HomeMy WebLinkAbout4099ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, relating to the mid - biennial review and modification of the 2013-2014 biennial budget as required by RCW 35A.34.130 and Ordinance No. 4067; adopting certain modifications to the 2013-2014 biennial budget; and establishing an effective date. RECITALS A. The City Council adopted Ordinance No. 4067 on December 2012, adopting a fiscal biennium budget beginning in 2013, as authorized by Chapter 35A.34 RCW, and providing for mid -biennial review and modification as required by RCW 35A.34.130. B. As required by Section 3 of Ordinance No. 4067, the Mayor has submitted to the City Council a proposed mid -biennial budget modification. C. Following proper notice to the public, public hearings for the proposed mid -biennial budget modification was held before the City Council on November 5, 2013. D. The City Council has considered the proposed mid -biennial budget mocations and has considered all comments received from the public at the public hearings and all written comments with regard to the proF osed mid -biennial budget modification. 1 2013-2014 Biennial Budget Adoption Ordinance E. The City Council desires to adopt the 2013-2014 mid -biennial budget modification. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. SECTION 1. -Mid-Biennial Budget Modification. The mid -biennial budget modification to the biennium budget of the city of Kent, Washington, for the years 2013-2014, incorporated and attached as Exhibit A and Exhibit B, are hereby adopted by this reference. SECTION 2, - Adiustments. The adjustments to the estimated appropriations for each separate fund, as set forth on Exhibit A, attached and incorporated by this reference. SECTION 3. -All existing job classifications and pay and salary ranges, together with the working conditions established by the Council for those positions, which are established by existing job descriptions, city policies, and labor agreements, shall apply to this budget. During the remainder of this biennium, city administration, through its Human Resources Department, may authorize increases and decreases in the number of employees in each classification and may amend job descriptions for each classification, so long as these modifications do not exceed the budgetary amounts established for each authorized city fund. However, no new classifications shall be created during this biennium without prior Council authorization. 2 2013-2014 Biennia/ Budget Adoption Ordinance IBLUIV 4M - All employees who are members of a bargaining unit shall receive such pay and benefits as provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. SECTION 5. -Transmittal. The Finance Director shall transmit a complete copy of the final adopted budget to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities, SECTION 6. -Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2014, which is more than five (5) days from and after the date of passage and publication, as provided by law. ATTEST: NALD F RE,�CITY CLE APPROVED AS TO 3 2013-2014 Biennia/ Budget Adoption Ordinance PASSED: qday of , 2013. APPROVED: day of , 2013. PUBLISHED: day of , 2013. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. _ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P:\Civil\Ordinance\Biennial Budget Adjustments.Docx RONALD �MOOR�, CITY 4 20.13-2014 Biennia/ Budget Adoption Ordinance General Fund, including Annexation Street Operating Fund LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefit Fund Lodging Tax Fund Youth Teen Fund Capital Improvement Fund Criminal Justice Fund Community Development Block Grant ShoWare Operating Fund Non -Voted Debt Service Fund Special Assessment Fund Street Capital Projects Fund Parks Capital Projects Fund Technology Capital Projects Fund Water Fund Sewerage Fund Golf Complex Fund Fleet Services Fund Central Services Fund Facilities Fund Insurance Fund Total Gross Expenditure Budget Adopted 2®14 Adjusted Expenditures Adjustments Expenditures 74,0511547 11299,371 75,350,918 9,6251185 (51,794) 9,573,391 1,184,337 - 1,184,337 178,500 - 178,500 898,524 - 898,524 10,599,674 (34,479) 10,565,195 21553,781 309,633 21863,414 748,000 166,499 914,499 820,200 (300,000) 5201200 10,053,059 (87,919) 91965,140 2,502,519 - 21502,519 41700,000 - 4,700,000 510,000 800,000 11310,000 1,247,808 - 1,247,808 18,236,351 20,807 18,257,158 40,370,473 29,925 40,400,398 31106, 588 6,180 3,112,768 3,707,872 32,836 31740,708 61663,554 356,588 7,020,142 