HomeMy WebLinkAbout4222Ilrdinance Rio. 4222 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) 12/13/2016 Designating the Riverbend Gateway project area as a "Residential Targeted Area" Amend KCC Chapter 3.25 - Section 010, 020, 030, 040, 050, 060, 070, 080, 0901 100, 110, 120 Amends Ords. 3560; 3922; 4111; 4157 AN ®R®INANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, finding that the Riverbend Gateway project area is an appropriate area for designation as a "Residential Targeted Area" as defined by Chapter 84.14 Revised Code of Washington, designating the proposed Riverbend Gateway project area as a Residential Targeted Area within the Urban Center established by the city council's Resolution 1938 for multi- family limited property tax exemptions; amending the Kent City Code to include the Riverbend Gateway project as a defined Residential Targeted Area; and amending the parking requirements for Residential Targeted areas outside the city's downtown core. RECITALS A. Due to the mandates in Chapter 84.14 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the city council elects under Kent City Code 2.57.040(B) to consider this matter directly, rather than have efforts duplicated by the Land Use and Planning Board. B. Chapter 84.14 RCW provides for exemption from ad valorem property taxation for qualifying multifamily housing located in Residential Targeted Areas within Urban Centers as defined in that chapter and authorizes cities to adopt necessary procedures to implement the state legislation. 1 Multifamily Tax Exemption - For the 14iverbenei Gateway site C. Chapter 84. 141 RCW requires that Residential Targeted Areas be located within Urban Centers as established by the city Council. By its Resolution 1938, the city council established an Urban Center near the city's Riverbend Golf Complex, as shown on the map attached as Exhibit A. The Urban Center designation required under this section is separate and distinct from the urban center designation associated with the City's Comprehensive Plan. D. The City of Kent is a designated "Urban Growth Area" under the state's Growth Management Act. E. The city has identified the Riverbend Gateway/Colony Park site within this urban center as appropriate for selection as a "Residential Targeted Area" under that chapter. The boundaries of the Riverbend Gateway/Colony Park site can be generally described as a portion of parcel 2322049011 within the City's Riverbend Golf complex together with the adjoining Colony Park apartment building, bordered approximately by Meeker Street to the north, the Green River to the west and south, and the Riverbend Golf Complex driving range to the east, as more specifically shown in exhibit B. F. The council selected this area as a potential Residential Targeted Area because it appears to lack sufficient available, desirable, and convenient residential housing to meet the needs of the public who would likely live in this urban center, if affordable, desirable, attractive, and livable places to live were available. G. On December 13, 2016, the city council, at a regular council meeting, and after having first provided all required notice, held a public 2 Multifamily Tax Exemption - For the Riverbend Gateway site hearing to receive comment regarding whether the Riverbend Gateway Project area should be designated a Residential Targeted Area. H. After hearing all public comment at the December 13 hearing, y council has determined that designation of this site is appropriate for designation as a Residential Targeted Area, potentially qualifying for multi -family property tax exemptions. I. The City has adopted a project eligibility criterion requiring parking to be located in garages under the buildings or underground. This criterion is appropriate to ensure projects in Kent's downtown Urban Center are consistent with City's goals and vision for this area. As the program will now be extended beyond the downtown core, relaxing the structured parking requirement is appropriate. J. The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) responsible official has determined that the proposed Kent City Code amendments are procedural in nature, and further SEPA analysis is not required for these local code amendments NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. -Findings • Residential Targeted Area Designation. A. The area shown on Exhibit A is, for the purposes of Chapter 84.14 RCW, a designated Urban Center. 