HomeMy WebLinkAbout4213• MO •01M I ' AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.18.020, entitled `Certain utilities subject to tax," to reallocate the internal utility taxes; amending rates in Section 7.02.180 entitled "Temporary water meters"; combining Sections 7.02.300 and 7.02.310 entitled "Water rates," to increase rates and charges for all water service, whether within or outside the city; and amending Section 7.04.220 entitled "Schedule of charges for service," increasing the sewer rates. RECITAL A. The city last established its water and sewer rate structure in 2008. Since that time, other municipal water and sewer providers have restructured their rates by more proportionately distributing overall system usage by balancing potable water consumption, water meter size, and non -potable fire protection standby reserves for sprinkler systems and other fire protection systems. Sewer rates were also adjusted accordingly. B. After conducting a system review and rate analysis, the city similarly has determined to adjust its water and sewer rate structure, including combing the rate structure to create single, uniform rates for all city water service. A new rate is also included for dedicated firelines, which will pay for the water capacity and pressure needed to operate these systems when fire protection is needed. 1 Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates C. Increased operational costs have occurred since the city's water and sewer rates were last amended, and in order to maintain and operate the city's water and sewer systems at existing levels of service, rates for city water and sewer services are increased. D. To accommodate ongoing cost increases after implementation of these rate changes, an annual cost of living increase has been added based on the regional consumer price index (CPI), with increases capped until January 1, 2023, at 2.4% or the CPI, whichever is less, with increases after that date to conform to the CPI without any cap. E. Disposition and allocation of the city's water, sewer, and storm utility tax revenue, which is imposed on each utility's gross receipts, has been amended and clarified to conform to existing practice. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment. Section 3.18.020 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Certain utilities subject to tax," is hereby amended as follows: A. In addition to the other business and license fees required by the ordinances of the city, the city levies upon all persons, firms, or corporations (including the city) engaged in certain business activities a utilities tax to be collected as follows: 1. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaging in or carrying on any telephone business within the city, an annual tax equal to six (6) percent of the total gross income, including revenues from intrastate toll, derived from the operation of such business within the city. 2 ,4mend KCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates This six (6) percent tax will be allocated as follows: four and seven -tenths (4.7) percent to the general fund, three -tenths (0.3) percent to youth/teen programs, and one (1) percent to street improvement programs. 2. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaging in or carrying on a business of selling, wheeling, furnishing, distributing, or producing gas, whether manufactured or natural, for commercial or domestic use or purposes, a fee or tax equal to six (6) percent of the total gross income from such business in the city during the tax year for which the license is required. This six (6) percent tax will be allocated as follows. four and seven -tenths (4.7) percent to the general fund, three -tenths (0.3) percent to youth/teen programs, and one (1) percent to street improvement programs. 3. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaged in or carrying on the business of selling, wheeling, furnishing, or distributing electricity for light and power, a fee or tax equal to six (6) percent of the total gross income from such business in the city during the tax year for which a license is required. This six (6) percent tax will be allocated as follows: four and seven -tenths (4.7) percent to the general fund, three - tenths (0.3) percent to youth/teen programs, and one (1) percent to street improvement programs. 4. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaged in or carrying on the business providing cable television services, a tax equal to six (6) percent of the total gross income from that business in the city during the tax year for which the license is required. All revenue received from this tax must be applied only to funding the city's information technology department operations and capital projects budgets in the proportion determined by the city council in its biennial budget, including all amendments. 3 Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates 5. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaging in or carrying on a business providing solid waste collection services, a tax equal to eighteen and four -tenths (18.4) percent of the total gross income from such business in the city during the tax year for which the license is required. This eighteen and four -tenths (18.4) percent tax will be allocated as follows: six and one-half (6.5) percent to the general fund, three -tenths (0.3) percent to youth/teen programs, one (1) percent to street improvement programs, and ten and six -tenths (10.6) percent to maintain and repair residential streets, including related impacts to curb, gutters, sidewalks, and other road amenities, but this ten and six -tenths (10.6) percent portion of the solid waste utility tax shall not be used to expand, extend, or widen existing residential streets or to build new residefitial streets. 