriculum designed to cover all relative aspects of the AM system configuration.Completion of the configuration training will ensure the City's project participants(those with implementation responsibilities)are provided with enough exposure to,and understanding of,the Cityworks work order and asset management functionality to enable them to make smart and informed configuration decisions as they relate to the overall implementation objectives.The intent of the Configuration Training is not to provide the skills needed to maintain the daily operations of the system.This End-User Training is provided at a later date. Configuration Training will be facilitated in a classroom environment(computer lab or training room)on-site at the City's facilities. Deliverables • Woolpert will develop a Configuration Training agenda and provide same to the City project manager • Woolpert will provide on-site Configuration Training Assumptions • Training will be facilitated utilizing the newly installed on-premise Cityworks environment • The City's project manager will ensure site readiness and staff participation for the training • The City's project manager will provide a conference room or training room with a projector. During Configuration Training, individual computers are not needed for the participants.The software functionality will be demonstrated from the instructor's computer. • Ensure Woolpert access to the Cityworks environment installed on-premise to perform training City Responsibilities • City project manager to review and accept agenda for training • City project manager to schedule and accommodate the appropriate City project team members such that they are available,without undue interruption,for the required number of days CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • Secure an appropriate training facility suitable for participants Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 3.2.1 Provide Cityworks AMS Configuration Training 5 days Woolpert to Prepare Configuration Training Agenda 1 day Woolpert to Submit Agenda to Client PM 0 days diet -1 iyl to P epa-e E-C_for -onfeg. .:y: graining(Client-Owned Task) Woolpert to Provide Configuration Training 1 day Configuration Training Class(On-Site Task) 1 day Sub-Task 3.2.2: Facilitate Core Cityworks AMS Software Configuration Woolpert will facilitate Core Cityworks Configuration through three(3)rounds of on-site configuration workshops. Given the number of work groups that will implement the solution under this scope of work,each round of workshops may span multiple onsite weeks. In support of the configuration workshops,Woolpert will have a full version of Cityworks available to help facilitate ideas and approaches to the configuration—this is also part of the overall iterative learning process. Each round of workshops will address the following items in increasing levels of detail: • Domains.This is the security architecture that determines how employees,work orders and other asset maintenance management information can be shared across organizational boundaries. • Employee Hierarchy. Determines security protocols for each user of the system as well as practical grouping of employees for assignments to work orders,inspections,and service requests(e.g. crews). • Work Orders.Templates for each of the type of maintenance activities that will be performed on each asset in the system • Tasks. Individual work items associated with a work order. For example,a repair sewer main work order might have tasks for establish traffic control, utility locate,excavate,etc. • Materials Hierarchy. Organization and rules for items that are used to repair assets. Examples of materials are things such as pipes and meters. • Equipment Hierarchy. Organization and rules for items that are utilized to complete a work order but are not consumed. Examples are items such as backhoes,vehicles,vacuum trucks,etc. • Service Requests.Templates for requests for service. Many times, maintenance activities are initiated starting with a service request whose purpose is to determine if a work is necessary or not. • Reporting.Current or future expected reports will be discussed and designed. • Projects. Projects to be managed within the Cityworks AMS software • Mobile. Mobile setup and configuration for each crew. At the end of the first round of workshops,there will be a set of action items for the City team members,such as compiling a list of employees,work crews,and contractors,as well as hard copies of work orders, reports, inspection forms, and other relevant data sets and configuration items.Woolpert will prepare a detailed list of action items of items that were discussed, but not provided in detail during the workshops, and submit that list to the City project manager.Woolpert will work remotely after the workshops to update the System Configuration Document with the information learned during,and supplied by the City after,the workshops. At the end of first round of configuration workshops,Woolpert expects to have gathered enough information to configure approximately 70%of the City's desired asset maintenance management functionality. The second round of workshops will address proposed configuration approaches to service requests,work orders,and inspections identified in the initial workshops. During second round workshops,the City's actual configured data from the first round will be available for viewing within the AM System software.At the end of second round of workshops,Woolpert expects to have gathered enough information to configure approximately 85%of the City's Core AM System requirements. Woolpert will facilitate a third round of configuration workshops to achieve 100%configuration.The third round of workshops will be used to polish the configuration items from the first two rounds and to finalize the user group security. Deliverables CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • Woolpert will facilitate Round 1 On-Site Configuration Workshops as follows: o Environmental Engineering Div ...........................................1 day o Streets Division ....................................................................1.5 days o Water Division .....................................................................1.5 days oSewer Division .....................................................................1.5 days o Drainage Division .................................................................1.5 days o Warehouse Division..............................................................1 day o Vegetation Division ..............................................................1 day • Woolpert will update the configuration documentation based on the outcome of the first round of configuration workshops • Woolpert staff will perform system configuration in the City's on-premise development environment via remote access • Woolpert will facilitate in-process configuration review meetings with the City's technical team • Woolpert will facilitate Round 2 On-Site Configuration Workshops as follows: o Environmental Engineering Div ...............................................1 day oStreets Division ........................................................................1 day oWater Division .........................................................................1 day oSewer Division .........................................................................1 day oDrainage Division ....................................................................1 day o Warehouse Division.................................................................0.5 day o Vegetation Division .................................................................0.5 day • Woolpert will update the configuration documentation based on the outcome of the second round of configuration workshops • Woolpert staff will perform system configuration in the City's on-premise development environment via remote access • Woolpert will facilitate in-process configuration review meetings with the City's technical team • Woolpert will facilitate Round 3 On-Site Configuration Workshops as follows: o Environmental Engineering Div ...............................................0.5 day oStreets Division ........................................................................0.5 day oWater Division .........................................................................0.5 day oSewer Division .........................................................................0.5 day oDrainage Division ....................................................................0.5 day o Warehouse Division.................................................................0.25 day o Vegetation Division .................................................................0.25 day • Woolpert will update the configuration documentation based on the outcome of the third round of configuration workshops • Woolpert staff will perform system configuration in the City's on-premise development environment via remote access • Woolpert will facilitate in-process configuration review meetings with the City's technical team Assumptions • All workshop preparation activities will be performed remotely • Actual workshops will be administered on-site at City facilities • City staff participating in the Configuration workshops will do so un-interrupted City Responsibilities • Secure an appropriate workshop facility • Coordinate and schedule workshop participants • Workshop participants shall actively participate in workshop activities • Workshop participants will collect and provide all information request during the workshops within five (5) days after completion of the workshops Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 3.2.2 Facilitate Core Cityworks AMS Software Configuration 94.5 days Round 1 Configuration 35.75 days Round 1 Configuration Workshops 14 days CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration Woolpert to Prepare for Configuration Workshops 0.5 days Woolpert to Facilitate Configuration Workshops 10 days Environmental Engineering Div-Solid Waste(On-Site Task) 1 day Streets Div.-Pavement,Sidewalk,Curb Repairs& Inspection; Requests,Signs 1.5 days (On-Site Task) Water Div.-Sampling,Testing, Locates;Asset inspections, repairs,operation, 1.5 days replace,cleaning,flushing(On-Site Task) Sewer Div.-Maint, Insp, Repairs;Change Outs; Nassco;Other Inspections(On- 1.5 days Site Task) Drainage Div.-SPPP, Inspections,Vactor, Ditch/Casting, Line Replacements, 1.5 days Basins(On-Site Task) Warehouse Diva-Work Order Processing, Meters,Small Tools Rental & Repair, 1 day Stockpile, Motor Pool,Orders/Inventory, Barcoding(On-Site Task) Vegetation Div.-Ponds, Mowing, Fence Repairs, Irrigation, Litter Control,Tree 1 day Mgt., Requests(On-Site Task) On-Site Travel 10 days Woolpert to Update Configuration Documentation (Round 1) 5 days Woolpert to Perform Configuration in Development Environment(Round 1) 15 days Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Configuration Review Meetings with Client 1.75 days Technical Team Remote Review Meeting 1-Environmental Engineering Div-Solid Waste 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Streets Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting'1-Water Divison 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Sewer Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Drainage Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Warehouse Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 1-Vegetation Division 0.25 days Round 2 Configuration 27.75 days Round 2 Configuration Workshops 0.5 days Woolpert to Prepare for Configuration Workshops 0.5 days Woolpert to Facilitate Configuration Workshops 5.5 days Environmental Engineering Div-Solid Waste(On-Site Task) 1 day Streets Div. -Pavement,Sidewalk, Curb Repairs& Inspection; Requests,Signs(On-1 day Site Task) Water Div.-Sampling,Testing, Locates;Asset inspections, repairs,operation, replace,cleaning,flushing(On-Site Task) 1 day Sewer Div.-Maint, Insp, Repairs; Change Outs; Nassco;Other Inspections(On- Site Task) 1 day Drainage Div.-SPPP, Inspections,Vactor, Ditch/Casting, Line Replacements, 1 day Basins(On-Site Task) Warehouse Div.-Work Order Processing, Meters,Small Tools Rental& Repair, 0.5 days Stockpile, Motor Pool,Orders/Inventory, Barcoding(On-Site Task) Vegetation Div.-Ponds, Mowing, Fence Repairs, Irrigation, Litter Control,Tree 0.5 days Mgt., Requests(On-Site Task) On-Site Travel 5 days Woolpert to Update Configuration Documentation (Round 2) 4 days Woolpert to Perform Configuration in Development Environment(Round 2) 15 days Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Configuration Review Meetings with Client 1.75 days Technical Team CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration Remote Review Meeting 2-Environmental Engineering Div-Solid Waste 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 2-Streets Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 2-Water Divison 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 2-Sewer Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 2-Drainage Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 2-Warehouse Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 2-Vegetation Division 0.25 days Round 3 Configuration 26 days Round 3 Configuration Workshops 0.5 days Woolpert to Prepare for Configuration Workshops 0.5 days Woolpert to Facilitate Configuration Workshops 4 days Environmental Engineering Div-Solid Waste(On-Site Task) 0.5 days Streets Div.-Pavement,Sidewalk,Curb Repairs& Inspection; Requests,Signs(On-0.5 days Site Task) Y Water Div.-Sampling,Testing, Locates;Asset inspections, repairs,operation, 0.5 days replace, cleaning,flushing(On-Site Task) Y Sewer Div. -Maint, Insp, Repairs;Change Outs; Nassco;Other Inspections(On- 0.5 days Site Task) y Drainage Div.-SPPP, Inspections,Vactor, Ditch/Casting, Line Replacements, 0.5 days Basins(On-Site Task) Y Y Warehouse Div.-Work Order Processing, Meters,Small Tools Rental & Repair, 0.25 days Stockpile, Motor Pool,Orders/Inventory, Barcoding(On-Site Task) Vegetation Div.