HomeMy WebLinkAbout4322 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent City Code to address residential and commercial on- street parking issues by: (1) amending section 9.38.060 to add streets to the locations with two- hour parking limits, (2) amending section 9.38.065 to add streets to the locations with four-hour parking limits during business hours and establishing a new four-hour parking zone to be in effect at all times, and (3) amending section 9.38.175 to establish a new residential parking zone for the Mill Creek Neighborhood and near Kentridge High School. RECITALS A. Kentridge High School has limited parking available on-site for its students. This has led parking to spill over into residential areas south of the school impacting the surrounding neighborhoods. Specifically, students have been observed parking in the Glencarin Division 1, Shadow Run, and Jason Lane residential neighborhoods. Council desires to address these neighborhood impacts. B. Sound Transit's "Sounder" train station, Kent Station, is located between James Street and Smith Street between Railroad Avenue and First Avenue North. Sounder operations began in late 2000. A parking garage was constructed for the Sounder commuters as well as surface lots and some on-street parking. 1 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood C. In recent years, ridership on the Sounder has increased significantly. With the success of the Sounder, Sound Transit has increased train operations between Lakewood and Seattle by adding an additional round trip in 2016 and two additional round trips in 2017. Cities on the Sounder South route, including Puyallup, Sumner, Auburn and Kent have experienced parking challenges associated with the Sounder's increase in ridership as the parking designated for Sounder commuters becomes fully occupied very early in the morning on most weekdays. This has led Sounder commuters to spill over and park in unintended areas. Specifically in Kent, Sounder commuters have been observed parking in the Mill Creek residential neighborhood. D. Sound Transit is currently designing a project that will construct a second parking garage downtown, however, that parking garage is not scheduled to open until approximately 2023. While Sound Transit continues to address the parking needs of its riders, the City has an immediate need to address the impact to the Mill Creek Neighborhood by adding parking time limits to some locations and creating a residential parking zone. E. Finally, West Smith Street has recently experienced an increase in the number of vehicles parking on the street for extended periods of time and at all hours of the day, which limits the availability of and turnover of parking. F. To address these issues and ensure that there is adequate parking for both residential and commercial needs, this ordinance amends various sections of Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code to add additional time limited parking in a number of new locations and to establish two new residential parking zones, "Kent RPZ No. 2," within the Mill Creek Neighborhood and "Kent RPZ No. 3" near Kentridge High School. The 2 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC - Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood administration of the residential parking zone will be at no cost to neighborhood residents. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment. Section 9.38.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Two-hour parking zones," is amended as follows: Sec. 9.38.060. Two-hour parking zones. A. Two-hour parking limit. Except as provided for under KCC 9.38.070 and 9.38.170, at such times as the director of public works or designee shall place the appropriate sign, or the facilities superintendent for municipal parking facilities, it shall be illegal to park any motor or other vehicle for an uninterrupted period in excess of two hours between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on either side of, unless otherwise indicated, the following streets, parking lots, parking garages, or portions thereof: 1. Centennial Parking Garage: that portion of the first floor as posted or otherwise marked. A vehicle that displays a valid disabled parking placard or disabled license plate is exempt from the two-hour limitation. 