HomeMy WebLinkAbout4326ORDINANCE NO. 4326 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to land use and zoning, specifically the rezoning of a 4.56-acre parcel located at 24426 Pacific Highway South, Kent, Washington from MHP, Mobile Home Park, to MTC-I, Midway Transit Community-l and MCR, Midway Commercial/ Residential (Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone RZ-2OL9-L, KIVA#RPP4- 2L9O342). RECITALS A. An application to rezone one parcel totaling approximately 4.56 acres in size from the current zoning of MHP, Mobile Home Park, to MTC-1, Midway Transit Community-l and MCR, Midway Commercial/ Residential zoning, was filed on January 31, 20L9, by Christina Dugoni of L997 Midway Group L.P. (Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone RZ-2OL9-L, KrvA#RPP4-2L9O342). B. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance for the proposed rezone on April 3, 2OL9, with one condition: If the mobile home park is sold or redeveloped for a use other than for mobile homes, the property owner shall submit a new relocation plan to the City of Kent in accordance with Kent City Code sections L2.O5.32O and 12.05.330. The appeal period for this MDNS ended April 17,2OL9. No appeals were received by the City. C, Pursuant to RCW 36,70A.030, site-specific rezones authorized by a comprehensive plan are not considered development regulations and, I Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone consequently, the proposal does not require notification to the state Department of Commerce. D. After appropriate public notice, a public hearing on the rezone was held before the Hearing Examiner on May L, 2019. Following the public hearing, on May 2L,201-9, the Hearing Examiner issued his findings and conclusions that the Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone is consistent with the City's comprehensive plan, that the proposed rezone and any subsequent development would be compatible with nearby land uses, that the proposed rezone would not unduly burden the transportation system, that circumstances have changed substantially to warrant the proposed rezone, and that, with conditions, the proposed rezone would not adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. E. Based on these findings and conclusions, the Hearing Examiner recommended City Council approve the Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone. NOW THEREFORE, THE CIry COUNCIL OF THE CIry OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, Hearing Examiner's Findings and Conclusions Adopted. The Hearing Examiner's findings and conclusions pertaining to the Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone issued on May 2t, 2OI9, are consistent with the rezone standards and criteria of section 15.09.050(C) of the Kent City Code. The City Council hereby adopts the findings and conclusions of the Hearing Examiner, as well as the Hearing Examiner's recommendation for approval of the Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone of the 4.56-acre parcel from MHP zoning (Mobile Home Park) to MTC-1 zoning 2 Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone (Midway Transit Community - 1) and MCR zoning (Midway Commercial/ Residential). SECTION 2. - Rezone. The property located at 24426 Pacific Highway South, Kent, Washington, consisting of approximately 4.56-acres of land as depicted in the attached and incorporated Exhibit "A," and legally described in the attached and incorporated Exhibit "B," is rezoned as follows: King County tax parcel number 2L22O4-9106 located in Kent, Washington, shall be rezoned from MHP, Mobile Home Park, to MTC-1, Midway Transit Community-1 for the westernmost 315 feet of the property, and MCR, Midway