HomeMy WebLinkAbout1915RESOLUTION NO. / f' /.5 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, ratifying the amendment of the King County Countywide Planning Policies outlining a process for school districts and jurisdictions to work together to identify future school sites within the Urban Growth Area adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council and pursuant to the Growth Management Act. RECITALS A. The adoption of countywide planning policies is required under the State Growth Management Act (GMA), pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210. The Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) provide a framework for Kent and other cities in King County to conduct planning under the requirements of GMA. This framework ensures that city and county comprehensive plans are consistent. B. On July 23, 2015, the Metropolitan l<ing County Council approved and ratified Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) Motion No. 15-1, adopted by the GMPC on April 22, 2015, to add new text and a new policy PF-19A to the existing CPPs, outlining a process for jurisdictions working together to identify future school sites within the Urban Growth Area. 1 Countywide Planning Public Schools Resolution C. Now the amendment and new policy are presented to jurisdictions In King County for ratification. D. The King County Council approved and ratified the new policy on behalf of unincorporated King County pursuant to King County Ordinance No. 18084. E. The Kent City Council's Economic and Community Development Committee reviewed the text and policy amendments at its meeting on September 14, 2015, and recommended approval to the full City Council. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Amendment. The City of Kent, acting pursuant to the interlocal agreement among King County, the City of Seattle, and incorporated suburban cities, hereby ratifies the proposed amendment to the Countywide Planning Policies as adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council in King County Ordinance No. 18084, attached and incorporated hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION 2. -Public Inspection. The amendment to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted herein shall be filed with the City Clerk and placed in the planning services office so they are available for Inspection by the public. 2 Countywide Planning Public Schools Resolution SECTION 3. -Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 4. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this t:;!ic day of t/c..b2her , 2015. /.I,.< CONCURRED In by the Mayor of the City of Kent this 0 .-day of ~-dzbet-' , 2015. APPROVED AS TO FORM: 3 Countywide Planning Public Schools Resolution Jll. · ·King County·. August2, ·2015 T~e Honorable.Sui:ette.C<;Joke City. of Kent . · · · 220c4th·Av€mue South . Kent, WA 98032-5895 . D<;lar Mayor Cooke: EXHIBIT A .RECEIVED AUG 03 2015 · . .CITY OF KENT · . ECONOMIC AND . COMMUNJW DEVELOPMENT ' ' we are pleased to tcirwarclfor your consiperati6n and. ratification the enclosed amendment to the King CoUntY Countywide Plan'iilhg l'olldes (CPP), · · ·· . . ' . ' . . . . ' On July 20,'.2015, the Metropolitan King County Council approved and ratified the : amendment on behaif of unincorporated King. County. The qrdlnance will become effective ·su,nday, August 2, 2015. Copies of the tran:smlttalletler, King .. cbunty Council staff report; or.dil,'lance and GroWthMar\agehlent Planning . . ·council motion ate enclbse~ td'assist you li1 your review of this aniendiilent. ' . '' ' ln·accordanceWith the CPP, G-1, amendments· become effective when ratified . by.cirdlnance or resolution by at least 30 percent ofthe.clty and county · governments represehting 70 percent of the population of King County according to the lr:tterlocal agreement A city will be deemed to have ratified the CPP and ainen~ments.unless, within ~O'days 'of adoption by King County, the city takes · leglslallvs action to 'disapprove the amendments. Please .note that the 90-day dea:dllne for these amendments is Saturday, October 31, 2015. . . ~ ' . If you adopt any legislation concerning this action, please send a copy of the legislation by the· Close of business, Friday, October 30, 2'015, to Anne Noris, C.lerl< of the Council, Room 1200, King County Courthouse, ·516 Third Avenue, '$eattle, WA'9B104.' . . . · · lfyou hiwe any qli~stions.~bo'ut the !)mendmeiiis.or ratification process, ple~se contact Karen Wolf, Senior Strategy and Performance Analyst, King County ) EXHIBIT A Executive's Office, at 2()6 263-9649, or Christine Jensen, Metropoiltan King County Council Staff, at 206 477-5102. · · Thank you for your prompt attention to this m·atter. Sincerely, Larry Phillips, Chair Metropolitan King County Council Enclosures oe6; King County City Planning Directors Sound Cities Association Dow Constantine Kfng County Executive Lat1ren Smith, Director, Regional Planning Karen Wolf, Senior Strategy and Performance Analyst , Christine Jensen, Council Staff, Transportation, Environment and Economy Committee (TR!;':E) · i, ·~. ' ' ' ,· ' ', I '•, :EXHIBIT A . ')' . KING COUF\)If . -~;._;· .-;_::-·: •. : .,'!J'iJ.:' -~1:. !!_. '. . 1.200 King Col.mty'Qourthm.i"So ......... -.... __ ,_,, ----· .. _ . ' . . ·Sl611ilrd Avenue· . -. 'seniU•. WA'9~104. ', ' •' ,• : · . Spopsors. Dembowski ·.:.·. . { ·. ' . .-. .·,· .... ··. .·. •, ... ·. ·.·.· ., ' ... "· >1 ·. . : . · ... AN O@rNANCE adogting-l)lid r!!t\iYing_.(Jx~~-:,_, ,,,_,/ :.·· .. , .• / .,-.,..: . -' , . . . . , . . . .. . d .lp.r ·.i :t:-,/\1.~ :'fit ~?n~~: .~~.~}".':' :· :i: .•·.•1 :~.' :~ ;:· .. \ :· -,:·,~ r~ -.~ ·,·,':' :· , ;: ,I t;'r"''.C ··:: i_~ ~·I .... :~: ·.' ;:,· ,; ';;.,::} ~;.~ ~~ • •• ~ •, ,~··~ :,:~:(, • ••• . .. . 2 ·. , · : M.~ag~meiitPiaru,ill\'i'c<l\lli'diir;;r'6ti6n !5-i: · · ·· · · -."·:· .. · " ·. ·' .· · -:-.. .-. • 3 :':i'\'·'i'!~'E·ifo~··i3·~~1cbbtd!t:q~'~gt,¢'6YBI&:' · · .. -••.. · ·-•. .... .: . • ... , .... , . _ -~~_;:'Jt~~§..:.t~_;f,:;(;,:: :.i·,·· -~~~;· .. : •. :r:nf.-: · • 4. p;!J':.'sE:dno~·I,t,riiilid#ig~\11:'"'~-. . .· .. , • ~l ·:·ic'''"i'' . . . ; , :: · '', 5 . · · ·, A, Growth. Management Planning Council Motjon 15~ 1 repommends that a: new . · . . ' ' ' '·, , .. , . . . . . · ... , . ·. . I . , ·: . '· . ,· ·. · .. policy be add,ed .. t? the,.~9 .. 1;2 Iqng,C\)~.Countywide Planning Policies to outline a · . · !L~',:.-~-r;·f.;f4~;:.:·,. .. ~.~; .)\:, :;),,_:. __ ,\~,··:· · · · :· · . · .. ·. process for s~W~~(.'cli~fric-bi 'lllld'Jiliisdi:Ciions.ta wqrk togefue1' to identifY future scliool ' . " . :-~::: .. ,.<"-\~ .. , ,::--.\ \ ... ~' •, -.. ~~:~;·-(. •, ' ' . ··sites wHh'tlie i':rrb!i,n 'Gi'o:w.th Area:· · ·,,·:;·-: ~ -·-:<_:, ~~t~ ~~-:.~.:-~.~~r.:.~~~-~J·· ,.,._t.-\;::.~::.<~-:.:~~~~i '. · .. · -.. · ;, ·, :~~: -0~ Ap~il i2,;~.~~~;•.tb,ll,;¢rii~·ijanageinent Planning Co~cii · · , . ! ; , • · •' . ·~ .. -.. 6 7 8 9 .L · .. · .. ·. / · .. 1t'J' . 11 ,' : ,-' '12· ' '. . .•.. ·· .. ,;'! ~-'·-,. -~ -.;·' ... ): .. .. · ·" :•'' ,•" . •·. ·,· .· ·< ·~· . • ... ':: ·,· -·-. ·,' •'/, .; .. '• ... · . . . , . •. '· EXHIBIT A · .. Ordinance 18084 13 . :If:"?· i:.3fr_;,·i_-' · <-·. .. '-' .· . . ' .. ··.. . " ·.;:;,{'pi·'<::·· 'J.·)~,.\:•(ii;·,; . . . . ,· 'i~?t~:iii;~.. . PoliCies;. as shown 1n AttachineniAtt) !his ol-ci!riance,.is hereby adoptcid.l:i':)i:Kfug'Cotility. ' • ~ • , • ' ' ' . ', ' ;_:; r·-.~r:l:, 1 [/!