HomeMy WebLinkAbout4318 ORDINANCE NO._ r`� r AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Title 6 of the Kent City Code by adopting a new chapter 6.16 establishing utility design standards and aesthetic requirements for infrastructure located within the right-of-way, including small cell equipment, and proprietary or leased poles and equipment attached to these poles. RECITALS A. Utility and telecommunication service providers often utilize city rights-of-way to deploy the facilities necessary to provide various services to the general public. B. As wireless communication technology has continued to advance, requests from telecommunication service providers to utilize the city rights-of-way to install, construct and maintain facilities in new and different ways have increased. C. The City embraces and supports small cell technology and the advances the City expects it to provide, yet also has a fundamental role to manage the rights-of-way to first protect the public safety and welfare and also to protect the City's significant investments of time, resources and money in construction, design standards and undergrounding of utilities. 1 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way D. These design standards and aesthetic requirements were crafted to address concerns regarding service providers deploying unsightly facilities that create traffic and sight distance hazards and would be incompatible with the character of the streetscape or neighborhood. E. The City is committed to and encourages a safe, reliable, efficient, integrated and connected system of Complete Streets that promotes access, mobility and health for all people, regardless of their age, physical ability or mode of transportation. In particular, the City has determined that allowing small cell equipment on traffic control signal systems poses a risk to public safety and welfare. For example, deployment of small cell equipment or facilities on traffic control signal systems could impede or interfere with the operation of the traffic control signal system, negatively impact future traffic control signal system planning, or place additional burdens on city staff and resources in the event of vehicular collisions or weather-related events. F. The City of Kent has expended significant time and resources developing streetscape design and construction standards in various parts of the City to ensure that specified areas have an attractive, yet cohesive look and feel. These standards were developed at great time and expense to help advance revitalization, create safer public spaces and generate a greater sense of community pride and economic vitality. G. In order to balance the deployment of new technology with the City's role to manage the rights-of-way and preserve the time, money and effort expended upon streetscape designs and standards, this new chapter establishes aesthetic requirements and design standards for small cell equipment and the proprietary and leased poles this equipment may be deployed upon. These standards and requirements are targeted to reduce the aesthetic harm and impact of the bulky equipment and wires that are a 2 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way part of small cell equipment and to minimize visual clutter and public safety impacts. H. It is also important for the City to address the aesthetic harms and impacts of non-wireless bulky equipment within the right-of-way. Accordingly, this chapter sets forth design requirements for utility poles directed toward reducing the overhead clutter caused by equipment installed on utility poles. I. This chapter has been drafted to comply with the recently adopted Federal Communications Commission Declaratory Ruling and Third Report and Order (FCC 18-133), which limits local discretion to regulate the location of small cell equipment and facilities. Specifically, FCC 18-133 only allows aesthetic requirements that are reasonable, no more burdensome than those applied to other types of infrastructure deployments, and objective and published in advance. FCC 18-133 also requires that these standards be published within 180 days after the October 15, 2018 publication of the Order. J. Staff provided an overview of the choices and decisions regarding the design of small cells on February 25, 2019 to the Public Works Committee. K. On March 18, 2019, the Public Works Committee voted to recommend adoption of the proposed amendments to the City Council. L. On March 19, 2019, at its regularly scheduled meeting, the City Council voted to set a public hearing for April 2, 2019 regarding the proposed code amendment related to design standards within the right-of- way. M. On March 19, 2019, the City's SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the proposed code amendment. 3 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way N. At its regularly-scheduled meeting on April 2, 2019, the City Council held a public hearing regarding the proposed code amendments and, after considering the matter, voted to adopt the amendments to Title 6 of the Kent City Code, adding a chapter establishing design standards for small cell equipment and other poles and facilities within the right-of-way. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - New Chapter. Title 6 of the Kent City Code is amended by adding a new chapter 6.16, entitled "Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way," to read as follows: CHAPTER 6.16 UTILITY DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY Sec. 6.16.010. Purpose. A. The City Council, as trustee of the City's public right-of-way, has the authority to authorize right-of-way use by utilities and other entities in order to serve the public if an agreement consistent with state and federal law and the best interests of the city and its residents can be reached. The purpose of the design standards set forth within this chapter is to locate small cell equipment, utility poles and other infrastructure in the city's rights-of-way in a manner that minimizes potential incompatibilities with adjacent uses, addresses traffic safety, limits bulk and minimizes aesthetic impacts. B. The design standards within this chapter shall be considered concealment features when considering whether a proposed modification is 4 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utiiity Design Standards in the Right-of-Way a substantial change under Section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act, 47 U.S.C. § 1455(a). Sec. 6.16.020. Conflicting provisions. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this chapter, the terms of any issued franchise, or any federal law or federal regulation, it is intended that the stricter standard shall apply unless the context clearly evidences a contrary intent, or unless the city is preempted on the issue by applicable law. Should any franchise or other applicable law be silent on the issue of conflict, this section shall control. Sec. 6.16.030. Definitions. The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: A. City-owned infrastructure means poles, street light standards or other street-related appurtenances located in rights-of-way and owned by the City of Kent. B. Combination Pole means a pole which includes both a streetlight and small cell equipment or facilities that replaces existing city-owned infrastructure. C. Director means the City of Kent public works director, or his or her designee. D. Franchise refers to the authorization granted by the city to a utility or other service provider for the nonexclusive right to occupy city rights-of- way to provide service within a designated franchise area. A franchise shall be authorized by ordinance and must be accepted by the franchisee to become effective. A franchise shall not include or be a substitute for: 5 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way 1. Any other permit or authorization required for the privilege of transacting and carrying on business within the city, including without limitation a business license; or 2. Any permit, agreement, or authorization required in connection with operations on or in public streets or property, including without limitation, a street cut permit, a street use permit, or other construction permit or approval; or 3. Any permits or agreements for occupying any other property in the city for which access is not specifically granted by the franchise, including without limitation, permits and agreements for placing devices on or in poles, conduits, other structures, or railroad easements, whether owned by the city or any other public or private entity, or for providing any service. E. Rights-of-Way (singular Right-of-Way) means the surface of, and the space above and below, any public street, highway, freeway, bridge, land path, alley, court, boulevard, sidewalk, way, lane, public way, drive, circle, pathway, space, or other public right-of-way, and over which the City has authority to grant permits, licenses or franchises for use thereof, or has regulatory authority thereover. Rights-of-Way for the purpose of this chapter do not include railroad rights-of-way, airports, harbor areas, buildings, parks, poles, conduits, open spaces, nature trails, dedicated but un-opened right-of-way, undedicated streets and/or right-of-way, environmentally sensitive areas and any land, facilities, or property owned, maintained, or leased by the City in its governmental or proprietary capacity or as an operator of a utility. F. Small cell equipment or facilities means wireless telecommunications facilities attached, mounted, or installed on a proprietary or leased pole, 6 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way excluding monopole towers, that is located in right-of-way and used to provide personal wireless service. G. Traffic control signal system means traffic signal poles, mast arms, luminaires and associated mast arms, ancillary poles and related appurtenances. H. Utility Pole means a pole or vertical structure owned by a utility company or other third party with the right either pursuant to state law or a franchise to place such facilities in the right-of-way. An 'Original Utility Pole" is a pole that has not been replaced to accommodate Small Cell Facilities, but that is capable of accommodating Small Cell Facilities. A "Replacement Utility Pole" means a pole that replaces an Original Utility Pole to accommodate Small Cell Facilities and does not result in an increase in the total number of Utility Poles. Each reference to a Utility Pole herein includes any Original Utility Pole and any Replacement Utility Pole. Sec. 6.16.040. General Requirements. A. All poles and small cell equipment or facilities shall be constructed or installed according to applicable federal, state and city regulations and standards, including the City of Kent Design and Construction Standards. B. Ground mounted equipment in the rights-of-way is prohibited, unless such facilities are placed underground. C. Small cell equipment or facilities are not permitted on traffic control signal systems. D. All poles shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), City of Kent Design and Construction Standards, and state and federal regulations in order to provide clear passage within the rights-of- way. The location of any replacement or new Utility or Combination Pole 7 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Uti/ity Design Standards in the Right-of-Way must not interfere with utility or safety fixtures (e.g., fire hydrants, traffic control devices), and not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare. E. In order to minimize negative visual impact to the surrounding area and to avoid excessive overhead clutter, the Director may deny a request for proposed small cell equipment where the proposed location is deemed inappropriate due to the extent of existing above ground wireless telecommunications or other electrical or cable facilities existing within a one hundred fifty foot (150') radius of the proposed Small Cell equipment location. The Director may also deny a request for proposed small cell equipment on a Utility Pole already containing more than one electrical transformer. F. The use of any city-owned infrastructure or Utility Pole for the siting of small cell equipment shall be considered secondary to the primary function of the pole. If the primary function of