Commercial/ Residential for the remainder of the parcel. The zoning shall mirror the adjacent parcels to the north. The city of Kent zoning map shall be amended to reflect the rezone granted above, SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION'4, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and that remaining portion shall maintain its full force and effect. SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage. 3 Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone \June 4, 2019 Date ApprovedDANA RALPH, M ATTEST: June 4, 2Ot9 KIMBERLEY MOTO, CITY RK Date Adopted June 7, 2OL9 Date Published UR *PA CIry ATTORNEY AS 4 Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone Exhibit A Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone Site Map Exhibit B Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone Legal Description i . - P'*-',, ." -^ ,-l .lrl iil ;l i ; ,t riI r.. l.J I i -1, I.E6AI DESCRIPTION PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 04 EAST, W.M. AND OF BLOCK 18 INTERURBAN HEIGHTS FOURTH SECTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEASTqUARTER OFTHE NORTHEAST QUARTER: THENCE S89'59'OO"W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, 25O.OO FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NOO'2g'OO"W PARALLEL WITH THE EATERLY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION TO NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTALONG SAID NORTH LINE,4OO.OO FEET. THENCE SOO'29'OO"E PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SUBDIVISION TO POINT T.OO.OO1 FEET NORTH OFTHE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE S89'49'OO"W PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION, 677.983 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO EASTERLY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO 1; THENCE SO8'52'33"W ALONG SAID EASTERLY [INE, 101.258 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF SAID EASTERLY LINE WITH SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION FROM WHICH POINTTHE POINTOF BEGINNING BEARS N89'49'OO"E; THENCE N89'59'OO"E ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 1094.42 FEETTO THE POINTOF BEGINNING. EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF IN SAID BLOCK 18 THAT MAY tIE NORTH OF SOUTH LINE OF LOT 6 IN SAID BLOCK 18; AND EXCEPT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CIW OF KENT BY DEED UNDER RECORDING NO20050627002962. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING l AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on June 7th' 2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$15 Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 7th day of Juner2Dl9. "'\\'1 ," ltt" .\\\'" Cr,\1. '''. J*- .,"^":' " " l.) r-"a, lS .,.'[ot'r'' s-',',1" .".L'i.- F., i' /v'.- 'tt;u 2 6 J. '\Jf^ Y; :; > i F1,^'4tly $i : 'i.,'-i'.,."^ "ul/c' i S* O^"ilc ^ -." . --*-f"r: ;': ; : 9.1 "3...:* t:SS'o';i,';llltY,*" Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Covington, Washington 12 Friday, June 7,2019 Kent Reporter D6ntal Servlce6 '#W,,'$il$,. JC DENTUBE CLINIC Dentures startino at ssso Partials slarting $880 Service Directory CIW OF KENT PUBLIC NOTICE DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Pursuant to KCC 11.03, Environmenlal Policy, the City ol K6nt has is- sued a thr€shold dsleF mination for the lollow- ing: Determinalion ol Nonsig- nilicance (DNS) lor: K-PWO iiIAINTENANCE FACILITY TANK BEi'OVAL AND REPLACEMENT ENV-201 S-17, KtvA# FPSW-z191232 The City of Kent Public Works Operations pro- poses to decommi$ion three exisling and opera- lional underground stor- age tanks (two 10,000-gallon tanks and one 4,000-gallon tank) used for diesel and