-Ponds, Mowing, Fence Repairs, Irrigation, Litter Control,Tree 0.25 days Mgt., Requests(On-Site Task) Y On-Site Travel 4 days Travel Costs 4 days Woolpert to Update Configuration Documentation (Round 3) 4 days Woolpert to Perform Configuration in Development Environment(Round 3) 15 days Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Configuration Review Meetings with Client 2.5 days Technical Team y Remote Review Meeting 3- Environmental Engineering Div-Solid Waste 1 day Remote Review Meeting 3-Streets Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 3-Water Divison 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 3-Sewer Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 3-Drainage Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 3-Warehouse Division 0.25 days Remote Review Meeting 3-Vegetation Division 0.25 days Sub-Task 3.2.3: Facilitate Storeroom Configuration Materials management and inventory control procedures play a significant role in properly deployed asset maintenance management solutions.As materials are added to work orders,they need to be depleted from the stock and the cost of the materials added to the work orders;as materials are depleted from stock,they need to be requisitioned from the various vendors. This task is focused on configuring the materials management module of Cityworks to achieve these objectives.The effort required to integrate Cityworks with the City's purchasing and inventory system of record is addressed in the Systems Integration tasks. To accomplish these goals,Woolpert will facilitate a series of Inventory and Materials Management Configuration Workshops and then perform the resulting configuration in the Cityworks Storeroom software. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION We have scoped this effort under the assumption that the City operates a centralized warehouse. If we need to configure multiple Storeroom deployments for differently managed warehouses,we will need to revisit this approach. Deliverables • A Woolpert Senior System Analyst will facilitate a series of On-Site Configuration Workshops • Woolpert will update the configuration documentation based on the outcome of the workshops • Woolpert staff will perform system configuration in the City's on-premise development environment via remote access • Woolpert will facilitate in-process configuration review meetings with the City's technical team Assumptions • All workshop preparation activities will be performed remotely • Actual workshops will be administered on-site at City facilities • City staff participating in the Configuration workshops will do so un-interrupted • Woolpert has proposed the use of Citywork's Storeoom out-of-the-box functionality City Responsibilities • Secure an appropriate workshop facility • Coordinate and schedule workshop participants • Workshop participants shall actively participate in workshop activities Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 3.2.3 Facilitate Cityworks Storeroom Configuration 10 days Woolpert to Prepare for Configuration Workshops 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate Configuration Workshops 3 days Storeroom/Warehouse/Barcoding Workshop(On-Site Task) 2 days On-Site Travel 2 days Woolpert to Update Configuration Documentation 2 days Woolpert to Perform Configuration in Development Environment 5 days Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Configuration Review Meetings with Client Technical Team 3 days Remote Review Meeting 1 1 day Remote Review Meeting 2 1 day Sub-Task 3.2.4 Facilitate Cityworks AMS—CCTV Interface Configuration During the review of the original scope of work, it was determined that the interface for CCTV and Cityworks will be configured by the CCTV software vendor.As such,Woolpert has descoped the original tasks,and at the City's request maintained a line item for ad-hoc support of this interface. Deliverables • Woolpert will provided configuration support as required for this integration Assumptions • All work shall be performed remotely • A third-party vendor shall perform the CCTV integration with Cityworks City Responsibilities • Manage and coordinate implementation of CCTV interface • Management and coordination with third-party vendor Related Sub-Tasks CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration 3.2.4 Facilitate Cityworks AMS—CCTV Interface Configuration 7 days Task 3.3: Review and Approval of Updated System Configuration and Documentation Woolpert will submit the updated Configuration Documentation(completed in Task 3.2)to the City for review.The City's project manager and technical team members will undertake an internal review of this documentation, providing pertinent feedback to Woolpert. Upon completion of this task,Woolpert will have delivered a comprehensive set of configuration documents, updated to reflect the current as-is core system configuration.There will be additional opportunities to make minor updates to this documentation in future project phases up to and including the final/accepted configuration documents delivered just prior to Go- Live. However,this task is performed to ensure that there are no major gaps in the system's configuration prior to moving into the Deployment phase. Deliverables • Woolpert will submit updated configuration documentation to the City's PM • Woolpert will facilitate remote review meetings with the City's technical team • Woolpert will update the configuration documentation based on the outcome of the City review and re-submit the updated documentation to the City's PM Assumptions • The City project manager will ensure that the necessary people review and understand the documentation for its accuracy City Responsibilities • The City project manager and technical team will review and provide feedback on the configuration document • The City project manager and technical team will participate in a remote configuration document review meeting • The City project manager will approve and sign the configuration document Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 3.3 Review and Approval of Cityworks AMS and Related Systems Configuration and Updated 19 days Documentation 3.3.1 Woolpert to Submit Updated Configuration Documentation to Client PM 0 days 3.3.2 Client Technical Team to Review Updated Configuration and Documentation (Client-Owned Task) 3.3.3 Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Review Meetings with Client Technical Team 15 days 3.3.4 Woolpert to Update Configuration Documentation per Client Technical Team Review Comments 4 days 3.3.5 Woolpert to Submit Updated Pre-Final Configuration Documentation to Client PM 0 days Task 3.4: Phase 3 Quality Control Woolpert technical resources, not regularly involved with this implementation will perform independent quality review of the work processes and deliverable products in accordance with the Woolpert Total Quality Plan. Task 3.5: Phase 3 Acceptance and Close This is the Phase exit document that the City project manager signs indicating Woolpert has delivered the Phase 3 services in accordance with the Scope of Work and Project Plan. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Phase 4: Advanced Functionality Configuration and Development While Phase 3 is focused on deploying the Core AM System functionality that supports work/asset maintenance management activities, Phase 4 tasks are undertaken to deliver the advanced AM system functionality AdvancedKey ' required to deliver robust Enterprise Asset Management capabilities. Deliverables Completion of Phase 4 tasks will result in the development and enterprise level application and workflow integrations between various I Custom "Applicationcorporate business applications and the Core Cityworks application. Legacy Data Conversion Phase 4 tasks will also include the conversion/migration of critical legacy Advanced MobileApplication asset data sets needed to establish life-cycle asset performance, as well Deployment mobile asset management application deployment. Development of the application interfaces will be executed in a manner very similar to the Core AM System deployment—moving through planning, design/development,and deployment tasks. Application development strategies(waterfall or agile)will be defined as appropriate for each of the individual integrations and will be determined as part of the integration planning activities.Woolpert will assume direct responsibility for the development of the Cityworks AMS side of the integrations,while the City's IT staff(or appropriate software vendors/third-party contractors)will be responsible for developing the other side of the integrations. Woolpert will support phone calls with the City and third-party contractors with questions. Data conversion/migration tasks will also require a "team approach"with Woolpert's implementation team leading the discovery of legacy data, developing the data migration mapping from the legacy system(s)to the new AM database, and developing the database scripts required to move the data sets and test for conformance to data validation rules(by Woolpert). It will be the City's responsibility to provide Woolpert with clean data sets,scrubbed and ready for migration. Woolpert will work with the City's technical and IT team to deploy mobile AM capabilities offered by the Core Cityworks application. While not part of this scope of services, it is in this phase that Woolpert would also develop and deploy any customized mobile solutions. When all of the above tasks are completed, and the advanced functionality has been tested and deployed to the Production environment,the City's asset management team will have all of the data sets, application tools, and business process workflows needed to support advanced asset management and begin to move the organization to a position of proactive asset sustainability. Task 4.1 : Design and Develop Application Integrations To fully meet the City's over-arching asset management program r- -1 Key Application interface(Task 4.1) objectives,the core Cityworks solution will need to be able to interface Deliverables with a number of the City's existing business applications, including the following: Documented Application Interface JD Edwards: Enterprise resource planning and financials for valid Standards materials and work order costing Application Interface . • Laserfiche: Enterprise document management system Requirements Specifications . • Resident Request Tracking System: Web hosted citizen request/ detailed engagement application Designed, . ••. • Tested • FASTER: Fleet management system • . Deployed • Datallowl: Harris ERP system for utility billing Production •. • WonderWare:SCADA software for monitoring plant,facility,and other assets CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Woolpert's application development team will work with the City's IT support staff to define the information technology standards by which all application development efforts will be governed and the enterprise application technologies that will be deployed to integration the various solutions.Our approach to application planning,design,and development will be tailored to meet City- specific IT standards. Overview A typical integration consists of software A(Cityworks)and software B;an interface for each side,such as APIs, interface tables,flat file import/export, or custom development;and a mechanism that pulls,transforms, and pushes the data from A to B.On the Cityworks side,Azteca has developed an extensive set of APIs as a set of JSON-based web services installed with the core Cityworks product and licensed as needed. interface IF Software A i� How we approach the'other side'of an integration depends on what interface mechanism is available. If the software has a well- documented interface such as an API or flat file import mechanism,Woolpert can often work with the client's Subject Matter Expert to build the necessary functions.Or, if the client engages another vendor or consultant to customize the software,Woolpert will work with the client to identify the documentation and technical specifications they need from that vendor.Communication and clear documentation are critical to make sure that data being sent matches what is expected,and also that success and failure behaviors are defined. Integration Architecture With the desired workflows and interfaces identified,we determine the mechanism for sending the data back and forth.A simple integration(such as updating a master bill of materials)could consist simply of a Windows Service that runs on a given schedule, attempts to send/retrieve data, logs its activities and raises notifications of any errors. For a complex time-or data-sensitive integration (such as CIS or financials),Woolpert typically employs an architecture using a messaging queue and a service bus to create a fault-tolerant integration that will: • Reliably send data when and where it is supposed to send it • Gracefully handle normal networking challenges,such as a database being temporarily unavailable • Raise active notification of critical errors for those who need to respond • Log all integration activity • Allow integration administrators to resend failed messages once the failure conditions have been addressed Testing and Deployment Woolpert creates an internal development environment with a copy of Cityworks and mock interfaces to represent third party software according to the technical specifications defining the interface. In that way,we are able to build and execute tests against all workflows.Once that initial testing is complete,the software is ready for full system integration testing in the client environment. We tailor our deployment approach according to the needs and preferences of each client, but our recommended approach is for the City to identify an integration administrator.A Woolpert developer assists the integration administrator during a remote session (via WebEx)as s/he installs and configures the integration in the client's development or testing environment.This serves as a hands-on training session so that City staff has the knowledge they need to manage the application.Once the application is installed, the Woolpert developer and City administrator perform 'smoke testing'—kick off an action or actions that will demonstrate that data can successfully get from system A to system B.The intent of this is simply to make sure that the two systems are communicating as expected.At that point,the system is ready for City staff to perform integration testing. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Woolpert develops our Software Requirements Specification document so that each requirement is clearly defined,and is testable (e.g., 'When a work order in Cityworks is closed,the integration will update the corresponding service order in CIS with the following data...').We also provide use cases which describe example user workflows(e.g., 'A Cityworks user closes the work order.A CIS user then can see that the service order has been updated...').These provide the basis for the City to develop their own internal integration test scripts that incorporate their own business processes as needed. Because software integrations often involve processes that have little or no user interaction, it is critical to provide system administrators what they need to manage and monitor the services.A typical administrator's guide details the architecture of the system including components installed,database customizations, configuration options,and logging and troubleshooting information. Integration Architecture With the desired workflows and interfaces identified,we determine the mechanism for sending the data back and forth.A simple integration (such as updating a master bill of materials)could consist simply of a Windows Service that runs on a given schedule, attempts to send/retrieve data, logs its activities and raises notifications of any errors. For a complex time-or data-sensitive integration (such as CIS or financials),Woolpert typically employs an architecture using a messaging queue and a service bus to create a fault-tolerant integration that will: • Reliably send data when and where it is supposed to send it • Gracefully handle normal networking challenges,such as a database being temporarily unavailable • Raise active notification of critical errors for those who need to respond • Log all integration activity • Allow integration administrators to resend failed messages once the failure conditions have been addressed Testing and Deployment Woolpert creates an internal development environment with a copy of Cityworks and mock interfaces to represent third party software according to the technical specifications defining the interface. In that way,we are able to build and execute tests against all workflows.Once that initial testing is complete,the software is ready for full system integration testing in the client environment. We tailor our deployment approach according to the needs and preferences of each client, but our recommended approach is for the City to identify an integration administrator.A Woolpert developer assists the integration administrator during a remote session (via WebEx)as s/he installs and configures the integration in the client's development or testing environment.This serves as a hands-on training session so that City staff has the knowledge they need to manage the application.Once the application is installed, the Woolpert developer and City administrator perform 'smoke testing'—kick off an action or actions that will demonstrate that data can successfully get from system A to system B.The intent of this is simply to make sure that the two systems are communicating as expected.At that point,the system is ready for City staff to perform integration testing. Woolpert develops our Software Requirements Specification document so that each requirement is clearly defined,and is testable (e.g., 'When a work order in Cityworks is closed,the integration will update the corresponding service order in CIS with the following data...').We also provide use cases which describe example user workflows(e.g., 'A Cityworks user closes the work order.A CIS user then can see that the service order has been updated...').These provide the basis for the City to develop their own internal integration test scripts that incorporate their own business processes as needed. Because software integrations often involve processes that have little or no user interaction, it is critical to provide system administrators what they need to manage and monitor the services.A typical administrator's guide details the architecture of the system including components installed,database customizations, configuration options,and logging and troubleshooting information. Integration Details Further details for each interface to be developed are described below.These details are based on a number of assumptions and represent only one possible approach to integration. During requirements gathering meetings,the participants will inevitably make adjustments to the processes as described here;if the requested changes affect the overall scope and level of effort for the project, Woolpert and the City will review the modifications and corresponding budget as needed. For all software listed,the City will maintain parallel test and/or development environments consisting of isolated instances of each software package for use in testing the integrations. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION JD Edwards The following business system requirements(BSR)were identified for the JD Edwards—Cityworks interface: • BSR 1:Ability to export usage data for tasks/work orders to Excel in customized layouts for import into JDE • BSR 2:Ability to export parts material usage and costs to Excel in customized layouts for import into JDE • BSR 3:Ability to read/import/update rate structures for recourses(employees/equipment/materials) • BSR 4:Ability to communicate directly with JDE's web API's for import/export/synchronization of data Deliverables—BSR 1 and BSR 2 Both BSR 1 and BSR 2 can be achieved with COTS functionality contained in the proposed solution using queries that can be set up via the user interface that will export either to.csv and/or Excel as well as to Crystal Reports. Assumptions • The data produced by the desired and configured workflows in the final implemented Cityworks configuration supports the capture of the desired data to be imported to JD Edwards • The customized layouts do not exceed the capability of either Excel or Crystal Reports to generate. Deliverable BSR 3,4 Assumptions • Prior to commencing work,Woolpert and the City will review all assumptions and the level of effort and revise scope as mutually negotiated • A requirements gathering workshop with Woolpert's involvement will be conducted to more precisely define requirements • A Software Requirements Specification will be developed by Woolpert • SSRS(SQL Server Reporting Services with appropriate licenses)will be used for data extraction and report rendering • SSRS Report Builder will be used for report creation • SSRS Subscriptions will be used for automated report generation • SSRS Delivery will be used for automated report delivery • SSRS inherent"Save as CSV"or"Save as Excel"functionality will be used for file export • Client's JDE environment has web API with documentation • Client's JDE environment has web API that supports all desired actions • Client's JDE environment includes development environment for development/testing purposes • Integration for items 3 and four above to be built on top of NServiceBus platform • Integration to be hosted on application server provided by client. • Integration to be built with C#/.NET • JDE's web APIs are assumed to be the REST API for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne AIS Server • (https:Hdocs.oracle.com/cd/E53430_01/EOTRS/index.html) • The bulk of development will be performed in Woolpert's development environment. • However,some access to a ME Sandbox environment will be necessary for developing authentication components and developing integration tests. • A JDE Web API SME will be available to assist as needed • Unit/integration tests will be developed by Woolpert as part of its TDD approach • Woolpert developers will assist in deployment of all related components to the Client's test environment • A system guide will be developed by Woolpert • User-Acceptance test scripts will be developed by the Client • A limited number of post-production support hours will be provided by Woolpert CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Laserfiche The following business system requirements(BSR)were identified for the Laserfiche—Cityworks interface: • BSR 1:Support a hyperlink to link to an external records management system and have the document open in a new browser window. • BSR 2:Support a hyperlink to link to an external records management system and have the document open in a new browser window on a mobile device. • BSR 3:Ability to have a button from an external records management system to insert a document from the asset management system. Deliverables BSR 1,2,3 Assumptions • Prior to commencing work,Woolpert and the City will review all assumptions and the level of effort and revise scope as mutually negotiated • A requirements gathering workshop with Woolpert's involvement will be conducted to more precisely define requirements • A Software Requirements Specification will be developed by Woolpert • Laserfiche Web Access with URLs(https://www.laserfiche.com/solutionexchange/integrate-laserfiche-with-urls/)will be leveraged for the integration • Laserfiche Web Access with URLs(https://www.laserfiche.com/solutionexchange/integrate-laserfiche-with-urls/)works as claimed • Woolpert has not validated that Laserfiche Web Access with URLs works as claimed. • Laserfiche Web Access with URLs supports viewing,searching, retrieving, and uploading documents(see above) • Client will provide access to a sandbox Laserfiche site for development and testing • Client will provide a Laserfiche SME to assist with creating an appropriate Laserfiche site hierarchy and performing administrative tasks as required • Cityworks Attachments use a flat hierarchy. Le.all attachments for a given service request are siblings in the root of a logical directory containing all the attachments for that request. • The Integration will use this same flat storage hierarchy. • Client will use Laserfiche Web Access or Laserfiche Client to perform all other actions other than adding/listing/viewing Laserfiche documents via Cityworks. • Other actions could include renaming files,editing versioned files, moving files, deleting files,etc. • Uploads of new documents into Laserfiche will rely on whatever security features are inherent to Laserfiche to ensure that malicious or corrupted files cannot be uploaded • Mobile devices will use Cityworks Office, Field Mode,or Respond.The integration will not target Cityworks Mobile for iOS or Android,as these are custom apps from Azteca • When documents are downloaded by mobile devices,the ability of the mobile device to open and display downloaded documents will depend entirely on the content handlers available on the mobile device. • For example,if a PDF is loaded into Laserfiche, most mobile clients will have no issue retrieving and displaying it. However, if a less common file is loaded into Laserfiche(such as a CAD-CAM file),the mobile device would need the appropriate software installed on it to be able to open and display the file. • The integration will not be responsible for converting files between formats for display(for example,from *.dxf to *.pdf) • Woolpert developers will assist in deployment of all related components to the Client's test environment • A system guide will be developed by Woolpert • User-Acceptance test scripts will be developed by the Client • A limited number of post-production support hours will be provided by Woolpert • Laserfiche Web Access URLs provide a COTS capability for document upload from Cityworks;no customization is required by Woolpert,only configuration; • Cityworks native document file structure is compatible with Laserfiche Web Access URL • Locations within the Cityworks system UI that can support the linking button are acceptable to the City CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Resident Request Tracking System The following business system requirements(BSR)were identified for the Resident Request Tracking System—Cityworks interface: • BSR 1: Using web APIs,enable a request entered into Resident Request Tracking System to create a linked request in the system • BSR 2: Using web APIs,enable linked data/status to be updated in Resident Request Tracking System when data is updated in a linked request • BSR 3:Ability to display a hyperlink in system that links back to the original Resident Request Tracking System request Deliverables BSR 1,2,3 Assumptions • Prior to commencing work,Woolpert and the City will review all assumptions and the level of effort and revise scope as mutually negotiated • Resident Request Tracking System has a web API that supports the desired actions to occur in Cityworks and the API is adequately documented • Resident Request Tracking System has a web API with sandbox services for development and testing • Resident Request Tracking System has a web API that exposes a unique record ID for submitted requests • Resident Request Tracking System supports querying to the extent that new requests can be detected • Resident Request Tracking System has web API that supports updating to the extent that existing requests can be updated • Resident Request Tracking System has web API that supports updating to the extent that new requests can be marked as processed. For example, a system field available to the integration, but not available to site users,can be used to store the Cityworks request id to allow cross referencing of requests between systems. • Resident Request Tracking System has a web API that exposes a URL to an existing logged request • Will Resident Request Tracking System problem codes(if any) have a one-to-one correspondence with Cityworks problem codes • If a request is submitted in Resident Request Tracking System, and that problem code does not exist in Cityworks,does the City still desire the request to be entered into Cityworks without a problem code • There will be no requirement for parent/child relationships or attachments to work orders • Resident Request Tracking System have a web API that supports updating to the extent that new requests can be marked as processed • Example:is there a system field available to the integration, but not available to Resident Request Tracking System site users,that can be used to store the Cityworks request ID to allow cross referencing of requests between systems • If total cost to complete all 3 business system requirements(BSR 1, 2,3)for Resident Request Tracking System exceeds $9,360.00, City agrees to continue work on a Time and Materials basis or park the task for a future un-scoped phase FASTER The following business system requirements(BSR)were identified for the FASTER—Cityworks interface: • BSR 1:Ability to import(and keep current)vehicle assets in the asset management system from external SQL database Deliverables BSR 1 Assumptions • Prior to commencing work,Woolpert and the City will review all assumptions and the level of effort and revise scope as mutually negotiated • A requirements gathering workshop with Woolpert's involvement will be conducted to more precisely define requirements • A Software Requirements Specification will be developed by Woolpert • Integration to be built on top of NServiceBus platform CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • Integration to be hosted on application server provided by client • Integration to be built with C#/.NET • A FASTER SME will be available for assistance in understanding the FASTER database schema • A FASTER SME will provide DDL/DML scripts for all FASTER entities relevant to the integration (table definitions+sample data) • Add-On modules to the core product that expose FASTER WCF services are available (http://www.fasterasset.com/technicaIdetaiIs.php) • The client has made a conscious decision to not investigate these services for potential use in this integration. Instead,the client prefers an integration that uses direct FASTER database access. • The Cityworks REST API does not appear to support creation of equipment. • The integration will require direct Cityworks database access. • This is a ONE-WAY SQL-to-Cityworks integration to synchronize vehicles FROM Faster TO Cityworks • Integration is to be a periodic PULL(polling)integration.This will necessarily introduce latency • The nature of the integration will be a period full synchronization • The integration will ensure that each vehicle in FASTER has a corresponding vehicle asset in Cityworks. • If a vehicle is removed from FASTER,the corresponding vehicle in Cityworks will not be affected. • Le. it will neither be updated nor deleted. It will remain in Cityworks until manually removed. • Unit/integration tests will be developed by Woolpert as part of its TDD approach • Woolpert developers will assist in deployment of all related components to the Client's test environment • A system guide will be developed by Woolpert • An installer will be provided by Woolpert • User-Acceptance test scripts will be developed by the Client • A limited number of post-production support hours will be provided by Woolpert Datallow! The following business system requirements(BSR)were identified for the Datallow!