HomeMy WebLinkAbout1885RESOLUTION NO. /;ff!5
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to
sign the interlocal agreement with the cities of
Auburn, Federal Way, Renton, and Tukwila, and the
Port of Seattle to establish and maintain a multi-
jurisdictional team known as the "Valley Special
Weapons and Tactics Team" to effectively respond
to high risk criminal occurrences.
A. In 2001, the cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the
Port of Seattle established through an interlocal cooperative agreement a
multi-jurisdictional team to effectively respond to high risk criminal
occurrences. The original name of this multi-jurisdiction team was the
"Valley Special Response Team," or "Valley SRT." While the founding
member agencies have consistently remained in the cooperative effort, the
interlocal agreement was subsequently amended in 2003, and again in
2007, to admit the cities of Federal Way and Des Moines, respectively. The
City of Des Moines subsequently decided to withdraw from participation.
B. In 2010, the remaining members of the cooperative effort
began the process of amending the interlocal agreement to formally
remove the City of Des Moines as a team member and to rename the
Valley SWAT Interlocal
Agreement (2010)
cooperative effort as the "Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team," or
"Valley SWAT." Recently, the City of Kent discovered that the 2010
version of the interlocal agreement had not been fully executed by all
member agencies. While not required by state law, the interlocal
agreement does include a provision that requires the governing body to
adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the interlocal agreement.
C. In accordance with the terms of the interlocal agreement, and
in order for Kent to continue to participate as a member agency of Valley
SWAT, the City Council adopts this resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign
the interlocal agreement on behalf of the City of Kent.
SECTION 1. -Mavor Authorized. The Mayor is authorized by this
resolution to execute an interlocal agreement for the City of Kent to join
the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team as a member agency, which
agreement shall be in substantial conformity with the agreement attached
and incorporated as Exhibit A, but ultimately subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and the City Attorney. The Mayor
is further authorized to implement any administrative procedures,
designate any required staff, and take all other acts necessary to carry out
the directives of this legislation and the interlocal agreement. However,
this authorization is not intended to allow the Mayor to expend funds,
except as required by the agreement and as approved through any
required state and local bid and procurement processes.
Valley SWAT Interlocal
Agreement (2010)
SECTION 2. -Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, paragraph,
sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or
invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of this resolution.
SECTION 3. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority
and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and
SECTION 4. -Corrections bv Citv Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon
approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the
correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws,
codes, rules, or regulations; or resolution numbering and
section/subsection numbering.
SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and
be in force immediately upon its passage.
PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washington, this ;f!.tlli day of May, 2014.
. . n -;di CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this ,~<& ---day of
May, 2014.
Valley SWAT Interlocal
Agreement (2010}
I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No.
/ YIK."i passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the
~ r} .Y;f: ,,,c,::/-day of May, 2014.
P:\CTV;I'\fl.e<o'ution\Valloy SWAT-:!0!0 lnl~rloo.ol Agr-..ment.dot
Valley SWAT Interlocal
Agreement (2010)
' ~ i -'\ " (' . ,.
The parties to this Agreement .are the Po.rt of Seattle and the municipalities of Auburn,
Federal \f'/ay, Kent,; Renton; and Tukwila; each of which Is a municipal corporation
operating under the laws of the State of Washlt1gton:
This Agreement is entered Into purswint to Cl1apters 10:93, 39 .. 34, and 53,08 of the
Revised Code of Washington. · · ·
The psrtles hereto desire to establish and maintain a multl-jur·isdlctionsl SWAT Team to
effeqtively respond .to high risk criminal occurrences as described below.
There is hereby created a multi-jurisdictional Team to be iler·eafter known as the
"Vslley Spe.olal Weapons and Tqctlcs Tea.m" ("VSWAT"), the members of which shall
be the Port of Seattle, and the Cities of Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, and
Tukwila. The SWAT Tearn has been in existence for sorne time, and this Agreement is
being re-entered Into in order to remove the City of Des Moines as a SWAT Team
memoer. The future adml.sslon or elimination of a Jurisdiction as a member of the
SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendumto·thls agreement.
. .