unleaded fuels. The existing fuol island with dispenserswill also be removed. Four new aboveground storago lanks (8,000 gal- lons each) are proposed to be inslallod as a re- placemenl. These nw storage tanks are to be located wilhin lhe main- tenance facility yard, soulheast of the previ- ous underground stor- age tanks to allow lorconstruction staging. The project sope also includes the construclion King County parcel #1322049185. of a new fuel dispenser OTHER PERIVIITS AND island and accompanv- PLANS WHICH MAY BE ing canopy. The subjebt HmutrEDf- imding- property is located at Permit, Envlronmontal5821 Soulh 240th Site Assessmenl, T@h- Slreet, idontilied as King nical lnlormation ReportCounty Parcel No. PUBLIC COMiTENT PE- 2322049027 and is im- BIOS: June 7, 2019 medialely east ol Rus- June21,2019 sell Road and south of All persons may com- South 240th Street. The ment on this application. project will occur inlerior Commonts must be in to the prop€rty wilhin the writing and received in existing City of Kent Kent Planning SorvicesMaintenance Facllity by 4:30 P.M,, Frlday,yard. June 21, 2019 at 220 Comments are due for 4th Avonug South, Kentlhe above project by WA 98032. For ques- 4:30 p.m.. Friday, June tions regarding this pro- 21, 2019, to City ol Kent jet, please contact Ja- Planning Services. son Garnham, AICP,For more information, Senior Planner, at conlact K€nt Planning iganhaplaKentwA.gov Services at 220 Fourth or253"856-5439. Avenue S,, Kent, WA98032, Telephone:(253) 856-5454. Anyperson requiring a disability accommoda- tion should contact lhe City lor more Informa- tion. For TDD relav setr vice, call 7-1-1 (il. lheCity ol Kenl at (2s3) 856-5725. Published in the Kent Roporter June 7,2019. #859823 Leglal Notlcea L68al Notlco3 Probaalonal Sorvlcos Homo Ssrvlcos Homo Servl@s Auto ReDalr sorvlca LandscapoServlcos bwn/cardenSorvlco R€al Eatate for S6le Othor Ar€aa CommsYclal R€ntab lndu6tllal/Warehous Crowell lndustrieE F.V & Boat Slorage We have 24 HL Ac- less, Power at each rental spot, 24 hr. Digi- tal Video Surveillance, Smurity key code ac- less and Online Res- srvations and bill pay. f,uI sites are large 3nough lor even the argest R.V or Boat. crowollindIslrios.com 17649 Widme Rd., Poulsbo WA 98370lsot 5l+lAca rw.Somd0la6dfiB&,cm lhd rhilyou nard 21 hoor. a day NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Project Permit Appll- @tion has been liled wilh City ol Kent Plan- nino Services. Followino is e description of lh6 application and the pro- cess for review. The ap- plication and lisled stud- ies may be revised at the olfices of Kenl Plan- nlng Services, 400 W Gowe Skeet, Kent, WA. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 7,2019APPLICATION NAME/NUMBER: SUN IrART 2 - LJnderoround Storage Tank Remo"val ENV-2019-22y KIVA#RPSA.21 92126 GHTAP YAHU StIIVIUt 4il0 A HAIIDYMATI Pressure washing gutter cleaning, etc, Fence, deck buildlno Concrete, Painling &- Repairs. And all yard s€rvices. 20&41 2-4191 HNDYHYgI@ PROJECT DESCBIP.llQN:The applicant proposes to remove four underground fuel stor-age tanks lotaling 32,000 gallons in ca- pacity. lnstallalion or re- moval of tanks havino a capacity ol more l6an 10,000 gallons requires SEPA review per WAC 197-1 1-800. No other work is propossd at this time. Tho property is lo- cated at 71 1 Central Avenue Norlh, is zoned GC-MU, General Com- mercial - Mixed Use,and is idenlilied as Paot63slonal Servlc€3 HOOFING & REMODELING Senior Discounts Free Eslimates Expert Work 253-850-5405Moi.an Gan Contacbr F r &lbrBusift$Bu.