3 Multifamily Tax Exemption - For the Riverbend Gateway site B. The area has insufficient available, desirable, affordable, and convenient residential housing, and if housing were available, the public would be likely to live in this area. C. The designation of this Residential Targeted Area would encourage increased residential opportunities and stimulate construction of new multifamily housing that will increase and improve residential housing opportunities in the Urban Center. D. The Recitals listed in this ordinance are also incorporated as additional findings forming the basis for this designation. SECTION 2. -Residential Targeted Area Criteria Met. Based on the Findings stated above, the area proposed as a Residential Targeted Area, as described in this ordinance and as shown on Exhibit B, meets the criteria in subsections (1) through (3) of RCW 84.14.040. SECTION 3. -Residential Targeted Area Desi nc�ated. The area shown on Exhibit B and as described in this ordinance is now designated a Residential Targeted Area under Chapter 84.14 RCW. New multi -family residential development proposed for construction within this area will be able to apply for a limited multi -family property tax exemption pursuant to Chapter 84.14 RCW and under Chapter 3.25 of the Kent City Code. SECTION 4. -Amendment. Because of the addition of the Riverbend Gateway project Residential Targeted Area, Section 3.25 of the Kent City Code, entitled "MUltifamily dwelling tax exemptions," is amended as follows. 4 Multifamily Tax Exemption - For the Riverbend Gateway site ec. 3.25.010. Purpose. As provided for in Chapter 84.14 RCW, the purpose of this chapter is to provide limited eight (8) year exemptions from ad valorem property taxation for multifamily housing in designated urban centers to: 1. IEncourage increased residential opportunities within urban centers designated by the city council as residential targeted areas; and 2. Stimulate new construction on vacant and underutilized sites for multifamily housing in residential targeted areas to increase and improve housing opportunities; and 3. Assist in directing future population growth in designated urban centers, thereby reducing development pressure on single-family residential neighborhoods; and 4. Achieve development densities which are more conducive to transit use in designated urban centers. Sec. 3.25.020. Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context indicates otherwise. 1. Administrator means the Kent Economic Development Director or his/her designee. 2. Mixed use means a multi -story multifamily housing residential project with at least one nonresidential use in one or more multi -story multifamily housing buildings in the project, such as retail, office, entertainment, schools, conference centers or a use approved in writing by the Administrator. 5 Multifamily Tax Exemption For the Riverbend Gateway site 3. Multifamily housing means one or more new Iulti-story buildings designed for permanent residential occupancy, each with four or more dwelling units. 4. Owner means the property owner of record. 5. Permanent residential occupancy means multifamily housing that provides either rental or owner occupancy on a nontransient basis. This includes owner -occupied or rental accommodation that is leased for a period of at least one (1) month. This excludes hotels and motels that predominately offer rental accommodation on a daily or weekly basis. 6. Residential targeted areas means (a) the geographic area of downtown Kent bordered generally by Titus Street, State Route 167, Willis Street and Cloudy Street, and only including zones that permit multifamily housing, and (b) the Riverbend Gateway site, bordered by Meeker Street to the north the Green River to the west and south and the Riverbend driving range to the east. See Appendices 1 and 2* for maps of the downtown Kent and Riverbend Gateway sites, respectively. Sec. 3.25.030. 'Terms of the tax exemptions for multifamily housing in residential target areas. A. Duration of exemption. The value of improvements qualifying under this chapter is exempt from ad valorem property taxation for eight (8) successive years beginning January 1st of the year immediately following the calendar year after issuance of the final certificate of tax exemption. 6 Multifami/y Tax Exemptian - For the /tiverbend Gateway site B. Limits on exemption. The exemption does not apply to the value of land or to the value of improvements not qualifying under this chapter, nor does the exemption apply to increases in assessed valuation of land and nonqualifying improvements. This chapter does not apply to increases in assessed valuation made by the assessor on nonqualifying portions of building and value of land nor to increases made by lawful order of a county board of equalization, the Department of Revenue, or a county, to a class of property throughout the county or specific area of the county to achieve the uniformity of assessment or appraisal required by law. At the conclusion of the exemption period, the new housing cost shall be considered as new construction for the purposes of chapter 84.55 RCW. Sec. 3.25.040. Project eligibility. A proposed project must meet the following requirements for consideration fora property tax exemption: A. Location. The project must be located within a designated residential targeted area as defined in KCC 3.25.020, Definitions, Residential targeted area. If a part of any legal lot is within the residential