HomeMy WebLinkAbout4013.RDTNAN.E No. 'i o t 3 AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the zoning districts map designations to implement the objectives of the Midway Subarea plan. (CpZ- 2007-2) RECITALS A' on December 1L,2007, the city of Kent city council accepted a competitive Growth Management Act Planning Grant awarded by the state of washington Department of community Trade and Economic Development (GTED) (now named Department of commerce) to conduct a subarea planning effort along the Pacific Highway South transportation corridor in collaboration with the City of Des Moines. The impetus for the collaborative planning effort was the future extension of Sound Transit Link Light Rail service into Midway. B. On May 6, 2QQB, the city council authorized the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement between the city of Kent and the city of Des Moines that articulated the project mission, defined the goals, and study area boundary, and contained the Growth Management Act planning 1 Mídway Subarea Zon ing Map Designations cPz 2007-2 Grant's deliverables, a budget agreement, and a record keeping and reporting process. C. The Kent Comprehensive Plan goals and policies support a land use pattern that will facilitate a multimodal transportation system and provide efficient public services. D. The city council's vision statement and strategies support the creation of richly diverse neighborhood urban centers. E. The Midway Subarea Plan supports the future extension of Sound Transit Link Light Rail service in the vicinity of the Pacific Highway South transportation corridor through a dense, pedestrian-friendly, sustainable community. The goals and policies of the subarea plan encourage the provision of jobs, housing, services and public open space around nodes of high capacity mass transit while maintaining auto- oriented uses between the transit-oriented nodes, F. The Midway Subarea Plan established land use goal MLU-1 to increase employment opportunities and housing choices in support of rapid light rail within areas with a land use plan designation Transit Oriented Community. G. The Midway Subarea Plan established land use goal MLU-2 to promote a mix of land uses that support local and regional needs in an auto-oriented commercial and light industrial area not with a land use plan designation Transit Oriented Community. Development regulations must be consistent with and 2 Midway Subarea Zoning Map DesÍgnatÍons cPz 2007-2 H implement the comprehensive plan as provided by RCW 36.70A.040(3). The amendments to the zoning Districts Map implement the Midway Subarea Plan Land Use Plan Map designations. L On October 14,2010, the City provided via e-mail to the state of washington Department of commerce the required sixty (60) day notification under Rcw 36,70A,106 regarding the city's proposed Midway Subarea rezones. J. On February L3, 20L0, the City's State Environmental policy Act (SEPA) responsible official issued a Determination of Significance (DS)/Scoping Notice for the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Review and Midway subarea Planned Action Environmental Impact statement, solicited public comment through a February 22, 2010 open house meeting, and invited comments during the scoping period which closed