!<lng County and the municipfllitie·il within the Puget Sound area have experienced
Increasingly violent crlf[lirtal confrontations due to, among other reasons, increased
. gang activity; increased drug abuse, distribution, and manufacturing.: Increased
urbanization; and Increased population densities. The ability to safely control, contain,
anct resolve high risk criminal incidents such as civil disobedience, barricaded subjects,
hostage situations, gang rnember arrests; high risk felony arresjs, and narcotic or high
risk search warrants has strained the resources of lho membors' · lndivid~9l pollee
departments. · · · · ·
:r·;TERlt)C~\l ,r\-3REEMENT Paga I
' . ' '
Law enfon;ement efforts directed at deallng wl th' these high risk crlml(lal incidents have,
for tho most part, been conducted by law enforcement agencies worktng Independently.
A multi-jurisdictional effoct ·to handle specific high rlsl1 crlmirial incidents, ?S well as
incidents Involving weapons of mass destruction; results in more effective pooling of
. personnel, Improved utilization of municipal funds, reduced dupllcElllon of equipment,
. improved twining, development.. of specialized· expertise, and increased
'.trtillzaJion/appllcatlon of a c·omblned special response team. This results In improved
services for the citizens of all par!Jcipating jurisdicUons, Increased s:;~fety for officers
and the community, and improved cost effectiveness.
The individual specialty unlls from eacl1 parlicipaling jurisdiction will be consolidated.
and combined to form tile VSWAT Team. The SWAT Team shall service each
participating jurisdiction. The VSWAT Team may also be available to outside law
enforcement agencies as provided by chapter 10.93 RCW. ·
Tile objective of the VSWAT Team Is to respond to specinc high risk criminal Incidents
in a manner that provides for the effective use of personnel, equipment, funds, and
training. Tile VSWAT Team shall respond as requested by any of the participating
jurisdictions and provide a coordinated response· to, high"rlsk Incidents. As special
·needs arise, It may be necessary to request from other law enforcement agencies
assistance and/or personnel, . a! the discretion of the VSWAT Team Incident
Commander and/or the VSWAT Team Tactical Commander. ·
Tho minimum term of this Agreement shall be one (1) year, effective upon Its adoption.
This Agreement shall automatically extend for consecutive one {1) year terms without
action of the legislative bodl(ls. of the participating jurisdictions, unless and until
terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreoment.
. .
A jurisdiction may withdraw its participation In tile VSWAT Team by providing written
notice of Its withdrawal, snd serving such nouce upon each Executive Board member of .
. . the remaining jurisdictions, .A notjce o( withdrawal shall become effective ninety (90)
days after service of the notice on all participating members .
. The VSWAT Team may be terminated by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Any
vote for termination shall occur only when the police chief of each ·participating
Jurisdiction Is present at the meeting in which such voto.ls taken .
The affairs of the Team shall be governed by ;3n .Executive Board ("Board"), whose
members are composed of the police chief,. or his/her designee, from eacll participating
jurisdiction. Each member ·of the Board shall have an equ,al vote and voice on all
Board decisions .. All Board decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the Board
!• ...
' ''
members, or tfieir designees, appearing at the meeting, in which the decision is made.
A majority of Board members, or their designees, must be present at each meeting for
·any actions taken to be valid. A presiding officer shall be elected by the Board together
. with such othel' officers as a majoritY. of the Board may decide. .
' '
The· Board shall meet monthly,. u.niess. othe1wise detennine<;J by the· Board. The
presiding officer, or any Board member, may· call extra meetings as deemed
appropriate. The presiding 'officer shall provide no less than forty-eight (48) hours
notice of all meetings to all members of. the Board; PROVIDED, however, that in
elilergency situ~tions; the presiding officer may conduct a telephonic meeting or a poll
of individual Board members to resolvo any Issues related to such emergency.
The·pollcies, regulations, and operational procedures in effect pursuant to the previous
lnterlocal agreement shall be In effect without action of the Board and until such time as
they al'8 subsequently altered by the Board. ·The VSWAT Team written policies,
regulations, and operational procedures shall apply to all VSWAT Team operations.