2. City Hall parking lot between City Hall and the Centennial Building: all parking stalls unless otherwise posted or marked. A vehicle that displays a valid disabled parking placard or disabled license plate is exempt from the two-hour limitation. 3. Clark Avenue North: from East Smith Street to East Temperance Street, west side only. 3 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood 34. East Pioneer Street: from Central Avenue North easterly approximately 150 feet to the alley east of Central Avenue North, south side only. 45. First Avenue North and First Avenue South: from a point 200 feet north of West Meeker Street to West Titus Street. -56. Railroad Avenue North and Railroad Avenue South: from East James Street to East Smith Street, east side only; and from East Smith Street to East Gowe Street. 67. Ramsay Way: from 230 feet east of 4th Avenue North to 350 feet east of 4th Avenue North. -78. Ramsay Way: from 440 feet east of 4th Avenue North to 520 feet east of 4th Avenue North, south side only. 89. Ramsay Way: from 480 feet east of 4th Avenue North to 520 feet east of 4th Avenue North, north side only. 910. Ramsay Way: from 30 feet north of West Temperance Street to 150 feet north of West Temperance Street. -1911. Second Avenue North and Second Avenue South: from West Harrison Street to West Titus Street. -1412. State Avenue North and State Avenue South: from East Smith Street to East Gowe Street. 4-213. West Gowe Street and East Gowe Street: from Fourth Avenue South to Central Avenue South. -1314. West Meeker Street and East Meeker Street: from Fourth Avenue to State Avenue. -1415. West Harrison Street: from Fourth Avenue North to Second Avenue North. 3-516. West Titus Street: from Second Avenue South to First Avenue South, north side only. Provided, that this section shall not apply on Sundays or holidays. 4 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood B. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction punishable by a monetary penalty of $30. Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be towed and impounded as provided by law. SECTION 2. - Amendment. Section 9.38.065 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Four-hour parking zones," is amended as follows: Sec. 9.38.065. Four-hour parking zones. A. Four-hour parking limit—during business hours. Except as provided for under KCC 9.38.070 and 9.38.170, at such times as the director of public works or designee shall place the appropriate sign, it shall be illegal to park any motor or other vehicle for an uninterrupted period in excess of four hours between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on either side of, unless otherwise indicated, the following streets, public parking lots, public parking garages, or portions thereof: 1. East George Street: from Central Avenue North to State Avenue North. 2. State Avenue North: from 175 feet south of East George Street to north end of road, west side only. �3. Railroad Avenue North and Railroad Avenue South: from East Smith Street to East Gowe Street. Provided, that this section shall not apply on Sundays or holidays. B. Four-hour parking limit—at all times. Except as provided for under KCC 9.38.070 and 9.38.170, at such times as the director of public works or designee shall place the appropriate sign, it shall be illegal to park any motor or other vehicle for an uninterrupted period in excess of four hours at any time on either side of, unless otherwise indicated, the following streets public parking lots, public parking garages, or portions thereof: 1. West Smith Street: from 64th Avenue South to Washington Avenue. 5 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood SC. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction punishable by a monetary penalty of $30. Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be towed or impounded as provided by law. SECTION 3. - Amendment. Section 9.38.175 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Residential parking zone" is amended as follows: Sec. 9.38.175. Residential parking zone. A. Purpose of residential parking zone. The city establishes this residential parking zone (RPZ) program in response to parking concerns expressed by residents of the neighborhood surrounding destinations that are expected to generate significant demand for offsite parking in those neighborhoods, the Vent Events Gentef and as required to mitigate parking _ impacts of those destinationsthe events center-. This RPZ program will reserve parking on the surface streets in the RPZs established hereinNeFth for neighborhood owners, residents, and their visitors, who might otherwise be displaced by visitors to these destinations.