HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-320 - Original - CSDC Systems, Inc. - Amanda - Kiva Permit Replacement System - 05/13/2019 KENT Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Vendor Name: CSDC Systems, Inc. Vendor Number (7DE): 335218 Contract Number (City Clerk): Ch&-,okOl " 3oZ C> Category: _Contract Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): None Project Name: Amanda (Kiva Permit System Replacement) Contract Execution Date: 05/13/19 Termination Date: 05/12/20 Contract Manager: Somen Palit Department: IT Contract Amount: $172591435.24 Budgeted: 7 Grant? Part of NEW Budget: Local: State: Federal: Related to a New Position: Anything preventing public disclosure? Basis for Selection of Contractor? Other Approval Authority: 1:1 Director Mayor 1 / City Council Other Details: Initial Procurement 8.E KENT w/.J-N G T O N DATE: April 16, 2019 TO: Kent City Council SUBJECT: Agreement with CSDC, Inc, for the Amanda Permitting and Land Management Software - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to enter into agreements with CSDC Inc, to replace the existing Kiva system with Amanda, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director and the City Attorney, for a total amount not to exceed $1,679,120. SUMMARY: The City's Information Technology Department is assisting the Economic and Community Development Department in its replacement of the end- of-life Kiva system. This replacement is currently expected to cost no more than $1,679,120. CSDC's Amanda solution for permitting and land management has been identified through discovery and analysis to be the solution that meets the City's business and technical requirements. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Evolving Infrastructure, Sustainable Services ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit A-CSDC Master License and Services Agreement (PDF) 2. Exhibit B-CSDC Amanda SOW 0 (PDF) 3. Exhibit C-CSDC Amanda SOW 1 (PDF) 4. Exhibit D-CSDC Amanda SOW 2 (PDF) 5. Exhibit E-Permit and Land Management System Replacement Position Paper (PDF) 6. Exhibit F-Critical Path Diagram-Business Systems (PDF) 04/02/19 Operations Committee RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL Packet Pg. 87 8.E RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [UNANIMOUS]Next: 4/16/2019 7:00 PM MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: Dennis Higgins, Councilmember AYES: Les Thomas, Bill Boyce, Dennis Higgins Packet Pg. 88 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Mike Carrington, Director Phone: 253-856-4607 Fax: 253-856-4700 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 DATE: April 2, 2019 TO: Operations Committee FROM: Mike Carrington, Director Somen Palit, Technology Innovation Manager SUBJECT: Replace End-of-Life Kiva System - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to enter into agreements with CSDC Inc., to replace the existing Kiva system with Amanda, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director and the City Attorney, for a total amount not to exceed $1,679,120.00. SUMMARY: The City's Information Technology Department is assisting the Economic and Community Development Department in its replacement of the Kiva system. This replacement is currently expected to cost no more than $1,679,120.00. CSDC's Amanda solution for permitting and land management has been identified through discovery and anlaysis to be the solution that meets the City's business and technical requirements. EXHIBITS: A. Master License and Services Agreement B. CSDC Amanda SOW 0 C. CSDC Amanda SOW 1 D. CSDC Amanda SOW 2 E. Permit and Land Management System Replacement Position Paper F. Critical Path Diagram-Business Systems t o 0 0 0 # % (0m # 0 0 9 9 o a / a R 0 3 a / \ / Cl) % 2 \ a a c 7 2 ^ ° % % ƒ R & & \ q 7 R � $ % � c & % % 5 ' % m < A 0 } 6 ¢ } w 0 0 C / - / / / k § M O ƒ_ o $ o X c e m m = 0 ® 5 U ^ ~ m $ w O © co k 2 / N / /0E L) / & no « 6b k 3 � co 2 0 ® f q 3 2 / LO 77 \ \ O O O > / O / / 0 a �® § / c cm 2 5 a 2 3 / / = o b § / § ƒ a)U) 2 \ \ f p ƒ e m o / 5 E C) _ / r- E (n 2 ƒ / / / = L _ / E . 6 o > 4 N % / _ ^ % ? X. 2 \ 6 a ƒ o E J ¥ Q 05 � § / f § / 2 ^ 2 / $ / Fo / / $ / / / \ / / �t . 0 E / ) \ \ \ % 2 a) 2 a > a £� / kk\ E 'k/ ko \ \\ 7 2 -C 07 a) E a) m 0- E _ 7 $ '/ O % § f \ 9) 7 � ; g@ \ f 2 # % / m / \ U 2 �j / 2 E § \ 2 - e .§ o G o 0') k �/ E / \ 2 k / a) N / 2 = o [ ) o / f ° a ? f § 0. m . 6 0 2 coJ # m 2 � - m r t « DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A CSDC MASTER LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT This CSDC Master License and Services Agreement ("MLSA") is effective as of_May 13, 2019 ("Effective Date") and is between the CSDC entity defined in Section 2 of the General Terms below ("CSDC") and the government office or agency(the "Purchaser") identified in an Order, as the term Order is defined below. This MLSA consists of the general terms stated in the main body of the agreement that are applicable to all of CSDC's products and services ("General Terms") and Exhibits stating terms applicable to specific products or services ("Product Specific Terms"), as follows: Exhibit A: On Premises Software License Exhibit B: Hosted Software Services Exhibit C: Support Terms Exhibit D: Professional Services GENERAL TERMS 1. AGREEMENT Purchaser and CSDC expect to enter into one or more orders, statements of work, service orders, or other transaction documents under which Purchaser will purchase CSDC software licenses and related services. A transaction document becomes a binding agreement between Purchaser and CSDC (an "Order") when Purchaser has signed and submitted the order document prepared by CSDC for Purchaser's signature and CSDC has accepted the order document. CSDC may accept an order document by counter-signing and returning it or by delivering the licenses or beginning the service, as applicable,as further described in the applicable Product Specific Terms. Nothing in this MLSA obligates the Purchaser to purchase,or CSDC to provide,any licenses or services. Each Order that is entered into is a binding commitment for the purchase and sale of the licenses and services described in the Order, subject to the terms, conditions, and restrictions stated in this MLSA. 2. DEFINED TERMS The following words,when capitalized, have the meaning stated: Agreement means, collectively, this MLSA, the Order(s), and any addenda, appendix, or exhibit attached to any of them, as any of them may be amended pursuant to Section 25.4(Amendments). Business Day means Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. —5:00 p.m. United States Pacific Time, excluding federal public holidays in the United States. CSDC means the CSDC Affiliate identified in the Order,or if none is identified, CSDC Inc., a Delaware corporation. CSDC Configuration Requirements means the CSDC specifications stated in an Order or in the applicable Documentation for the use of the Software. Confidential Information means all information disclosed by one party to the other party,on any media,whether before or after the effective date of the Agreement that: (i)the recipient should reasonably understand to be 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A confidential, such as (A)for Purchaser, all Purchaser Information, and (B)for CSDC, unpublished prices and other terms of service, audit and security reports, product development plans, network configuration, vendors and other proprietary information or technology; or (ii) is marked or otherwise conspicuously designated as confidential. Information that is independently developed by a party without reference to the other's Confidential Information, or that becomes available to a party, other than through violation of this Agreement or applicable law, is not"Confidential Information" of the other party. Confidential Information includes information disclosed by making tangible objects or premises available for inspection. Documentation means the general release version of the user and administrator materials and information describing the general release Software and Services. The term "Documentation" does not include any FAQ, Whitepapers,or marketing materials. Enhancement means general release functional enhancements to the Software that CSDC includes as part of its standard Software license offering without additional charge. Hosted Software Services means CSDC's provision of remote access via the Internet to a dedicated instance of the Software, and Support for that dedicated instance. Maintenance means Updates and Enhancements to the Software provided to Purchaser as part of a subscription for Hosted Services or as part of a Support Plan. Malware means viruses,spyware,adware,or other unauthorized code or information that is designed to interrupt the normal use of the Software or the systems on which any part of the Software is installed, destroy or corrupt any data, or covertly transmit information regarding Purchaser or the Users to a third-party. Open Source Software license means a software license that requires the licensee to make software available in source code form or license the software on a royalty free basis. Personal Data means any information about an identified or identifiable natural person that is transmitted to, stored, or otherwise processed by CSDC to provide Services. Product means, collectively, the licenses, Support Plans, and Hosted Software Services offered by CSDC on a general release basis, and purchased by Purchaser under an Order. Purchaser Information means all data or information that is processed by Purchaser using the Software or that is processed by CSDC as part of providing Software Services, including Personal Data. Public Users means the members of the public with whom Purchaser is authorized to interact under applicable statutes, regulations, or other government authorization, such as individuals or businesses seeking permits or licenses. Purchaser Users means Purchaser's personnel authorized by Purchaser to use the Software or the administrative features of the Services. Service or Services means, collectively, Support, Hosted Software Services, Professional Services, and any other services provided by CSDC to Purchaser related to the subject matter of the Agreement. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Software means the CSDC software described in an Order or made available for Purchaser's or Public Users' use in connection with the subject matter of an Order, and related Documentation, but excluding any Third-Party Technology as defined below. For clarity, the term "Software" includes all of the following made available to Purchaser or Public Users by CSDC as part of a Support Plan, or otherwise: (i) Updates, Enhancements, and other modifications; (ii) any application programming interface ("API") or other control plane, dashboard, or other interface; (iii) any online portal for the management of Purchaser's account; and (iv) any analytics or other tools provided by CSDC for use with the Software or Services. Support means technical assistance and Maintenance provided pursuant to Exhibit C,Support Terms. Third-Party Technology means software or other technology that Purchaser licenses directly from the third-party licensor for use with the Software or Services provided by CSDC. Third-Party Technology includes technology that CSDC offers as a license reseller for the third party but that is covered by a separate end user license agreement between the licensor and Purchaser. Unsupported has the meaning given in Section 8 (Unsupported Software and Services). Update means bug fixes,error corrections, and minor changes to the Software. 3. SOFTWARE LICENSE 3.1 General License Terms. The executable version of the Software is licensed to Purchaser on a non-exclusive basis solely for use in connection with the licensing, permitting, regulatory compliance, docket management, information requests,or other government activities that Purchaser is authorized by law to provide. The Software is licensed for a limited term unless the applicable Order expressly states that the license is"perpetual." The term of each license is stated in the Order or, if no term is stated, is one year. The license may not be assigned except as part of an assignment of the Agreement that is permitted by Section 22 (Assignment). Purchaser may permit the use of the Software only by Purchaser Users and Public Users and may not otherwise sublicense or permit the use of the Software by any other person. Unless stated in the Product Specific Terms or the Order,the license is worldwide, subject to applicable export law. The license is subject to the following conditions and restrictions: (i) Fee Metric. Purchaser may not permit the use of the Software in excess of the applicable licensing metric, such as user"seats"; (i i) High Risk Use. Purchaser may not use the Software in any situation where failure or fault of the Software could lead to death or serious bodily injury of any person or damage to tangible property or environmental damage; (iii) Reverse Engineering. Purchaser may not reverse engineer, disassemble, or decompile the Software or attempt to discover any underlying algorithm or method embodied by the Software except to the extent applicable law permits such activity notwithstanding this limitation,and then only on advance written notice to CSDC of at least thirty(30) days; (iv) Modifications. Except as expressly authorized under a separate written agreement, Purchaser may not modify the Software,combine the Software with other software,or create any derivative works of the Software; 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A (v) Competing Services. Purchaser may not use,and may not permit any person to use,the Software for the purpose of developing a competing software program or service; and (vi) Performance Analysis. Purchaser may not publish any benchmarking results or other performance analysis. 3.2 Product Specific License Terms. The license is subject to additional conditions and restrictions stated in Exhibit A(On Premises Software License) or Exhibit B (Hosted Software Services),as applicable. 3.3 Evaluation, Proof of Concept. If CSDC authorizes Purchaser to use the Software on an evaluation, "proof of concept," or similar basis (with or without charge) (an "Evaluation License"), the following additional terms, conditions and restrictions apply unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing: (i)the license term is ninety (90) days and may be terminated by CSDC prior to expiration at any time on written notice, with or without cause; (ii)the Software may not be used to process or store production data or Personal Data; (iii)the Software is "Unsupported" during the term of the Evaluation License; and (iv) Purchaser's continued use of the Software beyond the ninety (90) day shall constitute a purchase of a license for the Software, and CSDC will invoice Purchaser for the Software at its current list price. 4. SOFTWARE WARRANTY 4.1 Product Warranty and Remedies. For the applicable warranty period,subject to the conditions and exclusions described below in this Section 4, CSDC warrants that:(i)the general release version of Software will substantially conform to the applicable Documentation; and (ii)the media on which the Software is provided will be free from material defects. The applicable warranty period is stated on the Product Specific Exhibit. As Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedies, and CSDC's sole and exclusive obligations, for a breach of the warranty stated in this Section 4.1, CSDC will repair or replace the non-conforming element of the Software or re-deliver the Software on non-defective media, as applicable, provided that if repair or replacement is not commercially feasible then CSDC may terminate the applicable Order and related licenses and refund any license fees paid by Purchaser. 4.2 Conditions and Exclusions. As a condition to the warranty remedy under Section 4.1, Purchaser must give notice of the warranty breach during the warranty period or within thirty(30) days after the end of the warranty period and must cooperate with CSDC's reasonable requests for information and assistance, including information necessary to reproduce the defect. The warranty does not apply to the extent a failure is due to: (i) Purchaser's failure to comply with the installation,operation,environmental,and other requirements or specifications stated in the Order or the Documentation; (ii)fire, flood, or other casualty; (iii)any configuration or implementation of the Software implemented by Purchaser or a third party (other than a CSDC subcontractor acting under this Agreement); (iv) any Unsupported Software or Services; or (v)the interoperation between the general release version of the Software and any custom modules, non-standard extensions,or Unsupported technology element. In addition,the warranty does not apply if the failure is due to the interoperation between the Software and any Third-Party Technology unless otherwise expressly agreed in the Order. S. SUPPORT,SUPPORT WARRANTY 5.1 Software Support. CSDC will provide Support for On Premises Software License Products described on Exhibit A and for the Software elements of the Hosted Software Service described on Exhibit B in accordance with the terms stated in Exhibit C,Support Terms. 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A 5.2 Software Support Warranty. CSDC warrants that it will provide Support in a professional manner using personnel who have appropriate education,experience,and skill. Purchaser's exclusive remedy for CSDC's failure to meet its Support warranty stated in this Section 5.2 is to require CSDC to correct or re-perform the deficient Support, or, if CSDC fails to correct or re-perform the deficient Support,to terminate the applicable Support Plan effective as of the next annual anniversary of the Support term, and receive a refund of any applicable prepaid Support fees attributable to the period after the effective date of such termination. In addition, if CSDC's failure to meet the Support warranty materially impairs the use of the Software or results in a material security vulnerability, Purchaser may terminate the Software license covered by such Support Plan effective as of the next annual anniversary of the Support term, and receive a refund of: (i) any applicable prepaid Software license fees attributable to the period after the effective date of such termination (which for a perpetual license shall be based on an assumed five (5) year license life); and (ii) any applicable prepaid fees for related hosting services attributable to the period after the effective date of such termination if the Software Product is a Hosted Software Service. To be eligible for a refund of fees described in this Section 5.2 Purchaser must: (i)give CSDC reasonably prompt notice describing the warranty breach in reasonable detail; (ii) cooperate with any requests for information and cooperation by CSDC to diagnose the issue, including any effort to reproduce a Software failure; and (iii) give CSDC a reasonable period of at least thirty(30) days to correct or re-perform the deficient Support. 5.3 Infrastructure Elements of Hosted Software Service. If CSDC provides Hosted Software Services, then in addition to the Software Support described above, CSDC will provide technical assistance for the infrastructure services element of the Product as described in Exhibit B (Hosted Software Services). CSDC does not provide any warranty or service level commitment in connection with the infrastructure elements of the Hosted Software Services but will make reasonable efforts to pass through any warranty or service level commitments made by the infrastructure services provider as further described on Exhibit B. 5.4 Other Services. Unless otherwise expressly stated in the applicable Order, CSDC is not obligated to provide any technical assistance, maintenance, or other services for software delivered pursuant to an Order for Professional Services. If CSDC provides any services it is not required to provide,the services are provided AS IS and AS AVAILABLE, with no representation or warranty whatsoever. 5.5. Other Warranties. CSDC makes the following additional warranties: 5.5.1 Malware. The Software will not include any Malware on delivery,and CSDC shall use reasonable commercial efforts to avoid introducing Malware to the Software or the systems on which the Software is installed. CSDC's specific safeguards regarding Malware are described in its Security Materials to be provided to Purchaser on request as provided in Section 10 (Security). 5.5.2 Infringement. Purchaser's use of the Software as permitted by the Agreement will not infringe on any third- party patents,copyrights,trademark,trade secrets or other intellectual property right of a third person, provided that Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy for a breach of this warranty is indemnification as provided in Section 18 (Indemnification) below. 5.5.3 Open Source Software. Purchaser's use of the Software as permitted by the Agreement will not result in the licensing of any Purchaser software under an Open Source Software License unless otherwise expressly and conspicuously agreed in an Order for Professional Services. 6. RESERVED. 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A 7. FEES 7.1 Fees. Fees are stated in the applicable Order. Unless otherwise stated in the Order,CSDC may invoice its fees at the following times: (i) Order effective date for implementation Services and set up fees;(ii) annually in advance for monthly recurring fees;(iii) at the completion of the Services for any other Professional Services,or completion of Service milestones if Service milestones are defined in the Order. Unless otherwise agreed in an Order, CSDC may not increase its fees except as follows: (i) as of the effective date of the Order renewal term, provided CSDC has given at least ninety(90)days advance written notice of the fee increase;(ii) if Purchaser has purchased Third- Party Technology software through CSDC and the third-party licensor increases its fee to Purchaser, provided that CSDC has given at least thirty (30) days written notice of the increase;and (iii)for Hosted Software Services if the third-party infrastructure services provider has increased its fees. Fees are non-refundable except as expressly stated otherwise in this MLSA or the Order. 7.2 Expenses. Purchaser is not required to pay any CSDC expenses unless expressly required by an Order or other written agreement. If the Order includes Purchaser-paid travel expenses,CSDC may invoice its reasonable air and ground transportation, lodging, meals, and reasonable incidentals (such as fees for wifi connections). CSDC will provide receipts or other reasonably,customary evidence to support its expense invoices. CSDC may,at its option, invoice authorized travel expenses in advance of the travel, provided that CSDC must refund any collected amounts, less any non-refundable expenses already incurred, if Purchaser cancels the travel. 7.3 Taxes. Fees are stated exclusive of any sales, value added, use, excise, goods and services, import/export duties and levies, and like transactions taxes ("Sales Tax"). Purchaser must pay CSDC Sales Tax that CSDC is required to collect and remit unless Purchaser has provided reasonably satisfactory evidence of a tax exemption in advance of invoicing. Purchaser may not withhold any taxes from fee payments, except for withholding (or similar) taxes that Purchaser is legally required to withhold under laws applicable to Purchaser. If Purchaser withholds any taxes,it shall promptly provide documentation of the withholding as reasonably requested by CSDC, including documentation necessary to support CSDC's claim for any foreign tax withholding credit. 7.4 Payments. Fees are due thirty (30) days from invoice date. Fees must be paid in U.S. Dollars unless another currency is stated in the Order. Unless otherwise agreed, Purchaser must establish and maintain authorizations necessary for Purchaser to pay its invoices via ACH. Subject to Section 7.5 (Fee Disputes), CSDC may charge interest on overdue amounts at the lesser of 1.5% per month or the highest non-usurious rate under applicable law. Subject to Section 7.5(Fee Disputes), if any payment is more than fifteen(15)days past due and has not been cured within fifteen (15) days of CSDC's notice of the overdue payment, CSDC may suspend all or any part of Purchaser's Services or begin legal collection efforts, or both. CSDC may charge Purchaser a reasonable fee to reinstate its Services after a suspension and may recover from Purchaser its reasonable expense of collection, including court costs and attorney fees. 7.5 Fee Disputes. CSDC may not charge late interest, suspend services, or pursue other collection activity for a period of thirty(30)days from the invoice due date with respect to any invoiced amount that Purchaser disputes in good faith, provided that: (i) Purchaser has given notice of the dispute prior to the invoice due date, (ii) Purchaser's notice describes the grounds for the dispute in reasonable detail; (iii) Purchaser has timely paid undisputed amounts; and (iv) Purchaser cooperates with CSDC's requests for information in connection with the dispute. Purchaser and CSDC must negotiate in good faith to resolve the dispute during the thirty(30)day period. If the dispute is not resolved by the end of the thirty(30) day period,then each party is free to pursue resolution of the dispute using all legally available means. 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A 8. UNSUPPORTED SOFTWARE AND SERVICES If Purchaser asks CSDC to provide a non-standard configuration or implementation of Software or Services, CSDC may refuse,or may designate the non-standard Software or Services as"non-standard", "reasonable endeavors," "unsupported," "best efforts," or with like designation in the Order, support ticket or other agreement or correspondence (collectively "Unsupported" Software or Services). Unsupported Software and Services are not covered by warranties, service level agreements, security commitments, maintenance or support commitments, or indemnities, and may not be used to process or store Personal Data. If Purchaser requests assistance with Unsupported Software or Services, CSDC will provide good faith technical assistance using its available personnel who have generalized skill and training in information technology systems. Otherwise Unsupported Software or Services are provided AS IS and AS AVAILABLE with no representation or warranty whatsoever. CSDC is not responsible to Purchaser for any loss or damage arising from the provision of Unsupported Software or Services. 9. THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY 9.1 Disclaimers. Third-Party Technology is not"Software" or"Services" under the terms of this Agreement and is Unsupported as provided in Section 8(Unsupported Software and Services),even if CSDC purchases a license or subscription for Third-Party Technology on your behalf. CSDC may provide limited technical assistance in connection with the interoperation of Third-Party Technology with its Software and Services, but the assistance is provided AS IS and AS AVAILABLE, and CSDC makes no commitment whatsoever with respect to the Third-Party Technology. 9.2 Purchaser Provided Licenses. If Purchaser provides any Third-Party Technology to CSDC for use in connection with the Software or Services, Purchaser represents and warrants to CSDC that it has the licenses and other authorizations from the third party that are necessary for the use contemplated by the Agreement. On CSDC's request, Purchaser will provide reasonable evidence of its compliance with this Section 9.2. Purchaser authorizes CSDC to cooperate with any reasonable request from the third party for information regarding Purchaser's compliance with the third party's license or other terms and conditions covering Third-Party Technology. 9.3 Referrals to Third-Party Service Providers. As a convenience to Purchaser, CSDC may identify unaffiliated third parties who perform technology management, migration,or other services useful to Purchaser. CSDC does not endorse any third party, and makes no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding third parties it identifies for Purchaser's consideration. Purchaser are responsible for investigating the third party's qualifications and skills. 10. SECURITY On request, CSDC will make available to Purchaser its materials documenting CSDC's security safeguards (the "Security Materials"). Purchaser acknowledges that the Security Materials are sensitive Confidential Information of CSDC and may be viewed and distributed only within Purchaser's organization on a need-to-know basis, unless disclosure to others is otherwise required by law, court order, or subpoena. Purchaser acknowledges that CSDC is not responsible for any loss or harm suffered by Purchaser or a User resulting from a security incident except to the extent the security incident results from CSDC's failure to comply with the safeguards described in the Security Materials. Purchaser is responsible for determining if CSDC's safeguards meet applicable regulatory standards and otherwise comply with Purchaser's security requirements. 7 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A 11. PRIVACY Personal Data is Purchaser "Confidential Information" covered by the CSDC commitments stated in Section 15 (Confidential Information). CSDC makes the following additional commitments regarding Personal Data: (i)CSDC will provide Purchaser with access to the Personal Data as necessary for Purchaser to comply with applicable legal requirements for access, destruction, or modification of the Personal Data at the request of a data subject; and (ii) CSDC will notify Purchaser in writing without undue delay if it discovers that any Personal Data has been accessed, used, disclosed, destroyed, or corrupted other than as permitted by this Agreement, will provide all information reasonably available to it regarding the reported event, and will cooperate with Purchaser's reasonable requests to mitigate and remediate the event. 12. PURCHASER OBLIGATIONS 12.1 Security. Purchaser must use reasonable security in connection with its use of the Software and Services, such as requiring users to establish reasonably complex passwords, and using commercially available Malware scanning on its own systems. The Software is designed to be configurable to Purchaser's specifications. Purchaser is responsible for determining if the Software configuration chosen by Purchaser meets its security requirements. 12.2 Account Contacts and Access Control Lists. Purchaser shall update its account contacts and access control lists so that they remain accurate at all times. Purchaser acknowledges that CSDC may act on the instructions of an individual who is designated by Purchaser as having the authority to give the instruction in the Purchaser Support Portal until Purchaser has removed the individual from that role using the means provided via the Support Portal. 12.3 Compliance with Law. Purchaser must use all CSDC software, services, technology or materials, including the Software and the Services (the "CSDC Technology") in compliance with applicable law, including the laws described in Sections 12.3.1 and 12.3.2 below. 12.3.1 Privacy Laws. Purchaser represents and warrants that its use and disclosure of the Purchaser Information to CSDC and CSDC's authorized use and disclosure of the Purchaser Information as necessary to provide the Products, does not infringe or violate the intellectual property rights or other legal rights of any third party, such as rights of publicity or the privacy of data subjects under applicable data protection laws. Specifically, but without limitation, Purchaser represents and warrants that it, where required by applicable law, has obtained consent from the data subjects for CSDC's use and disclosure of Purchaser's Personal Data as required or permitted by this Agreement. 12.3.2 Export Laws. Purchaser may not permit any person to access or use the CSDC Technology in a U.S.-embargoed country or in violation of any U.S. export law or regulation, or in a manner that causes CSDC to be in violation of U.S.export laws,even if the use is permitted by the laws applicable to Purchaser or Users. For example: (i) Purchaser may not authorize any person to use or access the CSDC Technology if that person is on the list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons issued by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), or is located in or is a national of any country that is embargoed under United States export laws; (ii) Purchaser may not use or permit the use of any CSDC Technology to process or store any data that is subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations maintained by the U.S. Department of State;and(iii) Purchaser may not permit the use of the CSDC Technology by any person who Purchaser knows or has reason to know will utilize them in the design, development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or rocket systems, space 8 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A launch vehicles, or sounding rockets, or unmanned air vehicle systems. Each party represents that it is not on any restricted persons list maintained by the U.S.,Canada,or any member of the European Union. 