Thus, to the extent that tll8 written policies, regulatioris,. and operational procedures ·of
the VSWAT Team conflict wlth·the policies, regula\lo(ls, and ope(a!lonal procedures of
the individual jurisdictions, the VSWAT Team written policies, regulations, and
procedures shall prevaiL
A Tactical Commander, which shall be a command. level officer, shall be appointed
annually by the Board to act as the principal liaison and facilitator between the Board
and the members of the VSWAT Team. The Tactical Commander shall operate under
the direction of the pres.lding officer of the Board. The Tactical Commander shall 'be
·responsible .for Informing the 'BoS~rd on all matters relating to the function·, expenditures,
accomplishments, training, number of calls that the VSWAT T~am responds to,
problems of the VSWAT Team, and any other matter as requested by the Board. The
Tactical Commander may be removed by' action of tbe Board at anytime and for any
reason, with or without cause.
The Tactical Commander shall prepare monthly written r'eports to .the Board on the
actions, progress, and finances of the VSWAT Team. In addition, the Tactical
Commander shall ~e responsible for presenting rules, procedures, regLJiatlons, and
revisions thereto for Board approval.
Each jurisdir.tipn' shall contribute six (6) fuiHimo commissioned officers, which shall
Include at leas1 one (1) Sergeant or other first level. supervisor, to. be assigned to the
VSWAT Team. Board approval must be obtained for the jurisdiction to assign less than
this staffing requirement. The personnel assigned to the-VSWAT Te0m shall be
considered omployoes of the contributing jwlsdictlon. The contributing jurisdiction shsll
be solely and exclusively resronsiblo for tho compensflllon and benefits fo1· the
personnel!! contributes to the VSWAT Team. All rights, duties, and obligation's of the
employer and the employee shall remain with the contributing jurisdiction. Eac;h
jurisdiction ~hall be responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws with
VALLEY SWA TTE:I\M 08-19-4010
regard to employees and with pwvlslons of any applicable collective bargaining
agreements and civil service rules and regulations.
' .
The 13oara may appoint the finance department pf 8 p8rticlpatlng jurisdiction to manage
the finances of the V$WAT Team. tJefore appointing the finance dep-artment of a
particular jurisdiction to manage the .finances of the VSWA t Team, the Board .shall
consult with the finance department of the jurisdiction and obtain tts approval. The duty
of managing .the finances· of the VSWAT Team shall be.rotated to other i:mrticip8ting.
jurisdictions at the dlscr?tlon. of the Boa,rd,
Tile Board may,. at its discretion, appoint one (1) or more legal advisors to advise the
. B0ard on legal lssl!es.affectlng the VSWAT Team. Tile I~"Jgal advisor(s) shall, when
appropriate or when requested by the Board, consult wltll !he legal representatives of
all participating jurisdictions qefore rendering legal advice, . ..
During field activation of the VS.WAT Team, an lncld"e11t Commander, VSWAT Team
, Tactical Commf.lnder, and VSWAT Team Team Leade1:(s) will be designated. The
duties and procedures to be utilized by the Incident Commander, the VSWAT Team
Tactical Commander, and the VSWAT Team Team Leader(s) shall be set forth In the
standard operating· procedures approved· by the Board. The standard operating
procedures approved by the board may designate other personnel to be utilized during
an-Incident. ·
Each participating jurlsaiction shall acquire the equipment of its participating VSWAT
Team members. Each participating jurisdiction shall provide sufficient funds to update,
replace, repair, and maintain the equipment and supplies utilized by Its participating
VSWAT Team members. Each participating jurisdiction shall provide sufficient funds to
provide for training of its participating VSWAT Team members.
' .
· The equlprnent, supplies, and training proylded by each jurisdiction to Its personnel
participating In the VSWAT Team shall, unless othe!Wise determined by the Board,. be
equal to those provided by the other pElrtlclpatlng jurisdictions.
Each member jurisdiction shall maintain an independent budget system to account for
·funds alloqated and expended by its participating VSWAT Team members.
The Boai:d must approve any joint cEipital expenditure for VS.W AT Team equipment.
Termination shall be In accordance with those procedures set forth in prior sections.
Each participating jurisdiction sl1all retain sole ownership of equipment purchased and
provided to .Its participatinQ VSWAT Team members. ·
VALLEY SWAT. TEAM 08-19-?.010
Any assets acquired with joint fllnds of the VSWAT Team shall be equally divided
?mong the participating jurisdictions at the asset's fair market value upon termination.
