HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRA2019-002 - Original - King County Solid Waste Division - Waste Reduction & Recycling Grant - 01/29/2019 1400 Agreement Routing Form K4 EN T For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management WASHINGTGN This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Tony Donati Department: Public Works Date Sent. 7/15/19 Date Required: NA a o Authorized Director or Designee Date of 12/10/18 p, to Sign: Council aMayor Approval: Budget Grant? ❑� Yes No Account Number: Type: Local Vendor Name: King County Solid Waste Division Category. Grant: Non-Real Property = Vendor Sub-Category Other o Number. R Project E Name: Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant 0 = Project C Details: Grant is used to fund special recycling collection events for residents Agreement Basis for E g $178192.00 y Amount: Selection of Contractor: all a Start Date: 1/29/19 Termination Date: 6/30/ZI Notice required prior to 1:1Yes No Contract Number: disclosure? �1 IQl 1 - U 0 Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: 171 __ 3 0 oc N 41 L t0 Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: .air Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: JUL , � a� Date Sent to Originator: CITY OF KENT r Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements adccW22373_6_19 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E. Public Works Director ENT Phone: 253-856-5500 •sue nN Fax: 253-856-6500 Address: 400 West Gowe Street Kent, WA 98032-5895 DATE: December 10, 2018 TO: Public Works Committee Members FROM: Tony Donati, Conservation Coordinator, Environmental Engineering SUBJECT: King County Solid Waste Division/Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant (WRR) - Recommend Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to accept the Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant in the amount for $178,192.00 for 2019/2020, establish a budget and authorize expenditure of the grant funds accordingly, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The King County Waste Reduction and Recycling grant is used to fund three Special Recycling and Collection Events for residents for the collection of hard-to-recycle materials, including appliances, electronic equipment, mattresses, Styrofoam, bulky yard debris, concrete, and tires. The grant also funds activities and events associated with the Multi-Family Recycling Program, and the purchase, distribution and promotion of products made from recycled materials, including reusable shopping bags. Exhibit: WRR Grant 2019-2020 IAA Budget Impact: The City will receive $178,192.00 in 2019/2020. No match is required. STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL(S): Z Innavntive Government-Delivering outstanding customer service,developing leaders,andJostering innovation. ❑Evoivina rnrrastowturs-Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thrivins City-Creating sole neighborhoods,healthy people,vibrant commercial districts,and inviting parks and recreation. V Sustainabk SeEX1 --Providing quality services through responsible financial management,economic growth,and partnerships. Inclusive Cammunity-Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement, DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA300F CPA#6059999 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT FOR 2019 and 2020 Between KING COUNTY and the CITY OF KENT This two-year Interagency Agreement"Agreement" is executed between King County, a Charter County and political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the City of Kent, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "County" and "City" respectively. Collectively, the County and City will be referred to as "Party" or"Parties." PREAMBLE King County and the City of Kent adopted the 2001 King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, which includes waste reduction and recycling goals. In order to help meet these goals, the King County Solid Waste Division has established a waste reduction and recycling grant program for the cities that operate under the King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. This program provides funding to further the development and/or enhancement of local waste reduction and recycling projects and for broader resource conservation projects that integrate with waste reduction and recycling programs and services. This grant program does not fund household hazardous waste collection activities. Program eligibility and grant administration terms are discussed in the Grant Guidelines, attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. Grant funding for this program is subject to the budget approval process of the King County Council. Grant funding approved by the King County Council is available to all King County cities that operate under the King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. The City will spend its grant funds to fulfill the terms and conditions set forth in the scope of work, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. The County expects that any information and/or experience gained through the grant program by the City will be shared with the County and other King County cities. I. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to define the terms and conditions for funding to be provided to the City by the County for waste reduction and recycling programs and/or services as outlined in the scope of work and budget attached as Exhibit A. t DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF II. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES The responsibilities of the Parties to this Agreement shall be as follows: A. The City: l. Funds provided to the City by the County pursuant to this Agreement shall be used to provide waste reduction and recycling programs and/or services as outlined in Exhibit A. The total amount of funds available from this grant in 2019 and 2020 shall not exceed$178,192. 2. This Agreement provides for distribution of 2019 and 2020 grant funds to the City. However, grant funds are not available until January 1, 2019. 