HomeMy WebLinkAbout4165AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Zoning Districts Map designations related to an amendment to the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the requirements. of the Growth Management Act (CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011- 1). RECITALS A. Pursuant to Chapter 36.70A RCW, the Washington Growth Management Act (GMA), the City of Kent ("City") accepts applications for comprehensive plan amendments once each year. On September 1, 2014, the City received applications for docketing Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map amendments for properties located in five areas of the city. B. Development regulations must be consistent with and implement the Comprehensive Plan as provided by RCW 36.70A.040(4). The Zoning Districts Map is incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. The amendments to the Zoning Districts Map implement the Comprehensive Plan's goals and policies. 1 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations C At its November 10, 2014 meeting, the Economic & Community Development Committee recommended consideration of four of the docketed Zoning Districts Map amendments, as well as several staff -proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments for the 2014-15 update to the Kent Comprehensive Plan. D. On November 18, 2014, the City Council concurred with the recommendation of the Economic and Community Development Committee, and; staff presented options for docketed and staff -proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments to the Land Use and Planning Board ("LUPB"). at a workshop held on January 26, 2015, and at public hearings held on April 27, 2015 and May 11, 2015. E. On April 21, 2015, the City provided via a -mail to the State of Washington Department of Commerce the required sixty-day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 regarding the proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments. F. On April 20, 2015, the City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) responsible official issued an Addendum to the Environmental Impact Statement that was prepared for the City of Kent Comprehensive Pian Review and Midway Subarea Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (#ENV -2010-3) and the City of Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Planned Action Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) (#ENV -2012-30) (the "SEPA Addendum"). This SEPA Addendum analyzed the potential impact of various _Comprehensive Plan 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations amendments, including the Zoning Districts Map amendments. G. On June 8, 2015, the LUPB made recommendations regarding the proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments to the City Council. H. The Economic and Community Development Committee considered the recommendations of the LUPB on July 13, 2015, August 101 2015, and August 24, 2015, and after holding a public hearing at the August 24, 2015 meeting the Economic and Community Development Committee recommended to the full City Council passage of the proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments. I. At its regularly scheduled meeting on September 1, 2015, the City Council voted to adopt amendments to the Zoning Districts Map as shown on Exhibits "A" through "X" incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property as shown on Exhibits "A" through "X" are listed in Exhibit "Y" incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. J. Exhibit A (Site Number DKT-2014-4) depicts real property affected by rezoning the southern half of the parcel from Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MR -T16) to Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC -MU). K. Exhibit B (Site Number DKT-2014-6) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Office/Mixed