HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983RESOLUTION NO. 1983 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of theCity of Kent, Washington, approving the countywide ballot proposition for funding the Medic One/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy for the period of January L, 2020, through December 3L,2025, pursuant to RCW 84.52.069. RECITALS A. The delivery of emergency medical services (EMS) is an essential function of the fire and life safety responsibility of local and regional government. B. The internationally recognized countywide tiered Medic One/EMS system in King County provides county residents and visitors essential life-saving services throughout the region regardless of location, incident circumstances, day of the week, or time of day. C. It has been to the benefit of the residents of the City of Kent to support and participate in the countywide cooperative of delivering Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support services. D. King County should continue to exercise leadership and assume responsibility for assuring the consistent, standardized, effective and cost-efficient development and provision of EMS throughout the county. Resolution - 2O2O-2025 Medic One/EMS Levy 1 E. RCW 84.52.069 provides for countywide emergency medical care and service levies, and King County is seeking voter authorization of a six-year Medic One/EMS levy for the period of 202O-2O25. F, The highly praised patient and program services of the King County Medic One/EMS system are funded by a prior countywide six-year Medic One/EMS levy that expires December 2L,2OL9. G. The EMS Advisory Task Force, created via Executive Order PHL-0-1-EO, worked collaboratively with regional EMS Stakeholders to develop the Medic One/EMS 2020-2025 Strategic Plan for providing this countywide service, and recommends pursuit of a Medic One/EMS levy, per RCW 84.52.069; with an initial levy rate of $0.27 cents per one thousand dollars assessed value, to fund EMS throughout King County for the next six years. H, The City of Kent significantly participated in these discussions throughout the process and was represented on the Task Force. I. In order to continue funding for EMS for six years, RCW 84.52.069 requires that cities with a population greater than fifty thousand approve the countywide levy proposal prior to placement on a ballot. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 7, - Recitals Incorporated. The above Recitals are incorporated into this resolution and constitute the findings of the Kent City Council. SECTION 2. - Approval of Coun\tWide Levy Proposal. The City of Kent hereby approves submitting to the voters a ballot proposition to Resolution - 2O2O-2025 Medic One/EMS Levy 2 provide stable and long-term funding for the countywide Medic One/EMS levy on the ballot in 2019, SECTION 3, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Corrections by Citv Clerk Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numberingi or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 5, - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. ? DANA RALPH, M R ATTEST: 0 KIMBERLEY OMOTO, CIry CLERK APPR ED ATTORNEY June 4. 2019 Date Approved June 4, 2019 Date Adopted June 7. 2019 Date Published 3 Resolution - 2O2O-2fJ25 Medic One/EMS Levy RTHUR "P PATRICK, C STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING )AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King county, washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as aLegal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on June 7'h,2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $157.1 Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 7th day ofJuner2019 Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Covington, Washington .r. 1\l ' -\\r,, Gr\i ,., J- ....atrt't i '', ," , :.. , ., t,, slgrt as o):i""t.e l'^\ "4:, i; ; +ft;ri*tN Residing in 'ttttt'i 12 Friday,June7,2019 KentReporter Service Directo ry \G4 -*t-"-;-.