— B. Residential parking zone established. 1. The following described area, also known as the North Park Neighborhood, is established as Kent RPZ No. 1: That area bounded on the west by Fifth Avenue North, to the south by West James Street, to the north by State Route 167, and to the east by the Burlington Northern main line (First Avenue North). Residential parking zone permits are required at all times to park in Kent RPZ No. 1. 2. The following roadways or portions thereof, within the area known as the Mill Creek Neighborhood, are established as Kent RPZ No. 2: a. Cedar Street: from Clark Avenue North to Jason Avenue North. b. Clark Avenue North: from 150 feet north of East Smith Street to East Temperance Street, east side only. 6 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood C. Clark Avenue North: from East Temperance Street to East James Street. d. East George Street: from State Avenue North to Woodford Avenue North. e. East Temperance Street: from Kennebeck Avenue North to Jason Avenue North. f. Jason Avenue North: from East Smith Street to East James Street. g. Kennebeck Avenue North: from East Temperance Street to north end of road. h. State Avenue North: from East James Street to 175 feet south of East George Street. i. State Avenue North: 175 feet south of East George Street to north end of road, east side only. i. Woodford Avenue North: from East James Street to north end of road. Residential parking zone permits are required to park between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays to park in Kent RPZ No. 2. 3. The following roadways or portions thereof, within portions of Glencarin Division 1, Shadow Run, and Jason Lane are established as Kent RPZ No. 3: a. 124th Avenue Southeast: from Southeast 208th Street to Southeast 211th Street. b. 125th Avenue Southeast: from Southeast 209th Street to north end of road. C. 125th Avenue Southeast: from Southeast 209th Street to Southeast 211th Street. d. 126th Avenue Southeast: from Southeast 208th Street to Southeast 211th Street. 7 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood e. 127th Place Southeast: from Southeast 208th Street to Southeast 211th Street. f. Southeast 208th Place: from 126th Avenue Southeast to end of road. a. Southeast 209th Street: from 170 feet west of 124th Avenue Southeast to 125th Avenue Southeast. h. Southeast 209th Court: from 126th Avenue Southeast to end of road. i. Southeast 210th Court: from 126th Avenue Southeast to end of road. j. Southeast 210th Court: from 127th Place Southeast to end of road. k. Southeast 210th Place: from 124th Avenue Southeast to end of road. I. Southeast 210th Street: from 124th Avenue Southeast to end of road. M. Southeast 211th Street: from 125 feet west of 124th Avenue Southeast to 124th Avenue Southeast. n. Southeast 211th Street: from 125th Avenue Southeast to 160 feet east of 127th Place Southeast. Residential parking zone permits are required between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on weekdays during the months of September through June, excluding holidays, to park in Kent RPZ No. 3. C. RPZ manager. The mayor will appoint from city staff the RPZ manager who shall administer the RPZ program as set forth in this section. The duties of the RPZ manager may be carried out by more than one (1) person and may be delegated to the customer services division of the city's finance department as appropriate. D. Residential parking zone permit. When properly issued and displayed, an RPZ permit or a visitor parking permit will authorize a vehicle 8 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood to park within the RPZ for which the permit was issued. A property is included within the RPZ only if its address includes, and/or sole access to the property is via, a street that is within the RPZ. The permit shall not guarantee a parking space, nor shall it exempt the vehicle or operator from observing zones where parking is otherwise prohibited, including but not limited to permanent or temporary no parking zones, loading zones, fire zones, and all zones where parking is regulated or prohibited by other applicable laws or regulations of the Kent City Code. E. Permit eligibility. 