HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-175 - Original - The Vitality Group, LLC - Wellness Program Master Service Agreement - 04/01/2019 40 000"4; Records Management KENT Document W A S H I N G T O N CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Vendor Name: The Vitality Group, LLC Vendor Number: 62CAg04 IV'7 JD Edwards Number Contract Number: C1A-(-, 201 1- '5 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: VVkZ-(_^Je 5 Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ® Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 4/1/19 Termination Date: 3/31/2022 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Automatic renewal for a successive period of 1 year Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Laura Horea Department: HR Contract Amount: 174 285 Approval Authority: ❑ Director ❑ Mayor ® City Council 02/19/19 Meeting Date Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): ICI, .M F �N 4 u i- w:: . VSKM Im Sr AMr , _ � M mil^, a TheVitalityGroup.com TIM VITALITY MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT Between THE VITALITY GROUP, LLC And CITY OF KENT,A WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION This Vitality Master Services Agreement(this"Agreement"),effective as of the date of the last signature (the"Effective Date"), is made by and between The Vitality Group,LLC("TVG"),and aTYOF KENT,A WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ("Customer"). Customer and TVG are jointly referred to as"Parties",or separately and non-specifically as"Party".Throughout this Agreement,the term Party or Parties shall be deemed to include the Party's Affiliate(s). NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the Customer and TVG agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS. Certain defined terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings specified in this Article 1. Certain additional terms are defined elsewhere in this Agreement. 1.1. "Affiliate"means,when used with reference to a specified Person, any Person that directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by or is under common control with the specified Person. 1.2. "Agreement"means this Vitality Master Services Agreement and all documents incorporated herein, including but not limited to, Exhibits, Business Associate Agreement,and any Statement(s)of Work. 1.3. "Claims"means civil,administrative and criminal actions,claims, suits and legal proceedings of any kind that are brought against an Indemnitee by a third party unaffiliated with such Indemnitee. 1.4. "Confidential Information"means all financial,business and other information, in whatever form or medium, including,without limitation,any trade secrets, processes,financial data,technical data and documentation, strategic planning, product/service specifications,prototypes,computer programs,drawings,models and marketing data,that is furnished or disclosed by a disclosing Party or any of its Affiliates to the receiving Party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and which the disclosing Party has marked as"Confidential", except that such term will not include(i)information already known by the receiving Party without an obligation of confidentiality,(ii)information that is or becomes publicly known other than through a breach by the receiving Party of any of its obligations under this Agreement, (III)information received by the receiving Party from a third party who is not known by the receiving Party, acting in good faith,to be under an obligation of confidence to the disclosing Party,and(iv)information that the disclosing Party has disclosed to other parties without similar obligations of confidentiality. 1.5. "Costs"means damages,settlements,judgments,losses,expenses,interest,penalties,reasonable legal fees and disbursements(including without limitation fees and costs for investigators,expert witnesses and other litigation advisors)and other actual costs incurred by an Indemnitee to investigate,defend or settle a Claim,except that no settlement payments shall be included in Costs unless the Indemnitor has given prior, express written consent to the settlement. 1.6. "Data"means the information provided to TVG by Customer or any third party vendor, in order for TVG to perform its responsibilities under this Agreement. 1.7. "Force Majeure"means an event that is a result of the elements of nature,as opposed to caused by human behavior. 1.8. "Indemnitee"means a Person entitled to indemnification in accordance with Article 5. 1.9. "Indemnitor"means a Person who is required to indemnify an Indemnitee in accordance with Article 5. Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 2 vi" TM 1.10. "Member"means those people which Customer deems eligible to receive access to the Vitality Program via the eligibility file and which may be further defined in a Statement of Work. 1.11, "Person"means a natural person or a corporation, partnership,limited liability company,trust,association or other entity,as the context requires or admits. 1.12. "Services"means all services provided by TVG.The specific Services to be provided by TVG will be outlined in a(n)SOW(s)executed by the Parties. 1.13. "Statement of Work"("SOW")means a document executed between the Parties as part of this Agreement that outlines the Services to be performed by TVG. SOW(s)may be executed at the time this Agreement is executed or at any time during the term of this Agreement. 2. COMPENSATION. 2.1. As compensation in full for the successful performance of all work and Services to be performed by TVG under this Agreement, Customer shall pay the fee(s)set forth in the SOW executed between the Parties. 2.2. TVG shall submit invoices electronically for any fees,charges or amounts payable hereunder once per month. 