HomeMy WebLinkAbout4320 ORDINANCE NO. q3ZO AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring an emergency and adopting an interim zoning ordinance amending title 15 of the Kent City Code by limiting trucking-intensive uses on a temporary basis, pending completion of an industrial land subarea plan, setting a date for a public hearing, and providing that the ordinance will take effect immediately upon passage. RECITALS A. Uncoordinated and unplanned growth poses a threat to the environment, sustainable economic development, and the health, safety, and quality of life of city residents. In line with statewide planning goals, it is the City's intention to encourage economic development that is consistent with adopted comprehensive plans, to promote economic opportunity, and to promote the retention and expansion of existing businesses and recruitment of new businesses, all within the capacities of public facilities. B. Kent's Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2015, includes a policy directive to "Complete a comprehensive subarea plan for the Manufacturing/Industrial Center that will establish a Kent-specific vision and strategy for accommodating growth consistent with the regional growth strategy." In the Puget Sound Regional Council's Plan Review Report and Certification Recommendation for the City's Comprehensive Plan, the city was encouraged to implement this policy "in the near term," 1 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses as Vision 2040 calls for jurisdictions with regional centers to develop subarea plans (DP-Action-17). C. Understanding the regional interest and local importance of this work, staff proposed to include a 'Manufacturing/Industrial Center Subarea Plan" in the 2015 Docket Report to the City Council. In 2018, the City Council adopted the 2019-2020 budget which included $75,000 annually for this work plan item. To date, staff have taken the following steps on the project: completed a detailed draft scope of work; formed an interjurisdictional staff working group; formed an advisory panel of local experts; interviewed and selected consultants; established an outreach/engagement strategy; planned advisory panel meeting content; established a project schedule including major milestones; tentatively outlined the final document; and collected a significant amount of data and research to support and inform the work. The project is expected to identify changes to the zoning code and development standards, new design guidelines, zoning map amendments, key partnerships and organizations, capital project recommendations, and recommendations on many existing policies at the local and regional level, including PSRC manufacturing/industrial center designation. D. Inherently, the development of the industrial valley subarea plan will include a significant focus on trucking-intensive land uses and public infrastructure requirements. Trucking-intensive land uses such as bulk or heavy distribution, warehousing, wholesale, and freight movement have significant financial and transportation impacts to the cities in which they are located. Trucking-intensive uses in particular cause considerable damage to publicly owned infrastructure due to the weight and volume of freight vehicles, and such damage results in significant street maintenance costs borne by the city and its taxpayers. 2 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses E. The City of Kent has seen an acceleration in development of truck-intensive land uses including retrofitting existing warehouses to increase the capacity and volume of truck utilization. The City is also aware of increased real estate speculation on bulk warehouse properties in the Kent Valley. These properties generally include facilities in excess of 100,000 square feet in size, with a ratio of dock high doors at less than one per 5,000 square feet of building area. Additionally, building footprint sizes are increasing, which, similar to big-box retail, may point to an overspecialized building type. This overspecialization may work for a particular use that is very marketable in the short term, but may limit adaptability to other uses in the future as the economy changes. F. These changes in the real estate market and proliferation of industrial product development are creating significant or adverse impacts on city roads and infrastructure, transit and pedestrian connections, and the overall city vision for an economically healthy and fiscally sustainable mix of uses. Without specifically crafted regulations for such large, trucking-intensive developments, there is substantial risk that the Kent industrial valley could suffer long-term and adverse economic consequences. G. Proper planning for growth also requires addressing the capacity of current and future public facility needs. City revenue associated with trucking-intensive uses has declined precipitously in recent decades i due to a change in state sales tax structure (known as Streamlined Sales t Tax, or "SST"). Whereas wholesale and related e-commerce uses 1 previously generated significant sales tax revenue for the city that helped offset the costs to city infrastructure, the SST change to a destination- I based local sales tax system in 2008 substantially diminished this source I of tax revenue. The city now bears all the road maintenance costs associated with heavy freight use, with severely depleted resources and I few options for generating more income. This fiscal position strains the , 3 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re; Trucking-Intensive Uses city's ability to maintain roadway infrastructure and the required level of service for city programs and responsibilities generally. H. The Kent Industrial Valley, and the Industrial Park (M1, M1-C) district in particular, contains significant city investment in the form of levees, roads and utility infrastructure to prevent flooding and facilitate development. This land, whether undeveloped, redevelopable, or built with high quality development, is an asset to the city as a whole in its potential for economic return, quality jobs, or other contributions to the public realm. These assets and investments are now threatened by the combination of strong market demand for building types which support uses that do not contribute to city revenue in a manner commensurate with the need for infrastructure maintenance that they create, and outdated land use regulations that allow such building types to develop without regard for their substantial impacts. I. The city very recently embarked on its subarea planning effort known as "Rally the Valley" (RTV). The intention for RTV is to to better understand the costs, analyze potential policy or program changes, and recommend a new, more nuanced direction for Kent's policies toward industrial land, taking into account the classifications within warehouse and industrial real estate products, and their ability to meet different user demands. J. Engagement with existing businesses in the valley has pointed to the need for more pedestrian-scale infrastructure and a more safe and inviting public realm for workers. Large footprint uses affect the city's ability to provide for pedestrian-scale infrastructure by creating impermeable sites with long distances that are not navigable on foot. While the exact nature of the needed pedestrian connections is not yet determined, and is being explored through RTV, there is a threat to the 4 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses ability of the city to move in the direction of better pedestrian connections if more large footprint uses develop before RTV is completed. K. The RTV work plan item is underway and will conclude in 2020. It is anticipated that zoning and development regulation changes will be adopted as a result of this effort, as well as capital project recommendations. While trucking-intensive and land consumptive uses are unlikely to be entirely prohibited as a result of RTV recommendations, strategic regulations with tighter distinctions are warranted. With these regulations under development now, there is a risk that certain options or opportunities may be precluded in the interim by the development or redevelopment of parcels within the RTV study area. This would substantially impede the city's ability benefit from the informed and coordinated growth strategies identified through the RTV effort. L. The City desires to see the Kent industrial valley's economic potential realized to the maximum extent possible. To that end, ensuring that buildings that support trucking-intensive land uses are developed in accordance with a fully informed subarea plan is critical to ensuring the long-term economic sustainability of the industrial valley and to identify and catalyze appropriate development. M. If interim zoning regulations for the development of trucking- intensive facilities of this nature are not imposed, such development could severely impact effective long range planning anticipated as part of the Rally the Valley program and resulting subarea plan, and may also result in significantly decreased realization of the vision therein. N. It is in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare of the current and future residents of Kent to enact interim zoning regulations 5 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses relating to the siting and development of trucking-intensive uses within the industrial valley. O. Allowing the planning or design of trucking-intensive land uses to continue before the City Council can fully adopt new regulations or revise existing regulations specific to those land uses could result in irreversible damage to the City that would be contrary to the comprehensive planning efforts currently underway. P. Through its Rally the Valley program, the city is exercising special