HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982RESOLUTION NO. 1982 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the Cityof Kent, Washington, recognizing Flower Court Neighborhood Council, RECITALS A. The City of Kent has developed a Neighborhood Program to promote and sustain an environment that responds to residents by building partnerships between the City and its residents. In addition, the City of Kent encourages residents to work together to form geographically distinct neighborhood councils as a means to foster communication among residents and to enhance their sense of community. B. The City of Kent recognizes and supports neighborhood councils by endorsing a process to establish neighborhood boundaries, approve neighborhood councils, and provide neighborhood grant matching program opportunities to make improvements in defined neighborhoods. C. The Flower Court neighborhood consists of 31 households D. The Flower Court neighborhood is located on Kent's East Hill and is generally situated on SE 237th Street, to the east of 102d Avenue SE, to the south of SE 236th Street and to the west of 102nd Court SE. The Neighborhood is shown on Exhibit A, attached and incorporated by this reference. Flower Court Neigh borhood Cou ncil Resolution 7 E. On May 8, 2Ot9, the Flower Court neighborhood submitted an official registration form to request that the City recognize the Flower Court Neighborhood Council and to allow the neighborhood to take part in the City's Neighborhood Program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 7. - Recognition of Neighborhood Council. - The City Council for the City of Kent hereby acknowledges the effort and commitment of the Flower Court neighborhood and all those who participated in forming the Flower Court Neighborhood Council. The Kent City Council hereby recognizes Flower Court Neighborhood Council as an official Neighborhood Council of the City of Kent, supports Flower Court Neighborhood Council community building efforts, and confers on the Flower Court Neighborhood Council all opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program. SECTION 2, - Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 3. - Ratification. Any act eonsistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 4, Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. Flower Court Neighborhood Cou nci I Resolution 2 ( DANA htt A KIMBERLEY MOTO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM uR "PAT" FITZPATRICK, CITY RNEY P: \Civil\Resolution\Nei ghborhoodcou ncilf lowercourtresolution. Docx Flower Court Neighhorhood Cou ncil Resolution May 2I,20L9 Date Approved May 2t, 2Ot9 Date Adopted l{'av 24,2OL9 Date Published 3 EXHIBIT A Flower Court Neighborhood CIINeighborhood Boundary ReYisd ilay 9,2019 Residents oql Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King county, washington. rni Kent Reporter has been approved as aLegal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING lAFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly swom on oath that she is the Publisher of the notice, a: Public Notice was published on N.I.ay 24tho}}lg. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $145.07. Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 24th day of Mayo 2019. e Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Covington, Washington 12 Friday,May24,2019 KentReporter Probsslonal Sorvlce6 D6ntal Ssrvlces Service Directo{y Steve's Gardening - New Sod - tseauru BeIk r ' ,gme h| - Patios - Retainino Wall - Sprlnkleis CALL STEVE 206-244-6043 425-336-951 1 Lrc{STEVSGL95SZ Lawn/Garden Servlce ner pr$ribed by Dated thls 1oth May 2019. Barbara Lopez lnt€rlm Finance Dirstor Citu ol Kent, Washinoton Pu6lished in the "Kenl Reporter May 24 and May 31. 