HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase I - Development Agreement - Recorded Version - 08/23/2017 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-1 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Return Address: City Clerk's Office -City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 Please print or type information WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet .(Rcw 65.o4) Document Title(s):(or transactions contained therein):(all areas applicable to your document must be filled in) 1. Development Agreement 2. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference Ws on page of document Grantor(s) (Last name,first name,initials) 1. City of Kent 2. Additional names on page of document. Grantee(s) (Last name first,then first name and initials) 1. Marquee on Meeker,LLC 2 Additional names on page of document. Legal description(abbreviated: i.e.lot,block,plat or section,township,range) Additional legal is on page of document. Assessor's Property.Tax Parcel/Aecount Number ❑Assessor Tax#not yet assigned 232204901101 The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. I am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording for an additional fee as provided in RCW 36.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure some part of the text of the original document: Signature of Requesting Party Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-2 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King;County,WA CITY OF KENT/MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC MARQUEE ON MEEKER PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and MARQUEE ON MEEKER, LLC, a Washington limited liability company("Developer"), enter into the following development agreement ("Agreement") to govern the design, development, permitting, mitigation of environmental impacts, and uses associated with the development of that certain proposed development formerly known as the Riverbend Gateway Project and now known as the Marquee on Meeker Project ("Project"),, through construction of the buildings, infrastructure and related improvements. Developer and City are. each a "Party" and collectively the "Parties" to this Agreement. Recitals A. The City is a municipal corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington. The City has the authority to enact laws and enter into agreements to promote the health, safety and welfare of its citizens and thereby to control the use and development of the Project. H. This Agreement is authorized by RCW 36.7013.170 through .210 (the "Development Agreement Statute") and Kent City Code (KCC) Section 15.08.450. It addresses Project development standards, which are defined in the Development Agreement Statute to include, for example, impact fees, mitigation,design standards, phasing issues, review procedures, westing issues, and other appropriate development requirements. The Agreement is intended to constitute a development agreement governed by the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement Statute and applicable Washington law and to provide the City and Developer with certainty as to the type of Project that will be built and the type of mitigation that will be provided. It is also entered into under the City's general police power and contracting authority and the City's State Environmental Policy Act("SEPA")mitigation authority, C. The development standards in the Agreement will govern the Project for the term of the Agreement as described herein. As authorized by state statute,the Agreement identifies the adequacy under SEPA of the mitigation required by the City's-SEPA threshold determination on the Project. The Agreement will not be approved until after a public hearing and approval by the Kent City Council ("City Council'), and once approved by the City Council and executed by the Parties,the Agreement will be recorded in the real property records of King County, Washington. D. The Parties intend that this Agreement identify and address all known significant regulatory fees and mitigation that will be required for Developer to construct the Project contemplated herein. E. This.Agreement is based upon the City's police power,contracting power and other authority, including the Development Agreement Statute and Washington law. - 1 - Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-3 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA F. All Recitals and Attachments (1 thru 7) referenced in this Agreement are hereby incorporated by reference and shall be considered as material terms of this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and agreements contained herein,as well as other valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,City and Developer agree as follows: 1. Prover ProverW The Project is to be developed on that certain twenty-four (24) acre (approximately)parcel of real property located generally at 2030 W.Meeker St.,Kent,WA 98032 and legally described on Attachment 1 (the "Property"). Developer has applied for, and City has approved for recording,a short plat of the Property into five(5)parcels as described and depicted in the short plat applicatiomset forth as Attachment 2. 2. Project Description. The Project is.a mixed-use retail/multi-family residential community. The project will consist of approximately 492 residential apartment units together with certain accessory uses,totaling approximately 12,000 square feet of commercial/retail. The residential units will be contained in two podium style buildings and multiple three story urban style walk-up buildings. The podium buildings are anticipated to have four levels of wood frame residential construction over concrete podium decks containing approximately 6,000 SF of restaurant/retail space including adjacent exterior lifestyle patios and approximately 24.0 stalls of parking. The urban style, three-story buildings will, generally,be located so as to minimize the impact on the existing natural character of the site along the river's edge and pedestrian-bicycle pathway. These smaller three-story buildings will maximize the potential to save the existing landscaping and view vistas found near the shoreline. The site will also contain surface parking, presently anticipated for an additional 510 stalls for a total of 750 stalls. The exact number of parking stalls will be determined at the time of building permit(s) issuance. Developer intends to construct the Property in two_(2) phases (each a"Phase"herein). Each Phase shall comprise approximately one-half of the land area of the Property and shall be developed with roughly half of the residential, commercial/retail and accessory parking in each Phase. The entire Project is more fully described in Attachments 3 and 4 (which include conceptual.plans and elevations submitted in response to the RFP for the Project (Attachment 3) and the approved phasing plan (Attachment 4). It is Developer's.intent to develop the Project in two phases consistent with the approved phasing plan set forth in Attachment 4, provided that Developer,at Developer's election,may elect to construct the entire Project in a single Phase; provided, however, that notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, if the Developer elects to develop the Project in two Phases,the first Phase construction shalt in any event include construction;of on-site and off-site public and private mainline infrastructure, including water,storm water,sanitary sewer utilities and traffic/pedestrian improvements for the entire Project and "Meet Me on Meeker" improvements for the entire Project(i.e., both Phases). Nothing in this Agreement is intended to approve, authorize or limit Developer's ability to propose new or additional development on the Property that would not qualify as a minor modification under this Agreement, and any such new,or additional development shall be consistent with then-applicable municipal code, land use regulations and the City's comprehensive plan and shall not be subject to this Agreement except by written amendment to this. Agreement executed by the Parties and approved by the City Council as may be required. 3. Maior Public Infrastructure. The required major public water,sewer,stormwater and -2- Instrument Number: 20480314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-4 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA frontage infrastructure requirements are as shown and listed in Attachment 5 to this Agreement. The Parties do not anticipate any additional major public water,sewer,stormwater or frontage improvements beyond those set forth in Attachment 5 will be required for the Project as set forth herein. 4. . Term of Agreement and Vesting. The Agreement and the legal requirements identified in the Agreement shall govern the Project and any application required in connection therewith filed within ten (10) years of the date of the Agreement. Any amendments or additions made to the legal requirements identified in this Agreement during the term of the Agreement shall not apply to or affect the Project, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, or if other county, state or federal laws preempt the City's authority to vest regulations. The City reserves the authority to impose new or different officially adopted regulations, only if, and to the extent required by a serious threat to the public health and safety,as determined by the City Council after notice and an opportunity to be heard has been provided to Developer unless the threat is so immediate that notice is not practical in the short term,due to the imminent threat to public health and safety. 5. Proiect Public Benefit. The Project as proposed will provide the following public benefits to be included in the Project, as further defincd by this Agreement. To the extent these public benefits would not otherwise be required by local regulations or as an offset to local regulations, they constitute additional consideration for the City entering into this Agreement: (a) The City has proposed, but not yet adopted, new Meeker Street construction standards intended to create a more urban, multi-modal arterial than currently established by KCC regulations, i.e., its "Meet Me on Meeker" (MMOM) project. Current KCC regulations would require the Project provide standard half-street improvements to Meeker Street. Developer has elected to construct its Meeker Street frontage substantially in conformance with the proposed MMOM standards in exchange for a partial credit against the City's Transportation Impact Fees (TIF) for the Project. Once completed, the Parties expect that the Project will be a catalyst for change in the MMOM project area and will provide enhanced access to surrounding commercial uses. (b) For so long as the Project remains either substantially in the layout and configuration of the approved final building permits or substantially in the same land uses, Developer shall be solely responsible to maintain all landscaping and certain hardscape within the Project's MMOM frontage improvements as described in Section 6(b)below. (c) Developer shall upgrade the required public access to Green River Trail (upgraded paving materials and adjacent landscaping used within the courtyard area locatedbetwcen and directly adjacent to the two podium buildings of the Project at the northerly portion of the central trail connection); plus new vehicular access for maintenance vehicles from the Project's northwest parking lot to the Green River levee near the northwest corner of the Property. 6. Proiect Mitigation and Fees. The Project is vested.for the term of this Agreement to the following fees, charges, policies, regulations,codes and development standards: -3- Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-5 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA (a) Regulations and Policies. The Project is located in the GC-MU (General Commercial-Mixed Use) zone. The City zoning, building, development regulations, .standards, municipal code and ordinances, policies (including comprehensive plan policies) governing land development in effect as of the date of the Agreement shall govern the Project,except as otherwise set out in this Agreement. (b) Retail Requirement. Developer has requested a departure from KCC 15.04.020, 15.04.030(2), 15.04.200, and 15.02.260, which require that at least five percent (5%)W the gross floor area of a mixed-use development in the GC-MU zone must be a permitted commercial/retail use. As currently proposed by Developer, approximately 2.5%of the Project will consist of a commercial/retail use. The City has determined that a public benefit of equal or greater-value than that derived from additional commercial/retail development meeting the 5% standard will be achieved by instead including the following elements in the Project: . Construction and completion of all MMOM frontage improvements along the Project's entire frontage (Le., all MMQM frontage improvements required for both Phases of the Project)as part of the first Phase of Project development. 2. For,so long as the Project remains either substantially in the layout.and configuration of the approved final building permits or substantially in the same land uses, Developer shall be solely responsible to maintaim all landscaped areas within the Project's MMOM frontage improvements from the back of the new Meeker Street curbline to the Property line and the parking and public area edges, plus crosswalk medians within the adjacent.Meeker Street right-of-way: This perpetual maintenance obligation includes,without limitation,maintenance of all landscaping(including but not limited to irrigation, weeding and replanting,as necessary) but shall not include regular maintenance of any City-owned sidewalks, roadways, bicycle paths, trails, signage or lighting with the exception of periodic cleaning of all hardscape areas other than City roadways as may be needed from time to time.. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, Developer is responsible, for repair of damage to any of the MMOM frontage improvements caused by landscaping, landscape maintenance (or lack thereof) or hardscape cleaning. By of example only, Developer is responsible to repair damage to sidewalks caused by tree roots within landscape areas. Maintenance as contemplated in this provision shall not include maintenance or capital repairs necessary to address accidental or deliberate damage or destruction due to traffic accidents,collisons,natural disasters or the_like,all of which shall be the responsibility of City. 3. Developer shall construct, and for so long as the Project remains either substantially'ip the layout and configuration of the approved final building permits or substantially in the same land uses,shall maintain the required facilities providing public access to the Green River Trail of a design and quality that meets or exceeds KCC minimum standards and visually enhances nearby public areas. (c) Design and Development. The Project shalt consist of the buildings and 4- Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-6 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA structures, square footage, building stories and heights,and exterior and interior fit and finish details as set out in Attachment 3, and Developer shall construct the Project in conformance to the Attachment 3 designs and details, subject to modification only through the City's design review regulations. Subject to compliance with this obligation by Developer,the Project will vest to the applicable design guidelines in effect as of the date of this Agreement until the expiration of the term of this Agreement and�sa permitted minor modifications as described in Section 10 below. (d) Impact Fees. The Project is vested for the term of this Agreement to those impact fees and charges described on Attachment 5. The applicable fees and charges listed in Attachment 5 are due upon issuance of each Project building permit,subject to applicable credits and adjustments; if any, as stated in this Agreement. The applicable fees shall comply with applicable KCC regulations in effect as of the date of this Agreement and shall be calculated based on Chapter 12 of the Kent City Code. (e) Substantive SEPA Policies. The substantive SEPA policies applicable to the Project are those set Forth in the City's SEPA ordinance at Section 11.03.510 of the Kent City Code in existence at the time of execution of the Agreement. M Water and Sewer Utilities. Impact fees and charges as set forth in Attachment 5 include sewer and water system development charges relating to City-operated sewer and water utilities.("SDC") associated with permitting the Project, but not the monthly utility rates (sewer, water, storm drainage, and solid waste). The Parties agree, for mutual benefit,that individual domestic water services will be utilized for each building within the Project in lieu of one master meter for the entire project. The City agrees that an individual 6" meter would be the appropriate equivalent water meter for the project, therefore a 6"system development charge will be the applicable charge for the Project. The system development charge for a 6"meter is$365,329.51. This fee shall be paid in two equal payments,each payment being due at the time that Building Permits are issued for the applicable Phase of the Project. The City agrees that the Project storm drainage as per the Project designs and configuration approved hereunder may, at Developer's sole discretion, be directed, undetained, into the City's stormwater facilities located within the adjacent Meeker Street right of way. The storm drainage SDC is calculated to be $0.88/s.f. of onsite impervious surface that drains into the City's storm facilities. The storm drainage SDC is calculated to be $0.44/s.f. for any infiltrated area that is calculated to overflow into the City's regional storm drainage system. In addition, the Project shall be responsible for all.sewer and storm water fees and charges, if any, for non-City operated sewer and storm water facilities. (g) Residential Targeted Area Designation. City has taken all necessary steps to designate the Property as a"residential targeted area"pursuant to RCW 84.14.040,and Developer is responsible for all required applications and other processes to qualify for the tax exemptions available to it under RCW 84.14.040, otherwise known as .the "Multi-Family Tax Exemption." The Developer intends to take advantage of the Multi-Family Tax Exemption. 5- Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-7 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA (h) Transportation Impact Fees. 1 'Qualification of improvements for impact fee credit. The City agrees. to take all necessary steps to include the MMOM improvements,as currently designed and anticipated by the Project and shown on Attachment 3 on the City's Transportation Improvement Program/Capital Facilities Plan. Should the City fail to include the MMOM improvements in the City's Transportation Improvement Program/Capital Facilities Plan, the.City agrees that the Developer's construction of the MMOM improvements,as currently shown on Attachment 3, serves the goals and objectives of the capital facilities plan and qualifies for impact fee credit under KCC 12.14.909 as reFlected in the impact fees due in Attachment S. 2. Impact fee credit calculation. The total Transportation Impact Fee (TIP) due for the Project is $761,837.83, plus a one percent (1%) administrative fee. Developer has agreed to construct the MMOM improvements as a public benefit. In consideration of this public benefit,a portion of the cost of the MMOM improvements shall be offset by a TIF credit in the amount of$500,000. Specifically, the City agrees that the TIF credit of$500,000 is in consideration of the MMOM improvements that would apply to reduce the cost of future,construction of Project W-12 on the City's adopted TIF regulations. (i) Dedications and Right-of-Way Street Use License. The Developer's construction of the MMOM frontage improvements,as generally depicted and described on Attachment 3, will require the dedication of approximately 26,496 square feet of property within the Project to the City.of Kentfor right-of-way purposes. The Developer agrees to dedicate this property to the City. The Project will construct a parking area in a portion of the Meeker Street right-of--way. The City agrees to grant a limited street use license to Developer in the form attached as Attachment 6 for the life of the Project to allow the use of that right-of-way area for such parking. 7. SEPA Comoliance; Adequacy of Proieet Mitigation. The Project has undergone environmental review pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act("SEPA"). A Determination of Nonsignificance for the Project was issued on June 30,2017 and is attached hereto as Attachment 8. No further SEPA mitigation will be required for the Project as agreed to herein. Any modification to the Project may trigger additional SEPA review. 8. Cone_ urrencv. The parties agree the Project has met concurrency requirements per Chapter 12.11 of the Kent City Code. No further concurrency review will be required for development of the Project as agreed to herein,however,modifications to the Project that require amendment of this Agreement may trigger additional concurrency review. 9. Permit Review and Processing and Fees..Developer agrees to pay all permitting/review fees established by the City. Fees will adjust over time and Developer agrees to pay the fees in place at the time of application and/or permitting as applicable to each application or permit. 10. Minor Modifications. The Project will be subject to building permit review and other -6- Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S17=1.00 Page-8 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King Count-,WA applicable review processes. The final design of the buildings and other improvements,precise location of building footprints, location of utilities, determination of access points, and other design issues will be determined during that process. As pan of the review process the City may administratively approve minor modifications to the design and development standards set forth herein pursuant to KCC regulations. The City reserves the. right to require amendment of this Agreement as a condition of approving .any changes which it deems to be more than minor modifications. 11. Stormwater Detention and Treatment. The Washington State Supreme Court has determined that local stormwater codes,because they are mandated by state and federal law,are not subject to state and local vesting regulations. The Washington State Supreme Court has also indicated that vesting to local stormwater codes may still be allowed if provided under a statutory development agreement. Accordingly, Project vesting to the City's stormwater standards shall be governed by Washington law, including the Washington State Supreme Court's decision in Snohomish County,et al.v. Pollution Control Hearings Board and Washington State Department of Ecology,et al., 187 Wn.2d 346,386 P.3d 1064,2016,and to the extent allowed by Washington law, the Project will vest to the City's 2002 Surface Water Design Manual for the term of this Agreement unless the Washington legislature or Washington courts determine that developments do not vest to local stormwater codes pursuant to a statutory development agreement. 12. Utility Charges. Developer will pay standard connection charges to the City's utilities, including all local general facility charges and regional connection charges, if any. Except as provided in Section 6 above,the City shall not impose any additional fees,charges or requirements to construct off-site utility infrastructure as part of the Project. However, Developer remains responsible for all costs associated with alteration or extension of on-site utility infrastructure necessary for the Project. 13. Construction of Documents. In the event there are any conflicts or ambiguities between the terms of the body of this Agreement or the terms of the Attachments,the terms of the body of this Agreement shall control. 