HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986RESOLUTION NO. nrb A RESOLUTION of the City Council of theCity of Kent, Washington, approving the Development Agreement between Blue Origin and the City of Kent. RECITALS A. This is a resolution of the City Council of the City of Kent approving a development agreement between Blue Origin and the City of Kent relating to the development of 76th Avenue South in the City of Kent. B. Blue Origin, LLC, maintains its engineering, manufacturing and business headquarters in Kent at 2L2LB 76th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. The company is in the process of constructing a new research and development facility on 76th Avenue South between South zLZth Street and South 228th Street on property identified as King County Parcel Numbers L222O 49O tB - 07, L222O4901 9 - 0 6, 222049 L27 - 0 5 a n d 1222049 L28- 04. Th i s project requires Blue Origin to dedicate property for storm water storage and construct the facilities to store the water as a condition of its development. C. 76th Avenue South in the area that the project is accessed can become submerged with water during storm and other events due to high flows in Mill Creek. Development Agreement Between City of Kent and BIue Origin 1 D. As a result, the City has identified the need to raise 76th Avenue South in its 2019-2024 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. E. As a condition of development, Blue Origin is required to construct half-street improvements to the portion of 76th Avenue South abutting its property to account for the impacts of its development. Due to the flooding events, the half-street improvements include the requirement that the western one-half of the road be raised. The City is not prepared to raise the eastern one-half of 76th Avenue South at this time. Since there is no way of raising the western one-half of the roadway without also raising the eastern one-half of the roadway, the City and Blue Origin have negotiated a creative resolution that will benefit both parties. F, In accordance with the development agreement, Blue Origin will make temporary improvements to 76th Avenue South that will be completed prior to the issuance of its occupancy permit. It is estimated that the storm water facilities being constructed by Blue Origin will have the capacity to store storm water in excess of that required for Blue Origin's development. G. The City has determined that the value of this excess storage capacity exceeds the costs of constructing improvements to the entire width of 76th Avenue South, In light of this, Blue Origin has agreed to provide the excess water storage capacity to the City of Kent which will be used by the City when it raises the entire width of 76th Avenue South. Without access to this storage capacity, the City would be unable to construct the improvements to the eastern one-half of 76th Avenue South, H, In summary, through this development agreement, Kent will allow Blue Origin to forgo permanent half-street improvements to 76th Avenue South. In return, Blue Origin will dedicate water storage capacity to Development Agreement Between City of Kent and Blue Origin 2 Kent which will be used when Kent constructs improvements to the entire width of 76th Avenue South. I. Pursuant to RCW 36,708.170 and KCC 15,08.450, on July 2, 20L9, the City held a properly noticed public hearing to considerthe approval of the development agreement, The City Council determined that the proposed development agreement is generally consistent with the City's development regulations and that any departures therefrom provided by this development agreement are offset by the benefits to be received, and that the terms and conditions of the development agreement pay due regard to the criteria provided in KCC 15.08.450. J. By this resolution, the City Council approves of the development agreement and authorizes the Mayor to enter into this development agreement. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIry OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 7. - Approval of Development Agreemenf. Pursuant to RCW 36.708.L7O and KCC 15.08.450, the City Council hereby approves the Development Agreement between the City of Kent and Blue Origin, attached hereto as Attachment 1, and authorizes the mayor to sign the Agreement. SECTION 2. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. July 2,20L9 Date Approved Development Agreement Between City of Kent and Blue Origin I 3 DANA RALPH, ATTEST: KIMBE A. KO APPROVED ,cIryc PATRICK, CITY RNEY July 2,2OI9 Date Adopted July L2,2OL9 Date Published Development Agreement Between City of Kent and BIue Origin 4 EXHIBIT A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN BLUE ORIGIN AND THE CITY OF KENT The City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation, and Blue Origin,LLC, a Washington limited liability company, on behalf of itself and its affiliate Blue Properties, LLC, enter into the following development agreement in accordance with Chapter 36.708 RCW to address certain project elements and requirements relating to Blue Origin's construction of a research and development facility that will be located onJ6th Avenue South, between South 212th Street and South 228th Street in the City of Kent. I. DEFINITIONS When used in this Agreement, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings that follow: 1 . "Agreement" means this Development Agreement between Blue Origin, LLC and the City of Kent. 2. *Cjttf'means the City of Kent, WA. 3. "Developer" means Blue Origin,LLC, on behalf of itself and its affiliate Blue Properties, LLC 4. "Fee-in-Lieu" means a fee equal to the cost of constructing Half-Street Improvements which is paid instead of constructing the Half-Street Improvements. 