3. During this two-year grant program,the City will submit a minimum of two (2), but no more than eight (8), progress reports to the County in a form approved by the County. Reports must be signed by a City official. These reports will include: a. a description of each activity accomplished pertaining to the scope of work; and b. reimbursement requests with both a Budget Summary Report Form, which is attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference, and an Expense Summary Form, which is attached hereto as Exhibit E and incorporated herein by reference, unless the City has a spreadsheet similar to the Expense Summary Form already in use, in which case the City is free to use that spreadsheet instead of the Expense Summary Form. The City will submit the form or similar spreadsheet and not submit backup documentation for grant expenses. If backup documentation is submitted, SWD will not retain it. The City shall maintain this documentation in its records. If the City chooses to submit up to the maximum of eight (8) progress reports and requests for reimbursement during the two-year grant program, they shall be due to the County on the last day of the month following the end of each quarter(April 30, July 30, October 31, January 31) except for the final progress report and request for reimbursement, which shall be due by March 31, 2021. If the City chooses to submit the minimum of two progress reports and requests for reimbursement during the two-year grant program, they shall be due to the County by January 31, 2020 and March 31, 2021. Regardless of the number of progress reports the City chooses to submit, in order to secure reimbursement, the City must provide in writing to the County by the 5`" working day of January 2020 and January 2021, the dollar amount of outstanding expenditures for which the City has not yet submitted a reimbursement request. 4. The City shall submit a final report to the County which summarizes the work completed under the grant program and evaluates the effectiveness of the projects for which grant funds were utilized, according to the evaluation methods specified in the scope of work. The final report is due within six (6) months of completion of the project(s)outlined in the scope of work, but no later than June 30, 2021. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA300F 5. If the City accepts funding through this grant program for the provision of waste reduction and recycling programs and projects for other incorporated areas of King County, the City shall explain the relationship with the affected adjacent city or cities that allows for acceptance of this funding and the specifics of the proposed programs and projects within the scope of work document related thereto. 6. The City shall be responsible for following all applicable Federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations in the performance of work described herein. The City assures that its procedures are consistent with laws relating to public contract bidding procedures, and the County neither incurs nor assumes any responsibility for the City's bid, award, or contracting process. 7. During the performance of this Agreement, neither the City nor any Party subcontracting under the authority of this Agreement shall discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, creed, marital status, sexual orientation, age, or presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap in the employment or application for employment or in the administration or delivery of or access to services or any other benefits under this Agreement as defined by King County Code, Chapter 12.16. 8. During the performance of this Agreement, neither the City nor any Party subcontracting under the authority of this Agreement shall engage in unfair employment practices as defined by King County Code, Chapter 12.18. The City shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, executive orders and regulations that prohibit such discrimination. These laws include, but are not limited to, RCW Chapter 49.60 and Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 9. The City shall use recycled paper for the production of all printed and photocopied documents related to the fulfillment of this Agreement. The City shall use both sides of paper sheets for copying and printing and shall use recycled/recyclable products wherever practical. 10. The City shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, financial, and programmatic records, and other such records as may be deemed necessary by the County, to ensure proper accounting for all project funds and compliance with this Agreement. All such records shall sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended and service provided in the performance of this Agreement. These records shall be maintained for a period of six (6)years after termination hereof unless permission to destroy them is granted by the Office of the State Archivist in accordance with RCW Chapter 40.14. These accounts shall be subject to inspection, review, or audit by the County and/or by federal or state officials as so authorized by law. 11. The City shall maintain a record of the use of any equipment that costs more than $1,000 and is purchased with grant funds from King County for a total period of three (3) years. The records shall be compiled into a yearly evaluation report, a copy of which shall be submitted to King County by March 31 of each year through the year 2023. 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF 12. The City agrees to credit King County on all printed materials provided by the County, which the City is duplicating, for distribution. Either King County's name and logo must appear on King County materials (including fact sheets, case studies, etc.), or, at a minimum, the City will credit King County for artwork or text provided by the County as follows: "artwork provided courtesy of King County Solid Waste Division"and/or"text provided courtesy of King County Solid Waste Division." 