HomeMy WebLinkAbout4018'RDTNAN.E No. 4o t( AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 2OLZ fiscal year budget. RECITALS A. The tax estimates and preliminary budget for the city of Kent, washington, for the 2012 fiscal year have been prepared and filed as provided by law, and the budget has been printed and distributed. B. Notice has been published in the official paper of the City of Kent setting the time and place for hearing and that notice stated that all taxpayers calling at the Office of the City Clerk would be furnished a copy of the 2OL2 budget. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIry OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE sFcrroM 7. - Budget Adootion. pursuant to RCW 35A.33.075, the budget for the 20L2 fiscal year, as summarized in Exhibit "4" and as set forth in the 2OL2 Preliminary Comprehensive Budget, which is on file with the city clerk and which is amended by Exhibit "8," all of which are incorporated into this ordinance by this reference, is hereby adopted in the 1 2072 Budget Adoption amounts and for the purposes established in that budget as the final budget for the City's 2OL2 fiscal year. SECTION 2, - Transmittal. The finance director shall transmit a complete copy of the final adopted budget to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Off¡ce of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. SECTION 3. - Adjustments. City administration shall administer the Annual Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments pursuant to RCW 354.33.L20 and as otherwise provided by law. SECTION 4' - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5' - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after the date of passage and publication as provÌded by law COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER,CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM 2 BRUBAKE ATTORNEY 2072 Budget Adoption PASSED: /3 day of APPROVEo: lf day of PUBLISHE o: /b day of 100 Cl-tr'|-e-¿l ,&o"r"¿''-'ru 20TL 2OLL, 20LT I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. _ *to tf passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. BRENDA J BER, CITY CLERK P:\Civil\Ord¡nance\Ord¡nãnce BudgetAdopUon-2012.docx ) 3 2072 Budget Adoption CITY OF KENT, WASHTNGTON 2OL2 Budget Ordinance Exhibit A Revenues Expenditures Inc (Dec) in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND Excluding Annexation Annexation SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street Operating LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Fund Lodging Tax Fund Youth/Teen Programs Capital Improvement Criminal Justice Community Block Grant Other Operating Projects Kent Events Center DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted LTGO Debt Special Assessment CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Parks Projects Technology Projects Facilities Projects PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Sewerage Golf Complex INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Fleet Services Central Services Facilities Fund Insurance TOTAL GROSS BUDGET LESS; Internal Service Funds Internal Transfers TOTAL BUDGET (L05,787) 52,690 22,96Q 72,629 3,516,053 (59,508) L42,rB4 517,90 1 66,302 22,436 (L2,0L5,7 13) 756,063 36,397 570,491 89,262 95,065 (8,499,660) 696,555 60,949,613 L0,934,962 4,834,839 I,I3r,g67 18 1,460 889,629 15,080,689 2,515,349 709,675 (339,951) B00,0oo 9,023,854 3,435,5t3 285,000 500,000 75,000 17,616,221 37,547,54r 3,222,234 3,I92,I43 5,912,599 5,169,976 19,771,r39 28,759,444 14,3Og,932 6Q,876,769 10,845,480 4,940,626 r,079,r77 1 59,500 B 17,000 lt,564,636 2,574,857 709,675 (450,000) 800,000 9,Q23,954 3,664,2t7 285,000 500,000 75,000 17,068,694 39,592,088 3,014,037 4,t12,456 5,74r,795 5,188,245 18,345,429 28,759,444 L4,309,832 72,845 89,482 1 10,049 (228,704) 547,527 (2,044,547) z0g,rg7 (920,3 I 3) t7Q,B04 ( 18,269) r,365,710 2,799,554 (988,677) 30 1,148 (2,Q77,L70) 615 1,194,838 ( 161,037) 4,664,30r ( 1,936,387) r,767,A36 23,39L 1 55,985 2,756,423 2,272,399 (899,195) 4lr,rg7 (2,077,LL0) 615 966,L34 386,490 2,619,754 (1,728,1,90) 846,723 194,195 137,676 4,r22,r33 203,379,342 200,527,524 2,851,818 (2,670,947) 240,97L 160.310.066 r57,458,248 2.851.818 (2.6L0.94 7)240,87r crTY oF KENT, WASHTNGTON 