HomeMy WebLinkAbout4337 ORDINANCE NO. 4337 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent City Code and the 2009 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards related to the City's "Meet Me on Meeker" project to incorporate the "Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards," previously adopted on December 12, 2017, through Ordinance No. 4262, and to establish and adopt a street design standard for the future relocation of Naden Avenue to connect Meeker Street with Willis Street. RECITALS A. On December 12, 2017, the Kent City Council adopted Ordinance No. 4262 and established design and construction standards that apply to development of properties that front or obtain access from Meeker Street along the Meeker Street Corridor from Kent-Des Moines Road on the west to Central Ave on the east. These development regulations are referred to as the "Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards." Although Ordinance No. 4262 provided at Section 2 that it was to be adopted and incorporated into the Kent City Code, the ordinance failed to expressly amend the code to formally accomplish that incorporation. This ordinance corrects that oversight. 1 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation 1 B. In addition to adopting the Meeker Street Streetscape Design I and Construction Standards into the Kent City Code, it is necessary to j incorporate them by reference into the 2009 City of Kent Design and i Construction Standards. This ordinance provides for that incorporation and includes other revisions that are necessary to properly apply the Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards and identify the geographical area to which they apply within the Meeker Street Corridor. C. At the time the Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards were adopted in 2017, the City had not formally evaluated the intended relocation of Naden Avenue from its current location to a new location further east that would allow for right-in/right- out access onto Willis Street and directly connect Willis Street with Meeker Street. Public Works staff has since developed a street design standard j plan that will apply to development around Naden Avenue and its eventual relocation. It is appropriate to amend the 2009 Design and Construction i Standards to incorporate that street design standard plan. D. Finally, this ordinance corrects a drafting error in the 2009 Design and Construction Standards concerning latecomer agreements. Although Section 1.16 of the Design and Construction Standards provides j that a latecomer agreement is a potential tool a developer may explore with the City to assist in offsetting costs associated with constructing water, drainage, sewer and street improvements, Section 1.16 only references the state statute concerning utility latecomer agreements (RCW 35.91.020), but not street latecomer agreements (RCW 35.72.010). This ordinance corrects that error. 3 E. On September 301 2019, the City notified the state Department of Commerce of this ordinance and its proposed development regulations and requested expedited review under RCW 36.70A.106. On 2 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds j To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation i October 1, 2019, the state Department of Commerce granted the City s expedited review. No comments were received. i F. On October 14, 2019, the City's Land Use and Planning Board considered the ordinance and recommended its adoption. i G. On October 15, 2019, the City's SEPA responsible official issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the code amendment. The 14-day no action period required by WAC 197-11-340 ended on October 29, 2019. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment - KCC 15.09.046. Section 15.09.046 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Downtown design review," is amended as follows: Sec. 15.09.046. Downtown design review—Downtown Design Review Guidelines and Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards. A. Purpose and scope. 1. Downtown design review is an administrative process, the purpose of which is to implement and give effect to the downtown subarea action plan and its policies or parts thereof. The idDowntown dDesign gGuidelines, adoptedas set Fe Ft" in subsection (D) of this section, apply to all development located within the downtown area, as shown on the map following this section, except as noted below: 3 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation a. Section 3 of the Downtown Design Guidelines, titled "Sidewalks and Streetscape Features," shall not apply to that portion of the downtown area that fronts Meeker Street; instead, the Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards adopted by Council through Ordinance No. 4262 on December 12, 2017, shall apply, as those standards may be amended from time to time. All other sections of the Downtown Design Guidelines still apply. It is the intent of the city that this process will serve to aid applicants in understanding the