HomeMy WebLinkAbout4239ORDINANCE NO. �a�� AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending various sections within Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code to address parking within the City of Kent, particularly parking adjacent to municipal facilities, including those located near the City Hall campus. RECITALS A. Parking regulations within the City of Kent are codified in Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code ("KCC"). These regulations include provisions that prohibit parking in some locations and impose time limits on parking in other locations. Chapter 9.38 KCC also authorizes the facilities manager to issue permits to the Mayor, Councilmembers, and other City staff, which exempt the holder from some of the chapter's parking restrictions. B. This ordinance amends portions of Chapter 9.38 KCC to clarify and revise a number of parking provisions concerning the City's municipal parking facilities. This ordinance also grants general authority to the Mayor or the Mayor's designee to designate, assign, restrict, and authorize parking within all municipal parking facilities, including the authority to issue permits, passes, or other exceptions necessary to regulate parking. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment - New KCC 9.38.055. Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Parking," is amended to add a new section 9.38.055, entitled "Parking in City Hall parking lot and Centennial Center parking garage" as follows: Sec. 9.38.055. Parking in City Hall parking lot and Centennial Center parking garage. Except as provided for under KCC 9.38.070 and KCC 9.38.170, it is illegal to park a vehicle in the parking lot between City Hall and the Centennial Center, or within the Centennial Center parking garage, in violation of this section. A. No general public parking during business hours. Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., the parking lot between City Hall and the Centennial Center, and the first floor of the Centennial Center parking garage, are reserved for use by individuals who visit the City Hall campus to attend a City -sponsored event at City Hall, the Centennial Center, or the Kent Police Department; to conduct business at City Hall, the Centennial Center, or the Kent Police Department; or to otherwise make use of the amenities or services offered at City Hall, the Centennial Center, or the Kent Police Department. Such visitors may park within the City Hall parking lot, or within those spaces on the first floor of the Centennial Center parking garage that are marked or otherwise designated as available for use by visitors, and as limited in time or otherwise restricted by this chapter and official signs or markings. During such business hours, these parking facilities are not otherwise open for use by the general public. Visitors may not park vehicles in any parking space that is marked or otherwise designated for use by City employees or reserved for City vehicles. 2 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking B. Reserved parking. The second and third floors of the Centennial Center parking garage, including the ramps leading to and from each floor, are reserved exclusively for use by authorized City employees or to park City vehicles as determined appropriate by the Mayor or designee. These parking facilities are not otherwise open for use by the general public or visitors to the City Hall campus. C. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction punishable by a monetary penalty of fifty dollars ($50). Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be towed and impounded as provided by law. SECTION 2. - Amendment - Revise KCC 9.38.060. Section 9.38.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled 'Two (2) hour parking zones," is amended as follows: Sec. 9.38.060. Two (2) hour parking zones. A. Two hour parking limit. Except as provided for under KCC 9.38.070 and peFmits issued by the eity faellities nganageF undeF KCC 9.38.170, at such times as the director of public works or designee shall place the appropriate sign, or the facilities superintendent for municipal parking facilities, it shall be illegal to park any motor or other vehicle for an uninterrupted period in excess of two {}hours between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on either side of, unless otherwise indicated, the following streets, public parking lots, publie-parking garages, or portions thereof: 1. Centennial Parking Garage: that portion of the first floor as posted or otherwise marked. A vehicle that displays a valid disabled parking placard or disabled license plate is exempt from the two hour limitation. 2. City Hall parking lot between City Hall and the Centennial Building: all parking stalls unless otherwise posted or marked. A vehicle 3 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking that displays a valid disabled parking placard or disabled license plate is exempt from the two hour limitation. 3. East Pioneer Street: from Central Avenue North easterly approximately one hundred fifty (150) feet to the alley east of Central Avenue North, south side only. 4. First Avenue North and First Avenue South: from a point two hundred (200) feet north of West Meeker Street to West Titus Street. 