HomeMy WebLinkAbout4324ORDINANCE NO. 4324 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of theCity of Kent, Washington, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between January L,2Ot9 and March 3t, 2OL9, reflecting an overall budget increase of $12,932,LO3. RECITALS A. Expenditures as classified in the final, adopted budget constitute the city's appropriations for that year. After adoption, there are a variety of events that will precipitate the need to amend the adopted budget, such as grant awards, bonds issuance, collective bargaining agreements and additional budget requests coming through Council committees. These modifications are periodically consolidated into a supplemental budget adjustment ordinance amending the original adopted budget. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Budget Adjustments. The 2OL9-2O2O biennial budget is amended to include budget fund adjustments for the first quarter of 20L9 from January 1to March 3L,20L9, as summarized and set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached and incorporated into this ordinance. Except 7 2O79-2O2O Budget Adjustment First Quarter 2079 as amended by this ordinance, all terms and provisions of the 20L9-2O2O biennial budget Ordinance No. 4296 shall remain unchanged. SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by Citv Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publication, as provided by law. LPH, MAYOR MaV 27. 20L9 Date Approved r?i\t Wle, Wf -,_@ovact\ ?r/rsf44^n ATTEST: KIMBERLEY A.MOTO, CITY CLERK D May 2L,20L9 Date Adopted Mav 24. 2OL9 Date Published ATTORN EY 2 2O79-2O2O Budget Adjustment First Quarter 2079 FUR*PATRICK, Exhibit A City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordinance Adjustments January Lr 2019 to March 31, 2019 Fund Title Previously Approved Approval Requested Total Adjustment Ordinance General Fund Street Fund Lodging Tax Fund Criminal Justice Fund Housing & Community Development Fund Non-Voted Debt Service Fund Street Capital Projects Drainage Operating Fund Insurance Funds Total 3,500,000 2,378,55O 765,49O 6,389,257 6,542,8,46 12,932JO3 285,867 219,600 5,24O 2,286,732 2,720 38,92O 3,448,984 285,867 2,296,732 2L9,600 5,24O 2,720 38,92O 6,948,984 2,378,55O 765,49O Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes January lt 2Ol9 to March 31, 2019 Approval Date or fllhar Frrnd Previously Approved by farrnail Not Previously Approved by Cou ncil Total Adjustment Ordina nce General Fund Carryover Budget -Parks Total General Fund Street Fund Transfer TIF monies to 224th-2281h Corridor project Total Street Fund Lodging Tax Fund 2019 Tourism Promotion Grant Awards Total Lodging Tax Fund Criminal Justice Fund Establish WASPC Grant Total Criminal Justice Fund Housing & Community Development Fund 2019 CDBG True-up Total Housing & Community Development Fund Non-Voted Debt Service Fund Excavator Lease 2019 Principal & lnterest Payments Total Non-Voted Debt Service Fund Street Capital Projects TIB Grant for South 228th Street Corridor Budget for mitigation contributions received 224th-228th Corridor for TlFs transferred in Total Street Capital Projects Fund Drainage Operating Fund Establish Kc cwM Grant - Downy Farmstead Adjust KC Grant - Watershed KC Flood Control Grant - Lower Russell Road Levee-S231st Total Drainage Operating Fund Insurance Funds Lake Meridian Restrooms Total fnsurance Funds Grand Total All Funds 20La rlts/19 KCC 3.70 Llrsl19 SEPA 2494 s/tB/18 L2/rUt8 3/6/tB 285,867 285,867 285,867 285,867 2,286,732 2,286,732 21286,732 2t286,732 219,600 219,600 219,6OO 5,240 219,600 5,240 5t24O 2,720 s,24O 2,720 2,720 38,920 2,72rJ 38,920 38,920 38,92O 3,5oo,ooo L,L62,252 2,286,732 3,500,000 L,L62,252 2,286,732 315OOrOOO 780,000 (125,000) L,723,550 3,448,98,4 6,948,984 780,000 (12s,000) L,723,55O 2,378,55O 2,378t55O 765,49O 765,49O 765,490 765,490, 6,389,257 6,542$46 L2t932,tO3 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COIJNTY OF KING l AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as aLegal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on l4ay 24thr2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $1 Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed sworn to me this24th day of May, 2019. Gale Gwin, Notary the State of Washington, Residing in Covington, Washington 12 Friday,May24,2019 KentReporter - Ptoiesslonal S6rvlceg Service Directo{y rf : .I a Lsgat Noflce3 DOCUMENTS Plans, spsificalions, ad- denda, and bidder's lislfor lhis projecl is avallable throuoh KentSchool Dislricl5 ontineplan room. Free ol charge, amess is Drovid-ed to Prime BiddersSubcontraclors, andVendors bv ooino to:http//bva.iom'and se-lmting "PostedProjects", "publicWorks", $roll to"Education" and "Kent School Districll' Biddersate encouraoed to "Register" in order to re-ceive automatic email notification ot future ad- denda and to be placedon lhe "Bidder's List. This on-line plan roomplovids Bidders wlth lully usable ontine dtru- ments wilh the abilitv to download, print to iourown printer, order lull/parlial plan sets from hundreds ol reprograph- rc sources {on-line orint order form), and a lreeon-line digitizer/take-offtool. Conlact Builders Exchange ol Washinq-ton at (42S) 258-t30rg should you require as- sistance. Drawinos lions miv ined al' L6gat Noflc63 ner orescribed bv lew Dated lhis 10t6 dav ot May 2019. Barbara Lopez lnterim Finance Dirfftor Citv of Kent, Washinoton Published in the "K€nr Reporler Mav 24 and Mai 3i, 2019.?8575s0 CIW OF KENT NOTICE OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES PASSED BYTHEcrw couNctl The following are sum. maries ol the resolutions and ordinances oassed by lhe Keni City Councit on May 21, 201 9.RESOLUTION NO. 1981 . A RESOLUTION of the Citv Council of the City ol kent, Washinq- ton, adopting lhe 2020 lhrough 2025 Six-Year Tlansporlalion lmprove- ment Prooram. This reso'lution shall take effect 8nd be in lorce im- mediately upon its pas- sage.RESOLUTION NO. 1982 . A RESOLUTION ol the Citv Council ol theCity of i(enl, Washino- lon. rocoonizino FlowerCourt - Neio}borhood Council. This resolution shall take effect and be in force im- mediately upon its pas- sage. ORDINANCE NO. 4323- AN ORDINANCE oflhe City Council of the City of Kent, Washing-ton, amendino section 3.70.230 of the Kent Citv Code to clarity and ex'-pand the Mavor's au, lhority to accedt dedica- tions to lhe City ol alt Property interests com- monly related to public infiastruclure improve- menls made as parl ol private developmenl peF m[ approvals. JC DENTUFE CLINIC Denlures starting al s550 Parlials slarlino at $880 - Relines startino al $250 - Repakyrelines in 24 hours Accepls ProviderOne Call 206-653-7621 - Home Ssrvtces Floor lnstatl/S€rvtc€ A.1 SHEER GARDENING & LANDSCAPING ' Cleanup'Trim ' Weed " Prune ' Sod. Seed' Bark' Rockerv' Backhoe ' Falios 425-226,3911 206-226-3345 Li6r AISHEGIodM ROOFING & REMODELING Senior Discounts Free Estimates Expert Work 253-850.5405Arerid con.C6ua.lort:- &[er8uinesBudau -_- LicIAMEFIGC94B Advertise your upcoming garage sale in your local community newspaper and online to reach thousands of Apaatmont3 months. No pharmaceu- ticals, call 206-755-0436 to $hedule. D6ntat Hom€ Servl@s khdscape Sorvlcss Home S6lvl@s kndscaF S€rvlcog Homo 56rvlc63 Rooflhg,/Sldtng I Sleve's I Gardening - New Sod ^ Beauty Bark ! - ,ili# ht - Patios - Relaining Wall - Sprinklers CALL STEVE 206-244-6043 425.336.951 1 LICdSTEVEGL9R2 -- householdsinyourarea.Home S€rvlc€sbwnlcatd€n sorvte uo onilne lo uaH.Sonffhssifieds.cm UH[AP YARO SERVICE AND A HAIIOYfiIATI Pressure washino outter cleanino. ei6. Fence, deck buitdino Concrete, Paintino &-Repahs. - And all yard services. 