HomeMy WebLinkAbout1872Resolution No. 1872
(Amending or Repealing Resolutions)
Countywide Planning Resolution
Passed -2/19/2013
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ord1nance/resolut1on reviSIOn pages This cover sheet Will be deleted on electronic pages only, no other
delet1ons or changes have been made to the document-6/21/2012
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washmgton, ratifying the King County
Countywide Plann1ng Policies adopted by the
Metropolitan K1ng County Council and pursuant to
the Growth Management Act.
A. The adoption of countywide planning policies is required under
the State Growth Management Act (GMA), pursuant to RCW 36. 70A.210.
The Countyw1de Plann1ng Pol1c1es (CPPs) prov1de a framework for Kent and
other c1t1es 1n Kmg County to conduct planning under the requirements of
GMA. Th1s framework ensures that City and county comprehensive plans
are consistent. On December 3, 2012, the Metropolitan Kmg County
Council approved and rat1f1ed a comprehensive amendment to the CPPs
approved by the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC). The
County Council also approved amendments to policies related to school
s1tmg and housing, as well as amendments to potential annexation areas of
Seattle and Black Diamond, and add1t1onal amendments to the Urban
Growth Area and Potent1al Annexat1on Area Map. Now the amendments
are presented to JUrisdiCtions in Kmg County for rat1f1cation.
B. On December 3, 2012, the follow1ng GMPC motions to amend
the CPPs were approved and rat1f1ed by the full County Council:
Countywide Planning
1. GMPC Motion No. 11-1: Approves the 2011 King
County Countywide Plann1ng Policies representing the first comprehensive
update of the CPPs s1nce they were ongmally adopted in 1992.
2. GMPC Motion No. 12-1: Adds lands on the west bank of
the Duwamish River to the city of Seattle Potential Annexat1on Area.
3. GMPC Motion No. 12-2: Implements the
recommendations of the school siting task force by adding new policies and
the Report of the School Siting Task Force as Appendix 5 to the CPPs.
4. GMPC Mot1on No. 12-3: Adds a new housing chapter
and rev1sed hous1ng appendix to the CPPs.
5. GMPC Motion No. 12-4: Adds land on the west side of
216th Ave SE to the city of Black Diamond Potent1al Annexation Area.
6. GMPC Motion No. 12-5: Amends the Urban Growth
Area of Kmg County and modifies the Potential Annexation Area Map m the
CPPs. The amendments are supported by the affected cities.
C. The King County Council approved and ratified these
amendments on behalf of Kmg County pursuant to King County Ordinance
Nos. 17486 and 17487 ... The Kent Economic & Commun1ty Development
Comm1ttee reviewed these amendments at its meeting on February 11,
SECTION 1. -Amendment. The City of Kent, acting pursuant to the
mterlocal agreement among King County, the City of Seattle, and
incorporated suburban Cities, hereby ratifies the proposed amendments to
the Countywide Plannmg Policies as adopted by the Metropolitan King
County Council m King County Ordinance Nos. 17486 and 17487, attached
and mcorporated hereto as Exhibit A.
SECTION 2. -Public Inspection. The amendments to the
Countywide Planntng Poltcies adopted herein shall be filed wtth the City
Clerk and placed 1n the plannmg serv1ces offtce so they are available for
inspection by the public.
SECTION 3. -Severability. If any sect1on, subsection, paragraph,
sentence, clause or phrase of this resolut1on is declared unconstttuttonal or
invalid for any reason, such dectston shall not affect the valtdity of the
rematntng portions of this resolution.
SECTION 4. -Rat1ficat10n. Any act consistent wtth the authonty
and prior to the effective date of thts resolution is hereby rattfied and
SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect
Immediately upon tts passage.
PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washington, thislffav of ft.6ruw:J , 2013.
CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this JVl-f!-day of
/iibr~ , 2013.
P \Civii\Resolutlon\Countywldepfannlngpolldesratlfy 2013 Docx
Signature Report
1200 Kmg County Courthouse
S 16 Th1rd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
King County
December 4, 2012
Ordinance 17486
Proposed No. 2012-0282.3 Sponsors Phillips
AN ORDINANCE relating to adoption and ratification of
the King County Countywide Planning Policies; adding a
new section to K C.C. chapter 20.1 0, decodifying K.C.C.