5. "Half-Street Improvements" means the construction and dedication of improvements such as but not limited to: earthwork and excavation; paving or concrete work; street channelization and signing; street lighting systems; curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and landscaping; storm drainage systems; sanitary sewer systems; domestic water systems; traffic control systems; conduit and fiber optic systems; and/or other improvements necessary for the Project to meet the 2009 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards for an Industrial Collector Arterial Street; along with dedication of property for adequate rights-of-way and easements necessary to construct such improvements. 6. "KCC" means the Kent City Code. 7. "Party" or "Parties" means the City and the Developer collectively. 8. "Project" means the research and development facility and all of its appurtenances such as but not limited to its parking areas, open spaces, Storm Water Mitigation Facilities, etc., that will be built by Developer on property identified as King County Parcel Numbers 1222049018-07, 1222049019-06,1222049121-05 and 1222049128-04 and which are depicted in the Plans. 9. "Plans" means the plans for the Project as reflected under Permit Number RECC 2112124, that Development Agreement Between BlueOrigin,LLC&CityofKent Page l1 EXHIBIT A were approved by City Engineer Chad Bieren on April 3, 2019, and are titled "Blue Origin Development" as well as frontage improvement plans approved by the City under the same permit number 10. "RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. 1 1. "TIP Project Number 23" means, the work and materials for improvements to the entire width of 76th Avenue South associated with Project Number 23 of the City's 2019-2024 Transportation Improvement Program, including but not limited to: earthwork and excavation; paving or concrete work; street channelization and signing; street lighting systems; curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and landscaping; storm drainage systems; sanitary sewer systems; domestic water systems; traffic control systems; conduit for electric and fiber optic systems; and other ancillary improvements, excluding the improvements required of Developer as described in Subsection III.1.(a). 12. "Storm Water Mitigation Facilities" means the storm drainage detention and outflow control, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage facilities depicted in the Plans. II. BACKGROUND - RECITALS 1. The City is a municipal corporation incorporated under Title 35A of the laws of the State of Washington. The City has the authority to enact laws and enter into agreements to promote the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. 2. Developer maintains its engineering, manufacturing and business headquarters within the Kent City limits, with its principle office located at21218 76th Avenue, Kent, WA 98032. 3. Developer will be building a new research and development facility and associated appurtenances on property identified as King County Parcel Numbers 1222049018-07, 1222049019-06,222049127-05 and1222049128-04. Plans for the Project are reflected under Permit Number RECC 2172124, were approved by City Engineer Chad Bieren on April 3,2019, and are titled "Blue Origin Development". The Plans are on file with the City of Kent and are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. 4. During construction and once completed, the Project will be accessed by way of 76th Avenue South between South 212th Street and South 228th Street. 5. The Parties are aware that 76th Avenue South in the area that the Project is accessed may, from time-to-time, become submerged with water during storm and other events due to high flows in Mill Creek. Developer currently occupies property at other locations on 76th Avenue South between South 212th Street and South 228th Street and has experienced events in which 76th Ave South has been submerged, necessitating temporary street closures. In addition, the City has identified the need to raise 76th Ave South in its 2019-2024 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Progtam. Raising the elevation of the roadway should eliminate most Development Agreement Between BlueOrigin,LLC&CityofKent Page l2 EXHIBIT A submergence events 6. In accordance with state and City laws, Developer is required to mitigate the impacts of the Project by providing Half-Street Improvements up to the centerline of the roadway abutting the Project. In this instance, Half-Street Improvements would be required on the westem side of 76th Avenue South only. 7. While Developer is responsible for the Half-Street Improvements on the western side of 76th Avenue South, it is not responsible for improvements to the eastern side of 76th Avenue South. Because the elevation of 76th Avenue South must be raised due to water that collects over 76th Avenue South, Developer's Half-Street Improvements cannot be constructed without also raising the elevation of the eastern side of 76th Avenue South and reconstructing the eastern side of 76th Avenue South. Raising the eastern side of 76th Avenue South will be the responsibility of the City (unless that responsibility falls on a property owner who develops property on the east side of 76th Avenue South). 8. While Developer is responsible for Half-Street Improvements on westem side of 76th Avenue South, due to the fact thatT6th Avenue South must be raised, improvements to the entire width (both sides) of 76th Avenue South must occur simultaneously. 