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HomeMy WebLinkAbout4325ORDINANCE NO.4? AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting a zoning ordinance amending Title 15 of the Kent City Code by adding definitions of "transit operations and maintenance facilities" and "transportation and transit facilities including high capacity transit facilities," by specifying that transit operations and maintenance facilities are permitted only in the CM-2 District, and repealing interim zoning Ordinance No.4305, previously adopted by Council on January 15, 2OL9. RECITALS A. Chapters 36.70A and 354.63 of the Revised Code of Washington place primary responsibility for planning for the development of land within Kent with its legislative body. The Washington Supreme Court has recognized the Growth Management Act (GMA) as a clear example of legislation that creates public policy to be implemented at the local level, by representatives more attuned to the individual needs, wants, and characteristics of the cities they serve. B. The City is committed to meeting its core duty under the GMA to plan for growth and fashion regulations that ensure the wise use of land within Kent, To that end, the City has undertaken an expansive planning Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 1 process to shape the future development of the Midway area and to meet several specific goals of the GMA. C, On December 13, 2OI7, in anticipation of the arrival of link light rail service, the Midway Subarea Plan and corresponding design guidelines were adopted to encourage urban growth where it is most appropriate, reduce sprawl, promote a variety of residential densities and housing types, and to encourage economic growth. D. In fuftherance of the overarching goals of the Midway Subarea Plan and the Midway Design Guidelines, the City has carefully crafted zoning regulations in the Midway area to ensure that future development is consistent with the adopted vision of the Plan, and that the community will benefit from the City's extensive long-range planning efforts. E, The City Council adopted the Midway Subarea Plan as the result of a collaborative, multi-jurisdictional planning effort taking place over several years. It was a culmination of extensive community involvement, substantial expense of time and public resources, and environmental review. F. Community involvement leading up to the Midway Subarea Pian's adoption included dozens of public meetings over the course of several years, including stakeholder committees, developer forums, open house meetings, public workshops, neighborhood meetings, joint advisory meetings between the leadership of Kent and Des Moines, Land Use and Planning Board workshops and meetings, City Council workshops and committee meetings, and public hearings. G, The overall goal of the Midway Subarea Plan is to: "Create a dense, pedestrian-friendly, sustainable community that provides jobs, Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 2 housing, services and public open space around nodes of high capacity mass transit while maintaining auto-oriented uses between the transit oriented nodes." It envisions a well-designed built environment, including pedestrian friendly streetscapes, multimodal connections, and a variety of housing types and jobs that suppoft transit use. H. On December 13, 2OtI, the City adopted zoning to support the implementation of the Midway Subarea Plan, including zones such as the Midway Commercial/Residential District and the Midway Transit Community District that are north of approximately South 245th Street, and the Commercial Manufacturing-2 District south of South 245th Street, I. The Midway Subarea Plan specifically identifies a distinction between the Midway areas north and south of approximately South 245tn Street. To the north, the intended uses are categorized as Transit-Oriented Community and include high intensity transit supportive mixed-use with a residential focus and strong pedestrian orientation, with no single use, big box, industrial or auto-dependent uses. To the south, the intended uses are categorized as Highway Commercial Corridor and include a wide range of community, citywide, or regional commercial and light industrial uses that are primarily vehicle-dependent, J. The Midway Commercial/Residential District and Midway Transit Community District prohibit uses such as outdoor storage of trucks, heavy equipment, and contractor storage yards. These uses are inconsistent with and detrimental to the strong pedestrian orientation of the Midway Commercial/Residential and Midway Transit Community Districts due to the size and scale, as well as noise impacts. In general, uses with large footprints are not compatible with pedestrian-oriented development, as large footprints severely limit pedestrian connectivity and interest, and result in a greater need for vehicular transportation. Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 3 K. The Commercial Manufacturing-2 District south of South 245rh Street, however, allows uses such as outdoor storage of trucks, heavy equipment, and contractor storage yards. Uses of this type, size, and scale fit with the existing and planned scale of the area, are further removed from the pedestrian-oriented transit station, and are consistent with vehicle-dependent uses. L. The City desires to see the Midway Subarea Plan realized to enhance the Midway area and catalyze appropriate development. To ensure such appropriate development, and to avoid incompatible land uses, the City Council adopted emergency interim zoning regulations through Ordinance 4305 on January 15, 2019. Ordinance 4305 specifically addressed transit stations and transit operations and maintenance facilities, creating definitions of each and permitting operations and maintenance facilities only in the Commercial Manufacutring-2 District. M. "Transit stations" are commonly understood to be primarily passenger-serving for the purpose of connecting users to other destinations in the transit network. "Transit operations and maintenance facilities" serve a distinctly different purpose, encompass significantly different characteristics, and carry substantially different development impacts. N. Transit operations and maintenance facilities have large scale footprints, generally in the range of dozens of acres. They operate in the middle of the night due to the vehicles being available for maintenance during the hours when there is no transit service. They provide little value or interest for pedestrians and displace potential pedestrian-oriented land uses such as store fronts, personal services, restaurants and entertainment. Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 4 O. The Midway Commercial/Residential District and Midway Transit Community 1 and 2 Districts are intended for dense, compact development including retail, office and residential. A large footprint light industrial use such as an operations and maintenance facility would be detrimental \ to the public interest by making pedestrian-oriented redevelopment less appealing. The characteristics of transit operations and maintenance facilities makes them inappropriate in the Midway Commercial/Residential District and the Midway Transit Community 1 and 2 Districts. These facilities are incompatible with the long established Midway goals, policies, and development regulations and are incompatible with the pedestrian orientation of a transit station, P. The characteristics of transit operations and maintenance facilities are, however, appropriate for and are compatible with the Commercial Manufacturing-2 District south of South 245th Street. Not only is the Midway Commerical-Manufacturing-2 District appropriate for these facilities, several sites for operations and maintenance facilities are available in this zone. a. Due to the characteristics of operations and maintenance facilities and their incompatibility with transit-oriented development, the interim zoning regulations established through Ordinance 4305 must be made permanent. If the development of an operations and maintenance facility is not subject to reasonable zoning and permitting considerations that provide adequate locations for siting the facility, the development may be located in an area contrary to the Midway Subarea Plan goals and policies, as well as contrary to the best interests of Kent as a whole, R. It is in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare of the current and future residents of Kent to enact permanent zoning regulations relating to the siting and development of transit operations and maintenance facilities. The failure to enact permanent zoning regulations 5 Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops, and Maint, Facilities may result in the location of a transit operations and maintenance facility without proper consideration of the impacts to future planned development and existing plans. Such development would adversely impact future development and long-range planning performed as part of the Midway Subarea Plan and result in significantly decreased realization of the vision therein. S. The City has a strong interest in fostering a vibrant and productive economic environment and a growth management goal to promote economic opportunity within the City through land use planning. The City Council concludes that zoning regulations prohibiting transit operations and maintenance facilities in all Districts except the Midway Commercial Manufacturing-2 District are required. T. The City has an ongoing workplan item to create an Industrial Valley Subarea Plan; this plan will update the industrial land use categories in Kent City Code. Analysis done as paft of this workplan may reveal other zoning opportunities for siting transit operations and maintenance facilities in industrial areas of Kent. If such opportunities are identified, the City may update the zoning for these facilities accordingly. U. On March 27, 20L9, the City notified the state Department of Commerce of the proposed amendment, and requested expedited review under RCW 36.70A.106. On April LL, 2019, the state Department of Commerce granted the City expedited review. No comments were received. V. On May 17, 2019, the City's SEPA responsible official issued an Addendum to City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Review and Midway Subarea Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (#ENV- 2010-3) and City of Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Planned Action Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 6 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) (#ENV-20L2-30) for the code amendment, pursuant to KCC 11.03, Environment Policy. W. After appropriate public notice, a public hearing was held before the City Council on June 4,2OL9. X. Prior to Council's adoption of this ordinance, it adopted Ordinance No. 4320 which established interim zoning regulating trucking- intensive land uses. Ordinance No. 4320 also amended KCC 15.04.050, Therefore, the code changes authorized by this ordinance are based on the version of KCC 15.04.050 as adopted by Ordinance No. 4320. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Interim Zoning Repealed. The interim zoning adopted by Council on January 15, 2019, through Ordinance No. 4305 shall be repealed upon the date this ordinance goes into effect as provided for in Section 9 below. SECTION 2. - Amendment - New KCC 75.02.527.5. Chapter 15.02 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Definitions," is hereby amended to add a new section 15.02.527.5, entitled "Transit operations and maintenance facilities," as follows: Sec. 15.02.527.5. Transit operations and maintenance facilities. Transit operations and maintenance facilities means facilities that serve the primary purpose of storing, refueling, cleaning, repairing, refurbishing, rehabilitating, reconstructing, renovating, rebuilding, improving or otherwise maintaining transit vehicles. Transit operations and maintenance facilities are characterized as being used to support the Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 7 function of fixed route or fixed track transit systems, but not serving passengers directly. Transit operations and maintenance facilities may include, but are not limited to, buildings or structures, including office space, as well as outdoor storage space and large areas of track to support said facilities. SECTION 3. - Amendment - New KCC 15.02.528.5. Chapter 15.02 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Definitions," is hereby amended to add a new section 15.02,528.5, entitled "Transportation and transit facilities, including high-capacity transit facilities" as follows: Sec. 15.02.528.5. Transportation and transit facilities, including high-capacity transit facilities. Transportation and transit facilities, including high-capacity transit facilities means heavy rail stations, light rail stations, and bus depots that serve the primary purpose of boarding, alighting, or otherwise transferring passengers onto or off of transit vehicles, Transportation and transit facilities do not include bus stops within the right of way. Transportation and transit facilities, including high-capacity transit facilities, may include such appurtenances as ticketing systems, rider amenities, loading and unloading zones, parking lots, driver comfoft stations, traction power substations, security offices, or other similar uses that are accessory to the primary purpose of serving passengers of the particular heavy rail station, light rail station, or bus depot at which they are located, SECTION 4, - Amendment - Revise KCC 75.04.050. Section 15.04.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Manufacturing land use development conditions," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.O4.O50. Manufacturing land use development conditions. Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint, Facilities B 1 The following uses require a conditional use permit: a. Manufacture of such types of basic materials as follows: i. Gum and wood chemicals and fertilizers, and basic industrial organic and inorganic chemicals or products such as alkalis and chlorine, industrial and liquid petroleum, gases, cellophane, coal tar products, dyes and dye products, impregnated products, tanning compounds, and glue and gelatin. ii. Hydraulic cement, concrete, gypsum, lime, carbon, carbon black, graphite, coke, glass, and similar products. b. Manufacture of products such as the following: i. Ammunition, explosives, fireworks, matches, photographic film, missile propellants, and similar combustibles. ii. Rubber from natural, synthetic, or reclaimed materials. iii. Paving and roofing materials or other products from petroleu m derivatives. c. Refining of materials such as petroleum and petroleum products, metals and metal ores, sugar, and fats and oils. d. Distilling of materials such as bone, coal, coal tar, coke, wood, and other similar distillates. e. Heavy metal processes, such as ore reduction or smelting, including blast furnaces, and including drop forging, drop hammering, boiler plate works, and similar heavy metal operations: i. Asphalt batching plants. ii. Concrete mixing and batching plants, including ready- mix concrete facilities. iii. Rock crushing plants and aggregate dryers. iv. Sandblasting plants. Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops, and Maint, Facilities 9 t Animal and food processing, including the following and similar operations: i. Tanning, dressing, and finishing of hides, skins, and fu rs. ii. Meat and seafood products, curing, canning, rendering, and slaughtering. iii. Nitrating of cotton and other materials. iv. Rendering of animal grease or tallow, fish oil, and similar materials. v. Slaughtering, stockyard, feedlot, dairy, and similar operations. vi. Pickling and brine curing processes. vii. Wholesale produce markets. Salvage, wrecking, and disposal activities, including the following and similar operations: i. Automobile and building wrecking and salvage. ii. Salvage of industrial waste materials such as metal, paper, glass, rags, and similar materials. iii. Sewage disposal and treatment plants. iv. Dump and sump operations for such uses as rubbish, garbage, trash, and other liquid and solid wastes. Storage of the following kinds of goods: i. Bulk storage of oil, gas, petroleum, butane, propane, liquid petroleum gas, and similar products, and bulk stations and plants. ii. Used building materials, mover's equipment, relocated buildings, impounded vehicles, and similar materials. iii. Explosives or fireworks, except where incidental to a principally permitted use. iv. Feftilizer or manure. Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities g h 10 2. Light manufacturing is permitted in the Downtown Commercial Enterprise District as follows: a. Laboratory and related industrial research and development uses are permitted, including such uses as hardware or robotics testing, industrial showrooms and training facilities for industrial machinery. b. Operations of sorting, packaging, recycling or distribution are not permitted except as accessory uses to the on premise manufacturing. c. Heavy industrial uses that have significant external impacts such as noise, olfactory pollution, or vibration, such as those listed in KCC 15.04.050(1) are not permitted. d. All processing, fabricating or assembly of products (i.e., light manufacturing) takes place wholly within an enclosed building. i, Assembly is defined as creation of a component or end item made from a number of pafts and subassemblies. This does not include the putting together of kits, gift baskets, or packaging items produced elsewhere for purposes of e-commerce or wholesale trading. e. Storage is limited to items consumed, produced or altered on the premises. i, Outdoor storage shall only be allowed as an accessory use to another principal use. A. The material(s) being stored shall not exceed 12 feet in height at any point. B. The material(s) being stored shall be wrapped or enclosed to prevent wind-blown debris. C. The storage area shall not exceed 15 percent of the building footprint or 5 percent of the lot area, whichever is less. Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 11 D, Outdoor storage shall be screened from public view from Class A and B streets (as defined in the Downtown Design Guidelines) and from trails by Type I landscaping and minimum 6-foot tall fence or wall. E. Outdoor storage shall be sited to minimize visibility. Truck storage is only permitted as an accessory use to a principally permitted use on sites 2.5 acres or larger that also have access to a principal arterial or higher classification roadway within 500 feet of the property, or as otherwise approved by the director, Areas designated for truck parking or loading shall be concealed from view along public streets or trails, Dock-high doors for truck loading are permitted at a ratio of one door per 25,000 square feet of building area. Dock-high loading doors shall be set back, recessed and/or screened so as not to be visible from adjacent local streets or residentia I properties. The office portion of a manufacturing use shall be adjacent to the public street with the highest classification. Buildings must have entries on abutting Class A and B streets (as defined in the Downtown Design Guidelines) and those entries shall include substantial fenestration on the associated fagade, to emphasize the entry, 3. Small scale light manufacturing operations as follows: stamping, brazing, testing, electronic assembly, and kindred operations where the building, structure, or total operation does not encompass more than 10,000 square feet of area. The 10,000-square-foot total shall include all indoor and outdoor storage areas associated with the manufacturing Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities f I h J L2 operation. Only one 10,000-square-foot manufacturing operation shall be permitted per lot. 4. Conditional use for manufacturing of paint, but manufacturing of paint is permitted outright in the M3 zone. 5, Contractor shops where most of the work is done on call, and which do not rely on walk-in trade, but where some incidental storage or semi- manufacturing work is done on the premises, such as carpentry, heating, electrical, or glass shops, printing, publishing, or lithographic shops, furniture, upholstery, dry cleaning, and exterminators. 6. Accessory uses include sales of product accessory to and directly related to the manufacturing or warehousing use on the site. 7. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Chapter It.O2 KCC, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not permitted in this district. Fuel farm facilities are not allowed in AG or A-10 zones. 8. For permitted uses, hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Chapter 11-02 KCC and which do not accumulate more than 5,000 pounds of hazardous substances or wastes or any combination thereof at any one time on the site, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not permitted in this district, 9 Includes incidental storage faiilities and loading/unloading areas Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 13 10. Includes incidental storage facilities, which must be enclosed, and loading/unloading areas. 11. Includes @rail-trucktransferuses,exceptclassificationyardsin the category of "hump yards." t2. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Chapter 11,02 KCC, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050: Offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities are not permitted in this district, except through a special use combining district, 13. Conditional use permit required for trucking terminals and rail-truck transfer uses. L4. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Chapter L1-O2 KCC, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which require a conditional use permit in this district. 15 The following require a conditional use permit: a. Offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, b. Any hazardous substance land use that is not an accessory use to a principally permitted use. Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities L4 16. Warehousing and distribution facilities and the storage of goods or products, except for those goods or products specifically described as permitted to be stored only as conditional uses in the M3 district. 