20.10.010, K.C.C. 20.10.020, K.C.C. 20.10.030, K.C.C.
20.10.040, K.C.C. 20.10.050, K.C.C. 20 10.065, K.C.C.
6 20.10.075 and K.C.C. 20.10.076 and repealing Ordinance
7 10450, Section 6, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.060.
9 1. The Countywide Planning Policies ("CPPs") are adopted in accordance
10 with the state Growth Management Act, under 36.70A.210 RCW.
11 2. The Growth Management Planning Council ("GMPC") was formed in
12 1992 to guide the development of the CPPs. The GMPC is a
13 representative body of elected officials from King County, the city of
14 Seattle, the city of Bellevue and the Suburban Cities Association.
15 Representatives of the special districts serve as ex officio members.
16 3. The CPPs establish a framework for guiding development in all King
17 County jurisdictions.
Ordinance 17486
18 4. The CPPs are deemed adopted when ratified by Kmg County and the
19 requisite number of cities and satisfying the required population
20 percentage.
21 5. The GMPC recommends CPP amendments to the King County council
22 for consideration, possible revision and ratification.
24 SECTION 1. Findings:
25 A. On September 21,2011, the Growth Management Planning Council adopted
26 Motion 11-1 approving the 2011 King County Countywide Planning Policies.
27 B. On March 31, 2012, the school siting task force issued a final report.
28 C. On April4, 2012, the Growth Management Planning Council adopted Motion
29 12-1 adding land on the west bank of the Duwamish river to the city of Seattle Potential
30 Annexation Area.
31 D. On June 6, 2012, the Growth Management Planning Council adopted Motion
32 12-2 implementing the recommendations of the school siting task force by adding new
33 policies and the Report of the School Siting Task Force as Appendix 5 to the Countywide
34 Plannmg Policies.
35 E. On June 6, 2012, the Growth Management Planning Council adopted Motion
36 12-3 adding a new housing chapter and revtsed housing appendix to the Countywide
37 Planning Policies.
38 F. On June 6, 2012, the Growth Management Planning Council adopted Motion
39 12-4 adding land on the west side of216th Ave SE to the city of Black Diamond
40 Potential Annexation Area.
Ordinance 17 486
41 G. Attachment A to this ordinance incorporates Motions 11-1, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3
42 and 12-4 into the 2012 King County Countywide Planning Policies.
43 SECTION 2. The amendments to the King County Countywide Planning
44 Policies, and renamed the 2012 King County Planning Policies, as shown in Attachment
45 A to this ordinance, are hereby adopted and ratified on behalf of the population of
46 unincorporated King County.
47 NEW SECTION. SECTION 3. There is hereby added to K.C.C. chapter 20.10 a
48 new section to read as follows:
49 · A. After the Growth Management Planning Council approves or amends the
50 Countywide Planning Policies, the executive, as its chair, shall timely transmit to the
51 King County council an ordinance adopting the Countywide Planning Policies or
52 amendments thereto.
53 B. The King County council shall refer the proposed ordinance transmitted by the
54 executive under subsectiOn A. ofthts sectiOn to the committee on transportation,
55 economy and environment or its successor for review and consideration. If the King
56 County council recommends substantive revisions to the Countywide Planning Policies
57 or amendments approved by the Growth Management Planning Council, the King County
58 council may refer the proposed revisions to the Growth Management Planning Council
59 for its consideration and response.