care and attention in evaluating, considering, and developing appropriate regulation that satisfactorily addresses the significant fiscal impacts of trucking-intensive land uses and meets the city's goal of encouraging economic development and being mindful of the capacities of public infrastructure. Q. The city has a strong interest in fostering a vibrant and productive economic environment and a growth management goal to promote economic opportunity within the city through land use planning. Without immediate interim zoning, the City's acceptance, processing, and approval of development applications related to trucking-intensive land uses would create a substantial risk of rendering moot the extensive planning beginning now and negatively impacting the future viability of the Kent industrial valley. R. Based on the above, the City Council concludes that immediate interim zoning addressing trucking-intensive land uses in the M1 and M1-C zoning districts is required. To protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community it is necessary to establish such zoning in order to prevent the acceptance, processing, and approval of development 6 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses applications related to trucking-intensive land uses prior to the establishment of proper and reasonable regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Preliminary Findings. The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted as the city council's preliminary findings of fact in support of the interim zoning controls imposed by this ordinance. The city council may, in its discretion, adopt additional findings of fact at the conclusion of the public hearing referenced in this ordinance; provided, if after a public hearing, no additional findings of fact are adopted, the preliminary findings of fact shall become the final findings of fact of the city council without further action. SECTION 2. - Interim Zoning Imposed. Pursuant to the provisions of Article XI, Section 11 of the Washington State Constitution, RCW 35A.63.220, and RCW 36.70A.390, an interim zoning ordinance is hereby adopted and the Kent City Code is amended as set forth in Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this ordinance. SECTION 3. - Amendment. Section 15.04.040 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Manufacturing Land Uses" is amended as follows: [See Following Page] 7 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses Sec. 15.04.040. Manufacturing Land Uses. Zoning Districts Key P=Principally Permitted Uses c M a, o N �O = a W N (.'3 ? U U U U 7 N U U N M S=Special Uses a ar oc oc oc ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ o� ¢ = U o U 2 C=Conditional Uses A=Accessory Uses 23� Manufacturing,processing, i23, (23) (23) 23) (23) blending,and packaging of food and beverage products Manufacturing,processing, P blending,and packaging of drugs,pharmaceuticals, toiletries,and cosmetics Manufacturing,processing, P P blending,and packaging of dairy products and byproducts Industrial laundry and dyeing _ (including linen supply and diaper services) Printing,publishing,and allied j21) (z) industries Chemicals and related products P c c c 14) (4) (4) (1) Mfg. P P Contractor shops C Custom arts and crafts products P Mfg. ni P P Computers,office machines. 3) (3) and equipment Mfg. Manufacturing and assembly of z) v (3) P P c electrical equipment, �l appliances,lighting.radio.TV communications,equipment, and components Fabricated metal products mfg.: custom sheet metal Mfg., containers,hand tools,heating equipment,screw products, extrusion,coating,and plating Manufacturing and assembly of 3> (3) 125) (25) (25) (25) electronic and electrical devices,and automotive, aerospace,missile,airframe, and similar products A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Hazardous substance land uses (7, e) (e) (8) n) n) i7) i7) 02) ;12) (12) (14) c s Offices incidental and A A A A = A A A P P P P P 0, necessary to the conduct of a principally permitted use 8 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses Warehousing and distribution (2 2) (1 6) (1 6) 116) (1 6) (16) (24) facilities u L) c !31) (1) C C P P Rail-truck transfer uses 6) (c1) (1) Outdoor storage(including A P A A A a truck,heavy equipment,and 2) contractor storage yards as allowed by development standards, KCC 15.04.190 and 15.04.195) Miniwarehouses self-storage s) (19) (19) Manufacturing of soaps, P detergents,and other basic 2) cleaning and cleansing preparations Manufacturing of plastics and P P synthetic resins (2) Manufacturing of synthetic and P natural fiber and cloth 2) Manufacturing of plywood, (z) composition wallboard,and � similar structural wood products Manufacturing of nonmetallic mineral products such as abrasives,asbestos,chalk, pumice,and putty Manufacturing of heat-resisting P or structural clay products (brick,tile,or pipe)or porcelain products Manufacturing of machinery and P P heavy machine tool equipment (2) �) for general industry and mining, agricultural,construction,or service industries P P P P Manufacturing,processing, (20) (20) (20) C assembling,and packaging of 26) (26) (26) (1) articles,products,or (2a) (26) (26) merchandise made from previously prepared natural or synthetic materials Manufacturing,processing. P P P P P (2) (20) (20) (20) (26) treating,assembling,and (26) (26) (26) C packaging of articles,products, or merchandise from previously prepared ferrous,nonferrous,or alloyed metals Complexes which include a P combination of uses,including a mixture of office,storage,and light manufacturing uses Accessory uses and structures A A A A A A A A A A A A A " A " A " " A A A A " " A (27) (32) (32) (32) j32) (9) (9) (10) (10) (16) (19) (16) (9) (9) (9) (6) (6) (6) (6) customarily appurtenant to a (32) permitted use Impound lots 9 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses [End KCC 15.04.040.] SECTION 4. - Amendment. Section 15.04.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Manufacturing Land Use Development Conditions" is amended as follows: Sec. 15.04.050 Manufacturing land use development conditions. 1. The following uses require a conditional use permit: a. Manufacture of such types of basic materials as follows: i. Gum and wood chemicals and fertilizers, and basic industrial organic and inorganic chemicals or products such as alkalis and chlorine, industrial and liquid petroleum, gases, cellophane, coal tar products, dyes and dye products, impregnated products, tanning compounds, and glue and gelatin. ii. Hydraulic cement, concrete, gypsum, lime, carbon, carbon black, graphite, coke, glass, and similar products. b. Manufacture of products such as the following: i. Ammunition, explosives, fireworks, matches, photographic film, missile propellants, and similar combustibles. ii. Rubber from natural, synthetic, or reclaimed materials. iii. Paving and roofing materials or other products from petroleum derivatives. C. Refining of materials such as petroleum and petroleum products, metals and metal ores, sugar, and fats and oils. d. Distilling of materials such as bone, coal, coal tar, coke, wood, and other similar distillates. 10 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses e. Heavy metal processes, such as ore reduction or smelting, including blast furnaces, and including drop forging, drop hammering, boiler plate works, and similar heavy metal operations: i. Asphalt batching plants. ii. Concrete mixing and batching plants, including ready- mix concrete facilities. iii. Rock crushing plants and aggregate dryers. iv. Sandblasting plants. f. Animal and food processing, including the following and similar operations: i. Tanning, dressing, and finishing of hides, skins, and furs. ii. Meat and seafood products, curing, canning, rendering, and slaughtering. iii. Nitrating of cotton and other materials. iv. Rendering of animal grease or tallow, fish oil, and similar materials. V. Slaughtering, stockyard, feedlot, dairy, and similar operations. vi. Pickling and brine curing processes. vii. Wholesale produce markets. g. Salvage, wrecking, and disposal activities, including the following and similar operations: i. Automobile and building wrecking and salvage. ii. Salvage of industrial waste materials such as metal, paper, glass, rags, and similar materials. iii. Sewage disposal and treatment plants. iv. Dump and sump operations for such uses as rubbish, garbage, trash, and other liquid and solid wastes. h. Storage of the following kinds of goods: 11 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses i. Bulk storage of oil, gas, petroleum, butane, propane, liquid petroleum gas, and similar products, and bulk stations and plants. ii. Used building materials, mover's equipment, relocated buildings, impounded vehicles, and similar materials. iii. Explosives or fireworks, except where incidental to a principally permitted use. iv. Fertilizer or manure. 2. Light manufacturing is permitted in the Downtown Commercial Enterprise District as follows: a. Laboratory and related industrial research and development uses are permitted, including such uses as hardware or robotics testing, industrial showrooms and training facilities for industrial machinery. b. Operations of sorting, packaging, recycling or distribution are not permitted except as accessory uses to the on premise manufacturing. C. Heavy industrial uses that have significant external impacts such as noise, olfactory pollution, or vibration, such as those listed in KCC 15.04.050(1) are not permitted. d. All processing, fabricating or assembly of products (i.e., light manufacturing) takes place wholly within an enclosed building. i. Assembly is defined as creation of a component or end item made from a number of parts and subassemblies. This does not include the putting together of kits, gift baskets, or packaging items produced elsewhere for purposes of e-commerce or wholesale trading. e. Storage is limited to items consumed, produced or altered on the premises. 