2.3. Customer shall pay TVG via ACH or check the full amount due on all invoices within thirty(30)days of submission.TVG reserves the right to institute an interest charge on all outstanding balances beyond forty-five(45)days of one percent(1.0%)per month, accrued daily. 3. TAXES.Customer and TVG will each be responsible for their own taxes.Additionally,if it is determined that Vitality Rewards Members receive are subject to taxes or fees,TVG is not responsible for the administration or collection for such taxes or fees. 4. SURVEYS. Customer agrees TVG shall have the right to survey all Members regarding the Vitality Services. Such surveys will be anonymous and be used by TVG for the purpose of evaluating product and service improvements. From time to time,aggregate reports of our recent surveys may be provided to Customer. 5. INDEMNIFICATION and LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. 5.1. TVG shall indemnify,defend, protect and hold harmless Customer and its officers,directors, members,shareholders, employees and agents(the"Customer Indemnitees"), upon written demand by Customer,from and against any and all Costs and Claims,arising from or related to the performance by TVG of its obligations under this Agreement, if and only to the extent that such Costs or Claims are attributable to the negligence,gross negligence or willful misconduct of TVG or any of its directors,officers,employees or agents. 5.2. [RESERVED] 5.3. After receiving written notice of any Claim for which indemnification would be available under this Article,the Indemnitee shall promptly give written notice thereof to the Indemnitor,except that the Indemnitee need not give such notice if the Indemnitor has otherwise received written notice of the Claim. The Indemnitor may at any time, in its sole discretion,assume the defense of the Claim(and be subrogated to the Indemnitee's position)by giving written notice to the Indemnitee. Beginning at the point when the Indemnitor assumes the defense of the Claim,all future Costs relating to the Claim shall be borne by the Indemnitor,provided that the Indemnitee cooperates with the Indemnitor in the defense of the Claim. If the Indemnitor elects to assume the defense of the Claim,the Indemnitee shall be represented by legal counsel chosen by the Indemnitor. This may be the same counsel representing the Indemnitor, unless the Parties cannot appropriately be represented by the same counsel due to actual or potential conflict of interest,in which case the Indemnitor shall choose separate counsel for the Indemnitee. Except to the extent the Indemnitor elects to assume the defense of the Claim as provided in this Section,the Indemnitee shall defend the Claim at its own expense,subject to reimbursement of reasonable expenses by the Indemnitor in accordance with this Section. The Indemnitee shall be entitled to reimbursement of such reasonable expenses as incurred. Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 3 vi" TM Customer shall not withhold payment of any compensation due and payable to TVG hereunder for purpose of set-off against any such reimbursement owed to Customer by TVG. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section,no indemnification shall be available hereunder(i)for any settlement to which the Indemnitor did not give prior,express written consent,(ii)for any Claim of which Indemnitor did not receive notice as provided in this Section,or(iii)if the Indemnitee failed to cooperate with the Indemnitor in the defense of the Claim. 5.4. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Except for third-party claims for which Indemnification is provided under section 5.3,in no event shall either party be liable for indirect, incidental,consequential,special,exemplary,or punitive damages of any kind or nature,including loss of profit,whether or not such damages were foreseeable or the other party was advised of the possibility of such damages,whether based in contract,common law,warranty,tort,strict liability, contribution, indemnity,or otherwise. 6. TERMINATION. 6.1. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until such time as there are no active SOWS outstanding,at which time either Party may terminate this Agreement without cause with thirty(30)days advance notice.Termination under this section shall be effective the last day of the month following the thirty(30)day notice period. 6.2. Termination with cause. Either Party may terminate this Agreement,without any fees, 6.2.1. at any time, upon the mutual written agreement of the Parties, 6.2.2. by either Party, upon written notice to the other Party,if the other Party(the"Defaulting Party")shall materially breach any obligation or covenant of the Defaulting Party hereunder and if such breach shall remain uncured for thirty(30)days following notice of such breach given by the non-Defaulting Party to the Defaulting Party, 6.2.3. Termination of this Agreement shall not alter or impair any rights of either Party accrued under this Agreement through the date of termination. 7. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. TVG is the owner of the Services offered,including without limitation, proprietary rights in TVG methods, software,compilations of technical and non-technical information and records. The Parties agree that, notwithstanding any other statement in this Agreement,(i)the data related to the use of the Services and(ii)the intellectual property related to the Services is the sole and exclusive property of TVG. Customer and its Affiliates shall acquire no intellectual property rights to the Services,the data related to the use of the Services,or to the marketing and enrollment materials as a consequence of this Agreement, and shall maintain the confidentiality of such intellectual property. For the purposes of clarity,TVG's intellectual property rights under this section do not attach to the raw data and personally identifiable information of Customer and its employees,which shall at all times remain the Customer's sole Confidential Information,and TVG shall have no rights to the use of such Confidential Information outside of the Services provided under this Agreement. 