Use (O -MU) and Single Family Residential (SR -6) to Community Commercial (CC), and depicts three adjacent parcels affected by rezoning from Single Family Residential (SR - 3 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations 6) to Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC-MU)I L. Exhibit C (Site Number DKT-2014-7) depicts real property affected by rezoning from split designations of Single Family Residential (SR -6) and Commercial Manufacturing -1 (CM -1) to Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MR -T16) and real property affected by rezoning from Single Family Residential (SR -6) to Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MR -T16). M. Exhibit D (Site Number DKT-2014-8) depicts real property affected by rezoning from General Commercial (GC) to Midway Commercial Residential (MCR). N. Exhibit E (Site Number A1) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Industrial Park (M-1) to Industrial Park/Commercial (Ml -C). O. Exhibit F (Site Number A2) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Industrial Park (M1) to General Commercial/Mixed Use (GGMU), and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Industrial Park (M1) and Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial/Mixed Use (G&MU) and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Industrial Park (M1) and Limited Industrial (M2) to Limited Industrial (M2) where the majority of the parcel already has Limited Industrial (M2) zoning. P. Exhibit G (Site Number A3) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Limited Industrial (1v,2) to Industrial Park/Commercial (M1 -C). Gi Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations Q. Exhibit H (Site Number A4) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Limited Industrial (M2) and Gateway Commercial (GWC) to Industrial Park/Commercial (MI -C). R. Exhibit I (Site Number B1.a) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Office (0) and Office/Mixed Use (O -MU) to Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC -MU), and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Office/Mixed Use (O -MU) and Single Family Residential (SR -8) to Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC -MU), and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Office (0) and Community Commercial (CC) to Community Commercial (CC). S. Exhibit J (Site Number Bi.b) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Office (0) and Office/Mixed Use (0 -MU) to Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC -MU) or Community Commercial (CC), and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Office (0) and Community Commercial (CC) to Community Commercial (CC). T. Exhibit K (Site Number Bi.c) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Office (0) to split zoning of High Density Multifamily Residential (MR -H), and Single Family Residential (SR -6). U. Exhibit L (Site Number B1.d) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Office (0) to Commercial Manufacturing -2 V. Exhibit M (Site Number Bi.e) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Office (0) to Neighborhood Convenience Commercial 5 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations (NCC): W. Exhibit N (Site Number B2a) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Industrial Agricultural (MA) to Industrial Park (M1), and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Low Density Multifamily Residential (MR -G) and Industrial Agricultural (MA) to Industrial Park (M1) and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Mobile Home Park (MHP) and Industrial Agricultural (MA) to Industrial Park/Commercial (M1 -C). X. Exhibit O (Site Number B2b) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Industrial Agricultural (MA) to Industrial Park (Ml). Y. Exhibit P (Site Number B2c) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Industrial