_ '-£c~i ,·' , '• . • ' 1 • .and tatifie,d on behalf of the pop1Jl~tiQri ofuriinc6rporated King-County; 14 15 . ;_,,~~;,;:~i:{ ~ -~:~;;··:: ~-i:g! j ~?:;:r.::; ~-... ' ' . '•' : ., : ·.· .. ····· . ; .. , . ~ ',;. ,, .t .·1 ; ·: l • ' .... _;: , .. '· · .. . . '•,, -~;:-~:\·:; l. :"J''.:(:~-~} \~: ~-\<%~. 'j ;-_:-' -~-i~;•;':~~!_!~,l}}~~ \ -~-~:· ···,_ .. ~. ,_ ·.f. '·,,, ,,:··. • . .-;, . · .. -_:~'}.f~i _rr··;:'::~.·-' ~;:.<i{\: i ).:"~·_., :·_,~\~~ (1i-:~ -~-:~1~:-·i ~ -)~-,.,.~<-i?:-:;f L' ,: : ·"! · · '-~)-~ ,."\·~! _:.~ ..... -~ :!.~·:} , '(--' ~-.~·': ~ _])-:~;·'} J;J"':;, t: t: .. ::_~! _::::'-c:1/ . .,.. -'· ! • t-·•-. ~-~ . . : ... ~ ,.,_,.,;-·,-· . . ··,. ArujaNotls, !:!elk oft]!~ Council:;. .. .. . . ·. -' :··-·· ;··· -· , .. 'q···"·· .,._ ·y···.·, ........... -··!..~:l; .. -~!-\-·:.:.::·_~.~~F;,q-;i~'"~jl!-~: ·-::·<:· · J(.i·.~-~: ;.~~t·~.:.·-~f~ :·n·:_··~'~··i;: !:; ·. ·-.:-~-~-:Y:t'.IJ ·-·,::-.·':f.: .. ',,· ,. ·iPJWVED;hls21dayoJut:...~/ . ,'2(liS; . •, .... .:v-~.c~·e:t· -4 '• _; ~;- ·:-Dow Constantlrte, Co\mty Executive· '• '. · · Attacliruents: 'A::·oMJic Motion No. 'is·! ,• . ' . . . '. '. '· ., •.•..••. l.-..•. •'. ·2 ., EXHIBIT A 18084 • . .;/ .· '• 1' .':; ,'•. '"-·''' 'i"l21l7ll1f_,:., · .. , ATTACHMENT A .'):.;~· ..... :·::it-<:! ::,~-=-~/ ·_: ;': \' '" ... ~;\·(}n';:>:\: -~ ~~ :..= .. '. ·' ~-... :.-~ ·:· ,; ... }.,'-' :··n· -,:· ·-.-!.'--:;:·, j·_; .. ·:. :·::,.,~:,:~.:;.:;;:~r:· ... -.. :: •. ;.; ... '" . Sponsored By; . · E~~~~tive Committee ;· __ ?:~.~{_:·,_·~--~·~-~~~-.'-.:~:.·:_/ .. ·~~ ~ ;:~~;,: _._··.·<.~ .. -.'-~~: ... _· ... ~ ~:. :--~, !.: ~=~: · .-;. :-·· .. : :.~.. ·r , ·t ~· -.-1 J~' . :-~ ~;: ~-_;::.: ';, ____ ,_ ----. ----·-. ::.: .. -.-... ~.~::.~::.• :.:-:::·:·-_::-_._({(.'__ .·-, ·-~·:::.:J~1~~)>:'()\',:{~'-·J_·:' . r: ~11'i~~i~~1;~3f~~t~~M~;tif~;i\l~~~~~~~~~{~:i~~;£z ·~' (:. i! -_;': .. , -::·:-s .::<.'.::c•::~•.J _, . .'_A' !V!b'ti:ON rurteiiillng:fu~2012-:Kii\g.c6unt§::£1oun~de. · · . _, './'~.' T, s:··~ ,·:. c: '-'':': ·:;_,_ Pl!lnrting P'o!icies;itiutiillilig:~'J?roc~swf:otjarisdliltiotis3vorking -·0 : 'H':":n 't',•t1 .: '!· ·,,:,.;· >'-togellier'to'identifY fufut<fs6liooi.sites:~'t:hirt;the:\1:QA;{;:i:, .. . ' 8 \ . ' . .>~~:··:i~~.(~_;:li.f~~~~~\:~f!?_~~-~;:,~j.?A:.Qt~~A::~_\.?.,~A!.\· !:~~·!:·{~."?:~~ . L. ,, . 9 . WHEREAS the <'lrowfh ManagementPlanPffig Council (GMPC) conv~ned the : i' :. · ·,,,;,,>-t-o.'P!~\,\i'Schqof.gitilig'TriskFo~e~,il\;!9,1JtP-~i1<lf~~s.tJibJ~~u.e'pf,\vylieJ)i<lr pu]llic s9)1ool $erVing . ':. >'i'k;,~;f,~f~t~~:,;~;{fi,:!~~~~~tt~i~~~:~,=~~~j;!t:f~~;].;~%~~;~1ft4~!hether such f~~:l!ties . · .. ·· ,. ~~ i·l ,, ,::1 iL ).i .:t " ~ ~ ·~~ ;~ ; ( ~' ,, ' ,._ ,. ;: j: iJ ,, I. r·· '' ~·~'!!_.').f•W:· :> .. ;.~. v~::w',@REAS;'tli<J. T~sk ~or~~~~;ni~i~i~d' iil~ii;_;;;~k:()il''March 31, 2012,1ssuhig a , , ", :.·~yts'!~• :\):'~r.gp6~'¥~ fuiitf:riic~In'il]~rtd.atl\1jistottlieJ9rigCo,Ui\ty.:~?<ep~ttlve; and . , ~ . ·: ':~;~:t:~-t~};;l;·eyJ::;:;-;tb~(~r~}.:;~~-~.:.~~:-~~-:t-~.5~:~~-:~ .. 4-!,~ :: !~_,//:\:{<~~~~·;~.!;:~?~;t~-:;~.<1 t·;~::.~~~: .. : .. ~e~~~~~J~.i~!~~). .. :w~):~~~~i;?~ ;i. . . . ,-• • \ ;~ · · .. . . "'c/· •l7·!~+·', .-:• ('1.-·:.-.:;,,,'\VHEREA'S;·. as--a-tesul~c.9:f'$e,W9rJI;•of;the,'J1lig!Q)Jp~ce, two new pohcJes;were !added . . :H'i'~lli,i\!:';_~'~.\ttb':lli'e 2!i'f:2:1Giig'CoilntYiCo)ib,Wf!le::Piiirlriill~'P,eliPieS';(GPPs)..:. PFc18 and l'E~19; anti -:ld':5if\!~li~J!!!~;;~;!iM~~20~~~~~~!~i~~i:jj~~~i~~~~,;~%W~i~~lW~~d .an i~~Qt·to .impl~~e\lt the · -.:.n' .;:':121 ·' ,.,,J('reffi'irln'deri'of,the·'I'I'Sk Fqrc~ reeallj1rtefi4atioh8',.Jrtcluil4\gt;'l'f71<e Growt~ Mmidgement' . · .22 ·'Planning}S:tiunW (GMRQ) 'shOUld-I(Jetifijji!jldllcii!s and adopt a wQrk program that ·::):.;.·+~~2l>.i '':""'iJ.iJmnliti.ijlir.(~l/iaifli&~;tq;!'