20&4124191 HANOYHY9lffi Call: l{fi}38&2527 Fax:360-59848m centets listed belowi Hohs S€rvlc€e Home Servlc€s Announ@mants ANNUAL SWAP IVEET! June 21-22: 6am-60m. trngrnes, rraclors, L;arParts, Tools & Col- lectibles. 3995 Brook- lake RD NE, Brooks OR.$6 admission, Vendor Booths $40. wi.branchl5ed0eta.or0/ nlmuswao meet.html NATIJRE.BASED PSo.RIASIS STUDYI Sub- jects clear after a fourleen day protmol.Remain clear for Builders Exchanoe ol Washinoton 2607 W"etrnore Avenue Everetl, WA 9820'1 (425) 258-1303 tending sealed This ordinance shall take eff€ct and be in force 30 days lrom and after ilspa$age, as provided by OFDINANCE NO. 4324AN ORDINANCE of Conlractor Plan Center5468 SE Internationat way Milwaukie. OR 97222 (503) 650-0148 www.conlractorplancen- ter,com Seatlle Dailv Journal of Commerce83 Columbia Street, t200 seatile, wA 98104 M.plancenter.dic.com MANbAToRy stfE INSPECTION Sile lnspectionr cen.eral Conlractors in- WAITE'S HOME REPAIB Any & All Home Bepais and RemodeIno. 25+ Ysrs Experie-nce Angie's List Awdtd Winneil Otfice: (253)288-9367 Cellr (253)569.8509 waileshoisrc!'etr@yahoo.com E Homs S6rvlc63 Prop€rly Malmenan€ Reach over a million potential customers when you advertise in the Service Directory CaJlSq!38&25? or w.Soundclasslf leds.6m Home Servlc6s T.@/Sh.ub Care lhe Citv Council ol the City of Kent, Washinq- ton, approving the con- solidating budoet adiust-ments made between January 1,2019 and March 31, 2019, reflect- ing an overall budget in- cr€ase of $12,932,103. This ordinance shall take eftect and be in forcetive days atler publica- tion, as provided bv law.A copy of the complete texl of anv ordinance or mercyallernaliveheallh.or0 PROMOTE YOUR RE. to submltbids must st-print& online 24n Office Hours: B-5pm Monday to Friday wwsound(lassifieds. Advertise your upcoming garage sale in your local community newspaper and online to reach thousands of households in your area. Go online to ffi.SilndClasdfieds.cun Call: 1-8@38&2527 Fax$6e5984800-- ffi .Soundolassilirds.cdn lind trhlr you ns.d 21 houB a Logal Notlc€g much tor vour MEDICA- TION? Sai,e up to 90o/o on RX refilll Order lodavand receive hei> shipping on 'lst order -prescription required. Call 1-866-685-690i. resolution will be mailed upon requesl ol ths Cifu Clerk. Kimberley A. Komolo, City Clerk 253'856-5725 Cityolerk@ KentWA.gov Published in lhe Kent Beporter May 24, 2019. #857698 INVITATION TO BID The Kent School Diskicl extends an invitation to qualified General Con- lractors to bid the con-skuction project here- atler identified as thePine Tree Elemenlarv Mulllpurpos Room. ' Projecl Scheduled Bid DaleSealed conslruction bids will be due at, or before 2;00 P.M. Tues- dav. June 18th. 2019al lhe following loca. ton: KENT SCHOOL DlsTRtcT NO.415 ADMINISTRATI GIONAL EVENT stat6- wide with a S325 ctassi, fied listing or $1,575 lora display ad. Call this newspaper or 360,344- 2938 for details, STILL PAYING TOO tend the mandatoruslte inspectlon conlerlence held at theschool. Meet in the courtyard, outside theschool admlnistralion office enltancel June 4lh. 2019 at O:00 P.M.SIIE: PINE TREE ELEMENTARY MULTI" PURPOSE ROOM27825 118TH Avenue Kent, WA 98030 Bidders atrivino atter 3:05 p,m. mav -not beadmitted. Subcontrac-lors and vendor atien- dance is welcome.BID SECURIry RE- OUIREMENIBid security, in lhe amount of 5% ol the bidsum Shall accomoanv each bid. Securitv ihail be made payable'lo the Kent School District oi- lher by cerlified chsk orbid bond isued bv a surety company licerisedto conduct business in Washinoton