-;i Legal NotlE!Legal Notlc6B I Hom6 Sarvlcs BOOFING & REMODELING Senior Discounts Free Estimales Expert Work 253-850.5405 h6.ican Go..Contacb' F:- ebr BusiFsAureau -"- ticfAMERIGC92S Ads with art attract more attention. Call 800-388-2527 lo talk to your customer service representative. CITY OF KENT PUBLIC NOTICE DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Pursuant to KCC 11.03, Environmental Policy, the City of Kent has is- sued a thr€shold deter mination lor the follow- B8Grmination of Nonsio- nilicance (DNS) for: K.PWO MAINTENANCE FACILITY TANK BEIi|OVAL AND REPLACEMENT ENV-2019-17, KtvA# RPSW-2't91232 The City ol Kent Public Works Operations pro- poses to d€commission three existing and opera- lional underground sloF age tanks (two 10,000-gallon tanks and one 4,000-gallon tank) used for diesel and unleaded fuels. The existing luel island with dispensers Four new aboveground storage lanks (8,000 gal lons each) are proposed lo be installed as a re- placement. These nw storage tanks are lo be located within the main- tenance lacility yard, southeast of the previ- ous underground slor- age tanks to allow torconstruction staging. The project scope also includes the construclion of a n€w fuel dispenser island and accompany- ing canopy. The subject property is located al5821 Soulh 2401h Street, identified as KingCounty Parcel No. 2322049027 and is im- mediately east ol Bus- sell Road and south of Soulh 240th Street. The project will occur interior lo the property within the existino City of KentMaintenanc€ Facility yard. Comments ar€ duo forlhe above projtrt by 4:30 p.m., Friday, June 21,2019, lo City of Kent Planninq Services.For more intormation, contact Kent Plannino Services at 220 Fourti Avenue S., Kent, WA98032, Telephone:(253) 856-5454. Anyperson requiring adisability accommoda- lion should contact tho City for more informa- tion. For TDD relay seF vice. call 7-1-l or theCitv ol Kenl at (25'g) 856.572s. Published in the Kent Reporler June 7, 2019. #859823 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Project Permlt Appll-etlon has been liled with City ol Kent Plan- ning Services. Followingis a description of tho application and the pro- cess for reviM. The ap- plication and lisled stud- ies mav be rsviewed at lhe otli6es ol Kent Plan- ning Servlces, 400 W Gowe Slre6t, Kenl, WA. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION; June 7,2019 A P P L IC AT IO N NAMENUMBER: SUN l\rART 2 - Underoround Storaoe Tank Remo"val ENv-fors-zz KtvA#BPSA-2192126 PBOJECT DESCRIP.llQN;The applicant proposes lo remove lour underground fuel storage tanks totalinq 32,000 gallons in ca: pacity. Installalion or re- moval of tanks havino a capacity of more l6an 10,000 gallons requires SEPA review per WAC 197-11-800. No other work is proposed at this lime, The proporty is lo- cated at 71 1 central Avenue North, is zoned GC-lrU, General Com- mercial - Mixed Use,and is identilied as King County parcel #1322049185. OTHER PERMITS AND PLANS WHICH MAY BEBEOUIRED: cradingP€rmit, Environmenlal Site Assessment, Tech- nical lnlormation Report PUBLIC COi'MENT PE. 8!OQ: June 7, 2019 June 2'1,2019All persons may com- ment on this application. Comments must be in wriling and received jn Kent Plannino Servicesby 4130 P.M., Frlday, June 21,2019 at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent WA 98032. For ques- tions regardino lhis pro- j@t, plsase contact Ja-son Garnham, AlCe Senior Planner, at igarnham @ KentWA.oov or 253-856-5439. Publishod in the Kent Reporter Juno 7, 2019. #859676 CITY OF KE'IIT NOTICE OF RESOLUTION AND ORDINANCES PASSED BYTHE ctTY couNcrL The followino are sum- maries of th; resolution and ordinances passed by the Kent City Council Probslonal Servlcoa Homo Servl@B Auto R6Dalr S6rvlc6 kndacapoServlcoB bwnloardsnSslvlc€ R€al EBtaio tui Sale Commorclal Rontab Othor Alsaa lndustrlaYWarchous ffi.Sondolasdfioft.cm lhd uh.l you n.!d 2a hourM day UHTAF YAHU StSYICI Alt0 A HAIIDYTIAII Pressure washing gutlor cleaninq, etc. F€nce, deck buildino Concreto, Painlinq &- Ropaire. 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A(epling rerme5dl: carecrs r soundpublishrnq tont or by marl to: lIR,Sound Publishrnq, Inr. P0 Box930 tverelt,WA9820{ 0910 Pleosp tl\lp whtdr pwilion oild ge\E\phk orea y ot or e opplytn g for.Aidvertisewith us! SOUI{DCASSIFIEDS.COM r-800-388-2527 SOUND classifieds tsl,,G Kent Reporter Friday, June 7,201 9 l3 ...(ontlnucdfrom Iprsrcuspag€ | on June 4, 2019,RESOLUTION NO. 198i1 - A RESOLUTTON ol the City Council of the City ol Kent. Washing- ton, approving lhe coun- tywide ballot propositionlor lundino ihe Medic One/Emerg-ency Medical Services (Eirs) levy lor the period of January 1, 2020, throuah D*ember 31, 2025, pursuant to RCW 84.s2.06C Legal Notlcsa This resolution shall lake im- in the Kent June 7, 2019 mediately upon its pas- saoe. oii'DTNANcE No. 4325- AN ORDINANCE of the Citv Council ol the City of Kenl, Washing- lon, adopting a zoning ordinance amsndino Ti- tle l5 of the Kent"Citv Code by adding dslini lions of 'lransit opera- lions and maintenance facilities' and "transpor talion and lransit la- cilities including high ca-pacity transit facilities," by specifying that transit operations and mainte- nance facililies are per mitted only in lho CM-2 Districl, and repealing in- terim zonino OrdinanceNo. 