9. Timing is of the essence for Developer, and there is a concern that improving the entire width of 76th Avenue South during Project development may delay the Project. In addition, having contractors from both the City and Developer constructing improvements to the east and west sides of 76th Avenue South at the same time may result in contractor conflict and delays, increasing the expense of the improvements to 76th Avenue South. While the Kent City Code allows the City to assess a fee in lieu of constructing Half-Street Improvements on the western side of 76th Avenue South, the Parties have instead agreed on a more beneficial and economical solution that will assist both Parties, and result in a cost savings to both Parties. 10. Per the Plans, construction of the Project requires the Developer to build facilities to account for storm drainage detention and outflow control, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage. Developer is constructing these Storm Water Mitigation Facilities on its Project site. The Storm Water Mitigation Facilities being constructed by the Developer provide the necessary storm drainage detention and outflow control, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage for the Project site as well as the Half-Street Improvements on the western side of 76th Avenue South. The Storm Water Mitigation Facilities will have excsss capacity for additional water. The Parties have agreed that it is in the interests of both the Developer and City for the Developer to dedicate any excess capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities to the City for the purposes of providing the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities for future construction of improvements to 76th Avenue South in accordance with the 2019-2024 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. This is so because obtaining property and facilities to store roadway runoff on another property for these improvements to 76th Avenue South would be costly to the City. Moreover, requiring the Developer to construct the Half-Street Improvements on the western side of 76th Avenue South, which would trigger contemporaneous improvements to the entire width of 76th Avenue South, would cause delay Development Agreement Between BlueOrigin,LLC&CityofKent Page l3 EXHIBIT A and added cost to the Project. 11. In summary, this Agreement requires Developer to construct limited temporary improvements to 76th Avenue South in accordance with the Plans, which will allow for access to the Project during and after construction and also maximize the capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities so that there is excess capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities for use by the City. Developer will not be required to construct the permanent Half-Street Improvements, and in exchange, Developer will grant any excess capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities exclusively for the future construction of improvements to 76th Avenue South in accordance with the 2019-2024 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. i2. Valuable consideration for this Agreement lies in the form of the Developer's dedication of the excess capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities to the City for construction of improvements to 76th Avenue South. The Parties recognize that consideration is adequate, as the City would not have the resources to purchase property and construct facilities for the purposes of storm drainage detention and outflow control, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage, and thus, TIP Project Number 23 would not be constructed for many years. 13. This Agreement is authorized by RCW 36.708.170 through .210 (the "Development Agreement Statute") and KCC Section 15.08.450. This Agreement is also authorized by the City's general police power and contracting authority. 14. This Agreement will not be approved until after a public hearing and approval by the Kent City Council, and once approved by the City Council and executed by the Parties, the Agreement will be recorded in the real property records of King County, Washington. 15. All Recitals and incorporated documents referenced in this Agreement shall be considered as material terms of this Agreement. III. TERMS OF AGREEMENT 1. Oblisations of Developer a) Temporary and Permanent Improvements to 76th Avenue South Constructed by Developer. Developer shall, at its sole cost, construct temporary improvements in accordance with the Plans to 76rh Avenue South to allow safe ingress and egress to the Project site both during construction, and following occupancy for the period before the completion of TIP Project Number 23. The design documents for these temporary improvements have been submitted by Developer (Permit Number RVS4-2191662). In addition, Developer will be required to construct such improvements and systems within 76th Ave South, including but not limited to water mains, storm drainage conveyance systems, etc., as necessary to serve the Project during construction and following occupancy for the period before the completion of TIP Project Number 23 ("Permanent Improvements"). Development Agreement Between BlueOrigin,LLC&CityofKent Page l4 EXHIBIT A b) Dedication of Facilities and Capacity for Storm Drainage Detention and Outflow Control, Storm Drainage Water Quality, and Flood Plain Compensatory Storage for TIP Project Number 23 and Other Road Projects. Developer is obligated to construct Storm Water Mitigation Facilities in accordance with the Plans. The following additional obligations of Developer apply: i. Developer shall allow access to the City, upon