HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943RESOLUTION NO.Iqqþ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the 2018through 2023 Six-Year Transportation Irrrproverrrent Program. RECITALS A. After proper notice, the City Council of the City of Kent held a public hearing at the regular meeting of the City Council at 7:00 p,m. on June 6, 2OL7, to consider public testimony on the City's proposed Z01B through 2023 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. B. Having considered public testimony on the plan, the Council would like to adopt the 2018 through 2023 six-Year Transpoftation Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 7, Adootion. The 2018 through 2023, Six-year Transportation Improvement Program, set forth in Exhibit "4," which is attached and filed with City Clerk, is hereby adopted. L 2078-2023 Six Year Tra nspo rtat io n I m p rovement Prog ra m SECTION 2. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by Citv Clerk Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4, - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this b+va day of .20t7 ..\r, CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this bV' day of 20L7. ATTEST KIMBERLEY AS TO FO OTO, CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY ATTORNEY 2 2078-2023 Six Year Tra nspottation Im provement Prog ra m U CK, I hereby ceftify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No tqqS passed b+^ day of by the City Jrna- Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the _ 20L7 û. KIMBERLEY MOTO, CITY CLERK P: \C¡vil\Resolution\S¡xYearÌIP2023.docx 3 2078-2023 Six Year Tra nsportation Im provement Progra m EXHIBIT ''A'' CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEM ENT PROGRAM 2018 - 2fJ23 Mayor Suzette Cooke Timothy J. LaPorte, PE, Director of Public Works KENT I ,' ,,,¡I *rllå l,t?"11liì r r ii'l i I r,q, ' N$ \ ffi ¿ ll ,: 5,; ET I'.ra, *, Ð,t: ¡j N.' 1' tÀ iHr"4 't t '.å ,{ i'\ii ,,tii ' r'üå WasHÌNGloN Table of Contents: Resolution Introduction Project List . 2018 - 2023 Six-Year TIP Cost Estimates Map of Projects Project Descriptions . Contact Information ... ilt ...vilt VI ix 1 25 On the Cover: Kent-Kangley Pedestrían Safety Improvements Introduction Overview The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range planning document that is updated annually based on needs and policies identified in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Master Plan. The TIP represents Kent's current list of needed projects that are anticipated to begin preliminary engineering, right of way acquisition or construction within'the next six years. The TIP also includes ongoing citywide transpoftation programs, Projects and programs included in the plan are those that are considered to be regionally significant, The document identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each pro.ject or proqram. The TIP serves as a draft work plan for the development of the local transpoftation network. Once adopted, the TIP will guide funding and implementation priorities during the development of the transportation portion of the Six-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP), The CIP shows the City-funded portion of projects and is constrained by current budget forecasts, whereas the TIP shows a complete project list with the variety of funding sources and partners involved. Historically, the largest sources of funding for TIP capital projects have been grants Funding for transportation projects is available from federal, state and local resources. Each funding source has specific rules and guidelines about what types of projects it will fund, how much of a project will be funded and timelines for expenditure of funds. Addítionally, most grant programs require a funding match, which means that the City must also contribute funding to the cost of a project, The City of Kent funds transportation capital projects using the General Fund, Street Fund, Local Improvement Districts, Transportation Impact Fees, Business and Occupation Tax, Solid Waste Utility tax, and grant revenue from local, state and federal governments. One reason the TIP is updated annually is that many revenue sources are closely tied to the health of the economy and can therefore be unpredictable. Document structure Each project or program listed ín the TIP includes an estimated cost, the amount of funding secured or unsecured and the funding source(s). If grant funding has been secured from a specific source, it is identified. Projects listed that are necessary to accommodate growth and allow the City to maintain its adopted Levels of Service may be funded in part by transportation impact fees. The costs for projects programmed in the first three years of the TIP have been developed with a higher level of ceftainty whereas those in the latter three years have been developed with less specificity, as those projects are generally less defined. lll Requirements State law requires that each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated annually (RCW 35.77.0t0). It represents an important planning component under the State's Growth Management Act. The TIP may be revised at any time during the year by a majority of the Council, after a Public Hearing. In order to compete for transportation funding grants from Federal and State sources, granting agencies require that projects be included in the TIP. The State's Safe Routes to School program, for example, requires that potential projects be íncluded in the TIP in order to be eligible for funding. The Six-Year TIP is also required to be consistent with the transportation element of the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to RCW 35.77,010. Changes to the TIP The City updated its Comprehensive Plan in 2015. The first six