14. Indemnification. Except as otherwise specifically provided elsewhere in this Agreement and any exhibits hereto, each Party shall protect,defend,.indemnify and hold harmless the other Party and their officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, from and against any and all claims,actions,suits,liability,loss,costs,expenses,and damages of any nature whatsoever,which are caused by or result from any negligent act or omission of the Party's own officers,agents,and employees in performing services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against a Party, the Party whose sole negligent actions or omissions gave rise to the claim shall defend the other Party at the - indemnifying Party's sole cost and expense;and if final judgment be rendered against the other Party and its officers, agents, and employees or be rendered jointly against the Parties and their respective officers, agents, and employees, the Party whose sole negligent actions or omissions gave rise to the claim shall satisfy the same;provided that, in the event ofconcurrent negligence, each Party shall indemnify and hold the other Party harmless only to the extent of the indemnifying Party's negligence,and in that instance each Party shall be responsible to pay all of its own legal fees and costs. The indemnification to the City hereunder shall be for the benefit of the City as an -7- Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: 8174.00 Page-9 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County-,WA entity,and not for members of the general public. 15, Authoritv. Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Party for which he or she is signing,and that he or she will defend and hold harmless the other Parties and signatories from any claim that he or she was not fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the person or entity for whom he or she signed. Upon proper execution and delivery,this Agreement will have been duly entered into by the Parties, will constitute as against each Party a valid, legal and binding obligation that shall run with.the land, and will be enforceable against each Party in accordance with the terms herein.. 16.- Easement for Public Pedestria Trail. The Developer agrees to grant a permanent easement for a public.pedestrian trail from Meeker Street to the Green River Trail, in the form attached as Attachment 7.The Parties agree and acknowledge that with regard to the portion of the public pedestrian trail or its access lying within the Property boundaries, Developer may impose reasonable controls.on.uses of such portion of the public pedestrian trait that are likely to have an adverse effect on the Project occupants/tenants reasonable enjoyment and use of the Project, so long as such controls are consistent with City policies and guidelines for public trail use or as otherwise approved or in effect by the City. 17. Recordine/Binding Effect/Assianability. This Agreement shall be recorded in the real property records of King County, Washington, as necessary to disclose this Agreement on title to the Property. It is mutually agreed that the terms of this Agreement touch and concern the land and shall be covenants running with the land. This Agreement shall run with the land as binding on the Parties and their respective heirs, assigns, successors, legatees, representatives, receivers and trustees and shall continue following the subdivision, lease or transfer of ownership of all or any part of the Property during the term of this Agreement. 18. Agreement Consistency with RCW 82.02.020. The mitigation, payments and dedications established by this Agreement are consistent with the requirements of RCW 82.02.020 and mitigate the direct impacts that have been identified as a consequence of the Project. Neither Developer nor any assignee shall assert a claim against City asserting that(i)the City lacked a legal basis for imposing the agrecd-upon mitigation, payments or dedications; (ii) that the mitigation, payments or dedications lacked sufficient nexus or proportionality with the identified impacts of Project; or (iii) that the mitigation, payments or dedications were greater than if they had been calculated using alternate rationales or formulae. 19. Delays. If either Party is delayed in the performance of its obligations in this Agreement due to Force Majeure,then performance of such obligation shall be excused for the period of delay. The term Force Majeure as used herein shall mean extraordinary natural events or conditions such as war,riot, labor disputes,or other causes beyond the reasonable control of the obligated party. The City's or Developer's inability to fund,or decision not to fund,any of its obligations shall not constitute an event of Force Majeure or otherwise be an acceptable reason for delay. 20. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications called for or contemplated by this Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be duly given by mailing the same -8- Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-10 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA by certified mail, return receipt requested; or by delivering the same by hand, to the following addresses, or to such other addresses as the Parties may designate by written notice in the manner aforesaid: To Seller: City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Attn: Ben Wolters Email: bwoltersnkentwa.gov With a copy to: foster Pepper PLLC I I 1 I 'Third Avenue, Suite 3000 Seattle, WA 98101-3299 Attn: Beth Clark Email: beth.clarknfoster:com To Buyer: Marquee on Meeker, LLC c/o Landmark Development Group 2711 West Valley Highway NorthSuite 200 Auburn, WA 98001 Attn: Brett Jacobsen Email: biacobscilQuAiw-inc.com With a copy to: Marquee on Meeker, LLC HAL Real Estate Inc. 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98121 Attn: Jonathan Manheim Email: jmanheimnha1 real estate.corn and: Alston Courtnage& Bassetti LLP 1420 51h Avenue, Suite 3650 Seattle, WA 98101-401 l Attn:Tom Read Email: tread cr,alcourt.com Any Party hereto may change its address forthe purpose of receiving notices as herein provided by a written notice given in the manner aforesaid to the other Party hereto. 21. Governing Law/Venue. '['his Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Sate of Washington. Venue for any judicial action arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall lie in King County Superior Court. 22. S_peeific Performance. The Parties specifically agree that damages are not an adequate remedy for breach of this Agreement and that the Parties are entitled to compel specific performance of all material terms of this Agreement by any Party in default hereof. All terms and -9 - Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-11 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA provisions of this Agreement are material. 23. Attorneys' Fees. In any arbitration or judicial action to enforce or determine a Party's rights under this Agreement,each Party shall be responsible for payment of its own attorneys'fees, expert witness fees,and all other costs,if any. 24. No Third Party Beneficiary. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties and their successors and assigns. No other person shall have any right of action based upon any provision of this Agreement. 25. Severability. This Agreement does not violate any federal or state statute,rule,regulation or common law known; but any provision which is found to be invalid or in violation of any statute, rule, regulation or common law shall be considered null and void, with the remaining provisions remaining viable and in effect. 26. Final and Complete Agreement. This Agreement is integrated and together with the DNS for the Project constitutes the final and complete expression of the Parties on all subjects relating to the development of the Project. This Agreement may not be modified, interpreted, amended,waived or revoked orally, but only by a writing signed by all Parties. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior.agreements, discussions and representations on all subjects discussed herein,without limitation. No Party is entering into this Agreement in reliance on any oral or written promises, inducements, representations, understandings, interpretations or agreements other than those contained in this Agreement and the exhibits hereto. 27. Recordine, Assignment. The Agreement shall be recorded with the King County Auditor/Recorder. This Agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their successors in interest as described herein. 28. Modification, The Agreement may be modified only with the written agreement of the_City and MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC and their successors and assigns. 29. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original. (signatures follow) - 10- Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-12 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Agreed this a'lyd day of V Ci UG'r20 1-7 CITY OFK�NT DE P R, ayo 3 Title: v►1f 1� b�r�, Dated: ;Z i A EST: City Clerk Print Name: {Cl m10 rle KO MAC Dated: Q f 2,q I APPROVED IAS TO FO'RfM- A 1/�/tiAUL,..,_ — mil/ City A46rney Dated: Print Name: Attachments Attachment I Legal Description of Property Attachment 2 Short Plat Application Attachment 3 Project Design, Conceptual Plans and Elevations Attachment 4 Approved Project Phasing Plan Attachment 5 Required Major Public Infrastructure(as per Section 3)/Impact Fees (as per Section 6(d)) Attachment 6 Form of Limited Street Use License for parking in Meeker Street Right-of-Way Attachment 7 Form of Casement for Public Pedestrian Trail Attachment 8 Copy of DNS for the Project - I1 _ Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-13 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF SING ) On.this day of 2017, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the tie of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared -S COCA?- , to me-known as the Mayor and City.Clerk, for the City.of Kent,the corporation who executed the within and foregoing instrument.and acknowledged the said instrument to be the-free and voluntary act and deed of said City.of Kent, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned;_and on oath stated that he is.authorized.to execute said instrument on behalf of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seat on th`` I 1C qv set forth. v ?ocA NJ. WX NOT RY PUBLIC in an o.,the State of . - 2 .�4 Washington,residing at tee-? MY COMMISSION EXPIRES. � �yI OF WP STATE 0N* 'I ON ) ss: COUNTY OF KING } On this 3� day of AQCtt.1 c& , 2017,before me, the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for t e State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared `")te�'C i�CCJoS,91n and [on behalf of the DEVELOPER], the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument .to be -the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for.the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and [if the DEVELOPER is a corporation or other entity warranting.authorixed signatures] on oath stated that they arc authorized to execute said instrument on behalf ofsaid DEVELOPER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my.ofticial seal on the date hereinabove set forth. L. ED4 14,� NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State.of biota44'f,,U�OZ1zzz Washington, residing at CCsV11nQ -� Lie) ltr� aotaty �'��y1 ; MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: i IF i - j 12 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: 5174.00 Page-14 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King Count-,WA ATTACHMENT I LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY Real property In the County of King,State of Washington,described as follows: PARCEL A: THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 4 AND 5 IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST,W.M., IN KING COUNTY,,WASHINGTON,AND THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 23,ALL LYING SOUTHERLY OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 5-A AND WESTERLY OF JOHN DOWNEY ROAD NUMBER 722(54TH PLACE SOUTH); EXCEPT PORTION THEREOF PLATTED AS COLONY PARK CONDOMINIUMS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 31 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 55 THROUGH 57, INCLUSIVE, IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 IN SECTION 23,TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH,RANGE 4 EAST,W.M.r IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON,DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ON THE CENTERLINE OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 5-A AT HIGHWAY ENGINEER`S STATION 163+00.00 BACK; 163+48.2 AHEAD AS SHOWN ON THE STATE HIGHWAY MAP BEARING DATE OF APPROVAL OF JANUARY 29,1957,REVISED MARCH 19, 1957,THE CENTERLINE OF WHICH IS ALSO SHOWN OF RECORD IN VOLUME J,PAGE 32 OF HIGHWAY PLATS, INKING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 6305330"EAST,ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID HIGHWAY 549.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14'051'10-EAST,301,01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 75-08'50-WEST;60.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14051'10"EAST, 119.73 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 141151'10'EAST, 166.14 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0602325R EAST,55.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 14051'10'WEST,76.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 42018'10"WEST,.43.69 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, PARCEL 8: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS,EGRESS AND uni-rf[E$AS DESCRIBED BY RECORDING NUMBER 9502020945. Tax Parcel Number: 232204901101 . Sltus Address:To be Determined,Kent,WA ATTACHMENT l Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-15 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA ATTACHMENT 2 SHORT PLAT APPLICATIOAI (See Attached) ATTACHMENT Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-16 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING SERVICES 16 Matt Gilbert, AICP, Current Planning Manager KENT sm.orom Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-64S4 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 PRELIMINARY SHORT SUBDIVISION APPROVAL May 4, 2017 MEMO TO: Brett Jacobsen NAME OF SHORT PLAT: RIVERSEND SHORT PLAT APPLICATION NO: SP-2017-1; KIVA #RPSS-2170221 ACTION OF SHORT PLAT COMMITTEE: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS NUMBER OF LOTS APPROVED: EIGHT LOTS ACTION DATE., MAY 4, 2017 EXPIRATION DATE; MAY 4, 2021 PLANNER: JASON GARNHAM F r Inos for Aooroval of Tvoe II Short Subdivisions (5 9 Lots) pursuant to KCC 12 04 180 The city has determined that appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and general welfare of the community; protection of environmentally sensitive lands and habitat; potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, and other public utilities and services; drainage ways; and the connectivity.of streets, roads, sidewalks and pedestrian pathways within and between subdivisions and neighborhoods. The city has considered all other relevant facts of this application and has determined that the physical site characteristics are suitable for platting. The city has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the short subdivision subject to the following conditions of approval. Staff recommends approval of the Kent Acre Short Plat #SP-2016-2 with the following conditions. These conditions shall be in addition to any other conditions imposed by the Short Plat Committee. A. Prior to Recording this Short Subdivision• 1. The subdivider shall pay all known Charges in Lieu of Assessments and/or Latecomer Fees, if any. ATTACHMENT 2 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-17 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Approval Memo Riverpend Short.Plat SP-2017-1; KIVA *RPSS-2170221 2. The applicant shall demonstrate that adequate water supply will be available to provide the utility and. fire suppression needs for any proposed development. 3. The applicant. shall submit a final short plat map and conceptual development plans showing the following details: a) The Green River Trail and its vicinity placed in a separate tract, parcel, or easement that clearly expresses the right and responsibility for accessing and maintaining the facility and Its environs by the City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department and for recreational use of the facility by the public. b) The levee and its future S00-year flood protection level placed in a separate tract, parcel, or easement that clearly expresses the right and responsibility for accessing, constructing, and maintaining it by the City of Kent Public Works Department and the King County Flood Control District. B. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit on any lot in this short subdivision the owner/subdivider shall 1. Establish the necessary property rights to construct improvements on Lots 1-5 of the proposed short plat as contemplated In City-approved construction plans. 2. Record the short plat. 3. Submit and receive City approval of Street Improvement Plans for West Meeker Street as discussed In Section I.I, above, and as detailed in a binding development agreement or as approved by the.City of Kent Public Works Department, 4., Submit and receive City approval of plans,for the.onsite water, sewer, and stormwater utilities, access driveways, recreation facilities, grading, erosion control, paving, landscaping, and other site improvements, consistent with Kent City Code and Kent Design and Construction Standards or as established in a binding development agreement. 5. The applicant shall pay all transportation impact fees, school impact fees, parks mitigation fees, Storm Water Utility connection fees, and any other mitigation fees applicable by code or as detailed in a binding development agreement. C. Prior to City acceptance of public infrastructure in1Qrayempnte the. day lIgRer/ subdiVider shall dedicate the regMired r ght of wav and grant the public and private easements covenants and agreements for any constructed public-improvements Page 2 of.3 Instrument Number: 2018031400084- Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-18 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Approval Memo Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1; KIVA #RPS5-2170221 RECORDING The above conditions must be met before the short plat can be finalized and recorded. Please refer to City of Kent Final Short Subdivision Application. The short plat does not become effective until such time it is recorded with the Kfng County Auditor's Office. You have forty-eight months in which to do this. If the short plat is not recorded within forty- eight months of the above date of approval, it shall become null and void. APPEAL OF SHORT SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE DECISION (KCC 12 04 1901 The decision of the short subdivision committee shall be final, unless an appeal by a party of.record is made to the hearing examiner within fourteen (14) calendar days after the short subdivision committee's decision. The appeal shall be In writing and shall be processed pursuant to chapter 2,32 and 12.01 KCC. The decision of the hearing examiner shall represent final action of the city and is appealable only to the superior court. Such appeal must be filed with the superior court withi twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date the decision was Issued. Mky 104 �1'} Math Gilbert, AICP, Current Planning Manager Date Chair, Short Subdivision Committee JG:as\S:lPermit�Plankshortptats1201712170221sp-approval-Riverbend Short Plat.doc cc, Matt Gilbert, Planning Sharon Clamp, Planning Katie Graves, Planning Kevin Varao, Fire Prevention Brennan Taylor, Development Engineering Manager Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Brian Levenhagen, Parks and Planning Jack Ottini, LUPB Pete Peterson, Golf Operations Superintendent Jessica Clawson, Contact Brett Jacobsen, Applicant John McKenna, Parties of Record Riverbend Golf Task Force, Parties of Record Riverbend Men's Club, Parties of Record Riverbend Ladies Golf Association, Parties of Record First Tee of Greater Seattle, Parties of Record Douglass Youth Golf Club, Parties of Record Par 3 Golf Course, Parties of Record Phil and May Ann Hopkins, Parties of Record Helen Owens, Parties of Record Page 3 of 3 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-19 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING SERVICES Matt Gilbert, AICP, Current Planning Manager KEN T Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 w n s!1 I M O T O M Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 STAFF REPORT FOR SHORT SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 4, 2017 FILE NO: RIVERBEND SHORT PLAT SP-2017-1; KIVA #RPSS-2170221 APPLICANT: Brett Jacobsen FNW, Inc. 2711 West Valley Hwy N #200 Auburn, WA 98001 Jessica Clawson (Agent) 701 51h Ave, #6600 Seattle, WA 98104 jclawsonCd)mhseattle.com REQUEST: The applicant proposes to subdivide one 24-acre parcel into eight separate lots. The City is in the process of reviewing a proposed development whereby the par 3 golf course and concessions building will be removed and replaced with a mixed-use development. The three new lots located at the eastern portion of the site would continue to be owned by the City and occupied by the current City park facility. This short plat covers only platting of the property and does not include any proposed development. The property is zoned GC-MU, General Commercial - Mixed Use. PLANNER: Jason Garnharn STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions I. FINDINGS OF FACT A. The applicant proposes to subdivide one 24-acre parcel into eight separate lots. The project is located at 2030 West Meeker St., and is identified as King County parcel number 2322049011. Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-20 of 101 Record Datc:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Staff Report Rlverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KIVA #2270221 B. The subject property is currently owned by the City of Kent. The western portion of the subject property Is developed with a par 3 golf course facility and a concessions building. The eastern portion of the subject property Is developed with a golf driving-range.facility, a mini golf facility, and an accessory concessions and shelter building. It is anticipated that the par 3 golf course and concessions building at the western portion of the property will be demolished and replaced by a mixed use development. The driving range, mini golf, and associated shelter building will remain and continue to operate as a City park facility. C. Rezoning and subdivision of the property and sale of the Par 3 golf , course portion of the site as a City surplus property was evaluated by the City through completion of a SEPA environmental checklist in 2014 (ENV-2014-22). A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued by the City's SEPA official on July 19, 2014. The Kent City Council voted to approve the rezoning of the site in preparation for future surplus and sale of the Par 3 golf course during the regularly scheduled meeting on August 19, 2014. The short plat is a categorically exempt action under SEPA, although the SEPA analysis for the property surplus and rezoning of the site also contemplated an eight-lot short plat. Future development as well as any development agreement will undergo a separate SEPA analysis D. The property is zoned GC-MU, General Commercial - Mixed Use. The GC-MU zoning district allows residential uses when located within a mixed use development and has a required minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet.. The proposed short subdivision complies with the minimum lot area requirements as follows: Lot # Area (S.F.) 1 80,667 2 512,115 3 76,002 4 344,667 5 104,272 6 320'788 7 35,487 8 95,924 E. The site is adjacent to the Green River, a shoreline of statewide significance, and all parts of the site located within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of the Green River are within shoreline jurisdiction'. Development within the shoreline jurisdiction area is subject to the regulations of the City of Kent Shoreline Master Program, Page 2 of 14 instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-21 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KIVA#2170221 The shoreline environmental designation of the portions of the site that are within shoreline jurisdiction is Urban .Conservancy. - Open Space. The purpose.of the .Urban Conservancy Open Space environment is to protect and restore ecological .functions. in urban `and developed settings while allowing public access and a variety of park and recreation. uses. Subdivision of land is permitted within the .Urban Conservancy - Open Space shoreline .environment only where it is determined by the City:to be for a public purpose: Conceptual . development plans submitted with the short plat applicatlon demonstrate. that development of the proposed lots -1n accordance with the shoreline master program regulations is feasible. All of the . lots in the proposed short plat contain _ substantial developable area that is more than- 200 feet from the OHWM of the Green River and, thus, outside of the shoreline jurisdiction:. Any facilities to be developed within . the shoreline area shall be. .in accordance with the shoreline master program. Review and approval of.a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit application will. be required prior to construction of any improvements within the shoreline jurisdiction area. F. The -City of Kent GMA Comprehensive -Plan Land Use Map, designates the property.as.MU Mixed Use.. The MU designation.allows retail, office, and-multifamily residential.uses together in the same area,. provided that residential development must be a component of a retail or office development. The .zoning designation. and the Comprehensive Plan designation are consistent. G. As required by KCC 15.09..045, development on the proposed lots is subject to downtown design review and will require submittal and approval by the:City.ofa Downtown .Design Review application. N. Development on the proposed lots Is. subject to the lot coverage limitations and the front, side, and rear yard setbacks required by KCC 15.04.200 for.the GC-MU zoning district. L. A King County Metro bus stop_serving. four- bus routes is located adjacent to the property on Meeker St. Relocation or.construction of Improvements such as an ADA landing pad extension and a concrete shelter foundation may be required in conjunction with adjacent.right- of-way improvements. Coordination with King County Metro staff will be required during civil construction permit.review.J. Primary access from the five newly created lots.is anticipated .to be from new-private driveways connecting-to West-Meeker St. at two new access points.. West Meeker Street is .classified as a Minor Arterial in the City of Kent Transportation-Master Plan. The existing access to the Page 3 of 14 instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-22 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PNI King County,WA Staff Report Rive bend Short Plat sP-2011-1 KIVA #2170221 Colony Park Apartments. from W. Meeker St. will remain within its existing easement across the proposed Lot 5. Lots 6, 7, and 8 will remain as currently developed City of Kent Parks and Recreation facilities and continue to access West Meeker St. via. existing driveways. K. The existing asphalt pavement section of the adjacent portions of West Meeker St may be inadequate to provide an expected 20-year service life and may be in need of an asphalt overlay/rebuild in order to maintain an acceptable level of service while accommodating the increased volume of trips being generated by this proposal. The adjacent section of West Meeker St is not constructed to current design standards. The developer may be required to overlay/ reconstruct the pavement along this frontage to provide a 20 year - service life as required by the Design and Construction Standards. L. The City of Kent is currently establishing revised design standards for the West Meeker Street corridor that seek to promote a broader mix and higher intensity of land uses and improve safety and attractiveness for pedestrians along the portions of West Meeker Street between the Green River and downtown Kent. While these standards have not yet been finalized or adopted, the developer will be required to install street improvements in the West Meeker St. right- of-way adjacent to the development substantially in conformance with these plans. M. An existing multifamily residential development known as the Colony - Park Apartments is located within the site of the proposed short plat and Is identified as a separate King County Assessor parcel numbered 1699950000. The existing driveway access for the apartment complex Is located outside of the access easement area identified in the title report provided by the applicant. Future relocation of the easement or the access driveway shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the applicant and the owners of the Colony Park Apartments. N. The portion of the Green River Trail located on the subject site is a public`recreation facility that is currently owned and maintained by the City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department.. Plans submitted with the preliminary short plat application show this portion of the Green River Trail to be in private ownership where it lies within the proposed Lots 2, 4, and 5. City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department staff requested that the Green River Trail and its vicinity be placed in a separate Tract to establish clear City ownership of and public access to this recreation facility. O. Portions of the Green River levee, a City of Kent facility designed and constructed to minimize flooding of developed areas by the Green River, are located on the subject site. The City of Kent Public Works Page 4of14 instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-23 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KIVA #2170221 department is responsible for maintaining the levee in cooperation with the King County Flood Control District. Kent Public Works staff stated that portions of the levee located on the subject site will be raised to a 500-year flood protection level at an undetermined time in the future, and requested that the levee and its vicinity be placed in a separate tract or easement establishing City rights to or reserving City ownership of the levee and its vicinity to access, maintain, or reconstruct the levee. P. A water capacity analysis conducted by PACE engineering, consultants for the City of Kent, found that the existing water supply may be inadequate to serve the anticipated mixed use development. Provision of water supplies that are adequate for fire suppression and the needs of any development of the site shall be. demonstrated prior to final short plat approval. Q. The following departments and agencies were notified of this short subdivision application: City Departments/Agencies Public Works Department Fire Department Parks and Recreation Department Economic Development City Attorney City Clerk Police Department Law Department Other Agencies Puget Sound Energy CenturyLink King County Environmental Health Public Health Seattle/King County King County Wastewater Division Kent School District U. S. Postal Service King County Transit Division Washington State Department of Ecology State Office of Archaeology.& Historic Preservation. Muckieshoot Tribe Duwamish Tribe U.S Army Corps of Engineers Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Washington State.Department of Transportation Page 5 of 14 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-24 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KNA #2170221 Parties of Record affiliated with the Riverbend Golf Course and associated organizations: RIVERSEND GOLF TASK FORCE: Michael Johnson, mwgolfjohnson@aol.com Brayden Siems, BLaAen.scialq@gmall.com Mary Ryan, marypatryanCdcomcast net Pete Petersen, nmtemen(a�kentwa.gov .. Rhtelcb-and M = Club: David Fairbairn, uspslc18@comcast.net Brian Boyle, Brian.boyle@dcgone.com Paul Lucien, paulgolf72@msn.com Riverbend Ladies Golf Association: Kathy Kay, golf4two@comcast.net June Secreto, rjsecreto@comcast.net First T of Greater Seattle: Evan.Johnsen, evan@thefirstteeseattle.org Jared Myers, jaredmmyers@comcast.net Doualass Youth Golf Club: Larry Tukes, L.tukes@comcast,net Par 3 Golf Course; Ed James, ed.james@comcast.net In addition, property owners within 200 feet of the proposed short plat were notified of the proposal via the official Notice of Application, which was mailed, published and posted on the site on January 27, 2017. Verbal comments were received from Mary Ann Hopkins, resident and property manager of the Colony Park Apartments located between lots 4 and 5 of the proposed short plat. Mrs. Hopkins expressed concern about the visual impacts from development and the potential Impacts on privacy and security for residents of Colony Park Apartments. She also expressed concern that development might lead to an Increase In traffic on West Meeker St, and that the number of drivers using the Colony Park Apartments driveway might also increase. Any proposed development will be required to provide perimeter and parking lot landscaping and fencing meeting the requirements of KCC 15.07 and the Downtown Design Guidelines, which will minimize the visual and privacy Impacts to the Colony Park Apartments residents of development. Retention of the existing mature trees located along the western perimeter of the Colony Park Apartments property would further buffer development from existing residents. Closure of the existing access between the par 3 golf course concessions building and the Colony Park Apartments driveway and adding new access points to connect West Meeker St with any Page 6 of 14 Instrument Number: 2018031 a000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-25 of 101 Record Date:3/1 4/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 IQVA#2170221 proposed development would limit the number of drivers using the Colony Park Apartments driveway. Frontage landscaping, signage, and roadway improvements would demarcate any new development and prevent confusion for drivers entering the site. R. As required by Section 12.04.180 KCC the City shall not approve a short subdivision unless the appropriate provisions have been made for the following areas: 1. Public health, safety and general welfare of the community: As proposed, the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community are protected and provided for by compliance with all relevant development regulations pertaining to this application for a short subdivision. By implementation of all required development regulations, the applicant for any development will provide a safe, orderly and beneficial development. Development on the proposed lots as shown on the conceptual plans provided with the short plat application will have incremental impacts on public facilities and services. The applicant for any development on these lots will be required to pay all transportation impact fees, school impact fees, parks mitigation fees; Storm water Utility connection fees, and any other mitigation fees applicable by code or as detailed in a binding development agreement. 2. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands and habitat: Portions of the proposed short plat are adjacent to the Green River and are within the Shoreline Master Program jurisdiction area. Impacts to the Green River and shoreline area are anticipated to be minimal, as conceptual development plans. provided with the preliminary short plat application show the anticipated buildings, streets, and parking areas to be located more than 200 feet from the ordinary high water mark of the Green River, outside of the shoreline jurisdiction area and landward of the Green River levee, which was reconstructed In 2008. The conceptual development plans, that the applicant submitted with the short plat application show construction of trails and associated parking areas connecting development and the public sidewalk on, W. Meeker St. to the Green River Trail within the. shoreline jurisdiction area. Any such improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance_with the Shoreline Masten Program and will require City review and approval of a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. Page 7 of 14 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: SI 74.00 Page-26 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-.1 KIVA #2170221 3. Potable water supplies: The owner/subdivider will be responsible for providing potable water to development on Lots 1-4 and any future development on Lot 5. This will require the abatement of any wells located on the site in accordance with Department of Ecology standard procedures. The site Is served by Kent Public Works and water Is avallable to serve the new development. Lots 6, 7, and 8 are already developed with City of Kent parks facilities, for which adequate water is already provided. 4. Sanitary wastes: The owner/subdivider will be responsible for providing public sewer to development on newly created lots 1-4 and any future development on Lot 5. Any existing septic systems shall be abandoned in accordance with King County Health Department regulations. Sanitary sewer Is available to the site via connection to the King County Metro sewer trunk line. An extension of a City sewer main connecting to the King County Metro sewer main will be required for development plan approval. Lots 6, 7, and 8 are already developed with City of - Kent parks facilities, for which adequate sewer service is already provided. 5. Other public utilities and services as deemed necessary: The owner/subdivider shall be responsible for providing electricity, natural gas, telephone, cable and other applicable utilities and services to development on newly created Lots 1-4 and any future development on Lot 5. The applicant is responsible for contacting each agency separately for more information. Lots 6, 7, and 8 are already developed with City of Kent parks facilities, for which adequate utilities and services are already provided. Water supply may be inadequate to provide required fire suppression. The applicant shall demonstrate that adequate fire flow will be available to serve any proposed development on the site per the applicable fire codes. This analysis will be provided. In conjunction with review of civil construction permits. 6. Drainageways and stormwater detention: Surface water runoff from the site drains to the Green River Natural Resources :Area, an existing City regional stormwater facility which will provide flow control and water quality treatment from the development of lots 1-5 as shown on the Page 8 of 14 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-27 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PNI King County,WA Staff.Report lverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KIVA #2170221 conceptual development plans submitted with the preliminary short plat application. A downstream analysis conducted by Anchor Environmental Consultants concluded that the downstream conveyance systems north of West Meeker Street have the capacity to receive the-runoff that is anticipated from the development shown on the conceptual plans submitted with the preliminary, short plat application. Detention and filtration of stormwater on-site may be required due to the limited capacity of conveyance facilities located along West Meeker Street. Roof downspouts for each roofed structure (house, garage, carport, etc.). will be diverted to a Roof Downspout Control meeting the requirements of Section 5.1 of the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual or as directed by the City's Development Review.Manager. These roof downspout controls shall include overflow pipes connected to an approved stormwater flow control facility, or a dispersion system If no formal flow control facility exists or is required. 7. Community parks and recreatlon; nelghborhood tot lots and play areas: Kent City Code section 12.04.060 requires development of onsite recreation space or payment of a fee in lieu of development of recreation space within all subdivisions located in single-family residential zones to mitigate the impacts of new development upon existing parks and recreation facilities. The proposed short plat is located. In a GC-MU general commercial - mixed use Zoning district, which is not a single family zoning district. Therefore, this requirement shall not apply to this short plat. The Green River Trail is an existing City of Kent Parks and Recreation facility. Those portions of the Green River Trail located .on the proposed Lots 1-5 shall remain a City-owned and maintained public facility. Recording of an easement or creation -of a separate tract establishing City rights to or reserving City ownership of the Green River Trail will be required prior to recordation of the short plat or prior to issuance of permits for construction. The conceptual development plans that the applicant submitted with the preliminary short plat application show three new pedestrian and bicycle trail.facilitles connecting the development and the sidewalk on West Meeker St to the Green River Trail. S. Schools and school grounds: Page 9 of 14 instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-28 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County-,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KIVA#2170221 The subject property is within the boundaries of the Kent School District. Pursuant to Kent City Code Section 12.13, a school impact fee will be collected for each residential unit within any development. School impact fees are assessed upon submittal of building construction permits for each building, to be collected upon permit issuance. 9. Transit stops: The vicinity of the project site is currently served by the King County Department of Metropolitan Services (METRO). The nearest bus stop is located on W. Meeker St, immediately adjacent to the northern portion of the subject property. The applicant shall coordinate with King County Metro to determine if improvements are needed to the existing bus stop such as an ADA landing pad extension behind the sidewalk and/or a concrete shelter foundation for Metro's installation of an official Metro bus shelter. If any of the improvements requested by Metro are to be constructed, construction plans shall show these Improvements, and the applicant for development shall construct the improvements in conjunction with any civil construction permit. 10. Connectivity of sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, traffic calming features and devices, and other features that assure safe walking conditions within and between subdivisions and neighborhoods for residents and students who walk to and from schools, parks, transit stops and other neighborhood services: The existing sidewalk along the property's frontage on the south side of West Meeker St shall be removed along the proposed Lots 1-5 and replaced with a multi-use path, providing pedestrian connectivity for Lots 1-5 along the south side of West Meeker Street. The existing sidewalk on the south side of W. Meeker St. located along the proposed Lots 6-8 will continue to provide pedestrian connectivity for the three eastern lots of the proposed short plat and the existing City of Kent Parks and Recreation facilities. Development of new trail connections to the Green River Trail would provide additional connectivity and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. 11. Connectivity of streets, alleyways and other private and public ways for vehicular and pedestrian circulation and access in and - between subdivision and neighborhoods, where feasible: New development shall provide access to West Meeker St: per City Design and Construction Standards at the time of development plan review. Further connectivity to other public Page 10 of 14 instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-29 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KIVA #2170221 streets is infeasible because the site of the proposed development is bound on the west and south by the Green River and bound on the east by the Colony Park Apartments development. Proposed Lot 4 does not have direct access to.West Meeker St. Access easements or tracts providing connectivity for all .lots in accordance with City Design and Construction Standards shall be shown on plans for final short plat approval. 12. Building lots and street access configured to support the construction of homes with diminished garage doors such that no less than r fifty (50) percent of the new lots will support construction of and access to a garage in the rear portion of the lot accessed via a common driveway between lots; or.a side access garage; or a garage accessed via a near alley; or a garage setback no less than ten (10) feet from the front fagade of the home; or other design strategies which similarly diminish the prominence of the garage and are approved by the planning manager: Development on the proposed lots is subject to the development standards for mixed use development in GC-MU zoning districts, and is also subject to Downtown Design Review per KCC 1-9.09.046. The diminished garage requirement applies only to single family residences. 13. Landscape buffering along all frontage streets of the subdivision that do not provide the new lots with direct vehicular access: A minimum of five feet of Type III landscaping is required along the perimeter of properties in GC zoning districts along the frontage of an abutting street. Development shall also comply with other landscaping requirements of Kent City Code and the Downtown Design Guidelines: Lots numbered 6, 7, and 8 are proposed to'remain in City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department ownership. Lots 6 and 7 will remain developed in their present condition and continue to operate as golf driving range, mini golf, and concessions facilities. Lot 8 is proposed to remain vacant and undeveloped. Perimeter landscaping as required by Kent City Code. will- be provided at the time of future development of this property prior to issuance of construction permits. II. CONCLUSIONS .The City of Kent has reviewed the. Riverbend Short Plat *SP-2017-1 and concludes the following; Page 11 of 14 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-30 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King Count-,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KIVA #2170221 A. Zoning Code Compliance All lots comply with the minimum lot size requirements, and other regulations pursuant to the GC-MU General Commercial Mixed Use zoning district. B. Subdivision Code Compliance Section 12.04.180 of the Kent Subdivision Code sets forth criteria for approval of a short subdivision. Based on the findings of fact detailed in Section I and in conjunction with the conditions specified in Section III, the application will conform to the criteria set forth in Section 12.04.180 KCC and RCW 58.17. C. State of Washington Growth Management Act Compliance with City of Kent's 'Public Works Ordinance' and the State of Washington's Growth Management Act will require concurrent improvements or the execution of binding agreements by the owner/subdivider with the City of Kent, for participation In future. public Improvement projects of roadways, pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems, intersection and intersection traffic signals, stormwater , detention, stormwater treatment, and stormwater conveyance, utility, sanitary sewage, and domestic potable water systems. Additional incremental, but cumulatively significant, impacts will be created to stormwater quantity, stormwater quality, stormwater detention and conveyance facilities, utility transmission facilities, sanitary sewage and domestic potable water conveyance systems. D. Comprehensive Plan The City of Kent has adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Growth Management Act (Ordinance #4163 dated September 2015). The goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan represent an. expression of community intentions and aspirations concerning the future of Kent and the area within the potential annexation area. The Comprehensive Plan is used by the Mayor, City Council, Land Use and Planning Board, Hearing Examiner and City departments to guide decision-making relative to development and capital facility spending. The proposed short plat is located near. existing urban services and Infrastructure. The City.supports the development of close-in vacant or underdeveloped properties which limits further urban sprawl on the edges of the planning area. In addition, in-fill development provides-a more efficient means of providing services and enhancing pedestrian Page 12 of 14 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-31 of 101 Record Datc:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KIVA*2170221 mobility. Also, one of the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan is to provide a wide variety of housing types and opportunities to accommodate projected population growth without converting. single family lands to multifamily residential. Development of a mix of commercial and residential uses on general commercial mixed use zoned land is consistent with this objective. E. Shoreline Master Program Land subdivision is -permitted within the Urban Conservancy-Open Space shoreline designation where the City determines that it is for a public purpose.