being given a five (5) day notice by the City, for the purposes of inspecting the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities during construction to ensure that the capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities is maximized. ii. The Storm Water Mitigation Facilities will have capacity in excess of that required for the Project. Any excess capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities constructed by Developer shall, in perpetuity, be reserved for the sole purpose of the storm drainage detention and outflow control, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage required of TIP Project Number 23,regardless of who constructs the TIP Project Number 23.In the event TIP Project Number 23 does not utilize all of the excess storm drainage detention, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage, the remaining excess shall remain available, in perpetuity, solely to the City for use solely in road improvements that occur within one quarter of a mile of the Project site measured in a straight line. The excess capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities shall not be available or used for any other purpose. iii. Developer shall allow access to the City, upon being given a five (5) day notice by the City, to its property for the purposes of storm water conveyance in connection with TIP Project Number 23. iv. Developer shall retain responsibility for the maintenance of and the cost of maintenance of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities notwithstanding their use for TIP Project Number 23 or other improvements made in accordance with this Agreement. v. The requirements of this Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding on Developer's successors in interest. vi. Developer shall execute reasonable and necessary easements in favor of the City which allow the City to utilize the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities in accordance with this Agreement. Developer shall provide the legal descriptions necessary to identify the properties subject to the easements. The easements shall be recorded in the real property records of King County, Washington, as necessary to disclose this Agreement on title to the Property. However, the failure to prepare or record the easements shall have no bearing on the enforceability of any provision of this Agreement against the Parties or any of their respective heirs, assigns, successors, legatees, representatives, receivers and trustees. vii. Upon completion of construction of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities, Developer shall provide the City with drawings which confirm the as-constructed excess capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities to be dedicated for City use in accordance with this Agreement. Such drawings shall be subject to review and approval of the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Development Agreement Between BlueOrigin,LLC&CityofKent Page l5 EXHIBIT A c) Penalty for Non-Performance or Breach. i. Satisfaction of the requirements set forth in this Agreement constitute satisfaction of the requirement that Developer construct Half-Street Improvements on 76th Avenue South or pay a Fee-In-Lieu. ii. Developer waives any administrative or legal challenge it may have in regard to its obligation to construct the Half-street Improvements on western side of 76th Avenue South or pay a Fee-In-Lieu. iii. In the event Developer fails to comply with a material term of this Agreement, Developer shall pay to the City the reasonable costs of acquiring property for the pu{poses of constructing storm drainage detention, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage for TIP Project Number 23, and for designing and constructing the Storm Drainage Detention, Storm Drainage Water Quality, and Flood Plain Compensatory Storage facilities for TIP Project Number 23. The property acquired and the storm drainage detention, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage facilities constructed shall be in a location suitable to serve TIP Project Number 23. The foregoing notwithstanding, in no event shall the Developer's total liability to the City for costs under this section exceed the Fee-in-Lieu valued as of the effective date of this Agreement at $2,112,000 (1,320 LF X $1,600/LF) and adjusted for year of construction using cost escalation based on the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for Seattle-Everett-Tacoma. For the purposes of this section the phrase "material term" means Sections IIL1.a, III.1.b.ii, III.1.b.iv, and III.1.b.vi of this Agreement; provided, this section shall not be interpreted as a limitation of remedies for the breach of any other provision of this Agreement. 2. Effective Date and Term. This Agreement shall go into full force and effect upon approval of the Kent City Council and execution by the parties. This Agreement shall be in effect for a period of twenty (20) years following the date of signature by the Parties; provided, the obligation of the Developer to provide for the use of the excess capacity of the Storm Water Mitigation facilities constructed by Developer shall be reserved for the sole purpose of the storm drainage detention, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage required of TIP Project Number 23 in perpetuity; and provided further, that in the event TIP Project Number 23 does not utilize all of the excess storm drainage detention, storm drainage water quality, and flood plain compensatory storage, the remaining excess shall remain available to the City in perpetuity for use in road improvements that occur within one quarter of a mile of the Project site measured in a straight line. 3. Vesting. The Project was previously deemed vested to storm water regulations in existence as of the date of the issuance of the grade and fill permit (RI26 2163906) on October 14, 2016. To the extent permitted by law, the improvements to J6th Avenue South shall be deemed vested to the same date as the civil construction permit. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Agreement, and in accordance with RCW 36.708.110(4), authority is reserved to the City to impose new or different regulations to the extent reasonably required to counter a serious threat to public health and safety. Development Agreement Between BlueOrigin,LLC&CityofKent Page l5 EXHIBIT A 4. Construction of Documents. In the event there are any conflicts or ambiguities between the terms of the body of this Agreement and the terms of any incorporated documents, the terms of the body of this Agreement shall control. 5. Indemnification Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, each Party shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other Party and their officers, directors, agents, and employees, or any of them, from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees), and damages of any nature whatsoever, which are caused by or result from any negligent act or omission of the Party's own officers, agents, and employees in performing services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against a Party, the Party whose sole negligent actions or omissions gave rise to the claim shall defend the other Party at the indemnifying Party's sole cost and expense; and if final judgment be rendered against the other Party and its officers, directors, agents, and employees or be rendered jointly against the Parties and their respective officers, agents, and employees, the Party whose sole negligent actions or omissions gave rise to the claim shall satisfy the same; provided that, in the event of concurrent negligence, each Party shall indemnify and hold the other Party harmless only to the extent of the indemnifying Party's negligence, and in that instance each Party shall be responsible to pay all of its own legal fees and costs. The indemnification to the City hereunder shall be for the benefit of the City as an entity, and not for members of the general public. 6. Authoritv. Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Party for which he or she is signing, and that he or she will defend and hold harmless the other Parties and signatories from any claim that he or she was not fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the person or entity for whom he or she signed. Upon proper execution, this Agreement will have been duly entered into by the Parties, will constitute as against each Party a valid, legal and binding obligation that shall run with the land, and will be enforceable against each Party in accordance with the terms herein. 7. Recordine/Bindine Effect/Assienabilitv. This Agreement shall be recorded in the real property records of King County, Washington, as necessary to disclose this Agreement on title to the Property. It is mutually agreed that the terms of this Agreement touch and concem the land and shall be covenants running with the land. This Agreement shall run with the land as binding on the Parties and their respective heirs, assigns, succsssors, legatees, representatives, receivers and trustees and shall continue during and following the development, lease or transfer of ownership of all or any part of the Property during the term of this Agreement. 8. Aereement Consistency with RCW 82.02.020. The mitigation and dedications established by this Agreement are consistent with the requirements of RCW 82.02.020 and mitigate the direct impacts that have been identified as a consequence of the Project. Neither Developer nor any assignee shall assert a claim against City asserting that (i) the City lacked a legal basis for imposing the agreed-upon mitigation or dedications; (ii) that the mitigation or dedications Development Agreement Between Blue Origin, LLC & City of Kent Page l7 EXHIBIT A lacked sufficient nexus or proportionality with the identified impacts of the Project; or (iii) that the mitigation or dedications were greater than if they had been calculated using alternate rationales or formulae. 9. Delavs - Force Maieure. If either Party is delayed in the performance of its obligations in this Agreement due to Force Majeure, then performance of such obligation shall be excused for the period of delay. The term Force Majeure as used herein shall mean extraordinary natural events or conditions such as war, war-like acts, riot, labor strikes, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of the obligated party. The City's or Developer's inability to fund or otherwise construct, or decision not to fund or otherwise construct, any of its obligations shall not constitute an event of Force Majeure or otherwise be an acceptable reason for delay. 10. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications called for or contemplated by this Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be duly given by mailing the same by certified mail, retum receipt requested; or by delivering the same by hand, to the following addresses, or to such other addresses as the Parties may designate by written notice in the manner aforesaid: To City:Chief Administrative Offi cer City of Kent 220FourthAvenue South Kent, WA 98032 With a copy to: Developer With a copy to Development Agreement Between Blue Origin, LLC & City of Kent Public Works Director City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Legal & Compliance Department Blue Origin 21218 76th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 To Any Party hereto may change its address for the purpose of receiving notices as herein provided by a written notice given in the manner aforesaid to the other Party hereto. Page l8 EXHIBIT A 1 l. Governing LadVenue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue for any judicial action arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall lie in King County Superior Court. 