12 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses i. Outdoor storage shall only be allowed as an accessory use to another principal use. A. The material(s) being stored shall not exceed 12 feet in height at any point. B. The material(s) being stored shall be wrapped or enclosed to prevent wind-blown debris. C. The storage area shall not exceed 15 percent of the building footprint or 5 percent of the lot area, whichever is less. D. Outdoor storage shall be screened from public view from Class A and B streets (as defined in the Downtown Design Guidelines) and from trails by Type I landscaping and minimum 6-foot tall fence or wall. E. Outdoor storage shall be sited to minimize visibility. f. Truck storage is only permitted as an accessory use to a principally permitted use on sites 2.5 acres or larger that also have access to a principal arterial or higher classification roadway within 500 feet of the property, or as otherwise approved by the director. g. Areas designated for truck parking or loading shall be concealed from view along public streets or trails. Dock-high doors for truck loading are permitted at a ratio of one door per 25,000 square feet of building area. h. Dock-high loading doors shall be set back, recessed and/or screened so as not to be visible from adjacent local streets or residential properties. i. The office portion of a manufacturing use shall be adjacent to the public street with the highest classification. 13 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses j. Buildings must have entries on abutting Class A and B streets (as defined in the Downtown Design Guidelines) and those entries shall include substantial fenestration on the associated fagade, to emphasize the entry. 3. Small scale light manufacturing operations as follows: stamping, brazing, testing, electronic assembly, and kindred operations where the building, structure, or total operation does not encompass more than 10,000 square feet of area. The 10,000-square-foot total shall include all indoor and outdoor storage areas associated with the manufacturing operation. Only one 10,000-square-foot manufacturing operation shall be permitted per lot. 4. Conditional use for manufacturing of paint, but manufacturing of paint is permitted outright in the M3 zone. 5. Contractor shops where most of the work is done on call, and which do not rely on walk-in trade, but where some incidental storage or semi- manufacturing work is done on the premises, such as carpentry, heating, electrical, or glass shops, printing, publishing, or lithographic shops, furniture, upholstery, dry cleaning, and exterminators. 6. Accessory uses include sales of product accessory to and directly related to the manufacturing or warehousing use on the site. 7. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Chapter 11.02 KCC, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not permitted in this district. Fuel farm facilities are not allowed in AG or A-10 zones. 14 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 8. For permitted uses, hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Chapter 11.02 KCC and which do not accumulate more than 5,000 pounds of hazardous substances or wastes or any combination thereof at any one time on the site, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not permitted in this district. 9. Includes incidental storage facilities and loading/unloading areas. 10. Includes incidental storage facilities, which must be enclosed, and loading/unloading areas. 11. Including rail-truck transfer uses, except classification yards in the category of "hump yards." 12. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Chapter 11.02 KCC, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050. Offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities are not permitted in this district, except through a special use combining district. 13. Conditional use permit required for trucking terminals and rail-truck transfer uses. 14. For permitted uses, accessory hazardous substance land uses, including onsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which are not subject to cleanup permit requirements of Chapter 11.02 KCC, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050, except offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, which require a conditional use permit in this district. 15. The following require a conditional use permit: 15 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses a. Offsite hazardous waste treatment or storage facilities, subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.050. b. Any hazardous substance land use that is not an accessory use to a principally permitted use. 16. Warehousing and distribution facilities and the storage of goods or products, except for those goods or products specifically described as permitted to be stored only as conditional uses in the M3 district. 17. Conditional use for car loading and distribution facilities, and rail- truck transfer uses. 18. Warehousing and distribution facilities and the storage of goods or products, including rail-truck transfer uses. 19. Miniwarehouses are limited to 40% of the gross leasable area of the building in which the miniwarehousing use is located, and cannot be located on the ground floor. For purposes of this title, miniwarehouses means any real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space to occupants who are to have access to the space for the purpose of storing and removing personal property on a self-service basis, but does not include a garage or other storage area in a private residence. 20. Prohibited are those manufacturing activities having potentially deleterious operational characteristics, such as initial processing of raw materials (forging, smelting, refining, and forming). 21. The ground level or street level portion of all buildings in the pedestrian overlay of the DC district, set forth in the map below, must be retail or pedestrian-oriented. 16 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses Gowe '0 a c to T- •- c a I DC Pedestrian-oriented development shall have the main ground floor entry located adjacent to a public street and be physically and visually accessible by pedestrians from the sidewalk, and may include the following uses: a. Retail establishments, including but not limited to convenience goods, department and variety stores, specialty shops such as apparel and accessories, gift shops, toy shops, cards and paper goods, home and home accessory shops, florists, antique shops, and book shops; b. Personal services, including but not limited to barber shops, beauty salons, and dry cleaning; C. Repair services, including but not limited to television, radio, computer, jewelry, and shoe repair; d. Food-related shops, including but not limited to restaurants (including outdoor seating areas and excluding drive-in restaurants) and taverns; e. Copy establishments; f. Professional services, including but not limited to law offices and consulting services; and g. Any other use that is determined by the economic and community development director to be of the same general 17 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses character as the above permitted uses and in accordance with the stated purpose of the district, pursuant to KCC 15.09.065, Interpretation of uses. 22. Permitted uses are limited to storage, warehousing, processing, and conversion of agricultural, dairy, and horticultural products, but not including slaughtering, meat packing, and fuel farm facilities. 23. Excluding slaughtering, rendering, curing, or canning of meat or seafood products. 24. Except for those goods or products specifically described as permitted to be stored as conditional uses. 25. Excluding explosive fuels and propellants. 26. Excluding predominantly drop forge and drop hammer operations. 27. Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, which are not permitted in residential zones. 28. Excluding paint boiling processes. 29. Limited to 25 percent of gross floor area. Reference KCC 15.04.080(5). 30. Retail or services uses which exceed the 25 percent limit on an individual or cumulative basis shall be subject to review individually through the conditional use permit process. A conditional use permit shall be required on an individual tenant or business basis and shall be granted only when it is demonstrated that the operating characteristics of the use will not adversely impact onsite or offsite conditions on either an individual or cumulative basis. 18 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 31. Reuse or replacement of existing structures for nonagricultural uses is allowed where it is shown that the existing structures are obsolete for agricultural use and will have no viable economic use unless they can be put to nonagricultural use. Any replacement structures must maintain or enhance the agricultural appearance of the property. Signs shall be limited to not more than 100 square feet in area per business, and of that amount, freestanding signs shall not exceed 40 square feet in area. No increase in the area of existing impervious surface shall be allowed in connection with a nonagricultural use. 32. Accessory structures composed of at least two walls and a roof, not including accessory uses or structures customarily appurtenant to agricultural uses, are subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.160. 33. All uses within a complex must be principally permitted uses within the zoning district. 