60 C. Within ten days after the ordinance transmitted by the executive under
61 subsection A. of this section, as amended by the council, is effective, the clerk of the
62 King County council shall send the notice of enactment and the Countywide Planning
63 Policies and amendments to each city and town in King County for ratification as
Ordinance 17 486
64 provided for in the Countywide Planning Policies. Each city and town must take action
65 to ratify or reject the proposed Countywide Planning Policies or amendments as approved
66 by the King County council within ninety days after the date the ordinance approving the
67 Countywide Plannmg Policies or amendments was enacted. Failure of a city or town to
68 take action and notify the clerk of the King County council within ninety days shall be
69 deemed to be approval by that city or town. The notice shall include the date by which
70 each city or town must respond with its response to ratify or reject the proposed
71 Countywide Planning Policies or amendments and where the response should be directed.
72 D. Countywide Planning Policies or amendments are ratified if approved by the
73 county, cities and towns representing at least seventy percent of the county's population
74 and thirty percent of the jurisdictions. For ratification purposes, King County is the
75 jurisdiction representing the population in the unincorpomted areas of the county.
76 E. Within ten days after the date for response established by the clerk of the King
77 County council under subsectwn C. of this section, the clerk ofthe Kmg County council
78 shall notify the executive, as chair of the Growth Management Planning Council, of the
79 decision to ratify or not to ratify the Countywide Planning Policies or amendments.
80 SECTION 4. K.C.C. 20.10.010, K.C.C. 20.10.020, K.C.C. 20.10.030, K.C.C.
81 20.10.040, K.C,C. 20.10.050, K.C.C. 20.10.065, K.C.C. 20.10.075 and K.C.C. 20.10.076
82 are each hereby decod1fied.
Ordinance 17 486
83 SECTION 5 Ordinance 10450, Section 6, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.060 are
84 each hereby repealed.
Ordinance 17486 was introduced on 8/20/2012 and passed as amended by the
Metropolitan King County Council on 12/3/2012, by the following vote:
Yes: 9-Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague,
Ms. Patterson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Dunn and Mr.
No: 0
Excused: 0
Anne Nons, Clerk of the Council
APPROVEDth1s l'5 dayo~'tf:e.2012.
Dow Constantine, County Executive
Attachments: A. 2012 King County Countywide Planning Policies, dated December 3, 2012
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King County
Proposed No. 2012-0436.2
Signature Report
December 3, 2012
Ordinance 17487
Sponsors Phillips
1200 Kmg County CourtbOU$ll
51<> Th!fll Avenue
~cattle, WA 98(04
1 AN ORDINANCE adopting Growth Management Planning
2 Council Motion 12-5 and ratifying Motion 12-5 for
3 unincorporated King County.
s 1. The Countywide Plannmg Policies ("CPPs") are adopted in accordance
6 with the state Growth Management Act, under 36 70A.210 RCW.
7 2. The Growth Management Planning Council ("GMPC") was formed in
8 1992 to guide the development of the CPPs. The GMPC is a
9 representative body of elected officials from King County, the city of
10 Seattle, the city of Bellevue and the Suburban Cities Association.
11 Repre~entatives of the special distncts serve as ex officio members.
12 3. The CPPs establish a framework for guidmg development in ali King
13 County jurisdictions.
14 4. The CPI's are deemed adopted when ratified by King County and the
15 requisite number of cities and satisfying the required population
16 percentage.
17 5. The GMPC recommends CPP amendments to the King County council
18 for consideration, possible revision and ratification.
Ordinance 17 487
20 SECTION 1. Findings:
21 A. On June 6, 2012, the Gro'Wth Management Planmng Council introduced
22 Motion 12-5 listing the proposed changes to the urban growth area then under
23 consideration by the King County Council and accepted public testimony regarding the
24 proposed changes.
25 B. On September 11, 2012, the Growth Management Planning Council approved
26 Motion 12-5 following additional public testimony regarding the proposed changes to the
27 urban growth area.
28 C. Attachment A to this ordinance incorporates Motion 12-5.
29 SECTION 2. The amendments to 2012 King County Planning Policies, as shown
Ord1nance 17487
30 in Attachment A to this ordinance, are hereby adopted and ratified on behalf ofthe
31 population of unincorporated King County.
Ordinance 17487 was introduced on 10/29/2012 and passed by the Metropolitan King
County Council on 12/3/2012, by the following vote:
Yes: 9-Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbaucr, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague,
Ms. Patterson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Dunn and Mr.
Excused: 0
Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council
APPROVED thts r~ day o~ 2012
Dow Constantme, County ExecutJve
Attachments: A. Motion No. 12-5