principal expectations of the city concerning development in the downtown area and encourage a diversity of imaginative solutions to development through the review and application of the dDowntown dDesign gGuidelines. These guidelines have been formulated to ensure that the design, siting, and construction of development will provide a quality pedestrian-oriented urban environment in a manner consistent with established land use policies, the comprehensive plan, and the zoning code of the city. 2. The adoption of the dDowntown dDesign gGuidelines is an element of the city's regulation of land use, which is statutorily authorized. The downtown design review process adopted herein is established as an administrative function delegated to the city's economic and community development department pursuant to RCW Title 35A. Therefore, in implementing the downtown design review process, the economic and community development director may adopt such rules and procedures as are necessary to provide for review of proposed projects. 3. All development within the downtown area, or within the GC, GC-MU, CC-MU, or MR-M zoning districts along the Meeker Street Corridor between 64th Avenue South and Kent-Des Moines Road, which roadway section is hereby classified a Class B pedestrian street, shall be subject to the Downtown Design Guideling1spFevisierrs ef this seetien. If development occurs within that portion of the Meeker Street Corridor that lies between 4 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation Kent-Des Moines Road on the west and Central Avenue on the east, it shall further comply with the Meeker Street Streetscape Design and i Construction Standards adopted by Council through Ordinance No. 4262, as those standards may be amended from time to time. 4. The downtown design review process is distinct from the multifamily design review process set forth in KCC 15.09.045(D). Applications for multifamily development within the DC, DCE, DCE-T, GC MU, CC-MU, MR-M, and MRT-16 zoning districts that are also within the I downtown area or along the Meeker Street Corridor between 64th Avenue I South and Kent-Des Moines Road shall be subject to this section. B. Application and review process. The downtown design review process is administrative and is conducted as part of the permit review process. The applicant must make application for the design review process on forms provided by the economic and community development department. Upon receipt of an application for design review, the economic and community development director shall circulate the application to the appropriate city departments and offices for review. Prior to issuing a final decision, the director shall review any comments submitted for consideration. In the administration of this process, the department may develop supplementary handbooks for the public, which shall pictorially illustrate and provide additional guidance on the interpretation of the criteria set forth in the downtown design guidelines. C. Design review committee. There is hereby established the downtown design review committee, which shall make all final decisions on applications for downtown design review as described in the Kent downtown design guidelines. The committee shall be comprised of three members, who shall be appointed by the economic and community development director under the authority delegated pursuant to RCW Title 5 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation 35A. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the director. The director shall, by administrative rule, establish the rules of procedure for the I committee, which shall be made available to the public upon publication. D. Downtown dDesign $Guidelines and Meeker Street Streetscape 1 Design and Construction Standards - Adoption. The downtown design E review committee shall use the dDowntown dDesign gGuidelines in the evaluation and/or conditioning of applications under the downtown design review process. The downtown design guidelines, entitled "Kent Downtown i Design Guidelines," are hereby adopted by this reference as authorized I pursuant to RCW 35A.12.140 and shall be placed on file in the offices of the city clerk and the economic and community development department. With respect to the Meeker Street Corridor from Kent-Des Moines Road to Central Avenue, development projects shall additionally comply with the Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards, adopted by Council through Ordinance No. 4262 on December 12, 2017, as may be amended. For those development projects within the downtown area identified in the map below and along the Meeker Street Corridor, the Downtown Design Guidelines are superseded with those for the Meeker Street Streetscape and Design and Construction Standards, and if there is a conflict between the two standards, the Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards will control. E. Appeals. The decision of the downtown administrative design review committee to approve, approve with conditions, or reject any application