Agricultural (MA) to Agricultural General (AG). Z. Exhibit Q (Site Number B3) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Gateway Commercial (GWC) to Industrial Park/Commercial (M1 -C) or General Industrial (M3), and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Gateway Commercial (GWC) and Limited Industrial (M2) to Industrial Park/Commercial (M1 -C) or Limited Industrial (M2), and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Gateway Commercial (GWC) and General Industrial (M3) to General Industrial (M3), real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Gateway Commercial (GWC) and MHP (Mobile Home Park) to MHP (Mobile Home Park), and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Gateway Commercial (GWC) and Commercial Manufacturing -1 k to Commercial Manufacturing4 (CM -1) or Industrial Park/Commercial (Ml- t� Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning DistrictsMap Designations C). AA. Exhibit R (Site Number C6) depicts real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of General Commercial/Mixed Use (GC -MU) and Mobile Home Park (MHP) to Mobile Home Park (MHP). BB. Exhibit S (Site Number C7) depicts right-of-way affected by rezoning from Agricultural (A-10) to Agricultural General (AG). CC. Exhibit T (Site Number C8) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Single Family Residential (SR -6) to Commercial Manufacturing -2 (CM -2). DD. Exhibit U (Site Number C10) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Low Density Multifamily Residential (MR -G) to Single Family Residential (SR -4.5). EE. Exhibit V (Site Number C11) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Single Family Residential (SR -4.5) to Single Family Residential (SR -6). FF. Exhibit W (Site Number C12) depicts real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Limited Industrial (M2) and General Commercial/Mixed Use (CG -MU) to all General Commercial/Mixed Use (GC -MU), and real property affected by rezoning from split zoning of Limited Industrial (M2) and General Commercial (GC) to all General Commercial (GC). 7 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations GG. Exhibit X Site Number Bi.f) depicts real property affected by rezoning from Office (0) to General Commercial/Mixed Use (GC -MU). NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. -Incorporation of Recitals. The preceding recitals are incorporated herein by this reference and constitute the city council's findings on this matter. SECTION 2. -Amendment. Chapter 15.03.020 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended to include the official zoning districts map designations and boundaries for the parcels of real property identified and as set forth in Exhibits "A" through "X" and Exhibit "Y" attached, and are hereby adopted, and incorporated into the Kent City Code. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any one or more sections, sub- sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Corrections � City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approvaI of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors, references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and Lai Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations section/subsection numbering. SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, as provided by ATTEST; Z�T�iE COOKE, MAYOR NALD F. f�iORE�ITY CLER APPROVED AS TO FORM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY . . • -. PPROVEDE day of 2015, UBLISHED. day of 2015a passed by the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P:\CIvII\Ordinance\Comp Plan Update 2015\Ordinance Comp Plan Zoning District M FJ Comprehensive Plan Amendments Zoning Districts Map Designations • �- • • • - - • • 1 Zoning Districts Map Amendment #DKT-2014-4 jTLjSjjjFmAj No action MRT-16 to CC -MU Parcells) KENT ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Exhibit Zoning Districts Map Amendment #DKT-2014-6 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment #DKT-2014-7 N Legend ��� s A Proposed Zoning Change Q Affected Parcel(s) Parcels �NT ECD -June 2015 SR-�/CM-1 to MRT-16 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Exhibit Zoning Districts Map Amendment #DKTm2014-8 G!C to M Legend ;Proposed Land Use Plan Change Q Affected Parcells) Parcels NT ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendments A.1 Intersection of West Valley Hwy/S. 196th Street M1 �o M1 -C N Legend �°E s Proposed Zoning Change Affected Parcel(s) Parcels KENT ECD -June 201 x LU C O Ilma O 'a C O E E O U ce a-+ .E E O U C O E p. C O d7 SENIOR E > 'C O C � G7 E Q �a Ega E 0 v v cn L 110111 NINE Q OIN_ �C W N Q Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment A3. NE Corner of 72nd Ave S. and S. 277th St. M2 to M1 -C Legend ,v Proposed Zoning Change Affected Parcel(s) Parcels KENT ECD -June 201 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment A4. East Valley Highway and S. 212th St. iB Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment Bi.a East Hill North Split Zone MU portio CCFIMU li Legend WE ® Affected Parcel(s) s Proposed Zoning Plan Change Parcels SENT ECD -June 2015 cL W Ln01 N I� zoC w U � UT (O t0 C L -sem am,...,.v m LO N a �� V II I -Q ° II S AV al 0 if Ist Uqj_ r3S~A��E�4 v� ��. , �_._, . . . . . • CD V9 _ t �y • • •' • • • All • ? •• • • • •Mimi • • e �f LO VJ f • • • •' • • • • • • • • • • • • • CD • • • • • •' • • • • • •' • • • • • • • f '� =IS Sol • • s • • •' Bs�m V44 .. a�S_nV,:90.4-Eh � to [AWPI"' �c y IST .N Lw ✓' = i VC 4 C J�_!-�V � Eli p�e�m '� yA. Q Q i V N a.. E� 35 WOO4 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment Bi.c East Hill East %N� `North sof Stream O to MR -H N /South of Stream \ O to SR -6 � � 1 Legend W� s Proposed Zoning Change i Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment Bi.d Valley South Legend Proposed Zoning Change Affected Parcells) ParcelsSENT ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment B1.e West Hill -271- N Legend W� s ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment B2.a Valley West Split � MA po Parcel: Split Zon d P cel: MA/M R -G por :on to M 1 plit Zone IHP/MA t Parcel: M 1-C lit Zoned Palrce Legend � rans- y � Proposed Zoning Plan Change Q Affected Parcells) Parcels KENT ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment B2.b Valley North Legend s 1941 Pa rce I s KEIT j ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment B2.c Valley South a AtoA N Legend WE s Proposed Zoning Change Affected Parcel(s) Parcels SENT ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendments B3. Eliminate Gateway Commercial (GWC) Zoning District ,W�--- - s 2®9z t L61 S t Sit on arch N1L%V o 1-C G or on 00 �,27.o st. Ana a Ana 40 NANO I> so a SPIN ZQed P el: V i Zoned arcel: INC to -C 2 S 214:PI: ' split d Pa CO M / to M 5=216 St CO 0 i un 5'-216St w � / S 21'6, 1 L U) 00plit4o P cWoman W�� to FEWeC y.. eo , s ,,.; 1�S=21L8:St VOP S I t Zoned Parcels: I ar GWC to M3 M - >f p d i o S 220®PI S wz2242:St .2.22 Sit 7,1.._., S'222_S.t — `y GW td M 1-C S -2,23-P1 t> — S_22.4_St 775 0-0021: to M-3 a ' Anan N Legend AVE - Proposed Zoning Change Affected Parcel(s) WA=5228-St—Parcels eD �.�� S-2'28 S_t KENT j ECD -June 2015 i Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment C6. Bonel Mobile Manor Smith GC-I�IU to Proposed Zoning Change Affected Parcel (s) �6NT ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation EXhibit Zoning Districts Map Amendment C7. Frager Rd South Right-of-Way Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment C8. Central Avenue South SR -6 to CM-�2 nwoodDr Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment C10. Earthworks Park MR -G portion to SR -4. Legend ® a] sE✓ Proposed Zoning Change Affected Parcells) Parcels !CENT ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment Exhibit C11. 