2019. #857580 -clw oF KEt\tT NOTICE OF FESOLUNONS AND OFDINANCES PASSED BYTHE crw couNctL The following are sum- maries ol lhe resolulions and ordinances pa$ed by the Kent City Council on iiay 21, 2019.RESOLUTION NO. 1981 . A RESOLUTION of the Citu Council of the City of kent, Washino, ton, adoplino the 202-0 through 2025 Six-Year Iransportation lmprove- ment Prooram. This reso'iulion shall lake effecl and be in lorce im- mediately upon its pas- sage.RESOLUTION NO. 1982 . A RESOLUTION of lhe Citv Council ol theCity of i(ent, Washing- lon. recoonizino FlowerCourt - Neio-hborhood Council. This resolulion shall take etfect and be in lorce im- mediately upon its pas- sago. OFDINANCE NO, /823- AN ORDINANCE ol the City City ol Kent,Washing- seclion LeEbl Notlceg Council of the - LeEat Notlcos DOCUMENTS Plans, sp@ilications, ad- denda, and bidder's listfor this project is available throuoh Kent School District'E onlineplan room. Free of charge, access is provid,ed to Prime Bidders, Subcontractors, and Vendors by going to: httpJ/brua.com and se-Itrting "PostedProjects", "PublicWorks", sroll to "Education" and "Kent School Districtl' Biddersare €ncouraoed to "Reqister" in order to re-ceive automalic email notilication of future ad- denda and to be placedon the "Bidder's Lisf' 4.1 SHEER GABDENING & LANDSCAPING " Cleanup'Trim ' Weed ' Prune - Sod ' Seed t Bark 'Rockery ' Backhoe ' Patios 425-226-3911 206.226-3345 !i.,AISHEGLOSJM Adveriise your upcoming garage sale in your local community newspaper and online to reach thousands of households in your area. Go online to ffi.Silnillassilieds.com Call: 1.80G388-2527 Fax;360{984800-- ww.SoundolN'fieds.cm - Homo Sorvlces Rooflng/sldlng ROOFING & REMODELING Senior Discounts Free Estimales Expert Work 253.850-5405Ami6 Gon. Cstactorlr &ner8udne$Bu6au =- LiccAMEntGca&B Advertise your upcoming garage sale in your local community newspaper and online to reach thousands of households in your area. Go online to rw.SomdclasdllBds.cml Call: 1.80G38&2527 Fax 360698-6800 Tr@/Shrub Care - Dom€stlc Servlces Adult/Elder Carc A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior liv- ing. Our trusted, advlsors local help your cost Apartm6nt3 tot Ahnouncgmsntg ANNUAL SWAP MEET! mercyallernativehealth.or0 PROMOTE YOUF RE. GIONAL EVENT state- wide fieda display listing wilh a $325 classi' or $1,575 for ad. Call lhis newspaper or 360-344- 2938 lor details. STILL PAYING TOO of law. day -- Home Ssrvl@6 Hom6 Sorvlce6 LandscapeSorvlces LandscaFssrvlceg ..Wi,,u..i*ifl#,:i' JC DENTURE CLINIC Denlures starting at $550 Partials slartino at$880 - Relines slartino al $250 " Repairs/relines in 24 hours Accepts Providerone Call 206-653-762 1 - Floor lnatall/Servle Home SsrvlceB Handyper3on REPAIR Any & All Home Repairs ments with the ability to download, print lo your own printer, order tull/partial plan sels from hundreds of reprograph- ic sourcss (online prinl order form), and a fiee on-line dioitizer/take'offlool, ContSct Bullders Exchange ol Washing-lon at (425) 258.1303 should you require as- sistance. Drawings and spmillca- tions may also be exam- UIIEAP YARO SERVICE Alt0 A HAI{DYMIII Pressure washino gutter cleaning, el:c. Fence, deck buildino Concret€, Paintino &-Repairs. - And all yard services. 20&412-4191 HNryHYg1S This room with - Homs Servlc6s _ Patntlnei lon, amending 3.70.230 of the Code to ctarlfy Kent City and ex- pand the firayor's au- lhorltv to accept dedica- tions to the City ol allproperty interests com- Exchange of Avenue below; print& online 24n Office Hours: B-5pm Monday to Friday wwsoundclassifieds. and Remodelino. 25+Y€are Experiehce Angie's Lisl Awatd Winnet! Otlice: (253)288-9367 Cell: (253)569-8509 walleshomerepah@yahoo.com - Home Servlceg Prop6rty Malhtenan@ Reach over a million potenlial customers when you advertise in the Seruice Directory CaJlm{8&2527 or w.Soundcla$ilieds,m much for vour MEDICA- TION? Saire up to 90% on RX relilll Order todavand reeive lrei> shipping on 1st order -prescriplion required. Call 1'866.685'6901. 27825 1 18TH Avenue Kent, WA 98030 Bldders arrlving atter 3:05 p.m. may not beadmitted. Subcontrac. tors and dance is June 21'22; 6am-6pm. Engines, Tractors, CarParts. Tools & Col- lectibies. 3995 Brook- lake RD NE, Brooks OB.$6 admission, Vendor Booths $40. M.branch 1 5ed0ela.org/ hlml/swap_meet.hlml NATURE-BASED PSO. RIASIS STUDY! Sub- jecls teen clear alter a four- Remain day prot@ol. clear lot - Home Satvlce6 monlhs. No pharmaceu, ticals, call 206-755.0436 to shedule. private developmenl peF mit approvals. This ordinance shall take effecl and be in force 30 days lrom and after its pa$age, as provided bV law. oRoTNANCE NO, 4324- AN ORDINANCE of th€ City Council of theCity of Kent, Washinq, ton, approving the con. solidating budget adjust-ments made between January 1,2019 and March 31, 2019. reftect- ing an overall budget in- crease of $ 12,932.'103. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force live days atter publica- tion, as provided by law. A copy ot the complete lext of any ordinance or rsolution will be mailed upon request of lhe Citv Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk 253-856-5725 CityClerk@ KenlWA.qov Published in the -Kent Reporter May 24, 2019. #857698 ments made as part ol INVITATION TO BID The Kent School Diskict extends an invitation toqualilied General Con- tractors to bid the con- L6gal Nottces monly related infrastruclure to public rmprove- Conlractor 5468 SE Everetl, WA 98201 (425) 258-1303 Plan Centor lnte.nalional vendor atten. welcome. way Milwaukie, OR 97222 (503) 65S0148 ww.conlraclorplancen- i€acom Seattle Dailv Journal ol Commerce'83 Columbia Street, #200 Seattle, WA 98104 M.plancenler.djc.com MANDATORY SIiE INSPECTION Site lnspectlon: Gen-eral Contlactors In-tending to submit sesled bids must at.tend the mandatorv site inspection contei-ence held ai the school. Meet in the courtyard, outside theschool adminislration ottice entfance: June 4th. 2019 at 3i00p.M. Site: PINE TREE ELEMENTARY MULTI- PURPOSE ROOM gID SECURITY RE. OUIFEMENTBid securitv, in the amount of sdl. ol the bid (0m email: classified@ mundpublishing, com call toll fre 1.888.399,3999 OT 1.800.388.2527 lind solutions to unique needs at noto you. 414a. Call 855-415- Street as provided by No. 3833 bids will be due at, orOrdinance sum shall accomDanv each bid. Securitv lhait be made payable'to the Kent School Dislricl ei- ther by cerlified chtrk orbid bond issued by a surety company licensedlo conduct businss in Washington Slate. Dated this 15th Day ol iray 2019 Dr- Calvin J. Wafls Notice is hereby given lhat the eighth (8lh) in- stallment ol the a$ess-menl levied lor the above named improve- ment, comprising Local lmprovement Diskicl No.362 under Ordinance No. 3997, is now due and payable and unless paymenl is made on or belore June 10, 2019. For construction of im- provements along EaslValley Highway (841h Avenue Soulh) lrom SR167 to Soulh 212th struction project here- after identilied as thePine llee Elementarv Mullipurpose Room. ' Proiect Scheduled Bid DateSealed conslruction belore 2:00 P,M. Tues. day. June 18th.2019al the followino loca- tion: KENT SCHOOL DrsTRtcT NO.4t5 ADMINISTRATION CENIER_BUILDING "8" 12033 SE 256th Street Kent, Washinoton 98030-6643 - PROJECT SCOPE The Kent School Districtwishs to contract ser- vices to add a new Com"mons / Multi-PurDose Room to be located in Transil Operations and l\4aintenance Facilities - Zonino Code Amen-dment (ontlnuedon ;Jb"' W!ibL"-lrtI'i,-# Secretary to Kent School District Board Published in the Kent Beporter t\4ay 17, 24, 2019. #856944 KENT CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGsaid inslallment will be delinquenl, will have apenalty of nine point five (9.5) percent added. and the collection of such de- linquent installmenl will be enforced in lhe man- eslale WA Scenic Vista Senior Apartments 26404 1 04th Ave SE Kent, WA 98030 Apartments Now Available Beautifull&2BRs, 6 strrtingat: r'" lBR.$946/mo."' 2 BRs- $1130/mo, Section I accepted. lncome Limrls Apply. Call Susan About Move in Specials!! 253-520.9876 TDD:7ll ThE -'Painting Washing Teolilo Conlruction lnc., lnc. Mowing, Weeding, Trimming, Pruning, Cleanup, Presure Washing, Mainlenance, Sod & Fences Estimates .Tree Service .Haulin0 .W€eding .Prunino .Hedoe Trim .fence .Concrele .Bark. Nev/ Sod & Seed .Aeralino & Thalching .Bemodelin0 Kilchen & Bath & Painlino' Pressuro Washino . 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Check us oul Online M.latinoslawn andgqr(Le,n.com LATINO'S LAWN & GARDEN Satisfaclion Guaranleed LOWEST PRICE F ee Estimates Senior Discount Lic/Eonded/lnsured CALL JOSE 206-250-9073 TREE SERVICE Salis,aclion Guaranleed LOWEST PRICE Free Estimates Senior Discount Lic/Bonded/lnsured (206) 2s0-9705 PNW PAINTERS is simple: to Get in touch todsy to schedule your lre estimate: PHONE: {360)508-0538 EMAIL: pnwpainters llc@gmail,com VISIT: pnwpaintersllc.com Check us olil on facebook too! Sailslaction ls Jl a rl't Et w ouI ex- ol our mission at team and each es, and Washing. . Bldckbe{yBrushRenroval ' Pavert RetarnrnqWallt fences&Decks .Hauhng,Bollcatl{ork t Sondrd& if,sursd t 0ailhonCE€k Iandr6pi00,lnc. Lcrc](c:ssk 253-261 -0438 iffi .Yfn l EAI{EREINT rCEE the existing playqround. PROJECT nert page...