1. Zone owners and residents. Permits may be issued only to persons who own property or reside in the RPZ established by subsection (B) of this section. At this time, all permits will be issued to RPZ owners and residents free of charge. 2. Resident visitors. The RPZ manager may issue additional permits to each residence within the RPZ for temporary use by residents' visitors. Visitor permits may not be sold or redistributed for any purpose. 3. Government vehicles. Government vehicles will not be required to obtain permits for the purpose of conducting official business in the North Park Neighborhood. Government vehicles associated with the conduct of business at the Kent Events Center may not park in the RPZ. F. Use and validity of permits. 1. The RPZ permit is valid only if displayed on the rear left window of the vehicle and only for so long as the permit holder owns or controls the vehicle and resides at the address for which the permit was issued. 2. A visitor parking permit shall be valid only if the hang tag is hung from the vehicle's rearview mirror. the date of�i�iraTc��crisscrd fiEe� �e-lid-a�E6id with the PFeEess set 9 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood RPZ maigagie-r-. G. Issuance of permits. The RPZ manager will send four (4) RPZ window decals to the owner of record and to the occupant of each dwelling unit or residence within the RPZ. In addition, the RPZ manager will send fifteen (15) hang tag visitor permits to each owner of record and the occupant of each dwelling unit or residence for temporary use. Each permit issued shall contain the number of the RPZ for which it was issued and a serial number for the permit, together with such other information as determined by the RPZ manager. The RPZ manager is authorized to issue additional RPZ and/or visitor permits, if a demonstrated need exists. Any RPZ resident may make application for additional necessary permits by returning to the RPZ manager a completed application supplied by the city identifying the additional permits required and the reason for the request. Additional permits will be issued at the discretion of the RPZ manager and at no cost at this time. H. Proof of ownership or residence. The following will be sufficient proof of ownership or residence within the RPZ: 1. Appearance as owner of record on the King County recorder's office website; or 2. A valid driver's license showing residence at a current address located within the RPZ; or 3. A deed, lease, rental agreement, or other document which, at the discretion of the RPZ manager, establishes residency, and which shows residency within the RPZ. I. Revocation or denial of permits - Cause. Any of the following shall be cause for the revocation or suspension of RPZ permits and/or visitor permits by the RPZ manager: 10 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood 1. The making of any false or misleading statement in application for a permit. 2. The transfer to an unauthorized person or address. 3. The alteration of a permit in any respect in order to gain privileges not authorized by the permit. 4. The display on a vehicle of a permit that has been suspended or revoked. 5. The sale of a permit and the receipt of anything of value in exchange for a permit. J. Revocation or denial of permits - Process. If the RPZ manager finds that a RPZ permit or a visitor permit should be revoked or denied for any of the reasons set forth in subsection (I) of this section, the RPZ manager will send a written notice of revocation or denial to the permit holder, which notice shall contain the following information: 1. That the permit is denied or will be revoked not sooner than ten (10) calendar days from the date of the letter. 2. The reasons for permit revocation or denial. 3. That unless a written notice of appeal is filed with the community development director not later than ten (10) calendar days from the date of the notice of revocation or denial, the permit will be deemed finally revoked or denied. 