under the downtown design review process is final unless an appeal is made to the hearing examiner within 14 calendar days of either the issuance of the committee's approval or rejection of any application under this section. Appeals to the hearing examiner shall be conducted as set forth in Chapter 2.32 KCC. The decision of the hearing examiner shall be 6 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation i final, unless an appeal is made to the King County superior court, within 21 calendar days of the date of the issuance of the decision, pursuant to Chapter 36.70C RCW. ,g T > Smith Sty � ' rv7 If _ QWe St. It dil ra - � yya Kent Downtown Area SECTION 2, - Amendment - Section 1.6.A.1. of 2009 City of Kent; 4 Design and Construction Standards. Section 1.6.A.1. of the 2009 City of! i Kent Design and Construction Standards, entitled "General References," is i amended to formally incorporate the Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards," adopted by the City Council on December 12, 2017, through Ordinance No. 4262, as follows: 7 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation i SECTION 1: GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 1.6 REFERENCES All references herein shall be to the editions or versions in effect at the time a complete application for the required Permit is accepted by the City, unless a Developer is otherwise vested by applicable law. 1.6.A General References The Standards are intended to be consistent with the following Codes, Plans, Programs, Manuals, Guidelines, Laws and regulations. 1. Kent City Code, as amended, including: a. Title 6: Public Works b. Title 7: Utilities C. Title 8: Health and Sanitation d. Title 11: Environmental Management e. Title 12: Planning and Land Development f. Title 13: Fire Prevention and Protection g. Title 14: Buildings and Construction h. Title 15: Zoning 2. City of Kent Comprehensive Plan 3. City of Kent Subarea Plans 4. The State Shoreline Management Act and regulations adopted thereunder, RCW 90.58 and WAC 173-26 5. City of Kent Shoreline Management Master Program, KCC 11.04 6. City of Kent Capital Improvement Program 7. City of Kent Transportation Improvement Plan 8. City of Kent Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan 9. City of Kent Comprehensive Water Plan 10. City of Kent Storm Water Master Plan 11. City of Kent Transportation Master Plan 8 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation i 12. City of Kent Non-Motorized Transportation Plan 13. City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual 14. City of Kent Downtown Design Review Guidelines 15. City of Kent Meeker Street Streetscape Design and ` Construction Standards 16-1-5. International Building and Fire Codes 173-6. King County Flood Hazard Management Plan 18477. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and rules adopted thereunder i SECTION 3. - Amendment - Section 1.16 of 2009 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards. Section 1.16 of the 2009 City of Kent j Design and Construction Standards, entitled "Latecomers Agreements," is amended to allow the City to consider authorizing latecomers agreements for street improvements as follows: SECTION 1: GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 1.16 LATECOMERS AGREEMENTS Any Developer utilizing private funds to install domestic water, storm drainage, sanitary sewer and/or street improvements, including signalization and street lighting, to the City owned systems in accordance with these Standards may apply to the City to recover a prorated share of the cost of constructing said improvements from other properties that will later derive a benefit. The Developer may, at the discretion of the City, execute a latecomers agreement with the City per RCW 35.91.020 and RCW 35.72.010, et seq. for this future reimbursement. The Developer must request in writing to the Engineer that they want to execute a latecomers agreement with the City prior to the utility acceptance 9 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation by the City Council. A complete application must be received within 90 days of that acceptance. 1 SECTION 4. - Amendment - Section 1.18 of 2009 City of Kent; Design and Construction Standards. Section 1.18 of the 2009 City of Kent! Design and Construction Standards, entitled "Definitions and E Abbreviations," is amended as follows: SECTION 1: GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 1.18 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS When referring to these Standards the following definitions shall apply: i Meeker Street Corridor - The Meeker Street Corridor runs the length of Meeker Street from Kent-Des Moines Road on the west and Central Ave on the east. i Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards - Streetscape design standards that apply to those properties that front the Meeker Street Corridor and titled "Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standards," originally dated November 2017, and adopted by Council through Ordinance No. 4262 on December 12, 2017, as may be amended. The Meet Me on Meeker Street j Standards provide distinct design criteria that are required for the streetscape, including streets, sidewalks, medians, and crosswalks, { along the Meeker Street Corridor. See Section 6.4.13., Downtown Overlay District and Meeker Street Corridor. 