HomeMy WebLinkAbout3999ORDINANCE NO.ru1 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring an emergency and adopting a six-month moratorium within the city of Kent on the establishment, location, operation, licensing, maintenance or continuationof medical marijuana collective gardens or díspensaries, asserted to be authorized or actually authorized under E2SSB 5073, Chapter 181, Lawsof 20LI, Chapter 69.514 Revised Code of Washington, or any other laws of the state of Washington, setting a date for a public hearing onthe moratorium, and providing that the moratorium will take effect immediately upon passage. RECITALS and PRELIMINARY FINDINGS A. The possession or distribution of marijuana has been and continues to be a violation of state law pursuant to Chapter 69.50 Revised Code of Washington (Washington's Uniform Controlled Substances Act), and federal law, through the Controlled Substances Act ("CSA"). B. Initiative Measure No, 692, approved by the voters of Washington State on November 30, 1998, and now codified as Chapter 69.514 RCW, created a limited defense to marijuana charges under state, not federal, law if the person charged could demonstrate that he or she Emergency Six-Month Moratorium Medical Marijuana 1 was a qualifying patient or designated provider as those terms are defined in Ch. 69,514 RCW. In 2007, the state legislature amended the law, and again in 2011, the state legislature passed a third amendment to the law, E2SSB 5073, Chapter 181, Laws of 20L1, portions of which the Governor vetoed. The newly amended law will take effect on July 22, 2OIL C. Prior to issuing her partial veto, the Governor received a letter signed by Washington's two top U.S. Attorneys, Mike Ormsby and Jenny Durkin. In their letter, they wrote that marijuana is a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law, and as such, "growing, distributing and possessing marijuana in any capacity, other than as part of a federally authorized research program, is a violation of federal law regardless of state laws permitting such activities." These U.S. Attorneys also concluded, "state employees who conducted activities mandated by the Washington legislative proposals would not be immune from liability under the CSA." A copy of that letter is attached and incorporated as Exhibit A, D. Because the Governor vetoed 36 of the 58 sections of the legislature's bill amending Chapter 69.514 RCW, the law, in its final form, understandably has inconsistencies and ambiguities. For example, certain sections that were not vetoed make reference to other sections that were vetoed. E. Further, as these legislative amendments developed, Kent saw the establishment of medical marijuana "dispensaries" within city limits. These dispensaries offer marijuana and marijuana products to numerous persons, asserting that they are operating as designated providers within the meaning of Chapter 69.51A RCW as it currently exists. These businesses are variously referred to as dispensaries, cooperatives, patient cooperatives, or patient networks, both for profit and not for profit. Emergency Six-Month Moratorium Medical Marijuana 2 These businesses are illegal under both state and federal law, and the city has provided notice to these businesses that they are to cease illegal activity. F. Persons or entities operating these purported medical marijuana dispensaries interpreted the current law to allow storefront operation of distribution centers for medical marijuana. Many of these dispensaries obtained business licenses to operate their businesses using false, misleading, or vague statements. See Exhibits B through I, attached. The city continues to receive new requests and inquiries from persons interested in operating additional dispensaries in Kent, G. The recent amendments to Chapter 69,514 RCW change the scope and effect of the law. New sections affect the rights of qualifying patients and their designated providers. The law now allows "collectlve gardens" that provide for growing and cultivating up to 45 plants to serve no more than 10 qualifying patients, The law also provides other changes to the rights and responsibilities of medical marijuana patients and their designated providers. H. The operators of medical marijuana dispensaries are already interpreting the newly amended law in ways to assert that they can continue to operate in Kent. See Exhibit J, attached and incorporated by this reference. I. The new law, however, clearly delegates to cities the authority to implement zoning requirements, business licensing requirements, health and safety requirements, and business taxes as those requirements and taxes relate to the production, processing, or dispensing of medical marijuana. In particular, local regulations could address ambiguities concerning the location and operation of collective gardens. Emergency Six-Month Moratorium Medical Marijuana 3 J. The city council requires time to conduct appropriate research to understand the extent of the changes provided in the new law, to analyze impacts and potential liabilities under federal law, and to determine an appropriate regulatory framework for any new uses that are allowed under these laws. The city must ensure that proposed locations for these operations are appropriate and that any potential secondary impacts arising from the operation of these uses or facilities are minimized and mitigated. These secondary impacts may include, but are not limited to, burglaries associated with the cash and marijuana maintained on the