State. Dated ihis lsth Dav of May 2019 Dr. Calvin J. Watts Secretary to Kent School District Board Published in the Kent Beporter May 17,24, 2019. #856944 KENT CIW COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Transil Operations and Maintenance Facilities - Zonina Code Amen-dment find solutions to unique needs at noto you. 4148. Call 855"415- ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT NOTICE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DlsTRrcT #362 CIry OF KENT provements along EastValley Highway (84th Avenue South) from SFI167 to South 212th (om email: chssified@ mundpublishing com call tollfre 1.888.399.3999 ot 1.800.388.2527 ;ierinerf '| \ffs& : - Oomestlc Setvlcos Ad0ltlElder Care A PLACE FOF MOIVI has heiped over a million families find senior liv" local help your cosi ing. Our trusted, advisors For conskuction of im- Street as orovided bv Ordinance N6. 3833. Notice is herebv oiven that the eiohrh (8thl tn- stallment ol lhe assess-ment levied lor the above named improve- ment, comprising Locat lmprovement Diskict No.362 under Ordinance No. 3997, is now due and payable and unlss payment is made on or before June 10,2019, ON CENTER_BUILDING '12033 SE 256th Skeeta-{:' -r t',:E*r'uu iL{*l I said installment will be Kenl, Washington 98030-6643 PROJECT SCOPE The Kent School Districl wishes to contract set- vices to add a new Com-mons / Multi-Purpose Boom lo be located in the existino olavoround.PRoJEci ,' delinquent, will hav€ a penalty ol nine point five (9.5) percent added, and lhe collection of such de, linqugnt installment will be enlorced in the man- (onlinuedon Scenic Vista Senior Apartments 26404 '1 04th Ave SE Kent, WA 98030 Apartments Now Available Beautifull&2BRs, Call Susan About Move in Specials!! 253-520-9875 TDD:711 Ihis ali & Washing-*Clean Teolilo Contruclion lnc., n5 Free Landscaping lnc. Mowing, Weedina, Trimminq. Prunino, Cleanup, Pressure Washing, Mainlenance, Sod & Fences .Tree Service .Haulino.Weeding .Prunin-o .Hed0e Trim .Fence.Concrete rBark. New Sod & Seed .Aeraling & Thalching .Bemodelino Kilchen & Balh & Painling* Pressure Washino . Senior Discount FREE ESTIMATE 206-387-6100 LictHlliARML924JA HI MARK LANDSCAPING & GAFDENING CONSTRUCTION lnterior/ Exlerior Painlin0 and Home Repairs Build Wood Decks and Fences Patio Covers 253-35G323r 253-334.9564 #PUGflS@SKA ROOF REPLACEMENT Otfering a free roof estimate from a Family Owned Company, lncludes high quality install for an aflordabie price: by laclory lrained employees. As well as a protected an contract. Walls, Cali Harry 206-434-5271 Quality Asphalt Paving LLC Blackberry & Brush Removal {D lvy, Debris & Stump Removal 3 SmallBldg Demoltflon {} BobcavBackhoe f Concrete Removal {l Asphalt Removal I Lot Clearing I Excavation $ Hauling *h Free Estimates 253-261-O438 Bondrd & lnsur.d Lic, CARRlcl,9$ce Fence repalr & new fence installalion, Blackberry Removal, Gutter & R@l cleanino, Retaining wall, AND MUCH MORE, Check us out Online w,latlnoslawn andgaffLerl.com ALL LATINO'S LAWN & GARDEN Salisfaclion Guaranleed LOWEST PRICE Free Estimates Senior Discount Lic/Bondednnsured CALL JOSE 206-250-9073 TREE SERVICE Salislaclion Guaranleed LOWEST PBICE Free Estimates Senior Discouni Lic/Bonded/lnsured (206) 250-9705 PNW PAINTERS of our common Gel in touch lodsv to schedule your fr-e estimale: PHONE: (360)508.0538 EMAIL: pnwpslnlers llc@gmail.com VISIT: pnwpaintersllc.com Check us out on facebook too! Your Satisfsction ls lJ Iclrrrt w and you'll find looking for perienced for 0uI leam and to each painlers. simplo: al . gla(kbetry Brush Rentoyai. Pave6,Retalning Walls, feoces&Decks. l-lauhng,oobcatWork Eonded & inrlt€d Carison Crcek La0dscapln!. lnc. Ljdglnc s56q 253-261-0438 - n,lEHBiNTICE nextpage,..