8. DATA PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY. 8.1. The Parties shall agree and enter into a Business Associate Agreement("BAA"). Such BAA is attached hereto as Exhibit A and shall govern all rights and obligations of the Parties as it pertains to protected health information. 8.2. The receiving Party agrees that the Confidential Information of the disclosing Party is and will remain the property, and if applicable a valuable trade secret of the disclosing Party. 8.3. Either Party may receive and otherwise be exposed to Confidential Information of the other Party. Each Party acknowledges the confidential and secret character of the Confidential Information and agrees that the Confidential Information is the sole,exclusive and valuable property of the disclosing Party. Neither Party will reproduce any of the other Party's Confidential Information except in the performance of this Agreement and will not divulge all or any part of the Confidential Information in any form to any third party,either during or after the term of this Agreement except as may be specifically set forth in this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, including .................................................................... __. ....................... ............................... Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 4 s TM expiration of its term,each Party will cease using and will destroy or return all whole and partial copies and derivatives of the other Party's Confidential Information. This obligation to cease using and to return or destroy extends to all Confidential Information that is in the receiving Party's possession,custody or control,except that the receiving Party may retain one copy of such Confidential Information for archive purposes. 8.4. If a Party is requested or required(by law,court rule,or order,or subpoena to disclose any of the Confidential Information of the other Party,it shall provide the other Party with reasonable notice of the request or requirement so that the other Party may seek an appropriate protective order or selectively waive compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. 8.5. The receiving Party will notify the disclosing Party promptly upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information or any other breach of this Agreement, and will reasonably cooperate to regain possession of the Confidential Information and prevent its further unauthorized use or disclosure. If a Party or any of its employees or consultants attempt to use or disclose any of the Confidential Information in a manner contrary to the terms of this Agreement,the other Party will have the right, in addition to such other remedies which may be available to it,to seek injunctive relief enjoining such acts or attempts,it being acknowledged that legal remedies may be inadequate. 8.6. The terms of confidentiality under this Agreement shall not be construed to limit either party's right to independently develop or acquire products or services of the same type as may be included within any Confidential Information or to enter into any business transaction with any other vendor or customer which owns or has rights to any such similar products or services, as long as such right is exercised without the use of any other party's Confidential Information in violation of this Agreement. 9. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Each Party shall,at its own expense,comply with all applicable laws,orders and regulations of federal,state and municipal authorities regarding its performance under this Agreement. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT;AMENDMENT. This Agreement(including all attachments hereto)contains the entire agreement of the Parties. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements or understanding between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of conflicting terms between this Agreement and an executed SOW,the terms of this Agreement shall control. TVG's only obligations in connection with this Agreement shall be as expressly set forth herein and TVG makes no other representations or warranties,express or implied. 10.1. Any modifications,discharges,amendments or alterations to this Agreement shall not be effective unless evidenced by an instrument in writing signed by both Parties. 10.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, revision by TVG of its Vitality Program shall not constitute an amendment of this Agreement if such revision maintains functionality that is similar to or with substantially the same or greater functionality of the Vitality Program compared to the manner in which such program is operated on the date hereof ("Revision"). 11. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES. None of the provisions of this Agreement are intended to create, nor shall any provision be deemed or construed to create,any relationship between TVG and Customer other than that of independent entities contracting with each other solely for the purpose of effecting the provisions of this Agreement. Neither of the Parties,nor any of their employees,shall be construed to be the agent,employer or representative of the other. 