—Cityworks interface: • BSR 1:Ability to import(and keep current)water meter/service line and customer contact information from an external SQL database Deliverable BSR 1 Assumptions • Prior to commencing work,Woolpert and the City will review all assumptions and the level of effort and revise scope as mutually negotiated • A requirements gathering workshop with Woolpert's involvement will be conducted to more precisely define requirements • A Software Requirements Specification will be developed by Woolpert • Datallow! is the same as Harris DataNOW • DataNOW SME will be able to assist in understanding the DataNOW schema • DataNOW SME will provide DDL/DML scripts for all DataNOW entities relevant to the integration(table definitions+sample data) • This is a ONE-WAY SQL-to-SQL integration to synchronize: ■ water meter, ■ service line ■ customer information info o FROM DataNOW TO Cityworks. • DataNOW is the source of record. Updates made to synchronized records in Cityworks will not propagate to DataNOW • Integration to be built in Woolpert's dev environment • Integration to be built on top of NServiceBus platform CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • Integration to be hosted on application server provided by client • Integration to be built with C#/.NET • Integration is to be a periodic PULL(polling) integration • Integration will require inserts/updates to AZTECA.PEOPLE rows.This will require direct database access to the Cityworks database(not supported by API) • Integration will require updates to underlying ArcGIS features(water meter/service line) • All ArcGIS feature classes that are targeted by the integration will contain an immutable unique key field(other than OBJECTID) • All read/write access to underlying ArcGIS features will occur via ArcGIS feature services hosted and exposed by the client • One Custom bridge table in the Cityworks DB will be used by the integration to establish links between Cityworks PEOPLE records and DataNOW contact records. o Cityworks PEOPLE records do not have a "PEOPLEUID"-type field. • Multiple(i.e.two or more)Custom bridge tables in the Cityworks DB will be used by the integration to establish links between GIS feature class rows and DataNOW rows. • DataNOW data will be considered authoritative. If edits are made to fields in Cityworks that are synchronized by the integration,these edits may be overwritten by the integration. • If rows are deleted from DataNOW,they will not be deleted from Cityworks.They will simply no longer be synchronized • Import User-Acceptance test scripts will be developed by the Client • Import will target a single ArcGIS feature class representing street segments • Unit/integration tests will be developed by Woolpert as part of its TDD approach • Woolpert developers will assist in deployment of all related components to the Client's test environment • A system guide will be developed by Woolpert • An installer will be provided by Woolpert • User-Acceptance test scripts will be developed by the Client • A limited number of post-production support hours will be provided by Woolpert MTC Street Saver The following business system requirements(BSR)were identified for the MTC Street Saver—Cityworks interface: BSR 1:Ability to export street segment inventory to Excel for import into MTC Street Saver BSR 2:Ability to import data from MTC Street Saver via Excel to update asset information(such as asset condition) The proposed Cityworks solution has COTS functionality that supports exporting street segment inventory to.csv and Excel.This can be done a number of ways depending what asset information is desired.This is semi-manual process. The proposed Cityworks solution has COTS functionality that allows asset information to be updated via Excel,this is a semi-manual process. Deliverables • Workflow training to accomplish BSR 1 and BSR 2 using COTS functionality • Will follow(as close as possible)the same general task workflow as all other integrations for consistency in the work breakdown structure(WBS) Assumptions • Prior to commencing work,Woolpert and the City will review all assumptions and the level of effort and revise scope as mutually negotiated • City desires to use COTS functionality • City accepts that the import/export of desired data between MTC StreetSaver and Cityworks does not occur often enough to warrant a custom integration • City may not use MTC StreetSaver over the entire life-cycle(assumed 10 years)of the asset management system CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • City will inquire Woolpert regarding alternatives for a more automated integration if the City desires Wonderware BSR 1:Ability to query usage information on pump hours/gallons to automatically schedule preventive maintenance tasks Deliverable: BSR 1 Assumptions • Prior to commencing work,Woolpert and the City will review all assumptions and the level of effort and revise scope as mutually negotiated • A requirements gathering workshop with Woolpert's involvement will be conducted to more precisely define requirements • A Software Requirements Specification will be developed by Woolpert • SCADA is the source system,and Cityworks is the target system, i.e. information FROM SCADA TO Cityworks • SCADA SME will be available to assist in understanding the SCADA schema • SCADA SME will provide DDL/DML scripts for all SCADA entities relevant to the integration(table definitions+sample data) • Integration to be built in Woolpert's dev environment • Integration to be built on top of NServiceBus platform • Integration to be hosted on application server provided by client • Integration to be built with C#/.NET • Integration is to be a periodic PULL(polling)integration • Integration will not synchronize pumps,only pump readings • If a pump in SCADA has no corresponding pump asset entity in Cityworks,the integration will not create one • A client-configurable preventative maintenance schedule will be used by the integration to determine when to automatically schedule preventative maintenance work orders. • Appropriate Cityworks Named API licenses will be purchased by the Client(Reading,WorkOrder) • Woolpert developers will assist in deployment of all related components to the Client's test environment • A system guide will be developed by Woolpert • An installer will be provided by Woolpert • User-Acceptance test scripts will be developed by the Client • A limited number of post-production support hours will be provided by Woolpert Sub-Task 4.1.1: Define and Develop Global Integration Standards Prior to initiating any of the system integration tasks,it is important that all stakeholders have a complete and thorough understanding of the application development and system support landscape in place and administered by the City's Information Technology team.This first System Integrations Phase task will focus on bringing the City's IT support staff together with the Woolpert development team for the purpose of discovering and discussing the City's current technology roadmap. A wide range of system integration technology solutions exist, and it is critical to select an application development/integration path that the City IT staff can maintain long after our work has been completed. To achieve our objectives,Woolpert will facilitate an initial conference call meeting to discuss these issues with the City IT staff and obtain a clear direction upon which to base our development decisions. Upon completion of this first meeting the Woolpert team will document(via a technical memorandum)the discussion points and any standards/preferences which we will need to consider. We will submit this to the City IT team for review and comment and then follow-back up with a quick conference call to finalize our understanding going forward into the tasks of developing system integrations. Deliverables • One initial conference call meeting with City IT staff and City project manager to review application integration and other related IT standards • Draft technical memorandum detailing the findings of the first meeting • One follow-up conference call with City staff to review technical memorandum and the City IT Staff's comments • Final technical memorandum CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Assumptions • The City will provide all adequate documentation available for each system including data models and API documentation • City will provide documentation on API's,web services and/or other methods to integrate with desired systems • The City will setup and maintain a staging/test environment during development City Responsibilities • Participate in the conference call meetings • Review and comment upon technical memorandum • Provide required application documentation and access to data models and APIs Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 4.1.1 Define and Develop Global Integration Standards 11.06 days Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Application Integration Environment Review Meeting with Client 1 day Technical Team Woolpert to Document Global Application Integration Standards 3 days Woolpert to Submit Global Application Integration Standards to Client PM 0.5 hrs Client Technical Team to Review Global Application Integration Standards(Client-Owned Task) S J a S Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Review Meetings with Client Technical Team 1 day Woolpert to Update Global Application Integration Standards per Client Review Comments 1 day Woolpert to Submit Updated Global Application Integration Standards to Client PM 0 hrs Sub-Task 41.2: Facilitate Application Integration Discovery Workshops Woolpert will facilitate a series of workshops over the course of several days to further investigate each of the required application integrations;confirm the technical and functional requirements already developed by the City;and to begin mapping out application business process and data flow diagrams.We will investigate the underlying data models of each application actor;identify any data validation requirements;and identify the available integration technologies available to support the required integrations.We will also establish the level of involvement the City IT staff will assume in the processes. The results of these workshops will set the framework within which each application integration will be undertaken. Deliverables • Woolpert will facilitate on-site Application Integration Discovery Workshops,as detailed above. Individual workshops scheduled for two(2)hours will be facilitated for each of the seven(7)applications identified by the City for integration with Cityworks Assumptions • City IT support and business unit staff familiar with the technical and functional requirements will be available and attend each workshop • Workshops will be grouped to occur over the course of consecutive business days • All necessary City staff will be available during the requirements workshops and throughout development City Responsibilities • Secure an appropriate meeting facility • Coordinate and schedule workshop participants • Workshop participants shall actively participate in workshop activities Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 4.1.2 Facilitate Application Integration Discovery Workshops 6 days Woolpert to Prepare for Workshops 1 day CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Woolpert to Facilitate On-Site Application Integration Discovery Workshops 3 days JDEdwards: PO, Cost Data (material, labor, usage, expense)(On-Site Task) 0.25 days LaserFiche hyperlinking,viewing&doc load into LaserFiche(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Resident Request Tracking System: Linking, Updating, Hyperlinking(On-Site Task) 0.25 days FASTER: Update Cityworks with new vehicle info(On-Site Task) 0.25 days Datallow!: Meter and Service Line info to Cityworks(On-Site Task) 0.25 days WonderWare:Auto Schedule/Trigger Preventive Maintenance(On-Site Task) 0.25 days MTC Street Saver-Import/Export Asset Data (On-Site Task) 0.25 days On-Site Travel 3 days Sub-Task 4.1.3: Develop Application Integration Software Specifications Based on the information gathered during the integration workshops,Woolpert will draft a Software Requirements Specification (SRS)for each of the integrations. Each SRS document will provide: • A vision for the application integration • High-level system architecture diagrams • Assumptions learned • Data mapping tables • Lists of functionality requirements and their priorities • Detailed application workflows • Detailed integration requirements—this section will further expand upon the functional and technical requirements • Use case narratives(where