HomeMy WebLinkAbout4177ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (2016-2021) (CPA -2015-2). RECITALS A. The State of Washington Growth Management Act (GMA) requires internal consistency among comprehensive plan elements and the plans from other jurisdictions. B. To assure that comprehensive plans remain relevant and up to date, the GMA allows amendments to the capital facilities element of comprehensive plans concurrently with the adoption or amendment of a city budget. C. The City of Kent has established procedures for amending the Comprehensive Plan in Chapter 12.02 of the Kent City Code (KCC), allowing amendment of the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan concurrently with the adoption or amendment of the City's budget. As part of these procedures the City Council may hold the 1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Capita/ Facilities Element for 2016-2021 Capita/ Improvements public hearing instead of the Land use and Planning Board. KC. 12.02.010, D. The City of Kent Finance Department has submitted proposed amendments to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to identify a six-year plan for capital improvement projects, including costs and revenue sources. E. On October 8, 2015, the City provided the State of Washington the required 60 day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 of the City's proposed amendment to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan, The 60 day notice period has passed. F. On October 7, 2015, the City's SEPA responsible official issued a SEPA Addendum to existing environmental documents consisting of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Review and Midway Subarea Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Draft and Final (ENV -2010-3) and the Downtown Subarea Action Plan Supplemental EIS Draft and Final (ENV -2012-30). The SEPA Addendum explained that the proposed amendment would not create unavoidable impacts beyond those previously identified in the EIS. G. After providing appropriate public notice, the City Council of the City of Kent conducted a public hearing on October 20, 2015, to consider the six-year plan for capital improvements and the requested amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element. H. On December 8, 2015, the City Council for the City of Kent approved the Capital Facilities Element amendment to the Kent 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Capita/ Facilities E/ement for 2016-2021 Capital Improvements Comprehensive Plan (CPA -2015-2) to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (2016-2021). NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. -Amendment. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element are hereby amended to reflect asix-year plan for capital improvement projects (2016-2021), as set forth in Exhibit " attached and incorporated by this reference (CPA -2015-2). SECTION 2. -Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approvaI of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. 3 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Capital Facilities E/ement for 2016-2021 CapE Improvements ATTEST: RONALD FjPoIOOF ,CITY C APPROVED AS TO FORM: SUZE IJI E C OKE, MAYOR BRUBAKER`�CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of December, 2015. APPROVED:� day of December, 2015. PUBLISHED: day of December, 2015. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. y%� passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent P:\Clvll\Ordinance\Cornpplanamend-Capitalimproveplan 2016.Docx hereon indi CITY CLERK EAL) 4 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Capital Facilities E/ement for 2016-2021 Cap/tallm provements Exhibit A W A S H I N G T O N Capita/ Improvement Program October 6, 2015 City of Kent, WA 2016 - 2021 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands Sources of Funds City Resources Utility Resources Other Resources Total Sources of Funds Projects General Government Transportation Parks, Rec, and Comm Svcs Utilities Total Projects Funded 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 15,863 14,113 14,414 141098 141224 14,793 87,505 121346 11,350 11,550 111600 13,650 11,900 72,396 14,097 23,246 81248 21251 9 9 47,860 42,306 481709 34,212 27,949 271883 26,702 207,761 4,421 3,763 4,088 3,747 3,847 4,390 24,256 201801 31,550 16,576 101651 8,677 81703 96,958 51284 21046 11998 11951 1,709 1,709 14,697 11,800 11,350 111550 11,600 131650 11,900 711850 421306 48,709 34,212 271949 27,883 26,702 207,761 Sources of Funds Other Resources i 47,860 Utility 23% Resources 72,396 35% City Resources 87,505 42% Utilities 71,! 34 Parks, Rec, and Comm Svcs 14,697 7% Proiects by Cateaory General Gov't 21,756 10% transportation 96,958 47% City of Kent, WA 2016 - 2021 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands Sources of Funds City Resources: Business & Occupation Tax CIP REET 2 Revenues CIP Revenues Facilities Revenues IT Revenues Solid Waste Utility Tax Street Revenues Utility Resources: Drainage Revenues Sewer Revenues Solid Waste Revenues Water Revenues Other Resources: Bond Proceeds Fuel Tax Local Improvement District Grants Total Sources of Funds Projects General Government Facilities Technology Other Total General Government Transportation Site Improvements Vehicles, Equipment & Other Total Transportation Parks, Rec &Comm Services Programs Redevelopment & Renovations Development Total Parks, Rec & Comm Svcs Utilities Water Supply &Distribution Sewer Stormwater Management Total Utilities 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 4,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 33,200 11700 11000 950 900 900 900 61350 21300 21300 21300 2,300 21300 21300 13,800 541 566 591 550 550 555 31353 11697 11697 11997 11697 11797 21335 11,220 21500 21545 21571 21596 21622 21648 15,482 21425 305 305 355 355 355 41100 81225 71400 7,400 71400 71350 71400 45,175 11102 1,300 11500 11700 31800 21000 11,402 14 14 31005 21650 21650 21500 21500 21500 15,805 1,040 9 13,048 9 91000 14,237 9 81239 9 2,242 9 9 1,040 54 91000 37,766 421306 48,709 34,212 27,949 27,883 26,702 207,761 541 566 591 550 550 555 31353 31380 21697 2,997 21697 2,797 31335 17,903 500 500 500 500 500 500 31000 41421 3,763 41088 31747 31847 4,390 24,256 20,346 455 31,395 155 16,421 155 10,496 155 8,522 155 8,548 155 95,728 1,230 201801 31,550 16,576 10,651 81677 81703 96,958 350 350 350 350 350 351 2,101 4,925 1,687 1,639 1,592 1,350 789 11,982 9 9 9 9 9 569 614 51284 21046 11998 11951 11709 11709 14,697 2,800 Total Projects Funded 42,306 48,709 341 2,650 2,650 2,500 2,500 2,500 15,600 1,000 1,300 1,500 1,700 3,800 2,000 11,300 8,000 7,400 71400 7,400 7,350 7,400 ,50 449 11,800 11,350 11,550 11,600 13,650 111900 71,850 212 27,949 27,883 26,702 207,761 General Government 2016 - 2021 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Sources of Funds CIP Revenues 11500 1,500 11500 1,500 11500 11500 91000 Facilities Revenues 541 566 591 550 550 555 31353 IT Revenues 11697 11697 1,997 11697 11797 21335 11,220 Street Revenues 137 137 Water Revenues 205 205 Sewer Revenues 102 102 Drainage Revenues 225 225 Solid Waste Revenues 14 14 Total Sources of Funds 4,421 31763 41088 31747 31847 41390 24,256 Projects Facilities HVAC Lifecycle Replacements 100 100 100 100 100 275 775 Emergency Repairs 100 106 47 100 100 100 553 Kitchen Equipment (Lifecycle) 40 25 20 20 30 25 160 Roof Repairs (Lifecycle) 35 195 145 55 430 Kent Pool (Lifecycle) 25 25 25 25 25 25 150 Centennial Center Reseal 45 45 50 140 Parking Lots (Lifecycle) 195 130 50 55 430 Floor Coverings (Lifecycle) 200 60 100 20 380 City Hall Elevator Doors 60 60 Facilities Card Access 36 75 114 225 Corrections Portable Back-up Power 50 50 Total Facilities Projects 541 566 591 550 550 555 31353 Technology Hardware Lifecycle 509 622 622 622 622 622 31619 Software Lifecycle 995 875 11175 875 975 11513 61408 Tech Plan 743 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 61743 Document Routing System 300 300 Website Content Mgmt System 150 150 Public Works Asset Mgmt System 683 683 Total Technology Projects 31380 21697 21997 21697 21797 31335 17,903 Other Meeker Street Place Making 500 500 500 500 500 500 31000 Total Other Projects 500 500 500 500 500 500 31000 Total Projects Funded 41421 31763 41088 31747 31847 41390 24,256 Transportation 2016 - 2021 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Sources of Funds Business & Occupation Tax* 41700 51700 51700 51700 51700 51700 33,200 Solid Waste Utility Tax 21500 21545 21571 21596 21622 21648 15,482 Street Revenues 21288 305 305 355 355 355 31963 Local Improvement District 91000 91000 Grant Funds 11,313 14,000 81000 21000 35,313 Total Sources of Funds 20,801 31,550 16,576 10,651 81677 81703 96,958 Projects Site Improvements B&O Overlays 150 4550 4,550 41550 41550 41550 22,900 B&O Overlay James/240th 11700 11700 B&O Overlay 80th Ave 11000 11000 B&O Sidewalks & Ramp Upgrades 750 900 900 900 900 900 51250 B&O Striping & Loops 50 50 B&O Signs Overhead & Retro -reflectivity 200 200 B&O Crack Sealing 200 200 B&O Pavement Markings-Channelization 150 150 150 150 150 150 900 B&O Guardrail 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 B&O Traffic Islands 250 250 B&O Traffic Controllers & Signal Damage 150 150 150 200 200 200 11050 Residential Street Overlays/Inlay 21300 21545 21571 21596 21622 2,648 15,282 Residential Sidewalks 200 200 Naden/Willis Intersection 50 50 Fiber Conduit on South Central 600 600 132nd Ave Pedestrian Improvements 11183 1,183 Kent Kangley Pedestrian Improvements 316 316 1st Avenue Improvements 272 272 228th St UPRR Grade Separation 41000 15,000 31000 22,000 72nd Ave S 11180 11180 Regional Trails Connector 910 910 SE 108th & 208th Intersection Improve 635 635 S 224th Street Extension 41000 81000 51000 21000 19,000 Vehicles, Equipment & Other Community Based Circulating Shuttles 155 155 155 155 155 155 930 Quieter Zone Study 150 150 Meeker Street Design 150 150 Total Projects Funded 20,801 31,550 16,576 10,651 81677 81703 96,958 * B&O Tax project list is determined on an annual basis; details shown may change. 10/6/2015 Parks, Recreation & Community Services 2016 - 2021 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands Sources of Funds CIP REET2 CIP REET2 - Fund Balance CIP REET - General Fuel Tax Grant - King County Grant - Washington State Bond Proceeds Total Sources of Funds Projects Programs ShoWare Lifecycle Green Kent Program Adopt -A -Park Volunteer Program Eagle Scout Volunteer Program Redevelopment & Renovations Community Parks Reinvestment Neighborhood Parks Reinvestment Lake Meridian Park Phase I Hogan Park @ RR Field Replacement Morrill Meadows Lake Fenwick Park Phase I Athletic Fields West Fenwick Phase II Renov Development Kent Valley Loop Trail Path and Trails Strategic Development Total Projects Funded 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 500 1,000 950 900 900 900 5,150 11200 277 180 102 1,383 1,540 210 11200 800 800 800 800 800 800 41800 9 9 9 9 9 9 54 235 237 239 242 953 11500 347 384 731 11500 11040 11040 51284 21046 11998 1,951 11709 11709 14,697 300 300 300 300 300 300 11800 15 15 15 15 15 15 90 25 25 25 25 25 26 151 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 411 412 413 415 501 464 2,617 274 275 276 277 180 102 1,383 1,540 210 11750 1,500 290 203 11993 1,200 500 300 21000 100 516 669 11285 224 224 347 384 731 300 300 9 9 9 9 9 146 191 123 123 5,284 21046 1,998 11951 11709 11 709 14,697 Utilities 2016 - 2021 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands Sources of Funds Water Revenues Sewer Revenues Drainage Revenues Total Sources of Funds Projects Funded Water Supply & Distribution HCP Implementation (Clark Springs) Tacoma Pipeline Water Conservation Landsburg Mine Water System Improvements 640 Zone Improvements Large Meter & Vault Replacements Hydrant Replacements Water Genrators Wellhead Protection Reservoir Maintenance Security Improvements -Water Sites Transmission Mains Total Water Supply &Distribution Sewer Miscellaneous Pipe Replacement Linda Heights Pump Station Total Sewer Stormwater Management NPDES Mill/Garrison/Spring/Green River&Tribs Green River Levee Repair Total Stormwater Management 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total 2,800 2,650 2,650 2,500 2,500 2,500 15,600 11000 11300 11500 11700 31800 21000 11,300 81000 71400 71400 71400 7,350 71400 44,950 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 111800 11,350 11,550 11,600 13,650 11,900 71,850 95 1,000 11300 11500 11700 31 240 895 215 240 150 1,835 30 30 30 30 30 30 180 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 620 625 170 200 175 65 11855 11500 11000 11000 11500 1,500 11500 81000 75 75 75 75 75 75 450 30 30 30 30 30 30 180 200 200 400 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 2,800 21650 21650 21500 21500 2,500 15,600 1,000 11300 11500 11700 11900 21000 91400 11900 11900 800 2,000 11,300 205 210 215 220 225 230 1,305 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,170 6,170 61795 6,190 61185 6,180 61125 61000 37,475 81000 71400 71400 71400 71350 71400 44,950 Total Projects Funded 11,800 11,350 11,550 11,600 13,650 11,900 71,850