116th Avenue SE and SE 274th Way � > M �A F� Uj SR- .5 p tionTtqR- z LUVT Legend NV -OE S Proposed Zoning Change ._. Affected Parcel(s) I III Parcels KENT ECD -June 2015 Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment C12. North Central Avenue Commercial Economic & Community Development Committee Recommendation Zoning Districts Map Amendment B1.f Valley North O t0 GC -MU N WE s � Proposed Zoning Change Legend m me Parcells) KENT D -June 2 Exhibit Y - Affected Parcels Zoning Districts Map Amendments - #CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1 Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. A B C D 1 Site Number Tax Parcel xis ing oning Districts Map Designation Recommended Zoning Districts Map Designation 2 3 DKT-2014-4 768280-0195(s) MR -T16 MR-T16/CGMU 4 5 DKT-2014-6 282205-9153 SR -6 CC 6 282205-9221 SR -6 CGMU 7 282205-9270 SR -6 C&MU 8 675670-0050 O -MU CC 9 675670-0060 O -MU CC 10 769790-0070 SR -6 CC -MU 11 12 DKT-2014-7 775780-0222(s) SR-6/CM-1 MR -T16 13 775780-0225(s) SR-6/CM-1 MR -T16 14 775780-0240 SR -6 MR -T16 15 16 DKT-2014-8 212204-9068 GC MCR 17 222204-9113 GC MCR 18 779000-0005 GC MCR 19 20 Al 000020-0041 Mi M 1-C 21 331060-0185 Mi M 1-C 22 331060-0250 MI M 1-C 23 331060-0260 Mi M 1-C 24 331060-0261 Mi M 1-C 25 331060-0285 Mi M 1-C 26 382900-0025 Mi M 1-C 27 382900-0030 Mi M 1-C 28 382900-0040 Mi M 1-C 29 382900-0055 Mi M 1-C 30 382900-0065 Mi M 1-C 31 660021-0010 Mi M 1-C 32 660021-0020 M1 Ml -C 33 660021-0030 Mi M 1-C 34 660021-0040 M1 M1 -C 35 660021-0050 M1 M1 -C 36 660021-0060 MI M 1-C 37 660021-0070 Mi M 1-C 38 660021-0080 M1 M1 -C 39 660021-0090 M1 MI -C 40 660021-0100 M1 MI -C 41 660021-0110 M1 M1 -C 42 660021-0120 M1 M1 -C 431 660021-0130 M1 M1 -C 441 660021-0140 Mi M 1-C Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. Exhibit Y -Affected Parcels Zoning Districts Map Amendments = #CPA-2011-3/CP4-2011-1 Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. A B C D 1 Site Number Tax Parcel xis ing oning Districts Map Designation Kecommended Zoning Districts Map Designation 45 788880-0220 Mi M 1-C 46 788880-0250 M1 M1 -C 47 883660-0140 MI M 1-C 48 49 A2 000020-0003 Mi G&MU 50 000020-0006 Mi G&MU 51 000020-0007 Mi G&MU 52 000020-0008 Mi G&MU 531 000020-0012 M1 G&MU 54 125371-0010 M1 G&MU 55 125371-0050 M1 G&MU 56 125371-0060(s) M1/M2 G&MU 57 125372-0010(s) M1/M2 M2 58 125372-0016(s) M1/M2 GC -MU 59 312305-9013(s) M1/M2 M2 60 312305-9121 M1 GC -MU 61 312305-9129 MI G&MU 62 312305-9151 M1 G&MU 63 362304-9004(s) M1/M2 M2 64 362304-9005(s) M1/M2 G&MU 65 362304-9018 M1 GC -MU 66 362304-9086 Mi GC -MU 67 362304-9096 M1 GC -MU 68 362304-9100 M1 GC -MU 69 362304-9101 M1 G&MU 70 362304-9103(s) M1/M2 M2 71 72 A3 000680-0036 (southern portion) M2 M1 -C 73 000680-0064 M2 M1 -C 74 75 A4 012204-9045 M2 MI -C 76 122204-9002 M2 MI -C 77 122204-9063 M2 M1 -C 78 122204-9068 M2 M1 -C 79 122204-9075(s) M2/GWC M1 -C 80 122204-9080(s) M2/GWC M1 -C 81 122204-9088 M2 M1 -C 82 122204-9090 M2 M1 -C 83 122204-9091 M2 M1 -C 84 85 B1.a 101100-0010 O -MU C&MU 861 1101100-0015 O -MU CC -MU Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. Exhibit Y - Affected Parcels Zoning Districts Map Amendments - #CPA-2011-3/CPZ-20114 Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. A B C D 1 Site Number Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts Map Designation Recommended Zoning Districts Map Designation 87 101100-0020 O -MU CC -MU 88 101100-0025 O -MU CC -MU 89 172205-9015 0 CC -MU 90 172205-9079 0 CC -MU 91 172205-9084 0 CC -MU 92 172205-9130 0 CC -MU 93 172205-9178 0 CC -MU 94 202205-9005 0 CC -MU 95 202205-9047 0 CC -MU 96 202205-9066(s) MR-M/O-MU MR-M/CC-MU 97 202205-9068 O -MU CC -MU 98 202205-9091 O -MU CC -MU 99 202205-9098 O -MU CC -MU 100 202205-9099 O -MU CC -MU 101 202205-9112 O -MU CC -MU 102 202205-9117 O -MU