HomeMy WebLinkAbout4166ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 12.06.070, Section 15.02.260, Section 15.03.010, Section 15.06.050, Section 15.07.060, Section 15.09.050, and Chapter 15.04 of the Kent City Code, pertaining to development regulations implementing the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1). RECITALS A. Per RCW 36.70A.130(5)(a), the Growth Management Act (GMA) requires the City of Kent ("City") to review and revise its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations by June 30, 2015, to ensure compliance with the GMA. B. Development regulations must be consistent with and implement the Comprehensive Plan as provided by RCW 36.70A.040(3). C. At its November 10, 2014 meeting, the Economic and Community Development Committee recommended consideration of four of the 2014 docketed map and text amendments, as well as several staff - proposed map and text amendments for the 2014-15 update to the Kent Comprehensive Plan. D. On November 18, 2014, the City Council concurred with the recommendation of the Economic and Community Development Committee, and staff presented options for docketed and staff -proposed 1 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance map and text amendments to the Land Use and Planning Board ("LUPB") at a workshop held on January 26, 2015, and at public hearings held on April 27, 2015 and May 11, 2015. E, On April 21, 2015, the City provided via e-mail to the State of Washington Department of Commerce the required sixty-day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 regarding the proposed Map amendments. F. On April 20, 2015, the City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) responsible official issued an Addendum to the Environmental Impact Statement that was prepared for the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Review and Midway Subarea Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (#ENV -2010-3) and City of Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Planned Action Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) (#ENV -2012-30) (the "SEPA Addendum"). This SEPA Addendum analyzed the potential impact of various Comprehensive Plan amendments, including the Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts map and text amendments. G. On June 8, 2015, the LUPE made recommendations to the City Council. H. The Economic and Community Development Committee considered the recommendations of the LUPE on July 13, 2015, August 10, 2015, and August 24, 2015, and after holding a public hearing at the August 24, 2015 meeting the Economic and Community Development Committee recommended to the full City Council passage of the proposed code amendments. I, At its regularly scheduled meeting on September 1, 2015, the City Council voted to adopt the amendments to Section 12.06.070, Section 15.02.260, Section 15.03.010, Section 15.06.050, Section 15,07.060, 2 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Section 156.09.050, and Chapter 15.04 of the Kent City Code. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment. - Section 12.06.070 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 12.06.070. Application procedures. A. Existing mobile home park zones. 1. The first step in preparing an application for a recreational vehicle park involves early informal discussions with appropriate city departments to allow the developer to obtain details of city requirements and some idea of the feasibility of 44sthe proposal prior to the actual submission of development plans. 2. The second step involves the preparation and submission to the planning department of a preliminary development plan of the proposed recreational vehicle park. The plan shall be reviewed by the applicable responsible departments and any comments ander required corrections resulting from this review shall be provided to the developer. 3. The third step involves the preparation and submission to the planning department of a final development plan. This plan shall be reviewed by the responsible departments for compliance with their requirements and if approved shall serve as a basis for the issuance of all permits and licenses. 3 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 4. Residential zoned property not presently zoned for mobile home park use. Recreational vehicle parks may be located in any residential district when recreational vehicle park combining district regulations and development plans are approved for that location. The procedure for approval of a recreational vehicle park combining district requires a public hearing before the hearing examiner and a second public hearing before the city council together with city council approval. B. The application for a recreational vehicle park involves early informal discussions with appropriate city departments to allow a developer to obtain details of city requirements and some idea of the feasibility of tithe proposal prior to the actual submission of development plans. C. The preliminary development plan of the proposed recreational vehicle park together with an application for a combining district shall be submitted to the planning department. Application forms for a combining district are available in the planning department office. The preliminary development plan and application for a combining district must be submitted to the planning department at least twenty -five -R-5) days prior to the date the developer intends to be heard before the hearing examiner. A fee of one thousand six hundred sixteen dollars ($1,616) shall be paid at the time of application. Within two-{} days of receipt of the application the planning department shall set a time and date for a preliminary plan meeting between the developer and the responsible departments. The comments resulting from the preliminary plan meeting, as well as any written comments received by the planning department, shall be considered in preparing the staff recommendation to be presented to the hearing examiner. 4 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance D. The planning department shall give written notice of the hearing examiner public hearing to all property owners within a radius of two hundred {24B8 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property being subject of the application. Public notice shall also be posted in three --H) conspicuous places on or adjacent to the property which is the subject of the application at least ten (19) days prior to the date of the public hearing. Following the public hearing, the hearing examiner shall make a report of findings and recommendations with respect to the proposed combining district and shall forward such to the city council. The city council shall hold a public hearing within thirty-(- 0 days of the date of the public hearing. If the application for a recreational vehicle combining district is denied by the city council, the application shall not be eligible for resubmittal for one -{-I-} year from date of denial, unless specifically stated to be without prejudice. A new application affecting the same property may be submitted, if in the opinion of the hearing examiner circumstances affecting the application have changed substantially. F. The final development plan shall then be submitted to the planning department. This plan shall be reviewed by the responsible departments for compliance with their requirements and if approved shall serve as a basis for issuance of all permits and licenses. F. Any combining district shall remain effective only for one--(- year unless the use is begun within that time or construction has commenced. G. General commercial zone. Recreational vehicle parks shall be permitted as a conditional use in general commercial zoned districts, pursuant to KCC 15.04.110148(B){;,), and shall be subject to the development standards and procedural requirements of this chapter. 5 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance rC. ■ w ��� i it � r � r�NMI- U-0-r-IMEMWIM SECTION 2. -- Amendment. Section 15.02.260 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.02.260. Mixed use development. Mixed use development shall mean two f2 -3 --or more permitted uses or conditional uses developed in conjunction with one another on the same site. Provided that the aforementioned requirements are met, a mixed use development may include two f2 ---or more separate buildings. At least twenty-five {2-5} percent of the gross floor area, as defined in KCC 15.02.170, must be a permitted commercial use, except for mixed use in general commercial outside the downtown area, as defined in KCC 15.09.046, where at least five {-§percent of the gross floor area must be a permitted commercial use, and except for mixed use on parcels two acres or less in size in community commercial where at least five percent of the gross floor area must be a permitted commercial use. The residential component of any mixed use development cannot be permitted or occupied prior to the ';permitting aor lawful occupancy ofd the commercial component. SECTION 3. -- Amendment. Section 15.03.010 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.03.010. Establishment and designation of districts. The various districts established by this title and into which the city is divided are designated as follows: A-10 Agricultural District 6 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance The stated goal of the city is to preserve prime agricultural land in the Green River Valley as a nonrenewable resource. The agriculture zone shall actively encourage the concentration of agricultural uses in areas where incompatibility with urban uses will be minimal to aid in the implementation of those goals. Further, such classification of prime agricultural land thus recognizes and encourages farming activity as a viable sector of the local economy. SR -1 Residential Agricultural District The purpose of the SR -1 zone is to provide for areas allowing low density single-family residential development. SR -1 zoning shall be applied to those areas identified in the comprehensive plan for iow density development, because of environmental constraints or the lack of urban services. AG Agricultural General District The purpose of the AG zone is to provide appropriate locations for agriculturally related industrial and retail uses in or near areas designated for long-term agricultural use. Such areas may contain prime farmland soils which may be currently or potentially used for agricultural production. SR -3 Single -Family Residential District SR -4.5 Single -Family Residential District SR -6 Single -Family Residential District SR -8 Single -Family Residential District 7 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance It is the purpose of the single-family residential districts to stabilize and preserve single-family residential neighborhoods, as designated in the comprehensive plan. It is further the purpose to provide a range of densities and minimum lot sizes in order to promote diversity and recognize a variety of residential environments. MR -D Duplex Multifamily Residential District It is the purpose of the MR -D district to provide for a limited increase in population density and allow for a greater variety of housing types by allowing duplex dwelling units and higher density single-family detached residential development. MR -T12 Multifamily Residential Townhouse District MR -T16 Multifamily Residential Townhouse District It is the purpose of the MR -T districts to provide suitable locations for low to medium density multifamily residential development where home ownership is encouraged consistent with the comprehensive plan. MR -G Low Density Multifamily Residential District It is the purpose of the MR -G district to provide locations for low to medium density multifamily residential development and higher density single-family residential development, as designated in the comprehensive plan. MR -M Medium Density Multifamily Residential District 8 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance It is the purpose of the MR -M district to provide for locations for medium density multifamily residential development and higher density single- family residential development, as designated in the comprehensive plan. MR -H High Density Multifamily Residential District It is the purpose of the MR -H district to provide for locations for high density residential districts suitable for urban living. MHP Mobile Home Park Combining District The MHP combining district is designed to provide proper locations for mobile home parks. Mobile home parks may be located in any multi -family residential district when MHP combining district regulations and development plans are approved for that location. PUD Planned Unit Development District The intent of the PUD is to create a process to promote diversity and creativity in site design, and protect and enhance natural and community features. The process is provided to encourage unique developments which may combine a mixture of residential, commercial, and industrial uses. By using flexibility in the application of development standards, this process will promote developments that will benefit citizens that live and work within the city. NCC Neighborhood Convenience Commercial District 9 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance It is the purpose of the NCC district to provide small nodal areas for retail and personal service activities convenient to residential areas and to provide ready access to everyday convenience goods for the residents of such neighborhoods. NCC districts shall be located in areas designated for neighborhood services in the comprehensive plan. CC Community Commercial District The purpose of the CC district is to provide areas for limited commercial activities that serve several residential neighborhoods. This district shall only apply to such commercial districts as designated in the city comprehensive plan. It is also the purpose of this district to provide opportunities for mixed use development within the designated mixed use overlay boundary, as designated by the comprehensive plan. DC Downtown Commercial District It is the purpose of the DC district to provide a place and create environmental conditions which will encourage the location of dense and varied retail, office, residential, civic, and recreational activities which will benefit and contribute to the vitality of a central downtown location, to recognize and preserve the historic pattern of development in the area and to implement the land use goals and policies in the 1989 downtown plan, the Kent comprehensive plan, and the downtown action plan. In the DC area, permitted uses should be primarily pedestrian -oriented and able to take advantage of on -street and structured off-street parking lots. DCE Downtown Commercial Enterprise District 10 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance The purpose of this district is to encourage and promote higher density development and a variety and mixture of compatible retail, commercial, residential, civic, recreational, and service activities in the downtown area, to enhance the pedestrian -oriented character of the downtown, and to implement the goals and policies of the 1989 downtown plan, the Kent comprehensive plan, and the downtown strategic action plan. DCE-T. Downtown Commercial Enterprise District - Transitional Overlay Within the downtown commercial enterprise district, a transitional overlay addresses compatibility of higher intensity mixed use development with nearby single-family residential zones through height limits and required application of certain downtown design review elements. MTC -1 Midway Transit Community -1 District The purpose and intent of the MTC -1 district is to provide an area that will encourage the location of moderately dense and varied retail, office, or residential activities in support of rapid light rail and mass transit options, to enhance a pedestrian -oriented character while acknowledging the existing highway corridor character, and to implement the goals and policies of the Midway Subarea Plan. MTC -2 Midway Transit Community -2 District The purpose and intent of the MTC -2 district is to provide a place and create environmental conditions which will promote the location of dense and varied retail, office, or residential activities, and recreational activities in support of rapid light rail and mass transit options, to ensure a primarily pedestrian -oriented character, and to implement the goals and policies of the Midway Subarea Plan. 11 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance MCR Midway Commercial/Residential District The purpose and intent of the MCR district is to provide area that will encourage the location of dense and varied retail, office, or residential activities in support; of rapid light rail and mass transit options, to enhance a pedestrian -oriented character, and to implement the goals and policies of the Midway Subarea Plan. CM -1 Commercial Manufacturing -1 District It is the purpose of the CM -1 district to provide locations for those types of developments which combine some characteristics of both retail establishments and industrial operations, heavy commercial uses, and wholesale uses. CM -2 Commercial Manufacturing -2 District It is the purpose of the CM -2 district to provide locations for those types of developments which combine some characteristics of both retail establishments and small-scale, light industrial operations, heavy commercial and wholesale uses, and specialty manufacturing. GC General Commercial District 12 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance The purpose and intent of the general commercial district is to provide for the location of commercial areas developed along certain major E thoroughfares; to provide use incentives and development standards which 3 will encourage the redevelopment and upgrading of such areas; to provide for a range of trade, service, entertainment, and recreation land uses which occur adjacent to major traffic arterials and residential uses; and to provide areas for development which are automobile -oriented and designed for convenience, safety, and the reduction of the visual blight of uncontrolled advertising signs, traffic control devices, and utility equipment. It is also the purpose of this district to provide opportunities for mixed use development within the designated mixed use overlay boundary, as designated by the comprehensive plan. -- Y• r WA­RWLZ i - W - ^ i • - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 13 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance M1, MI -C Industrial Park District The purpose of the M1T44 district is to provide an environment exclusively for and conducive to the development and protection of a broad range of industrial, office, and business park activities, including modern, large- scale administrative facilities, research institutions, and specialized manufacturing organizations, all of a non -nuisance type, as designated in the comprehensive plan. This district is intended to provide areas for those industrial activities that desire to conduct business in an atmosphere of prestige location in which environmental amenities are protected through a high level of development standards. It is also the purpose of this zone to allow certain limited commercial land uses that provide necessary personal and business services for the general industrial area. Such uses are allowed in the M1 district, through the application of the "C" suffix, at centralized, nodal locations where major arterials intersect. M2 Limited Industrial District The purpose of the M2 district is to provide areas suitable for a broad range of industrial and warehouse/distribution activities. The permitted uses are similar to those of the industrial park district; except, that non- industrial uses, particularly office and retail, are restricted, in accordance with the manufacturing/industrial center designation in the comprehensive plan. Development standards are aimed at maintaining an efficient and desirable industrial area. M3 General Industrial District 14 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance The purpose of the M3 district is to provide areas suitable for the broadest range of industrial activities, and to specify those industrial activities having unusual or potentially deleterious operational characteristics, where special attention must be paid to location and site development. Light industrial uses which require restrictive standards on the part of adjoining uses and non -industrial uses are discouraged from locating in this district, in accordance with the manufacturing/industrial center designation in the comprehensive plan. it is the purpese of the gateway eemmeFeia, -- - - apffeffiate - -- i■ vehicular eneeuraging appFepnate and unified development among the prepefties, witNn - distFiet. it is designed create unique, ■-i and ility FeeagnizablestFeetseapeswhile■ a': use iia i a - s- - - - - - - - IM W - uses. a intended ■ - e -- - flexibility iate - - - - areas of site design and i - e - - mixed - ifieance - - - - r - - - The gateway eernrnereial district _ - - r the automobilesimultaneously - _- -- - __ _ eemmerciallydeveloped -avoiding unsightly hi_hway strip eommercial development. - gateway- - development - - - i : me landuses which n9inifflize physical _ -visualig9paetsgeFFnally assee4r -i - highway - develepments. Landseaping, - - andsign standardshave beenenhaneed as eempared -euFFent - -- -Feial - - -UStFial - - - These -WaY promote a viable, --- - - - - - it _- __ereial - along Valley Highway. - - - - - - _- -_ - Y encourage - - develepment-eengmeFelaluses capableof berefiting and ensuring - eng termenhaneement efpFeperties -study area. SpecialSU • • is Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance It is the purpose of the SU district to provide for special controls for certain uses which do not clearly fit into other districts, which may be due to technological and social changes, or which are of such unique character as to warrant special attention in the interest of the city's optimum development and the preservation and enhancement of its environmental quality. A special use combining district is imposed on an existing zoning district, permitting the special use as well as uses permitted by the underlying zone. The combining district becomes void it substantial construction has not begun within a one -M year period, and the district reverts to its original zoning designation. It is the intent of the special use combining regulations to provide the city with adequate procedures for controlling and reviewing such uses and to discourage application for speculative rezoning. SECTION 4. — Amendment. Chapter 15.04 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.04.010. Interpretation of land use tables. A. Land use tables. The land use tables in KCC 15.04.020 through 15.04.140 determine whether a specific use is allowed in a zoning district. The zoning districts are located in the vertical columns and the land uses are located on the horizontal rows of these tables. A purpose statement for each zoning district is included in Ch. 15.03 KCC. 16 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance B. Principally permitted uses. If the letter "P" appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is permitted in that zoning district subject to the review procedures specified in Ch. 15.09 KCC, the development conditions following the land use table, and any requirements of an overlay zone and the general requirements of the code. C. Special uses. If the letter "S" appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is permitted in that zoning district subject to the review procedures specified in Ch. 15.09 KCC, the development conditions following the land use table, the development standards stated in KCC 15.08.020, any requirements of an overlay zone and the general requirements of the code. D. Conditional uses. If the letter "C" appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is permitted in that zoning district subject to the review procedures specified in Ch. 15.09 KCC, the development conditions following the land use table, the review criteria stated in KCC 15.09.030, any requirements of an overlay zone and the j general requirements of the code. E. Accessory uses. If the letter "A" appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is permitted in that zoning district subject to the review procedures specified in Ch. 15.09 KCC, the development conditions following the land use table and any requirements of an overlay zone and the general requirements of the code. F. Development conditions. If a number appears next to the land use or in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use may be allowed subject to the appropriate review process indicated above, the general requirements of the code, and the specific conditions indicated in the development condition with the corresponding number in subsection immediately following each land use table. 