12. SURVIVAL OF TERMS. Notwithstanding any termination,cancellation or expiration of this Agreement, provisions which are intended to survive and continue shall so survive and continue, including, but not limited to the provisions specific to Confidential Information, Indemnification and Intellectual Property. 13. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason,the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable,but that by limiting such provision it would become valid and enforceable,then such provision shall be deemed to be written,construed, and enforced as so limited. 14. MUTUAL DRAFTING. The Parties agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are the result of negotiations between the Parties and that this Agreement shall not be construed in favor of or against any party by reason of the extent to which any party or its professionals participated in the drafting of this Agreement. ................................... ....._,... ............,., Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 5 % 16 vi" nVI 15. WAIVER. The failure of either Party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement. 16. DELEGATION AND ASSIGNMENT. Other than to an Affiliate,neither Party shall delegate its duties or assign its rights under this Agreement,in whole or in part,without the prior written consent of the other party. 17. FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Party shall be liable nor deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement nor other interruption of service resulting,directly or indirectly,from a Force Majeure. Nothing in this Section shall excuse any obligations for payment of money owed hereunder. 18. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 19. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington without giving effect to principles respecting conflicts of laws. Any action pursuant to this Agreement shall be brought and tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Washington and County of King,and each party hereby irrevocably consents to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction of any such court. 20. NOTICES. Any notice, request,demand or communication required or permitted hereunder("Notices")shall be given in writing by certified mail,return receipt requested,to the party to be notified. All Notices shall be deemed given and received three(3)days after mailing to the address specified as follows: TO:CUSTOMER To:The Vitality Group,LLC CITY OF VENT,AWASH INGTON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Company: Vitality Street Address:, - s- 200 West Monroe St.,Suite 1900 City, State Zip Cod WA qikS9' Chicago, IL 60606 Attn: A14A }�, Attn: Office of the General Counsel INTENDING TO BE BOUND,this Agreement has been duly executed by the authorized representatives of the parties set forth below. CUSTOMER THE VITALITY GROUP,LLC B : By: Name: � �4✓ Name: Title: Title: Dated: l Dated: ........................................................................................................................................................................... Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 6 EXHIBIT A BUSINESS ASSOCIATE PRIVACY AND SECURITY AGREEMENT THIS BUSINESS ASSOCIATE PRIVACY AND SECURITY AGREEMENT(the"BAA")effective as of the date of the last signature by and between The Vitality Group,LLC("Business Associate")and the CITY OF KENT,A WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION HEALTH PLAN (the"Covered Entity")sponsored by CITY OF KENT,A WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ("Customer")which makes this BAA for and on behalf of the Covered Entity. The purpose of this BAA is to set forth the mutual obligations of the parties regarding the protection of the privacy of medical information subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and the associated regulations(45 C.F.R. parts 160-164,as may be amended,including the"Privacy Rule"and the"Security Rule")("HIPAA")and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act and the associated regulations, as may be amended("HITECH"). "HIPAA"and"HITECH"are collectively referred to in this BAA as"HIPAA." 1. DEFINITIONS.Certain defined terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings specified in this Article 1. Certain additional terms are defined elsewhere in this BAA.All other terms used,but not otherwise defined,in this BAA shall have the same meaning as those terms in 45 CFR 160.103. 1.1. "Data Aggregation"means the combining of Protected Health Information created or received by Business Associate in its capacity as a business associate of the Covered Entity with the Protected Health Information received by Business Associate in its capacity as a business associate of another covered entity to permit data analyses that relate to the health care operations of the respective covered entities. 1.2. "Designated Record Set"means a group of records maintained for the Covered Entity that is(i)the medical records and billing records about individuals maintained by or for a covered health care provider;(ii)the enrollment,payment, claims adjudication,and case or medical management record systems maintained by or for a health plan;or(iii)Used, in whole or in part,by or for the Covered Entity to make decisions about individuals. For the purposes of this definition,"record"means any item,collection,or grouping of information that includes Protected Health Information and is maintained,collected,Used,or disseminated by or for the Covered Entity. 1.3. "Disclose"or"Disclosure"means release,transfer,provision of access to,or divulging in another manner,of information outside the entity holding the information. 