CC -MU 1031 202205-9120 O -MU CC -MU 104 202205-9121 0 CC -MU 105 202205-9133 0 CC -MU 106 202205-9208 O -MU CC -MU 107 (Condo APN-0010 through -0700) 0 CC -MU 108 783080-0006(s) 0/CC CC 109 783080-0268 O -MU CC -MU 1101 783080-0269 O -MU CC -MU 783080-0270 O -MU CC -MU 112 783080-0271 O -MU -C CMU r111 113 783080-0273 O -MU CC -MU 114 783080-0275 O -MU CC -MU 1151 783080-0289 O -MU CC -MU 116 783080-0290 O -MU CC -MU 117 783080-0291 O -MU CC -MU 118 783080-0292 O -MU CC -MU 119 783080-0293 O -MU CC -MU 1201 783080-0294(s) O-MU/SR-8 CC -MU 121 783080-0295(s) O-MU/SR-8 CC -MU 122 783080-0299 O -MU CC -MU 123 783080-0425(s) 0-MU/SR-8 CC -MU 124 783080-0430 O -MU CC -MU 1251 783080-0431 O -MU CC -MU 1261 783080-0432 O -MU CC -MU 1271 1783080-0433 O -MU IC&MU Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. Exhibit Y -Affected Parcels Zoning Districts Map Amendments - #CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1 Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. A B C D 1 Site Number Tax Parcel Existing -Zoning Districts Map Designation Kecommended Zoning Districts Map Designation 128 783080-0450 O -MU C&MU 129 130 B1.b 116400-0100 0 CC 131 116400-0110 0 CC 132 221570-0000 (Condo APN -0010 through -0080) O -MU C&MU 133 292205-9005 O -MU CC -MU 134 292205-9006 O -MU C&MU 135 292205-9044(s) O/CC CC 136 292205-9064 0 C&MU 137 292205-9065 O -MU C&MU 138 2.92205-9068 O -MU C&MU 139 292205-9083 O -MU C&MU 140 292205-9084 O -MU C&MU 141 292205-9086 0 C&MU 142 292205-9087 0 C&MU 143 292205-9088 0 C&MU 144 292205-9094 0 C&MU 145 292205-9101 O -MU C&MU 146 292205-9102 O -MU C&MU 147 292205-9107 O -MU C&MU 1481 292205-9114 O -MU C&MU 149 292205-9117(s) O/CC CC 150 292205-9127 O -MU C&MU 151 292205-9143 O -MU C&MU 152 292205-9169 0 CC 153 292205-9174 O -MU C&MU 1541 292205-9175 0 C&MU 1551 292205-9185 0 C&MU 156 292205-9190 0 CC 157 292205-9192(s) O/CC CC 158 292205-9233 O -MU CC -MU 159 292205-9234 O -M U CC -Mu 160 292205-9235 O -MU C&MU 161 292205-9245 O -MU C&MU 1621 292205-9250(s) O/CC CC 1631 292205-9252 O -MU C&MU 164 292205-9274 O -MU CC -MU 165 292205-9304 O -MU CC -MU 166 292205-9333 0 CC -MU 167 292205-9334 O -MU C&MU 1681 1292205-UNKN 10 CC -MU Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. Exhibit Y -Affected Parcels Zoning Districts Map Amendments - #CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1 Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. A B C D 1 Site Number Tax Parcel Existing zoning Districts Map Designation Kecommended Zoning Districts Map Designation 169 667310-0005 O -MU CC -MU 170 667310-0010 O -MU CC -MU 171 667310-0015 O -MU CC -MU 172 667310-0020 O -MU CC -MU 173 667310-0025 O -MU CC -MU 174 667310-0030 O -MU CC -MU 175 667310-0035 O -MU CC -MU 176 667310-0040 O -MU CC -MU 177 675670-0050 O -MU CC -MU 178 675670-0060 O -MU CC -MU 179 883040-0005 O -MU CC -MU 180 883040-0007 0 CC -MU 181 883040-0010 0 CC -MU 182 883040-0011 0 CC -MU 183 883040-0012 0 CC -MU 184 883040-0013 0 CC -MU 185 883040-0015 0 CC -MU 186 883040-0020 0 CC -MU 187 883040-0030 0 CC -MU 188 883040-0031 0 CC -MU 189 190 B1.c 282205-9164(s) 0 MR-H/SR-6 191 192 Bi.d 346280-0260 0 CM -2 1931 346280-UNKN 0 CM -2 194 195 B1.e 282204-9153 0 NCC 196 282204-9158 0 NCC 197 198 B1.f 543620-0847 0 GC -MU 199 200 B2a 000620-0005(s) MA/M 1 Mi 201 000620-0011 MA Mi 202 000620-0017 MA MI 2031 000620-0018(s) MA/M 1 M 1 2041 000620-0020 MA mi 2051 000620-0023(s) MA/MR-G M1 2061 000620-0025 MA mi 207 000620-0027 MA mi 208 000620-0034 MA MI 209 102204-9016 MA Mi 210 102204-9021 MA Mi 2111 1102204-9024 IMA IM1 Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. Exhibit Y - Affected Parcels Zoning Districts Map Amendments - #CPA=2011=3/CPZ-20114 Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. A B C D 1 Site Number Tax Parcel xis mg oning Districts Map Designation Kecommended Zoning Districts Map Designation 212 102204-9027 MA