13. The City agrees to submit to the County copies of all written materials which it produces and/or duplicates for local waste reduction and recycling projects which have been funded through the waste reduction and recycling grant program. Upon request, the City agrees to provide the County with a reproducible copy of any such written materials and authorizes the County to duplicate and distribute any written materials so produced, provided that the County credits the City for the materials. 14. The City will provide the King County Project Manager with the date and location of each Recycling Collection Event provided by the City, as well as copies of any printed materials used to publicize each event, as soon as they are available but no later than thirty (30) days prior to the event. If there is any change in the date or the location of an event,the City will notify the County a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the event. If the event brochure is required for admission to the City's event, the City is exempt from having to provide the brochure to King County. 15. If the City accepts funding through this grant program for the provision of recycling collection events for adjacent areas of unincorporated King County, the City shall send announcements of the events to all residences listed in the agreed upon areas listed in Exhibit A. The announcements and all other printed materials related to these events shall acknowledge King County as the funding source. 16. This project shall be administered by Tony Donati, Conservation Coordinator, or designee. B. The County: 1. The County shall administer funding for the waste reduction and recycling grant program. Funding is designated by the city and is subject to the King County Council's budget approval process. Provided that the funds are allocated through the King County Council's budget approval process, grant funding to the City will include a base allocation of$10,000 per year with the balance of funds to be allocated according to the City's percentage of King County's residential and employment population. However, if this population based allocation formula calculation would result in a city receiving less than $10,000 per year,that city shall receive an additional allocation that would raise their total grant funding to $10,000 per year. 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA300F 2. Within forty-five (45)days of receiving a request for reimbursement from the City, the County shall either notify the City of any exceptions to the request which have been identified or shall process the request for payment. If any exceptions to the request are made, this shall be done by written notification to the City providing the reason for such exception. The County will not authorize payment for activities and/or expenditures which are not included in the scope of work and budget attached as Exhibit A, unless the scope has been amended according to Section V of this Agreement. King County retains the right to withhold all or partial payment if the City's report(s) and reimbursement request(s) are incomplete (i.e., do not include proper documentation of expenditures and/or adequate description of each activity described in the scope of work for which reimbursement is being requested), and/or are not consistent with the scope of work and budget attached as Exhibit A. 3. The County agrees to credit the City on all printed materials provided by the City to the County, which the County duplicates, for distribution. Either the City's name and logo will appear on such materials (including fact sheets, case studies, etc.), or, at a minimum, the County will credit the City for artwork or text provided by the City as follows: "artwork provided courtesy of the City of Kent" and/or"text provided courtesy of the City of Kent." 4. The County retains the right to share the written material(s)produced by the City which have been funded through this program with other King County cities for them to duplicate and distribute. In so doing, the County will encourage other cities to credit the City on any pieces that were produced by the City. 5. The waste reduction and recycling grant program shall be administered by Lucy Auster, Project Manager, King County Solid Waste Division, or designee. III. DURATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall become effective on either January 1, 2019 or the date of execution of the Agreement by both the County and the City, if executed after January 1, 2019, and shall terminate on June 30, 2021. The City shall not incur any new charges after December 31, 2020. However, if execution by either Party does not occur until after January 1, 2019, this Agreement allows for disbursement of grant funds to the City for County-approved programs initiated between January 1, 2019 and the later execution of the Agreement provided that the City complies with the reporting requirements of Section II.A of the Agreement. 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA300F IV. TERMINATION A. This Agreement may be terminated by King County, in whole or in part, for convenience without cause prior to the termination date specified in Section III, upon thirty(30) days advance written notice. B. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party, in whole or in part, for cause prior to the termination date specified in Section III, upon thirty (30) days advance written notice. Reasons for termination for cause may include but not be limited to: nonperformance; misuse of funds; and/or failure to provide grant related reports/invoices/statements as specified in Section II.A.3. and Section II.A.4. C. If the Agreement is terminated as provided in this section: (1)the County will be liable only for payment in accordance with the terms of this Agreement for services rendered prior to the effective date of termination; and (2) the City shall be released from any obligation to provide further services pursuant to this Agreement. D. Nothing herein shall limit, waive, or extinguish any right or remedy provided by this Agreement or law that either Party may have in the event that the obligations, terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement are breached by the other Party. V. AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement of both Parties. Amendments to scopes of work will only be approved if the proposed amendment is consistent with the most recently adopted King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. Funds may be moved between tasks in the scope of work, attached as Exhibit A, only upon written request by the City and written approval by King County. Such requests will only be approved if the proposed change(s) is (are) consistent with and/or achieves the goals stated in the scope and falls within the activities described in the scope. VI. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION The City shall protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the County, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, costs, and/or issues whatsoever occurring from actions by the City and/or its subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement. The City shall defend at its own expense any and all claims, demands, suits, penalties, losses, damages, or costs of any kind whatsoever(hereinafter "claims") brought against the County arising out of or incident to the City's execution of, performance of, or failure to perform this Agreement. Claims shall include but not be limited to assertions that the use or transfer of any software, book, document, report, film, tape, or sound reproduction or material of any kind, delivered hereunder, constitutes an infringement of any copyright, patent, trademark,trade name, and/or otherwise results in unfair trade practice. 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF VII. INSURANCE A. The City, at its own cost, shall procure by the date of execution of this Agreement and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with performance of work pursuant to this Agreement by the City, its agents, representatives, employees, and/or subcontractors. The minimum limits of this insurance shall be $1,000,000 general liability insurance combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. If the policy has an aggregate limit, a $2,000,000 aggregate shall apply. Any deductible or self-insured retentions shall be the sole responsibility of the City. Such insurance shall cover the County, its officers, officials, employees, and agents as additional insureds against liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the City pursuant to this Agreement. A valid Certificate of Insurance and additional insured endorsement is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C, unless Section VII.B. applies. B. If the Agency is a Municipal Corporation or an agency of the State of Washington and is self-insured for any of the above insurance requirements, a written acknowledgement of self-insurance is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C. C. If the Agency is a Municipal Corporation or an agency of the State of Washington and is a member of the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA), a written acknowledgement/certification of current membership is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C. VIII. ENTIRE CONTRACTIWAIVER OF DEFAULT This Agreement is the complete expression of the agreement of the County and City hereto, and any oral or written representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Waiver of any default shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default. Waiver of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be waiver of any other or subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement unless stated to be such through written approval by the County, which shall be attached to the original Agreement. IX. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE The County and City recognize that time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. X. SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Agreement is, for any reason, found to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions. 7 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF XI. NOTICE Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be deemed sufficiently given or served if sent to the King County Solid Waste Division and the City at the addresses provided below: Lucy Auster, Project Manager, or a provided designee King County Solid Waste Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks 201 South Jackson Street, Suite 701 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 If to the City: Tony Donati, Conservation Coordinator, or a provided designee City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by each Party on the date set forth below: City of Kent DocuSigned by: King County DocuSigned by: EvAVA NFL BY r j�n�a Sfu�nc►� o3Foona�omeda� Dana Ralph, Mayor Pat D. McLaughlin, Director Solid Waste Division For Dow Constantine, King County Executive 1/29/2019 1/29/2019 Date Date 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF Exhibit A King County Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program City of Kent - 2019-2020 Scope of Work A. Basic Information 1. City of Kent 2. Grant Project Manager: Tony Donati Conservation Coordinator City of Kent 220 4th Ave. South Kent, WA 98032-5895 TEL - (253) 856-5589 FAX - (253) 856-6500 Email - tdonati@kentwa.gov 3. 2019-2020 Budget: $178,192.00 B. Scope of Work Task One: Recycling Collection Events A) Schedule - Events will be held each March, June, and October, 2019-2020 B) Task Activities • Total Number of Recycling Collection Events - Six • Materials to be collected: • Appliances • Refrigerators and Freezers+ • Ferrous Metals • Non-ferrous Metals • Concrete, Asphalt, Rock, and Brick** • Tires+ (March & October collection) • Mattresses+ • Styrofoam • Lead Acid Batteries • Household Batteries • Porcelain Toilets and Sinks • Propane Tanks • Cardboard • Reusable Household Goods • Textiles • Paper Shredding • Electronic Equipment • Bulky Yard Debris* • Scrap Wood* * Collected in March ** Collected in June and October +User fees may apply. 