HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 RESOLUTION NO. 1997 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the Water Use Efficiency Goals for the 2018 to 2028 water system planning cycle contained in Appendix E of the City of Kent Water System Plan. RECITALS A. The purpose of the Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Goals are to help reduce the demand that growing communities, agriculture, and industry have placed on the state's water resources, and to better manage these resources for fish and other wildlife. Municipal water suppliers are obligated under the WUE Rule to enhance the efficient use of water by its consumers and decrease system leakage. B. The Washington State Department of Health implemented the WUE Rule, effective on January 22, 2007, as required by the Municipal Water Supply - Efficiency Requirements Act, also known as the Municipal Water Law (MWL), passed by the Washington State Legislature in September 2003. The MWL requires the state to implement the WUE Rule. C. The City of Kent WUE Goals were prepared in accordance with Washington Administrative Code 246-290-830, which requires water 1 Adopt the Water Use Efficiency Goals for the 2018 to 2028 water system planning cycle purveyors serving one thousand or more total connections to establish WUE goals. D. The proposed WUE goals for the 2018 to 2028 Kent water system planning cycle are outlined in the Water Use Efficiency Program, contained in Appendix E of the City's 2019 Water System Plan, and include the following: • Reduce water use by public agencies during the months of June, July, and August by 0.5 percent per year. • Reduce multi-family residential water consumption by 1.0 percent per year. • Maintain system-wide distribution system leakage at less than 6.0 percent per year based on a three-year rolling average. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. - Recitals Incorporated. The above Recitals are incorporated into this resolution and constitute the findings of the Kent City Council. SECTION 2. - Adoption of Water Use Efficiency Goals. The City of Kent hereby adopts the Water Use Efficiency Goals, attached as Exhibit A. SECTION 3. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 2 Adopt the Water Use Efficiency Goals for the 2018 to 2028 water system planning cycle SECTION 4. - Corrections by City Clerk. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. November 5, 2019 DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTEST: November 5, 2019 KIM ERLEY A. MOTO, CITY CLE K Date Adopted APPROVED AS TO FORM: .a �•..s••'•••., `'� � � rT K � RTH FIfZPATRICK,,,�ITY ATTORNEY ; F 3 Adopt the Water Use Efficiency Goals for the 2018 to 2028 water system planning cycle WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The City of Kent(City) recognizes that water is a valuable and essential natural resource that needs to be used wisely. This Water Use Efficiency(WUE) Program provides an approach to increase water use efficiency within the City's water service area. BACKGROUND THE WATER USE EFFICIENCY RULE The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) implemented the WUE Rule, effective on January 22, 2007, as required by the Municipal Water Supply—Efficiency Requirements Act,also known as the Municipal Water Law(MWL), passed by the Washington State Legislature in September 2003. The MWL requires the state to implement the WUE Rule. The intent of the rule is to help reduce the demand that growing communities, agriculture, and industry have placed on the state's water resources, and to better manage these resources for fish and other wildlife. Municipal water suppliers are obligated under the WUE Rule to enhance the efficient use of water by the system and/or its consumers. The requirements of the WUE Rule are set forth in Chapter 246-290, Part 8, Washington Administrative Code (WAC). WATER USE EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS DOH has provided guidance for municipal water suppliers on how to prepare and implement a WUE program that complies with the WUE Rule. The Water Use Efficiency Guidebook, published by DOH,was most recently revised and updated in 2017. The guidebook identifies the water use reporting, forecasting, and efficiency program requirements for public water systems. A WUE program meeting these requirements is a necessary element of a water system plan as required by the DOH and is necessary to obtain water right permits from the Washington State Department of Ecology(Ecology). The Water Use Efficiency Guidebook defines the necessary components of a WUE program as four fundamental elements. 1. Planning requirements, which include collecting data, forecasting demand, evaluating WUE measures, calculating distribution system leakage, and implementing a WUE program to meet goals. 2. A distribution system leakage (DSL) standard of 10 percent or less based on a 3-year rolling average. 3. Goal setting to provide a benchmark for achievement and to help define the success of the WUE program. 