HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK17-548 - Amendment - #1 - Berger Partnership PS - West Fenwick Park Renovation Phase II Design - 09/23/2019 Agreement Routing Form KEN T For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Director initials W ASHINGTON This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. r (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Manager initials f �/ Originator: Lynn Osborn for Terry Jungman Department. Parks Date Sent: 9/11/19 Date Required: Soonest possible please 0 Authorized Director Date of 11/21/17 (original agmt.) 0. to Sign: Council aMayor Approval: Budget P21030 Grant? 11 Yes ❑✓ No Account Number. Type: N/A Vendor Name: Berger Partnership Category: Contract Vendor 624530 c Sub-Category Amendment o Number: v Project E Name: West Fenwick Park Renovation Phase II Design L.0 c Project Amendment #1 for $66,065, adding add'I. program elements to play area Z Details: c d Agreement Basis for E g $281 363.00 - NEW d Amount: Selection of RFP Contractor: a Start Date: 11/30/2017 Termination Date: 12/31/2020-NEW Notice required prior to Yes No Contract Number: �K f .� �7 disclosure? Date Rec iv ty IV�D Comments: at 0 l 1A EPA *Cd I�ED L 3 M a Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: in Ap Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: •� cl la3lCity of Kent ( ei Date Sent to Originator: Office of the Mayor Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements adccW22373_6_19 • KENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: Berger Partnership CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: West Fenwick Park Renovation Phase II, PPD17-29 ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: 11/30/2017 This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: As described in attached Exhibit A, incorporated herein, scope and budget are increased to include various program elements identified by the city. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $215,298.00 including applicable WSST Net Change by Previous Amendments $0 including applicable WSST Current Contract Amount $215,298.00 including all previous amendments Current Amendment Sum $66,065.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this $0.00 Amendment Revised Contract Sum $281,363.00 AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Original Time for Completion 12/31/2019 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under N/A prior Amendments (insert date) Add'I Days Required (f) for this 365 calendar days Amendment Revised Time for Completion 12/31/2020 (insert date) The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONSULTANT/iYNDOR:, CITY OF KENT: r By: �� '� By7T)DI."A Y�Uv� (signature) (signa re) Print Name: Andy Mitton Print Name: Dana Ralph Its Principal Its Ma or (title) (� ( "le) DATE: 2019i9/12 DATE: `�1 ILA I ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (appli e if Mayor's signature required) Kent City Clerk K n L aw Department P:\Planning\WeSt Fenwick Park\West Fenwick Park Renovation Phase 2\1Design Phase\WF Reno Ph I]Design-Berger-AMENDMENT#1 AMENDMENT - 2 OF 2 EXHIBIT A PARTNERSHIP 11.6.17 e rger Revised 08.30.19 Terry Jungman Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent,WA 98032 Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Terry: We are pleased to provide you with this updated fee estimate for the West Fenwick Park Improvement project. The following outlines our proposed landscape architectural services for the duration of the project. The scope includes our team of subconsultants, with each phase of service described. In addition to this narrative, the attached fee estimate worksheet details tasks to be completed, schedule, deliverables and tasks performed by subconsultants. This fee proposal is based on our negotiations with you and the assumptions that we have detailed herein and in the attached worksheet. Design Team We have assembled a team of very qualified professionals to assist with the preparation of drawings, specifications, and estimates of probable construction costs for each aspect of park design. The team will be led by Berger Partnership, with Stephanie Woirol as the project manager and main contact for all information between the client and each team member.Andy Mitton, as principal-in-charge, will lead the public facilitation process and oversee site design. Our team will be supported by a talented team of subconsultants who will assist with technical documentation and code compliance for the project. Design team members include: KPFF Consulting Engineers - Civil Engineer, David Schwartz Civil site design, grading, drainage, frontage improvements, paving, temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESC), parking and permitting support. KPFF Consulting Engineers- Site Survey, Jereme Chapman Support the design team with additional site survey information to supplement the existing survey completed by the city. Scope is assumed to be an allowance as