site, or an increase of other illegal activities, such as drug use, within the vicinity of these dispensaries. In particular, and without limitation, staff should analyze the impacts of allowing these uses and facilities in residential zones as well as impacts arising from the proximity of these uses and facilities to schools, daycares, parks, religious and cultural facilities, jails and courthouses. Accordingly, the city council finds that a zoning, licensing, and permitting moratorium should be established, pending local review of appropriate locations and design requirements of these operations, and impacts of the newly amended law and its interaction with federal law, K. Although the city council determines that a moratorium is necessary for the reasons established above, the city council emphasizes that it understands the needs of persons suffering from debilitating or terminal conditions, as well as the benefits that approved medical use of marijuana may provide these persons. Nevertheless, given the complex legal and regulatory framework surrounding this issue, a moratorium remains necessary until the city council can adequately address the competing interests at play. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Emergency Six-Month Moratorium Medical Marijuana 4 ORDINANCE SECTION 7, - Preliminary Findinos. The recitals and fíndings set forth above are hereby adopted as the city council's preliminary findings in support of the moratorium imposed by this ordinance. The city council may, in its discretion, adopt additional findings at the conclusion of the public hearing referenced in Section 5 below. SECTION 2. - Moratorium Imposed. Pursuant to the provisions of Article LI, Section 11 of the Washington State Constitution, RCW 354,63.220, and RCW 36.704.390, a moratorium ís hereby enacted prohibiting within the city of Kent the establishment, location, operation, licensing, maintenance/ or continuation of any medical marijuana collective garden or any medical marijuana dispensary, whether for profit or not for profit, asserted to be authorized or actually authorized under E2SSB 5073, Chapter 181, Laws of 2011, Chapter 69,514 RCW, or any other laws of the state of Washington. No building permit, occupancy permit, or other development permit or approval shall be issued for any of the purposes or activities listed above, and no business license shall be granted or accepted while this moratorium is in effect. Any land use permits, business licenses or other permits for any of these operations that are issued as a result of error or by use of vague or deceptive descriptions during the moratorium are null and void, and without legal force or effect. As used in this ordinance, the following terms have the meanings set forth below: A, "Medical marijuana dispensary" means any business, agency, organization, cooperative, network, consultation operation, or other groupr or person, no matter how described or defined, including its associated premises and equipment, which has for its purpose or which is used to Emergency Six-Month Moratorium Med¡cal Marijuana 5 grow, select, measure, package/ label, deliver, sell, or otherwise transfer (for consideration or otherwise) marijuana for medical use. A person who is the designated provider for only one qualified patient during any 15 day period and who complies with Chapter 69.514 RCW, shall not be deemed a medical marijuana dispensary for the purposes of this moratorium, B. "Medical marijuana collective garden" means a group of qualifying patients that share responsibility for acquiring and supplying the resources required to produce and process marijuana for medical use. Examples of collective garden resources would include, without limitation, the following: property used for a collective garden; or equipment, supplies, and labor necessary to plant, grow and harvest marijuana; marijuana plants, seeds, and cuttings; and equipment, supplies, and labor necessary for proper construction, plumbing, wiring, and ventilation of a garden of marijuana plants. A medical marijuana collective garden shall satisfy the above definition regardless of its formation, ownership, management, or operation as a business, agency, organization, cooperative, network, consultation operation, group, or person. A person who is the designated provider for only one qualified patient during any 15 day period and who complies with Chapter 69.514 RCW or a person who is a qualified patient and who complies with 69.514 RCW, shall not be deemed a medical marijuana collective garden for the purposes of this moratorium. SECTION 3, - No Nonconforming Uses. No use that constitutes or purports to be a medical marijuana dispensary or medical marijuana collective garden as those terms are defined in this ordinance, that was engaged in that activity prior to the enactment of this ordinance shall be deemed to have been a legally established use under the provisions of the Kent City Code and that use shall not be entitled to claim legal nonconforming status. Emergency S¡x-Month Moratorium Medical Marijuana 6 SECTION 4. - Effective Period for Moratorium. The moratorium set forth in this ordinance shall be in effect for a period of six months from the date this ordinance is passed and shall automatically expire at the conclusion of that six month period unless the same is extended as provided in RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36,704,390, or unless terminated sooner by the city council. SECTION 5, - Public Hearing. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36.704.390, the city council will hold a public hearing, at the city council's regular meeting, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Kent City Hall, on Tuesday, July 19, or as soon thereafter as the business of the city council shall permit in order to take public testimony and to consider adopting further findings. SECTION 6. - Referral to Staff. The planning director is hereby authorized and directed to develop appropriate land use regulations pursuant to the newly amended law for review and recommendation for inclusion in the zoning regulations or other provisions of the Kent City Code. The finance director is hereby authorized and directed to develop appropriate business licensing and other regulations pursuant to the newly amended law for review and recommendation for inclusion in the zoning regulations or other provisions of the Kent City Code. SECTION 7. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect, SECTION 8. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the Emergency Six-Month Morator¡ um Medical Marijuana 7 correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/su bsection n u mbering. SECTION 9. - Effective Date. The city council hereby finds and declares that an emergency exists which necessitates that this ordinance become effective immediately in order to preserve the public health, safety and welfare. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage, The city clerk is directed to publish a summary of this ordinance at the earliest possible publication date. KE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER,RK T R Arl-hur Duf"fu a4 ne/ Emergency Six-Month Moratorium Medical Marijuana A ,t B PASSED: 5 day of APPROVED, ,5 day of PUBLISHEo: I day of 2011. 201r. 20LL I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.17 passed by the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated, EAL) BRENDA JACOB CITY CLERK P:\C¡vil\Ordinance\Moratorium Med¡cal Mar¡juana ÞispensariesF¡nal,docx Emergency Six-Month Moratorium Medical Marijuana 9 Exhibit A U.S. Department of Justice U n ítetl Sta tes A tto rn e), Eastern District of Washington Suite i40 Thomas S. Foley It. S. Courîhoute (509) i53-2767 P. O, Ëox 1494 Fax (509) 353-2766 Spotøne, Washington 99 2 I 0' I 49 4 Honorable Christine Gregoire Washington State Govcrnor P.O. Box 40002 Olyrnpia, Washington 98504-0002 April 14, 2011 Re; Medical Marijuana I'egtslative Proposals Dear Honorable Governor Gregoire: We write in response to your letter dated April 13, 201 1, seeking guidance from the Attorney General and oir two officcs concerning the practical effect of the legislation currently being consider:ed by the Washington State Legislature concerniflg medical marijuana. We understand that the proposals being considered by the tegislaturo would establish a licensing scheme for marijuana growers and dispensaries, and for processors of marijuana-infused foods among otherprovisions. We have eonsulted with the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General about the proposed legislation. This letter is written to ensure there is no confusion regardjng the Department of Justice's, vietv of such a licensing scheme. As the Department has stated on many occasions, Congress has determined that marijuana is a controlled substancc. Congress placed marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) zurd, as such, gtowing, distributing, and possessing marijuana in any capacity. other than as part of a federally authorized rcsearch program, is a violation of federal law regardless of state laws permitting such activities. The prosecution of individuals and organizations involved in the trade of any illegal drugs and the disruption of drug trafficking organizations is a core priority of the Department. This core priority inoludes prosecution of business enterprises that unlawfully market and sell marijuana. Accordingly, while the Depafiment does not focus its limited resources on seriously ill individuals who use marijuana as part of a medically recommended treatrnent regimen in compliance with state law as stated in the October 2009 Ogdcn Memorandum, we maintain the authority to enforce the CSA vigorously against individuals and organizations that participate in unlawful manufacturing aûd distribution activity involving marijuana, even if such activities are permitted under state law. The Departmentis investigative and prosecutorial resources will continue to be directed toward these objectivos. Exhibit A Flonorablc Christine Gregoire April 14, 2011 Page 2 Consistent with federal law, thc Department maintains the authority to pursue criminal or civil actions for any CSA violations whcnevcr thc Departmcnt determincs that such legal âction is wanantcd. This insludes, but is rtot limited to, actions to snforce thc criminal provisions of thc CSA such as: - 21 U.S.C. $ 841 (niakirrg it illegal to manufácturc, distributc, or possess with intent to distributc any controlled substancc including marijuana); - 2l U.S.C. $ 856 (making it unlawful to knowingly opcn, lcasc, rent, maintain, or usc property for thc manuf'acturing, storing, or distribution of controllcd substances); - 2l U.S.C. $ 860 (rnaking it unlawful to distributo or manufacrure controlled substanccs within I,000 feet of schools, collcgcs, playgrounds, and public housing lhcilities, and within 100 feet of any youth centers, publio swimming pools, and vidso arcadc fâcilities); - 2l U,S,C. $ 843 (making it unlawful to usc any