12. Specific Performance. The Parties specifically agree that damages are not an adequate remedy for breach of this Agreement and that the Parties are entitled to compel specific performance of all material terms of this Agreement by any Party in default hereof. All terms and provisions of this Agreement are material. 13. Attorneys' Fees. Except as provided in Section III.5, in any alternative dispute resolution or judicial action to enforce or determine a Party's rights under this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible for payment of its own attomeys' fees, expert witness fees, and all other costs, if any. 14. No Third-Partv Beneficiary. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit ofthe Parties and their heirs, assigns, successors, legatees, representatives, receivers and trustees. No other person shall have any right of action based upon any provision of this Agreement. 15. Severability. This Agreement does not violate any federal or state statute, rule, regulation or common law known; provided, any provision which is found to be invalid or in violation of any statute, rule, regulation or common law shall be considered null and void, with the remaining provisions remaining viable and in effect. In the event any part of Section III.1. is deemed void prior to the City's utilization of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities to service the eastem one-half of 76th Avenue South as contemplated in this Agreement, Developer shall, within three months of such determination, pay to the City a Fee-in-Lieu of construction of the Half-Street Improvements in accordance with terms set forth in Section III.I.c.iii of this Agreement. In the event any part of Section III.l . is deemed void after the City's utilization of the Storm Water Mitigation Facilities to service the eastem one-half of 76th Avenue South as contemplated in this Agreement, the parties shall negotiate, in good-faith, to develop a structure the economic effect of which is nearly as possible the same as the economic effect of this Agreement without regard to such invalidity. 16. Final and Complete Asreement. This Agreement is integrated and constitutes the final and complete expression of the Parties on all subjects within the Agreement. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior agreements, discussions and representations on all subjects discussed herein. No Party is entering into this Agreement in reliance on any oral or written promises, inducements, representations, understandings, interpretations or agreements other than those contained in this Agreement. 17. Modification. The Agreement may be modified only with the written agreement of the City and Developer and their successors and assigns. 18. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original. (signatures follow on next page) Development Agreement Between BlueOrigin,LLC&CityofKent Page l9 CITY OF KENT EXHIBIT A DEVELOPER, Mayor Dated: Title: Dated: ATTEST: Dated: City Clerk Print Name: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Print Name Dated: Development Agreement Between Blue Origin, LLC & City of Kent Page 110 EXHIBIT A STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING On this_day of 2019, before me, the duly commissioned andundersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, swom, personally appeared , to me known as the Mayor for the City of Kent, the corporation who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said City of Kent, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal on the date hereinabove set forth. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at MY COMMISSION EXPIRES STATE OF WASHTNGTON ) ) ss: couNTY oF KrNG ) On this day of 2019, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and swom, personally appeared and fon behalf of the DEVELOPERI, the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s), for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and fif the DEVELOPER is a corporation or other entity warranting authonzed signatures] on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said DEVELOPER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal on the date hereinabove set forth. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Development Agreement Between Blue Origin, LLC & City of Kent SS ) ) ) Page 111 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING }AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the notice, a: Public Notice was published on July 12th ,2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$92.11. Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English latrguag" continuously as a weekly newspaper in King county, washingto". rni Kent Reporter has been approved as aLegalNewspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed Polly Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed sworn to me this 12th day ofJuly, 2019. Gwin,Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing Covington,Washington . l t! rr ..*',...*" ""fl:'11.: ' ;i -.*."di,t'rt.t ts"O, "i,.',r,.",l9i' Au ''r;..2:: ..f i "tx?r, il '" i** o"ie. 