HomeMy WebLinkAbout1910RESOLUTION NO. /"f'/0 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, for the annexation of a portion of property to the city of Kent simultaneously with the deannexation of related property to the city of Auburn, pursuant to RCW 35.10.217. RECITALS A. RCW 35.10.217(2) authorizes the legislative body of a city or town on its own initiative by resolution to indicate its desire to be annexed to a city or town in whole or in part, which annexation shall become effective upon the adoption of a resolution by the other city or town concurring in the annexation. B. After consultations between representatives of the cities of Kent and Auburn, it was determined that it would be advantageous to both cities for certain territory currently located within the corporate limits of the city of Kent and adjacent to the city of Auburn to be annexed to the city of Auburn; and for certain territory currently located within the corporate limits of the city of Auburn and adjacent to the city of Kent to be annexed to the city of Kent. 1 Resolution Annexation/Deannexation City of Kent/City of Auburn C. In connection with such annexation/deannexation, the cities of Auburn and Kent have committed to coordinate and cooperate with respect to any planning, transportation or development issues that affect the cities. D. Contemporaneous with the consideration of this Resolution, the city of Auburn has considered this annexation/deannexation action because of the mutual benefits to both cities and their common infrastructure needs. E. The city of Auburn approved this annexation/deannexation through adoption of Resolution No. 5101, adopted and passed by the Auburn City Council on January 20, 2015. The joint annexation/deannexation shall become effective following adoption of this subsequent Resolution by the Kent City Council. F. The requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and applicable Environmental Procedures have been complied with. G. The two cities have reached an agreement with respect to the annexation/deannexation, approved by the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, through action taken at its regular meeting on September 2, 2014. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 2 Resolution Annexation/Deannexation City of Kent/City of Auburn RESOLUTION SECTION l. Approving ioint annexationldeannexation. The City Council of the city of Kent indicates, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 35.10.217(2), its desire to adjust the boundaries between the cities of Auburn and Kent, annexing into the city of Kent and deannexing from the city of Auburn certain territory currently located within the city of Auburn, and deannexing from the city of Kent and annexing into the city of Auburn certain territory currently located within the cities of Kent and Auburn, respectively, and an area to be deeded from the city of Kent to the city of Auburn (Exhibit B-2), with said annexations and deannexations occurring contemporaneous in accordance with the following exhibits: Territory all situate In King County, Washington, to be annexed into the city of Auburn and deannexed from the city of Kent, and annexed into the city of Kent and deannexed from the city of Auburn, as described in and as shown (on the maps) of 'Exhibit "A" Map' and 'Exhibit "B" Map,' and 'Exhibit A-1,' 'Exhibit B-1,' 'Exhibit B-2,' 'Exhibit B-3,' 'Exhibit B-4,' and 'Exhibit B-5,' which exhibits are attached hereto, incorporated herein by these references, and marked accordingly. SECTION 2. Mavor's Authorization. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation, including transmitting a copy of this Resolution to the City Clerk of Auburn, and mailing notices of the public hearing prior to adoption of this Resolution to the owners of the property within the area proposed to be annexed, in accordance with RCW 35.10.217(2) and Chapter 35.43 RCW. SECTION 3. -Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or 3 Resolution AnnexationjDeannexation City of Kent/City of Auburn invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 4. -Corrections by City Clerk. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution or its exhibit, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or resolution numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, this JftA day of May, 2015. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the city of Kent this Li'!!__day of May, 2015. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: /~ \~)~t 1£ ~~-~-"-·- T M BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY 4 Resolution AnnexationjDeannexation City of Kent/City of Auburn I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /f/cJ passed by the.9ty Council of the city of Kent, Washington, the /9~ day of /o/'431 , 2015. 