€au ' '- L|o'AMERIGCP@ Dom6tlc Ssrvlc6a Adult/Eld6r ca16 Apartment3 br Rent Klh8l CountyA PLACE FOR MOM has helpod over a million lamilies find senior liv- ing. Our trusted, localadvisors helplind solutions to your unique needs at no costlo you. Call 855-415- 4148. #fr =E= Relines starting $250 Repakvrelines 24 hours at at in Announc6m6nts Accepts Provid€rOne Call 206-653-7621 Homo Selvlc€r Floor lh.talllservlce Adverlise your service 800-388.2527 Anoie's Lisl Avdtd Winneil Otllce: (253)28&9367 Cell: (253)569.8509 wailsshomeropah@yahoo,com Ads with art attract more attention. Call 800-388-2527 to talk lo your customer service representalive. ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS. Gain freedom with a Portabls Oxygen Concentratorl No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranleed lowest pric- es. Call lho Oxygen Concentrator stors: 844- 455-7230. PROMOTE YOUR RE. GIONAL EVENT state- wide with a $325 cla$i- lied listing or $1,575 fora display ad. Call this newspaper or 360-3,14- 2938 lor details. Published in the Kent Reporter June 7, 20'19. #859676 Advertise your upcoming garage sale in your local community newspaper and online CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF RESOLUTION AND ORDINANCES PASSED BYTHE crTY couNctL The following are sum- maries of the resolulion and ordinances passed by th6 Kenl City Council print& online 2U7 Office Hours: B-5pm Monday to Friday msounddassifidr com email: thssified@ soundpublkhing. call toll fre 1388.399.3999 t.*,roJr.rr' Home Seivlceg Handyporson PUGET SOUND CONSTRUCTION lnterior / Exlerior Paintin0 and Home Repairs Build Wood Decks and Fences Palio Covers 253-35G3231 253-334-9564 ,PUGflSOSKA WAITE'S HOME REPAIR Any & All Home Bepairs and Remodel;no. 25+ Years Exp€nence to reach thousands of STILL PAYING TOO househotdsinyoura"..T jb$to{"I3'lfl,t"oltoi" Go online to on RX retiilt Oider today ffi.S0n6hsslffab.Cqn and rseive free cail:,r{xF3€&-2s27 ;[t"B'ff,,"T to,"tli:,d, Fax36G59&6800 balt-d66-68s-690i.n€Il pag€.., it "..,,,r,,tI(. ) r'ggfrunil iufsA ) ffiir*-fi|lry INTEGRITY lmportant information in Wa Stal€ when you buy a car. lt is your responsibility to get it inspecled! We specialize in Auto lnsp6clions. Do not buv a car wilhoul ASE Auto lns0ectionl Car lols will nol give $$ back. HONESTY AND Book Your $ervics llow 206-582-0't I 1 NSPECTACAR.COM ilailinlamarsuccess@ gmail.com NSPECTACAB GARDENING & LANDSCAPING 'Cleanup'Trim. Weed . Prune . Sod 'Seed'Bark. Rockory " Backhoe ' Palios 425-226-3511 206-226-3345 LicA AISHEGLokM spsial spring clean-up .Tree Service .Haulino.Weedino .Pruning .Hed0e Trim .tence .Concrele rBark. New Sod & Seed .Aeratin0 & Thalching .Remodelinq Kitchen & Balh & Paintin0t Pressure Washino ' Seniot Di9counl FREE ESTIMATE 206-387-61 00 LIc}HIMARML92{B Gardening ' Nw Sod - Beauty Bark - Weeding - Trimming - Pruning - Patios - B€taining Wall - Sprinklers CALL STEVE 206.244-6043 425-336-951 1 LIC'SEVEGL9gZ Steve's br Blackberry & Brush Removal a lvy, Debris & Stump Removal {5 Small Bldg Demolition lD Bobcat/Eackhoe i$ Concrete Removal lj Asphalt Removal 0 Lot clearing $ Excavation C Hauling *& Free Estimates 253-26r-0438 Bond.d & lnsurqd l,ic, CARRICI-9-$CQ HI MARK LANDSCAPING & GAFDENING SALE 2.73 Acres in Hawk Creek Ranch Conlact Jarry 805-404-1589 Gated munity electrical install€d line. Asking residenlial localed Boosevelt Scenic Vista Senior Apartments 26404 1 04th Ave SE Kent, WA 98030 Apartments Now Available Beautllull&2BRs, 6 startlngat: I BR. $946/mo. 2 BR6- $1 130/mo. Seclion 8 a@€pted. lncome Limils Apply. Call Susan About Move ln Speclalst! 