targeted area, then the entire lot shall be deemed to lie within the residential targeted area. B. Tenant displacement. Prior to approval of an application under KCC 3.25.060, the applicant shall provide the Administrator with documentation satisfactory to the Administrator of the following: 1. all tenants of residential rental structures on the project site have been notified per state statute of the termination of their tenancy, 7 Multifamily 'Tax Exemption - For the Riverbend Gateway site 2. the applicant's efforts to refer tenants to similar, alternative housing resources, and 3. any other actions the applicant has taken to minimize the hardship on tenants whose tenancies will be terminated. C. Size. The project must include at least thirty (30) units of new multifamily housing within a multi -story development. At least fifty (50) percent of the space within the project shall be intended for permanent residential occupancy. D. Proposed completion date. New construction of multifamily housing must be completed within three (3) years from the date of approval of the application. E. Compliance with guidelines and standards. The project must be designed to comply with the city's comprehensive plan, building, fire, housing, and zoning codes, Downtown Design Review guidelines, Multifamily Design Review, Mixed Use Design Review as applicable, and any other applicable regulations. The project must be LEEDR Certifiable as confirmed by a LEEDR certified independent third party reviewer or must be Built Greentm certified, and must also comply with any other standards and guidelines adopted by the city council for the residential targeted area. F. Parking. For projects located in the downtown Residential Targeted Area. ftIlall required residential parking shall be located in structured parking garages, under buildings, or underground. Projects located in the Riverbend Gateway Residential Targeted area shall provide structured 8 Multifamily Tax Exemption For the ltiverbend Gateway site parkinggaraaes under buildings or underground thoughparking may also be allowed in surface lots. G. Class A Pedestrian Street. For buildings adjacent to a class A pedestrian street, the first floor of the building facing the street shall consist of residential units, commercial uses, and/or residential amenity uses. H. Mixed Use Development. The project shall be a mixed use project, unless the mixed use component is waived by the Administrator. 1. The purpose of the mixed-use requirement is to implement the intent of the land use district, maximize the efficient use of land, support transit use, and encourage the development of well-balanced, attractive, convenient, and vibrant urban residential neighborhoods. The additional use excludes any accessory functions related to the residential use. Unless otherwise modified or waived in writing by the Administrator, the nonresidential mixed use shall occupy at a minimum the ground floor along the street frontage with a depth of at least thirty (30) feet for any building in the project. The Administrator may not modify or waive the mixed use requirement, as provided in subsection 3.25.040.H.2, in the DC zoning District, which is governed by KCC 15.04.030(4) and (5). 2. The Administrator may waive the mixed use requirement for the purposes of this chapter, if the applicant can demonstrate that mixed use development is impractical or infeasible due to the following factors: lot(s), a. size or other physical characteristic of the project's b. project site is not conducive to commercial use, g Multifamily Tax Exemption - For the Riverbend Gateway site c. classification of streets) abutting the project, or d. other similar type of circumstance that make mixed use impractical for the project. Sec. 3.25.®5® d4pplication pr®cedurea A property owner who wishes to propose a project for a tax exemption shall complete the following procedures: A. The application provided by the city shall be filed with the Administrator along with the required initial application fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000). The application shall be filed prior to the issuance of the building permit for the project. B. A complete application shall include: 1. A completed city of Kent application form setting forth the grounds for the exemption. 2. A brief written description of the project, and floor and site plans of the proposed project, which may be revised by the owner provided such revisions are made and presented to the Administrator prior to the City's final action on the exemption application. 3. A statement from the owner acknowledging the potential tax liability when the project ceases to be eligible for exemption under this chapter. 4. An affidavit signed by the owner stating the occupancy record of the property for a period of twelve (12) months prior to filing the application. 