'C ,t : !"7t'"(e."""'k:i;,i ;;:i i:,'r ": ; m "trttl)i: ",',',' Service Directory 12 Friday, July 1 2, 201 9 Kent Reportel Annouhcem€nts kgal Notlco.Lqlal Nottce ,,,Wi,'ts\- Hom6 Servles HandyFrson Homs S6rvlcos Lawn/carden S6rvlce Apartm€hts tur Ront Klhg County you r upcoming garage sale in your local community newspaper and online to reach thousands of households in your area. Go online to w.Sond8ldlleds.cm Call:1{0G38&2527 Fax:36{}598{800 ?a ATTENTION lf you worked in Auburn,WA in the mid-lale 1970s at Van's Furnitureor The Boeing Co., please contact Asbestos lnvestigator Sherry Day at (734) 87&5236 or shery@SLD lnveslioations.com ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS. Gain lreedom with a Porlable Orygen Concentratorl No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed lowest pric-es. Call the Oxyaen Concenlrator store: 844- 495-7230. PROMOITE YOUR BE. GIONAL EVENT stale. wide wilh a $325 classi- fied listing or $1,575 lora display ad. Call this newspaper or 360-344- 2938 for details. Jh-fiFFonunityG- make a ditference is right in tront ot you. Recycle this paper. SIILL PAYING TOO - CELEBRATE .}II,-pActFtc t*F- DAYS FREE Famlly Communlly Evenl. July 12,13 & 14 Cily of Pacific City Park 600 3'" Ave SE Actlvllles: Arltcrafls, Food Vendors lncluding Dark in lhe Park, Live Music, Batfles, Car Bash, FBEE Kids Games , Bingo & lnllatablesl Frlday 4pm .gpm Music, Arls & CrallsVendors 6l5p Klds Bike Parade 6:'l5p Kids Games lncluding Sack races & Human Hungry Hippos Satuday 8.ll)am Pancake BreaHasl al the Senior Cenler 1()am Grand Parade slarl al Alpac Elemenlary llam openlng Ceremonies at lhe park '12-Bpm Frce lnllalables 12.4pm Car Bash 124pm Free Kids Carnival Games 12-5pm Foc* Palntlng wlth Moyor Leanne 2pm Karaoke 46pm FREE Bingo 4 - 430pm ARHS Roboll€ Club D€mo 430pm Music by ,/,n0 Aepeherwp 6pm Music by M80 gPM Movlewilh lhe Mayor "nabhBMkElEhleffrl' Sundav 12pm - 4pm '12-4pm Arls & Crafls and lood vendors 'l2pm. Poet Laurcato Gerald McBroen 12-3pm Rffk painling wilh Mayor Leanne 12-4pm Kids inflalables, car bash, & Kids games 2pmYardzs tournamenl WN PFIZES 3pm Muslcfiom Fltly.Two Plck up 4pm Raffle drawingsl @ ww.PaclllcPatroruhlF.org - Logal Notlce3 CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF BESOLUTIONS PASSED BYTHE CITY COUNCIL The following are sum-maries of resolutions passed by lhe Kent City Council on July 2, 2019.RESOLUTION NO- 1985 - A RESOLUTTON ol the City Council of the City of Kenl, Washino- ton, repealing Besolulion 1983, and approving lhe countywide ballot propo- sition for lunding theMedic One/Emergency Medical Services (EirS) levy for the period ofJanuary 1, 2020, through D*ember 31, 2025, pursuant to RCW 84.52.069.RESOLUTION NO. 1986 - A RESOLUNON of the Citv Council ol the City of kent, Washing- ton, approving the De-velopmenl Agreement between Blue Orioin and lheCilyolKent. " This resolution shall take effect and be in forc6 im- mediately upon its pas- sage. A copy of the complete text of these resolulions will be mailed upon re- quest of lhe City Clerk. Kimborley A. Komoto, City Clerk 253-856-5725 Cityclerk @ KentWA.gov Published in the Kent Reporler July '12, 2019. #8641 53 KEI''T LANDMARKS coMMl9sroN NoTtcE OF PUBLIC HEANING TO CONSIDEF COMMUNITY LAND- APPLICATION: June 28, 2019 APPLICATION NAME: T-Mobile / Vertical Bridge Wireless Trans- mission Facility (WTF) APPLICATION NUM. EEE: ENV-201 9-26/ KtvA#RPSA-21 92740PROJECT DESCRIP. I]O\l:Proposed con- slruction ot a go-foot sin- 9le-user wireles lacility tower with associated antennas and equipment in accordance with FCCand FM reoulations. The tower is pro"posed to be located on the site of an €xistino Public Stotr age Faciliiy, dkectly ad-jacent lo 222nd Street. Operations of lhe Public Storage Facility will re- main unchanged. The proposed monopole will be conslructed to servea single-user but de- signed to allow lor future co-location with other providors. Thero are no critical areas located on or near the projst site. ZONING: Clr-1. Com-mercial Manufacturing Diskict PROJECT LOCATION: The subject property is lmaled at 8611 S 222nd ST, Kent WA, and is identilied as King County Parcel No. 1022049139. PERMIT APPLICATION 84iIE: Juns28,2019 DATE OF DETEHMINA- TION OF COMPLETE- NESS: June28,2019 STUDIES SUBMITTEDWITH APPLICATION: WTF Administrative Permit Application RPWT 2192737 and associatedmaterials includino: Seatllo Market LTE Ju5- tilication SE03053C pre- pared by T-Mobile and dated June 26, 2019 OTHER PERMITS AND PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Wkeless Transmission Facllitv(WTF) Administrativa) Approval Permit, Build- ing Permit(s), Str€et UsePermit(s), Washinqton Stale Department of-La- bor and lndustries Elec- trical Permit(s) PUBLIC COMMENT PE. 8lQ8: July 12, 2019- July 26, 2019All persons may com- menl on this applicalion. Comments must be in writing and received in Kent Planning Servicesby 4:30 P.M. Friday, July 26, 2019 at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent WA 98032. For questions re-garding this project, please contact Sara Ullman, Planner at (253) 856-5442, su I lm an @ ke ntwa. oov. Anv p-gsrubtuq.........*tl become a Darlv ol record shall incluile in their commenls thal thev wish to receive notice o:f and participale in anv hearings and request a copy of decisions, once made, A parly ol record may appeal tho decision on lhis application by lil- ing a complete appeal application wilhin 14 ca! endar days of the date of decision.,Any percon rc- quiring a disability ac-commodalion shotild JC DENTURE CLINIC Dentures starting at $550 Partials slarling at $880 Relines starling at $250 Repairs/relin€s in 24 hours Accepts Providerone Call 206-653-7621 Homa S6rvlc€s Floor lhstalTServlce Handypelaon Land3cap6 Sorvtces MARK NOMINATION DATE, PLACEi TIME, AND AtID A HAIIDY[.IAX Pressure washino gulter cleaning, ei6. Fence. deck buildino Concrete, Paintino &" Repairs. And all yard services. 