The V()lue of the assets of the VSWAT Team shall be determined by using commonly
accepted-methods of valuation;· If two (2) or mor:e participalirig jurisdictions desire an
EJSiet, the final decision shafl be m8de by. 8rbitratlon (described below)> Any property
not claimed. shall be declared. surplus by the Board and disposed 6f pursuant·to ·state
law for the disposition of surplus property. The proceeds from the sale or disposition of
any VSWAT Tearri property, after payment·of any and all costs of sale or debts of the
agency~ shall be equally distributed to those jurisdictions participating in the VSWAT
Team Ell the time of dissolution in proportion to the jurisdiction's .percentage
participation in the VSWAT Team as of the date of dissolution. In the event that one·
(1) or more jurisdictions terminate their participation-In the VSWAT Team, but the.
VSWAT Team continues to exist, the jurisdiction terminating participation shall be
deemed to have waived any rigl1t or title to any property owned by the VSWAT Team or
to share in the proceeds at the iime of dissolution.
Arbitration pursuant to this sec!! on. sl1ali' occur as follows:
A. · The jurisdictions interested in an asset shall select qne (1) person
(Arbitrator) to determine which agency will receive the property. If the
jurisdictions cannot agree to an_ Arbitrator, the chiefs of the jurisdictions
participating in the VSWAT Team upon dissolutic;m shall meet to .
determine who the Arbitrator will be. The Arbitrator may be any per·son
not employed by the jurisdictions that desire the property. .
B. During a meeting with the Arbitrator, each jurisdiction Interested In the
property shall be permitted to make an oral and/or written presentation to
the Arbitrator in support of Its position.
C. At the conclusion of the present101tion, the Arbitrator shall determine which
jurisdiction is to' receive the properly. The decision of the Arbitrator shall
be final and shall not be the subject of appeal or review,
It is the intent of the participating· jurisdictions to provide' servlcos of the VSWAl Team
without the threat of being subject to ll<lblllty to one another and to fully cooperate In
the defehse of any claims or lawsuits arising out of or connected with VSWAT Team
actions that are brought against the jurisdictions. To this end, the participating
jurisdictions agree to equally share responsibility and liability for the acts or omissions
of their pilrtlclpating p·er~onnel when acting in furtherance of this Agreement. In lh\3
event the~t e~n action is brougl1t against any of the participating jurisdictions, each
jurisdiction shall be r.esponslble for an equal share Qf any award for 6r setllement of
claims of damages, fines, fees, or costs, .regardless of which jurisdiction or employee
the action Is taken against or which jurisdiction or employee is ultimately responsible
tor the conquct. The jurisdictions shall share equally regardless of. the number of
. jurisdictions nam~d in the lawsuit or claim or the number of officers from each
VAlLEY SWAT T~;AM 08-19-2010
Jurisdiction named in the lawsuit .or claim. This section shall .be subject to the
conditions and.llmltatlons set forth in subsections A through G below.
A. .Jurisdiction Not InvolVed In VSWAT Team Response. In the event that a
jurisdiction or its personnel were not liwolved in the VSWAT Team
r·esponse.to the Incident that gives..rise to· a claim or lawsuit, imdjudgment
on the claim or lawsuit does not, ih any manner, implicate the acts df a
particular jurisdiction or its personnel, such jurisdiction shall not be
requlr~d. to sharo responslbility.for tile payment of the judgment or award.
,• .
B. lniention'ally. Wrongful Conduc,:tJleyond the Scope of Fmployment.
Nothing herein shall require, or be interpreted to require 'indemnification
or sharing In the payment of any judgment ilgainst any VSWAT Team
personnel for.lntentionally wrongful conduct that Is outside of the scope of
employment of any Individual or for any·judgtnent of punitive damages
against any·lndivldual or jurisdiction. Payment of any·awmd for punitive
damages shall be the sole responsibility of the person or jurisdiction that
employs the person against whom such award Is rendered.
C, Collective Representation and Defense. The jurisdictions may retain joint
legaJ.counsel to co/lecti,vely•represent snd defend the jurisdictions in any
legal action. Those jurisdictions r·etainlng join\ counsel shall share
equally the costs of such representation or defense.
In the event a jurisdiction does not agree to joint representation, the
jurisdiction shall be solely responsible for all attorneys fees accrued by Its
individual representatloq or defense.
The jurisdictions and their respective defense counsel shall make a good
faith attempt to cooperate with other psrticipating jurisdictions by,
including but not limited to, providing all documentation requested, Rnd
making VSWAT Te.am members available for depositions, discovery, ·
settlement conferences, strategy meetings, and trial.