17 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance G. Multiple development conditions. If more than ones} letter -number combination appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is allowed in that zone subject to different sets of limitations or conditions depending on the review process indicated by the letter, the general requirements of the code, and the specific conditions indicated in the development condition with the corresponding number immediately following the table. H. Overlay zones. Overlay districts provide policies and regulations in addition to those in the underlying zoning district. Overlay zones include the mixed use overlay and the Green River Corridor district. I. Applicable requirements. All applicable requirements shall govern a use whether or not they are cross-referenced in a section. J. Interpretation of other uses. Any other unnamed use shall be permitted if it is determined by the planning manager to be of the same general character as the principaily permitted uses and in accordance with the stated purpose of the district, per KCC 15.09.065. Sec. 1504.020. Residential land uses. 18 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 19 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key R = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C - a; FC cC F4 R' V A it e" r+ LS A f Conditionai z � Uses A = Accessary Uses One single- P P F p P P P P P P P P P P - A A A A family dwelling per fat P P P P One duplex (2 P P per lot One P P P P P P P P P P P P - - - modular home per lot PP P P P P P P P - - Duplexes (2 (2 (2 (2 7) 7) 7) 2Y P P P P P P P P P P P p P P P P 6 Multifamily (2 (2 (2 (1 (t (2) {C4) (2) (2) 5) townhouse 7y 7) 7) 9) 9J units nj n (5) P P p PP P P p P P Mu€tdamlly (2 {2 IP (2) (a) (2) (1 dwellings 8> s) C 6} Mobile P horses and manufacture d homes —[TMobile P P P P (1 P P home parka 3) 3) 3} 3j Group P P F p P P P Ip P P P P P p P P P C P P P P C R homes class I -A Group P - P P P P P P P P C P P c C C P - - homes c#ass I -B Group C C C C C G C C C C C C C C G O S - homes class II -A Group c c c c c C c c c e c c c C C c e - homes class II.6 Group c C C C C c c C C o c c c c c c c - homes class II -C Group C c C C C C c C r, c s c 19 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 20 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Pistrirts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses a Z7 a �„ a R F+ U' z W U U' V V tj' r eNL U Cond d" zitional r Uses A = Accessory Uses homes class (2 (2 (2 (2 (2 (2 12 12 12 12 (2 (0 I!I 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 4) Secure oommurity transition fac tlesm, V P P P P P P P P P P P R R P P P P R Rebulldlaco eaaory uses (a) (6) (6) (a) (6) (6) (e) (a) (e) (e) (e) (a) (a) raj (b) (a) (a) {8) for existing dwellings P P P P P P P P P P P R 6 Transitionaf (2 (2 l (j (2) (C4} (7)M (1) housing) (5y (3 (3 0) 0) Guest A A A A A A A A cottages (2) (2) (2 (2} (2) (2) (2) ((2 and houses Rooming A A A A A A A A A A and boarding of not more than three (3) persons Farm worker A A A A accommoda (1 (e) (1 fs) tions n 7) Arcess(wy A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A uses and (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 buildings e) 8) 8) 8) 8) 6) 6) 8) 8) 61 6) customarily appurtenant to a pemlitted use Accessory A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A - - dwelling (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 JA (1 (1 (1 (1 0 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 Unita 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 4) 4) 4) 0) 0) Accessory A A A A A A A A A A A A A A living 0 0 0 (1 0 (1 (1 (4 (4 0 (1 (1 0 (S quarters 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) 4 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) Live -work P {2 units sy Home A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Aorrupations 1)1ii flA i) 20 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.030. Residential land use development conditions. 1. Dwelling units, limited to not more than ones} per establishment, for security or maintenance personnel and their families, when located on the premises where they are employed in such capacity. No other residential use shall be permitted. 21 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special .ea C7 Ce GL R a 4 U x. Uses A = Accessory Uses Service A bulldings Storage A A 4 A A A A A A A A A A - - - buildln9s and storage 8) 8) 6) 6) 6) 6) 8) 6) 6) 6) 6) 6) Of recreational vehicles Drive In c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c r c I; e c c c c c churches Emergency c c c c c c c c c c 0- c c c c s housing; emergency shelter Assisied c c c c c P P P P P P P P P I r C P P 6 IIVIn g i2 (2 (2 (2) (4) (2) (} facilities a) 9) s) c (5) 6) Reaidentlal C C r, C C P P P P P P P P P c c P P - e facilities with 92 (2 92 (2) (cd) (2) M health care {5J Designated P P P P P P P P P P P - - manufacture J2�P2 f } d home 5) 5) 5) 5) 5) 5) 5y 5} 5$ 5) Sec. 15.04.030. Residential land use development conditions. 1. Dwelling units, limited to not more than ones} per establishment, for security or maintenance personnel and their families, when located on the premises where they are employed in such capacity. No other residential use shall be permitted. 21 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 2. Multifamily residential uses, or other residential facilities where allowed, shall be permitted only in the mixed use overlay when included within a mixed use development. 3. [Reserved]. 4. Multifamily residential uses, or other residential facilities where allowed, when established in buildings with commercial or office uses, and not located on the ground floor. 5. Multifamily residential uses, or other residential facilities where allowed, when not combined with commercial or office uses. 5. Existing dwellings may be rebuilt, repaired, and otherwise changed for human occupancy. Accessory uses for existing dwellings may be constructed. Such uses are garages, carports, storage sheds, and fences. 7. Transitional housing facilities, limited to a maximum of twenty} residents at any one--� time., plus up to four {4}resident staff. 8. Guesthouses not rented or otherwise conducted as a business. 9. Farm dwellings appurtenant to a principal agricultural use for the housing of farm owners, operators, or employees, but not accommodations for transient labor. 10. Accessory dwelling units shall not be included in calculating the maximum density. Accessory dwelling units are allowed subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.350. 11. Customary incidental home occupations subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.040. 22 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 12. [Reserved]. 13. Subject to the combining district requirements of the mobile home park code, Chapter 12.05 KCC. 14. Accessory living quarters are allowed per the provisions of KCC 15.08.359. - - - - - wwrdodm - - - - Y -- - - - -VMMVM■ - - - - - - - LReseryed] 16. Recreational vehicle storage is permitted as an accessory use in accordance with KCC 15.08.080. 17. Accommodations for farm operators and employees, but not accommodations for transient labor. 18. Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, which are not permitted in residential zones. 19. The following zoning is required to be in existence on the entire property to be rezoned at the time of application for a rezone to an MR -T zone: SR -8, MR -D, MR -G, MR -M, MR -H, G -G44U-, NCC, CC, GC, DC, or DCE. 20. All multifamily townhouse developments in the MR -T zone shall be recorded as townhouses with ownership interest, as defined in KCC 15.02.525.1, prior to approval of a certificate of occupancy by the city. 21. Subject to KCC 15.08.160(A) and (B), Accessory buildings. 23 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 22. One fl -duplex per lot is permitted. 23. Secure community transition facilities are only permitted enly In the within the boundaries depicted or the following map, and only with a Conditional Use Permit. 24. , other than secure commu" transition dlitier, arenet,. A secure community transition facility shall also comply with applicable state siting and permitting requirements pursuant to Chapter 71.09 RCW. Secure community transition facilities are not subject to the siting criteria of KCC 15.08.280 for class III group homes, but they are subject to a six hundred (69G) foot separation from any other class II or III group home. In no 24 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance case shall a secure community transition facility be sited adjacent to, immediately across the street or parking lot from, or within the line of sight of risk potential activities or facilities in existence at the time a site is listed for consideration. Within line of sight means that it is possible to reasonably visually distinguish and recognize individuals. For the purposes of granting a conditional use permit for siting a secure community transition facility, the hearing examiner shall consider an unobstructed visual distance of six hundred (600) feet to be "within line of sight." During the conditional use permit process for a secure community transition facility, "line of sight" may be considered to be less than six hundred (690)feet if the applicant can demonstrate that visual barriers exist or can be created that would reduce the line of sight to less than six hundred (699) feet. This distance shall be measured by following a straight line, without regard to intervening buildings, from the nearest point of the property or parcel upon which the proposed use is to be located, to the nearest point of the parcel or property or the land use district boundary line from which the proposed use is to be separated. For the purpose of granting a conditional use permit for a secure community transition facility, the hearing examiner shall give great weight to equitable distribution so that the city shall not be subject to a disproportionate share of similar facilities of a state-wide, regional, or county-wide nature. 25. A designated manufactured home is a permitted use with the following conditions: a. A designated manufactured home must be a new manufactured home; b. The designated manufactured home shall be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and the space from the bottom of the home to the ground shall be enclosed by concrete 25 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance or an approved concrete product that can be either load bearing or decorative; C. The designated manufactured home shall comply with all city design standards applicable to all other single-family homes; d. The designated manufactured home shall be thermally equivalent to the State Energy Code; and e. The designated manufactured home shall meet all other requirements for a designated manufactured home as defined in RCW 35.63.160. 26, Multifamily dwellings shall be allowed only within the Kent downtown districts outlined in the Downtown StrategieSubarea Action Plan and shall be condominiums recorded pursuant to Chapter 64.32 or 64.34 RCW or similar dwelling units with ownership interest and recorded as such prior to approval of a certificate of occupancy by the city. 27. Within subdivisions, as defined by KCC 12.04.025, vested after March 22, 2007, or altered to comply with zoning and subdivision code amendments effective after March 22, 2007, twenty-five {�percent of the total number of permitted dwelling units may be duplex or triplex townhouse structures. 28. Live -work units; provided, that the following development standards shall apply for live -work units, in addition to those set forth in KCC 15.04.190: a. The unit shall contain a cooking space and sanitary facility in conformance with applicable building standards; 26 Zoning Cade Amendment Ordinance b. Adequate and clearly defined working space must constitute no less than fifty {50 -)-percent of the gross floor area of the live -work unit. Said working space shall be reserved for and regularly used by one {mor more persons residing there; C. At least one {resident in each live -work unit shall maintain at all times a valid city business license for a business on the premises; d. Persons who do not reside in the live -work unit may be employed in the live -work unit when the required parking is provided; e. Customer and client visits are allowed when the required parking is provided; f. No portion of a live -work unit may be separately rented or sold as a commercial space for a person or persons not living on the premises, or as a residential space for a person or persons not working on the premises; g. The multiple -family design guidelines and development standards do not apply to live -work units; h. Construct all nonresidential space, to the maximum allowed, to commercial building standards; and i. Provide an internal connection between the residential and nonresidential space within each unit. 29. Subject to the maximum permitted density of the zoning district. 30. Conditional use when the number of residents exceeds twenty {2-&} at any one {time ardor more than four {4 -resident staff. 27 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.040. Manufacturing land uses. 28 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses 5 = Special Uses C = Conditional uses A = Accessory Uses r M Y `�rR Q N 0 F F = r N (: ow l7 K Of 0Y K [Y K K N Mfe Q Q 0 N fn N N ,$ M n� iE E� Z U n C1 Manufactudng, 123 } P - - P P P (23 P P processing, '23 '23 }23 ) c 12-2 blending, and (1) } packaging of food and beverage products Manufacturing, P P P P P P C P fA processing, {p blending, and packaging of drugs, pharmaceutical S' toiletries, and cosmetics Manufacturing, P P P - - P P P P a P (2) processing, blending, and packaging of dairy products and byproducts Industrial P P - P P P (2a P (2) laundry and dyeing c (including linen (30 supply and ) diaper services) Printing, P (21 P P O P P P P R publishing, and ) 1 ( ) allied industries Chemicals and C (4) c (t) c (4) c C) related products mfg. Contractor ( P - C P P shops (3) (1) (2) Custom arts P P P P (1 P {21 and crafts (1) products mfg. Computers, (3) ( ( (3) P #2i offtee machines, and equipment mfg. Manufacturing P (3) P (3) P P P P c P and assembly (1) of eledricai equipment, appliances, lighting, radio, N communication S, equipment, and components Fabricated P P P P P P P metal products (1) mfg.; custcm sheet metal mfg., 28 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 29 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C = Condilionef Uses A = Accessory Uses N w a1 U U IY r N V 0 0.' d' fC T U U U U containers, hand tools, heating equipment, screw products, extrusion, coating, and plating Manufacturing P P P P P P P and assembly (s) ts) (25 (25 (26 (25 (a) of electronic ) ) ) } and electrical devices, and , automotive, aerospace, missile, airframe, and similar products A A A A A A A A A .A A A A A A A - Hazardous (7 (7) (8 (8) (8) (8) t7) (7) (7) (7 (a (7 (12 02 (12 (14 substance land ) ) ) ) t ) ) ) uses (15 Offices A A A A A A A A P P - P P P P inddertal and necessary to the Conduct of a principally parmilled use P P P - - P P P P - Warehousing (22 (16 {46 (16 (16 (16 (24 and distribution ) c ) ) C (1) facilities {31 ) C G C P P Rail -truck (13 } (17 ) (17 ) (fib ) (11 transfer Uses c (1j Outdoor P P A - A A A C P storage A C (1) (including truck, heavy equipment, and contractor storage yards as allowed by development standards, KCC 15.04,190 and 1 S.M.195) Miniwarehouse c (16 P P C- R s self -storage Manufacturing e P of soaps, C 1 detergents, and other basic cleaning and cleansing preparations Manufacturing C C of plastics and (P1} 29 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 30 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses Permitted S = Special Uses C = Condl(lonal Uses = Accessory o M N N � N F (9 o: o:KOC o_rK d'x (f U V V U M U N n synthetic resins Manufacturing C p � of synthetic and natural fiber and cloth Manufacturing c P c of plywood, (1J composition wallboard, and similar siructural wood products Manufacturing P o of nonmetallic (t) mineral products such as abrasives, asbestos, chalk, pumice, and putty Manufacturing C Pn of heat- �} res€sting or structural day products (brick, Ills, or pipe) or porcelain products Manufacturing P of machinery and heavy machine tool equipment for general Industry and mining, agricultural, construction, or service industries Manufacturing, P (20 ( (20 P (20 P c (( 2) processing, ) ) ) (i) assembling, (26 (26 (26 and packaging ) I) of articles, ,26 728 (28 products, or merchandise made from previously prepared natural or synthetic materials Manufacturing, P 20 (z0 ( P {28 P (28 processing, C treating, 126 (28 {28 (1) assembling, ) ) and packaging of articles, products, or merchandise from previously prepared ferrous, nonferrous, or alloyed metals 30 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 31. Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Pisiricts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C = Conditional Uses A = Accessor/ Uses r M .{ ID GP ❑ N !O ~ F (J 4 V U (] GC r N CS p C7 ➢.' d' fY Ix W m a� "L IX TG IL W Y 0 `C U U LW) 0 Q Q SO SO 0) to rn 2 Gc V ❑ ❑ S 2 5 0 Complexes P P which include a combination of uses, including a mixture of office, storage, and light manufacturing uses Accessary A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A' A' A' A' A uses and (27 (9 (9) (10 (10 (10 (1) (10 (9) (9) (9 (aT buildings 1 1 customarily appurtenant to a permitted use impound lots c C (1� - 31. Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.050. Manufacturing land use development conditions. 1. The following uses require a conditional use permit: a. Manufacture of such types of basic materials as follows: (1) Gum and wood chemicals and fertilizers, and basic industrial organic and inorganic chemicals or products such as alkalis and chlorine, industrial and liquid petroleum, gases, cellophane, coal tar products, dyes and dye products, impregnated products, tanning compounds, and glue and gelatin. (2) Hydraulic cement, concrete, gypsum, lime, carbon, carbon black, graphite, coke, glass, and similar products. b. Manufacture of products such as the following: (1) Ammunition, explosives, fireworks, matches, photographic flim, missile propellants, and similar combustibles. (2) Rubber from natural, synthetic, or reclaimed materials. (3) Paving and roofing materials or other products from petroleum derivatives. C. Refining of materials such as petroleum and petroleum products, metals and metal ores, sugar, and fats and oils. d. Distilling of materials such as bone, coal, coal tar, coke, wood, and other similar distillates. 32 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance e, Heavy metal processes, such as ore reduction or smelting, including blast furnaces, and including drop forging, drop hammering, boiler plate works, and similar heavy metal operations: (1) Asphalt batching plants. (2) Concrete mixing and batching plants, including ready - mix concrete facilities. (3) Rock crushing plants and aggregate dryers. (4) Sandblasting plants. f. Animal and food processing, including the following and similar operations: (1) Tanning, dressing, and finishing of hides, skins, and furs. (2) Meat and seafood products, curing, canning, rendering, and slaughtering. (3) Nitrating of cotton and other materials. (4) Rendering of animal grease or tallow, fish oil, and similar materials. operations. (5) Slaughtering, stockyard, feedlot, dairy, and similar (6) Pickling and brine curing processes. (7) Wholesale produce markets. 