HomeMy WebLinkAbout4092ty of Kent, Washington,• • the zonirrg •stricts map designations as a result of this. owntown Subarea• • • • A. On May 14, 2012, the Economic &Community Development Committee recommended to the City Council passage of a resolution declaring an emergency under the Growth Management Act, RCW 36.70A.130(2)(b), and 12.02.010.A.1 Kent City Code, to pursue an amendment to the Kent Comprehensive Plan to revise the 2005 Downtown Strategic Action Plan. The City Council passed Resolution 1857 on June 5, 2012 declaring an emergency. B. The Downtown Subarea Action Plan (DSAP) replaces the 2005 Downtown Strategic Action Plan, reflects the character and structure of Kent's Comprehensive Plan, and conforms to the State's Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A), King County's Countywide Planning Policies, and Puget Sound Regional Council's VISION 2040 and 1 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Downtown Subarea -Zoning Districts Map Designations CPZ/CPA-2012-1 Transportation 2040, C. The DSAP is a policy document that contains goals and policies, and associated actions. The action items facilitate implementation of the goals and policies over time. D. The goals, policies, and action items are intended to implement the vision for Downtown as a memorable, compact, livable community that is economically vital, environmentally sustainable, and supported by a variety of transportation options. E. The DSAP supports the city council's vision statement and strategies for the creation of richly diverse neighborhood urban centers. F. The proposed Zoning Districts Map amendments are based on action LU -2.1a within the updated DSAP which states: "Amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map and Zoning Districts Map to encourage a diversity of urban uses and building forms." G. Development regulations must be consistent with and implement the Comprehensive Plan as provided by RCW 36.70A.040(3). The DSAP is incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. The amendments to the Zoning Districts Map implement the DSAP goals and policies. H. A Downtown Steering Committee consisting of community business and property owners, local developers, citizens, and city leadership, convened seven (7) times between July 2012 and April 2013 for the purpose of advising the DSAP update. 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Downtown Subarea -Zoning Districts Map Designations CPZ/CPA-2012-1 I. Extensive community visioning was conducted through individual interviews, three neighborhood meetings, and two online surveys. J. On June 19, 2013, the City provided via a -mail to the State of Washington Department of Commerce the required sixty (60) day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 regarding the proposed Downtown Subarea Action Plan update and associated amendments. K. On October 9, 2012 the City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) responsible official issued a Determination of Significance (DS)/Scoping Notice for the City of Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan' Planned Action Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, solicited public comment through a November 1, 2012, open house meeting, and invited comments during the scoping period which closed November 2, 2012. A Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) was issued on June 21, 2013. The draft SEIS was considered during a public hearing on the DSAP which was held on July 8, and July 22, 2013. A Final Environmental Impact Statement was issued on October 4, 2013. L. The DSAP SEIS supplements the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Review and Midway Subarea Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement completed in 2011 (2011 EIS). M. The DSAP SEIS and 2011 EIS satisfy SEPA requirements for the Zoning Districts Map amendments. N. The Land Use and