4. That the basis for the appeal must be contained in the written notice of appeal. K. Revocation or denial - Appeal. An applicant aggrieved by the RPZ manager's revocation or denial of an RPZ or visitor permit may file a notice of appeal with the community development director who upon consideration of the written documentation submitted in the notice of revocation or denial and the notice of appeal will affirm, reverse, or modify 11 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC - Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood the revocation or denial decision, or order suspension for a specified period. L. Violation - Penalty. Effeetive janHaFy 1, 2909-,-41t shall be a parking infraction to park within th-e-an RPZ unless the parked vehicle properly displays a valid RPZ permit or a visitor parking permit. Any violation of this section shall be an infraction punishable by a monetary penalty of fifty dollars ($50). Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be towed or impounded as provided by law. SECTION 4. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 6. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date . ppr ed 12 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood ATTEST: 4� �a. /9 KIMBERLEY A. ��MOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted 5 f 0 /° Date Oublkhed APPROVED AS FORT1`: ITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY 13 Amend Chapter 9.38 KCC- Time-Limited Parking and Residential Parking Zone for Mill Creek Neighborhood STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd,being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on May loth, 2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$9. V Polly Shepherd `` NtI111111/f�� Publisher, Kent Reporter �.�� GAIF Subscrib and sworn to me this loth day of May, 2019. � niss;oti,.GL,`� e D p�TqR Gale Gwin,Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing ii .��`•'3 zo 9 .•• sa Covington,Washington N S i `r 18 Friday,May 10,2019 Kent Reporter Legal Notices Legal Notices Service Director resolution will be mailed Elementary Bus Drive R :'s upon request of the City Improvements. '?�d� Clerk. pgOJECT SCHED- Kimberley A. Komoto, ULED BID DATE City Clerk Sealed construction bid _ Published in the Kent will be due no later than , J - Reporter May 10, 2019. 3:00 pM Tuestlav Mav M855901 28 2019 and then Harbour Homes, LLC, opened at the following ;r1y "� Jamie Waltler, 400 N location: mwiiiApartments for Rent 34th St Ste 300 Seattle, Kent School District +. I Icing county WA 98103-8600, is 12033 SE 256th Street KENT seeking coverage under Kent WA 98030 Professional services Home Services Home services Home services the Washington State PROJECT SCOPE Dental services Landscape services Landscape services Roofing/siding Scenic Vista Department of Ecology's The Kent School District Senior Construction Stormwater wishes to contract ser- A-1 SHEER Steve's ROOFING& NPDES and State Aces for bus drive lane GARDENING& REMODELING Waste Discharge Goner- Improvements at Neely- Apartments LANDSCAPING Gardening 26404 104th Ave SE al Permit. O'Brien Elementary Cleanup'Trim _New Sod Senior Discounts Kent,WA 98030 The proposed project, School. Free Estimates llcrest is located at PROJECT 'Weed'Prune'Sod -Beauty Bark: Apartments NOW Hi Seed'Bark -Weeding Expert Work Available 20815 96th PI S in Kent DOCUMENTS JC DENTURE CLINIC 'Rockery -Trimming 253-850-5405 Beautiful 1&2 BRs, in King county. Plans,specifications,ad. Dentures starting at 'Backhoe' afros -Pruning Ametl c••.cmvea� This project involves Benda, and bidder's list r♦;_ Bene,asnee Bu, i� starting at: for this project$550 425 226 3911 Patios �k 9.873 acres of soil dis- p jest is LK.AMERiGcsrese 1 BR-S946/mo.Partials starting at 206-226-3345 Retaining Wall turbance for Residential available through Kent - 2 BRs-$1130/mo. construction activities. School District's online $880 Lmx AISHEGLOWM -Sprinklers Section 8 accepted. The receiving waterbod- Wan room. Free of Relines starting at Income Limits Apply. 