indicated in the fee estimate worksheet. Associated Earth Sciences (AESI) —Geotechnical Engineering, Bruce Blyton and Jeff Laub Geotechnical recommendations related to site soils matrix, maximum cut slopes, site grading, paving profiles and picnic shelter design Landscape Architecture Berger Partnership Ps 2063256877 Urban Desi n 1927 Post Alley,Ste.2 bergerpartnership.com g Seattle,WA 98101 EXHIBIT A(Continued) 11.6.17 AR T N E RSHIP Rev08.30.19 Terry bep r er Kent Parks,Recreation and Community Services Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Page 2 of 10 recommendations. If required by code, they will perform their Phase 2 scope related to site infiltration to satisfy stormwater drainage code requirements. Mazzetti+GBA- Electrical Engineering, Jay Jack and Jon Krombein Provide electrical upgrades to reenergize existing site lighting, study fixture types and make long-term maintenance recommendations, and provide power to the new picnic shelters. Design Two Four/Two Six- Irrigation Design, Jason Anderson Irrigation design and coordination of a booster pump for field irrigation. Swenson Say Faaet-Structural Engineer, Greg Juttner Structural Engineering support for the shelter and shade structure footings. Task 1:Pre-Design (Completed June 2018) Work includes those tasks identified on the attached fee estimate worksheet and as noted in the assumptions in this proposal: 1. This phase of work was completed at the conclusion of the public open house in June 2018. At the direction of Hope Gibson,we added scope items to this phase as identified in the attached fee worksheet. The time was applied towards the AESI Phase 2 scope of work at that point in time. It was agreed that additional scope of work would be negotiated later if it was deemed this fee was needed to satisfy permit requirements. 2. The purpose of this phase is to perform a detailed inventory and analysis that will inform what the opportunities and constraints are for the project. This phase will conclude with the first public workshop. Scope associated with pre-design includes the following: a. Hold a kick-off meeting at the city. This phase includes up to three meetings, including the kick-off meeting. b. Inventory and analysis phase: Review existing documents available from the city and identify if additional information is needed. c. Coordinate with local water utility to confirm working water pressure at the site (78 PSI) is adequate to support turf rotors at the playfield. Design work includes coordination of a booster pump. Confirm with electrical to accommodate within existing electrical panel. d. Electrical Engineering team to make recommendations on light levels at parking lot and review existing pedestrian light fixture types for possible upgrades. EXHIBIT A(Continued) 11.6.17 ARTNERSHIRev 08.30.19 bep rC)er Terry Kent Parks,Recreation and Community Services Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Page 3 of 10 e. Define opportunities and constraints: Prepare quantifiable metrics and graphics that will support the decision making process. Intent of this phase is to identify needs and determine associated costs with desired program elements to vet how they fit within the project budget. f. Assist the city with preparation of plans and graphics for an open house workshop pertaining to proposed improvements to the park in June 2018. Includes coordination with the city to discuss open house location and strategy. Task 2:30%Construction Documents/SEPA Support Work includes those tasks identified on the attached fee estimate worksheet and as follows: 1. This phase of work is assumed to occur from March through September 2019. 2. Begin site survey scope to pick up additional site information to support design efforts identified during pre-design. 3. Engage Geotechnical site observations (Phase 1 scope) to support design and permit documentation. Determine if Phase 2 scope, infiltration support, is needed to meet local stormwater code requirements. 4. The purpose of this phase is to develop 30%design plans to better define project scope and permitting strategy. Includes submitting a project SEPA checklist. 5. Scope associated with preparation of 30%design includes the following: a. Attend one meeting in Kent and two meetings in Seattle to review progress and discuss key project elements. b. Develop a project level SEPA checklist with support from the city as needed. c. Attend a pre-application meeting with associated city permitting departments to understand land-use and building permit process and required elements. d. Prepare 30%site plans based on feedback from the city that includes the following program elements: i. Incorporate Chutes and Ladders play area concept as provided by NW Playground Equipment. ii. Assist with relocation of the Earth art feature. EXHIBIT A(Continued) 11.6.17 E N PARTRSHIP Rev 08.30.19 er er Terry g Kent Parks,Recreation and Community Services Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Page 