communication facility to commit felony violations of the CSA); and - 21 U,S.C. $ 846 (making it illegal to conspire to cor¡mit any of the crimes set forth in the CSA). In addition, Irederal ûroney laundering and related statutcs which prohìbit a variety of diffe¡ent typcs of financial activity involving the rnovement of drug procceds may likewise be utilized. The Government may also pursue civil injrrnctions, and thc fbrfciturc of drug ¡rrocoeds, property traccablc to such proceeds, and propcrty uscd to facilitate drug violations. The Washington lcgislativc proposals will create a licensing schcmc that permits largc-scale marijuana cultivation and ctistribution. This would ar¡thorize concluct contrary to f'cderal law and thus, would undermine the fcderal govcrnmcnt's cfforts to regulatc tlrc posscssion, manufacturing, and trafficking of controlled substanccs. Accordingly, the Depzu-tmcnt could consider civil and criminal lcgal rcmedies regarding lhoss who sot up marijuana growing facilities and dispensarics as they will bc doìng so in violation of f'cdcral law. Others who knowingly facilitate the aetions of the licensees, including propcrty owners, landlords, and financiers should also know that thcir conduct violates fe¿cral law. In addjtion, stato cmployccs who conductcd activitics mandatc<l by thc Washington lcgislativc pfoposals, would not be immunc from liability undcr the CjSA. Potential actions tlic l)cpartmenr corrld considcr include injunctivc actions to prcvcnt cultivation antl disribution of marijuanq and othcr associatsd violatio¡rs of the CSA; civil fines;criminal prosecution; and the fì¡rf'citure of any Exhibit A Honorable Christine Gregoire April 14,2011 Page 3 properly used to facilit¿te a vioiation of the CSA. As the Attorney Oeneralhas repeatedly stated, the Departnent of Justioo remains firmty oornmitted to enforcing the CSA in all states, We'hope this lettcr assists the Sf¿te of Washingfon and pÕtèntiel licensees inmaking informed decisions regarding thc cultivation, manufacture, and distibution of marijuana" Very trrrlyyours,4 /L*ot^r*p-C Durkan States Altorney Westem Distriot of Washington Michael C, Ormsby United States Attomey Eastern District of V/xhinglon Ordinance.No' 1962 ,4 eity of Kent C{SHtFaetstr L¡cense \-"'/ F.F-ìlT cityof Kentcustomerservicês.220FounhAvenue5,. Kent,wA98032-5895 ' Ps¡)esg-szl0 Fax(253)gse-szob PLEASE,TYPEORPRESSFIRMLY-BLACKORDARKBLUEINKONLY All licenses expire Decernber 3'1. Renevual invoices mailed in December. Fee MuÉt AccompanY ApPllcatlon Sr oo Openlng July 1 or after 5so I ''l , Name of Business: Busì ress: City:5tãte ZIP: Phone: ( )FAXil Mailing Address: srare; \^åt-zrp' ?. f5 i tc,Ë.-2.{3Clty; 2. WA State UBI#I +. Elndiv, QPartnershiP E¡ LLC 0 Corporation Provìdeownershipinformation;lncludesupplementallistif needed, Owner(s)Name(s) Business Address: City:State: ' - ZIP:--- Phone: ( )FAX il u 3. TRN (Tax reporting number): . : . ' 0wner(s) Name{s): Business Addre¡sl City: Phone: ( ) Owner{s) Name(s Business Address: City: ø\ State: - ZIP: -- FAX() State: - ZIP: - Phone: ( ) FAX() 5. Contact Person: E-mailPhone ( ) 6. Description of Business: I hereby cen'lfy that the st ote ments ìssuanceofthis Signature: Tirl and tnformation furnlshed by me on this applicatlon ore public records ond ore avallable for pudìc lnspectìon pursuanrþ Stole afWoshlnglon RCW 42,17J60. that issuonce of rhìs licen se ls conditloned upon complíance ot a,ltlmetwllh all oppllcoble ordlnances,regulotlons and sroÍutes of the City of Kent and the Stote and ínf or matlon furnì she d me on thls applìcotion oretrue complefeto rhe best of my lnowledga lolso busíness does not lmply comPlloncewíth theZontng, Uniform Fíre and Buildìng Codes, Print Nam Date: thotthenotements I underslond of Woshìngton,The INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL Dåte Mrlla¡l FOR OFFICE USEONLY: BLOC T.R * Amr nç¡W015!9-t-ìO WhhåDLfll¡ còn¡rytAPPllıñl!ÌetalPtcopÌ' RecH BE ED Othèr Exhibit C City of Kent ComrnerËial Business A.pplication Clty of Kent Customer Ordinance No.3035 220 Fourth Avenue S, KENT Kent, WA 98032-5895 (253) 856-5210 Fax (2631 çÊB PLEA$ËTYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY ¿Ë Black or Dark Blue lnk Only ott All licenses expìre December 31, Renewal lnvoices L wA$rare u¡w603oTg1Jo. 2, NAICS EtLqlo 3, Date opened ln Kent &-/l-/ \\ 4, D Indiv. tr Partnenship tr LLC $ Corporatlon Pror¡íde ownerchíplnfonhatíonìlncludesupplemffitallistifneeded. Ëinn t.t Owne(q) Narne(s) T¿rti.q Kl^\I 13 å3 3 rJ l',¡rz v Ào,lLlt 78"tu p"(lJ*¡J J.SlHome Address Cily zipState uh Phone Fee Must Aócompany Appllcation (Circle One) New Business $154.00 New OwnEr $154.00 lndep,Conlractor $100.00 Multiple Þwelllng $100.00À-ßìùtnÞ|Bl Opening Juty I or aftèr' $1o4,oo $104,00 $50.00 $50,00 No 501 No Chaçaþlocatlon in Kent Prior Address: Address Iî 43S- ( f tr¿ iíø: s ¡6Á*Ð' *r',* (, Name of Buslness Kent, WA Zlp 43o)z S lo6 Phone þo ( ¡Fax( ) .Ç,¡ai"- Q -f 5. Contact Ferson I c'- 6. Name of Buslness Center/Apartment Complex, if Applicable 14 7, Parent Company Name, if Appllcable: L lndependent Contractor? El Yes Ð No 9. Billing Address:P-r., 1.,..u- Lf 16 L clty/state-.