10 Multifami/y 7'ax Exemption - For the Riverbend Gateway site 5. Verification of the correctness of the information submitted by the owner's signature and affirmation made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington. Sec. 3.25.060. Application review and issuance of conditional certificate. The Administrator may certify as eligible an application which is determined to comply with the requirements of this chapter. A decision to approve or deny an application shall be made within ninety (90) calendar days of receipt of a complete application. A. Approval. The Administrator may approve the application if he/she finds that. 1. The proposed project is or will be, at the time of completion, in conformance with all applicable local plans, regulations, and design guidelines. 2. The owner has complied with all standards and guidelines adopted by the city under this chapter, including but not limited to the project eligibility and application requirements. B. Contract Required. If an application is approved, the applicant shall enter into a contract with the city, approved by the City Council, regarding the terms and conditions of the project under this chapter. C. Issuance of Conditional Certificate. Following approval of the contract, the Administrator shall issue a conditional certificate of acceptance of tax exemption. The conditional certificate shall expire three 11 Mu/tifami/y Tax Exemption For the Riverbend Gateway site (3) years from the date of approval unless an extension is granted as provided in this chapter. D. Application Denial. If an application is denied, the Administrator shall state in writing the reasons for denial and shall send notice to the applicant at the applicant's last known address within ten (10) calendar days of the denial. Per RCW 84.14.070, an applicant may appeal a denial to the city council within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the denial by filing a complete appeal application and Council Appeal fee with the city clerk. The appeal before the city council will be based on the record made before the Administrator. The Administrator's decision will be upheld unless the applicant can show that there is no substantial evidence on the record to support the Administrator's decision. The city council's decision on appeal will be final. E. Amendment of Contract. An owner may request an amendments) to the contract by submitting a request in writing to the Administrator, together with a fee of five hundred dollars ($500), at any time within three (3) years of the date of the approval of the contract. The date for expiration of the conditional certificate shall not be extended by contract amendment unless all the conditions for extension set forth in 3.25.070 are met. Sec. 3.25.070. Extension of conditional certificate. A. The conditional certificate and time for completion of the project may be extended by the Administrator for a period not to exceed a total of twenty-four (24) consecutive months. To obtain an extension, the applicant must submit a written request, along with a processing fee of fifty dollars ($50), stating the grounds for the extension. An extension may be granted if the Administrator determines that. 12 Multifamily Tax Exemption For the Riverbend Gateway site 1S The anticipated failure to complete construction or rehabilitation within the required time period is due to circumstances beYond the control of the owner; 2. The owner has been acting and could reasonably be expected to continue to act in good faith and with due diligence; and 3. All the conditions of the original contract between the applicant and the city will be satisfied upon completion of the project. B. If an extension is denied, the Administrator shall state in writing the reason for denial and shall send notice to the applicant's last known address within ten (10) calendar days of the denial. An applicant may appeal the denial of an extension to the hearing examiner within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the denial by filing a complete appeal application and Appeal of Administrative Decision fee with the Administrator. The appeal before the hearing examiner shall be as provided in Ch. 12.01 KCC for a Process I action. No appeal to the city council is provided from the hearing examiner's decision. Sec. 3.25.OS0. Application for final certificate. Upon completion of the improvements agreed upon in the contract between the applicant and the city and upon issuance of a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy, the applicant may request a final certificate of tax exemption by filing with the Administrator the following, along with a one thousand dollar ($1,000) fee. 13 h1ultifamily Tax Exemption - For the ltiverbend Gateway site A. A statement of expenditures made with respect to each multifamily housing unit and the total expenditures made with respect to the entire pro pe rty; B. A description of the completed work and a statement of qualification for the exemption; and Co The total monthly rent or total sale amount of each multifamily housing unit rented or sold to date; D. Any additional information requested by the city pursuant to meeting any reporting requirements under Chapter 84.14 RCW; and E. A statement that the work was completed within the required three (3) year period or any authorized extension. Sec. 3.25.090. Issuance of final certificate. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of all materials required for a final certificate, the Administrator shall determine whether the specific improvements satisfy the requirements of the contract, application, and this chapter. A. Granting of final certificate. If the Administrator determines that the project has been completed in accordance with this chapter and the contract between the applicant and the city, and has been completed within the authorized time period, the city shall, within ten (10) calendar days of the expiration of the thirty (30) day review period above, file a final certificate of tax exemption with the King County assessor. B. Recording. The Administrator is authorized to cause to be recordedI at the owner's expense, in the real property records of the King County Department of Records and Elections, the contract with the city, 14 Multifamily Tax Exemption xmv For the Riverbend Gateway site as amended if applicable, and such other documents) as will identify such terms and conditions of eligibility for exemption under this chapter as the Administrator deems appropriate for recording. C. Denia/ and appea/. The Administrator shall notify the applicant in writing that a final certificate will not be filed if the Administrator determines that. 1. The improvements were not completed within the authorized time period; 2. The improvements were not completed in accordance with the contract between the applicant and the city; or 3. The owner's property is otherwise not qualified under this chapter. An applicant may appeal a denial to the hearing examiner within fourteen (14) calendar days of issuance of the denial of a final certificate by filing a complete appeal application and Appeal of Administrative Decision fee with the Administrator. The appeal before the hearing examiner shall be as provided in Ch. 12.01 KCC for a Process I action. No appeal to the city council is provided from the hearing examiner's decision. The applicant may appeal the hearing examiner's decision to the King County superior court, under RCW 34.05.510 through 34.05.598, if the appeal is filed within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving notice of that decision. Sec. 3.25.1®®. ,4nnua1 certification and report. Within thirty (30) calendar days after the first anniversary of the date the city issued the final certcate of tax exemption and each year thereafter for the duration of the tax exemption period, the property owner shall file a 15 Multifamily Tax Exemption For the Riverbend Gateway site notarized declaration and annual report with the Administrator indicating thU following: A. A statement of occupancy and vacancy of the multifamily units during p twelve (12) months; B. A certification that the property has not changed use and continues to be in compliance with the contract with the city and this chapter, C. A description of any subsequent improvements or changes to the property made after the city issued the final certificate of tax exemption. D. The total monthly rent of each multifamily housing unit rented or the total sale amount of each multifamily housing unit sold to an initial purchaser during the twelve (12) months ending with the anniversary date; E. A breakdown of the number, type and specific multifamily housing units rented or sold during the twelve (12) months ending with the anniversary date; and F. Any additional information requested by the city pursuant to meeting any reporting requirements under Chapter 84.14 RCW. City staff may also conduct onsite verification of the declaration and reporting. Failure to submit the annual declaration and report shall result in a review of the exemption per RCW 84.14.110. Sec. 3.25.110. Cancellation of tax exemption. 16 Multifamily Tax Exemption - For the Riverbend Gateway site A. If the Administrator determines (a) the owner is not complying with the terms of the contract or this chapter; (b)the use of the property is changed or will be changed to a use that is other than residential; (c) the project violates applicable zoning requirements, land use regulations, building or fire code requirements, or (d) the property for any reason no longer qualifies for the tax exemption, the tax exemption shall be canceled and additional taxes, interest and penalties imposed pursuant to state law. This cancellation may occur in conjunction with the annual review or at any other time when noncompliance has been determined. If the owner intends to convert the multifamily housing to another use, the owner shall notify the Administrator and the King County assessor in writing within sixty (60) calendar days of the change