6. Upon every person (including the city) engaging in or carrying on the business of selling, furnishing; or distributing water services, seweF, eF drainage s iees, a tax equal to thirteen (13) percent of the total gross income from that business in the city during the tax year; upon every person (including the city) engaging in or carrying on the business of selling, furnishing, or distributing sewer services, a tax equal to nine and one-half (9.5) percent of the total gross income from that business in the city during the tax year; and upon every person (including the city) engaging in or carrying on the business of selling, furnishing, or distributing drainage services, a tax equal to nineteen and one-half (19.5) ep rcent of the total gross income from such business in the city during the tax year. Unless otherwise directed by the city council in its budget process, Tthe total of these taxe-s revenues will be allocated as follows: forty three and eight five one -hundredths f4aja5 percent (43.85%) to the general fund for the use as allocated in the city's budget; four J4 thirty and seventy-seven one -hundredths f39,7:7j percent (30.77%) to the general ,.tre t capital resources fund enly fer the installation, eperatien, maintenanee, and 4 Amend OCCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and VI/ater Rates subject to the limitations provided in subsection (A)(6)(a) of this section; fifteen and thirty-eight one -hundredths we(2)percent (15.38%) dedicated solely to the repayment and elimination of debt in the city's "other capital projects" fund subject to the limitations provided in subsection (A)(6)(b) of this sections one (}seven and sixty-nine one -hundredths—(- percent (7.69%) to street improvement programs; and two and thirty-one one -hundredths hree tenths (0.3) percent 2.31% to youth/teen programs. Unless otherwise allocated by council, these emaining funds must be applied equally to (i) information technology capital programs directed at funding long- and short-term hardware and software replacement and (ii) street capital programs, but further restricted to funding street maintenance, repair, and signage only. 26=mp.v.mmw:r.qlllll 1111,11 111111111''1 111,11 11111111111:11, 11111111111'1111!1�111 11 ammagm wily Il,..�� ...�Yi�..w www■\wt...�► 1.. �.w��...F1wFl,..�..�t...► 1.1,1A�.i�.� ..�t,�l���.il�►�.1..��,...�1 . LOA 1w•.III:INOVAE .II! .::F��:.�w:.�•.::.���:�..w..w:►:.�:� :.�:.:n.ti.•. b. The �ave--(}fifteen and thirty-eight one -hundredths percent .(15.38% internal tax allocation will be dedicated to the city's capital t►9revengetsresources fund for the sole purpose of retiring all debt in the city's other capital projects fund; however, in any event this tare {)peFeentportion of the tax shall be eliminated on January 1, 2023, or on the first day of the year following the date the debt in this fund is fully retired, whichever occurs first. B. In computing the tax provided in subsection (A) of this section, the taxpayer may deduct from total gross income the following items: 5 Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.0-,4.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates 1I The actual amount of credit losses and uncollectible receivables sustained by the taxpayer. 2. Amounts derived from transactions in interstate and foreign commerce which the city is prohibited from taxing under the laws and Constitution of the United States. SECTION 2. -Amendment. Section 7.02.180 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Temporary water meters," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 7.02.180. Temporary water meters. A. When water service is required for a specific short-term duration, upon approval of the director of public works, a temporary water meter may be obtained from the water utility. B. such meters shall only be used for a designated project and shall be promptly returned to the water utility upon completion of the project or at the end of sixty (60) days, whichever comes first. The meters are to be returned in the same condition as when rented, and the user shall be held responsible for any damage thereto including paying all repair or replacement costs. While in the user's possession, the user shall be solely responsible for the meter and as such, should it be lost or stolen, the user shall pay the water utility the cost of its replacement. C. The director of public works shall require that a cash bond be deposited with the city prior to receipt of a temporary meter. The amount of the bond shall equal the replacement cost of the respective meter. Upon return of the meter, the payment of all outstanding charges including any meter repair or replacement costs, the cash bond shall be released back to the user. 6 Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Rer Sewer and Water Rates D. Temporary meters may be moved from one (1) hydrant to another within the same project, provided, the water utility is notified in advance of the proposed relocation and that hydrant wrenches