12.4 Specially Regulated Data. Unless expressly permitted by the terms of the Order, Purchaser may not use the Software or Services to process any protected personal health information subject to U.S. "HIPAA" or "PIPEDA" regulations, any payment card data, or any other data subject to a special regulatory or industry security requirement or specification. 13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 13.1 Purchaser IP. Purchaser retains all right,title,and interest in and to the Purchaser Information and all related intellectual property rights, including the content of reports and other output generated by Purchaser by using the Software or the Services, and any modifications to the Purchaser Information that result from the use of the Software or Services. CSDC may use Purchaser Information solely for the purpose of providing Services in accordance with the Agreement. 13.2 CSDC IP. Except for any deliverables expressly identified in an Order for Professional Services as"Purchaser- Owned Deliverables," CSDC retains all right,title, and interest in and to its Software and Services technology, and any and all information and processes used to deliver or provide the Software or the Services, whether existing prior to the date of the Agreement, or conceived, discovered, developed, authored, reduced to practice, or otherwise created as part of providing the Software or Services. 13.3 Feedback. Purchaser hereby licenses to CSDC any feedback or suggestions that it provides regarding the Software, Services or CSDC's other existing or proposed products or services on a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free,worldwide, unconditional,fully sublicensable and transferable basis,including the right to make, have made, use, sell, offer to sell, import, copy, display, perform, modify, distribute in modified or unmodified form, and commercialize any intellectual property,without accounting to Purchaser. Purchaser agrees that it will not assert, or authorize, assist, or encourage any third party to assert, against Purchaser or any of its affiliates, vendors, business partners, or licensors, any patent infringement or other intellectual property infringement claim regarding the Software, Services, or any other products or services that Purchaser uses. 13.4 General Reservation of Rights. Except for the rights and licenses expressly granted in the Agreement,each party retains all right, title, and interest in and to its information and technology and all related intellectual property rights. The parties agree that no license may arise by estoppel or course of conduct. 13.5 Restricted Rights Notices. If the Purchaser is an agency or office of the U.S. Government, the Software, Services, and other materials or technology provided pursuant to the Agreement are "commercial computer software," "commercial computer software documentation,"and "technical data,"as applicable,as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation. All software and services were developed at private expenses and are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. 14. TERM AND TERMINATION 14.1 Term of MLSA. The initial term of this MLSA begins on the Effective Date stated above and continues for one year. On expiration of the initial term, the MLSA renews for consecutive renewal terms of one (1)year each unless either party gives a notice of non-renewal at least thirty(30) days prior to the expiration of the initial term or then-current renewal term, as applicable. Either party may terminate this MLSA for convenience at any time without liability to either party by giving thirty(30) days advance written notice. 9 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A 14.2 Term of Order. The initial term of each Order is stated in the Order,or if no initial term is stated in the Order the initial term is one year. Unless different renewal terms are stated in the Order, on expiration of the initial term, the Order will automatically renew for consecutive renewal terms of the same length as the initial term (each a "Renewal Term"), unless either party gives the other party notice of non-renewal at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the initial term, or then current renewal term, as applicable. No Order shall continue beyond the term of this MLSA. 14.3 Termination for Breach. A party may terminate this MLSA and any or all Orders if the other party is in material breach of this MLSA, provided that if the breach is curable,the terminating party has first given the other party written notice describing the breach in reasonable detail and an opportunity to cure the breach of at least thirty(30) days. A party may terminate an Order if the other party is in material breach of the Order and fails to cure the breach within thirty (30) days of the other party's written notice describing the breach in reasonable detail. 14.4 Early Termination Other than for Breach. Purchaser may terminate an Order for convenience at any time on thirty(30) days advance written notice,subject to the requirement that it pay the fees for the then remaining part of any subscription license or support plan, or other committed fees described in the Order. A party may terminate this MLSA and any or all Orders without liability to either party as follows: (i) by CSDC in the event of a CSDC IP claim as provided in Section 18.4 (IP Claims); and (ii) by either party if the other enters into compulsory or voluntary liquidation, or ceases for any reason to carry on business, or takes or suffers any similar action that the other party reasonably believes will materially impair its performance under the Agreement (including payment of fees). 14.5 Obligations on Expiration,Termination. On expiration or earlier termination of an Order,the licenses and Services covered by the Order terminate, except that perpetual licenses survive termination or expiration unless the Order was terminated by CSDC for Purchaser's breach of the perpetual license. Within seven (7) days of expiration or termination of an Order Purchaser must uninstall and destroy all software and related materials and information, except for Software covered by a surviving perpetual license and archival copies of software or other materials that Purchaser is permitted to retain under Section 15 (Confidential Information). Unless otherwise agreed in the applicable Order, the unpaid part of any subscription license, support plan, or other services fees for the remaining term of the Order are due and payable on the effective date of expiration or termination. 14.6 Survival. The following provisions survive expiration or termination of this Agreement: Section 2 (Defined Terms),as to any defined terms used in other surviving sections, Section 7(Fees)as to any fees remaining unpaid at the time of expiration or termination, Section 11 (Privacy), Section 13 (Intellectual Property), Section 14.5 (Obligations on Expiration, Termination),Section 14.6(Survival),Section 15 (Confidential Information),Section 17 (Limitations on Damages), Section 18 (Indemnification), Section 20 (Notices), Section 22 (Assignment, Subcontractors), Section 23 (Force Majeure), Section 24 (Governing Law, Disputes), and Section 25 (Miscellaneous), and any other provisions that by their nature are intended to survive expiration or termination of the Agreement. 15. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Neither party may use the other party's Confidential Information except in connection with the performance or use of the Software or Services, as applicable, the exercise of the party's legal rights under this Agreement, or as may be otherwise permitted under this Agreement or required by law. Each party agrees not to disclose the other party's Confidential Information to any third person except as follows: (i)to the party's respective service 10 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A providers, agents and representatives, provided that such service providers,agents or representatives are bound by written confidentiality measures that are at least as stringent as these terms; (ii) in response to a subpoena or other compulsory legal process, provided that each party agrees to give the other advance written notice of at least seven days prior to disclosing the other party's Confidential Information under this subparagraph (or prompt notice in advance of disclosure, if seven days advance notice is not reasonably feasible), unless the law or a reasonable interpretation of it,forbids such notice;or(iii) as required by law, such as a requirement under a data privacy regulation that a notice of data breach be given to a supervisory authority or regulatory agency. On expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement,each party will return or destroy the other party's Confidential Information, except that Purchaser may retain archival copies of CSDC software consistent with reasonable and customary record keeping practices, or as necessary to comply with any laws or regulations applicable to Purchaser. If a party believes it is not feasible to completely destroy the other party's Confidential Information as required by this Section 15, it will give the other party written notice describing the Confidential Information and the circumstances that make destruction infeasible. All Confidential Information retained by party following termination of the Agreement remains subject to the requirements of this Section 15. Purchaser will use commercially reasonable care to safeguard CSDC's Confidential Information. CSDC's obligations to safeguard Purchaser Information are stated in Section 10 (Security). For Purchaser's Confidential Information other than Purchaser Information, CSDC will use commercially reasonable care to safeguard the Confidential Information. Each of Purchaser and CSDC is responsible for a breach of this Section 15 by its service providers, agents and representatives to whom it has disclosed the other party's Confidential Information. 16. DISCLAIMERS 16.1 No Other Services. CSDC has no obligation to provide software or services to you other than the Software and Services described in an Order. Any software or services provided by CSDC to Purchaser other than the Software and Services described on an Order are provided AS IS and AS AVAILABLE with no representation or warranty whatsoever. 16.2 No Other Warranties. Except for the warranties expressly stated in the Agreement, CSDC makes no representations or warranties whatsoever, and disclaims any implied warranties such as any warranty of merchantability,suitability for a particular purpose,or any warranty that may arise through a course of dealing. Specifically, but without limitation, CSDC does not warrant or represent that the Software or any Services will be error free, uninterrupted, or completely secure. If applicable law requires a warranty notwithstanding this disclaimer,then that warranty is made for thirty(30) days from delivery of the Software or Services. 17. LIMITATIONS ON DAMAGES 17.1 SLA Credits. If any part of the Services is covered by a service level agreement that includes a credit remedy, the credit remedy is the sole and exclusive remedy for failure to meet the service level commitment. 17.2 Excluded Damages. Neither party nor its owners, personnel, affiliates, licensors, suppliers, or subcontractors is liable to the other party for any indirect,special,incidental,or consequential loss or damage of any kind,or for any lost profits,revenue,business opportunities, use of data,customers,contracts,goodwill or reputation, or for any punitive or exemplary damages. Neither party is liable for any loss that could have been avoided by the damaged party's reasonable efforts to mitigate the damages, even if the party has been advised or should be aware of the damages. 17.3 Maximum Liability. Notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary,except for liability arising from: (i) death or personal injury caused by negligence, (ii)willful misconduct, (iii) misrepresentation, (iv) 11 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A CSDC's indemnification obligations hereunder, or (v)fees due for Services provided, the maximum aggregate liability of CSDC and its owners,personnel,affiliates,licensors,suppliers and subcontractors in connection with the subject matter of the Agreement or any Order shall not in the aggregate exceed three times the total amount paid or payable under this Agreement. 17.4 Other. The parties acknowledge that CSDC has set its prices and entered into the Agreement in reliance on the limitations of remedies and liability stated in the Agreement and that these clauses reflect an agreed allocation of risk between the parties. The limitations stated in this Section 17 apply to any liability arising from any cause of action, including tort, commercial code, strict liability, or otherwise, even if a limited remedy fails of its essential purpose. For clarity, the limitation stated in the Section 17.3 is an aggregate limitation and is not"per incident." Nothing in this Section 17.4 precludes a party from seeking specific enforcement, injunctive relief, or other non-monetary equitable remedy that is available by law. If these limitations as written are not permitted by applicable law,they shall apply to the extent permitted by applicable law. 18. INDEMNIFICATION 18.1 By CSDC. CSDC will defend, at its expense, any claim against Purchaser or its owners, personnel, agents, or representatives (the "Purchaser Indemnitees") by an unaffiliated third party that: (i)asserts that Purchaser's or its Public Users' use of the Software or Services as permitted by the Agreement infringes on the third party's intellectual property right in the United States or Canada (an "IP Claim"); or (ii) arises from CSDC's willful misconduct or misrepresentation; and CSDC shall hold the Purchaser harmless and pay any resulting judgment that is finally awarded to the third party by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction,including any award of attorney fees and court costs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CSDC has no obligation with respect to an IP Claim that is based on Purchaser's combination of the Software or Services with Third-Party Technology or its own technology, Purchasers unauthorized change to the Software or Services, CSDC's compliance with Purchaser's specific directives that are not standard for Purchaser, or Purchaser's use of the Software or Services more than a reasonable period of time after CSDC has provided an updated version that is functionally equivalent but free from the IP Claim (the "Exclusions"). 18.2 By Purchaser. Purchaser will defend, indemnify,and hold CSDC harmless,at Purchaser's expense, any claim against CSDC or its owners,personnel,agents or representatives(the"CSDC Indemnitees")by an unaffiliated third party that arises from Purchaser's unauthorized manipulation or modification of the Software. 18.3 Procedure. The indemnified party must give notice of the indemnified claim to the indemnifying party within thirty(30)days of the date the claim is made, provided that failure to give notice within the thirty(30)day period does not relieve the indemnifying party of its obligations under this Section 18 except to the extent the delay prejudices the defense of the matter. The indemnifying party shall select counsel to defend any indemnified claim under this Section 18 and shall control the defense of the claim,except that the indemnified party may participate in the defense of the claim at its option and expense, with counsel of its choice. The indemnified party must comply with any indemnifying party request for information or cooperation in connection with the defense of the claim. The indemnifying party may settle any indemnified claim, in its discretion, provided that the settlement fully resolves the indemnified party's liability and does not require the indemnitees to make an admission of culpability. 18.4 IP Claims. If an IP Claim is asserted, or if CSDC reasonably believes that an IP Claim is likely to be asserted, then CSDC may do either of the following at its expense: (i)obtain the right to use the Software or Services free from the claimed infringement; or (ii) modify the Software or Service so that they are no longer subject to the claimed infringement. If CSDC is not able to do either on commercially reasonable terms, then CSDC may 12 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A terminate the license for the Software or the Order for the Services, as applicable, that is the subject of the IP Claim on ninety(90) days advance written notice. 19. PRE-RELEASE TECHNOLOGY. CSDC may invite Purchaser to use test, beta, pilot, limited release, developer preview, non-production,evaluation,or other pre-release software or services ("Pre-Release Technology"). Pre- Release Technology is provided AS IS and AS AVAILABLE without any representation or warranty whatsoever. CSDC is not required to provide support for Pre-Release Technology. Purchaser may not use Pre-Release Technology for production purposes unless it has written permission from CSDC. CSDC may discontinue Pre- Release Technology at anytime in its sole discretion and delete all Purchaser Information associated with the Pre- Release Technology. CSDC may never offer a general release version of the Pre-Release Technology,or if it does, there may not be an automatic update path from the Pre-Release version to the general release version. CSDC has no liability for any harm or damage arising from Purchaser's use of a Pre-Release Service. 20. NOTICES Purchaser's routine communications to CSDC regarding the Software or Services should be sent to Purchaser's account team using the customer support portal. To give a notice regarding termination of the Agreement for breach, indemnification,or other legal matter,you must send it by first-class post to: legal@csdcsystems.com and copied to CSDC Inc.,804 Las Cimas Parkway,Suite 100,Austin,TX 78746,ATTN: Legal Department.CSDC's routine and legal notices will be posted on the customer portal or sent by email or post to the individual(s) designated as Purchaser's contact(s) on Purchaser's account. Notices are deemed received as of the time posted or delivered, or if that time does not fall within a Business Day, as of the beginning of the first Business Day following the time posted or delivered. For purposes of counting days for notice periods, the Business Day on which the notice is deemed received counts as the first day. Notices must be given in the English language. 21. PUBLICITY,USE OF MARKS Unless otherwise agreed in the Order, Purchaser agrees that CSDC may publicly disclose that it is providing Services to Purchaser and may use Purchaser's name and logo to identify Purchaser in promotional materials, including press releases, provided that CSDC does not state or imply that Purchaser endorses CSDC's products or services. Purchaser may not issue any press release or publicity regarding the Agreement, use the CSDC name or logo or other identifying indicia, or publicly disclose that it is using the Services without CSDC's prior written consent. 22. ASSIGNMENT,SUBCONTRACTORS Neither party may assign the Agreement or any Order without the prior written consent of the other party except to an affiliate or its successor as part of a corporate reorganization or a sale of some or all of its business. Each party must give the other party at least 30 days advance written notice of an assignment or a change in control of the party. CSDC may use its Affiliates or subcontractors to perform all or any part of the Services, but CSDC remains responsible under the Agreement for work performed by its Affiliates and subcontractors to the same extent as if CSDC performed the Services itself. 23. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party will be in violation of the Agreement if the failure to perform the obligation is due to an event beyond its control, such as significant failure of a part of the power grid,failure of the Internet, natural disaster or 13 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A weather event, war, riot, insurrection, epidemic; strikes or labor action, terrorism, or other events beyond such party's reasonable control. 24. GOVERNING LAW, DISPUTES 24.1 Governing Law. The Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Washington, exclusive of any choice of law principle that would require the application of the law of a different jurisdiction and each party expressly and unconditionally submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts of Washington. 24.2 Mediation. Except for a request for temporary injunctive or other equitable relief, each party agrees that it shall not file a lawsuit or other legal action in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement unless it has first given the other party written notice of the dispute, and attempted to resolve the dispute through good faith negotiation. At the request of either party, the dispute will be submitted for non-binding mediation conducted by a mutually acceptable mediator to be held in King County,Washington.The mediator will be chosen by mutual agreement of the parties within twenty-one (21) days after written notice by either party demanding mediation. Neither party shall unreasonably withhold or delay consent to the selection of a mediator.The parties will share equally the costs of the mediation, exclusive of any fees paid by a party to its internal or external legal advisors, accountants and experts in connection with the dispute. The use of any mediation procedures will not be construed under the doctrines of laches, waiver or estoppel to affect adversely the rights of either party. If the dispute is not resolved through negotiation or mediation within forty-five (45) days of the date of the initial demand for mediation,the parties are free to file a lawsuit or other action. 24.3 Venue. Each party agrees that it shall bring any lawsuit or other legal action related to the subject matter of this Agreement in a court sitting in King County, Washington. Neither party shall dispute the personal jurisdiction of such courts, and each party waives any objection it may have as to the venue of such court. 24.4 Waiver of Jury Trial. To the extent permitted by applicable law, each party waives the right to a trial by jury in respect of any litigation arising out of this Agreement and the parties' activities regarding this Agreement. 24.5 Prevailing Party Recovery of Expenses. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding relating to this Agreement is entitled to recover reasonable legal fees and costs, including attorney's fees. Purchaser must pay or reimburse CSDC's reasonable actual attorneys'fees and other expenses incurred in connection with any third- party subpoena, warrant or other mandated disclosure that is unrelated to any claim between Purchaser and CS D C. 25. MISCELLANEOUS 25.1 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Each party hereto represents,warrants and covenants that: (a) in connection with this Agreement, it has not and will not make any payments or gifts or any offers or promises of payments or gifts of any kind, directly or indirectly,to any official of any foreign government or any agency or instrumentality thereof;and(b) it shall comply in all material respects with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the Canadian Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act. 25.2 Order of Precedence. If there is a conflict between the terms of the Agreement,the documents will govern in the following order: the Order as to any matter that the General Terms or Product Specific Terms expressly permits to be controlled by a term of the Order, the applicable Product Specific Exhibit, any other exhibit to this MLSA, and the General Terms. 14 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A 25.3 Interpretations. The term "person" refers to any legal person and may mean a natural person (individual), a legally created person (such as an entity,trustee,or executor), or an entity(such as a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company). The word "process" means to record, store, organize, structure, analyze, query, modify, combine, encrypt, display, disclose,transmit, receive, render unusable, or destroy, by automated means or otherwise. The word "including" means"including,without limitation."The words"will"and"shall"are words of obligation, not expressions of intent or expectation. All references to monetary amounts mean United States Dollars unless otherwise indicated. The term "parties," either in lower- or upper-case form, refers to the signatories to this Agreement. Unless otherwise defined,the words "business day," "business hours," or the like mean Monday—Friday, 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m., United States Pacific Time, excluding federal public holidays in the United States. A reference to "day" means a calendar day, unless expressly designated as a "business" day. The term "personnel" refers to employees of the person referred to and individual contractors of the person referred to if the individuals are under the direct supervision of the person referred to. The word "affiliate" refers to an individual or entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the person referred to,where control means ownership of the majority of voting interests of an entity or the right to control the policies of the entity by means of a controlling number of seats on the entity's governing body. All technology provided under this Agreement is licensed and not sold; any use of the term "sale" or like word means a sale of a license. Any requirement in this Agreement that a statement be written,-in writing, or a like requirement is satisfied by an email or other digital form of writing unless expressly stated otherwise. Nouns stated in the singular may imply the plural as indicated by the context, and pronouns that are gender specific should be read to refer to either gender. The Section captions in this Agreement are for convenience only;they are not part of this Agreement and may not be used to interpret the terms of this Agreement. References to sections in any of the documents that comprise the Agreement are references to the sections of the document in which the references appear unless otherwise indicated. 25.4 Amendments. Unless otherwise expressly permitted in the Agreement,the terms of an Order or this MLSA may be varied only by a written agreement signed by both parties that expressly refers to the Agreement. The pre-printed terms of Purchaser's purchase order or other business form are void and of no effect whatsoever. 25.5 Severability,Waiver. If any part of the Agreement is found unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement will continue in effect, and the unenforceable part shall be reformed to the extent possible to make it enforceable and give business efficacy to the Agreement. Each party may enforce its respective rights under the Agreement even if it has waived the right or failed to enforce the same or other rights in the past. 25.6 Relationship Between the Parties. The relationship between the parties is that of independent contractors and not business partners. Neither party is the agent for the other and neither party has the right to bind the other on any agreement with a third party. The use of the words "partner" or"partnership" in this Agreement or otherwise refers only to a business relationship,and does not create or reflect any legal partnership,joint venture, or other fiduciary or other special relationship between the persons described as partners. Nothing in this Agreement creates an obligation of exclusivity or non-competition. Each party is free to purchase and sell services of the type described in the Agreement to any person, including competitors of the other party. 25.7 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Except as expressly stated otherwise,there are no third-party beneficiaries to the Agreement. 25.8 Open Source. The Software may include software that is licensed under an open source license. CSDC will provide you with notice of any open source software and related license,attribution,and source code information in the Documentation provided with the Software. If there is a conflict between the license terms stated in the 15 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Agreement and the license terms applicable to any open source software,the open source software license terms will control as to the conflict. 25.9 Counterparts, Signatures. This Agreement may be signed in multiple counterparts, which taken together shall be read as one Agreement. A signed agreement transmitted by facsimile, email attachment, or other electronic means shall be considered an original. The parties agree that electronic or digital signatures shall be given the same effect as a manual signature. Signatures appear on following page 16 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A This MLSA is the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties regarding its subject matter and supersedes and replaces any prior or contemporaneous representation,agreement,or understanding,written or oral. City of Kent CSDC Inc DocuSigned by: /) 6128D738160F4 Name: 4qk, Name: Sohn Hanby Title: "- Title: svp Sales Date Signed: Date Signed: 5/9/2019 City of Kent tl t TV Name- Title: Date Sign Exhibit A On Premises Software License Exhibit B Hosted Software Service Exhibit C Support Terms Exhibit D Professional Services 17 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Exhibit A On Premises Software License 1. Licensed Software. The licensed software is the CSDC software product identified in the Order and other software and information related to the software product that is defined as "Software" in Section 2 (Defined Terms)of the body of the M LSA. 2. License Metric, 2.1 Per User. If the Software is licensed on a per user basis, then Purchaser must pay a license fee for each individual who has access to the administrative features of the Software (each a "seat"). A seat may not be used by more than one individual. A seat may be transferred from one individual user to another provided that the transfer is intended to be a permanent transfer and not a means of sharing a single seat. Purchaser must require each individual to establish a unique log in name and password. If user seats are licensed on a subscription basis for annual periods and Purchaser wishes to add seats during an annual period, Purchaser may purchase additional user seats for a pro-rated annual fee based on the number of partial or full months remaining in the then-current annual period, provided that Purchaser commits to purchasing a full annual subscription for the additional seats on the renewal of the annual period. 3. Warranty Period. The warranty period for the Software for purposes of Section 4 (Software Warranty)of the body of the MLSA is ninety(90) days beginning on the delivery date as defined below in this Exhibit A. 4. Territory. Unless otherwise stated in the Order,the Software may be installed only on computers located at the Purchaser's address stated in the Order. Purchaser may authorize as Public Users only persons resident in Purchaser's jurisdiction. Purchaser may permit Purchaser Users to use the Software from Purchaser's offices in Purchaser's jurisdiction, or remotely from the Purchaser User's home or other location, subject to applicable export laws. 5. Copies. Purchaser may copy the Software as reasonably necessary for its licensed use and may make one backup copy for use in the event the production version of the Software becomes unavailable. 6. Delivery. Unless otherwise expressly stated in the Order, CSDC shall deliver the Software electronically by making the Software and enabling information available on CSDC's Internet accessible download site. Delivery is deemed complete as of the second (2nd) business day that CSDC has made the Software and enabling information available to Purchaser. 7. Implementation, Configuration, Training. CSDC will provide implementation, configuration, and training services as described in the Order for the fees described in the Order. Implementation, configuration and training services must be used within the time period specified in the Order, or if no time period is stated, within 90 days from the delivery of the Software. 8. Records and Audit. Purchaser must keep complete and accurate records showing the location where each copy of the Software has been installed or stored, and the relevant information necessary to verify its compliance with the license metric (such as users, transactions, number of servers, CPUs, etc.) and with any Support Plan requirements. CSDC may audit Purchaser's records and facilities provided that: (i) it gives reasonable advance notice of the audit and conducts the audit without undue interference in Purchaser's operations; (ii) it conducts an audit no more than once per 12 months unless it discovers non-compliance, in which case it may conduct an audit as often as once per 3 months until there have been no findings of non- 18 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A compliance for a period of 12 months. In the alternative,CSDC may require Purchaser to conduct a self-audit on reasonable terms and provide an attestation of Purchaser's officer or like official reporting the results. If CSDC requests a self-audit, Purchaser shall complete the audit and return the results and attestation within 30 days of CSDC's request. If an audit reveals unlicensed use, Purchaser must pay license fees and any related support fees due in respect of the use under the terms of any Support Plan within ten (10)days of the date of the audit report. If the unlicensed use exceeds 5%of the authorized use, Purchaser shall pay also pay interest at the overdue rate provided in the Agreement from the time that the fees would first have been due under the terms of the Agreement. If the audit or certification reveals unlicensed use or more than 10% Purchaser shall also bear the reasonable cost of the audit. If the audit or certification does not demonstrate the date that the unlicensed use first began with clear and convincing evidence,the license period will be presumed to begin as of the effective date of the original Order for licenses purchased under this Exhibit. CSDC acknowledges that information learned as part of an audit that is Confidential Information of Purchaser may not be used for any purpose unrelated to the audit. 