9 charge, p $250 CALL STEVE lea are Storm System, 9,access is rovid- Complete �: Carl Susan About Garrison Creek, Puget ed to Prime Bidders, Rep 24 hours Landscapingin Landscaping Inc. 206-244-6043 Move in Specials!! Sound. Subcontractors, and 425-336-9511 a 253-520-9876 Any persons desiring to Vendors by going to: Accepts -653-7621 Mowing,Weeding, ucnSTEveGLssycz TDD:711 present their views to httpJ/bxwa.com and Call 2 06-65 3-7621 Trknming,Pruning, the Washington State selecting This InstNutbn is an Equal Professional Services' Cleanup, Home Services Opportunity Provider and Department of Ecology 'Posted Projects", Farm/Garden service Pressure Washing, Lawn/Garden service ROOF employer regarding this Applica- "Public Works", scroll to Maintenance, on tion, or interested in "Education" and "Kent ROSALE'S Sod&Fences CHEAPYARD SERVICE Ecology's action on this School District" Offering a free roof Application, may notify Bidders are encouraged Lawn and Garden Free Estimates AND estimate from a Ecology in writing no let- to"Register' in order to (206)355-9330 a HANDYMAN Family Owned or than 30 da of the receive automatic email YARD WORK Corr I1i971 n5 Pressure cleaning, et y Ys P utter cleanin Company. last date of publication of notification of future ad- LANDSCAPING 9 g,etc. Includes high quality this notice. Ecology re- denda and to be placed Mowing,trimming, Fence,deck building 9 q ty on the "Bidder's List". 9, Advertise your Concrete,Paintin & install for an affordable views public comments and much more!! 9 price;by factory and considers whether This on-line plan room upcoming garage sale Repairs. trained employees. discharges from this pro- provides Bidders with Call Alfredo in our local community And all yard services. full usable on-line docu- Y Y As well nt a protected sect would cause a m re- Y 253-202-9372 newspaper and online 206�4o12to91 warranty with an I suraWe change in re- menu with the ability to JifMI to reach thousands of accountability contract, calving, water quality, download, print to your Home all/Sees Many discounts and, if so, whether the own printer, order full/ Floor lnstall�servlce households in your area. Home Sorvicaa available! project is necessary and Partial plan sets from Go online to Painting 206.849.8079 Announcements in the overriding public hundreds of reprograph- I r www$OYl�rla�lf'e�COIII perteclelar"I ity.com NATURE-BASED PSO- interest according to Tier is sources (on-line print r License:PERFEEL8TT RIASIS STUDY! Sub- II anti-degradation re- order form), and a free Call:1-800-388-2527 jests clear after afour- quirements under WAC on-line digifizerttake-off ar W00 oonng Fax; 698�800 Homeservicos teen clay protocol. 173-201A-320. tool. Contact Builders "Paintin Tree shrub care y P Comments can be sub- Exchange of Washing- . g XN Remain clear for miffed to: ton at (425) 258-1303 "Tle months. No pharmaceu- milted ment of Ecotog ton a you require as- "Pressure Washin r ticals, call 206-755-0436 yg .•r to schedule. mere Iter- Attn:Water Quality Pro- s i s t a n c e . ..CleanU S Tree Trimming ya ram, Construction d project manual and p and Prunin nativehealth.org gSlormwater drawings are available Special Spring Clean-up I Medium size Removal. P.O. Box 47696, Olym- for viewi to each at :Tree Service •Hauling p g PROMOTE YOUR RE- ng •Weedin •Prunin �1lltHf Stump Grinding.Roof GIONAL EVENT state- pia,WA98504-7696 Kent School District Home Services g g and Gutter's cleaning. wide with a$325 classi- A 855178 Capital Planning office Hans :Hedge Trim •Fence Excavator Services 5/3/19,5/10/19 located at the above ad- yparson •Concrete -Bark PNW PAINTERS tied listing or$1,575 for dress. Documents will PUGE •New Sod&Seed Our mission at PNW ALL YARD WORK a display ad. Call this KENT CITY COUNCIL ONST SOUND .Aerating&Thatching simple: to AND LANDSCAPING newspaper or 360-344- NOTICE OF also be made available Painters is igh for viewing at the follow- PUBLIC provide hi h uali CCLATINLGBalPS 2938 for details. PUBLIC HEARING 9 :Aerating Kitchen 8 P high-quality b Interior/Exterior ing plan centers: Painting and Bath sPainting services for our valued STILL PAYING T00 2020-2025 Builders Exchange of Pressure Washing' clients.Our team goes . much for Transportation Washington 9 Home Repairs above and beyond toree TION? your MEDICA- Improvement Program Build Wood Decks SenbrDiscounf cater to each ro'ect's Save up to 90% NOTICE IS HEREBY 2607 Wetmore Avenue print& and Fences FREE ESTIMATE specific p needs. _ and RX refill]receive erder ttree GIVEN that the Kent City Everett,8 -926 Washington Patio Covers Through open commu- shi Council will hold a public Aping on 1st order - P (425)258-1303 253-334-9564 2O6-MAR 6100 to atl service,and excep- a• 1 prescripton required. hearing on the 202P wtvw bxwa com on/ine 2PUGETS xWA fional t hope Call 1-866-685-6901. prov