34. New buildings and additions to buildings (vested after April 2, 2019) are limited to no more than one dock-high loading door per 40,000 square feet of gross floor area; however, for buildings less than 40,000 square feet, one dock-high loading door is permitted. The footprint area of new buildings is limited to 125,000 square feet. SECTION 5. - Amendment. Section 15.04.190 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Commercial and industrial zone development standards," is hereby amended as follows: [See Following Page] 19 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses Sec. 15.04.190 Commercial and industrial zone development standards. Zoning Districts Z 10,000 10,000 5.000 5,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 10,000 10.000 10,000 1 10,000 20,000 15,000 1 sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq It sq ft acre sq It sq It sq ft acre Minimum lot (1) (66) (66) grea:square (66) feet or acres,as noted 40% 40% 100% 100% 80% 100% 80% 50% 50% 40°% 60% 60% 65% 75°% 60% Maximum site coverage: percent of site Minimum yard requirements: feet Front yard loft 15 ft (2) (3) 20 It (68) 20 ft 15 ft 15 ft 20 ft (5) (5) (6) (7) (5) Side yard (8) (9) (2) (3) (68) (68) (68) (10) (10) (10) (12) (12) (13) (14) (12) (10) (10) (10) Side yard on (17) (17) (17) (18) (17) flanking street of corner lot Rear yard (8) 20 ft (2) (3) (68) (68) (68) (19) (19) (19) (20) (20) (21) (21) (20) (19) (19) (19) (2) Yards. (23) (23) (24) (25) (23) transitional conditions Additional (29) (29) (29) setbacks Height 2 stry/ 3 stry/ 4 stry/ (32) 7 16 16 2 stry/ 2 stry/ 2 stry/ 2 2 stry/ 2 stry/ 2 stry/ 2 limitation:in 35 It 40 ft 60 ft stry/65 stry/200 stry/200 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft stry/ 35 ft 35 It 35 ft stry/ stories/Hallo (30) ft ft ft (30) (30) (30) 35 ft (35) (35) (37) 35 ft exceed in feet ( (70) (70) (35) (35) (70)70) Landscaping The landscaping requirements of Chapter 15.07 KCC shall apply, (52) (52) (52) Outdoor storage (39) (39) (40) (40) (40) (43) (43) (44) (45) (43) (41) (41) (51) The sign regulations of Chapter 15.06 KCC shall apply. Signs (60) Vehicle drive- (46) (46) (46) (46) (46) (46) (46) through,drive- in,and service bays Loading areas (47) (47) (47) (47) (47) (48) (48) (49) (51) (48) Off-street The off-street parking requirements of Chapter 15.05 KCC shall apply. parking f (57) (57) (57) (57) (58) (58) (58) (57) (58) (4)(11) (31) (31) (71) (71) (71) 1(4) (4)(72) (4)(11) Design review (15) (15) (72) 20 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses Zoning Districts (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (56) (56) (56) (56) (56) (56) (56) (56) (56) (56) (53) (53) (54) (54) (53) Additional (62) (67) (54) (54) (55) (55) (54) standards (63) (55) (55) (56) (56) (55) 64) (56) (56) (56) (65) 1166) (16) [End KCC 15.04.190.] SECTION 6. - Amendment. Section 15.04.195 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Commercial and industrial land use development standard conditions," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.04.195 Commercial and industrial land use development standard conditions. 1. Minimum lot of record or 5,000 square feet, whichever is less. 2. None, except as required by landscaping, or if off-street parking is provided onsite. See the downtown design review criteria outlined in KCC 15.09.046. 3. No minimum setback is required. If a rear and/or side yard abuts a residential district, a 20-foot setback may be required for any yard abutting a residential district. See the downtown design review criteria outlined in KCC 15.09.046. 4. Independent senior living facilities, assisted living facilities and residential facilities with healthcare are subject to the requirements of KCC 15.09.045(D) for multifamily design review, unless they are located 21 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses within Downtown or along Meeker Street from 641" Avenue South to Kent- Des Moines Road where they are subject to downtown design review pursuant to KCC 15.09.046. 5. The minimum front yard setback shall be related to the classification of the adjacent street. This classification shall be determined by the city transportation engineer. The setbacks are as follows: a. Properties fronting on arterial and collector streets shall have a minimum setback of 20 feet. b. Properties fronting on local access streets shall have a minimum setback of 20 feet. 6. The minimum front yard setback shall be related to the classification of the adjacent street. This classification shall be determined by the city transportation engineer. The setbacks are as follows: a. Properties fronting on arterials and collector streets shall have a minimum setback of 40 feet. b. Properties fronting on local access streets shall have a minimum setback of 30 feet. 7. The front yard shall be 10 percent of the lot depth. Regardless of lot size, the yard depth need not be more than 35 feet. 8. No side or rear yard is required, except when abutting a district other than NCC, in which case the yard shall be not less than five feet in width; provided, however, that if the abutting district or use is residential, then the yard shall be 10 feet in width and fully landscaped. 22 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 9. No side yard is required, except when abutting a more restrictive district, in which case the side yard shall be not less than 20 feet in width. 10. No side yard is required, except when abutting a residential district, in which case the side yard shall be not less than 20 feet in width. 11. All projects along Meeker Street from 6411 Avenue South to Kent-Des Moines Road are subject to KCC 15.09.046 for downtown design review. 12. The side yards shall have an aggregate width of 10 percent of the lot width, but the aggregate width need not be more than 40 feet. There shall be a minimum of 15 feet on each side. 13. The side yards shall have an aggregate width of 10 percent of the lot width, but the aggregate width need not be more than 30 feet. There shall be a minimum of 10 feet on each side. 14. The side yards shall have an aggregate width of 10 percent of the lot width, but the aggregate width need not be more than 25 feet. There shall be a minimum of 10 feet on each side. 15. Design review for mixed use development is required as provided for in KCC 15.09.045(F); see KCC 15.04.200 for mixed use development standards. 16. New buildings and additions to buildings vested after April 2, 2019) are limited to no more than one dock-high loading door per 40,000 square feet of gross floor area; however, for buildings less than 40,000 23 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses square feet, one dock-high loading door is permitted. The footprint area of new buildings is limited to 125,000 square feet. 17. The minimum side yard on the flanking street of a corner lot shall be related to the classification of the adjacent street. This classification shall be determined by the city transportation engineer. The setbacks are as follows: a. Properties fronting on arterial and collector streets shall have a minimum setback of 40 feet. b. Properties fronting on local access streets shall have a minimum setback of 30 feet. 18. The side yard on the flanking street of a corner lot shall be at least 10 percent of the lot width, unless the 10 percent figure would result in a side yard of greater than 20 feet, in which case the side yard need not be more than 20 feet. 19. No rear yard is required, except when abutting a residential district, in which case the rear yard shall be not less than 20 feet in width. 20. No rear yard is required, except as may be required by other setback provisions of this section. 21. No rear yard is required, except as may be required by transitional conditions. 22. [Reserved]. 24 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 23. Transitional conditions shall exist when an industrial park M1 or Ml-C district and AG district adjoin a residential district containing a density of two dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes intervening use such as a river, freeway, railroad main line, major topographic differential, or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than 50 feet shall be provided. 24. Transitional conditions shall exist when an M2 district adjoins a residential district containing a density of two dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes an intervening use such as a river, freeway, railway main line, major topographic differential, or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than 50 feet shall be provided. 25. Transitional conditions shall exist when an M3 district adjoins a residential district containing a density of two dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes an intervening use such as a river, railroad main line, major topographic differential, or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than 50 feet shall be provided. 25 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 26. [Reserved]. 27. [Reserved]. 28. [Reserved]. 29. Development in the M1 or M1-C district and AG district abutting the Green River, or Russell Road or Frager Road where such roads follow the river bank, shall be set back from the ordinary high-water mark of the river a minimum of 200 feet. Such setbacks are in accordance with the state Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and shall be no more or less restrictive than the Shoreline Management Act. 30. The economic and community development director shall be authorized to grant one additional story in height, if during development plan review it is found that this additional story would not detract from the continuity of the area. More than one additional story may be granted by the land use and planning board. 31. The downtown design review requirements of KCC 15.09.046 shall apply. 32. No maximum height limit is required, except for parcels located within a downtown commercial enterprise - transitional overlay (DCE-T), where the height limit is 35 feet. See also the downtown design review criteria outlined in KCC 15.09.046. 