HomeMy WebLinkAbout4323ORDINANCE NO. 4323 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending section 3.7O.23O of the Kent City Code to clarify and expand the Mayor's authority to accept dedicationsto the City of all property interests commonly related to public infrastructure improvements made as part of private development permit approvals, RECITALS A. As a condition of permit approval, the development of private property often requires the owner to build public infrastructure to ensure adequate facilities exist to accommodate growth and impacts resulting from the development. B. Such public infrastructure generally includes new streets, sewers, watermains, stormwater facilities, and frontage improvements. Typical construction involves building curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, installing streetlights, manholes, pipes, and valves, as well as planting street trees and other landscaping. Once a project is completed, ownership of the infrastructure is generally transferred or dedicated to the City for it to control and maintain. Re : D e d i c a t i o n of rni::rf:r:i::"";:z? ;1 C. As early as 2000, the City Council delegated authority to the Mayor to accept some types of property interests dedicated to the City as part of development approval. However, the current language of the Mayor's authority in KCC 3.70.230(E)(3) can make it difficult to determine whether the Mayor is authorized to accept a particular infrastructure improvement. Due to the many individual parts that make up public infrastructure and the different character of each type of improvement, it can be challenging in some instances to label or characterize the legal status of the property that is to be transferred. Depending on the circumstances, infrastructure may include, or be considered, personal property, real property, a fixture, dh appurtenance, or simply an improvement to real property. D. Under the current language of KCC 3.7O.23O, many dedications of public infrastructure must be brought before Council for acceptance, a mostly ministerial act requiring little or no substantive review. In order to streamline the process, it is necessary to clarify and expand the Mayor's authority to accept the dedication of all types of property interests commonly associated with the construction of public infrastructure as part of a private development's permit or regulatory approval. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIry OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Amendment Section 3.70.230 of the Kent City Code entitled "Mayor approval," is amended as follows: Amend KCC 3,7O.23O - Re: Dedication of Infrastructure to City 2 Sec. 3.7O.23O. Mayor approval. The mayor has signatory authority and may approve the following: A. Contracts - Over $20,000. All purchases or work valued at an amount in excess of $20,000 must be memorialized in a written contract and signed by the mayor. Any contract valued at an amount of $65,000 or less may be signed by the mayor without city council approval if funds are available within the existing budget to pay the associated contract costs. B. Change orders or contract amendments. The mayor is'authorized to approve and sign change orders or contract amendments that collectively are within 20 percent or $130,000 of the original contract amount, including any applicable taxes, whichever amount is greater, if sufficient funds remain within the existing project or city budget. C. Grant acceptance, award agreements, bequests, donationq or other gifts. The mayor is authorized to approve and sign any application requesting grant funds for various city purposes if the grant application requires. The mayor may also accept any grant, bequest, donation, or other gift in the amount of $65,000 or less, and is authorized to sign all documents necessary to receive the grant, bequest, donation, or other gift. In determining the total grant, bequest, donation, or gift amount for application of this section, the cost of any matching funds and the cost of fulfilling all conditions placed on the city's acceptance of the grant, bequest, donation, or gift must be included in the calculation. In order for the mayor to have the authority granted by this section, any matching funds required to obtain the grant, bequest, donation, or gift must be available within the existing budget. Upon the city's receipt of