HomeMy WebLinkAbout4313 ORDINANCE NO. 4313 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending various sections of Chapter 13.01 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Fire Codes," to clarify that the authority granted to the Fire Code Official regarding submission of annual confidence testing reports required by the International Fire Code, includes the authority to determine the form and manner in which the reports are submitted. RECITALS A. In response to legislative amendments adopted by the State of Washington, the Kent City Council enacted Ordinance No. 4201 on May 17, 2016, which adopted the 2015 edition of the International Fire Code. The code provides the Fire Code Official with a wide range of tools to ensure fire protection, including standardized requirements to help streamline reporting and inspections. B. To ensure fire safety, the Fire Prevention Division requires and receives annual confidence testing reports. These reports are required for various life safety systems, including fire sprinklers, fire alarms, and fire doors. C. Currently, the reports are submitted in paper form, which requires that staff manually file, scan and image the reports. A process that is inefficient and labor intensive. 1 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports D. In order to improve efficiency, the Fire Code Official would like to require electronic submissions for annual confidence testing reports. Thus, eliminating all paper processes, to include filing, scanning and imaging of documents. E. This amendment is to clarify that the Fire Code Official has the authority to determine the form and manner of the submission of the annual confidence testing reports. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment - KCC 13.01.060. Section 13.01.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 5, Fire Service Features," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 13.01.060. Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 5, Fire Service Features. The following local amendments to Chapter 5 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Service Features," including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: A. Fire service features - Fire apparatus access roads. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is hereby adopted. B. Fire apparatus access roads - Dimensions. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.1 with the following: Sec. 503.2.1. Dimensions. The following minimum dimensions shall apply for fire apparatus access roads: 2 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports 1. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6,096 mm), except for approved security gates in accordance with section 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (4,115 mm). 2. Fire apparatus access road routes shall be approved by the fire code official. C. Fire apparatus access roads - Surface. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.3 with the following: Sec. 503.2.3. Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall be constructed with a surface of asphalt, concrete, or other approved driving surface capable of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 30 tons (27,240 kg). D. Fire apparatus access roads - Turning radius. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.4 with the following: Sec. 503.2.4. Turning radius. All fire apparatus access roads shall have a 30 foot minimum inside turning radius and a 50 foot minimum outside turning radius. The radius must be measured from the travel lane edge, unless otherwise approved. E. Fire apparatus access roads - Dead ends. Section 503 of the International Fire Code is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.5 with the following: Sec. 503.2.5. Dead ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet (45.72 m) in length shall be provided with an approved turnaround designed as illustrated in the Kent Design and Construction Standards, unless otherwise approved. F. Fire apparatus access roads - Bridges and elevated surfaces. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.6 with the following: 3 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports Sec. 503.2.6. Bridges and elevated surfaces. Where a bridge or an elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge or elevated surface shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with specifications established by the fire code official and the City's public works director, or their designees; at a minimum, however, the bridge or elevated surface shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Bridges and elevated surfaces shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry the imposed loads of a 30 or more ton fire apparatus, the total imposed load to be determined by the fire code official. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges when required by the fire code official. Where elevated surfaces designed for emergency vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces which are not designed for that use, approved barriers or approved signs, or both, shall be installed and maintained, if required by the fire code official. G. Fire apparatus access roads - Grade. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.7 with the following: Sec. 503.2.7. Grade. Fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed 15 percent longitudinal and/or 6 percent laterally in grade. Approach and departure angle for fire apparatus access shall be as determined by the fire code official. H. Fire apparatus access roads - Access road width with a hydrant. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.2.9: Sec. 503.2.9. Access road width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet for 20 feet on both sides of the hydrant operating nut and shall be marked as a fire lane per Section 503.3. I. Fire apparatus access roads - Marking. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.3 with the following: Sec. 503.3. Marking. Fire apparatus access roads shall be marked whenever necessary to maintain the unobstructed 4 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports minimum required width of roadways. Subject to the fire code official's prior written approval, marked fire apparatus access roads, or "fire lanes," may be established or relocated at the time of plan review, pre-construction site inspection, and/or post construction site inspection as well as any time during the life of the occupancy. Only those fire apparatus access roads established by the fire code official can utilize red marking paint and the term "fire lane." Fire lanes shall be marked as directed by the fire code official with one or more of the following types of markings in accordance with the Kent Design and Construction Standards: Sec. 503.3.1. Type 1. Type 1 marking shall be installed to identify fire lanes on commercial and multi-family developments or as directed by the fire code official. Sec. 503.3.2. Type 2. Type 2 marking shall be installed to identify fire lanes in one- and two-family dwelling developments, or as directed by the fire code official. Sec. 503.3.3. Type 3. Type 3 marking shall be installed to address situations where neither Type 1 or 2 marking is effective as determined by the fire code official. 