D. Removal From Lawsuit. In the event a jurisdlctio'n or employee Is ·
successful in withdrawing or removing the jurisdiction or employee·from a
lawsuit by sumniary judgrnenl, · qualified Immunity, or citllerwlse, the
jurlsdlqtlori shall nonetheless be required to pay Its equal 9hare of any
award for or settlement of the lawsuit; PROVIDED, nowever, that in the
ev.ent a jurisdiction o( employee Is removed from the lawsuit and
subsection (A) of this section Is satisfied, the jurisdiction shall n9t be
required to pay any share of the award or settlement. ·
E. Settlement Pr~cess. · 1.\ Is the Intent of !~is Agreement that the jurisdictions ·
aCt in good faith on. beha.lf o'f each other In conducting settlement
negotiations on liab'J!Jty. claims or lawsuits. so· that, whenever possible, all
parties agree with. the settlement or, In jhe alternat/ye, agree to proceed
to !rial. In the event a clal.m or lawsuit requires the sharing of liability, no
individual jurisdiction shall' be authorized to enter Into a· settlement
agreement· with a clalmanl or ·plaintiff unless all jurisdictions agree with·
the terms of the settlement.· .Any settlement m01de. by 0111 individual
jurisdiction· wilhout the agreement of tlie remaining jurisdictions, wlien
required, shall not relieve the settling jurisdiction from· paying an equal
sJ1are of any final settlement' or awe rd.
F. Defense Waiver. This section shall not be Interpreted to waive any
defense arising'out of RCW Title 51.
G. Insurance. The failure of any Insurance carrier or self·insured pooling
organ!z01tlon to agree to or follow the terms of this section· shall not relieve
any Individual jurlsdlcti.on from Its obligations under this Agreement.
In the event f1 claim Is flied or lawsuit Is brought against a particlp01tlng jurisdiction or Its
. employees for· actions arising out of their conduct In support of VSWAT Team
opemtions, the jurisdiction shall prompt,ly n9tify the other jurisdictions that the claim or
l01wsuit has been initia.ted. A0Y documentation, including the claim or legal complaints,
shall promptly be provided to each participating jurisdiction.
Afly jurisdiction or membei' who believes or knows that anotl:ler jurisdiction would be
liable 'tor a claim, settlement, 'or judgment that arises from a VSWAT Team action or
operation, shall have (he burden of notifying each participating jurisdiction of all claims,
lawsuits, settlements, or demands made to that jurisdiction. In the event a p01rtlclpatlng
jurisdiction has a right, pursuant to section XIII of this Agreement, to be defended 01nd
held harmless by another participating jurisdiction, the jurisdiction having ihe right to be
aefended and held harmless shall promptly tendt;Jr the defense of such claim or lawsuit .
to the jurisdiction that must defend and hold the ot11er harmless.
A' Designation of Lead Jurisdiction.
There shall be a lead jurisdiction for processing a claim th~t is filed with
and against cities for alleged damages and Injuries that occur as 01 result
of VSWAT Team activities. The lead jurisdiction shall be t11e jurisdiction
within which the VSWAT Team response occurred{ PROVIDED, that in·
the event the jurisdiction within which the ,VSWAT Team response
occurrod did not participate 'in the VSWAT ·Team response, the lead
jurisdiction shall be th.e jurisdiction within which the incident .that required
the VSWAT Team response originated. In the event that a jurisdiction
that was not Involved in the VSWAT Te<lm response receives the claim,
th01t jurisdiction shall notify the. other·. jurisdictions. In 01ccordance with
Section XIV'of this Agreement, and shall use Its best efforts lo determine
who is the appropriate lead jurisdiction. · ·
· B. Assistance of Tactical Commander.
