HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 RESOLUTION NO. 2004 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, that: (1) declares approximately 7.21 acres of land included within the City's Green River Natural Resources Area surplus to the City's drainage utility; (2) authorizes the reallocation of that surplus land from the drainage utility to the City's Parks Department to be used for a relocated and reconstructed Van Doren's Landing Park; (3) conditions the reallocation of the drainage utility surplus land upon the similar surplus and reallocation of the existing Van Doren's Landing Park, approximately 10.22 acres in size, to the City's drainage utility to be used for construction of flood protection amenities, a back channel, and habitat restoration in support of the Lower Russell Levee Improvement Project; (4) further conditions the reallocation of the surplus park land upon the City's future receipt of additional land, approximately 3.59 acres in size, from King County, which is necessary to relocate and reconstruct Van Doren's Landing Park; (5) authorizes the Mayor to take all actions necessary to remove any use restrictions from the surplus lands, whose removal is required to allow the Project to be constructed as designed, subject to the approval of the agency imposing the use restrictions; and (6) authorizes the Mayor to take all other actions, and sign all documents, deeds, easements, and agreements as may be necessary to fully implement the terms of this resolution and the reallocation of land between the City's drainage utility and the City's Parks Department. RECITALS A. The City and the King County Flood Control District ("Flood District") have been cooperatively working together to improve the levee 1 Lwr Russell Rd Levee Improvement Project Surplus and Administrative Reallocation of GRNRA Land and Park Land system along the Green River that runs through Kent. The Lower Russell Road Levee Improvement Project ('Project") is located on the right bank of the Green River between S. 212th Street and Veteran's Way. B. The Project documents provide for the City's existing Van Doren's Landing Park to be relocated to accommodate the Project. To allow for relocation and reconstruction of Van Doren's Landing Park, City staff proposed an administrative land reallocation between the drainage utility and the Parks Department, whereby existing park land could be utilized for construction of flood protection amenities, a back channel, and habitat restoration area to support the Project, and drainage utility land could be utilized to house the relocated Van Doren's Landing Park constructed by the Flood District as part of the Project. After the land reallocation is complete and the Project is fully constructed, both the Parks Department and the drainage utility will realize a net increase in overall land square footage—the Parks Department by a land increase of 0.58 acres, and the drainage utility by a land increase of 3.01 acres. C. The quality of land being reallocated between the Parks Department and the drainage utility is comparable, and through this resolution and future property transfers to be received from the Flood District under the terms of the parties' July 26, 2019, Interlocal Agreement for Acquisition, Conveyance of Easements, Design, Permitting, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance ("Construction ILA"), both the Parks Department and the drainage utility are receiving land greater in square footage than is being reallocated to the other. D. Although the actual square footage being reallocated between the Parks Department and the drainage utility is different-10.22 acres of park land being reallocated to the drainage utility in exchange for 7.21 acres of drainage utility land being reallocated to the Parks Department—the Parks Department will receive additional consideration, including: (i) the future receipt of an additional 3.59 acres of land King County will transfer prior to 2 Lwr Russell Rd Levee Improvement Project Surplus and Administrative Reallocation of GRNRA Land and Park Land completion of the Project to be added to the GRNRA surplus land to house the relocated Van Doren's Landing Park; (ii) a reconstructed Van Doren's Landing Park with new recreational amenities that include a Mount Rainier-themed play structure, a Wiffle ball field, and a pickle ball court; (iii) a new and wider boat launch to be built on drainage utility land; (iv) the retention of recreational access on the surplus park land, including the construction of a new observation tower and new nature trails; (v) a new separated Green River Trail that will increase public safety and the trail's recreational quality; and (vi) the continued preservation of open space. E. Both the surplus park land and the surplus GRNRA land are encumbered by restrictions imposed by grant funds the City previously received to assist with the properties' original acquisition. The current Van Doren's Landing Park was acquired using King County forward thrust funds, which imposed use restrictions in exchange for that funding. The City believes these use restrictions are consistent with the use to which the current Van Doren's Landing Park land will be put after the Project is fully constructed, but formal agreement will be needed from King County. F. The GRNRA surplus land also has use restrictions imposed due to it being acquired with grant funds through King County's 1993 Regional Conservation futures Acquisition Program and King County's Department of Metropolitan Services Regional Shoreline Fund. These restrictions provide that the entire GRNRA, including the surplus GRNRA land reallocated here, be preserved for shoreline public use and recreation purposes, habitat conservation, and uses consistent therewith, unless King County as the granting agency