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF • The following educational materials will be distributed: • Information on City Recycling Programs. • Ed. Materials produced by King County Solid Waste Div. and Local Hazardous Waste Management Program. • Other educational materials as appropriate. • Event Promotion: • Recycle event flyer will be mailed to city residents as well as posted on City website: KentWA.gov/TalkingTrash, detailing what residents can bring and giving credit to granting agencies funding the events. • Notices included in: • Press Release in Reporter Newspaper • City & Reporter Newspaper Calendars • City KentScene Newsletter • Kent Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor • K-Hold phone message for on-hold callers • Alerts with event flyer sent to Coordinators for distribution to: o Neighborhood Councils o Kent Cultural Diversity Initiative Group o Various email lists • Event flyers in brochure racks at Senior Center, Kent Commons, City Hall, and Centennial Center • Event posted on King County website Q Task Budget: $107,500.00 GRANTS: WRR LHWMP LSWFA WRR WRR Budget Category 2019/20 2019 2019 2019 2020 2019 TOTAL City Staff Costs $8,000.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $8,000.00 Consultant Contract Svs/Staffing $20,000.00 $9,000.00 $11,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $30,000.00 Collection/Hauling Costs Wood Waste $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Scrap Metal,Appliances,etc. $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 $7,600.00 $7,500.00 Toilet/Sink Collection $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,155.50 $500.00 $500.00 $1,655.50 CFC Collection $0.00 $11,000.00 $7,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18,000.00 Propane Tank Collection $1,000.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 Concrete $2,300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,150.00 $1,150.00 $1'150.00 .00 Paper Shredding $3,000.00 $0.00 $0 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Tires $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Styrofoam $2,200.00 $0.00 $500.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,600.00 Batteries $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $3,500.00 Printing $44,000.00 $11,000.00 $0.00 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 $33,000.00 Event Supplies $1,000.00 $1,680.63 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $2,180.63 Other Expenses-rentals,etc $1,000.00 $1,680.63 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $2,180.63 TOTALS 1 $107,500.00 $41,361.26 $20,155.50 $53,750.00 $53,750.00 $115,266.76 NOTE: Hourly rates for Project Mgr. are $70, for Event Staff: $50, D) Task Performance Objectives: The City will publicize the free city-wide recycling events in a variety of ways to ensure a good turnout, and contract with knowledgeable, experienced contractors 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF to assist residents attending the events, with collection anticipated at 300-350 tons of recyclable material per year. Benefits of diverting these recyclables from the waste stream include: ❑ Saving limited space in our area's last remaining landfill for actual garbage ❑ Conserving natural resources as collected materials are made into new products ❑ Saving water and energy that would otherwise have been used in extraction of raw materials and in manufacturing In the case of moderate risk waste, collecting and recycling this material helps protect health, the environment and wildlife from potential damage. The King County Health Department and Washington State Department of Ecology help pay to collect these materials. E) Task Impact Objectives The city of Kent has a population of 128,450 (per OFM 2018). Based on attendance at past events, the City anticipates that 3,500-4,000 households will participate each year, bringing their large bulky recyclables for proper disposal and recycling. In addition to diverting materials from the waste stream, attracting residents to these ever-popular events provides an opportunity to distribute educational material on City and King County recycling programs, enhancing their knowledge and improving behavior in purchasing, handling, and disposal of recyclable materials. F) Task evaluation. Event reports will include: • Number of vehicles attending • Volume of each material collected • Event cost by budget category • Event comments received • Graphic or tabular comparison of 2019-20 volumes and vehicles with prior year's events. Task Two: Increasing the Recycling Rate within Multi-Family Complexes A) Task Schedule: 2019-20 B) Task Activities: The tasks will include promoting reducing waste and increasing recycling, and promoting the purchase of recycled products by tenants and property owners/managers. The City will: • Distribute a Multifamily Toolkit with educational information for managers to assist them in setting up successful programs and tenant outreach. • Distribute recycling signs, educational flyers (in multiple languages as available) and convenient storage/tote bags to encourage proper recycling of materials and reducing contamination. • Provide on-site waste consultations and follow-up assistance on request. • Distribute info on City Recycling Events for large bulky items. 