5 Resolution Annexation/Deannexation City of Kent/City of Auburn RCW 35.10.217 35.10.217 Methods for annexation. The following methods are available for the annexation of all or a part of a city or town to another city or town: (1) A petition for an election to vote upon the annexation, which proposed annexation is approved by the legislative body of the city or town from which the territory will be taken, may be submitted to the legislative body of the city or town to which · annexation is proposed. An annexation under this subsection shall otherwise conform with the requirements for and procedures of a petition and election method of annexing unincorporated territory under chapter 35.13 RCW, except for the requirement for the approval of the annexation by the city or town from which the territory would be taken. (2) The legislative body of a city or town may on its own Initiative by resolution indicate Its desire to be annexed to a city or town either In whole or In part, or the legislative . body of a city or town proposing to annex all or part of another city or town may Initiate the annexation by adopting a resolution Indicating that desire. In case such resolution is passed, such resolution shall be transmitted to the other affected city or town. The annexation is effective if the other city or town adopts a resolution concurring in the annexation, unless the owners of property In the area proposed to be annexed, equal In valu.;~ to sixty percent or more of the assessed valuation of the property in the area, protest the proposed annexation in writing to the legislative body of the city or town proposing to ·annex the area, within thirty days of the adoption of the second resolution accepting the annexation. Notices ofthe public hearing at .which the second resolutl0n is adopted shall be mailed to the owners of the property within the area proposed to be annexed In the same manner that notices of a hearing on a proposed local improvement district are required to be mailed by a city or town as provided in chapter 35.43 RCW. An annexation under this subsection shall be potentially subject to review by a boundary review board .or other annexation review board after the adoption of the initial resolution, and the second resolution may not be adopted until the proposed ·annexation has been approved by the board. (3) The owners of property located In a city or town may petition for annexation to another city or town. An annexation under this subsection shall conform with the requirements for and procedures of a direct petition method of annexing unincorporated territory, except that the legislative body of the city or town from which the territory would be taken must approve the annexation before It may proceed. (4) All annexations under. this section are subject to potential review by the local boundary review board or annexation review board. [1986 c 253 § 1; 1985 c 281 § 15; 1969 ex.s. c 89 § 4.] !lo~~\K-0----..... -4-..... ~Cin"Of ~.-:.: :L'I:R•Ii.T tOL'J."' WASHINGTON CITY OF AUBURN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT i lliE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR LINES SHOWN HEREON IS ICOITiCAL wrtH TI-lE RIGHT OF WAY "EXHIBIT A.• FOR SOUTH 2721>d/217th STREEJ CORRIDOR. SOUTH ~ AVENUE TO !([KT-KANCI..E'f ROAD (SR-51&), Sl£ti 1 Of 2. P'REPAREtl SY THt Cll'Y OF KENT 00ED 1 t -22-99. OUlT ct..AIM DEED RECORDED UNOOI: KING COUNJY RECORDING NUMBER !i17060!0S9S. A.ND CORRECTlON OEED R'ECOROED UNDER R£CCRO!NG NUUBER 201212l1000954. M..1.. or WH1CH IDEN11FY THE E!EARING FOR niE SOIJTH UNE OF THe R..lf. 80..1Y DONATION lAND cv.JM AS SOUTH 68"59'Sr EAST. NO'!ES; _ T.L 000040-0001 1 TO THE COY OF KENT Q'l' ECOROED UNDER ~G COUNlY 0 200 l ~<t.<,;U~ NUMBER 5170609!l69~ ANO - - -CORfi£COOK ~-"""''"""""" ···~-~~~~ .... ~ I I ..,. WHITE RNER WUEr HOME "TRACTS t· 2: T.L 9360SG-0J30 I I I I I I I I I 1, 8a•l• ot b.elri'>~ lor Ulls I"'Cip b dt1od recorde-d tmder reccrdlng numb., 201212~1000964, Rc=rda of K~ Coomty, WGshlr>gton. 2. This dru"'i'NJ wcrs prepCU'~ to dtcemfWlft)' I~ Hsa'"ticn l<:>r =nuotlon <:ll'ld d,_onn•x<:tt;g., bstween "thtl Cit~' of Aub\lm Gnd Kftlt G10119 thD Soulto 277th S1reet eotri6at" EXHIBIT "A" MAP AUBURN -KENT ANNEXATION EXHIBIT SOUTH 277TH STREET CORRIDOR PROJ: C222AO August 6, 2014 SCALE: 1"z200' DAAIIY'N BY:RRB EXHIBIT A-1 AUBURN WAY NORTH AND S. 277TH STREET DESCRIPTION (AREA CURRENTLY UNDER KENT JURISDICTION IN THE VICINITY OF 86r" AVENUE SOUTH TO BE DE-ANNEXED FROM KENT AND ANNEXED TO THE CITY AUBURN) THOSE PORTIONS OF THE R.H. BEATIY DONATION LAND CLAIMS, NUMBERS 37 AND 44, WITHIN SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M .. AND SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED IN CORRECTION QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 31,2012 UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20121231000964, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. O:\Survey\Projects\C222a\Annexatron\Proposed KC-Kent Annex oesc Feb 2013·1-14\Exhib!l A-1.doc 08/0612014 .,...n,..,_.,"' ,___ ___ ,,...,,... ....................... ._ ... _,......., .... CITY OF AUBURN PUBLIC WORKS DEP .... RTMEKT EXHIBIT "B' MAP AUBURN. KENT ANNEXATION EXHIBIT SOUTH 277TH STREET CORRIDOR PROJ:C222AO 1>6oombor 23, 201<4 SCALE: 1"~>200' DAAWN BY· Me EXHIBIT B-1 AUBURN WAY NORTH AND S. 277TH STREET ANNEXATION (PORTION OF LANDS CURRENTLY UNDER AUBURN JURISDICTION, DEEDED TO KENT BY BRISTOL PROPERTY, LLC, IN 1996 AND TO BE DE-ANNEXED FROM AUBURN AND ANNEXED INTO KENT) THAT PORTION THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 199612181122, LOCATED IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THEW. A. COX D.L.C. NUMBER 38, WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE R.H. BEATIY D.L.C. NUMBERS 37 AND 44 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 SOUTH 89.00'01" EAST A DISTANCE OF 638.43 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 199612181122; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 AND THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LANDS SOUTH 89.00'01" EAST A DISTANCE OF 987.47 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 03.54'10" EAST A DISTANCE OF 20.07 