!iJTkif![rtog~'tM''lf!:!1e_,rf!IJY future schooisltes within. t~e UGA .. :, · .24' · These ;Policies ~hall direct jurlst!lctlons to J{Se,zrming and other land use tools to.·ensure a · . 2.5 ,.;.,slf/JiPJ~n.f..s~P.P.lYof,itJn4,fo,,;sil_i.llgfq~q!J.!s.:';,!-!#P.:~i·,·., .. , . : ~:; · :.~·:i(:!J~~ \'!',;!~!;=:;:!; i;.:~~~g;·~~:i~~:~J;;~;:.;Bj:;tik#t';~etirlg, staffpr~po~ed ~-~oll~y to · . 2~. ·.. C\irectly respi:\ii<l\6%e T~skF&'cg;~ dfr~Ctioil::' G:MP.C:members revi~wed the'!fraft policy · ·, i!J :,:::.·· >2!P' \., '!.'iii':li! iqentified th1i:i'ieed:to.'b.1ore!fl!l.tji',~d<lr~·ss~fue:Jsrilles. of breadth, cootdinatio_n between ')'i'''' ;;,::: i sb:-·:r. ,,,,; ji¢sdi.~lioilS'andp)lbliC:·sehqoi'.9lS!Jii<ts; :fl!'\gjJi(}:y!qi:kloacl imp ads to ~e respective·. . . . .31 .. ·. · jurisdicticins-a'n(!-sqhoof diSiric\3. ctMP.c'iiiem!i~ii(~lso. wanted to el}sure that t4e proposecl' ·. ,>\!;\h _,,,; 3?c ;, ·-~ <Jl:OJ.i~Y Jli!JY•,\IdCJre~~e(l;tlt~,P!~~.I}~,eg~ ~~ pi~J,WJs~~t.i~~~s/school distqbts ..Y!ille being · ---· ;:-.:;;: ;~3,':;~:' -:i·sensitiVei6'ilili'fui' atit of' ifui''''iu'iliiielers''. 'dJiliid:use'tejiulations on currici\lum needs· . , ... ,,,~1·'' .. ,,.,,ifua·~n\.ts,~; ·:"~::;f!~x~;;_;~~,·,::!::·:~:',f.~r; .. ·~J:5:r:~:''.~~)::::··::.:;· . . . . . . . . . . 36 . . ' '. WHEREAS, to implement' Task-Force recommendation ~d address issues raised at 37 . the May 4l,,2014.GMP.C 111e<ltlng, amiwpolicy, PF-f9A is being proposed. · . 38 . . '... . . ' ' ; :··,. •.:· ' ' ' . l ~ ' . )' EXHIBIT'A 18084 ( i 39;\!\Ao. <( :·NOW THEREFORE liE IT RESOLVED that the Growth Managenl.ent·Planning 40 · Council of King County hereby reco.mmends that the 2012 King Cotinty Countywide' · · . 41 Planning Policies be amended to add new pqlicy PF-19A with preceding text; as follows: . ",,q\)\42!',: --'/){,:, _· ' .:: ... ':)',· ... .;-:_.;'· . ---· .. 43 --· ·-~ 'Public s,chooffac!Ilties'to ~eet the needs of growing communities are an essential-part 44 . of the public infrastructure. Coordination between each jurisdiction's land use plan and . 45 teguiati6ns and their respective schooi ·ctistrict[slfacili.tv need's are essentialfor public.· · o46, school capacity needs to be niet. The following policy ab'plies co!int_ywide and requires ' ! '17 engagemcht befurei;fu.(liich'lichoi;il'district and each city that is serxed b'y the· SChool · I 48 district. the policy also applies to'Kihg Courity as a jUrisdiction for areas-of : · .49 · Uirliiconiot'ated·Kin:g Goi:intV:that.are.W:ithin a scheoLdistlii:t's 'servi~e·oouridazy, The so ;,,:,; policiiiriitMte~ aperiodic nrocedurdo:identiffi:fthere arektlividual school disfrloi. '$1 ' ' siting.issi.tes:and:if so;·.aprocliss.'for·the school district illi.diuriscliction'to cooperatively ' 52 prepare strategies for resolving the hrsue. . ' .. ' :·· ' ' .. : ' ,''' : ·i~·.v:r·.-5~·~ r~ ~·;·! .. ": ·=·-·~;~,.·-· .. ~::-~:~~::_;~~.~if~, ::1-.-1j ~ ~i·.f :!(.1.: -.. :~.·>'·' F-'·{·-.::,;,_._·.-,:: : -~=-::,. ._ •. ;_ :.: .-1 ;~ ·= :_:.-,'==;_~:·.c~~ . .r:; .. :, :·:./ .. ; .. ·'IY'.\'1 '''5iiW-')~-: . .-.<;;,: "'·,I>.IH9A<-· Plan; througli:a;cooperative process bet'ween:jurisdictions·imd school . - · ,,,;;i5S!rc•:<~i''·'''; .,, "''''1oi'lliStriots\lthat ptiblic' schooH'acillties are available;-lo:meet ihe:needs of:indsting an 'd. · ' . 56', ' ' . . projected residential develomnentconsistent.:Witii adopted co~prehensive plan ' . . . . . . . . 57 . . ... polimes and growth forecasts. . .. · . . .-, .. . . . · '':')~:mr-58,~:/'''', ·!: ; ""'/ .. ·Coop~raiively.workwitlr.each sohooldiStrlctlocated within'the juri~dictidn's ·59. . .. .;,,, ;c ·.-,:bouri.daries·to evaluate the school.district!s abrut¥:to,site schotil facilitirfs · 60 : ·. . . . necessazy to me·et the sGhool district's identified Studimt clipaci.t\( needs. Use ·. fJ. ·J.