10 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation i Downtown Overlay - A special planning district within the City of Kent, covering the geographic area described in Section 6.4.B. The Downtown Overlay implements the guidance related to streets and sidewalks in the as shown in the City of Kent Downtown Design Guidelines;. 2003 The Downtown Overlay standards are superseded by the Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards for that portion of the Downtown Overlay area fronting Meeker Street, whose crosswalks, medians, and streetscape features shall comply with the Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards. Additional design criteria are required for streets, developments, properties and projects within this area. See Section 6.4.C. Downtown Overlay Design Standards. SECTION 5. - Amendment - Section 6.4 of 2009 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards. Section 6.4. of the 2009 City of Kent; Design and Construction Standards, entitled "Street Design Standards," is i amended as follows: SECTION 6.0 STANDARDS FOR STREETS 6.4 STREET DESIGN STANDARDS 6.4.13 Downtown Overlay District, the Meeker Street Corridor, and Relocation of Naden Avenue South The Downtown Overlay District revises and adds additional criteria for the streets within the downtown area of Kent. This area is bounded by State Route 167 to the west, Cloudy Street to the north, Kennebeck, Clark, Jason, Titus and i i 11 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds; To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation i i Central Avenues to the east and Willis Street to the south. See KCC 15.09.046, Downtown Design Review. i Additionally, the Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards impose further design guidelines to the streetscape features, medians, and crosswalks for the Meeker Street Corridor bounded by Kent-Des Moines Road on the west and Central Avenue South on the east. For that portion of the Meeker Street Corridor that also falls within the Downtown Overlay, the Downtown Overlay District standards are superseded by the Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards with respect to the streetscapes, medians, and crosswalks within that corridor. - I Street cross sections within the Downtown eOverlay vary , from the typical street cross sections. See Standard Plans 6-8 through 6-10 and the following discussion for further information on sidewalks, Channelization, street lighting, and street furniture within the overlay. Within the Meeker Street Corridor, development of the property immediately east of existing Naden Avenue South, bounded by West Meeker Street to the north and Willis Street to the south, will require the relocation of existing Naden Avenue South to an area immediately west of the Interurban Trail and PSE right-of-way. This relocation will require the I construction of a right-in/right-out access onto Naden Avenue South from Willis Street and the construction of a roundabout on Naden Avenue South to serve the bordering properties and allow direct access between Meeker Street and Willis Street utilizing Naden Avenue South. Naden Avenue South j shall be relocated and constructed consistent with Standard j Plan 6-10b, and its termination at Meeker Street shall include streetscape and amenities on Meeker Street consistent with the Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards. 6.4.0 Downtown Overlay and Naden Avenue South Design Standards 12 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation i 1. Pedestrian Zones: This is the area from the face of the sidewalk to the property line or building face. Street furniture is allowed within this zone. A minimum clear width for pedestrians of 8' shall be maintained throughout the pedestrian zone. This minimum clear width for pedestrians is reduced to 6.5' for Naden t Avenue and shall be maintained throughout the pedestrian zone. 2. Planter/Streetscape Zones: This is the area from the back of curb to the face of sidewalk. Street furniture, street trees, landscape planters, street lights, traffic signs and pedestrian bollards are allowed within this zone. The minimum width of 4' shall be provided. I 3. Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be finished with 2' by 2' squares. The squares shall have an alternating brush finish (vertical, horizontal, and vertical, horizontal) and shall have a 2" smooth border tooled from the joint. See Standard Plan 6-36. 4. Crosswalks: Crosswalks within the Downtown Overlay District shall be 12' wide and comprised of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). The finish pattern shall be the same as for sidewalks. The crosswalk shall have a 1' smooth border. This border shall also extend from the mid-point of the corner to the inner intersection crosswalk border. No color shall be added to the material prior to placement. See Standard Plan 6-37. 