are used to make all connections and disconnections. E. For each 100 cubic feet of water used with a temporary water 213111 999 $2-40 X993 $�?4 8V91/2894 $2 -*54 9a /8U2095 $2-167 All rates are also subject to a one-time temporary meter charge as follows: 1. Up to one and one-half (1-1/2) inch meter, fifty dollars ($50); 2. Two (2) inch and larger meter, one hundred dollars ($100). Payment shall be made in full upon return of the meter. If a meter is lost or stolen, payment for water used shall be based on an estimate made by the director of public works. SECTION 3. -Amendment. Section 7.02.300 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Water rates within the city," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 7.02.300. Water rates • �OLFIIII X11 A. Water rates. The following staggered monthly rates apply during the to all water customers within served by the city Within eaeh tinge peri d. �i-mss—of Kent. The lower rate applies per 100 7 Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and (Nater Rates cubic feet of water used €e-�up to or equal to x$00 cubic feetper month, end the higher rate applies per 100 cubic feet of awater used in excess of X800 cubic feet: WATER USE/CONSUMPTION Winter/Summer <=800cf: $2.40 >800cf: $4.73 All customers are also subject to a monthly demand charge for potable water service., dedicated fireline service, and water meters. For purposes of this chapter, a "dedicated fireline" constitutes the pipe(s) and appurtenances on private property that only supply water to the system riser for water-based fire protection systems, private hydrants, monitor nozzles, fire pump suctions, and tanks. The dedicated fireline begins after the property isolation device, and it contains water that will be used only when needed for fire protection purposes and so will become stagnant and non -potable. The fees for these monthly demand services ares-i�--is as follows: 8 Amend LCCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates ,. .� .�MRIM,, All customers are also subject to a monthly demand charge for potable water service., dedicated fireline service, and water meters. For purposes of this chapter, a "dedicated fireline" constitutes the pipe(s) and appurtenances on private property that only supply water to the system riser for water-based fire protection systems, private hydrants, monitor nozzles, fire pump suctions, and tanks. The dedicated fireline begins after the property isolation device, and it contains water that will be used only when needed for fire protection purposes and so will become stagnant and non -potable. The fees for these monthly demand services ares-i�--is as follows: 8 Amend LCCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates Meter size Dedicated or, for Residential Commercial Fireline Charge Dedicated Charge Effective Charge Effective Effective Fireline, January 1, A�r�Iuary 1, ua jun Jan 1, Pipe size 201788 201788 201709 'inches) — 5/6 x 314 $5 2-6 $�8a $6-95 53/4 $23,15 29.10 $2,75 1 $8:9436.25 $10,2842.20 $15:243.21 1-1/4 4.81 1-1/2 $44,6469.00 $1506974095 $230226042 2 $16089108.30 $20489114.25 $39 810.27 3 $38,35173.80 $44819179.75 $65 725.67 4 $46-047-Z65450 $53644271.45 $951.33 6 $69,03 $79t38402445 $447:46102.67 8 $66050 $661533.45 $1-58:83173.25 10 $113:03 $196664.45 $17256.67 Meter -size Ch arge Cff.'tiCharge -€#ee Charge Cfe ' Charge sf-{Gf , (inGhe)January 1, 2 Ja.,,. pl 201-2January 1, 2013Jan uati- 2-a4 5/8 x 3/4 $11:99 $1135 $12-72 $1-3:18 4 $20,37 $20,98 $21964 $2126 1-1/2 $31-09 $32003 $32,99 $33-1-98 2 $41R22 $42R46 $43,73 $45084 3 $87,39 $90,82 $92072 $95:50 4 $405-90 $io908 $112035 $115,72 6 $157:31 $462-03 $-186.89 $471690 9 Amend ICCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7,02 KCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates Meter size 2018-2022 1/01/2005 Dedicated $0.51 or for Residential Commercial the adjustment $0.54 1/01/2011 Fireline Charge 1/01/2012 Dedicated Charge Effective Charge Effective 2.4% of Fireline,January 1, AprilJanuary 1, Effective water JuneJanuary 1, Pipe size 201798 201708 rate, 201799 after (inches) — 1, 2023, any $291 070 $28775 8 $228:40 a-9 $267-53 $265031 $'�7 $281A7 Beginning January 1, 2018, and on the first day of each calendar year thereafter, the total water rate for consumption, meters, and dedicated fireline usage will adjust by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), specifically the CPI -W Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerfion, measured from June 1 through June i of the previous calendar year, if the CPI -W reflects an upward adjustment from the previous annual June to June period. For the years 2018-2022 1/01/2005 $0.51 6/01/2009 $0.53 the adjustment $0.54 1/01/2011 will 1/01/2012 not exceed 2.4% of the total water rate, but after that, beginning January 1, 2023, any increase in the CPI will not be subject to this 2.4% limit. In order to simplify the rate -making structure, the finance director is authorized to amend the rate each year to reflect the CPI adjustment. B. Lifeline customers. The city council will establish eligibility criteria for lifeline customers. For lifeline -qualified water service customers within the city limits, the following rates apply for water use per 100 cubic feet: Effective Date January 1 -December 31 1/01/2005 $0.51 6/01/2009 $0.53 1/01/2010 $0.54 1/01/2011 $0.56 1/01/2012 $0.57 10 Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re; Sewer and Water Rates Effective Date January 1- December 31 1/01/2013 $0.59 1/01/2014 $0.61 All lifeline rates are also subject to the monthly demand charge for service and meter as set forth in subsection (A) of this section. SEC7'lOIN 4. -Repealer. Section 7.02.310 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Water rates outside city," is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECT-%OIV S. -Amendment. Section 7.04.220 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Schedule of charges for service," (which was codified as section 7.04.280 until recodified into a new section number by a separate ordinance enacted as of the same date this ordinance) is hereby amended aC: follows: Sec. 7.04.220. Schedule of charges for service. 