a pole serving as the host for small cell equipment becomes unnecessary, the pole shall not be retained for the sole purpose of accommodating the small cell facility, and the small cell facility and all associated equipment shall be removed. G. Replacement Poles shall be located as near as possible to the existing pole, while meeting the current City of Kent Design and Construction standards. The abandoned pole must be removed. H. Replacement and Combination Poles shall match the color and material of the original or adjacent poles. Replacement and Combination Poles shall be located in a location that minimizes the appearance from existing adjacent residential structures to the maximum extent feasible. For example, locations where new poles or replacement poles would be close to windows, in front of historically or architecturally significant buildings, or in locations where the equipment would disturb views of significance should be avoided. 8 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way I. The number of conduit shall be minimized to the number necessary to accommodate the facilities or equipment on the Utility Pole. The color of external cables, wires and conduit shall match the color of the Utility Pole or be a neutral color such as black, brown, beige, off-white, or light gray. The conduit shall be mounted as closely as possible to the pole, while still meeting the required safety clearances. I All cables and wiring on Utility Poles shall also be concealed to the maximum extent feasible. Any wires outside the conduit shall be consolidated and pulled as tight as technically feasible. Loops of excess wires shall not be lashed to the pole, to electrical wires supported by the pole, or to any pole-mounted equipment. K. Ancillary equipment and facilities, including conduit and cable shall not dominate the structure or utility pole upon which these things are attached. L. Antennas and related equipment shall not be illuminated except for security reasons, required by a federal or state authority, or unless approved as part of a concealment element plan. M. Side arm mounts and strand mounts for antennas or equipment are prohibited. N. The city may consider the cumulative visual effects of small cell equipment mounted on poles within the rights-of-way when assessing proposed siting locations so as not to adversely affect the visual character of the area. This provision shall neither be applied to limit the number of permits issued when no alternative sites are reasonably available nor to impose a technological requirement on the service provider. O. These design standards are intended to be used solely for the purpose of concealment and siting. Nothing herein shall be interpreted or applied in 9 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way a manner which dictates the use of a particular technology. When strict application of these requirements would unreasonably impair the function of the technology chosen by the applicant, alternative forms of concealment or deployment may be permitted which provide similar or greater protections from negative visual impacts to the streetscape. P. No equipment on any Utility or Combination Pole may be operated so as to produce noise in excess of ambient noise levels. Sec. 6.16.050. Small Cell Equipment Design Standards and Aesthetic Requirements on Utility Poles. A. Locations. 1. Small cell equipment on Utility Poles shall be located in a location that minimizes the appearance of small cell equipment from existing adjacent residential structures to the maximum extent feasible. For example, best efforts shall be used to avoid locations where small cell equipment would be close to windows, in front of historically or architecturally significant buildings, or in locations where the equipment would disturb views of significance. 2. A Utility Pole shall not contain more than one small cell facility. B. Replacement Utility Poles. The height of any Replacement Utility Pole including antennas shall be: fifty (50) feet or less; or not extended to a height of more than ten percent (10%) above its preexisting height as a result, whichever is greater. C. Small Cell Equipment Design. Small cell equipment shall comply with the design standards set forth within this Section. 1. Color. Small cell equipment antennas, conduit, mounting hardware and equipment cabinets shall be painted a neutral color to match 10 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way the color of the Utility Pole, or at the city's preference, small cell equipment shall be painted any color of the city's choosing, so long as the paint is reasonably commercially available. 2. Mount. Small cell equipment shall be mounted as closely to the Utility Pole as possible, and shall not extend out more than three (3) feet from the pole. Ground mounted equipment is prohibited. 3. No Illumination. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, small cell equipment shall not be illuminated. 4. Concealed Wires. Small cell equipment's external cables and wires shall be enclosed in a conduit so that wires are protected and not visible or visually minimized to the maximum extent feasible. The number of conduit shall be minimized to the number necessary to accommodate the small cell facility and the conduit shall be mounted as closely to the pole, while still meeting the required safety clearances necessary for the pole to remain climbable. The color of external cables and wires and conduit shall match the color of the Utility Pole or be a neutral color such as black, brown, beige, off-white, or light gray. All cables shall be also be concealed to the extent feasible. 5. Bulk. a. Primary small cell equipment enclosures shall not exceed twelve (12) cubic feet in volume. b. Multiple antennas are permitted provided that the cumulative total antenna volume shall not exceed twelve (12) cubic feet. C. If, due to technological reasons, the proposed equipment enclosures do not comply with this subsection, the Director may approve primary small cell equipment enclosures up to twenty-eight (28) 11 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utiiity Design Standards in the Right-of-Way cubic feet in volume following a submission to the Director demonstrating that the proposal includes the smallest small cell equipment enclosure that is technologically feasible for the specific small cell facility. 