33 Zoning Cade Amendment Ordinance g. Salvage, wrecking, and disposal activities, including the following and similar operations: (1) Automobile and building wrecking and salvage. (2) Salvage of industrial waste materials such as metal, paper, glass, rags, and similar materials. (3) Sewage disposal and treatment plants. (4) Dump and sump operations for such uses as rubbish, garbage, trash, and other liquid and solid wastes. h. Storage of the following kinds of goods: (1) Bulk storage of oil, gas, petroleum, butane, propane, liquid petroleum gas, and similar products, and bulk stations and plants. (2) Used building materials, mover's equipment, relocated buildings, impounded vehicles, and similar materials. (3) Explosives or fireworks, except where incidental to a principally permitted use. (4) Fertilizer or manure. fit:-Reservedl 34 Zoning Code Amendment ordinance 0-01 - p �� _ ft�MMIRMLD _ _ AGE w r - IM 12=3 r fit:-Reservedl 34 Zoning Code Amendment ordinance 3. Small scale light manufacturing operations as follows: stamping, brazing, testing, electronic assembly, and kindred operations where the building, structure, or total operation does not encompass more than ten thousand (10,000) square feet of area. The ten thousand (10,000) square foot total shall include all indoor and outdoor storage areas associated with the manufacturing operation. Only one (1) ten thousand (1.0,000) square foot manufacturing operation shall be permitted per lot. 4. Conditional use for manufacturing of paint, but manufacturing of paint is permitted outright in the M3 zone. 5. Contractor shops where most of the work is done on call, and which do not rely on walk-in trade, but where some incidental storage or semi - manufacturing work is done on the premises, such as carpentry, heating, electrical, or glass shops, printing, publishing, or lithographic shops, furniture, upholstery, dry cleaning, and exterminators. ,and serviee bay Accessory uses include sales of product accessory to and directly related to the manufacturing or warehousing use on the site. 7. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not permitted in this district. Fuel farm facilities are not allowed in AG or A-10 zones. 35 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance S. For permitted uses, hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC and which do not accumulate more than five thousand (5,000) pounds of hazardous substances or wastes or any combination thereof at any one—} time on the site, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not permitted in this district. 9. Includes incidental storage facilities and loading/unloading areas. 10. Includes incidental storage facilities, which must be enclosed, and loading/unloading areas. 11. including transportation and transit terminals with repair and storage facilities, and rail -truck stations, except classification yards in the category of "hump yards." 12. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050. Offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities are not permitted in this district, except through a special use combining district. 13. Conditional use permit required for trucking terminals and rail -truck transfer uses. 36 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 14. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Ch. 11.02 KCC, subject to the provisions of KCC 15,08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which require a conditional use permit in this district. 15. The following require a conditional use permit: a. Offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050. b. Any hazardous substance land use that is not an accessory use to a principally permitted use. 16. Warehousing and distribution facilities and the storage of goods or products, except for those goods or products specifically described as permitted to be stored only as conditional uses in the M3 district. 17. Conditional use for car loading and distribution facilities, and rail - truck transfer stations. 18. Warehousing and distribution facilities and the storage of goods or products, including rail -truck transfer facilities. 19. Miniwarehouses; provided, that the following development standards shall apply for miniwarehouses, superseding those set out in KCC and 15.04.200.. For purposes of this Title "miniwarehouses" means any real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space to occupants who are to have access to the space for the purpose of storing and removing personal property on a self-service basis, but does not include_a garage or other storage area Jn a private residence. No occupant ..may use a miniwarehouse for residential purposes. 37 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance a. Frontage use. The first one hundred fifty (IS()) feet of lot depth, measured from the property line or right-of-way inward from the street frontage, shall be reserved for principally permitted uses for this district, , or for the office or onsite manager's unit, signage, parking, and access. A maximum of twenty-five} percent of the frontage may be used for access to the storage unit area; provided, that in no case shall the access area exceed seventy-five�3 feet in width. No storage units or structures shall be permitted within this one hundred fifty-(l-50� feet of commercial frontage depth. b. Lot size. Minimum lot size is one-(-l� acre; maximum lot size is four} acres. C. Site coverage. Site coverage shall be in accordance with the underlying zoning district requirements. d. Setbacks. Setbacks shall be as follows: (1) Front yard: Twenty-(2� feet. (2) Side yard: Tend -G- feet. (3) Rear yard: Ten {49 feet. e. Height limitation. The height limitation is one -(4j story. f. Outdoor storage. No outdoor storage is permitted. g. Signs. The sign requirements of Ch. 15.06 KCC shall apply. h. Off-street parking. shall apply. (1) The off-street parking requirements of Ch. 15.05 KCC 38 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance (2) Off-street parking may be located in required yards, except in areas required to be landscaped. i. Development plan review. Development plan approval is required as provided in KCC 15.09.010. j. Landscaping. Landscaping requirements are as follows: (1) Front yard: Twenty-eMj feet, type III (earth berms). (2) Side yard: Tend# -G} feet, type II abutting commercial uses or districts; type I abutting residential uses or districts. (3) Rear yard: Ten--(- feet, type II abutting commercial uses or districts; type I abutting residential uses or districts. For maintenance purposes, underground irrigation systems shall be provided for all landscaped areas. k. Onsite manager. A resident manager shall be required on the site and shall be responsible for maintaining the operation of the facility in conformance with the conditions of the approval. The planning department shall establish requirements for parking and loading areas sufficient to accommodate the needs of the resident manager and the customers of the facility. I. Drive aisles. Drive aisle width and parking requirements are as follows: aisle. (1) Fifteen -fl -S-} foot drive aisle and tend-&} foot parking (2) Parking for manager's quarters and visitor parking. M. Building lengths. The horizontal dimension of any structure facing the perimeter of the site shall be offset at intervals not to exceed 39 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance one hundred (190) feet. The offset shall be no less than twenty -RE feet in the horizontal dimension, with a minimum depth of fives feet. n. Building materials. If abutting a residential use or zone, residential design elements such as brick veneer, wood siding, pitched roofs with shingles, landscaping, and fencing shall be used. No incom atible building colors should be used when abutting a residential use or zone. o. Prohibited uses. Use is restricted to dead storage only. The following are specifically prohibited: (1) Auctions (other than tenant lien sales), commercial, wholesale or retail sales, or garage sales. (2) The servicing, repair, or fabrication of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, lawn mowers, appliances, or other similar equipment. (3) The operation of power tools, spray painting equipment, table saws, lathes, compressors, welding equipment, kilns, or other similar equipment. (4) The establishment of a transfer and storage business. (5) Any use that is noxious or offensive because of odor, dust, noise, fumes, or vibration. (6) Storage of hazardous or toxic materials and chemicals or explosive substances. P. Fencing. No razor wire is allowed on top of fences. 20. Prohibited are those manufacturing activities having potentially deleterious operational characteristics, such as initial processing of raw materials (forging, smeltering, refining, and forming). 40 Zoning Code Amendment ordinance 21. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC district (as shown in KCC 15.04.080) must be retail or pedestrian -oriented. Pedestrian -oriented development shall have the main ground floor entry located adjacent to a public street and be physically and visually accessible by pedestrians from the sidewalk; and may include the following uses: a. Retail establishments, including but not limited to convenience goods, department and variety stores, specialty shops such as apparel and accessories, gift shops, toy shops, cards and paper goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, antique shops, and book shops; b. Personal services, including but not -limited to barber shops, beauty salons, and dry cleaning; C. Repair services, including but not limited to television, radio, computer, jewelry, and shoe repair; d. Food -related shops, including but not limited to restaurants (including outdoor seating areas and excluding drive-in restaurants) and taverns; e. Copy establishments; f. Professional services, including but not limited to law offices and consulting services; and g. Any other use that is determined by the planning director to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses and in accordance with the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to KCC 15.09.065, Interpretation of uses. 22. Permitted uses are limited to storage, warehousing, processing and conversion of agricultural, dairy, and horticultural products, but not including slaughtering, meat packing, and fue[ farm facilities. 41 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 24. Except for those goods or products specifically described as permitted to be stored as conditional uses. 25. Excluding explosive fuels and propellants. 26, Excluding predominantly drop forge and drop hammer operations. 27. Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, which are not permitted in residential zones. 28. Excluding paint boiling processes. 29. Limited to twenty-five–(� percent of gross floor area. Reference KCC 15,04.080(5). 30. Retail or services uses which exceed the twenty-five- §} percent limit on an individual or cumulative basis shall be subject to review individually through the conditional use permit process. A conditional use permit shall be required on an individual tenant or business basis and shall be granted only when it is demonstrated that the operating characteristics of the use will not adversely impact onsite or offsite conditions on either an individual or cumulative basis. 31. Reuse or replacement of existing structures for non-agricultural uses is allowed where it is shown that the existing structures are obsolete for agricultural use and will have no viable economic use unless they can be put to non-agricultural use. Any replacement structures must maintain or enhance the agricultural appearance of the property. Signs shall be limited to not more than one hundred- +-l- } square feet in area per business, and of that amount, freestanding signs shall not exceed forty f49} square feet in area. No increase in the area of existing impervious surface shall be allowed in connection with a non-agricultural use. 42 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance uses. Sec. 15.04.060. Transportation, public, -,and utilities land 43 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 44 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Pormided Uses 5 = Special Uses C = Conditional Uses A = Accessory Uses p r iJ N N W N ♦" � f" U` Z : 0. x W U N a N C) a a w w- IL- z cr o o U 0 a Commercial C C C C C parking lots or structures C G C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 6 G C C C P C Transpo folia nand transit 6 facilities ) Railway and C C C C C C C bus depots, taxi stands Utility and G C C C C C C C C C C C C G C C C C C C C C C 8 6 C C C C C transportation facilities; Electrical substations, pumping or regulating devices for the transmission of water, gas, steam, petroleum, eIG. Pubtic C C G C C C C C C C C C C C C G P C C C C C C G 6 C C C C 6 facilities; Firehouses, police slalions, llbrades, and administraN e offices of governmental agencies, primary and secondary schools, vocatlonat schools, and colleges Accessory A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A uses and buildings customarily } appurtenant to a permitted use Wireless P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P talecommuni (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) { ( { ( ( { ( ( ( ( ( ( ( f cations (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 2 i -1„ 1 1 1 1 2- 4 1 1 1 1 '1 faciliLy (WTF) ) } ) ) ) ) ) } } } ) ) ) } by adminisirativ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 e. approval ) ) ) } ) ) ) } } } ) } ) } C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C G C C 6& C C C C C Wireless (5) (5) (8) (8) (S) (5) (8) (8) (8) (S) (5) (5) (5) ( { ( ( ( ( { ( f E ( ( { ( f telecommuni (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) B 5 4 4 R 4 4 4 g 4 4 4 4 4 4 cations } ) ) ) ) ) ) } } ) } ) } ) } facility (WTF) { ( ( ( ( ( ( f E { ( ( ( f by conditional 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a a 3 3 3 3 3 Lisa permit } ) ) ) ) ) ) } ) ) ) ) ) } 44 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 45 Zoning Cade Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C = Conditional Uses A = Accessory Uses 14 Q 2 2 z U 0 U 0 U 0 2 U U (7 4 l9 Q tri to rn N to A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EV charging (9) (9} (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9} (9) (9) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( f ( { ( { { sialion 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Rapid A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A charging (1 (1 JA (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 stailon 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 45 Zoning Cade Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.065. Transportation, public, and utilities land use development conditions. 1. For WTF towers ninety -(98) feet or less for a single user and up to one hundred twenty(129) feet for two -(2i or more users. 2. For WTF towers that are within the allowable building height for the district in which they are located. 3. All WTFs are subject to applicable portions of KCC 15.08.035. 4. A conditional use permit for a WTF is required if it is greater than ninety --('M feet for a single user or one hundred twenty (129) feet for two {2} or more users. 5, A conditional use permit is required if the WTF exceeds the allowable building height of the district. 6. Transportation and transit terminal, including repair and storage facilities and rail -truck stations, except classification yards in the category of `hump yards." 7. Aeeessei=y uses shall not inelude vehieular drive thFeugh, drive in, eir Reserved 8. If on property owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the city or other government entity subject to KCC 15,08.035(I). 9. Level 1 and 2 charging only. 10, Only as part of a general conditional use identified in KCC 15.08.030. 46 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.070. Wholesale and retail land uses. 47 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C= Conditionat Uses A = Accessory Uses d r aaaaIXWrxWWO�r cs L, L) �' U d u, ti to rn m2 Bakeries and P P P P P P P confectioners (2) as Wholesale P P bakery P P P P P P P Bulk retail (2 (2 {1) (3) 6) 6) Recycling C P centers Retail sates P P P P of lumber, tools, and other building materials, including preassemble d products Hardware, P P P P P P P P P P paint, tfle, 1 (2) and i} wallpaper (retail) Farm P P equipment General P P P P P P P P R merchandise: Dry goods, ) variety, and department stores {retail) Food and P P P P P P P P P S P S P converlence (1 (1 (4) (1 (2) stores (retail) i) 2) 2) Automobile, P P P aircraft, motorcycle, boat, and recreational vehicles sales (retail) Automotive, P P P P P P P P P R aircraft, (1 0 (5) (2) motorcycle, 3) 3) (1 and marine 3) accessories (retail) Gasclire S 5 S S S S S S S A service (6) (6) (6) (6} (6) (6) (6) (6) {6) slalicns 47 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 48 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses 5 = Special Uses C= Conditional Uses A = Accessory Uses ¢ r M$r4�❑1-r N � t7�xa 0 ur U V 6 Y N v l7 r1 rr ff cc o: a o: ae o! o= x U ❑ c) Ur U 0 O s g g g 4 u� V� N vi ur z U ❑ ❑ :R 2 2 U U Apparel and P P P P P P P P A R accessories (retail) 1) Furniture, P P P P P P P P P R home (1 furnishing 1) (retail) Eating and P P P P P P P P P P A P P P p drinking ' (4 (} (2} eslalillshmen is oo drive- through) Casing and S C P S P R drinking (6) (7) (6) (2 E21 oslablishmen (2 t2 (2 0) E�1 is (with drive- 0) 6) 0) R through o} Eating P P P A A A A facilities for employees Planned S development (4 14) retail sales Drive- C P P P P P P - R 0vough1drive (2 (2 (2 12 (2 (2 (2 0 -up 2) 0) 0) 4) 4) o) 0) businesses (commarcieih etail — other than eatingldrinkin g establishman ts) Miscellaneeu P P P P P P P P P A A P s retail: Drugs, i) antiques, books, sporting Foods, jewelry, florist, photo supplies, video rental, computer supplies, etc. P P P P P P PP P P P Liquor store ( W Farm P P P supplies, hay, grain, feed, fencing, etc. (retail) Nurseries, P P P P greenhousea, garden supplies, tools, etc. 48 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec, 15.04.080. Wholesale and retail land use development conditions. 49 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P = Principally PermMed Uses S = Special Uses C= Conditional Uses A = Accessory Uses rt 2 U Q Q N N in N NM Z U tl PetshopsP P P P P (retail and grooming) Computers P P P P P P P (2) and electronics (retail) P P P P P P P P R Hotels and (1 (2 motels 1) 5) Complexes P P which include combinations of uses, including a mixture of office, light manufacturin g, storage, and commercial uses Outdoor P P A A A A A P storage (1 (1 (1 {4 (1 (1 (1 (1 (including 9) 9) 9) gr; 9) 9) 9) 9) truck, heavy equipment, and contractor storage yards as allowed by development standards, KCC 15.04.490 and 15.04.195} Accessory A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A uses and {9 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 {1 (1 (1 (4 buildings ) 6) 6) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 5) 6) 6) 0) customarily appurtenant to a permitted use Agriculturally 2 related retail 0) Battery S S A A 5 A S S exchange JA 3) JA JA 3) 1.8 3) IS IS 3) 3) JA 3) JA 3 station —L 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) Sec, 15.04.080. Wholesale and retail land use development conditions. 49 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance i. Bulk retail uses which provide goods for regional retail and wholesale markets; provided, that each use occupy no less than forty- three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet of gross floor area. bai+diiggs.rReserved] OEM ■ - - - r ■ r - 4 i i ■ - - - - w iii - - - - - - - - M., i ■ i i dFiVe in restaurant .rReservedl 4. cenven6enee an -- martsare -- - a maximurr gFass - - 5. Uses shall be limited to twenty-five�} percent of the gross floor area of any single- or multi -building development. Retail and service uses which exceed the twenty-five) percent limit on an individual or cumulative basis shall be subject to review individually through the conditional use permit process. A conditional use permit shall be required on an individual tenant or business basis and shall be granted only when it is demonstrated that the operating characteristics of the use will not adversely impact onsite or offsite conditions on either an individual or cumulative basis. For example, in the case of a business park with several buildings, twenty-five percent of the buildings' combined floor area may be devoted to these retail and service uses. For single building_ parcels, twenty-five percent of the floor area of the single building may be devoted to these retail and service uses. 6. Special uses must conform to the development standards listed in KCC 15.08.020. so Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 7. Drive-through restaurants, only if located in a building having at least two stories. 8. Accessory uses are only allowed in cases where development plans demonstrate a relationship between these uses and the principal uses of the property. 9. Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, which are not permitted in residential zones. 1.0. Retail uses operated in conjunction with and incidental to permitted uses, provided such uses are housed as a part of the building comprising the basic operations. 1.1. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC district, set forth in the map below, must be retail or pedestrian -oriented. Pedestrian -oriented development shall have the main ground floor entry located adjacent to a public street and be physically and visually accessible by pedestrians from the sidewalk; and may include the following uses: a. Retail establishments, including but not limited to convenience goods, department and variety stores, specialty shops such as apparel and accessories, gift shops, toy shops, cards and paper goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, antique shops, and book shops; b. Personal services, including but not limited to barber shops, beauty salons, and dry cleaning; C. Repair services, including but not limited to television, radio, computer, jewelry, and shoe repair; 51 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance d. Food -related shops, including but not limited to restaurants (including outdoor seating areas and excluding drive-in restaurants) and taverns; e. Copy establishments; f. Professional services, including but not limited to law offices and consulting services; and g. Any other use that is determined by the planning director to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses and in accordance with the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to KCC 15.09,065, Interpretation of uses. 12. Retail convenience grocery sales are allowed in conjunction with a gasoline service station as a special permit use subject to the development standards listed in KCC 15.08.020. 