253-520-9876 TDD:711 Washing Teolilo Conlruclion lnc., ' Blackbeny Brush Renroval . Pave6, RetainrngWil s,Fences& Decks ' Hauling,BobcatWork Eondod& in3umd Cailho[ C166klandtca0inq, lnc. Ld{a.ilo ssk 253-261-0438 Angeles, and Poulsbo, WA. Appli(ants must be self- motivated, results-driven peopleinterested in a multi- media sales career who on share the many benefits of newspaper, online and niche product advenking with new accounts and (unent clients. The position is resp0nsible for print and digital advertising sales to an eclecticand exciting group ofclients. AppliGnts must be engaging and goal oriented, with good otganizational skills and will have the . ildthdh$16(ondler . MdlhdhSls(onjdhd(hii&) . tdno' rdvdHi9&16 .Adredbiog9l6n$ SOUND PUBLISHINGINC WA) Featuned Poslflon 5AI.ES CONSUTTANT Publishing is interviewing for multiple Sales for Aberdeen, Auburn, Bellevue, Kent, Pon to grow and maintain strong business relationsh i ps through consultative sa les a nd excellent service. Professional sales experience necessary; media experience is a definite asset but As a requirement, applionts mu5t a valid licenre, rlean driving record. and adequate liability insurance on the vehi(le use for company business. candidates should email their resume and cowr letter to care€rs@soundpublishing.com and be sure to include ATTI{: MMSC in the subject line." t0ra list ofourmort efientjob 0peninqrand t0 learn m0reab0ut us visit0urwebrite: www,srndpublirhinq.com souNDPUBtlsHlNglNC curentEmprovmfih?trisr;iiili3;fii W0dte (onrmunily&dailynNspapers n lhe5e lv0slern washrngton L0(alioils: .Xing(olnly .lsldnd(ounty .(ilsap(ounty .5drJudn(ounly .(lalhn(ounty .Snohonrsh(olnly .iefferlon(ounly'lvhal(ont(ounly .okdnogan(o!nly .6rdyrHdrbor . Pier(e(ounty (ounly 50und Publi5hrilg rran [qual 0pportunity Inrployer ([0[) and stronqlyrpporlt drversityilr lhoworkpli(e. Weoffer a greal tlorkervrronnQnl with opp0rlunrtyfor ddvan(enrenl aiong yrilh a (ontElitlve benefrtrparkaqe ruludrng health iltruta0(e, pard trmeofl{va<atron, lrk, and hol days), dnd 40ll wilh Pmploye. nral(h. A((eptinq le5unretdt: carerr,sourdpublishrnq.com otby nrrl Io: Hll,Sound Publiirnq, lnr. P0 8ox9l0 tvcrelt,WA98206 09J0 Plpate rlIle whLh potilion o\d qeoqrapht( oreo you ore opplytrq lor.Advertisewith us! s0u1{D(tAssrFrEDs.(0M 1-800-388-2527 mil @; Kent Reporter Friday, June 7,2019 13 on June 4, 2019.RESOLUTION NO. 198:I. A RESOLUTION ol the City Council of lhe City of Kenl, Washing- ton, approving lhe coun- tywide ballot propositionlor lundino the Medic One/Emerg;ncy iredical Services (EMS) l€vy lor the period of January 1, 2020, through Drcember 31, 2025, pursuant lo RCW 84.52.06s. ,,.(ontlnuedftom prsious paqe Le€lal Notlcos lnc. is publish- Published ln the Kent Reporter June 7, 2019 #859817 dance with Federal Communications Com-mi$ion regulations (47 CFB S 1.1307) lor Sec- lion 106 of lhe National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and for the Na-tional Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). PaF ties inleresled in com- menlino on lhis Federal undert;kino or wilh questions "on the pro-posed facility should contact lmpactTg, lnc., Attenlion Ms, lradellne Sarcone at 9550 Hick- man Road, Suite 105, Clive, lA 50325 or call 515-473-6256. This resolution shall take etfecl and be in force im- medialely upon its pas- sago. OFDINANCE NO. 4325- AN ORDINANCE of the Citv Council ol the City of Kenl, Washing- ton, adopting a zoning ordinance amondino Ti- tle 15 ol the Kent"Citv Code by adding defini lions of "transit opera- lions and maintenance facilities" and "transpor tation and lransit la- cilities including high ca-pacity transit facilitiesj' by specifying that transit operations and mainte- nance lacililies are per milted only in lhe CM-2 District, and repealing in- lerim zonino OrdinanceNo. 