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF C) Task Budget: $50,000.00 — All Work Performed by Contractor Contractor to Perform the following: 2019 2020 2019/20 Total Provide Assistance and Follow-up 24,000.00 24,000.00 48,000.00 Program Promotion 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL COST 25,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.0 1 Consultant/Contractor hourly rates: $50-70 D) Task Performance Objectives: 41% of Kent's population resides in Multi-Family housing. Recycling is provided to complexes at no additional charge. With the current recycling rate in that sector at only 13%, the goal of this program is to greatly increase recycling, utilizing all of the activities listed in Section B. As Multi-Family residents better manage their waste and recycle more, less recyclable material will end up in the landfill, helping the City of Kent reach its recycling goals. E) Task Impact Objectives: With program promotion and technical assistance, Kent multifamily residents will have better knowledge of recycling. By recycling more, City multifamily properties can reduce the amount of material ending up in the local landfill. F) Task Evaluation: Reports will include: • Data on each complex: o Current solid waste service/recycling and yard/food waste tonnages o Number of apartments/condos/buildings per complex o Availability of meeting room/clubhouse for training o Means of communicating with residents (i.e. newsletter, bulletin board) o Languages spoken by residents • Number of apartments/condos visited • Number of Recycling Signs, Guides and Bags distributed • Outcome of visits o Tenant training session requested o Recycling percentage increased Task Three: Purchase and Distribute Products Made From Recycled Materials A) Task Schedule: 2019-20 B) Task Activities: In order to support the recycling industry and close the recycling loop, the City will purchase products made from recycled materials. Doing so will support recycling collection programs and help ensure the success of the recycling industry. The City will support recycling programs by purchasing recycled-content recycling bags, desk-side recycling bins, kitchen counter bins, compostable bags, and other items for distribution. 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF C) Task Budget: $13,192.00 Recycled Product Purchase 2019 2020 2019/20 Total Recycled Product Purchase $6,596.00 $6,596.00 $13,192.00 TOTAL $6,596.00 $6,596.00 $13,192.00 D) Task Performance and Impact Objectives: The goal of this program is to help ensure the success of the recycling industry by adding to the demand for products made from recycled materials. By purchasing products made with recycled content, the City will divert recyclable material from the waste stream. The City will distribute the recycled content items to City residents to help make recycling and waste diversion easier. Availability of the items will be promoted on the City website and by social media. E) Task Evaluation: Report any feedback/comments received from recipients. Task Four: Grant Administration The City will perform the following: • Track project expenses; • Provide ongoing grant administration through the completion of the tasks, as outlined in this Scope of Work; • Prepare reports for the grant program; and • Prepare final report. Task Budget: $7,500.00 King County WRR Grant 2019 2020 2019/20 Total 1. Program Management $3,750.00 $3,750.00 $7,500.00 TOTAL $3,750.00 $3,750.00 $7,500.00 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF Exhibit B 2019-2020 Grant Guidelines Program Eligibility: The King County Solid Waste Division (SWD) has prepared a Recycling Case Studies document with a number of innovative projects recently implemented by King County and several cities aimed at influencing waste prevention and recycling consistent with the King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (Comp Plan) and the County's goals. SWD encourages consideration of these case study ideas in the development of grant proposals. Furthermore, in an effort to encourage collaboration, leveraging, and potential joint projects between cities and other partners, the Case Studies and the WRR application information has been shared with selected regional environmental firms. Grant funds may be used for a variety of Waste Reduction& Recycling(WRR)related programs consistent with the Comp Plan. Cities are encouraged to work together to leverage funds and have a greater influence on waste prevention and recycling. Cities may choose to use their funding on one program or a combination of programs. For WRR program ideas, please refer to the Case Studies document (Attachment 4), which includes the topics below. Examples of innovative projects: • King County SWD: Multicultural Recycling Outreach - Recicla Mas! Es Fascilisimo. • City of Bellevue: Multifamily Organics Recycling Technical Assistance. • City of Issaquah Recycling Outreach: Waste Wise Multifamily Outreach. • City of Bothell: Recycling Vouchers/Special Items Recycling Event. • Cedar Grove Composting, Inc.: Increasing Food Waste Diversion in Diverse Communities. • City of Redmond: Redmond Commercial Organics Collection. • Olympia School District: Purchase of Bulk Milk Containers for Schools. • Cities of Kirkland, Bellevue, Redmond, and Bothell: City Partnership - Eco Lunch Eastside Initiative/Reusable Lunch Kits. • King County SWD: EcoConsumer Program Repair Events. Please contact Lucy Auster at 206-477-5268 or lucy.auster n,kingcounty.gov if you have questions about specific program eligibility, consistency with the Comp Plan,and/or are interested in obtaining a list of the environmental firms that SWD has provided notice to regarding this grant program. l DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF The following are not eligible for funding: • Collection of garbage, except for residual garbage related to the collection of recyclables. • Collection of any household hazardous waste items including, but not limited to: >treated wood, >paint, > lead acid batteries, > oil, gasoline, and antifreeze, > fluorescent lights. • Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) education programs. Cities should pursue funding for HHW collection or education programs through the King County Local Hazardous Waste Management Program (LHWMP) or the Washington State Department of Ecology Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance (LSWFA) Program. Grant Administration Requests for Reimbursement: Cities may submit one request for reimbursement per year during the funding cycle, due no later than March 19, 2019 and March 17, 2020. However, cities may submit requests for reimbursement as frequently as quarterly. A Budget Summary Report Form and an Expense Summary Report Form must be used when submitting requests for reimbursement and will be provided to Cities when the grant agreements are executed. Accrual