9. Compliance Features. The Software may include features that permit CSDC to monitor compliance with the license terms or disable the Software in the event of non-compliance. Purchaser consents to the use of compliance tools and agrees that CSDC is not responsible for any harm or damages resulting from CSDC's disablement of the Software in the event of a license breach by Purchaser. End of Exhibit A 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Exhibit B Hosted Software Services 1. Licensed Software. The licensed software is the CSDC software product identified in the Order and other software and information related to the software product that is defined as "Software' in Section 2 (Defined Terms) of the body of the MLSA. 2. Hosted Subscription License. CSDC will install the Software on computing infrastructure managed by a third- party infrastructure services provider, and Purchaser may use the Software on that infrastructure remotely via the Internet using remote access technology provided or approved in advance by the infrastructure services provider or CSDC (the "Hosted Software Service"). Purchaser may use the Hosted Software Service for the term stated in the Order (the "Subscription"). Purchaser may make and distribute copies of the Documentation as reasonably necessary for the permitted use of the Hosted Software Service, but may not otherwise copy the Software. 3. Software Warranty Period. The Warranty Period for the Software provided as part of the Hosted Software Service for purposes of Section 4 of the MLSA (Software Warranty) is ninety (90) days from the Service Commencement Date. 4. Support Plan. Software Support is included with the Subscription at the Support Plan level indicated in the Order. 5. Fee Metric. 5.1 Per User. If the Software is licensed on a per user basis, then Purchaser must pay a license fee for each individual who has access to the administrative features of the Software (each a "seat"). A seat may not be used by more than one individual. A seat may be transferred from one individual user to another provided that the transfer is intended to be a permanent transfer and not a means of sharing a single seat. Purchaser must require each individual to establish a unique log in name and password. If user seats are licensed on an annual basis and Purchaser wishes to add seats during an annual period, Purchaser may purchase additional user seats for a pro-rated annual fee based on the number of partial or full months remaining in the then- current annual period, provided that Purchaser commits to purchasing a full annual subscription for the additional seats on the renewal of the annual period. 6. Third-Party Infrastructure. Separate legal terms identified in the Order may govern Purchaser's use of the third-party infrastructure services.Specifically, but without limitation,the third party's Acceptable Use Policy, or"AUP" may be applicable to Purchaser's use of the Hosted Software Services. CSDC makes no availability or other service level commitments for the infrastructure services provided by the third-party infrastructure services provider, except that it will use reasonable efforts to obtain any credit that may be due under the terms of the third party's service level agreement and will pass through the credit to Purchaser if one is issued by the third party. The commitment stated in this Section 6 is Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedies for any unavailability of the Software Service arising from a failure of the third-party infrastructure service provider. 7. Service Commencement. CSDC will begin implementation of the Hosted Software Service at the time stated in the Order. The subscription term begins on the date that CSDC has completed implementation,and enabled Purchaser's remote administrative access to the deployed Hosted Software Service (the "Service Commencement Date"). 20 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A 8. Territory. Purchaser may authorize as Public Users only persons resident in Purchaser's jurisdiction. Purchaser may permit Purchaser Users to use the Software from Purchaser's offices in Purchaser's jurisdiction, or remotely from the Purchaser User's home or other location, subject to applicable export laws. 9. Implementation, Configuration, Training. CSDC will provide implementation, configuration, and training services as described in the Order for the fees described in the Order. Implementation, configuration and training services must be used within the time period specified in the Order, or if no time period is stated, within 90 days from the commencement date for the Hosted Services. 10. Software Service Restrictions. Purchaser may not permit the use of the Hosted Software Service by any person other than the authorized Purchaser Users and Public Users or other authorized sublicensees as defined in the Agreement. End of Exhibit B 21 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Exhibit C Support Plans Support. CSDC will provide the Software maintenance and technical assistance in accordance with this the Support Policies described below. 1. Software Maintenance. CSDC will provide Purchaser with those Software Updates created by CSDC for general release, to include extensions, modifications, drivers, service packs, service releases, application program plug-ins, applets and adaptors. 2. Technical Assistance. CSDC will respond to requests for assistance and software corrections in accordance with its Support Policies described below. 3. All Licenses Must Be Supported. If Purchaser purchases Support in connection with any Software license it must purchase Support for all licenses. If Purchaser add licenses during an annual Support period, Purchaser must purchase additional Support entitlements to cover the additional licenses. If Purchaser wishes to purchase Support after a lapse, it must purchase Support covering the lapsed period as well as the new term. 4. Term,Renewals. The initial Support term is stated in the Order,or if no term is stated is one(1)year beginning on the delivery date of the Software license. On expiration of the initial term, Support will renew for consecutive renewal terms of one (1)year each unless Purchaser or CSDC has given a notice of non-renewal at least thirty(30)days prior to expiration of the initial term or then-current renewal term. 5. Fees. Support fees are non-refundable except as expressly provided in the Agreement. CSDC may increase the annual fee for Support renewal by giving notice of the increase at least sixty(60)days prior to the first day of the renewal term, not to exceed 3%of the previous year's annual subscription fee.While additional licenses or Products not included in the previous year's subscription fee may be added mid-year,the 3%cap on annual adjustments will equally apply to these added licenses and Products. 6. Support Tools. Purchaser is not required to permit CSDC to use any remote access Support tools, but acknowledges that a refusal will delay or impair the effectiveness of the Support. 7. Support Exclusions. CSDC has no obligation to provide Support for custom software or configurations unless otherwise agreed in an Order for Professional Services. CSDC is not obligated to provide Support where the request is the result of any of the following(the "Support Exclusions"), but may do so, at its option: (i)failure to implement all maintenance releases provided by CSDC; (ii)failure to use the Software in accordance with the applicable terms of the Agreement,the Documentation or reasonable instructions provided by CSDC; or (iii) alterations of the Software or Hosted Software Services environment by anyone other than CSDC. Any CSDC Support provided in connection with a Support'Exclusion is provided AS IS. In addition to its other remedies stated in the body of the MLSA or Order,CSDC may suspend Support during any period that the fees for Support are overdue. 22 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A CSDC Support Policies Support Portal http://www.csdcsystems.com/support/htm. If the Support Portal is unavailable for any reason,you may submit you requests via e-mail here: support@csdcsystems.com. Phone Support 1-888-661-1933 Ext. 2 Support Hours Monday to Friday(excluding Canadian Holidays) between 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. United States Pacific Time. If you are located in other time zones, support personnel will be available on call or by appointment from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time.Support personnel will also be available on call or by appointment on days when CSDC offices are closed for holidays.you may submit support issues 24/7 via online support software and email. Severity Levels. CSDC will provide problem diagnosis for the Software and,where possible,will supply corrections for problems that CSDC diagnoses as defects in the Software. CSDC will perform these services in a timely manner consistent with the urgency of the situation. Incidents that can be characterized as defects are classified according to the following criteria • Critical - A defect, for which there is no workaround immediately available, which affects the standard business flow such that the business task cannot be accomplished on multiple workstations, for multiple projects. The impact of the reported deficiency is such that the Purchaser is unable to either use the Software or reasonably continue work using the Software. Responses to Critical incidents will be made within two business hours by return phone call. • Major-Important features of the Software are unavailable, but a workaround is available or non-essential features of the Licensed Software are unavailable with no alternative solution.There is a significant impact to the Purchaser, but the software can be used to complete the standard business flow. Responses to Major incidents will be made within four business hours by return phone call or via the Support Portal. • Medium - Important features of the Software are unavailable, but a workaround is available or non- essential features of the Software are unavailable with no alternative solution. The impact to the Purchaser is the minimal loss of operational functionality or implementation resources. Responses to Medium incidents will be made within one business day by return phone call or via the Support Portal. • Minor - Defects that do not influence the business flow. The implementation or use of the Software by the Purchaser is continuing and there is no significant impact on productivity. Responses to Minor incidents will be made within three business days by return phone call or via the Support Portal. You must include in each request for support a reasonably detailed description of the issue, any Support entitlement code, and a severity designation. You must provide de additional information reasonably requested by CSDC, including information necessary to re-produce any error or other issue. 23 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Historic Version Support CSDC will provide support for each major version for at least thirty-six (36) months from the date of its general release, and shall notify you of the end of support date at least twelve (12) months in advance. Minor releases within each major version are supported for the life of the major version. Technical Contacts You may name up to two(2)technical contacts in the support portal. You may change your technical contacts on 5 days prior written notice to CSDC. CSDC may respond to support requests from individuals other than your named technical contacts, but is not required to. If more than one Technical Contact calls with the same issue, CSDC will respond to the first contact only. End of Exhibit C 24 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Exhibit D Professional Services 1. Statements of Work CSDC and Purchaser may enter into Orders for Professional Services as described in Section 1 (Agreement)of the MLSA,which upon mutual acceptance and execution shall become apart of the MLSA. Each Order for Professional Services is referred to in this Exhibit D as a "Statement of Work" or"SOW." The term "Services" as used in this Exhibit D refers only to Professional Services. Each SOW will include, at a minimum,the following: • the name and contact information for CSDC's designated Project Manager; • the name and contact information for Purchaser's designated Project Manager; • a description of the services to be performed by CSDC(the"Professional Services"); • each item to be delivered to Purchaser(each, a "Deliverable"); • the fixed-price or time and material fees for the Services (the "Fees"); • the start date,expected delivery dates for Deliverables,dates for any other milestones and the anticipated end date for the Services ("Schedule"); • Purchaser's obligations and other requirements necessary for completion of the Services ("Dependencies"); • acceptance criteria and testing plans (if applicable) for Deliverables relating to fixed-price Services ("Acceptance Criteria"); and • any other special terms that apply to the Statement of Work("Special Terms") but do not modify material terms of the MLSA. In the event CSDC performs any Services prior to (or in absence of) the execution of an applicable SOW, all such Services will be deemed performed on a time and materials basis in accordance with CSDC's then-current rates and will be governed in all respects by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. CSDC may perform Services remotely from its offices unless the applicable SOW expressly states that the Services are to be performed onsite at a different location ("Onsite"). Unless specifically stated otherwise in the applicable SOW, CSDC has no obligation to perform background checks or drug screening of its personnel assigned to perform Onsite Services. CSDC has no obligation to perform Services outside of its normal business hours unless expressly agreed in writing. CSDC may charge a higher rate for hourly services performed outside of regular business hours. 25 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A 2. Change Orders. Purchaser may request changes to any SOW by providing a written request (which may be in the form of an email) to CSDC. CSDC is not required to begin work on any requested Services until the parties have agreed to a written document describing the change and the related fees and timelines(a "Change Order"). For significant change requests,CSDC may require Purchaser to pay CSDC's hourly time and materials rate for time spent to evaluate the request and create a scope of work; provided that Purchaser must agree in writing to any CSDC fees for evaluation and scoping services. 3. Project Managers. Each parties' Project Manager must have an in-depth knowledge of the requirements for the applicable project and authority to provide approvals as needed in the course of the performance of the Services. Each party's Project Manager must be reasonably available during business hours,and must respond to requests for information in a reasonably prompt manner. The Project Managers will meet at least once per week unless otherwise agreed. 4. Purchaser Obligations 4.1 General. Purchaser will provide all of the resources and perform all of the tasks assigned to it as further described in any SOW, including where applicable the provision of clear design requirements and other relevant user information. Purchaser acknowledges that its failure to meet its obligations under an SOW, or to otherwise provide all reasonable cooperation in connection with CSDC's performance of the Services, may result in delays in the performance of the Services,a reduction in the functionality of the Deliverables and/or increases in the Fees. Purchaser further acknowledges that its failure to provide required technical resources and equipment (e.g. application servers) for operation of the Deliverables may result in the failure of a Deliverable to meet the Acceptance Criteria. Purchaser acknowledges that it will be solely responsible for the impact of any failure described in this Section 4. CSDC will provide written notice to Purchaser of any failure described in this Section 4 (which notice may be included in CSDC's standard status report or delivered in email). Thereafter, Purchaser and CSDC will work together to devise a resolution to the situation and document the impact of the failure and planned resolution on the Schedule, Deliverables and Fees, as applicable. 4.2 Reviews. CSDC will deliver each Deliverable to Purchaser for its review and approval in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable SOW. Purchaser acknowledges that the development of the Deliverables is an iterative process and will require Purchaser's review and input on a regular basis. Purchaser will provide such review and input on a timely basis as further described in this Section 4. When asked to review and accept specific Deliverables, Purchaser will not unreasonably withhold or delay such acceptance. 4.3 Systems Backup and Other Prerequisites. Purchaser must backup all Software configurations and data that CSDC personnel will access as part of the Services before CSDC begins the Services and store the backup on a separate environment. 4.4 Onsite Services. If CSDC provides Onsite Services, Purchaser must provide a safe and suitable facility for the performance of the Services, including compliance with applicable laws and industry standards for health, safety, and security. Purchaser must have at least one representative physically present at the applicable location during the entire time that the CSDC personnel are onsite. Purchaser must also provide the CSDC personnel with desk space, Internet access, and other facilities and services as CSDC may reasonably request to perform the Services. CSDC personnel will comply with Purchaser's safety and security procedures generally applicable to Purchaser's onsite vendors, provided those procedures are communicated by Purchaser to CSDC. 4.5 Systems Access. Purchaser must provide CSDC personnel with access to Purchaser's information technology systems as CSDC may reasonably request for the performance of the Services, including remote access if 26 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A requested. CSDC will comply with Purchaser's security requirements for such access that are made part of the order, or if no security requirements are included in the order, Purchaser's reasonable security requirements communicated in advance to CSDC. 5. Acceptance 5.1 Acceptance for Fixed-Price Projects. For Services provided on a fixed-price basis, Purchaser will review and approve each Deliverable in accordance with the testing and other procedures set forth in the applicable SOW within the time period specified in the SOW (the "Acceptance Period"). If no time period is specified, then the Acceptance Period will be five (5) business days. If, after following the testing and other procedures set forth in the applicable SOW, Purchaser reasonably determines that a Deliverable does not conform to the Acceptance Criteria in any material respect, then, within the Acceptance Period, Purchaser will notify CSDC and provide specific, detailed descriptions of any non-conformity. CSDC will work diligently to correct any non-conformity as soon as practicable and redeliver the Deliverable to Purchaser for its review and approval as described in this Section 5. If at any time Purchaser fails to provide CSDC with notice of acceptance or non-conformance within the applicable Acceptance Period,then Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted the applicable Deliverable. If at any time Purchaser puts any Deliverable "into production" (i.e. makes the Deliverable available for use in its own production environment),then Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted the applicable Deliverable. If the parties disagree about the materiality of any non-conformity, the parties will work together in good faith to resolve the disagreement promptly (including escalating the disagreement to individuals at a higher level of management within their respective organizations). For Services provided on a fixed price basis where there is no Acceptance Criteria set forth in the applicable SOW,then Purchaser's acceptance will be deemed to have occurred on delivery of the applicable Services and Deliverables. 5.2 Acceptance for Time and Materials Projects. For Services provided on a time and materials basis,acceptance will be deemed to have occurred on delivery of the applicable Services and Deliverables. 6. Services Warranty. CSDC warrants for the applicable warranty period Services will be performed in a professional and workman-like manner by appropriately trained personnel, using generally accepted industry standards and practices. As CSDC's sole liability and Purchaser's exclusive remedy for a breach of this warranty, if the Services are not provided as warranted, CSDC will, at its sole discretion,either: (i)correct any material non- conformances in the Deliverables; (ii) re-perform the Services;or(iii)credit Purchaser for the amount paid for the nonconforming Services. This warranty does not apply to the extent any non-conformity relates to (i) any specifications, code, diagnostic or other tools, or any other materials provided by Purchaser; (ii)the integration, operation, modification, or use of the Services or any Deliverables in any manner not authorized by CSDC, and (iii) any changes to the network environment after the Services were rendered. The warranty period for Services provided on a time and materials basis is thirty(30) days following the completion of the Services. The warranty period for Services provided on a fixed price basis is thirty(30)days following acceptance of the final Deliverables. 7. Rights in Deliverables. Purchaser acknowledges that the Deliverables are not prepared on a "work for hire" basis and that Purchaser acquires only the license rights in the Deliverables that are expressly granted in this Exhibit D unless other rights are expressly stated in the applicable SOW. Subject to the payment of the applicable fees, CSDC grants to Purchaser a license to use the Deliverables on the same terms, conditions, and restrictions stated in the MSLA for the product Software with which the Deliverables are designed to be used. CSDC retains all other right,title and interest in and to Deliverables. End of Exhibit D 27 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Quotation for. 1. AMANDA Editions and Citizen Access Portal Pricing CSDC Order Prepared by CSDC inc.: For: Kent, WA lllh �y Contact: r Tom Shaw Director, Business Development 1-888-661-1933 Ext. 114 t.shwa@csdcsystems.com DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent Software Order AMANDA Editions CSDC.Inc. �t 804 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 100, Austin,TX 78746 Telephone 1-888-661-1933 ENABLE.TRANSFORM.LEAD. Direct Fax 1-877-661-6175 May 9, 2019 Mike Carrington Director of IT City of Kent MCarrington@kentwa.gov Dear Mike: RE: Order AMANDA Editions Software CSDC Inc. is pleased to submit this software order to the City of Kent, Washington in response to your requirements for AMANDA Editions Software. We look forward to our continued partnership with the City. Please feel free to contact me at: (888)661-1933 x114 (office), 561-628-9743 (cell) or by email at t.shaw@csdcsystems.com for any questions regarding this quotation. Sincerely, Tom Shaw Director, Business Development CSDC, Inc \.►+w DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent Software Order AMANDA Editions Description: CSDC will provide Amanda Editions Enterprise wl Analytics for 100 Users and the Amanda Citizen Access Portal. The following tables outline the per year subscription costs which begin at the time of software delivery. Pricing: Amanda Software Annual Subscri tion : Description • . Pricing Pricing 1 $1,749.60 100 $174,960.00 manda Edition Enterprise" 2 manda Analytics* $84.00 100 $8,400.00 3 $11,372.40 1 $11,372.40 Amanda Citizen Access Portal Total $194,732.40 *Subsequent years are subject to a 3% increase per year. City of Kent CSDC Inc. 1. Sohn Hanby Name: Wl� Name:_ USigned by: Signature: Signature: _56Z, a A 6128D738160F48C... Title: *✓ Title: svp sales 5/9/2019 Date: Date: City of Kent - t I IG T' ��✓ NamedU Al(-, Signature: Title: ti Date: CSDC 12 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-43OA-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent Software Order AMANDA Editions This quotation is valid until 05/31/2019. Prices listed are valid only for quantities quoted. Purchase orders and other ordering documents must include the following statement:"This order is subject to the terms and conditions of CSDC Sales Quote and/or the MSLA between City of Kent and CSDC". Your order will be subject to the following terms and conditions: • All charges are payable upon invoicing and must be paid no later than thirty(30) days from the invoice date. • All charges listed are in USD. • CSDC liability to the customer for damages, expenses or any other loss arising out of this agreement shall not exceed the purchase price of the services, and shall not include any indirect or consequential damages including loss of revenue, profit or expected savings. • Travel and/or other expenses are not included in this pricing. • Software Maintenance or Subscription Licensing is subject to an annual 3% increase beginning in year 2. CSC Page 13 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent — Permitting System Order for Phase 0 - Discovery Prepared on February 21, 2019 by CSDC Inc. for: City of Kent CSDC Inc. 804 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78746 Prepared By: Tom Shaw Director, Business Development 561-628-9743 t.shaw(a)csdcsystems.com LICENSING GRANTS CSDC COURTS&JUSTICE PERMITTING&COMPLIANCE ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 0-Statement of Work Contents 1. Overview.................................................................................................................................................2 2. Services and Deliverables.......................................................................................................................2 2.1. Preparation ..........................................................................................................:........................2 2.2. Discovery and Needs Analysis.......................................................................................................3 2.3. Project Management....................................................................................................................4 2.4. Informal Deliverables....................................................................................................................5 3. Dependencies and Assumptions............................................................................................................6 3.1. Dependencies................................................................................................................................6 3.2. Additional Dependencies(Assumptions)......................................................................................7 3.3. Customer Assumptions.................................................................................................................7 3.4. Out of Scope..................................................................................................................................8 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period..........................................................................................9 5. Fee and Payment Terms.......................................................................................................................10 Cityof Kent..............................................................................................................................................11 CSDC........................................................................................................................................................11 AppendixA: Workflow Streams ..............................................................................................................12 Appendix B: Deliverables Details.............................................................................................................13 AppB.1. Preparation Phase...............................................................................................................13 App B.2. Discovery Needs Analysis....................................................................................................13 AppB.3. Deliverable Table ................................................................................................................15 Appendix C: Deliverable Acceptance.......................................................................................................16 Appendix D: Pre-Analysis Homework......................................................................................................17 Appendix E: Preliminary Project Plan......................................................................................................19 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work This Statement of Work("SOW") is entered into by and between CSDC("Prime") and the City of Kent ("Customer") with Vision33, Inc. ("Vision33") as services subcontractor. Project Name Kent Discovery Phase Anticipated Service Start Anticipated Service End Date Date July 01, 2019 August 31, 2019 This SOW is organized as follows: Overview This section provides a brief overview of the project including guiding goals. Services and Deliverables This section describes the Services that Vision33 will perform and the Deliverables that will be provided to Customer during this engagement. Dependencies and Assumptions This section lists the Customer and/or third-party tasks and responsibilities and project assumptions upon which the Schedule and Fee are based. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period This section describes the Acceptance Criteria (i.e.,the criteria for software acceptance)and the applicable Acceptance Period. Fee and Payment Terms This section identifies the Fees and Payment Schedule for this SOW. The following appendices provide supporting material, as referred to in the above sections: Appendix A Workflow Streams Appendix B Deliverables Details Appendix C Deliverable Acceptance Form Appendix D Pre-Analysis Home Appendix E Preliminary Project Plan 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work 1. Overview CSDC("Prime") is working with its partner, Vision33, as a sub-contractor and service provider in order to implement the CSDC owned software,Amanda,for The City of Kent,Washington ("Customer").The goals of this project are; • To provide workflow optimization for their Permitting, Licensing,and Code Enforcement activities • Leverage industry best practices and best of breed technology through the Amanda platform to address the work streams previously identified and confirmed as part of this discovery process. To meet these goals, Vision33 will coordinate with Prime but work directly with the Customer on all activities related to services provided. Vision33 will staff and manage all resources required to provide the services and deliverables as described in this SOW. 2. Services and Deliverables Vision33 will perform the Services described below, including providing the specified Deliverables. The Deliverables will be provided in electronic and/or hard copy form, as appropriate. The following sub-sections describe the tasks and deliverables that Vision33 will complete as part of City of Kent Amanda Implementation—Discovery Phase. Further details for deliverables are included in Appendix B. Deliverables will be considered "complete"when all the acceptance criteria set forth in Appendix B as modified by mutual agreement(in writing) has been met or the prescribed review period for each deliverable/task has expired without written response from Customer. Key deliverables will require a Deliverable Acceptance (DA)form signed by Customer. These are denoted with a "(DA Form required)" annotation in the detailed deliverables list in Appendix B.A sample form is shown in Appendix C: Sample Deliverable Acceptance Document. Any item listed as Customer Dependency is required from the Customer to successfully complete a service or deliverable. Delays in by Customer in providing any dependency may result in a delay to the project and an associated increase in fees.Any such delays as well as changes in scope or requirements, will be handled through a change order process to adjust the schedule and fees.All dependency timelines and expected delivery dates will be agreed upon in the initial four(4) weeks of the project during the Preparation Phase. 