¡5r-tlLlÞ - zip 1Fí(r 10. Descrlptlon of Business:(-., 11 , TypE of Buslness: (Check those whlch apply) El Wholesale Trade n RetailTrade El Service n Manufacturlng D Construction tr Govt. tr Transp./Commun,/Util. E Finance/lnsur,/RE B Educatlon; Æ, Health lndustry tr Sales/Mktg. tr Rental Houslng # Units tr Other 12. DoYou Share a Location wlth Another Business? F No El Yes Who? 1 3. ln cl u de Workln g Owners-Total # Fu ll Tlme Employees :ß Total # PartTlme Ernployees ñ' 14, Emergency lnformatlon foi Fire & Pollce Departme¡ts: TWO after rs LOCAL names & phone numbers:' Phone Jol, {cot:t{rSo. Name 15, Tlpa of Building Occupied: ¿ð)Slngle-Tenant D Multl-Tenant A Single-Tenant Warehouse tr Multl-Tenant Warehouse tr Mixed-Use-List mixed-uses: 16. Floor gpace Occupled by Business ln Square Feet .ff,\ 17.Address(es)of.Warehouse/DistributíonCenterEinKent 18, Are frere any hazardous materials used or stored at locatlon D Yes .E No lfY*, I hereby carilfy that I also acknowledga 19. Print ïtle INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WLL NOT BE PROGESSED tar¡ala¡r.a¡araaaaaaar aaaa.¡a aaa¡at.t¡laal.all¡¡¡aaaaaa¡¡t FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Masfar Control # Date Rec'd Naine (ar t^n-\Phone Lt3 LrlSÐ{c, \l'tt Dale Malled T.R#- Amt'Pald- ñçs?s{eC 12/08 Whlt!: BL F¡lÞ Cànrr¡ AFPII€rlb ReÈclptcoPy&¡f MoÆ{ Date Exhibit D City of Kent Cornrnercial Business A.pplicaiion City of Kent Customer Services Drdinance No. 3035 [<ENT PLEASE TYPE OR PRE Black pr Dark Blue In All licenses exPire Þecember3l. Renewal 1 z 3 ì WA StaIe UBX#hutoq -7 611 NA,lCS Date Opened in Kent --J 4. tr lndiv. E partnership B tfC B Corporation provìde ownership Ínformatlon¡ Ínclude supplemantal lìsl ìf needed- af,t Owner(s) l)rlame(s) ïu.*ln V+¡¿v Home Address. r?q tt D4) City Avä str- l<'e,ul StatÊ UL Eo L Contact Person: l',lame of Business Center/Apartment Complex, if Applicable VC,tu r.¡t_.$4r /(u\ Parent CompanY Name, if APPllcable: Independent Contractor? El ÆI zip PhoneeúW:l& 5 6 7 B I Yes 3i,t¡)Lf4lt ÀbE No ,y (;IL zlp,+ L 6o{L Billing Address:City 10. Descrlption of Business:L I ¿n 5l 11. Type of Business: (Check those which apply) E Wholesale Trade E¡ Retail Trade E servìce E¡ Manufacturlng D Transp./Comrnun./Util. tl Flnance/Insur./RE n Education E¡ i è' n Construction Health Industry n q Govt, Sales/Mktg Other 9t2-¡Vtc.-t< d ¡¡o E Yes who? 13. Xnclude Working Owners-Total # FullTtme Employeçst -¿- Total # Part Time Employees:c) ncy Xnformation for Fire L names & phone nu E¡ Rental Housing # Units fr t2. Do You Share a Locatlon with Another Business? 14. Emerge Name FOR OFFICE US,E ONLY: T.R. # .(- phone $i1\¡-¡"ei{ 15. Type of Building Occupied: Þ Single-Tenant þ Multi"Tenant E¡ Sirtgle-Tenant Warehouse El Multi;TenantWarehouse n Mixed-Use-List mixed-u 16, Floor Space Occupied by Business in Square 1 í 17, Address(es) of Warehouse/Distribution Centers in Kent 18. Are there any hazardous materials used or stored at location O Yes F to If Yes, explain 19. Print Name XNCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Fee Muct AceomPanY APP|icatiott (Circle One) I'lew Buslness $154.00 New owner $154,00 Indep, Contractor $100.00 Opening July 1or'after $ 1 04,00 $104.00 $s0,00 No Charge 501(cX3)ReqNon-Profit Relocâtion in Kent filo Charge Prior Address: ¿{M Suite Phone (,,i¿{ )rilJ-*ìctl( ô q C) J¡ Fax( ) Name of Business Kent, WA Zlp Address FEB7546A r2l07 Whltèl B[ 'E:'it:iö' Þate Mailed Title Þate 'Check all boxes that aPPIY:New Mailing AddressOut of Busi¡essKenf ReloeaÉionNew Owner LOCATION êÐÐRESS (IF DIFFER.ENT)BUSINESS N.4.l\48 - M.AJLING ADÐRESS SLIN LEA-F lvÍEDiCAI CENTER 6625 S i90 ST #,8-103 KENT, W.4.98032 SUI'I LEA.F NIEDIC.AI CENTER 25411139THAVESE KENT, \\¡A 98042 1. Business Phone:Fax:425'248-9066 Zip Code:State: Z'ip Code: 98442State: WA Hm Äddress t 25411 'l39TH AVE SE City;KENT Name:JUSTIN VANCE Name: FIm Address: City; Hm Phone: Hm Phone: 425-248-9066 2. Business Ot'ners: (Providc Corporatc Oä¡ccre, iiepplicablc') DIAN IBAY 253-630-21e5 ASHLEY VANCE 253.951-1061 Phone: Phone: cusrDmer (,rem 754 ) llllllllllllllllllllll lllìl lill llll tililtilllllililI ililillll llll llllil lllil lllll lllll lilllllllllililililllllillllllPermit (liem 824)ililil|lllllllilllllll 5. Emplol'ees at Kent Location as of 10/31/20101 6. Business Cirganization: Ilndividual flPartnershjP [ftCoryoration 603047697 L NAICS Code:7. UBI/Tax#¡ 4. Þcscri¡ltiotr of Business:MED ICAL CCI'JSU LTATI OI'J SERVICE FO R PECPLE WITI{ OUT IIJBURANCE P art Time: 0Full Tim e:1 N urr.- ftr[I - rr.-Io.or--r,í?o.Ø:-l-c El'other: 9. Floor Space Used: 950 Sq'Ff I0- Mark if any of the following are on the premises: lAnusement Devíces )Gambling* lKaraole/Cabaret *Pull Tabs, Puhch Boards, C¡¡d Room J hercby ccñiry thåt thc statsmenls ¿nd info¡mation furnirbod by me onrhis application ¡rs trùe and complete to ths best ofmy knowìcdge' sratsr¡ents ¡nd information ir*iirr.äly," on rhis application'arc public ¡ecords anrt ars ¿vailablc for public irrrpoction pursuant to stàte Mail in the enclosed enveloPe with Checlc/Money Order Payable to: Cify of Kent (Do Not Inciude with your Utility Payiaent) signature ,l¿/d.lL/L Prlnt Name JJTI/r* Vt^-r-¿' -?å*tlTitle{rtr:,J.r.4r Møke a. clpy olthe completedfo 'rft, for your records, I also acknowicdlgc thãt the of ir/asbington RCW Date I CITY OF KEhIT Business Licenslng 220 4th Ave S Kent, \rrlA 98032 (2$)A56-5210 EUSINESS LICENSE RENEWÁT- NOTTCE KENT W.ÈtslPÞlÞ! For Licensing Period January L,2011 'December 31,2011 Date Due:January 31, 20i I Amount Due $100,00 Busi¡ess License No' BLC-2100671 C ity of Ke nt t c rn rn e rc''åiBrtJl n *ss Appl I cati o n O¡dinance No.3035 Phone KENT City of Kent Customer Services 220 Fourth Avenue S=, n r r.t. Kent, WA 98032-5895: rt.l k' t (253) 856-s210 Fax (253) 856-6200 j,,LÌrd f i iütrtl W^aHtNolÞr PLEASETYPE oR PRESS F¡RMLY ,,:;iT i riF fiËi',¡î Black or Dark Blue lnk Only i;'-lsitri¡ei Seiiri¡;s All licenses axpire December 31. Renewalìnvoices-rn?llqp;¡A Ðeppç'Þen ¡ n i 1. wA stare uaw h03 t:¡? q7e'.Name of Business U ( Addiess Suite Art aÌ Kent, WA Zip qTÒ3, Phone (.)