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 199612181122, ALSO BEING THE NORTH LINE OF TRAIL RUN DIVISION 1 AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 244 OF PLATS AT PAGES 7 THROUGH 15, INCLUSIVE, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20071204000971, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE AND THE NORTH LINE OF TRAIL RUN DIVISION 1 SOUTH 89'00'01" EAST A DISTANCE OF 167.25 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE AND THE NORTH LINE OF TRAIL RUN DIVISION 1 SOUTH 79'09'27" EAST A DISTANCE OF 580.87 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LANDS; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS NORTH 34.20'21" WEST A DISTANCE OF 60.80 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS NORTH 46°27'05" WEST A DISTANCE OF 103.07 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LANDS AND THE NORTH LINE OF SAID G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID NORTH LINE NORTH 89'00'01" WEST A DISTANCE OF 630.19 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS DESCRIPTION IS NAD83-91 AS DEFINED IN RECORD OF SURVEY FILED IN VOLUME 180 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 81 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE AND RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041214900004, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WITH THE BEARING OF THE NORTH LINE OF G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 SHOWN AS NORTH 89'00'01" WEST. O'\SURVE't'\PROJECTS\C222A·2771hStreet(EastofAWN)\Annemlion\Propoted KC-Kenl Annex Desc Feb 2D13-14\Elltllblt 8·1 ,do<; DS/06120 14 EXHIBIT B-2 AUBURN WAY NORTH AND S. 277TH STREET ANNEXATION (PORTION OF LANDS CURRENTLY UNDER AUBURN JURISDICTION, DEEDED TO KENT BY BRISTOL PROPERTY, LLC, IN 1996 AND TO BE DEEDED FROM CITY OF KENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN) THAT PORTION THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 199612181122, LOCATED IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THEW. A. COX D.L.C. NUMBER 38, WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE R.H. BEATTY D.L.C. NUMBERS 37 AND 44 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 SOUTH 69"00'01" EAST A DISTANCE OF 638.43 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 199612181122 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 AND THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LANDS SOUTH 89'00'01" EAST A DISTANCE OF 987.47 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 03"54'10" EAST A DISTANCE OF 20.07 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 199612181122; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 89"00'01" WEST A DISTANCE OF 989.47 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LANDS; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LANDS NORTH 01"48'01" EAST A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS DESCRIPTION IS NAD83-91 AS DEFINED IN RECORD OF SURVEY FILED IN VOLUME 180 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 81 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE AND RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041214900004, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WITH THE BEARING OF THE NORTH LINE OF G. E. KING D.l.C. NUMBER 40 SHOWN AS NORTH 89'00'01" WEST. O:\SURVEY\PROJECTS\C222A·271lhStrr.Je!{EIIlltoi'AWN)I.Annoxaticr'l\f'ropoaed KC~t Mnex Duo Feb 2013·14\EXHJBfT D-2 rov 12-23..-2:01 ~.doell 1 EXHIBIT B-3 AUBURN WAY NORTH AND S. 277TH STREET ANNEXATION (AREA CURRENTLY UNDER KENT JURISDICTION TO BE ANNEXED BY AUBURN) THAT PORTION THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020913001230, LOCATED IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THEW. A. COX D.L.C. NUMBER 38. WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE R.H. BEATIY D.L.C. NUMBERS 37 AND 44 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER40; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BEATIY D.L.C. NORTH 00'34'52" EAST A DISTANCE OF 98.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LANDS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS SOUTH 89'40'13" EAST A DISTANCE OF 817.74 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 86'05'23" EAST A DISTANCE OF 268.24 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 86'15'26" EAST A DISTANCE OF 411.40 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE SOUTH 02'32'06" EAST A DISTANCE OF 143.99 FEET TO THE EXISTING TOP BACK OF CONCRETE CURB; THENCE ALONG SAID EXSITING TOP BACK OF CONCRETE CURB NORTH 88'00'53" EAST A DISTANCE OF 39.49 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID EXSITING TOP BACK OF CONCRETE CURB NORTH 85'52'22" EAST A DISTANCE OF 81.11 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CURB SOUTH 03'54'10" EAST A DISTANCE OF 30.24 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020913001230, ALSO BEING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 89'00'01"WEST A DISTANCE OF 1625.90 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS DESCRIPTION IS NAD83-91 AS DEFINED IN RECORD OF SURVEY FILED IN VOLUME 180 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 81 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE AND RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041214900004, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WITH THE BEARING OF THE NORTH LINE OF G. E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 SHOWN AS NORTH 89'00'01" WEST. O;\SURVEWROJECTS\C222A·2771hStreq\(Easi~AWN)\AnAexa11on\Proposed KC..Kent AAnex Desc Feb 2013-14\E:dllbll B-3.doe 0810612014 EXHIBIT B-4 AUBURN WAY NORTH AND 5. 