4 of 10 iii. Tennis court restriping to include pickle ball courts as part of base bid. iv. Install shade structures and a seating area at the existing Basketball court. v. Install a new picnic shelter. vi. Provide additional site furniture such as picnic tables, benches, BBQ grills, drinking fountains, associated paved areas. vii. Develop a new synthetic turf futsal court. viii. Coordinate improvements to the natural turf field (grading, drainage, irrigation, soil prep and seeding). ix. Identify upgrades to existing light fixtures to make them operational. x. Provide on additional drinking fountain. xi. Loop pathway repairs (fix low points, minor regrading). xii. Determine if budget allows for repairs on the western trails up the hillside (not including the eroded southern slope). xiii. Stormwater pond improvements to fix the existing fence, remove trees and provide an accessible route into the pond for maintenance. xiv. Research possible connections to provide safe access to the adjacent church parking lot. xv. Site restoration/planting plans. e. Prepare a preliminary cost estimate. f. Prepare outline specifications. g. Prepare one rendered site plan and attend one public meeting to update the community on the project. Task 3:60%Construction Documents/Land-Use Permit Work includes those tasks identified on the attached fee estimate worksheet and as follows: 1. This phase of work is assumed to occur September 2019 through mid- December 2019. EXHIBIT A(Continued) 11.6.17 PAR T N E RSHIP Rev 08.30.19 Terry bercrior Kent Parks,Recreation and Community Services Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Page S of 10 2. During this phase of work, the 30%plans will be refined based on review input from various city departments. Additional meetings will be held to understand code required plan elements. 3. Scope associated with preparation of 60%design includes the following: a. Review 30%plans with city and address all comments from parks staff to ensure the project meets department goals and specifications. b. Integrate public input comments into the design plans. c. Attend up to two working meetings with the city and three meetings with the design team. d. Coordinate with the design team to fully integrate all design elements into the plan set including all stormwater requirements, grading and utility work, electrical upgrades and irrigation. e. Coordinate required elements with product vendors and finalize elements to help inform the next phase of work. f. Refine the probable cost of construction and begin developing technical specifications (Division 2-33). Begin developing Division 1 specifications. g. Prepare permit ready plans and coordinate for submittal to required city permit agencies. (Includes time to administer permit submittals). Task 4:90%Construction Documents/Permitting Work includes those tasks identified on the attached fee estimate worksheet and as follows: 1. This phase of work is assumed to occur late December 2019 through February 2020. 2. Work associated with this phase will coordinate necessary technical aspects of the project to submit for all associated building and site related permits within Kent. 3. Scope for this phase includes: a. Attend various meetings with the city to coordinate all aspects of the project. b. Review 60%plans with the city and address all comments from parks staff to ensure that the project meets department goals and specifications. c. Attend up to two meetings with the design team. EXHIBIT A(Continued) 11.6.17 PARTNERSHIP Rev 08.30.19 p rao Terry ber Kent Parks,Recreation and Community Services Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Page 6 of 10 d. Respond to city permit comments and make required plan revisions to complete the review cycle. e. Compile a final 90% plan set for final review by the city. f. Finalize the probable cost of construction g. Develop technical specifications (division 2-33) for review prior to bidding the project in the next phase. h. Develop front end specifications (division 0& 1) with assistance from the city. Task 5: Bid Assistance Work includes those tasks identified on the attached fee estimate worksheet and as follows: 1. This phase of work is assumed to occur March through May 2020. 2. During this phase, we will incorporate any final comments or corrections and prepare a bid ready set for distribution to the city's procurement office.We will also assist the city with the following tasks during the bid phase: a. Finalize the bid set plans and specifications for distribution and advertising. b. Attend a pre-bid meeting. c. Provide responses to any contractor questions that arise. d. Prepare any required addenda materials needed to clarify the project scope. Task 6:Construction Observation Berger Partnership will provide construction observation services while your project is being constructed. The purpose is to check that the contractor's work is consistent with the construction documents and the design intent. 