years of the Comprehensive Plan are financially constrained, meaning that secured funding is demonstrated within an approved budget or similarly approved funding action. Subsequently, the 2OL8-2023 TIP has been revised to reflect projects that will likely be constructed using existing funding sources as well as the City's historical record of average grant disbursements. Capital Streets Projects that do not have any identified funding sources have been removed from the plan. Projects and programs were reclassified where appropriate. Table 1 Projects Added lv Naden Avenue and Willis Street Intersection Im provements Naden Local Access Road Flashinq Yellow Left Turn Arrows South 248th Street Improvements Table 2 Projects Removed Kent-Kang ley Pedestrian Safety Improvements Completed lst Avenue North Street Improvements Completed Traffic Control Signal System Completed Central Avenue South Improvements Completed 80th Avenue South Improvements Project moved to operations budqet v Project List Project Number Project Name Project Location and Extent 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 72nd Avenue South Extension South 20Oth Street to South 196th Street Kent Regional Trails Connector Green River Trail to Interurban Trail at S 218th Street Southeast 208th Street and 1o8th Avenue Southeast Intersection Improvements Intersection Operations En ha ncement 132nd Avenue Pedestrian Improvements Kent-Kangley Road to Southeast 248th Street South 224rh Street Extension, 84tn Avenue to 88th Avenue South Naden Avenue and Willis Street Intersection Improvements Intersection Operations Enha ncement Naden Local Access Road Willis Street to Naden Assembly Flashing Yellow Left Turn Arrows Northern Industrial Valley South 228th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade-Separated Crossing at Union Pacific Railroad 10. Transpoftation Master Plan 7 8 9. 11. t2. 13. Meet Me on Meeker Intersection Improvements at 4th Avenue and Midblock Crossing South 224th Street Extension, 88tn Avenue South to 94th Place South Railroad Quiet Zone for Downtown Urban Center Burlington Nofthern Santa Fe and Union Pacific Railroads Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meridian Elementary Southeast 256th Street and 140th Avenue Southeast t4 VI Project Number Project Name Proiect Location and Extent 15. 16. 19. 2L. 22, 23. 24. Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements Intersection Operations Enhancement 76th Avenue South 222OO Block to 21700 Block L7. 18. Panther Lake Signal System Integration Willis Street Roundabout Willis Street at 4th Avenue South South 224th Street Extension, 94'n Place South to lo8th Avenue Southeast (State Route 515/Benson Highway) Southeast 248th Street fmprovements 104th Avenue South to 116th Avenue South 20. ONGOING CITYWIDE PROGRAMS Street and Sidewalk Preservation and Repair Program Traffic Signal Management Program Channelization Improvement Program Guardrail and Safety Improvements Program vlt PROJECT COSTSs$$$$ 750,000$1,700,000ô500,oooIt600,000$150.OOO$1.050.000$ 5OO,0O0$ 332,0005 000 0ôo$10,000,000$350,000$2,500,000$ 15,400,000Futura Fundedç5 000$5,000$6,000$4ao,o00$ 6,25s,000$$$200,000$ 21,140.000$s250,000$ 6,28s,000$220.000$$ 168,000$$$1OO,O003-652-000E1 qoô ôôô$ 1,315,000$1,200,000$ 8.000,000$I200,000$ 3.860,000$300,000$$ 2,000,000s230,000$Iå$$Projcd CorsTot¡l$3.657-OO0$1-905.000$ 1,321,000I14,255,000$750,OOO41 70ô ÔOO$9O0,O0O$25,000,000$900,000$400,000$ 8.285,000i1,500,000$500,000$500,000$5.OOO.OOO10.000-ooog?50 Õoo$ 15,5OO,OOOç96 6ô3 0ôDESCEPEON72nd Avenue South E*eñsionKent Reo¡onal Trails connedorSoutheast 208th Street and 108th AvenueSoutheast lnteÉect¡on IñDrcvemenß132nd Avenue Èdestriañ Imó.ovemeñbSouth 224th Sveet E*ension, &th AvenueSouth to 88th Avenue southNaden Avenue and WÌllis Street lnleßedionNaden bcàl Access Roðdãåshino Yellow Lêft Turñ arrowsSouth 228th StreeVUnion Pacific RailroadGrâde SeDêratonIransoodåtion Mãste. PlãñVeet Me on MeekerSouth 224th Street Êtensioñ, 88th AvenueSouth to 94th Plâcê SouthSafe RouEs to Schools Ihprovements atYeridiân EiemenbryWillis Street ¿nd Cenùal Avenue lnteßectioniouth 248th Sùeet ImÞrovemenÈs)ânthef Lake sional Svstem lnÞôråbôñWillis Street RoùndãbôutSouth 224th Sûeet Etension, 94th Pl¿c€South to lo8th Ave¡u€ southeåstTdål P¡ois6No.23567a91011l213t4L7181920o*$ 45,150,00Cs4,200,00ca1,410,00C$600,ooc$51.360_OOCN/al $47.850.000$3,090,00(s50.940_O0C$ 93,000,000s4_200 000$600,000$102.300.000". lsùeer ând Sidew¿lk Presetuatton ¿nd Repârr22 lTraffic Sionâl Månåoement Prcoram23 IChôñnelizåt¡on Imorovemenr PóôråñTùl ProqråmsEIoCITY OF KENT2OIA - 2023 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMPHASESCon*rud¡ons3,171.000s1.526_000$ 1,019,000s1_090_000$ 12,950,000$ soo,ooos1.500.ooo4aôo 0ôô$ 16,400.000$$6.17O,OOO1 'ôÔ OOO$340,000$ 290,000t4,500,000$8,500,000350.0002_ 150-OOO$ 13.000,000$75-805.000ß¡Cht dWâya30,000E4-000$ 21,000g370.OO0$ 165,000s 175.000I 5,000.000$4$ 1,555,0004aô 000$$ 166.000I$1,OO0,OOOJI$ 1.OOO,OO0$9.566.000Prsl¡m¡n¡ryEnainêar¡nî$456,000s375,000$ 281,OOOs220.OOO$ 1,140,000$ 75.000$200.0003100.ooo$ 3,600,000g$50-ooo$ 560,0004220 000$ 80.000$ 44.000$500,000$500,000$t350_OO0$ 1,5OO,OOOI10,251,000Ph¡6C3 TûI$3,657,000$1,905,000$ 1,32r,000s1,6aO,OOO$ 14.255.000I TSO.OOOt1,700,000s900-000$ 25,000.000s900-000t400_000$ 8.2as,0oot1-500-000$ 500.000I 500,000s 10,000,000$350,000$2.500.000$ 15,500,000$ 96.503.000$ 43,500,000s3-600.0004-200.000540.OOO$ 1,000.000tt1 ôOô OOO$ 8,500,000$600,000$300,000$60.0004q 460 000$ 93,OOO,OOO$4,200,000$4,500,000s600.oooa 102_300 000FUTURE FUNDED ELEMENTS BROKEN OUT BY YEAR2023$s$$$$$$$$2022$s$$$$$1O0,OOO10ô ôôô2021$$$$$$$$$$$$Iç$42020$$$$î$$$$ô3sIs201945$$$$ 10,140,000$$$ 2,515,000$$$ 168.000$$3$$ 12_423.00020ttt5.OOO45 ôôô$ 6,000$ 6,255,000$200,000$ 11.OOO,OOO$250,000s3,770,OOO$$$is 22.191-OOO$5_OOO$5_OOO$ 6.000$ 6.:55,000$$ 21,140.000$6,:85,000s$ 168,000$$$I rc0,000t 34.