13. Retail sales are limited to tires, batteries, and accessories for industrial vehicle and equipment except in the M1 -C zoning. district where retail sales of tires batteries and accessories are allowed for industrial or ersonal vehicles and equipment. 14. Retail sales -w as it of planned - - - ---- where at least fifty i pereent of- r clevelepment-use.- ig restaurants, service stations, drive in cleaiging establishmerts, and - - ri - - ether ■ • ■ .tReservedl 52 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 16. Includes incidental storage facilities and loading/unloading areas. 17. Includes incidental storage facilities, which must be enclosed, and loading/unloading areas. and seic,Aee bay f Reservedl 19. Reference KCC 15.07.040(C), outdoor storage landscaping. 20. Whenever feasible, drive-up/drive-through facilities shall be accessed from the rear of a site and run along an interior lot line or building elevation. Landscaping, sufficient to soften the visual impact of vehicle stacking areas, may be required. 21. Retail use must be for sale of agricultural or horticultural produces, at least twenty-five} percent of the gross sales value of which are grown within Washington State. Up to fifty-F_34� percent of the gross sales value may be for seed, gardening equipment and products, private label foods, and locally hand -made products. Any structures must be designed to maintain or enhance the agricultural appearance of the area. 22. Any drive-up/drive-through facility shall be accessory to the principal use to which it is attached. 53 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Ground Floot, Retail/Su ice area w mi€ Gwuh l floor RLAAi1/Scn,i(x lNe Rcyuircd 23. All battery exchange activities and associated storage shall take place within an enclosed building. The development standards listed in KCC 15.08.020(B) shall apply, except that numberth subsection -M(3) shall not apply. 24. Drive-through/drive-up businesses are permitted only under the following conditions: a. The development must be within a strip -mall or shopping center. 25. The ground floor or street level must be retail or pedestrian -oriented following the ,Midway Design Guidelines. The main ground floor entry shall open to a public street with accessory retail uses accessible by pedestrians. 25. Bulk retail is permitted only when single -tenant building is over one {-k}-acre in size. 54 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.090. Service land uses. 55 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P= Principally Permitted Use S = Special Uses C= Conditional Uses A= Accessory Uses C N IO W CS U K r N 4 M N N 4 r to Finance, P P P P P P P P P F P P P P insurance, (2 (1 } (2) (a) real estate 2) (1 services 2) Personal P P P P P P P P P G- P P P R services: (2 (1 (1 (1 (2) (a) Laundry, 2) 2) 0) 0) C dry 0) cleaning, barber, salons, shoe repair, launderatt es P P P P F - F Mortuaries (1 (4)2) Home P P P P p I P I P P I P P 1P I P I P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P F day-care Day-care C C C C C I C C P P P p P I P P P P P P P P p P P P F P P P P P P center Business P P P P P P P F P P P P services, (1 (2) (a) duplicating 2) and blue printing, travel agencies, and employme nt agencies Building P P P P P P P maintenen (`) ce and pest control Outdoor P P A A A A A P storage C (including {9} truck, heavy equipment ,and contractor storage yards as allowed by devetopm ent standards, KCC 15.OA 190 and 15.0�1.1'J5) 55 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 56 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P= Prindpally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C= Conditloral Uses A= Accessory Uses o "' Y S ry ❑ N t= iD c� x u w ci ci 0r .- rt K K zc U U U U F- F U 2 U N N M Q Q N Vii V�j v (lr M z u n 0 U U 0 0 Rental P P P P - P P P and (2) leasing services for oafs, trucks, trailers, furniture, and lools Auto C P P P P P P C repair and (2 (S) washing 1) services (2 (including 3} body work) Repair P P P P P P F P P P services: (1 (2) (3j Watch, 2) N, electrical, electronic, upholstery Profession P P P P P P P P P P P P p- al al (2) (3) services: 4) Medical, clinics, and other health care - related services Heavy P P P C P equipment (9} and truck repair Contract P P P P P - P P P P P constructs (1 (1 (i (1 (1 (2) (3) on service 6) 6) 6) 7) 7) (1 offices: 7) Building constructi on, plumbing, paving, and landscapin g Education P P P P P P P P P P P at (2) f3) services: Vocational trade, art, music, dancing, barber, and beauty S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Churches ( ( (LL ( ( ( { ( ( Is { (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) {4j 56 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 57 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts Key P= Princlpally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C= Conditional Uses A= Accessory Uses Y1 N tD K V W r U N V r N U rY 0:' (K 0: a rl w rt T E Z U O A � F-� rte} U CV7 C4 � Q Q 0 0 N 0 2 2 2 M a� 4 A A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ) )))))))))) AdminislraP P P P P P C P P P P P P 1x Live and (1 (2) (3) profession 2) al offices — general P P P P P P P P P R f= P P P P P Municipal (-$ (1 (1 (2) (1 (4 uses and 3} 3} 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3i 3) 3) (1 3) 3) buildings 3) Research, P C P P P P P P P developm I (2) 0 ent, and 4) testing Planned G develeprn eat -retail sales Accessory A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A uses and { (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 {1 (1 (1 (1 0 buildings 7 8) 8) 9) 9) 9) 9) 9) 8) 8) 8) 6) cusiomadi ) y appurtena nito a permitted use Boarding C C C G kennels and breading establishm encs Veterinary C P P P P P P C R clinics and (8) (8) (©) (8) (8) {$-j (4 veterinary hospitals Administra P P P P live or P executive offices which are part of a predomina ni Industrial operation offices A A A A A incidental and necessary to the Conduct of a principally permitted use 57 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 15.04.100 Service land use development conditions. 1. Banks and financial institutions (excluding drive-through). 2. Uses shall be limited to twenty -five -(29 percent of the gross floor area of any single- or multi -building development. Retail and service uses which exceed the twenty-five—(5) percent limit on an individual or cumulative basis shall be subject to review individually through the conditional use permit process. A conditional use permit shall be required on an individual tenant or business basis and shall be granted only when it is demonstrated that the operating characteristics of the use will not adversely impact onsite or offsite conditions on either an individual or cumulative basis. buildings. f Reserved! 4. Special uses must conform to the development standards listed in KCC 15.08,020. 5. Excluding aute body repaiI­Reservedl Retail6. - - perm w V of Planned --- - - Y - - - where leastat - percent the development efface useL Drive in restaurants, service stations, - - - - establishments, ■ E ether sRmi'aF Feta" establishments are not peFm il,-�,edl. r Reserved 1 7. Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, which are not permitted in residential zones, 8, Veterinary clinics and animal hospitals when located no closer than one hundred fifty(ISE)) feet to any residential use, Wig -provided the animals are housed indoors, with no outside runs, and the building is soundproofed. Soundproofing must be designed by competent acoustical 58 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance engineers. 9. Those uses that are principally permitted in the M3 zone may be permitted in the M2 zone via a conditional use permit. 10. Personal services uses limited to linen supply and industrial laundry services, diaper services, rug cleaning and repair services, photographic services, beauty and barber services, and fur repair and storage services. -_ _ - r - 9\illi[+li����lw��NlstilwiM V! MMM Fi!irlEae i L� W!Iu�0Iii?�n� ��� ��� AM �r��� - 12. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC district, set forth in the map below, must be pedestrian -oriented. Pedestrian -oriented development shall have the main ground floor entry located adjacent to a public street and be physically and visually accessible by pedestrians from the sidewalk; and may include the following uses: a. Retail establishments, including but not limited to convenience goods, department and variety stores, specialty shops such as apparel and accessories, gift shops, toy shops, cards and paper goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, antique shops, and book shops; b. Personal services, including but not limited to barber shops, beauty salons, and dry cleaning; C. Repair services, including but not limited to television, radio, computer, jewelry, and shoe repair; d. Food -related shops, including but not limited to restaurants (including outdoor seating areas and excluding drive-in restaurants) and taverns; e. Copy establishments; 59 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance g. Any other use that is determined by the planning director to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses and in accordance with the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to KCC 15.09.065, Interpretation of uses. 13. Except for such uses and buildings subject to KCC 15.04.150. 14. Conducted in conjunction with a principally permitted use. 99100 M"Ma -- -- - - -- -� seFv*ee bay LReservedl 16. Contract construction services office use does not include contractor storage yards, which is a separate use listed in KCC 17. Outside storage or operations yards are permitted only as accessory uses. Such uses are incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the property or structure. 18. Includes incidental storage facilities and loading/unloading areas. 19. Includes incidental storage facilities, which must be enclosed, and loading/unloading areas. 20. Shall only apply to medical and dental offices and/or neighborhood clinics. 21. Auto repair, including body work, and washing services are permitted only under the following conditions: a. The property is also used for heavy equipment repair and/or truck repair; and -1211= - - :-- - -- 60 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance gateway eengmercial district, Gasoline service stations that also offer auto repair and washing services are not permitted in the M3, general industrial zoning district. 22. Any associated drive-up/drive-through facility shall be accessory and shall require a conditional use permit. Ground Floor Re ViI/Service Alen a,alls- Ground Floor RdailrScrV•icc tJu. Rcyuirud 23. Auto repair, including body work, and auto washing services shall be allowed in the general industrial (M3) zoning district as follows: a. For adaptive reuse of existing site structures, all of the following conditions must apply: i. The site is not currently served by a rail spur; and ii. Existing site structures do not have dock high loading bay doors, where the finished floor is generally level with the floor of freight containers; and iii. All ground --level bay doors of existing structures have a height of less than fourteen—(14} feet, which would generally impede full access to freight containers; and 61 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance V. Maximum building area per parcel is not greater than forty thousand AASsquare feet. b. For proposed site development, all of the following conditions must apply: i. The site is not currently served by a rail spur; and ii. Based on parcels existing at the time of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, the maximum parcel size is no greater than forty thousand f4D;-G�square feet. Sec. 15.04.110, Cultural, entertainment, and recreation land uses. 62 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning ❑isMcts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses = special Uses C = Conditional Uses A - Accessory Uses or a s a a Z U u U C] a V U 0 m� 2 a 2 2 z u o Performing and P P P P P P P P P F cultural arts uses, �) i such as art golleriasisludlos Hisluricand P P monument spas Public assembly P P C C P P - P P P P (indoor}: Sports (2) (2) 12) facilities, arenas, 6 auditoriums and {$1 exhlblllon halls, boviling alleys, dari- playing radlitles, skating rinks, community clubs, athleflc clubs, recreation centers, theaters (excluding school facilities) Publle assembly C P P (outdoor); Fairgrounds and amusement parks, tannic courts, athlellc fields, miniature golf, 62 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.120. Cultural, entertainment, and recreation land use derrei'opment conditions. builclings-.-Reserved] 2. Principally permitted uses are limited to indoor paintball, health and fitness clubs and facilities, gymnastic schools, and other similar uses deemed compatible with the general character and stated purpose of the district. 3. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC district (as shown in KCC 15.04.080) must be retail or pedestrian -oriented. Pedestrian -oriented development shall have the main ground floor entry located adjacent to a public street and be 63 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Distr cts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C - Conditional Uses A = Accessory Uses ❑ N F H U' E 0. r Nof � U' K K K K R' rY I1C iK K RR x� � ❑ i- � U �' '0 u D Q� � � n[ a M E � � z z u M u U co go-cart tracks, drive-in ]healers, etc. Open space use: C C C C C C C C C G C G G C C P P C C C C P P G G C C C C G Cemeteries, parks, (6) (6) (9) (9) (9) (7j (7) playgrounds, golf G C C C courses, and other recreatirn facilitias, including buildings or structures associated therewith Employee recreation A A A A - areas C C C C C G G C C C C P C P C C P C C C C G C P Private clubs, IT IT (5) {F} fraternal lodges, etr„ C G C G Recreational vehicle C - P parks Accessory uses and A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A buildings customarily (4i app nenant to a perniitted use Recrealional A - buildings in MHP IL Sec. 15.04.120. Cultural, entertainment, and recreation land use derrei'opment conditions. builclings-.-Reserved] 2. Principally permitted uses are limited to indoor paintball, health and fitness clubs and facilities, gymnastic schools, and other similar uses deemed compatible with the general character and stated purpose of the district. 3. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC district (as shown in KCC 15.04.080) must be retail or pedestrian -oriented. Pedestrian -oriented development shall have the main ground floor entry located adjacent to a public street and be 63 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance physically and visually accessible by pedestrians from the sidewalk; and may include the following uses: a. Retail establishments, including but not limited to convenience goods, department and variety stores, specialty shops such as apparel and accessories, gift shops, toy shops, cards and paper goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, antique shops, and book shops; b. Personal services, including but not limited to barber shops, beauty salons, and dry cleaning; C. Repair services, including but not limited to television, radio, computer, jewelry, and shoe repair; d. Food -related shops, including but not limited to restaurants (including outdoor seating areas and excluding drive-in restaurants) and taverns; e. Copy establishments; f. Professional services, including but not limited to law offices and consulting services; and g. Any other use that is determined by the planning director to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses and in accordance with the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to KCC 15.09.065, Use interpretations. 4. eee ss - [ [Reserved] 5. Business, civic, social, and fraternal associations and service offices 64 Zoning Cade Amendment Ordinance are principally permitted uses. 6. Principally permitted uses are limited to parks and playgrounds. 7. Principally permitted uses are limited to golf driving ranges. ■moi:■:■�r■.ra■�ii�:■a•■awDaiwEiie:■Guwicwriw:"w.�QwGiEVE ■ .rr r ■ r �■` G i '" r r i �i r r i—G ioff 9. Conditionally permitted uses are limited to parks and playgrounds. Sec. 15,04.130. Resource land uses. Sec. 15,04.140. Resource land use development conditions. 1. Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, which are not permitted in residential zones. 2. Roadside stand not exceeding four hundred- 4499 square feet in 65 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning DEslr€Cls Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S n Special Uses C = Conditional Uses A = Accessory Uses o r M u e m ea QF- N .D r [J Agnculturel usrs such as P P P - R - plenling and harvesting of crops, animal husbandry (including wholesale nurseries and greenhouses) Crop and tree farming P P P P P P P P P P P P P P- P P P P P Storage, processing, and P P conversion of agrfwltural products (no[ including slaughtering or meat packing) Accessory uses and buildings A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A- A A A A A A customarily appurtenant to a (1) permitted use Raadslda stands A (3) A (2) A (3) - A f-�3 Sec. 15,04.140. Resource land use development conditions. 1. Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, which are not permitted in residential zones. 2. Roadside stand not exceeding four hundred- 4499 square feet in 65 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance floor area exclusively for agricultural products grown on the premises. 3. Roadside stands not exceeding four hundred (490) square feet in floor area, and not over twenty—( -4) lineal feet on any side, primarily for sale of agricultural products on the premises. Sec. 15.04.150. Special use combining district, SU. It is the purpose of the SU district to provide for special controls for certain uses which do not clearly fit into other districts, which may be due to technological and social changes, or which are of such unique character as to warrant special attention in the interest of the city's optimum development and the preservation and enhancement of its environmental quality. A special use combining district is imposed on an existing zoning district, permitting the special use as well as uses permitted by the underlying zone. The combining district becomes void if substantial construction has not begun within a one-year period, and the district reverts to its original zoning designation. It is the intent of the special use combining regulations to provide the city with adequate procedures for controlling and reviewing such uses and to discourage application for speculative rezoning. A. Uses subject to special use combining district regulations. The following list is illustrative of the types of uses subject to special use combining district regulations and is not intended to be exclusive: 1. Uses which occupy or would occupy large areas of land. 2. Uses which would involve the construction of buildings or other structures of unusual height or mass. 3. Uses which house, employ, or serve large numbers of people. 4. Uses which generate heavy traffic. 66 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 5. Uses which have unusual impact on environmental quality of the area. 6. Any use which does not lend itself to an interpretation of substantial similarity to other uses identified or described in this title. 7. Uses which, in the judgment of the planning manager, warrant review by the land use and planning board and the city council. 8. Examples of uses subject to review as described in this subsection would include but are not limited to the following: a. Commercial uses: sports stadiums, rodeos, fairgrounds, exhibition or convention halls, merchandise marts, and drive- in theaters. b. Special environmental problems posed by: refineries, nuclear power generating plants, airports, heliports, sanitary landfills, extractive industries, solid waste incinerators, or energy/resource recovery facilities. C. Hazardous wastes: offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities in M1 and M2 districts only, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050. B. Application procedures. The application procedure for a special use combining district shall be the same as for an amendment to this title as provided in KCC 15.09.050, except that development plan approval is concurrent with the combining district. C. Documentation required. Required documentation is as follows: 1. A vicinity map drawn to a scale not smaller than one thousand —(1,96) feet to the inch showing the site in relation to its surrounding area, including streets, roads, streams, or other bodies of water, the development characteristics and zoning pattern of the area, 67 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance and a scale and north arrow. The vicinity map may be in sketch form but shall be drawn with sufficient accuracy to reasonably orient the reader to the vicinity, and to adequately convey the required information. 