2.1. Preparation Preparation sets the foundation for all subsequent activities. This stage includes the following tasks: • Initial kick—off meetings to present the project schedule for the Discovery Phase and objectives to all interested parties o Leadership Initiatives and Expectations o Draft Project Charter—Non-formal Deliverable • Customer and Vision33 perform SOW review and confirmation. • Vision33 and Customer perform detailed project planning for the Discovery 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work • Customer and Vision33 perform resource planning • Discuss preparations to install hardware and software infrastructure in Phase I • Prepare draft Project Charter for Phase I (non-formal deliverable) Deliverables: • Mutually confirmed scope • Baseline project plan Customer Dependencies: • Documentation of current business processes • Demonstration of Customer's existing system • Sign-off on scope 2.2. Discovery and Needs Analysis During Discovery and Needs Analysis business requirements are gathered and documented to provide a formal Business Requirements Document for signoff. The Business Requirements Document serves as input for Phase I and 2 of the City of Kent Amanda Implementation. In this stage,Vision33 will lead workshops to document the following: • Review of Workflows: Current State v Future State Expectations o Deliverable 1: BRD-Current v Future Section • Review of Pain Points o Deliverable 1: BRD—Pain Points Section • Business Requirements and Fire Prevention Scoping Workshops • Deliverable 1: BRD- Requirement Section • Infrastructure Workshop o Define the environments that will be made available (DEV,TEST, STAGING, PROD) o Discuss minimum requirements and typical infrastructure setup (DMZ, Proxy servers, application servers,tenancy, etc.) o Deliverable 1: BRD- Network Topology Section • Data Sources Identification (for Data Conversion) o Number of sources o Types of sources (Access dbs, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.) o Cutover Data ■ Tombstone ■ Date specific o Deliverable 1: BRD—Conversion Source • Interfaces identification • Rank need / priority of each interface identified • Deliverable 1: BRD—Interfaces Section • Timeline Review in conjunctions with in-flight projects 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work • Deliverable 2: Updated Phased Project Plans for Phase 1 &2 • Current State Portal Review o Identifies whether the baseline portal feasibility for Phase 1 & 2 implementations o Deliverable 3: Modified Statement of Work for Phase 1 and Phase 2 A Deliverables: • Deliverable 1: Business Requirements Document(BRD) • Deliverable 2: Updated Phased Project Plans for Phase 1 &2 • Deliverable 3: Modified Statement of Work for Phase 1 &2 o Changes in Scope may impact cost and schedule for either or both Phase 1 and Phase 2 o Fire Prevention Scoping Workshops, established to identify scope,was originally not in scope. Output of the workshops will impact both cost and schedule. • Draft Project Charter for Phase I (informal deliverable) Customer Dependencies: • Active SME participation in Business Requirements workshops and other Needs Analysis sessions • Active Customer PM and SME participation in Discovery workshops • Sign-off on Business Requirements Document(BRD) 2.3. Project Management The Services include the provision of the management and reporting structure for the Vision33 team. Vision33 will also take primary responsibility for coordinating the overall implementation,working with Customer's Project Manager(s). This includes managing scope and issue resolution and facilitating status meetings in conjunction with the Customer team and stakeholders. 2.3.1. Vision33 Project Manager Vision33 Project Manager will: • Serve as primary interface between Vision33 and the Customer and manage the overall communication plan • Manage and deploy Vision33 project resources • Provide deliverables and drive closure of Vision33 team actions as necessary. • Generate regular status reports including an updated Project Management Schedule. • Attend and participate in key project meetings and workshops listed within the SOW. • Manage scope and schedule • Manage deliverable acceptance. • Develop and maintain any internal, higher level Program Schedule, in consultation with the Customer Project Manager if so required. DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work 2.3.2. Customer Project Manager Customer's project manager will: • Work closely with Vision33 Project Manager to ensure successful completion of the project. • Coordinate Customer Resources to meet Customer Dependencies and all Customer activities for the project • Assist Vision33 Project Manager to develop and maintain any internal, higher level Program Schedule. • Attend weekly status meetings with Vision33 Project Manager • Drive the closure of Customer actions and deliverables pursuant to the definition of business needs • Be responsible for Deliverable Work Package Acceptance • Coordinate Customer's review of the project document and software deliverables and obtain signoff of an approval form to signify acceptance for each deliverable. 2.3.3. Prime Project Manager Prime Project Manager will: • Manage and communicate with all Prime internal resources • Provide product support management • Cross-partner project coordination, ensuring all parties are appropriately aligned. • Attend weekly status meetings with Vision33 and Customer Project Manager 2.4. Informal Deliverables In addition to the Deliverables provided in the previous sections,Vision33 is responsible for providing the following: • Draft Project Charter as input to Phase 1 Preparation. _.. 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work 3. Dependencies and Assumptions The following is a list of additional Dependencies beyond those listed in section (B), including responsibilities and other requirements necessary for the successful completion of the Services.This information is used to establish the Schedule and the Fee. Customer acknowledges that the Schedule and Fee may be modified in the event of any failure to meet obligations(in whole or in part), as further described in the Agreement. 3.1. Dependencies 3.1.1. Decision-making and Deadlines Customer's Project Manager(s) is: Name: Hisham Hassan Contact Information: HHassan@kentwashington.gov 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-4618 1 Fax 253-856-4700 The Project Manager will manage approvals of Deliverables, including use of required technologies, system content and structure, or other implementation issues. All such decisions will be made within a maximum of five(5) business days but are subject to a faster response time or an extension that is mutually agreed to in writing between Vision33 and Customer. Customer acknowledges that any delays or failures in its cooperation as described in this Section may result in delays in the Schedule, reduction of functionality or an increase in the Fees,as further described in the Master Partner Agreement. 3.1.2. Scope The Services are provided in a fixed time, fixed fee manner.Throughout the project, all parties are required to actively collaborate to make decisions in a very timely manner to meet the delivery dates and control the scope of the Deliverables. 3.1.3. Work Site The Services will be performed in Vision33 offices, except where it is mutually agreed that circumstances require otherwise. Should it be necessary for the Vision33 team to work other than at the Vision33 office, Customer will provide suitable physical office space, building access, system privileges and required office infrastructure to allow the project team to remain productive. 3.1.4. Access to Customer Materials and Information Customer will make documents and other materials available as specified in the project plan and/or agreed to by the Project Managers. 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work 3.2. Additional Dependencies (Assumptions) 3.2.1. Dates Project start date is scheduled for July 1, 2019.This and other identified project dates are dependent on contract approval and Vision33 resource availability. 3.2.2. Continuity Activities and costs presented in this Statement of Work are based on continuous execution with no material interruption. 3.2.3. Procedures Contracted procedures will be followed, including the change order procedure to manage any identified deviation in project scope, schedule, or budget. 3.2.4. Other Assumptions • Scope and Project Schedules for Phase I and Phase II will be updated on the basis of the completed BRD. • Hardware/software installation will update Phase I Statement of Work. • Data Conversion Source identification will update Phase 2 Statement of Work and Pricing • Interfaces identification will update Phase 2 Statement of Work and Pricing • Interfaces ranking will be incorporated into Phase 2 Statement of Work • Portal Review may affect Phase 1 and 2 Statement of Work documents, including cost and schedule • Fire Prevention may affect Phase 1 and 2 Statement of Work documents, including cost and schedule • Land Management and Code Enforcement, if added to Phase 1 by this analysis, may affect the Phase 1 Statement of Work, including cost and schedule 3.3. Customer Assumptions 3.3.1. Current State Workflows and documentation The Customer will provide Current State Workflows and associated documentation during initiation to inform the Business Requirements workshops. 3.3.2. Dedicated SMEs Customer will provide Project SMEs who are dedicated to project. 3.3.3. Dedicated PM Customer will provide a dedicated project manager to assist in the Customer resource planning, documentation review, and change management facilitation. DocuSign Envelope ID:AC661FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work 3.3.4. Dedicated Business Analyst Customer will provide a dedicated business analyst to assist in maintaining outputs and requirements provided to the Vision33 implementation team. The Customer business analyst will not perform requirements gathering for Vision33 and is solely focused on providing content for Vision33 workshops. 3.4. Out of Scope Vision33 is not required to provide any Services or Deliverables that are not specifically described in this SOW. For example, the following features and capabilities are excluded from the Services: • Data cleansing • End User training plan • Amanda Product Troubleshooting and release Quality Assurance • Proof of Concept activities • Core Product Enhancement requirements or development; including the Inspector App and Amanda Public Portal • Needs Analysis Requirements documents • Configuration of solution(s) • UAT support and testing • Training or Training materials • IT or Product support • Extensive Vision33 Test Plan,Test Procedures, or Test Reports. • Post Go-Live Product Support and Maintenance for non-configuration elements DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period For purposes of this Section: Vision33 will deliver the Deliverables described in this SOW. For each deliverable,Customer will review and provide either sign-off of acceptance or feedback for discussion and correction within five(5) business days.Any Deliverable that does not receive notification of non-acceptance within that time period will be deemed accepted. -- - 9 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work 5. Fee and Payment Terms The Fee for the Services and Deliverables described in this SOW is$81,219.20 USD. Vision33 may travel on site for key meetings and activities related to the project (on request). Travel is estimated at$3500 per resource to be onsite from Monday to early Friday. A recommended travel budget for the project would be up to(4)trips for a total $14,000.This is a budgetary number and not a fixed price.The City of Kent will authorize when trips can occur and can request additional trips beyond this budget.A Change Order and/or Amendment will be required to add funding for Travel, should additional travel be deemed necessary. All invoices will be billed in arrears and paid upon Purchaser acceptance of criteria defined per milestone or deliverable outlined in Appendix B. Payment Table ''Milestone InvoiceAmount Kickoff/Project Plan $18,080.00 Business Requirements Document $49,462.40 Updated SOW 1 $6,838.40 Updated SOW II $6,838.40 Travel Budget(billed as actuals) $14, 000.00 Professional Services and Travel Total (USD) $95,219.20 10 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work Customer's current billing and purchasing information is detailed below. I ,� Billing/Purchasing Contact Name: / V" Ax Contact Email Address: XCI 2• OJ Billing Address: Total SOW Amount: r.,21� Purchase Order No: Accepted and agreed: City of Kent CSDC Signature Signature DocuSigned by: btat C { Dr,178n738160F480. Name �b�,�l I�,C�1� Name 7ohn Hanby Title G�v�t Title svP sales Date Date 5/9/2019 itf of Kent Signature Name Title Date (� DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work Appendix A: Workflow Streams Not Applicable for Discovery Not Applicable for Discovery 12 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work Appendix B: Deliverables Details The following subsections provide details of key deliverables to be completed and provided to Customer by Vision33. As each deliverable is provided,the Customer Project Manager will be notified. Unless specifically note in the deliverable description, Customer has five (5) business days to review each deliverable and provide written notification of acceptance or non-acceptance of the deliverable. If no notification is provided,the deliverable will be deemed accepted. Any notice of non-acceptance must include detailed feedback of the reason Customer does not accept. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period App B.1. Preparation Phase App B.1.1 Discovery Kickoff � Deliverable Description:A leadership driven session to introduce the vendor, objectives, goals,and exit criteria necessary for a successful implementation. Upon completion the slide package is delivered to Customer. Assumptions and Constraints: o Prior to kickoff items provided from the"Pre-Analysis Homework", required from the Customer,will be provided to Vision33. o Kickoff may be in conjunction with the discovery workshops to optimize availability and maintain planned durations. o Kickoff Slides include project scope, goals and expectations, risks, PM process, high level schedule. Acceptance Criteria:Completion of Kickoff Session and delivery of slide package. App B.1.2 Project Plan Deliverable Description: Mutually agreed upon project schedule, maintained by Vision33,to commence the project. Assumptions and Constraints: o Vision33 maintains the project plan. Exports can be provided upon request but the Vision33 collaborative project schedule will be the System of Record. o Customer Project Manager has identified SMEs and IT resources that will be available throughout the implementation o Completion will baseline the initial project plan. Rebalancing activities will occur on a regular basis and will account for any expected vacation/holiday plans for resources and update for any lag that has occurred. Acceptance Criteria:Customer Project Manager review and agreement to schedule and resourcing. App B.2. Discovery Needs Analysis App B.2.1 Business Requirements Document Deliverable Description: Document that describes the functional business requirements needed to deliver Phase I and Phase II objectives. To include: 13 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work • Current v Future Section • Requirement Section • Pain Points Section • Network Topology Section • Conversion Sources Section • Interfaces Section Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the BRD. App B.2.2 Phased Project Plan Deliverable Description: Update Phased Project Plans for Phase 1 &2 based on discovery workshops and BRD development. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of Phased Project Plan App 6.2.3 Phase 1 Statement of Work; Phase 2 Statement of Work Deliverable Description: Updated Phase 1 and Phase 2 Statement of Work documents, based on discovery workshops and BRD development. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the updated Statement of work App B.2.4 Draft Project Charter for Phases Deliverable Description: Project Charter document detailing the objectives, vision, and operational processes under which the project team will execute the project. Acceptance Criteria: None; Draft Project Charter 14 DocuSign Envelope ID.ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work App B.3. Deliverable Table The following table lists the invoice value for each deliverable given above.The table is organized by project phase, estimated date range is based on the preliminary project plan provided in Appendix# E Item Deliverable Deliverable B.1. Preparation Phase B.1.1. Discovery Kickoff/Project Charter ! $18,080.00 B.2. i Discovery Needs Analysis B.2.1. Business Requirements Document $49,462.40 B.2.2. Phased Project Plan j $6,838.40 i 8.2.3. ! Updated SOWs for Phase 1 and Phase 2 $6,838.40 _- B.2.5. Travel Budget - __ -- $14,000.00 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-43OA-9E63-422787�379D5A City • •. Implementation—Discovery Appendix C: Deliverable Acceptance Milestone Acceptance Request Project Name: JEW Requested By: Telephone: Accepted No Conditions Accepted with Conditions El Rejected E] 16 Deliverable Name: Date and Version: beliverable Cost to be Invoiced: Deliverable Disposition Signature: (Indicating Acceptance) DocuSign Envelope ID:AC661FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work Appendix D: Pre-Analysis Homework Topic Item list Leadership • Provide Full Name, Role/Title, and Department for the following roles: o CIO o Project Sponsor o Department Directors or Officials o Project Manager o Business Analyst Users • Proved Full Name, Role/Title, and Department for all Backoffice Users • Provide Full Name,Title, Discipline, and Regions (if applicable)for all Inspectors • Provide Full Name,Title, and Support Function for all IT members involved in this engagement Business • What is the primary goal of the system? • Synopsis of the business • Process Flow diagrams Operational • Standard Operating Procedures (if available) Customer Interaction • Paper application • Any public portal available? • How does the public provide information to San Jose? Communication • Letters sent to public • Emails • Certifications Dependencies • Individual applications • Progressive applications(a,b,c) Internal reporting • Report Examples • Detail important metrics to operations Fees • Fees • Discounts • Computational logic DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 F64-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent—Amanda Implementation—Discovery—Statement of Work Current State • Pain Points • Expectation of the new systems • Peakvolume • Busy periods • "Case" Metrics—Number of Folders per year • Licenses for existing systems or Third-Party systems-expiry dates, deadlines? Eligibility • Any Certifications? • Any third-party service providers Reviewers • Communication to the external reviewer • Inspections Current application • Walkthrough (recorded) • Identify Unique requirements: • Relate to AMANDA o People o Property o Attachments o Business Rules • Data Conversion (legacy system description of overall purpose) Accounting • Interface with GL • Reconciliation -- is DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent-Amanda Implementation-Discovery-Statement of Work Appendix E: Preliminary Project Plan Task Name Start Finish Phase e 0-Discovery Phase_ _ _ Apr 1'19 13'19 1 Contract—Executed Apr 1'19 Apr 1'19 Week 1 Onsite sessions Apr 1'19 Apr 5'19 Project Kickoff Meeting(Payment Milestone)10% - Apr 5'19_ Apr 5'19 f I Planning-Onsite -- _ --- —Apr 2'19 Apr S'19 Remote Access for Vision33's team Apr 2'19 Apr 2'19 Discovery Project Plan Finalize with Client _- - Apr 3'19 Apr 4'19 -� Prepare for Kickoff meeting Apr 5'19 Apr 5'19 �-Analysis Sessions Onsite --_----.---_----_._-__--__.-_---___._. - ---------Apr 1'19------Apr S;'19 ---y jCurrent vs;Future State 2 half day sessions Apr 1'19 Apr 1'19 Business requirements Sessions 4 half day sessions —Apr 2'19 Apr 3'19 T Pain Point Sessions 1 Half day session Apr 4'19 Apr 4'19 A Network Topology Session 1 half-day session Apr 5'19 _Apr 5'19 Week 2-Onsite Apr 9'19 Apr 15'19 Fire Prevention Scoping(6 half Day Sessions) ---- _-- - Apr 9 '19 Apr 11 '19 Conversion 4 Half day remote sessions Apr 12'19 Apr 12'19 I Interface requirements Sessions _ __— _-- Apr 15'19 _Apr 15'19 j Onsite Discovery completed (Payment Milestone)25% _ Apr 12 '19 Apr 12'19 Week 3 Apr 1'19 Apr S'19 j BIRD Development Apr 1'19 Apr 5'19—� Week 4 _ Apr 8'19 Apr 12'19 1 BIRD Development Apr 8'19 Apr 12'19 i Project Plan refinement Apr 8'19 Apr 10'19 I Weeks A r15'19 --- - ----------- -p 15 May 1'19 I _BRD Develo ment p _ Apr 15'19 _- Apr 16'19__ BIRD Review with City of Kent — _--- Apr 29'19 _ May 1'19 Project Plan Review with City of Kent _ ---_Apr 15'19 Apr 16'19 Week - May 1'19 May8'19 1 BRD Updates and issuance May 2'19 _ May 6'19 - I BRD Delivered to Gity of_Kent —_ May 1 19 May 1'19 Project Plan updates and Issuance May 2'19 May 2'19 i I Phase 1 and 2 Project Plan Delivered to City of Kent May 2'19 May 2_'19 i SOW Updates Phase 1&2 May 7'19 May 8'19 I 19 1 i DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61F134-AMD-430A-9E63-422787679MA City of Kent—Amanda Implementation —Discovery—Statement of Work Task Name Start Finish Week 7 May 9'19 May 13 '19 Fire Services Scoping document May 9 '19 May 13 '19 j SOW Phase 1 and 2 Delivered to City of Kent(65%) May 13 '19 May 13 20 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent — Permitting System Order for Phase 1 - Pilot Prepared on February 21, 2019 by CSDC Inc. for: City of Kent CSDC Inc. 804 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78746 Prepared By: Tom Shaw Director, Business Development 561-628-9743 t.shaw csdcsystems.com LICENSING GRANTS COURTS&JUSTICE L­qMMW;1 t"Nowac PERMITTING&COMPLIANCE ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation -Statement of Work Contents 1. Overview.................................................................................................................................................1 2. Services and Deliverables.......................................................................................................................2 2.1. Preparation ...................................................................................................................................3 2.2. Solution Verification& Prototype.................................................................................................3 2.3. Needs Analysis..............................................................................................................................4 2.4. Configuration................................................................................................................................6 2.5. Limited Solution Verification Testing............................................................................................7 2.6. Closure ..........................................................................................................................................8 2.8. Additional Deliverables.................................................................................................................9 3. Dependencies and Assumptions..........................................................................................................10 3.1. Dependencies..............................................................................................................................10 3.2. Additional Dependencies(Assumptions)....................................................................................11 3.3. Customer Assumptions...............................................................................................................12 3.4. Out of Scope................................................................................................................................14 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period........................................................................................16 5. Fee and Payment Terms.......................................................................................................................17 City of Kent................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. CSDC Inc..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. AppendixA: Workflow Streams ..............................................................................................................19 Appendix B: Workflow Streams Task and Deliverables Details...............................................................20 App6.1. Preparation Phase...............................................................................................................20 App B.2. Solution Verification & Prototype.......................................................................................20 App13.3. Needs Analysis....................................................................................................................21 App13.4. Configuration ......................................................................................................................24 AppB.S. Go Live and Closure.............................................................................................................25 AppB.6. Deliverables.......................................................................:.................................................25 Appendix C: Deliverable Acceptance.......................................................................................................27 Appendix D: Pre-Analysis Homework......................................................................................................28 Appendix E: Preliminary Project Plan......................................................................................................30 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation -Statement of Work DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work This Statement of Work ("SOW') is entered into by and between CSDC("Prime")and the City of Kent ("Customers') with Vision33, Inc. ("Vision33") as services subcontractor. Project Name Kent Amanda Implementation—Pilot—Phase 1 Anticipated Service Start Anticipated Service End Date Date September 2, 2019 January 1, 2020 This SOW is organized as follows: 1. Overview This section provides a brief overview of the project including guiding goals. 2. Services and Deliverables This section describes the Services that Vision33 will perform and the Deliverables that will be provided to Customer during this engagement. 3. Dependencies and Assumptions This section lists the Customer and/or third-party tasks and responsibilities and project assumptions upon which the Schedule and Fee are based. 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period This section describes the Acceptance Criteria (i.e.,the criteria for software acceptance) and the applicable Acceptance Period. 5. Fee and Payment Terms This section identifies the Fees and Payment Schedule for this SOW. The following appendices provide supporting material, as referred to in the above sections: Appendix A Workflow Streams Appendix 8 Task and Deliverables Details Appendix C Deliverable Acceptance Form Appendix D Pre-Analysis Home Appendix E Preliminary Project Plan 1. Overview Vision33 is working with CSDC("Prime") as a sub-contractor on their, multi-phased, project to implement Amanda for The Customer of Kent,Washington (the Customer).The goals of this project are: I I P � � e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work • To provide workflow optimization for their Permitting, Licensing, and Code Enforcement activities • Leverage industry best practices and best of breed technology through the Amanda platform to address the work streams listed in Appendix A • Phase 1 will address providing a pilot solution for two workstreams and will execute all Amanda Implementation project phases up to and including limited Solution Verification Testing stage. The workstreams will include the following: o Building Permit—Residential Permitting without trade permitting. o Land Use Planning—Site Plan • Phase 1 will conclude at the end of this stage and SVT the solution will not be migrated into Production. To meet these goals, Vision33 will coordinate with Prime but work directly with the Customer on all activities related to services provided.Vision33 will staff and manage all resources required to provide the services and deliverables as described in this SOW. 2. Services and Deliverables Vision33 will perform the Services described below, including providing the specified Deliverables. The Deliverables will be provided in electronic and/or hard copy form, as appropriate. The following sub-sections describe the tasks and deliverables that Vision33 will complete by the end of the project described in this SOW. Further details for deliverables are included in Appendix B. Deliverables will be considered "complete" when all the acceptance criteria set forth in Appendix B as modified by mutual agreement(in writing) has been met or the prescribed review period for each deliverable/task has expired without written response from the Customer. Key deliverables will require a Deliverable Acceptance (DA)form signed by the Customer. These are denoted with a "(DA Form required)" annotation in the detailed deliverables list in Appendix B.A sample form is shown in Appendix C:Sample Deliverable Acceptance Document. Any item listed as Customer Dependency is required from the Customer to successfully complete a service or deliverable. Delays by Customer in providing any dependency may result in a delay to the project and an associated increase in fees.Any such delays as well as changes in scope or requirements, will be handled through a change order process to adjust the schedule and fees.All dependency timelines and expected delivery dates will be agreed upon in the initial four(4) weeks of the project during the Preparation Phase. zl� , � � DocuSign Envelope ID:AC861FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work 2.1. Preparation During Preparation the foundation for all subsequent phases,within Vision 33's Amanda Implementation Methodology(AIM), is set. This phase includes the following tasks: • Initial kick—off meetings present the project schedule and objectives to all interested parties • Vision33 performs pre-analysis o Collect documentation of current business processes for all workstreams listed in Appendix A o Review Customer's existing system (if any) processes for all workstreams listed in Appendix A • Customer and Vision33 perform SOW review and confirmation of Scoping Document • Customer and Vision33 review approved BIRD from Discovery project(Phase 0) • Vision33 and Customer performs/confirms detailed project planning • Customer and Vision33 perform resource planning • Customer prepares and installs hardware and software infrastructure Deliverables: • Mutually confirmed scope: Phase 1 Project Charter • Baseline project plan confirmation (Discovery deliverable) Customer Dependencies: • Business Requirements Document(Discovery deliverable) • Sign-off on Project Charter • Hardware and supporting environment prepared (Vision33 and Prime access and software installation) 2.2. Solution Verification & Prototype Solution Verification & Prototyping establishes the initial "to-be"AMANDA Folders (records: permits/license/case/etc.)that will be fully elaborated in subsequent phases, and confirms a list of output documents, interfaces/integrations, and portal services needed. This phase includes the following tasks: • Vision33 conducts Solution Verification workshop with Customer Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) o Review of two (2)Amanda Folder Types for pilot workflows ■ Residential Permit ■ Site Plan • Vision33 conducts Key Stakeholder review 31Pa , - DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work o Prototype Folder Type development and review o Functional requirement alignment o Provides input to Solution Design Document(SDD) Deliverables: • Solution Design Document o General, high-level Solution Architecture o High-level module walk-through guides o Listing of high-level folder types o Outputs o Interfaces (Base GIS adaptor integration & Blue Beam) o Web flag enabled Base Portal for two (2) Folder Types • Amanda Folder Prototype • Initial Draft Traceability Matrix tied to BRD Customer Dependencies: • List and sample of reports to be generated from the system • List of interfaces to be built and available documentation (Blue Beam) • 'SME participation in Solution Verification workshop and validation of Folder Type list • Key Stakeholder review and sign-off of prototype Folder Types 2.3. Needs Analysis During Needs Analysis business requirements are analyzed including detailed analysis of Folders, Reports, Batches, Interfaces/Integrations, Portal, Mobile and Data Conversion requirements. This phase includes the following tasks: • Vision33 conducts Product Orientation Training • Vision33 leads business fit workshops o Capture detailed business and configuration requirements, including but not limited to ■ Data validation rules ■ Workflow business rules ■ Fee calculations o Requirements are captured in the Amanda Administration Console to be used to generate the Folder Specification Reports • Vision33 leads requirement workshops as needed for additional elements o Output documents 4 1 P DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work o Public Portal • Vision33 leads User Solution Verification Test(SVT) preparation workshop o SVT planning, resource requirements, and scheduling o Test case requirements and development plan o Vision33 will provide a Test Case template or the Customer provide may its own, as long as the Customer's template meets the needs of testing. o Solution Verification Test Cases and Execution must address: ■ Folders ■ Output Reports ■ Portal ■ "Pairs"testing for configured elements that interact(e.g. Reports with Folders) ■ Full end to end Systems Testing of the configured solution o SVT duration is currently planned for two (2)weeks,while adjustments can be made at this time, significant change in duration may impact schedule and cost Deliverables: • Folder Specification Reports(FSRs),generated from Amanda • Updated Prototype Folder Types • Mapping worksheets: o Reports Output(5) o Merge Document(5) o Interface (Base GIS adaptor integration & Bluebeam) o Web flag enabled Base Portal for 2 Folder Types • Finalized Traceability Matrix tied to SDD and BRD • SVT Plan, including schedule, Customer resources, and test case development timeline Customer Dependencies: • SMEs participate in Product Orientation session • Active SME participation in business fit workshop(s) and other Needs Analysis sessions • Active Customer PM and SME participation in SVT planning • Sign-off on FSRs(requirements gathered in business fit workshop(s) • Samples of output documents and reports needed, either copies of existing reports, or mock ups of planned reports. • Sign-off on Analysis/Requirements documents for Output Reports and Portal. 