HomeMy WebLinkAbout4251oRDTNANcE No. ry?51 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of theCity of Kent, Washington, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between April L, 2017 and June 30, 2017, reflecting an overall budget increase of $15,418,350. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, Budget Adjustments. The 20L7-ZOLB biennial budget is amended to include budget fund adjustments for the second quarter of 20L7 from April 1 to June 30, 2077, as summarized and set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached and incorporated into this ordinance. Except as amended by this ordinance, all terms and provisions of the 2oL7-20L8 biennial budget ordinance No. 4230, as amended by ordinance No. 4245 shall remain unchanged, SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain ín full force and effect. 20 77- 20 78 Budget Adj ustment Second Quarter 20tz 1 SECTION 3, - Corrections bv Citv Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations, SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publication, as provided by law COOKE, MAYOR ATÏEST: ü KIMBERLEY KOMOTO,LERK E ATTORN MHryL A>3rr{ e-Y'f hn?roy APPRovED , --7!¿ay of Cr1\ PUBLISHED: ö day of A P:\Civil\Ordhânce\Budget Adjustment Ord¡nañce Q2 2017 Supp,docx 20t7 2017 20 7 7-2O 78 Budget Adjustment Second Quarter 2077 2 Exhibit A City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordinance Adjustments April Lt 2OL7 to June 30, 2OL7 Fund Title Previously Approved Approval Requested Total Adjustment Ordinance 100 110 160 310 410 440 470 480 510 520 540 560 General Fund Street Fund Criminal Justice Fund Street Capital Projects Fund Water Utility Fund Drainage / Sewer Utility Fund Solid Waste Utility Fund Golf Fund Fleet Services Fund Central Services Fund Facilities Management fund Benefit and Insurance Funds Total 1,400,000 1,590,520 97,O9O 10,883,630 34,690 51,600 252,42O t2,060 12,330 237,91O 33,060 813 040 813 040 11r33Or84O 4,0,87,sLO 1514181350 1,516,140 80,990 9,493,630 250,080 1,400,000 74,38O 16,100 1,400,000 34,690 51,600 2,34O 12,060 t2,330 237,91O 33,060 Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes April 1, 2OL7 to June 3o., 2OL7 Approval Dâte or Other Fund Previously Approved by Council Not Previously Approved by Council Total Adjustment Ord¡nance OOI - General Fund Transfer of I ncreased B&O to Project (S. 212th Way Overlay) Transfer of lncreased B&O to Project (5 212th St & 72nd Ave Concrete) Total Generâl Fund 110 - Street Fund AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreases Move B&O Funds to New Accounts Totâl Street Fund 16O - Criminal ¡ust¡ce Fund New DUI Court Grant Police WATPA Equip Grant AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreases Total Criminal Just¡ce Fund 31O - Street Cap¡tal Projects FMSIB Grant - BNSF Grade Separation ïlB St. Grant - Complete Streets-Meeker TIB Grant - LID 363-224th-228th (EVH-88th) Transfer of lncreased B&O for Project (S. 212th Way Overlay) Transfer of lncreased B&O for Project (S 212th St & 72nd Ave Concrete) Move B&O Funds to New Accounts Total Street Câpitâl Prorects Fund 41O - Water Utility Fund AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreases Total Water Util¡ty Fund 44O - Drainage/Sewer Ut¡l¡ty Fund AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreases Total Dra¡nage/Sewer Ut¡l¡ty Fund 47O - Solid Waste Operating Fund Establ¡sh WRR Recycle Grant Establ¡sh LHWMP Recycle Grant AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreases Totãl Sol¡d Waste Operat¡ng Fund 48O - Golf Operat¡ng Fund AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreases Total Golf Operat¡ng Fund 51O - Fleet Services Fund AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreases Total Fleet S€ry¡ces Fund 52O - Central Serv¡ces Fund Establish Bud8ets for New lT Division AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreãses Total C€ntral Serv¡ces Fund 54O - Fac¡llt¡es llanagement Fund AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreases Total Fac¡l¡t¡es Management Fund 560 - Benef¡t & fnsurance Funds Claims Paid - Reimbursed AFSCME, Non-Rep, & Teamster Salary lncreases Total Benefit & Insurance Funds 1,100,000 1,100,000 300,000 300,000 - 11400,000 1,4OO,OOO 74,380 74,380 1,516.1401.516.140 1,516,140 74,380 1,59O,52O Fund 310 t2/13/20t6 KCC 3.70 3/2UZOr7 2/2u2Ot7 4/16/2013 LltT/2017 7/L7/2017 58,990 22,000 16,100 58,990 22,OOO 16,100 8O,990 16,1OO 97,O9O 4,350,000 250,000 4,544,O2O 1,100,000 300,000 4,350,000 250,000 4,544,O20 1,100,000 300,000 339.610339-610 9,483,630 1,4OO,OOO 10,883¿630 34,690 34,690 34,690 34,69O 51,600 51,600- 51,600 51,600 t77,O40 73,O40 2,340 250,O8O 2,340 252,420 12,060 12,060 - 12,060 12,060 12,330 12.330 12,33O 12,33O 201,450 201,450 36,460 36,460- 237,9tO 237,91l¡ 33,060 33.060 33,060 33,060 177,040 73,O40 2,340 810,700 2,340 I 1 0,700 2,340 813,O4O 813,O4O Grand Total A¡l Funds 11,33O,84O 4,087,StO 15,418,350