HomeMy WebLinkAbout1600RESOLUTION NO. /b 0 0
A RESOLUTION of the City CoUllcil of the
C1ty of Kent, Washmgton, estabhshmg a policy for the
use of the C1ty's govefUll!ent access cable televlSlon
channel for electwn mformatwn for all elected positiOns,
and for certam ballot measures placed before the voters
and further repealmg Resolutwn No 1544
WHEREAS, the C1ty CoUllcil, pursuant to ResolutiOn No 1544,
established pohc1es and procedures for tapmg and broadcastmg video presentatwns for
the positions of Mayor and C1ty CoUllcilmember, and
WHEREAS, Mumc1pal Court Judge(s) was not an elected office at the
time Resolutwn No 1544 was ongmally enacted, and
WHEREAS, MUlllCipal Court Judge(s) are now elected by the
electorate every four years, and
WHEREAS, the C1ty CoUllcil demes to allow all mdiVJduals seekmg
any C1ty of Kent elected office an opportumty to broadcast a presentation, NOW
SECTION 1. Polzcy Statement It IS the pohcy of the C1tyofKent that
the C1ty' s govefUll!ent access cable televisiOn channel shall be uhhzed to mform the
voters on C1ty of Kent ballot measures mcludmg any C1ty of Kent elected posJtJOns,
1 Election Information Video
and ballot measures placed on the ballot by actwn of the Kent C1ty Council or by
1mlialive or referendum of the voters
SECTION 2. Informatwn on Czty Electwns. At each regular or special
electwn of the C1ty of Kent, the c1ty shall prepare an eleclion mformatwn Videotape to
be telecast on the c1ty's government access cable televiSion channel The program
shall be v1deo taped by C1ty of Kent v1deo techmc1ans ulilizmg c1ty eqmpment and
fac1lilies as follows
A The v1deo shall cons1st of four ( 4) mmute presentatiOns by each
candidate for any elected pos1twn other than for the Mayor Each candidate for Mayor
shall have the opportumty to prepare a SIX (6) mmute presentatiOn Candidates may
use tlus lime to mtroduce themselves and present the1r qualificatwns to the voters
B Candidate presentatwns shall be v1deo taped m the two week penod
followmg the offic1al filing deadlme for office For those candidates who are not
subject to a pnmary electwn, a separate two week tapmg penod may be provided so
long as th1s second tapmg penod commences no later than four ( 4) weeks after the
official filing deadlme for office Each cand1date w1ll be contacted by Kent staff to
arrange a convement lime for v1deo tapmg Cand1dates Will be permitted no more than
three takes, selectmg one for presentatiOn
C Taped presentatwns of all candidates whose names will appear on the
pnnted pnmary ballot Will be assembled mto one program grouped by pos1l!on sought
The order of presentatiOn shall be determmed by lot Th1s program will then be shown
on the c1ty's government access televiSion channel begmnmg one month pnor to the
pnmary electwn, and shall run at least once each day at varymg limes of the day unlil
the day before the pnmary electwn Upon cert1ficatwn of candidates wmnmg the
pnmary electwn and movmg on to the general electwn, those candidates not
proceedmg to the general eleclion shall have the1r taped presentatwns removed from
the program The tapes of all remammg candidates whose names will appear on the
pnnted general eleclion ballot shall be shown on the c1ty' s government access
televiSion channel at least once each day at varymg limes of the day begmmng one
month before the general electwn until the day before the electiOn at wh1ch lime the
presentatiOns shall be removed from the City's televisiOn programmmg
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D Ballot measures may have a "vote yes" committee, and a "vote no"
committee prepare three mmute presentatiOns representmg their respective positions
on the measure Each side will then have the opportunity to present a two mmute
rebuttal to the other side's statement The order of presentatiOn and rebuttal shall be
determmed by lot VIdeo tapmg shall be conducted as outlmed above The
presentatiOns of each side shall be shown at least once each day at varymg times of the
day beg1unmg one month before the electiOn m which the measure Will be voted upon,
and shall termmate one day before the electiOn
SECTION 3. Informatzon on Ballot Measures The C1ty of Kent may
prepare an mformatwnal video tape on a ballot measure to be shown on the city's
government access televiSion chaunel The presentatiOn must be mformatwnal only,
and shall not advocate for or agamst any ballot measure
SECTION 4. Encouragement to Vote The C1ty of Kent may prepare
for broadcast on the city's government access televisiOn chaunel video tapes
encouragmg mdividuals to register to vote, and to vote m pnmary, general or special
SECTION 5. Cand1date Forums Candidate forums conducted by
citizen groups, associatiOns, or orgamzatwns may be VIdeo taped for presentatiOn on
the city's government access teleVIsion chaunel under certam conditions Any group
w1shmg to have Its candidates forum video taped for presentatiOn must submit a
request to the city's Director of InformatiOn Services on a form to be supplied by the
director not later than thirty (30) days pnor to the scheduled forum of Its desire to have
the forum taped The director shall then determme If appropnate technical staff IS
avmlable at the time requested, and the sUitability of the locatiOn selected for video
tapmg cons1denng both audiO and VIdeo productiOn reqmrements The director shall
notify the applicant w1thm one week ofmakmg applicatiOn whether or not the City will
be able to accommodate the request
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Should a candidate forum be v1deo taped for later presentalion, the director
shall schedule the forum to be shown at varymg limes of the day pnor to the electwn
for a penod not to exceed two (2) weeks
SECTION 6. Format and Schedule Modzficatwns The format and
schedules of taped presentatiOns may be modified by C1ty staff as necessary,
consistent w1th the mtent of th1s resolutiOn, to meet staffing and other schedulmg
SECTION 7. Recztals Incorporated The reCitals set forth m tlns
resolutwn are hereby mcorporated as 1f fully set forth herem
SECTION 8. Severabzllty If any seclion, subsectiOn, paragraph,
sentence, clause, or phrase of th1s resolutwn IS declared unconslitutwnal or mvahd for
any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remammg portwns of this
SECTION 9 Ratzficatwn The City Council hereby ralifies and
confirms all acts prevwusly taken that are not mcons1stent with the findmgs of this
SECTION 10. Effectzve Date This resolutwn shall take effect and be
m force Immediately upon Its passage
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SECTION 11. Repealed City Council ResolutiOn 1544 IS hereby
repealed m Its entirety
PAS SED at a regular open pubhc meetmg by the C1ty Council of the City
of Kent, Washmgton, tlus ~ day of August, 2001.
CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the C1ty of Kent tlus ~a.., day of
August, 2001
I hereby certifY that tlus IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No
/boO passed by the C1ty Council of the City of Kent, Waslungton, the .;1.., day
of August, 200 I
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