~,fb:·,:,·.•-6t:;,i·fi'"'· · .-;.,., .. ·;•.·; 'scliool,district capacJty;.and enrollriient data and,the.growth forecasti and . " . · ltc•'r.::~-' 62\:l:r"-.!'' ~-·· -·. 'Meveloprnent.data o:f:\each,junsdiction,locat<i'lW:ithin ib.e'school district's . . ':: '63 . . ·.. serl'ice boundaries. By Janu'a:ry 201i5 and every tWo yeai:s fuereaftei,;detennine : .. J..;l..·>;·,64::Hr,'\!~'i .,,, · ., e<i. •.i£:th~rii is,developmerit:cin)aCityiuid:the suppqrtlnginftas!ruciure t<i''iiite the· ~\''\l·'/6s;,,;,,,,,,;~,,io,.~ · ;: ·· .need~d.~chcioLf!militiesdfnot,.coojjeratively·J)repate,aostiategy to address the . : · .. · :';E'66,,,,-.;_\''·"·· r-,, ; , ··:'cilp~city;sliortfalE·P.ot!nitial-strateiiie~'may,hiclude::·,,;,,,;,;< .. · ... '-:·.· · · . • :·: icC,.o'c!;; ':''ii7''1\.:'.''(''!•·'i · :, . ··, J ·,·•i'~.:i,·SJiiiiedp\lblic fjwiliiiei·such,as.blay;fields; pirrJdn~W.eas and access · . :; • · •: '''' ;.]'"',.~;,' ,,,.. !: _.,;. • •. ; : :·: ', ': .... , '~i·:~~~~~~~'~}:\~a·~~ ~;~~l~~P~~~~ ~~~HJ iancts . <. ··70 · .. _ · · · .. ~ .. Regulaiorv changes such·as allo.Wing schools to locate in rttlditiorial · i ,rf~· ,. ,_.l:f·~-"~1· ·-::·'·' :'. ·.: . \ « • ··,; .'· ._.., •• ·' .• .., • .-· .••••.• ,r. , . , . ,. . •• , ,.. -:..-••.. ,, .::.,•.·,:. ,., • --~ ,,_,_,:..-~---·"· ·' .• 1 :-. . • .. I ' •.· .• ;· . ·:';:;_;~\.~;:.·_:_::.::_._:_i71.7.-3~·--.·~_-,,;_ •. ,'~.; .• _:~,;;) .. ~.'_-,·-~:.: ._ •• _ .. _-,-.· , :: ",, ,' •, -·~~~::~~:::~::;~:,::~!:d:~l:d:;~g{;i;~ci~nts Csuclias muiti-. i '· ' · · :;. 'story 'sttil6tur~s or'reducedfoo!j)rint) whllei~n:~e~ting progrnllnnatic · ·.J --~;· ·.~· ··:·;~1!~\l"::~.t~::fi':::·;:~:;:_ .... '···: .··~~~Jl!~~~7hlfi~~iif:;0:~!:~~~~~~~0s~~~~~2vMPc :1 t • , 77 coriectiv.e actions a:s'neceSsarv to implement this polioy/1.,.·-··-U . . n . . .. ,, ;,_,,,; ... ;t9o_. __ ,_r_·.j~~~:·_;~i .. ~-'-· -; ·--' ,·.. 0 . 81 82 83 Dow _constantine, Chair, Growth Management Planning Cqunci! '·. '. . ' ',•l :.· . .. ...,,. ti :• ,. " ," ....... King C9i.mty · · · . · Dow Constiu\tlne . King County Executive. . 4ot FJftli-.-Av~ntie{sliite· s_ci6~-_.-:.:' · · ·/F_.·. i.: lt~.:~ . Seattle, ,WA' 9-8t04~1B18;l,'.f~~:. \:~ ::·',. .. ·(· .. ;_1{/ ·;{: ,' . . . . ' .· ,,,J ·-· ' ... •;· 20~·263·9600 · Fax 20~·296-0194 m:Relay: 111 · . . · . · . www.klngcaunty.gov.__ · .. · .. 'June 3, i0.15 ;' . ' I .. •·. •.;·:. -'~- . ,. 'The· HonCn;~hle_t~Y Phi~ips ·. -;::~'.r:i·.:L·:;::tl.:l.v.-.... ,-.. ~~_... ::J;_;._:;·?·:_: -~:;; ·• ·· · chair; Kink County Cotuicil · · · , •·r'i' · Jc;,,; .. •;: , ... ;., .. ·,,, :·: :;:"'• .. : ::,::. · Rooni.tzoo . · · · t~~:::t_~::_ . ·-r-· .-... ;(.~·-s._,·r-:;_::~1>(~-J!:~!·;>i__ .... '·• .. • . C 0 Ul~f~ () u·s ~. : •. , , .\)S;i,;:'~.:;t~;·,~~ :,''~);:'·;;;:vJ:i·:·?.c':\~·•:' ·;,:;'::: ; .:. · •·:' ·, · . n.~n: C~~~~·e~~:~:ipk;;;#,siij;~::;;~_,' .. ;:,::::: ·" ;;):.: ;:,;~ · ,,:: ;' ~i,,f(,· .. ;,:;:';l;i'i':,'{.'·''' ,~::·:::. :/: ·:'. · ·. :· ... This letter· transmits an ordl.qanqeth~t·will enable King County to amend the Killg County . :. CountyWid~ P1aoning Policies (CPPs) to e~tablish a plan for coordinati~il betweiln schOol · . . · <!istricts anc\ the jiriisdictions Within their ]:>ouridalies,.as recomni.~pd.ed· hy tjle Growth : · Martagement:Plaoning Council (GMPC). · · · · · · . . . . ... .·· . .-:·. ' . ·, ·-.. - '• :·· ' ·.' .