5. Street Furniture: All street furniture shall be manufactured by Fairweather Bench Company in Port Orchard, Washington. Benches shall be made from 2" Schedule 40 pipe with steel straps. Steel shall conform to ASTM A36 hot rolled steel and shall be 13 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation i wheelabrated prior to fabrication. End frames shall be ductile j cast iron. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Benches with backs shall be model #PL-5, Plaza Series, surface mount, color Forest Green #RAL6009. Benches without backs shall be 8' in length with center frame model #PL-1.5, Plaza Series, and color Forest Green #RAL6009. Picnic tables shall be made i from 2" Schedule 40 pipe with steel straps. Steel shall conform to ASTM A36 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Picnic table shall be model #F-7 or#F-8 Plaza Series, surface l mount, color Forest Green #RAL6009. Trash receptacles shall be flared top trash receptacle with hinged dome top and 30- gallon galvanized liner, and shall be made from steel, and powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Model #TR-12, surface mount, color Forest Green #RAL6009. Planters shall be 29" wide at the top and 25" wide at the bottom, of various heights (24" or 18") and fabricated with steel straps, with galvanized and powder coated liner. Steel shall conform to ASTM A36 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Planters shall be model #PTR12, Plaza Series, color Forest Green #RAL6009. Bike racks shall be made from 2" Schedule 40 pipe 36" high and 38" long. Steel shall conform to ASTM A36 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Bike racks shall be model #BR-1, 3 loops, color Forest Green #RAL6009. 6. Street Trees and Pedestrian Bollards with Power Outlets: Pedestrian bollards with power outlets shall be provided at each street tree location. The bollard shall be placed on the concrete sidewalk adjacent to the tree pit. The bollard shall not be placed further than 4' from the face of curb and is preferred to be placed in the sidewalk opposite the middle of the tree pit, out of the required pedestrian 8'Clear Zone, as 14 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation shown on Standard Plan 6-50. Pedestrian bollards shall be surface mount, model #B-3-L modified, color Forest Green #RAL6009. All bollards shall contain a grounded outdoor use outlet for street decorations. See Standard Plan 6-56. 7. Street Lights: Street lights shall consist of Gullwing and Lumec Zenith Series luminaire fixtures for the street and pedestrian lighting 3 respectively, except on SR 516 (Willis Street) between SR 167 and Central Avenue where cobra head fixtures are allowed. No cobra head or King 118 luminaires will be allowed anywhere else within the Downtown Overlay District unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. See Section 6.14 for street lighting requirements. SECTION 6. - Amendment - Section 6.20 of 2009 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards. Section 6.20 of the 2009 City of Kent; Design and Construction Standards, entitled "Street System Standard i Plans," is amended to incorporate design Standard Plan 6-10b for Naden Avenue from Meeker Street to Willis Street as follows: SECTION 6.0 STANDARDS FOR STREETS 6.20 STREET SYSTEM STANDARD PLANS 6-1 Intersection Geometry Reference 6-10 Downtown Overlay - Industrial/Commercial Street 6-10b Naden Avenue from Meeker Street to Willis Street 15 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation SECTION 7. - Amendment - 2009 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards - Design Standard Plan 6-10b. Section 6.20 of the 2009 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards, entitled "Street ; System Standard Plans," is amended to append and insert the design Standard Plan 6-10b for Naden Avenue from Meeker Street to Willis Street, in a form substantially similar to that attached and incorporated as Exhibit ; A to this ordinance. SECTION S. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the ' correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. I SECTION 9. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. 7)0,(�-C)- November 5, 2019 DANA RALPH, MAY Date Approved ATTEST: November 5, 2019 KIMBERLEY A OMOTO, CI CLERK Date Adopted November 8, 2019 Date Published 16 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation APPROVED AS TO FOR f .