Trnt Program t 7 Seattle Daily Journal of ;fPUGET$CO3&(A you'll find what you're Advertise your provement Program at 7 Commerce 1 looking for with our ex- u comin Leger Notices p.m. on Tuesday, May 83 Columbia Street Home ,-s perienced staff of P 9 garage sale 21,2019,in the Council M200 PO Box 11050, painters. in your local community Chambers at Kent Cit y 98111 Beattie, Washing- ALL LANDSCAPING Some of our common newspaper and online NOTICE OF Hall, 220 4th Avenue ton 98104 to reach thousands of ORDINANCE South, Kent.All interest- (206)622-8272 Q Fence repair&new services include: ed persons are invited to C` • . fence installation, Houses, Decks, Fenc- households in your area. PASSED BY attend and will be given m plaacenter dic lan Center be Guttek8 RooRcl�ean nlg, Washing. The Pressure Go online to The following CITY COUNCIL an opportunity to speak. UonBractor SE Pnternatlonal Hours: Retainingwall, www.SasrlCl L%Hieds.com mary of an ordinance Members of the public Way Milwaukie, Oregon Driveway AND MUCH MORE. Get in touch today to Call:1-800-388-2527 passed by the Kent City may also submit written 97222 8-5 m schedule your free y comments at the meet- P Seal Coatin Check us out Online Council on Ma 7,2019. (503)650 0148 Patching out estimate: Fax:3605986800 ng, or in advance by y,ww.contractor lancen- PHONE: RAN ORDINANCE regular U.S. Mail to the tercom P Stripping andgarden.com Domestic services Ci Clerk's Office, 220 Monday Retaining Walls, ccunNLGesees (36EMAI : Adult/Eider care the City Council of the Fourth Avenue South, MANDATORY SITE IN City Kent, WA 98032, or b Patio ry of Kent, SPECTION to Friday Call Harry 0 Pnwpainters A PLACE FOR MOM ton, amending the Kent electronic mail to y Site Inspection:Coubmit 206-434-527t Ile®gmail.com has helped over a million City Code to address CityClerkOKentWA gov. tors intending to submit VISIT: families find senior liv- residential and commer- sealed bids must attend 253-844-9075 . pnwpaintersllc.com ing. Our trusted, local cial on-street parking is- Any written comments the mandatory site in- wwwsoundclassifieds. Check us out on sent in advance must be advisors help sues by: (1) amending received no later than 4 held t conference com Find your perfect pet , & facebook too! find solutions to your section to9.38.060 c add p.m.on May 21,2019,in held at the school.Meet unique needs at no cost streets to the locations order to be considered. at the front of the build- email: In the Classifieds. Your Satisfaction SE Is with two-hour q 9 classifieds: ea.SsiwICWrIRs6.nw S• • Our Priori 4148 u. Call 855-415- limits,(2)amending parking Any Person cc mm - lnEsday May 14 soundpublishing. _ ton 9.38.065 to add disability accommoda- ®2;30 p.m streets to the Ito add bon should contact me Site Location: com • • • • Blackberry with four-hour locations City Clerk's Office in ad- 6300 S.236th Street call toll free y limits during bus nets vans. at 253-8565725. Kent WA 98032 1 888 399 3999 &Brush Removal hours and establishing s For TDD relay service, g10 SECURITY RE- or I new fourton -hour parking Telecommunications call the Re- OUIREMENT Ivy,Debris&Stump Removal zone to four in effect at all Bid securi in the 1.800.388.2527 Small Bldg Demolition times,and(3)amending lay Service A. omot �' KimberleyClerk A.Komoto amount of 5 V.of the bid section 9.38.175 to es- Ci Clerk sum must accompany e Bobcat/Backhoe tablish a new residential 2A-856-5725 each bid. Security shall .• 16 Concrete Removal parking zone for the Mill made payable to the Published in the Kent Kent nt School District ei- _.-. Creek Neighborhood Reporter May 10, 2019. that certified check or e r Asphalt Removal and near the Kentridge p855894 by 046& Lot Clearing sr Blackberry Brush Removal High School. u bond issued by a 9 Free Estimates This ordinance shall take INVITATION TO BID surety company licensed Pavers,Retaining Walls, 'DecksExcavation 253-261-0438 effect and be in force 30 The Kent School District to conduct business in Hauling,Bobcat Work days from and after its extends an invitation to Washington State. Hauling passage,as provided by qualified Contractors to Dated this 1st day of AMERICAN Bonded&Insured law. bid the construction pro- owREss r, ,caaarcrsw p A copy of the complete Joel hereafter identified Continued do text of any ordinance or as the Neely-O'Brien next page...