6. Stickers. The use of stickers on Utility Poles should be minimized to the extent feasible. Sec. 6.16.060. Small Cell Equipment Design Standards and Aesthetic Requirements on City-owned Infrastructure. A. General Considerations. 1. In order to install small cell equipment on city-owned infrastructure, the existing city-owned pole must be removed and replaced with a Combination Pole meeting the requirements of Section 6.16.040 General Requirements and this Section 6.16.060. Alternatively, the Director may approve the installation of a Combination Pole in a location where it has been identified that a streetlight is necessary and if the installation of the Combination Pole complies with the lighting criteria set forth in the City of Kent Design and Construction Standards. 2. Three types of Combination Poles are allowed: (1) Combination Pole with a canister or shrouded antenna; (2) Combination Pole with equipment shroud; and (3) Combination Pole with canister or shrouded antenna and equipment shroud, as depicted in Exhibit A. B. Requirements for all Combination Poles. 1. The design of a Combination Pole shall match the existing city- owned infrastructure installed adjacent to the proposed Combination Pole and substantially conform to the depictions in Exhibit A or those subsequently adopted in the City of Kent Design and Construction Standards. The same Combination Pole shall be used in the same corridor, 12 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way in a defined area with adopted design standards or guidelines, or within a neighborhood to maintain a cohesive appearance. 2. The height of any Combination Pole replacing city-owned infrastructure including antennas shall be: fifty (50) feet or less; or not extended to a height of more than ten percent (10%) above its preexisting height as a result, whichever is less. The height of a Combination Pole installed at a new location pursuant to Section 6.16.060(A)(1) shall be approved by the Director. 3. The diameter of the Combination Pole shall be no larger than 16 inches. The Director may approve a diameter up to 20 inches if an applicant can demonstrate that more space is needed. 4. No horizontal flat spaces greater than 1.5 inches shall exist on the Combination Pole to prevent cups, trash and other objects from being placed on the pole. 5. All wiring and cabling shall be internal to the Combination Pole. 6. Any antenna or equipment shroud shall be colored to match the Combination Pole. 7. Any splicing of wiring and cabling shall be underground. 8. The luminaire shall be mounted at the same height as surrounding luminaires. 9. All mounting brackets, anchor bolts and other hardware connections shall be concealed. C. Requirements for Specific Combination Pole Types. 1. Combination Pole with Canister or Shrouded Antenna. 13 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way a. The antenna shall be a canister or shrouded antenna and mounted at the top of the Combination Pole. There shall be a smooth transition between the upper part of the pole and the antenna and the antenna shall be integrated so that it appears as a continuation of the original pole. Antennas shall be scaled to be a maximum of 1.25 times the diameter of the pole at the antenna-mounting location. b. The canister antenna or antenna shroud shall be colored to match the Combination Pole. 2. Combination Pole with Equipment Shroud. a. In place of an antenna at the top of the Combination Pole, a single external shroud containing the antenna and other equipment mounted to the pole will be allowed. b. The shroud shall be attached near the top of the pole in such a way that the wiring, cables, and equipment is hidden from view. 3. Combination Pole with Canister or Shrouded Antenna and Equipment Shroud. a. This type of Combination Pole is allowed when various small cell technologies (e.g., LTE and 5G) provided by a single carrier are installed on the same pole. The applicant must demonstrate that the additional technology cannot be integrated into the equipment cabinet or the canister antenna. b. The equipment shroud shall be attached near the top of the pole in such a way that the wiring, cables and equipment is hidden from view. Sec. 6.16.070. Permits. Permits approved pursuant to this section shall be subject to the following findings by the Director: (1) that the 14 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way applicant has an executed franchise or limited license agreement with the city; and (2) the applicant has an executed master license agreement with the city if any component of the proposed small cell equipment or facility involves use of city-owned infrastructure. SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. The City Council hereby finds and declares that an emergency exists which necessitates that this ordinance become effective immediately in order to preserve the public health, safety and welfare. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. The city clerk is directed to publish a summary of this ordinance at the earliest possible publication date. iApril 2, 2019 DANA RALPH, MAYOR Vk Date Approved ATTEST: April 2, 2019 KIMBERLEY A. K MOTO, CI CLERK Date Adopted April 5, 2019 Date Published 15 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way APPROVED AS TO F RM: ARTHUR "PAT" FITZPATRIC , CITY ATTORNEY 16 Adopt Chapter 6.16 KCC - Utility Design Standards in the Right-of-Way EXHIBIT A Combination Pole with Canister or Shrouded Antenna - Section 6.16.060(C)(1) ANTENNA LUMINAIRE LUMINAIRE MAST ARM UPPER POLE FIBER SPLICE/PULL BOX 0 EQUIPMENT CABINET FINAL ❑ GRADE ❑ 0� ELECTRICAL CONDUIT STANDARD �--zi--FOUNDATION EXHIBIT A Combination Pole with Equipment Shroud - Section 6.16.060(C)(2) LUMINAIRE LUMINAIRE MAST ARM EQUIPMENT UPPER POLE SHROUD FIBER SPLICE/PULL BOX 1107 FINAL EQUIPMENT CABINET ❑ GRADE ❑ ELECTRICAL CONDUIT STANDARD FOUNDATION EXHIBIT A Combination Pole with Canister or Shrouded Antenna and Equipment Shroud - Section 6.16.060(C)(3). ANTENNA LUMINAIRE LUMINAIRE MAST ARM EQUIPMENT UPPER POLE SHROUD FIBER SPLICE/PULL BOX O FINAL EQUIPMENT CABINET ❑ GRADE ❑ ELECTRICAL CONDUIT STANDARD FOUNDATION STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on April 5, 2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$183.65. Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter ``<` &NLE Gtl �. ^\SSiONF Subscribed and sworn to me this 5th day of April, 2019. ;•�° 9•, NorAp, PUBLIC NaleGwin, Notary b is or the State of Washington, Residing in Covington,Washington 20 Friday,April 5,2019 Kent Reporter Announcements Legal Notices Service Directory CITYOF KENT PUBLI C NOTICE DETERMINATION OF J�t a�ttes NONSIGNIFICANCE ` Pursuant to KCC 11.03, - Epfsc pd church Environmental Policy, 1F �_reiles ate CELEBRATE the City of Kent has is- `#d �. EASTER WEEK sued a threshold deter- , '' I mmation for the follow- a►t + iQ atSt.James ing: Real Estate for Sale Episcopal in Kent Determination of Nonsig- ` ARLots/Acreage P4447 94gf AveAVe S nificance(DNS)for: Professional Services Home Services Home services Home services Columbia Basin rain ALL ARE WELCOMEI BUSINESS 9 PARKS WAREHOUSE Attorney,Legal Services Landscape services Landscape services Tree/Shrub Care elevators. Hwy-railbed PALM SUNDAV ENV-2 0 1 8-2 7/ a _ frontage. Ideal location April M - ND and RPSW-2185197 A-1 SHEER Steve's for distillery,etc.Pioneer Al The applicant proposes owner sacrifice. Call 1 t am services GARDENING& to construct a new Gardening Tree Pruning. 509-359-0662 anytime. MAUNDYTHURSDAY 82,870 square foot LANDSCAPING g and size R g9 Y q Cleanup'Trim New Sod Medium size Removal. Find your perfect pet April 18-6 pm-Meal& warehouse and office Weed Prune'Sod -Beauty Bark . Stump Grinding.Roof in the Classifieds. Footwashing building. The building Seed'Bark -Weeding and Gutter's cleaning. m.2mwciuwffads.eam would be part of the re- 'Rockery -Trimming Excavator Services GOOD FRIDAY `sting complex s ware- LEGAL PROTECTION 'Backhce'Patios -Pruning April 19-7 pm- house buildings south of ALL YARD WORK Stations of the Cross- FORY N BUSINESS 425-226-3911 -Patios AND LANDSCAPING ." ti, the site and would re- AND IP 206-722-2043 -Retaining Wall CCLATiNLGa94Ps k 12&6 pm place a paved parking Law cannot be practiced Sprinklers 'e►•' area.The building is gro- in a vacuum. Effective ] A1sHECLo30.1M - PSatisfaction Guaranis ,,"4 .- THE GREAT VIGIL posed to be constructed legal assistance required CALL STEVE LOWEST -Apri120-7pm in the northwest portion an untlerstandin of Com lete PRICE Candlelight service of the ro er ad- 9 p- 206-244-6043 dressed as 7818 South each clients unique Landscaping Inc. a EASTER SUNDAY business and personal 425-336-9511 -April 2t-8:30 and 212th Street and identi- realities. Washington Mowing,Weeding, LlcasTEVEGLes3Kz - fied as Kin County As- State Attorney, ELIJAH Trimming,Pruning, t,• • ,1 t• 11 am services 9 u Advertise our I 122 0r parcel number HARTMAN is dedicated Cleanup, Y I Legal Notices t2220new Access to to crafting meaningful Pressure Washing, upcoming garage sale Advertise your the new development and lastingal solu- Maintenance, in community upcoming garage sale Apartments for Rent No.194-006731 KNT will be provided via ex- Sod&Fences Your local communi u comin istin lions for his business cli- icing county g driveways con- ents. Whether working Free Estimates newspaper and online in your local community PROBATE NOTICE TO netting to both Bath KENT CREDITORS hands-on to develop coo (206)355-9330 to reach thousands of newspaper and online Avenue South and to eves' eamatters, of Scenic Vista (RCW 11.40.030) South 212th Street.The existing Com I1i971 n5 households in your area. to reach thousands of spearheading entirely p SUPERIOR COURT OF site is located within a ` Go online to households in our area. Senior WASHINGTON FOR KING Ni Industrial Park- novel ones, nosh brings whether you're Y Park- his creativeness, and buying or selling, www.Soun�lassilieds.com Go online to Apartments COUNTY Commercial zoning dis- dedication to bear.Prat- Call:1-80o-388-2527 www.SpaldClassifieds.com 26404 104th Ave SE trict. the classifieds Kent,WA 98030 lice Areas Contract Estate of STEVEN CLIF- Comments are due for drafting, commercial real has it all.From Fax 360-598-6800 Call:t-800.388-2527 TON IRONS,Deceased. the above project by estate, leases, partner- automobiles and Home Services Fax:360-598-68M Apartments Now PLEASE TAKE NOTICE 4:30 p.m., day Fri April ship disputes, franchise employment to real Available The above Court has ap- 19.2019,to City of Kent vice agreements, business estate and household Lawn/Garden Ser Thousands of Classified Beautiful 1&2 Bits, pointed me as Personal Planning Services. and asset purchases goods,you'll find CHEAPYARD SERVICE readers need your Q Starting at: Representative of Dece- For more information, and sales, shareholder 1 BR-$946/mo. dents estate. Any person contact Kent Planning ri hts, start-ups, everything you need ANDA HANDYMAN Nice.Your service ad having a claim against the g ps, media- 2BRs-S7130/mo. Services at 220 Fourth tion, trusts, copyright, 24 hours a day at will run FOUR full weeks Section 8 accepted. Avenue S., Kent, WA trademarks, licensing, www.SoundlClassifiede,com Pressure washing Income Limits A Decedent must present 9 gutter cleaning,etc. in your local community Apply. the claim: (a) Before the 98032, Telephone: website and eCom- Call Susan About (253) 856-5454. Any mercFence,deck building paper and on the web time when the claim would facturing,p and�civil ct Ill . Concrete,Painting& for one low price with Move in Specials!! be barred by any ai disability requiringerson ccomoda- bon. Contact Elijah at i GARDENING Repairs. the Service Guide 253-520-9876 cable statute of limits- tion should contact the DATH PLLC today for And all yard services. Special TDD:711 tions,and(b)In the man- City for more informa- ur free initial hone Special Spring Clean-up 206-412.4191 This Insnruran is an Equal ner provided in RCW lion-For TOO relay ser- P -Tree Service -Hauling HANDYHY9108 Ca11600-388-2527 to OpporfunifyPmviderand 11.40.070:(1)By filing the vice, call 1-800-833- consultation to see how g speak with a customer E r original