1. This phase of work is assumed to be eight months in duration starting in July 2020 and ending in December 2020. 2. Our services will include checking the contractor's submittals of samples, site visits to observe the progress of the work, preparation of construction observation reports noting progress as well as aspects of work requiring correction, respond to RFI's, develop ASI's and review of the contractor's pay requests. EXHIBIT A(Continued) 11.6.17 PARTNERSHI Rev 08.30.19 berrrnr Terry Kent Parks,Recreation and Community Services Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Page 7 of 10 3. Additional time is included to address any issues that arise in the field to coordinate the play area installation. 4. We will assist you in running weekly construction meetings to track the progress of construction (assumes 32 meetings). 5. Our work will include attending a pre-construction meeting, one punch list walk through and one back punch walk. 6. Post construction will include the following: a. Review of O&M manuals for project closeout. Meetings External meetings such as meetings with various city entities and permit agencies are identified on the attached fee estimate worksheet. Assumptions We have made the following assumptions: 1. Berger Partnership will be responsible for leading meetings as required and will provide meeting summaries of key issues and themes shaping the design. 2. This proposal assumes a project SEPA checklist will be completed for the project but assumes a full EIS process will not be triggered. 3. A site survey has been performed by the city and will be provided to the project team. Additional areas where information is needed will be provided by KPFF Consulting Engineers and is included in the scope and fee as a not to exceed allowance. 4. Additional background information from past projects on site will be provided to the design team by the city. This includes as-built documents, geotechnical reports and other information as available. 5. No public art is anticipated in the scope at this time. We will work with the city to determine how the existing public art can be accommodated into the site design. Any coordination with the artist is not anticipated as part of this scope and fee. 6. Frontage improvements will be reviewed as part of the pre-design work to determine if the planning department has any required thresholds that would trigger improvements. Fees for this work will be negotiated with you once the scope of work is known. EXHIBIT A(Continued) 11.6.17 vARTNEaSHIP Rev 08.30.19 a rryn Terry Kent Parks,Recreation and Community Services Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Page 8 of 10 7. Fees for the required permits are not a part of the construction bid and are assumed to be paid by the city. 8. Specifications will be in CSI format. Front-end documents (Divisions 0& 1)will be coordinated with the city to ensure they conform with city procurement requirements. 9. The project will be bid through the city's contracting department. 10. The project will be constructed outside the wet weather extension period, and no special permits will be needed for construction. 11. NPDES permit will be obtained by the contractor and is not included in this scope and fee. 12. Post construction services do not include a one-year warranty review and report or a one-year maintenance evaluation and report. If this is desired, we will submit additional fees to you for approval prior to providing the service. 13. The fee agreement is primarily a lump sum fee billed monthly for percentage completed Landscape Construction Budget We understand the total project budget to be$3.5 million. We will work with you to allocate construction contingency as well as determine possible bid alternates to ensure the project is within budget as the project progresses. EXHIBIT A(Continued) 11.6.17 P A R T N E R S H I P Rev 08.30.19 a rge r Terry Kent Parks,Recreation and Community Services Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Page 9 of 10 Fees Based on the scope of services identified at this time, we have established a fee for landscape architectural services as follows: Berger Partnership $159,630.00 Subconsultants (+10% markup) $101,189.00 Reimbursable expenses $1 800 00 Sub Total $262,619.00 AESI Phase 2 Geotechnical allowance (if required by stormwater permit review) $18 744 00 Revised Grand Total $281,363.00 Original Contract Amount -5215 298 00 Amendment 1 Total $66,065.00 Fees will be billed monthly based upon the percentage of work completed. This percentage will be based on hours, milestones and deliverables. Services beyond those noted in this proposal will be billed as additional services on an hourly basis (as identified in the attached task worksheet) or lump sum fees can be negotiated. The hourly rates for the people involved on our team at this time include: Principal $185.00 per hour Associate $145.00 per hour Project Manager $120.00 per hour Landscape Designer $95.00 per hour Administrative Staff $70.00 per hour We are excited about this opportunity to continue working with you and the community to improve the overall park experience at West Fenwick Park! We look forward to address any questions or additional information you may need in reviewing this fee estimate. Should your understanding be any different from ours, please notify us immediately. Sincerely, Berger Partnership PS it APPROVED: Andy Mitton Principal, Landscape Architect EXHIBIT A(Continued) 11.6.17 P A R T N E R S H I P Rev08.30.19 erger Terry Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—West Fenwick Park Improvements Amendment 1 Page 10 of 10 Date ' PARTNERSHIP bercrar Fee Estimate Worksheet Date Last Revised. 