4. Annual performance reporting on progress towards meeting WUE goals. ZABOTHELLOATAWEN1117-100\PLANWPP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM.DOC(5/8/2019 4:22 PM) APPENDIX G CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM The City's current WUE Program elements are summarized in this section. PLANNING REQUIREMENTS AND WUE PROGRAM ACTIVITIES The City's water use data,demand forecasts, supply characteristics, and other planning requirements are contained throughout this Water System Plan(WSP). The City is committed to continue collecting water use data beyond that presented in Chapter 4 for evaluation of its WUE Program and water use patterns, and for forecasting demands for future facilities. Consistent with WAC 246-290-810,the WUE program effectiveness will continue to be evaluated within each WSP update. Recent WUE program activities are presented in the Selected Measures section. WATER USE EFFICIENCY GOALS AND THE PUBLIC PROCESS Per WAC 246-290-830, WUE goals must be set through a public process and shall be evaluated and reestablished as part of a WSP update. The City formally adopted water use efficiency goals in 2007 via its City Council Public Works Committee and last updated its WUE Program as part of its 2011 WSP. The goals and objectives of the City's previous WUE Program, which extends to the approval of this WSP,are as follows. • Reduce water use by public agencies during the months of June, July, and August by 0.5 percent per year. • Maintain system-wide DSL at less than 6 percent per year. Results of the existing WUE program indicate that public consumption in June, July, and August (including the City, school, and government entities) decreased in 2012 and 2016, but increased in 2013, 2014, and 2015 as shown in Table 1. The average change over the last 6 years is an approximate 10 percent increase in public customer class consumption in June, July, and August. However, with consideration for additional public water service connections added each year, the average consumption per public customer class connection has increased 9 percent over the last 6 years. Chart 1 shows the combined June, July, and August consumption totals for 2011 through 2016, and the average consumption per public customer class connection for the same period. 2 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLANWPP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM.DOC(5B/20194:22 PM) CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM Table 1 Public Customer Class Historical June, July, and August Consumption % Change from Period Gallons Year Prior June 2011 4,848,536 -- July 2011 11,202,048 -- August 2011 9,421,808 -- Total 2011 25,472,392 -- June 2012 5,971,284 -- July 2012 6,613,968 -- August 2012 10,076,308 Total 2012 24,661,560 -3.2% June 2013 6,966,124 -- July 2013 16,337,816 -- August 2013 11,232,716 -- Total 2013 34,536,656 40.0% June 2014 6,250,288 -- July 2014 16,117,156 -- August 2014 14,242,668 -- Total 2014 36,610,112 6.0% June 2015 11,339,680 -- July 2015 20,098,012 -- August 2015 17,753,032 -- Total 2015 49,190,724 34.4% June 2016 8,928,876 -- July 2016 15,113,340 -- August 2016 11,636,636 Total 2016 35,678,852 -27.5% Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLAN%PP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM.DOC(5/8/2019 4:22 PM) 3 APPENDIX G CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN Chart 1 Public Customer Class Historical June, July, and August Consumption Volume 50,000,000 200,000 y E N 0 45,000,000 180,000 L) c 40,000,000 160,000 E 0 E 35,000,000 140,000 U30,000,000 120,000 25,000,000 ----- 100,000 d c CM o a M a' 20,000,000 80,000 c M v 15,000,000 60,000 E w .25 10,000,000 40,000 C 0 ai U U 3 5,000,000 20,000 a, '6 0 0 > a 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 a Year Annual June,July,and August Consumption(gallons) Gallons per Connection System-wide DSL is discussed in Chapter 4 and has been less than 6.0 percent each year since 2011, and the City's 3-year rolling average between 2014 and 2016 is 5.0 percent. Based on the relative success the City has had in achieving its WUE goals and objectives, an additional goal has been established that includes the City's multi-family residential customer class. The proposed WUE goals for the 2018 to 2028 water system planning cycle are as follows. • Reduce water use by public agencies during the months of June, July, and August by 0.5 percent per year. • Reduce multi-family residential water consumption by 1.0 percent per year. • Maintain system-wide DSL at less than 6.0 percent per year and based on a 3-year rolling average. In compliance with the WUE Rule, a public hearing will be held at a City Council meeting to present and discuss the new goals. The City Council will affirm the new goals at the meeting. WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM EVALUATION AND PERFORMANCE REPORTING The City will continue to evaluate overall demand, per capita water use, and the amount of DSL on an annual basis (coinciding with the production of the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)). The City will also evaluate the performance of its WUE Program and implemented measures at this