1.4. "Electronic Media"means(i)electronic storage media including memory devices in computers(hard drives)and any removable/transportable digital memory medium,such as magnetic tape or disk,optical disk,or digital memory card, or(ii)transmission media Used to exchange information already in electronic storage media. For the purposes of this definition,"transmission media"include,for example,the internet(wide-open),extranet(using internet technology to link a business with information accessible only to collaborating parties),leased lines,dialup lines,private networks, and the physical movement of removable/transportable electronic storage media. Certain transmissions,including of paper,via facsimile,and of voice,via telephone,are not considered to be transmissions via electronic media,because the information being exchanged did not exist in electronic form before the transmission. 1.5. "Electronic PHI'means individually identifiable Protected Health Information that is transmitted by or maintained in Electronic Media. 1.6. "HITECH"means the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act,found in Title XIII of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,Public Law 111-005. 1.7. "Individual'means the person who is the subject of Protected Health Information and shall include a person who qualifies as a personal representative in accordance with 45 CFR 164.502(g). 1.8. `Protected Health Information"or"PHI"means information that is created or received by Business Associate from or on behalf of the Covered Entity and is information about an Individual,whether oral or recorded in any form or medium:(i)that relates to the past,present or future physical or mental condition of an Individual;the provision of health care to an Individual;or the past,present or future payment for the provision of health care to an individual,and (ii)that identifies the Individual or with respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe the information can be Used to identify the individual.PHI does not include individually identifiable health information in: (a)education records covered by the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act,as amended,20 U.S.C. 1232g;and(b)records .................................................................................................................. ............................................................. Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 7 V t i TM described at 20 U.S.C. 1232g(a)(4)(B)(iv). PHI also does not include individually identifiable health information maintained by an entity in its role as an employer. 1.9. "Required By Law"means a mandate contained in law that compels a Covered Entity to make a Use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information and that is enforceable in a court of law. Required By Law includes, but is not limited to, court orders and court-ordered warrants;subpoenas or summons issued by a court,grand jury, a governmental or tribal inspector general,or an administrative body authorized to require the production of information, a civil or an authorized investigative demand; Medicare conditions of participation with respect to health care providers participating in the program;and statutes or regulations that require the production of information,including statutes or regulations that require such information if payment is sought under a government program providing public benefits. 1.10. "Secretary"means the Secretary of Health and Human Services(HHS)or any other officer or employee of HHS to whom the authority involved has been delegated. 1.11. "Security Incident"means the attempted or successful unauthorized access, Use,disclosure, modification,or destruction of information or interference with system operations in an information system. Inconsequential incidents that occur on a daily basis,such as scans,pings or unsuccessful attempts to penetrate Business Associate's networks or servers containing electronic PHI shall not be considered a Security Incident subject to reporting, unless so required by the Privacy Rule. 1.12. "Use"means the sharing,employment, application,utilization,examination,or analysis of information. 2. OBLIGATIONS AND ACTIVITIES OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATE 2.1. Business Associate agrees to not Use or further Disclose Protected Health Information other than as permitted or required by this BAA or as Required By Law. Business Associate will comply with the Privacy Rule requirements applicable to Covered Entity if and to the extent Business Associate's performance of the services involves carrying out Covered Entity's Privacy Rule obligations. 2.2. Business Associate shall develop, implement, maintain,and use appropriate safeguards to prevent any Use or Disclosure of the PHI or Electronic PHI other than as provided by this BAA,and to implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards as required by section 164 of Title 45,Code of Federal Regulations and HITECH in order to protect the confidentiality, integrity,and availability of Electronic PHI or PHI that Business Associate creates,receives, maintains,or transmits,to the same extent as if Business Associate were a Covered Entity, See HITECH§ 13401. Business Associate will comply with the applicable requirements of the Security Rule and Business Associate will provide a description of such safeguards to Covered Entity,upon request. Business Associate further agrees to monitor HIPAA privacy and security requirements imposed by future laws and regulations and to timely comply with such requirements when acting for or on behalf of the Covered Entity in its capacity of Business Associate. 