HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935RESOLUTION NO. _/_'C/_·,�_9_5 __ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring City owned property in downtown Kent, generally bounded on the north by Meeker Street, on the west by SR 167, on the south by Willis Street, and on the east by the Interurban Trail corridor, and commonly referred to as the "Naden" properties, to be surplus to the City's needs, and authorizing the Mayor to take all appropriate actions to market the properties for sale or lease in one or more phases. RECITALS A.Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.010, the city is authorized to dispose of real property for the common benefit. B.The Naden Avenue properties consist of a number of city-owned parcels generally bounded on the north by Meeker Street, on the west by SR 167, on the south by Willis Street, and on the east by the Interurban Trail corridor. The 60-foot Naden Avenue right-of-way runs generally north-south through the assemblage. Zoning is DCE, Downtown Commercial Enterprise. C.The Naden properties were originally purchased approximately 15 years ago with the primary intent to develop an aquatics center as part of the city's parks system. Economic downturn, cost of construction, and shifting priorities now make that particular investment unfeasible. D.Pursuant to the City's surplus property Ordinance no. 4203, the city council determined on June 21, 2016, to commence the process to ·.consider whether the Naden properties should be sold or leased as surplus to Resolution Surplus Naden Property the city's needs. One parcel originally selected for aquatic center purposes, was never purchased and is now needed to improve parkland along the Interurban Trail Corridor. If purchased, that parcel may be included in the Naden properties, so it was included in the surplus process. In accord with that ordinance, the city published timely notice to the public, posted notice as required by the ordinance, and mailed notice to nearby property owners that the city would be considering whether to surplus the Naden properties. E.The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance on June 29, 2016, on the question of surplus only. The SEPA appeal period has since passed with no objection or appeals received. F.The City Council held a public meeting on July 19, 2016, and invited comments regarding the City's surplus property consideration. Two persons attended that meeting who sought information about the possible surplus action, but who did not oppose the potential surplus. G.Having complied with the procedures and provisions of city code relating to consideration of city-owned property for surplus by sale or lease, the city council has determined that it is appropriate and timely to surplus all or part of the Naden properties in one or more phases. H.Because, as a result of this decision, the properties will no longer be considered for future park and recreation purposes, staff should amend the Park and Open Space Plan, as well as the comprehensive plan and zoning map, if necessary, to comply with this surplus decision. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 2 Resolution Surplus Naden Property RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Recitals Incorporated. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into the body of this resolution and will act as the findings of the Kent City Council on this matter. SECTION 2. -Public's Best Interest. It is in the public's best interest that this surplus property shall be marketed and sold in one or more sections for reinvestment and redevelopment to enhance city revenue and stimulate economic development in the city's downtown core. SECTION 3. -Property Deemed Surplus. The Naden properties described in the recitals, which were originally acquired primarily for an aquatic center, are now surplus to the City's needs and should be marketed for sale or lease. The Mayor is authorized to take all appropriate acts to fulfill the decisions made by this resolution. SECTION 4. -Plans to be Revised. The City's Park and Open Space Plan, as well as its comprehensive plan and zoning map, if necessary, should be amended either during the annual comprehensive plan amendment process or through an emergency process, if appropriate, to comply with this surplus decision. SECTION 5. -Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. -Corrections by Citv Clerk. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary. corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. 3 SECTION 7. -Effective Date.This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. ATTEST: G J:1zz � jJ ,R /}6 d(S)'--' SUE HANSON, INTERIM CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: PASSED: APPROVED: ;-fl/.-, day of cGQAc'> /Jg)z._, PUBLISHED:� day of C:rf!fofJi!rL , 2016. , 2016. , 2016. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. �-­ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P:\Civll\Resolutlon\Surplus Property_Naden.doc �fl_,, +il:/JUWr� (SEAL) SUE HANSON, INTERIM CITY CLERK 4 Resolution Surplus Naden Property