5,092,307 (24,811) 5,067,496 16,214,708 (151,882) 16,0621826 213,064,987 2,370,954 215,435,941 / dget 0 014 MidmBlennium Adlustment Exhibit B GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND Excluding Annexation Annexation Rev Adjust -per Workshop 8/2013 Refinements Economic & Community Dev Human Resources Information Technology Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs Police Public Works SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Inc (Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance 64,169,159 11,551,948 384,782 62,576,215 11,475,332 (475,777) 123,831 138,806 197,698 597,385 703,205 14,223 76,105,889 75, 350,918 1,592,944 76,616 384,782 475,777 (123,831) (138,806) (197,698) (597,385) (703,205) (14,223) 754,971 7,589,939 878,590 9,182,883 9551206 384,782 475,777 (123,831) (138,806) (197,698) (597,385) (703,205) (14,223) 9,223,500 Street Operating 9,601,506 9,625,185 (23,679) 424,441 400,762 Refinements (51,794) 51,794 51,794 91601,506 9,573,391 28,115 424,441 452,556 LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Fund 11075,794 1,184,337 (108,543) 598,392 489,849 Lodging Tax Fund 196,862 178,500 18,362 111,496 129,858 Youth/Teen Programs 903,061 898,524 41537 85,988 90,525 Capital Improvement Rev Adjust -per Workshop 8/2013 Sale of Property - 2013 carryover Refinements Criminal ]ustice Rev Adjust -per Workshop 8/2013 Refinements Information Technology New Police Officers Community Block Grant Refinements Ojects Refinements 10,685,466 769,374 3,500,000 14, 10,599,674 10,565,1 21563,979 2,553,781 (75,940) 2,488,039 2 80,657 48 28,928 63,414 000 748,000 748, 166 499 16 ther Operating Pro6,499 914,499 914,499 118,280 1.793 120,073 ShoWare Operating Fund 1,100,000 520,200 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted LTGO Debt 10,053,059 10,053,059 Refinements (87,919) (87,919 9,965,140 9,965,140 Special Assessment 31484,056 2,5021519 PITAL PROJECTS FUNDS CA Street Projects 4,700,000 4,700,000 85,792 769,374 3,500,000 34,479 4,389,645 (7,055,821) (61970,029) 769, 34479 374 (7,055,821) , (6,166,176) 10,198 1,226, 564 1,2361 762 (75,940) (75,940) (80,657) (80,657) (48) (48) 375,375) 1,226,564 851,189 120,073 449,027 1 793 118,280 449,027 567,307 , 569,100 579,800 (1,815,552) (1,235,752) 2,284 2,284 981,537 1,845,844 2,827,381 Parks Projects Wilson Playfields Technology Projects PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Refinements Information Technology Public Works Sewerage Refinements Information Technology Public Works Golf Complex Refinements Information Technology INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Fleet Services Refinements Information Technology Public Works Central Services Refinements Information Technology Facilities Fund Refinements Information Technology Insurance Refinements TOTAL GROSS BUDGET Less: Internal Service Funds Transfers TOTAL NET BUDGET / ennial Budget 1Mld�Bllennllum Adjustment Exhibit B Inc (Dec) Beginning Ending in Fund Fund Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Balance Balance 810,000 500,000 810,000 500,000 11310,000 1,310,000 1,247,808 1,247,808 18,636,186 51065,110 18,236,351 399,835 1,103,594 1,503,429 (45,108) 45,108 45,108 37,470 (37,470) (37,470) 28,445 (28,445) (28,445) 18,636,186 18,257,158 379,028 11103,594 11482,622 43,824,145 40,370,473 31453,672 4,442,897 7,896,569 (34,902) 34,902 34,902 36,382 (36,382) (36,382) 28,445 (28,445) (28,445) 43,824,145 40,4001398 3,423,747 41442,897 71866,644 31122,234 31106,588 15,646 (2,486,259) (2,470,613) 31337 (31337) (31337) 2,843 (21843) (21843) 31122,234 31112,768 91466 (2,486,259) (21476,793) 41392,240 3,707,872 684,368 11393,225 21077,593 4,456 (4,456) (41456) 15,830 (15,830) (15,830) 12,550 (12,550) (12,550) 41392,240 3,740,708 651,532 11393,225 21044,757 61735,556 61663,554 72,002 749,840 821,842 294,450 421138 252,312 252,312 314,450 (314,450) (314,450) 71030,006 7,0201142 9,864 749,840 759,704 5,065,110 5,092,307 (28,990) 28990 4,179 7,496 (27,197) , 813,942 4 179 (2,386) 813,942 786,745 28,990 4 179 811,556 637 11 848 16,906,345 16,2, 691,,436,211 12,127, (2,029,238) (151,882) (1,877,356) (1,877,356) 14,877,107 16,062,826 (1,185,719) 14 1,36,211 10,250,492 225,114,595 215,435,941 91 678,654 21,794,642 27,973,296 29,033,631 29,033,631 21,854,145 21,854,145 1741 226,819 164,548,165 9,678,654 21,794,642 27,973,296 14708 678,654 21,794,642 27,973,296 29,033,631 29,033,631 21,854,145 21,854,145 1741 226,819 164,548,165 9,678,654 21,794,642 27,973,296