2. A map or drawing of the site drawn to a scale acceptable to the planning services, generally one hundred (100) feet to the inch. The map or drawing shall show the following information: a. Dimensions and names of streets bounding or touching the site. b. Such existing or proposed features as streams or other bodies of water, rights-of-way, easements, and other physical or legal features which may affect or be affected by the proposed development. C. Existing and proposed topography at contour intervals of not more than five -(-5) feet in areas having slopes exceeding three-(-� percent, and not more than two-k2feet in areas having slopes of less than three -(4) percent. d. Accurate legal description of the property. e. Existing and proposed structures or buildings, including the identification of types and proposed use of the structures. All uses must be compatible with the major use. f. Off-street parking and loading facilities. g. Dimensions of the site, distances from property lines, and space between structures. h. Tentative routing of domestic water lines, storm drains, sanitary sewers, and other utilities, including an identification of planned disposal or runoff. i. Elevations, perspective renderings, or such other 68 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance graphic material or evidence to illustrate effect on the view enjoyed by and from other properties in the vicinity, if required by the planning department. j. Architectural renderings of buildings. It. A written statement providing the following information: timing. development. (1) Program for development, including staging or (2) Proposed ownership pattern upon completion of (3) Basic content of restrictive covenants, if any. (4) Provisions to ensure permanence and maintenance of open space through means acceptable to the city. (5) Statement or tabulation of number of persons to be employed, served, or housed in the proposed development. (6) Statement describing _the relationship of the proposed development to the city comprehensive plan. (7) Statement indicating availability of existing or proposed sanitary sewers. 3. Such other data or information as the planning department may require. D. Development standards. In reviewing and approving proposed developments falling under the purview of this section, the hearing examiner and city council shall make the following findings: 1. That the location for the proposed use is reasonable. 69 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 2. That existing or proposed trafficways are adequate to serve new development. 3. That setback, height, and bulk of buildings are acceptable for the proposed use and for the vicinity in which it is located. 4. That landscaping and other site improvements are comparable to the highest standards set forth for other developments as set out in this title. 5. That the performance standards pertaining to air and water pollution, noise levels, etc., are comparable to the highest standards specified for other uses as set out in this title. 5. That the proposed development is in the public interest and serves a need of community -wide or regional importance. In reviewing and approving special uses, the hearing examiner and the city council may impose such conditions as they deem necessary in the interest of the welfare of the city and the protection of the environment. E. Period of validity. Any special use combining district shall remain effective only for ones} year unless the use is begun within that time or construction has commenced. If not in use or construction has not commenced within one—fI} year of the granting of the special use combining district, the combining district shall become invalid, and the original zoning designation of the land shall apply. F. Minor and major adjustments. 1.. If minor adjustments are made following the adoption of the final development plan and approval of the combining district, such adjustments shall be approved by the planning manager prior to the issuance of a building permit. Minor adjustments are those which may affect the precise dimensions or siting of buildings approved in the final plan, or the density of the development or open space provided. 70 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 2. Major adjustments are those which, as determined by the planning director, substantially change the basic design, density, open space uses, or other similar requirements or provisions. Authorization for major adjustments shall be made by the city council, 3. The provisions of this subsection pertaining to minor and major adjustments shall apply to various parts of a staged development. Sec. 15.04.160. Development standards. The development standards tables in KCC 15.04.170 and 15.04.190 determine the specific development standards for a zoning district. The development standards are located on the horizontal rows and the zoning districts are located on the vertical columns of these tables. The minimum dimensional requirements are located in the box at the intersection of the column and the row. The parenthetical numbers in the boxes identify specific requirements applicable either to a special use or the entire zone. The parenthetical numbers correspond to numbers in the subsection immediately following each table. Sec. 15.04.170. Agricultural and residential zone development standards. 71 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning DisiNcis x � a � p ,. ❑ N a N. t :4 c (7 '.n :« b 'ti :� 0_' iY 3 m J N 7 N LL y p{ 7 N rteU/ G= 41 6{ O Q fn fn 0 0 V) 2 n[ �2trF- 22Cr 2O2cc: 20:H 202 a: S IF Dup SF Dup MF SF Dup MF SF Dup MF SF Dup MF SFDup hhF fax lex lex fox lax lex Maximum 3.6 4.5 oA 8,7 8.7 AM 12, 12, 16, 160 i& 16. 23, 23, 40, 40. d density: du duf 3 3 5 4 9 0 0 0 duslac 0 0 0 0 0 0 denity:welling an dus dus dus dus dus dusl dus dus dus dus dus dus dus dus dun un 1S per 10 1 Inn loo roc Inclac ao rac ;aa !ac fan W !aa fac W !8c acre Mlninum 10 34, 9,6 7,6 5,7 4,0 4,0 8,00 nun 8,00 8,5 nun 8,00 8,Rof non 6,00 8,5 n n 8,00 6,6 nun 8,0u 85 lot area: ac 700 sq n 00 sq 0o sq 00 Sq 00 sq 00 ao 0 Sq 0 B 0 sq ft 00! 3,5 e 0 s6 a 3,500 sq n e 0 sq a 00! 2,5 e 0 sq fl 0{" 1,8 e 08'4 a OD! 800 9qu Bre feet fl n n ft a 00 (3 IN (35) o0 (10 sq of acres, as (37) (37) (37) sq sq sq fl noted n ft fl J) (27) (1) (2) Minimum BU 80 50 50 50 10 256o R 28 AO a Bo 25 8o 1 60 R 25 8011 an 25 a0 n s0 25 soil 00 lot %vfdih: ft fl ft fl f€ 0 n R n n q a a 9 n n fee{ (4} i3T) (J7) (37) 71 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.180. Agricultural and residential land use 72 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts a'£ n A N _ T.� '0 'ti'.� a }' _ p C O N E C 8 rL E 0 J C O 2 F G .0 = C O d o.`t„v_ rk mvr �y;o mdr H: �� r.?•cn.��a 2'y:�a x'my;g a o Q Q: N a to N N N m 22a trema ��[L'H O6�mo ���F �a�i� 20 212 aY 5a� 202, W a s n0:5� Y Maximum 30 30 46 46 60 66 55 40% 65 4011. 45 55 401A 45% 65 40% 46 56 40% 45 55 40% 50 slle % % % % °b % % (5) % (6) % % (5) (5) % (5) % % (5) % % (6) % coverage: (5) (6) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (5) (5) (5) (5) percent of silo Minimum (2 yard 2> requiremen t8' feet 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 lot 10 f 0 it 20 10 ion 20 ft 10 ion 20 10 10 0 20 10 loft 20 it ft it it it n ft (8) it (8) n R (0) It (8) ft ft (6) It 11 (8) N Front yard (8) (6) (6) (6) 1s) (8) (8) (8) (6) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (6) (8) (8) (8) (0) (a) (8) (8) (6) (9) (6) (9) (0} (9) (0) (a) (0) (9) (s) (9) (9) (0) (0) (e) (0) (9) (9) (9) (0) (0) .Side yard 15 15 5n aft an an 5R 5 f 6 6n (ii) 5 f 5 i (11) 5n 5n (11) 5 f 50 (11) 5n 6n (11) , Cl (38) (38) (38) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30) Side yard 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 1011 10 10 it 15 10 10ft 151 10 10 ft 15 10 ton 16(9) 10 ib on flanking n n ft n ft 11 11 {9) 11 (9) n 11 (9) n (a) 11 n (9) ft it (9) ft street Ora {9) l9) (9) (9) (0) (9) (9) Is) f9) t9) corner lot Rear yard 20 1s 5 f 10 10 10 Sn 8n 6h 0R 20 SR 811 20a 511 8R 20 5 84 20 SR aft 20 R n it R ft R 11 ft R Additional 0 (12) (32) (32) (14) (31) 131) (14) 431) (31) (14) (14) (14) setbackSldi 2) (16) (32) (32) (15) (1 6) (16) 6) stances (32) (31) (31) between 13 2) buildings SF Dupl exex SF Oupl MF SF Oupl ex MF SF Dupl ex MF SF ❑upf ex MF SF Npl ex MF 2. 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 Zit 2,5 2 3 2,5 2 3alryl 2,5 2.S 3 2,5 2.5 3 2,S 2,5 4 Height 5 stry! ally Wy airy sky stry airy? airy slryl sky airy stryl 3011 airy atryl airy airy slry) sty airy slryl airy limitation) In All 35 / 1 1 1 1 35 n 1 30 R f 30 1 30 ft 1 35 n 140 1 35 R 140 1 3$ R 150 8torieelnot yr n 35 35 35 30 30 30 a 30 30 ft 30 a 30 R I. exceed 335 ft 0 R n n R n n n R n in feet (t 8) Maximum 40 40 50 e0 70 75 75 70% 76 70% 70 75 70% 70% 75 70% 75 70% 75 70% impervloUs impe vi % % % % % % % (19) % (19} % % (49) (19} % (19) % j19) Y. j19) surfpameni (1 (19) (23) (2 a) (23) (23) (19) j18) (19) (19) (19) (19) (16) of We( parcel area Zero lot fine The provisions in KCC 15.08.300, 15.00,310, 15.08,320, end 15.08.330 shall apply. and clustering (2q) Signs The sign regulations of Ch. 15.06 KCC shall apply. Off-street The oft -street parking requirements of Ch. 15.05 KCC shall apply. padding Landscapin The landscaping requirements of Ch. 16,07 KCC shall apply, 9 Multifamily (26) 425) (25) (25) j26) transition area Multifamily (26) 128) (28) (2e) (28) design review Additional standards for specific uses are contained 1n Chs. 15.08 and 16,09 KCC. Additional (2 (3t) (33)(33) (33) (33) (36) (36) (28) (28) j36) (36) (36) (36) (38) 136) (38) (38) (36) (3 Standards 0) (33) (36) (36) (36) (36) (29) (20) 6) (38) (30) (39) (39) (38) (34) (34) Sec. 15.04.180. Agricultural and residential land use 72 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance development standard conditions. 1. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first twos) dwelling units, and two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet for each additional dwelling unit. 2. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first two—(2i dwelling units, and one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet for each additional dwelling unit. 3. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first twos} dwelling units, and nine hundred (909) square feet for each additional dwelling unit. 4. To determine minimum lot width for irregular lots, a circle of applicable diameter (the minimum lot width permitted) shall be scaled within the proposed boundaries of the lot; provided, that an access easement to another lot is not included within the circle. 5. interior yards shall not be computed as part of the site coverage. 6. Porches and private shared courtyard features may be built within the front building setback line. 7. For properties abutting on West Valley Highway, the frontage on West Valley Highway shall be considered the front yard. 8. Proposed front yards less than twenty {� feet in depth are subject to approval by the planning manager, based on review and recommendation from the public works department relative to the existing and future traffic volumes and right-of-way requirements as specified in the city comprehensive transportation plan and city construction 73 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance standards. 9. At least twenty (20) linear feet of driveway shall be provided between any garage, carport, or other primary parking area and the street i property line with the exception of an alley property line. 10, An aggregate side yard of thirty -{3G9 feet shall be provided. A I minimum of ten -(IA) feet shall be provided for each side yard. On a corner lot the side yard setback shall be a minimum of twenty -f29-} feet from the property line. 11. Each side yard shall be a minimum of ten -{14) percent of the lot' width; however, regardless of lot width, the yard width need not be more than thirty-(� feet. For multifamily townhouse developments that attach threes units or less, in the MRT-12 or MRT-16 zoning districts the aggregate yard width need not be more than thirty -f-39-) feet, but in no case shall a yard be less than ten -(44) feet. 12. Structures for feeding, housing, and care of animals, except household pets, shall be set back fifty -{-5G} feet from any property line, 13. Additional setbacks for the agriculture general AG zoning district. a. Structures for feeding, housing, and care of animals shall be set back fifty -F-4} feet from any property line. b. Transitional conditions shall exist when an AG district adjoins a residential district containing a density of twos) dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes an intervening use such as a river, railroad main line, major topographic differential, or other similar conditions, or where the 74 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than fifty -(59) feet shall be provided. C. Setbacks, Green River. Industrial development in the AG' district abutting the Green River, or Russell Road or Frager Road where' such roads follow the river bank, shall be set back from the ordinary high- water mark of the river a minimum of two hundred —(289) feet. Such setbacks are in accordance with the city comprehensive plan and in accordance with the high quality of site development typically required for the industrial park areas of the city and in accordance with the State Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and shall be no more or less restrictive than,, butas restrictive as<_the Shoreline Management Act. 14. An inner court providing access to a double -row building shall be a minimum of twenty -(293 feet. 15. The distance between principal buildings shall be at least one-half {� the sum of the height of both buildings; provided, however, that in no case shall the distance be less than twelve -(1-23 feet. This requirement shall also apply to portions of the same building separated from each other by a court or other open space. 16, The height limitations shall not apply to barns and silos; provided, that they are not located within fifty -(r feet of any lot line. 17, Beyond this height, to a height not greater than either four -+4} stories or sixty-('� feet, there shall be added one -+IJ additional foot of yard for each additional foot of building height. 18, The planning manager shall be authorized to approve a height greater than four -F4 stories or sixty-(-( } feet, provided such height does 75 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance not detract from the continuity of the area. When a request is made to exceed the building height limit, the planning manager may impose such Ik. i conditions, within a reasonable amount of time, as may be necessary to! reduce any incompatibilities with surrounding uses. 19. Except for lots used for agricultural practices, the maximum I impervious surface area allowed shall be ten thousand (10,000) square' feet when the lot is greater than ones} acre. 20. The following uses are prohibited: a. The removal of topsoil for any purpose. b. Grade and fill operations; provided, that limited grade and fill', may be approved as needed to construct permitted buildings or structures. C. All subsurface activities, including excavation for underground utilities, pipelines, or other underground installations, that cause permanent disruption of the surface of the land. Temporarily disrupted soil surfaces shall be restored in a manner consistent with agricultural uses. d. Dumping or storage of nonagricultural solid or liquid waste, or of trash, rubbish, or noxious materials. e. Activities that violate sound agricultural soil and water conservation management practices. 21. Outdoor storage for industrial uses shall be located at the rear of a principally permitted structure and shall be completely fenced. 22. Mobile home park combining district, MHP. The standards and procedures of the city mobile home park code shall apply. General 76 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance requirements and standards for mobile home park design, KCC 12.04.055; mobile home parks, Ch. 12.05 KCC. 23. Except for lots used for agricultural practices, the maximum impervious surface area allowed shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 24. Minimum lot width, building setbacks, and minimum lot size regulations may be modified consistent with provisions for zero lot line and clustering housing development. 25. The requirements of KCC 15.08.215 shall apply in any multifamily transition area, which includes any portion of a multifamily district within one hundred (19G) feet of a single-family district or within one hundred f498� feet of a public street right-of-way. 25. The requirements of KCC 15.09.045 for multifamily design review shall apply to any multifamily dwelling of three--(--'+) or more units. 27. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first twos) dwelling units, and three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet for each additional dwelling unit. 28. The following zoning is required to be in existence on the entire property to be rezoned at the time of application of a rezone to an MR -T zone: SR -8, MR -D, MR -G, MR -M, MR -H, O, G MY, NCC, CC, GC, DC, or DCE. 29. All multifamily townhouse developments in the MR -T zone shall be townhouses with ownership interest only. 30. As an option to the five} foot side yard requirement for single - 77 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance family development in all multifamily zoning districts as set forth in KCC, a side yard width of no less than three -(3} feet may be utilized under the following conditions: a. Fire hydrants for the development, as required by the fire code set forth in KCC Title 13, will be placed a maximum of three hundred f304) feet in separation; b. The required fire hydrants shall have a minimum fire flow of one thousand five hundred (1,500) gallons per minute; and C. Emergency vehicle access roads shall be provided to the development, which includes an improved road accessible within one hundred fifty(ISO) feet of all portions of the exterior first floor of the structure. This option is subject to the approval of the Washington State Building Council. Application of this option shall be effective upon receipt by the city of Kent of such approval. 31. Where lands are located wholly or partialiy within the urban separator, as designated on the City of Kent Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map, dwelling units shall be required to be clustered, subject to the provisions of Ch. 12.04 KCC, entitled "Subdivisions, Binding Site Plans, and Lot Line Adjustments." The density in a cluster subdivision shall be no greater than the density that would be allowed on the parcel as a whole, including all critical areas (creeks, wetlands, geological hazard areas), and buffers, using the maximum density provisions of the zoning district in which it is located. The common open space in a cluster subdivision shall be a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the nonconstrained area of the parcel. The 78 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance nonconstrained area of the parcel includes all areas of the parcel, minus critical areas, as defined in RCW 36.70A.030(5) as currently and hereinafter amended, and buffers. The remainder of the nonconstrained area of the parcel shall be the buildable area of the parcel. The common open space tracts created by clustering shall be located and configured in the manner that best connects and increases protective buffers for environmentally sensitive areas, connects and protects area wildlife habitat, creates connectivity between the open space provided by the clustering and other adjacent open spaces as well as existing or planned public parks and trails, and maintains scenic vistas. Critical areas and buffers shall not be used in determining lot size and common open space requirements in a cluster subdivision. All natural features (such as streams and their buffers, significant stands of trees, and rock outcroppings), as well as sensitive areas (such as steep slopes and wetlands and their buffers) shall be preserved, as open space in a cluster subdivision. Future development of the common open space shall be prohibited. Except as specified on recorded documents creating the common open space, all common open space resulting from lot clustering shall not be altered or disturbed in a manner that degrades adjacent environmentally sensitive areas, rural areas, agricultural areas, or resource lands; impairs scenic vistas and the connectivity between the open space provided by the clustered development and adjacent open spaces; degrades wildlife habitat; and impairs the recreational benefits enjoyed by the residents of the development. Such common open spaces may be retained under ownership by the owner or subdivider, conveyed to residents of the development, conveyed to a homeowners' association for the benefit of the residents of the development, conveyed to the city with the city's consent and approval or to another party upon approval of the city of Kent. The minimum lot size of individual lots within a clustered subdivision is two thousand five hundred 9) square feet, and the minimum lot 79 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance width is thirty--�- } feet. In the event that common open space prohibits development of one -(-I-) single-family residence on the parcel, the common open space will be reduced by the amount necessary to meet the minimum two thousand five hundred (2,500) square foot lot size. New lots created by any subdivision action shall be clustered in groups not exceeding eight- 8- units. There may be more than ones} cluster per project. Separation between cluster groups shall be a minimum of one hundred twenty—{- feet. Sight -obscuring fences are not permitted along cluster lot lines adjacent to the open space area. 32. For multifamily townhouse developments that attach three} units, the minimum building to building separation shall be ten --(1-9} feet. For duplex and single-family condominium townhouse developments, the minimum building to building separation shall be established through the International Building Code (IBC) or International Residential Code (IRC), as may be applicable. 33. Where lands are located wholly outside the urban separator, as designated on the City of Kent Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map, dwelling units may be clustered, subject to the applicable provisions of Ch. 12.04 KCC, 34. The downtown design review requirements of KCC 15.09.046 shall apply. 35. Minimum lot area requirements do not apply to multifamily development in the Kent downtown planning area identified in KCC 15.09.046. 