Reporting: By the 5th working days of January 2019 and January 2020, cities must notify SWD of the amount of their total expenditures for work that has been completed but for which a request for reimbursement has not yet been submitted. Progress and Final Reports Progress reports describing program activities, accomplishments, and evaluation results must accompany each request for reimbursement. A final report describing the outcome of grant-funded activities is due with the final request for reimbursement. If, however, the city does not have the results of its program evaluation by the end of the grant cycle, the final narrative report may be submitted no later than six months after the end of the grant cycle (June 30, 2019). (Note: The final request for reimbursement would still need to be submitted by March 17, 2020.) All progress and final reports must be signed by a city official. Signed reports may be scanned and emailed. Amendments Formal amendments to grant Interagency Agreements (IAAs) are unnecessary unless the city wishes to significantly change its scope of work and/or budget. In general, a significant change would be one in which the city wishes to add or delete a task from their scope of work. A minor change, such as moving dollars between tasks, would only require written notification, which may be submitted via e- mail. However, the city should contact SWD when considering changes to their scopes and budgets to determine if a formal amendment is needed. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF Exhibit C Ac�� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) �..�� 1/8/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Seattle-Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. NAME: Joyce Roberts 1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1500 AN Ext:206-204-9175 A/C,No):206-204-9205 Seattle WA 98101 nooRess: jeroberts@alliant.com INSURE S AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Safety National Casualty 15105 INSURED KE583802 INSURER B:Allied World Assurance Company 19489 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South INSURER C:Evanston Insurance Company 35378 Kent WA 98032-5895 INSURER D:Lloyd's of London 10200 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:46817104 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUER' - POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR POLICY NUMBER MMIDDIYYYY MMIDDrYYYYI LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y Y GL4058201 1/1/2019 1/12020 EACH OCCURRENCE $2,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE I-XI OCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES Ea occurrence $500,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $2,000,000 GENT AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $4,000,000 PRO- [—] POLICYFI JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $4,000,000 OTHER: SIR $500,000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CAS4058202 1/1/2019 1/12020 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Ea acc dent $2,000,000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED P BODILY INJURY eraccdent AUTOS AUTOS ( ) $ NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE HIREDAUTOS AUTOS Per accident $ Deductible SIR $500,000 A UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR XPE4058203 1/12019 ill2020 EACH OCCURRENCE $23,000,000 B 03059914 1112019 1/12020 C X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE MPEI EV0073 19 0 1/12019 1/12020 AGGREGATE $23,000,000 D PEXS1015119 1/1/2019 1/12020 DED RETENTION$ $ q WORKERS COMPENSATION SP4059829 1/12019 1/12020 X PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N STATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000* OFFICERIMEMBEREXCLUDED' N/A (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE $1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 A Stop Gap GL4058201 1/1/2019 1/12020 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Aggregate S4,000,000 Deductible $500,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) Work Comp has a$500,000 SIR RE: King County Solid Waste's WRR Grant- CPA#6059999 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN King County Solid Waste Division ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Attn: Lucy Auster 201 S. Jackson St. Suite 701 AUTHORIZED REPRESE TIVE Seattle WA 98104 � ! ( ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED ADDITIONAL INSURED This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM LIQUOR LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM SCHEDULE Name of Additional Insured Persons or Organ ization s : Person(s) or Organization(s) as required by written contract. Any individually scheduled Designated Additional Insured shall not be construed to override nor negate this blanket Designated Additional Insured. Designated Project, Location,or Work of CoveredOperations: As per written contract or agreement with the above described person(s) or organization (s) . CHANGE SECTION II -WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include: 4. The person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule above with whom you have agreed in a written contract to provide insurance such as is afforded under this Coverage Form, is included as an Additional Insured subject to the below: a. Insurance for such Additional Insured(s)scheduled above shall be afforded only to the extent that such Additional Insured is liable for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused by your acts or omissions while actively engaged in the performance ofyourongoing operations involving the project(s), locations(s),orwork designated in the Schedule and as specified in the contract between you and the above scheduled Additional Insured(s). b. The insurance afforded underthis Coverage Form to such Additional Insured(s)applies only: (1) If the "occurrence" or offense takes place subsequent to the execution and effective date of such written contract:and, (2) While such written contract is in force, or until the end of the policy period, which ever occurs first. c. How