33. [Reserved]. 34. [Reserved]. 26 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 35. Beyond this height, to a height not greater than either four stories or 60 feet, there shall be added one additional foot of yard for each one foot of additional building height. The economic and community development director shall be authorized to approve one additional story, provided such height does not detract from the continuity of the industrial area, and may impose such conditions as may be necessary to reduce any incompatibility with surrounding uses. Any additional height increase may be granted by the land use and planning board. [Reserved]. 37. The height limitation is two stories or 35 feet. Beyond this height, to a height not greater than either four stories or 60 feet, there shall be added one additional foot of yard for each two feet of additional building height. The economic and community development director shall be authorized to approve one additional story, provided such height does not detract from the continuity of the industrial area, and may impose such conditions as may be necessary to reduce any incompatibility with surrounding uses. Any additional height increases may be granted by the land use and planning board. 38. [Reserved]. 39. Outdoor storage areas are prohibited. 40. Outdoor storage areas shall be fenced for security and public safety by a sight-obscuring fence unless it is determined through the development plan review that a sight-obscuring fence is not necessary. 27 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 41. Any unfenced outdoor storage areas shall be paved with asphaltic concrete, cement, or equivalent material to be approved by the city engineer. 42. [Reserved]. 43. Outside storage or operations yards in the M1 or M1-C district and AG district shall be permitted only as accessory uses. Such uses are incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the property or structure. Outside storage or operations yards shall be confined to the area to the rear of the principal building or the rear two-thirds of the property and reasonably screened from view from any property line by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds, or landscaping. Outside storage exceeding a height of 15 feet shall be so placed on the property as to not detract from the reasonably accepted appearance of the district. 44. Outside storage or operations yards shall be confined to the area to the rear of a line which is an extension of the front wall of the principal building, and shall be reasonably screened from view from any street by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds, or landscaping. 45. Outside storage or operations areas shall be fenced for security and public safety at the property line. 46. Wherever feasible, drive-up/drive-through facilities shall be accessed from the rear of a site and run along an interior lot line or building elevation. Landscaping, sufficient to soften the visual impact of vehicle stacking areas, may be required. 28 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 47. Loading areas must be located in such a manner that no loading, unloading, or maneuvering of trucks associated therewith takes place on public rights-of-way. 48. Earth berms and landscaping shall be provided along street frontages as necessary to screen dock-high loading areas from public rights-of-way. Berms shall be a minimum of 36 inches and a maximum of 42 inches in height. Landscaping located on the berm shall conform to type III landscaping as described in KCC 15.07.050. 49. Earth berms and landscaping shall be provided along street frontages as necessary to screen dock-high loading areas from public rights-of-way. Berms shall be a minimum of 30 inches in height. Landscaping located on the berm shall conform to type III landscaping described in KCC 15.07.050 pertaining to visual buffers. 50. Development plan approval is required as provided in KCC 15.09.010. 51. Earth berms and landscaping shall be provided along street frontages as necessary to screen dock-high loading areas from public rights-of-way. Berms shall be a minimum of 20 inches in height. Landscaping located on the berm shall conform to type III landscaping described in KCC 15.07.050 pertaining to visual buffers. 52. Where building walls face adjacent streets and are unfenestrated for more than 40 feet at any point along the facade, additional landscaping shall be required to reduce visual impacts. In such circumstances, type II landscaping, as defined in KCC 15.07.050, shall be required; provided, that evergreen trees shall be at least 10 feet in height 29 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses and deciduous trees shall be a minimum of two-inch caliper at the time of planting. 53. Predominant activities and operations shall be completely enclosed within buildings or structures, except for customary appurtenances such as loading and unloading areas, or where special conditions are imposed pursuant to the approval of a conditional use permit. The economic and community development director shall be authorized to determine the reasonable application of this provision in cases of operational hardship or other showing of uncommon circumstances. 54. Multitenant buildings shall be permitted. 55. All required yards, parking areas, storage areas, operations yards, and other open uses on the site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner appropriate for the district at all times. The economic and community development director shall be authorized to reasonably pursue the enforcement of this subsection where a use is in violation, and to notify the owner or operator of the use in writing of such noncompliance. The property owner or operator of the use shall be given a reasonable length of time to correct the condition. 56. The performance standards as provided in KCC 15.08.050 shall apply. 57. Off-street parking may be located in required yards except in areas required to be landscaped. 58. Those areas not required to be landscaped may be used for off-street parking. 30 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 59. [Reserved]. 60. Signage on commercial uses in the Mi-C zone shall be as specified in KCC 15.06.050(B). Signage on industrial uses in the M1-C zone shall be as specified in KCC 15.06.050(H). 61. [Reserved]. 62. Parking should be located either next to or behind the building. Parking should not be placed between the street and the building. 63. A direct pedestrian connection shall be provided from the street to the building. 64. Screening by either an enclosure and/or evergreen landscaping shall be provided for mechanical equipment, service doors, and garbage areas. Rooftop equipment shall be enclosed with a parapet or similar design feature. 65. Structures shall be designed to maintain the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. Modulating the building mass, adding dormer windows, covered entryways, or porches are ways to enhance the human scale and provide a residential dimension to structures. 66. Minimum lot area requirements do not apply to multifamily development in the Kent downtown planning area identified in KCC 15.09.046. 31 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 67. Within the downtown commercial enterprise - transitional overlay (DCE-T), downtown design review guidelines regarding balconies and/or upper floor setbacks (sections III.B and III.C) are required elements, not optional elements. 68. No yard, except as required by landscaping, or if surface parking is provided onsite. See the Midway Design Guidelines and KCC 15.09.045. 69. The height limitation of new construction in MTC-1 zoning district abutting a residential district shall be 35 feet in height within 20 feet from the residential district and 45 feet in height within 40 feet from the residential district. 70. New construction shall conform to applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations, including 14 C.F.R. Part 77, as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended. 71. The transit-oriented community design review requirements of KCC 15.09.045(G) shall apply. 72. Transitional housing with three or more families outside of Downtown is subject to multifamily design review as provided in KCC 15.09.045(D). SECTION 7, - Effective Period for Interim Zoninq. In accordance with RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36.70A.390, and commensurate with the city's Rally the Valley work plan, as well as the anticipated subarea plan, the interim zoning set forth in this ordinance shall be in effect for a period of twelve months from the date this ordinance is passed and shall 32 Amend KCC Chapter I5.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses automatically expire at the conclusion of that twelve month period unless the same is renewed or terminated sooner by the city council. SECTION 8. - Public Hearing. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36.70A.390, the city council will hold a public hearing, at the city council's regular meeting, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Kent City Hall, on April 16, 2019, or as soon thereafter as the business of the city council shall permit in order to take public testimony and to consider adopting further findings. SECTION 9. - Referral to Staff. In accordance with KCC 15.09.050, the city council hereby directs the planning director to propose land use regulations relating to trucking-intensive facilities for inclusion in the permanent zoning regulations or other provisions of the Kent City Code following the completion of the Rally the Valley work plan. This direction shall constitute the city council's resolution of intention in accordance with KCC 15.09.050. SECTION 10. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 11. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 12. - Effective Date - Public Emergency Declared. Pursuant to the preliminary findings, and in accordance with RCW 33 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses 35A.12.130, the city council hereby declares the existence of a public emergency and in order to protect the public health, safety, property, and peace, this ordinance shall be effective upon adoption by a majority plus one of the whole membership of the council. The city clerk is directed to publish a summary of this ordinance at the earliest possible publication date. i0 n RALPH, MAYORN, Date Aplbroved ATTEST: — "& ). KIMBERLEY OMOTO, CI CLERK Date Adopted Date Publ shed APPF Q ED AS M: THUR "PAT" PA11RICK, CITY AfTORNEY 34 Amend KCC Chapter 15.04 - Re: Trucking-Intensive Uses STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd,being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County,Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form)which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on April 5, 2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$183.65. Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter G�,�',, o ..���,•ss i oN��,.� iA Subscribed and sworn to me this 5th day of April, 2019. 9•, ly PUBLIC �,'•. y ale Gwin,Notary b is or the State of Washington, Residing in Covington,Washington 20 Friday,April 5,2019 Kent Reporter An nouncements Legal Notices Service Directorv `�� CITY OF KENT \/ PUBLIC NOTICE DE� TERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Pursuant to KCC 11.03, .- episc oaI cnurch Environmental Policy, CELEBRATE the City of Kent has is- EASTER WEEK sued a threshold deter- z minetion for the follow- . •^" .. —St.James ing: Real Estate for sale Episcopal in Kent Determination of Nonsig- Lots/Acreage E4447 94th Ave S nificance(DNS)for: 212tServices vices Columbia Basin rain ALL ARE WELCOMEI PAR BUSINESS Professional Services Home Services Home ser Home Services 9 PARKS WAREHOUSE Attorney,Legal Services Landscape Services Landscape services Tree/shrub Care elevators.Hwy-caddied PALM SUNDAY E N V-2 0 1 8-2 7/ t frontage. Ideal location April 14-8:30 and RPSW-2185197 A-1 SHEER Steve's for distillery,etc.Pioneer AP The applicant proposes GARDENING& owner sacrifice. Call 11 am services to construct a new LANDSCAPING Gardening Tree Trimming 509-359-0662 anytime. MAUNDY THURSDAY 82,870 square foot and Pruning. P P we and office 'Cleanup'Trim New Sod Medium size Removal. Find your perfect pet Aril 18-6 m-Meal& Weed'Prune'Sod -eeaury Bark Stump Grinding.Roof in the Classifieds. Footwashing building. The building 'Seed'Bark -Weedin would be part of the ex- and Gutter's cleaning. wla.loundClassineds.cw GOOD FRIDAY istin complex of ware- LEGAL -Trimming Excavator Services April 19-7 pm- house buildings south of LEGAL PROTECTION -Backhoe'Patios -Pruning - ALL YARD WORK Stations of the Cross- the she and would re- FOR YOUR BUSINESS 425-226-3911 -Patios AND LANDSCAPING AND IP 206-722-2043 -Retaining Wall ccSCAPINGs ' 12&6 pm place a paved parking Law cannot be practiced -Sprinklers '- . THE GREAT VIGIL area.The building is pro- t��.ASHEGLo3aM posed to be constructed in a vacuum. Effective -�..- P legal assistance required CALLSTEVE LOWEST -April20-7pm in the northwest portion Candlelight service an understanding of Complete 206-244-6043 _Estimates of the property ad- each client's unique Landscaping Inc. , EASTER SUNDAV dressed as 7818 South business and personal 425-336-9511 -April 21-8:30 and 212th Street and Identi- realities. Washington Mowing,Weeding, _ic#STEVEGLss3Kz 11 am services tied as King County As- State Attorney, ELIJAH Trimming,Pruning, 1. 1 1 sensor parcel number HARTMAN is dedicated Cleanup, Advertise your i for ' 1222049002. Access to to crafting meaningful Pressure Washing, upcoming garage sale Advertise your Legal Notices the new development and lasting legal solu- Maintenance, in your local community upcoming garage sale Apartments for Rent No.19.4-00679-1 KNT will be provided via ex- fions for his business cli- Sod&Fences King county isting driveways con- ents. Whether workingnewspaper and online in your local community PROBATE NOTICE TO netting to both 84th Free Estimates to reach thousands of newspaper and online KENT CREDITORS Avenue South and to hands-on to develop cli- (206)355-9330 SCenIC Vista (RCW 11.40.030) South 212th Street.The ents'existing matters, of Cam I1i971 n5 households in your area. to reach thousands of spearheading entirely p SenlOr SUPERIOR COURT OF site is located within a novel ones, Elijah brings Whether you're Go online to households in your area. WASHINGTON FOR KING ful Industrial Park- his creativeness, and wwr.SwndClassitieds.com Go online to Apartments COUNTY Commercial zoning dis- dedication to bear.Prac- buying Classifieds' Call.1-80G-388-2527 wirs.Sou lr�q,� 26404 104th Ave SE trict. tice Areas Contract the Classiness Kent,WA 98030 Estate of STEVEN CLIF- Comments are due for drafting,commercial real has it all.From Fax 36a598-6800 Call:1-800-38&2527 TON IRONS,Deceased. the above project by estate, leases, partner- automobiles and Fax360.598-M Apartments Now PLEASE TAKE NOTICE 4,30 p.m. Friday, April Home Services Available The above Court has a 19,2019 to Cityof Kent Ship disputes, franchise employment to real Ices D- agreements, business Lawn/Garden service Thousands of Classified Beautiful 1&2 BRs, pointed me as Personal Planning Services. g estate and household and asset purchases readers need your Q starting at: Representative of Dece- For more information, goods,you'll and CHEAP YARD SERVICE and sales, shareholder 1 l$11 0/m dents estate. Any person contact Kent Planning rights, start-ups, everything you need AND service.Your service ad 2 gRs-$1130/rho. Services at 220 Fourth g ps, media- P4 hours a day at A HANDYMAN will run FOUR full weeks Section 8 accepted. having a claim against the Avenue S., Kent, WA trod, trusts, Copyright, Y Pressure washing income Limits Apply Decedent must present 98032, Telephone: trademarks, tensing, wmvsoundclassirieds com n your local community the claim: (a) Before the P gutter cleaning,etc. 253 856-5454. An werce, and .Corn- Fence, deck building Paper and on the web Call Susan About time when the claim would ( ) y factuen ,pandUct civil dins- s Concrete,Painting 8 for one low price with Move in Specials!! be barred by any apDli- disability requiringerson ccomoda- tion. Contact Elijah gat -a Repairs. the Service Guide 253-520-9876 cable statute of limita- tion should contact the DATl And all yard services. TDD:711 tions,and(b)In the man- Cityfor more informa- your PLLC today for Speeial. 4 nee provided in RCW ur free initial hone Special Spring Clean-up 206d12d191 rnis lnsfitutian Is an Equal P tion.For TOO relayser- Yo P •ireeService -Hauling HANDYHY9108 Call 800-388-2527 to OpportundyProviderand 11.40.070:(i)By filing the vice, call 1-800-833- we ca fati 1p to see how g speak with a customer Employer original of the claim with 6388 or the City of Kent we can help. •Weeding :Pruning P ry VISIT: •Hedge Trim .Fence Home services representative. the foregoing Court, and at(253)856-5725. •Concrete .Bark Roofing/Siding Go online 24 hours a day. (ill By serving on or mail- Jason Garnham, AICP, DAT CALL: •New Sod 8 Seed _ ing to me at the address Actin Responsible CALL: .SoundClaaaitieda.com 9 Po (425)209.OD40 -Aerating&Thatching ROOFING& Or fax in your ad. below a copy of the claim. Official OR EMAIL: -Remodeling Kitchen 8 REMODELING 360-598-6800. The claim must be pre- Published in the Kent Elijah@DATHPLLC.CCM Bath&Painting sented by the later of:(a) Reporter April 5, 2019 Pressure Washing' Senior Discounts Thirty (30) days after 1 #850999 Domestic Services Home services Free Estimates Adult/Eider care served or malted this No- CITY IC KENT Floor Install/service Senior Discount Expert Work lice as provided in RCW NOTICE OF FREE ESTIMATE A PLACE FOR MOM 11.40.020(ll(c), or (b) ORDINANCES 7-Ta r r253-850-5405 has helped over a million Four(4)months after the PASSED BY THE print& L.# 387-6100 Aa ar c Gan ca aco, families find senior liv- 1 date of first ublication ofi L06-387-6100 taE: acon G.nConscieau P CITY COUNCIL Uo#AMERIGC923a9 ing. Our trusted, local this Notice.If the claim is The following are sum- OOfing advisorshelp not presented within this maries of the ordinances online •_ wl..staraiiCk slfieds.com find solutions to your Announcements time period,the claim will passed by the Kent City ' andsnitins need24nounaday unique needs at no cost be forever barred except Council on April 2,2019. 24� to you. Call 855-415- PROMOTE YOUR RE- as rovided in RCW ORDINANCE NO. 4318 Washing ALL YARD WORK 4148. GIONAL EVENT state- 11.40.051 and - AN ORDINANCE of S AND LANDSCAPING wide with a$325 classi- 11 40.060.This bar is ef- the City Council of the IffliwNr.samdClassifieds.canfied listing or$1,575 for i I :I' 50 OFF fective for claims against City of Kent, Washing- nnd and you nerd 24 noun.day a display ad. Call this Full-Cleanup newspaper or 360-344- both the Decedent's pro- ton, amending Title 6 of Office Find your perfect pet t Reach thousands of 293g for details. bate and non-probate as- the Kent City Code by Mowing,Thatching readefs b advertisin Sets. adopting a new chapter in the Classifieds. &Weeding.Blackberry V g STILL PAVING TOO Date of First Publication of 6.16 establishing utility Hours. www.Sdundclassifieds.com Removal, Gutter& your service in the much for your MEDICA- design standards and Roof CleaningTION? Save u to 90% this Notice:April 5,2019 9 Home service ROOF REPLACEMENT Service Directory of I p /s/MARY COLE,Person aesthetic requirements 8-5 pm Hand AND MUCH MORE. the Classifieds.Get 4 on FIX refill!Order today al Representative for infrastructure located ypersons Check us out Online Roof replacement from a and receive free within the right-of-way, www.latinoslawn Family Owned Compa- Weeks of advertising in shipping on tat order - Published in the Kent Re- PUGET SOUND Jandgatdon.comny. Offering an at- Our local communi prescription required. porter April 5, 12, 19, Continued an Mon d)/ CONSTRUCTION fordable price and high y Call 1-866-685-6901. 