206-412-4191 HANDYHY9IOS print& online 2U7 Office Hours: B-5pm Monday to Friday Thursday, July 25, 2019 5:00 p.m. Kent Cily Hall Council Chambers220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98022 NAME AND LOCATIONOF NOMINATED PROPERTY: Lunar Rovino Vehicles (LRVs) Lunar Surlace LRV 1 is situated near the Apollo '15 landing slte (26.13'N, 3.63" E) on the plains of Palus Putredinis adjacent to Hadley Rille noar lhe Ap€nnine Mountains LRV 2ls lmated in theDescartes Hiohlands near the Apollo 1"6 land- ing site (?8.97' N, 15.50" E) on the Cay- ley Plains LRV 3 resides near th6 Apollo 17 landing site (20.19' N, 30.77" E) in the Taurus?Lihrow HighlandsHEARING PROCE. wsoundclasi6eds, com email: classified@ sourdpublishing com (all toll free 1.888.399.3999 or 1.800.388.2527 esTsari vts/t A PLACE FOR IVOM has helped over a million families find senior liv- ing. Our lrusted, localadvisors help tind solutions to your unique needs at no coslto you. Call 855-415- 4148. Homa Selvlce3 & REMODELING Senior Discounts Free Estimates Expert Work 253-850-5405 Amei€n Gen. Cont.cbr&lbr BusiE$ Eurea! LicrAMEarcCeS - Domeatlc S6rvlce. Crown Castle is propos- ing to inslall a 1oojoot monopole telecommuni- calions tower at the fol- lowing site: 23646 l\,lili- tary Boad South, Kent, King Counly, Washing- ton 98032 Lal: 47' 23' 22.74" N Lonoi 122' 17' 3.05" W Cro:wn Castle inviles comments from any interested party on the impact ol lhe pro- posod action on any dis-kicts, siles, buildings, structures or objects sig- nificant in American his- tory, archaeology, engi- n€ering or culture lhat are listed or dotermined eligibls lor listing in lhe Nalional Reoister of His- toric Places-and/or soo-cilic reason the iro-posed action may havea significant impacl on ihe quality of the human €nvironment. Specilic in- formation regardjng lheproject is available bv calling Monica Gambind, 2000 Corporate Drive, Canonsburg, PA 15317, cqlacl the CiU in ad- vance, lot morc infoma- tion. For TDD rclay service, call l -800-833-6388 (hearingimpaied) ot 1-800-833-6385 (Bniile)ot lhe Cilv ol Kent al (zss) 8s6.572s. TENTATIVE HEARING:A public hearing is not required for this applica- lion. STATEMENT OF CON. SISTENCY AND LISTOF APPLICABLE DE- VELOPMENT REGULA. TIONS; This project is subject to, and shall be I Contlnudon I nmpage... DURE:All proceedings lo re-view the Landmarks Commission's action at the hearing on approvalol designation will be based on the record at lhis hearing, No further right lo present evidence on the issue ol desiona- tion is atforded pursiant to Kent iilunicipal Code Chapter 14.12. Ques- tions, written commenls or requests lor copies ol lhe codo may be direct- ed lo King County Land- marks Coordinator. Sa- rah Steen, al 206-477- 7976. Published in the Kent Reporler on July 12, 2019 #864463 A" E rari,"*t"l Checkllst was filed with Citv ol K6nl Plannino Seivices. Following is ; dosriplion of the appli- cation and the prmess for revi6w. The applica- tion and listed studies may be reviewed at lhe otlices ol Kent Plannino Services.400 W Gow; Street, Kent, WA. DATE OF NOTICE OF .WA I eslale WAITE'S HOME REPAIR Anv & All Home Repairs, Remodeling 25+Years Experience Angie's List Awatd Winneil olt; (253)28&9367 Cell: (253)569.8509 walleshomBro9ah @ yahoo.com Spring Clean-up .Tree Service .Haulino.Weedin0 .Prunin-o .Hedge Trim .Fence .Concrete .Batk . New Sod & Seed .Aeralin0 & Thatchin0 .Femodelin0 (itchen & Balh & Painlin0' Pressure Washing * Seniot Discount FREE ESTIMATE 200-387-61 00 Lic#Hl[,1AnML924JB HI MARK LANDSCAPING & GARDENING Scenic Vista Senior Apartments 26404 I 04th Ave SE Kent, WA 98030 Apartments Now Available Beautilull&2BFs, 6 startlngat: LI BR. $1 188/mo. ' 2 BRs. $1423/mo. Section 8 amepled. ln@me Limits Apply. Call Susan Aboul Move ln Specialsll 253-520-9876 TDD: 71 1 Thl6 lreItutbn is an Equal Oppottunily P @vider and --Painting --Tile --Pressure Washing--Clean ups I|'l lf 9JrIrtkI:IrPJ:Irla nar0w000 Fr00nng Teolilo Conlruclion lnc., GARDENING & LANDSCAPINGt Cleanup'Trim ' Weed ' Prune ' Sod 'Seed'Bark ' Rockery ' Backhoe ' Palios 425-226-3511 206-226-3345 Licf AlSHEGLOzuM CONSTRUCTION lnleior / €xterior Painlin0 and Home Repairs Suild Wood Decks and Fences Patio Coverc 253-35G323r 253-334-9564 'PUGflSOSKA Gardening Beauty Bark , iliffi$ fr Relainino Wall Sprinkleis CALL STEVE 206-244-6043 425-336.951 1 LICdSTEVEGLgSKZ New Sod Blackberry & Brush Removal a lvy, Debrls & Stump Removal ll Small Bldg Demolltion !ff,ff# I Excavatlon 253-261-0438 J Hauling Bondcd&rniu..d ALL LANDSCAPING Fence repair & new lence inslallation, Blackbetry Removal, Gutter & Fl@f cleaning, Retainino wall. nruo lauc{rr,roAe. Check us out Online wW.lalinoslawn andgajqe,n.com LATINO'S LAWN & GARDEN LOWEST PRICE Free Estimates Senior Discounl Lic/Bonded/lnsured CALL JOSE 206-250-9073 A$BE$TO$ ' Blackbe(yBrushRemoval ' Pave6, netaining Walh, Fences&Decks , Hauling,BobcatWork 8o0d6d &in!!r€d 0arisol Cr6stlandscaplno, lnc. Lcr g]il. ssh 253-261 -0438 Reach your goals, Advertise today! Over 85 percent ofour community newspaper readers check the classified ads, and 73 percent of customers report an excellent response to a classified ad. - ffiEFINI IEIEE much for vour UeOtCn- Mo nic a. G a m b i - TION? Saie uo to g0o/" no@Crowncastle.com, on RX retil! Oider todav 724-4'16-2516 within 30and receive lre6 days ol lho date of lhis shiooino on 1st order _ publcatton, ords,i:rijtion ,ssg;1g6 #864085 ba'1-d66-685_6soi. 7t12t19