March B, 2010. A Draft Environmental Impact statement (DEIS) was issued on october 22, 2010, A public hearing regarding the DEIS was held on December 6,2Q70. A Final Environmental Impact statement was issued on September 1, ZOLL. K. The Land Use and Planning Board held a workshop regarding Midway subarea option #1 area-wide rezones on March B, 2010, and held a public hearing on option #1 area-wide rezones on April 26, 2QI0. After providing appropriate public notice, the Land Use and Planning Board held a final public hearing on Midway subarea option #1, Option #2, and Option #3 rezones on December 6,2OIO, and recommended approval of Option #3. Midway Subarea Zon í ng M a p Desig n ation s cPz 2007-2 3 L. No Mobile Home Park zoning districts map designation within the Midway Subarea is affected by the area-wide rezones. M. The Economic and Community Development Committee considered the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation and other related study area issues at a meeting on November 14, 2OtL. N. The Midway Subarea zoning districts map amends the zoning districts map designations as shown in Exhibits A-7, A-2, A-4, A-6, A-7, A- 9, and A-11, and the King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property listed in Exhibits A-3, A-5, A-8, A-10, and A-12 incorporated herein. O. The Exhibit A-1 map depicts affected King County tax parcels located within the Midway subarea , 2oo feet east of Pacific Highway south and all King County tax parcels located west of Pacific Highway South, between State Route-516 and S. 24}th Street, The Exhibit A-2 map depicts affected King County tax parcels located within the Midway Subarea east of Pacific Highway South, between S. 268th Street and S. 272nd Street. The Exhibit A-3 lists King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property and the corresponding zoning districts map amendments. The rezones adopted by the city council amend the zoning districts map to Midway Transit Community-1 (MTC-1). P, The Exhibit A-4 map depicts affected King County tax parcels located within the Midway Subarea west of Interstate-5 and east of Pacific Highway South starting from 200 feet east of Pacific Highway South, between State Route-S16 and S. 24}th Street, The Exhibit A-5 lists King Midway Subarea Zoning Map Designations cPz 2007-2 4 County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property and the corresponding zoning districts map amendments. The rezones adopted by the city council amend the zoning districts map to Midway Transit Community-2 (MTC-2). a. The Exhibit A-6 map depicts affected King County tax parcels located within the Midway Subarea east of Interstate-5 and north of State Route-516. The Exhibit A-7 map depicts affected King County tax parcels located west of Interstate-S and east of Pacific Highway South starting from 200 feet east of Pacific Highway South, between S. 240th Street and S. 246th Street. The Exhib¡t A-B lists King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property and the corresponding zoning districts map amendments. The rezones adopted by the city council amend the zoning districts map to Midway Commercial/Residential (MCR), R. The Exhibit A-9 map depicts affected King County tax parcels located within the Midway Subarea west and east of