Planning Board held workshops on June 3 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Downtown Subarea -Zoning Districts Map Designations CPZ/CPA-2012-1 25, 2012, October 22, 2012, March 11, 2013, May 13, 2013, May 28, use plan map amendments and rezones associated with proposed goals,; policies, and action items wn the DSAP. O. On IF 2013, and July 22, 2013, the Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing to consider the draft DSAP update,' land use plan map amendments, rezones, comprehensive plan and zoningi text amendments and the draft SEIS. P. On August 12, 2013, the Land Use and Planning Board made] recommendations to the City Council. Q. The Economic &Community Development Committee was provided information regarding the DSAP update during its meetings on June 11, 2012 and March 11, 2013. R. The Committee considered the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation ata meeting on October 14, 2013 and forwarded its recommendation to the full City Council. S. Prior to a final vote on the DSAP update and associated map and text amendments, the full City Council held a workshop on September 17, 2013. T. At its regularly scheduled meeting on November 19, 2013, the City Council voted to adopt amendments to the Zoning Districts map as shown on Exhibits "A" through "G" incorporated herein. The King 4 Comprehensive Pian Amendments Downtown Subarea -Zoning Districts Map Designations CPZ/CPA-2012-1 County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property as shown on Exhibits "A through "Gare listed in Exhibits A1 through "G1 incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. U. The Exhibits A and Al (Site Number Z-7) and Exhibits B and; B1 (Site Number Z-13) depict real property affected by rezoning from General Commercial (GC) to General Commercial Mixed Use (GC -MU). V. The Exhibits C and C1 (Site Number Z-8) depict real property' affected by rezoning from General Commercial (GC) to Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR -M). W. The Exhibits D and D1 (Site Number Z-9) and Exhibits E and E1 (Site Number 7 -10) depict real property affected by rezoning from Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed Use (GC -MU). X. The Exhibits F and F1 (Site Number Z-12) depict real property affected by rezoning from Downtown Commercial (DC) to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE). Y. The Exhibits G and G1 (Site Number Z-14) depict real property affected by rezoning from Limited Industrial (M2) to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE). NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 5 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Downtown Subarea -Zoning Districts Map Designations CPZ/CPA-2012-1 SECTIO L. - Incorporation of Recitals. The preceding recitals are incorporated herein by this reference and constitute the city councs findings on this matter. SECTION 2, -Amendment. Chapter 15.03.020 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended to include the official zoning districts map designations and boundaries for the parcels of real property identified in the Downtown Subarea Action Plan's study area, as set forth in Exhibits "A" through "G" and Exhibits '"Al" through "G1" attached, and are hereby adopted, and incorporated into the Kent City Code. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any one or more sections, sub- sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. -Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approvaI of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of passage as provided bY law. 6 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Downtown Subarea -Zoning Districts Map Designations CPZ/CPA-2012-1 ATTE$Ta �� ONALD F. OOFFjftITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: R ��PAT'��-FYTZPATRICK, ACT,.�"NG CTTY ATTORNEY PASSED: ' day of November, 2013. APPROVED: day %J November, 2013. PUBLISHED: day of November, 2013. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon ind�a d. r SEAL) RONAL F// . OORIE, CITY CLERK P:\Civil\Ordinance\DSAP 2013\Attachment C 2Maps_Zoning.docx 7 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Downtown Subarea -Zoning Districts Map Designations CPZ/CPA-2012-1 EXHIBITA Downtown Subarea Action Kent City Council Approved November 19, 2013 ✓ S 238 PL f I I I CLOUDY ST Insert W W MORTON ST It }sX I U) ` C r JAMES ST SIR= mith t 1.e iMztil u } �OW Will LLIJ RONNIE 11 tit,s.:K''C,.''M� ,".-.�� S .4 Z i J O `ie a�3 J U) SMITH ST �s,' SMITH ST 1 � s (loom GC n RRISON 0.I -- HARRISON BEEN 2 ���� : ' s� ,'taa �, rP�, CD Z LU iV u 0 Ali Q Z �riH dfi �� �'7�tI ���Se� t �- i _�r� ''� ✓��. t� jy �4 Ln W * z SAAR �y S � Rezone Details Site Number: Z=7 Legend o = Affected Tax Parcel 01 Affected Zoning District � y9� N WE S KENT No Scale Planning Services ECD_GIS Data/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/Ordinances/B_Zone_GC_GCMU.mxd I R i M . i�R MifWMR r.•ning Districts ryr • _> :)owntown Subarea Action Plan CPA/CPZ�2012� io Kent City Council Approved November 19,, 2013 Iz • - • - •. • • Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts Approved Zoning Districts 1322049167 GC GC -MU 2422049034 GC GC -MU 3832000215 GC GC -MU 3832000245 GC GC -MU 3832000250 GC GC -MU 5436200106 GC GC -MU 5436200107 GC GC -MU 5436200185 GC GC -MU 5436200285(s) GC/MHP GC-MU/MHP 5436200360 GC GC -MU 5436200380 GC GC -MU 5436200400 GC GC -MU 5436200440 GC GC -MU 5436200460 GC GC -MU 5436200461 GC GC -MU 5436200462 GC GC -MU 5436200463 GC GC -MU 5436200464 GC GC -MU 5436200465 GC GC -MU 5436200466 GC GC -MU 5436200481 GC GC -MU 5436200483 GC GC -MU 5436200501 GC GC -MU 5436200502 GC GC -MU 5436200503 GC GC -MU 5436200520 GC GC -MU 5436200521 GC GC -MU 5436200522 GC GC -MU 5436200523 GC GC -MU 5436200524 GC GC -MU 5436200526 GC GC -MU 5436200563 GC GC -MU 5436200564 GC GC -MU 5436200565 GC GC -MU 5436200566 GC GC -MU 5436200570 GC GC -MU 5436200722 GC GC -MU 5436200740 GC GC -MU Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts Approved Zoning Districts 5436200760 GC GC -MU 5436200781 GC GC -MU 5436200784 GC GC -MU 5436200820 GC GC -MU 5436200821 GC GC -MU 5436200839(x) GC/GC-MU GC -MU 5436200840 GC GC -MU 5436200842 GC GC -MU 5436200848 GC GC -MU 5436200849 GC GC -MU 5436201360 GC GC -MU S:�Pe�miY�P/an�COMP PLAN AMENDMENT5�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�Ordinances�Zone_Exhibit Ai.Doc Downtown 1 Action Kent City Council Approved November 19, 2013 PA W KENT STA.S 7� W TEMP E 1TIT�JS � W LLl E GEO GE Insert ST L Celt U ti �i k Smith t PIONEER ST WARD ST Y Uj U � w J rail 1723 Legend Q Affected Tax Parcel Affected Zoning District N WE S No Scale TEI ECD_GIS Data/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/Ordinances/B_Zone_GC_GCMU.mxd Zoning ezone Downtown Subarea• 1 CouncilCent City • • - r ovember 19, 2013 • - of the parcel has a split• Tax Parcel S: �Permit\Plan\COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012\ Existing Zoning Districts Approved Zoning Districts 1322049032 GC GC -MU 1322049185 GC GC -MU 1322049365 GC GC -MU 1849700050 GC GC -MU 1849700115 GC GC -MU 1849700135 GC GC -MU 1849700145 GC GC -MU 1849700155 GC GC -MU 1849700165 GC GC -MU 1849700175 GC GC -MU 1849700185 GC GC -MU 1849700190 GC GC -MU 1849700205 GC GGMU 1849700206 GC GC -MU 1849700215 GC GC -MU 1849700225 GC GC -MU 1849700265 GC GC -MU 9179600600 GC GC -MU 9179600635 GC GC -MU 9179600731 GC GC -MU 9179600740 GC GC -MU 9179600765 GC GC -MU 9179600775 GC GC -MU 9179601585 GC GC -MU 9179601610 GC GC -MU 9179601625 GC GC -MU 9179601635 GC GC -MU 9179601655 GC GC -MU 9179601656 GC GC -MU 9179601670 GC GC -MU 9179601691 GC GC -MU 9179601705 GC GC -MU 9179601725 GC GC -MU 9179601735 GC GC -MU 9179601745 GC GC -MU 9179601755 GC GC -MU 9179601805 GC GC -MU 9179601815 GC