HomeMy WebLinkAbout4063 Ordinance No . 4063 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN= 110 - Water, Sewer & Drainage Rates & Policies Passed - 12/11/2012 Sewer Rate Increase - Amend KCC 7.04.280 Amends Ords. 2374;2446;2510;2596;2679;2827;2873;2897; 2951;2962;3077;3140;3198;3250;3449;3487;3534;3538;3578 3724;3779;3980; The date["Beginning July 1, 1998"] has led to confusion This date will be deleted from cover sheets of ordinance/resolution revision pages. This cover sheet will be deleted on electronic pages only, no other deletions or changes have been made to the document—6/21/2012 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 7.04.280 Kent City Code to adjust the schedule of charges implementing a four percent (4%) per annum increase in city sewer rates through 2018 and passing through an increase in King County's mandatory pass-through charge from $36.10 to $39.79 per month for the 2013 calendar year, and authorizing the finance director to pass-through future King County mandatory pass-through rate increases. RECITALS A. The city is obligated by contract to send all of its wastewater for treatment to King County METRO which bills its costs for services to the city to be passed through to city customers. B. The King County Council has increased METRO rates beginning January 1, 2013, due to increased costs. Starting with the month of January, 2013, the city will also increase the city utility portion of its local sewer utility rates by four percent (4%) through 2018. 1 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 ti fi' NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION I. - Amendment. Section 7.04.280 of the Kent City Code is amended as follows: Sec. 7.04.280. Schedule of charges for service. The following sanitary sewer service charges for city sanitary sewer service inside the city limits are in effect on the dates and in the amounts listed below. Sewer service charges for customers residing outside the city shall be the charges as on file in the city clerk's office. King County impgses a sanitary sewer service charge for regional sewage treatment. These charges are Passed through, without increase, directly to the city sanitary sewer utility customers. The King County pass- hrough charge for 2013 is known and established. It is expected, however, that King County will increase its Pass-through charge over time. Accordingly, except for the 2013 charge, all other King County charges are estimates only. In order to simplify the rate-making structure, the Finance Director is authorized to amend King County's pass-through charges at the time King County imposes new charges. 2 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 TT�r Ghai-ge per Pq4L. E fleetwC ]a Effeetwe en 1. Single family Fes'dentlai $48.c dwelling, as defined in Gh. 115.OiL 6 KGG. *484 � resadentmal dwellmng, as defined In . 6 metered and eharged-. 3. Single family . $44.4 $4 @ 8.49 4. A" ether than seFyNee types , $ $7 with the eensumptlen ef water and at 4W "nthly b 11 shall be less then the feet single Family residential rate set feFth the fellewing Fate, emeept that He eubl feet pep Fmonth . Men 4 3 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 Type of ChacsSa &ha[uea Charges ChaL4s£ Cha[4e;f Service per month per month per month aer month per month ga Eftactlye EffectL[a E Effective Effective month ga Ra 2a Qa Qa Effective 1/1/2013 11112014 1/1/2015 1/1/2016 1/1/2017 2a 1111,2018 1. Smale- famdy residentia I dwelling. su $17.27 $17.96 $18.68 $19.43 $20.21 $21.02 defined in $39.79 $39.79* $32.Z9* $34,79* $39.79* $39.79* Ch. 15.02 $57.06 $57.75* 58.47* $59.22* S¢0.40* $60.81* KCC. • City sewer rale • Kina Countv sewer rate • Total sewer aw 2. Two- family or multiole- famb residentia I dwelima. M defined in $17.27 $17.96 $18.68 $19,43 $20,21 t2l.02 Ch. 15.02 139.79 7 * $39.79* $39.79* $39.79* .7 * Kcr. $57.06 $57.75* 47* $59.22* $60.00* $60.81* each unit separatel X metered and charged. 4 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 •• city sewer rat& • Kina County sewer rate • Total sewer Elie 3. Sinale- famdy residentia feline: eliaib!lity criteria for the $12.70 $12,$5 $13 01 $13.18 $1335 $13.53 lifeline $39.79 S34J3* $39.79* $39.79* $39.79* $39.79* utility $52.49 $52.64* $52.80* $53.47* $53.14* $53.32* rate set forth in KCC 7,01,080, • City sewer r� • King County seweLdc • Total sewer 4. All other LIM services ty eD s1. 2 and 3 shall be $7.61 per $7.70 per $7.80 per $7.90 Der $8.00 Der $8.11 per billed in S00 cubic 100 cubic 100 cubic 100 cubic 100 cubic 100 cubic 5 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 accordanc feet per feet per feet per feet pe feet per feet Der e with the month month month month month month consumot ion of ester and the following rate• except that no monthly bjli shall be less than the sinale_ famft residentia I rate set forth in Berrie type No. * E e SECTION 2. - Savings. The existing section 7.04.280 of the Kent City Code, which is amended by this ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect until the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 3. - Severabillty_ If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Corrections by CityClerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors, references to other local, state or federal laws, 6 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 codes, rules or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 5.- Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on January 1, 2013, which is more than five (5) days from and after its passage, as provided by law. Z OKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CrWCLERK I 7 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4WA wAt,- TO BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY tK- PASSED: day of December, 2012. t� APPROVED: day of December, 2012. PUBLISHED: day of December, 2012. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. — �3 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. �.✓ SEAL) BRENDA JACOB , CITY CLERK P\Clvll\Ordlnance\Sewercharge-Increase KCC 7 04 280 Ordlnance2013 00cx 8 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280