of the claim with we can help. -Weeding .Pruning Pe n'W°l'a6388 or the City of Kent VISIT: -Hedge Trim •Fence Home services representative. the foregoing Court, and at(253)856-5725. DATHPLLC.COM -Concrete •Bark Roofing/siding Go online 24 hours a day: 00 By serving on or mail- Jason Garnham, AICP, CALL: •New Sod&Seed www.SoundiClaesifieds.com ing to me at the address Acting Responsible (425)209-0040 -Aerating&Thatching ROOFING& Or fax in your ad. below a copy of the claim. Official OR EMAIL: •Remodeling Kitchen 8 . The claim must be pre- Published in the Kent Bath&Painting REMODELING 36o-s9a-6eoo Elijaft®DATHPLLC.COM 9 � sented by the later of:(a) Reporter April 5, 2019 ' Pressure Washing• Senior Discounts Thirty (30) days after 1 #850999 Home Services Domestic Services Floor Install/Service Senior Discount Free Estimates Adult/Eider care served or marled this No- CITY OF KENT Expert Work lice as provided in RCW NOTICE OF FREE ESTIMATE A PLACE FOR MOM 11.40.0201 or (b) ORDINANCES •i i 253-850-5405 has helped over a million - Four(4)months after the BY THE print& 2oHIMARM ,00 A n�en Coohadn, p PASSED COUNCIL i i ❑ckHIMARMLs24JB It Hater evsiness eurneu families find senior liv- date of first publication of CITY COUNCIL ar woo oonn aAMERIGC92308 ing. Our trusted, local this Notice.If the claim is The following are sum- 9 advisors help not presented within this maries of the ordinances online **Painting e_ faafla.SoaadClassifieds.tom find solutions to your Announcements time period,the claim will passed by the Kent City "Tile a find what you need 24 hours a day unique needs at no cost be forever barred except Council on April 2,2019. 24� **Pressure 7ND RD WORK to you. Call 855-415- PROMOTE YOUR RE- as provided in RCW ORDINANCE NO. 4316 �'F g 4148_ GIONAL EVENT state- Clean UPS NDSCAPING wide with a$325 class`- 11.40.051 and AN ORDINANCE of •ww.SsundClassifeds.com fied listin or$1,575 for E4D.D60.This bar is ef- the City Council of the I• i I :I' 0 OFF find what you need 24 hewsa day a display ad. Call thisfestive for claims against City of Kent, Washing- Cleanup newspaper or 360-344- both the Decedents pro- ton, amending Title 6 of O 1 I Ice Findyour perfect pet fI Reach thousands of 2938 for datals. bate and non-probate as- the Kent City Code by g,Thatching readers b advertising sets. adopting a new chapter in the Classifieds. &Weeding.Blackberry _ Y 9 STILL PAYING TOO Date of First Publication of 6.16 establishing utility 1 1 wv.soundclassilads.cdm Removal, Gutter 8 Our Service in the much for Hours: y your MEDICA- this Notice:April 5,2019 design standards and Home services Roof Cleaning ROOF REPLACEMENT Service Directory of TION? 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Relax, Patio Covers °• •-• -• Many discounts "I""v' '°'r1BdSC01" torn 253-350-3231 , available. 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Dave Bussard, 12033 Maple Multi-family ground storage tanks acres into 13 single home with carport within last date of publication of wa.gov/ Legal Notices BE 256th St Kent, WA Land TX LP, Mark Hoyt, (8,000 gallons each)are family residential lots, a a wetland buffer. The this notice. Ecology re- forms 98030-6503, is seeking 2003 Western Ave Ste proposed to be installed storm water tract and a subject parcel is vacant, views public comments The Administrative coverage under the 330 Seattle, WA 98121- as a replacement.These private recreation tract. but entirely encumbered and considers whether Office of the Courts- including small cell Washington State De- 2140, is seeking cover- new storage tanks are to The existing residential with a wetland and its discharges from this pro- call:(360)705-5328 equipment, and proprie- partment of Ecology's age under the Washing- be located within the buildings will be re- buffer. The proposed jest would cause a mea- Washington La- tary or leased poles and Construction Stormwater ton State Department of maintenance facility moved. Access to the development footprint surable change in re- wHelp: www.wa- equipment attached to NPDES and State Ecology's Construction yard, southeast of the new development is pro- will impact approximate- ceiving water quality, shingtonlawhelp.org, these poles. Waste Discharge Gener- Stormwater NPDES and previous underground posed via an extension ly 3,871 square feet of and, if so, whether the or The City Council hereby a,Permit. State Waste Discharge storage tanks to allow of BE 255th Street which wetland buffer. The ap- project is necessary and The Superior Court finds and declares that The proposed project, General Permit. for construction staging. connects to 124th Ave- plicant proposes ap- in the overriding public Clerk's office or an emergency exists New Valley Elementary The proposed project, The project scope also nue SE. There are no proximately 16,544 interest according to Tier county law library which necessitates that School, is located at Alexan Gateway Kent, is includes the construction known wetlands or square feet of wetland II anti-degradation re- (for a fee). this ordinance become 22420 Military Rd S in located at 23000 Mili- of a new fuel dispenser streams on or near the buffer enhancement, to quirements under WAC 3.Serve(give)a copy of effective immediately in SeaTac in King county. tary Rd S in Kent in King island and accompany- site. The property is include removal of inva- 173-201A-320. Com- your Response to the order to preserve the This project involves county. ing canopy.The property zoned SR-6, Single sive plants and replace- ments can be submitted person who filed this public health,safety and 8.86 acres of soil distur- This project involves is located at 5821 South Family Residential and ment with native trees to:Department of Ecolo- Summons at the ad- welfare. This ordinance bance for Commercial, 6.51 acres of soil distur- 240th Street, identified identified as King County and shrubs in order to gy Attn: Water Quality dress below, and to any shall become effective Utilities construction ac- bance for Residential as King County Parcel parcel numbers mitigate for the buffer Program, Construction other parties. You may immediately upon pas- tivities. construction activities. No. 2322049027 