2019#850176 next pageInterior/Exterior newspapers and on the y quality install; by factoryto Frida Painting andtrained employees. In web for one low price. Home Repairs cluding a protected war- Call:1-800-388-2527 Build Wood Decksranty with an ac- Go www.soundclassifieds. and Fences countability contact. linSoxdgasefadsmnRelax,Patio CoversMany discountscom or Email:253-350-3231 available. / #email: 253-334-9564Call206.849.6079 classified@ #classifieds #PUGETSCOWKA al peS I8soundpublishing.com soundpublishing. License: 8 com • • - • • Blackberry call toll free &Brush Removal Advertise today The Affordable&Easy Way To A Beautiful Lawn 1.888.399.3999 or Residential&Commercial 40 Ivy,Debris&Stump Removalin the Sound 'Lawn Preparativi 1.800.388.2527 '��.: a Small Bldg Demolition 411111 Concrete Removal Classifieds. 1T- Concrete Removal _- r removat 40 Asphalt Removal Blackberry Removal 4b Lot Clearing Free Estimates • , • ''' ,Excavation 253-261-0438 ssifteds Hauling,Bobcat Work Hauling SOUN• • M4ERIWN Bonded St Insured P DQaRE55 0438 1-ic#GARRICL956uQ 3 Kent Reporter FridayaApril 5,2019 21 ...Continued from reVioUS d e Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Le gal egal Notices Kent School District, Notice moved.Four new above- Avenue SE,totaling 2.50 square foot single family later than 30 days of the • w w w.c o u r t s Dave Bussard, 12033 Maple Multi-family g9round storage tanks acres into 13 single home with carport within last date of publication of wa.gov/ Legal Notices SE 256th St Kent, WA Land TX LP, Mark Hoyt, (8,000 gallons each)are family residential lots, a a wetland buffer. The this notice. Ecology re- forms 98030-6503, is seeking 2003 Western Ave Ste proposed to be installed storm water tract and a subject parcel is vacant, views public comments The Administrative coverage under the 330 Seattle, WA 98121- as a replacement.These private recreation tract. but entirely encumbered and considers whether Office of the Courts- including small cell Washington State De- 2140, is seeking cover- new storage tanks are to The existing residential with a wetland and its discharges from this pro- call:(360)705-5328 equipment, and proprie- partment of Ecology's age under the Washing- be located within the buildings will be re- buffer. The proposed ject would cause a mea- Washington La- tary or leased poles and Construction Stormwater ton State Department of maintenance facility moved. Access to the development footprint surable change in re- wHelp: www.wa- equipment attached to NPDES and State Ecology's Construction yard, southeast of the new development is pro- will impact approximate- ceiving water quality, shingtonlawhelp.org, these poles. Waste Discharge Gener- Stormwater NPDES and previous underground posed via an extension ly 3,871 square feet of and, if so, whether the or The City Council hereby al Permit. State Waste Discharge storage tanks to allow of SE 255th Street which wetland buffer. The ap- project is necessary and The Superior Court finds and declares that The proposed project, General Permit. for construction staging. connects to 124th Ave- plicant proposes ap- in the overriding public Clerk's office or an emergency exists New Valley Elementary The proposed project, The project scope also nue SE. There are no proximately 16,544 interest according to Tier county law library which necessitates that School, is located at Alexan Gateway Kent, is includes the construction known wellands or square feet of wetland II anti-degradation re- (or a fee). this ordinance become 22420 Military Rd S in located at 23000 Mili- of a new fuel dispenser streams on or near the buffer enhancement, to quirements under WAC 3.Serve(give)a copy of effective immediately in SeaTac in King county. tary Rd S in Kent in King island and accompany- site. The property is include removal of inva- 173-201A-320. Com- your Response to the order to preserve the This project involves county. ing canopy.The property zoned SR-6, Single sive plants and replace- ments can be submitted person who filed this public health, safety and 8.86 acres of soil distur- This project involves is located at 5821 South Family Residential and ment with native trees to:Department of Ecolo- Summons at the ad- welfare. This ordinance bance for Commercial, 6.51 acres of soil distur- 240th Street, identified identified as King County and shrubs in order to gy Attn: Water Quality dress below, and to any shall become effective Utilities construction ac- bane or Residential as King County Parcel parcel numbers mitigate for the buffer Program, Construction other parties. You may immediately upon pas- tivities. construction activities. No. 2322049027 and is 2122059086 impacts. No work is to Stormwater P.O. Box use certified mail with re- sage.The city clerk is di- The receiving waterbody The receiving water- zoned SR-1, Residential &2122059180. be completed in the wet- 47696, Olympia, WA turn receipt requested. rected to publish a sum- is Grandview Off-Leash body is Green River. Agricultural District. The OTHER PERMITS AND land. 98504-7696 For more information on mary of this ordinance at Dog Park Ditch. Any persons desiring to project will occur interior PLANS WHICH MAY BE Hearing Date: Published in the Kent how to serve, read Su- Me earliest possible Any persons desiring to present their views to to the property within the REQUIRED: Civil Con- WEDNESDAY, APRIL Reporter April 5 & 12, perior Court Civil Rule 5. publication date. present their views to the Washington State existing City of Kent struction Permit, Final 17,2019 at 10:00 AM 2019#850347 4.File your ORDINANCE NO. 4319 the Washington State Department of Ecology Maintenance Facility Plat, Building permit or Hearing Location: Superior Court of File your original Re- AN ORDINANCE of the Department of Ecology regarding this Applica-d in yard. each new home Kent City Hall Council Washington, sponse with the court of Kent, Washington,he City tion, o ntierested tic n bon, or Ecology's action this PLANS WHICHER MAY BE RIOD: AprilTS D PUBLIC COMMENT 019 t 4th Chambers Avenue S.,Kent,WA 220 County of King clerk ng at this Countyaddress:Court- In m Mekaaani Court- amending the Kent City Ecology's action on this Application, may notify REQUIRED: City of April 19,2019 98032 Laumua Sataraka, house 516 Third Ave- Code to create a new Application, may notify Ecology in writing no lat- Kent Building permit, All persons may com- Permit Number: Petitioner nue, Rm E-609 Seattle, Chapter 2.62 which Ecology in writing no tat- er than 30 days of the City of Kent Fire Depart- ment on this application. R E C R-2 18 4 9 6 5, and WA 98104 codifies the provisions of er than 30 days of the last date of publication of ment Tank Removal and Comments must be in RECA-2018-01 Annie Johnson&John or Resolution 1298 estab- last date of publication of this notice. Ecology re- Tank Installation per- writing and received in The application is Doe,Respondents Maleng Regional Jus- lishing the Kent Bicycle this notice. Ecology re- views pudic comments mits, Washington State Kent Planning Services available for review at No.19-3-03-0 19i1 1984-4 KNT rice Center 401 Fourth Advisory Board and views public comments and considers whether Department of Ecology by 4:30 P.M., Friday, the City of Kent Eco- Avenue N, Ron 2C Kent, adds new language and considers whether discharges from this pro- UST Decommissioning April 19, 2019, at 400 nomcc and Community Summons Served by WA 98032 Publication clarifying how terms are discharges from this pro- ject would cause amea- Certification West Gowe Street, Kent Development office, lo- To: Annie Johnson and 5.Lawyer not required: staggered and how ject would cause a mea- surable change in re- PUBLIC COMMENT PE- WA 98032. For ques- cated at 400 W Gowe John Doe- The other It is a good idea to talk terms are filled following surable change in re- ceiving water quality, RQQ: April 5,2019 to bons regarding this pro- Street in downtown Party has asked the to a lawyer,but you may Re- a vacan cawing water quality, and, if so, whether the April 19,2019 jest,please contact Sara Kent. For more informa- file and serve your Re- cY court to: This ordinance shall take and, if so, whether the project is necessary and All persons may com- Ullman, Planner, and tion,please contact Kae- Give custody of the chil- sponse without one. effect and be in force project is necessary and in the overriding public ment on this application. (253)856-5454. lene Nobis, Planner, at dren to a non-parent. Person filing this Sum- thirty days from and after in the overriding public interest according to Tier Comments must be in TENTATIVE HEARING: (253) 856-5428 or via you must respond in moos: its passage, as provided interest according to Tier II anti-degradation re- writing and received in A public hearing is TEN_ email at knobis@kent- writing tl you want the /st Makanani Laumua by law. II anti-degradation re- quirements under WAC Kent Planning Services TATIVELY scheduled wa.gov. court to consider your Sataraka ORDINANCE NO. 4320 quirements under WAC 173-201 A-320. by 4:30 P.M., Friday, before the City of Kent Published in the Kent side. I agree to accept legal - AN ORDINANCE of 173-201A-320. Comments can be sub- April 19, 2019, at 400 Hearing Examiner at Reporter April 5,2019. Deadline! Your Re- Papers or this case at the City Council of the Comments can be sub- mitted to: West Gowe Street, Kent 10:00 a.m. on Wednes- #850009 sponse must be filed the following address: City of Kent, Washing- milled to: Department of Ecology WA 98032. For ques- day,July 3, 2019. This Notice 25829 113th Ave SE, Ecology Quality regarding P P 9 Red point Development and served within is ton, doctoring an emer- Department of Ecol Attn:Water Quali Pro- bons r ardin this pro- public hearing will be E206 enc and adopting an Quality g p City P P days of the date this g y op g Attn: Water Cons Pro- ram, Construction act, lease contact Sara held in the o Council Group,Moines at 17786 summons is published.If Kent,WA 98030 Interim zoning ordinance gram, Construction Stormwater Ullman, Planner, at sub- Chambers located at Des Moines Memorial It you do not file and serve 8 amending title 15 of the Stormwater P.O. Box 47696, Olym- manMkentwacov and 220 4lh Avenue South, Drive Burien,WA 98148, your Response or a No- 3/29/19,9/19, 4/5/19, 4/12/19, Kent City Code by limit- P.O. Box 47696, Olym- pia,WA 98504-7696 (253)856-5454. Kent, WA 98032. is seeking coverage un- #ce of Appearance by 4119/19,4126/19,5/3/19 ing freight-intensive uses Oa,WA 98504-7696 If 849589 TENTATIVE HEARING PLEASE BE ADVISED der the Washington the deadline: �1 on a temporary basis, Published m the Kent 03/29/19&04/05/19 A pudic hearing is not THIS MEETING DATE State Department of • No one has to notify Did You pending completion of Reporter April 5 & 12, NOTICE OF required or this applica- IS SUBJECT TO Ecology's Construction you about other an industrial Ind sub- 2019.