--AR R AT" FITZPA ICK,16ITY ATTORNEY 17 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation Exhibit A Naden Avenue Design Standard Plan 6-10b LED STREET AND PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING ON WEST SIDE,SEE MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS R/W SO' R/W PSE R/W � 37 _ 6.5 18.5' 18.5' 4.5` SEE MIN. NOTE 3 � r 2% 2% :1 �X 1.5%BOTH SIDES i SIDEWALK 0.25'HMA PER KDCS 6.16 f P.C.C.SIDEWALK SEE SIDEWALK KENT STD,PLAN 6.35 P.C.C.SIDEWALK SEE WEARING COURSE(MIN.) ` KENT STD.PLAN 6-35 TACK COAT CURB&SEEGUTTER TYP. 0.25'HMA PER KDCS 6.16 K T LAN -33 LEVELING COURSE(MIN.) EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN BASE CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED EXISTING SUBGRADE CONDITIONS SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE REQUIRE.SEE WSDOT STD.SPEC. MIN.THICKNESS OF 0.67' 2-03.3(14)E OR KDCS 2.4.0(LxWxD SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT 5T0.SPEC. VARIES) 9-03.14(1)GRAVEL BORROW WITH PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MEETING THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN. THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC.9-33.2(1)TABLE 3,NON-WOVEN KDCS=KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AS DIRECTED,SEE NOTE 6 BELOW, LOOKING NORTH NOTES: 8. THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD.SPEC.5-04.3(9), 1. THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 10.5'-WIDE LANES AND 2 WITH WEATHER LIMITATIONS OUTLINED IN 5.04.3(16)CONSIDERED. 8'-WIDE PARALLEL PARKING AREAS, 9. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS 2. THE V GUTTERS ARE INCLUDED IN THE PARKING AREA;AND THE 0.5' SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT,CSS OR CURB IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP EQUIVALENT.ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM WIDTH. AND VERTICAL.THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED. WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE 3. A 6.5 CLEAR WIDTH FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL IS REQUIRED ON THE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED SIDEWALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF NADEN AVE. MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR.LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES,TYPICAL, 4. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1.5%. 10. UPON DEVELOPMENT OF THE AREA BOUNDED BY , S. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. EXISTING NADEN AVENUE ON THE WEST AND THE PSE i RIGHT-OF-WAY ON THE EAST, NADEN AVENUE SHALL 6. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER, BE RECONSTRUCTED ALONG THE WESTERN BOUNDARY i PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GRAVEL BORROW.WHEN REQUIRED OF THE PSE RIGHT-OF-WAY, CONNECTING WILLIS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC STREET WITH MEEKER STREET, CONSTRUCTING A OVER THE PREPARED SUBGRADE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP. ROUNDABOUT, AND PROVIDING RIGHT-IN/RIGHT-OUT ACCESS AT WILLIS STREET. 7, ASPHALT TEMPERATURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 325'AT THE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPERATURE REACHING 225°.FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPERATURE BEING 185°, NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ft AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �v ;�Y ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT W^'�"yr\�r THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 4 NQ\ CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT �{ NADEN AVE KENT i FROM MEEKER ST v.,. zazss TO WILLIS ST 02, �f STER��taw Docsu SCALE sys,SXONAI C? CHECKED CB .__� LN7E sEPrEM�t�_ 6—1 0 b Fly i I 18 Amend KCC and Design & Construction Stds To Incorporate "Meet Me on Meeker" and Naden Avenue Relocation STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd,being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent - Covington Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent- Covington Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice (880033), a: Public Notice was published on November 8`h, 2019. 1h7o-ft41-sw of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$93.62. Polly Shepherd, Publisher, Kent - Covington Reporter 06!, NOTARY W Subscribe nd sworn to me this 8" day of November, 2019. = v � PUBLIC ;z �A O •O i�••�� NO �8���•C? Gale Gwin,Notary Public or the State of Washington, Residing in Covington,WA Classified Proof ! i CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF i ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following is the sum- Mary of an ordinance passed by the Kent City j Council on November 5, 2019: ORDINANCE NO.4337- j AN ORDINANCE of the 4 i City Council of the City ( of Kent, Washington, j amending the Kent City Code and the 2009 City of Kent Design and Con- ! struction Standards re- I lated to the City's'Meet , j Me on Meeker' project j 11 to incorporate the °Meeker Street Street- scape Design and Con- f#! struction Standards," Previously adopted on December 12, 2017' through Ordinance No. i 4262, and to establish and adopt a street de- sign standard for the fu- ture relocation of Naden Avenue to connect f Meeker Street with Willis Street. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 I days from and after its passage. A copy of the complete j text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request i of the City Clerk. Kimberley A.Korrwto City Clerk 253-856-5725 Published in the Kent- Covington Reporter November 8, 2019. #880033