HomeMy WebLinkAbout4330ORDINANCE NO, 4330 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of theCity of Kent, Washington, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between March L, 20L9 and June 30, 2019, reflecting an overall budget increase of $15,73L,920. RECITALS A. Expenditures as classified in the final, adopted budget constitute the city's appropriations for that year, After adoption, there are a variety of events that will precipitate the need to amend the adopted budget, such as grant awards, bonds issuance, collective bargaining agreements and additional budget requests coming through Council committees. These modifications are periodically consolidated into a supplemental budget adjustment ordinance amending the original adopted budget. NOW THEREFORE, THE CIry COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Budget Adjustments. The 20t9-2020 biennial budget is amended to include budget fund adjustments from March t, 2OL9 to June 30,2OL9, as summarized and set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached and incorporated into this ordinance. Except as amended by this ordinance, all terms and provisions of the 20L9-2O20 biennial budget L 2O79-2O2O Budget Adjustment March 7, 2079 to June 30, 2079 Ordinance No. 4296, as amended by Ordinance No, 4324, shall remain unchanged. SECTION 2, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publication, as provided by law. Auoust 6.2OLg DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATT Auoust 6.2OLg KI BER . KOMOTO,CLERK Date Adopted Auoust L6.2OI9 Date Published APPROVED AS ATTORNEY 2 2O79-2O2O Budget Adjustment March 7, 2079 to June 30, 2079 UR *P CK, Fund Title Exhibit A City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordinance Adjustments from March Lt 2019 to June 30, 2019 Previously Approved Approval Total Requested Adjustment Ordinance General Fund Street Fund Capital Resource Fund Criminal Justice Fund Street Capital Projects Parks Capital Projects Technology Capital Projects Other Capital Projects Water Operating Fund Sewerage Operating Fund Drainage Operating Fund Solid Waste Operating Fund Golf Operating Budget Fleet Services Fund Central Services Fund Facilities Management Fund Utility Clearing Fund Total 558,010 20,000 ( 120,ooo) I42,540 6,95o,ooo L,445,O00 166,800 250,000 274,L70 1,5gB,Bo0 32,I70 (1,960) 2,185,000 84,620 20,000 750 2,150,000 (10,000) (2,L90) (610) (e40) 590,180 18,040 2,o65,ooo 227,L60 6,970,000 L,445,750 2,150,000 156,800 (2,L90) (610) 249,060 274,770 (7,570) 1,598,630 (e70) (400) (1,130) (7,570) ( 170) (s7o) (400) ( 1,130) 7-L,285,32O 4,4,461600 L5t73L,92O Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes March t t 2OL9 to June 30, 2019 General Fund Sound Transit Task Order 2 Positions (10% remaining in GF) HR/Finance Director Position Search KPOA Salary lncreases Federal Way Jail Services Contract Correction to telephone cost allocation Total General Fund Street Fund Establish Washington UTC Grant Correction to telephone cost allocation Total Street Fund Capital Resource Fund Eliminate budgeted transfer to Sound Transit Task Order 1 Establish Shoreline Ecology Grant Transfer of funds to HCMA System project Repayment of year-end CRF loan from YMCA project Total Capital Resource Fund Criminal Justice Fund Establish Phlebotomy Program Grant KPOA Salary lncreases Budget corrections (uniforms and equipment) Carryover budget Total Criminal Justice Fund Street Capital Projects 4th & Wlllis Roundabout (moved from Parks & ECD projects) Sound Transit Task Order 2 Establish TIB Grant for Meeker Total Street Capital Projects Fund Parks Capital Projects True up and close Street Tree Replacement project Establish King County Conservation Grants Total Parks Capital Projects Technology Capital Projects Establish HCMA Systems project budget Total Technology Capital Projects Other Capital Projects Sound Transit Task Order 1 Movement of budget from Meet Me on Meeker to 4th & Willis Total Other Capital Projects l,Vater Operating Fund Correction to telephone cost allocation Total Water Operating Fund Sewerage Operating Fund Correction to telephone cost allocation Total Sewerage Operating Fund Drainage Operating Fund Establish King County Waterworks Grant Correction to telephone cost allocation Total Drainage Operating Fund Approval Prevlously Not Previously Total Date or Approved by Approved by Adjustment Other Fund Council Council Ordinance 6h8/20re 42,!20 rlrs/201e 6/78/207s KCC 3.70 7/78/2017 KCC 3.70 KCC 3.70 u7s/207s 2018 6/78/201e 4h6/2079 7h8/20r7 439,560 76,330 45,000 (12,830) 42,r20 45,000 439,560 76,330 ( 12,830) 558,01O 20,000 32,L7O 59O,18O ( 1,960) 20,000 ( 1,950) 20,0o0 ( 1s0,000) 30,000 (1,960) 18,040 2,150,000 35,000 ( 150,000) 30,000 2,150,000 35,000 (12O,OOO) 2,185,OOO 2,065,000 9,400 18,540 774,600 84,620 9,400 18,540 84,620 1 