the grant, bequest, donation, or other gift funds as provided in this section, the finance director is authorized to amend the budget and authorize expenditure of the funds. The finance director may then include these funds in the budget adjustment ordinance. All reimbursement requests, Amend KCC 3.7O.23O - Re: Dedication of Infrastructure to City 3 vouchers, reports, or certification statements are to be signed by the director or designee in accordance with KCC 3.70.220(C)(1), D. Interlocal agreements. The mayor may approve and sign any agreement between the city and another public agency, including those entered into under the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 39.34 RCW, without council approval, so long as any money that may be paid or received by the city under the terms of the agreement, or any resources dedicated by the city to the cooperative effort, does not exceed $65,000, and any payment or dedicated resource obligation under the agreement may be paid through the existing budget, E. Real property interesfs. The mayor is specifically authorized to do the following: 1. To acquire and convey rights-of-way and other property interests by lease or purchase when the city council has dedicated sufficient funds for the lease or purchase within the existing annual budget or project budget. 2. To enter into any lease or other agreement conveying an interest in real property where the total annual amount paid or received under the agreement, or the total annual fair market value of the real property interest conferred, is $25,000 or less. However, no authority delegated under this section shall authorize approval of a lease or other agreement conveying an interest in real property for a term greater than two years, including all options to renew, without express approval of the city council. 3. To accept land, attachments, fixtures, improvements, appurtenances, and other real or personal property interests that are dedicated to the city as a condition of a private developer's development Amend KCC 3.7O.23O - Re: Dedication of Infrastructure to City 4 permit or regulatory approval, or to release the same as part of such development approval, subject to prior review and approval by the city attorney. F. Surplus. Except for real property, or utility equipment and property as provided for in RCW 35.94.040, as the same may be later amended, or property that is sold to another governmental entity that is valued over $50,000 as provided for in RCW 39,33.020, as the same may be later amended, the mayor, upon a director's recommendation, is authorized to surplus equipment or property the mayor determines is surplus to the city's needs, and the mayor may sell or otherwise dispose of such surplused equipment or property for fair market value or as otherwise allowed by law. G. Pass-through fee contracts. Service contracts entered into at no or a nominal cost to the city, but that result in any associated fee or charge being passed through to a party other than the city, such as an agreement with a collection company, may be approved and signed by the mayor, subject to prior review by the city attorney. H. Emergency. If an emergency exists as provided for in KCC 3.7O.110(B), the mayor may sign all documents and take all actions necessary to address the emergency. If council approval would have been required by KCC 3.7O.24O, the city council shall be subsequently notified, but formal ratification is not required. I. Collective bargaining agreements. Unless the terms of a collective bargaining agreement provide otherwise, the mayor is authorized to sign all agreements, or subsequent amendments to those agreements, with the city's bargaining units if the financial impact of the agreement or amendment is valued at $130,000 or less, and sufficient funds remain in the city's budget to cover that financial impact. If the financial impact is 5 Amend KCC 3.7O.23O - Re: Dedication of Infrastructure to City greater than $130,000, or if sufficient funds do not exist within the budget to cover the financial impact, council authorization must first be obtained before the mayor is authorized to sign the agreement or amendment. SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 da v s from and after its passage, as provided by law. May 21. 