ç14.OOOI 7,97S,OOOîI8.490.000r 7,975,OOO$$8,490,000$ 7,975,000$8.490.000$ 7,975,OOO$4s15_000$8,490,000$ 7,975,000$g515_OOO$a,490,000I 7,975,OOO$I515.000$8,490,000$ 47.E50,000E$3,F0.0004vIt l8ngtonstCity Of KentSix Year TransportationImprovement Program2018 - 2023Citywide projectsffitnot depicted on this mapKENTPrinted April 2l , 2017Miles-l_0o1/-nRekwilacI99beralll11ornesSeaDes 2018-2023 CrTY OF KENT SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #1: 72nd Avenue South Extension South 200th Street to South 196th Street YEAR:2018 expected completion Complete a missing link by constructing a new three-lane roadway from South 200th Street to South 196th Street. The project will include the crossing of Mill Creek and construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, streetlighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appuftenances, This project is nearing completion, DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST¡Preliminary Engineering....... $456,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........ $30,000 Construction . . $3,171,000 TOTAT $3,657,000 Secured Funding ...... $3,657,0O0 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Drainage Fund, Transportation Impact Fee) Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority, Transportation Improvement Board PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:Continued development in the northern Kent industrial area, and high levels of congestion along West Valley Highway between the South 180th Street and South 196th Street corridors, mandate additional north-south arterial capacity. This project provides some relief for South 180th Street, South 196th Street, and South 2!2t^ Street intersections along West Valley Highway.It also provides improved access to the South 196th Street corridor from industrial development along 72nd Avenue South by constructing the missing link between South 200th Street and South 196th Street. This roadway connection provides a direct línk from the existing Fire Station on 72nd Avenue South to the 196th Street grade separated corridor over both the BNSF and UPRR mainline railroad tracks, dramatically improving emergency response times to a large area of the Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center and warehouse land uses. I 2OIA.2O23 CITY OF KENT SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #2: Kent Regional Trails Connector Green River Trail to Interurban Trail at South 218th Street YEAR:20 18 expected completion Construct 4,4OO foot multi-use trail connecting the Green River and Interurban Regional Trails at a point approximately mid-way between the South 21-2th' Street and South 228th Street Corridors at about South 218th Street in the heart of the Kent Valley. This l2-foot wide multi-use trail for non-motorized users will include trail lighting, in some locations, to enhance visibility and encourage year-round usage. Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons and marked crosswalks will be installed where the new trail crosses midblock at 64th Avenue South and 72nd Avenue South. A traffic signal for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing mid-block will be installed on 68th Avenue South (West Valley HWY). A mechanism for performance monitoring (counting) will be installed at or near the new traffic signal, The project will install a steel pedestrian/bicycle bridge over Mill Creek between 72nd Avenue South and the Interurban Trail. The project is nearing completion. DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering.,,..,. $375,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..$4,000 Construction ., $1,526,000 TOTAL ............$1,9O5,OOO Secured Funding ...... $1,905,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Drainage Fund, Parks Fund), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, Washington State Department of Transpoftation Local Programs PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:This new trail would fill a missing east/west link in the City's and the region's bicycle network. It would connect two of the most heavily used regional trails and provide access for tens of thousands of people to a concentrated employment center. It would provide alternative mode access to the Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center's 1,800 employers, to recreational activities along the Green River and the Green River Natural Resources Area and improve safety for all users crossing three major arterial streets in an area with truck traffic. 2 20L8-2fJ23 CITY OF KENT SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #3: Southeast 208th Street and lo8th Avenue Southeast (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvements Intersection Operations En ha ncements YEAR: 2018 expected completion DESCRIPTION: Add a second southbound left storage lane on 108th Avenue SE, widen the receiving lane on SE 208th St, and modify the signal phasing. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering....... $281,000 Right of Way Acquisition $21,000 Construction $1,019,000 TOTAL ............$1,321,OOO Secured Funding ...... $1,321,000 FUNDING souRcE(s):City of Kent (Transportation Impact Fees), Washington State Department of Transportation (Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:State Route 515, also known as The Benson Highway or 108th Avenue SE, is the primary nofth/south route on the East Hill and serves as a major transit route. With four to five lanes in its current configuration, this roadway has been widened to its practical limits. Improvements to intersections along the corridor can have positive effects on corridor congestion and improve efficiency, This project would add queuing capacity for the southbound left turn movement while continuing to provide two lanes of through travel. 