141600 L42,540 6,700,000 250,000 84,620 227,L6O 20,000 20,000 6,7oo,ooo 250,000 6,950,00o 4/2/201e I,445,000 2O,OOO 6,970,000 750 750 r,445,0O0 L,445|OOO 750 t,445,750 2,150,000 2,150,000 166,800 2,150,OOO 2,150,OOO ( 10,000) 166,800 ( 10,000) 166,8O0 (10,000) 156,800 (2,79O)(2,1e0) (2,190) (2,190) (6 10)(610) 2s0,000 (61o)(61o) 250,000 940 72/77/2078 25O,OOO (94O) 249,060 Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes March I, 2OL9 to June 30, 2019 Approval Date or Other Fund Previously Approved by Cou ncil Not Previously Approved by Cdunci I Total Adjustment Ordinance Solid Waste Operating Fund Carryover budget Total Solid Waste Operating Fund Golf Operating Budget Correctlon to telephone cost allocation Total Golf Operating projects Fleet Services Fund Correction to telephone cost allocation Carryover budget Total Fleet Services Fund Central Services Fund Correction to telephone cost allocation Total Central Services Fund Facilities Management Fund Correction to telephone cost allocation Total Facilities Management Fund Utility Clearing Fund Correction to telephone cost allocation Total Utility Clearing Fund Grand Total All Funds 2018 2018 274,770 274,L70 274tL7O 274,17O (7,57O)(7,s7O) (7,570) (7,570) ( 170) 1 .598.800 (170) 1,598,800 l,5ggrgoo (170) 1,598,630 (e7o)(e70) (e7o)(e7o) (400)(400) (4oo)(400) ( 1,130)( 1,130) (1,130) (1,130) 11t285,32O 4,446,600 L5,73L,92O CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following is a summary of an ordinance passed by the Kent City Council on August 6,20L9. ORDINANCE NO.433O - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between March L,2019 and June 30, 20L9, reflecting an overall budget increase of $15,73L,920. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publication, as provided by law, A copy of the complete text of this ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk 253-856-5725 CityClerk@KentWA.gov STATE OF WASHINGTON' COUNTY OF KING )AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King county, washingto". rn" Kent Reporter has been approved as aLegalNewspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on August l6thr20lg. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter sworn to me this 16th day Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Covington, Washington 12 Friday,August 16,2019 Kent Reporter ''ltidl, ,r*l*it'' JC DENTURE CLINIC Dentures slartino at $550 Partials startino at $880 " Belines slartino at $250 ' Repairs/relines in 24 hours Accepts Providerone Call 206-653-7621 - Probsslonal Servlc6s Service Directory Loghl Nottc€s Legal Nottces Proba3lonal Servlcos Hom€ Servlcas - Home SorvlcssDehtal Servlcee Landscape Servlces kwn/Cald€n Servlce WA MIsc. Rontalg Rooms tol R6nt Lsgal Notlc€3 CITY OF KENT mination for the follow- ing: Determination ol Nonsio- nilicance (DNS) for: K.PWE 2019 WATER COMPREHENSIVE The Citv of Kent Public Works department hasiniliated a non-project environmenlal revlew tora proposal to adopt a new Water System Plan,as required by lhe Washinglon State De- partmenl of Health and WAC 246-290. The Wa-ter Syslem Plan pro- vides a delailed ovetr view of the Kent Water System including curent and anticipat€d storaoe capacity, demand, and delivery capability, and conlains a Capital lm- provement Plan describ- ing specific projects that are ldentilied for future implemenlation. Kent'scu(ent Waler Svstem Plan was last updaied in 2011. Commenls are due forlhe above projtrt bv4:30 p.m., Friday, Au: gust 30, 2019, to Citv of Kent Plannina Service's.For more information, sued a threshoid deteF LAND USE AND BOOM FOR RENT $475.00 per month, utililies included. Benton/ Kenl area. Call; 425-698-9367 ask for Ron Announcsm6nts CIW OF KENT PUBLIC NOTICE OETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Pursuant to KCC 11.03, Environmenlal Policu lhe City of Kent has id- items: 2018 Docketed Compr€hensive Plan Amendments The Cily received three docket applications bvthe annual Sept. 1s[,2018 deadline for amendments to theCompr€hensive PlanLand Use Map. thelhree proposals wereidentilied ascPA-2018.01,CPA-2018-2, andcPA-2018-5: CPA-2018-01 was later NOTICE OF PLAN OROINANCES ENV-2019-23, KIVA# RPSA-2192101PASSED BY Caregiver,30 y6ars ex-perience. Hourlv or 24hour care. (253)217- 0703. - Prof6g6lonal Sorvlco3 H6alth Need extra cash? Place your classified ad todayl Call 1-800.388-2527 or Go online 24 hours a day ww.SoundClasEttteds.com Home S€rvlc€s ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS. Gain lreedom with a Portable Oxvoen Conc€ntrator! No i6re heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed lowesl pric-es. Call lhe Orygen Concentralor store: 844- 495-7230. mation, an analvsis ofpublic benefit and con-sislency wilh compre- hensive plan policies, exhibils depicting the proposed siles and vi-cinity, and a stalf's