36, Cargo containers proposed to be located in a residential zone must be located completely within a stick -built structure with a peaked roof and building materials similar to that of the principal residence on the site. No 80 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance containers greater than tend} feet by twenty} feet may be placed in residential districts. This restriction does not apply to containers collecting debris or accepting household goods for moving that are located on residential property for less than seventy -two -+723 hours, Additionally, institutional uses are exempt from these requirements except when a shipping container is proposed to be located adjacent to or within sight of a residential use. 37. For subdivisions and short subdivisions created after March 22, 2007, or altered to comply with zoning and subdivision code amendments effective after March 22, 2007, the minimum lot size shall be three thousand (3,000) square feet. Minimum lot width shall be measured by scaling a thirty -3-0} foot diameter circle within the boundaries of the lot; provided, that easement areas may not be included in the required thirty {349} foot diameter circle, The lot frontage along private or public streets shall be a minimum twenty (20) feet in width. Minimum driveway separation shall be ten-fI4) feet. Shared driveways are permitted. 38. Subdivisions and short subdivisions created on or before March 22, 2007, may have minimum five -(S} foot side yards. Fifty-f519percent of the lots within subdivisions and short subdivisions created after March 22, 2007, or altered to comply with zoning and subdivision code amendments effective after March 22, 2007, may have minimum five-(E�} foot side yards when special life safety measures are provided. The sum total of both side yards for the remaining fifty -50) percent of the lots shall be a minimum sixteen} feet; any individual side yard less than eight -(8} feet may require special life safety measures. 39. The residential design review standards of KCC 15.09,045(C) shall apply to subdivisions and short subdivisions created after March 22, 2007, or altered to comply with zoning and subdivision code amendments effective after March 22, 2007, 81 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.190. Commercial and industrial zone development standards. 82 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zar ing Districts U U U U N F U N U C7 U L9 'i z U ❑ ❑ Minimum ia1 10,6U 10,00 5,00 5,00 7,500 sq ft 7,500 sq n 7,500 sq ft 10'00 10,00 10,00 4"0 4 1 moo 20,00 15,00 48&3 1 area: squats 0 sq n 0 sq n 0 sq 0 sq 0 sq fl 0 sq fl 0 sq n 0-erFll of car o sq ft o sq ft 0 sq ft B�fl acr e feet or n (1} it 166} (66) e o acres, as noted Maximum 40% 46% 100 160 80% 100% es% 50% 50% 4031 8045 50 60 60% 65% 75% 40=4 50 site ``6 % % coverage: Vercelli of site Minimum yard requirement a: feet JOB 15ft t2) (3) 20 n {66) 20 R 15 it 15 n 20 ft 2" 29 (5) Front yard 44) {9) (9} (2) (3) (68) (68) (86) (10) (10) (10) f10) (44) (12) (12) ti 3) (14) 6 f (12) Side yard (10) (10) (10) 05) {16} The The The - (17) 071 (17) (18) 4" (17) Side yard on Midway Midway Midway fianking Design Design Design street of Guideline Guideline Guideline corner lot a shall s shall s shall apply apply apply (8) 20 t ('2) (3) (68) (60) (68) (19) (18) (19) (10) - (20) (2c) (21) (21) 5ff (20) Rear yard (19) (19) (S9) (2) (22) - - (23) (23) (24) (25) (23) FAddiflonal (2-7) (2s) (2s) (2s} g 2 slry/ 3 stryl 4 (32) 5 stry/55 fl 15 sIry1200 16 siry.'200 2 slryl 2 slryl 2 stryl 3 5iry1 2 2 2 Ptryl 2 slry! 2 s1ry7 3 siryl 2 Ilfilltatl0n: in 35 fl 4o ft stryl (69) 1t ft 35 ft 35 it 35 fl 4o It stfy airy 3111 35M 35 ft 4o fl stry 1135 sioriealnot (30) ee tt (70) (70) (70) (30) (30) (20) (30) 135 (35) (35) (37) (38) ft to exceed in (31) ft {33) ft (35) (35) feet {34) Landscapin The landscaping requirements of Chapter 15.47 KCC shall apply. 9 - (52) (62) (52) Outdoor (39)(39} (40) (40) (40) - (42j (4's) (43) (44) (45) fes+? (43) storage (41) (41) (51) The sign regulations or Chapter 15.06 KCC shall apply. Signa Vehicle (46) (46) (46) (46) (46) (46) (46) drive- (4a through, drive-in, end service hays Loading - (47) (47) (47) (47) (47) areas (48) (48) (49) (51) (48) Off-street The off-street parking requirements of Chapter 15.05 KCC shall apply. 82 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Sec. 15.04.195. Commercial and industrial land use development standard conditions. 1. Minimum lot of record or five thousand (5,000) square feet, whichever is less. 2. None, except as required by landscaping, or if off-street parking is provided onsite. See the downtown design review criteria outlined in KCC 15.09.046, 3. No minimum setback is required. If a rear and/or side yard abuts a residential district, a twenty} foot setback may be required for any _yard abutting a residential district. See the downtown design review criteria outlined in KCC 15.09.046. shallWest Valle,,t&jg&Uj�V be eonsidered the front _ ■ - - 5. The minimum front yard setback shall be related to the classification of the adjacent street. This classification shall be determined by the city transportation engineer. The setbacks are as follows: a. Properties fronting on arterial and collector streets shall have a minimum setback of twenty -RG) feet. 83 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zoning Districts U U U U F N K N i,a N H 2 Cc parking (57) (57) (57) (57) - - (Is) (5d) (5d) (5T) - (50} (35) (34) {31) (60) (50) (50) (50) (50) (31) (35} (6B1 (50J (50) (60) (50) 10.6 (54) Additional d(71) (71) SD) (5d 54J (54) 55} 55J Standards (63) (67) (56) (55) (55) (65) (56) (d4) (72) (55) (5fi) (65) Sec. 15.04.195. Commercial and industrial land use development standard conditions. 1. Minimum lot of record or five thousand (5,000) square feet, whichever is less. 2. None, except as required by landscaping, or if off-street parking is provided onsite. See the downtown design review criteria outlined in KCC 15.09.046, 3. No minimum setback is required. If a rear and/or side yard abuts a residential district, a twenty} foot setback may be required for any _yard abutting a residential district. See the downtown design review criteria outlined in KCC 15.09.046. shallWest Valle,,t&jg&Uj�V be eonsidered the front _ ■ - - 5. The minimum front yard setback shall be related to the classification of the adjacent street. This classification shall be determined by the city transportation engineer. The setbacks are as follows: a. Properties fronting on arterial and collector streets shall have a minimum setback of twenty -RG) feet. 83 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance b. Properties fronting on local access streets shall have a minimum setback of twenty�B} feet. 6. The minimum front yard setback shall be related to the classification of the adjacent street. This classification shall be determined by the city transportation engineer. The setbacks are as follows: a. Properties fronting on arterials and collector streets shall have a minimum setback of forty-(, 9 feet. b. Properties fronting on local access streets shall have a minimum setback of thirty-� feet. 7. The front yard shall be ten- 1" percent of the lot depth. Regardless of lot size, the yard depth need not be more than thirty-five} feet. S. No side or rear yard is required, except when abutting a district other than NCC, and- "enin which case the yard shall be not less than five fE�) feet in width,.provided, however, that if the abutting district or use is residential -ted then the yard shall be ten-} feet in width and fully landscaped. 9. No side yard is required, except when abutting a more restrictive district, .,a rm_.-tl= en in which case the side yard shall be not less than twenty f2-9} feet in width. 10. No side yard is required, except when abutting a residential district, "'"t;erin which case the side yard shall be not less than twenty -(2&} feet min width. 84 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 12. The side yards shall have an aggregate width of ten f19) -percent of the lot width, but the aggregate width need not be more than forty -(49-} feet. There shall be a minimum of fifteen -(1-5} feet on each side. 13. The side yards shall have an aggregate width of ten- 41 percent of the lot width, but the aggregate width need not be more than thirty} feet. There shall be a minimum of tend} feet on each side. 14. The side yards shall have an aggregate width of ten-(Ia) percent of the lot width, but the aggregate width need not be more than twenty-five f275i feet. There shall be a minimum of ten -9} feet on each side. preperdesrrReservedl . f Reservedl 17. The minimum side yard on the flanking street of a corner lot shall be related to the classification of the adjacent street. This classification shall be determined by the city transportation engineer. The setbacks are as follows: a. Properties fronting on arterial and collector streets shall have a minimum setback of forty -(4s} feet. 85 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance b. Properties fronting on local access..., I streets shall have a minimum setback of thirty} feet. 18. The side yard on the flanking street of a corner lot shall be at least ten-eI9} percent of the lot width, unless the ten-� percent figure would result in a side yard of greater than twenty -f2-9-} feet, in which case the side yard need not be more than twenty --(2% feet. 19. No rear yard is required, except when abutting a residential district, and thenin which case the rear yard shall be not less than twenty} feet min width. 20. No rear yard is required, except as may be required by other setback provisions of this section. 21. No rear yard is required, except as may be required by transitional conditions. 22. A rear yard ef at least five (5) feet In depth shall be providei* exceptwhien a FeaF yaFd abuts district,- - then a rearyard of at least twenty a feet depth, shallbe prev,lded.-I-Reserved 23. Transitional conditions shall exist when an industrial park M1 or M1 - C district and AG district adjoins a residential district containing a density of twos} dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes intervening use such as a river, freeway, railroad main line, major topographic differential, or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less 86 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance than fifty} feet shall be provided. 24. Transitional conditions shall exist when an M2 district adjoins a residential district containing a density of twos} dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes an intervening use such as a river, freeway, railway main line, major topographic differential, or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than fifty—( -A feet shall be provided. 25. Transitional conditions shall exist when an M3 district adjoins a residential district containing a density of two -(R} dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes an intervening use such as a river, railroad main line, major topographic differential, or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than fifty-(%� feet shall be provided. . Structures Y feeding, + -+V eare of animals ++ shall back i ' : v MOM + =- _ iMOM + i rIn NONNI - 11111MrMUME 87 Zoning Code Amendment ordinance I_ _ i - .-WIN pfev4e-d-. f Reserved 0.1.21 i r. i r i• rReservedl 29. Development in the M1 or M1 -C district and AG district abutting the Green River, or Russell Road or Frager Road where such roads follow the river bank, shall be set back from the ordinary high-water mark of the river a minimum of two hundred- 69-} feet. Such setbacks are in accordance with the state Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and shall be no more or less restrictive than, but, as re3tFietive—as, the Shoreline Management Act. 30. The planning director shall be authorized to grant one-(+} additional story in height, if during development plan review it is found that this additional story would not detract from the continuity of the area. More than ones) additional story may be granted by the land use and planning board. 31. The downtown design review requirements of KCC 13.09.045 shall apply. $$ Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance r i i i rReservedl 29. Development in the M1 or M1 -C district and AG district abutting the Green River, or Russell Road or Frager Road where such roads follow the river bank, shall be set back from the ordinary high-water mark of the river a minimum of two hundred- 69-} feet. Such setbacks are in accordance with the state Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and shall be no more or less restrictive than, but, as re3tFietive—as, the Shoreline Management Act. 30. The planning director shall be authorized to grant one-(+} additional story in height, if during development plan review it is found that this additional story would not detract from the continuity of the area. More than ones) additional story may be granted by the land use and planning board. 31. The downtown design review requirements of KCC 13.09.045 shall apply. $$ Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 32. No maximum height limit is required, except for parcels located within a downtown commercial enterprise - transitional overlay (DCE-T), where the height limit is thirty -five -(35) feet. See also the downtown design review criteria outlined in KCC 15.09.046. 33. Beyend this height, to a height, not greater than either feur feet, 'Ell liall be added one (1) addlt�eiqal feet of yard feF each additienal feet of building fReservedj 34. The planning shall be - - to approve r height greater than four r - or G ifeet,provided iget detFaet - the continuity r i - area. r - - te exeeed the building height_ the planning _ _ _ _ _ __ _sueh eendmt;eris, within rreasonable time, be - reduee - _ n- i t iwith iu3­e-s-.LKeservedj 35. Beyond this height, to a height not greater than either four -(-4) stories or sixty-(-60feet, there shall be added one -(-l-} additional foot of yard for each one -(I) foot of additional building height. The planning director shall be authorized to approve one -M additional story, provided such height does not detract from the continuity of the industrial area, and may impose such conditions as may be necessary to reduce any incompatibility with surrounding uses. Any additional height increase may be granted by the land use and planning board. 36. Design review for mixed use development is required as provided in KCC 15.09.045(F). 37. The height limitation is twos} stories or thirty-five (35) feet. Beyond this height, to a height not greater than either four ­(4} stories or sixty -(-C- feet, there shall be added ones} additional foot of yard for each two-{ feet of additional building height. The planning director shall 89 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance be authorized to approve ones) additional story, provided such height does not detract from the continuity of the industrial area, and may impose such conditions as may be necessary to reduce any incompatibility with surrounding uses. Any additional height increases may be granted by the land use and planning board. 38. The height lingit tion is thFee (3) steries E)r faFty (49) feet. An (5) ste�ies or sixty (60) feet, with ene (1) additienal foot of building setbaek for every additienal foot ef building height ever ferty (40) feet -.f Reserve 39. Outdoor storage areas are prohibited. 40. Outdoor storage areas shall be fenced for security and public safety by a sight -obscuring fence unless it is determined through the development plan review that a sight -obscuring fence is not necessary. 41. Any unfenced outdoor storage areas shall be paved with asphaltic concrete, cement, or equivalent material to be approved by the city engineer. 42. Outdeer statzage (for industrial uses) shall be at the rear principally permitted structuureandsh,all be eeRgpletely fenced-.LKeservedl 43. Outside storage or operations yards in the M1 or M1 -C district and AG district shall be permitted only as accessory uses, Such uses are incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the property or structure. Outside storage or operations yards shall be confined to the area to the rear of the principal building or the rear two-thirds(2/3) of the property and reasonably screened from view from any property line by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds, or landscaping. Outside storage 90 Zoning Cade Amendment Ordinance exceeding a height of fifteen -{l-5} feet shall be so placed on the property as to not detract from the reasonably accepted appearance of the district. 44. Outside storage or operations yards shall be confined to the area to the rear of a line which is an extension of the front wall of the principal building, and shall be reasonably screened from view from any street by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds, or landscaping. 45. Outside storage or operations areas shall be fenced for security and public safety at the property line. 46. Wherever feasible, drive-up/drive-through facilities shall be accessed from the rear of a site and run along an interior lot line or building elevation. Landscaping, sufficient to soften the visual impact of vehicle stacking areas, may be required. 47. Loading areas must be located in such a manner that no loading, unloading, or maneuvering of trucks associated therewith takes place on public rights-of-way. 48. Earth berms and landscaping shall be provided along street frontages as necessary to screen dock -high loading areas from public rights-of-way. Berms shall be a minimum of thirty-slx-�3 inches and a maximum of forty -twos) inches in height. Landscaping located on the berm shall conform to type III landscaping as described in KCC 15.07.050. 49. Earth berms and landscaping shall be provided along street frontages as necessary to screen dock -high loading areas from public rights-of-way. Berms shall be a minimum of thirty-fM- inches in height. Landscaping located on the berm shall conform to type III landscaping described in KCC pertaining to visual buffers. 91 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 51. Earth berms and landscaping shall be provided along street frontages as necessary to screen dock -high loading areas from public rights-of-way. Berms shall be a minimum of twenty-�} inches in height. Landscaping located on the berm shall conform to type III landscaping described in KCC 15.07.050 pertaining to visual buffers. 52. Where building walls face adjacent streets and are unfenestrated for more than forty) feet at any point along the facade, additional landscaping shall be required to reduce visual impacts. In such circumstances, type II landscaping, as defined in KCC 15.07.050, shall be required; provided, that evergreen trees shall be at least ten-(� feet in height and deciduous trees shall be a minimum of two- inch caliper at the time of planting. 53. Predominant activities and operations shall be completely enclosed within buildings or structures, except for customary appurtenances such as loading and unloading areas, or where special conditions exist as a ,resel f a conditional use public free -r+ g ep Emit. The planning director shall be authorized to determine the reasonable application of this provision in cases of operational hardship or other showing of uncommon circumstances. 54. Multitenant buildings shall be permitted. 55. All required yards, parking areas, storage areas, operations yards, and other open uses on the site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner appropriate for the district at all times. The planning director shall be authorized to reasonably pursue the enforcement of this subsection where a use is in violation, and to notify the owner or operator of the use 92 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance in writing of such noncompliance. The property owner or operator of the use shall be given a reasonable length of time to correct the condition. 56. The performance standards as provided in KCC 15.08.050 shall apply. 57. Off-street parking may be located in required yards except in areas required to be landscaped. 58. Those areas not required to be landscaped may be used for off- street parking. area.FReservedl 60. Signage on commercial uses in the MI -C zone shall be as specified in KCC 15.06.050(6). Signage on industrial uses in the M1 -C zone shall be as specified in KCC 15.06.050{&}x. CReserved I r - r 62. Parking should be located either next to or behind the building. Parking should not be placed between the street and -the building. 63. A direct pedestrian connection shall be provided from the street to the building. 93 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance M.I Mj - i - r i - - ' - i i ■ i i i - 'w' it i - - -i■ r-� � ■�■ area.FReservedl 60. Signage on commercial uses in the MI -C zone shall be as specified in KCC 15.06.050(6). Signage on industrial uses in the M1 -C zone shall be as specified in KCC 15.06.050{&}x. CReserved I r - r 62. Parking should be located either next to or behind the building. Parking should not be placed between the street and -the building. 63. A direct pedestrian connection shall be provided from the street to the building. 93 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 64. Screening by either an enclosure and/or evergreen landscaping shall be provided for mechanical equipment, service doors, and garbage areas. Rooftop equipment shall be enclosed with a parapet or similar design feature. 65. Structures shall be designed to maintain the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. Modulating the building mass, adding dormer windows, covered entryways, or porches are ways to enhance the human scale and provide a residential dimension to structures. 66. Minimum lot area requirements do not apply to multifamily development in the Kent downtown planning area identified in KCC 15.09.046, 67. Within the downtown commercial enterprise - transitional overlay (DCE-T), downtown design review guidelines regarding balconies and/or upper floor setbacks (sections III.B and III.C) are required elements, not optional elements. 68, No yard, except as required by landscaping, or if surface parking is provided onsite. See the Midway Design Guidelines and KCC 15.09.045. 69. The height limitation of new construction in MRT-1 zoning district abutting a residential district shall be thirty -five -9-5} feet in height within twenty—e2B� feet from the residential district and forty-five-45� feet in height within forty --(44) feet from the residential district. 