17. Conditional use for car loading and distribution facilities, and rail- truck transfer uses. 18. Warehousing and distribution facilities and the storage of goods or products, including rail-truck transfer uses. 19. Miniwarehouses are limited to 4Oo/o of the gross leasable area of the building in which the miniwarehousing use is located, and cannot be located on the ground floor. For purposes of this title, miniwarehouses means any real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space to occupants who are to have access to the space for the purpose of storing and removing personal property on a self-service basis, but does not include a garage or other storage area in a private residence. 20. Prohibited are those manufacturing activities having potentially deleterious operational characteristics, such as initial processing of raw materials (forging, smelting, refining, and forming). 2I. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC district, set forth in the map below, must be retail or pedestrian-oriented. Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 15 €,owe E C{ ! g 6E o!coo Pedestrian-oriented development shall have the main ground floor entry located adjacent to a public street and be physically and visually accessible by pedestrians from the sidewalk, and may include the following usesl a. Retail establishments, including but not limited to co.nvenience goods, department and variety stores, specialty shops such as apparel and accessories, gift shops, toy shops, cards and paper goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, antique shops, and book shops; b. Personal services, including but not limited to barber shops, beauty salons, and dry cleaning; c. Repair services, including but not limited to television, radio, computer, jewelry, and shoe repair; d. Food-related shops, including but not limited to restaurants (including outdoor seating areas and excluding drive-in restaurants) and taverns; e. Copy establishments; f. Professional services, including but not limited to law offices and consulting services; and Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops, and Maint. Facilities 16 Any other use that is determined by the economic and community development director to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses and in accordance with the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to KCC 15.09.065, Interpretation of uses, 22. Permitted uses are limited to storage, warehousing, processing, and conversion of agricultural, dairy, and horticultural products, but not including slaughtering, meat packing, and fuel farm facilities, 23. Excluding slaughtering, rendering, curing, or canning of meat or seafood products. 24. Except for those goods or products specifically described as permitted to be stored as conditional uses. 25. Excluding explosive fuels and propellants. 26. Excluding predominantly drop forge and drop hammer operations 27. Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, which are not permitted in residential zones. 28. Excluding paint boiling processes 29. Limited to 25 percent of gross floor area. Reference KCC 1s.04.080(s). 30. Retail or services uses which exceed the 25 percent limit on an individual or cumulative basis shall be subject to review individually through the conditional use permit process. A conditional use permit shall be required on an individual tenant or business basis and shall be granted only when it is demonstrated that the operating characteristics of the use Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops, and Maint. Facilities g T7 will not adversely impact onsite or offsite conditions on either an individual or cumulative basis. 31. Reuse or replacement of existing structures for nonagricultural uses is allowed where it is shown that the existing structures are obsolete for agricultural use and will have no viible economic use unless they can be put to nonagricultural use. Any replacement structures must maintain or enhance the agricultural appearance of the property. Signs shall be limited to not more than 100 square feet in area per business, and of that amount, freestanding signs shall not exceed 40 square feet in area. No increase in the area of existing impervious surface shall be allowed in connection with a nonagricultural use. 32. Accessory structures composed of at least two walls and a roof, not including accessory uses or structures customarily appurtenant to agricultural uses, are subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.160. 33. All uses within a complex must be principally permitted uses within the zoning district. 34. New buildings and additions to buildings (vested after April 2, 20L9) are limited to no more than one dock-high loading door per 40,000 square feet of gross floor area; however, for buildings less than 40,000 square feet, one dock-high loading door is permitted. The footprint area of new buildings is limited to 125,000 square feet. SECTION 5. Amendment * Revise KCC 75.04.060. Section 15.04.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Transportation, public and utilities land uses," is hereby amended as follows: Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 18 ts(ottUtF}oEpalnRSo=.rto'o'lr \0r Q.fl=.=ooohoNof.=oo6=.oc>co(n!!xErrBrrrr9rrQ'>toof.!E 3E fr=3 ;;o:E^ = -LO: iFH-=A-10AGsR-1sR-3sR-4.5sR-6sR-8MR-DMR-T12MR.-T16MR-GMR-MMR-HMHPNCCccDCDCEMTC-1MTC.2MCRcM-1cM-2GCM1M1-CM2M3oE -!-r o ^'c f -o a. l=(ooHoa[iooq8: qg l'J.Ir ='l.o E-^^--bo==ooiPO< i o - O--- 6f,; f + s=G :'Q.J :FoGoFoGoaoaoaoaoaoFoaoaold l= 19 tJla. lq. 16 lsla l= lqi lolo lo lC lh-lo lr lolo l=l- kn13 lglo10o o!|looa9€odotsxlgcoooEFSSA.EEqFSSE{oFl>=lYo=f=or:{qn=6;iC-J4€P--::.6n=+n9603 EgqEE;='',$3o f,= 6'o oo Jooooooo*aF aaEE B 3+FE4Eo o i:o r o 6 i !l = :!.id o 6'3gg-6gan=39-3s6,"g' <E'0-d.Puo.; d + 416- =o < of ;'ooGoooooooEOnO>OE C l.jE8*fidQdc9od =.9<c f ( C cE; d Hoa>G>ooItsttot0oI{-0rfoIto.lalot+otttrg6oEttra+aoUIoocooo rnf,a.xool*r!I'osoOloNotIE.oEpoiuo=.rtoTser-Q.o=.