· . ' ' ·, '• · ... ..:: . . :: ,•; .. , ... .' ·' '.': : : .. \ ... :' . This or~mj.ce tran~n#; GMPC Mdtiob.,i 5-l: that ~a's' ~v~~h~lmingly ~ppro~e·d by th~ ... · '< .. ·• ;GMPC.on Apiil12; 2015 .. ')'he ordinance adopts and ratiiles the GMPC motion on behhlf of.' Unincor{iiirated Kfug Cotinty. ·. · . . ~ . . ·. . · . . .. · · ·. · . ' . . .. . Motiori 15-l adds a'ne;;/po!icy to the Cj>~s that is a direct r~spons~ .to arec~inmehdatioh ~fthe · · School Siting Task Force Repoit, whic.IJ.)s li:JCludMas an appendix to.'the CPJ.'s. The new ·: .Policy ~tates.that·public.i:chools ~e·an essential aiid integi:al part ofpubJk in:fra~tructtire that is: needed to achieve successful· gro\\1h management plans by'i!ll Jurisdictions in Kir\g Cmmj:y. Fur!her, thisn~w policy ~ets up a' plan to faci!itai~·collabora'iion betWeen: tl).e j~isdictioll~'illrd . .. . .. ili'e' sbhoo1 distrlcts, estabilshes guidelmes (01' ass~ssitig school disirictcapadly 'ri.e'eds, $d : .·· ···: •'· . . " .... ,,', . iaenti:fies strategies 'for resolving capadty 'issues should they be identified .. ' . . . t,,';. ' r. ' . ' • ·~~-. ·I. ' •. i . . . ' • . : •• . ' ' . ' ' •,' ·. . . . ·;' ·,' . . . ' ·This ordinance int\)grates the goals oft)le IGng County Strategic Plan by recognizing the tole · oflantl use plari!)ing in shapiug. envir6nmerttally' sustafuabl~ andeconomic.ally viable futtire for. · . aii pe?ple in Kirtg'.Cotinty. · The Gounty'·s role in .the GJ:.1PC fbtrters the ethic of working .. . . togetherfor "One King County" •by actively p,ariicipitting in region~ otganiiatiohs ahd · · defuiing IGng Cotinty:holein regional issues, . ··. · · :· . . ' . . . . :rhere are no fiscal impacts to King County govemment.as a result of adoption. of this· · . orc\innnce. · · · 'Kir1g Co11nty Is lm Eq11al Opporlltnltylt1,fjlrltlafive AcHor~ Employor 'and cornplfes 1VIt!l.. tftrr Am~rlcans ,~ft/J J?f.~aMlifftes Acl . ;' : Tlie Bonorab!y Larry Phlllips Jwie 3, 2015 · · Page2 · Dow Coil.st;intirie ·· . :((iilg CountY ·Execu4ve · . .. ' .. · '!,. ·,, ·' . . EXHIBIT A ~.;:.'<:•,:_ ~;~~:- (f~:.!·:R~' . ...... ' .. :-\i i' ft h~-: ·.:, . .<~'-~'-\.·. ( .. ~:f·-~;;;::_:i!l ·-'. ,~; j;\ -cc': . )Gng :?6Uiity. cC)un~~lmetJ;lbers \ . :~.: .. ~::.;~/.\·.co~;;~-~~., .:;.; .. i 1~:~-• '! ~-r~~-!~: ~ .· . AtTN: CarolynB.usch;ChiefqfStil:ff... .··· ·· ·• · · ·_-... _;{:if•. •:,\.·'•'' · · · . · :Anne Nons, Clerk of the Council · · .... · ,""•t.<•· '-' ''i'· ,,. • .. , . · Canie s. Cihak, CW<?fofPolicy D!lvelop;nent; IGng Cduntjr Ex~~ll~~~ 6f5~~· · ·· ·Dwight· Di~ely, Director,. Qffi:ce_qfP.erfonnanc~, Stnit~~~m4:~~~~$.e,i;~$,~), ,: · L~uren SJ)lJth, Depuly D~rector, ~eg:tortal l>hmrung, PSB·" :" · · · . . .' . . ' . -· . . . . .~~\:~lt~~i~JiE~~;};·;~;\~tSt,~fti;:!i;~~f.l~[jf~}!flj_~~~i0f!~[i{ . " . . ', ,.r1;; ' '' •I :(c' · · -: ~ :•i,:')]!.f~~:! :,i-;: •J: ~ ri: : ~>·!; > .. L I,.' · ·: '~;: · ;.; .. ' ·._ •.•• ~'';:·:.·,,.:·~-·-',.,·_···:-i•'.',:,·,;_'_~ .• :_'.· .. ' .• _.:.:.·;··· •. ····~.:~.:-.;·~-_· ~;_',.·~i_:: •. ,:.;_,.?:·,··::.·,·.".·,·,,;··.·._,'_.~,:_.: .. ~.-' •. ·_.',·.·.·,:.· .• :l,.::.:_:;···.·~.-.::~_:·:~-·;_· .... ·,·;·_~··:··.··,'· ... ~,::~"!.·":'.·.':·.···,;,··.···,•.·.·.; .. ,_:,_,:~,:,·.' .• ,·~.-,.~t: ·.: ·' . -:· !i~'.~1)..:;'u:y:_··.·'.~!-;<~y:: .:}.:J~: .. ~~::.:I"h~J):-~:·i~~.'r-. ~-.<(,Wh:i·;, , . ·.•-: ~ ' , t··::i•j~i'f, ~~: .'·{_ll;;pj: i~i-. .. ;~'.\·.~<wr~;: , r~;r:. ·.,:, , ........ •".''" -.. ~ " ·:··.·· -,! ,,,. . ·•. .~ .. '(. iJ ·: ·.:;: ·.: ,.·, '•:. ;;, ·''· F --.·· ':_,· ... -~- ,:, , ',. "". ·.'. ':.--~ .•, ·,., .• :'\1· _,,·,, ,,-,; ,!·' ... •.: .. .. , ' ,•. .·.·· ..... .. ... · ., . ' . '• .. · ' •" . ·. '· , .. .•. ·l. ... . . \'. ... !• \ '· -.•.· .·. ;. exi~~---.A·····."·.·,· W __ ---.. !·::·:·:: King. County ... · · ,,, .. . ';. .' ::.' '. ':~.: -~~-~~~PI?.?.'.it.~~.;~in,(fP~-~.ty~~P~!I.~i:l ... :.' .. ,·, I' ' ' .. , r~flnSIJ.<;lrtat ~n, Ec;<:>r;u:!,iUy: BJlq_.,,~'1'f,.fPtiJn~~~ Committee_:·, · ''' · · , .. · ... "' stft:f:~·ke'~6~·f' •<;;·H:i:/· "''1 -~·· ·1.:t.: ... · ··•' ' . . ·' ': ,~:::~~::·-~-.. ,-~ • :·_. . .. :'. ,'-.. ·J, ; >~: ... ' ', :. _,.:' "· . < ;._:;;_;~; --~f ~ \; •..