in use. Upon such change in use, the tax exemption shall be canceled and additional taxes, interest and penalties imposed pursuant to state law. B. Notice and appeal. Upon determining that a tax exemption is to be canceled, the Administrator shall notify the owner by mail, return receipt requested. The property owner may appeal the determination by filing a notice of appeal and Appeal of Administrative Decision fee with the city clerk within thirty (30) calendar days, specifying the factual and legal basis for the appeal. The hearing examiner will conduct a hearing under Ch. 12.01 KCC for a Process I action. An aggrieved party may appeal the hearing examiner's decision to the King County superior court under RCW 34.05.510 through 34.05.598. Sec. 3.25.120. Sunset of exemption for applications for conditional certificates. The city shall not accept new applications for conditional certcates as provided in this chapter after June 30, 2019, unless extended by City Council action. Incomplete applications for conditional certificates as of June 30, 2019 shall be returned to owners. 17 Multifamily Tax Exemption For the Riverbend Gateway site Notwithstanding the above, the city shall process (A) pending complete applications for a conditional certificate and (B) applications for extension U f the conditional certificate or final cercate VK:;; after June 301 2019, as provided in this chapter. This chapter shall continue to apply to all properties that have been or are issued a final certificate of tax exemption under this chapter until expiration, termination, or cancellation of the tax exemption. SECTION 5. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same will remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. -Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approvaI of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 7. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, as provided by law. KE, MAYOR ATTEST: KIMBERLE A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK 18 Mu/tifamily Tax Exemption - For the Riverbend Gateway site PPROVED AS TO FORM: I Ivr BRUBAKER,CITY ATTORNEY OOY PASSED. day of 4ecember, 2016. APPROVED: day of2M 2016. PUBLISHED: day of fYt-Q , 2016. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. (passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) KIMBERLEjq A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK �P:\Civil\Ordinance\Residential Urban Growth MF Tax Exemption RIVERBENDTARGETEDAREA.docx 1g Mu/tifami/y Tax Exemption - For the Riverbend Gateway site � I ,ex 4015; r . ■ _ tcZT►f��� ; - ' ��■ � ��lill, ■�� 1+. ops ■tet tl ■����i� �� cam' ■ ■ ■ ■lm MIN milli Olson, Rpk; prt _ _ a�anunopavn.m.pv.wn.r.wecv��wa+<�w. t<vi..n�.� + z prt _ _ a�anunopavn.m.pv.wn.r.wecv��wa+<�w. t<vi..n�.� 0 o® 10 to o o® m o® •- •- -• Tax Parcel CD � o CD CD N UU � CD N a. o � ¢ a b N � N O o' �:w CD 0. �CD L4) o o o o CD �74CD O)qCDo o 'Ed o p uc'D (D "o a CD CD CD cD CD CD � � a UCDQ oCDCD CD CD CD (ED CD am CD P COD o� L n o �c .� < tv v�'ci w •r1 O ,� •.. oo •+.,n C �-n rn � n v� (� � 'cs x copal coc.� c�o� co�oc�o •.Oi=°O` oa'�'.. �'.��co�o- CDo cofDGcoZ r0 czo'�xw � d� o•e��.� Pte' 'g �c°°o o ���:o� w (�� ��� °� � �'p o c k � O Np��WtavNOc�N rn y_ . (')OoQ�� op0CA�o`73• tiO NNw C..-]• BQ. rn" �'7 �0 ,� w�N `' 0oxytl� •ooaB CD CD(a.c na5i 4 c$O " 'Tm0 N o � ^.R S 4c1 O C IQ o ocax`G `C Z O>a RQ co 6. 'c 95'� b 4 C C a :5, CL000 O CL CLa oox �G :oN O O�O 4 0 0(7% ylcA 54W5"o o o yoo�53E�o n.W4, CD e Wc n°Ez�y i O� h. 'b Oti M ry �. co N ty Cl �a.� p a vN� •ate o r� � o oa w N °a a N �� w o »g CJS �w O ti y 5 OG. '- • O• (D ao 5 o as aw o co 5 w Komoto, Kim From: Sent, To. Subject. Hi Kim, Linda Mills <Imllls@kentreporter.com> Thursday, November 17, 2016 2:15 PM Komoto, Kim Re: Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family .docx I have received your notice (re: Public Hearing Multi Family( to be published in the Kent Reporter on Friday, November 25, 2016 and December 2, 2016. Thank you, Linda Linda Mills Legal/Public Notice Advertising - Obituary Representative Auburn, Bellevue, Bothell/Kenmore, Covington/Maple Valley/Black Diamond, Issaquah/Sammamish,Kent, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Redmond, Renton Reporters & Snoqualmie Valley Record Direct: 253-234-3506 Internal: 36027 Fax: 253-437-6016 19426 68th Ave. S., Ste A, Kent, WA 98032 Map Print Rates Online Rates Media Kit Sound Info On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Komoto, Kim <KKomoto�kentwa.gov> wrote: Linda: Please publish the attached notice on November 25, 2016 and December 6, 2016. Thanks, Kimberley A. Komoto, city clerk Office of the City Clerk 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 1 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov FaCebook 3 s You mbe PLEASE CONSIDER THE EPIVIRONMEtVT BEFORE PRIPdiIIdC, iHIS E-69AIL 2 Ko oto, Kim From: Sent. To. Cc: Subject, Attachments. Kim, Pulliam, Julie Wednesday, November 16, 2016 1:57 