applicable) Once the draft SRS documents have been developed,Woolpert will submit them to the City project manager for review and comment.Woolpert will then facilitate a remote review meeting with City IT team members to discuss the findings of their review, address their comments,and make adjustments where necessary.Woolpert will then update the SRS documents and submit final versions to the City project manager. Deliverables • One draft SRS document for each system integration (0) • A conference call review meeting, up to four(4) hours in duration,with City team members to address their comments • One final version of each SRS document for each of the system integrations Assumptions • The City project manager and IT team will review the draft documents and submit comments back to Woolpert within ten (10) business days of receipt City Responsibilities • Review submitted draft documents • Participate in remote review meeting Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 4.1.3 Develop Application Integration Software Specifications 32.25 days Woolpert to Develop Draft Software Requirements Specifications(SRS) 16 days JDEdwards Cost Data (material, labor, usage,expense) 3 days LaserFiche hyperlinking,viewing, doc load 2 days Resident Request Tracking System: Linking, Updating, Hyperlinking 3 days CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration FASTER: Update Cityworks with new vehicle info 2 days Datallow!: Meter and Service Line info to Cityworks 2 days MTC Street Saver-Import/Export Asset Data 2 days WonderWare:Auto Schedule/Trigger Preventive Maintenance 2 days Woolpert to Submit Draft SRS Documentation to Client PM 0.13 days Client Technical Team to Review Draft SRS Documentation(Client-Owned Task) Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Review Meetings with Client Technical Team 1 day Woolpert to Update Draft SRS Documentation per Client Review Comments 5 days Woolpert to Submit Updated SRS Documentation to Client PM 1 hr Sub-Task 3.1.4: Develop and Deploy Application Integrations Adhering to the previously established global application integration standards,the City's published application integration requirements,and Woolpert's SRS documents,Woolpert will undertake the physical development,testing,and deployment of each integration. It has been our experience-time-and-again-that the software application configurations can have an impact on how an application needs to be developed and vice versa. For this reason,our application development team will coordinate closely with our system implementation team to ensure both sides understand each other's requirements and are in synch with one another. Deliverables • Fully developed,tested,and functioning application integrations for each of the identified systems(x7) Assumptions • The City will provide viable examples of data for each point of integration.This includes GIS data as well as data from the business system with which to integrate.The data must be clean and an accurate view of the data as it resides in the respective system.The City will be responsible for any necessary data cleanup regarding GIS data or business system data to perform a successful integration. • The City will provide test data from each of the business applications to support interface development and testing efforts. • Woolpert will have access to development/testing environments via virtual private network(VPN)connection. • The City will ensure the Development environment servers and software/network configurations are an exact replica of the target Production environment.Any environmental issues that prevent the configured applications to function within the production environment, and that require Woolpert to rectify prior to go-live,will be billed to the City at contracted T&M rates outside of this Scope of Services. • Once integration development work begins,the City will ensure a stable platform for development,testing,and cut-over. There will be no software upgrades for applications or database platform upgrades that occur during this project. • The source code will be provided to the City. City Responsibilities • Provide support as requested by Woolpert at different stages of the software development cycle • Clean up any data sets that are identified as requiring clean-up Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 4.1.4 Develop and Deploy Application Integrations 66.5 days JDEdwards Cost Data(material,labor,usage,rate,cost) 19.5 days Woolpert to Set-Up Development Environment 1.5 days Woolpert to Perform Application Coding/Development 10 days Woolpert to Develop Application Documentation 4 days Woolpert to Develop Application Test Plan 2 days Woolpert to Facilitate Application Testing Coordination and Support 2 days CITY OF KENT,WA CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration Woolpert to Facilitate In-Process Review Meetings 4 days Woolpert to Deploy Application to Production Environment 1 day LaserFiche hyperlinking,viewing,doc load 7 days Woolpert to Set-Up Development Environment 1 day Woolpert to Perform Application Coding/Development 1 day Woolpert to Develop Application Documentation 1 day Woolpert to Develop Application Test Plan 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate Application Testing Coordination and Support 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate In-Process Review Meetings 1 day Woolpert to Deploy Application to Production Environment 1 day Resident Request Tracking System Linking, Updating, Hyperlinking 8 days Woolpert to Set-Up Development Environment 1 day Woolpert to Perform Application Coding/Development 2 days Woolpert to Develop Application Documentation 1 day Woolpert to Develop Application Test Plan 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate Application Testing Coordination and Support 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate In-Process Review Meetings 1 day Woolpert to Deploy Application to Production Environment 1 day FASTER Update Cityworks with new vehicle information 8 days Woolpert to Set-Up Development Environment 1 day Woolpert to Perform Application Coding/Development 2 days Woolpert to Develop Application Documentation 1 day Woolpert to Develop Application Test Plan 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate Application Testing Coordination and Support 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate In-Process Review Meetings 1 day Woolpert to Deploy Application to Production Environment 1 day Datallow! Meter and Service Line Information to Cityworks 8 days Woolpert to Set-Up Development Environment 1 day Woolpert to Perform Application Coding/Development 2 days Woolpert to Develop Application Documentation 1 day Woolpert to Develop Application Test Plan 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate Application Testing Coordination and Support 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate In-Process Review Meetings 1 day Woolpert to Deploy Application to Production Environment 1 day WonderWare Auto Schedule/Trigger Preventive Maintenance 9 days Woolpert to Set-Up Development Environment 1 day Woolpert to Perform Application Coding/Development 3 days Woolpert to Develop Application Documentation 1 day Woolpert to Develop Application Test Plan 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate Application Testing Coordination and Support 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate In-Process Review Meetings 1 day Woolpert to Deploy Application to Production Environment 1 day MTC Street Saver 7 days Woolpert to Set-Up Development Environment 1 day Woolpert to Perform Application Coding/Development 1 day Woolpert to Develop Application Documentation 1 day Woolpert to Develop Application Test Plan 1 day Woolpert to Facilitate Application Testing Coordination and Support 1 day CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration Woolpert to Facilitate In-Process Review Meetings 1 day Woolpert to Deploy Application to Production Environment 1 day Task 4.2: Perform Data Conversion of Legacy Asset and Transactional Data The City has identified existing Hansen work management and asset data that will need to be migrated to the new Cityworks AMS database. In support of these efforts,Woolpert will facilitate a series of on-site data Key Data .. migration workshops,during which time Woolpert will meet with City subject matter experts to review and analyze each of the data sets Data Conversion (assets,work orders and inspections). Data Migration Woolpert will document the workshop findings in the form of a data Legacy DataMigrated to New Cityworks $: conversion plan and submit a draft version of that plan to the City AMS Production Environment project t' manager for Table of Contents DataMigration svategY.................._.._............_.............................__......_........._.............»........_....,0 review. Upon o.mawinm,City orc+nnd,irdana......_ ........._...................._._................................._...G Feb—N2D16...................____........._..__._.._._..__...____............._.__.......____....._......._..-.D the City S Data Migration ........................................................._......__..................... ....._....._ completed review of the draft plan,Woolpert will facilitate a remote C' daAWimwema�...---.._......_..__._..._____.___.__.._..._......_._.._.._..__-,_.._.__..: review meeting to address the comments.Woolpert will then update the `a""/2016......"°"'n......'"' -_......_........_...____..__..__..__........_....___..._.___.. data conversion plan and provide the final version to the City project ....—......- - -.------------.-- - D~anAe................._................__....__....__..__._..._.._.................___........................... _ manager. Fmpaae..............._..............._.._............._....._...._.._.____,...._.._.._.___...._...._....____..................5 General Design Naves-ICOM Data Mira ,i .........,._.....__................................................5 General Design Notes-CCTV Data Mipnien...........__..... ....5 Once the final data conversion plan is agreed upon,Woolpert will support Kgra Depend—a._.........._..----------......,__........__...................._......._.__.............._...._5 questions from the City technical staff regarding questions about the data Data Ml Dan..........._._........ _.....__....._.._..__.,_.._--._............_.... _,._.._.._.._.._............._._....6 ICCAtData.......__._._........._._........_._...._............_...._...__.....__-„....._..__..........................._.......fi needed based on the conversion requirements. It will be the City's Oeaning........................._._..,..._...........__._...._._......._........., _..__..._......._..........._......7 Gerrerai Maintenanse.........___..............____._....._..............._........_...._........_1.............A responsibility to extract the source data sets and provide them in the $trUtt 1Inspeman........._.___._._._._____..._____...__..__.._.__........__.._......................1. format defined by Woolpert,for transforming and loading into the new 5erv1te Cega..............._..._.._...............__._._..,.._._._...._.__. ..__...._......_.___.._._............13 CM Data.........................._....._..-_.............._,......................_........... ............_........._........._,...........15 Cityworks AMS database.Woolpert will provide specific documentation Fleur Mapping._...__....._......._._.,_.................__.....__..._..........._.._..._........__....-15 that will require the City to align and normalize the Hansen data into the worksheets for proper migration.Once Woolpert receives the data from Sample Data Migration Table of Contents the City,Woolpert will perform a number of tests on the data sets,checking for data cleanliness, completeness, relevancy, and conformance to the standards established in the data conversion plan.The City project manager will be notified of any non-conforming data that needs to be corrected and re-submitted. Once this iterative process is complete,Woolpert will transform and load the data into a test database to complete the data conversion.After the Extract-Transform-Load process has been fully tested,the entire process will be documented.Woolpert will then re-run the process just prior to go-live to load the legacy data into the production asset management databases. Data conversion activities defined herein are limited to only those asset and transactional work history records maintained in the Hansen database. It does not include any other applications,spreadsheets,or databases. Deliverables • Woolpert will facilitate a series of on-site Data Migration workshops,as defined above,to review and analyze the Hansen database records,and to map the conversion to Cityworks • Woolpert will prepare a draft data conversion plan and submit to the City project manager • Woolpert will facilitate a remote data conversion plan review meeting with the City technical team • Woolpert will update the data conversion plan based on the outcome of the review meeting and re-submit to the City project manager • Woolpert will develop a fully tested Extract,Transform, and Load (ETL)process documented and ready to be used for a final data loading at system go-live CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Assumptions • All data to be converted will be provided to Woolpert in an appropriate digital format • All data scrubbing and prep work will be performed by the City • All data will have appropriate primary and foreign key relationships • All related data will have appropriate feature IDs capable of tying it to asset features in the AM System/GIS databases • Only two iterations of data migration will be performed. Should City's failure to provide properly scrubbed data sets, per the migration specifications, require additional iterations, this work will be performed via Scope Change Order. City Responsibilities • Participate in the on-site data conversion workshops • Perform all data prep,scrubbing, and extraction of data from source databases • Review and comment upon the data conversion plan Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 4.2 Perform Data Conversion of Legacy Asset and Transactional Data 46 days 4.2.1 Facilitate Data Migration Workshops 19 days Woolpert to Prepare for Data Migration Workshops 2 days Client PM to Prepa - ""lient-Owned Task) Woolpert to Facilitate Data Migration Workshops 5 days Hansen Asset Data (On-Site Task) 2 days On-Site Travel 5 days Travel Costs 5 days Woolpert to Document Data Conversion Workshop Findings and Decisions 5 days Woolpert to Submit Draft Data Conversion Plan Documentation to Client PM 0 days it to Review Draft L < Conversion Plan (Client-Owned Task, 5 days Woolpert to Facilitate Data Conversion Plan Remote Review Meetings with Client Technical Team 1 day Woolpert to Update Draft Data Conversion Plan Based on Review Comments 2 days Woolpert to Submit Updated Data Conversion Plan to Client PM 0 days 4.2.2 Migrate Legacy Data Sets to new AM System Database 27 days Client to Generate Flat Files of Legacy Hansen Data Sets(Client-Owned Task) Client to Provide Legacy Data Flat Files to Woolpert(Client-Owned Task) } Woolpert to Configure Data Migration Environment on Woolpert Servers 2 days Woolpert to Develop,Test, and Refine Data Loading Scripts 5 days Woolpert to Perform Test Data Conversion Load to new Cityworks AMS Database in Test 2 days Environment Woolpert to Review and Analyze Test Data Migration Results 2 days n Data as Reo _�'Js Woolpert to Update Data Conversion Scripts as Required 2 days Woolpert to Reload Updated Data in Test Environment 2 days Woolpert to Facilitate Data Conversion Remote Review Meetings with Client Technical Team 2 days Task 4.3: Develop Custom Reports and Dashboards (None Scoped) Task 4.4: Configure and Deploy Mobile Solutions Configuration and deployment of mobile Cityworks AMS software applications is limited to the software applications(Cityworks Mobile, Cityworks Respond,and Cityworks Field)covered in the proposed Cityworks AMS license agreement. Should the City require different third party mobile applications to be developed and deployed,Woolpert will do so per a revised Scope of Services. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Woolpert will facilitate a series of on-site Mobile Application Discovery workshops for the purpose of demonstrating application functionality and to gather user requirements for the various City end user groups(field staff, supervisors,and managers). Upon completion of the workshops,Woolpert will document the decisions in the form of a Technical Memorandum and submit it to the City's Project Manager for dissemination and review by City technical team members.Woolpert will facilitate a remote review meeting with the City's technical team and make appropriate updates to the Draft Technical Memorandum. Woolpert will configure the mobile applications per the details captured in the Technical memorandum and provide the configured applications to the City for testing.The City will document the test results and provide a written report to Woolpert.Woolpert will provide remote testing assistance to the City during the testing period.Woolpert will update the mobile application configurations per the City's testing results and deploy the applications to the City's production environment as part of go-live activities. Deliverables • Woolpert will facilitate a remote Mobile Application Discovery workshops.The work shop will be up to one full day in duration • Woolpert will prepare and submit a Technical Memorandum detailing the workshop discovery • Woolpert will facilitate a remote review meeting with the City technical team. • Woolpert will update and re-submit the Technical Memorandum per the results of the review meeting. • Woolpert will configure the mobile applications with one standard configuration per user group(field staff,supervisors, managers) • Woolpert will provide up to fourteen (14) hours of remote pilot area testing support. • Woolpert will update the configurations, per the testing results • Woolpert will deploy the mobile applications to the Production environment. Assumptions • Any custom one-off configurations desired or required for individual users shall be the responsibility of the City's Cityworks Administrators or will require a scope modification for Woolpert to support. • All activities,other than the actual workshop will be performed remotely • The City's PM will ensure site readiness and staff participation for the workshop • The City's PM will manage the Pilot testing activities City Responsibilities • The City's PM will secure appropriate meeting facilities in which Woolpert will conduct the workshops • The City's PM will schedule all City workshop attendees • All identified City workshop attendees will actively participate in the on-site meetings without undue interruption • The City's PM and technical project team members will review the Technical Memorandum and provide feedback to Woolpert in a timely fashion • The City's PM and technical project team members will participate in a remote conference call review meeting with the Woolpert PM • The City will perform application testing and provide results of the testing to Woolpert Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 4.4 Configure and Deploy Mobile Solutions 30.5 days 4.4.1 Mobile Asset Management Discovery Workshops 10 days Woolpert to Prepare for Workshops 2 days Woolpert to Facilitate Workshops 1 day Mobile Workshop(Remote Workshop) 1 day Woolpert to Document Workshop Findings and Mobile Deployment Strategy Recommendations 2 days Woolpert to Submit Draft Technical Memorandum to Client PM 0 days 3,days Woolpert to Facilitate Remote Review Meeting with Client Technical Team 1 day Woolpert to Update Draft Technical Memorandum per Client Review Comments 1 day CITY OF KENT,WA CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION 4.4.2 Configure and Deploy Mobile Asset Management Solutions 20.5 days Woolpert to Configure Mobile Applications for Field Use by User Group Type 6.5 days Field Staff 3 days Supervisors 3 days Managers-NOT SCOPED 0.5 days Client to Test Mobile Applications Configurations in a Pilot Area(Client Owned Task) !10 days Client Document Pilot Test Results(Client-Owned Task) ;.10 days Woolpert to Provide Remote Pilot Testing Support 10 days - - ------- - --- - Woolpert to Update Configurations Based on Pilot Results 3 days Deploy Mobile Applications to Production Environment 1 day Task 4.5: Phase 4 Quality Control Woolpert technical resources, not regularly involved with this implementation will perform independent quality review of the work processes and deliverable products in accordance with the Woolpert Total Quality Plan. Task 4.6: Phase 4 Acceptance and Close This is the Phase exit document that the City project manager signs indicating Woolpert has delivered the Phase 4 services in accordance with the Scope of Work and Project Plan. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Phase 5: System Deployment Once the Cityworks AMS solution has been configured,along with any critical related applications interfaced and advanced functionality deployed(custom integrations,data migrations),there are still a number Key Core System Deployment(Phase 5) of critical tasks that must be completed before the solution is placed into Deliverables a production environment.Woolpert's implementation team will lead the City's technical team through a series of related deployment tasks that AcceptanceUser ' will ensure a fully tested and accepted solution as well as a City team of • '' fully trained system administrators and end users ready to put the system Tester Training to use on a daily basis. SupportUAT Woolpert will assist the City system administrators in developing a Train-the-Trainer End User Training thorough Testing and Acceptance Plan,designed to step the configured Cutoverand • solution through all the technical and functional requirements that the Cut• , . Groupsystem was configured to support. Development of this plan will be the responsibility of the City implementation team. Woolpert will support the City as they develop the Test and Acceptance Plans to ensure the Plans 0) conform to acceptable standards. Following acceptance of the test plan, Woolpert will facilitate a series of Tester Training classes for the City's selected testing team. Immediately upon completion of this training,the City's testing team will execute the User Acceptance Testing program in accordance with the plan.While it is the City's responsibility to assemble a testing team and manage the testing procedures in-house,Woolpert staff will be made available to provide on-site (during the initial week)and remote assistance. All system configurations and business processes for all implementing divisions will be completed in this task. Once the system testing has been completed,and all the resultant configuration updates have been made,Woolpert will deliver training and go-live support. Since the City has a large number of divisions implementing the new solution,training and go-live has been split into two(2)groups. The participants in each group will be determined by the project team and are not specified in this scope of work. It is assumed that the two waves of training/go-live activities will be sufficient and that they will be similar in size/ effo rt. This training will be scheduled and delivered "just in time", immediately prior to the Go-Live activities to ensure system administrators and end users are prepared to adopt and embrace the new technology solutions right out of the gate. Go-live cutover activities are a shared set of activities among the Woolpert and City project teams. Cutover activities include migrating the Cityworks database/configuration from the Development/Testing environment to a live Production environment, migrating legacy data,and installing the integration components. All cutover activities will be performed one time,except for the final migration of legacy data records for the second go-live effort. Legacy data migration for the second group of go-live divisions will be performed just before that group begins using the new system. Migration will be from the source system(s)directly into the Production version of Cityworks. Once each cutover is complete Woolpert will provide on-site Go-Live support for each deployment wave during the period immediately following the new system being placed into productive use. Task 5.1 : Provide Final Demonstrations - not scoped Task 5.2: Develop Test Plan The City implementation team is responsible for developing the test plan. This will ensure that the system passes the City's expectations, not Woolpert's. It will also strengthen the City team's understating of the software's intended functionality. The focus of system testing efforts is to thoroughly test the newly installed/configured AMS solution and ensure all delivered functionality (application workflows,templates, reports,interfaces) is properly functioning. Woolpert will provide sample test plans,as requested,from other Cityworks implementations to assist the City in determining a format style for the test plan. The test plan should derive its focus from the previously prepared AM System Configuration documents. Functional metrics that the AM System configuration must successfully achieve prior to being promoted to the City's production environment will be defined. �iiiiiiiiiIiiIiiIAk CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Additionally,test scenarios designed to step City Testers through the User Acceptance Testing(UAT) process should be included in the plan. Final plan contents will be agreed upon between the City testing team and Woolpert and will serve as the"script"for testing and approving the system configuration.The test plan will address the AM System functionality specified and configured per the Project Plan. Deliverables • Woolpert will provide sample Testing and Acceptance Plan documents to the City project manager. • Woolpert will facilitate a remote review meeting with the City's testing team to review the City-developed Testing and Acceptance Plan. Assumptions • The final Testing and Acceptance Plan will be agreed upon between the City and Woolpert. City Responsibilities • The City's project team will develop a draft version of the Testing and Acceptance Plan. • The City's project team will participate in a joint review of the Testing and Acceptance Plan. • The City's project team will update the Testing and Acceptance Plan per Woolpert's feedback. Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 5.2 Develop Test Plan 15.5 days 5.2.1 Woolpert to Provide Sample Test Plan 5 days 5.2.2 Woolpert to Submit Test Plan to Client PM 0 days en t nevi v, Sa;-r,C 7,es i u 5.2.4 Woolpert to Facilitate Joint Review of Sample Test Plan 0.5 days 5.2.5 s 5.2.6 Woolpert to Provide Support in Development of Test Plan 5 days Task 5.3: Facilitate User Acceptance Testing It will be most effective to have the Core Team members test the asset management solution.Additionally,training will be provided to the testers. Immediately following tester training,Woolpert will provide onsite support testing. Should testing extend beyond the Woolpert on-site testing support period,Woolpert will remotely support testing activities. Issues identified during the on-site testing support period will be corrected immediately so that re-testing can occur under the guidance of the Woolpert team. Issues identified after the Woolpert on-site testing support period will be corrected as quickly as possible. These issues may require that the Woolpert and City testers participate in WebEx sessions so that Woolpert can understand the issues and facilitate the retesting. Deliverables • Woolpert will prepare and deliver tester training materials. • Woolpert will provide one(1)day of on-site tester training to the City's testing team. • Woolpert will provide up to three and a half(3.5)days of onsite testing support to the City's testing team. • Woolpert will provide up to twenty-four(24)hours of remote testing assistance in support of the City's testing team; hours to be used to review,correct and support retesting of issues. Assumptions • The City understands that failure to provide the City testing team with the appropriate training documents will impact Woolpert's ability to properly train these users in the time allotted for classroom training. • The City understands that failure to properly prepare the training site and ensuring adequate available training resources will result in the Woolpert—City training team being unable to provide the required training to the City testers. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • The City understands that failure to properly prepare for and participate in the training sessions will significantly impact the City testing team's ability to effectively make use of the configured AM System application. • Severity defect definitions will be documented in the Project Plan deliverable, but all parties agree with a defect rating of 1 to 4 with only 1 or 2 severity defects preventing Go-Live from happening as planned. City Responsibilities • Distribute training materials to the City testing team prior to the scheduled training sessions. • Ensure training room is prepared in advance. • The City's project manager and testing team must thoroughly review and understand the training syllabus developed by Woolpert. • Secure an appropriate training facility suitable for participants, • Schedule and accommodate the appropriate City testing team members such that they are available,without undue interruption,for the required number of days. Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 5.3 Facilitate User Acceptance Testing 14.5 days 5.3.1 User Acceptance Testing Training and Support 13 days Provide Tester Training 1 day Review Issue Documentation and UAT Exit Criteria 0.5 days Perform User Acceptance Testing(CLIENT-OWNED TASK) (On-Site Task) 10 days Provide Onsite Testing Support(On-Site Task) 3.5 days On-Site Travel 5 days Provide Remote User Acceptance Testing Support 5 days 5.3.2 Woolpert to Update AMS Configurations per Testing Results 5 days Update Cityworks AMS Configuration 2 days Update Configuration Documentation 3 days Task 5.4: Provide End-User Training It is important that end-user training be timed to occur immediately prior to beginning live use of the system in the Production environment. We are scoping a modified Train-the-Trainer approach to the End-User Training. In this scenario,Woolpert trainers will provide the system administrator,Storeroom,and CCTV training to City system administrators/trainers and end-users.We will also provide one round of Cityworks AMS end-user training(additional rounds can be added to the project and schedule with the City prior to beginning this task).At the end of this End-User training,City trainers will take over and provide the remainder of End-User training themselves. Completion of the training efforts will result in Client system administrators and end-users being provided the system knowledge and capabilities necessary to manage(administrators)and use(end-users)the configured Cityworks AMS and integrated applications in an effective manner such that the Client's over-arching business objectives can be met through use of the newly configured system. Following the completion of the Train-the-Trainer training classes,Woolpert will co-facilitate the first round of End-User training classes, providing support to the City trainers.The exception to this will be the Storeroom and CCTV interface training which will be provided by Woolpert resources. Do to the limited number of Storeroom and CCTV users, it is most cost effective for Woolpert to provide this training. While this formalized training occurs just prior to go-live, Client system administrators and Core Team members(Power Users)will have already participated in the following training during prior project phases: CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • Software installation and configuration training(knowledge transfer) • Asset Management System Configuration training(system exposure prior to configuration workshops) • Multiple System Configuration workshops(in which the software is used extensively) • Tester training Detailed training documentation and training agendas will be developed for each training class.Training topics to be addressed may include: User Interface,the Map,and Asset Search • Logging in • Map frame • Changing user settings • Map tools • Navigating the user interface • Asset search Work Orders • The work order and its role in Cityworks • Finding assets and creating work orders • What is in a work order • Modifying and completing work orders Inspections • The inspection and its role in Cityworks • Finding assets and creating inspections • What is in an inspection • Modifying and completing inspections Advanced Cityworks Functionality • Searching Work Activities,Saved Searches • Utilizing Saved Searches &Ad Hoc Reporting o Inbox • Utilizing Saved Searches o Calendar o Inbox o Heat Maps o Calendar o Heat Maps Cityworks Administration • Introduction o Managing equipment o Navigating Designer o Removing equipment ■ Designer Quick-Launch o Deactivating equipment—Make sure ■ Designer Menus deactivations are duplicated in GIS • Accessing&Managing Employees • Accessing& Managing Contractors o Employee section in Designer o Contractors section in Designer o Adding employees o Adding contractors—Set provider o Managing employees type ■ Permissions vs. Employee o Managing contractors Relates o Removing contractors ■ Employee Skills o Deactivating contractors o Deactivating employees • Accessing& Managing Equipment o Equipment section in Designer o Adding equipment—Make sure additions are duplicated in GIS CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Cityworks Administration for System Administrators • Domain Administrators and CWDBAs— • Web Site Administration Domains o Cityworks Application Pool • Groups o Web.Config—Impersonate User o Understanding groups o WebConnection5trings.Config o Managing groups ■ Cityworks database • Preferences and Codes connection o Cityworks Preferences ffEnterprise geodatabase ■ Understanding preferences connection ■ Managing preferences o Print Templates o Custom Codes ■ Location ■ Finding code lists ■ Updating ■ Managing codes&code lists o User Interface Modification • Email Events&Triggers XML files • Site Menu XML modification overview o Understanding the site menu • Administrator functions in the user o Security roles interface o Managing the site menu o Managing Inboxes • GIS Configuration o Managing Saved Searches o Understanding GIS configuration o Administrator Map Tools o Asset Groups Asset Alias ■ Managing asset groups Log ■ Adding an asset type o Reports ■ Managing assets ■ Adding reports o Services Managing report security ■ Service Resources ■ Service Definitions ■ Service Layers o Asset Readings Deliverables • Standard Cityworks training materials • Woolpert will facilitate on-site Train-the-Trainer training,as detailed above • Woolpert will facilitate on-site Administrator Training(administration tasks and Cityworks AMS), as detailed above • Woolpert will facilitate on-site Storeroom End-User training,as detailed above • Woolpert will facilitate on-site CCTV End-User training,as detailed above • Woolpert will facilitate Cityworks AMS End-User training classes,with support provided by City trainers,as detailed above • Class sizes will be limited to no more than ten (10)if a single instructor is conducting the class with no assistance;class sizes can increase to up to twenty(20) if a properly trained resource,City or Woolpert,assists the lead instructor Assumptions • The City has an adequate training facility that can accommodate the resultant number of staff to be trained;each accessing the AM system on their own workstation • Upon completion of two full rounds of training,City trainers will be able to further train their end-users with little to no support • Class sizes will be limited to no more than fifteen (15)students for Woolpert-led training classes. City Responsibilities • Secure an appropriate training facility • Coordinate and schedule training participants • Training participants shall actively participate in training activities • City will train all users beyond that Woolpert led/supported training efforts without Woolpert participation. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 5.4 Provide End User Training 14 days 5.4.1 Develop Training Materials 6 days Prepare Administration Training Manual 3 days Prepare User Training Manual 3 days 5.4.2 Conduct Training 2 days Prepare Training Agenda and Materials 2 days Prepare Client Site for Training(CLIENT-OWNED TASK) 5.4.3 Train-the-Trainer EUT 12 days Custom Business Process Train-the-Trainer Training(On-Site Task) 0.5 days System Administrator Training(On-Site Task) 0.5 days Service Requests Train-the-Trainer Training Session (On-Site Task) 0.5 days Service Requests End-User Training Session-City Led;Woolpert Support(On-Site Task) 0.5 days Work Order and Inspections Train the Trainer Training Session(On-Site Task) 0.5 days Work Order and Inspections End-User Training Session-City Led;Woolpert Supported (On-Site 0.5 days Task) Cityworks Searches and GIS Train-the-Trainer Session (On-Site Task) 0.5 days Cityworks Searches and GIS End-User Training Session-City Led;Woolpert Supported (On-Site 0.5 days Task) CCTV Interface Training 0.5 days Cityworks Storeroom Training 0.5 days On-Site Travel 5 days City-led End User Training Group 1(Client Owned Task) 7 days Task 5.5: Provide Go-Live Support Group 1 Immediately following the Cityworks AMS(and related systems)Training, Go-Live cutover tasks will begin. Cutover tasks are those activities that ready the production Cityworks environment for live use. Cutover tasks are shared between the Woolpert and City teams. Cutover tasks include ensuring that all terminals/devices requiring access to the AM System application(s)are tested for connectivity;all terminals requiring the ability to print documents are tested for connectivity;and all system user accounts are tested for login ability. Cutover also includes porting the configured and approved Cityworks AMS(and related)databases from the Development environment to the Production environment and final migration of the legacy Hansen data. Each of these tasks will be shared by the Woolpert and City teams as determined during the project. Woolpert resources will provide five(5)days of on-site Go-Live support during the go-live week.Woolpert will assist the City's end- users and system administrators with site-specific access and configuration issues and application use and will provide additional coaching and supplemental training during the on-site go-live support period. Deliverables • Woolpert will provide on-site Go-live preparation services, as detailed above • Woolpert will provide up to forty(40) hours of general on-site Go-live support from one analyst • Woolpert will provide up to 20 hours of remote Go-live support Assumptions • All other phases of the project have received City sign-off and acceptance • There will be two separate Go-lives • Group 1 will be the smaller of the two groups because of window of opportunity for Go-Live. City Responsibilities CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION • The City's project manager,Cityworks administrators, and IT support staff should equally assist in administering the Go-Live tasks to make sure it is clear to the End-Users that the City is internally capable of supporting the newly deployed Cityworks AMS solution.The City system administrators and IT support staff will benefit from learning basic AM System troubleshooting routines during this time. Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 5.5 Provide Go-Live Support Group 1 34 days 5.5.1 Go-Live Cutover Activities 6.25 days Develop Cutover Plan 2 days Submit Cutover Plan to Client PM 0 days 3 d9 Facilitate Remote Review of Cutover Plan 0.25 days Perform Dress Rehearsal 1 day 5.5.2 Conduct Go-Live Group 1 20 days Migrate Cityworks Application and Database from Development to Production Environment 1 day Perform Data Load to Production Environment AMS Database 2 days Perform Final Legacy Work Order Data Loads to Production Cityworks 1 day Woolpert to Perform System Tests in Production Environment and Correct as Required 1 day Woolpert to Support City Integration Deployment to Production 3 days Woolpert to Provide One Week of Go-Live Support(On-Site Task) 5 days Woolpert to Provide 20 Hrs Remote Go-Live Support 5 days On-Site Travel 6 days Task 5.6: Provide Go-Live Support Group 2 It is important that end-user training be timed to occur immediately prior to beginning live use of the system in the Production environment. Due to the large number of City departments and their related end users,a phased Go-Live is recommended. In a multi-phased Cityworks AMS roll-out, End-User Training and Go-Live Support activities occur in series for each phase. The City's trainers will lead End-User Training immediately prior to cutover and Go-Live Activities for Group 2. Deliverables • Woolpert will facilitate the update the cutover plan • Woolpert and City will perform a dress rehearsal • Woolpert will provide on-site Go-live preparation services, as detailed above • Woolpert will provide up to forty(40) hours of general on-site Go-live support • Woolpert will provide up to 20 hours of remote Go-live support Assumptions • The City's project manager will provide project sign-off within agreed upon timeframe following Go-live. • Group 2 will be the larger of the two groups because of window of opportunity for Go-Live City Responsibilities • Secure an appropriate training facility • Coordinate and schedule training participants • City will lead Group 2 End-User Training Related Sub-Tasks WBS Task Name Duration 5.6 Provide Go-Live Support Group 2 26.25°days 5.6.3 ps 2(Client Owned Task) 5 days ,I CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION WBS Task Name Duration 5.6.1 Go-Live Cutover Activities 6.25 days Update Cutover Plan 2 days Submit Cutover Plan to Client PM 0 days Review C�ove- .u. .,_ b f 3 days Facilitate Remote Review of Cutover Plan 0.25 days Perform Dress Rehearsal 1 day 5.6.2 Conduct Go-Live 20 days Migrate Cityworks Application and Database from Development to Production Environment 1 day Perform Data Load to Production Environment AMS Database 2 days Perform Final Legacy Work Order Data Loads to Production Cityworks 1 day Woolpert to Perform System Tests in Production Environment and Correct as Required 1 day Woolpert to Support City Integration Deployment to Production 3 days Woolpert to Provide One Week of Go-Live Support(On-Site Task) 5 days Woolpert to Provide 20 Hrs Remote Go-Live Support 5 days On-Site Travel 6 days Task 5.7: Phase 5 Quality Control Woolpert technical resources, not regularly involved with this implementation will perform independent quality review of the work processes and deliverable products in accordance with the Woolpert Total Quality Plan. Task 5.8: Phase 5 Acceptance and Close This is the Phase 4 exit document that the City signs indicating Woolpert has delivered the Phase 4 services in accordance with the Scope of Work.After the phase 4 has been approved by the City,Woolpert will provide a project close document for signature by the City,signifying that all items listed within this scope of work have been completed. CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION Schedule and Fee Below Woolpert has provided a breakdown of both schedule and fee by major tasks.Woolpert has developed a detailed project schedule that will take nineteen (19) months to complete from notice-to-proceed (NTP),which is based on received a signed contract and purchase order. Upon receiving NTP, both Woolpert and the City will review and mutually agree on any final schedule changes prior to beginning the project. It has been agreed the twenty-month timeframe will begin on the project kickoff date has been confirmed by the City and Woolpert. Below is a breakdown of major tasks and their durations.The durations will not change, only the start and finish dates. Task Name Duration 1 PHASE 11 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Provide Written Notice to Proceed (CLIENT- 1.1 0 days $0.00 OWNED TASK) 1.2 Finalize Project Plan 11.5 days $3,026.00 1.3 Project Administration 380 days $33,314.00 1.4 Project Kick-Off Meeting 5.5 days $3,296.75 1.5 Project Schedule Coordination 380 days $8,208.00 1.6 Client Status Meetings 357 days $13,377.00 1.7 Internal Coordination Meetings 362 days $25,272.00 Phase 1 Totals 2 PHASE 2 1 IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING Provide Asset Management Software 2,1 6.25 days $7,522.00 Demonstrations 2.2 Install and Configure Cityworks 4 days $8,589.00 2.3 Conduct Pre-Planning Discovery 19.25 days $27,451.00 Facilitate Cityworks AMS Work Order and 2.4 Service Request Life-Cycle Management 15.25 days $25,482.00 Business Process Reviews Facilitate Geodatabase Design Review and 2.5 33 days $15,335.50 Recommendations for Assets 2.7 Phase 2 Quality Control 67 days $2,195.50 2.8 Phase 2 Acceptance and Close 0 days $0.00 Phase 2 Totals 00 CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION 3 PHASE 3 1 CORE SYSTEM DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION 3.1 Prepare Cityworks AMS Configuration 10.25 days $2,746.00 Documentation Facilitate Cityworks AMS Software and Related 3.2 109.5 days $137,473.00 Systems Configuration Review and Approval of Cityworks AMS and 3.3 Related Systems Configuration and Updated 19 days $5,330.00 Documentation 3.4 Phase 3 Quality Control 169 days $6,079.00 3.5 Phase 3 Acceptance and Close 0 days $0.00 TotalsPhase 3 • .. 