and is 2122059086 impacts. No work is to Stormwater P.O. Box use certified mail with re- sage.The city clerk is di- The receiving waterbody The receiving water- zoned SR-1, Residential &2122059180. be completed in the wet- 47696, Olympia, WA turn receipt requested. rected to publish a sum- is Grandview Off-Leash body is Green River. Agricultural District. The OTHER PERMITS AND land. 98504-7696 For more information on mary of this ordinance at Dog Park Ditch. Any persons desiring to project will occur interior PLANS WHICH MAY BE Hearing Date: Published in the Kent how to serve, read Su- the earliest possible Any persons desiring to present their views to to the property within the REQUIRED: Civil Con- WEDNESDAY, APRIL Reporter April 5 & 12, perior Court Civil Rule 5. publication date. present their views to the Washington State existing City of Kent struction Permit, Final 17,2019 at 10:00 AM 2019#850347 4.File your ORDINANCE NO. 4319 the Washington State Department of Ecology Maintenance Facility Plat, Building permit for Hearing Location: Superior Court of File your original Re- AN ORDINANCE of the Department of Ecology regarding this Applica- yard. each new home Kent City Hall Council Washington, sponse with the court City Council of the City regarding this Applica- lion, or interested in OTHER PERMITS AND PUBLIC COMMENT PE- Chambers West at 220 clerk a this address: of Kent, Washington, bon, or interested in Ecology's action on this PLANS WHICH MAY BE RI OD: April 5,2019 to 4th Avenue S.,Kent,WA County of King i ni King County Court- amending the Kent City Ecology's action on this Application, may notify REQUIRED: City of April 19,2019 98032 a, house 516 Third Ave- Codeto create a new Application, may notify Ecology Laumua Satarak writing no tat- Kent Building permit, All persons may com- Permit Number: nue, Rm E-609 Seattle, Chapter ter 2.62 which Ecology in writing no tat- er than 30 days of the City of Kent Fire Depart- ment on this application. R E C R-2 18 4 9 6 5, Petitioner WA 98104 codifies the provisions of er than 30 days of the last date of publication of ment Tank Removal and Comments must be in RECA-2018-01 and or Resolution 1298 estab- last date of publication of this notice. Ecology re- Tank Installation per- writing and received in The application i Annie Johnson&John s Malang Regional Jus- lishing the Kent Bicycle Ecology p g g Doe,Respondents this notice. Ecolo re- views public comments mils, Washington State Kent Planning Services available for review at lice Center 401 Fourth No.1mon 1 Served KNT Advisory Board and views public comments and considers whether Department of Ecology by 4:30 P.M., Friday, the City of Kent Eco- Avenue N, Rm 2C Kent, adds new language and considers whether discharges from this pro- UST Decommissioning April 19, 2019, at 400 nomic and Community Summons Served by INA 98032 clarifying how terms are discharges from this pro- ject would cause a mea- Certification West Gowe Street, Kent Development office, lo- Publication 5.Lawyer not required: act would cause a mea- surable thane in re- PUBLIC COMMENT PE- WA 98032. For To: Annie Johnson and staggered and how 1 9 ques- toted at 400 W Gowe It is a good idea to talk terms are filled followingg g quality, p Jahn Doe- The other surable thane in re- ceivin water uali RIOD: April 5,2019 to Ions regarding this pro- Street in downtown to a lawyer,but you may a vacancy. ceiving water quality, and, if so, whether the April 19,2019 jest,please contact Sara Kent. For more informa- party to:has asked the file and serve your Re- This ordinance shall take and, if so, whether the project is necessary and All persons may com- Ullman, Planner, and tion,please contact Kae- Give custodyof the chi,- He without one. effect and be in force Project is necessary and in the overriding public ment on this application. (253)856-5454. lene Notts, Planner, at Person filing this Sum- ty days in the overriding g ( ) dren to anon-parent. thin da from and offer g public interest according to Tier Comments must be in TENTATIVE HEARING: 253 856-5428 or via You mons: its passage, as provided interest according to Tier II anti-degradation re- writing and received in A public hearing is TEN_ email at knobis@kent- must respond in /s/ Makanani Laumua by law. II anti-degradationwriting 9 re- quirements under WAC Kent Planning Services TATIVELY scheduled wa.gov. you want theSataraka ORDINANCE NO. 4320 quirements under WAC 173-201A-320. by 4:30 P.M., Friday, before the City of Kent Published in the Kent courcourt to consider your I agree to accept legal AN ORDINANCE of 173-201A-320. Comments can be sub- April 19, 2019, at 400 Hearing Examiner at Reporter April 5,2019. Deadline! Your Re- Papers for this case at the City Council of the Comments can be sub- mitted to: West Gowe Street, Kent 10:00 a.m. on Wednes- #850009 the following address: miffed to: Department of Ecology WA 98032. For sponse must be filed City of Kent, Washing- Pa 9Y ques- day,July 3,2019. This Notice 25829 113th Ave SE, P Ecology Quality regarding P P 9 Red point Development and served within 60 ton, declaring an actor- Department of Ecol Attn: Water Quali Pro- lions r ardin this pro- public hearing will be E206 P P days of the date this gency and adopting an Attn: Water Quality Pro- gram, Construction jest,please contact Sara held in the City Council Group, LLC at 17786 summons is published.If Kent,WA 98030 interim zoning ordinance gram, Construction Stormwater Ullman, Planner, at sut, Chambers located at Des Moines Memorial you do not file and serve #848633 amending g title Code b o,im the P.O. wale 47696, 01 m- pia0,WA Box 47696, lym- man0kentwa.°ov and 220 4th Avenue South, Drive Burien,WA 98148, your Response or a No- 3129/19, 415/19, 4/12119, Kent City y y (253)856-5454. Kent, WA 98032. is seeking coverage un- nce of Appearance by 4/19/19,4/26/19,5/3/19 ing freight-intensive uses pia,WA 98504-7696 #849589 TENTATIVE HEARING PLEASE BE ADVISED der the Washington the deadline: on a temporary basis, Published in the Kent 03(29119&04/05/19 A public hearing is not THIS MEETING DATE State Department of No one has to notify pending completion of Reporter April 5 & 12, NOTICE OF required for this applica- IS SUBJECT TO Ecology's Construction u about other Did you an industrial land sub. 2019.