2OL9 DANA RALPH Date Approved ATTEST: bi lt bovcz Calvtor't KIMBERLEY A OTO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO ITY ATTORNEY Mav 21.zOLg Date Adopted Mav 24.2019 Date Published 6 Amend KCC 3.7O.23O - Re: Dedication of Infrastructure to City RTHUR'P FITZPATRI STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING }AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspapor, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King county, washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as aLegal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on May 24th,20t9. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$1 Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed to me this 24th day of May,2019. Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Covington, Washington 12 Friday, May 24,2019 Kent Reporter - Pro(esslonal Sorvlces D€ntal Servlces JC DENTURE CLINIC Denlures starlino at $550 Partials starting at $880 Relines starting at $250 Repairs/relines in 24 hours Accepts ProvidorOne Call 206-653-7621 - Hom6 Seavlceg Floo. lnstall/S€rvIc6 Handyperson Service Directo {v fr 4.1 SHEER GARDENING & LANDSCAPING ' Cleanup . Trim ' Weed t Prune . Sod- Seed " Bark* Rockerv' Backhoe ' Patios 425-226-3911 206.226-3345 LicT AISBEGLOSJM Adverlise your upcoming garage sale in your local community newspaper and onl'ne to reach thousands of households in your aroa. Go online to w.Sunfilasilie&,clrn Call:1-8W3W2527 Fax;36O598€800-- ffi.Sordolassif rds.com Steve's Gardening - New Sod - Beauty Bark - Weeding - Trimming - Pruning t&* - Patios - Relaining Wall - Sprinklers CALL STEVE 206-244-6043 425.336-951 1 LIC'STEVEGBsSZ Home Sorvlceg kwnlcarden Servlce Hom6 Servlcee ROOFING & REMODELING Senior Discounts Free Estimates Expert Work 253-850-5405hien Gen Cntactorl:- &ftsrBu$no$BuEau --'= Lici&Enlccgz3& Advertise your upcoming garags sale in your local community newspaper and online lo reach lhousands of households in your area. Go online to www.Somfilasdfieds.cm Call: 1{00-38&2527 Fax:36049&6800 Apartm€nts for Announc€m€ntg ner prescribed by law. Dated this 1oth dav ol Mav 2019. Ba/bara Lopez lnterim Finance Dhstor Citv ol Kent, Washinoton Published in the -Kenr Reporler l\ray 24 and May 31, 2019. #857580 -ow oF KEitr NOTICE OF BESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES PASSED BYTHE CITY COUNCIL The followino are sum- maries of th; resolulions and ordinances passed by the Kenl City Council on [ray 21, 2019.RESOLUTION NO. 1981 . A RESOLUTION of the Citu Council of the City of kenl, Washino- lon, adopling the 2020 through 2025 Six-Year Transporiation lmprove- ment Program. This resolution shall take effecl and be in lorce im- mediately upon its pas- sage.RESOLUTION NO. i982 - A RESOLUTION of the Citv Council of lhe City of kent, Washing- lon, recognizinq FlowerCourt Neiohborhood Council. This resolution shall take etfect and be in lorce im- medialely upon its pas- sage. ORDINANCE NO. 4323. AN ORoINANCE of the City Council of the City ol Kent, Washing-ion, amendino section 3.70.230 of lhe Kent Citv Code to clarifu and ex'- pand lhe lrdyor's au- lhority to a@epl dedica- lions to the City of all property interesls com- monly related to public infiastructure improve- ments made as parl ol private developmonl per mit approvals. This ordinance shall take etfect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. OBDINANCE NO. 4324- AN ORDINANCE of the Citv Council ol the City oi Kent, Washlng' lon, approving the con. solidating budget adjust-menls made between January 1, 2019 and irarch 31, 2019, retlecl- ing an overall budget in- crease ol $12,932,103. This ordinance shall take etfect and be in force five days after publica- lion, as provided by law A copy ol the complete text of any ordinance or rsolution will be mailed upon requsl of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk 253-856-5725 Citycl6rk@ KentWA.gov Published in the Kent Reporter May 24, 2019. #857698 DOCUMENTS Plans, sp@ifications, ad- denda, and bidder's listfor this project is available throuoh Kent School Districl'; onlineplan room, Free of charge, acces is provid-ed lo Prime Bidders,Subconkactors, and Vendors by going tol http://bva.com and se-Itrling "PostedProjects", "PublicWorks", scroll to "Education" and "Kent School Districtl' Biddersare encouraoed to "Begistef'ln orier lo re-ceive automatic email notification of tuture ad- denda and lo be placedon lhe "Bidder's Lisf' This on-line plan roomprovides Bidders wlth