-Portions of the proposed short plat are adjacent to the Green River and are within the Shoreline Master Program jurisdiction area. The Kent City. Council voted to approve the surplus of the property and rezoning of the site by adopting Ordinance 4120 during Its regularly scheduled meeting on August 19, 2014. The City proposes to use the proceeds of the sale of the par 3 course to supplement or add value to the 18-hole Riverbend course, which is a public course. Additionally, a condition of approval of this preliminary short plat requires recording of an easement or creation of a separate tract or parcel establishing City rights to or reserving City ownership of the Green River Trail. The applicant will be required to submit and receive City approval of a Shoreline Substantial Development permit application complying with the requirements of the City of Kent Shoreline Master Program for any development proposed within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of the Green River. III. DECISION Staff recommends approval of the Riverbend Short Plat #SP-2017-1 with the following conditions. These conditions shall be in addition to any other conditions imposed by the Short Plat Committee. A. Prior to Recording this Short Subdivision 1. The subdivider shall pay all known Charges in Lieu of Assessments and/or Latecomer Fees, if any. 2. The applicant shall demonstrate that adequate water supply will be available to provide the utility and fire suppression needs for any proposed development. 3. The applicant shall submit. a final short plat map and conceptual development plans showing the following details: a) The Green River Trail and its vicinity placed in a separate tract, parcel, or easement that clearly expresses the right and responsibility for accessing and maintaining the facility and its Page 13 of 14 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174,00 Page-32 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Staff Report Riverbend Short Plat SP-2017-1 KIVA *2170221 environs by the City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department and for recreational use of the facility by the public. b) The levee and Its future 500-year flood protection level placed in a separate tract, parcel, or easement that clearly expresses the right and responsibility for accessing, constructing, and maintaining it by the City of Kent Public Works Department and the King County Flood Control District. B. Prior to the issuance of a Construction Permit on any lot in this short _wbd&lsion, the—swbdivider shall: 1. Establish the necessary property rights to construct improvements on Lots 1-5 of the proposed short plat as contemplated in City- approved construction plans. 2. Record the short plat. 3. Submit and receive City approval of Street Improvement Plans for West Meeker Street as discussed in Section I.I, above, and as detailed in a binding development agreement or as approved by the City of Kent Public Works Department. 4. Submit and receive City approval of plans for the onsite water, sewer, and stormwater utilities, access driveways, recreation facilities, grading, erosion control, paving, landscaping, and other site improvements, consistent with Kent City Code and Kent Design and Construction Standards or as established In a binding development agreement. 5. The applicant shall pay all transportation impact fees, school impact fees, parks mitigation fees, Storm Water Utility connection fees, and any other mitigation fees applicable by code or as detailed in a binding development agreement. C. Prior to City acceptance of public infrastructure improvements. the developer/ subdivider shall dedicate the required right-of-way and rant the public and private easements covenants and agreements for any constructed public improvements KENT PLANNING.SERVICES May 4, 2017 JG\as\Cc\Users\rogeb\AppData\Local\Microsoft\wlndows\Temporary Internet Flies\Content.Outlook\R92ES45C\2170221_SP-2017-1_Riverbend_staffre port_final.doc Page 14 of 14 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: 8174.00 Page-33 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 3. MARQUEE ON MEEKER INTERIOR.DESIGN DETAILS The project will provide a selection of high quality interior materials and finishes that residents expect In this elevated market segment. FNW is committed to presenting Marquee on Meeker as a unique opportunity for renters to surround themselves in modern, sophisticated and durable interiors. The project interior finish package will include premium wood cabinets, stainless steel appliances, quartz/granite countertops; under-mount stainless steel sinks, and pendant lighting above the bar in the kitchen. All units will include a washer and dryer and have painted millwork throughout. Vinyl plank flooring will be used in the kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms and bedrooms will be carpeted. Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-34 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA ATTACHMENT 4 Approved Project Phasing Plan (See Attached) J siMMs r ATTACHMENT 4 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-35 of 101 Record Date:3/1 4/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 4 MARQUEE ON MEEKER PROJECT PHASING PLAN The Marquee on Meeker ("Project") will be constructed and developed in accordance with the timing established in this attachment, unless unforeseen circumstances outside the Project developer's control cause delays. 1. The Project construction and development phases are shown on page two of this Attachment 4. 2. "Civil Infrastructure" will include all "Meet Me on Meeker"frontage improvements, all public and private utility main distribution lines on both Phase I and Phase II, connection to the Green River Trail at the northwest comer of the property, and all Phase I and II base roadbeds. 3. Construction of all civil infrastructure for both phases I and II will start at the beginning of Phase I construction and all Phase I and Phase Ii civil Infrastructure will be completed by the Phase I completion date. 4. Phase I construction will begin no later than July 1, 2018, though the Project developer intends to begin, If possible, two to three months earlier. 5. Phase II construction will begin within twelve months of completion of Phase I. 1 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S17 4.00 Page-36 of 101 Record Date:3/1 4/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA ATTACHMENT 5 REQUIRED MAJOR PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE(AS PER SECTION 3YIMPACT FEES (AS PER SECTION 6(d)) 1. Major Public Infrastructure (Section 3). • Water: 12"public water main loop through the site connecting to existing 16"steel water main in Meeker Street(note: This water main extension will provide 2100 gpm. If fire flow demands are more than 2100 gpm,additional public water main extensions will be necessary) • Sewer: Connection to the King County Metro trunk line in Meeker Street as allowed/required by King County. The public portion of the system will be from the Metro tie-in to the first Manhole. Sewer extensions on-site to serve the buildings within the development will be privately owned and maintained. • Storm Drainage. On site stone water system will connect to the 36-inch diameter public drainage system on the north side of Meeker Street. Pipes and structures installed within the Meeker Right-of-Way will be owned and maintained by the city. Storm Drainage infrastructure extensions on-site will be privately owned and maintained. • Frontage improvements to Meeker Street(including streef lighting,median landscaping within Meeker and raised crosswalk and appurtenances)as described in more complete detail in Section 6(b)of the Development Agreement. Execution of a limited street license is required for private improvements located within the right-of-way. Right-Of- Way dedication for the frontage improvements is required along the eastern portion of the Marquee-on Meeker frontage. • Pedestrian connection from the path on Meeker Street to the Green River trail: As defined in Section 16 of the Development Agreement. 2. Proiect Impact Fees (Section 6(2)). • Fire: Project is vested to fire impact fees in effect as of the effective date of this Agreement to extent allowed by law. • Schools: Project is vested to school impact fees in effect as of the effective date of this Agreement to extent allowed by law. • Transportation: The total Transportation Impact Fee(TIF)due for the Project is $761,837.83,plus a one percent(I%)administrative fee. Developer has agreed to construct the MMOM improvements as a public benefit. In consideration of this public sinus,i Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-37 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA benefit,a portion of the cost of the MMOM improvements shall be offset by a TIF credit in the amount of$500,000. Specifically,the City agrees that the TIF credit of$500,000 is in consideration of the MMOM improvements that would apply to reduce the cost of future construction of Project W-12 on the City's adopted TIF regulations. 536213511 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-38 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA ATTACHMENT 6 FORM OF LIMITED STREET USE LICENSE FOR PARKING IN MEEKER STREET RIGHT OF WAY (See Attached) s�saaraaa ATTACHMENT 6 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-39 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA LIMITED LICENSE BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC , PARTIES THIS LIMITED LICENSE ("License") is dated for reference purposes as of 201_, and is between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington Municipal Corporation ("City"), and MARQUEE ON 'MEEKER LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Licensee"). RECITALS 1. Licensee seeks to install several right-of-way improvements at its Marquee on Meeker development in the City of Kent. 2. Licensee has requested that the City grant a permit to use City right- of-way to install and maintain these improvements and to undertake responsibility and liability for any negligent performance of the same. 3. The City has agreed to issue this license pursuant to the following conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY AND LICENSEE AGREE AS FOLLOWS: LICENSE 1. License Granted. The City grants ,this .License ("License") for a period of ten (10) years from the Effective Date.(the "Term") for Licensee to install, maintain, operate, use, repair, replace and remove landscaping, sidewalk paving, ADA ramps, parking facilities, and other fixtures and amenitles at the Marquee on Meeker development ("Project") across, along, in, upon, and under a section of the City's right-of-way described in Exhibit A (the "Licensed Property"). City and Licensee agree that this License shall automatically renew at the end of the Term for successive ten.(10) year periods until this License is terminated as provided In Section 3 below. A general description and visual representation of the plans and specifications- for the landscaping, sidewalks, ADA ramps, parking and other improvements, and related fixtures and amenities, for the Project is attached as Exhibit B ("Improvements"). This License is subject to all the terms and conditions established below. 2. Damage to Property and Restoration. Licensee shall repair any damage to City-owned property (Including but not limited to the Licensed Property) caused by the installation, construction, operation, maintenance, removal, repair, reconstruction, replacement, use, and inspection of the Improvements. Upon revocation, termination, or expiration of this License, the Improvements. shall remain as constructed and be available for use by the public. 2841/086,07/10/17 - 1- Limited License Agreement v3 tread\t1AL\Riverbend joint Venture ATTACHMENT Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-40 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PNI King County,WA 3. Revocation and .Termination. The intent of this License is to authorize Licensee to Install, maintain, operate, use, repair, replace and remove the Improvements on the Licensed Property, which is City right-of-way, and which right-of-way constitutes a valuable property interest owned by the City. This License does not grant an estate in the land described as the Licensed Property; it is not an easement; it is not a franchise; It is not exclusive; and it does not exclude the City from full possession of the Licensed Property. As a License upon real property, It is revocable; provided, however, that pursuant to the terms of the Development Agreement between City and Licensee concerning the Project dated as of (the "Development Agreement"), City agrees not to revoke or otherwise terminate the License as long as any of the multifamily improvements for the Marquee on Meeker development as described in the Development Agreement are under construction or exist at the Project and the Licensee is not In default with respect to any of its duties or obligations herein or in the Development Agreement (the "Project Duration Period"). City shall provide Licensee with at least thirty (30) calendar days' written notice of termination or revocation. Following a revocation or termination of this License pursuant to this Section 3, Licensee waives any right it may have to any claim for damages of any kind incurred as a result of the City's removal of all or part of the Improvements 4. Permits Required. The City's grant of this License does not release Licensee from any of its obligations to obtain and comply with all applicable local, state, and federal permits -necessary to install,- construct, operate, maintain, remove, repair, reconstruct, replace, use, and inspect the Improvements. Licensee's failure to comply with this Section 4 shall constitute grounds for revocation by the City, if Licensee does not promptly cure its noncompliance following written notice from the City of such noncompliance. 5. Maintenance. Licensee shall operate and maintain the Improvements and the Licensed Property during and after construction in a clean, well-kept, orderly and safe condition in accordance with City standards. Licensee shall promptly make repairs at Licensee's cost, as necessary, to ensure the Improvements and the Licensed Property are kept in good condition In accordance with City standards. The City's satisfaction under this Section 5 shall in no way affect Licensee's duties as set forth in Section 1. 6. Emergency. In the event of any emergency 'in which any portion of the Improvements breaks, becomes damaged, or-in any other, way becomes an immediate danger to the property, life, health, or safety of any individual, Licensee shall immediately take the proper emergency measures to remedy the dangerous condition without first applying for and obtaining a permit as required by this License. However, Licensee shall notify the City of the emergency as soon as reasonably possible and this emergency work shall not relieve Licensee from its obligation to obtain all permits necessary for this purpose. 7. Indemnification. Licensee shall comply with the following Indemnification requirements: 2841/086 07/10/17 -2- Umited License Agreement v3 tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: 8174.00 Page-41 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM Ding County,WA 7A Licensee shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, Its officers, officials, employees, agents, assigns, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, actions, injuries, damages, losses, or suits, including all reasonable legal costs, witness fees, and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of any of Licensee's rights or obligations granted by this License, Including maintenance activities, except to the extent caused by the sole or concurrent negligence of, or the willful misconduct of, the City, its employees, agents, contractors, or invitees. 7.2 The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Licensee's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. 7.3 These indemnification obligations shall extend to any claim, action or suit that may be settled by compromise, provided that Licensee shall not be liable to indemnify the City for any settlement agreed upon without the consent of Licensee; however, if .Licensee consents to the agreed upon settlement, the Licensee shall indemnify and hold the City harmless as provided for in this Section 7 by reason of that settlement. Moreover, if Licensee refuses to defend the City against claims by third parties when required to ,do so under this Section 7, Licensee shall indemnify the City regardless of whether the settlement of such claims is made with or without Licensee's consent. 7.4 In the event that Licensee refuses to accept tender of defense in any claim, action, or suit by a third party pursuant to this Section 7 and if Licensee's refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or such other tribunal that the parties shall agree to decide the matter) to have been a wrongful refusal, then Licensee shall pay all the City's costs for defense of the action,:including all reasonable legal costs, witness fees, and attorney fees.and also including the City's costs, including all legal costs, witness fees and reasonable attorney fees, for recovery under this Section 7 indemnification clause. 7.5 The provisions of this Section .7 shall survive the expiration or termination of this License. S. Insurance. Licensee shall procure and maintain for, the duration of this License, insurance of the types and in the amounts described below against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work-by Licensee. Licensee also agrees-to require the same.coverage of its agents, representatives, employees, contractors,. subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants,-or-assigns performing work under the scope of this License. 8.1 Before beginning work on the project described in this License, -Licensee shall provide a Certificate of Insurance-evidencing:, 2841/086 07/10/17 -3- Umited Ucense Agreement v3 tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-42 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA 8.1.1 Automobile Liability insurance with limits. no less than $1,000,060 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and 8.1.2 Commercial_ General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and general aggregate for personal Injury, bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU); and employer's liability. 9.1.3 Excess Liabilitx insurance with limits not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate. 8.2 Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of Licensee. 8.3 The City shall be named as an additional insured on the , Insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Licensee and shall make its endorsement available for inspection by the Licensor. Licensor waives-no rights and Licensee is not excused from performance if Licensee fails to provide Licensor with a paper copy of the endorsement naming the City as an additional Insured. 8.4 Licensee's insurance shall contain.a clause stating that coverage. shall apply separately to each insured against. whom claim Is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. 8.5 Licensee's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City, and the City shall be given thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice - electronically and by United States mail of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. 9. Modification. This License may not be modified, altered, or amended unless first approved in writing by the City and by Licensee. 10. Assignment. Licensee shall not assign all or any portion of its rights, benefits,. or privileges, In and under this License in violation of any term or provision of the Development Agreement or any other agreement between City and Licensee with respect to the Project and in any event without prior written approval of the City, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Licensee shall, no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of any proposed assignment, file written notice of: intent to assign the License with the City together with the assignee's written acceptance of all terms and conditions of the License and promise of compliance. Notwithstanding. the foregoing, Licensee shall have the right, without such notice or such written acceptance, to (a) mortgage its rights, benefits, and privileges in and under this License to any mortgage lender having or 2841/o86 07/10/17 .4 : limited License Agreement 0 tread\HAL\Riverbend joint Venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-43 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA obtaining a lien on the Project,.,(b) assign all. of .the rights, .benefits, privileges, duties and obligations..to (i) any subsidiary, -parent, affiliate or company having common control with Licensee, or (ii) to-any successor in interest to Licensee as an owner or tenant of all or any portion of the Project, so long as-such transferee, assignee or successor assumes in .writing all of the duties and -obligations of Licensee set forth herein and written notice of same is provided to the. City. From and after. the la er of the date that.Licensee no longer owns any interest In the Project or. the _ date _. that Licensee provides City with the written. assignment/assumption -docurhents as required herein, Licensee shall have no . responsibility for any obligations accruing after such date, and City shalt -look to Licensee's successor(s) in interest for obligations of the Project.owner(s) accruing after such date. 11. . Complian.ce with Laws. Licensee shall.comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules; and.regulations that are applicable to this License. 12. Venue and Jurisdiction. This License shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue and jurisdiction for the resolution of disputes shall be in the Superior Court for King County, Washington.. In the . event of claim or litigation_regarding the enforcement of the terms of this License, each party shall be.responsible for its own legal costs and attorney fees except as noted in Section 7. 13. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, or other communications provided for in this License, unless otherwise noted,.shall be in.writing and shall be deemed: to .have been given when personally:delivered, or-when sent by registered or certified mail, return..receipt requested, to the addresses listed below for-each party, or to such other. person or address as either party shall designate to the .other party in;writing: CITY: LICENSEE.; City of Kent Marquee on Meeker LLC Attn: City Clerk C/o Landmark Development Group 220 Fourth.Avenue South 2711 West Valley-Highway North Kent, WA 98032 Suite 200 Auburn, WA 98001 Attn: .Brett Jacobsen Email: bjacobsenCafnw-inc.com With a copy to: Marquee on Meeker LLC c/o HAL Real Estate Inc: 2025 First Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle,.WA 98121 Attn: Jonathan Manheim 2841/086 07/10/17 -5 - Limited License Agreement Q tread\HALkPiverbend Joint Venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-44 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Email:imanheim@halrealestate.com And to: Alston Courtnage & Bassetti LLP 1420 St'' Avenue, Suite 3650 Seattle, WA 98101-4011 - - 'Attn: Tom Read Email: tread0alcourt.com 14. No Waiver of Rights. Nothing in this License shall constitute a waiver of either-party's right to challenge any portion of the License that is not In accordance.with applicable federal,.state and local laws. 15. Entire Agreement and ;Effective Date. This License contains the entire agreement between the parties and, In executing it, the City and Licensee do not rely upon any statement, ,promise; or representation, whether oral :or written, not expressed in this License.. This License shall be effective upon the last day executed below (Effective Date). 16. Warranty of Authority to Execute. Each person executing this License warrants that he/she has the requisite authority to bind the party for whom. that person is executing. 