1. Specific areas designated by the fire code official shall be marked with diagonal striping across the width of the fire lane. Diagonal marking shall be used in conjunction with painted. curbs and/or edge striping and shall run at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees from one side to the other. These diagonal lines shall be in red traffic paint, parallel with each other, at least 6 inches in width, and 24 inches apart. Lettering shall occur as with Type 1 marking. J. Fire apparatus access roads - Establishment of fire lanes. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.7: Sec. 503.7 Establishment of fire lanes. Fire lanes in conformance with this code shall be established by the fire code official or designee, and shall be in accordance with 503.7.1 through 503.7.8. 5 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports Sec. 503.7.1 Obstruction of fire lanes prohibited. The obstruction of a designated fire lane by a parked vehicle or any other object is prohibited and shall constitute a traffic hazard as defined in State law and an immediate hazard to life and property. Sec. 503.7.2 Existing fire lane signs and markings. The following signs and markings shall be provided: 1. Signs (minimum nine-inch by 16-inch) may be allowed to remain until there is a need for replacement and at that time the sign shall meet the requirements of subsection 503.3.2 2. Markings may be allowed to remain until there is a need for repainting and at that time the provisions outlined in 503.3 shall be complied with. Sec. 503.7.3 Maintenance. Fire lane markings shall be maintained at the expense of the property owner(s) as often as needed to clearly identify the designated area as being a fire lane. Sec. 503.7.4 Towing notification. At each entrance to property where fire lanes have been designated, signs shall be posted in a clearly conspicuous location and shall clearly state that vehicles parked in fire lanes may be impounded, and the name, telephone number, and address of the towing firm where the vehicle may be redeemed. Sec. 503.7.5 Responsible property owner. The owner, manager, or person in charge of any property upon which designated fire lanes have been established shall prevent the parking of vehicles or placement of other obstructions in such fire lanes. Sec. 503.7.6 Violation — Penalty. Any person who fails to mark or maintain the marking of a designated fire lane as prescribed herein, or who obstructs or allows the obstruction of a designated fire lane, other than the parking of a vehicle, shall be deemed to have committed a violation. The penalty for violation of this section shall be the monetary penalty identified in the current fee resolution. 6 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports Sec. 503.7.7 Violation - Civil penalty. In addition to, or as an alternate to, the penalties specified above, a violation of any provision of this chapter constitutes a civil violation under Chapter 1.04 KCC for which a monetary penalty may be assessed and abatement may be required and/or otherwise enforced as provided therein. Sec. 503.7.8 Impoundment. Any vehicle or object obstructing a designated fire lane is declared a traffic hazard and may be abated without prior notification to its owner by impoundment pursuant to the applicable State law. The owner or operator shall be responsible for all towing and impound charges. K. Fire apparatus access roads - Commercial and industrial developments. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.8: Sec. 503.8. Commercial and Industrial Developments. Fire apparatus access roads serving commercial and industrial developments shall be in accordance with Sections 503.8.1 through 503.8.3. Sec. 503.8.1. Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height. Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least two means of fire apparatus access for each structure. Sec. 503.8.2. Buildings exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads. Exception: Projects. having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems. Sec. 503.8.3. Remoteness. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses or as approved by the fire code official and the fire chief. 7 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports L. Fire apparatus access roads - Aerial fire apparatus access roads. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.9: Sec. 503.9. Aerial fire apparatus roads. The fire apparatus access roads that accommodate aerial fire apparatus shall be in accordance with Sections 503.9.1 through 503.9.3. Sec. 503.9.1. Where required. Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire apparatus access roads that are capable of accommodating fire department aerial apparatus. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway. Sec. 503.9.2 Width. Fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of any building or portion of building more than 30 feet in height. Sec. 503.9.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes meeting this condition shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building. The location of the parallel access route shall be approved. M. Fire apparatus access roads - Multifamily residential developments. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.10: Sec. 503.10. Multi-family residential developments. The fire apparatus access roads serving multi-family residential developments shall be in accordance with Sections 503.10.1 through 503.10.23. Sec. 503.10.1. Projects having from 100 through 200 dwelling units. Multi-family residential projects having from 100 through 200 dwelling units shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads. Exception: Projects having up to 200 dwelling units may have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings, including 8 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports nonresidential occupancies, are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. Sec. 503.10.2. Projects having more than 200 dwelling units. Multi-family residential projects having more than 200 dwelling units shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads regardless of whether they are equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system. Sec. 503.10.3. Remoteness. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses or as approved by the fire code official and the fire chief. N. Fire apparatus access roads - One- and two-family residential developments. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.11: Sec. 503.11. One- and Two-family residential developments. The fire apparatus access roads serving one- and two-family residential developments shall be in accordance with Section 503.11.1 and 503.11.2. Sec. 503.11.1. Projects having more than 30 dwelling units. Developments of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30 shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads. Exceptions: 1. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a single public or private fire apparatus access road and all dwelling units are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2, or 903.3.1.3 of the International Fire Code, access from two directions shall not be required. 9 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports 2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will, within a reasonable time, connect with future development, as determined by the fire code official. Sec. 503.11.2. Remoteness. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses or as approved by the fire code official and the fire chief. O. Fire apparatus access roads - Underground structures. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.12: Sec. 503.12. Underground structures. Installation of underground structures under or within 10 feet of fire apparatus access roads shall be designed using approved load criteria that shall accommodate the loading of fire department aerial apparatus unless otherwise approved. P. Fire protection water supplies - Records. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 507.5.2.1: Sec. 507.5.2.1. Records. Records of all system inspections, tests and maintenance required by the referenced standard shall be maintained on the premises for three years; copies shall be delivered submitted in a form and manner determined byte the fire code official within 30 calendar days of each test, inspection, or maintenance of the system. Q. Fire protection water supplies - Physical protection. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by substituting subsection 507.5.6 with the following: Sec. 507.5.6. Physical protection. Where fire hydrants are subject to impact by a motor vehicle, guard posts shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Kent Design and Construction Standards. 10 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports R. Fire protection water supplies - Fire hydrant. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 507.5.7 as follows: Sec. 507.5.7. Fire hydrant. Fire hydrants shall be designed and installed in accordance with the local water purveyor's design and construction standards. S. Fire protection water supplies - Backflow prevention. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 507.5.8 as follows: Sec. 507.5.8. Backflow prevention. All private fire systems shall be isolated by an approved method in accordance with the local water purveyor. T. Fire protection water supplies - Capacity for residential areas. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 507.6 as follows: Sec. 507.6. Capacity for residential areas. All hydrants installed in single family residential areas shall be capable of delivering 1,500 gpm fire-flow over and above average maximum demands at the farthest point of the installation. U. Fire protection water supplies - Spacing. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 507.7 as follows: Sec. 507.7. Spacing. The spacing of hydrants shall be in accordance with Sections 507.7.1 through 507.7.5. Sec. 507.7.1. Single family. The maximum fire hydrant spacing serving single family residential areas shall be 600 feet as measured along the fire apparatus access road. Sec. 507.7.2. Commercial, industrial and multi-family. The maximum fire hydrant spacing serving commercial, industrial, multi-family or other areas shall be 300 feet as measured along the fire apparatus access road. 11 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re; Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports Sec. 507.7.3. Medians. Where streets are provided with median dividers which cannot be crossed by firefighters pulling hose lines, hydrants shall be provided on each side of the street and be arranged on an alternating basis, providing, on each side of the street, no more than the maximum spacing. Sec. 507.7.4. Arterials. Where arterial streets are provided with four or more traffic lanes hydrants shall be provided on each side of the street and be arranged on an alternating basis, providing, on each side of the street, no more than the maximum spacing. Sec. 507.7.5. Transportation. Where new water mains are extended along streets where hydrants are not needed for protection of structures or similar fire problems, fire hydrants shall be provided at a spacing not to exceed 1,000 feet to provide for transportation hazards. V. Fire protection water supplies - Required hydrants. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 507.8 as follows: Sec. 507.8. Required hydrants. The number of hydrants required for a building shall be based on the calculated fire- flow. The first hydrant will be calculated for up to 1,500 gpm. An additional hydrant will be required for every additional 1,000 gpm, or fraction thereof. The required hydrants shall be within 600 feet of the building as measured along the fire apparatus access roads serving the building. W. Fire protection water supplies - Notification. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 507.9 as follows: Sec. 507.9. Notification. The owner of property on which private hydrants are located and the public agencies that own or control public hydrants must provide the fire code official with the following written service notifications in accordance with 507.9.1 and 507.9.2: Sec. 507.9.1. In-service notification. The fire code official shall be notified when any newly installed hydrant or main is placed into service. 12 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re; Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports Sec. 507.9.2. Out-of-service notification. Where any hydrant is out of service or has not yet been placed in service, the hydrant shall be identified as being out of service and shall be appropriately marked as out of service, by a method approved by the fire code official. X. Fire protection water supplies - Building permit requirements. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 507.10 as follows: Sec. 507.10. Building permit requirements. No building permit shall be issued until all plans required by this section have been submitted and approved in accordance with the provisions of this section. No construction beyond the foundation shall be allowed until all hydrants and mains required by this section are in place and approved. Section 2. - Amendment - KCC 13.01.070. Section 13.01.070 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 6, Building Services and Systems," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 13.01.070. Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 6, Building Services and Systems. The following local amendments to Chapter 6 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Building Services and Systems," including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: A. Mechanical refrigeration - Testing of equipment. Section 606 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Mechanical Refrigeration," is amended by substituting 606.6 with the following: Sec. 606.6 Testing of equipment. Refrigeration equipment and systems having a refrigerant circuit more than 220 pounds of Group Al or 30 pounds of any other group refrigerant shall be subject to periodic testing in accordance with Section 606.6.1. A written record of the required testing shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of three 13 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports years; a copy shall be sent to t"esubmitted in a form and manner determined by the fire code official within 30 calendar days of the testing; and a label or tag shall be affixed to the individual system identifying the date of the testing. Tests of emergency devices or systems required by this chapter shall be conducted by persons trained and qualified in refrigeration systems. B. Commercial kitchen hoods - Where required. Section 609 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Commercial Kitchen Hoods," is amended