00 4 PHASE 4 1 ADVANCED FUNCTIONALITY CONFIGURATION AND DEVELOPMENT 4.1 Design and Develop Application Interfaces 118 days $109,467.00 Perform Data Conversion of Legacy Asset and 4.2 T 46 days $39,726.00 Transactional Data 4.3 Develop Custom Reports and Dashboards 0 days $0 4.4 Configure and Deploy Mobile Solutions 30.5 days $14,145.00 4.4 Phase 4 Quality Control 174 days $8,240.00 4.5 Phase 4 Acceptance and Close 0 days $0.00 TotalsPhase 4 .. 00 5 PHASE 5 SYSTEM DEPLOYMENT 5.1 Provide Final Demonstration 8.75 days $0.00 5.2 Develop Test Plan 17.5 days $3,745.00 5.3 Facilitate User Acceptance Testing 14.5 days $16,278.50 5.4 Provide End User Training 14 days $21,515.00 5.5 Provide Go-Live Support Group 1 34 days $28,935.00 5.6 Provide Go-Live Support Group 2 26.25 days $31,427.00 5.7 Phase 5 Quality Control 93 days $9,000 5.8 Phase 5 Acceptance and Close 0 days $0.00 Phase 5 Totals $110,900.50 PROJECTTOTALS :� .. $607,175.25 CITY OF KENT,WA I CITYWORKS IMPLEMENTATION EXHIBIT A-1 To Contract Terms and Conditions INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The following Exhibit A-1 is attached to, incorporated into, and forms part of the System Implementation Agreement, dated between the City and Vendor (herein referred to as the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms used herein shall have the definitions set forth in the Agreement, unless otherwise defined herein. In the event of conflict between the terms and conditions set forth herein and those set forth in the Agreement, the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement shall prevail. Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 2. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: EXHIBIT A - TERMS AND CONDITIONS Page 14 of 11 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. 2. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than ANII. E. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. EXHIBIT A - TERMS AND CONDITIONS Page 15 of 11 F. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. EXHIBIT A - TERMS AND CONDITIONS Page 16 of 11 EXHIBIT A-2 To Common Terms and Conditions INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The following Exhibit A-2 is attached to, incorporated into, and forms part of the System Implementation Agreement, dated between the City and Vendor (herein referred to as the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms used herein shall have the definitions set forth in the Agreement, unless otherwise defined herein. In the event of conflict between the terms and conditions set forth herein and those set forth in the Agreement, the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement shall prevail. EXHIBIT A - TERMS AND CONDITIONS Page 17 of 11 -� WOOLINC-01 CSINKS AC OR�� F.ATE;MM/DDIYYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 111 21201 8 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Ames&Gough 8300 Greensboro Drive (AHico,NN,Ext):(703)827-2277 FAX IN ):(703)827-2279 Suite 980 nooREss:admin@amesgough.com McLean,VA 22102 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Travelers Indemnity Company,A++ XV 25658 INSURED INSURER B:Charter Oak Fire Insurance Com n A++ XV 25615 WoolpertInc. INSURER C:Travelers PropeqCasualty Company of America 26674 4454Idea Center Boulevard INSURERD:Farmington Casualty Company 41483 Dayton,OH 45430-1500 INSURER E:Continental Casualty Company CNA)A XV 120443 INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS R 1 D WV MM/DD A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE FX—]OCCUR X 6309D576779 03/31/2018 03/31/2019 DAMAGE TO RENTED 600,000 PREMISE Ea occurrence $ MED EXP(Any oneperson) $ 5,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY[X]JECOT- F_X] LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: $ MBIB AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Ea a.d.n SI NGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO 8109D21995A 03/31/2018 03/31/2019 BODILY INJURY Perperson) $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS SSWN BODILY INJURY Per accident $ AUTOS ONLY AUOTOS ONL� PerOacEcRiden DAMAGE $ C X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 10,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE CUP6K736316 03/31/2018 03/31/2019 AGGREGATE $ 10,000,000 17 DED I X I RETENTION$ 0 $ D WORKERS COMPENSATION X PER TATUTE ERH AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY UBBJ538687 03/31/2018 03/31/2019 1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y/N E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ �FFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ E Professional Liab. AEH288355072 07/08/2018 07/08/2019 Per Claim/Aggregate 5,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) City of Kent is included as additional insured with respect to General Liability when required by written contract. General Liability is primary and non-contributory over any existing insurance and limited to liability arising out of the operations of the named insured and when required by written contract. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE CI of Kent THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25(2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - WRITTEN CONTRACTS (ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART 1. The following is added to SECTION II —WHO IS plies only to such "bodily injury" or "property AN INSURED: damage"that occurs before the end of the pe- Any person or organization that you agree in a riod of time for which the "written contract re- written contract requiring insurance"to include as quiring insurance" requires you to provide an additional insured on this Coverage Part, but: such coverage or the end of the policy period, whichever is earlier. a. Only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage"or"personal injury"; and 2. The following is added to Paragraph 4.a. of SEC- TION IV—COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY b. If, and only to the extent that, the injury or CONDITIONS: damage is caused by acts or omissions of you or your subcontractor in the performance The insurance provided to the additional insured is excess over any valid and collectible "other in- of "your work" to which the "written contract surance", whether primary, excess, contingent or requiring insurance" applies. The person or organization does not qualify as an additional on any other basis, that is available to the addi- insured with respect to the independent acts tional insured for a loss we cover. However, if you or omissions of such person or organization. specifically agree in the"written contract requiring insurance" that this insurance provided to the ad- The insurance provided to such additional insured ditional insured under this Coverage Part must is limited as follows: apply on a primary basis or a primary and non- c. In the event that the Limits of Insurance of contributory basis, this insurance is primary to this Coverage Part shown in the Declarations "other insurance" available to the additional in- exceed the limits of liability required by the sured which covers that person or organization as "written contract requiring insurance", the in- a named insured for such loss, and we will not surance provided to the additional insured share with that "other insurance". But this insur- shall be limited to the limits of liability required ance provided to the additional insured still is ex- by that "written contract requiring insurance". cess over any valid and collectible "other insur- This endorsement shall not increase the limits ance", whether primary, excess, contingent or on of insurance described in Section III — Limits any other basis, that is available to the additional Of Insurance. insured when that person or organization is an d. This insurance does not apply to the render- additional insured under any"other insurance". ing of or failure to render any "professional 3. The following is added to SECTION IV — COM- services" or construction management errors MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: or omissions. Duties Of An Additional Insured e. This insurance does not apply to "bodily in- As a condition of coverage provided to the addi- jury" or "property damage" caused by "your tional insured: work" and included in the "products- completed operations hazard" unless the a. The additional insured must give us written "written contract requiring insurance" specifi notice as soon as practicable of an "occur- -cally requires you to provide such coverage rence" or an offense which may result in a for that additional insured, and then the insur- claim. the extent possible, such notice include: n ance provided to the additional insured ap- clude: CG D4 14 04 08 0 2008 The Travelers Companies,Inc. Page 1 of 2 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY L How, when and where the "occurrence" any provider of other insurance which would or offense took place; cover the additional insured for a loss we ii. The names and addresses of any injured cover. However, this condition does not affect persons and witnesses; and whether this insurance provided to the addi- iii. The nature and location of any injury or tional insured is primary to that other insur- damage arising out of the 'occurrence" or ance available to the additional insured which offense. covers that person or organization as a named insured. b. If a claim is made or "suit" is brought against Sec- the additional insured, the additional insured 4. The following is added to the DEFINITIONS Sec- m tion: must: L Immediately record the specifics of the "Written contract requiring insurance" means that claim or"suit"and the date received;and part of any written contract or agreement under which you are required to include a person or or- ganization as an additional insured on this Cover- The additional insured must see to it that we age Part, provided that the "bodily injury" and receive written notice of the claim or"suit" as "property damage" occurs and the "personal in- soon as practicable. jury"is caused by an offense committed: c. The additional insured must immediately send a. After the signing and execution of the contract us copies of all legal papers received in con- or agreement by you; nection with the claim or"suit", cooperate with b. While that part of the contract or agreement is us in the investigation or settlement of the in effect; and claim or defense against the "suit", and oth- erwise comply with all policy conditions. c. Before the end of the policy period. d. The additional insured must tender the de- fense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to Page 2 of 2 ©2008 The Travelers Companies,Inc. CG D4 14 04 08 EQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE ENT Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Dire Originator: S61M Phone (Originator): x4608 Date Sent: 12/19/18 Date Required: 01/02/19 Return Signed Document to: Lynnette Smith Contract Termination Date: see below VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: Azteca Systems, LLC & Woolpert, Inc. (Only required on contracts 12/18/18 $20,000 and over or on any Grant) DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 11/06/18 Date Risk Manager Notified: 12/07/18 (Required on Non-City Standard Contracts/Agreements) Has this Document been Specifically Account Number: Authorized in the Budget?.q)YES ONO T20162.63600/64190.1800 Brief Explanation of Document: Project: Asset&Work order Mgmt System (Public Works) Please sign Azteca's license agreement and PO: Azteca Systems, LLC- License&Maintenance PO#149522-$88,000 Term: Initial procurement for 01/01/19-12/31/19 Please sign Woolpert's contract agreement and PO: Woolpert, Inc. - Professional Services PO#1495231-$607,175.25 Term: 20 months-after fully signed agreement Budget impact: Funding for this project was approved at$683,000. In 2018 the Public Works Department approved a contingency budget of $200,000 to cover any additional resource and hardware upgrade costs mitigating identified potential project risks through existing project funding available. All Contra c smuts The Law Department (This area to be completed by the Law De ment) Received: Approval of Law Dept.: Law Dept. Comments: KENT I A 1A1 M Date Forwarded to Mayor: Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: R E C11V P1 Recommendations and Comments: Disposition: City of Kent' Date Returned: Office of the Mayor P:IC-11