Pacific Highway South, generally between S. 246th Street and S. 268th Street, The Exhibit A-10 lists King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property and the corresponding zoning districts map amendments, The rezones adopted by the city council amend the zoning districts map to Commercial Manufactu ring 2 (CM-2), S. The Exhibit A-11 map depicts affected King County tax parcels located within the Midway Subarea south of State Route-S16, between Interstate-S and Military Road. The Exhib¡t A-12 lists King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property and the corresponding zoning districts map amendments. The rezones adopted by the city council amend the zoning districts map to Community Commercial (CC). 5 Midway Subarea Zoning Map Desígnations cPz 2007-2 NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Incorporation of Recitals. The preceding recitals are incorporated herein by this reference and constitute the city council's findings on this matter. SECTION 2. - Amendment Chapter 15.03.020 of the Kent City Code is amended to include the official zoning districts map designations and boundaries for the parcels of real property identified as the Midway Subarea, which are attached as Exhibit *A-1'through "A-I2', and are hereby adopted, and incorporated into the Kent City Code. SECTION 3. - Severability. If any one or more sections, sub- sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city Attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection n u mberin g. Midway Subarea Zon i n g M a p Desíg nation s cPz 2007-2 6 SECTION 5, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) day s from and after the date of passage as provided by law KE, MAYOR ø-u-lú BRENDA JACOBER,CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TO BRUBAKER,CITY ATTORNEY S ST DecernbelPASSED: /j day of ,20L7., D ecembe( APPROVED: lV dayof-+ ,Z:OLI puBLrsHE a: lto ouu orìåffi!!! , 2oL! I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No 4otg passed by the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. ) BRENDA R, CITY CLERK Mìdway Subarea Zon ing Map Desígnations cPz 2007-2 P:\civil\ordlnance\Midway-Map zoning. FrNÆ.docx 7 Ins s 232 00c{ 624St EXIT 1498 U)I f.-N U) ì6(\¡ ø o c/) 1498 EXIT ,S s 240r S ooc\ U) ì o É. É. ÉJ S 243 ST v) JfL S ST rx\/rExl ZoningDistricts Map Affected Parcels Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2007-2 LEGEND _+="Affected Parcels : Midway Transit Community 1 (MTC-1) No Scale o) 268 ST fnse s24Sl s 272th sT s" ZoningDistricts Map Affected Parcels Midway l)evelopment Regulations - CPZ-2007-2 : Midway Transit Community 1 (MTC-1) No Scale /À\./KÉNT LEGEND Affected Parcels Parcel Number New Zoning L622049060 MTC-1 1622049061 MTC-1 1622049077 MTC-1 t622049r2r MTC-1 2722049022 MTC-1 2122049028 MTC-1& MCR 2t22049046 MTC-1& MCR 2722049084 MTC-1 2s00600680 MTC-1 2122049192 MTC-L 2500600450 MTC-1 2500600455 MTC-1& MTC-2 2500600460 MTC-]. & MTC-2 2s0060046s MTC-I& MTC-2 2500600480 MTC-1& MTC-2 2s0060048s MTC-1 2500600486 MTC-]. & MTC-2 2500600491 MTC-1& MTC-2 2500600497 MTC-1 2s00600505 MTC-1 2500600506 MTC-1& MTC-2 2500600s1s MTC-1& MTC-2 2s00600s20 MTC-1& MTC-2 2500600525 MTC-1 2s00600s30 MTC-1 2500600531 MTC-]. & MTC-2 2500600535 MTC-]. & MTC-2 2500600540 MTC-I& MTC-2 2500600s4r.MTC-]_ & MTC-2 2s00600s43 MTC-1_ 2500600555 MTC-L & MTC-2 2s00600ss6 MTC-1 2s00600s6s MTC-1_ 2500600585 MTC-1_ 2500600590 MTC-1 2500600600 MTC-1 2500600601 MTC.1 2s00600610 MTC-1 2s00600640 MTC-1 2s00600670 MTC-1 2500600675 MTC-1 2500600677 MTC-1 EXHIBIT A-3 Tax Parcel List Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2OO7-2 M¡d Transit Communi I (MTC-I ParcelNumber New Zoning 2822049046 MTC-1 2822049056 MTC-1 2822049064 MTC-1 2822049rs4 MTC-1 360300000s MTC-L 3603600s30 MTC-1 3603600s40 MTC-L 3603600s6s MTC-L 55L40000L0 MTC-1& MCR 5514000020 MTC-1& MCR 5514000030 MTC-1& MCR 5514000040 MTC-1& MCR 5514000050 MTC-1 7682800077 MTC-1 768280009s MTC-1 7682800096 MTC-1 7682800100 MTC-1 7682800105 MTC-1 7682800106 MTC-1. 7682800245 MTC-1. 7682800246 MTC-L 7682800247 MTC-L 7682800248 MTC-L 7682800252 MTC-1 76828002s3 MTC-1 7682800256 MTC-L MTC-]. & MTC-29443000000 2500600486 MTC-]. & MTC-2 2s00600506 MTC-I& MTC-2 2s00600s31 MTC-]_ & MTC-2 70/25/20?1\ECD GIS Data\Ggould-wessen\Projects\Midway\Ordinance\Zoning_Parcels.xls Page L Inse cn t¡- ð .r o C) s 240th sT ZoningDistricts Map Affected Parcels Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2007-2 I Midway Transit Community 2 (MTC-2)No Scale â LEGEND Affected Parcels Parcel Number New Zoning 1,s22049078 MTC.2 1s22049L60 MTC-2 L522049771 MTC.2 2s00600395 MTC-2 2s00600396 MÏC-2 2500600400 MTC-2 2500600405 MTC.2 2s00600410 MTC-2 2500600411 MTC-2 2s0060041s MTC-2 2500600416 MTC-2 25006004r7 MTC-2 2s00600418 MTC-2 2500600419 MTC-2 2s00600420 MTC-2 2s0060042s MTC-2 2500600435 MTC-2 2500600440 MTC-2 2s00600441 MTC-2 2s00600445 MTC-2 2500600446 MTC-2 MTC-22so0600447 2500600455 MTC-2 & MTC-I 2500600460 MTC-2 & MTC-I 2500600465 MTC-2 & MTC-1 2s00600480 MTC-2 & MTC-I 2500600481 MTC-2 2s00600486 MTC-2 & MTC-L MTC-22s00600490 250060049L MTC-2 & MTC-1 2500600506 MTC-2 & MTC-1 2s00600sr"5 MTC-2 & MTC-1 2500600s2s MTC-2 & MTC-1 2500600531 MTC-2 & MTC-1 250060053s MTC-2 & MTC-1 2s00600540 MTC-2 & MTC-]_ 2s00600541 MTC-2 & MTC-L MTC-22s00600543 250060055s MTC-2 & MTC-I MTC-2726020000s 72602000L0 MTC-2 9443000000 MTC-2 & MTC-]_ EXHIBIT A-5 Tax Parcel List Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2OO7-2 Midwa Transit Communi 2 (Mrc-2) LO/25120?1\ECD GIS Data\Ggould-wessen\Projects\Midway\Ordinance\Zoning_Parcels.xls Page 1 U)NN)ÀØN)N)æU)+C'Nt\.t(o-gt-SMILITARY RDÀm@x@=(t)i')¿Il¡41 AVE SC)I42PLSØÐI(¡.-\.(,ÞÞL239s431¿s30sSNlot/\35PLSMILITARY RD(nÀU)-lAVSoc2@@mX+?rlÊ9ogı l.l^êlÚ,E'A) -'^ l¡0ı Þ!lÊ- Íå OQÀ¡ l+;;aa-lı'ìåv¿ 6'3l-ìlúa^-.Li hr tlYVdNÀ?ö*rFtÊeô<oth-l ì: !9ù (trëIdÉ0)oo33oı0r_Ðo(t,öo¿Âr_oÐIU)ôÞolgÞU).+=IHt3+(Dc)oo-llo)-c)f!_U' HI s2€sT c/) J- C) ¿t o- ð cr) o cY) U) ooc! ZoningDistricts Map Affected Parcels Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2007-2 I Midway Commercial/Residential (MCR)No Scale /À\-/KEllT LEGEND Affected Parcels Oth ST ParcelNumber New Zoning 000200000L MCR & SR-1 0002000005 MCR 00020000r_0 MCR & SR-1 0002000012 MCR 0002000022 MCR 1522049002 MCR 1522049007 MCR t522049008 MCR 15220490L2 MCR 1.s22049027 MCR 1s22049042 MCR 1522049045 MCR 1522049059 MCR \522049065 MCR L522049066 MCR 1522049r03 MCR 1.s22049r09 MCR 1522049Lro MCR 1522049t29 MCR 1522049t35 MCR t522049L70 MCR & SR-]. 2L22049028 MCR & MTC-]. 