12&?Wslpw��W� k � WG! 1 A sewer service charge for regional sewage treatment. These charges are passed through, without increase, directly to the city sanitary sewer utility customers. The King County pass-through charge for 20173 is known and established. It is expected, however, that King County will increase its pass-through charge over time. Accordingly, except for the 2017 3 charge, all other King County charges are estimates only. In order to simplify the rate -making structure, the finance director is authorized to amend King County's pass-through charges at the time King County imposes new charges. i l Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and V4�ater Rates Beginning January 1, 2018, and on the first day of each calendar year thereafter, the total sewer rate will adjust by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), specifically the CPI -W Seattle -Tacoma -Bremerton, measured from June 1 through June 1 of the previous calendar year, if the CPI -W reflects an upward adjustment from the previous annual June to June period. For the years 2018-2022 the adjustment will not exceed 2.4% of the total sewer rate, but after that, beginning January 1, 2023, any increase in the CPI will not be subject to this 2.4% limit. In order to simlify the rate -making structure, the finance director is authorized to amend the rate each_year to reflect the CPi adjustment. In addition, the year 2017 City rate for all types of service is subject to any CPI or Kina County rate increases; for the year 2018 the City rate will increase one -dollar and twenty-five cents (1.25) in addition to any CPI or King County rate increases; and for the year 2019 the City rate will increase fifty cents (.50) in addition to any CPI or King County rate increases. The following. sanitary sewer service charges for city sanitary sewer service inside the city limits are in effect on the dates and in the amounts listed below. Sewer service charges for customers residing outside the city shall be the charges as on file in the cit clerk's office. 12 Amend OCCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 /CCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates 400 EMAE7� LEI 1. .- residential dwelling, as .- •� effi-. hrftag 12 Amend OCCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 /CCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates Type of Service ChotWe:qm� a bL tL6....a:... Gtde..b:.... a Kino ort County Sewer Sewer Rate Sewer Rate Ratet rate 2. Two-family or multiple -family residential dwelling, as defined in Chapter $22.16 44.22 $64,90 15.02 KCC, each unit separately metered and charged. ® Glt- ;T M -n j_j- 1 n*1'1 nG M.. *1 o GO $ 22 MM^^44^^ i nty gGeu a King 9eweF rate "`I rF7n i, 39,794 * r '1 $39,7944:22* �h']n AA 21a& r M Tetal' sewer $ fi %QF);1 11G� OT7PJT�tl"` i� C 7 5 8647 $ ff Mao^ 3. Single-family residential/lifeline; eligibility criteria for the lifeline $12,70 44.22 $56,92 utility rate set forth in KCC 7.01.0800 rate oKing unty sewer rate $39V79 391 n o2* r d ;79 �o�� $39 7911 * ON T—Tetal seweF $'5, '9' '$'5'2,64 $5208v rate 4. All other than $8.65*q-.61: per $8.820*} per $8.88 88*} per service types 1, 2 100 cubic feet 100 cubic feet 100 cubic feet and 3 shall be per month per month per month billed in accordance with the consumption of water and at the following rate,* except that no monthly bill shall be less than the single-family residential rate set forth in service type No, 1. 1" Estimated, based on adjustments issued by King Count * Beginning January 1, 2018, this rate will adjust annually based on the basic rate shown for service types 1 and 2 above, calculated on this formula: Total Sewer Rate/7.5 = price per 100 cubic ft. per month. 13 Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and vV/ater Rates SECTION of - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. -Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTI®N 8. - Effective Date. Although the fees, rates, and charges established by this ordinance do not take effect until January 1, 2017, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law�,,�-� "- COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: SUE HANSON, INTERIM CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM T01 BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: I. day of _ t�� _, 2016. APPROVED: day of r, t , 2016. PUBLISHED: day of _" W _ , 2016. 14 Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.04.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P:\clvll\Ordlnanre\7 04 and 3 IB Sewer Nate inaease.do« 15 Amend KCC 3.18.020, 7.D4.220, and Ch. 7.02 KCC Re: Sewer and Water Rates