70. New construction shall conform to applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations, including 14 C.F.R. Part 77, Federal "y.atien as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended. 94 Zoning Code Amendment ordinance 71. The transit -oriented community design review requirements of KCC shall apply. 72. Design review for multifamily development is required as provided in KCC Sec. 15.04.200. Mixed use overlay development standards. rlay Districts MU Floor Not applicable area ratio Site Forty {49 percent coverage for commercial uses. Sixty f64�-percent for commercial uses with residential uses; provided, that five fS} percent of the gross floor area is commercial use, except within the downtown area (as defined in KCC 15.09.046), where twenty-five {2.5 - percent of the gross floor area must be commercial use. ,40 -for al ^e&T cn�o.,I uses ee ' entlal Hses" eerei al fle0F area Fmay be ; a ti on= ; Sec. 15.04.205. Mixed use land use development standard conditions. 1. The following height modifications shall apply: a. Five{} foot increases for developments containing residential uses; provided, that twenty-five} percent of gross floor area is in residential use. 96 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Qverlay Districts GC -MU e -MU CC -MU Height Sixty-five f-�)-feet Twenty five�.�, � (.25) feet; Twenty-five f2.5- -feet; {rev ded -hat basie heig s provided, that basic heights E may be p-te-d:e may be increased up to the maximum height of forty -(44)-} maximum height of forty s f44) -feet. (1) i i Front Zero (4Meet; Zer) Zero (9}feet; provided, yard provided, that some seine-setbaek-niay-b-e that some setback may be setback may be reqHired in the front—+atd-l:e required in the front yard to( required in the front aecernmadate accommodate a sidewalk yard to �9east ten hic s` all '-^ -1 which shall be at least ten � accommodate a 1,101 feet ink 1-0} feet in width. sidewalk which shall be at least ten fM 3 feet in width. Rear and Zero Wfeet; Zer ; , at Zero f&8 -feet; provided, side yard provided, that ,. ., of at least t "ent'r` that setbacks of at least setbacks of at least S II -be required i n twenty f2G -feet will be i twenty -- } feet will required in any rear or side be required in any are adjaeeRt to a res dentiaf yards that are adjacent to aF rear or side yards Beni g district. residential zoning district. that are adjacent to a residential zoning district. Off-street The off-street etaWice uses: Fa ` (4 Retail/office uses: Four {4} parking parking spares per one thousand spaces per one thousand requirements of (1,009) square feet af floe (1,090) square feet of floor Chapter 15.05 KCC area. 2) area. (2) shall apply. Res' ,,..tial uses -(3} Residential uses (3) Design Design review Not -applicable Design reviewF review requirements of requirements of KCC r KCC 15.09.045(D) 15.09.045(F) shall apply. and (F) and 15.09.046 shall' apply. Sec. 15.04.205. Mixed use land use development standard conditions. 1. The following height modifications shall apply: a. Five{} foot increases for developments containing residential uses; provided, that twenty-five} percent of gross floor area is in residential use. 96 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance b. Five --(5} foot increases for parking under the building C. Five-(--} foot increases for using a pitched roof form. d. Five} foot increase for stepping back from the (minimum of five) feet). 2. The first three hundred (390) square feet of retail or office space that is a part of an individual residential unit is exempt. 3. The following parking requirements shall apply: a. Studio: .75 per dwelling unit (du) without commercial uses; .50/du with commercial uses; provided, that twenty-five-(-2-5� percent of overall gross floor area is in commercial uses. b. One -bedroom: 1.5/du without commercial uses; 1.0/du with commercial uses; provided, that twenty -five -f2-5-} percent of overall gross floor area is in commercial uses. C. Two-bedroom: 2.0/du without commercial uses; 1.25/du with commercial uses; provided, that twenty-five} percent of overall gross floor area is in commercial uses. SECTION 5, - Amendment. Section 15.06.050 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.06.050. Regulations for specific districts. In all districts the planning director shall have the option to waive sign type requirements in unique and special cases where, due to building design or other special circumstance, the development is unable to conform to stated standards. 97 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance A. Signs permitted in residential districts. 1. Identification signs for single-family dwellings and duplexes. One -(4} identification sign shall be permitted for each occupancy. The sign shall not exceed an area of three -f-3- square feet, shall not exceed a height of six --(6) feet above the surface of the street, shall be attached directly to a building, fence, standard, or mailbox, and shall be unlighted or provided with indirect illumination. Home occupations shall not be allowed additional sign area. 2. .identification signs for multifamily dwellings. Ones) identification sign shall be permitted for each development, except that multiple -family dwellings with more than one --(-I-) street frontage may be allowed an additional sign for each street frontage of such lot. Each sign shall not exceed an area of twenty -five -(2-5) square feet, may be a wall or freestanding sign, shall be unlighted or indirectly lighted, and shall not exceed a height of six-(-&) feet above the ground if freestanding. 3. Farm product identification signs. No permit is required, but such signs may not be located in the public right-of-way. B. Signs permitted in community commercial, general commercial, and commercial manufacturing districts. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one and one-half-kl—V2- square feet for each foot of street frontage. Aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed one fl-) square foot for each foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. 1. Identification signs for occupancies. Each business establishment may have one -(i freestanding sign for each street frontage 98 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance if not located in a shopping center, and three-(--',) additional signs. a. Freestanding sign. The freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of thirty- M3 feet. The maximum sign area permitted is two hundred (29G) square feet for the total of all faces. No ones} face shall exceed one hundred (190) square feet. The sign may be illuminated. b. Additional signs. Three -{3-} additional signs shall be permitted subject to the following restrictions: L The total area of all signs, graphics, or other advertising shall not be more than ten- 8 percent of the building facade to which they are attached or on which they are displayed. ii. On properties where a pole sign cannot be erected due to setback requirements or building placement, a projecting sign may be allowed in lieu of the permitted freestanding sign. The projecting sign may not exceed fifteen (15)square feet in outside dimension. 2. Identification signs for shopping centers. Ones} freestanding identification sign, which may list the names of the occupants of the shopping center, shall be permitted for each street frontage of each shopping center. The maximum sign area permitted for a freestanding sign is two hundred -(29 square feet for the total of all faces. No ones} face shall exceed one hundred(190) square feet. A freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of thirty -3-G) feet, and may be illuminated. 3. Automobile service station signs. The aggregate sign area for any corner lot shall not exceed one -(-I-} square foot for each foot of lot frontage, and the aggregate sign area for any interior lot shall not exceed one and one-half`-R-1/� square feet for each foot of lot frontage; and the 99 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. a. Freestanding signs. Ones) freestanding lighted double-faced identification sign, not exceeding two hundred -f24&) square feet for the total of all faces, with no such face exceeding one hundred fl � square feet, is permitted. Such sign shall not exceed a height of thirty-�3-A} feet. If on a corner lot, two-} monument signs not exceeding one hundred- (190) square feet per sign for the total of all faces are permitted. Such monument signs shall not exceed a height of fifteen} feet. Freestanding signs shall be lighted during business hours only. b. Additional signs. Three—(3J additional signs shall be permitted subject to the following restrictions; the total area of all signs, graphics, or other advertising shall not be more than ter -f-1-0} percent of the building facade to which they are attached or on which they are displayed. C, Fuel price signs. Fuel price signs shall be included in the aggregate sign area. 4. Farm product identification signs. No permit is required, but such signs may not be located in the public right-of-way. C. Signs permitted in downtown commercial and downtown commercial enterprise districts. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one and one -half --(4-4/2-) square feet for each foot of street frontage. The aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed one--� square foot for each foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. 100 Zoning Cade Amendment Ordinance 1. Identification signs for multitenant buildings. a. Wall sign. Each multitenant building may have one -(4j identification wall sign for the building's identification for each street frontage. The sign shall not exceed a total of five -(5- percent of the facade to which it is attached. The sign shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. Aggregate sign area shall apply. A multitenant building will have the option of the sign described in this subsection (C)(1)(a) or the identification sign described in subsection (C)(1)(b) of this section. b. Freestanding sign. Each building may have one {} freestanding sign on each street frontage. The sign may not exceed fifteen--(-1� feet in height. The maximum sign area permitted for the freestanding sign is one hundred(19A) square feet for the total of all faces. No ones} face shall exceed fifty) square feet. Multitenant freestanding signs shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. Z. Identification signs for occupancies. Each occupant of a multitenant building shall be permitted twos) wall signs. Such signs shall not exceed ten-} percent of the facade of the individual business unit. Aggregate sign area shall not apply. 3. Identification signs for single -tenant buildings. a. Each building may have ones} freestanding sign for each street frontage. The sign may not exceed a height of fifteen-(� feet. The maximum sign area permitted for the freestanding sign is one hundred f 1 4} square feet for the total of all faces. No ones) face shall exceed fifty-(E9� square feet. 101 Zoning Code Amendment ordinance b. Three -3i additional signs shall be permitted. All signs are subject to the aggregate sign area allowed. The total area of all signs, graphics, or other types of signs shall not exceed tend} percent of the facade to which they are attached or on which they are displayed. D. Signs permitted in midway transit community -1 district. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed ones} square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. Aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed three-fourths (3/4} of a square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area and may be permitted subject to j Midway Design Guidelines. 1. Identification signs for occupancies. Each single business property may have one----(--) freestanding monument sign per street j frontage or one -(l} projecting sign per street frontage if located along or at the intersections of SR 99, SR 51.6, South 240th Street, South 245th Street, or South 272nd Street, if not located in a multitenant building, and one -(-1J wall sign and one-} suspended sign per street frontage. a. Freestanding monument signs. Freestanding monument signs shall not exceed a height of fifteen -{1 feet. The maximum sign area permitted is eighty -E- square feet for the total of all faces. No one f 1i face shall exceed forty—(493 square feet. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Freestanding monument signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of ane-half-(I/� square 102 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Projecting or suspended signs. Projecting or suspended signs shall not protrude less than eight -k8} feet above the surface of the sidewalk. The following are recognized projecting signs: i. Blade signs. Blade signs shall be double-faced, may be non -illuminated, internal or internal indirect illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The maximum sign area permitted is eighty(89) square feet. No ones face shall exceed forty (49) square feet. The maximum sign height permitted is twenty-RO8 feet. Blade signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. ii. Hanging signs. Hanging signs shall be double-faced and shall be non -illuminated. C. Wall signs. Wali signs shall not exceed an area of ten f -W percent of the building first floor facade to which they are attached, or twenty-four} square feet, whichever is greater. Wal[ signs shall be attached flat against the building, and placement shall not exceed thirty- five -5-} feet above median sidewalk grade measured from the top of the sign. Wall signs may be non -illuminated, internally or indirectly illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. 2. Identification signs for multitenant buildings. Each multitenant property may have one ----(47) freestanding monument sign per street frontage or ones) projecting sign per street frontage if located along or at the intersections of SR 99 and SR 516, South 240th Street, South 246th 103 Zoning Code Amendment ordinance Street, or South 272nd Street and each occupancy may have one -W wall sign and ones) suspended sign per occupancy, except the anchor tenants with a business frontage of at least one hundred-kI49 -} linear feet shall be allowed two -W wall signs. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed ten -fl -O-} percent of the first floor building facade to which the signs are attached. a. Freestanding monument signs. Each multitenant property have one- i- freestanding monument sign on each street p Y ma Y frontage. The sign may not exceed a height of fifteen -(15) feet. The maximum sign area permitted is eighty ---(88 square feet for the total of all j faces. No one -fes} face shall exceed forty -(40) square feet. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Freestanding monument signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half-(� square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b, Wall signs. Each multitenant building may have ones} identification wall sign for the building's identification for each street frontage. The sign shall not exceed a total of five} percent of the first floor facade to which it is attached. The sign shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Aggregate sign area shall apply. A multitenant building shall have the option of the sign 104 Zoning code Amendment Ordinance described in this subsection (D)(2)(b) or the identification sign described in subsection (D)(2)(c) of this section. C. Identification signs for occupancies. Each occupant of a multitenant building with street frontage shall be permitted two -{2} wall signs and ones} projecting or suspended sign, Each occupancy shall be allowed at least twenty -four -(24) square feet of sign area. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed ten -(109 percent of the first floor facade to which the signs are attached. The wall sign may be internally illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The projecting or suspended sign shall be non -illuminated. E. Signs permitted in midway transit community -2 district. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed ones} square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. Aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed three-fourths(3/4) of a square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area and may be permitted subject to Midway Design Guidelines. 1. Identification signs for occupancies. Each single business property may have ones) freestanding monument sign per street frontage or one -(-I} projecting sign per street frontage, if not located in a multitenant building, and twos) wall signs and one- I-) suspended sign per street frontage. a. Freestanding monument signs. Freestanding monument signs shall not exceed a height of five --(5 feet, The maximum sign area permitted is thirty --(3 square feet for the total of all faces. No one -fl) face shall exceed fifteen} square feet. The sign may be illuminated 105 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance indirectly. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half-ely-2} square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Projecting or suspended signs. Projecting or suspended signs shall not protrude less than eight-(& feet above the surface of the sidewalk. The following are recognized projecting signs: i. Blade signs. Blade signs shall be double-faced, may be non -illuminated, indirect illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. The maximum sign area permitted is thirty- 3A— square feet. No one- face shall exceed fifteen} square feet. The maximum sign height permitted is fifteen -{-1-5-) feet, Blade signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. ii. Hanging signs. Hanging signs shall be double- faced and shall be non -illuminated. C. Wall signs. Wall signs shall not exceed an area of five {S} percent of the building first floor facade to which they are attached, or twenty -four -(24) square feet, whichever is greater. Wall signs shall be attached flat against the building, and placement shall not exceed fifteen {� feet above median sidewalk grade measured from the top of the sign. If a single business building is greater than sixty --five--( feet in height, one- I-) building identification wall sign for each street frontage may be placed on the parapet. Wall signs may be non -illuminated, internally or indirectly illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters 106 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance are illuminated. Wall signs shall not blink, flash, or be animated. 2, Identification signs for multitenant buildings. Each multitenant property may have ones} freestanding monument sign or ones) projecting sign and each occupancy with street frontage may have two) wall signs and one -(I} suspended sign. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed fives percent of the first floor building facade to which the signs are attached. a. Freestanding monument signs. Each multitenant j property may have ones) freestanding monument sign on each street frontage. The sign may not exceed a height of five-fSS feet. The maximum sign area permitted is thirty -39-) square feet for the total of all faces. No one --4) face shall exceed fifteen—(4-S) square feet. The sign may be illuminated indirectly. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Projecting or suspended signs. Projecting or suspended signs shall not protrude less than eight -(S) feet above the surface of the sidewalk. The following are recognized projecting signs: i. Blade signs. Blade signs shall be double-faced, may be non -illuminated, internal indirect illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. The maximum sign area permitted is thirty -{-3-9} square feet. No one --(-1J face shall exceed fifteen -el -S} square feet. The maximum sign height permitted is fifteen --(-1-5) feet. Blade signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. 147 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance ii. Hanging signs. Hanging signs shall be double- faced and shall be non -illuminated. C. Wall signs. Each multitenant building may have one -(-l-) identification wall sign for the building's identification for each street frontage. The sign shall not exceed a total of five -F} percent of the first floor facade to which it is attached, or twenty-four (2-4) square feet, whichever is greater. Wall signs shall be attached flat against the building, and placement shall not exceed fifteen --(-fir} feet above median sidewalk grade measured from the top of the sign. If the multitenant building is greater than sixty-five-KY5) feet in height, ones} building identification wall sign for each street frontage may be placed on the parapet. The sign shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. Wall signs may be non -illuminated, internally or indirectly illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Wall signs shall not blink, flash, or be animated. Aggregate sign area shall apply. A multitenant building shall have the option of the sign described in this subsection (E)(2)(c) or the identification sign described in subsection (E)(2)(d) of this section. d. Identification signs for occupancies. Each occupant of a multitenant building with street frontage shall be permitted two- 2-) wall signs and ones} projecting or suspended sign. Each occupancy with street frontage shall be allowed at least twenty-four(24) square feet of sign area. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed five -(s} percent of the first floor facade to which the signs are attached. The wall sign may be internally illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The projecting or suspended sign shall be non -illuminated. Wall signs shall 108 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance I not blink, flash, or be animated. F. Signs permitted in midway commercial/residential district. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one -(IJ square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. Aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed three -fourths -(-3-/4) of a square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area and may be permitted subject to Midway Design Guidelines. 