5 1 1 a g ? DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work • Sign-off on SVT plan 2.4. Configuration Configuration and unit testing of the AMANDA system is executed during the Configuration phase. The new system is ready for System Verification Testing(SVT) at the end of this phase. This phase includes the following tasks: • Vision33 configures and updates 2 folder types for Pilot workflow o Residential Permit o Site Plan • Vision33 develops o Output documents (5 reports/5 merge documents) o Interfaces(Base GIS adapter integration & Blue Beam) o Web flag enabled Base Portal for 2 Folder Types • Vision33 performs a QA Review on each component, including: o "Unit Level Testing"for individually configured Folders and other elements against documented requirements, including boundary conditions and error handling for any data validation requirements o "Pairs Testing" for the interaction of Folders with other configured elements where appropriate (i.e. Reports, Interfaces, Portals updates and synchronization) o "Systems testing" for full end to end interaction of multiple configured elements. Testing of custom interfaces to Customer systems may be limited or not possible from the Development environment. • Vision33 installs QA Reviewed solution in the Customer's Testing Environment • Customer develops test cases for SVT • Vision33 reviews for alignment with approved Requirements documents and provides feedback for any necessary adjustments Deliverables: • Fully configured and QA Reviewed Amanda Solution for Test, including o Folders(2) o Output Reports(5) o Merge Documents(5) o Interfaces(GIS, Blue Beam only) o Active Directory Integration o Web flag enabled Base Portal for 2 Folder Types 61 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Customer Responsibilities: • Additional input or clarification as requested related to configuration requirements. • Provision of a Solution Verification Testing environment. • Optionally begin development of Solution Verification Test Plans, Cases, and Procedures in alignment with approved documented requirements. 2.5. Limited Solution Verification Testing Vision 33 will provide a two-week window for Solution Verification Testing. This will verify the elements analyzed and developed to meet the requirements provided/approved during Needs Analysis. Test cases will have been developed by the Customer during Configuration in alignment with the Folder Requirements (FSRs) and other analysis/mapping Requirements documents approved in Needs Analysis. Verification Test Cases and Execution must address: • Folders • Output Reports • Portal • "Pairs" testing for configured elements that interact(e.g. Reports with Folders) • Full end to end Systems Testing of the configured solution This phase includes the following tasks: • Vision33 and Customer perform Verification kick-off with review of plan goals and guidelines • Vision33 and Customer PM manage Verification testing to Plan o Testing will be performed in focused cycles, with dedicated SME resources for agreed upon periods of time (2 weeks) o Identified issues will be reported by Customer. o At the end of each cycle,Vision33 and Customer PMs will triage all identified issues and assign appropriate priorities o Issues which are outside scope or not aligned with documented requirements,will be moved off the issue list and added to a Backlog list • Vision33 and Customer review Backlog o All items identified throughout verification testing and elsewhere as backlog will be reviewed o If an item is a critical enhancement,Customer will have the option to request a change order to add the item,which may impact schedule and cost. • Vision33 will correct any identified issues following triage 7 1 a a g A DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work o Where possible,corrections will be made according to the Verification Test plan to allow for review and closure of the issue • Any identified issues after the 2-week verification test are not to be completed within Phase 1 scope. • Formal SVT will be combined in Phase 2 statement of work. • Go Live plan will not be delivered in the Phase 1. • Production Deployment Instructions will not be delivered in the Phase 1. 2.6. Closure The Phase 1 pilot will end with the pilot solution deployed in Test when the two(2)week Solution Verification Testing(SVT) completed and signed off. The pilot will not be promoted to production until Phase 2. 2.7. Project Management The Services include the provision of the management and reporting structure for the Vision33 team. Vision33 will also take primary responsibility for coordinating the overall implementation,working with the Customer's and Prime's Project Managers. This includes managing scope and issue resolution and facilitating status meetings in conjunction with the Customer team and stakeholders. 2.7.1. Vision33 Project Manager Vision33 Project Manager will: • Serve as primary interface between Vision33 and the Customer and manage the overall communication plan • Manage and deploy Vision33 project resources • Provide deliverables and drive closure of Vision33 team actions as necessary. • Generate regular status reports including an updated Project Management Schedule. • Attend and participate in key project meetings and workshops including Kick-Off, EPA and PPA; Data Migration, Customizations, and Product Enhancement Requirements workshops; Iteration Reviews,and SVT. • Manage scope and schedule • Manage change requests • Manage work package deliverable acceptance. • Assist with risk identification and risk mitigation strategies 2.7.2. Customer Project Manager The Customer's project manager will: • Work closely with Vision33 Project Manager to ensure successful completion of the project. 81r � ; DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work • Coordinate Customer Resources to meet Customer Dependencies and all Customer activities for the project • Assist with risk identification and risk mitigation strategies. • Develop and maintain any internal, higher level Program Schedule that may be needed for Customer executives, in consultation with the Vision33 Project Manager if so required. • Attend weekly status meetings with Vision33 and Prime Project Manager • Drive the closure of Customer actions and deliverables pursuant to the definition of business needs • Be responsible for Deliverable Work Package Acceptance • Coordinate Customer's review of the project document and software deliverables and obtain signoff of an approval form to signify acceptance for each deliverable. 2.7.3. Prime Project Manager Prime Project Manager will: • Manage and communicate with all Prime internal resources, including managing Prime dependencies and their timely delivery • Provide product support management • Cross-partner project coordination, ensuring all parties are appropriately aligned. • Attend weekly status meetings with Vision33 and Prime Project Manager 2.8. Additional Deliverables In addition to the Deliverables provided in the previous sections,Vision33 is responsible for providing the following: • Source code developed under this SOW (i.e.,the Work Product). • Deliverables will also include all system configuration files and scripts. • Inventory of all open source components included in the Deliverables and their related licenses. • Any additional Deliverables as agreed upon during the Preparation Phase or Needs Analysis • Backlog list of items identified during Needs Analysis,Configuration,and SVT that were not incorporated into this deployment. DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work 3. Dependencies and Assumptions The following is a list of additional Dependencies beyond those listed in section (B), including responsibilities and other requirements necessary for the successful completion of the Services.This information is used to establish the Schedule and the Fee. Customer acknowledges that the Schedule and Fee may be modified in the event of any failure to meet obligations (in whole or in part), as further described in the Agreement. 3.1. Dependencies 3.1.1. Decision-making and Deadlines Customer's Project Manager(s) is: Name: Hisham Hassan Contact Information: HHassan@kentwashinston.gov 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent,WA 98032 Phone 253-856-4618 1 Fax 253-856-4700 The Project Manager will manage approvals of Deliverables, including use of required technologies, system content and structure,or other implementation issues. All such decisions will be made within a maximum of five (5) business days but are subject to a faster response time or an extension that is mutually agreed to in writing between Vision33 and Customer. Customer acknowledges that any delays or failures in its cooperation as described in this Section may result in delays in the Schedule, reduction of functionality or an increase in the Fees,as further described in the Master Partner Agreement. 3.1.2. Scope The Services are provided in a fixed time,fixed fee manner.Throughout the project, all parties are required to actively collaborate to make decisions in a very timely manner to meet the delivery dates and control the scope of the Deliverables. 3.1.3. Hardware Customer will procure the development and test hardware environments for use by Vision33 no later than the Project Kick-off Session. Customer will provide technical access to its internal systems no later than the Project Kick-off Session. The staging and production environments must be made available to Vision33 two weeks prior to the start of system testing on those environments in order to test and confirm proper configuration and connectivity. 3.1.4. Work Site The Services will be performed in Vision33 offices, except where it is mutually agreed that circumstances require otherwise. Should it be necessary for the Vision33 team to work other than 101i- - � e DocuSign Envelope ID:AC661F64-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787679D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work at the Vision33 office, Customer will provide suitable physical office space, building access,system privileges and required office infrastructure to allow the project team to remain productive. 3.1.5. Access to Customer Materials and Information Customer will make documents and other materials available as specified in the project plan and/or agreed to by the Project Managers. 3.2. Additional Dependencies (Assumptions) 3.2.1. Scope Assumptions for Phase 1 Pilot • Data Conversion will not be addressed in Phase 1. • Batch processes will not be addressed in Phase 1. • Inspector App integration and implementation will not be addressed in the pilot. • Output scope is outlined in Section 3.4.10. • Interface for GIS(ArcGIS)will be the installation of the adaptor; all layers and data to be gathered from GIS are the responsibility of the customer. • Bluebeam will be used externally to AMANDA;AMANDA will retain all marked-up documentation via versioned attachments. • Portal will be implemented with base configuration for the pilot. Web-flags will be enabled through the application for the two folder types(Residential Permit and Site Plan) developed. Only functionality enabled via web flags will be available for Phase 1. • Phase 1 will end with delivery of a two-week SVT window. 3.2.2. Dates Project start date and other identified project dates are dependent on contract approval and Vision33 resource availability. 3.2.3. Continuity Activities and costs presented in this Statement of Work are based on continuous execution with no material interruption. 3.2.4. Procedures Contracted procedures will be followed, including the change order procedure to manage any identified deviation in project scope, schedule,or budget. 3.2.5. No Customer Configuration Customer will not participate in Amanda development and/or configuration for the initial implementation. DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work 3.2.6. Release Management Customer is responsible for the release to any Customer test environment and subsequently into Production. Vision33 will provide any necessary technical details to assist Customer in this release management effort. 3.2.7. Test Environments Customer will provide the necessary test environments. Vision33 depends on the availability of such environments in order to test solution changes. Any lack of environment availability will be factored into the test plan and could reduce the scope of the testing and release efforts, especially if the Vision33 team needs to assist Customer in resolving environmental issues. 3.3. Customer Assumptions 3.3.1. Business Requirements Document The BRD delivered in Phase 0 will be leveraged in Phase 1 and 2. 3.3.2. No System Replacement The Customer solution within the Amanda platform will not be a replica of the KIVA system;the solution will align current Customer workflow with Amanda and automate inefficiencies(leveraging industry&Amanda best practices with business value considerations). 3.3.3. No Business Licensing or Fire Services Business Licensing and Fire Services solution within the Amanda platform are not in scope for this project. Inclusion of this workflow stream at a later phase will relate to a separate engagement. 3.3.4. No Enhancements or Customizations to Inspector App or Public Portal The peripheral applications leveraged (Inspector App and Amanda Public Portal)are pre-defined COTS products. Any enhancements and/or feature customizations requested by the Customer is not considered within scope of this implementation. 3.3.5. Dedicated SMEs Customer will provide Project SMEs who are dedicated to project. 3.3.6. Dedicated PM Customer will provide a dedicated project manager to assist in the Customer resource planning, documentation review, and change management facilitation. 3.3.7. Dedicated Business Analyst Customer will provide a dedicated business analyst to assist in maintaining outputs and requirements provided to the Vision33 implementation team. The Customer business analyst will not perform requirements gathering for the Vision33 and is solely focused on providing content for Vision33 workshops. 12 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work 3.3.8. Trainers Customer will provide trainers to attend Train-the-trainer sessions and proctor sessions with end users of the Customer. 3.3.9. Functional Scope Limits For the Phase 1,Vision33 has identified two application types through discovery and discussions with the Customer that will be configured and implemented. Vision33 assumes these, and only these,are in scope for the new system pilot. a. Separate applications and permit types can be combined in the Amanda platform due to similar information collected, intake&adjudication requirements and common issuance. Differences will be broken down by folder type, subtype, work type and additional attributes within the system. b. Any additions or reductions to this scope will result in a schedule and cost change to the project that will be handled through a change request. 3.3.10.Output Scope Limits The project will produce a maximum of ten (10) outputs from the platform for Phase 1.This will include rendered outputs that come from crystal reports,jasper reports,and word merges to produce notices, receipts,follow-up letters,operational reports, performance reports,transactions reports, Permit's, penalties through Amanda Backoffice, portal,and within the Inspect App. a. Outputs are estimated as 5 documents/letters and 5 reports for Phased. Additional documents/reports are not included within this scope. b. Any additions or reductions to this scope will result in a schedule and cost change to the project that will be handled through a change request. 3.3.11.Advanced Search in place of Reports The ability to use advanced search in Amanda will reduce the number of reports required as users will be able to seek out information and export to excel as needed. If the user can query and interpret the data appropriately, compared to the KIVA report, said report will not be converted within Amanda. Visions33 will support this change through guidance and knowledge transfer. 3.3.12. Integration Scope Limits For the Phase 1, Integrations(Interfaces) will be limited to Blue Beam and the setup of the GIS adapter. All other potential interfaces will be developed and delivered in Phase 2. Phase 11 a. Vision33 leverages Amanda Web Services to integrate where possible, but also accommodates flat file exports to FTP or SUP locations required, data link sharing, and adaptors to ensure integration integrity and success. b. Any additions or reductions to this scope will result in a schedule and cost change to the project that will be handled through a change request. 13 1 F a , _ DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work 3.3.13.External APIs External vendors and/or resources that leverage applications that require integration/interface activities will provide product and API documentation and be available for discussion if the need arises(e.g.Address Authority, Inova,Selection, Bluebeam, a-gov Alliance, etc.). 3.3.14.Data Conversion Scope Limits No Data Conversion analysis, documentation, and scripting will be provided for the Phase 1. 3.3.15. Data Quality Data quality(normalization, redundancy, and cleansing)from the legacy system is the responsibility of the Customer. 3.3.16.User Scope Limit For purposes of this scope, 100 users will leverage the solution developed within the Amanda platform.Any additions or reductions to this scope will result in a schedule and cost change to the project that will be handled through a change request. 3.4. Out of Scope Vision33 is not required to provide any Services or Deliverables that are not specifically described in this SOW. For example,the following features and capabilities are excluded from the Services: • No Data Conversion in Phase 1 pilot • No Batch processes in Phase 1 pilot • No Inspector App delivery in Phase 1 pilot • Only GIS adaptor integration and Blue Beam interface will be developed in Phase 1 pilot • Data cleansing • End User training plan • Amanda Product Troubleshooting and release Quality Assurance • Proof of Concept activities • Core Product Enhancement requirements or development; including the Inspector App and Amanda Public Portal • Additional requirements raised after signoff of Needs Analysis Requirements documents • New or derived requirements raised during SVT testing • Customized Training or Training materials • IT or Product support for non-hosted environments • Extensive Vision33 Test Plan,Test Procedures, or Test Reports. • Post Go-Live Product Support and Maintenance for non-configuration elements 14 1 - a g DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work 15 1 a DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period For purposes of this Section: • "Defect" means a documented and reproducible error that causes the Software to fail to operate in accordance with its specifications and consists of Severity 1 Defects, Severity 2 Defects and Severity 3 Defects. • "Severity 1 Defect" means any Defect that identifies a significant gap from requirements making the use Amanda as defined impossible and which cannot be circumvented or avoided on a temporary basis by Customer(i.e., no workaround exists). • "Severity 2 Defect" means any Defect which defines a gap between what was delivered and what was agreed to for any important function in the requirements • "Severity 3 Defect" means any Defect which is not required to be correct for go-live.This category also includes any Defect that is primarily cosmetic in nature and does not impact system functionality and any changes or additions to features or functionality Vision33 will deliver the Deliverables described in this SOW. For each document or other non-software deliverable, Customer will review and provide either sign-off of acceptance or feedback for discussion and correction within three (3) business days. Any Deliverable that does not receive notification of non- acceptance within that time period will be deemed accepted. For each software deliverable, Customer will accept each Deliverable, unless such Deliverable contains Severity 1 Defect or Severity 2 Defect and Customer so notifies Vision33 within the Acceptance Period as defined in the Solution Verification Test Plan. Vision33 will correct Severity 1 Defects and Severity 2 Defects as described above. All other Defects will be tracked for potential future releases. Notice of any Severity 1 Defect or Severity 2 Defect must be provided to Vision33, either in writing or identified in an AFIL(the defect tracking system to be used by Vision33), by the end of the Acceptance Period defined in the Solution Verification Test Plan. Once Vision33 has provided corrections, Customer will have three(3) business days to verify that the corrections are sufficient and to provide written notice of any failure to correct a Severity 1 Defect or Severity 2 Defect. If no written notification is provided,the corrections and the Deliverables will be deemed accepted. If no Solution Verification Test Plan has been mutually agreed upon by the start of Solution Verification, the schedule and fees for the project will need to be adjusted via a change request procedure. 16 1 P a 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work S. Fee and payment Terms The Fee for the Services and Deliverables described in this SOW is$204,246.40 USD. Vision33 may travel on site for key meetings and activities related to the project(on request). Travel is estimated at$3500 per resource to be onsite from Monday to early Friday. A recommended travel budget for the project would be up to five (5)trips for a total$17,500.This is a budgetary number and not a fixed price.The City of Kent will authorize when trips can occur and can request additional trips beyond this budget.A Change Order and/or Amendment will be required to add funding for Travel, should additional travel be deemed necessary. All invoices will be billed in arrears and paid upon Purchaser acceptance of criteria defined per milestone or deliverable outlined in Appendix B. Payment Table Milestone Invoice Amount(USD) Milestone 1 Kickoff& Project Plan $20,000.00 Milestone 2 Solution Design Document and Prototype $20,000.00 Milestone 3 Folder Specification Report $20,000.00 Milestone 4 Reporting Analysis and Specification Document $8,000.00 Milestone 5 Interfaces Analysis and Mapping Specification $20,000.00 Milestone 6 Portal Requirements analysis and Specification $20,000.00 Milestone 7 Backoffice Configuration &CIA $32,000.00 Milestone 8 Reports and documents Configuration and CIA $14,000.00 Milestone 9 Interfaces Configuration CIA $20,000.00 Milestone 10 Portal configuration and QA $20,000.00 Milestone 12 Completion of 2 Week Verification Testing $10,246.40 Travel Budget (billed as actuals) $17,500.00 Professional Services and Travel Total (USD) $221,746.40 17 1 a DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work oAA Billing/Purchasing Contact Name: ri�ll(� I� � � n iyy1 Contact Email Address: 2• 0 Billing Address: 49A ICevt�-, WA ���32 Total SOW Amount: �i2���ff Purchase Order No: Accepted and agreed: City of Kent CSDC Signature Signature DocuSigned by: eV i Name I Name 30hn Hanby Title Title svP sales Date Date S/9/2019 City of Act �t tom. SignatuAY re Nam N Title Date ( ' 181P3g2 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Appendix A: Workflow Streams Residential Building permit Land Use Site Plan Review 19 1? a g DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Appendix B: Workflow Streams Task and Deliverables Details The following subsections provide details of key deliverables to be completed and provided to Customer by Vision33. As each deliverable is provided,the Customer Project Manager will be notified. Unless specifically note in the deliverable description, Customer has five(5) business days to review each deliverable and provide written notification of acceptance or non-acceptance of the deliverable. If no notification is provided,the deliverable will be deemed accepted. Any notice of non-acceptance must include detailed feedback of the reason Customer does not accept, per section 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period App B.1. Preparation Phase App B.1.1 Project Kickoff Session Deliverable Description:A leadership driven session to introduce the vendor,objectives,goals, and exit criteria necessary for a successful implementation. Upon completion the slide package is delivered to Customer. Assumptions and Constraints: o Prior to kickoff items provided from the "Pre-Analysis Homework", required from the Customer,will be provided to Vision33. o Kickoff may be in conjunction with the Solution Verification workshop to facilitate a single session. o Kickoff/Slides include project scope,goals and expectations, risks, PM process, high level schedule. Acceptance Criteria: Completion of Kickoff Session and delivery of slide package. App B.1.2 Project Plan Deliverable Description: Mutually agreed upon project schedule, maintained by Vision33,to commence the project. Assumptions and Constraints: o Vision33 maintains the project plan. Exports can be provided upon request but the Vision33 collaborative project schedule will be the System of Record. o Customer Project Manager has identified SMEs and IT resources that will be available throughout the implementation o Completion will signify the initial project plan. Rebalancing activities will occur on a monthly basis and will account for any expected vacation/holiday plans for resources and update for any lag that has occurred. Acceptance Criteria: Customer Project Manager Acceptance of Schedule. App B.2. Solution Verification & Prototype App B.2.1 Solution Design Document (SDD) Deliverable Description: Document that represents a high-level view of the solution. The SDD establishes that the Solution Architect has a functional understanding of the solution required to meet the needs established within the engagement. 20 1 c DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Assumptions and Constraints: o Listing and high-level definition of Folder Types to be developed (2 for pilot) o List of merge documents and reports scoped to the two folder types to be delivered in the pilot. o High level listing of portal scope. o High level listing of the Interface scope. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signoff on the SDD Document. App B.2.2 Amanda Folder Prototype Deliverable Description: A high-level walk through of the SDD and Prototype are performed to emphasize the functional understanding gained through output provided and Solution Verification workshops performed. In addition, a Folders List,documenting the elements of the solution that will be expanded upon during Needs Analysis will be provided. Assumptions and Constraints: o The Prototype Folder(s) may be in the Customer's Development environment or a Vision33 Sandbox if the Development environment has not yet been prepared. o Folder list is an export from Prototype and includes all Folders that are to be developed as defined in the Customer's BRD and Vision33 SDD documents. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Signoff of Folder List. App 113.3. Needs Analysis App B.3.1 Updated Amanda Folder Prototype Deliverable Description: Document that provides a detailed description of each unique folder, a mapped workflow diagram, and business rules gathered during requirements gathering workshops. Assumptions and Constraints: o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document(SDD)from the Scope Verification phase o Identified folder types are found in the "workflow grouping" column of Appendix A and are subject to change through the Solution Verification and Needs Analysis phases. o Any changes to the folder count(2)will be discussed with the Customer prior to making the adjustment. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the FSR Report. App B.3.2 Report(s) Output Requirement Document(s) Deliverable Description: Document(s)that lay out the design of a specific output deliverable(report, query,or dashboard) and the corresponding data required to meet Customer requirements found in the Customer BRD. Assumptions and Constraints: 21IPag DocuSign Envelope ID:AC861 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document(SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. o Pilot scope reports. 0 5 reports(V33 will select appropriate reports for Pilot) Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Report Output Mapping worksheet. App 6.3.3 Merge Document Requirement Document(s) Deliverable Description: Document(s)that lay out the design of a specific document(s) and the corresponding data required to meet Customer requirements found in the Customer BRD. Assumptions and Constraints: o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document(SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. o Pilot scope documents. 0 5 merge docs (V33 will select appropriate reports for Pilot) Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SM,E and PM signed acceptance of the Report Output Mapping worksheet. App B.3.4 Interface Requirement Document(s) Deliverable Description: Document(s) describing identified interfaces,their functionality, and any automated modifications required for data elements. Assumptions and Constraints: o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document (SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. 0 2 Interfaces has been identified for the pilot: ■ Bluebeam ■ Base GIS adaptor integration Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Interface Requirement Document(s). App B.3.5 Portal Functional Requirements Document (FRD) Deliverable Description:A detailed document describing the Portal screens,the identified fields to present to citizens, permissions around access, and exchange data elements. Assumptions and Constraints: o Portal will be implemented with base configuration for the pilot. Web-flags will be enabled through the application for the two folder types developed. No customization of the Portal will be completed in Phase 1. o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BIRD, and Vision33's System Design Document (SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. o Portal will include scope for the following: • Home Page or landing Page. ■ Page Master: • Default master page for all subsequent pages. • Public Search Page: 221Page DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work • Search for[Folder] by property address. • Search for [Folder] by permit/license information. • View [Folder] search results in table or on map(Google map). • View [Folder] details: o Folder Details(i.e.folder). o Property Details(if applicable). o Application Details(i.e. Folder Info's). ■ User Registration (2-step verification) Page. ■ Registered User Login page. ■ User Profile Management Page. ■ Password Reset Page. ■ User Dashboard: • View data &status of all permits, licenses and other applications: o Folder Details(i.e.folder). o Property Details(if applicable). o Application Details(i.e. Folder Info's). o Attachments. o Certifications. o Process list with Status. o Application Fee. o Schedule Inspections. • Edit data of all permits, licenses and other applications. • Schedule & manage inspections requests. • Download approved permits or license. ■ Submit New Applications: • Submit/renew an application (Folder): o Application Wizard &Anchors for(Customer-authored) Help/Guiding Text. o Property Search. o Application Detail(i.e. Folder info's). o Upload attachments (multiple file, drag&drop). o Pay application fees. ■ Save and withdraw applications. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Public Portal FRD. App B.3.6 Solution Verification Test Plan Deliverable Description: Document outlining approach complete Solution Verification Testing.The plan will include: • List of all test cases to be developed and assigned resources responsible for delivering • Schedule for test case development • Schedule for review and validation of test cases and acceptance criteria • SVT schedule including o Test cycle schedule o Issue triage schedule 23IPage DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work o Issue correction period o Resource plan and schedule Assumptions and Constraints: o Vision33 will manage the SVT process o Customer PM will coordinate and communicate with all Customer resources required to complete SVT. o Customer will make required resources available to complete the SVT in a timely manner. o Failure to make Customer resources available will impact schedule and/or cost, requiring a change order to the project o Solution Verification is planned for 2 weeks—an increase in duration of SVT will impact overall schedule and fees, necessitating a change order Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer PM signed acceptance of the SVT Plan. App B.4. Configuration App B.4.1 Configured Folders for Test Deliverable Description: Configured Folders in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o QA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o SVT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-test Folders released to Customer Test Environment and Customer notified about release. App B.4.2 Configured Output Reports for Test Deliverable Description: Output Reports in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o CIA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o SVT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test Output Reports released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release for SVT to commence. App B.4.3 Configured Merge Documents for Test Deliverable Description: Merge Documents in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o CIA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o SVT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test Merge Documents released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release. 241P0 , _ DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work App 6.4.4 Configured Interfaces for Test Deliverable Description: Interfaces in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o The Customer must coordinate the appropriate contact to establish an appropriate test plan. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o QA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o SVT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test Interfaces released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release. App 13.4.5 Configured Portal for Test Deliverable Description: Portal module configured in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o QA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o SVT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test configured Portal(s) released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release. App 13.4.6 Limited Solution Verification Testing Deliverable Description: Two (2)week window verifying the elements analyzed and developed to meet the requirements provided/approved during Needs Analysis. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o QA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o Train-the-Trainer activities have occurred Acceptance Criteria: N/A App B.S. Go Live and Closure Not applicable for the Phase 1. Phase 1 project scope ends with approval of solution at the end of SVT. App B.6. Deliverables The deliverable table is organized by project phase,with an estimated date range.The estimated date range is based on the preliminary project plan provided in Appendix#E Deliverableitem Phase/ B.1. Preparation Phase 25 , DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work 6.1.1. Project Kickoff Session _ B.1.2. Project Plan— B.2. Solution Verification B.2.1. Solution Design Document Amanda Folder Prototype - B.3. Needs Analysis B.3.1. Updated Amanda Folder Prototype FSR B.3.2 5 Report(s)Output Requirement Document(s) (Specifications)—_ B.3.3. 5 Merge Document Requirement Document(s) (Specifications) B.3.4. Interface Requirement Documents (Mapping) B.3.5. Portal Functional Requirements Document B.3.6 Solution Verification Test Plan B.4. -- I B.4.1. Configured Folders for Test B.4.2. ! Configured Output Reports for Test 6.4.3. Configured Merge Documents for Test B•4.4• Configured Interfaces for Test B.4.5. Configured Portal for Test B.S. Limited Solution Verification Test(2 weeks) B.5.1. Final Configured Folders for Deployment B.5.2. Final Configured Output Reports for Deployment 6.5.3. Final Configured Merge Documents for Deployment B.5.4. Final Configured Interfaces for Deployment B.5.5. Final Configured Portal for Deployment 26IPage DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Appendix C: Deliverable Acceptance Milestone Acceptance Request Accepted No Conditions Accepted with Conditions ❑ Rejected Comments: Attachment: (indicating Acceptance) n1P � , . DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Appendix D: Pre-Analysis Homework Topic Item list Leadership • Provide Full Name, Role/Title, and Department for the following roles: o CIO o Project Sponsor o Department Directors or Officials o Project Manager o Business Analyst Users • Proved Full Name, Role/Title, and Department for all Backoffice Users • Provide Full Name, Title, Discipline, and Regions (if applicable)for all Inspectors • Provide Full Name,Title, and Support Function for all IT members involved in this engagement Business • What is the primary goal of the system? • Synopsis of the business • Process Flow diagrams Operational • Standard Operating Procedures(if available) Customer Interaction • Paper application • Any public portal available? • How does the public provide information to San Jose? Communication • Letters sent to public • Emails • Certifications Dependencies • Individual applications • Progressive applications(a,b,c) Internal reporting • Report Examples • Detail important metrics to operations Fees • Fees • Discounts • Computational logic 28IFaga DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Current State ' Pain Points • Expectation of the new systems • Peak volume • Busy periods • "Case" Metrics—Number of Folders per year • Licenses for existing systems or Third-Party systems-expiry dates, deadlines? Eligibility • Any Certifications? • Any third-party service providers Reviewers • Communication to the external reviewer • Inspections Current application • Walkthrough (recorded) • Identify Unique requirements: • Relate to AMANDA o People o Property o Attachments o Business Rules • Data Conversion (legacy system description of overall purpose) Accounting • Interface with GL • Reconciliation 291Page DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FI34-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787I379D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Appendix E: Preliminary Project Plan I Task Name Duration Start Finish AMANDA Implementation for City of Kent 77 days May 20'19 lSep 10'19 x Project Management 77 days M9y 20 iSep 10'19- i 1 Phase 1- Prototype Phase �15 days M9y 20 [Jun 7'19 2 Prepare&Software Delivery 1 day iMay 20'19 IMay 20'19 Pre-Analysis 115 days May 20'19 Jun 7'19 x f 1 Kickoff and review of Project Schedule 11 day May 20'19 May 20'19 i On Premise Setup 5 days jMay 20'19 May 24 19 Server setup 5 days !May 20'19 May 24'19 Development Configuration 3 days May 20'19 May 22'19 SVT Configuration 12days iMay23'19 ;May 24'19 i Solution Design and Prototype-2 Iterations J15 days IMay 20'19 Jun 7'19 Residential Permit 15 days w iMay 27'19 May 31'19 I Site Plan i5 days Uun 3'19 Jun 7'19 Solution Design Document 2 days Way 20'19 May 21'19 Solution Design document prep and submission 2 days iMay 20'19 May 21'19 1 i Solution Design document review by Client 1 day May 20'19 May 20'19 Solution Design document updates 1 day May 20'19 May 20'19 t Milestone 1-Solution Design Complete 0 days Jun 7'19 Jun 7'19 Solution Document Approved 0 days Jun 7 '19 Jun 7 '19 Acceptance 0 days Jun 7 '19 Jun 7 '19 Payment 0 days Jun 7'19 Jun 7'19 i Analysis 133 days Jun 10'19 Jul 31'19 j Back office �16 days Jun 10'19 Jul 8'19 People Structure and Validation 2 days °Jun 10'19 Jun 11'19 ` Property Structure and Validation 2 days Jun 12'19 Jun 13'19 Folder Types 3 days Jun 14'19 Jun 18'19 301P age DocuSign Envelope ID:AC861 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work j Reports and Documents 3 days Jun 19'19 Jun 21'19 Interfaces(GIS,Bluebeam) i6 days 'Jun 24 19 Jul 8'19 _-- Portal ~35 days iJul9'19 Jul 15'19 1 � I Functional Requirements Documents 112 days Jul 16'19 ;Jul 31 '19 Folder Specification Report(System Requirements)-folder Type 13 days I,lul 16'19 Jul 18'19 i I FSR preparation and submission 1.5 days i ul 16'19 �Iul 17'19 FSR Review by Client .1 day Jul 17'19 Jul 1819 ; I FSR updates and sign off 0.5 days 61 18'19 Jul 18'19 s Milestone 2 Folder Analysis 0days Jul 18 '19 Jul 18 '19 1 I Functional Requirements Document-Reports and Documents 3 days Jul 19'19 Jul 23'19 I i FRD preparation and submission 1.5 days Jul 19'19 Jul 22'19 i FRD Review by Client 1 day Jul 22'19 Jul 23'19 I FRD updates and sign off 0.5 days Jul 23'19 Jul 23'19 i Milestone 3 Reports and Documents approved 0 days Jul 23 '19 Jul 23 '19 Functional Requirements Document-Interfaces 3 days Jul 24'19 Jul 26'19 FRD preparation and submission 1.5 days Jul 24'19 Jul 25'19 j FRD Review by Client 1day Pul25'19 Jul 26'19 } { i FRD updates and sign off 0.5 days IJul 26'19 Jul 26'19 I Milestone 4 Interfaces specifications Approved 0 days Jul 26'19 Jul 26 '19 Functional Requirements Document-Portal j3.days Jul 29'19 Jul 31'19 1 FRD preparation and submission 1.5 days "Juf 29'19 Jul 30'19 FRD Review by Client 1 day Jul 30'19 ul 31'19 i 1 FRD updates and sign off 0.5 days Jul 31'19 :Jul 31'19 Milestone 5 Portal specifications Approved 0 days Jul 31 '19 Jul 31 '19 Milestone 6-Needs Analysis Phase Complete 0days Jul 31'19 Jul 31'19 I Folder Specification Reports(FSR's) 0 days Jul 31 '19 Jul 31 '19 Report Mapping Worksheets 0 days Jul 31 '19 Jul 31 '19 i Interface Mapping Worksheets 0 days Jul 31 '19 'Jul 31 '19 j Portal Mapping Worksheets 0 days Jul 31 '19 Jul 31 '19 311 P a g e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Folder Specification Reports(FSR's) '0 days Jul 31 '19 Jul 31'19 i Acceptance 0days Jul 31 '19 Jul 31 '19 Payment 0 days Jul 31 '19 Jul 31 '19 Configuration 23 days jAug 1'19 ;Sep 2'19 Back Office 23 days ':'Aug 1'19 _ 'Sep 2'19 i Folder Types 16 days Aug 1'19 'Aug 22'19 i Milestone 7 Folder types Configured 10 days `19 22 Aug 22 '19 Reports and Documents 6 days Aug 1'19 Aug 8'19 Milestone 8 Reports and docs configured 0 days Aug 8 '19 Aug 8'19 Interfaces(GIS/Bluebeam) 77 days Aug 23'19 ,Sep 2'19 Milestone 9 GIS/Bluebeam configured 0 days Sep 2 ;19 'Sep 2 '19 Portal 18 days Aug 1'19 Aug 26'19 Milestone 10 Portal Solution Configured '0 days Aug 26 Aug 26'19 Internal CIA review ;12.8 days 'Sep 2'19 Sep 19'19 Back office 4 days Sep 3 '19 'Sep 6'19 Folder Types 4 days Sep 3 '19 'Sep 6 '19 Reports and Documents .2 days Sep 3 '19 'Sep 4 '19 Interfaces 3 days 'Sep 3 '19 Sep 5 '19 Portal 5 days Sep 3 '19 'Sep 9 '19 Milestone 10-Configuration Phase Complete 0 days Sep 2'19 Sep 2'19 Configured Folders for Test '0 days Sep 2 '19 Sep 2 '19 Configured Output Reports for Test 0 days 'Sep 2 '19 Sep 2 '19 Configured Interfaces for Test '0 days Sep 2 '19 Sep 2 '19 Configured Portal for Test 0 days Sep 2 '19 Sep 2 '19 Acceptance 0 days Sep 2 '19 'Sep 2 '19 Payment 0 days 'Sep 2 '19 :Sep 2 '19 Promote Build to SVT 1 day ;Sep 3'19 Sep 3'19 Train the Trainer for SVT ;0.8 days Sep 4'19 Sep 4'19 321P . DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation Phase 1 Pilot-Statement of Work Folder Types '0.2 days iSep4'19 Sep 4'19 Reports and Documents 0.2 days Sep 4'19 'Sep 4'19 } Interfaces 0.2 days Sep 4'19 Sep 4'19 Portal '0.2 days Sep 4'19 !Se p4'19 SVT(Solution Verification Testing) '10 days Sep 4'19 'Sep 18'19 i 4 SVT Round 1(folders and workflow) i95 days Sep 4'19 ;Sep 11'19 } Report& Documents 2 days :Sep 4'19 Sep 6 '19 Folder Types&Workflow 3 days Sep 6'19 Sep 11'19 SVT Round 2(Interfaces and Portal) 5 days Sep 11'19 ;Sep 18'19 GIS/Bluebeam 3 days 19 11 Sep 16'19 Portal 2 days Sep 19 16 Sep 18'19 Milestone 12-Test Phase Complete 11 day? Sep 18'19 Sep 19'19 Configuration Based Train the Trainer Knowledge 0 day s Sep 18 Sep 18'19 Transfer 119 Final Configured Folders for Deployment 0 days 19 18 Sep 18'19 Final Configured Output Reports for Deployment -0 days 19 18 Sep 18'19 Final Configured Interfaces for Deployment .0 days 19 18 Sep 18'19 Final Configured Portal for Deployment 0 days 19 18 Sep 18'19 Acceptance 0 days 1g 18 Sep 18'19 Sep 18 `Se 18'19 Payment 0 days 119 p 331 � a , DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A City of Kent — Permitting System Order for Phase 2 — Full Implementation Prepared on February 21, 2019 by CSDC Inc. for: City of Kent CSDC Inc. 804 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78746 Prepared By: Tom Shaw Director, Business Development 561-628-9743 t.shawCa�csdcsystems.com LICENSING GRANTS COURTS&JUSTICE cm-NEWPIC PERMITTING&COMPLIANCE ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation -Statement of Work Contents 1. Overview.................................................................................................................................................2 2. Services and Deliverables.......................................................................................................................2 2.1. Preparation Phase.........................................................................................................................3 2.2. Solution Verification & Prototype.................................................................................................3 2.3. Needs Analysis..............................................................................................................................4 2.4. Configuration................................................................................................................................6 2.5. Training and Knowledge Transfer.................................................................................................7 2.6. User Acceptance Test....................................................................................................................8 2.7. Go-Live&Closure........................................................................................................................10 2.8. Project Management..................................................................................................................11 2.9. Additional Deliverables...............................................................................................................12 3. Dependencies and Assumptions..........................................................................................................13 3.1. Dependencies..............................................................................................................................13 3.2. Additional Dependencies(Assumptions)....................................................................................14 3.3. Customer Assumptions...............................................................................................................15 3.4. Out of Scope................................................................................................................................17 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period........................................................................................18 5. Fee and Payment Terms.......................................................................................................................19 City of Kent................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. CSDC Inc. .................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. AppendixA: Workflow Streams ..............................................................................................................22 Appendix B: Workflow Streams Task and Deliverables Details..................................:............................26 AppB.I. Preparation Phase...............................................................................................................26 App 13.2. Solution Verification & Prototype.......................................................................................26 AppB.3. Needs Analysis....................................................................................................................27 App13.4. Configuration ......................................................................................................................31 App B.S. Training and Know►edge Transfer.......................................................................................33 AppB.6. User Acceptance Test..........................................................................................................35 App6.7, Go Live and Closure.............................................................................................................37 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation -Statement of Work AppB.8. Deliverable Table ................................................................................................................38 Appendix C: Deliverable Acceptance.......................................................................................................40 Appendix D: Pre-Analysis Homework......................................................................................................41 Appendix E: Preliminary Project Plan......................................................................................................43 DocuSign Envefope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2-Statement of Work This Statement of Work("SOW') is entered into by and between CSDC("Prime")and the City of Kent ("Customer") with Vision33, Inc. ("Vision33") as services subcontractor. Project Name Kent Amanda Implementation Anticipated Service Start Anticipated Service End Date Date January 02, 2020 November 30, 2020 This SOW is organized as follows: 1. Overview This section provides a brief overview of the project including guiding goals. 2. Services and Deliverables This section describes the Services that Vision33 will perform and the Deliverables that will be provided to Customer during this engagement. 3. Dependencies and Assumptions This section lists the Customer and/or third-party tasks and responsibilities and project assumptions upon which the Schedule and Fee are based. 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period This section describes the Acceptance Criteria (i.e.,the criteria for software acceptance) and the applicable Acceptance Period. 5. Fee and Payment Terms This section identifies the Fees and Payment Schedule for this SOW. The following appendices provide supporting material, as referred to in the above sections: Appendix A Workflow Streams Appendix 8 Task and Deliverables Details Appendix C Deliverable Acceptance Form Appendix D Pre-Analysis Home Appendix E Preliminary Project Plan 1 i u a g e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work 1. Overview CSDC ("Prime") is working with its partner,Vision33, as a sub-contractor and service provider in order to implement the CSDC owned software,Amanda,for The City of Kent,Washington ("Customer").The goals of this project are; • To provide workflow optimization for their Permitting, Licensing, and Code Enforcement activities • Leverage industry best practices and best of breed technology through the Amanda platform to address the work streams listed in Appendix A • Integrate Phase 1 pilot workstreams with Phase 2 configuration,testing, data conversion, interfaces, and promote to Production with Phase 2 To meet these goals,Vision33 will coordinate with Prime but work directly with the Customer on all activities related to services provided.Vision33 will staff and manage all resources required to provide the services and deliverables as described in this SOW. 2. Services and Deliverables Vision33 will perform the Services described below, including providing the specified Deliverables. The Deliverables will be provided in electronic and/or hard copy form,as appropriate. The following sub-sections describe the tasks and deliverables that Vision33 will complete by the end of the project described in this SOW. Further details for deliverables are included in Appendix B. Deliverables will be considered "complete" when all the acceptance criteria set forth in Appendix B as modified by mutual agreement(in writing) has been met or the prescribed review period for each deliverable/task has expired without written response from the Customer. Key deliverables will require a Deliverable Acceptance(DA)form signed by the Customer. These are denoted with a "(DA Form required)" annotation in the detailed deliverables list in Appendix B.A sample form is shown in Appendix C: Sample Deliverable Acceptance Document. Any item listed as Customer Dependency is required from the Customer to successfully complete a service or deliverable. Delays by Customer in providing any dependency may result in a delay to the project and an associated increase in fees.Any such delays as well as changes in scope or requirements, will be handled through a change order process to adjust the schedule and fees.All dependency timelines and expected delivery dates will be agreed upon in the initial four(4) weeks of the project during the Preparation Phase. The workstreams delivered in the Phase I Pilot project will be leveraged to implement additional workstreams. Modifications to,the pilot workstreams in Phase 2 will be limited to Interfaces and Data Conversion. 21 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work 2.1. Preparation Phase The Preparation Phase will leverage the Discovery and Phase 1 planning and set the foundation for all subsequent steps in Phase 2. This phase includes the following tasks: • Initial kick—off meetings present the project schedule and objectives to all interested parties • Vision33 performs pre-analysis o Collection documentation of current business processes for all workstreams listed in Appendix A o Review Customer's existing system (if any) processes for all workstreams listed in Appendix A • Customer and Vision33 perform SOW review and confirmation of Scoping Document • Customer and Vision33 review Business Requirements Document (BRD)from the Discovery Phase. • Vision33 and Customer confirms project plan from Discovery and expands detailed project planning where necessary • Customer and Vision33 perform resource planning • Customer prepares and installs hardware and software infrastructure Deliverables: • Mutually confirmed scope: continuation of Project Charter • Baseline project plan: leveraging Discovery deliverable Customer Dependencies: • Business Requirements Document (Discovery deliverable) • Sign-off on Project Charter • Hardware and supporting environment from Phase 1 prepared for Phase 2 needs 2.2. Solution Verification & Prototype The Solution Verification & Prototype phase establishes the initial "to-be"AMANDA Folders (records: permits/license/case/etc.)that will be fully elaborated in subsequent phases, and confirms a list of output documents, interfaces/integrations, conversion sources, mobile needs and portal services are. This phase includes the following tasks: • Vision33 conducts Solution Verification workshop with Customer Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) o Review of remaining Amanda Folder Types o List of required Folder Types o Folder Type relationships 3 1 P a g e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work • Vision33 conducts Key Stakeholder review o Prototype Folder Type development and review o Functional requirement alignment o Provides input to Solution Design Document(SDD) Deliverables: • Solution Design Document o General, high-level Solution Architecture o High-level module walk-through guides o Listing of high-level folder types o Outputs o Interfaces o Data Conversion Sources o Portal scope o Mobile scope • Amanda Folder Prototype • Continuation of Traceability Matrix tied to BRD Customer Dependencies: • List and sample of reports to be generated from the system • List of interfaces to be built and available documentation • List of source systems for data conversion • SME participation in Solution Verification workshop and validation of Folder Type list • Key Stakeholder review and sign-off of prototype Folder Types 2.3. Needs Analysis During Needs Analysis business requirements are analyzed including detailed analysis of Folders, Reports, Batches, Interfaces/Integrations, Portal, Mobile and Data Conversion requirements. This phase includes the following tasks: • Vision33 conducts Product Orientation Training • Vision33 leads business fit workshops o Capture detailed business and configuration requirements, including but not limited to ■ Data validation rules ■ Workflow business rules 41 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work ■ Fee calculations o Requirements are captured in the Amanda Administration Console to be used to generate the Folder Specification Reports • Vision33 leads requirement workshops for additional elements o Output documents o Batch routines o Public Portal o Inspector Application • Vision33 leads User Acceptance Test(UAT) preparation workshop o UAT planning, resource requirements, and scheduling o Test case requirements and development plan o Vision33 will provide a Test Case template or the Customer provide may its own,as long as the Customer's template meets the needs of testing. o User Acceptance Test Cases and Execution must address: ■ Folders ■ Batch jobs ■ Output Reports ■ Portal ■ "Pairs"testing for configured elements that interact(e.g. Reports with Folders) ■ Full end to end Systems Testing of the configured solution o UAT duration is currently planned for four(4)weeks,while adjustments can be made at this time, significant change in duration may impact schedule and cost Deliverables: • Folder Specification Reports(FSRs),generated from Amanda • Updated Prototype Folder Types • Mapping worksheets: o Reports Output(25) o Merge Document (15) o Batch o Interface (inclusive of the Phase I Pilot workstreams) o Data Conversion (inclusive of the Phase I Pilot workstreams) o Inspector App(inclusive of the Phase I Pilot workstreams) o Portal 5 1 P a o _ DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work • UAT Plan, including schedule, Customer resources, and test case development timeline Customer Dependencies: • SMEs participate in Product Orientation session • Active SME participation in business fit workshop(s) and other Needs Analysis sessions • Active Customer PM and SME participation in UAT planning • Sign-off on FSRs(requirements gathered in business fit workshop(s)) • Samples of output documents and reports needed,either copies of existing reports, or mock ups of planned reports. • Sign-off on Analysis/Requirements documents for Output Reports, Batch Routine, and Portal. • Sign-off on UAT plan 2.4. Configuration Configuration and unit testing of the AMANDA system is executed during the Configuration phase. The new system is ready for User Acceptance Testing(UAT) at the end of this phase. This phase includes the following tasks: • Vision33 configures and updates folder types • Vision33 develops o Output documents (15 documents and 25 reports) o Batch routines o Custom interfaces o Portal views, connected to Folders • Vision33 performs a QA Review on each component, including: o "Unit Level Testing" for individually configured Folders and other elements against documented requirements, including boundary conditions and error handling for any data validation requirements o "Pairs Testing"for the interaction of Folders with other configured elements where appropriate (i.e. Batch Routines, Reports, Interfaces, Portals, Mobile updates and synchronization) o "Systems testing"for full end to end interaction of multiple configured elements. Testing of custom interfaces to Customer systems may be limited or not possible from the Development environment. • Vision33 installs QA Reviewed solution in the Customer's Testing Environment • Customer develops test cases for UAT • Vision33 reviews for alignment with approved Requirements documents and provides feedback for any necessary adjustments 6IP DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2-Statement of Work Deliverables: • Fully configured and QA Reviewed Amanda Solution for Test, including o Folders o Output Reports(25) o Merge Documents(15) o Batch Jobs o Interfaces o Data Conversion o Inspector App o Portal Customer Responsibilities: • Additional input or clarification as requested related to configuration requirements. • Provision of a User Acceptance Testing environment. • Optionally begin development of User Acceptance Test Plans, Cases, and Procedures in alignment with approved documented requirements. 2.5. Training and Knowledge Transfer The objective of the training is to provide Customer staff with product knowledge, and knowledge of the configured solution to prepare them for development and execution of a User Acceptance Test, as well as other longer-term Customer activities including rollout of End User training to the planned business users of the system, and long-term end user support of the system. This phase includes the following tasks: • Prime Knowledge Management Center(KMC) delivers Amanda User training o General Overview training, not customized to Customer's configuration o Scheduled during Configuration before UAT • Prime (KMC)delivers Amanda Administration training • Vision33 provides knowledge transfer to key Customer Staff o Specific to Customer's Amanda configuration o Informal review prior to User Acceptance Testing o Content includes ■ Use of Back Office Folders, Batch Submissions, Output documents(Admin covered by KMC) ■ Use of configured Portal • Customer completes test cases for UAT 71aa; _ DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work o Vision33 performs final test case review and feedback o Final adjustments are made Deliverables: • KMC User Training • KMC Administration Training • Vision33 knowledge transfer review Prime Dependencies: • KMC Training materials and resources Customer Dependencies: • SME Participation in all training and knowledge transfer • Test cases for UAT 2.6. User Acceptance Test Test cases have been developed by the Customer during Configuration and Training, in alignment with the Folder Requirements(FSRs) and other analysis/mapping Requirements documents approved in Needs Analysis. If Customer Test Case development is not completed by the beginning of UAT,the project may be delayed, and additional costs incurred. User Acceptance Test Cases and Execution must address: • Folders • Batch jobs • Output Reports • Portal • "Pairs"testing for configured elements that interact (e.g. Reports with Folders) • Full end to end Systems Testing of the configured solution This phase includes the following tasks: • Vision33 provides Amanda Folder Issue Log training • Vision33 and Customer perform UAT kick-off with review of plan and UAT goals and guidelines • Vision33 and Customer PM manage UAT to Plan o Testing will be performed in focused cycles, with dedicated SME resources for agreed upon periods of time o Identified issues will be reported by Customer via Amanda Folder Issues Log (AFIL) requests o At the end of each cycle, Vision33 and Customer PMs will triage all identified issues and assign appropriate priorities 81; DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work o Issues which are outside scope or not aligned with documented requirements,will be moved off the issue list and added to a Backlog list o Failure to complete UAT cycles according to plan will impact schedule and cost, triggering a change order process • Vision33 and Customer review Backlog o All items identified throughout UAT and elsewhere as backlog will be reviewed o If an item is critical to launch,Customer will have the option to request a change order to add the item, which may impact schedule and cost • Vision33 will correct any identified issues following triage o Where possible,corrections will be made according to the UAT plan to allow for review and closure of the issue • Customer will approve the various high-level elements of the system with signed Deliverable Acceptance (DA) documents, releasing them to be deployed to Production. • Vision33 and Customer develop Rollout and Go-live Plan • Vision33 develops Production Deployment Instructions Additional modifications to configuration elements after deployment to Production that are not considered defects, will be Out of Scope for the project and will require a Change Order to address. This includes any new requirements that may arise from a staged testing and production rollout strategy. Following Customer approval of the system,the configuration elements are frozen. The Customer will provide any internal business user training sessions either in the Test environment prior to deployment, or in the Production environment after deployment, prior to Go-Live. Deliverables: • Tested and Accepted Amanda Solution, including o Folders o Output Reports o Merge Documents o Batch Jobs o Interfaces o Data Conversion o Inspector App o Portal • Rollout and Go-live Plan • Production Deployment Instructions 91Pag DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Customer Responsibilities: • Attend Prime Knowledge Management Centre (KMC)formal training sessions • Attend "As Configured"Train the Trainer sessions • Execute Test Cases • Execute Final System Test • Log Test Issues in Amanda Folder Issue Log(AFIL) • Participate in Issue triage and prioritization • Approve configured elements and full solution for deployment to Production • Develop End User Guides • Train all end users 2.7. Go-Live & Closure Go-Live and Closure is the last phase of the project where the system is rolled out to production after approval and signoff of User Acceptance Testing, and training of intended end users has been completed.A single rollout of all configured elements is recommended to de-risk the possibility of requiring updates to previously deployed elements in a staged rollout strategy. This phase includes the following tasks per the Rollout and Go-live Plan: • The Customer, with support of Vision33 verifies the production infrastructure against specifications • Vision33 and Customer promote approved elements to the production environment • Vision33 and Customer complete final data conversion • Vision33 leads a mock Go-live session o Walkthrough of deployment procedure o Utilizes Production Deployment Instructions o Adjustments will be made to plan if necessary • Customer performs Production Deployment(with Vision33 support) • Customer performs final conversion/migration of legacy data (with Vision33 support) • Customer installs Mobile software on remote devices • Vision33 provides one (1) week of post-go-live support Deliverables: • Deployed Amanda Solution Customer Responsibilities: • Set up the production environment. 