GC -MU CPA-2012-1 Downtown�Ordinances�Zone Exhibit BLDoc h)k rowntown SubareaPlan Kent City Council Approved 'I CPA/CPZ=2012=1 Insert W a y N I _ i U 4 Air IL M W M R T N Smith It � L From CSC to MR=M v JAMES 6T < v� Rezone Details Site Number: Z=8 Legend Affected Tax Parcel Affected Zoning District N WE S KENT No Scale Planning Services ECD—GIS Data/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/Ordinances/C_Zone_GC_MRM.mxd .oning Districts • - • - )owntownSubarea Ac (ent City Council Approved � November 19, 2013 ote: Tax Parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts Approved Zoning Districts 1530100000(s) GC/MR-M MR -M S:�Permit�Plan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012\CPA-2012-1 Do wntown�Ordinances�Zone_Exhibit CZ.Doc EXHIBIT D Downtown Subarea Action Kent City Council Approved November 19, 2013 / to GC -MU d Legend Affected Tax Parcel ,Affected Zoning District N WL S KENT No Scale Planning Services ECD_GIS Data/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/Ordinances/D_Zone_M2_GCMU.mxd - • - oning Districts Map - • - Council(ent City Approved •; - b - '2013 • - of parcel •zonc Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts Approved Zoning Districts 1322049022 M2 GC -MU 1322049042 M2 GC -MU 1322049187 M2 GC -MU S:�Permit�Plan�COMP PLAN AMEN0MENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�Ordinances�Zone__Exhibit DLDoc 1� b. 'r Kent City Council Approved 0 -- From M2 to GC -MU 11111111 10 Rezone Details Site Number: Z-10 Legend Affected Tax Parcels Affected Zoning District N WE • S KENT No Scale Planning Services ECD_GIS Data/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PA0 /Ordinances/E_Zone_M2_GCMUSU.mxd Zoning Districts Viap � Rezone Downtown Subarea0 CouncilKent City . • o - . o - • -•= 2013 Parcellote: Tax the parcel has a split• Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts Approved Zoning Districts 1322049015 M2 GC -MU 1322049037 M2 GC -MU S: \Pe�mit�Plan�COMP PLAN AMENOMENT5�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown\O�dinances�Zone_Exhibit Ei,Doc EXHIBIT F Downtown Subarea cti Kent City Council Approved 7F4 9 From DC N to DCE ST \ I �eZ011e et�11S Site Number: Z-12 Legend Affected Tax Parcel Affected Zoning District S KENT No Scale Planning Services ECD— GIS Data/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/Ordinances/F_Zone_DC_DCE.mxd Affected Parcels • • one (ent City Council Approved � November 19, 2013 ote: Tax • parcel has a split zol Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts Approved Zoning Districts 2422049182 DC DCE 2422049187 DC DCE 2422049187 DC DCE 9825700165 DC DCE 9825700180(s) DC/DCE DCE 9825700235 DC DCE 9825700245 DC DCE 9825700265 DC DCE 9825700275 DC DCE 9825700280 DC DCE 9825700285 DC DCE 9825700286 DC DCE 9825700345 DC DCE 9825700355 DC DCE 9825700360 DC DCE 9825700365 DC DCE 9825700370 DC DCE 9825700380 DC DCE 9825700385 DC DCE 9825700390 DC DCE 9825700391 DC DCE 9825700395 DC DCE 9825700405 DC DCE 9825700410 DC DCE 9825700415 DC DCE 9825701460 DC DCE 9825701470 DC DCE 9825701480 DC DCE S:IPermitlPlanICOMP PLAN AMENDMENT5120121CPA-2012-1 DowntownlOrdinanceslZone__Exhibit FI.Doc Downtown 1 Action KentCity CouncilApproved1 1 1 , 2013 `16�j LOU Insert I W M MVI IV IV M 5� ,II�1- IN From Z _M% s ti ssr�� Smith t tol Gow ..< rr l � � Mdov MB Ui CfM �s t (0 SAAR i VIM '} NRa rr {I W I LL I S ST Rezone Details Site Number: Z-14 Legend Affected Tax Parcel Affected Zoning District N 7 WE S KENT No Scale Planning Services ECD— GIS Data/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/Ordinances/G_Zone_M2_DCE.mxd Zoning Districts Map Rezone • •- •, - • • Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts Approved Zoning Districts ROW M2 DCE S:�Permit\Plan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�20i2�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�Ordinances�Zone__Exhibit GLDoc