#850955 APPLICATION ton. CHANGE Please call Stormwater NPDES and hearings in this area plan,setting a date Need extra cash?Place An Environmental Published in the Kent to verify time and date State Waste Discharge case,and ' o Ch r a public hearing,and your classified ad today! e Hear cklist was filed with Reporter April 5, 2019. at least one week be- General Permit.The pro. The court may ap- 7 providing that the ordi- Ca111-800-388-2527 or City of Kent Planning #851092 fore the scheduled posed project, Mira prove the requests in nance will take effect im- Services. Following is a NOTICE OF meeting. If you have Apartments,is located at the Petition without mediately upon pas- Go online 24 hours a day description of the appli- APPLICATION any questions, please 1010 SW 122ND Street hearing your side. sae —SoundClasaifieda.com cation and the process A project Permit A li- call Sara Ullman, Kent in Burien, in Kin When it comes 9 P P 1 PP 9 Follow these steps: Pursuant to the prelimi- VALLEY MEDICAL or review. The applica- cation has been filed Planning Services, at County. This project in- 1.Read the Petition and t0 employment, nary findings,and in ac- CENTER ton and listed studies with Cityof Kent Plan- 253-856-5442. volves approximately 2.4 cordance with RCW PP Y any other documents District Healthcare may be reviewed at the ning Services. Following Published p the Kent acres of soil disturbance that were filed at court Sound Classifieds 35A.12.130, the city Sysom ofrces of Kent Planning is a description of the Reporter April 5, 2019. or construction ac- with this Summons. council here declares NOTICE OF BOARD Services, 400 W. Gowe application and the #850596 has it all...the by pp pro- tivities. The project pro- Those documents ex- the existence of a public COMMITTEE Street,Kent,WA. cess or review.The ap- NOTICE OF poses to discharge de- plain what the other par- latest job emergency and in order SCHEDULES DATE OF NOTICE OF plication and listed stud- PUBLIC HEARING tained and treated storm tyis asking or. O ennin s, to protect the public Notice is hereby given APPLICATION: ies may be reviewed at CITY OF KENT water to salmon creek 2. Fill out a Response p 9 health, safety, property, that the Valley Medical April 5,2019 the offices of Kent Plan- OFFICE OFTHE which outlets to the Pu- on this form educational and peace, this ordi- Center Board of Trus- A P P L I C A T 1 0 N ning Services,400 West HEARING EXAMINER get sound. Any persons FL Non-Parent 415, Re- nance shall be effective tees Compensation and NAME/NUMBER: Gowe Street,Kent,WA. CUTTINGS- desiring to present their sponse to Non-Parent opportunities upon adoption by a ma- Executive Committees K-PWO Maintenance DATE OF NOTICE OF REASONABLEUSE views to the Washington Custody Petition and more jority plus one of the will begin at 10,00 a.m. Facility APPLICATION: PERMIT State Department of • You can yet the Re- whole membership of and 11:30 a.m., respec- ENV-2019-1/ April 5,2019 A public hearing will be Ecology regarding this sponse form and the council lively, in Conference KIVA#RPSW-2191232 A P P L I C A T 1 O N held to consider the Application, or interested other forms you 1-800-388-2527 A copy of the complete Room B at Valley Medi- PROJECT DESCRIP- NAMEINUMBER: applicant's request for a in Ecology's action on need at: , The text of any ordinance or cal Center, Renton, TIONN:City of Kent Pub- ALDER VIEW ESTATES Reasonable Use Excep- this Application,may no- Washington State SOUNDCLASSIFIEDS.COM, resolution will be mailed Washington on the fol- lic Works Operations PRELIMINARY bon to construct a 780 City Ecology in writing no Courts' website: upon request of the City lowing dates: proposes to decommis- SUBDIVISION - - Clerk. April 9,2019 sion three existing and SU-2019-2/ s• Opportunities Kimberley A. Komoo, May 14,2019 operational underground KIVA#RPP3-2191074 City Clerk June 11,2019 storage tanks (two ENV-2019-14/ 253-856-5725 July 9,2019 10,000-gallon tanks and KIVA#RPSW-2191075 Featured posltlon At-lim.ysde CityClerk@KentWA.gcv August 13,2019 one 4,000-gallon tank) PROJECT DESCRIP- WeatecommumI dailynewspapers toPRINTING FACILITY(Everett,WA) - ^�i�dgmie: Published in the Kent September 10,2019 used for diesel and un- TI N:The applicant _Abud-,WA Reporter April 5, 2019. October 8,2019 leaded fuels. The exist- proposes to subdivide Sound Publishing's printing facility is interviewing .oN,desavk #851133 # ing fuel island with dis- two parcels located at for multiple positions.Sound is the state's 13th -Wh,deeruimd,WA 3/29/19,4/5119 pensers will also be re- 25403 and 25405 124th largest printer,serving as the printingPartner _sAmeewrarenmRyEonkmuRl: Jefferson County -What(om(ounty for publishers throughout Washington.Our full- -Ereeti,WA 1 „gan(ounty service printing facility in Everett is over 80,000 -O..WA square feet with easy and quick freeway access, -Po,hkWA Looking for a job with located just seven minutes from the 1-5/1-405 -R...WA Sound Publishing is an Equal Opportund y interchange with easy and quick access to Seattle, -04ftA s:losraemAnhnm growth potential? 1E)and strongly supports he Bellevue and the rest afthe Puplace.We offer a greatget Sound area. -EregE Positions that are available for the Facili t°°""a�°a' The classifieds are sprouting with opportunities. 9 tY .Edit, Find one today. erepacageing advancement alongwith a competitive include: -smlenaimds,WA paid time off(vacation,sick,and holidaysI, Arts AEmertalnmmtRe rt Press Operatorand 401k with employer w e, SOUND _ "In.lM WA 4match General Press Operator a1et =�* Applicants must be engaging a n d goal-oriented, -Pouhm,WA classifieds _ with a good work ethic,to include the abilityto -s,"i°'"Nod',W" 1,{, 9I be punctual,as well as flexible with their work -E-1.WA Everett,WA 98206-0930 schedule to flex with the changing needs of the -"h"d""W" �r business.As a requirement,applicants for the -s"n WA area you are applying for driving positions must have a valid driver's license "' u SOUND 'and adean driving record. •sPAnackd-Pr FreM1,WA h•YN•n Soundclassifieds.com PUBLISHING INC Pe aoPWaid, fAMYWer'/.OBIVFREO •Pmr Pms6eneral Worker 1-800-388-2527•classifieds@soundpublishing.com Fora list of our most currentlob openingsand to learn more about us visit our website:www.soundpu blishing.coon I City of Kent, City Clerk's Office Kim Komoto 220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Re:Advertiser Account#480940 Agency Account#: 0 Ad#: 879736 Agency Name: Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON Newspaper and Publication Date(s) Counties of King and Snohomish The undersigned, on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington.The Seattle Times has been approved as a legal newspaper by others of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties. Seattle Times 04/26/19 The notice, in the exact form annexed,was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and distrib- uted to its subscribers during all of the said period. Agent SharM SeNg Signatur Subscribed and sworn to before me on /2 6 /1 q DATE Debbie COp 69 (Notary Signature) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle Imes irollocscattte Re:Advertiser Account#480940 Ad#: 879736 Agency Account#: 0 Agency Name: AD TEXT NOTICE CITY COUNCIL ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING On Ordinance No. 4320, an emergency interim zoning ordinance which amended title 15 of the Kent City Code by limiting trucking-intensive land uses on a tempo- rary basis, pending completion of an in- dustrial land subarea plan. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Kent City Council will hold a public hear- ing at 7 p.m.on Tuesday,May 7,2019,in the Council Chambers at Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South,Kent.All interested persons are invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to speak. Members of the public may also submit written comments at the meeting, or in advance by regular U.S. Mail to the City Clerk's Office,220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent,WA 98032,or by electronic mail to CityClerk@KentWA.gov.Any written com- ments sent in advance must be received n0 later than 4 p.m.on May 7,2019,in or- der to be considered. Any person requiring a disability accom- modation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at 253-856-5725. For TDD relay service, call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Kimberley A.Komoto City Clerk 253-856-5725