HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD17-498 - Amendment - #2 - Yakima County Department of Corrections - Inmate Housing Agreement - 01/01/2020YAKIMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 111 North Front StreetYakima,'Washington 98901 (509) 574-1700 September 24, qotg Chief Rafael Padilla Kent Police Department 22o 4th Avenue South Kent,'WA gsogø RE: 2O2o Daily Rate Increase Notifïcation Dear Chief Padilla: This letter will serve as your official written notifìcation of the inmate housing rate increase for ttre upcoming year. lfhis increase is primarily due to our increased operating costs. Please see attached the Detention/Correction rate scale that has been established for eOeo. Pursuant to the current Inmate Housing Agreement, Yakima County reserves the right to increase the daily rate with the understanding that they will proviäe your agency ñinety (so) days written notification prior to said increase. Upon review, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached at 574-1758, or you can contact Sandra Bess at 574-1704. We look forward to our continued success working together to meet your inmate housing needs. Respectfully, Ed W. Campbell, Director EC:sb Board of County Commissioners City Notebook C: Servíce, Pride, Integrity Attachment A YAKIMA COUNTY INMATE HOUSING AGREEMENT - 2O2O Detentiony'Corection Rates: Daily Housing: Based on the Monthly Average Daily Population (MADp) sliding scale: In consideration of Yakima County's commitment to house City Inmates, the City shall pay the County basgd on the Monthly Average Daily Population (MADP) sliding scale. Intensivé Management Inmates (IMI) who have serious medical, mental health or behavioral conditions and require spðcial housing or treatment as determined by the County will be housed at a rate of $105.25. The IMI population wiù be used in the (MADP) rate calculation listed below for all other inmate: Billing Detail: Fractionalized Billing per current practice Month ly AaerøgeDøilu Populøtion (MADP)DøiIa Rate Perlnmøte 15L - above s61.50 126-150 962.50 101-125 $63.50 76-100 $64.50 51-75 $65.50 26-50 $66.s0 0-25 $67.50