by adding the following subsections to section 609.2: Sec. 609.2.2. Permit Required. Permits shall be required as set forth in Section 105.6. Sec. 609.2.3. Approved drawing. The stamped and approved cook line drawing shall be displayed adjacent to the suppression system pull station prior to the final inspection. The approved drawing shall be maintained and available for inspection. C. Commercial kitchen hoods - Records. Section 609 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Commercial Kitchen Hoods," is amended by substituting subsection 609.3.3.3 with the following: Sec. 609.3.3.3 Records. Records for inspections shall state the individual and company performing the inspection, a description of the inspection, and the date on which the inspection took place. Records for cleanings shall state the individual and company performing the cleaning and the date on which the cleaning took place. Such records shall be completed after each inspection or cleaning, and maintained on the premises for a minimum of three years; a copy shall be sent tesubmitted in a form and manner determined by the fire code official within 30 days of the inspection or cleaning. Section 3. - Amendment - KCC 13.01.090. Section 13.01.090 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 13.01.090. Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems. The following local amendments to 14 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports Chapter 9 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Systems," including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: A. Fire protection systems - Scope and application. Section 901 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by supplementing subsection 901.1 with the following: Sec. 901.1. Scope and application. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all occupancies and buildings, shall specify where fire protection systems are required, and shall apply to the design, installation, inspection, operation, testing, and maintenance of all fire protection systems; however, nothing contained in this chapter shall diminish or reduce the requirements of any duly adopted building codes, including state and local amendments, or other city ordinances, resolutions, or regulations. In the event of any conflict in requirements among these codes, ordinances, resolutions, or regulations, the more stringent provision shall apply. B. Fire protection systems - Records. Section 901 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by substituting 901.6.2 with the following: Sec. 901.6.2. Records. Records of all system inspections, tests and maintenance required by the referenced standards shall be maintained on the premises for three years; copies shall be del in a form and manner determined by the fire code official within 30 calendar days of each test, inspection, or maintenance of the system; and a label or tag shall be affixed to the individual system identifying the date of the scheduled confidence test. C. Fire protection systems - General. Section 901 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by adding the following new subsection 901.11: Sec. 901.11. Emergency contacts. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of any monitored fire protection system to provide and maintain a minimum of three 15 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports emergency contacts that are capable of responding to the system location with their monitoring company. D. Fire protection systems - Definitions. Section 902 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Definitions," is amended by adding the following to the list in subsection 902.1: PROBLEMATIC FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM E. Automatic sprinkler systems - Where required. Section 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by supplementing subsection 903.2 with the following: Sec. 903.2. Where required. Approved automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be installed as follows: 1. In all buildings without adequate fire flow. Exception: Miscellaneous Group U Occupancies. 2. All new buildings and structures regulated by the International Building Code requiring 2,000 gallons per minute or more fire flow, or with a gross floor area of 10,000 or more square feet (929 mz), or where this code provides a more restrictive floor/fire area requirement, and shall be provided in all locations or where described by this code. Exception: Spaces or areas in telecommunications buildings used exclusively for telecommunications equipment, associated electrical power distribution equipment, batteries, and standby engines, provided those spaces or areas are equipped throughout with an automatic smoke detection system in accordance with Section 907.2 and are separated from the remainder of the building by not less than 1 hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the International Building Code or not less than 2 hour horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with 16 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports Section 712 of the International Building Code, or both. 3. Where this code requires the installation of an automatic sprinkler system to protect an occupancy within an otherwise non- sprinklered building, then automatic sprinkler protection will be required throughout the entire building. 4. When the required fire apparatus access roadway grade is 12 percent or greater. F. Automatic sprinkler systems - Speculative use warehouses. Section 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by adding the following new subsection 903.2.9.3: Sec. 903.2.9.3. Speculative use warehouses. Where the occupant, tenant, or use of the building or storage commodity has not been determined or it is otherwise a speculative use warehouse or building, the automatic sprinkler system shall be designed and installed to protect not less than Class IV non- encapsulated commodities on wood pallets, with no solid, slatted, or wire mesh shelving, and with aisles that are 8 feet or more in width and up to 20 feet in height. G. Automatic sprinkler systems - Check valve. Section 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by adding a new subsection 903.3.8 as follows: Sec. 903.3.8. Check valve. All automatic sprinkler system risers shall be equipped with a check valve. H. Automatic sprinkler systems - Riser room access. Section 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by adding a new subsection 903.7 as follows: Sec. 903.7. Riser room access. All risers shall be located in a dedicated room with an exterior door, and with lighting and heat for the room. 17 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports I. Fire alarm and detection systems - General. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is amended by substituting subsection 907.1.3 with the following: Sec. 907.1.3. Equipment. Systems and their components shall be listed and approved for the purpose for which they are installed. All new alarm systems shall be addressable. Each device shall have its own address and shall annunciate individual addresses at a UL Central Station. J. Fire alarm and detection systems - Initiating device identification. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is amended by substituting subsection 907.6.3 with the following: Sec. 907.6.3 Initiating device identification. The fire alarm system shall identify the specific initiating device address, location, device type, floor level where applicable and status including indication of normal, alarm, trouble and supervisory status, as appropriate. Exception: Special initiating devices that do not support individual device identification. K. Fire alarm and detection systems - Records. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is amended by substituting subsection 907.8.5.1 with the following: Sec. 907.8.5.1. Records. Records of all system inspections, tests and maintenance required by the referenced standards shall be maintained on the premises for three years; a copy shall be senttesubmitted in a form and manner determined by the fire code official within 30 calendar days of each test, inspection, or maintenance of the system; and a label or tag shall be affixed to the individual system identifying the date of the scheduled confidence test. L. Fire alarm and detection systems - Latched alarms. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is amended by adding a new subsection 907.11 as follows: 18 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports Sec. 907.11. Latched alarms. All signals shall be automatically 'latched" at the fire alarm control unit until their operated devices are returned to normal condition, and the control unit is manually reset. M. Fire alarm and detection systems - Resetting. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is amended by adding a new subsection 907.12 as follows: Sec. 907.12. Resetting. All fire alarm control units shall be reset only by an approved person. Sec. 907.12.1. Reset code. The reset code for the fire alarm control unit or keypad shall be 3-7-1-2-3-4. The reset code shall not be changed without approval of the fire code official. N. Fire alarm and detection systems - Fire alarm control unit location. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is amended by adding a new subsection 907.13 as follows: Sec. 907.13. Fire alarm control unit location. All fire alarm control units shall be located in the riser room designed and installed in accordance with Section 903.7, or an approved location. O. Smoke control systems - Written record. Section 909 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Smoke Control Systems," is amended by substituting 909.20.2 with the following: Sec. 909.20.2. Written record. The records shall include the date of the maintenance, identification of the servicing personnel and notification of any unsatisfactory condition and the corrective action taken, including parts replacement. The written record of smoke control system testing and maintenance shall be maintained on the premises for three years and copies shall be ' submitted in a form and manner te—determined by the fire code official within 30 calendar days of each test or maintenance of the system; and a label or tag shall be affixed to the individual system identifying the date of the scheduled testing. 19 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports P. Fire protection systems - Signs. Section 912 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Department Connections," is amended by substituting 912.5 with the following: Sec. 912.5. Signs. Fire department connections shall be clearly identified in an approved manner. All fire department connections shall have an approved sign attached below the Siamese clapper. The sign shall specify the type of water-based fire protection system, the structure, and the building areas served. SECTION 4. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 6. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from an after its passage. ,am March 5, 2019 DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTE T: 6�� a ' March 5, 2019 KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CI CLERK Date Adopted March 8, 2019 Date Published 20 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports APPROVED AS TO FORM: �AJ A HUR 'PAT' ZPATRICK, C ATTORNEY 21 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Submittal of Confidence Testing Reports STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County,Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on March 8, 2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$331.�Z..— e Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 8th day of March, 2019. C�pNE 0���r®fr � = •'4 may'. � NOTARY Gale Gwin,Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in = n PUSLI(I Covington, Washington �� :,o CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF A RESOLUTION AND ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are summaries of a resolution and ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on March 5, 2019. RESOLUTION NO. 1979 - A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, that: (1) declares approximately 64,737 square feet of land included within the City's Green River Natural Resources Area surplus to the City's drainage utility; (2) authorizes the transfer of that surplus land from the drainage utility to Recreational Adventures Co. for incorporation into its Seattle/Tacoma KOA Campground; (3) conditions that surplus transfer upon the City's receipt of fair market value from Recreational Adventures Co. in the form of land and permanent easement rights of comparable value and necessary for the Lower Russell Road Levee Improvement Project in accordance with the terms of the August 20, 2018, Land Exchange Agreement; (4) authorizes the Mayor to take all actions necessary to remove open space use restrictions from the surplus land to allow for its transfer and use by Recreational Adventures Co. as part of its campground, subject to the approval of King County; and (5) authorizes the Mayor to take all other actions, and sign all documents, deeds, easements, and agreements as may be necessary to fully implement the terms of this resolution and the Land Exchange Agreement between the City and Recreational Adventures Co. -i his resolution shall take ettect and be in rorce immediately upon its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 4312 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adding a new section to chapter 6.01 of the Kent City Code, establishing apprenticeship utilization requirements for public works contracts of $1 million or more. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4313 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending various sections of Chapter 13.01 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Fire Codes," to clarify that the authority granted to the Fire Code Official regarding submission of annual confidence testing reports required by the International Fire Code, includes the authority to determine the form and manner in which the reports are submitted. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4314 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Criminal Code," to: (i) adopt by reference new civil infractions and misdemeanor crimes enacted by the state Legislature during its 2016, 2017 and 2018 sessions for application and enforcement in the City of Kent; and (ii) make other housekeeping amendments to the criminal code to update changes made to the Revised Code of Washington titles, adopt other misdemeanor crimes that were not previously adopted by specific reference and adopt Class C felony crimes that may be used as a basis to support the crime of criminal attempt or criminal conspiracy, which is punishable as a gross misdemeanor. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4315 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, providing for the acquisition of real property and/or property rights located in Kent. This action is being taken in order to establish a Railroad Quiet Zone through the City of Kent. This ordinance provides for the condemnation, appropriation, taking, and damaging of real property and/or property rights as are necessary for this purpose and provides for the payment thereof out of the Quiet Zone Project Fund (R00016/10-3028). This ordinance also directs the City Attorney or designee to prosecute the appropriate legal proceedings, together with the authority to enter into settlements, stipulations, or other agreements, and acknowledges that all of the real property affected is located within King County, Washington. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance or resolution will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk 253-856-5725 CityClerk@KentWA.gov Apartments for Rent Kent Reporter Friday,March 8,2019 9 �y King=ounty_ Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal is xEW .� of the City Council of the Russell Road Levee Im- tween the City and Red- City of Kent, Washing- SCeniC Vista city of Kent,Washington, provement Project in ac- reational Adventures Co. ton, ® Senior that: (1) declares aid- cordance with the terms This resolution shall take sectio^smenddi g Cvarious hapter proximately 64,737 of the August 20,2018, effect and be in force im- 13.01 of the Kent City Apartments aquae feet of land in Land Exchange Agree- mediately upon its pas- Code, entitled "Fire 26404 104th Ave SE _ Ciudad within the City's ment; (4) authorizes the sage. Kent,WA 98030 Green River Natural Re- Mayor to take all actions ORDINANCE NO. 4312 the authority clarify that l to Apartments NOW l 8ie rces Area surplus to necessary to remove -AN ORDINANCE o f the Fire Code Official re- City's drainage open space use restric- the City Council of the gorging submission of Real Estate for Rent Available utility; (2)authorizes the tions from the surplus City of Kent, Washin- ® Kln cou t Beautiful 1&2 BRs, transfer of that surplus land to allow for its ton, adding a new sue- lag uallpdconfi required nc 1ei g n Y Announcements land from me drainage transfer and use by Rec- tion to chapter 6.01 of the International Fire Q starting at: 1 BR-$ 946/mo. ' utility to Recreational reational Adventures Co. the Kent City Code, as Code, includes me au- 2BRs-$1130/mo. PROMOTE YOUR RE- Adventures Co. for me as part of its camp- tablishing apprenticeship Section 8 accepted. GIONAL EVENT state- corporation into its Seat- ground, subject to the utilization requirements form and determine the Income Limits Apply. wide with a$325 Cie i- de/Tacoma KOA Camp- approval of King County; for public works con- which the reports are C211 Susan About tied listing or$1,575 for ground; (3) conditions and (5) authorizes the Vacts of $1 million or submitted. a display ad. Call this that surpplus transfer Mayor to take all other more. Move in Specials!! newspaper or 360-344- upon the City's receipt of actions, and sign all This ordinance shall take effect an This d been forc take e 30 2 TDD:711 2938 for details. fair market value from documents,TDD:711 Recreational Adventures easements, and agrree' days t from and b and aftere in s its days from and-after its This Institution is an Equal Legal Notices Co. in the form of land ments as ma be neces- Passage,as provided by Opportunity ppo EmployerProvider andand permanent ease- sary to fully y implement law, Passage,as provided by law. VALLEY MEDICAL ment rights of Corn- the terms of this resolu- ORDINANCE NO. 4313 ORDINANCE NO. 4314 CENTER parable value and nec- lion and the Land Ex- - AN ORDINANCE of I:oMinutdon District Healthcare essary for the Lower change Agreem nextpage... Vasnon Home - ',� System ent be- the City Council of the ® for Rent NOTICE OF BOARD Want to enjoy the Is.he _ COMMITTEE S e rvi land life?3bd 2ba Co located � SCHEDULES ee Directory home located in me ♦ % Notice is hereby given desirable Burton , . that the Valley Medical Beach neighborhood. (�>.�y Center Board of Trus- Large windows show- ~ tees Compensation and case majestic views of Executive Committees the Sound.Wake up to ' I will begin on Tuesday, 1 views of the sound -" March 12, 2019. at -- - from your Master bed- ���� 10:30 a.m. and 11:15 room. Large Clawfdot General Financial a.m., respectively, in tub in main bath. Conference Room 8 at , ` Shower in second ARE YOU BEHIND$10k Valley Medical Center,bath. Exercise daily OR MORE ON YOUR Renton,Washington. ; around the peninsula TAXES? Stop wage 8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Professlonal services Home services walking to Burton ark bank levies,liens&autl- (District Healthcare Sys- Home services Home services and the wooded trails. its, unfiled fax returns, fem) y- Tax PraDa--`olio^ Landsoa-services Lawn/Gar=s i Tree/shrub Cam Enjoy BBQ and friends payroll issues,&resolve By.Kathryn Holland Service You Can Trost HI MARK on the outdoor deck. tax debt FAST.Call 866- Executive Assistant to /s'aYou AMusrCHEAPYARD SERVICE Home comes fur- 494-2178. t eBoardofTrustees SureSign MobileGARDENINGLANDSCAPING AND - niched or unfurnished. ''r A HANDYMAN Tree Trimming $2500/month Utilities Sell R free in the Flea 3/1/19,3/8/1g Notary and Pressure washing and Pruning. not Included. Special Spring Clean-up 1-866-825-9001 CITY OF KENT Tax Preparation gutter cleaning,etc. Medium size Removal. 24028 991h Ave SW NOTICE OF A 3D+Years experience. •Tree Service •Hauling Fence,deck building Stump Grinding.Roof Vashon,WA 98070 Reach thousands RESOLUTION AND BEST RATES, 'Weeding •Pruning Concrete,Painting& and Gutter's cleaning. Contact ORDINANCES Busy life make it •Hedge Tdm *Fence Repairs. Excavator Services of subscribers by .Concrete •Bark And all yard services. ALL YARD WORK Melinda 0-508 or PASSED BYTHE di appointment? make an .New Sod 8 Seed 425-890-5081 or advertising your CITY COUNCIL appointment? 2HANM 91W AND LANDSCAPING 425-766-0000 landscaping business The followingare sum- WE COMETp -Aerating 8 Thatching HANWryy91 pB CCIATNLG899P5 for more into. in the Classifieds. -Remodeling Kitchen 8 - manes of a resolution Small Business Bath 8 Painting Call 800-388-2527 and ordinances passed Pre Advertise your LOWEST PaRIICE Find your pertea pet to place your Service on Marc the h 5,t20,9.Council Notary Services Senior Discount upcoming garage safe in the Classifieds. Directory Ad today. RESOLUTION N0. Remote Tar Prep. FREE ESTIMATE in your local community t Was-SounrIClaSsif eds.cam • Escrow Paperwork 206-387-6100 newspaper and online - ------- 1979-A RESOLUTION Living Wills llct6-38 -610a 1.r , •1 1 • PowerorAttomey to reach thousands of Reach your goals, Think Inside the Box households in your area. Reach thousands of Call for FREE Advertise in our Go online to readers b advertising consultation!! y y 1 (425)577-3050 local community �$oun���•com your service in the Advertise today. IonmurrayRsuresign newspaper and on Calk 1-800-388-2527 Service Directory of ♦ mobilenotary.corn the web with just Fax:360-698-6800 the Classifieds.Get 4 sv Y Over 85 percent of our Herne a one phone call. Home services weeks of advertising in print& = a community newspaper Hanclyperson Call 800-388-2527 Painting your local Community readers check the classified ads, SOUN for more information. newspapers and on The online -% and 73 percent of PUGET SOUND web for one low price. customers report an excellent CONSTRUCTION • AFFORDABLE Call:1-800-388-2527 24/7 Interior/an der •• PAINTING Go online: response to a classified ad. Painting and Home Repairs ALLYARDWORK INT/EXT awmiamdClsvnedscom Build Wood Decks AND LANDSCAPING Pressure Washing or Email: 1 1 ► 1 ;f t and Fences Free Estimates classified@ l0fFice Patio Covers DOFF Bonded 253-350-3231 F-11-Cleanup sOundptdllishirlg.