¡fi qz t- 4>*r:Fax [g;$h4Y-Lzrr ?. NAICS 4. El lndiv. Et partnership D LLC Ècorporation Provldeownarshipinformatlon;lncludesupplementallistîfneeded. 3. Date opened in'Kent Z-tíúl¿¡l-e. Owner(s)Name(s)Home Address 10. Description of Business: Zip 4Êo3>poËl l3/lå! 3 City Io,n Staie f\'lÊ,+ 5. Contact Person: 6. Name of Business Complex, if 7. Parent Company Name, if Applicqble: . B. lndependent Contractor? B Yes n4o 9. Billing Address:zip \Ito r¿"^"r/itr¿ 1 1. Type of Business: (Check tr Wholesale Trade tr R.etail Name which apply) Trade B''-Service E Manufacturing tr Construction U Govt" Education n Health lndustry El Sales/MKgtr Transp.lGommun'lUtil' El Finance/lnsur-/RE D tr Rental Housing # Units tr Other 12. DoYou Share a Location with Another Business z E4o D Yes Who? 13. lnclude Working Owners-Total # FullTime Employees: r-) Total # Part Time EmPloYees: î. ,t"rn"ncy lnformation for Fire &Police Departments: TWO after Ph one lcL 471'4 ):>.3 ¡:tane hours LOGAL names & Phone numbers Phone 15. Type of Building Occupied:ngle-Tenant tr Multi-Tenant E Single-TenantWarehouse U MultþTenantWarehouse n Mixed-Use'Listmixed-uses: 16. Floor Space Occupied by Business in Squa re Feet 17. Address(es) of Warehouse/Distribution Centers in Kent 18. Are there any hazardous materials used or stored at location B Yes El-Ílo lf Yes, 19 GOMPLETE APP LICATIONSWILL NOT BE PROCESSED 'l Fee Must AccomPanY APPIication (Clrcle One) New Business $154.00 NÊw Dwnsr $154.00 lndep,Contractor $1Ð0.00 lVluliiple Dwelling (3 m mÞE) $100.00 Opening July 1 or afier $1n¿ D0*ñn¡,Sıu'50 $s0.00 Relocation in Kent Prior Address: No Cha ö01(c)(3)Req No Charge fis?54ÊA 12/08 Whlte: tsL Fll¡ eÞnEry! ApFllEñl'B Recålpl CÞÞy Date Malled åF Exhibit G New Mailing,4-ddress Check all boxes that aPPI¡':J Neu'ou'ner -J ofOut sinessBuRelocationKent LOCATI ON .dDDRESS (iF DIFFER-ENT) BUSDíESS N,A.\'IE - I{-AILING ADDRESS HERBS.L CH OICE CAREGI\¡ERS }9011 WEST VALLEY HWY S #AI 1O KENT, WA 98032 T{ERBAL CH OICE C.AR-EGIVERS 19OI1 WEST VALLEY HWY #4110 I(ENT, W.A 98032 253-638-3639206-931-92531. Business Phone;F'ax Zip CoderState: Zlp Code: 98032State: WA Hm,¡rddress: 21628 43RD PL S City:KENT Namel Flm Á.ddrees: Clt¡'¡ Hm Phone: 2. Business Owners: (P¡orride Corporetc Officers, if applicablc') Name: DERYCKTSANG Hm Phoner 206-931-9253 COLAMtsATSANG 206.852-8980 DERYCK TSANÖ 206-931-9253 Pbone; Phone: customer (rtem 754) I llllllllllll lillllll lllll llilllll ilffiilil ilIilllllllilllllll llllillllllllililPermlt (ltem 824) |il ilill lllll 5. Employees at Kent Location as of 10/31/2010: 6. Business Organization: Ilndividual [Parhrership BlCorporation 9. Floor Space Used: 700 Sq.Ft6030229728. NAICS Code: Full Time: 2 Part Time: '-) ¿4\ PROVIÞE EDUCATICN, I NFORMIATIO¡{ A ALTERNAT¡VE HERËAL REI\4EDIES D LLC !O 7. UBUTax# 4. Dcsci'iption of B Mait in the enclosed envelope rvith Check/l\{oney Order Payable to; City of Kent (Do Not Include with your Utilify Paymenf) 10. Mark if any of the foltowing are on the premìsesl lAmusement Ðevlces RCW knou'lcdge, I also acknowlsdgc that thcare true and compìcte to thc best of mya¡d informalion fumished by mc on this applicationccrtifl tìrrt lhe stalcmontsI lrcreby to SlÂte ofevailablc for publio inspcclion pursuantarc pub)ic rccords and a¡cståtcmcnts ãnd atr ['/\iTitl4J^4.fhøn- DSignature Make ø coPY of tlrc comPleted .form for your records, Print Name )Ganblíng* lKarcoke/Cabaret +Pull Tabs, Punch Boards, Card Room CITY OF KENT Business Llcenslng 2?D 4ih Ave S KÞnt, \ryA 98032 (?s3)856-s21 o BUSII.{ESS LTCE}{SE REI-\ÌE\trAI NOTICE KENT h'¡Þrt!9ìÞ! For Licensing Period January 1, 2011 - Decembe¡ 31, 2011 Date Due: January 3 t, 201 1 "{.mount Due $100.00 Business License No. tsLC-270A524 Exhibit H City of Kent Comme¡"cial Business Application Clty of Kent Customer 9ervices i::,ii;f!#;ruFntp (2s3) Bs6_s2r. i{ifiLrttiúroo Ordlnance.l'lo, 3035 KENT \fÁEÉlxclÞ{ PLEAsE rYPE oR PRESs FIRMLY O1{Y ?f^[ç]lcTÊs i'i i :5,ï niJ SJäll,.t I "lL "',,,,." ", *P,Hå'S"d ffi ç e n t wA srara vew 6OJ-14R-711 . NAICS , Date opened ln Kent --* S-ln- 1 z 3 Name of Buslness Address nnu n/./'='T<Þ*l Su¡te ln Kent, WA 7lP 990 3?. Phone( ) naxl ) 4. E Indlv. D partnershlp n LLC fl Corporation prov¡de ownetshlp information¡ include supplemental llst if needed. owner(s) Name(s) Home Address City State rlû1,<7b -84'bîzlp ltD3o Phone ( Fee Must Accompàny Âpplicatlon (Circle one) New business $154.00 lrlew Owner $154-00 Xndep, Contracbor t$100'00 Opèn¡ng July I or.after $1D4.oo $1 04,00 s50.00 No Charge 5o1(c)(3)Reql{on-Profit Relocation in Keñt lrlo Charge Prlor Address: 5 6 7 B 9 Contact Person; lrlame of Buslness Center/APartment Complex, lf Applicable Parent Company lrlame, if Applicable: lndependent Contractor? 0 Yes F No zip l PoB z-Billing Address:ùlnu r.J r ç,¿¡ ¿+-Q lLl city/s 10, Þescription of Business:'\"J 11. Type of Eusiness: (Check those wlrich apply) E Wholesale Trade F Retall Trade tr Service U Manufacturlng El Construction B Govt' D Transp./Commun./Util, n Finance/Insur./RE n Education tr Health Industry tr Sales/lvlktg. tl Rental Housing # Units 12. Do You Share a Locatlon wlth Another Business?EL ttlo U Yes Who? 13. Include working owners-Total # Full Time Employees: 2 Total # PartTime Employees: 14. Emergency Informãtion for Flre & Po.lice Departments: TWO after hours LOCAL names & phone nurnbers: Name'W phoneíf, 73 !