101v oc DocuSign Envelope ID:AC861FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work • Assist Vision33 staff to perform all steps during Mock Go Live. • Deploy configured elements to the Production environment • Convert final Production migration data from source to intermediate tables • Installation of Mobile software on all Inspectors remote devices 2.8. Project Management The Services include the provision of the management and reporting structure for the Vision33 team. Vision33 will also take primary responsibility for coordinating the overall implementation, working with the Customer's and Prime's Project Managers. This includes managing scope and issue resolution and facilitating status meetings in conjunction with the Customer team and stakeholders. 2.8.1. Vision33 Project Manager Vision33 Project Manager will: • Serve as primary interface between Vision33 and the Customer and manage the overall communication plan • Manage and deploy Vision33 project resources • Provide deliverables and drive closure of Vision33 team actions as necessary. • Generate regular status reports including an updated Project Management Schedule. • Attend and participate in key project meetings and workshops including Kick-Off, EPA and PPA; Data Migration, Customizations, and Product Enhancement Requirements workshops; Iteration Reviews, and UAT. • Manage scope and schedule • Manage change requests • Manage work package deliverable acceptance. • Assist with risk identification and risk mitigation strategies 2.8.2. Customer Project Manager The Customer's project manager will: • Work closely with Vision33 Project Manager to.ensure successful completion of the project. • Coordinate Customer Resources to meet Customer Dependencies and all Customer activities for the project • Assist with risk identification and risk mitigation strategies. • Develop and maintain any internal, higher level Program Schedule that may be needed for Customer executives, in consultation with the Vision33 Project Manager if so required. • Attend weekly status meetings with Vision33 and Prime Project Manager DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work • Drive the closure of Customer actions and deliverables pursuant to the definition of business needs • Be responsible for Deliverable Work Package Acceptance • Coordinate Customer's review of the project document and software deliverables and obtain signoff of an approval form to signify acceptance for each deliverable. 2.8.3. Prime Project Manager Prime Project Manager will: • Manage and communicate with all Prime internal resources, including managing Prime dependencies and their timely delivery • Provide product support management • Cross-partner project coordination, ensuring all parties are appropriately aligned. • Attend weekly status meetings with Vision33 and Prime Project Manager 2.9. Additional Deliverables In addition to the Deliverables provided in the previous sections,Vision33 is responsible for providing the following: • Source code developed under this SOW (i.e.,the Work Product). • Deliverables will also include all system configuration files and scripts. • Inventory of all open source components included in the Deliverables and their related licenses. • Any additional Deliverables as agreed upon during the Preparation Phase or Needs Analysis • Backlog list of items identified during Needs Analysis, Configuration, and UAT that were not incorporated into this deployment. 12 P a ; 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation —Phase 2 -Statement of Work 3. Dependencies and Assumptions The following is a list of additional Dependencies beyond those listed in section (B), including responsibilities and other requirements necessary for the successful completion of the Services.This information is used to establish the Schedule and the Fee. Customer acknowledges that the Schedule and Fee may be modified in the event of any failure to meet obligations(in whole or in part),as further described in the Agreement. 3.1. Dependencies 3.1.1. Decision-making and Deadlines Customer's Project Manager(s) is: Name: Hisham Hassan Contact Information: HHassan(c@kentwashington.gov 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-4618 1 Fax 253-856-4700 The Project Manager will manage approvals of Deliverables, including use of required technologies,system content and structure, or other implementation issues. All such decisions will be made within a maximum of five (5) business days but are subject to a faster response time or an extension that is mutually agreed to in writing between Vision33 and Customer. Customer acknowledges that any delays or failures in its cooperation as described in this Section may result in delays in the Schedule, reduction of functionality or an increase in the Fees,as further described in the Master Partner Agreement. 3.1.2. Scope The Services are provided in a fixed time,fixed fee manner.Throughout the project,all parties are required to actively collaborate to make decisions in a very timely manner to meet the delivery dates and control the scope of the Deliverables. 3.1.3. Hardware Customer will procure the development and test hardware environments for use by Vision33 no later than the Project Kick-off Session. Customer will provide technical access to its internal systems no later than the Project Kick-off Session. The staging and production environments must be made available to Vision33 two weeks prior to the start of system testing on those environments in order to test and confirm proper configuration and connectivity. 3.1.4. Work Site The Services will be performed in Vision33 offices, except where it is mutually agreed that circumstances require otherwise. Should it be necessary for the Vision33 team to work other than at the Vision33 office, Customer will provide suitable physical office space, building access, system privileges and required office infrastructure to allow the project team to remain productive. 131 P a g e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work 3.1.5. Access to Customer Materials and Information Customer will make documents and other materials available as specified in the project plan and/or agreed to by the Project Managers. 3.1.6. Mobile and Other Specialty Hardware Customer is responsible for providing at least one of each type of specialty hardware device for the Vision33 team to use in testing. These devices will be provided no later than XX/XX/YYYY. 3.2. Additional Dependencies (Assumptions) 3.2.1. Dates Project start date and other identified project dates are dependent on contract approval and Vision33 resource availability. 3.2.2. Continuity Activities and costs presented in this Statement of Work are based on continuous execution with no material interruption. 3.2.3. Procedures Contracted procedures will be followed, including the change order procedure to manage any identified deviation in project scope, schedule,or budget. 3.2.4. No Customer Configuration Customer will not participate in Amanda development and/or configuration for the initial implementation. 3.2.5. Release Management Customer is responsible for the release to any Customer test environment and subsequently into Production. Vision33 will provide any necessary technical details to assist Customer in this release management effort. 3.2.6. Test Environments Customer will provide the necessary test environments. Vision33 depends on the availability of such environments in order to test solution changes. Any lack of environment availability will be factored into the test plan and could reduce the scope of the testing and release efforts, especially if the Vision33 team needs to assist Customer in resolving environmental issues. 141 Fag e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work 3.3. Customer Assumptions 3.3.1. Business Requirements Document The Customer will provide a business requirements document (BRD) or identify what is considered their BRD during the Prepare phase. If none is provided, schedule and cost will change due to additional analysis requirements. 3.3.2. No System Replacement The Customer solution within the Amanda platform will not be a replica of the KIVA system;the solution will align current Customer workflow with Amanda and automate inefficiencies(leveraging industry&Amanda best practices with business value considerations). 3.3.3. No Business Licensing or Fire Services Business Licensing and Fire Services solution within the Amanda platform are not in scope for this project. Inclusion of this workflow stream at a later phase will relate to a separate engagement. 3.3.4. No Enhancements or Customizations to Inspector App or Public Portal The peripheral applications leveraged (Inspector App and Amanda Public Portal)are pre-defined COTS products. Any enhancements and/or feature customizations requested by the Customer is not considered within scope of this implementation. 3.3.5. Dedicated SMEs Customer will provide Project SMEs who are dedicated to project. 3.3.6. Dedicated PM Customer will provide a dedicated project manager to assist in the Customer resource planning, documentation review, and change management facilitation. 3.3.7. Dedicated Business Analyst Customer will provide a dedicated business analyst to assist in maintaining outputs and requirements provided to the Vision33 implementation team. The Customer business analyst will not perform requirements gathering for the Vision33 and is solely focused on providing content for Vision33 workshops. 3.3.8. Trainers Customer will provide trainers to attend Train-the-trainer sessions and proctor sessions with end users of the Customer. 3.3.9. Functional Scope Limits Vision33 has identified eighty-five (85)application types through discovery and discussions with the Customer. Vision33 assumes these, and only these, are in scope for the new system. These 15 1 ? a g DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work application types translate to approximately twenty (20) folder types with 123 subtype/work-types (which represent the unique workflows managed during discovery sessions). a. Separate applications and permit types can be combined in the Amanda platform due to similar information collected, intake &adjudication requirements and common issuance. Differences will be broken down by folder type, subtype, work type and additional attributes within the system. b. Any additions or reductions to this scope will result in a schedule and cost change to the project that will be handled through a change request. 3.3.10.Output Scope Limits The project will produce forty(40) outputs from the platform.This will be added to the ten (10) outputs produced in Phase 1.This will include rendered outputs that come from crystal reports, jasper reports, and word merges to produce notices, receipts,follow-up letters, operational reports, performance reports,transactions reports, Permit's, penalties through Amanda Backoffice, portal, and within the Inspect App. a. Outputs are estimated as 20 documents/letters and 30 reports. Additional documents/reports are not included within this scope. b. Any additions or reductions to this scope will result in a schedule and cost change to the project that will be handled through a change request. 3.3.11.Advanced Search in place of Reports The ability to use advanced search in Amanda will reduce the number of reports required as users will be able to seek out information and export to excel as needed. If the user can query and interpret the data appropriately, compared to the KIVA report, said report will not be converted within Amanda. Visions33 will support this change through guidance and knowledge transfer. 3.3.12.Integration Scope Limits Through discovery sessions, nine (9) interface/integrations, including the two delivered as part of Phase 1, have been identified and are included within the scope of work quoted. Interfaces/integrations completed in Phase 1 will be incorporated into the final Phase 2 deliverable. a. Vision33 leverages Amanda Web Services to integrate where possible, but also accommodates flat file exports to FTP or SUP locations required, data link sharing, and adaptors to ensure integration integrity and success. b. Any additions or reductions to this scope will result in a schedule and cost change to the project that will be handled through a change request. 3.3.13.External APIs External vendors and/or resources that leverage applications that require integration/interface activities will provide product and API documentation and be available for discussion if the need arises(e.g.Address Authority, Inova, Selection, Bluebeam, a-gov Alliance, etc.). 16 1 o - DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work 3.3.14.Data Conversion Scope Limits Data conversion has been estimated to be one (1)source system to one (1)destination system, covering four(4) business disciplines: Building Services, Planning Services, Development Engineering, and Civil Construction. Any additions or reductions to this scope will result in a schedule and cost change to the project that will be handled through a change request. 3.3.15.Data Quality Data quality(normalization, redundancy, and cleansing) from the legacy system is the responsibility of the Customer. 3.3.16.User Scope Limit For purposes of this scope, 110 users will leverage the solution developed within the Amanda platform. Any additions or reductions to this scope will result in a schedule and cost change to the project that will be handled through a change request. 3.4. Out of Scope Vision33 is not required to provide any Services or Deliverables that are not specifically described in this SOW. For example,the following features and capabilities are excluded from the Services: • Data cleansing • End User training plan • Amanda Product Troubleshooting and release Quality Assurance • Proof of Concept activities • Core Product Enhancement requirements or development; including the Inspector App and Amanda Public Portal • Additional requirements raised after signoff of Needs Analysis Requirements documents • New or derived requirements raised during UAT testing • Customized Training or Training materials • IT or Product support for non-hosted environments • Extensive Vision33 Test Plan,Test Procedures, or Test Reports. • Post Go-Live Product Support and Maintenance for non-configuration elements 17 1 a , _ DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2-Statement of Work 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period For purposes of this Section: • "Defect" means a documented and reproducible error that causes the Software to fail to operate in accordance with its specifications and consists of Severity 1 Defects, Severity 2 Defects and Severity 3 Defects. • "Severity 1 Defect" means any Defect that identifies a significant gap from requirements making the use Amanda as defined impossible and which cannot be circumvented or avoided on a temporary basis by Customer(i.e., no workaround exists). • "Severity 2 Defect" means any Defect which defines a gap between what was delivered and what was agreed to for any important function in the requirements • "Severity 3 Defect" means any Defect which is not required to be correct for go-live.This category also includes any Defect that is primarily cosmetic in nature and does not impact system functionality and any changes or additions to features or functionality Vision33 will deliver the Deliverables described in this SOW. For each document or other non-software deliverable, Customer will review and provide either sign-off of acceptance or feedback for discussion and correction within three (3) business days. Any Deliverable that does not receive notification of non- acceptance within that time period will be deemed accepted. For each software deliverable, Customer will accept each Deliverable, unless such Deliverable contains Severity 1 Defect or Severity 2 Defect and Customer so notifies Vision33 within the Acceptance Period as defined'in the User Acceptance Test Plan. Vision33 will correct Severity 1 Defects and Severity 2 Defects as described above. All other Defects will be tracked for potential future releases. Notice of any Severity 1 Defect or Severity 2 Defect must be provided to Vision33,either in writing or identified in an AFIL(the defect tracking system to be used by Vision33), by the end of the Acceptance Period defined in the User Acceptance Test Plan. Once Vision33 has provided corrections, Customer will have three (3) business days to verify that the corrections are sufficient and to provide written notice of any failure to correct a Severity 1 Defect or Severity 2 Defect. If no written notification is provided,the corrections and the Deliverables will be deemed accepted. If no User Acceptance Test Plan has been mutually agreed upon by the start of User Acceptance, the schedule and fees for the project will need to be adjusted via a change request procedure. 18 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 F64-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work S. Fee and Payment Terms The Fee for the Services and Deliverables described in this SOW is$696,764.00 USD. Vision33 may travel on site for key meetings and activities related to the project(on request). Travel is estimated at$3500 per resource to be onsite from Monday to early Friday. A recommended travel budget for the project would be up to (9)trips for a total $31,500.This is a budgetary number and not a fixed price.The City of Kent will authorize when trips can occur and can request additional trips beyond this budget.A Change Order and/or Amendment will be required to add funding for Travel, should additional travel be deemed necessary. All invoices will be billed in arrears and paid upon Purchaser acceptance of criteria defined per milestone or deliverable outlined in Appendix B. Payment Table Milestone Invoice Amount(USD) Milestone 1 Project Kickoff and Project Plan $46,400.00 Milestone 2 Solution Design Document and Prototype $56,000.00 Milestone 3 Folder Specification Report $62,000.00 Milestone 4 Merge documents and reports specification $32,000.00 Milestone 5 Batch Routine specification $26,000.00 Milestone 6 Interface Mapping Specification $24,000.00 Milestone 7 Data conversion mapping worksheet $30,000.00 Milestone 8 Inspector App Functional Requirements $18,000.00 Milestone 9 Portal Functional Requirements Document $18,600.00 Milestone 10 Backoffice Configuration and QA $90,000.00 Milestone 11 Configured Reports and documents and QA $36,000.00 Milestone 12 Configured Batch jobs and QA $36,000.00 Milestone 13 Data Conversion scripts executed and QA $60,000.00 Milestone 14 Inspector app configuration and QA $24,000.00 Milestone 15 Portal Deployed and QA $12,600.00 Milestone 16 Interface(s) deployed and QA $24,000.00 Milestone 17 Amanda KMC End User Training(1 day, up to 10 users) $14,000.00 Milestone 18 Amanda KMC Admin Training(3 days up to 5 users) $20,000.00 Milestone 19 Amanda KMC Inspector App Training(1 day, up to 10 users) $7,500.00 Milestone 17 User Acceptance Testing Completed &Signoff $23,664.00 Milestone 18 Go Live completed,Transition completed,and post go live support ended $36,000.00 19 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2-Statement of Work Travel Budget(billed as actuals) $31,500.00 Professional Services and Travel Total (USD) $728,264.00 20 I a , _ DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Billing Address: I(>< a �A > Total SOW Amount: Purchase Order No: � Accepted and agreed: City of Kent CSDC Signature Signature DocuSigned by: !—��- n—a Pelu." CkalA.yy Name Name John Hanby Title Title SVP Sales Date Date 5/9/2019 Cit of I��n L Signature t T` Name Title Date 211 P i g e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent-Amanda Implementation -Phase 2 -Statement of Work Appendix A: Workflow Streams Code Enforcement 3) Complaints I Economic Development Property Tax Exemption Commercial Building Permit Residential Building permit(delivered in Phase I Pilot through UAT) -------- - -----1 Contractor Building Permit Commercial Demolition Permit I Residential Demolition Permit Contractor Demolition Permit I Commercial Mechanical Plumbing _ Residential Mechanical Plumbing Contractor Mechanical Plumbing Commercial Re-Roof Permit Residential Re-Roof Permit Multi-Family Re-Roof Permit Residential Basic Building permit Residential j Storm Water i Commercial i Storm water Construction Minor Civil Construction Permit -__- - -- ----- --— ------- -------- ------ Construction Water Construction Signage Commercial Storm water Minor Civil Const Minor Civil Construction Permit Minor Civil Const i Water ��-Minor Civil Const Signage_ Minor Civil Const Earthwork and Clearing j Construction i Earthwork and Clearing Temporary Special Events — Engineering Sewer from Service Agency Engineering _-- Sewer from Service Agency Engineering Sewer from Service Agency 221Page DocuSign Envelope ID:AC661 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent-Amanda Implementation -Phase 2 -Statement of Work Engineering—_ Water from Service Agency _ Engineering - ! Water from Service Agency LEngineering - ( Water from Service Agency --- Engineering +Conditional Use Permit Commercial Sign Permit ! Commercial — j Sign Variance j Commercial Sin permit-Temporary j Construction Sewer Construction Sewer Construction Storm Water I Construction I Street i ;_Construction — Grading Construction ! Curb&Gutter Construction TESC i Construction Traffic Lights j Construction Critical Mitigation Minor Civil Const Sewer Minor Civil Const Sewer Minor Civil Const Storm Water Minor Civil Const Street Minor Civil Const Grading Minor Civil Const Curb&Gutter Minor Civil Const Minor Civil Const Traffic Lights - Minor Civil Const Critical Mitigation ; Construction Site-Specific Residential-Built with Basic i Construction Site-specific Res with Comprehensive Plan Map — Construction Multi Family Building Permit Construction Residential Basic Construction base plan worksheet and Option Construction Res-Planning I Construction Resubmittal — 231Page DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent-Amanda Implementation-Phase 2 -Statement of Work Construction Revision Engineering— Civil Construction Engineering — — On-Site Improvements Engineering I Off-Site Improvements — ------ Engineering On and Off-Site Improvements I Engineering Minor Civil Construction Permit/Plan Land Use Dwelling Unit permit Cottage Housing Demonstration Proposal— Final Short Subdivision Final Binding Site plan_ Land Use Lot Line Adjustment _— Land Use Master Plan Land Use —_ Midway Design Review Land Use i Mixed use design review L�._-__-..... Land Use I Multi-Family Design Review- — Land Use 1 Planned Unit Development --- j Land Use 1 Plat Alteration Land Use Pre-App Conference Land Use Shoreline Exemption '. Land Use I shoreline permit 1 Land Use type 1 short subdivision Land Use Type 2 short subdivision Land Use Site Plan Review(delivered in Phase I Pilot through UAT) Land Use Special Home Occupation_ Land Use Subdivision 10 or more final plat application I Land Use Subdivision 10 or more pre-plat application _ I Land Use ( Temporary Use Permit Land Use 1 Variance Application Land Use Administrative Wireless Telecommunications Application Land Use I Conditional Wireless Telecommunications Application I j_Land Use - -- -- --- -- zoning map amendment ---.__.---------_-____- 24iPage DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent-Amanda Implementation -Phase 2 -Statement of Work Construction i Deferral Land use + Variance Application j Review ----- ! Public Hearing Appeal j Appeal Admin Interpretation Appeal — _ —— Appeal SEPA Determination j Appeal_ Appeal Short Plat Decision Binding Commercial&Industrial Binding— Condominium Sites Binding Binding Site Modification Planning _ _-- Schedule Hearing - Planning — --_— Notice of public hearing Planning— — Staff Report Planning Public Hearing Planning Land use Recommendation Planning — — City Council Decision Planning Notice of Decision i Engineering_ — —_ ', Amendment Engineering Amendment Engineering Amendment 1! Engineering ? Amendment Engineering Amendment g_.—---g--- - - - -- -------- .__-. ---. -- - --------- -- En ineerin Amendment Engineering Amendment -_ 1 Engineering i Pre-App Conference I Engineering Completeness Review Engineering Additional Info submittal i Engineering Notice of Application Engineering External Agency-Comment process Engineering Public Notice Engineering Application changes from Notice 25i > .; DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2-Statement of Work Appendix B: Workflow Streams Task and Deliverables Details The following subsections provide details of key deliverables to be completed and provided to Customer by Vision33. As each deliverable is provided,the Customer Project Manager will be notified. Unless specifically note in the deliverable description, Customer has five (5) business days to review each deliverable and provide written notification of acceptance or non-acceptance of the deliverable. If no notification is provided,the deliverable will be deemed accepted. Any notice of non-acceptance must include detailed feedback of the reason Customer does not accept, per section 4. Acceptance Criteria and Acceptance Period App B.I. Preparation Phase App B.1.1 Project Kickoff Session Deliverable Description:A leadership driven session to introduce the vendor,objectives,goals, and exit criteria necessary for a successful implementation. Upon completion the slide package is delivered to Customer. Assumptions and Constraints: o Prior to kickoff items provided from the "Pre-Analysis Homework", required from the Customer, will be provided to Vision33. o Kickoff may be in conjunction with the Solution Verification workshop to facilitate a single session. o Kickoff/Slides include project scope,goals and expectations, risks, PM process, high level schedule. Acceptance Criteria: Completion of Kickoff Session and delivery of slide package. App B.1.2 Project Plan Deliverable Description: Mutually agreed upon project schedule, maintained by Vision33,to commence the project. Assumptions and Constraints: o Vision33 maintains the project plan. Exports can be provided upon request but the Vision33 collaborative project schedule will be the System of Record. o Customer Project Manager has identified SMEs and IT resources that will be available throughout the implementation o Completion will signify the initial project plan. Rebalancing activities will occur on a monthly basis and will account for any expected vacation/holiday plans for resources and update for any lag that has occurred. Acceptance Criteria: Customer Project Manager Acceptance of Schedule. App B.2. Solution Verification & Prototype App B.2.1 Solution Design Document(SDD) Deliverable Description: Document that represents a high-level view of the solution. The SDD establishes that the Solution Architect has a functional understanding of the solution required to meet the needs established within the engagement. 26 1 P DocuSign Envelope ID:AC861 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787679D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2-Statement of Work Assumptions and Constraints: o Listing and high-level definition of Folder Types to be developed. Below is a list of all program actives listed in the RFP. These will be grouped into 20 Amanda Folder types with 110 Subtype/work-types. o List of 20 merge documents and 30 reports. o High level listing of portal scope. o High level listing of Inspector App scope. o High level listing of the Interface scope. o High level listing of the data conversion scope. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signoff on the SDD Document. App 13.2.2 Amanda Folder Prototype Deliverable Description: A high-level walk through of the SDD and Prototype are performed to emphasize the functional understanding gained through output provided and Solution Verification workshops performed. In addition, a Folders List, documenting the elements of the solution that will be expanded upon during Needs Analysis will be provided. Assumptions and Constraints: o The Prototype Folder(s) may be in the Customer's Development environment or a Vision33 Sandbox if the Development environment has not yet been prepared. o Folder list is an export from Prototype and includes all Folders that are to be developed as defined in the Customer's BRD and Vision33 SDD documents. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Signoff of Folder List. App B.3. Needs Analysis App B.3.1 Updated Amanda Folder Prototype Deliverable Description: Document that provides a detailed description of each unique folder, a mapped workflow diagram, and business rules gathered during requirements gathering workshops. Assumptions and Constraints: o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document (SDD)from the Scope Verification phase o Identified folder types are found in the "workflow grouping" column of Appendix A and are subject to change through the Solution Verification and Needs Analysis phases. o Any changes to the folder count(20)will be discussed with the Customer prior to making the adjustment. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the FSR Report. 27ia �oP DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work App B.3.2 Report(s) Output Requirement Document(s) Deliverable Description: Document(s)that lay out the design of a specific output deliverable(report, query,or dashboard) and the corresponding data required to meet Customer requirements found in the Customer BRD. Assumptions and Constraints: o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document (SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. 0 25 reports are in scope Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Report Output Mapping worksheet. App B.3.3 Merge Document Requirement Document(s) Deliverable Description: Document(s)that lay out the design of a specific document(s) and the corresponding data required to meet Customer requirements found in the Customer BRD. Assumptions and Constraints: o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document (SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. 0 15 merge documents are in scope Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Report Output Mapping worksheet. App B.3.4 Batch Routine Requirement Document(s) Deliverable Description: Document(s) that describes automatic batch routines required,their functionality, and any automated modifications to data elements. Assumptions and Constraints: o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document(SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. o Up to 17 batch jobs. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Batch Routine Document(s). App B.3.5 Interface Requirement Document(s) Deliverable Description: Document(s) describing identified interfaces,their functionality, and any automated modifications required for data elements. Assumptions and Constraints: o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document (SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. o Except for Bluebeam and GIS,the Phase I Pilot workstreams should be included in interface analysis and documentation. 