1. Identification signs for occupancies. Each single business property may have ones) freestanding monument sign per street frontage or one -M projecting sign per street frontage, if not located in a multitenant building, and twos} wall signs and one ---(4} suspended sign per street frontage. a. Freestanding monument signs. Freestanding monument signs shall not exceed a height of fifteen) feet. The maximum sign area permitted is eighty -9} square feet for the total of all faces. No one fly face shall exceed forty-(4-gi square feet. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Freestanding monument signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Projecting or suspended signs. Projecting or suspended 109 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance signs shall not protrude less than eight} feet above the surface of the sidewalk. The following are recognized projecting signs: i. Blade signs, Blade signs shall be double-faced, may be non -illuminated, internal or internal indirect illuminated, or neon tube illuminated, Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The maximum sign area permitted is eighty (80) square feet. No one -+I) face shall exceed forty --4e} square feet. The maximum sign height permitted is twenty-(2AD} feet. Blade signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. ii. Hanging signs. Hanging signs shall be double- faced and shall be non -illuminated. C. Wall signs. Wall signs shall not exceed an area of ten {10-} percent of the building first floor facade to which they are attached, or twenty-four (24) square feet, whichever is greater. Wall signs shall be attached flat against the building, and placement shall not exceed thirty- five -(5) feet above median sidewalk grade measured from the top of the sign, Wall signs may be non -illuminated, internally or indirectly illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. 2. Identification signs for multitenant buildings. Each multitenant property may have one—( -1J freestanding monument sign or one --M projecting sign and each occupancy with street frontage may have two -M wall signs and one—(� suspended sign per street frontage, except the anchor tenants with a business frontage of at least one hundred (100) linear feet shall be allowed three -(-3} wall signs. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed ten -(44} percent of the first floor building facade to 110 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance which the signs are attached. a. Freestanding monument signs. Each multitenant property may have one—{ -I-} freestanding monument sign on each street frontage. The sign may not exceed a height of fifteen—f1-5} feet. The maximum sign area permitted is eighty -(84) square feet for the total of all faces. No one -C -l-) face shall exceed forty-� square feet. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Freestanding monument signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half-Rj23 square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Wall signs. Each multitenant building may have one -(-I-) identification wall sign for the building's identification for each street frontage. The sign shall not exceed a total of five} percent of the first floor facade to which it is attached. The sign shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Aggregate sign area shall apply. A multitenant building will have the option of the sign described in this subsection (F)(2)(b) or the identification sign described in subsection (F)(2)(c) of this section. C. Identification signs for occupancies. Each occupant of a multitenant building with street frontage shall be permitted two—R-} wall 111 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance allowed at least twenty -four -(24} square feet of sign area. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed ten -fl -A} percent of the first floor facade to which the signs are attached. The wall sign may be internally illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The projecting or suspended sign shall be non -illuminated. G. Signs permitted in effice an neighborhood convenience commercial districts. Generally. One—( -l-) freestanding double-faced identification sign shall be permitted for each lot. The sign shall not exceed a maximum area of fifty -{W square feet for the total of all faces. No one--} face shall exceed twenty-five-(� square feet. A freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of fifteen} feet and shall be unlighted or provided with indirect illumination. 2. Identification signs for buildings. Ones} identification sign shall be permitted for each principal building. The sign shall not exceed an area of fives} percent of the facade to which it is attached, shall be attached flat against the building, shall not project above the eave of the roof or the top of the parapet, and shall be unlighted or provided with indirect illumination. Such signs shall not advertise or name individual tenants of the building. 3. Identification signs for occupancies. Signs not exceeding a total of fives percent of the facade of the business unit to which they are attached shall be permitted for each occupancy in a multitenant building when the occupancy has outside frontage. 112 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 1. Aggregate sign area. The aggregate sign area for lots in the MAT -M1, and AG districts shall not exceed one-half} square foot for each foot of street frontage. The aggregate sign area for lots in the M2 district shall not exceed three-fourths/4} of a square foot for each foot of street frontage. The aggregate sign area for lots in the M3 district shall not exceed ones) square foot for each foot of street frontage. In no case shall the aggregate sign area exceed one-half} square foot for each foot of street frontage on a corner lot. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. a. Identification signs for buildings. One-} identification sign shall be permitted for each lot on each street frontage, which may be a freestanding sign or a wall sign. The maximum sign area permitted for a freestanding sign is two hundred (200) square feet for the total of all faces. No one- I-) face shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet. If the sign is a wall sign, its size shall not exceed twenty -(2-93 percent of the building facade. A freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of twenty �? feet, The sign may be illuminated. b. Identification signs for occupancies. One (1) identification sign shall be permitted for each occupancy on each street frontage and shall be a wall sign. The maximum size of the sign shall be ten -(1-9-) percent of the building facade. This sign may be illuminated. If the identification sign permitted under subsection (H)(1)(a) of this section is a wall sign, an additional wall sign may be permitted on a building facade not facing a street frontage. 2. Farm product identification signs. No permit is required, but the sign may not be located in the public right-of-way. 113 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance I. Signs permitted in planned unit developments, special use combining districts, and mobile home park districts and for conditional uses. All signs in planned unit developments, special use combining districts, and mobile home parks and for conditional uses shall be incorporated as part of the developmental plan and approved with the developmental plan. Subsequent changes which conform to the adopted signing program may be granted by the planning director. J. Signs permitted in shopping centers. The aggregate sign area for each occupant of a shopping center shall not exceed twenty�6) percent of the front facade of the unit. Wall signs are permitted on each exterior wall of the individual business unit. A minimum of thirty-(� square feet shall be permitted for any occupancy. No combination of signs shall exceed ten-(" percent of the facade to which they are attached. If there is an attached canopy or overhang, a ten -(1-9) square foot sign may be attached to the canopy or overhang in addition to the other permitted signs. Such sign shall be at least eight -(8) feet above any pedestrian walkway. -!ERIERMI M-211.1 HIM - =rz;i9;M M 114 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance "-,*- r _ AM, IJK�1[ MANE SECTION 6. — Amendment. Section 15.07.060 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: 15.07.060 Regulations for specific districts. 115 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Minimum Perimeter Landscape Planter Width and Type Additional Zones Rear Abutting Residential District lor Requirements Abutting Street Side Yard Yard Use SR -1 N/A (see also N/A through KCC SR -8 12.04.245 ) MR -D N/A MR -G 10` Type III 10' Type 1.0' N/A, except for parking Open green MR -T II or III Type II lots per KCC area shall MR -M or III 15.07.040(8)(2) occupy no less MR -N than twenty- five+25� percent of the total lot area. 115 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 116 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Minimum Perimeter Landscape Planter Width and Type Additional Zones Rear lor AbuttingResidential District Requirements Abutting Street Side Yard Yard Use A minimum of five-ES} feet of foundation landscaping shall be placed along the perimeter of any multifamily structure. Foundation landscaping consists of shrubbery or some other combination of landscape materials that helps to reduce the visual bulk of structures and buffer dwelling units from light, glare, and other environmental intrusions. Additional requirements may apply through multifamily design review, KCC 15.09.045(D). MHP Requirements per Chapter 12.05 KCC CC 5' Type III N/A N/A 10' Type II, and for N/A CM parking lots per KCC GC 15.07.040(8)(2) 9 DC N/A A minimum of three-(3) feet of landscaping to screen off- street parking areas, placement of which shall be determined through the downtown 116 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance 117 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Minimum Perimeter Landscape Planter Width and Type Additional Zones Rear Abutting Residential District lor Requirements Abutting Street Side Yard Use Yard design review process outlined in KCC 15.09.046. Additional landscaping or alternative methods of screening may be approved through downtown design review. DCE N/A 10' Type II, and for A minimum of parking lots per KCC three -(3} feet 15.07.040(B)(2) of landscaping to screen off- street parking areas, placement of which shall be determined through the downtown design review process outlined in KCC 15.09.046. Additional landscaping or alternative methods of screening may be approved through downtown design review. MTC -1' MTC -2Z MCR' MA 20' Type III in 15' Type N/A N/A, except for parking AG front yard II or III lots per KCC M1 15.07.040(B)(2) M2 15' Type III in 10' Type N/A N/A, except for parking front yard II or III lots per KCC 15.07.040(B)(2) M3 10' Type III in S' Type II N/A N/A, except for parking front yard or III lots per KCC 15.07.040(B)(2) �+���� G WG i T5' e r 20 � 0' Type -1-1. - 117 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Zones Minimum Perimeter Landscape Planter Width and Type Additional Abutting Street Side Yard Rear Abutting Residential District Requirements Yard lor Use TyPe_HI4 Type4l -er 1 er !I! NCC 10' Type III 5` or 10' 5' Type 10' Type II Type II or II or III III,' I 1MTC-1 additional landscaping requirements. Landscaping requirements shall be determined through the midway design review process outlined in KCC 12.01.040 and shall include the following to soften the appearance of parking areas and building elevation, and to provide separation between uses: (A) The perimeter of properties abutting a single-family residential or mobile home park land use shall be landscaped with a minimum of ten -{1-9} feet of Type I landscaping. (B) The perimeter of properties abutting a multifamily residential land use shall be landscaped with a minimum of ten-elg) feet of Type I landscaping. (C) The perimeter of properties abutting a public right-of-way shall be landscaped with a minimum of ten -(V)0 feet of Type III landscaping. The following exceptions apply: (1) When a vehicular parking area abuts such setback, a Type III landscape strip with an average of twenty -(2-9} feet in depth shall be provided. (2) When such setback is utilized as a public open space plaza and not accompanying parking, no perimeter landscaping strip shall be required. (3) When such setback is utilized as a public open space plaza and exceeds thirty -(30} linear feet, street trees shall be provided as set forth in the 2009 Design and Construction Standards, or as the same may be subsequently amended. (D) The perimeter of side property lines shall be landscaped with a minimum of five-§} feet of Type III landscaping, unless the building is constructed at the bund -to line or property line. 2MTC-2 additional landscaping requirements. Landscaping requirements shall be determined through the midway design review process outlined in KCC 12.01.040 and shall include the following to soften the appearance of parking areasT and building elevations, and to provide separation between uses: (A) The perimeter of properties abutting public parks, plazas, open space, or multi- purpose trails shall be landscaped with a minimum of ten�3 feet of Type III landscaping. (B) When a vehicular parking area abuts a public right-of-way, a Type III landscaping strip a minimum of five -(S} feet in depth shall be provided. (C) When a vehicular parking area abuts the side property lines, a Type III landscaping strip a minimum of ten -(4-9} feet in depth shall be provided. 3MCR additional landscape requirements. Landscaping requirements shall be determined through the midway design review process outlined in KCC 12.01.040 and shall include the following to soften the appearance of parking areas and building elevations, and to provide separation between uses: (A) When buildings abut the required front yard, a Type III landscaping strip minimally ten-� feet in depth shall be provided. (B) When vehicular parking area abuts a public right-of-way, a Type III landscaping strip minimally fifteen�3 feet in depth shall be provided. (C) When vehicular parking area abuts the side property lines, a Type III landscaping strip minimally ten -(10} feet in depth shall be provided. buildings GI FI4required front , - landscape strip at least fifteen (15) fee' _i_ hbe hided. vvr lar parking � _ecl F... -..,+_ yard, t�rde�l srra all n vi pr � v f strip atleast 0, �_In depth shall be_jwovidec+[Reservedl 5No landscaping along the side property lines shall be required between adjacent properties where a common, shared driveway with a perpetual cross -access easement is provided to serve the adjoining properties. file Typ­e4H4a-n _scape stFip of at lea + Iciri M ( 5) feet indepth shall be provided 118 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance Minimum Perimeter Landscape Planter Width and Type Additional zones Rear Abutting Residential District Abutting Street Side Yard Requirements Yard lor Use alongside praperty lliqes4kT*�ng the AFeet of a effner i47LEeservedl 7A Type III landscape strip of at least ten -(3$} feet in depth shall be provided alongside all property lines flanking the street of cue,=sof a corner lot that abut public rihts- of-way. SECTION 7. -- Amendment. Section 15.09.050 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.09.050. Amendments. This title may be amended by the city council by changing the boundaries of zoning districts (rezones which I change the official zoning map) or by changing any other provisions thereof (text amendments which add, delete or otherwise modify the text of this title) whenever the public necessity and convenience and the general welfare require such amendment, by following the procedures of I this section. A. Initiation. An amendment may be initiated as follows: 1. Amendments to the text of this title and official zoning map amendments may be initiated by resolution of intention by the city council. Text amendments are heard by the land use and planning board and city councll; zoning map amendments are heard by the hearing examiner. In the case of area -wide zoning or rezoning, both text amendments and zoning map amendments may be heard by the land use and planning board and city council in accordance with Ch. 12.01 KCC. 2. Amendments to the text of this title may be Initiated by resolution of intention by the land use and planning board. 3. Official zoning map amendments (rezones), including the application of the "C" suffix, may be initiated by application of ones} or more owners, or their agents, of the property affected by the proposed 119 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance amendment, which shall be made on a form prescribed by the planning department and filed with the planning department. The application shall be submitted in the manner required for Process IV applications. The hearing examiner shall consider the application in an open record predecision hearing in accordance with Chs. 2.32 and 12.01 KCC. B. Public hearing. The hearing examiner shall hold an open record predecision hearing on any proposed amendment, and shall give notice thereof in accordance with the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC. C. Standards and criteria for granting a request for rezone. The following standards and criteria shall be used by the hearing examiner and city council to evaluate a request for rezone, Such an amendment shall only be granted if the city council determines that the request is consistent with these standards and criteria and subject to the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC. 1. The proposed rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible with development in the vicinity. 3. The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated. 4, Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, 120 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance b. Furthermore, for rezones to M1 -C: a. The proposed rezone is in close proximity or contiguous to major arterial intersections identified on the comprehensive plan land use map as beirci appropriate locations for corn mercial-t e land uses. b. Except for city-wide mapping proposals, rezoning to MI -C shall not be speculative in nature, but shall be based on generalized development plans and uses. D. rReservedlR-L- G The hearing ner and - - shall - - - It M - - r ■,.V,. --d in ■ i - - sectionthis ■ • - - Y ■ to Nil - - - heaFi- -exangin - i r - ■ r - - i on basis of i _ -standardsandeFiterla.Such an argenelngentshall G " - - - i r _ - - - - - r - en - these standaMs r 'eriteFiar -subjeeti requirementsof - i 1. ■i • E. Rezone to mixed use overlay. The hearing examiner and the city council shall use the standards and criteria provided in subsection (C) of this section to evaluate a request for expanding the boundaries of the mixed use overlay boundary which is located in the GCi and CC-,-and--G zoning districts. In addition, the hearing examiner and city council shall evaluate a request for expanding the mixed use overlay on the ba 121 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance I efus_ ina the following standards and criteria as well. Such an amendment shall only be granted if the city council determines the request is consistent with these standards and criteria and subject to the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC. 1. The proposed rezone is contiguous to an existing mixed use overlay area, or is at least one -(I) acre in size. j 2, The proposed area is located within close proximity to existing residential uses and existing commercial uses which would support residential use. 3. The proposed area is located in close proximity to transit stops, parks, and community facilities. F. Rezoning to MR -T. The hearing examiner and the city council shall use the standards and criteria provided in subsection (C) of this section to evaluate a request for rezone to MR -T. In addition, the hearing examiner and city council shall evaluate a request for MR -T on the basin. ^Fusing the following standards and criteria as well. Such an amendment shall only be granted if the city council determines the request is consistent with these standards and criteria and subject to the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC. 1. The proposed rezone site is adjacent to or has convenient access to an arterial street to ensure that the traffic accessing the MR -T development minimizes the disruption to single-family residential neighborhoods. G. Recommendation of hearing examiner, f=ollowing the public hearing provided for in this section, the hearing examiner shall make a report of findings and recommendations with respect to the proposed amendment and shall forward such to the city council, which shall have the final 122 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance authority to act on the amendment. H. City council action/appeal. 1. The city council shall, at a regular public meeting, consider the recommendation and issue a final decision. The decision of the city council is appealable to the King County superior court within twenty-one calendar days from the issuance of a notice of decision and in accordance with the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC and Chapter 36.70(C) RCW. 2. If the application for an amendment is denied by the city council, the application shall not be eligible for resubmittal for ones) year from date of the denial, unless specifically stated to be without prejudice. A new application affecting the same property may be submitted if, in the opinion of the hearing examiner, circumstances affecting the application have changed substantially. SECTION 8. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 9. - Severabit . If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and that remaining portion shall maintain its full force and effect. SECTION 10. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. 123 Zoning Code Amendment Ordinance SUZ,TTF`'COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: f. RONALD F., OORE,-(! TY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: q 9 l TOM BRUBAKER, CIT`( ATTORNEY PASSED: day of �_�� ���` _, 2015. APPROVED: �day of r2015. PUBLISHED: day of 12015, I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. a ✓ -(SEAL) XPRONAL F. MOORE, CITY CLERK Pi�CANLrdlnl—\Comp FWn WBS 2015k0rdina—Camp Plal • Znnln9 Code Amendmelt,4- 124 Zoning Code Amendment ordinance