2L22049046 MCR & MTC-I 2L22049069 MCR 2L22049076 MCR 212204gL',J.L MCR 5514000010 MCR & MTC-1 5514000020 MCR & MTC-1 5514000030 MCR & MTC-]. 5514000040 MCR & MTC-1 ssl_4000060 MCR 7260200060 MCR 726020009s MCR 7260200L!O MCR 7260200L1L MCR 7260200LL2 MCR 7260200LLs MCR EXHIBIT A-8 Tax Parcel List Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2OO7-2 Midwa Commercial/ Residential ( MCR) t2/14/z}tt P:\ECD GIS Data\Ggould-wessen\Projects\Midway\Ordinance\Zoning_Parcels.xls Page l- roN F'ñt tl S s24SI s 246 ST ?v s (n ?V sroN s 252 û ø a s 255 ST I ó s PL STS ôùs9' s s S s 254 ST U)I NN N s J o_ { ST s 259 c ST ZoningDistricts Map Affected Parcels Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2007-2 I I Commercial Manufactu ring 2 (cM-2) No Scale rx\../KENT -+="Affected Parcels LEGEND Parcel Number New Zoning 1_951400005 cM-2 195L400010 cM-2 2722049006 cM-2 212204901,4 CM-2 2122049016 cM-2 2L2204902t cM-2 2722049025 cM-2 2122049026 cM-2 2122049029 CM-2 2t22049033 cM-2 2122049044 cM-2 21220490sL CM.2 2122049052 CM-2 2122049053 cM-2 2722049054 cM-2 21220490ss cM-2 2t220490s6 cM-2 2L22049059 cM-2 2L22049078 cM-2 2L22049'J.r2 cM-2 2122049L73 cM-2 2122049t35 cM-2 2122049L37 cM-2 2122049150 cM-2 2122049L51 cM-2 2t22049152 cM-2 2122049153 cM-2 2t22049154 cM-2 2122049755 cM-2 2L220491.56 cM-2 2L22049160 cM-2 2t22049162 cM-2 2L22049163 cM-2 2L22049165 cM-2 2L22_0491.66 CM-2 21220491.67 cM-2 2L22049768 CM.2 2122049169 cM-2 2L22049170 cM-2 2L22049r74 cM-2 2122049t83 cM-2 2!22049t89 cM-2 EXHIBIT A-10 Tax Parcel List Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2OO7-2 Commercial Ma n ufactur¡n 2 (CM-z Parcel Number New Zoning 2222049168 cM-2 2822049003 cM-2 2822049003 cM-2 2822049011 cM-2 2822049050 cM-2 2822049053 cM-2 2822049062 cM-2 2822049063 cM-2 2822049088 cM-2 2822049t23 CM-2 2822049r55 cM-2 28220491-56 cM-2 2822049212 CM.2 2822049218 cM-2 282204923s cM-2 2822049236 cM-2 2822049237 cM-2 3601800076 CM-2 360L800101 cM-2 360180011s cM-2 3601800160 cM-2 360L800165 cM-2 cM-2 & SR-6360L800170 3601800210 cM-2 360180029s cM-2 360L800320 cM-2 360L800485 cM-2 3602400160 cM-2 3602400163 CM-2 cM-23602400166 3602400178 CM-2 3602400182 CM-2 3602400186 cM-2 3602400202 cM-2 3602400208 cM-2 36024002t0 cM-2 7682800045 cM-2 7682800050 cM-2 7682800055 cM-2 7682800060 cM-2 cM-2768280006s 7682800070 cM-2 tO/25/2OP1\ECD GIS Data\Ggould-wessen\Projects\Midway\Ordinance\Zoning_Parcels.xls Page 1 Parcel Number New Zoning 2122049193 cM-2 212204920r cM-2 9538200020 cM-2 9538200030 cM-2 9538200040 cM-2 9s382000s0 CM-2 9s38200060 cM-2 9s38200070 cM-2 9538200080 cM-2 EXHIBIT A.IO ParcelNumber New Zoning 768280007s cM-2 9s38200010 CM-2 9s38200090 cM-2 9s38200100 cM-2 9s38200110 cM-2 360180038L cM-2 & SR-6 360L800320 cM-2 & SR-6 3601800295 cM-2 & SR-6 2122049L52 CM-2 & MR-H t0/25/20P1\ECD GIS Data\Ggould-wessen\Projects\Midway\Ordinance\Zoning_Parcels.xls Page 2 EXHIBIT A-I I S 229 PL EXIT 1498 S 240 ST s24 s242 o É. É. ÉJ ZoningDistricts Map Affected Parcels Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2007-2 : Community Commerciat (CC)No Scale /À\/t(EllT -+"LEGEND Affected Parcels rO o (U U) oc Parcel Number New Zoning rs220490LO cc Ls22049046 cc EXHIBIT A-12 Tax Parcel List Midway Development Regulations - CPZ-2OO7-2 Communi Commercial cc) tO/25/20Y1\ECD GIS Data\Ggould-wessen\Projects\Midway\Ordinance\Zoning_Parcels.xls Page L