4305,- previously adopted by Council on January 15,2019. This ordinance shall take etfect and be in lorce 30 days from and after its oassaoe. bnorNaruce ruo. lgze- AN ORDINANCE of lhe Citv Council of the City of Kent, Washlng- lon, relatino to land useand zoning. sp€cilicallythe rezoninq ot a 4.56-acre parcel l@atedat 24426 Pacilic High- way South, Kent, Wash- ington lrom MHB Mobile Home Park, to [rTC-l, l\ridway Transit Commu- nity-l and MCR, Midwav CommerciaU Residentidl (Midway Mobile Mansions Rezone RZ-2019-1, KlvA#RPP4-21 90342). This ordinance shall iake effect and be in lorce 30 days from and aftor its passage. A copy ol lhe complele text ol any ordinance or resolution will be malled upon request of th6 City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, Cily Clerk 253-856-5725 CityClerk@ KentWA.gov Published in the Kenl Reporter June 7,2019. #859227 Notlce IMobile intends lo col-locate telsommunica- tions equipmont on the exisling monopole tele- communications towerand equipment com- pound ltrated al 23€9 Pacific Highway South, Kent, King County, WA 98198 (47" 23'27.3' N, 122" 17' 48.3" W). lm- pactTc, lnc. is publish- ing this nolice in a@ordance with Federal Communications Com- mission regulations (47 CFR S 1,1307) lor Sec- tion 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and for the Na-tional Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). PaF ties interesled in com- menting on this Federal underlaking or with queslions on the pro-posed facility should contact lmpactTg, lnc., Attention Ms, Madeline Sarcone al 9550 Hick-man Road, Suile 105, Clive. lA 50325 or call 515-473,6256. Published Reportgr #859817 FIIUAITIGIIUO AYAI LABLE! e c o RVGARAGI 28'x36'xl2' 4" Conosle lloor w/itrcrmosh reinforement & ziFfiip sock (onhol,l2'xll'ond l2'x8'mised ponel sleel overheod d@6,3'x6'8" PelmoBilt door w/self.closing hioges 8 stoinlosj rtel ldkst, 3'6"x3'9" PermoBill Awning Ven(l6ed soffit, l0' (ontinuous flow ridge vont. B4ilor 131,422 DIIUXI BARII 36'x24'xl0' a a a a 2 CAR GARAGI 22'x28'xi' 4" (ontreie fl@r w/ihrmesh reinforcomonl 8 ziFship cr0(k conhol,(2) 9'x8'roisd ponel stel overhmd &ots,3'x6'8" Perm08ill dmr /self{osing hinge 8 stoinless stel lo(ksei, lO' conlinuous flow ddge venL 7 sidswoll 8 tim colors w/ 25 yeor woronty.to DTI.UXT RV GARAGT ry10H 36'x35'xl6' ,fi#r r2l t2[ftitr r23r7gg clo*rs, 3'x6'8" 8 goble. DUIfi GAlhBRtl 24' x36' xl6' 4" (onoele lloor /liberme5h reinlo(emont E riF5trip (0(k (onlol, (2) lO'r7' roised ponel sleel overheod doors, with low he0droom hordwore, ilruduml polb engineered lo 0(commodole o 50# future loft, 3'x6'8" PermoBih door wrelfilosifig hinqs & ioinless sleel lockset, l0' (ontinuo0s llow ridge vent. RV GARAGI & SH0P 24'x24'xl0' w / l4'x36'x16' 4"(onaelellmrq4ihrm6fi reinlo(emilE/iFsfrip(Nl(onfiol, (l) 12114' od0) l0i9 misdtsneliel defimdd66, 3i6 8" Perm08:lld6rsi'iioinlssil*l l*lst E self{lBing hingei, 4 i3'ddhle ghrcd virryl iliding$indos Vyr4n, I 8" ftve E gble overhongs. 3'6" r3'9: Perm8ill Awnin{ wrrlded slfrl, (2} l0'conlinuo6 llw ridge venq bird blalir4 ot pbles.tlsfrrr $411662 Bel6r $35 60 4'tucAr hrwr4rhmol rcinlorament E riFqip@l ontol. (l) l0'r14 8 fl) l0r7'misd tsml lelmrfimd dmr, dtl hw ledrm hdw q 316 8' Pem08il, dm wifi ell (bir{ [{g6 t shiaie$ nel hlEt, {2} 413'deble gh/dvinrl s[dn0HrdtrVcreer!,3'rblhoir(otir0, i4'l36',50, bll wr4:lnfr ftirox, 1 8'roe t goble owlmngs, 1 0 ronhrw lhw rilge wd, bi'd bi;tjng d d&rtse',*f r54,gg7 ageD /,1 ,,,ll GARAGT & SIORAGT 28'XCAR GARAGT & SHOP w/ 20'x20't8' 20'x40'x8'r-sHAPI 2 tltfiirt'rt7r755 4" (on(rcls flmr w/ibermesh reinfo(em€nt E zipship (.ock (onhol, l4'xB' mebl fromed sliding door, 9'x7' ioi*d ponelsleel olerhmd dool 3'x6'8" PermoBill dmr Vtell{losinghinges & sloinless sruel l*kse1 lO' conlinuous flow iidge vent. tJt\qrr r2grgl4 2 GR GARAGI & H0BBY SH0P 24'x36'x9'DI1UXI 2 CAR GARAGT 20'x24'x8'fl0llll0R H0RSI BARII 36'x36'xl0' / 16' wflr r2o t58 l0'x9' Mot0l fromed split sliding dmr wfcmlokh (losers, (3) 4'x8' splil op€ning so$ hokhed unpainted wmd Duth doos, 3'x6'8" Perm. oBilt dor w/'self<losing hinges 8 iloinlers rteel lnkel l8" mve 8 qoblo overhongs, lO'(onlinuous flow ridg6 venl bird bhking ot goblss.t!4+tt i3,g,g75 POST FRAME BUILDINGS 800-824-9552 Town untry, A Division Of Proudt" PERMABILT $ Ao-:.e OUR], BUltDlN LIKC A "-. . 20 SidewEll & Irim (olors With limited liletime Worronty (DtNlM Series exduded). 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