The VSWAT Team Tactical Commander shall assist the lead jurisdiction·
In responding to a claim.' The VSW/AT Team Tactical Corrunander shall .
be responsible for gathering all records relating to the VSWAT Team
response. These records shall Include, but are not limited to; Incident
reports, notes, transcripts, photos, evidence logs, recorded sltjlements,
documents from emergency dispatch centers, and wammts from. all
jurisdictions that participated In the VSWAT Team respor)se. The Tactical
Commander shalt also provide a list of personnel who participated in the
response and their contact information. The Tactical Commander shall
deliver all copies of' tho records l() the lead jurisdiction promptly upon .
roqu~. ·
C. . Claims of $5,000 or 'Less.
I. Lead Jurlsdlctlon Responsibliltles.
The lead jurisdiction shall be responsible f9r worl<lng with the
Tactical Commander to gather records relating to the VSWAT
Team response. The lead· jurisdiction shall provide records 'to Its
Insurance provider and shall assist its Insurance provider In
assessing liability for-acts associated with the claim. The lead
jurisdiction shall notify the other jurisdictions of any determinations
. as to liability. In determining whether a claim should be paid, the
lead jurisdiction and Its insurance provider shall, at a minimum,
consider the potential legal defenses io the claim <1nd th'e costs of
defending the claim. ' . .
ii. Liability Determination-Apportionment of Damages.
The lead jurisdiction, 'with the asslstanc(/ of Its insurance provider
and risl< manager, shall determine whether the VSWAT Te<un Is
liable for damCjges set forth in a claim, and whet11er the payment of
the claim would be In the best Interest of the jurisdictions and/or
tlie VSWAT Team. In the event the lead jurisdiction determines
that payment o'f a claim is appropriate, such determln<lllon shall be
final and binding upon other jurisdictloris and payment shall be
apportioned equally <~mong all jurisdictions that participated In the
-VSWAT. Team response. The Insurance provider· for the lead
Jurisdiction shall provide full payment to the claimant, and each
· jurisdiction that participated in the respons~J shall reimburse the
insurance provider for Its equal share of such payment..
Prior to. the payment of any claim, and as a condition of such
payll)ent, the insurance provider providing payment shall obtain
·from the claimant a complete and total release of liability on behalf
of all Jurisdictions particlpatlng In the VSWAT Team and each and
every officer·, agent,. or volunteer of those par-ticipating jurisdictions.
'VALLEY SWAT TEAM 08-19-2010
In the event the lead jurisdiction determines (ha! tf1e VSWAT Te<1m
Is not liable for damogos set forlh In a claim or thaf the payment of
the claim .would not be in the best Interest of th·e ·jurisdictions
and/or the VSWAT Team, the lead jurisdiction shall no!lfy the other
jurisdictions of the determination, and such determination shall be
tilndlng on the other jurisdictions; PROVIDED, that another
jurl,odiction that determines that payment Is appropriate may pay
stich' claim In full, and shall not seek reimbursement from the other
participating jurisdictions.
iif. Letter From Insurance Adjusters.
In the event a "lead jurisdiction, In conjunction willl Its Insurance
provider, determines that payment of a claim Is appropriate, the
Insurance provider ·. sl1al/ provide each of the · participating
jurisdictions with a letter stating the determination CJnd the bas'es
for such determination. "· · ·
D. Claims over $5,000.
i. Lead Jurisdiction Responslbllltl!ls.
The lead jurisdiction· shall schedule a meeting witll all jurisdictions
paliicipating in the VSWAT .Team to discuss the claim and to
determine the appropriate manner in which· to respond and/or
defo.nd the claim. The Board and persons listed in Section XVII of
this Agreement shall be notified of the meeting.
A. . Notification to Other Jurisdictions.
In the event a )urlsdictioli is served with a lawsuit, thai jurisdiction shall
provide notice and documentation of the lawsuit to each of the other.
jurisdictions In accordance with Section XIV of this Agreement.
. B. Coordination of Initial Meeting.
The jurisdiction that Initially receives a lawsult shall schedule a meeting
with all of th·e jurisdictions· participating in th·e VSWAT Team to discuss
the l.awsuit and to determine .the appropriate manner within which to
respond and/or defend the lawsuit, The Board and persons listed In
:Section XVII of this Agreement shall be notified of the meeting.
' .
Section XIV of this Agreement requires that the jurisdiction receiving 9 claim or
lawsuit notify the other jur)sdlctions of the claim or lawsuit and provide
documentation o( that .claim or lawsuit to the other ·jurisdictions. Nothing in this
Agreement shall be deemed a waiver by any partlclpati,ng jurisdiction of the
requirements set forth in Chapter 4.96 RCW, and the fact that a participating
jurisdiction provides hotice or copies of a claim to another jurisdiction shall ncit
be deemed compllanc.e with the requirement that a party w11o files suit against a
jurisdiction first file a claim with the jurisdiction In accordance wltl1 Chapter 4.96
RCW. Moreover, nothing .in this Agreement shall be deemed acceptance of
service of a lawsuit, and t~e fact that a participating jurisdiction provides notice
or copies of a lawsuit to another jurisdiction shall not be. .deemed adequate
service ·of such lawsuit in accordance with th~ State or Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure or the Revised Code of Washington.