0 9 Interfaces have been identified,they are the following: ■ Business License legacy interface ■ Inova (Internal POS) payment gateway • Orbi payment gateway ■ State/e-Gov alliance 281Pa � z DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work ■ Laserfische ■ Bluebeam (implemented in Phase 1) • GIS(implemented in Phase 1) • IVR ■ Address Authority Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Interface Requirement Document(s). App 13.3.6 Data Conversion Mapping Worksheets) Deliverable Description: Excel document describing all data conversion required,their functionality, and any automated modifications to data elements. Assumptions and Constraints: o Data Conversion mapping/analysis is not to exceed 10 business days, this does not include configuration,testing, and UAT issue identification/resolution. o Customer is responsible for data cleansing, normalization, and redundancy. o Customer will make available a technical resource familiar with the legacy application's relational structure and be able to perform cleansing, normalization, and redundancy. o Customer will export data from legacy system and upload (in native format)to tables within the database. o Vision33 analyst will map all fields to the solution. If elements are to be omitted this should be communicated by SMEs to the analyst accordingly. o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document(SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. 0 1 data conversion source, KIVA, relating to the following four business disciplines: Building Services, Planning Services, Development Engineering, and Civil Construction. All other sources, or business disciplines, identified would be considered out of scope o Phase I Pilot workstreams should be included in Data Conversion analysis and documentation. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Batch Mapping Worksheets. App I3.3.7 Inspector App Functional Requirements Document Deliverable Description: Document that provide a detailed list of the inspections, inspectors, and functionality of the Inspector Application. Assumptions and Constraints: o The Inspector Application is a pre-defined COTS solution that leverages the back office through store&forward functionality. Changes requested are product enhancements and are not within scope of this engagement. o Elements covered in the document relate to inspection type, inspectors, and installation. o Vision33 can provide recommendation on devices, but recommendations will only be through prior installation and use experiences. Vision33 makes no attestation or assurances on the device the Customer selects to utilize. o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document (SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. o Phase I Pilot workstreams should be included in Inspector App analysis and documentation. 291Page DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2-Statement of Work Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Inspector App FRD. App B.3.8 Portal Functional Requirements Document(FRD) Deliverable Description:A detailed document describing the Portal screens,the identified fields to present to citizens, permissions around access, and exchange data elements. Assumptions and Constraints: o Requirements are backwards traceable to Customer's BRD, and Vision33's System Design Document(SDD)from the Scope Verification phase. o Portal will include scope for the following: ■ Home Page or Landing Page. ■ Page Master: • Default master page for all subsequent pages. ■ Public Search Page: • Search for[Folder] by property address. • Search for[Folder] by permit/license information. • View [Folder] search results in table or on map (Google map). • View [Folder] details: o Folder Details(i.e.folder). o Property Details(if applicable). o Application Details(i.e. Folder Info's). ■ User Registration (2-step verification) Page. ■ Registered User Login page. ■ User Profile Management Page. ■ Password Reset Page. ■ User Dashboard: • View data &status of all permits, licenses and other applications: o Folder Details(i.e.folder). o Property Details(if applicable). o Application Details(i.e. Folder Info's). o Attachments. o Certifications. o Process list with Status. o Application Fee. o Schedule Inspections. • Edit data of all permits, licenses and other applications. • Schedule& manage inspections requests. • Download approved permits or license. ■ Submit New Applications: • Submit/renew an application (Folder): o Application Wizard &Anchors for(Customer-authored) Help/Guiding Text. o Property Search. o Application Detail(i.e. Folder info's). o Upload attachments(multiple file, drag&drop). 30 i P a e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work o Pay application fees. ■ Save and withdraw applications. ■ Payment interface. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and PM signed acceptance of the Public Portal FRD. App B.3.9 User Acceptance Test Plan Deliverable Description: Document that provide a detailed to complete User Acceptance Testing. The plan will include: • List of all test cases to be developed and assigned resources responsible for delivering • Schedule for test case development • Schedule for review and validation of test cases and acceptance criteria • UAT schedule including o Test cycle schedule o Issue triage schedule o Issue correction period o Resource plan and schedule Assumptions and Constraints: o Vision33 will manage the UAT process o Customer PM will coordinate and communicate with all Customer resources required to complete UAT. o Customer will make required resources available to complete the UAT in a timely manner. o Failure to make Customer resources available will impact schedule and/or cost, requiring a change order to the project o User Acceptance is currently estimated at 4-6 weeks—an increase in duration of UAT will impact overall schedule and fees, necessitating a change order Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer PM signed acceptance of the UAT Plan. App B.4. Configuration App B.4.1 Configured Folders for Test Deliverable Description: Configured Folders in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o QA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o UAT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-test Folders released to Customer Test Environment and Customer notified about release. App 6.4.2 Configured Output Reports for Test Deliverable Description: Output Reports in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. 31 1 p a DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787679D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work o QA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o UAT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test Output Reports released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release for UAT to commence. App B.4.3 Configured Merge Documents for Test Deliverable Description: Merge Documents in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o QA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o UAT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test Merge Documents released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release. App B.4.4 Configured Batch Jobs for Test Deliverable Description: Batch Job Routines in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o If batch jobs require external validation the Customer must coordinate the appropriate contact to establish an appropriate test plan. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o QA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o UAT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test Batch Job Routines released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release. App B.4.5 Configured Interfaces for Test Deliverable Description: Interfaces in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o The Customer must coordinate the appropriate contact to establish an appropriate test plan. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o QA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o UAT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test Interfaces released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release. App B.4.6 Configured Data Conversion for Test Deliverable Description: Data Conversion in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Data Conversion configuration is not to exceed 25 business days,this does not include UAT issue identification/resolution. o An updated export of data is uploaded into (the Customer's) pre-established tables. 32IPage DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787679D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work o Legacy technical SME must be available for any outlier or data discussion that arise from the conversion scripting. o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o CIA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o UAT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test Data Conversion released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release. App 8.4.7 Configured Inspector App for Test Deliverable Description: Inspector App in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o CIA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o UAT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test Inspector App released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release. App 8.4.8 Configured Portal(s)for Test Deliverable Description: Portal module configured in Customer's Test Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Configuration is completed as defined in the approved Analysis documentation. o All functions and features configured have been unit and system tested. o CIA is to be performed prior to Customer handoff o UAT should not commence until Train-the-Trainer activities occur Acceptance Criteria: Pre-Test configured Portal(s) released to Customer Test Environment, and Customer notified about release. App B.S. Training and Knowledge Transfer App B.S.1 KMC Amanda User Training Course Deliverable Description: Formal KMC Training course and hard copy training material for each attendee. Assumptions and Constraints: o One (1) day training course. o Onsite delivery. o KMC Training Instructor will deliver the course. o Ten (10) attendees per training session. o Attendees will include staff that will be. ■ Performing User Acceptance Testing. ■ Providing long term internal support to the system. Acceptance Criteria: Completion of Training Course. 331Pa DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787l379D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work App B.5.2 KMC Amanda Administration Training Course Deliverable Description: Formal KMC Training course and hard copy training material for each attendee. Assumptions and Constraints: o Three (3) day training course. o Onsite delivery. o KMC Training Instructor will deliver the course. o Five(5)attendees per training session. o Attendees will include staff that will be: ■ Performing User Acceptance Testing. • Providing long term internal support to the system. Acceptance Criteria:Completion of Training Course App B.5.3 KMC Amanda Inspector App Training Deliverable Description: Formal KMC Training course and hard copy training material for each attendee. Assumptions and Constraints: o One (1) day training course. o Onsite delivery. o KMC Training Instructor will deliver the course. o Ten (10)attendees per training session. o Attendees will include staff that will be. • Performing User Acceptance Testing. ■ Providing long term internal support to the system. Acceptance Criteria: Completion of Training Course. App B.5.4 Configuration-Based "Train the Trainer" Knowledge Transfer Deliverable Description: Solution training performed by Vision33 staff to SMEs, with the expectation of the SMEs to be prepared to properly train other staff successfully. Assumptions and Constraints: o Vision33 will provide Two, One (1) day training courses with a maximum attendance of 10"trainers" per course. o All train-the-trainer activities are performed onsite, unless explicitly requested otherwise(in writing) by the Customer. o Vision33 Business Analyst,Solution Architect, and/or Technical Consultant may provide the training as appropriate. o Training will focus on Back Office, Inspector App, and Portal features o Training documentation will not be provided and is the responsibility of the Customer to create for further training sessions. Acceptance Criteria:Completion of Training session. 34 1 a g DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787879D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work App B.6. User Acceptance Test App B.6.1 Final Configured Folders for Deployment Deliverable Description: This deliverable signifies the completion of folder User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and respective functionalities, reported as issues during UAT, are resolved or mitigated. Assumptions and Constraints: o Issues logs, maintained to track UAT progress, is the responsibility of the Vision33 PM. o Issues reported are those reported within the test environment prior to Production deployment. o Vision33 classifies issues in order of severity(1,2,and 3). The resolution and/or mitigation of all Severity 1 &2 issues deems the solution complete and ready for deployment in Production. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and Project Manager signoff. App B.6.2 Final Configured Output Reports for Deployment Deliverable Description: This deliverable signifies the completion of output report(s) UAT and respective functionalities, reported as issues during UAT, are resolved or mitigated. Assumptions and Constraints: o Issues logs, maintained to track UAT progress, is the responsibility of the Vision33 PM. o Issues reported are those reported within the test environment prior to Production deployment. o Vision33 classifies issues in order of severity(1,2,and 3). The resolution and/or mitigation of all Severity 1 & 2 issues deems the solution complete and ready for deployment in Production. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required):Customer Business SME and Project Manager signoff. App B.6.3 Final Configured Merge Documents for Deployment Deliverable Description: This deliverable signifies the completion of merge document UAT and respective functionalities, reported as issues during UAT, are resolved or mitigated. Assumptions and Constraints: o Issues logs, maintained to track UAT progress, is the responsibility of the Vision33 PM. o Issues reported are those reported within the test environment prior to Production deployment. o Vision33 classifies issues in order of severity(1,2,and 3). The resolution and/or mitigation of all Severity 1 & 2 issues deems the solution complete and ready for deployment in Production. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and Project Manager signoff. App B.6.4 Final Configured Batch Jobs for Deployment Deliverable Description: This deliverable signifies the completion of batch job UAT and respective functionalities, reported as issues during UAT, are resolved or mitigated. Assumptions and Constraints: o Issues logs, maintained to track UAT progress, is the responsibility of the Vision33 PM. o Issues reported are those reported within the test environment prior to Production deployment. 35 1 P a o a DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61F64-AD51D-430A-9E63-4227876705A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2-Statement of Work o Vision33 classifies issues in order of severity(1,2,and 3). The resolution and/or mitigation of all Severity 1&2 issues deems the solution complete and ready for deployment in Production. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and Project Manager signoff. App 13.6.5 Final Configured Interfaces for Deployment Deliverable Description: This deliverable signifies the completion of folder User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and respective functionalities, reported as issues during UAT, are resolved or mitigated. Assumptions and Constraints: o Issues logs, maintained to track UAT progress, is the responsibility of the Vision33 PM. o Issues reported are those reported within the test environment prior to Production deployment. o Vision33 classifies issues in order of severity(1,2,and 3). The resolution and/or mitigation of all Severity 1 & 2 issues deems the solution complete and ready for deployment in Production. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and Project Manager signoff. App B.6.6 Final Configured Data Conversion for Deployment Deliverable Description: This deliverable signifies the completion of data conversion UAT and respective functionalities, reported as issues during UAT,are resolved or mitigated. Assumptions and Constraints: o Issues logs, maintained to track UAT progress, is the responsibility of the Vision33 PM. o Issues reported are those reported within the test environment prior to Production deployment. o Vision33 classifies issues in order of severity(1,2,and 3). The resolution and/or mitigation of all Severity 1 & 2 issues deems the solution complete and ready for deployment in Production. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and Project Manager signoff. App B.6.7 Final Configured Inspector App for Deployment Deliverable Description: This deliverable signifies the completion of Inspector App UAT and respective functionalities, reported as issues during UAT, are resolved or mitigated. Assumptions and Constraints: o Issues logs, maintained to track UAT progress, is the responsibility of the Vision33 PM. o Issues reported are those reported within the test environment prior to Production deployment. o Vision33 classifies issues in order of severity(1,2, and 3). The resolution and/or mitigation of all Severity 1 & 2 issues deems the solution complete and ready for deployment in Production. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and Project Manager signoff. App B.6.8 Final Configured Portal for Deployment Deliverable Description: This deliverable signifies the completion of Portal UAT and respective functionalities, reported as issues during UAT, are resolved or mitigated. Assumptions and Constraints: o Issues logs, maintained to track UAT progress, is the responsibility of the Vision33 PM. 36IPag _ DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work o Issues reported are those reported within the test environment prior to Production deployment. o Vision33 classifies issues in order of severity(1,2, and 3). The resolution and/or mitigation of all Severity 1 & 2 issues deems the solution complete and ready for deployment in Production. Acceptance Criteria: (DA form required): Customer Business SME and Project Manager signoff. App B.7. Go Live and Closure App 13.7.1 Go Live Checklist Deliverable Description: Document that provides step-by-step instructions, as well as the identified resource responsible,to ensure a successful migration of the developed solution to the production environment. Assumptions and Constraints: o Vision33 staff will not have access to Customer Production environment (i.e.Server, Database, etc.). o May or may not include a physical deployment package of configured elements depending on whether Customer prefers instructions to move elements between environments,or instructions for install elements from a package (e.g. Zip file). o Final version may be "red line" updated by the Customer at mock Go-Live prior to actual deployment. Acceptance Criteria: Customer email or verbal approval of the Deployment Instructions. App B.7.2 Deployed Essential Configuration Elements Deliverable Description: Configured Elements are deployed to Production Environment. Assumptions and Constraints: Includes: o Customer performs deployment with Vision33 support. o Configured elements are those described above and cover the following: ■ Folders. ■ Batch Jobs. ■ Output Reports. ■ Documents ■ Interfaces. ■ Inspector App. ■ Portal. Acceptance Criteria: Elements Deployed to Production. App 13.7.3 Go Live Deliverable Description: Customer begins using the system in Production with live data. Assumptions and Constraints: o Go Live may not be immediately after Production Deployment o If production deployment does not signify Go Live, once final production deployment dedicated resources will be released to other projects. o Usage of the system with live production data constitutes Go Live even if formal notification has not been provided. 37 1 DocuSign Envelope ID.ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Acceptance Criteria: Customer notification of Go-Live or Customer usage of the system for live Production data. App B.7.4 Post Go Live Support Deliverable Description: Vision33 support to address issues arising in the first week of usage in Production. Assumptions and Constraints: o If go-live is not immediately after production deployment, additional costs may be required for post go-live support o Limited timeframe: one (1) calendar week after Go-Live to raise issues. o Vision33 resolves issues before considering the deliverable closed. o After completion of Post Go Live support, any new issues are handled under separate agreement as appropriate to the issue. Acceptance Criteria: o Completion of one (1) calendar week period without incident. o Closure of incidents raised during first calendar week of operation. App B.B. Deliverable Table The deliverable table is organized by project phase, with an estimated date range.The estimated date range is based on the preliminary project plan provided in Appendix#E Deliverable -77 Item Phase/ B.1. Preparation Phase -,-- B.1.1. Project Kickoff Session B.1.2. Project Plan B.2. Solution Verification B.2.1. Solution Design Document 13.2.2. Amanda Folder Prototype B.3. Needs Analysis B.3.1. Updated Amanda Folder Prototype B.3.2. Report(s)Output Requirement Document(s) B.3.3. Merge Document Requirement Document(s) B.3.4. Batch Routine Requirement Document(s) B.3.5. ! Interface Requirement Document(s) B.3.6. Data Conversion Mapping Worksheet(s) a B.3.7. Inspector App Functional Requirements Document B.3.8. Portal Functional Requirements Document 381Page DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent-Amanda Implementation-Phase 2 -Statement of Work B.3.9. User Acceptance Test Plan B.4. Configuration BA 1. Configured Folders for Test 6.4.2. Configured Output Reports for Test B.4.3. Configured Merge Documents for Test B.4.4. Configured Batch Jobs for Test - j B.4.5. Configured Interfaces for Test B.4.6. Configured Data Conversion for Test — B.4.7. �— - Configured Inspector App for Test 13.4.8. Configured Portal for Test — --- - -------- ---------- -- - B.S. Training and Knowledge Transfer j B.5.1. KMC Amanda User Training Course 6.5.2. KMC Amanda Administrative Training Course Bv5 3. _--KMC Amanda Inspector App Course B.5.4. Configuration-Based "Train the Trainer" KT B.6. User Acceptance Test j B.6 1. Final Configured Folders for Deployment B.6.2. Final Configured Output Reports for Deployment _ Final Configured Merge Documents for Deployment B.6.4. Final Configured Batch Jobs for Deployment B.6.5. Final Configured Interfaces for Deployment LB.6.6. Final Configured Data Conversion for Deployment B.6 7 Final Configured Inspector App for Deployment -- ----- - -- . - B.6 8 Final Configured Portal for Deployment B.7. Go Live and Closure B.7.1. Go Live Checklist 13.7.2. Deployed p_yed Essential Configuration Elements_ i i 6.7.3. Go Live B.7.4. _— Post Go Live Support 391Page DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Appendix C: Deliverable Acceptance Milestone Acceptance Request . Date Requested: Requested Return Date: Telephone: Accepted No Conditions El Accepted with Conditions Rejected El Comments: Attachment: (indicating Acceptance) 40 1 P a g e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Appendix D: Pre-Analysis Homework Topic Item list Leadership • Provide Full Name, Role/Title,and Department for the following roles: o CIO o Project Sponsor o Department Directors or Officials o Project Manager o Business Analyst Users • Proved Full Name, Role/Title,and Department for all Backoffice Users • Provide Full Name,Title, Discipline, and Regions(if applicable)for all Inspectors • Provide Full Name,Title, and Support Function for all IT members involved in this engagement Business • What is the primary goal of the system? • Synopsis of the business • Process Flow diagrams Operational • Standard Operating Procedures (if available) Customer Interaction • Paper application • Any public portal available? • How does the public provide information to San Jose? Communication • Letters sent to public • Emails • Certifications Dependencies • Individual applications • Progressive applications (a,b,c) Internal reporting • Report Examples • Detail important metrics to operations Fees • Fees • Discounts • Computational logic 411 P a e e DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Current State • Pain Points • Expectation of the new systems • Peak volume • Busy periods • "Case" Metrics—Number of Folders per year • Licenses for existing systems or Third-Party systems-expiry dates, deadlines? Eligibility • Any Certifications? • Any third-party service providers Reviewers • Communication to the external reviewer • Inspections Current application • Walkthrough (recorded) • Identify Unique requirements: • Relate to AMANDA o People o Property o Attachments o Business Rules • Data Conversion (legacy system description of overall purpose) Accounting • Interface with GL • Reconciliation 421Pao DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 Fl34-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787l379D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Appendix E: Preliminary Project Plan Task Name ,Duration IStart IFinish Project Management 1245 days !Oct 1'19 Sep 7'20 AMANDA Implementation for City of Kent 245.3 days IOct 1'19 !Sep 8'20 ' f Phase 2-Build Phase ' _ 135 days jOct 1'19 Nov 18'19 3 Prepare&Software Delivery '1 day ioct 1119 1Oct 1'19 Pre-Analysis IS days Oct 1'19 !Nov 18'19I Kickoff and review of Project Schedule 1 day Oct 1 '19 Oct 1 '19 On Premise Setup 13 days sOct 1'19 ;_Oct 3'19 Solution Design and Prototype-2 Iterations i34 days Oct 2'19 !Nov 18'19 Milestone 1-Solution Design Complete 0 days Nov 18 '19 Nov 18'19 Analysis 102 days Oct 1'19 Feb 19'20 { Back office i68 days Oct 1 '19 Jan 2'20 Interfaces !14 days Jan 3 '20 Jan 22 '20 Conversion 9 days flan 3 '20 {Jan 15 '20 IL-Inspector 3 days Jan 16 '20 IJan 20 '20 Portal 12 days Jan 23 '20 Jan 24 '20 Batch Jobs _ 1 day ` Jan 27 '20 Jan 27 '20 f Functional Requirements Documents 17 days Jan 28 '20 Feb 19'20 Folder Specification Report(System Requirements)-Folder =Type 6.5 days Jan 28'20 Feb 5 '20 FSR preparation and submission _. _ _ .._ su ;5 days Jan 28'20 'Feb 3 '20 ^ FSR Review by Client 1 day 'Feb 4'20 Feb 4'20 FSR updates and sign off ___. __.-.p g 0.5 days (Feb 5 '20 Feb 5 '20 Milestone 2 Analysis Complete Folder and FSR 0 days Feb 5 '20 'Feb 5 '20 j Functional Requirements Document-Reports and Documents 3 days Feb 5'20 IFeb 10'20 I FRD preparation and submission 1.5 days Feb 5 '20 ;Feb 6'20 FRD Review by Client 1 day Feb 7'20 'Feb 7'20 FRD updates and sign off i0.5 days Feb 10 '20 Feb 10 '20 Milestone 3-Reporting Analysis complete and approved ;0 days Feb 10 '20 Feb 10 '20 43 1 :: - _. DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation —Phase 2 -Statement of Work Functional Requirements Document-Interfaces 3 days lFeb 10'20 Feb 13'20 FRD preparation and submission 11.5 days jFeb 10'20`Feb 11'20 j ^� FRD Review by Client 1 day Feb 12'20 Feb 12'20 FRD updates and sign off _ — _^ 0.5 days Feb 13'20 Feb 13 '20 Milestone 4-Reporting Analysis complete and approved 0 days Feb 13'20 JFeb 13'20 Conversion mapping work sheets 4.5 days Feb 13'20 lFeb 19'20 Conversion mapping Worksheets prepare and submission 2 days Feb 13 '20 Feb 17 '20� i Conversion mapping Worksheets Review 12 days 'Feb 17 '20 Feb 19'20 j Conversion worksheet Signoff 0.5 days !Feb 19'20'Feb 19 '20J Milestone 5-Conversion Mapping worksheets complete 0 days Feb 19 '20 Feb 19 '20 Approved Functional Requirements Document-Batch Jobs 2 days Feb 17'20 Feb 19'20 FRD preparation and submission i00 5 days Feb 17'20 Feb 17'20 FRD Review by Client !1 day Feb 18 '20 jFeb 18'20 FRD updates and sign off j0.5 days Feb 19 '20''Feb 19 '20 Milestone 6-Requirements for Batch jobs 0 days Feb 19 '20 Feb 19 '20 Inspector App Requirements 1 day Jan 28 '20 Jan 28'20 FRD preparation and submission 11 day Jan 28'20 Jan 28'20 1 FRD Review by Client 11 day Jan 28'20 Jan 28'20 3 FRD updates and sign off i1 day Jan 28 '20 Jan 28 '20 Functional Requirements Document-Portal 13 days Feb 13'201Feb 1820 FRD preparation and submission 11.5 days Feb 13 '20JFeb 14'20 FRD Review by Client 11 day Feb 17 '20 Feb 17 '20 — FRD updates and sign off _ 0.5 days Feb 18'20`Feb 18'20 Milestone 7 Portal Requirements days Feb 18 '20 Feb 18'20 Milestone 8-Needs Analysis Phase Complete P days Feb 18'20 Feb 18'20 F Configuration _:� M 53 days 'Feb 18'20 May 1'20 Back Office �53 days ;•Feb 18'20 May 1'20 Folder Types w-_ __ _ -., 33 days yY JFeb 18'20 jApr 3'20 Milestone 9-Folder type Configuration Complete 0 days Apr 3'20— Apr 3'20 # 441Page DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Reports and Documents 15 days Apr 3 '20 Apr 10 '20 Milestone 10 Reports/documents configuration complete 0 days ;Apr 10 '20Apr 10'20 Batch Jobs 8 days $ ' Ys Apr10 '201Apr22 '20 ! Milestone 11-Configuration of Batch jobs complete 0 days Apr 22 '20 Apr 22 '20 ' Interfaces(GIS/Bluebeam) 17.5 days ?Apr 3 '20 Apr 288'20 Milestone 12- interfaces complete 0 days Apr 28 '20 Apr 28'20 Conversion 7 days Apr 22 '20 May 1 '20 Milestone 13 Conversion Complete 0 days May 1'20 May 1'20 Portal 30 days Feb 18'20!Mar 31 '20' Milestone 14 Portal configurations Complete D days Mar 31 '20 Mar 31 '20 i Internal QA review 15 days May 1 '20 May 22 '20 Milestone 15 -Configuration and CIA Complete 0 days May 22 May 22 20 '20 Promote Build to UAT/Pre-Prod Env 1 dayMay 22 May 25 '20 '20 KMC Admin and End User Training(1-day,4 day) 5 days MOay 25 Jun 1 '20 Training for UA Testing 0.8 days Jun 1 '20 Jun 2'20 Folder Types 0.2 days Jun 1 '20 Jun 1 '20 Reports and Documents 0.2 days Jun 1 '20 Jun 1 '20 Interfaces 0.2 days Jun 1 '20 Jun 2 '20 Portal 0.2 days Jun 2 '20 Jun 2 '20 UAT(User Acceptance Testing 135 days Jun 2 '20 Jul 21 '20 _ UAT Round 1 (15 days Jun 2 '20 Jun 23 '20 UAT Round 2 110 days dun 23 '20 Jul 7'20 UAT Round 3 10 days 1Jul 7 '20 ul 21 '20 Integration UAT 20 days 'Jul 21 '20 'Aug 18'20 Milestone 16-Test and Training Phase Complete 0 days Aug 18'20 Aug 18'20 -- Configuration Based Train the Trainer Knowledge Transfer 0 days Aug 18 '20 Aug 18 '20, Final Configured Folders for Deployment 0 days Aug 18 '20 Aug 18 '20 1 ` 451Page i DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61 FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Final Configured Output Reports for Deployment 0 days Aug 18'20 Aug 18'20 Final Configured Interfaces for Deployment days Aug 18'20 Aug 18'201 Final Configured Portal for Deployment �0 days Aug 18'20 Aug 18'20 Acceptance ;0 days Aug 18'20IAug 18'20 / Payment 10 days Aug 18'20 Aug 18'20 Go Live Preparation 11.25 days IAug 18'20�ug 19'20 verify software release version for Production vy, 0.25 days Aug 18'20 Aug 18'201 j Production Environment readiness 11 day ug 18'20�Aug 19'201 Install final AMANDA release on Back office, Portal, SOLAR, Yellow l day Aug 18'20Aug 19'20 fin Signoff on verification and mutual acceptance of the Go live check; i ' ;1 day ;Aug 18 '20;Aug 19'20 list + I Go Live Readiness j4 days .Aug 19'20 Aug 25'20 jGo-No-Go decision(Based on Data Conversion issues if any) I day Aug 19'20 Aug 20'20 Configuration Cut Over _— �0 days Aug 20 '20!Aug 20 '20' �0.5 days Aug0'20 Aug0 '20 Backup Production Environment Y_ g g Final Data Integrity Testing 1 day Aug 19 '20jAug 20 '20 1 Restore Production Backup 11 day Au_ g_20 '20A _ �ug 21 '20 Solution Go Live —� i1.5 days Aug 21'201Aug 25 '20 • 1 day Aug1'20 Aug4 '20' Support Transition Y ! g g Milestone 16-Go Live 0 days Aug 25 '20 Aug 25'20 Mock Go Live Deployment 0 days Aug 25'20 Aug 25 '20 II Production Deployment Package and Instructions — '10 days Aug 25 '20Aug 25 '20 Deployed Essential Configuration Elements 0 days Aug 25 '20 Aug 25 '20 Deployed Legacy Data 0 days_ Aug 25 '20 Aug 25'20 I Deployed Secondary Configuration Elements '0 days Aug 25 '20Aug 25'20� Go Live 10 days Aug 25'20 Aug 25'20 Acceptance 10 days Aug 25 '20 Aug 25'20j 10 days AuPayment 25 20 Aug25 20' Post Go live Support 10 days Aug 25 '20 Sep 8'20 461Page DocuSign Envelope ID:ACB61FB4-AD5D-430A-9E63-422787B79D5A Kent—Amanda Implementation—Phase 2 -Statement of Work Milestone 17- Post Go Live Complete and Project Closure 0 days Sep 8 '20 Sep 8'20 47 1 KENT REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) l� Approved by Di c r Originator: Somen Palit Phone (Originator): X4608 Date Sent: 05/17/19 Date Required: 05/31/19 Return Signed Document to: Lynnette Smith Contract Termination Date: 05/12/20 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: CSDC Systems, Inc. (Only required on contracts 0 5/ 17/19 20 000 and over or on any Grant DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 04/16/19 Date Risk Manager Notified:N/A (Required on Non-City Standard Contracts/Agreements) Has this Document been Specificall Account Number: T20163.63600 64190.1800 Authorized in the Budget? • YES8NO Brief Explanation of Document: Please sign all documents to enter into agreements with CSDC Systems, Inc. to replace the existing Kiva system with Amanda. 1. MLSA Rec 2. SOWO-Discovery 3. SOW1-Pilot VEO 4. SOW2-Full Implementation 5. PO#152517 - $1,259,435.24 Budget impact: Budgeted within IT's Capital budget "S V T LAW All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department (T is a e to be completed by the Law Department) Received: Approval of Law Dept.: y, Law Dept. Comments: (J Date Forwarded to Mayor: Shaded A�as a Completed By Administration Staff Received: RECEIVED Recommendations and Comments: Disposition: City of Kent Office of the Mayor Date Returned: '1 wi\orms\Document rocessing\ equest orMayor's Signature.doex