�m 253-334-9564 Mowing,ThatchingCell 206-007-5813 Hours. g Ivy Court General toomesi es • iVEHICLEAUCTI apUGETSC03eKA 8 Weeding.Blackberry Removal,Gutters �mr rvrwo°�e u Ing Adult/Elder Care 8-5pm Home services Roof Cleaning A PLACE FOR MOM r� Landsca-servic_ AND MUCH MORE. - has helped over a million Monday Ida Check us out Online Hama services families find senior liv- A-1 SHEER www.lafinoslawn Ro ftvg/slding ing. Our trusted, local y Friday,March 15th,2019 @ 12:00 111r andg�n.com advisors p• GARDENING& ccunNLG8saps ROOFING& help to Friday Government vehicles,including LANDSCAPING find solutions to your Cleanup•Trim REMODELING unique needs at no cost cars,trucks,SLIVs,vans&morel Weed'Prune'Sod • to you. Call 855-415- Free Estimates Senior Discounts 4148. wwwsoundclassfi Seed'Bark eds. 40+units Free Estimates com 'Rockery Reach the readers 'Backhoe'Patios Expert Work the dailies miss.Call email: 425-22641911 , 8 g253-850-5405 lassifed 800 388-2527 today cCa AUCTION PREVIEW DATE: 206-722-2043 ea re 1.n , d� s, to place your ad soundpublishi^g. Thursday,March 14th 1 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. "�'ntaNeG�oaum 1• 1 •1 LkPAMER,GC9236a the Classifieds. in com call toll free Sale#ACFBFC19806 Blackberry _ &Brush Removal 1.888.399.3999 www.autoauctions.gsa.gov °r to preview DAA Seattle's GSA Inventory online 4b Ivy,Debris&Stump Removal Residential&Commercial The Affordable&Easy Way To A Beautiful Lawn 7.800.388.2527 Small Bldg Demolition No children under 18 Bobcat/Backhoe La. ra concrete Removal Irrigation System �-- DAA SEATTLE 46 Asphalt Removal ' f • e y'SA G Lot Clearing Free Estimates 3130 D Street SE,Auburn,WA `Excavation Blackberry Brush Remi 253-261-0438 ;Decks 253.737.2200 Hauling daaseattle.com Bonded&I"•ar•d Hauling,Bobcat Work lied GgRRIQ9,5t fi253-261-0438 10 Friday,March 8,2019 Kent Reporter ...continuedfrom previous page Loga— INam—=Liras Leger Notices Legar Notices Legal Notices Employment Recreation/Sports Cemetery Plots Leger Notices upon request of the City ning Services. Following Published in the Kent Comments can be sub• -- •v" -- Clerk. is a description of the Reporter March 8,2019. miffed to: Renton Kimberley A. Komoto, application and the pro #847160 AN ORDINANCE of the City Clerk p �_ Department of Ecology Of the C 253-856-5725 ty cess for review. The ap- The City of Kent,220 4th Attn: Water QualityM _ of W Kent oil Washington, C:ityC a k@KentWA.gov Pes array be reviewedtion and atisted qve S Kent,WA 98032, Program, Construction / -a - amending Chapter 9.02 Published in the Kent the offices of Kent Plan- is seeking coverage un- StormwaterKENTof the Kent City Cotle, Reporter March 8,2019. ning Services, 400 W. der the Washington PO Box 47696, Olym-entitied "Criminal Code," #847147 Gowe Street,Kent,Wq. State Departrnent of pla,WA 98504.7696 CI of Kentto:(i)adopt by reference DATE OF NOTICE Ecology's ConsVuctlon Published in the Kent SUMMR PROGRAM Spaces 1&2 in lot#680. r I I new civil infractions and NOTICE OF CE OF Stormwater NPDES and Reporter March 8,Kent JOBS Asking$12,000 APPLICATION APPLICATION: 2019.#845485 Exciting new job o for both.misdemeanor crimes en- March 8,2019 State Waste Discharge g j P- "- acted by the state Legis- A Project Permit Appli- General Permit. portunities are Full sale Auto Events cation has been filed . . P L I A T I O N The price would be / lature during its 2016, NAM MB R: proposed Project, s - available with the City $10,900/lot. Auctlons 2017 and 2018 sessions with City of Kent Plan- —DER Green River Natural Re- i 4 of Kent! We're looking Call(360)478-0724 for application and en- ning Services. Following SURINDERRAL SHORT PLAT sources Area South ,� to fill multiple positions or(360)990.2916 Abandoned Vehicle forcement in the City of is a description of the Pump Station,is located within our Parks De- Auction Every Tuesday Kent;and(it)make other application and the pro- KIVA#1R SS-2190794 at the northwest corner - partment or kids and Leave a message. Preview 10:OOAM housekeeping amend- cess for review.The ap• KIVA#RP D 0794 of 64th Ave South and teen summer pro- WASHINGTON Memori- Auction 11:OOAM menu to the criminal Placation and listed stud- TION:Th—�".` West James Street, in grams. The programs at Park. Double Crypt, Lynn's Towing/South code to update changes ies may be reviewed at applicant Kent in King county. run June 26 - August Upper/Laver. Terrace 835 Central Ave N. made to the Revised the offices of Kent Plan- proposes to subdivide a This project involves 1.1 16, 2019.The job du. Garden nin Services, 400 W, 0.31-acre parcel into two acres of soil disturbance Mausoleum Kent WA 98032 Code of Washington ti- single family residential ties for some of these Section with beautiful tles, adopt other misde- Gowe Street,Kent,WA. for the installation of a I I positions include ac- fountain. Ground level, (253)215-3333 meanor crimes that were DATE OF N_ OT��OF lots. The existing house new pump station includ- tivilies such as arts Row "W" Crypt 11. not previously adopted APPLICATION: is to be retained on one ing a 24"force main to and crafts,games and $16,000-Seller assumes Misceiraneous Autos by specific reference March 8,2019 of the lots. Both lots will convey stormwater from Employment sports, evil n and adopt Class C felo- q P P L I A T I O N have direct access off of oenerai g, all closing costs and NAM nu 100th AVE SE. No sen- an existing channel to songs,tonameafew. transfer fees. (310)841- ABANDONED ny crimes that may be &B R: the Green River. This 6732, Serious offers used as a basis to sup- SANGHASHORTPLAT shave areas are located project will also include a CARRIER You must apply online considered. VEHICLE port the crime of criminal SP-2019-2/ on or near the site. The gravity bypass at the Ho- b accessing our attempt or criminal con- KIVA#RPSS-2190641 property is located at gan Park stormwater lift ROUTES y website at AUCTION spiracy, which is PROJECT DEs R,p 23805 100th Avenue Find your perfect pet Special Interest Pun Southeast, is zoned station to maintain drain- AVAILABLE www.kentwa.govAobs P ishable as a gross mis- ILQ.LI:The applicant SR-6 a Single age at the park during in the Classifieds. Towing demeanor. proposes to subdivide a 9 e Family large storm events. As For more information, WWW.SOundclanifieds.com 25923 78th Ave S. This ordinance shall take .73-acre parcel into four Residential,and is iden- part of this project a INYOUR call 253 856-5270 Kent WA 98032 effect and be in force 30 single family residential tified by the King County storage garage at the AREA or our Job Line at days from and after its lots.The existing single- Assessor as parcel num- new pump station will be (253)856-5272. Every Tuesday passage,as provided by family residence will be ber 