2.3. Business Associate will as soon as practicable report in writing to Covered Entity,upon discovery, any Security Incident or Breach (as defined below)by it or any of its employees,directors,officers, agents,subcontractors or representatives concerning the Use or Disclosure of PHI. For purposes of this BAA, "Breach"means any acquisition, access,Use or Disclosure of PHI under this BAA that is(a)in violation of HIPAA or(b)not permitted under this BAA. Business Associate will be deemed to have discovered a Breach as of the first day on which the Breach is,or should reasonably have been, known to(a)Business Associate or(b)any employee,officer,or other agent of Business Associate other than the individual committing the Breach. Business Associate further will investigate the Breach and provide to Covered Entity, as soon as possible,all information Covered Entity may require to make notifications of the Breach to Individuals and/or other persons or entities("Notifications"). Business Associate will cooperate with Covered Entity in addressing the Breach. Business Associate will not notify Individuals or other persons or entities of the Breach without the express written consent of Covered Entity. Covered Entity may elect, in its sole discretion,for Business Associate to make the Notifications and implement other mitigation steps, in a form and manner and within timeframes reasonably directed by Covered Entity,consistent with Covered Entity's legal obligations. Without limitation as to any other remedies available to Covered Entity under this BAA or the law, Business Associate will pay, or reimburse Covered Entity for all costs incurred in connection with provision of Notifications, including all costs incurred to mitigate the harmful effects,or potentially harmful effects,of the Breach. Business Associate will establish and implement procedures and other reasonable efforts for mitigating,to the greatest extent possible,any harmful effects arising from any improper Use and/or Disclosure of PHI. ........................................................................._ _ ............................................ Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 8 V s TM 2.4. Business Associate agrees to ensure that any agent, including a subcontractor,to whom it provides Protected Health Information received from,or created or received by Business Associate on behalf of the Covered Entity agrees to the same restrictions and conditions that apply through this BAA to Business Associate with respect to such information. Moreover, Business Associate agrees to ensure that any such agent or subcontractor agrees to implement reasonable and appropriate safeguards to protect the Covered Entity's PHI. 2.5. Business Associate agrees to provide access, at the request of the Covered Entity,and in a time and manner mutually agreed upon by Business Associate and the Covered Entity,to Protected Health Information in a Designated Record Set,to the Covered Entity or,as directed by the Covered Entity,to an Individual in order to meet the requirements under HIPAA. 2.6. Business Associate agrees to make any amendment(s)to Protected Health Information in a Designated Record Set that the Covered Entity directs or agrees to pursuant to 45 CFR 164.526 at the request of the Covered Entity or an Individual,and in the time and manner mutually agreed upon by Business Associate and the Covered Entity. 2.7. Business Associate agrees to make internal practices, books,and records, including policies and procedures and Protected Health Information, relating to the Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information received from,or created or received by Business Associate on behalf of,the Covered Entity available to the Secretary, in a time and manner mutually agreed upon by Business Associate and the Covered Entity or as designated by the Secretary,for purposes of the Secretary determining the Covered Entity's compliance with the Privacy Rule. 2.8. Business Associate agrees to document such Disclosures of Protected Health Information and information related to such Disclosures as would be required for the Covered Entity to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information in accordance with 45 CFR 164.528. 2.9. Business Associate agrees to provide to the Covered Entity or an Individual, in the time and manner mutually agreed upon by Business Associate and the Covered Entity,information collected in accordance with this BAA,to permit the Covered Entity to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information in accordance with 45 CFR 164.528. 2.10, Business Associate agrees to satisfy all applicable provisions of HIPAA standards for electronic transactions and code sets,also known at Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)Standards, at 45 CFR Part 162. Business Associate further agrees to ensure that any agent,including a subcontractor,that conducts standard transactions on its behalf,will comply with the EDI Standards. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the parties agree that any communications between Business Associate and Covered Entity that are not required to meet the EDI standards shall be in such format as Business Associate and Covered Entity shall jointly determine. 2.11. Business Associate and its agents or subcontractors, if any,shall only request, Use and Disclose the minimum amount of PHI necessary to accomplish the purpose of the request, Use or Disclosure. Business Associate agrees to comply with the Secretary's guidance on what constitutes minimum necessary. See HITECH§ 13405. 2.12. Business Associate agrees to restrict the Use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information, and document those restrictions,at the request of the Covered Entity pursuant to 45 CFR 164.522(a), in a prompt and reasonable manner consistent with the HIPAA regulations. 