2OL2 Budget Ordinance Exhibit B Revenues Inc (Dec) ¡n Fund Expenditures Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND Excluding Annexat¡on Initial Deficit Adjust Utility Tax Revenues Inc Transfer In from Youth/Teen Move Tech Fees to IT Add Cultural Competency Reduce Animal Services 4olo Internal Utility Tax Reduce ES Recruitment Budget Proposed Reductions Annexation Adjust Utility Tax Revenues Inc Valley Comm to VC Budget Reduce Pro-Tem Judge Proposed Reductions SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street Adjust Utility Tax Revenues Proposed Reductions Public Safety Retiree Health Increase IBNR per Actuary Lodglng Tax Fund Inc Lodging Tax per Trend Youth/Teen Programs Adjust Utility Tax Revenues Cap¡tal Improvement Fund Remove 5olo Internal Utility Tax From General Fund for Street/IT Sale of Property Criminal Justice Proposed Reductions Community Block Grant Other Operating Projects ShoWare Operating Fund DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted LTGO Bonds Special Assessment CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Parks Projects 156 70,934,2 ro,B45,4BO 59,244,923 (256,525) 35,286 ( 165,000) 2,O9O,929 60,949,6L3 I 1,1 1 8,1 03 ( 183,141) 4,52L,346 3L3,493 4,834,839 I,l3t,867 1,L3r,867 163,500 L7 960 181,460 792,70r 96 928 889,629 9,603,42L (2,613,667) 2,090,929 59,243,704 360,000 1,819 (360,000) (256,525) 25,000 (40,000) 30,000 39,000 2,r99,554 2,L99,554 (988,677) t7,BOL 66,302 66,302 22,436 6 (L2,0L5,7L3) 2,20L,373 (360,000) (256,525) 25,00010,286 ( 165,000) 40,000 (30,000) 2,A90,929 (39,000) (40,000) 30,000 1 39,000 51663351 60,876,76 IO,972,655 54,529 (2s,000) 72,845 t45,448 ( 183,141) (54,529) 25,000 (LO7,378) L42,IB4 72,399 (843,229) ( 183,141) (54,529) 25,000 704988,677) (899,195) 34,806 91 742,36,397 573,4995 17,801 156 704 89,4 4,628,724 3I3,493 91 ,626 7,076,169 L,079,177 158,500 B 17,000 9,549,636 2,015,000 ( 105,787) 55,698 008 52,690 5,000 72,629 53,785 (2,613,66r) 75,929 1 1 L7 960158,500 22,9 792,000 70I 1 928 570,49I 7L,302 I7 960 89,262 23,137 7t .o 00 .o 006 6,000_000 95,065 ( 11,961,928) (2,6t3,66t) 75,929 6.000.o00 2,5L 15,080,689 2,5r5,349 LL,564,636 2,630,516 2,574,857 7O9,675 (4s0,000) 800,000 9,023,854 3,664,277 3,516,053 ( 1 15,167) 659 55 59 (L2,0L5,7L3) 756,063 301,148 (2,077,LL0) 615 1,194,838 (8,499,660) 640,896 411,Ig7 (2,077,tIO) 615 966,734 9 (59,5 1 10,049 55 659756,063 696,555 7O9,675 (339,9s1) 800,000 9,023,854 3,435,513 285,000 285,000 (228,704) CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON zOtZ Budget Ordinance Exhibit B Revenues nditures Inc (Dec) in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Ending Fund BalanceBala Technology Projects Long Term Lifecycle Replacement Facilities Projects PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Internal Utility Tax to 4olo Proposed Reduct¡ons Sewerage Internal Utillty Tax to 4olo Proposed Reductions Golf Complex Proposed Reductions INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Fleet Services Proposed Reductions Central Services Technology Fees for LT Lifecycle Proposed Reductions Facilities Fund Proposed Reductions Insurance Reduce IBNR per Actuary TOTAL GROSS BUDGET LESS: Internal Service Funds Transfers TOTAL BUDGET 260,000 260,00024O,OO0 240,000500,000 500,000 75,000 75,000 t7,6L6,22L L7,246,796 (161,952) 1 150 16 369,425 161,952 ( 161,037) ( 161,037) 4,664,3Or 4,664,30r ( 1,936,387) I,767 ,036 r,767,436 23,391 23,39r 155,885 155,885 2,756,423 20B,3BB 161,952 16 150 386,490 2,229,975 360,780 29 059 2,6L9,754 (L,73L,t34) 845,929 794 846,723 190,829 3 366 194,L 134,885 2 73r ,6L6 1 17,616,22L 37,547,547 7,547,547 3,222,234 903 3,I92,L43 5,672,589 240,000 5,912,589 5,23L,8r7 B4t 5,169,976 19,7 7L,139 28,759,444 L4,309,832 17 ,694 39,98t,927 (360,780) 154 697 456 5,505,15 1 240,000 J 366 5,74r,785 5,252,8L7 64 5,1 28,759,444 14,3A9,832 547,527 (2,434,386) 360,780 (92r,r07) 794 (e20,3 13) 167,438 3 66 r70,804 (21,000) 73 18,269) 29 59 39,592,088 (2,044 7) 3,016,981 205,253 944 944 2 9443,222,234 3,014,037 2OB,Lq7 (L,936,387) (t,728,L 3,346,046 4,267,L53 5 18,434,3A1 I,276,838 4,O33,261 872 BB 72 19,7 17,r 18,345,429 I,365,710 2,756,4,t22,1,33 2O3,379,342 200,527,524 2,851,818 (2,610,947) 24O,B7I 160.310.066 L57,458.248 2.8s1 ,B18 (2,6L0,947)240.87L