HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-103 - Supplement - Kent Police Officers Association (KPOA) - MOA re: Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Program - 07/31/2019 `--'��E�Ngr Records Management g ent Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Vendor Name: KPOA Vendor Number (JDE): Contract Number (City Clerk): CWJ7Z I I — 103 Category: -Labor Agreement 9 Sub-Category (if applicable): None Project Name: Officer and Sergeant CBA 2019-2021 Contract Execution Date: 1/1/19 Termination Date: 12/31/21 Contract Manager: Brent Ashbaugh Department: Human Resources Contract Amount: Budgeted: ✓❑ Grant? Part of NEW Budget: Local: State: Federal: Related to a New Position: Basis for Selection of Contractor? Other Approval Authority: Director ❑✓ Mayor City Council Other Details: MOU regarding BWC program MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING By and Between The CITY OF KENT and KENT POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Representing the POLICE SERGEANTS AND OFFICERS This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into by and between the City of Kent ("City") and the Kent Police Officers Association representing the Police Sergeants and Officers' bargaining unit ("KPOA") to memorialize an agreement reached between the City and KPAO regarding the implementation of a body-worn camera ("BWC") program in the Kent Police Department. The City intends to implement a BWC program for the Kent Police Department to record interactions between police officers and members of the public. The following provisions shall apply to the BWC program: 1. The Department retains sole discretion to determine which officers will be required to use and operate the BWC in the performance of their official duties. The Department also retains sole discretion to determine the rate of deployment of the BWC and the number of officers who are assigned a BWC. 2. Effective September 16, 2019, an additional one percent (1%) shall be added to the base monthly salary of each commissioned officer of the rank of officer or sergeant. This additional 1% will appear on the October 4th paycheck. 3. Any officer or sergeant who is not regularly assigned a BWC, but who is deployed with a BWC for a shift/assignment will not receive additional pay above the 1% called for in this MOU. Under no circumstances may an officer or sergeant receive more than the 1% of additional pay as specified in this MOU. 4. Unless the BWC program is terminated by the Department earlier, this MOU shall expire upon the ratification of a new collective bargaining agreement between the City and KPOA. 5. The Department retains sole discretion to terminate the BWC program. In the event the BWC program is terminated, officers and sergeants shall stop receiving the 1% of additional pay as called for in this MOU on the date following the day in which the cameras are removed from service. 6. In the event of an operational problem with the BWC or technology that supports the BWC such that the use of the BWC footage is impractical, or in the event of a court ruling or statutory change that makes the use of the BWC or the admission of BWC evidence in court impractical, the Department may, in its discretion and in lieu of terminating the BWC program, pause the program for a period of time as determined by the Department. In the event the Department pauses the program, the 1% pay as provided for in this MOU shall pause starting on the first day of the pay period following the pause of the program. If the BWC program is reactivated, the 1% pay as called for in this MOU shall begin applying again on the date the first camera is reissued or the date the first officer is ordered to wear the BWC. 7. If, at any time, the City adopts an in-car video program, the City will provide notice and the opportunity to bargain upon request. The parties agree that this MOU shall not be precedent-setting. More specifically, and without limitation, the parties agree that the compensation set forth above shall not be precedent-setting and shall not be used by the KPOA for comparative purposes. Furthermore, this MOU supersedes the MOU for the BWC pilot program executed on December 19, 2018, and the MOU executed on December 19, 2018, shall be null and void upon the execution of this MOU on September 16, 2019. The BWC pilot program shall end effective September 16, 2019. By signing below, the parties agree that the above represents the parties' full and entire agreement with regard to these matters. This MOU shall be deemed effective as of the last date of signature below. FOR THE CITY: FOR KPOA: a 119 Dana Ralph D to Matt Stansfield ate Mayor KPOA President 7/18 ftg Natalie Winecka Date Interim Human Resources Director 7 4�/ I� 4Brs�hba*ugh Date Wayne Ja_ Labor Relations Manager KPOA Vice President APPROVED AS TO FORM (4_crthur'Pat" p rick Date City Attorney ATT T Kim Komoto ate City Clerk REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Print on Cherry-Colored Paper Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director Originator: Brent Ashbaugh Phone (Originator): 5296 Date Sent: l/19/19 Date Required: Return Signed Document to:Brent Ashbaugh Contract Termination Date: 12/31/21 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: KPOA - Officer and Sergeant (Only required on contracts 20 000 and over or on any Grant DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: Date Risk Manager Notified: (Required on Non-City standard Contracts/Agreements) Has this Document been Specificall Account Number: Authorized in the Budget? OYES( NO Brief Explanation of Document: MOU regarding BWC program All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department o pl he Law Department) t Received: Approval of Law Dept.: JUL 23 2G;9 Law Dept. Comments: Date Forwarded to Ma or: �p�' Shaded Areas To a �d By Administrati Received: JUL 31 2019 Recommendations and Comments: City of Kent Disposition: 7,�i�.��,G,`,�a/� �� Office of the Mayor Date Returned: PiCMR ortns\Document PmoessinglRequest for Mayoes ignature.doa