-tø1 ll¿ namW pt'oneå'fJf!ålefîL U Other . 15.Type of Buildlng occupled: O Single-Tenant F Multi-lienant E¡ tvlultl;IenantVy'arehouse E Mixed-Use-Listmlxed-uses: 16. Floor Space Occupied by Business in Square 17, Address(es) of Warehouse/Distribution Centers ln Kent xl/* 19, Are there any hazardous materials used or stored at locatlon o Yes F No If Yes. exPlaln E Single-Tenant Warehouse flB?5464 t2l07 Whltel Bl. Flle c¡D¡rfl aPPllÈÈnt'3 ReßèlPt copY Exhibit I CITY OF KËNT Buslness Ucensing 220 4thAve S Kenl WA 98032 (253)85Ss210 BI]SINESS LICENSE RENEWÁI I*{OTICE K ENT¡riclol For LicçÐsi.g.period Íanuary 1, 2011 - Þecember 31' 20i L Date Due:3L,ZALL AmountDue $100.00 Bu¡iness License No. BLC¿100163 LnwKunr il" hib¡t JIIFICE OF Ex() IlnnH L, pttC S e u,t t, I e C ri nt. í, tt, u,l lJ e f Ê n, I e MtrMO - ü'or Discussion Purposes Only Th"*.çMo.d*.!+ fq"..Ítu*.orq A"*ess ru,Mq*liçpJ,Ë,fl+¡tþ.j$.jn Listtf of.thq Çotqrqu",.*Pnrfiat vqto of E?S$H,g0.Ë 'Ihe Ûovemor's partial veto o1'E2SSB 50?3 (also ref'ened to below as o'2011 TVash. Laws, ch. I 8l ") created uncertainty for local jurisdictions by removing the "gt"rtsoo of legislation that originally provideel clarity to the statels Meclical Mzu-ijuana.{ct, Chaprer 69,5tA RCV/. This uncertainff is acldressed below by irlentifying and cliscussing threc mc¡clcls for accessing safe, consistent, trnd sooure sourcss of medical quality cannabis. T'hese thrse models include; collective gardens, pafienf networks, and non-profit pafient coopemtives. Only the first model is explicitly discusscd irr 201 I 'Wash. Laws, ch. I I I . The following two models (patient ûettvorks ancl non-profit patient oûoperr¡tivçs) arguably f¿ll within the spirit of the posr-vcro E?SSB 5073. Lastly, a short discussion is provided regnrding the legislation's express grant of' authority to local jurisdictions with regard to the zoning, licensing, health and safety requirements, and business taxes pefiaining to the production and processing of mgclical cannahis. A. Collectivc Gardens Fost-veto Ë2SSl3 5073 allows t'or patients to form collestivc gar<lens. .See 2ûl t Wash. Laws, ch. 181, sec. 403(1) ("Quajifying patients may create and par"ticipnte in collcctive gmdens for the purpCIse of ptoducing, processing, transporting, and delivering cannabis for medica.l use[.J"). These gardens ars limited tn 45 plants and 10 pntients, 'fhere is no Iimit, however, to the numbc"r uf collective gardens thät mäy be located at any physisal address and there is no indication on the length of time each patient is requirecl to be a member of'a specífic collective garden. Irresuuubly. patients rnay be me¡nbers of several collective gardens. ln addition, nothing in the post-veto legislntion preclutles collectivq gardens from operating a storefront for patients to açcess their medicine" A st<¡refront would be beneficial not only to patients wh.o may not bç able 1o äro{tss a collective garden located in a basement" Çr$wl $pace or garage. but also to the garden. A storefront avoi<|s excessive human contact with the garden and helps to maintain heaÏth and safety conconts in producing medical-quality cannabis. In general, garclens shoulcl hc protected from human oxpo$ure; exposurs to multiple patieirts puts thü garden at risks of pla¡t diseases, mites, etc. 1001 4rH AvE, SUITE 3?00, SIìATTì.E, WA 98154 www,sfl ATTt"R-cRrM¡NAt"ÞUrEN$Ë. COM 'I',ELt 2û6.V28.Q?AA F ¡x: 2Q6.$24.6224 K I,I¡ì,T(l)T}OËI II,LA W() F¡;ICIi. COM. Exhibit J Despite the potential flexibility in the ¡rtunber of gardeus ilt riny one tocation and each msmber's length of ínvolvement in any particular garden, the l0 patient requirernent would have to be carefully nlonitored tÕ flssure compliance with Chapter 69.514 RCliV. B, Non-Profìt PntÍent Co-Operatives Unl.ike collective gardens, a non-profit patient co-operative is not expressly ad.dressccl in 201 I Wash" Laws, ch. I B I . ll'his mndel, however, wfls endorsed by Dan Satterberg, the King C-"ounty Prosecutor, in an internal mc,mo. In our experience, there are cases where groups of inclivi<Juals slrare, distribute, md cooperate in the growing and distribution of marijuana to those medically in need. while ideally, all involved. would have proper medical documentation, we do not lvish to prosecute these operatiorrs so long as it is clcar that qualifying patients/providers are distributing to other qualífying patient$/providcrs, and that $omerrne in the *lperation has proper documentation. Dan Satterberg. Medical Marijuana Case Review Sta¡rdards (200S) ln general, a nort*profit patient cooperative woulcl work with several collectivc gardens ln provide a snfe, consistent, and secure souroe of medical quality cannabis. The co" operative could be zoned,, regulated and taxecl uncler 201 I Wash, [,årw$, ch, 181, seo. I102 (lXZ) (discussed i¡r more detail below)" This model eliminates the requirerneut for patients to grow their own medicine, fînd a patient network, or find an available collective garden in their neighborhood that has AI)A access, and clennlsafc mEdicine. The invest¡nent of time in cultivatirrg a gauden or finding an available' secure collective garclcn is simply not nn o¡rtion f.trr patients suffbring from the sudd$n onset of a clebilitating condition or treâtntenr. Post-veto H?SSß 5û73 limits tlre nr¡mber of patients that may pårtiçipate in a collectivc garden tc tËtt" but ha.t no requirement for the length of time for membership, Theref$rço a non-prntìt pntient co-o¡rerativc th¿rt r,yorks