3 2018-2023 CrTY OF KENT SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #4: 132nd Avenue Pedestrian Improvements Kent-Kangley Road to Southeast 248th Street YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2018 Construct an asphalt walking path along the west side of 132nd Avenue SE where sidewalk does not currently exist. This project includes the Transportation Improvement Board Sidewalks grant project and will later include additional improvements within this segment, that are yet to be determined. Although the Transportation Master Plan calls for bicycle lanes on this segment of 132nd Avenue South, a complete streets analysis determined that the lanes would not be added at the same time as this temporary asphalt path. Preliminary Engineering..,,,, $220,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...,. $370,000 Construction . $1,090,000 TOTAL.... ......$1,680, OOO Secured Funding, .... $1,680,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Mitigation Funds, Street Fund), Transportation Improvement Board, PRO¡ECT JUSTIFICATION: L32nd Avenue SE is designated as a minor arterial roadway, with5 vehicle lanes, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and landscaping planned at build-out. This roadway has been widened at various locations based on development of adjacent parcels. Due to budgetary constraints this roadway will not be completed in the near term; however, the desire to improve pedestrian access necessitates moving ahead with the walking path. 4 2OI8.2O23 CITY OF KENT SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #5: South 224th Street Extension 84th Avenue to 88th Avenue South YEAR:2018 DESCRIPTION:Construct a three-lane road from 84th Avenue South to 88th Avenue South, including a new bridge over SR 167. The project will include full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; five foot paved shoulders; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances, Construction will begin in 2OL7. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering,... $1,140,000 Right of Way Acquisition...... $165,000 Construction .$12,950,000 TOTAL $14,255,OOO Secured Funding .....#L4,255,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S)r City of Kent (Drainage Fund, Local Improvement District, Special Assessments), Developer Mitigation, Transportation Improvement Board PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-west traffic volumes between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley floor, In order to meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required. Intersectíons along South 2}8th/2l2th Street and James/Southeast 24}th Streets are also at or over capacity. Because of existing development and topographic constraints, it is not feasible to widen the James/Southeast 240th Street and South z}Bth/2L2th Street 'corridors' enough to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without addÍtional east-west capacity. 5 DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2OLA.2O23 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #6: Naden Avenue and Willis Street Intersection Improvements YEAR: 2018 Build right-in/right-out intersection on Willis Street (State Route 516) at Naden Avenue consistent with Washington State Department of Transportation approval. Although there are no bicycle facilities planned on Willis Street, this project must be assessed in light of the complete streets requirements. Preliminary Engineering,........ $75,000 Right of Way Acquisition...... $175,000 Construction $500,000 TOTAL .$75O,OOO Secured Funding ..,........ $0 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Local Improvement District, Transportation Capital Fund) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will provide access to the City's Naden site. The Naden site is placed strategically at the entrance to Kent's Downtown, highly approachable and visible from State Route State Route 167 and State Route 516. The Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan describes this area as critical to projecting a good image of the city. 6 2018.2lJ23 CITY OF KENT SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #7: Naden Local Access Road Willis Street to Naden Assembly YEAR: 2018 DESCRIPTION: Build local access road from Willis Street to the Naden assembly to prepare the site for development. PRO¡ECT COST:Preliminary Engineering,...... $200,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........ $0 Construction .. $1,500,000 TOTAL $1,7OO,0OO Secured Funding .......,.,. $0 FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: City of Kent (Developer Mitigation, General Fund, Local Improvement District, Placemaking Fund) This project wÍll build upon the Naden Avenue and Willis Street intersection improvements, allowing for greater development potential for the Naden assembly. This area is adjacent to State Route 167 and State Route 516 and serves as a gateway to visitors. The Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan describes thís area as critical to projecting a good image of the city. Landscaping will buffer development from power lines. Additionally, this project will provide on-street parking so people can access the Interurban Trail. 7 2OT8.2O23 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #8: Flashing Yellow Left Turn Arrows Nofth Industrial Valley YEAR:2018 DESCRIPTION:Purchase and install five traffic signal cabinets, 34 controllers and applicable communications capable of supporting flashing yellow left turn arrow (FYLTA) displays for permitted left turns at L4 intersections in the north Kent Valley. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering....... $100,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........ $0 Construction ,..., $800,000 TOTAL . $9OO,O0O Secured Funding . $400,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:This project builds upon a previously Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program funded project that included replacement of the master signal controller unit and installation of the FYLTAs in the downtown area, This type of signal display has been demonstrated to be much more readily understood by motorists and has resulted in reduced collision rates involving vehicles turning left during permissive left turn signal phases. The upgrade to the legacy central control system and more advanced intersection traffic signal controllers will allow greater operation flexibilÍty and improved transportation system efficiency. I 2OI8.2O23 CITY OF KENT SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #9: South 228th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade-Separated Crossing at Union Pacific Railroad YEAR: 2018 - 2OL9 DESCRIPTION:Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks at South 228th Street. The project will include the construction of a bridge; four-lane vehicle crossing; full- width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; bicycle facilities; street lightÍng; utilities and appurtenances. Construction is underway, utllities are being relocated. This project has also been added to the Washington State Freight Plan. PROJECTCOST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction TOTAL Secured Funding FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT ¡USTIFICATION: . $3,600,000 . $5,000,000 $16,400,000 $25,OOO,OOO ..$25,000,000 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Drainage Fund, Local Improvement District, Street Fund, and Water Fund), Freight Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor, Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board, Poft of Seattle, Union Pacific Railroad The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handlers and their primary destinations. It will support freight moving through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, SeaTac Airport and the freeway system. Grade separating this arterial will increase roadway capacity, decrease congestion, enhance safety and improve freight mobility in this corridor and throughout the region, This project will provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and the 40 million square feet of warehouse/industrial space in the valley. Construction is underway. 9 2018-2023 CrTY OF KENT STX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #LOz Transpoftation Master PIan YEAR: 2018-2019 DESCRIPTION:Major update to the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) including near-term and long range planning of the City's transportation system needs. Project elements will include consultant contracts for transportation planning, concurrency management, public involvement, travel demand and traffic operations modeling and analysis of potential financing strategies to construct, operateand maintain the City's transportation network. The transportation network includes non-motorized infrastructure such as bicycle facilities and sidewalks. The current TMP was completed in 2008 and needs to be revised, PRO¡ECT COST: Contractor . $900,000 TOTAL.... ..........$9OO,OOO Secured Funding. ....... $300,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (General Fund) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:The Kent Transportation Master Plan (TMP), as incorporated into the City's Comprehensive Plan, is the City's blueprint for long- range transportation planning in Kent. When the City's Comprehensive Plan was approved by the Puget Sound Regional Council in 2015, the City deferred an update to the Transportation Master Plan to 20t7. This update will include a multi-year transpoftation financing plan. The plan will also consider subarea and functional plans adopted since 2008 and newly-funded major corridors serving Kent:. Midway Subarea Plan¡ Downtown Subarea Action Plan¡ Federal Way Link Extension¡ State Route 509 extension. State Route 167 improvementso Let's Go Kento Park & Open Space Plan 2016 10 2018.2023 CITY OF KENT SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #LLz Meet Me on Meeker Intersection Improvements at 4th Avenue and Midblock Crossing YEAR:2018-2019 DESCRIPTION:Install curb bulb outs at the intersection of 4th Avenue South on the west side, as well as a midblock crossing between 64th Avenue South and Washington Avenue North with supplemental safety features. The curb bulb outs project has been preliminarily assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. The midblock crossing must also be assessed. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering........$50,000 Construction $350,000 TOTAL.... .......... $4OO,OOO Secured Funding. ....... $250,000 Future Phases To be determined FUNDING souRcE(s):City of Kent (Placemaking Fund), Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside, Transportation Improvement Board, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is intended to make the corridor inviting and safe for all users, specifically school children, seniors, commuters, bicyclists, recreational users and those accessing downtown businesses. The project suppofts City Council's economic development plan strategies to beautify Kent streetscapes and strengthen sense of place by designating and improving key gateways into Kent. 11 2018-2023 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #L2= South 224rh Street Extension 88th Avenue South to 94th Place South YEAR:2018-2019 DESCRIPTION:Construct a three-lane road from 88th Avenue South to 94th Place South, including a new bridge over Garrison Creek, The project will include full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; five foot paved shoulders; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. Construction will begin in 2018. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering...,,., $560,000 Right of Way Acquisition ... $1,555,000 Construction .. $6,170,000 TOTAL ............ $8,285,OOO Secured Funding ,..... $8,285,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Drainage Fund, Local Improvement District, Special Assessments, Transportation Impact Fee), Developer Mitigation, Transportation Improvement Board PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-west traffic volumes between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley floor. In order to meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required. Intersections along South 2}8th/2L2tn Street and James/Southeast 24}th Streets are also at or over capacity. Because of existing development and topographic constraints, it is not feasible to widen the James/Southeast 240th Street and South 2}8th/2l2th Street 'corridors' enough to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without additional east-west capacity. t2 2018.2023 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #13: Railroad Quiet Zone for Downtown Urban Center Burlington Nofthern Santa Fe and Union Pacific Railroads YEAR:2018 - 2022 DESCRIPTION:Establish a railroad quiet zone for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) tracks and the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks through the City of Kent. The grade crossings to be included in the quiet zone on the BNSF railroad mainline are: S 259th Street, Willis Street, Titus Street, Gowe Street, Meeker Street, Smith Street, James Street, and S 2I2Th Street. The grade crossings included in the quiet zone for the UPRR mainline tracks are: Willis Street (SR 516), W Smith Street, W Meeker Street, W James Street and S 2l2th. Street. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering....... $220,000 Right of Way Acquisition $80,000 Construction .. $1,200,000 TOTAL $1,5OO,OOO Secured Funding . $450,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Locomotive engineers begin sounding the train-mounted horn approximately Vc mile from the intersection of a highway/railroad crossing. This warning device is an effective deterrent to accidents at grade crossings but exposes the local community to significant noise that affects the quality of life for those living and working closest to the railroad facilities, and can be a barrier to attracting new businesses and residents. 13 2OLA.2O23 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #L4= Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meridian Elementary Southeast 256th Street and 140th Avenue Southeast YEAR: z0tg DESCRIPTION:Install a traffic signal at Southeast 256th Street and 140th Avenue Southeast and construct an asphalt pavement walkway along Southeast 256th Street from approximately 134th Avenue Southeast to 140th Avenue Southeast. The traffic signal includes a traffic surveillance camera and interconnect cable to connect this signal to the rest of the City's traffic control system, This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. The Transportation Master Plan calls for bicycle lanes on Southeast 256th Street and shared travel lanes on 140th Avenue Southeast. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .. Education/Enforcement,. FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: ... $80,000 ... $80,000 Construction $340,000 TOTAL $5OO,OOO ...,...,,,. $0Secured Funding City of Kent (School Zone Camera Fund), Washington State Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to Schools Program Meridian Elementary School is located near the intersection of Southeast 256th Street and 140th Avenue Southeast. The school provides adult crossing guards to help students cross Southeast 256th Street. Traffic in that neighborhood and in the communities to the east of the school has become especially heavy at the afternoon bell times. Intersection control improvements would assist pedestrians and motorists to maneuver in an orderly way during times of heavy conflict. Currently students must walk or bike along a wide shoulder on Southeast 256th Street, t4 2018-2023 CrTY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #15: Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements Intersection Operations Enhancement YEAR:20L9 DESCRIPTION:Improve the intersection of Willis Street and Central Avenue to provide a right turn lane from southbound on Central Avenue to westbound Willis Street. Project includes sidewalk, curb and gutter replacement and improvements to traffic signal system, Although there are no bicycle facilities planned at the Willis Street and Central Avenue South intersection, this project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering,,,...... $44,000 Right of Way Acquisition,,,... $166,000 Construction . $290,000 $5OO,OOO Secured Funding , $168,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Developer Mitigation, Transportation Impact Fee) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is a traffic mitigation requirement for additional trips generated by the Kent Station Development. The City of Kent will be implementing this project for which money was contributed by the Kent Station developer. The transpoftation analysis prepared for the ShoWare project assumed construction of this project would be complete. TOTAL 15 20L8.2fJ23 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #I6t 76th Avenue South 22400 block to 2L7OO block YEAR:2020 DESCRIPTION:Construct drainage and road improvements on 76th Avenue South from the 22400 block to the 2L7OO block. The project will include raising the existing road; a full width overlay, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, and channelization. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements, The Transportation Master Plan calls for "possible re-striping" to include bicycle lanes on this segment of 76th Avenue South, PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering..,,.. $500,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $0 Construction . $4,500,000 TOTAL.... .......$5,OOO,OOO Secured Funding. ......... $0 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Storm Drainage Utility Fund), Congestion Mitigation and Air QualityImprovement Program, Developer Mitigation, Suface Tra nsportation Prog ra m, Tra nsportation I m provement Boa rd PRO¡ECT JUSTIFICATION:76th Avenue South floods several times per year, resulting in road closures, The roadway is located in the heart of the City's Industrial zoning area and has heavy truck traffic. Large industrial and manufacturing companies and a large solid waste company that serves several adjacent jurisdictions are locatedin the immediate vicinity of the project. Road closures negatively impact these businesses and create congestion in other pafts of the City as a result of traffic detours around the closure. Improving the road to current standards will also improve traffic flow on 76th Avenue South. t6 2OL8.2O23 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #L7: Southeast 248th Street Improvements 104th Avenue South to 116th Avenue South YEAR:2020 DESCRIPTION:Improvements on Southeast 248Th Street between 104th Avenue South and 116th Avenue South, This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. The Transportation Master Plan calls for bicycle lanes on this segment of Southeast 248th Street. This segment will include a five-foot landscape buffer between each sidewalk and bicycle lane. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering.,..... $500,000 Right of Way Acquisition,.. $1,000,000 Construction .. $8,500,000 TOTAL ..........$1O,OOO,OOO Secured Funding ........... $0 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and OccupatÍon Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), Economic Incentive Grants PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: In support of future development, this area will be connected to the bicycle and pedestrian networks. Nearby pedestrian generators include Morrill Meadows Park, East Hill Park, and Daniel Elementary School, and the project will include improved turning operations into these attractors. 17 201.8.2lJ23 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #18: Panther Lake Signal System Integration YEARr 2020-2022 DESCRIPTION:This project includes extension of communication fiber to traffic signals in the Panther Lake area to allow remote monitoring, management and coordination. The project also includes replacement of the existing controllers to ones capable of displaying flashing yellow left turn arrows. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction FUNDTNG souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: .,....... $0 ......... $o $350,000 TOTAL . $35O,OOO Secured Funding ......,.... $0 Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program The traffic signals in the Panther Lake area are not connected to the City's central traffic signal control system; hence, they cannot be remotely monitored or managed from the City's Traffic Management Center. The existing intersection controllers are not capable of displaying flashing yellow left turn arrows for permissive left turn movements. It has been demonstrated that this type of signal display is much more readily understood by motorists and results in reduced collision rates involving vehicles turning left during permissive left turn signal phases. The integration of these signals into the City's signal system will allow operation flexibility and improved transportation system efficiency. 18 2OI8.2O23 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #L9z Willis Street Roundabout Willis Street at 4th Avenue South YEAR:202L DESCRIPTION:Construct a roundabout on Willis Street at 4th Avenue South. The project will include the construction of the roundabout, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. The roundabout will accommodate bicycle riders, consistent with the Transportation Master Plan's call for a shared travel lane (sharrows) on 4th Avenue, This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering...,.. $350,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....... $0 Construction $2,150,000 TOTAL.... ,......$2,5OO,OOO Secured Funding. ....,.... $0 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This gateway project will provide an aesthetically pleasing welcome to commuters into the heaft of Kent and provide the typical benefits of a roundabout including: improved safety, improved traffic flow and decreased maintenance costs over the long run. 19 2OT8-2O23 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #2O= South 224th Street Extension, 94'n Place South to lo8th Avenue Southeast (State Route Sl5/Benson Highway) YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATTON: 2022-2023 Construct a three-lane road from 94th Place South to 108th Avenue Southeast State Route 515/Benson Highway). The project will include full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; five-foot paved shoulders; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements, Preliminary Engineering ..., $ 1,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition,,. $1,000,000 Construction ,$13,000,000 TOTAL $15,OOO,OOO Secured Funding . $100,000 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Drainage Fund,Local Improvement District, Special Assessments, Transportation Impact Fee), Developer Mitigation, Transportation Improvement Board The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-west traffic volumes between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley floor. In order to meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required. Intersections along South 2}8th/2L2th Street and James/Southeast 24}rh Streets are also at or over capacity. Because of existing development and topographic constraints, it is not feasible to widen the James/Southeast 24}rn Street and South 2}8th/2t2th Street 'corridors' enough to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without additional east-west capacity, 20 2fJL8.