5. Railroad Avenue North and Railroad Avenue South: from East James Street to East Smith Street, east side only; and from East Smith Street to East Gowe Street. 6. Ramsay Way: from two hundred thirty (230) feet east of 4th Avenue North to three hundred fifty (350) feet east of 4th Avenue North. 7. Ramsay Way: from four hundred forty (440) feet east of 4th Avenue North to five hundred twenty (520) feet east of 4th Avenue North, south side only. 8. Ramsay Way: from four hundred eighty (480) feet east of 4th Avenue North to five hundred twenty (520) feet east of 4th Avenue North, north side only. 9. Ramsay Way: from thirty (30) feet north of West Temperance Street to one hundred fifty (150) feet north of West Temperance Street. 10. Second Avenue North and Second Avenue South: from West Harrison Street to West Titus Street. 11. State Avenue North and State Avenue South: from East Smith Street to East Gowe Street. 12. West Gowe Street and East Gowe Street: from Fourth Avenue South to Central Avenue South. 13. West Meeker Street and East Meeker Street: from Fourth Avenue to State Avenue. 14. West Harrison Street: from Fourth Avenue North to Second Avenue North. 4 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking 15. West Titus Street: from Second Avenue South to First Avenue South, north side only. Provided, that this section shall not apply on Sundays or holidays. B. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction punishable by a monetary penalty of thirty dollars ($30). Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be aFe subjeet te towed and impoundedt as provided by law. SECTION 3. - Amendment - Revise KCC 9.38.065. Section 9.38.065 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Four (4) hour parking zones," is amended as follows: Sec. 9.38.065. Four (4) hour parking zones. A. Four hour parking limit. Except as provided for under KCC 9.38.070 and peFngits issued by the eity faeilities FnaigageF uigdeF KCC 9.38.170, at such times as the director of public works or designee shall place the appropriate sign, it shall be illegal to park any motor or other vehicle for an uninterrupted period in excess of four (4) hours between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on either side of, unless otherwise indicated, the following streets, public parking lots, public parking garages, or portions thereof: 1. Railroad Avenue North and Railroad Avenue South: from East Smith Street to East Gowe Street. Provided, that this section shall not apply on Sundays or holidays. B. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction punishable by a monetary penalty of thirty dollars ($30). Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be towed or impoundednent as provided by law. 5 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking SECTION 4. - Amendment - Revise KCC 9.38.160. Section 9.38.160 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Municipal parking facilities regulated - Penalty," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 9.38.160. Municipal parking facilities regulated - Penalty. A. PaFking shall be peFmitted at menicipal paFking facilities only in designated paFking aFeas, in the FnanneF pFevided by law, and as limited in AS. Municipal parking facilities—Definition. Municipal parking facilities means afrf-the pub+to-adjacent parking lot aFea or parking garage that serves+fi­g the following &-municipal facilities Suczh--facilities inelade: Kent City Hall, the Centennial Center, Kent Municipal Court, Kent Corrections Facility, , but aFe net limited te, the eity Kent eCommons, Riverbend Golf Complexcity gelf faeility, city sKent Senior eCenter, the parks department's maintenance shop facility, the public works department's operations shop facility, and all parks or recreation facilities owned or operated by the city_, eity sheps, Gity Hall, the faeility, and these public lets between Smith and HaFFi5E)FI StFeets and Seern--rdrrrv-crri:,ie-- and rTvvrzr-rAvenue, aewe-- and --r�rHr3tFeets and Seeei9d Avenue, TituscStFeet-. B. Municipal narkina facilities—Reserved exclusively for users of municipal facility. Except as otherwise provided by RCW 9.38.055, those parking lots or parking_ garages that are connected or adjacent to a municipal facility are reserved exclusively for use by individuals who are visiting the municipal facility during its regular hours of operation to attend a City -sponsored event, to conduct business with the City, or to otherwise 6 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking make use of the amenities or services offered by the municipal facility. Such visitors may park within those spaces that are marked or otherwise designated as available for use by visitors, and as limited in time or otherwise restricted by the Mayor or designee through official signs or markings. During a municipal facility's regular hours of operation, its parking lot is not otherwise open for use by the general public. Visitors may not park vehicles in any parking space within the municipal parking facility that is marked or otherwise designated for use by City employees, for City vehicles, or for other reserved uses or vehicles. It is illegal for a vehicle to be parked in violation of this section. C. Public parking facilities. A public parking lot is available for general use by the public in downtown Kent, which is located adjacent to Titus Street and between Second Avenue and First Avenue, as limited in time or otherwise restricted by official signs or markings. DG. Penalty. Any violation of this section shall be an infraction and punishable by a monetary penalty of fifty dollars ($50). Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be towed and impounded as provided by law. SECTION 5. - Amendment - Revise KCC 9.38.170. Section 9.38.170 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Parking Permits," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 9.38.170. Parking permits and passes or exemptions. A. Authority to create and issue—Mayor or designee. The Mayor or designee may designate, assign, restrict, and authorize parking within all municipal parking facilities. This authority specifically includes the ability to regulate parking through the issuance of parking permits or parking passes that either authorize the bearer to park in a particular place or area, or exempt the bearer from some or all of the parking limitations 7 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking imposed by this chapter, including the time limitations imposed under KCC 9.38.060 and KCC 9.38.065. B. Form of permits and passes. Permits or passes may be in any form the Mayor or designee determines to be appropriate and conspicuous. T-I=e city council finds that it is neeessaFy te have a systeFn ef special pat=king eeuneil mengbers and the mayor te utilize existing twe (2) heUF parking zones and fifteen (15) n9inute paFking ix-eges at eF i9ear- the City Hal' aF9d other eity facilities during regular business heurs between 9:99 a.m. IJ19ti4 caFds, eF stiekeFs as he eF she determines to be appropriate and Such permits or passes should shall contain a rendition of the city's corporate seal or official logo, the signature of the issuer, or some other means of authentication to identify+flg the bearerhelde- theFeef as a person who is arg-authorized to park in the applicable location, or as a person who is exempt from one or more of the parking restrictions established under this chapter, excluding disabled parking stalls. For any permit or pass to be valid, it must be displayed at all times while the vehicle is parked within the applicable location. If the permit or pass is not displayed, any permission or exemption the permit or pass conveys is ineffective and no infraction shall be dismissed on such basis.Sueh oeicmits authe_, e Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking B. Exception to permit or pass requirement—Police or government vehicles. Marked police vehicles and other police or government vehicles displaying exempt license plates are exempt from the parking and time restrictions imposed by KCC 9.38.060, KCC 9.38.065, and KCC 9.38.160, may use the paFking—+et without the necessity of a permit or pass. . Sue+ permits autheFize unlimited PaFking fer city eF distFiet eauq business at the 'at seutheast of the correctoens facility at 1239 South Central Street. The par-kiigg let shall be feF the exclusive use ef individuals with these paFking per-mits exeept fOF any legally designated handicapped parking. The permits shall be signed by the faemlities manageF and issued fer such peFieds as he eF she deems appr-epFiate. C. Residential parking zone manager. The residential parking zone manager, appointed pursuant to KCC 9.38.175(C), is authorized to issue temporary parking permits for the personal and business vehicles of city contractors, subcontractors, and their employees for use only while engaged in city contract work that requires such persons to be present in residential parking zones. D. Human Resources Department—Commute Trip Reduction Program. The city's director of Human Resources or designee may recommend the Mayor or designee issue carpool parking permits under the city's Commute Trip Reduction Program, which entitle the bearer to park a vehicle within designated carpool spaces on the first floor of the Centennial Center oarkina aaraae, which spaces are exempt from anv time limitation otherwise imposed. 9 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking SECTION 6. - Amendment - Revise KCC 9.38.190. Section 9.38.190 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Penalty for violation of certain' sections," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 9.38.190. Penalty for violation of certain sections. Any violation of any section of this chapter for which no penalty is specifically provided shall be an infraction and punishable by a monetary penalty of fifty dollars ($50). Vehicles parked in violation of this section are subject to impoundment as provided by law. SECTION 7. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION S. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 9. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, as provided by law. COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: SUE HANSON, ACTING CITY CLERK 10 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking APPROVED AS TO FORM: ;' �ee'e " FITZPATR CK, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: -21 day of `�'YI�Ju�� 12017. APPROVED: a/ day of , 2017. PUBLISHED: —2,4 day of , 2017. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P38-Cty— C—pO ,_Pa-king&Passes. d... (SEAL) SUE HANSON, ACTING CITY CLERK 11 Amend Chapter 9.38, KCC Re: Parking