2.13. Business Associate agrees to accommodate alternative means or alternative locations to communicate Protected Health Information, and document those alternative means or alternative locations,at the request of Covered Entity or an Individual pursuant to 45 CFR 164.522(b), in a prompt and reasonable manner consistent with the HIPAA regulations. 3. PERMITTED OR REQUIRED USES AND DISCLOSURES BY BUSINESS ASSOCIATE 3.1. General Use and Disclosures 3.1.1. Except as otherwise limited in this BAA, Business Associate may Use or Disclose Protected Health Information to perform functions, activities,or services for,or on behalf of,Covered Entity as specified in any related contract with Covered Entity and in this BAA, provided that such Use or Disclosure of Protected Health .................................... ._...,.. .,. .._... ,........ Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 9 V tA % i" TM Information would not violate the Privacy Rule,including the minimum necessary requirement, if done by Covered Entity. 3.1.2. Business Associate shall share Protected Health Information as reasonably requested by Covered Entity with Covered Entity and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS),and with their agents and any other parties permitted by CMS guidance(including CMS's FAQ#5482),where the Covered Entity is submitting to CMS the Protected Health Information required by 42 CFR 423.884 for Medicare's retiree drug subsidy program. 3.1.3. Business Associate shall share Protected Health Information with authorized Customer employees as reasonably requested by Customer to carry out Customer's responsibilities as plan administrator of the Plan(s), including,without limitation,for purposes of auditing the performance of Business Associate. 3.2. Additional use and disclosure. 3.2.1. Except as otherwise limited in this BAA, Business Associate may use Protected Health Information for the proper management and administration of the Business Associate or to carry out the legal responsibilities of the Business Associate. 3.2.2. Except as otherwise limited in this BAA,Business Associate may Disclose Protected Health Information for the proper management and administration of the Business Associate, provided that such Disclosures are Required By Law, or Business Associate obtains reasonable assurances from the person to whom the information is Disclosed that it will remain confidential and be used or further Disclosed only as Required By Law or for the purpose for which it was Disclosed to the person,and the person notifies the Business Associate of any instances of which it is aware in which the confidentiality of the information has been breached. 3.2.3. Except as otherwise limited in this BAA, Business Associate may Use Protected Health Information to provide Data Aggregation services to Covered Entity as permitted by 45 CFR 164.504(e)(2)(i)(B). 3.2.4. Business Associate may Use Protected Health Information to report violations of law to appropriate Federal and State authorities,consistent with 45 CFR 164.5020)(1). 4. OBLIGATIONS OF THE COVERED ENTITY 4.1. The Covered Entity shall provide Business Associate with a list of person(s)designated by the Covered Entity as the persons(s)to whom it is permissible for Business Associate to Disclose Protected Health Information. The Covered Entity shall immediately notify Business Associate of any changes in such list of designated persons(s). 4.2. The Covered Entity shall provide Business Associate with a copy of the plan document for the(any)health plan covered under this BAA,as well as provide notification of any changes to such document. 4.3. The Covered Entity shall provide Business Associate with the notice of privacy practices that the Covered Entity produces in accordance with 45 CFR 164.520,as well as any changes to such notice. 4.4. The Covered Entity shall provide Business Associate with any changes in,or revocation of, permission by an Individual to Use or Disclose Protected Health Information, if such changes affect Business Associate's permitted or required Uses and Disclosures. 4.5. The Covered Entity shall notify Business Associate of any restriction to the Use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information that the Covered Entity has agreed to or must comply with in accordance with 45 CFR 164.522 and HITECH§ 13405(a). 5. PERMISSIBLE REQUESTS BY THE COVERED ENTITY.The Covered Entity shall not request Business Associate to Use or Disclose Protected Health Information in any manner that would not be permissible under the Privacy Rule if done by the Covered Entity,except that Business Associate may Use PHI in its possession(i)for Business Associate's proper management and administrative services,or(ii)to provide Data Aggregation services to the Covered Entity as permitted by 45 CFR 164.504(e)(2)(i)(B). 6. TERM AND TERMINATION OF THE BAA 6.1. Term. This BAA shall be effective as of the date of this BAA's execution. This BAA shall terminate when all of the Protected Health Information provided by the Covered Entity to Business Associate,or created or received by Business Associate on behalf of the Covered Entity, is destroyed or returned to the Covered Entity,or, if it is infeasible _........ ,,_ ................................... ... ..... ........... Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 10 TM to return or destroy Protected Health Information, protections are extended to such information,in accordance with the termination provisions of this Article. 