17. Memorandum. Promptly after the Effective Date, the parties agree to execute and record a memorandum of this. Agreement in the form of attached Exhibit S. This License is executed and shall become effective as of the last date signed below. CITY OF KENT LICENSEE By: By; Print Name: SUZETTE COOKE Print Name: Its: :Mayor Its: Date: Date 2641/086 07/10/17 6- Limited License Agreement V3 tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: 5174.00 Page-45 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 55. COUNTY OF.KING ) I hereby certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Suzette Cooke. Is the person who appeared before me, and said .person acknowledged that she signed. this instrument, on oath stated that. she is authorized. .to execute the instrument on behalf of the City of Kent as.its Mayor, and such execution:to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. -Notary Seat Must Appear Within This Box IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official .seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington,.residing. at My appointment expires 2841/066 07/10/17. -7- Umited.Ucense Agreement v3 tread\HAL\R1verbendr Joint Venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-46 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA .STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 2017, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared known to me to be the of MARQUEE ON MEEKER. LLC, the limited liability company that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the .person whose true signature appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above written. Signature Print Name NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires 2841/086 07/10/17 -8 Limited License Agreement Q tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-47 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LICENSED PROPERTY 2841/086 07/10/17 -9- Limited Ucense Agreement v3 tread\HQL\Riverbend Joint venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-48 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EXHIBIT B MEMORANDUM OF LICENSE AGREEMENT WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Thomas.W.Read Alston,Courtnage&Bassetti LLP 1420 Fifth Avenue,Suite 3650 Seattle,WA 98101-4011 Document Title: MEMORANDUM OF LICENSE AGREEMENT Grantor: Grantee: Legal Description: Abbreviated Legal Description: Full Legal Description: See Exhibit A attached. Assessor's Tax Parcel Nos.: Reference Nos.of Documents Released or Assigned: MEMORANDUM OF LICENSE AGREEMENT This Memorandum of License Agreement is dated as of ,2017,and is by and between ("Seller"),and , a ("Buyer"). 1. Agreement. Seller and Buyer have entered into a Limited License Agreement dated ,2017,concerning the real property described on attached Exhibit A(the "Property") 2841/086 07/1D/17 - 10- Limited license Agreement V3 tread\HAL\Rlverbend Joint venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-49 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA 2. Purpose. This Memorandum is prepared for the purpose of recordation only,and does not modify the Limited License.Agreement in any way. SELLER: BUYER: [ADD NOTARY BLOCKS FOR PARTIES] 2841/086:07110/17 -ii- L.imited License Agreement 0 tread\KAL\Riverbend Joint Venture Instrument Number: 2018031400084,55 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-50 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2841/086 07/10/17 12- Limited Lkense Agreement.v3 tread\HAL\Riverbend Joint Venture Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-51 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA ATTACHMENT 7 FORM OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN TRAIL (See Attached) ATTACHMENT 7 1160I61G4 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-52 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King Count-,WA Recorded at the Request of and after Recording Return to: City of Kent c/o Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98.032 GRANT OF EASEMENT .FOR PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN TRAIL Grantor/Declarant: MARQUEE ON MEEKER,LLC,a Washington limited liability company Grantee: CITY OF KENT,a Washington municipal corporation Legal Description: Official legal description on Exhibit A Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: Reference# N/A (if applicable): Marquee on Meeker, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Owner"), is owner of the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference(the"Property"). Owner acquired the Property from the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation ("City") pursuant to the terms and conditions of that certain Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement with Lease/Option to Purchase dated as of May 5, 2017 (the "Purchase GRANT OF BASEMENT FOR PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN TRAIL,PAGE: 51618SDS 2 - ATTACHMENT 7 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-53 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Agreement'). As a condition of the Purchase Agreement, Owner and City entered into that certain Development Agreement dated as of , 2017 (the "Development Agreement") for the. purpose of governing the design, development, permitting, mitigation of environmental impacts and uses associated with development of a mixed-use retail/multi- family residential community on the Property to be known as the.Riverbend Gateway Project (herein the"Project"). Asa requirement of the Development Agreement,and in particular Section 16 thereof, Owner and City have agreed that the Project shall provide for a public pedestrian and non motorized vehicle trail easement over and across the Property for the benefit and use of the members of the general public for public access from.Meeker Street to the Green River Trail. Accordingly, Owner hereby grants, dedicates and quit claims to City, as a perpetual covenant running with the land, a nonexclusive public pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle use and access easement for the purposes and subject to the conditions hereinafter mentioned, over and across the Property, in the location and configuration as depicted in the survey attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference (herein the "Trail Easement"),and City hereby accepts.such grant on the terms and conditions set forth herein. I. P ose. The Trail Easement is granted for the purpose of providing the public with pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle access and entry for the use and enjoyment of the Green. River Trail connection within the Project and for no other use. Owner shall be responsible for all costs of permitting, design and construction of the Trail Easement and any improvements or amenities associated therewith(e.g. signage)as may be required by the City, including but not limited to compliance with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines and requirements for outdoor trails. 2. Owner's Use of'Frail Easement. Owner and its assignees,lessees, tenants and invitees shall have the right to use of the Trail Easement consistent,with the rights of the public use as described herein and for any other purpose not inconsistent with the rights granted herein. Use of the Trail Easement may be closed to the public from time to time on a temporary basis for the purpose of construction, repairs and/or maintenance of the Trail Easement. Owner may impose reasonable controls on uses of such portion of the Trail Easement that are likely to have an adverse effect on the Project occupants/tenants reasonable enjoyment and use of the Project, so long as such controls are consistent with.City policies and guidelines for public trail use or as otherwise approved or in effect by the City. 3. Maintenance. Owner shall at all times .and at its sole cost and expense maintain the Trail Easement area and improvements lying within. in .good repair and condition. GRAW OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC PIEDESTRIAN TRAIL,PAGE: Instrument Number: 201803140008=45 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-54 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA 4. Modification. The alignment of any portion of the Trail Easement and the easement rights granted herein pertaining to such portion may be modified by mutual agreement of Owner.and the City if the Project development for the Property is altered such that an alternate location within the Property would be more desirable for location of the Trail Easement. In such event the parties shall execute and record an amendment to this Trail Easement terminating the present alignment and providing for the new alignment of the Trail Easement. 5. Liability. Pursuant to the provisions of RCW 4.24.200 and 4.24.210, neither Owner nor any of its affiliates, officers, agents, representatives or employees, shall be responsible for or held liable for unintentional injury or damage to persons or property arising from or occurring as a result of public use of the Trail Easement as provided for in RCW 4.24.200 and 4.24.210. 6. Successors and Assigns. The terms and provisions of this Grant of Easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. By recordation of this dedication,easement, and agreement, to the maximum extent allowed by law,this agreement shall encumber the Property as an easement and dedication to the general public for the public trail uses set forth herein. 7. Record Notice. . This Grant of Easement shall be recorded with the King County Department of Records and Elections. 8. Time of Essence. Owner agrees that time is of the essence,and City shall have non-exclusive standing to enforce the provisions of this dedication,easement, and agreement. GRANT OP HASI:MFNT FOR PUBLIC PI:IMENTRIAN TRAIL,PAGE. 31618S21 2 - - Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-55 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA DATED this day of ,20_. GRANTOR: MARQUEE ON MEEKER,LLC,a Washington limited liability company By: Its GRANTEE: THE CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation By: Its APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: GRANT OF IEASIiMINT FOR PUBLIC PI-DISTRIAN TRAIL,PAGE: ' 3161�5252 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 P:Ige-56 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF 1 certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that said person signed this instrument, on oath stated that said person was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of Marquee on Meeker, LLC, a Washington limited liability company,to be the free and voluntary act of such corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated this day of ,20 . (signatcte of Votary) (zdwy mm or stamp Ramo or Rotary) Notary public in and for the state of Washington, residing at My appointment expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ss, COUNTY OF I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that said person signed this instrument, on oath stated that said person was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of THE CITY OF KENT a municipal corporation, to be the free and voluntary act of such corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the.instrument. Dated this day of ,20_. (Sigoeturc of Notary) (t.Cvbly Print orsmmp Name of Votary) Notary public in and for the state of Washington, residing at My appointment expires GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN TRAII„PAGE stetaszs z Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-57 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Property si6usus EXHIBIT A Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-58 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EXHIBIT B [Attach Survey.Depicting Trail Easement] EXHIBIT B 51618S2S..2 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-59 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA ATTACHMENT 8 COPY OF DNS POR THE PROJECT (See Attached) ATTACHMENT 8 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-60 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King Count,WA ECONOMIC&COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters Director 220 4th Avenue South K E Id T Kent,WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6454 PHONE: 2537856-5454 I i June 30, 2017 RE. Environmental Checklist State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) ENV-2017-4 / KIVA #RPSW-2170281 Riverbend Mixed Use Development Dear Mr. Jacobsen, Enclosed please find; 1. A copy of the signed environmental checklist for your project 2. The Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) 3. The Decision Document. Please note that there is a 14-day public comment period following the issuance of this DNS. Also, there Is a 14-day appeal period for all appeals to the DNS following the comment period. All appeals are reviewed by the Kent Heating Examiner. If you have any questions concerning the SEPA review or the next step in the development plan review process, please call Kent Planning Services at 253-856-5454. Sincerely, Charlene Anderson, AICP Responsible Official O a Enclosures YJG:ct\S:>PermittP/an1ENVk2017�2170281_RiverbendM/xedUse_DNSapPucanfftr•doc 3 3 ® MAYOR SUZETTE COOKE City of Kent Economic&Community Development ATTACHMENT 8 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-61 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA RECEN' EVALUATION FOR City of Kent Planning Services JAN 24.2017 AGENCY USE ONLY Environmental Checklist—Page 2 CITY OF KENT PERMIT CENTER TO BE COMPLETED.BY STAFF: APPLICATION#: —cyV -- IVA#: _, RECEIVED BY: - DATE: I PROCESSING FEE: A. STAFF REVIEW DETERMINED THAT PROJECT: Meets the categorically exempt criteria. >� Has no probable significant adverse environmental impact(s) and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects. Has probable, significant impact(s) that can be mitigated through conditions. EIS not necessary. Has probable, significant adverse environmental impact(s). An Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared. _ An Environmental Impact Statement for this project has already been prepared. Signature of Responsible Official Date B. COMMENTS: C TYPE OF PERMIT OR ACTION REQUESTED:j �J�iin� l.YiAa D. ZONING DISTRICT: C"r�ZLI Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-62 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR' City of Kent Planning Services AGENCY USE.ONLY Environmental Checklist—Page 3 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT: A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 1. Name of Project: Marquee on Meeker 2. Name of Applicant: FNW, Inc. Mailing Address:2711 West Valley Hwy N,Suite 200 Auburn WA 98001 Contact Person: Brett Jacobsen Telephone:253-333-0789 (Note that all correspondence will be mailed to the applicant listed above.) 3. Applicant is(owner, agent,other): Contract Owner A. Name of Legal Owner: City of Kent Parks and Community Services Department Telephone: 253-856-5100 - Mailing Address: 400 W GowQ Kent.WA 98032 5. Location. Give general location of proposed project(street address, nearest intersection of streets and section,township and range), The subject property is a 24-acre portion of KenCs Riverbend Golf Complex located at 2030 West Meeker St in the SW quarter of section 23,township 22, range 4.The par-3 portion of the site, which is known as the Riverbend Gateway Development Site, is located on the western portion of the Riverbend Golf Complex parcel. 6. Legal description and tax identification number a. Legal description(if lenothv, attach as separate sheet); PARCEL A: THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 4 AND 5 IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER'OF SECTION 23,TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST,W.M., IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON, AND THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 23, ALL LYING SOUTHERLY OF . SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 5-A AND WESTERLY OF JOHN DOWNEY ROAD NUMBER 722(54TH PLACE SOUTH); Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: 8174.00 Page-63 of 101 Record Date:311 41201 8 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent.Planning Services Environmental Checklist—Page 4 EXCEPT PORTION THEREOF PLATTED AS COLONY PARK CONDOMINIUMS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 31 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 55 THROUGH 57, INCLUSIVE, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND.EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 IN SECTION 23,TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST,W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ON.THE CENTERLINE OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 5-A AT HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 163+00.00 BACK, 163+48.2 AHEAD AS SHOWN ON THE STATE HIGHWAY MAP BEARING DATE OF APPROVAL OF JANUARY 29, 1957, REVISED MARCH 19, 1957,THE CENTERLINE OF WHICH IS ALSO SHOWN OF RECORD IN VOLUME 1, PAGE 32 OF HIGHWAY PLATS, IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 63053'30" EAST,ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID HIGHWAY 549.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14°51'10"EAST,301.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 75008'50"WEST, 60.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14051'10" EAST, 119.73 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; - THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 14051'10" EAST, 166.14 FEET: THENCE NORTH 0602325" EAST,55.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 14951-10"WEST,.76.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 42018'10"WEST, 43.69 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; PARCEL B: TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS,EGRESS AND UTILITIES AS DESCRIBED BY RECORDING NUMBER 9502020945. b. Tax identification number. #2332204-9011-01 7. Existlnq conditions: Give a general description of the property and existing improvements, size, topography, vegetation, soil, drainage, natural features, etc. (if necessary,attach a separate.sheet).,. The Riverbend Gateway Development Site is the par-3 portion of the larger Riverbend Golf Site and is.approximately 24 acres In area. The Riverbend Gateway Development Site is generally flat, except along the sloped banks of the Green River which runs along the south and west borders of the site. A.portion of Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-64 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist-Page 5 the Green River Trail Is located on the site; adjacent to the riverbank. Vegetation In this area is primarily golf course turf with Interspersed ornamental evergreen and deciduous trees. Solis In the site are primarily Ur, Urban Land. 8. Site Area: 24 acres Site Dimensions: approximately 1,350 feet x 675 feet " 9. Project description: Give a brief, complete description of the intended use of the property or project including all proposed uses, days and hours of operation and the size of the project and site. (Attach site plans as described in the instructions): The project will consist of approximately 492 residential J1 1 ZJ J'Uv t-units together with ancillary uses, approximately 8,000 sqvate feet of commerciallretail and a potential- 100- otel. The residential units will be contained in two podium style buildings and multiple three story urban style walk-up buildings. The podium buildings are anticipated to have four levels of wood frame residential construction over concrete podium decks containing approximately 18,000 SF of restaurant/retail space including adjacent exterior lifestyle patios and approximately 240.stalls of parking. The urban-style walk-up buildings will, generally, be located closer to the river minimizing impact on the existing natural character of the site along the river's edge and pedestrian-bicycle pathway. These smaller three story buildings will maximize the potential to.save the existing landscaping and view vistas.found near the shoreline. The site will also contain surface parking, presently anticipated for an additional 510 stalls for a total of 750 stalls. The exact number of parking stalls will be determined at the time of building permit. 10. Schedule: Describe the timing or schedule (include phasing and construction dates, if possible). Project development,permitting and construction is anticipated ). to take place over approximately a five-year period. It is anticipated that Phase I will include a podium building .and approximately half of the urban quad bulldings,plus necessary site work. The first phase is set to begin permitting the first quarter of 2017 with.an anticipated construction start date oft, early June 2017. Construction duration for Phase 1 is roughly 24 months with an estimated completion date of June 2019. Phase Il will consist of a podium building,the remainder of the site work and urban quad buildings, and the potential hotel. Construction on Phase 11 is anticipated to begin in June of 2020 - Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-65 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist—Page 6 and complete by June of 2022, except for the potential-hotel. If the potential hotel comes to fruition,timing may vary. 11. future Plans: Do you have any plans for future additions,expansion or,further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No 12. Permits/Approvals: List all permits or approvals for this project from local, state,federal, or other agencies for which you have applied or will apply as required for your proposal. DATE AGENCY PERMIT TYPE SUBMITTED` NUMBER STATUS" City of Kent Design Review of Kent Building Permit Site Plan of Kent ..(Engineering)_ Shoreline City of Kent Permit City of Kent _ Short Plat Department of Ecology NPDES Permit City of Kent Demo Permit Civil Construction City of.Kent Permits Kent RFA Fire Permit "Leave blank If not submitted "Approved,denied or pending 13. Environmental Information: List any environmental information you know about that has been:prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Short Plat, Traffic Impact Analysis, Technical information Report(Storm Water),Phase I Report, Geotech Report and Site survey: 14. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-66 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist-Page 7 approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? if yes,explain. Code changes may be pending with City Council that could impact our proposal,timing is unclear. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one): Fiat rolling. hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other: b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? While most of the site is flat, there is an approximate 25% slope up from the site to West Meeker Street at the northwest corner of the site. Slopes of up to 30% are located along the banks of the Green River. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand,gravel, peat,muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Published geologic maps indicate that the site and vicinity are underlain by young alluvial deposits consisting of silt and sand with localized deposits of compressible organic-rich soils. Exploratory borings and cone penetrometer tests disclosed that . the site is mantled by a grass sod mat and approximately 1.5 to 2.5 feet of loose silty sand and sandy sift with a relatively low organic. content. The upper soil horizon was underlain by interbedded very loose to medium dense sand and silty sand with some discrete silts and sandy silt horizons to the explorations' termination depths. Compressible peat was disclosed by some of the explorati the middle the site. T as been mapped as seis rd by.t us to the anticipated t�w relady ig ential of the soils. The Natural Rev as Conserva ce (NRCS) has mapped the site as containing so s meeting the Urban Land category(Ur). d. Are there .surface-indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. There are no surface indicators of significant instability of the slopes adjoining the Green River. Areas of localized erosion of sandy soils Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-67 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PNI King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist—Page 8 are present,but are laterally discontinuous. e. Describe the purpose,type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Structural fill will be imported and placed on site within building footprints for structural slab and footing support, below new pavement and handscape surfaces, and within utility trenches and/or infiltration facilities. Landscape areas will require topsoil. Additionally, some existing soils on site will be unsuitable for building or roadway support, and will be moved on site to an acceptable area or exported. Approximately 1,000 CY of cut and up to 87,000 CY of fill may be required. While the source of fill material has not been selected,it will be from an approved source. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing,construction,or use? If so, generally describe. The portion of the site proposed for improvements is either level or very gently sloped and the potential for erosion during clearing, construction, or use is low. Site clearing and earthwork activities will be undertaken Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented, through an approved Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control(TESC) Plan. The project will adhere to the City's regulations in this regard. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction(for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 45% of the site will be impervious surface (pavements or buildings). h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other Impacts to the earth, if any. Temporary Erosion Control BMP's will be implemented during construction in accordance with City of Kent requirements to minimize on-site erosion&sedimentation transport off-site.After construction, the site will be permanently stabilized using landscaping, pavements, storm water runoff conveyance and Infiltration facilities. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal(i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-68 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 I'M King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist— Page 9 construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Construction emissions from construction related equipment. No permanent emissions are anticipated from the finished product. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. None other than car emissions from West Meeker Street. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any. Compliance with applicable regulations related to emissions for construction vehicles. 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or In the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, salt water, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Yes. The Green River is a 93-mite-long fresh water river that borders the western and southern edges of the site, portions of which are within the 200'jurisdictional area of the City of Kent Shoreline Master Program. The Green River is a salmonid bearing river that conveys water from the Crystal Mountain area to the Duwamish River and into the Puget Sound. Flows range from summer lows near 300 CFS up to 100-year flows at the project site near 12,000 CFS. The peaks of flood events up to the 100- year event are all softened by operation of the-.Howard Hanson.fiood control dam near river mile 64.Historic flows in the Green River prior to construction of the dam in 1964 and rerouting of the tributary White River in the early 1900's were substantially higher. 2) Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-69 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist—Page 10 Extension of pedestrian walkway to tie into the existing trail and some s ca ing, possible �r-�r�lr,; ye recreation, ' . 'es.will 1 I. a place U within 200 feet of the Green River. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge materialthat would be placed. in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. No such work will take place in the area. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions?Give general description,purpose and approximate quantities, if known. No surface water withdraws or diversions are.anticipated. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No, per the 1995 FIRM. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? if so,describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No discharge of waste material to surface water Is anticipated. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities,if known. Ground water will not be withdrawn from a well for drinking purposes, ongoing Irrigation may continue to occur on the site. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources,if any(for example:domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system,the number of such systems,the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-70 of 101 Record Date:3/1 4/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR City of Kent Planning Services AGENCY USE ONLY Environmental Checkllst Page 11 are expected to serve. Domestic sewage will be tied into the Civic System. No waste tanks for sewage are necessary. c. Water Runoff(including storm water): 1} Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? if so, describe. All runoff from the site will originate from storm water and the majority will be collected and conveyed through a series of underground pipes to connect with the City storm water system located in West Meeker Street, which ultimately discharges to the Valley Regional Detention/Enhanced Wetland Facility.Runoff will be collected from roof surfaces with roof drains, and runoff will be conveyed to the underground conveyance system via rain leaders or downspouts. Pavement and hardscape runoff will be collected in catch basins or area drains prior to connecting to the underground conveyance system. Planter areas will have overflow drains to prevent ponding.Some storm water runoff from roofs, hardscape or pavements may be routed to on-site infiltration trenches or galleries. Runoff from pollution generating impervious surfaces will be -routed through an approved water quality treatment system prior to Infiltration, in accordance with the City of Kent storm water manual.It is anticipated that some of the onsite soils will be used as a means for water quality treatment;pending further geotechnicai analysis. 2) Could waste materials enter.ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Waste materials entering the ground or surface waters are unlikely. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: The project site is located in the Valley Regional Detention Application Area, and runoff from the site has been incorporated into the Valley Regional Detention/Enhanced Wetland Facility.This regional detention/water quality treatment facility has been designed to detain and treat runoff from the subject site. Small- Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-71 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent.Planning Services Environmental Checklist Page 12 scale Infiltration facilities may be utilized for this development to mitigate runoff on site.Any runoff from roadways that Is routed to an on-site infiltration facility would be treated in accordance with City storm water code requirements prior to Infiltration. The project will comply with all applicable shoreline and storm water codes. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X Deciduous tree: alder, maple aspen,other cherry, plum,sweet gum X Evergreen tree: fir;cedar, pine, other white pine,ponderosa pine, sourwood,yellow cedar, arborvitae Shrubs X Grass Pasture Crop or.grain Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other Water plants:water lily, selgrass, miifoil, other Other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The proposed development will remove some of the deciduous & evergreen trees and golf course turf as part of the onsite development. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. No listed plant species are known to exist within the project boundaries. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The existing landscape consists primarily of grass and trees within Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S17.1.00 Page-72 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist--Page 13 the development area. The trees will be evaluated and protected if they are healthy and within areas not impacted by the development activities. The proposed plantings will consist of native and ornamental trees,shrubs and ground covers throughout the site. e. List all noxious weeds and Invasive species know to be on or near the site. Noxious weeds Include Japanese knot weed, English ivy and reed canary grass. 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: a hero eagl ongbird ,other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver,other Rabbit. Sauinel Fish: bass,qiDltrout herring, shellfish, other: b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Threatened Chinook (Onchorynchus tschwyscha), Steelhead (O.mykiss) and possibly Bull Trout(Salvelinus confluentus) may be found in the Green River adjacent to the project site. There Is a known Bald Eagle nest located approx. 1 mile away from the project site, thought this.species has now been delisted. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Yes, many species of anadromous_ salmon including those mentioned above as well as Coho, Pink and Chum use the Green River as a migration corridor. The Green River is also a major pathway within the Pacific Flyway migratory bird route. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Minimal construction will take place within the 200'buffer between the project site and the Green River. Impacts will be limited to a pedestrian pathway that ties in to the existing trail system,surface parking, storm water facilities and fire access to the site. The project will comply with City of Kent landscaping standards that could result in more trees being planted on site,facilitating habitat. The project will also comply with all relevant shoreline regulations Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-73 of 101 Record Date:3/1 4/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist—Page 14 to protect any fish habitat. 6. Enersw and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric,natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc.. Electric and natural gas will be used on site to provide heating, lighting,etc.for the residential and commercial components of the site. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No, project Is located across the street from an. existing golf course and adjacent to a driving range and apartments that are screened by existing mature tree canopy.Heights of buildings and shadows cast will also not preclude the use of solar. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The project will adhere to the WSEC to minimize any resulting energy impacts. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards,-including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion,spill,or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. The entire City of Kent is located within the Department of Ecology's Tacoma Smelter Plume study area. Based on the map at htt s:/Ifortress.wa.gov/ecYlsmeltersearch the site is located within an area where arsenic levels were detected at a rate of less than 20 parts per million. DOE recommends soil testing In areas where arsenic levels were detected at more than 20 parts per million: 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required.. The site is served by the Kent Regional Fire Authority and the Kent Police Department. Instrument Number: 201 8031 400084 5 Document:AG Rec: 8174.00 Page-74 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR City of Kent Planning Services AGENCY USE ONLY Environmental Checklist-Page 15 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Compliance with existing regulations,as applicable b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project(for example: traffic, equipment operation, other)? Noise from vehicles traveling along West Meeker Street and WA 516/Kent Des-Moines Road (located across the Green River from the site) may impact future development at the Riverbend Gateway Development Site. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by orassociated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis(for example: traffic,construction,operation,other)?Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short-term noise impacts will result from the use.of construction and building equipment during site development and construction. These temporary activities will be limited to legal working hours as prescribed by City Code, 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Building construction.will occur during the hours prescribed by the City of Kent. Construction equipment will be equipped with muffler devices and Idling time will be encouraged to be kept at a minimum. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The Riverbend Gateway Development Site currently contains the par-3 golf course.Land to the north of the site Is also part of the larger Riverbend Goff Complex, and is used as the standard 18-hole golf course. Land to the south, across_the Green River is vacant, owned by King County. Other land to the south will be used for planned Downey Farmstead salmon habitat restoration. The 16-acr"�C „ c Get portion east of the site is developed as a .garden-style Instrument Number: 201803140008.35 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-75 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King Count-,WA EVALUATION FOR City of Kent Planning Services AGENCY USE ONLY Environmental Checklist—Page 16 apartment complex. The City's Old Fishing Hole Park is located to the west of the site,across the Green River. The Colony Park Apartments, a two building 24-unit development,are located on a parcel that is.surrounded by the site. The apartments are allowed access to West Meeker Street via an easement. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? if so, describe. The par-3 course and driving range were constructed with the Colony Park Apartments in 1968. Prior to thattime, the site was used for agriculture. Various properties within the Green River Corridor District are used ;for agriculture, primarily along the left bank of the river. c. Describe any structures on the site. An approximately 1,800 SF clubhouse for the par-3 golf course and appurtenant parking. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? The clubhouse and dedicated parking will be removed as well as the par-3 golf course. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? GC-MU=General Commercial Mixed-Use f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? MU=Mixed-Use g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? The Riverbend Gateway Development.Site as well as the entirety of the Riverbend Goff Complex is designated Urban Conservancy Open Space. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an"environmentally sensitive" area? If so,specify. The Green River is a shoreline of state-wide significance located along the western and southern sides of the Riverbend Golf site, Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: 8174.00 Page-76 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services - Environmental Checklist-Page 18 a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas;what is the principal exterior building material(s)proposed? The tallest height at the podium building will be approximately 65 feet at the canted roof overhangs. High quality exterior cladding will be used throughout the development.Cladding will endure the northwest climate and have a contemporary look to complement the project which may include, but not be limited to, steel, glass, exposed concrete, aluminum storefronts, longboard wood soffit and siding, cementitious panels and accent green screens. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Views will not be significantly impacted by proposed development. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic Impacts, if any; The project will undergo administrative design review by the City of Kent. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposals produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Light and glare will originate from building lighting and exterior lighting. Light will also be produced from vehicles using the site. These impacts would occur primarily in the evening and before dawn. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Not to our knowledge. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? The Russell Road Sports Complex is located about 1/2 mile to the north of the Rlverbend Gateway Development Site. Baseball and - softball field lights from this facility may slightly impact future development~ d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: 5174.00 Page-77 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM (King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist-Page 19 Compliance with applicable City of Kent regulations. 12. Recreation a. What designated.and Informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? The Green River Trail is located around the southern and western edge of the site;the Riverbend par-3 course Is currently located on the Riverbend Gateway Development Site; the 18- hole Golf Course is located north of the site along West Meeker Street; Riverbend golf driving range and mini-golf are immediately east of the Riverbend Gateway Development.Site. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so,describe. The contemplated actions will allow for redevelopment of the Riverbend Gateway Development Site that will displace the 24- acre, par-3 golf course. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if.any. Although not a part of the proposal, we understand the City intends to replace some of the function of the existing golf course elsewhere. Even though the project complies with onsite open space requirements to off-set Impacts of new residents, a pedestrian path will be provided along the Green River creating a pleasant recreation opportunity. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on,or proposed for,national,state or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None are known. Per the Washington State Department of Archaeology& Historic Preservatlon's online database at httas:/!fortress wa aovidaholwisaard/, no.places or objects associated with the Riverbend Golf site are.identified. Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-78 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist—Page 24 b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological,scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None are known. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any. During future development activities, should archaeological materlaIs (e.g. bones, shell, stone tools, beads, ceramics, old bottles, hearths, etc,) or human remains be.observed during project activities,all work In the immediate.vicinity will stop to allow for consultation with state and tribal archaeological officials. 14. Transportation - a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The site will be served by West Meeker Street a Minor Arterial Site access is proposed via two 36'wide driveways constructed to City standards. Appropriate street widening and center TWLTL are also contemplated. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not,what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Metro bus routes 158 and 159 serve West Meeker Street in the site vicinity. c, How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The completed project will contain approximately 750 parking stalls, tentatively comprised of.240 structured parking stalls and 510 surface and carport parking stalls.The exact number of parking stalls will be determined at the time of building permit. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe(indicate whether public or private): As part of the project development,access modifications along West Meeker Street at the project entrances will be constructed. Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-79 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist—Page 21 The City of Kent is considering additional ROW improvements along the West Meeker Street frontage In accordance with the Meet Me on Meeker plan presently in the conceptual design phase. e. Will the project use(or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail, or air transportation? If so,generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? if known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. The site development is projected to generate 3,017 net new average daily trips to the City street grid. During the PM peak hour 223 net new peak hour trips are projected. See attached Trip Generation spreadsheet. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, If any. Developer will construct site accesses to City standards Including a TWLTL on West Meeker Street, street frontage Improvements, and payment of applicable City TIF appropriately adjusted to reflect. Internal shared trips per NCHRP 684 Internal Capture Estimation Tool;see attached data. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example; fire protection,police protection, health care, schools,other)? If so, generally describe. Yes, the project would result in an increased need for public services inclusive of fire protection,police protections,health care and schools. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. The project will work with the city to mitigate impacts to public services through the prescribed methods outlined in City of Kent ordinances.The project will also pay relevant impact fees to offset such potential impacts. 16. Utilities Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-80 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PNI King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist—Page 22 a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas er refuse service, telephone, sanita se Sep i tertT o 'er. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utilities providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity, which might be needed. City water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage lines are located along West Meeker Street and Russell Road South. A 24" hang County Metro sanitary sewer line, a 12"City of Kent water line and a 15" storm sewer line provides ample capacity to serve a future mixed use development at the Riverbend Gateway Development Site. Other utilities necessary to serve future redevelopment of the Riverbend Gateway Development Site will be the responsibility of the future owner. C. SIGNATURE The above ans s are and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand tl le ag ncy is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: Date: rl 1.4 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-81 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist—Page 23 DO NOT USE THIS SHEET FOR PROJECT ACTIONS D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS Because these questions are very general, it may helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal,would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water, emission to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: 2. How would the proposal be.likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life? 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: 4, How,would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands,floodplains, or prime farmlands? Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-82 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA EVALUATION FOR City of Kent Planning Services AGENCY USE ONLY Environmental Checklist—Page 24 Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether-it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s)are: Z. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. P:\Planning\ADMIN\FORMS\SEPA\SEPA_CHECKUST.doc (REVISED 12/08) Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-83 of 101 Record Date:3/1 4/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA KENT - CITY OF KENT DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Environmental Checklist No. ENV-2017-4 Project: Riverbend Mixed Use Development RPSW-2170281 Description: On May 4, 2017,the City preliminarily approved an eight-lot short subdivision of a 24-acre parcel containing portions of the City of Kent's Riverbend Golf Complex. The applicant proposes to develop five of the newly-created parcels at the western portion of the site with a mixed-use complex Including approximately 12,000 square feet of commercial_retail and restaurant space and 492 residential apartment units in 23 separate buildings, with associated parking areas and amenities. The existing par 3 golf course and concessions building will be removed. The proposed development Includes two six-story, approximately 125,644 square foot mixed use buildings containing structured parking, mixed retail and restaurant space, and 120 apartment units each, and 21 three-story, approximately 10,200 square foot residential structures containing 12 apartment units each.An interior roadway will access Meeker Street via two driveways. Installation of paved multi-use pathways accessing the Green River Trail and trailhead parking facilities is also being proposed. Portions of the site are within the Green River Shoreline Master Program area. The applicant proposes to enter Into a binding Development Agreement with the City of Kent establishing the terms, conditions, and mitigation measures for the proposed development in accordance with the provisions of Kent City Code 15.08.450. A final draft of this agreement, which includes terms relating to requested departures from the requirements in Kent City Code, design and development conditions, applicable Impact Fees and substantial permitting fees, and other aspects of the proposed development has been reviewed by City staff and the City's SEPA official as part of this proposal. Final approval of a development agreement is to be granted by resolution of the Kent City Council at a public hearing. The property is located at 2030 West Meeker Street, Is Identified as King County Assessor parcel numbered 2322049011, and Is zoned GC-MU, General Commercial - Mixed Use. Applicant: Brett Jacobsen, FNW, Inc., 2711 West Valley Hwy N. #200,Auburn, WA 98001, 253-333-6789; Agent: Jessica Clawson, 701 51" Ave #6600, Seattle, WA 98104, 206-812- 3378, jclawson@mhseattle.com. Lead Agency CmrOF KEivr The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse Impact on the.environment. An environmental impact statement(EIS)Is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other Information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-84 of 101 Record Datc:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Determination of Nonsignificance Riverbend Mixed Use Development #ENV-2017.4/#RPSW-2170281 There is no comment period for this DNS. X This DNS is Issued under 197-11-340(2). The lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of this decision; this constitutes a 14-day comment period. Comments must be submitted by 4:30 p.m., 3uly 14, 2017. This DNS is subject to appeal pursuant to Kent City Code section. 11,03.520. Responsible Official _Charlene Anderson Position/Title LonsLRanae_Planning Manager/ SEPA OFFICIAL Address 220 Fourth Avenue South. Kent, WA 98032 Telephone (253) 856-5431 Dated June 30, 2017 Signature APPEAL PROCESS: AN APPEAL OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) MUST BE MADE TO THE KENT HEARING EXAMINER WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS FOLLOWING THE END OF THE COMMENT PERIOD PER KENT CITY CODE 11.03.520. CONDITIONS/MITIGATING MEASURES: NONE IGict SAPermrll OMENV1201 712 1 702al—Arvereend ONS.&C 2 of 2 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-85 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING SERVICES KEiVT Matt Gilbert, AICP, Current Planning Manager Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REPORT Decision Document RIVERSEND SHORT PLAT and MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT AKA MARQUEE ON. MEEKER ENV-2017-4 / RPSW-2170281 SP-2017-1 / RPSS-2170221 SMA=2017-1 / RPSP-.2171437 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Responsible Official: Charlene Anderson, AICP Staff Contact: Jason Garnham, Planner I. PROPOSAL On May 4, 2017, the City preliminarily approved an eight-lot short subdivision of a 24-acre parcel containing portions of the City of Kent's Riverbend Golf Complex. The applicant proposes to develop five of the newly-created parcels at the western portion of the site with a mixed-use complex Including approximately 12,000 square feet of commercial retail and restaurant space and 492 residential apartment units in 23 separate buildings, with associated parking areas and amenities. The existing par 3 golf course and concessions building will be removed. The proposed development includes two six-story; approximately 125,644 square foot mixed-use buildings containing structured parking, mixed retail and restaurant space, and 120 apartment units each, and 21 three-story, approximately 10,200 square foot residential structures containing 12 apartment units each. An interior roadway will access Meeker Street via two driveways. Installation of paved multi- use pathways accessing.the Green River Trall and trailhead parking facilities is also being proposed. Portions of the site are within the Green River Shoreline Master Program area. The applicant proposes to enter Into a binding Development Agreement with the City of Kent establishing the terms, conditions, and mitigation measures for the proposed development in accordance with the provisions of Kent City. Code 15.08.450. A final draft of this agreement, which includes terms relating to requested departures from the requirements in Kent City Code, design and development conditions, phasing, applicable impact fees and substantial permitting fees, and other aspects of the proposed development has been reviewed.by City staff and the City's SEPA Responsible Official as part of this SEPA analysis. Final approval of a development agreement would be granted by resolution- of the Kent City Council after holding a public hearing. - Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-86 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Decision Document Rlverbend/ Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-M 7-4/RPSW-217o281 The property is located at 2030 West. Meeker St. and is identified as King County Assessor parcel number 2322049011. II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Compliance with Kent's Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 4163), the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), The Local Project Review Act (ESHB 1724 and ESB 6094), Kent's Construction Standards (Ordinance 3944) and. Concurrency Management (Chapter 12.11, Kent City Code) will require concurrent improvements or the execution of binding agreements by the Applicant/Owner with Kent to mitigate identified environmental impacts. These improvements and/or agreements may Include improvements to roadways, intersections and intersection . traffic signals, stormwater detention, treatment and conveyance, utilities, sanitary sewerage and domestic water systems. Compliance with Kent"s Construction Standards may require the deeding/dedication of right-of-way for Identified improvements. Compliance with Title 11.03 and 11.06 of the Kent City Code may require the conveyance of Sensitive Area Tracts to the City of Kent in order to preserve trees, regulate the location and density of development based upon known physical constraints such as.steep and/or unstable slopes or proximity to lakes, or to maintain or enhance water quality. Compliance with the provisions of Chapter 6.12 of the Kent City Code may require provisions for mass transit adjacent to the site. In addition to the above, Kent follows revisions to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 197-11 WAC (effective November 10, 1997), which implements ESHB 1724 and ESB 6094, and rules which took effect on May 10, 2014 in response to 2ESSB 6406 passed by the State Legislature In 2012. III. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS A. Earth The portion of the subject site that is contemplated for development is generally flat, however, there is an approximate 25% slope up from the northwestern edge of the site along West Meeker Street, and slopes of up to 30% are located along the banks of the Green Rivera According to a Preliminary Site Condition Summary prepared by Zipper Geo Associates, dated December 20, 2016, the on-site soils consist of young alluvial deposits consisting of silt and sand. with localized deposits of compressible organic-rich soils. The Natural Resources Conservation Service maps the site as containing soils meeting. the Urban Land category (Ur). The site soils have a .high potential for llquefactlon and the site is considered a seismic hazard by the City of Kent. Preliminary analysis by Zipper Geo Associates indicates that settlement of soils may be expected across the site from a seismic event but can be mitigated by supporting the buildings on pilings or by completing ground Page 2 of 15 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-87 of 101 Record Datc:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Decision Document Riverbend/Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPS W-2170281 improvement through the use of stone columns or aggregate piers. Lateral deformation due to a seismic event is anticipated to be negligible and can also be mitigated through ground. improvement and building foundation design. Structural fill Is proposed to be imported and placed within the building footprints, below new pavement and hardscape surface areas, and within utility trenches and Infiltration facilities to provide the needed structural support. According to the environmental checklist submitted by the applicant, no surface indicators of significant instability of the slopes adjoining the Green River have been observed, however, areas of localized erosion of sandy soils are present but discontinuous. The Green River levee separates the Flat areas of the site proposed for development from the Green River and Its adjoining slope areas. An estimated 1000 cubic yards of cut and 87,000 cubic yards of fill material will be used to prepare the site for development. Cut will be utilized onsite if possible, and any fill will be from an approved source. The applicant is required to submit and receive approval of a Detailed Grading Plan and a Temporary Erosion / Sedimentation Control Plan meeting the requirements of the City of Kent. Construction Standards and the City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual from the City for the entire development. The applicant is required to submit and receive approval of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) from the City of Kent, prior to issuance:of Civil Construction or clearing and grading approval. The SWPPP will meet all the requirements of the Department of Ecology National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP). The applicant is required to obtain an NPDES permit coverage letter from DOE under the Construction Stormwater General Permit. The Applicant will submit a copy of the coverage letter to the City of Kent prior to issuance of civil construction or clearing and grading permits. The construction site shall meet_ all the requirements of the Department of Ecology National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP). Portions of the Green River levee; a City of Kent facility designed and constructed to minimize flooding of developed areas by the Green River, are located on the subject site. The City of Kent Public Works department is responsible for maintaining the levee- in cooperation with the King County'Flood Control District. Kent Public Works staff stated that portions of the levee located on the subject site will be raised to a 500-year flood protection level at an undetermined time In the future, and condItlons of short plat *SP-2017-1 require that the levee, and its vicinity be placed in a separate tract or easement Page 3 of 15 Instrument Number: 2018031400084:5 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-88 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PNI King County,WA Decision Document Riverbend/Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/11PSW-2170281 establishing City rights to or-reserving City ownership of the levee and its vicinity to access, maintain, or reconstruct the levee. B. Air Emissions typical of construction equipment may occur during construction. Equipment will be kept in good working condition to minimize air pollution. During periods of dry weather, watering down exposed soils, washing truck wheels before exiting the site and maintaining gravel construction entrances In accordance with the approved Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan will keep dust particle emissions to a minimum. . Following construction, emissions will be generated from vehicles entering and leaving the site. C. Water Surface The site is adjacent to the Green River, a shoreline of statewide significance, and all parts of the site located within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of the Green River are within shoreline jurisdiction. Development within the shoreline jurisdiction area is subject to the regulations of the City of Kent Shoreline Master Program, which is discussed In greater detail in Section H, below, As proposed, those portions of the development that are located within the shoreline jurisdiction areas generally comply with the City of Kent Shoreline Master Program regulations. Ground The applicant shall protect groundwater recharge quantity through incorporating best management practices included in the City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual in order to infiltrate storm water runoff to the maximum extent practical. Water Runoff All stormwater runoff from the proposed development will be collected onsite and conveyed to the City stormwater system located in West Meeker Street, which ultimately discharges to the Green River Natural Resources Area, an existing City regional stormwater facility which will provide flow control and water quality treatment from.the development of lots 1-5 as shown on the conceptual development plans submitted with the preliminary short plat application. A downstream analysis conducted by Anchor Environmental Consultants conciuded that the existing downstream conveyance systems north of West Meeker Street experience minor flooding for the 25-year recurrence Interval storm, and the un-attenuated flows from the .developed Project site will exacerbate this condition. However, the City is scheduled to perform maintenance on the storm drainage system north of West Meeker Street, which will remove accumulated sediment and. re-establish the conveyance capacity of the system. The downstream analysis conducted by Anchor Environmental Consultants confirms that, with Page 4 of 15 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-89 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Decision Document Riverbend/Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPS W-2170281 the maintenance, the minor flooding will decrease substantially in the post-developed condition. The proposed project will require Full drainage review. The Applicant shall develop and submit drainage plans and a TIR as specified in the "2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual" and the "1998 King County Surface. Water Design Manual" for this type of drainage review. This site is located within the Valley Regional Detention flow control area and the Green River Natural Resource Area water quality area, and will comply with the requirements for those specific areas. D. Plants The portions of the site that are proposed for development - Lots 1 through 5 of the proposed short plat - are currently developed with a golf course facility and are vegetated with grasses and landscaping. A number of deciduous and evergreen trees are located throughout the site, many of which are proposed to be retained during development, Those portions of the site located along the Green River are Impacted by the Green River levee, which was reconstructed in 2008. Vegetation on and adjacent to the levee consists primarily of grasses and shrubs. Revegetation work and removal of noxious weeds along the riverbank has been undertaken by the King County Flood Control District and the City of Kent Public Works department as part of plans to mitigate for the impacts of levee construction in this and other areas. Landscaping comprised of a mix of trees, shrubs, and groundcover will be required to be provided along the perimeter of the site and around parking areas and buildings according to the standards of Kent City - Code and the Downtown Design Guidelines. Frontage landscaping will be installed by the applicant within the Meeker Street public right of way and will be maintained for the life of the development by the property owner, per the terms of the Development Agreement between the developer and the City. E. Animals According to the.SEPA checklist provided by the applicant, threatened Chinook (Onchorynchus tschwyscha), Steelhead (O.mykiss) and possibly Bull Trout (Salvenlinus confluentus) may be found in the Green River adjacent to the project site. Many species of anadromous salmon, including those listed, use the Green River as a migration corridor. The site is also within the Pacific Flyway for migratory birds, as,is much of the Puget Sound region. Karen Walter, of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, commented in an email dated February 10, 2017 that exterior lighting of buildings, parking areas, or trail facilities has the potential to produce glare or light spillage that would adversely affect_migrating juvenile salmon. A lighting plan showing the type and location of lighting fixtures and resulting illumination in foot candles; and demonstrating that proposed lighting will not Impact the river or its embankments, will be required Page S of 15 instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-90 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Decision Document Riverbend/.Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPSW-2170281 to be submitted with building plans prior to construction permit approval. No lighting of the Green River Trail or of shoreline areas is currently proposed. Impacts to threatened and migratory wildlife are anticipated to be minimal, as no work is proposed to occur within or adjacent to the Green River. Most of the proposed development will take place landward of the Green River,levee and more than 200 feet from the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of the Green River and, thus, outside of Shoreline Master Program jurisdiction. Work proposed within the Shoreline area Is limited to development of three pedestrian pathways and associated trallhead parking facilities connecting the site - an&sidewalks on West Meeker Street to the Green River Trail, an existing City of .Kent park facility. Retention of significant trees, planting of new trees, and provision of landscaping associated with the development will preserve or improve wildlife habitat in the area. F. Energy and Natural Resources Natural gas will be used for heating, and electricity will be used for lighting and general energy needs: Building design to meet current Washington State Energy Code standards will help to minimize energy consumption. G. Environmental Health City data show the Average Daily Traffic Volume on. Meeker Street Is currently greater than 15,000. Noise from vehicles traveling along West Meeker Street may impact residents of the future development, although sensitivity to the location of the residential uses on the property may alleviate some of the noise impacts. Some temporary , noise will occur during construction due to the use of construction equipment and machinery. Hours of construction and noise levels will comply with Kent City Code. Mufflers will be required on all vehicles with combustion engines and vehicle idling time will be minimized during construction activities. According to the Tacoma Smelter Plume searchable map found at: https:llfortress.wa govlecy/smeltersearch/, the site is shown to be in an area where soil arsenic levels range from non-detected to 20 parts per, million. The State Department 'of Ecology recommends soil sapling for properties In areas with estimated arsenic levels above the state cleanup level of 20 parts per million. G. Land and shoreline Use Land Use The western portion of the site is currently developed with a per 3 golf course that is a portion of the Riverbend Golf Complex, a City of Kent Parks and Recreation facility. An 1,800 square foot concessions building and the par 3 golf course are proposed to be demolished. Rezoning and subdivision-of the property, and sale of the par 3 golf . Page 6 of 15 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-91 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PNI King Count,WA Decision Document Riverbend%Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPSW-2170281 course portion of the site as a City surplus property, were evaluated by the City through completion of a SEPA environmental checklist In 2014 (ENV-2014-22). On May 4, 2017, the City approved an eight-lot short subdivision of the site. An 18-hole golf course and clubhouse is located across West Meeker Street and north of the site. An exception area of 1.7-acres and separate parcel - identified as King County Assessor parcel number 16999S0000 - is located between Lots 4 and 5 of the approved short plat and east of the proposed mixed-use development and contains an apartment complex known as the Colony Park Apartments. Properties to the south and west are located across the Green River from the subject site and are comprised of vacant land and Old Fishing Hole Park, a City of Kent recreation facility. The subject site is zoned GC-MU, General Commercial - Mixed Use, and.has a comprehensive plan land use designation of MU - Mixed Use. Kent City Code 15.04,200 requires residential development in GC-MU zoning districts to Include a minimum of 5.percent of gross floor area as a principally permitted commercial use. Through the terms of the binding Development Agreement between the developer and the City of Kent, the applicant will construct approximately half of the commercial space required by code - approximately 12,000 square feet and 2.5 percent out of the total development - in exchange for constructing and maintaining frontage improvements within the West Meeker Street public right of way. The developer will also construct and maintain public trail facilities of a design and quality that exceeds minimum standards and visually enhances nearby public areas, as substantially shown In conceptual plans provided for the development agreement. Kent City Code 15.08.450 establishes that departures from the development regulations and standards of the code may be offset by providing a benefit to the City of equal or greater value relative to the departure requested, as determined by the City. Shoreline Use The site is adjacent to the Green River, a shoreline of statewide significance, and all parts of the site located within 200 feet of,the ordinary high water mark of the Green River are within shoreline jurisdiction. Development within the shoreline jurisdiction area is subject to the regulations of the City of Kent Shoreline Master Program. The shoreline environmental designation of the portions of the.site that are within shoreline jurisdiction is Urban Conservancy - Open. Space. The purpose of the Urban Conservancy- - Open Space environment is to protect and restore ecological functions in urban and developed settings while allowing public access and a variety of park and recreation uses. Subdivision of land is permitted within the Urban Page 7 of 15 Instrument Number: 2018031400084- Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-92 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King Count-,WA Decision Document Riverbend/Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPSW-2170281 Conservancy - Open Space shoreline environment only where it is determined by the City to be for a public purpose. Conceptual development plans submitted with the short plat application demonstrate that development of the proposed lots in accordance with the shoreline master program regulations is feasible. All of the lots In the proposed short plat contain substantial developable area that is more than 200 feet from the OHWM of the Green River and, thus, outside of the shoreline jurisdiction. Any facilities to be developed within the shoreline area shail be In accordance with the shoreline master program. Review and approval of a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit application will be required prior to construction of any improvements within the shoreline jurisdiction area. A Shoreline Substantial Development Permit application was submitted to the City on April 19, 2017 for review of paved trail and parking facility improvements proposed within the shoreline area on the site (SMA-2017-1, KIVA *RPSP-2171437). Recreation-oriented trail and parking facilities are permitted uses in