2771 H STREET ANNEXATION (AREA CURRENTLY UNDER KENT JURISDICTION TO REMAIN IN KENT) THAT PORTION THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020913001230, LOCATED IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THEW. A. COX D.L.C. NUMBER 38, WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE R.H. BEATTY D.L.C. NUMBERS 37 AND 44 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BEAITY D.L.C. NORTH 00'34'52" EAST A DISTANCE OF 98,00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020913001230; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS SOUTH 89'40'13" EAST A DISTANCE OF 817.74 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 86'05'23" EAST A DISTANCE OF 268.24 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 86'15'26" EAST A DISTANCE OF 411.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE SOUTH 02'32'06" EAST A DISTANCE OF 143.99 FEET TO THE EXISTING TOP BACK OF CONCRETE CURB; THENCE ALONG SAID EXSITING TOP BACK OF CONCRETE CURB NORTH 88'00'53" EAST A DISTANCE OF 39.49 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID EXSITING TOP BACK OF CONCRETE CURB NORTH 85'52'22" EAST A DISTANCE OF 81.11 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CURB SOUTH 03'54'10" EAST A DISTANCE OF 30.24 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020913001230 ALSO BEING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE SOUTH 89'00'01" EAST A DISTANCE OF 630.19 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LANDS, ALSO BEING ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY PROPERTY LINE OF THE LANDS CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY AND SHOWN IN SURVEY RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 8003079002; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE NORTH 46' 27'34" WEST A DISTANCE OF 345.15 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LANDS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS SOUTH 80'41'11"WEST A DISTANCE OF 274.29 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE SOUTH 86'15'26" WEST A DISTANCE OF 238.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS DESCRIPTION IS NAD83-91 AS DEFINED IN RECORD OF SURVEY FILED IN VOLUME 180 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 81 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE AND RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041214900004, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WITH THE BEARING OF THE NORTH LINE OF G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 SHOWN AS NORTH 89'00'01" WEST. O·\SURVEY\PROJECTS\C221A·211ihStraet{Eas!otf\WN)\AnOeKIItlon\Proposed Kc.Ke-nl Anne:< Oese feb 2013·14\EXHJBIT B-4.lfoe 08/0612014 EXHIBIT B-5 AUBURN WAY NORTH AND S. 277TH STREET ANNEXATION (PORTION OF LANDS CURRENTLY UNDER AUBURN JURISDICTION, LYING EAST OF THE LANDS DEEDED TO KENT BY BRISTOL PROPERTY, LLC,IN 1996, TO BE DE-ANNEXED FROM AUBURN AND ANNEXED INTO CITY OF KENT) THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOCATED EASTERLY OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 199612181122, SAID PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THEW. A. COX D.L.C. NUMBER 38, WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE R.H. BEATTY D.L.C. NUMBERS 37 AND 44 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID G. E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 SOUTH 89°00'01" EAST A DISTANCE OF 638.43 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 199612181122; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 AND THE .NORTH LINE OF SAID LANDS SOUTH 89°00'01" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1617.66 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LANDS AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS SOUTH 46.27'05" EAST A DISTANCE OF 103.07 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS SOUTH 34.20'21" EAST A DISTANCE OF 60.80 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LANDS; THENCE SOUTH 34.20'21" EAST A DISTANCE OF 83.61 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE DNR AQUATIC LEASE AREA FOR EXISITING PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY FILED IN VOLUME 121 OF SURVEYS AT PAGE 157, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 199804299002, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 70.40'48" EAST A DISTANCE OF 230 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF CITY OF AUBURN ANNEXATION ORDINANCE 2511 APPROVED DECEMBER 21, 1970 AND THE THREAD OF THE GREEN RIVER; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG LAST SAID EASTERLY LINE AND-THE THREAD OF THE GREEN RIVER TO THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF SAID NORTH LINE OF THE G. E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID ANNEXATION ORDINANCE 2511; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF THE G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ANNEXATION ORDINACE 2511 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS DESCRIPTION IS NAD83-91 AS DEFINED IN RECORD OF SURVEY FILED IN VOLUME 180 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 81 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE AND RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041214900004, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WITH THE BEARING OF THE NORTH LINE OF G.E. KING D.L.C. NUMBER 40 SHOWN AS NORTH 89.00'01" WEST.