time by analyzing demand data and determining the long-term trend towards reducing water usage and meeting WUE goals. If the WUE Program monitoring shows that progress towards meeting the WUE goals is not being accomplished, more rigorous WUE Program 4 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLAN\APP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM DOC(5/8/2019 4:22 PM) CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM implementation or additional WUE Program items will be considered, along with a cost-effective evaluation of measures. The City will continue to provide annual WUE performance reports to its consumers in the CCR and detail the results of water use monitoring and progress towards achieving the system's WUE goals. The City will comply with DOH Annual WUE Performance report requirements, due to DOH by July 1 st of each year. EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF WATER USE EFFICIENCY MEASURES The City's evaluation of WUE measures and selected levels of implementation are presented within this section. The measures fall within three categories of implementation: 1) mandatory measures that must be implemented; 2) measures that must be evaluated; and 3)measures selected by the City that either must be evaluated or implemented. The City served 14,907 water service connections in 2016, which is the base year of the City's WSP. Based on the number of connections, at least nine WUE measures must be evaluated or implemented. Measures that are mandatory cannot be credited towards the system's WUE measures. Since the City implements or plans on implementing all the evaluated measures presented here, a cost-effective evaluation is not required. Mandatory Measures Source Meters The volume of water produced by the system's sources must be measured using a source meter or other meter installed upstream of the distribution system. Source meters currently are installed and operating at each of the City's sources. If any new sources are installed in the future, they will be equipped with a source meter. Meter testing and repairs are ongoing as-needed as part of the City's preventive maintenance program. Service Meters All public water systems that supply water for municipal purposes must install individual service meters for all water users. Service meters currently are installed and operating at all connections throughout the distribution system. All future connections that are installed or activated will be equipped with a service meter. Meter Calibration The City must calibrate and maintain meters based on generally accepted industry standards and manufacturer information. Compliance will be maintained by the City by performing maintenance on the source and service meters every 5 to 10 years at a minimum. Meter calibration verification testing is performed on an as-needed basis,typically annually. Water Loss Control Action Plan To control leakage, systems that do not meet the DSL standard must implement a Water Loss Control Action Plan(WLCAP). The City's rolling 3-year average DSL is below 10.0 percent based on the information presented in Chapter 4 of the WSP. Therefore, a WLCAP is not required to be implemented. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLANWPP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM.DOC(518/20194:22 PM) 5 APPENDIX G CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN Customer Education Annual customer education regarding the importance of using water efficiently is a required element of all WUE programs. Customer education is provided in the City's annual CCR to customers and includes information on the system's DSL, progress towards meeting WUE goals, and tips for customers on using water more efficiently. Additional customer education and outreach measures are identified in the Selected Measures section. Measures That Must Be Evaluated Rate Structure Evaluation of rate structures to increase water demand efficiency is required (WAC 246-290-100(4)0)(iv)), and actual implementation of a conservation rate structure counts as a WUE measure (WAC 246-290-810(4)(d)). The City implements an inclining block rate structure, which is a conservation rate structure. The City charges a flat monthly meter access fee (based on meter size) and a water usage fee (increasing with the amount of water consumed) in each billing period. The City previously implemented seasonal water rates every May through September to discourage excess water use during peak months, but eliminated that practice to stabilize revenue throughout the year and provide more certainty on rates to customers. The 2018 residential rate structure is shown in Table 2, and the 2018 rate structure for non-single-family residential customers is shown in Table 3. Table 2 2018 Single-family Residential Rate Structure Monthly Meter Access Fees Meter Size Base Rate 3/4"or less $23.71 1" $37.12 Monthly Dedicated Fire Line Fees Size Rate 3/4"or less $2.82 1„ -- - $3.29 Water Usage Fee per 100 Cubic Feet Consumption Rate 0 to 800 cubic feet $2.46 per 100 cubic feet 800+cubic feet $4.84 per 100 cubic feet 6 