1822059057, constructed for Public EOE. at 11 t 1 law. retained, while several OTHER PERMM5 AND Works equipment stor- Call TodayViewing at 10 AM outbuildings will be de- PLANS WHI H MAV BE (253)854-7240 ORDINANCE NO. 4315 9 age. The receiving wa- Business AN ORDINANCE of molehed.A new private st O IR p Civil Con- River.terbody is the Green 1-253-872-6610 opportunities street is r struction permit, River. '�� the City Council of the Proposed to P t Final City of Kent, Washing- provide access from ort Plat, and Budding Best management %` ,. Real Estate Careers vehicles wanted 9 135th Avenue SE. The permits tires will be installed Earn our real estate ton,providing for the so- P B I OMM r`T r'`• Y and/or of real property Project is located at HIOD: March 6,2019. minimize any polluted •-' license as the market is DONATE YOUR CAR and/or property rights to. 27509 135th Avenue discharge to waters of getting busy! TO CHARITY. Receive catetl In Kent. This ac- SE,which is identified as March 22,2019 the state,and to ensure eovington Live inst acted Classes. maximum value of write lion is being taken in or- King County parcel num- All Persons may com- erosion and sediment Evening Classes. �� off for your taxes. Run- der to establish a Rail- ber 6792200140. ment on this application. control standards are Public Works Maintenance Blue Emerald Flea Market ning or not! road Quiet Zone through OTHER P RMITS AND Comments must be in met. The site will be Aide(Seasonal)- Real Estate School, All conditions accepted. the City of Kent. This or- PLANS WHI-H MAY RE writing and received in regularly monitored to City of Covington. (253)250-0402, Lawn Mower, $65. Free Pickup.Call for de- the provides for the REQUIRED: Wetland Kent Planningg Services comply with the NPDES 3-9 month duration. Scott's Fertilizer Spread- tails,855-635-4229. condemnation, appro- delineation and Critical by 4:30 P.M., Friday, construction permit re- $16.56-$19.77/hr - er, $25. Hedge Trimmer, priation, taking, and Areas Review applies- March 22, 2019 at 220 g 4th Avenue South, Kent will have The project DOQ. Electric,Black i Decker, Creating a Classified damaging of real proper- lion, Tree Retention will haver site specific For city application 16 inch& 17 inch,$25 g ty and/or roe rights Plan, Civil Construction WA 9egard For quas- Stormwater Pollution &job sego to: each. Call: (206) 772- ad IS as as are necessaryanPoi for desf r Permit, Final Short Plat, Lions regarding this pro- prevention Plan. lease to: p 6856 � Purpose and provides for Building Permits jean please contact Sara Any persons desiring wwwc ovingtonnwa.gov/ t-=-1— 1-2-3-4 PUBLI.c0A"M h p Ullman,Planner,at the payment thereof out --�—�.t< to present their views ci!Y_departments/executive/ ? j. wanted/Trade I.Describe The item. RIOD: March 8, 201g EO-Maa ft ntwa cov of the Quiet Zone Pro- to the Washington personnelandhuman r sentneitemgaiary, to March 22,2019 or 253-856-5442.ject Fund Tr 253-8V M cn r• State Department of services/joblistings.php WANTED: include tin (R00016/10.3028. This All persons may com- ---�-�-.�: Ecology t'""'""^• RecWANTE 45's, ponant A public meeting is 9Y regarding this in/o.marion about ilia item: ordinance also directs ment on this application, p 9• EN- application,or interest- or call Julie Johnston at Reel to Reel, the City Attorney or de- Comments must be in TATIVEL_ Vas h„•,dided ed in Ecology's action 253.480-2411.EEOE. 8 Track Tapes&CDs. p'icanageicondirion,sae signee to prosecute the writing and received in for 10:00 a.m.on Thurs. on this application _ - dbrondn.m,. appropriate legal pro- Kent Planning Services day, May 3, 2019. Thi may thi Ecology n �� CALL TODAY! Public meeting will be ty gy ] q 206-499-5307 ceedings, together with by 4:30 P.M.,March 22, 9 writing no later than 30 I ppllances 2.Include Your Phone the authority to enter into 2019 at 220 4th Avenue held in the Economic days of the last sate of `-) ! `I�� —�— Number And Specify settlements, stipulations, South, Kent WA 98032. and Community Devel- publication of this no. _ NEW APPLIANCES Hours. or other agreements, For questions regarding opment Conference tire. Ecology reviews i LIPTO 70%OFF Youwanitomakeitaseasy and acknowledges that this project please con• Room at 400 West public comments and `' All Manufacturer Small asposs,blefor thepoteatial all of the real property tact Jason Garnham, Gowe Street, Kent, WA considers whether dis- - Ding's,Dents,Scratches customertoreachyau. affected is located within Planner,at 98032. Please be ad- charges from this pro- and Factory Imperfec- King County, Washing- 1Oarnhamtkentwa cov, vised this meeting date )act would cause a tans rl 3.Don't Abbreviate! ton. (253)856-5439. is subject to change. measurable change in - 'Under Warranty' ; I Nve Published in the Kent Please call to verity receiving water quality, For Inquiries,Call orVis# uEwndro cult to This ordinance shall take Reporter March 8,2019. time and date at least a and,if so,whether the Appliance Distributors Q w/abbsr/rsdifncu#to effect and bed force 30 week before the Schad- decipher,and most modem days from and after its #847166 project is necessar - 14639 Tukwila Intl.Blvd. ufed meeting. If you and in the OVBRatling 20B•244-6966 won't take the time to figure passage,as provided by NOTICE OF have any questions, it out or call to ask what it to w• APPLICATION please call Sara Ullman, public interest accord- STAINLESS means.SPELL ROUn A copy of the complete A Project Permit Appli- Kent Planning Services, ing to Tier II antitlegra- APPLIANCE Doge text of any ordinance or cation has been filed at 253-856-5442; dation requirements - PACKAGE 4.Run Your Ad For resolution will be mailed with City of Kent Plan- sullman@kltma under WAC Several Weeks, 173.201A-320. $1499 AKC Poodle Pupppies Refrigerator,Range& TeacupsfTinyToys r gar bebemesuns,run s• f •• Dishwasher 3 Males 1 Red 9wks youradf rseverarweeks. • ;; New Under Warranty' Old,2 Apricots 6 Newbuyerslook to the Featured Position Call Credit Dept. 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Sound Publishing's printing facility is interviewing '"lid,"cn your classified ad today! due in March! for multiple poskions.Sound is the state's 13th E-att'ft } Call 1•eoo-3se-2527or Reserve your puff o nmsak zr' f° Go online 24 hours a day Of Love' Call Classifieds Today! largest printer,serving as the printing partner whidWsu"d,wp 1-866-296.0380 for publishers throughout Washington.Our full- -WnhveduAmenex9r"":^him: wwwsounticlasenleds.com 360-249-3612 rGraysn,rWservice printing facility in Everett isover80,000 -E-MWA -PierceGDunty County square feet with ea and quick access, ethd easy q Y -BMAeN,WA Sound ual ImPloyer(ECIQandstronglysupportsOpportunity Incachan t seven ewitheasyandquicknutes from ccehe stoSea -Pemoo,WAa Looking for a job with Publishing isan interchangevlithearyandquickaccesstoSeattle, -eMon•wa diversity in the workplace.We offer a gred saa Bellevue,and the rest of the Puget Sound area. -o9MsalarldWng,, growth work environment with opixtricullyfin �neWp potential? 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SOU`.� and a clean driving record. iV •enn"maseae.a.Pa,atn„e -EnmLWA _ PUBLISHIN INC hwvan co�,.a..":aa�,vt--rag hnPas5Grrm1wa^a Soundclassifieds.com Fora list of our mostcurrentjobopenings and to learn moreaboutus visit our website:www,soundpublishiry.com 1-800-388-2527•elassifieds@soundpublishing.eom