HomeMy WebLinkAbout3251 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ~7 ! 28 29 IUtSOLUTIOM NO. 3 a!;J-r-- WBEREJ.I, the Clt7 ot tent did by ordinance create Local Ia- :ro?ement D1•tr1ct #229 ot the City ot tent, an4 WH'f!::REAS. Roberta CoapaaJ, Inc.. the original contractor tor he 1netallat1on ot the eevera provided tor in said Loc~l fmpro'Ye- ent District #229. did default on its contract, and WHEREAS, claim was mede by the City ot lent aga1nat Continental Caaualt7 Company. the surety on the eontractor•a bond, and WHEREAS, through the Oit7 Attorney or the City or lent an- special counsel emplored by the City of lent on the one handl an4 the attorn e)' tor the Oontinen.tal Oaaual t7 Oompan7 on the othef, agreement has been reached tor a settlement of the claim ot the City ot lent against the surety ooapanr, and WHEREAS, all ·of the me.ttere and things aboYe aent1oned appeal' more tully and completelJ in the official tile ot L.I.D. I 229 ot the City ot Ient in the possession ot the City Clerk: of the City or Ient, to which tiles reference is hereb7 ma.de, NOW, THEREFORE, PE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY or KENT 1n regular meeting assembled: 1. That the Mayor and the City Clerk ot the City of lent be, a.nd they ere hereby, authoriaed and directed, upon payment by th~ bonding company, Continental Casualty Coapanr, or thE~ amouat due from it to the City ot ICent tor L.I.D.I229, to execute and 4eli'fer a good and suttic1ent release of the bonding oompanr ot the cla1me and dema.nda of the City against said company in connec- tion w1lb aa1d Locsl Improvement District #229. PASSED by the City Council ot the City of Kent thia 17th dar ot March 1952. De.• • l, )foonez Mayor Attest: e1\y 01erk