•.. ' ·. , .... ·-:' :.: .. -l ,, .: ; :·/_ ~--~>~~~_1;:_>i:': \/~. ~ : ·, ::~:-~-:·: ~---~: ~;- A~eridait~fu:; j, 1 c),, , . "" . , '•·. ,;.;,;,:·. ,, · Narrle:• ,,, Chrisuh~)e!lifen ''· ... ;:_, ' ; • ,_., .. · ... ·• ••'fi~~~b~~a r;;·~s · '2o1s:oZ.~l:::::·::· :~·:,:-; .8~i~~~,_, ... J(l!Y'K:iO.~·r·f :·:_.,.,,i;:::-,:::· .· .. ' ' •:'l;'\;_,1:<:: -~~ :. SUBJECT BACKGROUND . '' , I L ': ~-' '·,' ::.,., ..•. -~-... ', ,, '.. . . ' '' ':. . . . ;' .. ,· ' . --~-.·:·---.-·.· , ..... ';../:1··. __ ,~;-:~:·,;_j··.;:,·'·'··,'·.······. ,t ·,, ..... , .. The GMPC .Is a formal :6'6~y cdijipfi~~d'\l(el.eciii~ 6ff!pli:i,i§ fr(iin·.·Kiiig'!J'dunty,-"Seattle',· sellevurf'htf{efcitles'''a(ld''iowns···Jn' · i<ln9 diiuntyi aiii:i' sp?cifa! 'purpi;>.~_e·~~ll:ltricts. ·. ·rh.e GMPC was created In 1 99~ by lnterlocal agreement 1 in resj:ion::fe to a provision. in the Washington State. Growth Management Aot (GMA) :requiring cities and c'ounties lo work together to adopt CPPs.2 Under-ther GMA; the·.CPPs serve. as the framework for each· .. . ' -; '. ' ' -. -' '·.. ·, . ~ .· .. ;· ' ,, .. : ' . 1 Motion 8733 . . • RcvV:i6.7oA.2io .. .' ··.· . : ; ... . E~e~~~{ A . . local jurisdiction's comprehensive planW)NI'ii,lih· ensures. countyWide consistency with respect to land use planning efforts. ,.; .. f,.\,;·0'.\:::::·;i.•·, · . . . . . ·: ... As pr?~lded f!Jr In ,t,hl!d~,\~{lgc~h~~f7Si1JY:e,g!!,1\~~ •• ~[yl.~£::,,~~~~~9e~?; and rec?~mended thEl c;mgJn,al qPP~, ,wolc.h. »'!3X!'! acj9P.,fe~ IJy:Jhe [\)n,g 9~HntY, Cpunp1i,~. anq Xf:l.!Jfled by the citl~s iii'''1992: '·· 'Sul5seqllent'l'a'meNdm~il'!sft6':tf\'i:P'BPP!r· fdlloW:>th~''':Sahie'· ~addptlon process, which is now outlined ln. CPP .. G-1 4 and Includes: ·recommendatlo'n by the. GMPC, adoption by· the King ·'G:ddnf9·t:·c6'uhcll, and . ratification by the cities. Amendments to th\3 CPP.s become .effeptiv(3 when . .ratlfl\3d bY orciln!'tnce or resolution by at least 30 percent.o.Mhe':.oity; and. cpunty:gqyernments representing at lea&t;.?q,pem::ent ot the population o(l<h1iJ.90uniy;A cltii'~B~fl'bedeemed Ji! ,fifl)le r~\ifledan.a(T]e~dm'ent to the CRPs unless· tl'ri§''cifY'dlsapprove~>ijt by legislaiivei:'aCfibJ:i·:·withln'; g(:i·d~W1Cof adoption by King County. · · · · · ANALYSIS .. _ : ....... _~:·:;~:-~~.p.·. ' 'GivrPi3 Mdtl0if.15-1-:·~.-,-· ~:~~~~>'_l_·::::·i:\:: :.·_-:.-~;·:~~;--:.:;/ _ ~tfui;{; .. 'li·t;:,: · .. _ .. ·:(·'-;t, --~~":r-;;;~·~:-~, .. :.;::·i.'·-i':: .. ;,;/:~,i·\":1::.':·:: . "'F: ... -.: ·:·> < . · "' pfl~ 'bfi'iia 'dral~ail'd'i'2015ioz3:1'\Vould'ii!i:l:ia 'tWa/{8?i rafit'~N8MP6'· Milfiti'il 15~1, wili6h rec~mmenct's adding a new CPP regarding pl~hiiln~'for~6ho6i'¥&bilitl~§'iil':Kirig~cbLintY. If adopted, the CPPs would be amended ·to state that pUblic school facilltielS are essential. In meeting· the need$ of growing communities· and that it is ilfip6rt!ll'it\','fo coordlnate.on·land use anc) facility planning, .A new polipy.wo\.lld also be.added,' PF.- 1,9'41,!1\\/hlch'J~Wd4!~('i"e;iiU,[fi:t:d'\J'U§~~r4ff~~~;;J?I~YJ)i,i~~~~-'l:i:~tWe~~~'~pft,9.6f:''1iS,\ffc't~ .• ~n~'.·i?6~1 ·uris'dletic>ns·re ·'ardifig'sclfool'ffic"JilftY"neefls;oiTJiis"'rod3sY.w6uld incll1d~ ctfrls1deratl6~:of b'dti~!'kiili\ie 's!~t€/.'i~sll'tol~&l:IFI!i~§i:arf''t~llili\Y:%'iff~<:l8iW ~h'tl'.st!if!i'. :M~'ffi~ii~'l"'i'l:leV#oflc· wa~id''af~l'i''re': tilf~~····iifidd fc Wl~li'lw :of~tii~the1ifi1'~'~9l:i~l§'"8f fi1'el' ~~rb¥ ra(e''tiei'ng · ltief ·f!i~-~ . · ~~n§·t?:(~,~,~~~*~~t:~~:Gt~n~:.~~w~~~J~if~~~~~·~;z·~:~~r~~~t';~0t:;.;·;;:0;~~:,h;·~·;};;:~~::~::'::;;;::' ... ~;~·:'l.:~~;:':, . PF"19A' is l~tMiti~d't6'¥$:bn~~t~ iffi''lefn'gf.it~tloi\hJ:r s8h'il8i<'Sitiii ••:ofip!\''ih~t''W~re ai:iil''tt\i'd tr. z6'12,6 'Wi1ich'W§riii'i!rilat~i:l'~'~''lNI~'ulir'6f'rE3c'6hiifil3~diffionf-·rr-aliftli~"eiVIPb's'schbol·· Siting Task. Force.7 These 2012 policies, Pf-18.and PF-19, prohibiFs6Hh61~ 'seriliHg ~MH6~~s~%tri%*u~~~'a!~'SffiJ&6~s(~6i~~h1 ~E~\~~;II~~,w~~J~&~1iH~e~~~~$~3:J,1~i~~:I6wf:::~ the c6otdihiiif6'1{·call~'~'f~tlh':ppcf9A 'wl;J~i'"iscVa 'fE!o'bMiifSMafibN'ffb1ri'tffe 'tasf(Force !ihd'' if~.'.· r'6'''6's'?id' la'hgu~~·~·~w~s"'dra'fied'':fr~?cafiallbra'ilciri':wiiil'\te'' tes~Htatlv~s•·tr6itr · ih~ ~c;~.9~~.~~tr[¥iil:';?:i,~~~, fTig,~oM9ity~~.),:;:·,;;~:;. :~:);:;;:~~: ;,;;:;; .;:~) '~~~;:;:,~,::· :, ~:,,.,,"'. ~;';;··:; :•. ,.:.·: ;,, "'' : .,. ~ -~< · ;~ .. ~ ·:::·;/?.,~. t)i/:i:;~_:r::~;,,:;,-. ·\v~ ··:•.-::9ifii(fF·j:·,.~· '~;-~))f:i:_.::;),:;_,,-;; ~·;. ... ·• ;::.t:.:~~;; · .· .. ·\--.J.!.·.r-·.: :,:, .. ,_ · ...• 3 Ordinance 10450 '..ii~;;,<~ :.r.;. ·: · 4 2012 King County. Qountywide Planning Policies, as amend~d: .· http://WWW.klngcounty.gov/pro~~rtv(perm,tts/codes/pro't"h!G,MP9/~PPs:aspx 'P: .. ,. :.;. , , . . .·. ·'' . · ~ .. 11.~¢dludld~~:h. ~~~Ied;dP.~!l,'Lo .. f~hcllltl;.s~i~?h~. p_l~acq~!~!!!e.nl!e~~!" ?f P,91i.ll? ~~~c]s,_ ~~.guJal~'Y or,1ey'elo~m.~ry_t , san .ar c anges, es 0 n.c angeo. '· · ··" · · .. · .. · ... ··· · · · · 0 0rdlnance''l7486'-....... .-.,,:, .. ,., . .,~ .•. :.· .. : •.. , ....... :: .... ·.: ,·. ,., .: '' ····"···:· · '·.,..•::.,, l c'reated by; the GMpC.in.2011 tq.a'p<;fress'th~.lsS'ile lif'whettH:~r p)lbllc's'cih601s senilli'gfiiltnarll~ Urban .· ropulations 'should be.sited In .rural.areas. arid Wh!'>ther:su.~h facl)!tles should b,e·sel'ved bY. sew:ers... . .. Except for: community facilities and seJVtces dependent upon rural location 1'ncJif their size and scale support rural character; and sites listed In 2012 School Siting Task Force Report: . . http://www.klnqcounty.govl-/medla/exec/constantlne/documents/2012/SchooiSitlnqTaskForce/FinaiDobu. ments/FinaiReportAndRecammendatlons · EXHIBIT A ·If adopted, PF-19A would apply to the cities arid school dlsfricts In KingGounty, as well as the County itself a.s a local jmisdictlon. As a result, the County would be required to coordinate land use .and facility planning with the school districts that .have population~ within unincorporated areas of King County. Additionally, starting In 2017 and every two. years thereaft('ir, the County would be required· to report b<'ick to tlie GMPC on behalf of the school districts and local jurisdictions on the effectiveness of -the cooperative process .. in meeting the policy goals. Executive staff have noted that ![lis increased workload-for Co·unty staff .would be able to be achieV€ld Within €lXistirig resources, Which Is reflected in the fiscal note attached to the legislation, · GMPCaction On April 24, · 2015, the GMPC adopted Motibn 15-1, .which Is a. non-binding recommendation to the County youncil to. adopt PF•19A .. Consistent with CPP adoption · requirements, Proposed Ordinance 2015-0231 forwards this GMP.C .recommendation to· . the County. Council for consideration anc;l possible approval. If adopted by the Council, the ordinance would ratify the change on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County, and would begin the rettificatiqn process by the cities. · There Is no deadline for Council action 'on· the prop.osed CPP amendment; ho~ever, both the -school districts and the loci'ji jurisdictions' are eager to begin Implementation ·Of the proposed policy given the time that has passed 'since adoption of the school siting· ' pollcies.in 2012. · · ATTACHMENTS 1 .. Proposed Ordinance 201.5-0231 2. Transmittal Le'tter · 3._ Fiscal Note 4. GMPC Staff Report dated_Aprll22, 2015 'INVITED. 1, Karen Wolf, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Perform[mce,Strategy and Budgljll