with collective gardens may require its parients to tenrporarily become ntembers af the specific collecfive garden that produced the selected medicine. When the patient leave$, they sign docume¡rtation terminating membership in that specific collective garclcn. tiven the provisional nature of membership. collective gardens associaling with non-profit patient cooperatives must be cautious nCIf to exce$d the l0 patient lirnit. Additianally, each collective garden must be ìdenti{Ted at the cooperative, ând mu$t not exceed the 45 plant litttit. To ¡rllow the collective garden to grr:w 45 plnrrts, at least three patients must be members of the collective gnrden at all times, Exhibit J C. Medical Cannat is Patient Nehvorks Msdical Çannabis ¡:atient netwçrks provide a mcans f'or patients to meet and gather. .A, non-prtrfit "Patient Network" or "Mer{ical Cannabis Club'o is not expressly ad'dressed i¡ posf-veto a2ssB 5073, bu{ is arguably cousistent with the legisla.tion. A Patienf Network would be comprised of a group of authorized meclical cannabispatignq. 'I'his group would have a physical aridress where they meet. Any authorizecl rneclical cannabis patient may beconre a member. Membership fees would vary dependlng on building rent and expen$ös to operate. T'his rypı of entity cr:uld associate with collective gardens, Mernbers of'the Patiçnt Network rnây also fçrnr collectivç gardens and possess, manufacture, and cieliver to other authorizecJ patients within thc collective gnrden" The Patient Network could bc sulrject to zoning restrictio¡s, antl health regulations. .5'(rø Wash. Laws, ch. I B l, sec. i l0Z (l XZ)) D, Lacsl Authority 201 I Wash" Laws, ch" I I l, sec- I l0? is clenr that regardless ûf vetoe<i portions of'the bill^ cities and tûl'vlls may create zoning, licensing, he¿ilth nncl snlÌ:ty standaicls, and business ta,xes. sec. 1102. {1) citics and towns may adopt and enf'orcs any of the following pertaining to the procluction, processing. or rlispen*ing of cannahis or cannabis produrts within their jurisdiction: zoning requirements, busines.s licensing requirements, hsalth and safety requirements, and business taxes. Nothing in this act is intended tr: limit the authcrrity nf cities anil toums to inrposc zoning requirements or other conditions upon licensecl dispensem, so long as such requirements do not preclude tlre possibility of siting licensed dispensers within rhe jurisdíction. If the jurisdictiort has no commercial r"ones, the jurisdictìc¡n is not required to adopt zoning ts ¿rccommodate licensed dispensers. (2) counties rnây adopt and enforce nny of the fbllowing pertaining to the production, prccessing, or dispensíng of cannabis or cannahis producls within tlreir jurisdiction in locations outside of the corporate li.mits of any city or towrl: zoning requirement$, business licensing requirements, and health nnd safbty requirements. Nothing in this act is intendecl to lilnit thE aulhority of countics to impose zoning requircments or other conditions upon licenser{ dispenser$, $o long a,s such requirements do not preclude the possibility of siting licensed dispensers withín the juri"sclictìon. If thejurisdiction has no cornmercial znnns, the jurisdiction is not requirerJ to adopt zonirrg to accoffrnodate liccnsed dispensers. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING ÌAFFIDAVIT OF PI]BLICATIONPUBLIC NOTICELinda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the LegalAdvertising Representative of theI(ent Reportera weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper ofgeneral circulation and is now and has been for more than six monthsprior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published inthe English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in KingCounty, 'Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved asa Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State ofWashington for King County.The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regularissues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which wasregularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period.The annexed notice, a:Public Noticewas published on July 8, 2011The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication isthe sum of $96.65.M. MillsLegalAdvertising Representative, Kent ReporterSubscribed and sworn to me this 8th day of July, 201 IotaryPublicCITYOFKENTNOTICE OF ORDINANCESPASSED BYTHECITYCOUNCILThe following is a summary ofordinances passed by the KentCity Council on July 5, 201l:ORDINANCE NO. 3999AN ORDINANCE of theCity Council of the City ofKent, Wæhington, declaring anemergency and adopting a six-month moratorium within theCity of Kent on the establish-men! location, operation, licens-ing, maintenance or continuationof medical marijuana collectivegardens or dispensaries, assertedto be authorized or actuallyauthorized under E2SSB 5073,Chapter 181 Laws of 2011,Chapter 69.514 Revised Code ofWashington, or any other laws ofthe stâte of WashingtorL setting adate for a public hearing on themoratorium, and providing thatthe moratorium will take effectimmediately upon passage.Effective Date: July 5, 2011Each ordinance will take effect30 days from the date of passage,unless subjected to referendumor vetoed by the Mayor, or rmlessotherwise noted. A copy of thecomplete terl of any ordinancewill be mailed upon request tothe City Clerk.Brenda Jacober, CMC,City ClerkPublished in the Kent Reporteron July 8, 20 1 I . #506867 .tnP. O. Number'Washingtonthe State of Washington, Residing