PM Komoto, Kim Gilbert, Matthew; Mottram, Pamela FW: Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family .docx Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family .docx Thank you for the public notice. We will be publishing it on 11/25 & 12/9 in the Kent Reporter. Prior to sending to the paper we will get Matt's approval of the notice. Julie From: Komoto, Kim Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 1:51 PM To: Pulliam, Julie Subject: Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family .docx KENT CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Consider Designation of Residential Targeted Area for Exemption from Ad Valorem Property Taxation for Qualifying Multi -Family Housing Notice is hereby given that the Kent City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Kent City Hall, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032, to receive public comment on the city's intent to designate a Residential Targeted Area for possible exemption from ad valorem property taxation for qualifying multi -family residential housing. All interested persons are invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to speak. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at 253-856-5725. For TTD relay service, call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 800-833-6388. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk Komotor aim From: McKee, Kathryn Sent. Thursday, November 17, 2016 1:45 PM To. City Clerk; Mottram, Pamela; Viseth, Cheryl; Clark, Pam; Clary, Nancy; Yoshitake, Nancy; 'DLeroy@kentwa.gov'; Higgins, Dennis; Thomas, Les; Cooke, Suzette; Brubaker, Tom; Fitzpatrick, Pat; Carrington, Mike; Wolters, Ben; Briggs, Patrick; Thomas, Ken; Anderson, Charlene; Wilmot, Michelle; Hanson, Kurt; LaPorte, Tim; Hunter, Steve; Hogan, Lori; Schneider, Jim; Komoto, Kim; Coleman, Bonnie; Etheredge, Kathleen; Rolcik-Wilcox, Cheryl; Yetter, Margaret; Lee, Garin; Hanson, Merina; Ackley, Alex; George, Erin; McArthur, Kimberlee; White, Tammy; 'gallencarston@gmail.com'; Kuehne, Paul; 'Delorestc@aol.com'; 'Dianap@council2.com'; 'zack.guill@mail.house.gov'; Jonkjohnson@comcast.net'; Levy, Doug; 'SMartin@rha-ps.com'; rachel.smith@soundtransit.org';'teresa@plemmonsindustries.com'; 'Iharper@andoverco.com'; Collins, Brent; Ely, Mariane; Markley, Greg; McCartin, Terry; Nee, Kevin; Reed, Greg; Reynolds, Steve; Schroeder, Scott; Thomas, William; 'TVetsch@kentwa.govI; Willits, John; Johnson, Philip; Smith, Barbara; 'sam@SamPace.comI; 'b.malcom@comcast.net'; Boyce, William; Ralph, Dana; Goehring, Robert; Sconce, Gregg; Azzola, Toni; 'cdaniels@king5.com'; 'sconceg@comcast.net'; 'MICHELLEMCDOWELL@COMCAST.NET' ; 'ruthstoffel@hotmail.com'; rdepoppe@msn.com'; Furry, Rebecca; 'mkern9622@comcast.net'; 'davekent7 @msn.com'; 'twotobys@comcast.net'; 'sharon_goldade@comcast.n...' Cc: City Clerk Subject. Kent City Council Notice of Public Hearing - December 13, 2016 Attachments, Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family .docx KENT CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Consider Designation of Residential Targeted Area for Exemption from Ad Valorem Property Taxation for Qualifying Multi -Family Housing Notice is hereby given that the Kent City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, at 7:00 p.mm in the Council Chambers at Kent City Hall, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032, to receive public comment on the city's intent to designate the Riverbend Gateway property (a.k.a. Riverbend par -3 golf course) and the Colony Park Apartments site as a Residential Targeted Area for possible exemption from ad valorem property taxation for qualifying multi -family residential housing, pursuant to Chapter 84.14, Revised Code of Washington. The proposed Residential Targeted Area comprises parcel 1699950000 and a portion of parcel 2322049011. All interested persons are invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to speak. For further information please contact the Planning Services office at 253-856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact Clerk's Office in advance at 253-856-5725. For TTD relay service, Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 800-833-6388. Kimberley City Clerk A. Komoto z the City call the Consider Designation of Residential Targeted Area for Exemption from Ad Valorem Property Taxation for Qualifying Multi4amily Housing Notice is hereby given that the Kent City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Kent City Hall, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032, to receive public comment on the city's intent to designate the Riverbend Gateway property (a.k.a. Riverbend par -3 golf course) and the Colony Park Apartments site as a Residential Targeted Area for possible exemption from ad valorem property taxation for qualifying multi -family residential housing, pursuant to Chapter 84.14, Revised Code of Washington. The proposed Residential Targeted Area comprises parcel 1699950000 and a portion of parcel 2322049011. All interested persons are invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to speak. For further information please contact the Planning Services office at 253-856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at 253-856-5725. For TTD relay service, call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 800-833-6388. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk &OMOtO1 Kim From: Komoto, Kim Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2016 11:07 AM To: Brubaker, Tom Subject: Multi -Family Public Hearing Mr. B: I have posted the public hearing notice onto the City's website, distributed it through the City Council distribution list, and posted it on the bulletin board in our lobby. Pam Mottram indicated that I should also send notice to the owners of the Colony Park Apartments, The King County Parcel viewer does not have a taxpayer listed. Should I just send the notice to the apartments to the address provided by Matt? From: Gilbert, Matthew Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 4:45 PM To: Komoto, Kim Subject: colony park 2028 W Meeker Kent, WA 98032 • 1 1.1. Matt Gilbert, AICP Current Planning Manager Planning Services I Economic &Community Development 400 West Gowe, Kent, WA 98032 Main 253-856-5454 1 Direct 253-856-5435 mgilber(dKentWA.aov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Eacebook �"�zP�,�..�YotsTui�e PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 1 Koril.'to, Kim From: Sent. To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Pam and Julie: Komoto, Kim Thursday, November 17, 2016 10:28 AM Mottram, Pamela; Pulliam, Julie McKee, Kathryn RE: Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family mg(2).docx Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family .docx Here is the final version of the notice. Since this is a public hearing before the City Council, I would like to be responsible for the publication of the notice. Per Julie's instructions below, I will have it published in the Kent Reporter on both November 25, 2016, and December 9, 2016 (let me know if you also want it published on December 5, 2016). Katy will email this notice to the City Council. Let us Know if you also want it emailed to any other committee. She will also post it on our website and on the notice board in the lobby of City Hall. Please respond with your approval. Thanks, Kimberley A. 6Comoto, City Clerk Office of the City Clerk 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5728 I Fax 253-856-6725 kkomoto@kentwa.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.4ov Facebook �t � ��YoeaT�be PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From: Mottram, Pamela Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 4:47 PM To: Komoto, Kim Subject: Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family mg(2).docx Julie asked that I go ahead and send to the paper. If you are amenable, I will be glad to do so. Thank you Pamela Mottram, Administrative Assistant I Administration I Economic &Community Development 400 West Gowe, Kent, WA 98032 Main 253-856-54541 Direct 253-856-5459 tmottram@KentWA.govle CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.aov Facebook 'fim YouTu b® PLEASE CONSIDER TFIE ENVYRONMENT BEFORE PR%NTING TH%S E-MA%L E From: Pulliam, Julie Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 4:23 PM To: Mottram, Pamela Subject: RE: Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family mg(2).docx Pam, Please go ahead and send this in for publication on 1125/ & 12/9 - Julie From: Gilbert, Matthew Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 4:22 PM To: Mottram, Pamela Cc: Pulliam, Julie Subject: Notice of Public Hearing Multi Family mg(2).docx This is good to go.Matt 2 \4 \4111TAM56901i L" Exemption A • Valorem • • - Taxation • Qualifying Multi�Family Housing Notice is hereby given that the Kent City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, December 1, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Kent City Hall, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032, to receive public comment on the city's intent to designate the Riverbend Gateway property (a.k.a. Riverbend par -3 golf course) and the Colony Park Apartments site as a Residential Targeted Area for possible exemption from ad valorem property taxation for qualifying multi -family residential housing, pursuant to Chapter 84.14, Revised Code of Washington. The proposed Residential Targeted Area comprises parcel 1699950000 and a portion of parcel 2322049011. All interested persons are invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to speak. For further information please contact the Planning Services office at (253) 856-5454. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at 253-856-5725. For TTD relay service, call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 800-833-6388. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk