HomeMy WebLinkAbout4171ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, making housekeeping edits to clarify inconsistencies in the Zoning Districts Map designations related to the amendment to the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011- 1). RECITALS A. Pursuant to Chapter 36.70A RCW, the Washington Growth Management Act (GMA), the City of Kent ("City") accepts applications for comprehensive plan amendments once each year. On September 1, 2014, the City received applications for docketing Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map amendments for properties located in five areas of the city. B. Development regulations must be consistent with and implement the Comprehensive Plan as provided by RCW 36.70A.040(4). The Zoning Districts Map is incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. The amendments to the Zoning Districts Map implement the Comprehensive Plan's goals and policies. Comprehensive P/an Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations C At its November 10, 2014 meeting, the Economic and Community Development Committee ("ECDC") recommended consideration of four of the docketed Zoning Districts Map amendments, as well as several staff -proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments for the 2014-15 update to the Kent Comprehensive Plan. D. On November 18, 2014, the City Council concurred with the recommendation of the ECDC, and staff presented options for docketed and staff -proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments to the Land Use and Planning Board ("LUPB") at a workshop held on January 26, 2015, and at public hearings held on April 27, 2015 and May 11, 2015. E. On June 8, 2015, the LUPB made recommendations regarding the proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments to the City Council. F. The ECDC considered the recommendations of the LUPB on July 13, 2015, August 10, 2015, and August 24, 2015, and after holding a public hearing at the August 24, 2015 meeting the ECDC recommended to the full City Council passage of the proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments. G. At its regularly scheduled meeting on September 1, 2015, the City Council voted to adopt Ordinance No. 4165, amending the Zoning Districts Map as shown on Exhibits "A" through "X" incorporated therein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property as shown on Exhibits "A" through "X" were listed in Exhibit "Y" and incorporated therein along with their former and newly adopted designations. 2 Comprehensive P/an Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations H. Several parcels recommended for rezoning by Planning staff appeared in multiple exhibits; however, the zoning designations on maps pertaining to broad Planning policy goals, such as expansion of Industrial Park/Commercial areas, and elimination of the Office, Office/Mixed-Use and Gateway Commercial zoning districts for these affected parcels did not match the proposed zoning designation changes specifically presented by staff and considered independently by the LUPB, the ECDC and the full City Council. I. In order to reconcile these discrepancies and give full effect to the intent of the City Council in passing Ordinance No. 4165, this housekeeping amendment is necessary to properly update the City's official Zoning Districts Map. J. The affected parcels were also listed twice, by parcel number on Exhibit " Y" to Ordinance No. 4165. This amendment will clarify these inconsistencies as well. K. Exhibit O (Site Number B3) to Ordinance No. 4165 erroneously depicted two split -zoned parcels (122204-9075 and 122204- 9080) as being changed to entirely Industrial Park (M2); whereas Exhibit H (Site Number A4) to Ordinance No. 4165 correctly depicted rezoning these two parcels to Industrial Park/Commercial (Ml -Q. Both of these maps are attached for reference only. L. The map correction for parcels 122204-9075 and 122204- 9080 is as depicted in Exhibit AA, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and the official Zoning District Map will reflect this clarification. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations M. Exhibit J (Site Number B1.b) to Ordinance No. 4165 erroneously depicted two parcels (675670-0050 and 675670-0060) as being changed from Office/mixed Use (O -MU) to Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC -MU) as part of the elimination of the O -MU zoning district altogether; whereas Exhibit B (Site Number DKT-2014- 6) to Ordinance No. 4165 correctly depicted rezoning these two parcels to Community Commercial (CC) instead for reference only. Both of these maps are attached N. The map correction for parcels 675670-0050 and 675670- 0060 is as depicted in Exhibit BB, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and the official Zoning Districts Map will reflect this clarification. O. To the extent that the parcels described herein appear twice within Exhibit Y to Ordinance No. 4165, the correct reference, as clarified by this ordinance, shall control, and any erroneous references shall have no force or effect. P. This ordinance is ministerial in nature, and enacted only to clarify the original intent of the City Council in adopting Ordinance No. 4165. Except to the extent expressly modified herein, all other provisions of Ordinance No. 4165 remain in full force and effect. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: n Comprehensive P/an Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations ORDINANCE SECTION 1. -Incorporation of Recita/s. The preceding recitals are incorForated herein by this reference and constitute the city council's findings on this matter. SECTION 2. -Amendment. Chapter 15.03.020 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended to include the official zoning districts map designations and boundaries for the parcels of real property identified, depicted, and as set forth in Exhibits "AA" and "BB" attached, and are hereby adopted, and incorporated into the Kent City Code. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any one or more sections, sub- sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Corrections � City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approvaI of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication, as 5 ZEE C�OOKE, MAYOR Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations ATTEST: NALD F. APPROVED AS TO FORM: I Ar M BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of APPROVED: day of r , 2015. PUBLISHED: day of , 2015. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. /�� I passed by the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. f P:\Civil\Files\Open Files\1862-Comprehensive Plan RONA�F.ORE, CITY CLERK Comp Plan Z.o ing Distri , Map_Revised_092915.docx Comprehensive P/an Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations Land Use & Planning Board Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendments B3. Eliminate Gateway Commercial (GWC) Zoning District S-208SOg„Sg ` Q 5209 -St 2Sit on arch M1JV o 1-C GIF 11 orlon CD co IME 5.21.o_�t 0 OR a mat ` 4 If SPIR. ZQed P el: it Zoned arcel: C to -C 2 - �3T1 4 I 5:2All 1f4 -P1• SPIt c4 d Pa el. co a 0 °° M / to M 5-21'6 St t 00 S 216`/ SUI '6llP1 cry Plit o P c am WCoil C to - r 5:21;8_St Oral S I t Zoned Parcels: all arOf GWC to M3 M ' P d M l 17 0 S 2 ONP1 S_222 -St r � ,,� . 222rS.f - _ S�222.St GW 1:6 M 1-C �-223-�1 S_224_S.t 775 0-0021: to M-3 � N Legend ,V00 00� i Proposed Zoning Change Affected Parcel(s) 5-22E St JIF Parcels KENT 5 -228 -St ECD -June 2015 Land Use & Planning Board Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment A4. East Valley Highway and S. 212th St. S li tined Pa 1�12GWC to P Legend ;Proposed Zoning Change 1-C Affected Parcel(s) KENT Parcels ECD -lune 201 Zoning Districts Map Amendment A4. East Valley Highway and S. 212th St. og.st Legend Proposed Zoning Change a _ O m •a a� E U = �E 'o = O o E mQ a� a c m 'c i = O U U) o.@L— o?i u = �G m C W rl J N m In SCO Ito � N - AV� �ITv III �(�/ C •C w O U N N m;if � to -w w N a Lo 3S AV t7 a ¢ n •0 MEJ uJ 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • r W S®A ILL f/i �+' A e fid s • • 0 • • • • 3-I'd"Oil* to �JLO• • • • • • • • • •'. • • • • • • • N i • •' • • r • •' • • • • • • • • • • • s • /t r • r • • • • • • • • • • • • • El All . —c 120N MINE c!� Lora-pj,SE�� i OMENLm va 1 INIF O mw 2 ME MEMO MEN CIE � 0 V V LV O O O O O O i ✓ �N fl. �s Id•00! Zoning Districts .i • Amendment 1 4 _ y, Exhibit BB Zoning Districts Map Amendment 6 l�Jd_1i_l�s • �1� � ;Proposed Zoning Change Affected Parcells) Parcels Map Correction KENT