4305, previously adopted by Council on January 15,2019. This ordinance shall take €ffect and be in force 30 days from and atter its pasago. oRotNANCE NO, 4325- AN ORDINANCE ol the Citv Council of lhe City of Kent, Washing- ton, relating to land use and zoning, specificallythe rezonino ol a 4.56-acre par;el lmaledat 24426 Pacilic Hiqh- way South, Kent, Wash- ington ftom MHe Mobile Home Park, to MTC-I, lridway Transit Commu- nity-1 and MCR, iridway Comm€rciaY Resid€ntial (Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone RZ-2019-1, KtvA#RPP4-21 90342). This ordinance shall tak€ €ffect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance or resolution will be mailod upon requosl ol lhe Citv Cl€rk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk 253-856-5725 Cityclerk@KentWA,gov Published in the Kent B€porter June 7,2019. *859227 Nolice T-Mobile intends to col-locate telsommunica- lions equipment on lhe existing monopole tele- communicalions lowerand equipm€nt com- pound l@aled at 23439 Pacilic Highway South, Kenl, King County, WA 98198 (47" 23', 27.3' N, 122" 17' 48.3" W). tm- 2 CAR GARAGT 22'x28'x9'DUICH GAJIIBRII. 24' x35' xl6'RVGARAGT 28'x36'xl2' 4" Conrcle flod w/fibrmesh reinforement & zilhhip crock (onhol,l2'xll'ond l2'xB'roised ponel stool overheod d@E 3'x6'8" PemoBilt door w/*lfiosing hinges I stoinlo$ sisl ldkef, 3'6"x3'9" PermoBill Awning w/enclosed soflit, l0' confinuous llow ridge v6nl. t3fifrst- rglr422 4" (ono6le lloor w/libermesh te;nlo(enrenl 8 1i,|snip 00(k (ontrol, (2) lO'x7' roked ponel ieel overheod door, with low heodroom h0rdwore, {rudurol pods engineered lo o(commodole 0 50# future loft, 3'x6'S" Permo8ih door wfelftlosing hinge & s0inless ile6l lo(kiel, i0'(ontinuous flow ridge vent.rie/{tr $35rg60 RV GARAGT & SH0P 24'x24'xl0' w/ l4'x36'xl6'DtLUXI RV GARAGT W/ 1.0ff 36'x36'x16'DttUXt BARN 36'x24'xl0' 4"(on(eleflsrVlihm6hreinloftemilSiiFtripm*(onhol, {l) l2it4' ond(t) l0i9' rc;ed FneldeldefifldddB,3'x6'8" Pemo8rltdmrwiilr iloinlossnd lftkset 8 elt{lGing hirgq 4'x3'double gbzod virryhlidingwindowy'*ren, I 8'ove E Eble orerhon6, 3'6'x3'9; Perm8ilt Awning Vomlo5ed effit, (2) I0tontinuo6 ll@ idge veils, bid bhkim 0t sblet.Nlirtirr 1411662 4'Coaaelhrwr4ibnnrlrhhromeilt ?iFiDm*ootol, (l) lo'xl4' &{2) l0d'roiedpml tulwhmddmqwilhb{hedrm lmrdwrq 316'8" Pemo0ihdlowitl ell{ki{ hiilg6 E rhirles rkl klut n) 413' druble gbTd rinyl sldrq firdm /*rceq 3' stel w0i6(oting , i4i36', 50,blldlftd to;@q I 8'swe I qoble mrfiorgs, I0 rmtinms fhu rilF wnl, bid bhlioo 0tff&s tlsf,h/f i54,997 GARAGE & SIORAGTCAR GARAGT & SHOP w/ 20'x20'x8' 20'x40'x8'2t-SHAPE slr$rrf 13.71756 2 CAR GARAGI & H0BBY SH0P 24'x36'x9'DtLUXE 2 GR GARAGT 20'x24'x8'Ih0lllI0R HORSI BARII 35' x36'xl0' / 16' t2lift 32o/t58 l0'x9' Mehl fromed splir sliding dmr wlom]oth (losrs, (3) 4'rB' splil opening (6s hokhed onpointed w@d Dukh doors, 3'x6'8" Pem. oBilt dw w/'selldosing hinges I sloinloss sbel ltrk*l lB" sve & goble overhongs, lo'(ontinuous flow .idgo veni, bird blcking ot q0bles..!2e* i3grg76 t^bil:tt 12413,36 800-824-9552POST FRAME BUILDINGS Town ountry. A Division Of Proud'" PERMABILT l0ye6 (unl6roture nod),0.4C.. &tudl otoqwry ft *6& ml iirtrddFnil@n5o {h bx I dd hd on oflor, h6l o(atiM #Ao.s,s OUR. BUILDINGS LIKC. DENIM Fo.R A 3OO OFF GOUPON...US Af ALL BUILDIIIGS IIICI,UDE: o 20 Sidewoll & Trim (olors With Limited liletirne Wononly (Dil{lM Series exduded). [ngineered For 85 MPH lVind lxposure I & 25# Snow [ond'. 2" libergloss Vopor Eonier Rool lnsulotion. tree ln-Home (onsuhotion . Guoronteed (roltsmonsftip . Plons . lngineering. Permil Servke o [rettion 'll your iurisdiction requires higher wind exposures or snow loods, building prices will be offxted. llundredc of Designs Availablel DENIM PermaBilt.com Foceloook.co Expa n d you r ma rket,t!':!j:ii,n, . "J;3il;lli;Hfl,,today! (tassifieds@soundpublkhing.(om SOUND classifieds(ontlnuedon nqtpage...