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLAN\HPP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM DOC(5/8/20194:22 PM) CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM Table 3 2018 Non Single-family Residential Rate Structure Monthly Meter Access Fees Meter Size Base Rate 3/4"or less $29.80 1" $43.21 1.25" $43.21 1.5" $76.75 2" $116.99 3" $184.06 4" $277.96 6" $412.11 8" $546.25 10" $680.40 Monthly Dedicated Fire Line Fees Size Rate 3/4"or less $2.82 1" $3.29 1.25" $4.93 1.5" $6.57 2" $10.52 3" $26.29 4" $52.56 6" $105.13 8" $177.41 10" $262.83 Water Usage Fee per 100 Cubic Feet Consumption Rate 0 to 800 cubic feet $2.46 per 100 cubic feet 800+cubic feet $4.84 per 100 cubic feet Reclamation Opportunities Reclaimed water is treated effluent from a wastewater treatment system that is suitable for a direct beneficial use or a controlled use that would not otherwise occur. The use of reclaimed water is regulated under Chapter 90.46 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Water systems with 1,000 or more connections must evaluate reclamation opportunities (WAC 246-290-100(4)(f)(vii)), but only actual use of reclaimed water counts as a WUE measure (WAC 246-290-810(4)(d))or multiple WUE measures if the reclaimed water is used for multiple purposes. The City's wastewater is conveyed to King County's South Treatment Plant in Renton for treatment and disposal. King County operates a reclaimed water program at the South Treatment Plant that provides some reclaimed water for irrigating athletic fields and nurseries, and street sweeping.No reclaimed water is currently provided to the City, but that opportunity may exist in the future. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLAN\APP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM.DOC(5/80019 4:22 PM) 7 APPENDIX G CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN The City investigated other opportunities for reclaimed water use in 2007 and determined that there were no economically feasible options at that time. The City will continue to evaluate the feasibility of using reclaimed water in the future as conditions change. Selected Measures The City has chosen to implement 11 different WUE measures in addition to those that are mandatory or required to be evaluated. Because several of these WUE measures affect multiple customer classes, the City's WUE program counts as 46 WUE measures (Table 4), which is greater than the requirement of 9 WUE measures based on the number of service connections. Water Bill Showing Consumption History The City has presented consumption history charts and information on water bills for all customer classes since 1998 and plans to continue to do so in the future. Washing Mach ine(Toilet/Sprinkler Rebates The City offers a$75 mail-in rebate for customers to replace old washing machines with more energy efficient horizontal axis washing machines. As of 2018, eligibility was limited to applicants who purchased a qualifying Energy Star washing machine and installed it in a residence in the City's water service area. The City also offers a toilet rebate up to $50 per toilet to incentivize customers to purchase U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) certified WaterSense toilets. As of 2018, eligibility was limited to customers who purchased a WaterSense toilet and used it to replace an existing 5 gallon-per-flush toilet installed prior to 1993 in the City's water service area. In one instance, the City observed a 10- to 15-percent reduction in water consumption by replacing 247 toilets in a single apartment complex. The City has prepared a list of over 75 additional multi-family complexes constructed prior to 1993 that will be eligible for this rebate. This rebate is expected to be a key component of achieving the City's multi-family residential WUE goal of reducing multi-family residential water consumption by 1.0 percent per year. The City also offers rebates for public customers to install high-efficiency sprinkler system products. School Outreach Since 2000,the City has co-sponsored the annual H2O Festival, which presents WUE information to approximately 1,500 elementary school children from the City and adjacent communities every year. The program educates children about the importance of WUE and empowers youth to participate in water conservation. Speakers Bureau The City staff gives periodic presentations about water conservation practices to local groups and organizations on an as-requested basis. The City has prepared a variety of outreach materials for this purpose, and employs a full-time conservation specialist that is available for this purpose. 