6.2, Termination for Cause. Upon the Covered Entity's knowledge of a material breach by Business Associate,the Covered Entity shall provide an opportunity for Business Associate to cure the breach or end the violation and terminate this BAA if Business Associate does not cure the breach or end the violation within the time period mutually agreed upon by Business Associate and the Covered Entity,or immediately terminate this BAA if Business Associate has breached a material term of this BAA and Business Associate and the Covered Entity agree that cure is not possible. 6.3. Effect of Termination. 6.3.1. In the event that Business Associate Uses or Discloses PHI for its own management and administration or to carry out its legal responsibilities and Business Associate determines that it needs to retain such PHI for such purposes following termination of this BAA,Business Associate shall retain only that PHI which is necessary for Business Associate to continue its proper management and administration or to abide by its legal record retention policies and needs for legal archival purposes and shall return to the Plan (or, if agreed to by the Plan, destroy)the remaining PHI that Business Associate still maintains in any form. Business Associate shall continue to use appropriate safeguards and comply with the Privacy Standards and Security Standards with respect to PHI to prevent Use or Disclosure of such PHI,other than as provided for in this subparagraph,for as long as Business Associate retains the PHI. Business Associate shall not Use or Disclose the PHI retained by Business Associate other than for the purposes for which such PHI was retained and subject to the same conditions set out in this BAA which applied prior to termination. Business Associate shall return to the Plan(or, if agreed to by the Plan,destroy)the PHI retained by Business Associate when it is no longer needed by Business Associate for its proper management and administration or to carry out its legal responsibilities. 6.3.2. In the event that Business Associate determines that returning(or, if applicable,destroying)PHI is not feasible, Business Associate shall extend the protections of this BAA to the PHI and limit further Use and Disclosure to those purposes that make the return(or destruction)infeasible for so long as Business Associate maintains such PHI,but in no event less than six(6)years after the creation or last Use or Disclosure of such PHI. Business Associate may charge a fee if it is required to maintain any such records following termination of this BAA. 7. Regulatory Reference. A reference in this BAA to a section in the Privacy Rule or to a section of the Code of Federal Regulations means the section as in effect or as amended,and for which compliance is required. 8. Amendment. The Covered Entity and Business Associate agree to take such action as is necessary to amend this BAA from time to time as is necessary for the Covered Entity to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Rule and HIPAA, including HITECH. This BAA may be amended by the Covered Entity and Business Associate by the express mutual written agreement of both parties. This BAA contains the entire Business Associate Privacy and Security BAA between the parties and supersedes all other understandings and agreements,oral or written,between the parties regarding privacy of Protected Health Information. 9. Survival. The respective rights and obligations of Business Associate under Section 6.3 of this BAA shall survive the termination of this BAK 10, Interpretation. Any ambiguity in this BAA shall be resolved in favor of a meaning that permits the Covered Entity to comply with the Privacy Rule. When a section of the BAA calls for Business Associate to respond to a request from the Covered Entity in conjunction with a regulation specifically cited in the section, Business Associate may rely on the Covered Entity's request as verification by the Covered Entity that the request is made in compliance with the regulation. Business Associate is not responsible for confirming that the Covered Entity's request is made in compliance with the specific regulation. 11. MISCELLANEOUS. 11.1. This BAA shall be governed by HIPAA and,where not covered by HIPAA or other federal law,the laws of the State of Illinois. Where the context of the BAA requires,the singular shall include the plural and the masculine gender shall include the feminine. Headings or titles of sections are for general information only and this BAA shall not be construed by reference to such titles. ...................................................................................................... Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 11 V IA i"* TM 11.2. This BAA shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. If any provision of this BAA is held invalid or unenforceable,such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision,and this BAA shall be construed and enforced as if such provision had not been included. 11.3. Nothing express or implied in this BAA is intended to confer,nor shall anything herein confer,upon any person other than Business Associate,or the Covered Entity and their respective successors or assigns,any rights,remedies, obligations or liabilities whatsoever. 11.4. The parties hereto have executed this BAA as of the date set forth below,and understand that it is a binding,legal contract. INTENDING TO BE BOUND,this BAA has been duly executed by the authorized representatives of the parties set forth below. CUSTOMER(ON BEHALF OF COV ENTITY) THE VITALITY GROUP,LLC s;Da ,r),a2=TQ11 By: Name: ty6A_A Name: Title: Title: Dated: Dated: ................................................................................................................................................................................. Agency-Vitality Master Services Agreement, BAA and SOW 12