the Urban Conservancy - Open Space shoreline - designation area. I. Aesthetics Two mitred-use buildings, each comprised of four stories of residential apartments atop two stories of structured parking and 6,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space, will be oriented along West Meeker Street and the northern portion of the site. They are separated from each other and from West Meeker Street by a pedestrian pathway and plaza area designed for pedestrian use and outdoor restaurant space. Buildings, landscaping, and paved pathways provide visual and public pedestrian connection between the proposed buildings, the sidewalk along the southern edge of West Meeker Street, and the Green River Trail and shoreline area. Twenty-one urban-style walkup buildings, three stories and approximately 35 feet in height and containing 12 apartment units each, are proposed to be located between the podium buildings and the Green River in a manner that preserves views of and minimizes visual impacts on the shoreline area and Green River Trail. by having a reduced appearance of scale and allowing integration of landscaping and retention of existing trees. Parking areas with carports and an interior roadway providing vehicular access between the buildings and West Meeker Street are located between the buildings, minimizing visual impacts from these facilities on adjacent public areas. Parking areas located near the perimeter of the site will be fenced and landscaped according to the requirements in Kent City Code and the Downtown Design Guidelines. Comments were received by City staff on February 12, 2017 via email from Mary Ann Hopkins, manager of the Colony Park Apartments, expressing concern about the visual impacts of the proposed development and requesting provision of fencing and landscaping to Page 8 of 15 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-93 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Decislon Document Riverbend%Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPS W-217028 i buffer the potential impacts of lights, vehicles, and improvements on theexisting residents. Building setbacks and landscaping and fencing requirements will be applied to the project to buffer the adjacent properties and shoreline areas from the aesthetic impacts of the proposed buildings, roadways, and parking areas. Existing trees are proposed for retention where feasible to buffer the visual impacts of the proposed development on the residents of the existing Colony Park Apartments. The development is subject to the requirements in the City of Kent Downtown Design Guidelines, which emphasize site plan, landscaping, and architectural design that utilizes high-quality materials and finishes and is safe, functional,. and attractive for pedestrians and other users. Submittal and City approval of a Downtown Design Review application will be required prior to issuance of construction permits. As stated in the Development Agreement, the project shall be designed and constructed substantially as shown In the conceptual plans and renderings submitted to the City and included as Attachment 3 of that agreement. These conceptual plans demonstrate that the proposed development will generally comply with the City of Kent Downtown Design Guidelines by providing: • Safe and attractive pedestrian areas within the site and connecting with public sidewalks and recreation facilities • High quality finish materials for buildings such as brick, wood, concrete panels, and steer • Ample ground-level fenestration and weather protection in buildings • Building design including modulation, material and color variation, overhanging eaves and balconies • High, quality and attractive landscaping, lighting fixtures, site furnishings, planters, and other amenities • Usable and attractive semi-private on-site recreation space including features such as covered seating, gaming, and active recreation areas The applicant will also construct a paved pathway, landscaping, lighting, crosswalks, and center medians within the West Meeker Street public right of way, and maintain them for the life of the project; per the terms of the Development Agreement. The fixtures, landscaping, and paving associated with this agreement will be of a design and quality that will improve the aesthetic value of the proposed development and its vicinity and improve safety and attractiveness for pedestrians and motorists on West Meeker Street. 3. Light and Glare Lighting will be installed on the exterior of the buildings, in parking and landscaping areas, along proposed pedestrian pathways, and along the sidewalk to be constructed by the applicant along West Page 9 of 15 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-94 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PNI King County,WA Decision Document Riverbend/Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/R PSW-2170281 Meeker Street. Lighting fixtures shall be designed and located so as to avoid undue glare or reflection of light onto adjoining properties or the public right-of-way In accordance with KCC 15.05.090.G and ., Building glass will be of a non-glare type. Perimeter iandscaping and fencing will further minimize glare and reflection of light onto streets and adjacent properties. As described in Section III.E, above, Karen Walter of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe provided comments on February 10, 2017 that included a recommendation to design and locate artificial lighting to avoid impacts to juvenile salmon in the Green River. A lighting plan showing the location and specifications. for proposed lighting. and the resulting illumination in foot candles will be required to be submitted with construction plans and will be reviewed by City staff. Lighting impacts on the Green River shall be avoided, accordingly. K. Recreation The site is east of and across the Green River from the Old Fishing Hole, a City of Kent park facility for youth fishing access, and is.across West Meeker Street and south of the 18-hole Riverbend Golf Course, also a City of Kent park facility. Portions of the City of Kent Riverbend Golf Complex including a mini-golf course, driving range, and an accessory concessions and shelter building are located on lots 6 - 8 of the approved short plat, east of the proposed development. The applicant received preliminary approval of a proposed short plat on May 4, 2017, (SP-2017-1; KIVA #RPSS-2170221) creating parcels that would maintain City ownership of these park facilities. Portions of the Green River Trail, a 19.6-mile paved multi-use path along the banks of the Green and,Duwamish Rivers between Kent and Tukwila, are located along the southern and western perimeter of the project site and atop the Green River levee. This portion of the Green River Trail is a public recreation facility that is currently owned and maintained by the City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department. Plans submitted with the preliminary short plat application show this portion of the Green River Trail to be in private ownership where it lies within the proposed Lots 2, .4, and S. Conditions of the short plat require that the Green River Trail and its vicinity be placed in a separate tract or easement to establish clear City ownership of, and public access to, this recreation facility. The proposed development would displace the Par 3 portion of the Riverbend Golf Complex, a City of Kent Parks & Community Services facility, with a private mixed-use/ residential complex. Rezoning and subdivision of the property, and sale of the Par 3 golf course portion of the site as a City surplus property, were evaluated by the City through completion of a SEPA environmental checklist in 2014 (ENV-2014-22). A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued by the City's SEPA ofFiclal on July 19, 2014. The Kent City Council voted to approve the Page 10 of 15 Instrument Number: 20180344000845 Document:AG Rec: Sl 74.00 Page-95 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Decision Document Riverbend/Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPSW-2170281 rezoning of the site In preparation for future surplus and sale of the Par 3 golf course during the regularly scheduled meeting on August 19, 2014. Revenue from the sale will be used for Improvements and payment of debt for the 18-hole Riverbend Golf Course located across West Meeker Street from the proposed development. A purchase and sale agreement between the developer and the City transferring ownership of the five lots that are proposed for redevelopment after final short plat approval and recording of the lots with the King County Assessor - was approved by the Kent City Council in a regularly scheduled public meeting on May 2, 2617. The applicant proposes to construct a public multi-use path along the West Meeker Street project frontage_, three new paved pedestrian pathways connecting the West Meeker Street public right of way to the Green River Trail, and two public trailhead parking facilities. Comments were received from Melvin Roberts, Chair of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board, on February 10, 2017 requesting design of such facilities to accommodate safe passage. for bicyclists. Mr. Roberts provided recommendations pertaining to design of the West Meeker Street public right-of-way and of the paved trail connections onsite, which are being considered by the applicant and City of Kent planning and public works staff and, may be Incorporated into the final design and construction of such facilities. The City of Kent Downtown Design Guidelines require the provision of a network of semi-public and private open space in each residential or mixed-use development. Conceptual plans submitted for the Development Agreement show the on-site provision of semi-public facilities such as covered seating and outdoor cooking areas, gaming areas, and active fitness and recreation facilities such as a pool. Rooftop open space, shared courtyards, and private balconies are also shown on conceptual plans. A central plaza located between the two mixed-use podium buildings will be enclosed by outdoor restaurant seating areas and serve as the locus point for a pedestrian promenade connecting the West Meeker Street multi-use path/ sidewalk and the Green River. Furnishings, amenities, and landscaping will be provided to attract leisure and recreational activity.by residents and visitors. �. Historic and Cultural Preservation Comments were received from Gretchen Kaehler of the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) on February 9, 2017, stating that the project area has a high probability to contain historical archaeological resources, that the project area is less than 300 feet from previously recorded archaeological site, and that development of the Riverbend Golf Course may not have completely destroyed archaeological resources within the project area. The letter Includes the request for a professional archaeological survey to be conducted of the site prior,to ground disturbing activities. Page 11 of is Instrument Number: 201 8031 40008 15 Document:AG Rec: y174.00 Page-96 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Decision Document Riverbend/Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use development ENV-2017-4/RPSW-2170281 The applicant submitted on May 5, 2017 the Archaeological Survey of the Rlverbend Gateway Multi-Use Project Area, a report written by Michael Smith and Alexander Gall of Archaeological Services LLC and dated May 2, 2017.after completing a survey of the project site in March 2017. The report Includes a description and photographs of the field examinations that were conducted, states the,findfng that no archaeological resources were Identified in the project area, and supports the conclusion that there Is no basis to recommend further archaeological work on the site, provided that an inadvertent discovery plan Is in place during construction activities. This report was sent to DAHP staff and Muckleshoot Indian Tribe representatives on May 9, 2017. No further comments were received by City staff regarding this matter. Should archaeological materials (e.g. bones, shell, stone tools, beads, ceramics, old bottles, hearths, etc.) or human remains be observed during project activities, all work in the immediate vicinity should stop and the area secured. The State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and the City should be contacted immediately in order to help assess the situation and determine how to preserve the resource(s). Compliance with all applicable laws pertaining to archaeological resources and human remains (RCW 27.53, 27.44, 68.50 and WAC 25-48) Is required. M. Transportation The proposed development will access West Meeker Street, a Minor Arterial street, via two driveways connecting the public street with an interior roadway configured in a loop between the proposed buildings and in front of'the mixed-use podium buildings. This section of West Meeker Street is not fully constructed to current.street standards. The traffic analysis for the Project from Jake Traffic Engineering, Inc. provides recommendations for improving the turning movements for ingress and egress. The applicant shall provide adequate ingress and egress for the City's review with the civil construction plans. The City of Kent Is currently establishing revised design standards for the West Meeker Street corridor that seek to promote a broader mix and higher intensity of land uses and improve safety and attractiveness for pedestrians and bicyclists along the portions of West Meeker Street between the Green River and downtown Kent. While these standards have not yet been finalized or adopted, the developer will be required.to construct street improvements in the West Meeker Street right-of-way adjacent to the development substantially in conformance with these standards. Conceptual plans provided by the applicant and a consultant serving the City are included as Attachment 3 In the Development Agreement and show a single vehicular travel lane in each direction with a center turn lane interrupted at intervals by curbed planter strips located within the median, and a parallel -parking lane on the south edge of West Meeker Street along the Page 12 of 15 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-97 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Decision Document Rlverbend/-Marquee onMeeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPS W-2170281 project frontage. Curb bulb-outs designed to meet fire access and ADA requirements will provide a reduced pedestrian crossing distance between the paved multi-use path/ sidewalk to be constructed along the southern portion of the West Meeker Street public right-of-way and the existing sidewalk,located on the north edge of the street via raised concrete intersections designed to reduce the speed of approaching vehicles and increase the visual prominence of pedestrians utflizfig the crossing. This proposed development will add an estimated 226 PM peak hour trips to.the public street system, based. on the traffic report provided by the applicant and reviewed by City engineering staff. It has been determined that the proposed development will cause incremental impacts to the regional and local transportation systems. The proposed project will be assessed.Transportation Impact Fees at the time of building permit issuance in accordance with City of Kent Ordinance #3992 and the terms of the Development Agreement. A portion of the Transportation Impact Fees that would be assessed for the proposed project under Kent City Code will be offset by development by the applicant of the right of way improvements within and along the West Meeker Street frontage as shown in conceptual plans, as discussed In the Development Agreement and described above. The Washington State Legislature created the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law In 1991 with the goals of reducing traffic congestion, air pollution and petroleum consumption. This law requires major employers to encourage thelr employees to use commute alternatives such as transit, carpools, bicycles, walking, compressed work weeks, telecommuting, and Flexible work schedules to reduce drive alone commute trips during the peak congestion periods. The City addresses the transit alternative by requiring that the applicant accommodate the needs for transit as expressed. by King County Metro Transit. There is a King County Metro Transit bus stop located on West Meeker Street adjacent to the northeast portion of the site, serving Metro bus ,routes 15.8, 159, 166, and 183. Comments were received from Metro staff indicating that Rapid bus service will be provided at this stop in the future. The applicant is relocating the existing bus stop and will be required to provide sidewalk area sufficient for full ADA accessibility for front -door boarding, rear door alightings and .pedestrian circulation,. and Installation.of shelter and litter receptacle footings at the back of the sidewalk, per Metro specifications. KC Metro will subsequently provide, install, and maintain the bus stop shelter and litter receptacle accordingly. N. Public Services The proposed development will have incremental impacts on .police, fire, medical and emergency, schools, and other public services in proportion to the increase in the number of residents and amount of commercial activity. Fire impact fees and school impact fees will be Page 13 of 15 Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: 5174.00 Page-98 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Decision Document Riverbend/Marquee.on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPSW-2170281 required of this development per KCC 12.13 and 12.15, to be paid at the time of building permit issuance and as stated in the Development Agreement, O_. Utilities Water, sewer, storm, electricity, telephone, cable, natural gas, and solid waste services are available. to the site. The applicant is responsible for contacting each agency separately for more information. Water service for the proposed development will be provided by connecting to an existing City of Kent water line located in West Meeker Street. The water supply may be Inadequate to provide required fire suppression, and the applicant may need to incorporate additional measures to ensure adequate supply for fire suppression purposes. The applicant shall demonstrate that adequate fire flow will be available to serve any proposed development on the site per the applicable fire codes. This analysis will be.provided in conjunction with review of civil construction permits. Sewer service for the proposed development is proposed via a connection to the West Hill Trunk, a King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) sewer main located in West Meeker. Street immediately adjacent to the site. Connection to this main requires permission from WTD; Design and construction drawings must be submitted to King County Wastewater`Treatment Division staff for review and approval prior to construction. Comment letters from King County staff were received on February 9, 2017 and on May 8, 2017 Informing City of Kent staff and the applicant of King County WTD jurisdiction and review. IV. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION A. Per WAC 197-11-660 and RCW 43.21C.060, the City of Kent may establish conditions to mitigate any identified impacts associated with this proposal. The following supporting documents serve as possible bases for any conditions and mitigating.measures: 1. City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, as prepared and adopted pursuant to the State Growth Management Act. 2. The State Shoreline. Management Act and the Kent Shoreline Master Program. 3. Kent City Code Section 7.07;Surface Water and Drainage Code. 4. City of Kent Transportation Plan, Green River Valley Transportation action plan and current Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. 5. Kent City Code Section 7.09, Wastewater Facilities Plan. 6. City of Kent Comprehensive Water Plan and Conservation Element. 7. Kent City Code Section 6.02, Required Public Improvements. Page 14 of 15 Instrument Number: 2018031.1000845 Document:AG Rec: 5174.00 Page-99 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA Dedsion Document Riverbend/Marquee on Meeker Mixed-Use Development ENV-2017-4/RPS W-2170281 8. Kent City Code Section 6,07, Street Use Permit Requirements. 9. Kent City Code Section 14.09, Flood Hazard Protection. 10. Kent City Code Section 12.04, Subdivision Code. 11. Kent City Code Section 12.05, Mobile Home Parks and Section 12.06, Recreation Vehicle Parks. 12. Kent City Code Section 8.05, Noise Control. 13. City of Kent International Building and Fire Codes. 14. Kent City Code Section 15, Kent Zoning Code. 15. Kent City Code Section 7.13, Water Shortage and Emergency Regulations, and Water Conservation Ordinance 2227. 16. Kent City Code Section 6.03, Improvement Plan Approval and Inspection Fees. 17. Kent City Code Section 7.05, Storm and Surface Water Drainage Utility. 18. City of Kent Comprehensive Sewer Plan. 19. City of Kent Fire Master Plan. 20. Kent City Code Section 11.06, Critical Areas. It is recommended that a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) be issued for this project. KENT PLANNING SERVICES Jun 217 JG\ct\5:\Permlt\Pian\ENV\2017\Riverbend\2170281_2017-4_RiverbendENV dci eeon3-QINAL.d e Page is of is Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: $174.00 Page-100 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Print on Cherry-Colored Paper Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director Originator: Kurt Hanson/Tom Brubaker .Phone (Originator).,vr, /X5782 Date Sent:8/23/17 Date'Required:8/23/17 Return Signed Document to:Cheryl Rolcik-Wilcox Contract Termination Date:8/23/27 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: (Only required on contracts Marquee on Meeker tLC fi�la 20 000 and over or on any Grant DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 8/15/17 Date Risk Manager Notified: Re uired on Won-crty Standard Contracts ieemerits =AuthoHzed'in Document been Specificall Account Number: the Budget? YES: NO Brief Explanation of Document: Marquae on Meeker Project Development Agreement . KE Must Be Routed Through The Law Department AUG.763 2017 (This area to be completed by the Law D a nt) Reproved . Approval of.,Law Dept.: - Law DatdPWa . edT6 A5vyor!— V• yL Shaded Areas TO Be Completed By Administration Sty^aff p L c7f. E } I ry t{ YAI��IN' '���': r „fLl iC':f,11.ti a u i � t at -�'tns t �' f r °f,r;s k. �r�i� e " � JP }'F � 1 '. E` M1.�,. 5 1'�y i•nFl tY�;k�437�,. Vf41� �,`tjry�,�,`�• p� •'G ,.,1� .7/''`''+3� ,�+ E r_: r, ^TMv'rak'tw,fr'Y',, 7t};;` .,{ s p•`vv rA �ia, I. yry;,Y)M ."'" W, 1.iv' f �(• •' ,+k4�ir �yF• ,.sl�c��.l.rkt, it ,-den �. /rip- `..a311fC ..�'7•�'t�. :.rF�J'f 7.Sxls �em..ift ��.r�•'t',.'� ... 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Instrument Number: 20180314000845 Document:AG Rec: S174.00 Page-101 of 101 Record Date:3/14/2018 2:32 PM King County,WA IMAGE LIST FOR MARQUEE .ON MEEKER 'All image documents are on file with the City and will be retained in the City Clerk's Office as Forever records. • Map A 87Lot Short Plat (vicinity map/site plan) • Map B Riverbend Mixed Use.Development(vicinity map/site plan) • .TITLE-SHEET FOR ATTACHTMENT 3: Description of Project(Including design review, conceptual plan and elevations): Draft image of Riverbend Gateway Development Site Image, plans of Ground Floor Plans Image, plans of.Podium Level 2 Image, plans of Podium Level 3 Image, plans of Podium Level 4 - image, plans of Podium Level 5 Draft Image of elevations: Podium Draft Image of elevations:Podium, Draft Image of elevations: Podium Draft Image of elevations: Podium Draft Image of elevations: Podium Draft Image of elevations: Podium Draft Image of the.Site Design. Image, plans of Urban Quad 1 Image, plans of Urban Quad 2 Image, plans of Urban Quad.3 Image, plans,of Urban Quad 4 Image, Building:.Urban Quad 1 Image, Building: Urban Quad 2 Image, Building: Urban Quad 3 Image,Attachment 3 Meet Me on Meeker Conceptual.Design Image,Attachment 3 Meet Me on Meeker Design Elements Pg. 1 Image,Attachment 3 Meet Me on Meeker Design Elements Pg. 2 Image;Attachment 3 Meet Me on Meeker Design Elements Pg. 3 Image,Attachment 3 Meet'Me on Meeker Design Elements Pg.4 Image,Attachment 3 Meet Me on Meeker Design Elements Pg. 5 Image,Attachment 3 Meet Me on Meeker Design Elements Pg. 6 • Image of Rive rbend Gateway Project Phasing Plan