Limits Apply to Additional Insured(s) The most we will pay on behalf of the Additional Insured(s)scheduled above is the lesser of: (1) The limits of insurance specified in the written contract or written agreement; or, (2) The Limits of Insurance provided by the Coverage Form. The amount we will pay on behalf of such Additional Insured(s)shall be a part of, and not in addition to, the Limits of Insurance shown in the Coverage Form Declarations and described in this section. Such amount will thus not increase the Limits of Insurance shown for the Coverage Form. SNGL 022 1111 Safety National Casualty Corporation Page 1 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. d. Obligations at the Additional Insured's Own Cost No Additional Insured will, except at their own cost,voluntarily make a payment,assume any obligation, or incur any expense, other than for first aid, without our consent. The Additional Insured(s)scheduled above shall be subjectto all other conditions set forth in the Coverage Form. This endorsement does not alter coverage provided in the Coverage Form. This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and is effective on the date issued unless otherwise stated. (The information below is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of the policy.) Endorsement Effective 01/01/2 019 Policy No. GL 4058201 Endorsement No. Insured WASHINGTON PUBLIC ENTITY GROUP (WAPEG) Premium$ Included Insurance Company Safety National Casualty Corporation Countersigned By SNGL 022 1111 Safety National Casualty Corporation Page 2 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:30F09EB9-7AF5-4215-8FB5-OOE775CA30OF Exhibit D BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT FORM 2019-2020 Waste Reduction & Recycling Grant Program City: Date: Address: Phone: Invoice #: Report Period: Preparer's Name: Contract#: Total amount requested this period: Total amount previously invoiced: Original interlocal amount: Total amount charged to date: $ - Amount remaining for completion of interlocal: $ - Scope of Work Current Amount Task Description Budget Quarter Previously Remaining # (Task/title) Costs Invoiced Balance 1 $ 2 $ - 3 $ - 4 $ _ 5 $ - 6 $ - 7 $ - TOTALS $ $ - $ $ - For King County Use Contract# 0 Project 1126942 Org 720122 Exp.Account 54150 Task 22.000' Purchase Order# Requisition# Receipt Supplier# Supplier Pay Site Invoice# Payment Type Total charges this period are approved for payment: $ Project Manager: Date 0 'C O � OYC O W � C z Q� C� �O G' L O � O C� �L � u m � u � A u � v, u C. W a� v u 0 u c� A LL aLO i U L WL' o U LO co u 0 ui L O < u < O � mLL u u y ui a o a M N L v LU to D 0 Docu SECURE D Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id:30F09EB97AF542158FB500E775CA30OF Status:Completed Subject:WRR Agreement;City of Kent;CPA 6059999 Source Envelope: Document Pages:23 Signatures:2 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages:5 Initials:0 Kelly Dang AutoNav: Enabled 401 5th Ave Envelopeld Stamping: Enabled Suite 600 Time Zone:(UTC-08:00)Pacific Time(US&Canada) Seattle,WA 98104 Kelly.Dang@kingcounty.gov IP Address: Record Tracking Status:Original Holder: Kelly Dang Location: DocuSign 1/16/2019 12:23:31 PM Kelly.Dang@kingcounty.gov Security Appliance Status:Connected Pool: King County Metro Storage Appliance Status:Connected Pool: King County Metro Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Lucy Auster Completed Sent: 1/16/2019 12:28:36 PM lucy.auster@kingcounty.gov Viewed: 1/16/2019 12:36:50 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication Signed: 1/16/2019 12:36:57 PM (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 1/16/2019 12:36:50 PM ID:807cbfd 1-f757-4ba7-a517-3847f7aedcf7 Josh Marx Completed Sent: 1/16/2019 12:37:00 PM josh.marx@kingcounty.gov Viewed: 1/16/2019 12:45:57 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication Signed: 1/16/2019 12:46:06 PM (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 1/16/2019 12:45:57 PM ID:0827be51-e176-457b-a073-93eb58ed3713 Jeff Gaisford Completed Sent: 1/16/2019 12:46:08 PM Jeff.Gaisford@kingcounty.gov Viewed: 1/16/2019 1:34:12 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication Signed: 1/16/2019 1:37:54 PM (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 1/16/2019 1:34:12 PM ID:8d9ebbf8-ebe3-40b7-95ea-c06cc2be7e3b Jesse Gonzalez Completed Sent: 1/16/2019 1:37:57 PM Jesse.Gonzalez@kingcounty.gov Viewed: 1/16/2019 2:01:55 PM CEO Signed: 1/16/2019 2:02:02 PM Carahsoft OBO King County ITD Using IP Address: Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Dana Ralph ED­59 1tl1, Sent: 1/16/2019 2:02:06 PM dralph@kentwa.gov �93c OFti9B�J6�E D2d442' Viewed: 1/29/2019 10:49:40 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication Signed: 1/29/2019 10:50:09 AM (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 1/29/2019 10:49:40 AM ID:e14e1375-c299-47f3-976e-c438a15ba346 Glynda Steiner ° 5gII °Dyfuv.�l^ Sent: 1/29/2019 10:50:13 AM kin count A 5 gSteiner @ g y.gov VD Viewed: 1/29/2019 10:52:58 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication 49F50EF2E1E7460_ Signed: 1/29/2019 11:18:18 AM (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted:9/1/2018 6:17:26 PM ID:5a951004-0948-4081-ab68-110761eca75f In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Toni Donati COPIED Sent: 1/16/2019 2:02:05 PM TDonati@kentwa.gov Viewed: 1/16/2019 2:05:09 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Kate Blyth Sent: 1/29/2019 10:50:13 AM Kate.Blyth@kingcounty.gov CO PI ED Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 1/29/2019 10:50:13 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 1/29/2019 10:52:59 AM Signing Complete Security Checked 1/29/2019 11:18:18 AM Completed Security Checked 1/29/2019 11:18:18 AM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on:2/1/2018 6:03:55 AM Parties agreed to: Lucy Auster,Josh Marx,Jeff Gaisford,Dana Ralph,Glynda Steiner ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, Carahsoft OBO King County ITD (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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