8 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLANWPP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM DOC(5/8/2019 4:22 PM) CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM Advertising The City distributes WUE information through its regular billing system and advertises its fixture rebate programs and education programs on its website. The City also advertises King County's Natural Yard Care program on its website, which is a program that strives to reduce water consumption for irrigation. Displays at Fairs or Events The City makes staff available to present water conservation materials and displays at local fairs and events, and even distributes brochures and water conservation kits. Customer Leak Detection Education The City's utility workers regularly inspect meters for abnormal usage and recheck meters when excessive consumption is evident. Staff are encouraged to contact homeowners who have potential leaks and distribute informational pamphlets on how to check for leaks and read their own meters. The City also provides the same information to customers who contact the City with questions. Water Use Audits for Large Users The City provides water conservation audits for large users and maintains a variety of financial incentives for commercial or industrial users to implement conservation measures. Rain Sensors Section 15.07.040(C) of the City Code requires irrigation systems constructed as parts of new developments to include rain sensors to promote water conservation. Landscape Ordinances Section 15.04.180(20) of the City Code prohibits activities that violate water conservation management practices in the development of agricultural and residential lands. Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLAN\APP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM.DOC(5/8/2019 4:22 PM) 9 APPENDIX G CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN Table 4 Selected WUE Measures Mandatory WUE Measures Measure Implementation Status Source Meters Installed ✓ Service Meters Installed ✓ Meter Calibration Compliance ✓ Water Loss Control Action Plan Not Applicable Customer Education ✓ WUE Measures that Must Be Evaluated Measure Evaluation Status Rate Structure ✓ Reclamation Opportunities ✓ Selected WUE Measures Implementation Status Single-family Multi-family Measure Residential Residential Commercial Industrial Public Rate Structure ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Water Bill Showing Consumption History ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Washing Machine/Toilet/Sprinkler Rebates ✓ ✓ ✓ School Outreach ✓ ✓ Speakers Bureau ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Advertising ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Displays at Fairs or Events ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Customer Leak Detection Education ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Water Use Audits for Large Users ✓ ✓ ✓ Rain Sensors ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Landscape Ordinances ✓ ✓ ✓ WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM SCHEDULE AND BUDGET The WUE measures described above and selected for implementation by the City are summarized in Table 5 with their corresponding schedule and budget. The successful implementation of this program is expected to: • Reduce water use by public agencies during the months of June, July, and August by 0.5 percent per year; • Reduce multi-family residential water consumption by 1.0 percent per year; and • Maintain system-wide DSL at less than 6 percent per year. Accomplishing these goals is expected to reduce the system-wide average daily demand by approximately 3.8 percent by 2028, with the annual savings from each goal shown in Chart 2. 10 Z\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLAN\APP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM DOC(502019 4:22 PM) CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM Table 5 WUE Schedule and Budget Mandatory WUE Measures Measure Schedule Budget Source Meters Installed Ongoing O&M Funded Service Meters Installed Ongoing O&M Funded Meter Calibration Compliance Ongoing O&M Funded Water Loss Control Action Plan Not Appplicable Not Appplicable Customer Education Ongoing O&M Funded WUE Measures That Must Be Evaluated Measure Schedule Budget Rate Structure Ongoing Not Appplicable Reclamation Opportunities Ongoing Not Appplicable Selected WUE Measures Measure Schedule Budget Rate Structure Ongoing Not Appplicable Water Bill Showing Consumption History Ongoing Not Appplicable Washing Machine/Toilet/Sprinkler Rebates Ongoing $100,000 per Year School Outreach Ongoing $35,000 per Year Speakers Bureau Ongoing $5,000 per Year Advertising Ongoing $35,000 per Year Displays at Fairs or Events Ongoing $5,000 per Year Customer Leak Detection Education Ongoing O&M Funded Water Use Audits for Large Users Ongoing $35,000 per Year Rain Sensors Ongoing Not Appplicable Landscape Ordinances Ongoing Not Appplicable O&M = Operations and Maintenance Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLAN\APP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM.DOC(5/8/2019 4.22 PM) 11 APPENDIX G CITY OF KENT WATER SYSTEM PLAN Chart 2 WUE Program Projected Water Savings 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4.500 E n 4,000 0 3,500 a 0 3,000 rn � 2,500 a 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Year ■ADD with WUE ■Multi-family Residential WUE Savings a Public Sprinklers WUE Savings 12 Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\PLAN\NPP E-2019 WUE PROGRAM.DOC(5/8/2019 4 22 PM)