=o$. Ioohoc>cotn!!xBrrErrrrQrrQt>toof.!f; 3E fri6 -O -E: iFF-=A-10AGsR.-1sR-3sR-4,5sR-6sR-aMR-DMR-T12MR-T16MR-GMR-MMR-HMHPNCCccDCDCEMTC-1MTC-2MCRcM-1cM-2GCM1Ml-CM2M3e B.?s d=Efioold i:o8 i*a+e3l3o8-0E-e0"g0-60-6C!6a-GA!GF!E 8?9 d<ie=13a:-vpv6" e oa 3 E= <ccl.oo6Go99'0'GGO6o03'--oGGOoeolmJo€.fGG>G>G>G>G>goG>G>G>G>309"3"90G>G>G>G>9090G>30G>G>G>G>G>G>q,FiJo6df^=o_to.foa> SECTION 6. - Amendment - Revise KCC 15.04.065. Section 15.04.065 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Transportation, public and utilities land use development conditions," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.O4.065. Transportation, public and utilities land use development conditions. 1, For WTF towers 90 feet or less for a single user and up to 120 feet for two or more users. 2. For WTF towers that are within the allowable building height for the district in which they are located, 3. All WTFs are subject to applicable portions of KCC 15.08.035. 4. A conditional use permit for a WTF is required if it is greater than 90 feet for a single user or 120 feet for two or more users. 5. A conditional use permit is required if the WTF exceeds the allowable building height of the district. 6, faeititie+and Includes rail-truck transfer uses, except classification yards in the category of "hump yards." 7. [Reserved]. 8. If on property owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the city or other government entity subject to KCC 15,08.035(I). 9, Level 1 and 2 charging only 10. Only as part of a general conditional use identified in KCC 15.08.030, Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities 2L 11. KCC High capacity transit facilities shall be consistent with Chapter 15.15 L2. A conditional use permit is required for high capacity transit facilities that cross multiple zoning districts. No other transportation and transit facilities are allowed in the MHP zoning district. 13, Accessory structures composed of at least two walls and a roof, not including accessory uses or structures customarily appurtenant to agricultural uses, are subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.160. SECTION 7. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 8, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations, SECTION 9. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MA June 4. 2019 Date Approved ATTE 0.June 4, 2019 Date AdoptedCLERK Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops. and Maint. Facilities KIMBERLEY KOMOT 23 June 7. 2019 Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORM: UR AT'ATTORNEY Zoning Ordinance Transit Ops, and Maint, Facilities 24 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on June 7th, 2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $1 Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed sworn to me this 7th day of Juner2019 Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Covington, Washington Service Directo ty t 12 Friday, June 7,2019 Kent Reporter L€Elal ilotle!Legal Nottceg Profuslonal Servlco3 Hom€ S€rvlcea Home Sorvlc€! Auto Repalr Servtca Landscapo Ssrvlcos l-6wn,/caTden Servl@ R€al Eat6t€ tor Salo Comm€rclal Rohtalg Oth€r A?oaB lndustrlal/W6rehous ffi.Soudolasdfisds.con lhd uh.l you r..d 2a hom a day Apaitm€nts lbr Rent Klngl couhty Scenic Vista Senior Apartments 26404 1 04th Ave SE Kent, WA 98030 Apartments Now Available Beaulltull&2BRs, 6 startingal; L 1 SR- $946/mo. ' - 2 BRs. $1 130/mo. Section B accepled. lncome Limits Apply. Call Susan About Move in Specials!! 253-520-9875 TDD: 71 1 Advertise your upcoming garage sale in your local communily newspaper and online to reach thousands of households in your area. Go online to uw.SolrlfilasdffsG.cafl Call:1€0G38&2527 FaK360{9&6800 CIWOFKENT NOTICEOF PUBLIC NOTICE APPLICATION DETERMINATION OF A Project Permit Appli. NONSIGNIFICANCE ellon has been lited Pursuanl lo KCC 11.03, with Citv of Kent Ptan- Environmental Policy, ningservices. Following the City ol Kent has ia- is ; de$ription ol th; sued a threshold deter applicalion and the pro. mination for the lollow cess lor reviw. The ap-ing: plication and listed stud- Determinalion of Nonsig- ies may be reviewed al nilicance (DNS) for: the offices ol K€nt ptan- K-PWO MAINTENANCE ninq Services, 400 W. FAClLlry TANK Goie Street, Kant, WA.REMOVALAND DATE OF NOTICE OFBEPLACEMENT APPLICATION:ENV-2019-17, June 7,2019 KIVA#RPSW-2191232 A P P L I C AT I O N The Cily of Kent Public NAME/NUMBER: SUN Works Operations pro- MABT 2 - Undergroundposes to decommission StorageTankRemoval three existing and opera- ENV-2019-22 lional underground slor KIVAfBPSA-2192126 age tanks (two 10,000- PROJECT DESCRIP-gallon tqnks and one IIQN:The applicant 4,000-gallon tank) used proposes to removo lour lor diesel and unleaded underoround fuel stor tuels. The existing luel age - lanks totalinqisland with dispensers 32,000 gallons in ca:will also be r€moved. pacity. lnstallation or re-Four new aboveground moval of tanks having a storage tanks (8,000 gaF capacity of more than lons each) are proposed 10,000 gallons requires to be inslalled as a re- SEPA r€view per WAC placement. These nfl 197-11-800. No other slorage tanks are to be work is proposed at thls localed within the main- time. The property is lo-tenance facility yard, caled at 711 Cenlrat southeast of the previ- Avenue North, is zonedous underground slor GC-MU, General Com- age tanks lo allow for mercial - Mixed Use,construction staglng. and is idenlified asThe project sope also King Counly parcel includes the conslruclion #1322049185. of a new luol dispenser OTHER PERMITS AND island and accompany- PLANS_.