8.30.19 Project:West Fenwick Park Principal PM LA Staff Admin AM SW CG Total Task 1: Pre-Design(January through June 2018) Inventory&Analysis Project kick-off meeting in Kent with Civil 4 8 $1,700.00 Review documents 2 12 $1,810.00 Opportunities& Constraints Attend scoping meeting in Kent 4 4 $1,220.00 Project scoping 12 24 $5,100.00 Additional Scope completed by June 2018 Subtotal $9,830.00 Prepare site plans&support images/graphics for 8 40 $6,280.00 public workshop (define project program) Public meeting #1 (June 16, 2018, on site) 8 12 $2,920.00 Revised Task 1: Pre-Design Total 38 100 0 0 $19,030.00 Task 2:30%Construction Documents/SEPA(March through September 2019-In progress) Meetings with city (3 total, 2 held in Seattle) 6 8 $2,070.00 Prepare preliminary site layout plans 1 8 $1,145.00 Play area integration 24 $2,880.00 Field Coord. with Geotech and Civil Engineer 4 24 $3,620.00 Earth sculpture integration 1 12 $1,625.00 Futsal court and tennis court documentation 2 12 $1,810.00 Shade structure @ B-ball court 2 6 $1,090.00 Pre-application mtg with city 4 4 $1,220.00 Prepare 30%design plans 6 40 $5,910.00 Prepare preliminary cost estimate 12 2 $1,580.00 Prepare outline specifications (CSI format) 2 8 2 $1,470.00 Prepare SEPA project checklist (city to provide input) 4 32 0 $4,580.00 Prepare graphics for public workshop 16 $1,920.00 Attend Public meeting #2 3 3 $915.00 Construction Documents/SEPA Total 35 209 0 4 $31,835.00 Task 3:60%Construction Documents/Land-Use Permit(Sept through mid December 2019) Review 30% plans with city&address comments 4 12 $2,180.00 Integrate public input comments 1 16 $2,105.00 Working meetings with city (2) 6 6 $1,830.00 Working meetings with team (2) 4 4 $1,220.00 Stormwater/grading/electrical coordination 8 40 $6,280.00 Coordination w/NW Play 12 $1,440.00 Permit submittal coordination 40 $4,800.00 Prepare permit ready plans for submittal early Jan. 2 32 $4,210.00 Prepare 60%design plans 6 48 $6,870.00 Refine 60%cost estimate 1 8 2 $1,285.00 Prepare 60%specifications 2 32 4 $4,490.00 Construction Documents/Land-Use Permit Total 34 250 0 6 $36,710.00 Task 4:90%Construction Documents/Permitting(Late December 2019 through Feb 2020) Review 60% plans with city&address comments 6 12 $2,550.00 PARTNERSHIP .` e r er Fee Estimate Worksheet Date Last Revised: 8.30.19 Project:West Fenwick Park Principal PM LA Staff Admin AM SW CG Total Meetings with team (2) 6 6 $1,830.00 Respond to permit comments/2 correction cycles 2 24 $3,250.00 Compile 90% plans for parks dept. review 2 24 $3,250.00 Refine cost estimates 1 8 2 $1,285.00 Refine specifications + Div 0 and 1 sections 4 32 4 $4,860.00 Construction Documents/Permitting Total 21 106 0 6 $17,025.00 Task 5: Bid Assistance(2 months-March through May 2020) Finalize bid set for printing &advertise 2 24 $3,250.00 Finalize specifications (Divs. 0& 1 - 33) 6 8 12 $2,910.00 Pre-bid meeting 4 4 $1,220.00 Answer contractor questions & issue addenda 12 $1,440.00 Bid Assistance Total 12 48 0 12 $8,820.00 Task 6:Construction Observation(July through December 2020) Pre-construction meeting (1) 4 4 $1,220.00 Weekly meetings & reports (32 meetings) 24 256 $35,160.00 Submittals, RFIs, Change orders 2 16 8 $2,850.00 Coordinate with NW Play 32 $3,840.00 Punch list (1 visit) 4 4 $1,220.00 Back punch (1 visit) 4 $480.00 Post construction (O&M manuals, etc.) 12 $1,440.00 Construction Observation Total 34 328 0 8 $46,210.00 Project Totals(Berger) 174 1,041 0 36 $159,630.00 10%Mark- Subconsultants up Total KPFF Consulting Engineers (Civil &Structural Engineering) $46,400.00 $4,640.00 $51,040.00 KPFF Consulting Engineers (Survey Allowance) $8,000.00 $800.00 $8,800.00 Mazzetti (Electrical Engineers) $10,250.00 $1,025.00 $11,275.00 Design Two Four/Two Six (Irrigation) $12,000.00 $1,200.00 $13,200.00 Swenson Say Faget (Structural) $5,000.00 $500.00 $5,500.00 AESI Phase 1 (Geotechnical Exploration) $10,340.00 $1,034.00 $11,374.00, Subconsultant Total $101,189.00 Reimbursable Expenses(Berger) $1,800.00 Project Sub Total $262,619.00 AESI Phase 2 (If required through permitting) $17,040.00 $1,704.00 $18,744.00 AESI Phase 2 Sub Total $18,744.00 Revised Grand Total $281,363.00 Original contract amount $215,298.00 Amendment 1 Total $66,065.00