analysis lor each propo- sal. Analyses are basedupon the standards of review llsted in Kent Citv Code. ln.t.uctloh/ClaBs€s WATERCOLOR Classesfor Adulls, What a tife changing gift! cift Certili-cates Available. WateF color classes for adultsof all skill levels. Begin- ners welcome, classes begin Wednesday, Sep- tember 11 - October 9.2019. $160.00 for 5 weeks (15 hours) of in- struction. Clases areheld at the Cedar Grange in Maple Vailey. I am Cheryl Benee Lon'o and I teach Wednesdav classes lhrouqhout mos-t of lhe year. For more in- lormation contact Chervl chervlrenee22 @gmail.com. To see mvwork hnp://M,Che: rylRLong.com. Teens, Adults. Privaie lessons available, Chervl Renee Long BS qraduate Burn- ley School of Profession- al Art THE CIW COUNCIL The followino is a sum-mary of ai ordinance passed by the Kenl Citv Council on August 6', oRotNANCE NO.4330 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the Citu of Kenl, Washinoton, apl proving the consolidalinqbudgel adjustmenta made between l\rarch l, 2019 and June 30,2019, retlecling an overall bud-get increase of $15,731,920. This ordinance shall take sffect and be in forc€live days after publica- tion, as provided by law. A copy of the complote text ol this ordinance wiil be mailed upon request ot the Cilv Clerk. Kimberlei A. Komoto. City Clerk 253-856-5725 Citvclerk@KentWA.oov Published in the'KentReporler August 16, 2019. #869701 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING Notice ls hereby given lhat lhe Board ol Dlrec- tors of Kent School Dis- trict No. 415 will meet for lhe purpose of adapting lhe Dislrict's budoet loithe fiscal vear 2b19 - 2O2O al TiOb p.m. on Au- gust 28, 2019, at the Ad-ministralion Center, seek to amend exislino land use desionations t; lrixed Use. - Proposed sites consist of: cPA.2018-2: one 1.96-acre parcel onMililary Road currenflv designated Commercial,' CPA-2018.5: two paF cels tolaling 1.37 acreson 104th Ave. SE, cur rentlv desionated SF-8. Tho'statf ieport inctuded in the LUPB packet con-tains background infoF withdrawn. sals under Bolh propo- consideration Statf Contacll (ontinuedon nexlPag€... Adverlise your service 800.388-2527 PROMOTE YOUR RE. GIONAL EVENT state- wide with a S325 classi- fied listing or $1,575 fora djsplay ad. Call this newspaper or 360-344- 2938 for delails. contacl Kent Plannino Services at 220 Fourti Avenue S., Kent, WA98032, Teleohone:(253) 856-5454. Anyperson requirino adisability abcomhoda- tion should contact theCity for more informa- tion. For TDD relay seF vice, call 7-1-1 or theCity of Kent at (253) 856-5725.Dated: Friday, August 16,2019 Publishsd in the KentReporler August 16, 2019. #869469 -CrrY oF KENT Danielle Butsick, Sr. Long Range Planner 253-856-5443, dbutsick@kentwa.oov NOTICE IS FURTHEP GIVEN thal any person wishing to submit oral or written comments on lhis proposal may do so at orprior to the h€aring by e- mail to Danielle Butsickat dbulsick@k€nt- wa.gov. The public is in- viled to attend, and all interested persons will have an opportunity to speak. For lurther infoF mation, contact the Eco- nomic & Communitv De- velopmenl Otlice' al 253-856-5454. For docu- ments pertaininq lo the Land Use and PlanninoBoard, pleaso accesilhe City's website at: htto://kentwa.iom2.cor/ citizens/Defaull.aspx? DeparlmenllD=1004. Any potson requiing adisabililv acconmoda- tion sioutd @nlact the City Cletu's Office in ad- vance at 253-856-5725.Fot TM\DD seruice STILL PAYING TOO much for vour lrEDlCA- TION? Save up to 90o/o on RX refill! Order todavand receive heit shipping on 1st order -pre$riplion reQuired. Call 1-866-685-690i Kent, Washington. Anyperson may appear atsaid meetino and be heard for or aoainst anvpart ol said -budqet. A budget has been pre- pared by lhe board and will be liled at the Officeol the District Superin- tendent from whom any '12033 SE 2561h Street, porson may oblain a copy upon request. Dr Calvin J. Watts Secretarv of the Board of Direclors Published in the Kentand Covinoton/ Maolo Valloy/ Bta;k Diamdnd Feporters Auoust 16 & 23.2019. #86936s HEARING AUGUST 25, 2019 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the citv ofKent Land Use 'and Planning Board will holda Public Hearino on MoNDAy, Aucus1 26, 2019 at 7 P.M. in Citv Council Chambers.220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. Tho Hearing Agenda will include the following PLANNING NOTICE OF BOARD PUBLIC print& online 24n Office Hours: B-5pm Monday to Friday PUGET SOUND CONSTRUCTION lnterior / Exlerior Painting and Home Repaits Build Wood Decks and Fences Patio Covers 253-35G,3231 253-334-9564 SPUGETS$KA AdultlEld€r Care A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million lamilies lind senior liv- ing. Our lrusted, localadvisors helDlind solutions to voJr unique needs at no eostlo you. 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