\dE!c[U4Y_EE ing canopy. The subject FEQUIRED: cradingproperty is localed al Permit, Environmental5821 Soulh 240th Site Assessment, T@h- Str6ot, identified as King nical lnformation ReportCounty Parcel No. PUBLIC COIrIIENT PE- 2322049027 and is im- EIIQQ: June 7, 2019 medialely east ol Rus- June2t,2019 uHtAf YAHU tiHtvtct Alt0 A HATIDYMAII Pressure washing gulter cleaning, etc. Fence. deck buildind Concr6le, Painting &- Repaire. And all yard services. 20s4124191 HNDWYgI@ Pioteralohal S€rvlc6! Dontal Servlc€6 ,nf,#r,',' 'i{#i:, ' JC DENTURE CLINIC Dentures starlino at $550 Partials starling at $880 Relines starting at $250 Repaks/relines in 24 hours Accepts ProviderOne Call 206-653-7621..Effi Floor lnatall/Servlce Advenise your service 800.308-252? Home S€rvlcd Handypgrron PUGET SOUND CONSTRUCTION lnlerior/ Exterior Painlin0 and Home Bepairs Build Wood Decks and Fences Patio Covers 253-3503231 253-334-9564 ,PUGfg$KA WAITE'S HOME REPAIR Any & All Hom€ Repairs and R€modelino. 25+ Y€rs Experie-nce Angie's List Awatd Winreil Ottlce: (253)28S9367 Cellr (253)569-8509 ROOFING & REMODELING Senior Discounts Free Estimates Expert Work 253-850-5405 hdicahG6n t-4.. &br Busirus -' tic fAM€FIGC92@ Ad0lt/Eldor ca16 A PLACE FOR I\,{OM has helped over a million families lind sBnior liv- ing. Our trusted, localadvisors helplind solulions to vour unique needs at no bostto you. Call 855-415- 4148. #ffi 240th Streel. Th€ will occur interior Ads with arl atlracl more attention. Call 800€88-2527 to talk lo your customer service representative. ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS. Gain freedom wlth a Portable Owoen Concentratort No fi;re heavy tanks and relills! Guaranleed lowest pric- es. Call the Oxygen Conc€ntrator store: 844- 495-7230. PNOMOITE YO{JR RE' GIONAL EVENT state- wide with a $325 cla$i- lied listing or $1,575 fora display ad. Call lhis newspaper or 360-344- 2938 lor details. Ahnouncem6nt3 within theol Kenl contact Kenl Planning Services at 220 Fourth Avenue S., Kent, WA98032, Telephone:(253) 856-5454. Anyperson requrnng a disability accommoda- tion should contact lhe City tor mor6 informa- lion. For TDD relay seF vice, call 7-1-1 or theCity of Kent at (253) 856-5725. Published in the Kenl Reporter June 7,2019. #859823 writing and received in Kent Planning Servicesby 4:30 P.M., Friday, June 21.2019 at 220 4th Avenle South, Kent WA 98032. For ques- tions regarding this pro-j&t, please contact Ja-son Garnham, AICB Senior Planner, at igarnham @ KentWA.qov or 253-856-5439. Publlshed in lhe Kent Report€r June 7, 2019. #859676 -CITY OF KEI'IT NOTICE OF RESOLUTION AND ORDINANCES PASSED BYTHE crw couNctL The following are sum- marios of lhe resolulion and ordinances passed by the Kenl City Council print& online 24/7 Office Hours: 8-5pm Monday to Friday msoundclassifieds, on 0n nst c0m email: tlassified@ soundpublishing (0m call toll free 1.888.399.3999 0r 1.800.388.2527 a;----) l1l:.t.,:.t ) r*ttt!*Elvtsfi, i l - ffiERtmlT@ SALE 2.73 Acres in Hawk Creek Ranch and Resort, Well electrical at Asking residential located Roosevelt HONESTY AND INTEGRITY buy a car. lt is 206-582-01 t I NSPECTACAR.COM Maruinlama$ucc68s@ in Auto NSPECTACAR GARDENING & LANDSCAPING 'Cleanup'Trim ' Wesd ' Prune ' Sod- Seed . Bark ' Rockery. Backhoe ' Patios 425-226-3911 206.226-3345 ticf AlSHEGLoilM Sp€ialSpring LiC#HIMARML92{B .Tree Seruice .Haulin0.Weedin0 .Prunino .Hedoe Trim .Fence .C0ncrele rBark . New Sod I Seed .Aeratin0 & Thatching .Remodelin0 Kitchen & Bath & Paintino* Pressure Washing ' Senbt Discounl FREE ESTIMATE 206-387-6100 Gardening Nw Sod Beauty Bark Weedinq Trimming Pruning Patios Retainino Wall Sprinkleis CALL STEVE 206-244-6043 425-336-951 1 LIC{STEVEGTgAKZ i;Tl Blackberry & Brush Removal {3 lvy, Debrls & Stump Removal O Small Bldg Demolitlon 3 BobcaVBackhoe l$ Concrete Removal l$ Asphalt nemoval I Lot Clearing ! Excavatlon 3 Haullng *h & R Free Estimates 253-261 -0438 Bondrd & lnrurqd l.icrCARRICIrKQ HI MARK LANDSCAPING & GAFDENING Crowell lndustries have 24 Hr. Power at R.V. & Bost 24 hr. areOur €ven Boal.R.ot Widme17649 Poulsbo '*Pressure Washing-'Clean Teoli lo Conlruclion lnc., Blackbe(y Br!5h Removal Pavers, Retaln n!l Walls, Fences & De(ks Hauling, BobcatWork 8ondod & insund oarihon Cr60k Landscaplng, lnc. Lc!a:il. !5Ba 253-261-0438 ldYdEngrSl6 .Adonahg9dlsf,E ' tdrimdh$16(oilofrms ' ildrimdh$t6oildhil(hrffe) .tdlor SOUND PUBTISHINGINC MUTTIMEDIA SATES CONSUTTAI,IT \l/A) to grow and maintain strong business a valid driverl license, clean driving record, and adequate liability insurance on the vehicle for company business. theit resume and must h self-and Poulsbo, WA. ina multi- relationships through consultative 5ales a nd excellent customer service. Professional saler experience necessary; media experience is a definite a$et but not mandatory, As a requirement, applients must cover letter to ( and be sure to include AIIN: MMSC in the subject line." with new accounts and cunent clients, The position is responsiblefor printand digltal adverthing salest0 an e(lectic and exciting group of clients. Applients must be engaging and goal oriented, with good organizational skills and will have the to learn moreabott souND PUBtlsHlhlglNc currentEmprovm;hgf,isl;lliJi3;fi1 Wedre (onrnlunily & ddily nevrpap€tr ill lhcx' We!lcfir lva5hnqlon Lo(at on5l .i('lr{|(ounly .hldnd(ouily .Kitsdp[ounty .5arJuan(ounly .(lallan(ounty .Sno|omrsil(ounly 'Jefle60il(ounty .What(ont(ounly .0kinoqdn[ounty .6eyrl]irbor . Prer(e(ounty (ouoty lourd Publirhrng trdn tqual 0pportunily Irnployer (E0[) ard rtronqlyqpportl dNerrilyrn lheworkpla(e. Weoffer a qreal $!rlrnv[onnrent wilh opporlunilylor ddvin(emenl dlong wi th d (on peli tt ve lxncfils pat kaqe ncfudr nq heill h r n![i n(e, pard linre otf(va(dtr0n, e(k, and holiddyt), dnd 40lk wilh enlpklyer nrdl(h. A(eplrngleilnre!dl: tareerr soundpublishnq.cont ot by nmrl to: HR, Sound Publi$nq, lnt. P0 Box9l0 tlerell,WA98206 0930 lleate tlIle dildt puiloil Iild qeognlhn ore a y ou nre applywl for.Advertisewith us! SOUI{DOASSIFIEDS.COM 1-800-388-2527 mu Kent Reporter Friday, June 7,201 9 13 .,.