For the p(H'poses of Implementing Section XIV of this Agreement, the following
persons from each jurisdiction shall receive any required notification or
Auburn City Attorney
25 West Main street
Auburn, WA 98001
(253) 931-3030
Auburn Police Chief
340 East Main Street, Suite 201
'Auburn, WA 98002
(253) 931-3080
Auburn Hurnan Resources '
Director/Risk Manager
25 West Main Street
Auburn, WA 98001
(253) 931-3040
Auburn City Clerk
25 West Main Stroot
Auburn, WA 88001
' (253) 931-3039
I . .
Port of So8ttlo:
· Port of Seattle Claims Manager
P.O. Box 60727 ·
Seattle, WA 98168
~-Cit~ Clerk
VALLEY SWAT TEAM 08·19·20 10
Kent City Attorney
220 4'" Avenue South
. Kent, WA 98032
(253) 856-5781
i<ent Rlsl< Manager
220 4'" Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032
(253) 856-5285
•~~•nu •
Kent City Cieri<
220 4'h AvenuE! South
Kont, WA 98032
(253) 856-5728
l<ent Pollee Chief
220 4'" Avenue South
l<ent, WA 90032
(253) 856-588R .
-Federal Way:
Federal Way City Clerk·
~3325 -8'h Avenuo Sou\11
FedeniiWay, WA 98003
Fe<;leral Way City Attorney
· 33325-81h Avenue South
Federal W<Jy, WA ·98003
' '
City ofT
6200 So
uthcenter Rlvd.
, WA 98188
<mager ClalmsM
P.O. Bo
X 1166
WA 98057
f Claims
& Associates, Inc.
Director o
4o1 Diam
ond D~ve
WA 9.8823
'• Renton:
Renton Risk Manager
·1 066 So. Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057
' ·····-
The VSWAT Team and all Its members shall comply with all federal, state, and local
laws .that apply to the VSW,AT Team. · ·
This Agreement may be modified, amended, or altered by agreement of all participating
j'ur/sdlcti.ons and such alteration, amendment, or modification shall be effective when
reduced .to writing and executed in a manner consistent with paragraph XXIII of this
Each jurisdiction shall maintain training records related to the VSWAT Team for a
minimum of seven (7) years. A copy of these records will be forwarded and maintained
with the designated VSWAT Team Training ~oordina'tor. ·All records shall be Ewailable ,
for full Inspection and ~opying by Gf!Ch participating jurisdiction,
Upon execution heteof, this Agreement shall be filed with the city clerks of the
respective participating municipalities, and such other governmental· agencies as may
. be r.equired by law. ·
. If any part, paragraph, section, or provision of this Agreement is held to b(J invalid by
any cour! of competent jurisdiction,. such adjudlcatioil shall not affect the validity of any
remaining section, part, or provision ofthis Agreer:nE~nt. ·
This Agreement shall be execut~d on behalf of each participating jurisdlctfon by its duly
authorized repr·esentative and pursuant to an appropriate r.esolution or ordinance of the
governing body of each parficipating jurisdiction. This Agreement shall" Be deemed
effective upon.lhe·iast date of execution by tile last so authorized representative. This
Agreement rnay b.e executed by 'counterparts and bo valid as If each authorized
representative had signed the original document.
By signing below, the signor certifies that he or she has the authority to sign this
Agreemont on behalf of the jurisdiction, and the juri~cHction agi·ees to the terms
of this Agreement:
Mayor, City of Auburn
City Clerk, City of Auburn
Mayor, City of Renton
City Clerk, City of Renton
Mayor, City of Tukwila
City Clerk, City ofTukwila
Mayor, City of l<ent
Dato . City Attorney, City of Auburn Date
Date City Attorney, City of Renton . Date
Date City Attorney, City of Tui<WIIa Date
Dale City Attorney, City of Kent Date
Page 12
Chief Executive Officer, Pori of Sea tile -'Date Port Counsel, Port of Seattlo.
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