HomeMy WebLinkAbout1594Resolution No. 1594 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CON0=0131-Zoning Code & Amendment Passed -6/5/2001 Amending the fee schedule Fee Schedule Amended by Res. 1686 Repealed by Res. 1851 ! l l I RESOLUTION NO. /5 &f tf A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the fee schedule for planning and land use applications filed with the City of Kent. WHEREAS, the City of Kent Planning and Land Use Fee Schedule was adopted in 1979 and since adoption a number amendments have been made to the fee schedule; and WHEREAS, the City conducted a review of the current fee and refund process for the issuance of public notice boards and determined that the current fee and refund process were not efficient or cost effective; and WHEREAS, during its meeting of May 15, 2001, the Operations Committee recommended approval of proposed revisions to the fee schedule for public notice boards; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the City will adopt at this meeting Chapter 3.25 of the Kent City Code entitled "Multi-Family Dwelling Tax Exemption" and provisions need to be made in the Planning and Land Use Fee Schedule for this Chapter's fees; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 Amended Planning Fee Schedule SECTION 1. That the schedule of fees and the fee schedule notes set forth in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are hereby established as the fee schedule and fee schedule notes for all planning and land use applications filed with the City of Kent. SECTION 2. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 3. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This resolution and the fees established herein shall take effect July 1, 2001. PASS ED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this .5 day of !)' ~ , 2001. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this 6 day of ~ ,2001. • ATTEST: B~,p;~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY 2 Amended Planning Fee Schedule I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /..5"7 </ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the .5 day of 0 ,, A• .___ , 2001. Y CLERK (SEAL) P·\Civil\Resolutionlland use fee schedule-Amend doc 3 Amended Planning Fee Schedule CITY OF KENT PLANNING AND LAND USE FEE SCHEDULE NOTES (1) $50 fee is applicable for an attached accessory dwelling unit, an interior accessory dwelling unit or for a detached accessory dwelling unit in a single-family residential zone. The fee includes the cost of the Planning Services Office recording of the accessory dwelling unit covenant documents with King County. An accessory living quarters in a commercial or industrial zone is subject to the applicable construction value-based fee. (2) Any changes to an approved, but unrecorded Binding Site Plan are subject to the $300 fee for a modification to a Binding Site Plan. Any changes to a recorded Binding Site Plan are subject to the $400 fee for a modification to a Binding Site Plan. (3) The $200 fee is applicable to minor alterations and improvements. The $500 fee is applicable to all new buildings, redevelopment, and major alterations and improvements. (4) Fee includes the cost of the Planning Services Office recording of the lot line revision documents with King County. (5) The $100 fee is applicable to the elimination of lot lines between two or more parcels in the same ownership. The fee includes the cost of the Planning Services Office recording of the lot line revision documents with King County. All other types of lot line adjustments, except for a lot line elimination, are subject to the lot line adjustment fee schedule. (6) Any minor change to an approved Planned Unit Development Plan is subject to the $250 fee for a modification. Any major change to an approved Planned Unit Development Plan is subject to the $750 fee for a modification. (7) The Planning Manager has the authority to change this fee as needed to cover City expenditures. (8) The $250 fee is applicable only to SEPA review of construction of one single family dwelling on an individual parcel. All other SEPA checklist applications are subject to the $700 fee. (9) The $75 fee is applicable only to modifications to a SEPA determination for one single family dwelling on an individual parcel. All other modifications to a SEPA determination are subject to the $250 fee. (1 0) $2000 fee plus a deposit, equal to the estimated cost of contract services necessary to complete the EIS process, must be submitted to the city. (II) Temporary Use Permits 0-30 days ............................... $100 31-90 days .............................. $250 Extensions beyond 90 days ........... $150 (12) Application requires public hearings. If multiple permit applications which require the same hearing procedure are submitted at the same time, the applicant will be charged the full fee for the permit application with the highest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other permits eligible for a consolidated review and hearing. Page 1 of3 City of Kent Planning Services Notes on the Fee Schedule (13) The $500 fee is applicable to amendments to Single Family Residential zones only. Amendments to all other zoning districts or sections of the zoning code are subject to the $1,500 fee. (14) a) The $25 fee is applicable for Minor Single Family Dwelling Construction on an existing dwelling such as a deck, minor addition of less than 25% of existing floor area, interior remodel or accessory building of 500 square feet or less on the same lot as the existing dwelling. b) The $50 fee is applicable for Major Single Family Dwelling Construction on an existing dwelling such as major addition of more than 25% of existing floor area or an accessory building of more than 500 square feet on the same lot as the existing dwelling. c) All new single family dwelling construction in a residential zone is subject to the following fee schedule: Development Services Construction Value: $0-$74,999 .......................... $50 $75,000-$124,999 ................ $100 $125,000 -$224,999 ............... $200 Over $225,000 ...................... $300 d) All new buildings, tenant improvements, an accessory living quarters in a commercial or industrial zone and other construction and development activity, other than single family dwelling construction, is subject to the following fee schedule: Development Services Construction Value: $0-$99,999 ........................ $250 $100,000-$249,999 ............... $500 $250,000 -$499,999 .............. $750 $500,000 -$999,999 ............ $1,000 $1,000,000-$4,999,999 ........ $1,500 $5,000,000 -$1 0,000,000 ...... $2,000 Over $10,000,000 ................ $2,500 e) The zoning permit fee for those development projects for which no building permit is required but which requires site plan review and a zoning permit, shall be based on the value of the proposed development to be undertaken. The value of the proposed construction! development shall be determined based on professional estimates by a licensed engineer, architect, landscape designer or contractor. These estimates may include, but are not limited to, grade and fill ofthe site, paving, placement of utilities, lighting, landscaping, and other site improvements. The combined total of the cost estimates for all development on the site shall be the established value basis for the zoning permit fee [as listed in 14c or 14d categories above as appropriate]. (15) Application requires a public hearing before the Hearings Examiner. If multiple permit applications which require a HE decision are submitted at the same time, the applicant will be charged the full fee for the permit application with the highest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other permits eligible for a consolidated review and hearing. Page2of3 City of Kent Planning Services Notes on the Fee Schedule (16) Application fees may be reduced by 75% if the application is for a mixed-use building. Fee reduction applies to site plan review/zoning permit, mixed use design review, multi-family design review and downtown design review. Fee waivers do not apply to SEPA, short plat, subdivision or other permit requests associated with the development of a site, nor does fee reduction apply to mixed use development where the commercial and residential uses are not located within the same building (17) Plat alteration fees are determined after review whether the changes requested are minor or major. A minor change is done administrative and the fee is Y.. the cost of the original preliminary plat fee. A major change requires a public hearing or meeting and the fee is Y, the cost of the original preliminary plat fee. A public notice board is required for a major alteration. (18) The maximum fee shall be $500. (19) These funds are distributed to the King County Assessor's Office by the City. P:\Civi!\FILES\OpenFiles\0 125-200 I \feesched.nts.doc Page 3 of3 CITY OF KENT PLANNING AND LAND USE FEE SCHEDULE Permit Applfc!afli:fri' 1)'pe Fee Notes Accessory Dwelling Unit $50 {1) Administrative Decision (WTF) $300 Appeal of Administrative Interpretation/ Decision $200 Appeal of SEPA Determination $200 Binding Site Plan $500 Binding Site Plan Modification $300/$400 (2) Combining Districts $1,500 {12 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment $1,500 {12 Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment $1,500 {12 Conditional Use $1,200 {15 Downtown Design Review $200 I $500 (3)(16 Lot Line Adjustment $300 {4 Lot Line Elimination $100 (5 Mixed Use Design Review $500 {16 Multi-Family Design Review $500 + $10/unit (16 Multi-Family Dwelling Tax Exemption-Conditional Application $150 + $25/unit {18 Multi-Family Dwelling Tax Exemption -Final Application $150 (19 Multi-Family Tax Exemption Appeal -Conditional, Final, Extension $100 Multi-Family Tax Exemption Extension of Conditional Certificate $100 Tentative Planned Unit Development Plan $250 Planned Unit Development Plan $2500 + $50/unit Planned Unit Development Plan Modification $250/$750 {6) Plat Modification/Alteration -Minor: Y. of plat fee Minor/Major Major: Y, of plat fee 1171 Pre-Application Conference $250 Public Notice Board $100 {7) SEPA Checklist $250/$700 {B) SEPA Modification $75/$250 (9) SEPA Exempt Determination $200 SEPA Environmental Impact Statement $2,000 + deposit {10) Shoreline Conditional Use $1,200 {15) Shoreline Exempt Determination $200 Shoreline Substantial Development $1,000 Shoreline Variance $750 {15) Short Plat (2-4 lots) $500 Short Plat {5-9 lots)-Tentative Plat $250 Short Plat (5-9 lots)-Preliminary Plat $1500 + $50/lot Short Plat {5-9 lots)-Final Plat $1000 + $20/lot Sign Permit $150 Special Home Occupation Permit $300 {15 Subdivision -Tentative Plat $250 Subdivision -Preliminary Plat $2500 + $50/lot Subdivision -Final Plat $1500 + $20/lot Temporary Use $100/ $250/$150 {11 Temporary Sign $75 Variance-Administrative $300 Variance-Single Family Dwelling $300 {15\ Variance-Sign & Other than Single Family Dwelling $750 {15) Zone Map Amendment {Rezone) $1,500 {12\ Zoning/ Subdivision Code Text Amendment $500 I $1500 (12)(13) Zoning PermiU Site Plan Review $25/$50/value (14a- 14e){16) P:\Civil\FILES\OpenFiles\0125-2001\Fee Schedule Table.doc