-2023 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #2Lt Street and Sidewalk Preservation and Repair Program Ongoing Citywide Program YEAR:2018 - 2023 DESCRIPTION:Maintain the existing transportation system by overlaying, rehabilitating, and reconstructing the existing asphalt and concrete streets throughout the City. Reconstruct and repair existing sidewalks and curb ramps consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Construct new accessible sidewalks. Street and sidewalk preservation and repair projects must be assessed with respect to complete streets requirements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction TOTAL Secured Funding FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: . $8,500,000 . $1,000,000 $83,500,000 $93,OOO,OOO ..$47,850,000 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Solid Waste Utility Tax), Surface Transportation Program The City assessed the condition of its street network in 2016. Many of the streets exhibit deficiencies that reflect they are beyond their expected performance life and are in need of a maintenance or rehabilitation overlay, or some amount of reconstruction. This preservation work also requires curb ramps and sidewalks be made accessible to persons with disabilities, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This program constructs and repairs the City's sidewalks and beginsto address the pedestrian improvements identified in the Transportation Master Plan. 2t 2018-2023 CrTY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRO¡ECT #22= Traffic Signal Management Program Ongoing Citywide Program YEAR:2018 - 2023 DESCRIPTION:Analyze intersections for potential replacement of traffic signals or other traffic control systems to ensure safe and efficient use of the existing and planned transportation network. Analysis of turn movements and collision history will be used to prioritize new traffic signal installations. This program budgets for projects needed to meet the increasing demand for signalized intersection control and the constant need for traffic counts to monitor vehicle volumes and behavior. New traffic signals will include bicycle detection. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering....... $600,000 Right of Way Acquisition $0 Construction TOTAL Secured Funding . $3,600,000 $4,2OO,OOO ...... $o FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This program also helps the City maintain level of service standards necessary to maintain concurrency as required by the Growth Management Act. 22 2018-2fJ23 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #23= Channelization (Street Markings) Improvement Program Ongoing Citywide Program YEAR:2018 - 2023 DESCRIPTION:Provide street marking including striping, thermoplastic pavement marking, and raised pavement markers throughout the City to separate and regulate conflicting movements, define paths of travel, and facilitate safe and orderly movement on City Streets. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering....... $300,000 Right of Way Acquisition .,...,,. $0 Construction .. $4,200,000 TOTAL ............$4,5OO,O0O Secured Funding ...... $3,090,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:This ongoing program maintains and updates the channelization throughout the City. The City has approximately 1,648,863 linear feet (LF) of channelization striping, 445,30O raised pavement markings, 22,OL2 LF of access control curb and 7,L79 LF of painted access control curb. Channelization helps to limit conflict points and directs motorists through areas of complexity, These markings are also used to delineate left turn storage queue areas and deceleration areas for right turning vehicles. This project preserves the capacity and efficiency of the existing roadway system. 23 2oLA-2023 CITY OF KENT SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #242 Guardrail and Safety Improvements Program Ongoing Citywide Program YEAR:2018 - 2023 DESCRIPTION:Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motorist safety. Candidate projects include Frager Road, SE 24}th/148th Avenue Southeast hillside, Lake Fenwick Road north or S 272"d Street, S 2}8th/2l2th and 100th Avenue Southeast. Upgrade existing guardrail end-treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: . $60,000 ......,.. $0 $540,000 TOTAL . $600,000 Secured Funding ........... $0 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Highway Safety Improvement Program and Hazard Elimination Program This project is mandated for compliance with Federal and State regulations and the requirement to mitigate potentially hazardous roadway conditions. 24 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX.YEAR TRAN S PO RTATIO N IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2018 r 2023 KENT W¡,sHrNGToN For more information or additional copies of this document contact Lacey Jane Wolfe, AICP Senior Transportation Planner City of Kent, Public Works, Engineering 22O Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 253-856-5564 lwolfe@kentwa.gov 25