Mi 213 102204-9153 MA Mi 214 102204-9176 MA Mi 215 102204-9191 MA MI 216 102204-9196 MA Mi 217 102204-9217 MA Mi 218 112204-9014 MA Mi 219 112204-9025 MA Mi 220 112204-9026 MA MI 221 112204-9056 MA Mi 222 112204-9065(s) MA/MHP M1 -C 223 112204-9066 MA Mi 224 112204-9073(s) MA/M 1 Mi 225 112204-9075 MA Mi 226 112204-UNKN(s) MA/M1 M1 227 228 132b 000020-0043(s) MA/M1/M2 M1/M2 229 000020=0044 MA Mi 230 231 132c 242204-9108 MA AG 232 242204-9176 MA AG 2331 242204-9178(s) MA/GC AG/GC 234 242204-9185(s) MA/GC AG/GC 235 252204-9001 MA AG 236 252204-9008 MA AG 237 252204-9022 MA AG 238 2391 B3 072205-9010(s) GWC/M2 M2 240 072205-9023 GWC M1 -C 241 072205-9024(s) GWC/M2 M1-C/M2 242 072205-9026 GWC M1 -C 243 072205-9096 GWC M 1-C 2441 072205-9101 GWC M1 -C 245 122204-9001(s) GWC/M2 M1 -C 246 122204-9006 GWC M1 -C 247 122204-9007 GWC M1 -C 248 122204-9028 GWC M 1-C 2491 122204-9040 GWC M 1-C 2501 122204-9048 GWC M 1-C 2511 122204-9049 GWC M1 -C 252 122204-9052 GWC M1 -C 253 122204-9065 GWC M1 -C 254 122204-9068 1 GWC M1 -C Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. Exhibit Y -Affected Parcels Zoning Districts Map Amendments = #CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1 Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. A B C D 1 Site Number Tax Parcel xis mg oning Districts Map Designation Recommended Zoning Districts Map Designation 255 122204-9071 GWC M 1-C 256 122204-9073 GWC M 1-C 257 122204-9075(s) GWC/M2 M2 258 122204-9080(s) GWC/M2 M2 259 122204-9082 GWC MI -C 260 122204-9087 GWC M1 -C 261 122204-9094 GWC M1 -C 262 122204-9095 GWC M1 -C 263 122204-9107(s) GWC/M3 M3 264 132204-9001 GWC M 1-C 265 132204-9354 GWC M1 -C 266 132204-9355 GWC M 1-C 267 182205-9009 GWC M1 -C 268 182205-9355 GWC M1 -C 269 182205-9356 GWC M 1-C 270 182205-9357 GWC M1 -C 271 383000-0005 GWC M 1-C 272 383000-0006(s) GWC/M3 M3 273 383000-0007 GWC M1 -C 274 383000-0014 GWC M 1-C 2751 383000-0015(s) GWC/M3 M3 276 383000-0020 GWC M1 -C 277 383000-0021(s) GWC/M3 M3 278 383000-0022(s) GWC/M3 M3 279 383000-0023 GWC M1 -C 2801 775780-0010 GWC M 1-C 281 775780-0020 GWC M 1-C 282 775780-0030 GWC M1 -C 283 775780-0031 GWC M1 -C 284 775780-0032 GWC M1 -C 2851 775780-0035 GWC M 1-C 286 775780-0041 GWC M1 -C 287 775780-0042 GWC M1 -C 288 775780-0043 GWC MI -C 289 775780-0044 GWC M 1-C 2901 775780-0050(s) GWC/MHP MHP 291 775780-0055 GWC M1 -C 292 775780-0060 GWC MI -C 293 775780-0070 GWC MI -C 294 775780-0071 GWC M 1-C 2951 775780-0072(s) GWC/CM-1 CM -1 2961 775780-0074 GWC M1 -C 2971 1775780-0080(s) GWC/CM-1 M1 -C Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. Exhibit Y -Affected Parcels Zoning Districts Map Amendments - #CPA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1 Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation. A B C D 1 Site Number Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts Map Designation ecommen e Zoning Districts Map Designation ................. 298 775780-0090 GWC M1 -C 299 775780-0091 GWC MI -C 300 775780-0094 GWC M1 -C 301 775780-0100 GWC MI -C 302 775780-0101(s) GWC/M2 M1 -C 303 775780-0102 GWC M1 -C 304 775980-0010 GWC M 1-C 305 775980-0020 GWC M1 -C 306 775980-0021 GWC M3 307 775980-0022 GWC M 1-C 308 775980-0023 GWC M 1-C 309 775980-0030 GWC M 1-C 310 775980-0031 GWC M1�C 311 775980-0032 GWC M 1-C 312 775980-0033 GWC M1 -C 313 775980-0035 GWC M 1-C 3141 775980-0040(s) GWC/M3 M3 315 316 C6 232204-9052(s) MNP/GGMU MHP 317 318 C7 Right-of-Way(s) A10 portion AG portion 319 320 C8 918370-2430 SR -6 CM -2 321 322 C10 292205-9322(s) MR-G/SR-4.5 SR -4.5 323 3241C11 322205-9001(s) SR-4.5/SR-6 SR -6 3251 322205-9205(s) SR-4.5/SR-6 SR -6 326 327 C12 132204-9018(s) M2/GC-MU GGMU 328 132204-9108(s) M2/GC-MU GGMU 329 132204-9113(s) M2/GC-MU GGMU 3301 132204-9052(s) M2/GC GC 3311 1132204-9221(s) M2/GC IGC Note: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has oris proposed to have a split zoning designation.