fully usable on-line d@u- menls with the abilitv io download, prinl to iourown prlnter, order fulYpartial plan sets from hundreds of reprograph-ic sources (online print order form), and a free on-line dioitizer/take-otftool. Condct Builders Exchange ot Washing-ton at (425) 258-1303 should you require as. sistance. and spsifica- also be exam- Legal Noilc€s INVITATION TO BID The Kent School Districl extends an invitation to qualilied General Con- kactors to bid the con- Logal Notlces I I -- Home Servlces Hom6 Servle. bndscapoS6rvlce6 LandscaEservles UTIAP IATIU I'tHVII;E AIID A lIANDYMA}I Pressure washing outter cleanino. etc. Frence, deck biiitdino Concrete, Paintinq &- Repairs. - And all yard services. 2064124191 HNDYHY9I M Builders - Hohe Servlc€s WAITE'S HOME REPAIR Any & All Home Repairs and Remodelino. 25+ Years Experie"nce Anoie's List Awad Winneil Otlice: (253)288-9367 Cell: (253)569-8509 walteshonorepah@yaft oo.com - Hom€ Servlces PTofrty Maldenane Home Servlc€g Tr@/Shrub Care - Domestlc Sarvlcss Adult/Eld6r CaE A PLACE FOR I\4OM has helped over a million families find senior liv- ing. Our trusted, localadvisors helplind solutions to vour unique needs at no'coslto you. Call 855-415- 4148. ANNUAL SWAP MEET! June 2l-22; 6am-6pm, Englnes, Tractors, CarParts, Tools & Col- lectibles. 3995 Brook- lake RD NE, Brooks OR.$6 admission, Vendor Booths $40. M.branchl5ed0ela.or0/ hlml/swao meel.hlml NATUHE€ASED PSO: RIASIS STUDYI Sub-jects clear after a fourle€n day prottrol.Remain clear for months. No pharmaceu- ticals, call 206-755-0436 to schedule. mercyallernativeheallh.or0 PROMOTE YOUN FE. GIONAL EVENT state- wide with a $325 classi- lied listing or $1,575 fora display ad. Call this newspaper or 360-344- 2938 lor details. STiiL PAyTNG roo much for vour MEDICA- TION? Saie up to g0% on RX refilll Order todayand rtreive lree shipping on 1st ord6r -prescriplion required. Call 1-866-68s.6901. way lvilwaukie, OFt 97222 (503) 650-0148 www.contractorplancen- ter.com Seattle Dailv Journal of Commerce83 Columbia Street, #200 Seattle, WA 98104 sW.Dlanc€nter.dic.com MANbATORY SIfE INSPECTION Sile lnspectionl Gen-eral Conlractors in.tending to submit$aled bids must at.tend lhe mandatorusite inspecUon contei.ence held at theschool, Meet in the print& online 24n Office Hours: 8-5pm Monday to Friday L€gal Notlces outslde the administrstlon enlrgnce: PINE TFEE MULTI. FOOM 118TH Avenue wA 98030 arriving atter may not be Subconirac- vendor 8tten. welcome. ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT NOTICE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DrsTRtcT #362 CITY OF KENT ln the bid msoundclassifieds" (om email: rlassified@ mundpublishing. (om call tollfree rJ88.399.3999 or 1.800.388,2527 ,ik, . V'lsfr i Reach over a mlllion potential customers when you advertise in the Seruice Directory CallS)G3S&25Zor ww.SoundClssitieds.m For conslruction ol im- provements along EastValley Highway (84th Avenue Soulhl lrom SR167 to South 2121h Street as provided bv Ordinance No. 3833. Notice is hereby given thal the eighlh (8th) in- slallmenl ol the ass6s-ment levied for the above named improve' ment, comprisinq Local lmprovemenl Dislrict No.362 under Ordinance No.3997, is now due and payable and unless payment is made on or before June 10, 2019, said installm€nt will be delinquent, will have a penalty ol nine point five (9.5) percent added, and the collection of such de- linquent inslallment will be enforced in lhe man- skuction project after identified here- sumas lhe each Pine Tree Elemeniary Multipurpose Room. Proiect Scheduled Bid DateSealed construction amount of be the Dislricl ei- ther check or bid i$ued by a surety company licensedlo conduct business in KENT CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the tion: bids will be due at, or belore 2:00 P.M, Tues- day. June 18th.2019 at the following loca- Washinqton State. Dated ihis 15lh Dav ol May 2019 Dr. Calvin J. Watts Secretary to Kent School Dislrict Board Published in the KentRepotlet May 17, 24, 2019. #856944 KENT SCHOOL DrgTRtcT NO.415 ADMINISTRATION CENTER-BUILDING 'B' 12033 SE 256th Skeet Kenl, Washinglon 98030.6643 PROJECT SCOPE The Kent School District wishes to conlract ser- vices to add a new Com-mons / Multi-Purpose Room to be located in the exisling playground. PEOJECT Transit Operations and Maintenance Facililies. 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