consents to a change in use. For most of the surplus GRNRA land, King County has preliminarily consented to a change in use or otherwise determined that the current and post-construction uses are consistent. However, King County has preliminarily advised the City that there are some active recreational elements that will be constructed on the surplus GRNRA land that do trigger conversion and the City's responsibility under the grant 3 Lwr Russell Rd Levee improvement Project Surplus and Administrative Reallocation of GRNRA Land and Park Land agreements to provide replacement land. Preliminarily, the active recreation areas that trigger the City's conversion and replacement responsibilities appear to involve land that is approximately 10,000 square feet in size. Through general discussions with King County, it appears this requirement to provide replacement land may be able to be satisfied by restricting a portion of the future 3.59 acres of land the City will receive from King County under the Construction ILA. G. There are other use restrictions imposed by the state through a Governor's Deed and grant agreements signed with the Recreation and Conservation Office that relate to the original acquisition and development of Van Doren's Landing Park. However, in both instances, the state either advised the City in writing that the Project in its after condition is either consistent with those use restrictions, or where it is not, the change in use was authorized without triggering any need to provide replacement land. H. Both the City's drainage utility and its Parks Department will be made whole through this reallocation of City land and the subsequent transfer of land from King County under the Construction ILA. The drainage utility will surplus for reallocation 7.21 acres of land to the Parks Department, but the drainage utility will be reallocated 10.22 acres of land in return—a net increase in land by 3.01 acres. While the land reallocation authorized through this resolution will initially result in the Parks Department receiving only 7.21 acres of land from the drainage utility in exchange for 10.22 acres of surplus park land, the Construction ILA provides for the Parks Department to receive an additional 3.59 acres of land from King County, which is necessary for the relocation and reconstruction of Van Doren's Landing Park—a net increase in land by 0.58 acres. In both instances, once the Project is fully complete, both the drainage utility and the Parks Department will realize net increases in their overall land square footage. 4 Lwr Russell Rd Levee Improvement Project Surplus and Administrative Reallocation of GRNRA Land and Park Land I. RCW 35A.11.010 authorizes the City to dispose of real property for the common benefit. When land was originally acquired for public utility purposes, and before that land can be leased, sold, or conveyed, RCW 35.94.040 requires that the City determine, after a public hearing and by resolution of the City Council, that the public utility property is surplus to the City's needs. While the statute is silent concerning any process that is required for an internal reallocation of land, staff provided notice consistent with RCW 35.94.040. Notice was also given consistent with the City's local surplus provisions, found in Chapter 3.12 of the Kent City Code. Finally, because both the surplus drainage utility land and the surplus park land are encumbered by restrictive covenants that limit their use, RCW 35A.21.410 also requires a public hearing before those covenants may be removed, vacated, or extinguished. The City combined these various public hearing requirements and set them to occur together at one public hearing before the full Council on December 10, 2019. Notice was posted, mailed, and a press release issued consistent with state and local law inviting all interested members of the public to the public hearing to learn more about the land reallocation and to speak in support or opposition of the surplus determinations and the removal of restrictive covenants. J. Staff consulted with the City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Responsible Official who determined that the City's administrative reallocation of land, which involves no property conveyance or otherwise modifies the fee title currently held by the City of Kent, does not trigger SEPA review. As additional information, SEPA review has already been conducted by King County as the SEPA lead agency on the Project, who evaluated the displacement, relocation, and enhancement of Van Doren's Landing Park and issued a Determination of Non-Significant (' DNS") on October 25, 2017. The City's SEPA Responsible Official reviewed that DNS and opined that it was adequately analyzed by King County under its SEPA analysis. 5 Lwr Russell Rd Levee Improvement Project Surplus and Administrative Reallocation of GRNRA Land and Park Land K. Having complied with state and local procedural requirements to surplus City utility and park land, and remove restrictive covenants from public land, the Kent City Council has determined that it is appropriate and timely to surplus 7.21 acres of drainage utility land included within the City's GRNRA, and 10.22 acres of park land currently utilized in support of Van Doren's Landing Park, and authorize the reallocation of one for the other, conditioned upon the City's additional receipt of 3.59 acres of land from King County to support the relocation and reconstruction of Van Doren's Landing Park. This resolution authorizes the Mayor to complete the internal land reallocation as the Construction ILA or Project schedule may require, to take all steps and sign all deeds, easements, and other documents necessary to complete the land reallocation, to remove all restrictive covenants or impose new restrictive covenants on replacement land as necessary to allow construction of the Project, and to take all other action necessary to implement the terms and conditions of the Construction ILA. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. - Recitals Incorporated. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into the body of this resolution and constitute the findings of the Kent City Council on this matter. SECTION 2. - Public's Best Interest. It is in the public's best interest that the City proceed with the reallocation of land provided for by this resolution in support of the Lower Russell Road Levee Improvement Project. SECTION 3. - Surplus Declaration and Authorization of Land Reallocation. After the giving of timely notice as required by RCW 35.94.040 and KCC 3.12.050, a public hearing was held on December 10, 2019, at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council, to evaluate whether a portion of the 6 Lwr Russell Rd Levee Improvement Project Surplus and Administrative Reallocation of GRNRA Land and Park Land drainage utility's GRNRA, and the Parks Department's Van Doren's Landing Park, should each be declared surplus and reallocated to the other in support of the Lower Russell Road Levee Improvement Project. Having given due consideration, Council declares as surplus that portion of the GRNRA depicted in the attached and incorporated Exhibit A, which encompasses all or part of King County Tax Parcel Numbers 102204-9017, 112204-9017, 112204-9064, 102204-9191. 102204-9153, 102204-9024, 000620-0011, and 000620-0017, totaling approximately 7.21 acres in size ("GRNRA Surplus Land"), and authorizes the Mayor to take all steps necessary to administratively reallocate the GRNRA Surplus Land from the drainage utility to the Parks Department. Council further declares as surplus Van Doren's Landing Park, also as depicted in the attached and incorporated Exhibit A, which encompasses all or part of King County Tax Parcel Numbers 102204-9176, 102204-9196, 102204-9217, and 112204-9014, totaling approximately 10.22 acres in size ("Park Surplus Land"), and authorizes the Mayor to take all steps, and to sign all documents, necessary to administratively reallocate the Park Surplus Land from the Parks Department to the drainage utility. The land reallocation authorized in this resolution shall be completed at a future date determined by the Mayor to be appropriate in order to comply with the Construction ILA or to otherwise maintain the Project schedule. SECTION 4. - Consideration to be Paid. The Council finds and declares that the land the drainage utility and the Parks Department each receive through this administrative reallocation, together with other consideration provided for in the Construction ILA, provides sufficient consideration at least equal to or greater than the fair market value of the land determined to be surplus. Once the Project is fully constructed, both the Parks Department and the City's drainage utility will have been made whole. SECTION 5. - Removal of Restrictive Covenants Authorized. After the giving of timely notice as required by RCW 35A.21.410, a contemporaneous public hearing was held on December 10, 2019, to additionally receive 7 Lwr Russell Rd Levee Improvement Project Surplus and Administrative Reallocation of GRNRA Land and Park Land testimony on the subject of removing restrictive covenants from both the GRNRA Surplus Land, which covenants were secured by grant agreements where the City promised to preserve the land for shoreline public use and recreation purposes, habitat conservation, and uses consistent therewith; and from the Park Surplus Land, which covenants preserve the land under King County's forward thrust grant program for park, recreation, and natural resource purposes. After due consideration, Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to take all steps and sign all documents necessary to obtain King County or any other agency's consent as necessary to authorize a change in use or to otherwise release any restrictive covenant on the GRNRA Surplus Land and the Park Surplus Land to allow the Project to be constructed consistent with the Construction ILA. It is presently anticipated that conversion and replacement land obligations may exist with respect to approximately 10,000 square feet of the GRNRA Surplus Land, which will contain active recreation uses that conflict with existing restrictive covenants once the Project is fully constructed. The Mayor is expressly authorized to sign any document that places a substitute restrictive covenant on future land transferred to the City, once fee title is held by the City, or on any other City land the City and King County mutually agree is suitable. SECTION 6. - Ratification. Council ratifies all acts consistent with the authority of this resolution and prior to the passage of this resolution, and authorizes the Mayor to take all acts necessary, and to sign all deeds, easements, and other documents required, to implement, fulfill, and otherwise carry out the terms and intent of this resolution, subject to final document terms and conditions as the City Attorney may determine are appropriate and consistent with the authority granted herein. SECTION 7. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such s Lwr Russell Rd Levee Improvement Project Surplus and Administrative Reallocation of GRNRA Land and Park Land decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTIONS. - Corrections by City Clerk. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 9. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. December 10, 2019 DANA RALPH, MAYOR V Date Approved Z : L 0 - &�k December 10, 2019 KIMBERLEY . KOMOTO, CITY K Date Adopted APPROVED AS f` A-RT PAT" FITZP RIC I ATTORNEY P:\Civil\Resolution\Drafts\Surplus Property Resolution-Van Doyens Landing and GRNRA-Phase 2 Lower Russell Road Levee.d— nrctY`at` c &l 1CASY�� 9 Lwr Russell Rd Levee Improvement Project Surplus and Administrative Reallocation of GRNRA Land and Park Land STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent - Covington Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent- Covington Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice (881045), a: Public Notice was published on November 15`h, 2019. Thl-a ours of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$375.04. � :'MM.Et' '••.2 Polly Shepherd, Publisher, Kent - Covington Reporter .0 . A. CO 'V %rAf? e Subscri e d sworn to me this 15`h day of November, 2019. z ���� �80C OD �i tic'••........•• C7 � .,'�'''�,yA S;,� Gale win,Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Covington,WA Classified Proof CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 10,2019 POTENTIAL SURPLUS AND EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY FROM THE GREEN RIVER NATURAL RESOURC- ES AREA("GRNRA"), FOR THE SURPLUS AND EXCHANGE OF VAN DOREN'S LAND- ING PARK,TO COW STRUCT LEVEE IM- PROVEMENTS ALONG THE GREEN RIVER AND A REPLACEMENT VAN DOREN'S LANDING PARK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in accor- dance with RCW 35.94.040 and RCW 35A.21.410, the Kent City Council is consider- ing whether to surplus and exchange a portion of the Green River Natu- ral Resources Area Property, owned by the City's drainage utility,lo- cated at 22209 Russell Road South, Kent, WA and commonly known by Tax Parcel Numbers: 102204-9017, 112204- 9017, 112204-9064, 102204-9191, 102204- 9153, 102204-9024, 0D0620-0011, 000620- 0017 and approximately 8.07 acres in size (the "GRNRA Property"), for the surplus and ex- change of the Van Doren's Landing park Property and other prop- erties, owned by the City's parks department, located at 21900 Russell Road and commonly known by Tax Parcel Numbers: 102204-9176, 102204-9196, 102204- Classified Proof 9217, 112204-9014 and approximately 10.28 acres in size (Van Doren's Landing Park Property"), to construct Phase 2 of the Lower Russell Road Levee Im- provement Project ("Phase 2 Project"), which includes con- structing a new Van Doren's Landing Park on the GRNRA Property. The Kent City Council will also consider wheth- er to remove any cove- nants that restrict or in- hibit the GRNRA Property's use for the fu- ture intended park and recreation purposes. Surplus. The City is considering whether to surplus the GRNRA Property and transfer it to the parks department in exchange for the parks department's sur- plus of the Van Doren's Landing Park Property and its transfer to the storm drainage utility. In addition, King County acquired the Noble Warehouse property, commonly known as 22230 Russell Road South, Kent, WA, which is approximately 3.59 acres in size, and the Noble Warehouse prop- erty will be transferred to the City for use along with the GRNRA Proper- ty for a relocated and re- constructed Van Doren's Landing Park once an existing tenancy ends and all structures and other items can be re- moved and cleared from the Noble Warehouse property. If approved,the mutual surplus and exchange of property between the storm drainage utility and the parks depart- ment, in addition to the future acquisition by the parks department of the Noble Warehouse prop- erty from King County, will result in a net in- crease in park property by about 1.36 acres and a net increase in storm drainage utility land by about 2.21 acres. Removal of Restrictive Covenants. In addition to the mutual surplus and exchange of proper- ty, the transfer will re- quire the removal of open space restrictions for that portion of the GRNRA Property that will be used for active recreation purposes, approximately 7,404 square feet in size,once the new Van Doren's Landing Park is built, and which restrictions were placed on the GRNRA Property due to it being acquired with both Forward Thrust funds, and grant funds through King County's 1993 Regional Conser- vation Futures Acquisi- Classified Proof uon t'rogram ana King County'. Department of Metropolitan Services Regional Shoreline Fund. If the mutual sur- plus and property ex- change is approved,the City will negotiate with King County to convert, purchase, or develop such replacement prop- erty as is necessary for the project to proceed, and which the City will maintain as open space or such other compatible use in accordance with King County require- ments.The City current- ly anticipates that a por- tion of the Noble Warehouse property to be acquired from King County will satisfy all conversion requirements King County may im- pose. All interested members of the public are invited to obtain more informa- tion about the proposal, and to speak in support or opposition of the Property surplus and re- moval of restrictive cove- nants, at a PUBLIC HEARING to be held be- fore the Kent City Council at its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, beginning at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as business permits, In the Kent City Council Cham- bers, 220 Fourth Ave- nue South, Kent, WA 98032. Members of the public may also submit written comments at the Public Hearing itself, or in ad- vance by regular U.S. Mail to the City Clerk's Office, 220 Fourth Ave- nue South, Kent, WA 98032, or by electronic if to citvclerkCcOent- waTOov. Any written comments sent in ad- vance must be received no later than 4 p.m. on December 10, 2019, in order to be considered. The public notice can be found at the City of Kent's Website: KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommoda- tion should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-866-5725 in ad- vance. For TDD relay service call Washing- ton Telecommunica- tions Relay Service at 7-1-1. Published in the Kent- Covington Reporter November 15, 2019. #881045