#850955 APPLICATION tion. CHANGE Please call Stormwater NPDES and hearings in this area plan,setting a date Need extra cash?Place An Environmental Published in the Kent to verify time and date State Waste Discharge case,and Hear? for a public hearing,and your classified ad today! Checklist was filed with Reporter April 5, 2019. at least one week be- General Permit.The pro- The court may ap- providing that the ordi- project,City of Kent Planning #851092 fore the scheduled posed ect, Mira Call 1-800-31ta-2527 or If ou have p prove the requests in nonce will take effect im- Services. Fallowing is a NOTICE OF meetm9. Y Apartments,is located at the Petition without mediately upon pas- Go online 24 hours a day description of the appli- APPLICATION any questions, please 1010 SW 122ND Street hearing your side. sae wAew.sovndcl...died..ean call Sara Ullman, Kent s y0 When it comes 9 cation and the process A project Permit Appli- in Burien, in King Follow these steps: Pursuant to the prelind- VALLEY MEDICAL for review. The app,ica- cation has been filed Planning Services, at County. This project in- 1.Read the Petition and to employment, nary findings,and in ac- CENTER bon and listed studies with City of Kent Plan- 253-856-5442. volves approximately 2.4 any other documents cordance with ROW District Healthcare may be reviewed at the ning Services. Following Published in the Kent acres of soil disturbance that were filed at court Sound Class"fieds 35A.12.130, the city System offices of Kent Planning is a description of the Reporter April 5, 2019. for construction ac- with this Summons. has it all...the council hereby declares NOTICE OF BOARD Services, 400 W. Gowe application and the pro- #850596 tivities. The project pro- Those documents ex- the existence of a public COMMITTEE Street,Kent,WA. cess far review.The ap- NOTICE OF poses to discharge de- plain what the other par- latest job emergency and in order SCHEDULES DATE OF NOTICE OF plication and listed stud- PUBLIC HEARING tained and treated storm ty is asking for. O ennin s, to protect the public Notice is hereby given APPLICATION: ies may be reviewed at CITY OF KENT water to salmon creek 2. Fill out a Response p 9 health, safety, property that the Valley Medical April 5,2019 the offices of Kent Plan- OFFICE OFTHE which outlets to the Pu- on this form educational and peace, this ordi- Center Board of Trus- A P P L I C A T 1 O N ning Services,400 West HEARING EXAMINER get sound. Any persons FL Non-Parent 415, Re- opportunities nance shall be effective tees Compensation and NAMEINUMBER: Gowe Street,Kent,WA. CUTTINGS- desiring to present their sponse to Non-Parent pp upon adoption by a ma- Executive Committees K-PWO Maintenance DATE OF NOTICE OF REASONABLEUSE views to the Washington Custody Petition and more jority plus one of the will begin at 10:00 a.m. Facility APPLICATION: PERMIT State Department of • You can get the Re- whole membership of and 11:30 a.m., real ENV-2019-1/ April 5,2019 A public hearing will be Ecology regarding this sponse corm and the council lively, in Conference KIVA#RPSW-2191232 A P P L I C A T 1 O N held to consider the Application,or interested other forms you 1-800-388-2527 A copy of the complete Room 8 at Valley Medi- PROJECT DESCRIP- NAME/NUMBER: applicant's request for a in Ecology's action on need at: , The text of any ordinance or cal Center, Renton, TrON:City of Kent Pub- ALDER VIEW ESTATES Reasonable Use Excep- this Application,may no- Washington State SOUNDCLASSIFIEDS.COM resolution will be mailed Washington on the fol- tic Works Operations PRELIMINARY bon to construct a 780 tify Ecology in writing no Courts' website: _ upon request of the City lowing dates: proposes to decommis- SUBDIVISION Clerk. April 9,2019 sion three existing and SU-2019-2/ •• Opportunities Kimberley A. Komoto, May 14,2019 operational underground KIVA#RPP3-2191074 City Clerk June 11,2019 storage tanks (two ENV-2019-14/ 253-856-5725 July 9,2019 10,000-gallon tanks and KIVA#RPSW-2191075 Featured Position Aa..rn,Mymu: CityClerkQKentWA.gov Augusl13,2019 one 4,000-gallon tank) PROJECT DESCRIP- We are community&daily newspapers inPRINTING FACILITY(Everett,WA) ' qs�� Published in the Kent September 10,2019 used for diesel and un- TION:The applicant _Axd.en,wn Reporter April 5, 2019. October B.2019 leaded fuels. The exist- proposes to subdivide Sound Publishing's printing facility is interviewing -DmAu.ne #851133 # ing fuel island with dis- two parcels located at for multiple positions.Sound is the states 13th wndx w"AR,wA 3r29/19,415119 pensers will also be re- 25403 and 25405 124th Clallam County Snohomish County largest printer,serving as the printing partner .a°n�meowwnamycn^wna^„ -Jefferson County What(cum County for p ublishers throughout Washington.our full- n..«i,WA OCounty Grays Harbor kanogan service printing facility in Everett is over80,000 -x.nr,.A Looking for a job with Pierce County County square feet with easy and quick freeway access, -mAsm,wA located just seven min utes from the 1-5/I-405 -R..,WA OpportunitySound is an Equal " interchange with easy and quick access to Seattle, .Dgn.s"vssr:c.mAaAa.n growth potential? 1 Publishingnd strongly supports Iworplace. offergreat Bellevue,and the rest of the Puget Sound area. -E...cwA work environment with opportunity for Positions that are available for the Printing The classifieds are sprouting with opportunities. 9 Find one today. advancement along with a competitive include: anmAAmnn.wA paid time off(vacation,sid,and holidays), Press Operator AmsenEMA ire nre.R^., SOUND ft. ,A 4 General Press Operator •ftr1nm k Applicantsmust beengaging and goal-oriented, P°°Rm,w" elassi foods _ with a good work ethic,to include the abilityto ^le^i ma,wA 1B 1 be punctual,as well as flexible with their work Everett,WA t,i9 i schedule to flex with the changing needs of the -A*tt° WA Pleasestate which position and geographic business.As a requirement,applicants for the area you are appiomy for. driving positions must have a valid drivers I icense and a clean driving record. 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