(ontinued trom L€gal Notlc6 on June 4, 2019.RESOLUTION NO. 1983 " A RESOLUTION of lhe City Courcil of the City of Kenl, Washino- lon, approving the coun- tywide ballot proposition for fundino lhe Medic One/Emerg;ncy lvledical Services (EMS) levy lor the period ol Januarv 1, 2020, through Dtrember 31, 2025, pursuant to RCW 84.52.069. This etfect and be in force im- mediately upon its pas- sag8. ORDINANCE NO. 4325- AN ORoINANCE ol lhe City Council of the City ot Kenl, Washing- ton, adopting a zoning ordinanc€ amending Ti- tle 15 ol the Kent Citv Code by adding defini tions of 'transit opera- tions and maintenance facilities" and "transpor tation and transit fa- cllilies including high ca-pacity transit lacilitiesj' by specifying that transit operations and mainte- nance facililios are per mitted only in the CM-2 District, and repealing in- t6rim zonino C)rdinenceNo. 4305," previously adopted by Council on January '15, 2019. This ordinance shall take etlect and be in force 30 days from and after its passago. ORDINANCE NO. 4326- AN ORDINANCE of the Citv Council of the Cily of Kent, Washing- ton, rolating lo land use and zoning, specjlicallythe rezoninq of a 4.56-acre parcel lrcatedat 24426 Pacilic Hioh- way Soulh, Kent, WaSh- ington from [rHE Mobile Home Park, to [rTC-l, Midway Transit Commu- nity-l and MCR, Midway Comm€rclaY Residential (Midway Mobile l\ransions Rezono RZ-2019-1, KlvA#RPP4-21 90342). This ordinance shall take effect and be in lorce 30 days from and alter its passage. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance or resolution will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk 253-856-5725 Cityclerk@ Published in the Kent Reporler Juno 7, 2019. #859227 Notice T-Mobile inlends to col-locate telwommunica- tions equipment on the existing monopolo tele- communications towerand equipment com- pound l@ated at 23439 Pacific Highway Soulh, Kent, King County, WA 98198 (47" 23'27.3" N, 122' 17' 48.3" W). lm- pactTc, lnc. is publish- ing this notice in accordance wilh Federal Communications Com- mission regulations (47 CFR $ 1.1307) lor Sec- tion 106 ol the National Historic Preservation Acl (NHPA) and lor lhe Na-tional Environmontal Policy Act {NEPA). PaF ties interested in com- menting on this Federal underlaking or withquslions on the pro-posed lacility should contact lmpactTg, lnc., Att€ntion Ms. Madeline Sarcone at 9550 Hick- man Road, Suite 105, Clive, lA 50325 or call 5'15-473-6256. Published Reporter #859817 in lhe Kent June 7, 2019 (ontlnu€don nen page.. 2 (AR GARAGI 22'x28'ti'DUICH GAttlBRIl 24' x36' r.16'RVGARAGT 28'x36'tl2' i34/f0s' i3lr422 4" Con(6le floor Vlibermerh reinfo(ement 8 /iplfiip o0(k (onlol, (2) l0'x7' roised p0nel ,eel overheod door, wilh low heodroom hordwore, dru<turol posls engineered lo occommodote o 501 future loll, 3'x6'8" permoBilt door wrelf{losing hinges I stoinless $osl lo(ksel lO'(onlinuous flow ridge vont. gerztr $35rg5o 4" (oncrele fl@r Vfibe.mssh(2) 9'x8' roired ponel st@l dmr w/*lf{osing hinges & flow ridqe venl 7 sidewoll t27++r $2lr3lo SE W/ 1.0il 36'x36'x16'DTI.UXT RV GARAGTDtl.UXI BARII 36' x24'xl0'RV GARAGT & SH0P 24'x24'xl0' v / l4'x36'xl6' I 2'x9' l,,leml fromed splilsliding door wrros+0t(hing E cofrlokh dosers, (2) 4'x8' splil oponing unpoinled wood rc$-hokhed Dukh d@6, 3'x6'8" Pomo8ilt d@r w^elf{losing hinges & stoinle$ steel lnlsot, l8' eove I goblo overhongs, l0' coniinuous flow ddge vent, bjrd blocking 0t g0bt6. t2['l:Fr r2gr7gg t!$frir r4l1662 ol gobles.eflil,ddge venB, hid GARAGE & STORAGTGR GARAGT & SHOP wf 20'x20'x8' 20'x40'x8'[-sHAPt 2 4" Concrele flmr wilh fibermesh roanfoi(omenl I zipship (ock contol, 3'x6'8"Permobilt dmr wiilr *lf<losing hinges I stoinless steel lck. sal, (2) 8'x7'roised ponel steel overheod dor, 18" wve ond goblo overhongs, (2) l0' conlinuous llow ddge venh, bird blnkin0 ol oobles. ww+t 137,756 4" (on(rele fl@r Vlihermssh roinlor(ement 8 TiFs[ip cm(k(on[ol, ]4'x8' molol lromed sliding dm1 9'x7' roised poncldeol overhmd doq 3'x6'B" Perm08ilt d@r wAelf<loring hinges 8 sloinle$ steel ldket, l0' coniinuour flow ridge vonl. ti}r$+r r29 914 2 GR GARAGI & H0BBY SHOP 24'x36'x9'DILUXt 2 (AR GARAGT 20'x24'x8'lUl0llll0R H0RS[ BARII 36'x35'x 4' (onceteflmr/librmsh re:nld(emnt 8 riFitiprc(k(onnol, l6'x/' miredponel stel overfimd door /milered (orners, 3'x6'8" Perm8ilt door y'*ll<losing hinge & n0inl6s slel lo(l$1, (2) 4'x3'double glo?ed rcss+okh sld;ng vinyl windss, w/ xrens, 18"mve 8 gobleoverhongs, l0iontiluo6llowridgevent, bidhl(kilg0tooht6. 'nfir $2orl58 tlzrut/ i38t376 tzL.f:tt $2413,36 l0'x8' hinges SERIE POST FRAME BUILDINGS Town & Country, A Division O PERMABILT Proud'" I 0 0 I 42 9 55 2 Aof*gABBB-T- my14 ft kd bmt in(ldrFnir(6hdeb hx OUR: BUITDIN LIKC DENIM Fo.R. A GoUPo.N vlsrf AI AII BUILDITIG' IIUCTUDE: o 20 Sidewoll & Trim (olors Witft limited Liletime Wononly (D${lM Series exdudedl. lngiqeere! For 85 MPH Wind [xposure I & 25# Snow Load' .a . 2" liberglocs Vopor Bonier Rool lnsulotiono lree ln-Home (onsultotion . Guoronteed(roltsnonrhip. Plons . [ngineering o Pemil Servke r [rerlion 'lf your iurisdi(tion requirer higher wind exposures or snow loods, building prices will be olfeted. llundreds of Designs Avoiloble.l DENIM PermaBilt.corn Focebook.c Bih Expand your market advertise in the classifieds today! l-800-388-2527 SOUNDCLASSIFIEDS.COM (asifi SOUND classifieds